]> ##&name; ###&version; - minor fix in distribution package ###2023.02.04 - set minimum Unraid version to 6.9 (supports multi-language) - added support for upcoming Unraid version 6.12 ###2020.06.20 - updated multi-language support ###2020.05.10 - updated multi-language support ###2020.03.31 - added multi-language support ###2018.09.08 - make plugin compatible with latest version of Unraid ###2017.12.30 - added icon for themes AZURE and GRAY ###2017.06.07 - added support for new themes GRAY and AZURE ###2017.04.26 - fixed array start/stop missing csrf_token ###2017.04.23 - fixed display of shutdown/reboot page for unRAID 6.2 and higher ###2016.11.20a - fixed compatibility with unRAID 6.2 and higher - replaced deprecated HTML5 'center' tags - replaced plugin icon ###2016.09.13 - added header to dropdown menu ###2016.08.26 - fixed folders and files permissions - added minimum unRAID version 6.1.9 ###2016.01.17 - removed legacy code ###2015.12.14 - added unRAID version check. Only version 6.1 or higher is allowed - updated consistency of PLG file ###2015.12.13 - changed .txz file naming to support consistent package upgrading ###2015.09.12 - changed shutdown and reboot execution. When the powerdown plugin is installed, it will be used instead of the standard webGUI commands. ###2015.08.16 - textual adjustments ###2015.08.08 - code optimizations ###2015.08.07a - fixed regression error ###2015.08.07 - added menu commands are prohibited when parity operation or mover is running - added CTRL + mouse click to do a forced system shutdown or system reboot (requires powerdown plugin) - added system sleep indicator ###2015.08.06a - used same confirmations for popup window as for Array Operations page ###2015.08.06 - added array start/stop buttons ###2015.08.02 - added confirmation of commands (default is OFF) - fixed improper command execution on some systems ###2015.08.01c - fixed typo ###2015.08.01b - corrected reference to javascript file for version 6.0.x ###2015.08.01a - made it part of the Dynamix family ###2015.08.01 - changed to single button with context menu - added sleep action (avalaible when Dynamix S3 sleep plugin is installed) ###2015.07.22a - removed close button from shadowbox ###2015.07.22 - initial release for unRAID v6 # Remove old 'source' packages MD5=$(md5sum &source;.txz 2>/dev/null|grep -Po '^\S+') if [[ $MD5 != &MD5; ]]; then rm -f &source;*.txz fi https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/archive/&name;.txz &MD5; echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo " Plugin &name; is installed." echo " This plugin requires Dynamix webGui to operate" echo " Copyright 2023, Bergware International" echo " Version: &version;" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo "" # Remove plugin related files rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name; # Uninstall the 'source' package removepkg &name;