{ "optimized_checkout": { "address": { "address_line_1_label": "Address", "address_line_1_required_error": "Address is required", "address_line_2_label": "Apartment/Suite/Building", "address_line_2_required_error": "Apartment/Suite/Building is required", "address_not_recognized_heading": "We did not recognize your address", "consignment_address_updated_text": "The item was successfully assigned the new address.", "city_label": "City", "city_required_error": "City is required", "company_name_label": "Company Name", "company_name_required_error": "Company is required", "confirm_address_action": "Proceed with current address", "confirm_address_text": "We could not find a match for the address you entered. Please confirm the address.", "country_label": "Country", "country_required_error": "Country is required", "custom_required_error": "{label} is required", "custom_min_error": "{label} should be no less than {min} characters", "custom_max_error": "{label} should be no more than {max} characters", "invalid_characters_error": "{label} contains invalid characters", "custom_valid_error": "{label} is not valid", "edit_address_action": "Edit address", "enter_address_action": "Enter a new address", "enter_or_select_address_action": "Enter or select a different address", "add_address_heading": "Add Address", "save_address_action": "Save Address", "first_name_label": "First Name", "first_name_required_error": "First Name is required", "last_name_label": "Last Name", "last_name_required_error": "Last Name is required", "phone_number_label": "Phone Number", "phone_number_required_error": "Phone Number is required", "postal_code_label": "Postal Code", "postal_code_required_error": "Postal Code is required", "save_in_addressbook": "Save this address in my address book.", "select_country_action": "Select a country", "select_state_action": "Select a state", "state_label": "State/Province", "state_required_error": "State/Province is required", "select": "Select", "select_all": "All", "select_none": "None" }, "billing": { "billing_address_heading": "Billing Address", "billing_heading": "Billing", "save_billing_address_error": "An error occurred while saving the billing address to your price quote. Please try again.", "billing_address_amazonpay": "Managed by Amazon Pay", "use_shipping_address_label": "My billing address is the same as my shipping address." }, "cart": { "billed_amount_text": "*You will be charged and invoiced {total} ({code}) for this order.", "based_on_currency_text": "Based on {total} {code}", "cart_heading": "Order Summary", "digital_item_text": "Digital Item", "discount_text": "Discount", "downloads_action": "Go to Downloads", "edit_cart_action": "Edit Cart", "edit_multi_shipping_cart_message": "New items will default to Shipping Destination #1. Reallocate if you want them shipped to other destinations.", "estimated_total_text": "Estimated Total", "free_text": "Free", "gift_certificate_text": "Gift Certificate", "handling_text": "Handling", "item": "item", "items": "items", "item_count_text": "{count, plural, one{1 Item} other{# Items} }", "print_action": "Print", "remaining_text": "Remaining", "remove_action": "remove", "return_to_checkout": "RETURN TO CHECKOUT", "see_all_action": "See All", "see_less_action": "See Less", "shipping_text": "Shipping", "gift_wrapping_text": "Gift Wrapping", "show_details_action": "Show Details", "store_credit_text": "Store Credit", "subtotal_text": "Subtotal", "taxes_text": "Taxes", "total_text": "Total", "empty_cart_message": "Your cart is empty, you are being redirected. Please click here if your browser does not redirect you.", "consistency_error": "Your checkout could not be processed because some details have changed. Please review your order and try again." }, "common": { "back_action": "Back", "confirm_action": "Confirm", "cancel_action": "Cancel", "close_action": "Close", "continue_action": "Continue", "change_action": "Change", "proceed_action": "Proceed", "edit_action": "Edit", "delete_action": "Delete", "error_heading": "Something's gone wrong", "leave_warning": "Are you sure you want to leave? Data you have entered may not be saved.", "loading_text": "Loading", "ok_action": "Ok", "error_code": "Error code:", "request_id": "Request ID:", "optional_text": "(Optional)", "unavailable_error": "Checkout is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.", "unavailable_heading": "Checkout is temporarily unavailable", "unstable_network_error": "It looks like the server is taking too long to respond, this can be caused by either poor connectivity or an error with our servers. Please try again in a while.", "order_loading_error": "There was an error loading your order. Please try again.", "order_fatal_error_heading": "There was an error placing your order", "order_fatal_error_extra": "Please choose another payment method or contact us for further assistance.", "go_back": "Go Back", "show_more": "Show more" }, "customer": { "continue_as_guest_action": "Continue as guest", "continue_as_stripe_customer_action": "Continue with Link", "create_account_action": "Create Account", "continue": "Continue", "set_password_action": "Save Password", "required_error": "{label} is required", "min_error": "{label} should be bigger than {min}", "max_error": "{label} should be smaller than {max}", "invalid_characters_error": "{label} contains invalid characters", "create_account_error": "An error occurred while creating your account. Please try again.", "create_address_error": "However, an error occurred while saving the address in your address book.", "create_account_requirements_error_heading": "Password does not match requirements", "create_account_success": "Your account has been created.", "set_password_success": "Your password has been saved.", "create_account_text": "Create an account for a faster checkout in the future", "set_password_text": "Setup a password for a faster checkout in the future", "account_created_text": "An account has been created for you, but you'll need to setup a password to sign in.", "create_account_to_continue_text": "Create an account", "guest_could_login": "Looks like you have an account. Sign in with {email} for a faster checkout.", "guest_must_login": "Looks like you have an account. Please sign in to proceed with {email}, or use another email.", "guest_temporary_disabled": "Guest checkout is temporarily disabled. Please sign in or create an account to continue.", "customer_heading": "Customer", "email_invalid_error": "Email address must be valid", "email_label": "Email", "email_required_error": "Email address is required", "forgot_password_action": "Forgot password?", "guest_customer_text": "Guest Customer", "guest_subscribe_to_newsletter_text": "Subscribe to our newsletter.", "guest_marketing_consent": "I would like to receive updates and offers.", "login_action": "Sign in now", "login_text": "Already have an account?", "email_in_use_text": "There's already an account for {email}. Please enter a different email address or sign-in.", "unknown_email_in_use_text": "There's already an account for the provided email. Please enter a different email address or sign-in.", "guest_could_login_change_email": "Not {email}? Change email.", "password_confirmation_error": "Passwords do not match", "password_confirmation_label": "Confirm Password", "password_confirmation_required_error": "This field is required", "password_label": "Password", "password_letter_required_error": "", "password_minimum_character_label": "character minimum, case sensitive", "password_number_required_error": "Password needs to contain a number", "password_over_maximum_length_error": "Password is too long", "password_required_error": "Password is required", "password_under_minimum_length_error": "Password is too short", "reset_password_before_login_error": "Sign-in is currently unavailable. You will receive an e-mail in the next 5 minutes with instructions for resetting your password. If you don't receive this e-mail, please check your junk mail folder or contact us for further assistance.", "returning_customer_text": "Returning Customer", "sign_in_action": "Sign In", "sign_in_error": "The email or password you entered is not valid.", "sign_in_throttled_error": "Due to excessive login attempts, please wait 10 seconds before attempting to log in again.", "sign_out_action": "Sign Out", "sign_out_error": "An error occurred while signing out. Please try again.", "subscribe_to_newsletter_text": "Yes, I'd like to receive updates.", "suggestion_text": "Looks like you have an account with {provider}. For fast checkout, continue with {providerFlow}.", "suggestion_action": "{providerFlow}" }, "login_email": { "error_server": "We couldn't send you a sign-in link. Please try again.", "error_not_found": "The entered email is not associated to an account. Please try with a different email.", "sent_header": "Check your inbox", "sent_text": "If the entered email address is associated with this store, you will receive a sign-in link shortly. This link expires in 15 minutes. If you don't see it, check your junk folder.", "text": "Enter the email address associated to your account. We will send you a sign-in link.", "header": "Account sign-in link", "header_with_email": "Confirm your email address", "link": "Send me a sign-in link instead", "use_another_email": "Use another email", "send": "Send", "error_temporary_disabled": "Sign-in link functionality is temporary unavailable. Please sign in by entering your password.", "resend_link": "Resend link", "use_password_link": " or sign in using your password instead." }, "embedded_checkout": { "unsupported_error": "The following payment methods are not supported by Embedded Checkout: {methods}. Please contact us for assistance." }, "payment": { "affirm_name_text": "Affirm", "affirm_display_name_text": "Pay over time", "affirm_body_text": "You will be redirected to Affirm to securely complete your purchase. Just fill out a few pieces of basic information and get a real-time decision. Checking your eligibility won't affect your credit score.", "afterpay_name_text": "Afterpay", "afterpay_description": "Checkout with Afterpay", "amazon_continue_action": "Continue with Amazon", "amazonpay_continue_action": "Continue with Amazon Pay", "amazon_name_text": "Amazon Pay", "barclaycard_continue_action": "Continue", "bluesnap_v2_continue_action": "Continue", "bluesnap_direct_account_type_select": { "label": "Select an account type", "option_consumer_checking": "Consumer