Changelog for pdoTools. 2.13.3-pl (11.04.2023) ============== - Security fix for the pdoPage snippet. 2.13.2-pl (02.09.2021) ============== - Fixed some snippets. 2.13.1-pl (01.09.2021) ============== - Installed composer packages. 2.13.0-pl (01.09.2021) ============== - Some security fixes. - The "setOption" modifier is marked as deprecated. - The snippet parameters "tplPath" and "elementsPath" are marked as deprecated. - Added the ability for snippets to return an array of raw data (it is necessary when using the Fenom template engine). - The settings "parser_class" and "parser_class_path" will be registered in the core namespace. - Update the ajax connector. 2.12.10 pl ============== - [#308] [pdoPage] Fixed the type of snippet property "field" 2.12.9 pl ============== - [Fenom] Update to version 2.12.0 2.12.8 pl ============== - [pdoPage] Fix reflected XSS in generated meta links 2.12.7 pl ============== - Make pdoTools canonical url work with Babel #304 2.12.6 pl ============== - [pdoPage] Reverted back #287 2.12.5 pl ============== - [Fenom] Added caching dinamic properties to prevent speed degradation. 2.12.4 pl ============== - [#290] Improved running snippet via @FILE binding. - [#296] Fix adding quotes to numeric values. - [#297] Make cross context weblink url possible. - [#274] [Fenom] User, resource and context properties are now dinamic. - [#287] [pdoPage] Remove prev & next meta tags - [#294] [#298] Improved pdopage.js and updated minified js files 2.12.3 pl ============== - Fixed E_NOTICE introduced in #285. 2.12.2 pl ============== - Updated chunks for Bootstrap 4. 2.12.1 pl ============== - [pdoMenu] Reverted back #283 and fixed docs for &tplCategoryFolder. - [#284] [Fenom] Fixed properties of $_modx->context variable. - [#275] [Fenom] Added "reset" and "end" modifiers. 2.12.0 pl ============== - [Fenom] More security fixes from Sergey Shlokov. - [#278] [pdoPage] Fixed caching. - [pdoPage] Show internal log on &showLog=`1`. - [#283] [pdoMenu] Fixed use of &tplCategoryFolder according to docs. - [#281] [pdoTools] Fixed load of models from case sensitive paths. - [#277] [pdoCrumbs] Ability to specify &customParents. - [#265] [pdoFetch] Fixed return of "Array" on SQL errors. 2.11.3 pl ============== - Added French lexicon entries. 2.11.2 pl ============== - Fix detection of element names starting with a number. 2.11.1 pl ============== - Faster processing of static files. 2.11.0 pl ============== - [pdoFetch] Added "setTotal" option to enable calculating all rows ("SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS"), which will also result in the "totalVar" placeholder is being set. - [pdoFetch] Option "setTotal" disabled by default. - [pdoPage] Forces "setTotal" to provide pagination. 2.10.6 pl ============== - Improved German lexicons. 2.10.5 pl ============== - [pdoTools] Ability to return array from "prepareSnippet" for more performance. - [FenomX] Fixed method "getStore". 2.10.4 pl ============== - [Fenom] Do not output raw tags if there was a compile errors. - [#266] [pdoMenu] Fixed the setting of "here" and "self" classes. - [#261] [Fenom] Fixed unexpected behavior of the fenom tag "ignore". 2.10.3 pl ============== - Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2 - [pdoFetch] Ability to use arrays in "&sortby". 2.10.2 pl ============== - [Fenom] Improved processing of caching snippets inside uncached. 2.10.1 pl ============== - [#256] [Fenom] Fixed bug with caching of scripts and styles. - [pdoPage] "&setMeta" now works when "&cache=`1`". - [Fenom] Improved regular expression to detect Fenom syntax. 2.10.0 pl ============== - [#259] [pdoFetch] Fixed error when passed pure SQL into "having" parameter. - [#258] [pdoPage] Canonical urls always must be "full". - [#245] [pdoMenu] Ability to use conditional tpls instead of regular "tpl". - [#121] [pdoMenu] Improved work of specified chunks with weblinks. 2.9.3 pl ============== - [#255] [Fenom] New system setting "pdotools_fenom_save_on_errors" to save code on compilation errors in the cache directory for later debugging. 