/* This sketch will run a bunch of linux commands on an Arduino Yun to set it up to be a captive portal as described in: http://wp.josh.com/2014/05/01/a-platform-for-casual-encounters/ After uploading this sketch, wait for the red LED on the board to start blinking at a steady 1 blink per second to know that the setup is complete. Then upload the BlinkMe sketch. The sending of shell commands based on example code from: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ShellCommands The use of the F() macro to keep strings in flash described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16597437/arduino-f-what-does-it-actually-do */ #include // Actually run a shell command on the Linino using the Bridge... void run( const __FlashStringHelper* commandString) { Process p; Serial.println( F("Command:") ); Serial.println( commandString ); digitalWrite( 13 , HIGH ); Serial.println( F("Running...") ); p.runShellCommand( commandString ); Serial.println( F("Done...") ); digitalWrite( 13 , LOW ); delay(100); } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize the Serial delay(5000); // Give people some time to connect via serial monitor... Serial.println(F("Starting Bridge...")); Bridge.begin(); // Initialize the Bridge // What follows is code automatically generated from the shell script BlinkMeSetup.sh // ========================================================================================================== #define NL "\n" // This script will get everything setup to make your Yun into a publicly controlable captive portal // After uploading this script, you will next need to upload the BlinkMe script to make it work. // More info at http://wp.josh.com/2014/04/28/a-platform-for…ual-encounters/ // ---------------------- setupSSID // The SSID is the wifi network name that people will see and be able to connect to run( F("uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid='BlinkMe'")); // ---------------------- setupDnsmasq // Add a wildcard DNS enttry so no matter what host they ask for, they will get our IP address... // documented under "-address" here... http:www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/dnsmasq-man.html // Note that the dest address is a random IP that should land on the WAN side // This is fine becuase we capture all outbound HTTP traffic to any address with a firewall rule // that sends it to the redirect server. // I tried offering the local IP but Andriod phones seem to suppress the setup wizard // when the target address is on the same subnet as the phone. run( F("uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].address='/#/'")); // ---------------------- setupFirewall // Add a new redirect to the firewall to send any HTTP webpage request made to any server besides us // to instead go to the local redirect server on port 8080, and that will always // send them via a 302 redirect to our normal www server on port 80 // note that what we really want here is a PREROUTING REDIRECT, not a DNAT since we are REDIRECTING packets to // to the local machine - but I could not figure out how to do that using UCI commands... run( F("uci add firewall redirect ")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].name=captureHTTP")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].src=lan")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].proto=tcp")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].src_dip=!$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr)")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].src_dport=80")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].dest_port=8080")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].dest_ip=$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr)")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].target=DNAT")); // Also add a new redirect to the firewall to send any DNS equest made to any server besides us // to instead go to the local DNS server which will always give for any request. // This makes things faster on Andriods becuase they seem to ignore the DNS server offered in DHCP // and instead go striaght to the Google DNS servers at and on connection... run( F("uci add firewall redirect ")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].name=captureDNS")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].src=lan")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].src_dip=!$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr)")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].src_dport=53")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].dest_port=53")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].dest_ip=$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr)")); run( F("uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].target=DNAT")); // ---------------------- createRedirectConfig // This config file is used only by our secondary HTTP server on port 8080. // This line will create an alias that will transform all incoming requests that // match '/' (which is *all*) to point instead to our redirection cgi script. // This is the only way that I could think of to be able to send an HTTP redirect back on a // request for '/', and it is also nice becuase it automatically matches *any* request // so no need to set up an error page on the redirect server run( F("echo >/etc/httpd_redirect.conf 'A:/:/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi'")); // ---------------------- setupRedirect CGI // Create a CGI script that will send people to the home page on our normal web server // This script is pointed to by the alias in the httpd_redirect.conf that is used by the // secondary uhttpd server running on port 8080. That alias will match *any* incoming URL // and send it to this CGI program. // Note that this should *not* be cached per RFC 2616 10.3.3, so the user will get the real website // next time they try to pull this up when connected to a real network. Alas, it seems like // Firefox mobile was caching it, so we need the cache control headers. run( F("cat >/www/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi </www/index.html <<'EOM'" NL //----- "" NL "" NL " " NL " Blink Me" NL "" NL "
" NL "" NL "


" NL "" NL "" NL "
" NL //----- "EOM" NL)); // ---------------------- setupControl CGI // Create the /cgi-bin/control.cgi that is called from the UI at index.html // and sends the commands to the Arduino via the tty link // Quote the here-document so QUERY_STRING doesn't get evaluated now // This may look unsecure and a potential path for an attacker to inject shell // commands using the query string, but I think it is OK becuase the variable // will only get evaluated once and then sent to the Arduino run( F("cat >/www/cgi-bin/control.cgi <<'EOM' " NL //----- "#!/bin/sh" NL "echo $QUERY_STRING >/dev/ttyATH0" NL "echo Cache-Control: no-cache" NL "echo Content-type: text/plain" NL "echo " NL "echo Command sent" NL //----- "EOM" NL)); // Make the new control CGI script executable... run( F("chmod +x /www/cgi-bin/control.cgi")); // Commit all our changes... run( F("uci commit")); // And reboot Linino just to be safe (sometimes seems like just doing a restarts leads to an unreachable state)... // Must be delayed to give Bridge time to ACK the command back to the Arduino, otherwise the Arduino // will keep sending the reboot command over and over again and keep rebooting the Linino forever... run( F("reboot -d 1 &")); // ========================================================================================================== // End of code automatically generated from the shell script BlinkMeSetup.sh Serial.println(F("Setup complete. Now upload the BlinkMe.ino sketch.")); } void loop() { // Signal all done with a 1Hz blinking LED digitalWrite( 13 , LOW ); delay(500); digitalWrite( 13 , HIGH ); delay(500); }