checking", "option_consumer_savings": "Consumer savings", "option_corporate_checking": "Corporate checking", "option_corporate_savings": "Corporate savings" }, "bluesnap_direct_account_number": { "label": "Account Number", "is_required": "Account Number is required", "only_numbers": "Account Number must contain only numbers", "length": "Account Number must have at least 4 digits", "length_max": "Account Number must have at least 17 digits" }, "bluesnap_direct_iban": { "label": "IBAN", "is_required": "IBAN is required", "length": "IBAN must have at least 8 digits" }, "bluesnap_direct_routing_number": { "label": "Routing Number", "is_required": "Routing Number is required", "only_numbers": "Routing Number must contain only numbers", "length": "Routing Number must be 9 digits long" }, "bluesnap_direct_account_type": { "label": "Account Type", "is_required": "Account Type is required" }, "ideal": { "label": "Your Bank" }, "bluesnap_direct_permission": "I authorize this Electronic Check (ACH/ECP) transaction and agree to this debit of my account.", "bluesnap_direct_sepa_mandate_disclaimer": "By signing this mandate form, you authorise (A) {creditorName} to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from {creditorName}. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.", "bluesnap_direct_electronic_check_label": "Electronic Check (ACH/ECP)", "bluesnap_direct_sepa_direct_debit": "Sepa Direct Debit", "bluesnap_direct_local_bank_transfer_label": "Local Bank Transfer", "bolt_benefit_1": "Shop hundreds of brands with a passwordless login", "bolt_benefit_2": "Check out with saved payment and shipping details", "bolt_benefit_3": "Benefit from PCI-compliant account security", "bolt_checkbox_agreement": "Save my information, create a Bolt account, and agree to Bolt’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.", "bolt_name_text": "Bolt", "braintreevisacheckout_continue_action": "Continue with Visa Checkout", "braintreeach_mandate_text": "By clicking Place Order, I authorize Braintree, a service of PayPal, on behalf of {storeName} to verify my bank account information using bank information and consumer reports and I authorize {storeName} to initiate an ACH/electronic debit to my {accountType} account, Depository Name: {depositoryName}, Routing Number: {routingNumber} and Account Number: {accountNumber}, in the amount of {outstandingBalance} on {currentDate}. I agree the ACH transactions I authorize comply with all applicable laws.", "braintreeach_vaulting_mandate_text": "By clicking Place Order, I authorize Braintree, a service of PayPal, on behalf of {storeName} to verify my bank account information using bank information and consumer reports and I authorize {storeName} to initiate an ACH/electronic debit to my {accountType} account, Depository Name: {depositoryName}, Routing Number: {routingNumber} and Account Number: {accountNumber}, that will be stored on file, and debited on or after the due date. I agree the ACH transactions I authorize comply with all applicable laws.", "complete_with_brand": "Complete order", "continue_with_brand": "Continue with {brandName}", "ccavenuemars_description_text": "Checkout with CCAvenue", "checkoutcom_document_label_boleto": "CPF or CNPJ", "checkoutcom_document_label_oxxo": "CURP", "checkoutcom_document_label_qpay": "National ID", "checkoutcom_document_invalid_error_boleto": "CPF or CNPJ must be between 11 and 14 characters", "checkoutcom_document_invalid_error_oxxo": "CURP must be at most 18 characters", "checkoutcom_document_invalid_error_qpay": "National ID must be at most 32 characters", "checkoutcom_fawry_customer_mobile_invalid_error": "Mobile Number must be valid", "checkoutcom_fawry_customer_mobile_label": "Mobile Number", "checkoutcom_fawry_customer_email_invalid_error": "Email address must be valid", "checkoutcom_fawry_customer_email_label": "Email", "checkoutcom_sepa_creditor_title": "Creditor", "checkoutcom_sepa_creditor_id": "Creditor ID: {creditorId}", "checkoutcom_sepa_debtor_title": "Debtor", "checkoutcom_sepa_mandate_disclaimer": "By accepting this mandate form, you authorize {creditorName} to send instructions to your bank to debit your account, and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.", "checkoutcom_sepa_payment_type": "Payment type: one-off (non-recurring)", "clearpay_name_text": "Clear Pay", "credit_card_text": "Credit card", "credit_card_customer_code_label": "Customer Code", "credit_card_cvv_help_text": "For VISA and Mastercard, the CVV is a three-digit code printed on the back. For American Express it is the four-digit code printed on the front. The CVV is a security measure to ensure that you are in possession of the card.", "credit_card_cvv_invalid_error": "CVV must be valid", "credit_card_cvv_label": "CVV", "credit_card_cvv_required_error": "CVV is required", "credit_card_expiration_invalid_error": "Expiration date must be a valid future date in MM / YY format", "credit_card_expiration_label": "Expiration", "credit_card_expiration_date_label": "Expiration Date", "credit_card_expiration_required_error": "Expiration Date is required", "credit_card_expiration_placeholder_text": "MM / YY", "credit_card_name_label": "Name on Card", "credit_card_name_required_error": "Full name is