]> ##&name; ###&version; - reverted to sysstat version 11.6.2 ###2018.08.28 - updated sysstat files to version 11.6.4 - fixed selection display ###2018.02.04 - show rounded numbers ###2018.01.20 - updated sysstat files to version 11.6.2 - fixed graph width for themes AZURE and GRAY - minimum unRAID version 6.4.0 ###2017.12.30 - added icon for themes AZURE and GRAY ###2017.10.02 - fixed regression error in RAM calculation - fixed y-axis numbering in storage graph ###2017.10.01 - updated sysstat files to version 11.6.0 - added new parameter "CPU graph scaling" - fixed y-axis scaling of network graph - fixed RAM display with sysstat v11.6.0 ###2017.08.08 - updated sysstat files to version 11.4.4 - show memory utilization in kibi units ###2017.06.09 - support for new themes AZURE and GRAY ###2016.11.03 - fixed threshold indication of normal level ###2016.09.13 - fixed absolute path using $docroot ###2016.08.26 - fixed folders and files permissions - added minimum unRAID version 6.1.9 ###2016.08.20 - updated sysstat files to version ###2016.04.08 - fixed display when either critical level or warning level or both are set to zero ###2016.04.01 - make *nice* a separate value to display in the processor load graph (previously it was combined with *user*) ###2016.03.19 - made compatible with unRAID v6.2 - miscellaneous corrections ###2016.02.07 - fixed unRAID version checking - fixed cron cleanup after uninstallation ###2016.01.30 - changed handling of disk utilization thresholds. Warning or critical thresholds may be disabled. ###2016.01.13 - added new setting "Placement of Stats menu", allows the menu to move away from the header (requires unRAID 6.1.7 or higher) - added new setting "Opening page", selects the first page to view upon visiting Stats - added coloring based on global and individual disk settings - updated sysstat files to version 11.2.0 - changed icons ###2015.12.19b - updated sysstat files to version 11.1.8 - added datafile conversion from version 10.x to 11.x ###2015.12.19 - moved log directory from /var/log/sa to /var/sa to prevent LOG file system from filling up ###2015.12.14 - added unRAID version check. Only version 6.1 or higher is allowed - updated consistency of PLG file ###2015.12.13 - changed .txz file naming to support consistent package upgrading ###2015.08.17 - adhere new security policy in unRAID v6.1 ###2015.06.27 - introduced new logo (thanks Zonediver) - removed utilities page (now standard included with Dynamix webGui) - removed Reset button (now controlled by Dynamix webGui) - changed behavior of Default button (immediate reset) - fixed missing disks when these are in data rebuild ###2015.04.28 - added Reset button on settings page ###2015.04.18 - fixed top field position ###2015.04.11 - included online help information ###2015.02.21 - support of new cron mechanism ###2015.02.15 - workaround to restore /var/log permissions ###2015.01.22 - version update for webGui 2015.01.21 ###2014.12.05 - used global disk utilization thresholds - fixed cron error message about sa1 - fixed display error when array in maintenance mode ###2014.12.01 - fixed cache disk pool display in Disk Stats. ###2014.11.28 - initial release for unRAID v6 # Remove legacy cron entry (if existing) crontab -l|sed '/^# System data collection/d;/\/usr\/lib\/sa\/sa1/d'|crontab - # Remove old 'source' packages MD5=$(md5sum &source;.txz 2>/dev/null|grep -Po '^\S+') if [[ $MD5 != &MD5; ]]; then rm -f &source;*.txz fi https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/archive/&name;.txz &MD5; # Create sa directory old=/var/log/sa new=/var/sa tmp=/tmp/sa mkdir -p $new chmod 755 $new # Convert legacy files if [[ -d $old ]]; then for sa in $old/sa* ; do /usr/bin/sadf -c $sa >$new/$(basename $sa) 2>/dev/null done rm -rf $old elif [[ $(ls -A $new|wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then mkdir -p $tmp for sa in $new/sa* ; do /usr/bin/sadf -c $sa >$tmp/$(basename $sa) 2>/dev/null done mv -f $tmp/sa* $new rm -rf $tmp fi # Create cron entry cron=/boot/config/plugins/&name;/sysstats.cron if [[ ! -f $cron ]]; then echo '# Generated system data collection schedule:' >$cron echo -e '*/1 * * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;/scripts/sa1 1 1 &>/dev/null\n' >>$cron /usr/local/sbin/update_cron fi echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo " Plugin &name; is installed." echo " This plugin requires Dynamix webGui to operate" echo " Copyright 2012-2018, Bergware International" echo " Version: &version;" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo "" # Remove plugin related files rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name; # Uninstall the 'source' package removepkg &name; # Remove cron entry /usr/local/sbin/update_cron