2.9.2 pl ============== - [pdoParser] Proper traversal trough arrays fields of resources in fast tags. 2.9.1 pl ============== - [Fenom] Updated to version 2.11.8. 2.9.0 pl ============== - [pdoPage] Improved "&pageLinkScheme" logic. - [#249] A little improvement for resource modifier. - [#251] [pdoFetch] More compatibility with PHP 7.1. - [#253] [pdoPage] Fixing a missing pagination in Ajax mode. - [#254] [Fenom] Options of json modifiers must check version of PHP to proper work. 2.8.6 pl ============== - [pdoArchive] Ability to specify fields with regular dates in the "&dateField" parameter. - [Fenom] Added all options to json modifiers. 2.8.5 pl ============== - [#248] [pdoPage] Fixed E_WARNING with array values in GET parameters. 2.8.4 pl ============== - Ability to use file elements in core path outside base path. - Fixed bug with the caching of elements. 2.8.3 pl ============== - [Fenom] Fixed rare bug with the caching of scripts and styles that was registered via Fenom. - [pdoPage] Fixed the "?page=1" in the url when ajaxMode is enabled. - [pdoPage] Snippet will register "canonical" link if "&setMeta" is enabled. - [pdoPage] Fix processing of request with rawurldecode on some servers. - [pdoTools] Added passing of "scriptProperties" values into a "&prepareSnippet". 2.8.2 pl ============== - [pdoMenu] Fixed the checking of permissions for containers. - [pdoPage] Added the ability to run files as &element. - [pdoTools] The method runSnippet will return boolean false if snippet was not found. - [Fenom] Fixed the possible bugs of caching of scripts and styles. 2.8.1 pl ============== - [#244] Fixed possible duplicate of a container in the jquery.pdopage.js. - Added fallback class for the enable modParser. 2.8.0 pl ============== - Ability to use an arrays in the parameters of the snippets. - Replaced modX::toJSON and modX::fromJSON to native php functions. 2.7.5 pl ============== - Fenom is now managed via composer. - [Fenom] Modifier "resource" no longer checks fields of resources in their schema. - [Fenom] Modifier "strrev" now can work with arrays. - [Fenom] Improved modifier "ismember". 2.7.4 pl ============== - [#242] Added jquery.pdopage.js plugin and minified versions. - [#241] [Fenom] Improved the retrieving of TVs for a current resource. - [pdoFetch] Restored the checking of possible SQL injections in the &sortby with xPDO 2.5.1. 2.7.3 pl ============== - Improved compatibility with MODX 2.5.2. 2.7.2 pl ============== - [pdoFetch] Some security improvements. 2.7.1 pl ============== - Some security improvements in the connector.php. - Fixed bug with registering scripts in styles via Fenom introduced in version 2.7.0. 2.7.0 pl ============== - [Fenom] Updated to the version 2.11.4. - [Fenom] Fixed resource cache for scripts and styles registered by Fenom. - [Fenom] Added rand() and number_format() to an allowed PHP functions. - [Fenom] New output filter "number" (or "number_format"). 2.6.5 pl ============== - Fixed undeclared variable (PHP 7.1) 2.6.4 pl ============== - Added escaping of a MODX tags that being processed in the &prepareSnippet. - [#239] Improved work of the &decodeJSON option. 2.6.3 pl ============== - Fixed possible E_NOTICE on line 305 pdofetch.class.php. - Fixed possible E_NOTICE when "snippet" and "chunk" Fenom modifiers was called. 2.6.2 pl ============== - Fixed possible E_NOTICE on line 1317 pdotools.class.php. 2.6.1 pl ============== - Improved compatibility with PHP 5.3. 2.6.0 pl ============== - [Fenom] The ability to extend Fenom via system event "pdoToolsOnFenomInit". 2.5.6 pl ============== - [pdoFetch] Ability to join TVs not only to the query main class. 2.5.5 pl ============== - Fixed parse of INLINE chunks with "@" symbols. 2.5.4 pl ============== - [#224] Added microMODX::cleanAlias(). - [#226] [Fenom] Added "declension" modifier. 2.5.3 pl ============== - [#221] Fixed typo in month name. - [Fenom] Fixed path to compile dir. 2.5.2 pl ============== - [#220] Cache code of snippet with respect to property set. 2.5.1 pl ============== - Fixed cache of snippets in pdoTools::runSnippet(). 