@prefix biotools: .
@prefix bsc: .
@prefix bsct: .
@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix edam: .
@prefix sc: .
@prefix schema: .
@prefix xsd: .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal",
"Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0199,
edam:topic_3473 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:26432246" ;
sc:description "The 1000 Genomes Project ran between 2008 and 2015, creating a deep catalogue of human genetic variation. The International Genome Sample Resource (IGSR) was set up to ensure the future usability and accessibility of this data." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0306,
edam:operation_3431 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "1000Genomes" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://www.internationalgenome.org" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Auton A" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1276 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_2305,
edam:format_3007 ;
sc:name "Nucleic acid features" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0102 ;
sc:author "Ensembl team" ;
sc:description "Map your data to the current assembly." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2944 ;
sc:name "1000Genomes assembly converter" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:provider "EMBL-EBI" ;
sc:softwareHelp ,
sc:softwareVersion "1" ;
sc:url "http://browser.1000genomes.org/tools.html" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Ensembl Genomes webteam" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_2012 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_2572,
edam:format_3016 ;
sc:name "Sequence coordinates" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0080 ;
sc:author "Ensembl Genomes team" ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:22543379" ;
sc:description "Get a subset of data from a BAM or VCF file." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2121 ;
sc:name "1000Genomes data slicer" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:provider "EMBL-EBI" ;
sc:softwareHelp ,
sc:softwareVersion "1" ;
sc:url "http://browser.1000genomes.org/tools.html" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Ensembl Genomes webteam" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_2610 ;
sc:name "Ensembl ID" ] ;
bsc:output [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_2610 ;
sc:name "Ensembl ID" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3345 ;
sc:author "Ensembl team" ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "Convert a set of Ensembl IDs from a previous release into their current equivalents." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3282 ;
sc:name "1000Genomes ID history converter" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:provider "EMBL-EBI" ;
sc:softwareHelp ,
sc:softwareVersion "1" ;
sc:url "http://browser.1000genomes.org/tools.html" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Ensembl Genomes webteam" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_3498 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_3016 ;
sc:name "Sequence variations" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0199 ;
sc:author "Ensembl Genomes team",
"Resequencing Informatics" ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:20459805" ;
sc:contributor "Resequencing Informatics" ;
sc:description "Identify variation patterns in a chromosomal region of interest for different individuals." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3504 ;
sc:name "1000Genomes Variation Pattern Finder" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:provider "EMBL-EBI" ;
sc:softwareHelp ,
sc:softwareVersion "1" ;
sc:url "http://browser.1000genomes.org/tools.html" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Ensembl Genomes webteam" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_3498 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_3016 ;
sc:name "Sequence variations" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0102,
edam:topic_0199 ;
sc:author "Ensembl Genomes team",
"Resequencing Informatics" ;
sc:contributor "Resequencing Informatics" ;
sc:description "Convert a VCF file into a linkage pedigree file (ped) and a marker information file, which together may be loaded into ld visualization tools like Haploview." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0335 ;
sc:name "1000Genomes VCF2PED" ;
sc:provider "EMBL-EBI" ;
sc:softwareHelp ,
sc:softwareVersion "1" ;
sc:url "http://browser.1000genomes.org/tools.html" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Ensembl Genomes webteam" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0622,
edam:topic_3676 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:38350858" ;
sc:description "An intuitive and efficient tool for filtering VCF files." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3227,
edam:operation_3695 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "123VCF" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://project123vcf.sourceforge.io" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0099,
edam:topic_0749 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "Tool to evaluate 13C chemical shift assignments of RNA." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3431 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "13Check_RNA" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "https://github.com/BIOS-IMASL/13Check_RNA" ;
biotools:primaryContact "A. A. Icazatti",
"J. A. Vila" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3534 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:25735772" ;
sc:description "Webserver that predicts 14-3-3-binding sites by combining predictions from three different classifiers: ANN, PSSM and SVM." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2479,
edam:operation_2575 ;
sc:name "14-3-3-Pred" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/1433pred" ;
biotools:primaryContact "The Barton Group" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0637,
edam:topic_3174 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:36304264" ;
sc:description "16S-ITGDB is an integrated database for improving taxonomic classification of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0310,
edam:operation_3460 ;
sc:license "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0" ;
sc:name "16S-ITGDB" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/yphsieh/ItgDB" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool",
"Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0080,
edam:topic_3474 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:25646627" ;
sc:description "Random Forest based tool which is developed to carry out fast, efficient and accurate taxonomic classification of 16S rRNA sequences. It has the unique ability to classify small Hypervariable Regions of 16S rRNA." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3460 ;
sc:name "16S classifier" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://metabiosys.iiserb.ac.in/16Sclassifier/application.php" ;
biotools:primaryContact "MetaBioSys Group" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool",
"Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0080,
