require 'formula' class Unnethack < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '8535f69eca4f510a29dd1bf869aa55d6dea4664d' head '' # directory for temporary level data of running games skip_clean "var/unnethack/level" option "with-lisp-graphics", "Enable lisp graphics (play in Emacs)" option "with-curses-graphics", "Enable curses graphics (play with fanciness)" def install # crashes when using clang and gsl with optimizations # ENV.no_optimization # directory for version specific files that shouldn't be deleted when # upgrading/uninstalling version_specific_directory = "#{var}/unnethack/#{version}" args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-owner=#{`id -un`}", "--with-group=admin", # common xlogfile for all versions "--enable-xlogfile=#{var}/unnethack/xlogfile", "--with-bonesdir=#{version_specific_directory}/bones", "--with-savesdir=#{version_specific_directory}/saves", "--enable-wizmode=#{`id -un`}" ] args << "--enable-lisp-graphics" if build.with? 'lisp-graphics' args << "--enable-curses-graphics" if build.with? 'curses-graphics' system "./configure", *args ENV.j1 # Race condition in make system "make install" end end