2.5.0 pl ============== - Improved support of debugParser. - [#209] Improved loading of the models. - [Fenom] New modifiers: "snippet" and "chunk". - [Fenom] New elements provider: "file". - New method pdoTools::runSnippet(). 2.4.0 pl ============== - Added snippet pdoArchive. - [pdoResources] Faster processing of additional snippet parameters to placeholders. - [#123] [pdoMenu] Fixed bug with &displayStart and unpublished root nodes. - [#207] [pdoMenu] Fixed &webLinkClass option. - [#193] [pdoNeighbors] Added parameter &wrapIfEmpty. - [#203] [Fenom] Added more PCRE modifiers. 2.3.5 pl ============== - [pdoFetch] Added escaping of columns names in query. 2.3.4 pl ============== - [#200] [pdoFetch] Fixed &sortbyTV with dot in name. 2.3.3 pl ============== - Added system plugin for "autoload" of main classes with respect to their paths in system settings. 2.3.2 pl ============== - [#196] [pdoPage] Added workaround to support ClientConfig tags in ajax mode. - [Fenom] Added general MODX output filters as Fenom modifiers. - [Fenom] Implemented autoload of modifiers from snippets. - [Fenom] Removed system setting "pdotools_fenom_modifiers". 2.3.1 pl ============== - [pdoSitemap] Lightning fast work chunks processing with &scheme=`uri`. - [Fenom] Improved check of syntax before processing. 2.3.0 pl ============== - Removed shortcuts from system core. - PSR-2. - [Fenom] Added default modifiers: "url" and "lexicon". - [pdoCrumbs] Changed default chunks to ul -> li. - [#190] [pdoSitemap] Changed date format to ISO 8601. 2.2.8 pl ============== - [Fenom] Use modResource::getContent() method to get content of current resource in {$_modx->resource}. 2.2.7 pl ============== - [pdoPage] Ability to get access to a javascript configs from 3rd party scripts. 2.2.6 pl ============== - [#184] [Fenom] Updated to version 2.8.2. 2.2.5 pl ============== - [#182] [pdoTitle] Added passing a parameters into nested pdoCrumbs. - [pdoSitemap] Added processing of MODX tags if needed. - Added method pdoTools::makeUrl(). - [#181] New url schema type - "uri". 2.2.4 pl ============== - [Fenom] Fixed speed issues when MODX snippets are run as Fenom modifiers. - [pdoUsers] Fixed overwrite by 2.2.3 pl ============== - [pdoPage] Fixed processing of uncached conditions in chunks when ajax mode is enabled. 2.2.2 pl ============== - [pdoPage] Added new parameter &pageLinkScheme. 2.2.1 pl ============== - [#155] [pdoPage] Added new parameter &ajaxHistory. - [pdoPage] Added connector for requests in ajax mode. 2.2.0 pl ============== - [#175] [pdoFetch] Ability to specify sequence of table joins. - [#174] [Fenom] Ability to add Fenom modifiers into pdoParser. 2.1.21 pl ============== - [#175] [pdoFetch] Ability to specify sequence of table joins. - [#176] [pdoUsers] Fixed &toPlaceholders with &returnIds. 2.1.20 pl ============== - [pdoSitemap] Fixed default &cacheKey. 2.1.19 pl ============== - [Fenom] Disabled $options in cacheManager::set() due to security reasons. 2.1.18 pl ============== - [Fenom] Fixed ability to access to the modX object from {$_modx} variable. - [Fenom] Improved method {$_modx->runProcessor()}. 2.1.17 pl ============== - [Fenom] Added {$_modx->getResource($id, $options)}. - [Fenom] Added {$_modx->getResources($where, $options)}. - [Fenom] Improved support of debugParser. 2.1.16 pl ============== - [Fenom] Added {$_modx->isMember($groups, $matchAll)}. - [Fenom] Added {$_modx->getPlaceholders()}. 2.1.15 pl ============== - [pdoPage] Added parameter &strictMode. 2.1.14 pl ============== - [pdoSitemap] Added options for cache snippets results. - [pdoSitemap] Cache enabled by default. 2.1.13 pl ============== - [#163] Fixed ignoring of &idx in pdoResources and pdoUsers. 2.1.12 pl ============== - [pdoPage] [#161] Fixed support of arrays in hash when &ajaxMode is enabled. 2.1.11 pl ============== - [#150] [Fenom] Fixed processing of TVs values in a {$_modx->resource}. - [#147] [pdoSitemap] Fixed possible duplicates in sitemap. - [pdoPage] Support of arrays in hash when &ajaxMode is enabled. 2.1.10 pl ============== - [#157] [Fenom] Fixed pre-processing of Fenom tags in extending templates and chunks. - [#145] [pdoPage] Rolled back #81 due to issues with complicate forms. 