required", "credit_card_name_invalid_error": "Credit Card Name must be valid", "credit_card_number_invalid_error": "Credit Card Number must be valid", "credit_card_number_label": "Credit Card Number", "credit_card_number_last_four": "Enter card number for {cardType} ending in {lastFour}", "credit_card_number_required_error": "Credit Card Number is required", "credit_card_number_mismatch_error": "The card number entered does not match the card stored in your account", "credit_debit_card_text": "Credit/Debit Card", "stripev3_auth_3ds_fail": "User did not authenticate", "digitalriver_dropin_error": "There was an error while processing your payment. Please try again or contact us.", "digitalriver_checkout_error": "There was a problem with your checkout, please check your details and try again or contact customer service", "digitalriver_checkout_error_title": "Error while processing request.", "digitalriver_display_name_text": "Please select your payment method", "google_pay_name_text": "Google Pay", "humm_not_processable_error": "Humm cannot process your payment for this order, please select another payment method.", "klarna_continue_action": "Continue with Klarna", "klarna_name_text": "Klarna", "masterpass_name_text": "Masterpass", "mollie_unsupported_method_error": "This payment method cannot be used towards the purchase of digital products. Please contact customer support or try again.", "opy_continue_action": "Continue with {methodName}", "opy_widget_slogan": "Buy now. Pay smarter.", "opy_widget_info": "You will be redirected to {methodName}'s website to complete your order when you click \"Continue with {methodName}\"", "opy_invalid_cart_error": "Cart price is different to {methodName} plan amount.", "orbital_continue_action": "Place Order", "orbital_description_text": "Pay using your ChasePay Account", "payment_cancelled": "Payment was cancelled", "payment_error": "An error occurred while processing your payment. Please try again.", "payment_error_heading": "Payment Failed", "payment_heading": "Payment", "payment_invalid_error_heading": "Payment Unavailable", "payment_method_disabled_error": "The selected payment method is no longer valid. Click OK to see the most up-to-date payment methods.", "payment_method_error": "Response from payment provider: {message}", "payment_method_invalid_error": "There's a problem processing your payment. Please contact us for assistance or choose another payment method.", "payment_method_unavailable_error": "This payment provider is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.", "payment_not_required_text": "Payment is not required for this order.", "paypal_complete_action": "Complete order", "paypal_continue_action": "Continue with PayPal", "paypal_pay_later_complete_action": "Complete order", "paypal_pay_later_continue_action": "Continue with Pay Later", "paypal_venmo_continue_action": "Continue with Venmo", "paypal_credit_continue_action": "Continue with PayPal Credit", "paypal_credit_description_text": "Buy Now, Pay Over Time", "paypal_description_text": "Pay using your PayPal account", "paypal_name_text": "PayPal", "paypal_credit_name_text": "Pay Later", "place_order_action": "Place Order", "place_order_error": "There was an error placing your order. Please contact us.", "place_order_error_heading": "Failed to place order", "postal_code_label": "Postal Code", "ideal_bic_required": "You must select an issuer to place the order", "instrument_text": "Stored credit cards", "instrument_add_card_action": "Use a different card", "instrument_account_number_ending": "Account number ending in: {accountNumber}", "instrument_default_ending_in_text": "Card ending in {endingIn}", "instrument_ending_in_text": "{cardTitle} ending in {endingIn}", "instrument_expired_text": "Expired {expiryDate}", "instrument_expires_text": "Expires {expiryDate}", "instrument_issuer": "Issuer", "instrument_manage_button": "Manage", "instrument_manage_modal_confirmation_action": "Yes, delete", "instrument_manage_modal_confirmation_label": "Are you sure you want to delete this stored payment method?", "instrument_manage_modal_title_text": "Manage stored payment methods", "instrument_manage_modal_empty_text": "You do not have any stored payment methods.", "instrument_manage_table_header_ending_in_text": "Ending in", "instrument_manage_table_header_routing_number_text": "Routing Number", "instrument_manage_table_header_expiry_date_text": "Expiry date", "instrument_manage_table_header_payment_method_text": "Payment method", "instrument_manage_delete_server_error": "There was an error when attempting to delete that stored payment method, please try again.", "instrument_manage_delete_auth_error": "There was a problem authorizing your request. Please try signing in again", "instrument_manage_delete_client_error": "There was an error when attempting to delete the stored payment method: payment method no longer exists or cannot be deleted.", "instrument_save_payment_method_label": "Save this card for future transactions", "instrument_save_as_default_payment_method_label": "Use this card as the default payment method for future transactions", "account_instrument_add_action": "Use a different account", "account_instrument_save_payment_method_label": "Save this account for future transactions", "account_instrument_save_as_default_payment_method_label": "Use this account as the default payment method for future transactions", "account_instrument_text": "Stored accounts", "account_instrument_new_shipping_address": "We noticed this is a new shipping address.