edam:topic_3301 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:29297318" ;
sc:description "Comprehensive analysis pipeline for rapid pathogen detection in clinical samples based on 16S metagenomic sequencing." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2454 ;
sc:name "16sPIP" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://16spip.mypathogen.cn/" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Wen Zhang" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1276 ;
sc:name "Nucleic acid features" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0091,
edam:topic_3673 ;
sc:description "Cloud-based platform. Providing bioinformatic analysis of bacteria. Species identification (16S, WGS), typing (MLST, cgMLST, SNP), antibiotic resistance profiling, virulence. Possibility to add metadata for transmission analysis." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3840 ;
sc:name "1928 Diagnostics" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "https://www.1928diagnostics.com/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web API",
"Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0634,
edam:topic_3305 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "19 and Me: COVID-19 Risk Score Calculator is a tool that synthesizes reported COVID-19 geographic case data and rapidly evolving scientific research to help you ballpark how much risk this disease poses to you." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2428,
edam:operation_3503 ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "19andMe" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "https://19andme.covid19.mathematica.org" ;
biotools:primaryContact .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3070,
edam:topic_3382 ;
sc:description "Demonstrates Professor Grigoryan's illustration of geometrical interpretation of the 1-D DFT." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0337 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "Geometrical interpretation of the 1-D DFT" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29788-geometrical-interpretation-of-the-1-d-dft" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Michael Chan" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0102,
edam:topic_3168 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:34090332" ;
sc:description "Mapping-free variant detection from DNA-seq data of matched samples." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0524,
edam:operation_3472 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "2-kupl" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/yunfengwang0317/2-kupl" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0622,
edam:topic_3673 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:33406042" ;
sc:description "2019nCoVAS is a web service for different analyses including transmission, genome, and psychological stress." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0324,
edam:operation_2426 ;
sc:name "2019nCoVAS" ;
sc:url "http://www.combio-lezhang.online/2019ncov/home.html" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool",
"Workflow" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0622,
edam:topic_3474 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:27911828" ;
sc:description "2020plus classifies genes as an oncogene, tumor suppressor gene, or as a non-driver gene from small somatic variants by using Random Forests." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0276,
edam:operation_3504 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "Apache-2.0" ;
sc:name "2020plus" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:softwareVersion "v1.2.2" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/KarchinLab/2020plus" ;
biotools:primaryContact .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1460 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_1475 ;
sc:name "Protein structure" ] ;
bsc:output [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_2992 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_3547 ;
sc:name "Protein structure image" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal",
"Web API" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_1317 ;
sc:description "A database including visualizations of protein secondary structure via 2D diagrams. The 2D diagrams are based on whole protein family and they take into account 2D structure of the protein family members." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2486 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "Freeware" ;
sc:name "2DProts" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://2dprots.ncbr.muni.cz/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application",
"Web service" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0166,
edam:topic_3542 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:31114904" ;
sc:description "Webserver for the comparison of secondary structure algorithms and the secondary structure of protein structures." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0267,
edam:operation_2488 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "Unlicense" ;
sc:name "2StrucCompare" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://2struccompare.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/index.php" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Elliot Drew",
"Robert W. Janes" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_2815,
edam:topic_3520 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:35084336" ;
sc:description "2B-Alert Web, an open-access tool for predicting neurobehavioral performance, which accounts for the effects of sleep/wake schedules, time of day, and caffeine consumption, while incorporating the latest scientific findings in sleep restriction, sleep extension, and recovery sleep." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2426 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "2B-Alert Web" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://2b-alert-web.bhsai.org" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3070,
edam:topic_3474 ;
sc:description "Two dimensional cepstral spectrum. The present function calculates the cepstral spectrum of image either gray scale or RGB colored. This spectrum is useful for analysis of an image and suitable for pre-processing of an image for machine learning purposes." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3443,
edam:operation_3860 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "2D Image cepstral analysis" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/51004-2d-image-cepstral-analysis" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Pavel Paunov" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0080,
edam:topic_0154 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:20696175" ;
sc:description "Web-server for generating graphic representation of protein sequences based on the physicochemical properties of their constituent amino acids." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0337,
edam:operation_2479 ;
sc:name "2D-MH" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://www.jci-bioinfo.cn/pplot/2D-MH" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Xiao Lab",
"Xuan Xiao" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1519 ;