2.1.9 pl ============== - [#144] [pdoParser] Leave unprocessed FastField tags so other components could parse them. - [pdoFetch] Updated syntax for "SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1". 2.1.8 pl ============== - [Fenom] Ability to use id of chunks and templates in {include} and {extends}. - [Fenom] Added support of debugParser. - [Fenom] Added {$_modx->getChildIds()} and {$_modx->getParentIds()}. 2.1.7 pl ============== - Fixed work with integer values from system setting "link_tag_scheme". 2.1.6 pl ============== - [Fenom] Updated to version 2.8.0. - [Fenom] Improved check of syntax to process content of chunks. - [pdoParser] Fixed E_WARNING on line 50 introduced in previous version. 2.1.5 pl ============== - [Fenom] Fixed register of scripts and styles by cached snippets. 2.1.4 pl ============== - [Fenom] Fixed TVs in {$_modx->resource} - [Fenom] Added new method {$_modx->getInfo()} 2.1.3 pl ============== - Improved work of system setting "pdotools_fenom_php". 2.1.2 pl ============== - [Fenom] Replaced {$_modx->placeholders} to functions. 2.1.1 pl ============== - pdoParser enabled by default. - [Fenom] Fixed return content in {$_modx->getChunk}. - [Fenom] Added cache for snippets called through {$_modx->runSnippet}. - [pdoTools] Added processing of property sets for chunks. - [pdoResources] Set additionalPlaceholders in &tplWrapper 2.1.0 pl ============== - [Fenom] Updated Fenom to version 2.7.1. - [Fenom] Added safe system variable {$_modx}. - [Fenom] Added MODX template provider for chunks and templates. 2.0.5 pl ============== - [#132] Fixed possible E_WARNING on empty chunks. - [#122] Ability to use 3rd party pdoPage and pdoMenu classes. - [#118] [pdoPage] Fixed parameter &offset. - [pdoPage] Fixed default CSS classes in "empty" chunks. 2.0.4 pl ============== - Fixed processing of "pdotools_fenom_cache" system setting. 2.0.3 pl ============== - [#125] [pdoTitle] Fixed parameter &id. 2.0.2 pl ============== - Improved processing of @FILE binding. 2.0.1 pl ============== - Fixed possible E_WARNING on line 319 and 349 of pdoTools class. - Disabled system option "pdotools_fenom_modx" by default due to security issues. 2.0.0 pl ============== - New system settings to control the Fenom. - Ability to enable caching of Fenom compiled chunks. - Improved handling of parameter "cache_key". - [pdoMenu] Improved work when &cache is enabled. 2.0.0 rc2 ============== - Compiled Fenom templates cached to RAM instead of HDD. - Removed plugin pdoTools. 2.0.0 rc1 ============== - Added Fenom template engine. - Fenom enabled by default. - pdoParser uses Fenom to process pages. 1.11.2 pl ============== - [#116] [pdoTitle] Disabled ®ister_js by default. 1.11.1 pl ============== - [pdoSitemap] Fixed default url scheme after last update. 1.11.0 pl1 ============== - [pdoTitle] Added new snippet. - [pdoPage] Added support of snippet pdoTitle when &ajaxMode is enabled. - [pdoPage] Prevent overwriting of scripts and styles of nested &element by default parameters. - [pdoPage] Added triggering javascript event "pdopage_load". 1.10.2 pl1 ============== - [#112] Parameter &scheme was set to system default in all snippets. - [#111] [pdoPage] Added ability to set "prev" & "next" meta tags. - [#107] [pdoNeighbors] Added ability to specify &parents for work. - [#106] [pdoMenu] Fixed "hereClass" and "selfClass" enabled &useWeblinkUrl parameter. - [#104] [pdoMenu] Snippet now using "pagetitle" for link titles if "titleOfLinks" is empty. 1.10.1 pl ============== - [#108] [pdoFetch] Fixed E_ERROR when using &sortbyTV. - [pdoFetch] Added new parameter &sortbyTVType. - [pdoFetch] If &sortdirTV is not set it will be equal to &sortdir. 1.10.0 pl ============== - [pdoMenu] Returned and fixed parameter &showDeleted. - [pdoPage] Improved default javascript. - [pdoPage] Fixed overwriting &frontend_js and &frontend_css parameters when &ajax is disabled. - [pdoFetch] Ability to specify functions in select fields. - [pdoTools] Ability to use compound quick placeholders. 