Changelog for HybridAuth. 3.1.0-pl ============== - Refactoring PHP to PSR-12 - Updated HybridAuth core to 3.7.1 3.0.2-pl ============== - Fixed retrieving date of birth from remote profile. 3.0.1-pl ============== - Updated HybridAuth core to 3.0.0 stable - Fixed php type of "country" in model map. 3.0.0-pl ============== - Updated HybridAuth core. 3.0.0-rc ============== - Refactored to use HybridAuth 3. - Updated default providers. 2.1.0 pl ============== - Added provider. - Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2. - Improved ExtJs grid in manager. 2.0.4 pl ============== - Fixed possible "No provider ID specified" message in the system log. - Updated HybridAuth library to version 2.9.1. 2.0.3 pl ============== - Improved the handling of exceptions. - Fixed debug mode. 2.0.2 pl ============== - Fixed possible XSS in the authorization links. 2.0.1 pl ============== - Removed error "You cannot access this page directly" from system log. 2.0.0 pl ============== - PSR-2 - Updated HybridAuth library to version 2.8.2. - HybridAuth library integrated via composer. - Ability to unbind services from a profile of user. - If pdoTools is installed, the component will use it for the processing of a chunks. 1.1.4 pl ============== - [#34] Fixed scopes in Facebook provider. - Fixed possible E_WARNING in Vkontakte provider. 1.1.3 pl ============== - [#37] Increased length of some haUserService fields. 1.1.2 pl ============== - Updated main oAuth providers, including Google and Facebook. 1.1.1 pl ============== - [#17] Fixed work with enabled php-apc after updated HybridAuth core to version 2.3.0. 1.1.0 pl ============== - Updated HybridAuth core to version 2.3.0. - Shows more errors from HybridAuth in MODX log. 1.0.0 pl ============== - Removed object haUser. All existing users will be converted to modUser on package upgrade. - Removed function filter_var() for email validation. - Returned back transparent images. 0.9.0 pl ============== - Added possibility to view user's linked services in manager. 0.8.8 pl1 ============== - [#26] Fixed calculation of time of the queries. - Fixed E_NOTICE on line 99 of hybridauth.class.php. 0.8.7 pl ============== - [#23] Fixed parameter "debug" for HybridAuth. - [#21] Improved usernames. 0.8.6 pl ============== - [#20] Improved work with context settings. - Fixed method makePlaceholders. 0.8.5 pl4 ============== - Improved package uninstall and reinstall. - [#17] Fixed work with enabled php-apc. - Added Foursquare icon. - Fixed possible E_WARNING on initialization. 0.8.4 pl ============== - Added rel="nofollow" into chunk with link to provider. - Improved description of system settings. 0.8.3 pl ============== - Improved generation of providers links. 0.8.2 pl ============== - Added parameter "&redirectUri=``" for solve issue "redirect_uri_mismatch" when using multiple contexts. - Context settings now can override providers keys in system settings. Very helpful for multiple contexts. 0.8.1 pl ============== - Fixed bug with saving parameters to $_SESSION. 0.8.0 pl ============== - [#7] Fixed generation of links for sites in subfolder. - [#4] Fixed login to separate contexts. - Improved support of multiple contexts. 0.7.0 pl2 ============== - New snippet "haProfile" for update user profile. - Automatic generation of links of providers. - Improved chunks, added icons for some providers. - Automatic logout of users that was been blocked by administrator. - Added virtual field "gravatar" to class "haUser". You can get it with $modx->user->get('gravatar');. - Extension package is removed from system settings when you uninstall component. - Replaced file "action.php" to plugin "HybridAuth". - Added new providers: "Draugiem" and "Xing". - [#3] Fixed "No foreign key definition for parentClass: modUser using relation alias: Services" log entries. - Fixed order of links to providers, specified in the parameter "&providers". 0.6.0 pl ============== - Added ability to disable new user registrations. See system setting "ha.register_users". 0.5.0 beta ============== - Fixed login trough - Updated HybridAuth core to version 2.1.2 0.4.0 beta ============== - Updated HybridAuth core to version 2.1.1 - Improved initialization of main class 0.3.3 beta ============== - Fixed issue with empty email 0.3.2 beta ============== - Added exception handler for catching all exceptions from HybridAuth into MODX system log 0.3.1 beta ============== - Changing user class to haUser on login through remote service. - On uninstall of component all haUsers becomes modUsers. 0.3.0 beta ============== - Fixed save of a photo in profile. - Improved errors handling. - Fixed increment of username if remote username exists on site. - If authenticated user linking remote service record, that already exists in remote profiles of the site - this record changes the owner. You can re-link any of your records to any accounts on site. 0.2.0 beta ============== - Added parameter &groups=``. For example, &groups=`Users:1` will add new user to group "Users" with role "member" - Updated snippet params, added russian localization. - Chunks localization - Updated readme 0.1.0 beta ============== - Initial release.