sc:name "Peptide molecular weights" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_2373 ;
sc:name "Spot ID" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_3021 ;
sc:name "UniProt accession" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_2091 ;
sc:name "Accession" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1528 ;
sc:name "Protein isoelectric point" ] ;
bsc:output [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1528 ;
sc:name "Protein isoelectric point" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_0942 ;
sc:name "2D PAGE image" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_0897 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_2331 ;
sc:name "Protein property" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0121 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:12923769" ;
sc:description "2D-PAGE database." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0224 ;
sc:name "2D-PAGE" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:provider "University of Siena, Italy" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://www.bio-mol.unisi.it/cgi-bin/2d/2d.cgi" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Luca Bini" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application",
"Web service" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0082,
edam:topic_3542 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "Web server for protein secondary structure visualization." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0468,
edam:operation_0570 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "Unlicense" ;
sc:name "2dSS" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://genome.lcqb.upmc.fr/2dss/" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Juliana S.. Bernardes" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:description "Algorithms for 2D AR and 2D ARMA parameters estimation." ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "2D AR and 2D ARMA parameters estimation" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29360-2d-ar-and-2d-arma-parameters-estimation" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Simona Maggio" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0078,
edam:topic_3520 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:32307725" ;
sc:description "2DE-pattern is a database containing data on proteins/isoforms/proteoforms profiles." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2421 ;
sc:name "2DE-pattern" ;
sc:url "http://2de-pattern.pnpi.nrcki.ru" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0203,
edam:topic_3676 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:32108864" ;
sc:description """An imputation method that recovers false zeros (known as dropouts) in single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. It features preventing excessive correction by predicting false zeros and imputing their values accurately by making use of the interrelationships between both genes and cells.
2DImpute takes as input a normalized scRNA-seq data matrix (genes in rows and cells in columns) with or without log-transformation. It outputs the imputed data in the same dimension and the same log-transformation.""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3435,
edam:operation_3557 ;
sc:license "GPL-3.0" ;
sc:name "2DImpute" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/zky0708/2DImpute" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Suite" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0108,
edam:topic_3382 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:32064000" ;
sc:description "A toolkit for content-based local image search." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2421,
edam:operation_3443 ;
sc:license "GPL-3.0" ;
sc:name "2DKD" ;
sc:url "http://github.com/kiharalab/2DKD" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0611,
edam:topic_3318 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:36480578" ;
sc:description "The 2D semiconductor database (2DSdb) provides an ideal platform for computational modeling and design of new 2D semiconductors and heterostructures in photocatalysis, nanoscale devices, and other applications." ;
sc:license "CC-BY-4.0" ;
sc:name "2DSdb" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://materialsdb.cn/2dsdb/index.html" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_3424 ;
sc:name "Raw image" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0611,
edam:topic_1317 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:17055742" ;
sc:description "A software system designed as a user friendly, platform-independent software package for electron crystallography." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3443 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "2DX" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Mac" ;
sc:provider "Instruct" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:softwareVersion "1" ;
sc:url "http://www.2dx.unibas.ch/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_2885,
edam:topic_3053 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:25344498" ;
sc:description "Algorithm that searches graphs produced from the de novo assembler cortex." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0484,
edam:operation_3225 ;
sc:name "2kplus2" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "https://github.com/danmaclean/2kplus2" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Team MacLean" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0659,
edam:topic_3512 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:32138598" ;
sc:description "2lpiRNApred is a 2-layer integrated program for identifying piRNAs in the first layer and determining if piRNAs have the function of instructing target mRNA deadenylation in the second layer." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3936,
edam:operation_3937 ;
sc:name "2lpiRNApred" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/JianyuanLin/2lpiRNApred" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0621,
edam:topic_3512 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "Two-pass alignment using machine-learning-filtered splice junctions increases the accuracy of intron detection in long-read RNA sequencing." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0232,
edam:operation_3695 ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "2passtools" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/bartongroup/2passtools" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0622,
edam:topic_3299 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:32349677" ;
sc:description """2SigFinder implements multiscale statistical algorithm to predict genomic islands from a single genome. It uses small-scale test with large-scale features to score small region deviating from the host and large-scale statistical test with small-scale features to identify multi-window segments for identification of genomic islands.
2SigFinder is a novel prediction method, the first combined use of small-scale and large-scale statistical testing for genomic island detection. 2SigFinder was tested by genomic island boundary detection and identification of genomic islands or functional features of real biological data.