1.10.0 beta4 ============== - [pdoPage] Ajax pagination out from the box. - [pdoFetch] Improved log of getCollection. - [pdoTools] Added tplOperator "contains". 1.9.7 pl ============== - [#99] [pdoFetch] Fixed returning of primary key in "ids" mode. - [#97] [pdoTools] Fixed default tplPath for @FILE chunks. - [#85] [pdoFetch] Added function getChildIds(). - [pdoFetch] Disabled "total" placeholder for &return=`ids`. 1.9.6 pl2 ============== - [pdoFetch] Fixed exclusion of field "id" in custom classes. - [pdoMenu] Improved parameter &countChildren. - [#100] [pdoMenu] Removed parameter &showDeleted because it not working. 1.9.6 rc ============== - Added execution of SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1 before query. - [pdoPage] Added parameter &ajax for supporting of ajax requests. 1.9.5 pl1 ============== - Rolled back #72 due to issues in pdoMenu. 1.9.5 pl ============== - Added ability to return JSON or serialized string from pdoFetch::run(). - [#83] [pdoMenu] Added level placeholder to outer templates. - [#82] [pdoFetch] Added support for complex &where parameter. - [#81] [pdoPage] Improved handling of arrays in url. - [#77] Fixed making of url for modWebLink to another context. - [#72] [pdoTools] Fixed order for children of excluded parents in buildTree. - [#60] [pdoMenu] Fixed parameter &tplCategoryFolder. - [#57] [pdoMenu] Improved placeholder [[+children]]. - [#57] [pdoMenu] Added parameter &countChildren. 1.9.4 pl1 ============== - [#78] [pdoNeighbors] Added parameter &loop=`1` for looping links. - [pdoSitemap] Fixed possible E_FATAL php-apc. 1.9.3 pl1 ============== - [pdoTools] Ability to specify value for empty quick placeholders. - [pdoTools] Ability to use INLINE snippets and filters. - [pdoFetch] Improved loading of 3rd party models. - [pdoPage] Fixed E_WARNING when &limit=`0`. 1.9.2 pl2 ============== - [#56] [pdoParser] Fixed wrong links processing. - [#53] Improved loading of classes. - [pdoField] Rolled back to original logic of "top" and "topLevel" parameters due to issues. - [pdoField] Added parameter "ultimate" to emulate logic of UltimateParent. 1.9.1 pl6 ============== - [pdoFetch] Adding alias of main class of query to "sortby" if no alias exists. - [pdoFetch] Improved selecting of all fields of class with specified alias. - [pdoField] Parameter "topLevel" works exactly as in UltimateParent. - [pdoField] Parameter "top" without "topLevel" returns parent on "top" level. 1.9.1 pl ============== - [#47] [pdoMenu] Fixed processing &tplOuter when output is empty. - [#46] [pdoParser] Fixed processing of TVs with dots in name. - [#44] [pdoMenu] Improved handling of Wayfinder parameters "includeDocs" and "excludeDocs". - [#37] [pdoField] get the default, only if the field was empty. - [#34] Fixed processing of "modSymLink" documents. - [#32] Improved cache methods. - [#26] Replaced FIND_IN_SET() to FIELD(). - [pdoFetch] Ability to work with objects, that has multiple primary keys. - [pdoPage] New parameter &cacheAnonymous. - [pdoMenu] New parameter &cacheAnonymous. - Added aliases for sort query in order of specified &resources: "ids" or "resources". - Removed unnecessary query in pdoFetch::getCollection(). - Improved pdoFetch::getCollection(). - Renamed pdoFetch::getObject() to getArray(). Now it uses getCollection for retrieve results. - pdoTools::setCache() now returns cacheKey. - pdoFetch::getObject() is now alias of pdoFetch::getArray(). 1.9.0 pl2 ============== - [pdoMenu] Chunks of parents and categories are now depends on the descendants and ignores parameter isfolder. - [pdoNeighbors] Speed improvements. - [#27] Ability to specify custom pdoFetch and pdoTools classes through FQN system settings. - [pdoParser] Handles TVs in resource tags. - [pdoParser] Handles output filters. - [pdoFetch] Improved method "addTVFilters", that used by "tvFilters" parameter in pdoResources. - [pdoSitemap] Pass the whole row so we can use more columns. 