.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _changelog: ChangeLog ========= 0.2.0: First release for the TER. 0.3.0: Now optimized for Bootstrap 4. New settings: showAnswersAtFinalPage and template. 0.4.0: Now polls possible, because all submited results are avaiable. New settings: showOwnAnswers, showAllAnswers, templateLayout... 0.5.0: Now for TYPO3 8 and 9. Backend module added. Charts added. Deletion-task changed: delete-flag and real deletion now possible. Lazy loading removed, because delete cascade does not work with lazy loading. New settings: showPageNo and showQuestionNo. 0.6.0: Donut chart added. Session-token added to prevent reload-manipulations. New settings: user.useCookie. 0.7.0: Text-answer now possible. Thanks to Gerald Loss. New settings: user.checkFEuser. Bug fixed: anonymous IP address. 1.0.0: Question mode "Show a comment" and "Star rating" implemented. 1.1.0: Question mode "Enter a comment (textarea)" implemented. New settings: checkAllStars. Sending of emails now possible. Using of FE-user-data, if user.checkFEuser is set. Dropped support for TYPO3 8. Now for TYPO3 9 and 10. 1.2.0: New feature: 50:50 joker. Page layout view / preview in the backend. Bugfix: summation of points works now with negative points too. Bugfix: FlexForms in TYPO3 10. Bugfix: hidden-fields in the backend. 1.3.0: New setting: ajaxType. New setting: email.likeFinalPage. New settings: showEveryAnswer and option 2 for showOwnAnswers and showCorrectAnswers. Bugfix: sending of emails. 1.4.0: New setting: resultPageUid and new action: result for a result page. Possibility added to add a question to a quiz via backend module. Question mode "Yes/no-boxes (2 radio-buttons)" implemented. Important bugfix for PHP 7.3 and other bugfixes points related. 1.5.0: Bodytext and image added to the evaluation. Routing/slug/path segment added to a quiz. Categories added to a quiz. Layout of yes/no-questions changed. New settings: setMetatags. Sorting of selected answers of a participant: using now an array instead of an object. Another bugfix points related. See issues #12 - #18. 2.0.0: The ajax-action gets now the quiz-object. Media-field added to a quiz. Default value of the setting showAnswersAtFinalPage and showAllAnswers changed from 0 to 1. Default value of the setting showOwnAnswers changed from 1 to 2. Default value of startPageUid removed! Setting showPageUid added. Shows now the points only if the maximum points are greater than 0. jQuery can now be loaded in the footer. Important: probably you need to flush all caches. 2.1.0: Highscore action added. Explanation added to the result action/view. Completed-field added: final page reached? Deutsche Übersetzungen. Bugfix for TYPO3 10. Important: probably you need to flush all caches. 2.2.0: showByTag action added. Tag for a question added. intro action and settings introContentUid, introNextAction added. Showing all answers of a text-answer in the chart in the backend. Showing the start and end time in the backend. A time period can be defined for a quiz and/or a tag. TCA-Bugfix for TYPO3 10. Refactoring. 3.0.0/2: Version for TYPO3 10 and 11. closure action and setting closurePageUid added. Default-value for setting ajaxType changed from POST to GET. Language of a participant and his answers changed from 0 to -1. Breaking: myquizpoll-import-task removed. 3.1.1: Setting user.useQuizPid, noFormCheck, random and allowEdit added. Possibility added to move questions from one quiz to another quiz. More Flexforms. 3.1.2: Bugfix for breaking change in TYPO3 11.5.0. 3.2.0: Every question can now be set to be optional. Setting template.optionalMark added. The answer of text-fields is now checked too (it is no longer optional, but can be set to optional). The RatingStar.css will now be included by the viewhelper f:asset in the template itself. Use includeRatingCSS=0 to disable it. Setting template.col12 added for questions without an image. Div with class card-body added to all cards. Variable participant.username added. 3.3.0/1: Backend-Layout adapted for TYPO3 11.5. Evaluation of the most used category is now possible too. Setting showDetailedCategoryEvaluation added. TYPO3 categories are now available at a quiz, question, answer, selected and evaluation. Mandatory questions are now marked when an error appears. The error message is now not a JavaScript-alert-message. 