sublime-iRules ============== # About iRules Syntax Highlighting for F5 Networks BIG-IP iRules syntax ( for the Sublime Text Editor * The command completion and syntax highlighting should be complete as of TMOS v15.1. * This includes highlighting and command completion: ![a relative link](../screenshots/commands.png?raw=true) ![a relative link](../screenshots/if.png?raw=true) ![a relative link](../screenshots/when.png?raw=true) * And highligting of deprecated, removed, and illegal functions/events/commands (requires a scheme that supports the "invalid.illegal" and "invalid.deprecated" scopes and not all do. "Monokai" that ships with Sublime Text 3 does, so you can use that to test things out: ![a relative link](../screenshots/deprecated.png?raw=true) * And highlighting of some possible double-substitution issues inside iRules. * And formatting of code (⌘+⇧+P -> iRule: Format Code) This bundle was updated on December 16, 2019 and is currently maintained by James Deucker ( Any suggestions or improvements, please make an issue on the github repo. This bundle is created from both the built-in Tcl syntax by Sublime and the Visual Studio Code extension also by me ( # Installation (Package Management) ## New Way iRules is now in the the main repository. (preferred) - go to the command pallete (⌘+⇧+P) - select "Package Control: Install Package" - type "iRules" and select the iRules package ## Old Way Using Package Control at - Remove the package, if installed manually - Add a repository: - Install sublime-iRules with Package Control. It should pull the correct branch from Github # Notes * I don't yet understand how to properly control the completions so events only happen at when * I haven't yet figured out how to make it so `when` and `proc` can't nest * Many completions are missing * the basic formatter is in and working