1.9.0 rc ============== - Improved method pdoTools::getChunk(). - Improved method pdoTools::parseChunk(). - Improved method pdoTools::fastProcess(). - Improved method pdoTools::makePlaceholders(). - Accelerated snippet pdoNeighbors. - Fixed bug in pdoUsers when usersgroups was specified by names. - getObject and getCollection() runs in separate instance. - Added pdoParser with FastField tags. - [pdoPage] Changed default value of parameter "totalVar" due to issues. - [#24] Fixed prepareTVs and empty tvPrefix. - [#23] [pdoResources] Ability to return ids to placeholder. - Fixed warning when getObject returns false. - Fixed placeholders prefix in recursive makePlaceholders. 1.8.9 pl4 ============== - Added german lexicon. - [#20] Ability to specify not JSON string in &where=``. - [pdoPage] Added parameter "pageCountVar" for specifying name of variable with number of pages. - [pdoPage] Support Bootstrap3. - [pdoField] Ability to specify class for fetching field. - Improved joining of tables in pdoFetch. - Added preparing and processing TVs in getObject and getCollection methods. - Improved load of 3rd party models. 1.8.8 pl2 ============== - Rewrited cache of snippets "pdoMenu" and "pdoPage". - New methods pdoTools::getCache() and pdoTools::setCache(). - [pdoMenu] Fixed parameter "tplParentRowActive". - [#18] Fixed "idx" in pdoTools::defineChunk(). 1.8.7 pl ============== - Added boolean parameter "decodeJSON" to specify whether or not decode JSON in results rows. - Removed default "sortby" and "sortdir" from class pdoFetch for better work of getCollection() method. 1.8.6 pl2 ============== - Fixed possibly E_NOTICE when site has no extension packages installed. - [#17] [pdoMenu] Added placeholder [[+wf.menutitle]]. - [#16] [pdoMenu] Disabled status verification of specified parents. - [#13] [pdoMenu] Improved work with root of multiple contexts. - [pdoMenu] Fixed bug when specified parent has only the one child. - [pdoResources] Added parameter "&useWeblink" and placeholder "[[+link]]". It is disabled by default. 1.8.5 pl ============== - [#15] [pdoPage] Improved generation of links to pages. - [pdoMenu] Improved processing of classes "modSymlink" and "modWeblink". - [pdoBreadcrumbs] Improved processing of classes "modSymlink" and "modWeblink". Added parameter "&useWeblink". - [pdoNeighbors] Added parameter "&useWeblink" and placeholder "[[+link]]". - [pdoSitemap] Added parameter "&useWeblink" and proper processing of classes "modSymlink" and "modWeblink". 1.8.4 pl ============== - [pdoCrumbs] Added ability to specify the crumbs root (defaulting to site_start) - [pdoCrumbs] Added ability to specify class_key (ie. to generate crumbs only for derivative classes) - More accuracy when try to decode json in fetch results. 1.8.3 pl3 ============== - Improved preparation of template variables. - Improved transfer of additional parameters from snippet to results. - [pdoMenu] Added lexicon entries for parameters. - [pdoMenu] Allow to specify "limit" and "offset". - [#12] Added parameter "toPlaceholder". - Increased accuracy of timings log. 1.8.1 pl2 ============== - Accelerated method pdoTools::getChunk(). - Added snippet pdoMenu. - Added support for tags [^qt^] and [^q^]. 1.8.0 pl ============== - [#10] [pdoPage] Added placeholder "page". - [#9] [pdoPage] Added placeholder "pageCount". - [#8] Improved support of big numbers when sorting by TVs. - Fixed work of pdoPage when it called multiple times on page. - Fixed mistype in pdoFetch::getCollection(). 1.8.0 rc5 ============== - Added processing of JSON fields. For example, you can use [[+extended.keyname]] in chunks of pdoUsers. - pdoTools was removed from system extension packages, but you can still use "$modx->getService('pdoFetch');". - Fixed getting chunk without any parameters. - Added snippet pdoPage. 1.8.0 beta1 ============== - Improved handling of "default_text" parameter in TVs. - Fixed and improved method pdoTools::buildTree(). - The logic of build the conditions of the query moved into new method pdoFetch::additionalConditions(). - Improved method pdoFetch::addSelects(). - Improved method pdoFetch::addSort(). - Improved some snippets in accordance to new abilities of pdoFetch: pdoResources, pdoNeighbors and pdoSitemap. 1.7.4 pl ============== - [#7] [pdoSitemap] Fixed hidden parameters "&sortBy" and "&sortDir" that used for compatibility with GoogleSiteMap. 