For security reasons, you will need to re-link your PayPal account when shipping to an address for the first time or if the shipping address was edited recently.

", "bank_account_instrument_trusted_shipping_address_text": "This additional security step is applied to your account when shipping to an address for the first time or if the shipping address was edited recently.", "bank_account_instrument_trusted_shipping_address_title_text": "Please re-enter your account data to authorize this transaction.", "instrument_trusted_shipping_address_text": "This additional security step is applied to your card when shipping to an address for the first time or if the shipping address was edited recently.", "instrument_trusted_shipping_address_title_text": "Please re-enter your card number to authorize this transaction.", "quadpay_continue_action": "Continue with Zip", "quadpay_display_name_text": "Pay in installments", "ppsdk_continue_action": "Continue with {methodName}", "select_your_bank": "Select your bank", "sepa_account_number": "Account Number (IBAN)", "sepa_account_number_required": "You must enter your account number (IBAN)", "pay_by_bank_iban_required": "You must enter your account number (IBAN)", "sepa_bic": "BIC", "sepa_bic_length": "BIC must be 8 or 11 characters", "sepa_mandate_required": "You must accept the mandate form", "sezzle_display_name_text": "Buy Now Pay Later with Sezzle.", "stripe_sepa_display_name_text": "Sepa Direct Debit.", "stripe_sepa_mandate_disclaimer": "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you authorise (A) {storeUrl} and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within eight weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.", "tax_provider_unavailable": "Sales tax could not be calculated. Please try again. If unsuccessful, please reach out to our support team to complete checkout.", "vco_name_text": "Click to pay", "visa_checkout_continue_action": "Continue with Click to pay", "zip_continue_action": "Continue with Zip", "zip_name_text": "Zip", "zip_display_name_text": "Own it now, pay later", "account_number_label": "Account Number", "account_routing_label": "Routing Number", "account_type_label": "Account Type", "ownership_type_label": "Ownership Type", "business_name_label": "Business Name", "phone_number_label": "Phone Number", "errors": { "account_number_required_error": "Account Number is required", "routing_number_required_error": "Routing Number is required", "phone_number_required_error": "Phone Number is required", "business_name_required_error": "Business Name is required", "only_numbers_error": "{label} must contain only numbers", "additional_action_required": "Please continue with additional actions.", "authorization_expired": "The authorization for this transaction has expired.", "authorization_revoked": "The authorization for this transaction has been revoked.", "call_issuer": "There was a problem processing your card. Please contact your card issuer.", "captured_transaction": "Payment for this order has already been made.", "card_declined": "Payment was declined. Please try a different card.", "card_error": "Your card details could not be verified. Please double check them and try again.", "card_replaced": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "connection_error": "We're experiencing difficulty processing your transaction. Please try again later.", "duplicate_transaction": "This is a duplicate transaction. Please contact us to confirm your order. Do not try to pay again.", "expired_card": "Your card has expired. Please try again with a valid card.", "gateway_error": "Something went wrong on the server. Please try again at a later time.", "general_error": "Error while processing payment request.", "google_pay_try_other_card": "Select a different card or log out of Google Pay to try the payment again.", "hosted_form_error": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "incorrect_address": "Your billing address couldn't be verified. Please check your billing address details and try again.", "incorrect_amount": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "incorrect_cvc": "Your card details could not be verified. Please double check them and try again.", "incorrect_number": "Your card details could not be verified. Please double check them and try again.", "incorrect_zip": "Your billing address couldn't be verified. Please check your billing address details and try again.", "insufficient_funds": "Payment was declined. Please contact your bank.", "invalid_address": "Your billing address couldn't be verified. Please check your billing address details and try again.", "instrument_declined": "We would like to inform you that the total amount for your order has been adjusted from the initially confirmed sum with PayPal. This modification is in adherence to the regulations and safeguards set forth by the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2). To proceed