2 widgets for the TYPO3 dashboard added (the extension dashboard is required in TYPO3 11). Supports now PHP 8; thanks to Gerald Loss. Bugfix: moving participant data to another folder. Bugfix: check of checkboxes fixed. 3.4.0: The answer of textarea-fields is now checked too (it is no longer optional, but can be set to optional). CSV-export added as scheduler task. Dashboard no longer required in TYPO3 11. Layout optimizations. 3.4.4: Bugfix: persist data before evaluation. Bugfix: category evaluation. Bugfix: wrong Namespace in TemplateLayout corrected. 3.5.0/1: Mandatory check with PHP too, if setting phpFormCheck=1. New question mode: matrix with categories of a question. 3.5.2: Security fix: checking participant against a session-key. Please read the section Administrator / Security fix in version 3.5.2. Security fix: check if a quiz/poll is allowed on a page. Therefore, the defaultQuizUid was removed in the settings! 3.5.5: Replaced invocation of PersistenceManager with DI #46. Reformatting source code and PHP 8 bugfix. Bugfix: optional checkbox was not clickable. 3.6.0: Tabs introduced to a quiz entry in the backend. Questions and evaluations are now collapsed. Setting closed added: participation is than not possible. Type added to a quiz-entry. Bugfix sending emails and adminEmail can now contain more email-addresses and in debug mode the email-content will be prompted. Bugfix for other languages than 0 and PHP 8 bugfix. 3.7.0: Closed-checkbox added to a quiz too. Using a target-action at the list-view. New FE-layout for results: detailed table-list. allowEdit = 2 is new (allow edit even the status is completed). Bugfix: delete old selections when they are replaced in the edit mode. Bugfix: do not ignore changed user-data in edit mode. 3.7.1: Absolute path to images in emails. debug-echo removed. PHP 8 bugfix. 4.0: Breaking: all plugins must be changed via an update-script (in the install-tool)! TypoScript module.tx_fpmasterquiz_web_fpmasterquizmod1 changed to module.tx_fpmasterquiz. Note for the Ajax-version: maybe you need to change the value of "ajaxfpmasterquiz_page.10.pluginName". 4.1: TypoScript-files renamed from .ts to .typoscript. Prevent PHP and JavaScript errors from missing settings. Upgrade Wizard for old file references. 4.2: Questions can now be closed too. Bugfix for: prevent PHP and JavaScript errors from missing settings. 4.3: Setting redirectToResultPageAtFinal added: redirect to the result page when the final page is reached? Setting pointsMode added: 0 points if not all answers are correct now possible. 5.0: Refactoring with the rector-tool. settings.debug=2 is new. If 2 instead of 1, the debug output will be written into a log file. settings.user.checkFEuser allows now values greater than 1. Bugfix for settings.pointsMode 4. 5.0.3: Bugfix: prevent multiple ajax calls. Bugfix: Matrix-Display. 5.1: More layout possibilities: group a normal quiz/poll by tags; show answers inline (span instead of div). 5.1.4: More support for group by tags. More support for matrix-questions. 5.1.6: Bugfix: backend preview. Remove of deprecated methods and sql-fields. 5.1.7: Bugfix: sorting-error of selected-table. 5.1.8: Bugfix: translations in Ajax-mode. 5.1.9: Bugfix: points calculation for modes 3 and 4. 5.1.10/1: Bugfix: allow backend-module for users. 5.2.0: Refactoring with the rector-project. Preparations for TYPO3 13. Attention: the path to the backend templates is now defined in Configuration/page.tsconfig. 6.0.0: First version for TYPO3 13, but emails are not working with TYPO3 13! Upgrade Wizards for old file references and Switchable-Controller-Action-Plugins removed! 6.1.0: Support for TYPO3 12 dropped! The emails work now with TYPO3 13 too, and they are now localized too. 6.1.1: Bugfix: tasks fixed. 7.0.0: Breaking: PlugIns changed from list_type to CType. You need to execute the Upgrade Wizard to change your PlugIns. Breaking: due to a TYPO3 bug (issues/105135), the Ajax-Version is not working anymore! Breaking: layout changed: fieldset added to questions and user data in the form and settings.wrapQuestionTitle1 changed to legend. Documentation translated to german. 7.0.1: Bugfix: the Ajax-version is now working again.