1.7.3 pl1 ============== - [pdoCrumbs] Fixed possible E_NOTICE on line 157. - [pdoCrumbs] Fixed generation of link to site start in relative mode. - [#6] pdoCrumbs and pdoNeighbors are now uses "menutitle" by default. If it is empty, will be used "pagetitle". 1.7.2 pl1 ============== - [pdoField] Added new parameters: "default=``" and "&field=``". - [pdoField] Improved logic of "&top=``" and "&topLevel=``". - Added 2 new methods: pdoFetch::getObject() and pdoFetch::getCollection(). - Ability to send arrays into common config parameters. JSON is still supported. - Improved select of default values in TVs. 1.7.1 pl ============== - [pdoCrumbs] Fixed work with "modSymLink" and "modWebLink" resources. 1.7.0 pl1 ============== - New snippet pdoCrumbs. - New snippet pdoField. - New snippet pdoSitemap. - New snippet pdoNeighbors. - Ability to specify snippet for preparation of fetched rows by parameter "&prepareSnippet=``". - Added method pdoTools::checkPermissions() for checking user privileges to view the results. - Added @TEMPLATE binding. You can use name or id of any template. If empty - will use template of each row. - [pdoResources] Improved parameter "&context". - [pdoResources] Script properties are now passed to chunks. You can send any placeholders to it. 1.6.0 pl1 ============== - Fixed compatibility issues in PHP < 5.3. 1.6.0 pl ============== - Added parameter "&loadModels" for comma-separated list of 3rd party components that needed for query. - Added parameters "&prepareTVs" and "&processTVs". - Added parameters "&tvFilters", "&tvFiltersAndDelimiter" and "&tvFiltersAndDelimiter". - Added support of parameters "&sortbyTV" and "&sortdirTV" for compatibility with getResources. - Added ability to use @INLINE and @FILE bindings in all template parameters. - Removed method pdoTools::getPlaceholders. 1.5.0 pl2 ============== - Fixed sort of decimals in TVs. 1.5.0 pl1 ============== - Added processing of simple [[~id]] placeholders in fastMode. - Added support of default value for TVs. - Improved sort by TVs of types "number" and "date". 1.5.0 rc ============== - [pdoUsers] Added new snippet "pdoUsers". - [pdoResources] Fixed "toSeparatePlaceholders". - [pdoResources] Parameter "parents" now supports dash prefix for excluding resources from query by parent. - [pdoResources] Fixed issue when snippet runs multiple times at one page. 1.4.1 pl1 ============== - Improved "context" processing. - Fixed "idx" when multiple snippets called at one page. - Fixed default sortby when joined tables exists. 1.4.1 beta3 ============== - Added parameters "tplCondition", "tplOperator" and "conditionalTpls". - Added parameter "select" for specifying needed columns of selected tables. Can be a JSON string with array. - Added parameter "toSeparatePlaceholders". - Improved "pdoResources" snippet. 1.4.0 beta1 ============== - Ability to specify JSON string in "sortby", for example "&sortby=`{"pagetitle":"asc","createdon":"desc"}`" - Added automatic replacement of tvs in "where" and "having" parameters. - Added automatic replacement of tvs in "sortby" parameter. - Removed example snippet - Added snippet "pdoResources", that could replace "getResources". - Added method pdoTools::defineChunk() for chunk of given idx. - Added "memory usage" in log. 1.3.0 ============== - Improved placeholders processing when fastMode is enabled. - Added support of "having" conditions. 1.2.1 ============== - Fixed not working "includeTVs" when "leftJoin" is empty. 1.2.0 ============== - Native render of quick placeholders, such as "". - Added joining of TVs in pdoFetch. Use parameter "includeTVs" with comma-separated list of template variables. - Added method pdoFetch::setConfig() for proper setting options when you run multiple pdoTools snippets at the one page. - Method pdoTools::makeArray is now recursive, for processing a multidimensional arrays of values. 1.1.0 ============== - Improved getChunk function. 1.0.1 ============== - Fixed setting total in "chunks" mode. - Improved displaying "where" condition in log. 1.0.0 ============== - Initial release.