with the completion of your order, we kindly request your confirmation of the new total by clicking on the 'PayPal Checkout' button situated at the bottom of the page.", "invalid_amount": "There was an error while processing your payment. Please try again or contact us.", "invalid_authorization_code": "There was an error while processing your payment. Please try again or contact us.", "invalid_create_instrument_request": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "invalid_cvc": "Your card details could not be verified. Please double check them and try again.", "invalid_email_address": "Unable to process the payment because invalid email was supplied with the transaction.", "invalid_expiry_date": "Your card details could not be verified. Please double check them and try again.", "invalid_expiry_month": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "invalid_expiry_year": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "invalid_gateway": "Gateway is invalid.", "invalid_gateway_options": "Gateway options are invalid.", "invalid_instrument": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "invalid_issuer": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "invalid_number": "Your card details could not be verified. Please double check them and try again.", "invalid_payment_request": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "invalid_request_error": "We're experiencing difficulty processing your transaction. Please contact us or try again later.", "invalid_user_authentication": "There was an error while processing your payment. Please contact us.", "invalid_zip": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "invalid_phone_number": "Phone Number is invalid.", "journal_error": "Something went wrong on the server. Please try again at a later time.", "lost_or_stolen_card": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "missing_test_mode": "Unable to process the request because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "not_found": "We're experiencing difficulty processing your transaction. Please try again later.", "payment_config_error": "Something went wrong on the server. Please try again at a later time.", "payment_config_not_found": "Something went wrong on the server. Please try again at a later time.", "pending_review": "Your transaction was authorized, but is being held for review by the merchant.", "pickup_card": "Your card cannot be used to make this payment. Please contact your card issuer, or try using a different card.", "processing_error": "We're experiencing difficulty processing your transaction. Please try again later.", "provider_configuration_error": "Merchant payment provider is not correctly configured.", "refund_timelimit_expired": "The time-limit to refund this transaction has expired.", "refunded_transaction": "This transaction has already been refunded.", "request_timeout": "Unable to process your payment due to timeout. Please try again.", "required_field": "Your payment couldn't be verified. Please check your card details and try again.", "server_error": "There was an error processing your payment and your order couldn't be completed. Please try again.", "store_instrument_failed": "Unable to process the request. Please try again.", "stored_payment_instrument_not_found": "That stored payment instrument could not be found. Please try a different payment option.", "three_d_secure_declined": "There has been an issue with your payment, please check your payment details or contact your card issuer.", "three_d_secure_failed": "The payment failed. Please try again or use a different payment option.", "three_d_secure_required": "Further authentication is required to process your payment. Please contact us.", "token_error": "We're experiencing difficulty processing your transaction. Please try again later.", "transaction_declined": "Your payment was declined. Please try again.", "transaction_rejected": "Payment was declined. Please try again.", "unauthorized": "We're experiencing difficulty processing your transaction. Please try again later.", "unsupported_currency": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "unsupported_instrument": "Your card details could not be verified. Please double check them and try again.", "unsupported_request": "Unable to process the payment because invalid data was supplied with the transaction.", "user_authorization_error": "There was an error while processing your payment. Please contact us.", "vaulting_service_unavailable": "Vaulting service is currently not available.", "voided_transaction": "Unable to process your payment because the transaction has already been voided. Please try again or contact us." }, "ratepay": { "payment_method_title": "Pay upon Invoice", "phone_country_code": "Country code", "phone_number": "Phone number", "birth_date": "Date of birth", "errors": { "isRequired": "{fieldName} is required", "isInvalid": "{fieldName} is invalid", "paymentSourceInfoCannotBeVerified": "The combination of your name and address could not be validated. Please correct your data and try again. You can find further information in the Ratepay Data Privacy Statement or you can contact Ratepay using this contact form.", "paymentSourceDeclinedByProcessor": "It