import socket import time import re import types import queue import threading CONF_NAME = 'name' TELNET_PORT = 23 switch = types.SimpleNamespace() = 'japluxul01' switch.user = 'cisco' switch.password = 'cisco' switch.min_refresh_interval = 0 switch.sock = None switch.queue = queue.Queue(1) switch.last_refresh = 0 switch.last_response = "" switch.tx_count = 0 switch.rx_count = 0 switch.type = 'luxul' class JustaddpowerReceiver(object): """Representation of a Just Add Power receiver.""" def __init__(self, switch, transmitters, receiver_id, receiver_name): """Initialize new receiver.""" self._transmitter = None self._transmitters = transmitters self._transmitter_name_id = {v[CONF_NAME]: k for k, v in transmitters.items()} self._transmitter_names = sorted(self._transmitter_name_id.keys(), key=lambda v: self._transmitter_name_id[v]) self._receiver_id = receiver_id self._receiver_name = receiver_name self._trace = True self._switch = switch self.get_switch_config() def decode_vlan_cisco(self, splits): run_on_line = False tx_vals = "" tx_id = "" rx_list = {} for line in splits: split_data = line.split() if not run_on_line and len(split_data) >= 3 and "TRANSMITTER_" in split_data[1]: if "gi" in split_data[2]: tx_id = split_data[1][12:] tx_vals = split_data[2].replace("gi", "") if tx_vals[-1:] == ",": run_on_line = True else: tx_vals = self.expand_range(tx_vals) elif run_on_line: tx_vals = tx_vals + split_data[0].replace("gi", "") if tx_vals[-1:] != ",": run_on_line = False tx_vals = self.expand_range(tx_vals) else: tx_vals = "" if not run_on_line and tx_vals != "": if self._trace: print(f"Split data: [{tx_id}] {tx_vals}") for port in tx_vals: rx_id = int(port) - (self._switch.tx_count + 1) if rx_id > 0: rx_list[rx_id] = int(tx_id) self._switch.last_response = rx_list def decode_vlan_luxul(self, splits): tx_vals = "" tx_id = "" rx_list = {} for line in splits: split_data = line.split() if len(split_data) >= 3 and "TX_" in split_data[1]: if "Gi" in split_data[2]: tx_id = int('\d+', split_data[1]).group(0)) tx_vals = split_data[3].replace("1/", "") tx_vals = self.expand_range(tx_vals) else: tx_vals = "" if tx_vals != "": if self._trace: print(f"Split data: [{tx_id}] {tx_vals}") for port in tx_vals: rx_id = int(port) - (self._switch.tx_count + 1) if rx_id > 0: rx_list[rx_id] = int(tx_id) self._switch.last_response = rx_list def get_switch_config(self): if self._switch.min_refresh_interval <= (time.time() - self._switch.last_refresh): cmd = "show vlan\n" print(f"Rx{self._receiver_id}: getting switch configuration") try: data = self.switch_cmd(cmd) if self._trace: print(f"Rx{self._receiver_id}: received response [{data}]") if self._switch.tx_count == 0: jap_config ='(?<=JAP_)\d+x\d+', data[50:-1].decode()).group(0) self._switch.tx_count = int('\d+', jap_config).group(0)) self._switch.rx_count = int('(?<=x)\d+', jap_config).group(0)) print(f"Configured for Tx: {self._switch.tx_count}, Rx: {self._switch.rx_count}") splits = data[50:-1].decode().splitlines() if self._switch.type == 'cisco': self.decode_vlan_cisco(splits) else: self.decode_vlan_luxul(splits) except socket.timeout: print(f"Rx{self._receiver_id}: switch connection timed out") except Exception: raise else: print(f"Rx{self._receiver_id}: using cached switch configuration") rx_list = self._switch.last_response if self._trace: print(f"Rx list: [{rx_list}]") idx = int(rx_list[self._receiver_id]) if idx in self._transmitters: self._transmitter = self._transmitters[idx] else: self._transmitter = None self._switch.last_refresh = time.time() @staticmethod def expand_range(s): r = [] for i in s.split(','): if '-' not in i: r.append(int(i)) else: l, h = map(int, i.split('-')) r += range(l, h + 1) return r def switch_cmd(self, cmd): bufsize = 1024 timeout = 3 data = b'' self._switch.queue.put(threading.get_ident()) try: begin = time.time() print(f"Rx{self._receiver_id}: send switch command [{cmd.encode('unicode_escape').decode()}]") self.connect(, TELNET_PORT) self._switch.sock.sendall(cmd.encode()) regexp = re.compile(r'[a-zA-z0-9]#') while ((time.time() - begin) < timeout) and (not data += self._switch.sock.recv(bufsize) time.sleep(0.1) if self._trace: print(f"Rx{self._receiver_id}: command call took {(time.time() - begin)} seconds") print(f"Rx{self._receiver_id}: response data is [{data}]") finally: self._switch.queue.get() return data def connect(self, host, port): bufsize = 1024 try: data = self._switch.sock.recv(bufsize) if self._trace: print(f"{host}: using existing connection") print(f"{host}: response data [{data}]") except socket.timeout: if self._trace: print(f"{host}: using existing connection") pass except Exception as e: try: print(f"{host}: connection attempt returned [{e}]") print(f"{host}: creating new connection") self._switch.sock = socket.socket() self._switch.sock.settimeout(0.2) self._switch.sock.connect((host, port)) print(f"{host}: connected, sending username/password") cmd = self._switch.user + "\r" + self._switch.password + "\r" # + "terminal datadump\r" self._switch.sock.sendall(cmd.encode()) time.sleep(1) print(f"{host}: username/password sent, retrieving response") self._switch.sock.recv(bufsize) except Exception: raise def disconnect(self): print(f"Disconnecting from switch") self._switch.sock.close() config = JustaddpowerReceiver(switch, {1: {'name': 'Cable1'}, 2: {'name': 'Cable2'}}, 1, 'Reception')