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return false; }); }); function BigTreeCustomControls(selector) { if (selector) { // Setup custom checkboxes $(selector).find("input[type=checkbox]").each(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass("custom_control") && $(this).css("display") != "none") { this.customControl = new BigTreeCheckbox(this); } }); // Setup custom select boxes $(selector).find("select:not([multiple])").each(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass("custom_control") && $(this).css("display") != "none") { this.customControl = new BigTreeSelect(this); } }); // Setup custom file boxes. $(selector).find("input[type=file]").each(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass("custom_control") && $(this).css("display") != "none") { this.customControl = new BigTreeFileInput(this); } }); // Setup custom radio buttons. $(selector).find("input[type=radio]").each(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass("custom_control") && $(this).css("display") != "none") { this.customControl = new BigTreeRadioButton(this); } }); } else { // Setup custom checkboxes $("input[type=checkbox]").each(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass("custom_control") && $(this).css("display") != "none") { this.customControl = new BigTreeCheckbox(this); 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// Copy class name over this.FakeElement.get(0).className = $(element).get(0).className; this.Element = $(element).addClass("custom_control").removeClass("required"); this.Element.hide().after(this.FakeElement); this.FakeElement.on("blur",$.proxy(this.blur,this)) .on("focus",$.proxy(this.focus,this)) .on("change",$.proxy(this.change,this)); }, blur: function() { this.Buffer = this.FakeElement.val(); this.FakeElement.val(str_repeat("•",this.FakeElement.val().length)); }, change: function() { this.Element.val(this.FakeElement.val()); }, focus: function() { this.FakeElement.val(this.Buffer); } }); // !BigTreeCheckbox Class var BigTreeCheckbox = Class.extend({ Element: false, Link: false, init: function(element,text) { this.Element = $(element); if (this.Element.hasClass("custom_control")) { return false; } this.Element.addClass("custom_control"); div = $("
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' + el.html()); this.Container.find("a").removeClass("active"); el.addClass("active"); // Close the dropdown this.close(); // Tell the ',$.proxy(this.saveNewFile,this),"caption"); } else { this.saveNewFile({ caption: "" }); } return false; }, deletePhoto: function() { new BigTreeDialog("Remove Photo",'

Are you sure you want to remove this photo?

',$.proxy(function() { $(this).parents("li").remove(); },this),"delete",false,"OK"); return false; }, editPhoto: function(ev) { link = $(ev.target); this.activeCaption = link.siblings(".caption"); new BigTreeDialog("Image Caption",'
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  • ').html('
    Awaiting Uploading
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  • ').html('
    Awaiting Uploading
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    ',$.proxy(this.createFile,this),"folder",false,"Upload File",true,this.cancelAdd); return false; }, addFolder: function() { new BigTreeDialog("New Folder",'
    ',$.proxy(this.createFolder,this),"folder",false,"Create Folder",true,this.cancelAdd); return false; }, cancelAdd: function() { $(".bigtree_dialog_overlay").last().remove(); $(".bigtree_dialog_window").last().remove(); BigTree.zIndex -= 2; return false; }, chooseImageSize: function() { $("#file_browser_upload").unbind("click").html("").css({ cursor: "default" }).click(function() { return false; }); $("#file_browser_form .footer input.blue").hide(); $("#file_browser_info_pane").css({ height: "437px", marginTop: 0 }); size_pane = $("#file_browser_size_pane"); size_pane.html('

    Select Image Size

    Click on an image size below to insert into your content.

    '); for (i = 0; i< this.availableThumbs.length; i++) { size = this.availableThumbs[i]; link = $(''); link.attr("href",size.file.replace("{wwwroot}", "www_root/").replace("{staticroot}","static_root/")); link.html(size.name); size_pane.append(link); } link = $(''); link.attr("href",$("#file_browser_selected_file").val().replace("{wwwroot}", "www_root/").replace("{staticroot}","static_root/")); link.html("Original"); size_pane.append(link); size_pane.css({ marginLeft: "210px" }); $("#file_browser_info_pane").css({ marginLeft: "-1px" }); size_pane.find("a").click(function() { BigTreeFileManager.fieldName.value = $(this).attr("href"); BigTreeFileManager.closeFileBrowser(); return false; }); }, closeFileBrowser: function() { $(".bigtree_dialog_overlay").last().remove(); $("#file_browser").remove(); BigTree.zIndex = BigTree.zIndexBackup; $("#mceModalBlocker, #mce-modal-block").show(); return false; }, createFile: function() { $("body").append($('\
    \ \ \ \
    \ \
    \ \
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