is not possible to use the selected payment method. This decision is based on automated data processing. You can find further information in the Ratepay Data Privacy Statement or you can contact Ratepay using this contact form.", "itemCategoryNotSupportedByPaymentSource": "Digital items are not supported for given method" } } }, "redeemable": { "applied_text": "Applied", "apply_action": "Apply", "apply_store_credit_after_action": "store credit to order", "apply_store_credit_before_action": "Apply", "code_invalid_error": "The gift certificate or coupon code is invalid", "code_label": "Gift Certificate or Coupon Code", "code_required_error": "Please enter a gift certificate or coupon code", "coupon_location_error": "Your shipping address doesn't meet the location requirements for the coupon code you entered.", "coupon_min_order_total": "Your order does not meet the minimum total for this coupon code to be applied.", "coupon_text": "Coupon", "gift_certificate_remaining_text": "Remaining", "gift_certificate_text": "Gift Certificate", "remove_action": "Remove", "store_credit_available_text": "Your account currently has {storeCredit} total store credit available", "toggle_action": "Coupon/Gift Certificate" }, "remote": { "browser_unsupported": "The selected payment method requires a different web browser. Please choose another payment method.", "connection_error": "Connection to remote checkout refused, please try later.", "continue_with_text": "Or continue with", "or_text": "OR", "payment_method_error": "There was an error retrieving your remote payment method. Please try again.", "select_different_card_action": "Select a different card", "session_error": "Your remote session has expired. Please log in again.", "shipping_address_error": "There was an error retrieving your remote shipping address. Please try again.", "sign_in_action": "Sign in to {providerName}", "sign_out_action": "Sign out of {providerName}", "sign_out_after_action": "to view other payment methods", "sign_in_required_error": "Remote sign in required before payment", "sign_out_before_action": "", "start_with_text": "Check out faster with:", "powered_by": "Powered by" }, "shipping": { "cart_change_error": "An update to your shopping cart has been detected and your available shipping costs have been updated. Please re-select a shipping method to continue.", "enter_shipping_address_text": "Please enter a shipping address in order to see shipping quotes", "order_comment_label": "Order Comments", "assign_item_error": "An error occurred while assigning item to address. Please try again", "assign_item_invalid_address_error_heading": "Invalid Address", "assign_item_invalid_address_error": "The selected address is not valid. Please go to your account page and update it.", "unassign_item_error": "An error occurred while unassigning item to address.", "save_shipping_address_error": "An error occurred while saving the shipping address to your price quote. Please try again.", "save_shipping_option_error": "An error occurred while saving the shipping quote to your order. Please try again.", "select_shipping_address_text": "Please select a shipping address in order to see shipping quotes", "shipping_address_heading": "Shipping Address", "multishipping_consignment_index_heading": "Destination #{consignmentNumber}", "multishipping_incomplete_consignment_error": "Please complete the address, item allocation, and method selection for Destination #{consignmentNumber}.", "multishipping_add_new_destination": "Add new destination", "multishipping_address_heading": "Choose where to ship each item", "multishipping_address_heading_guest": "Please sign in first", "multishipping_guest_intro": "To ship your items to multiple addresses you need to", "multishipping_guest_sign_in": "sign in to your account", "multishipping_guest_create": "or create an account prior to proceeding.", "multishipping_item_to_allocate_message": "{count, plural, one{1 item left to allocate} other{{count} items left to allocate}}", "multishipping_item_allocated_message": "{count, plural, one{1 item allocated} other{{count} items allocated}}", "multishipping_item_reallocated_message": "Reallocate items", "multishipping_item_hide_items_message": "Hide items", "multishipping_item_show_items_message": "Show items", "multishipping_left_to_allocate_message": "{count} left to allocate", "multishipping_items_selected_message": "{count} items selected", "multishipping_items_allocate_save": "Save", "multishipping_items_allocate_allocate": "Allocate", "multishipping_items_allocate_cancel": "Cancel", "multishipping_items_allocate_clear_all": "Clear all", "multishipping_items_allocate_select_all_items_left": "Select all items left", "multishipping_all_items_allocated_message": "All items are allocated.", "multishipping_no_item_allocated_message": "No item allocated", "multishipping_allocate_items": "Allocate items", "multishipping_digital_item_no_shipping_banner": "Shipping isn't required for digital products, thus it's not displayed here.", "multishipping_left_to_allocate_items_table_item": "Item", "multishipping_left_to_allocate_items_table_left_to_allocate": "Left to allocate", "multishipping_left_to_allocate_items_table_quantity": "Quantity", "multishipping_item_split_tooltip_message": "These item quantities are split into a separate row due to a quantity-based promotion or custom price.", "ship_to_multi": "Ship to multiple addresses", "ship_to_single": "Ship to a single address", "ship_to_single_action": "Ship to a Single Address instead", "ship_to_single_message": "If you proceed, all progress for multiple addresses will be lost. This action cannot be undone.", "shipping_heading": "Shipping", "shipping_method_label": "Shipping Method", "shipping_option_expired_error": "The shipping price you were quoted is no longer valid. Click OK to see the most up-to-date shipping prices.", "shipping_option_expired_heading": "Your shipping price has been updated", "view_shipping_options_action": "See Other Options", "quantity_required_error": "Quantity is required", "quantity_invalid_error": "Quantity must be a number", "quantity_max_error": "Quantity cannot exceed \"Left to allocate\" amount.", "quantity_min_error": "Quantity cannot be less than 0", "custom_item_quantity_error": "All quantities of this custom product must be allocated to the same destination, as it was created specifically for this draft order.", "choose_shipping_address": "Choose a shipping address", "multishipping_unavailable_action": "Multi-Address Shipping Unavailable", "multishipping_unavailable_message": "Multi-address shipping is unavailable when a promotion adds a free item to your cart.", "checkout_switched_to_single_shipping": "Your checkout has been automatically updated to use a single shipping address. Shipping to multiple addresses is unavailable when a promotional free item is in your cart." }, "social": { "share_action": "Share", "share_heading": "Tell your friends about your purchase!", "tweet_action": "Tweet" }, "spam_protection": { "verify_action": "Please click here to verify yourself as human before proceeding." }, "privacy_policy": { "required_error": "Please agree to the Privacy Policy.", "label": "Yes, I agree with the privacy policy.", "heading": "Privacy Policy" }, "privacy_policy_auto_consent": { "label": "*By clicking continue, you agree to our privacy policy." }, "tax": { "inclusive_label": "Tax Included in Total:" }, "terms_and_conditions": { "agreement_required_error": "Please agree to the terms and conditions", "agreement_text": "Yes, I agree with the above terms and conditions.", "agreement_with_link_text": "Yes, I agree with the terms and conditions.", "terms_and_conditions_heading": "Terms and Conditions" }, "order_confirmation": { "mandate": { "adyenv3": { "boletobancario": "Boleto Bancário Ticket" }, "bluesnapdirect": { "sepa_direct_debit": "SEPA Direct Debit Mandate Reference: {mandate}" }, "checkoutcom": { "boleto": "Boleto Bancário Ticket", "oxxo": "OXXO Ticket", "sepa": "SEPA Direct Debit (via Checkout.com) Mandate Reference: {mandate}" }, "stripev3": { "iban": "SEPA Direct Debit Mandate" }, "stripeupe": { "au_becs_debit": "BECS Direct Debit Mandate", "boleto": "Boleto Bancário Ticket", "oxxo": "OXXO Ticket", "sepa_debit": "SEPA Direct Debit Mandate" }, "paypalcommercealternativemethods": { "oxxo": "OXXO Ticket", "ratepay": { "account_holder_name": "Account Holder", "iban": "Iban", "payment_reference": "Payment Reference" } } }, "order_number_text": "Your order number is {orderNumber}", "order_pending_review_text": "Your order was sent to us but is currently awaiting payment. Once we receive the payment for your order, it will be completed. If you've already provided payment details then we will process your order manually and send you an email when it's completed.", "order_pending_status_text": "We've received your order and are processing your payment. Once the payment is verified, your order will be completed. We will send you an email when it's completed. Please note, this process may take a few minutes depending on the processing times of your chosen method. If you have any questions about your purchase, email us at {supportEmail}.", "order_incomplete_status_text": "We've received your order and payment. Your order is now being processed by our system. Please note, processing may take a few minutes. If you have any questions about your purchase, email us at {supportEmail}.", "order_with_downloadable_digital_items_text": "You can download your digital purchases by clicking the links on this page, or by logging into your account at any time. There is also a download link in your confirmation email, which should be arriving shortly.", "order_with_support_number_text": "An email will be sent containing information about your purchase. If you have any questions about your purchase, email us at {supportEmail} or call us at {supportPhoneNumber}.", "order_without_downloadable_digital_items_text": "Once we receive your payment, we'll send a confirmation email with a link to download your digital purchases.", "order_without_support_number_text": "An email will be sent containing information about your purchase. If you have any questions about your purchase, email us at {supportEmail}.", "thank_you_customer_heading": "Thank you {name}!", "thank_you_heading": "Thank you!", "continue_shopping": "Continue Shopping »", "order_status_update_facebook_messenger_heading": "Get instant updates of your order to Messenger" } } }