Genomic island (GI) is a cluster of genes in prokaryotic genomes that have probable horizontal origins.""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0362,
edam:operation_3461 ;
sc:name "2SigFinder" ;
sc:url "http://bioinfo.zstu.edu.cn/2SigFinder" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3176 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:19588093" ;
sc:description "Manually curated 3C (Chromosome conformation capture) database." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0224 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3CDB" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://3cdb.big.ac.cn/index.jsp" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Script" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3382 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:31510673" ;
sc:description "A method for adversarial domain adaptation for cross data source macromolecule in situ structural classification in cellular electron cryo-tomograms." ;
sc:license "GPL-3.0" ;
sc:name "3D-ADA" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/xulabs/aitom/tree/master/aitom/classify/deep/supervised/cnn/domain_adaptation_adversarial" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0204,
edam:topic_3335 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "3D Cardiomics is a web application that enables the viewing of the 3D transcriptome of the human heart." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0313,
edam:operation_3223 ;
sc:name "3D-Cardiomics" ;
sc:url "http://3d-cardiomics.erc.monash.edu/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0082,
edam:topic_3474 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:31487288" ;
sc:description "A 3D convolutional neural network to estimate protein model accuarcy based on local structure quality assessment." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0321,
edam:operation_0480 ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "3DCNN" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/ishidalab-titech/3DCNN_MQA" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0203,
edam:topic_3295 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:31787081" ;
sc:description "3DChrom is a web application for reconstructing three-dimensional structures of chromatins and TADs using Hi-C data and multidimensional scaling." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0320,
edam:operation_3435 ;
sc:name "3DChrom" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://dna.cs.miami.edu/3DChrom/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0122,
edam:topic_3173 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "The 3D Genome Viewer is a deskop application to view and explore 3D genome models from Hi-C data using virtual reality technology. The goal of 3DGV is to build fully immersive VR genome browser where the user can seamlessly interact." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0570,
edam:operation_3208 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3D Genome Viewer (3DGV)" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Mac",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://3dgv.cs.mcgill.ca/" ;
biotools:primaryContact .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_2229,
edam:topic_3421 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:30627639" ;
sc:description "Script that analyzes microglia morphology from 3D data. Outputs include cell and territorial volume, branch length, and number of branch and end points." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3450,
edam:operation_3629 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "3DMorph" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/ElisaYork/3DMorph" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0605,
edam:topic_3384 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description """3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical image informatics, image processing, and three-dimensional visualization.
Related to bio.tools/fossilj.""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3443 ;
sc:name "3DSlicer" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "https://www.slicer.org/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0176,
edam:topic_3382 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:30886414" ;
sc:description "Creates high-quality 3D/4D animations using a natural-language based syntax." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0250,
edam:operation_0337 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "BSD-2-Clause" ;
sc:name "3Dscript" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "https://imagej.net/3Dscript" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Benjamin Schmid" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_3495 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_1931 ;
sc:name "RNA sequence" ] ;
bsc:output [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_3768 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_3508,
edam:format_3603 ;
sc:name "Clustered expression profiles" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_3112 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_3751 ;
sc:name "Gene expression matrix" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_2048 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_2331 ;
sc:name "Report" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Workflow" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3308 ;
sc:author ,
"Philippe Bordron" ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:33238118" ;
sc:contributor ;
sc:description """A Snakemake-based pipeline for 3' sequencing RNA profiling data analysis. This 3’ Digital gene expression sequencing technique allows a precise and low-cost transcriptome profiling.
The main steps of the pipeline are:
- Samples demultiplexing transform the raw paired-end fastq files into a single-end fastq file for each sample.
- Alignment on refseq reference transcriptome is performed using bwa.
- Aligned reads are parsed and UMI are counted for each gene in each sample to create an expression matrix.
If secondary analysis has been asked (providing a comparisons file), the expression matrix is normalized and differentially expressed genes (DEG) are searched using deseq2.
- If DEG are found, annotation is performed using the database GO and KEGG.
- A report is provided listing the main quality controls performed and the results found.
Cite : https://dx.doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.pex-1336/v1""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0531,
edam:operation_3563 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3SRP" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux" ;
sc:provider "BiRD bioinformatics facility" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:softwareVersion "1.0" ;
sc:url "https://gitlab.univ-nantes.fr/bird_pipeline_registry/srp-pipeline" ;
biotools:primaryContact .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0625,
edam:topic_3517 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:34432052" ;
sc:description "An atlas of 3'UTR alternative polyadenylation quantitative trait loci across human normal tissues." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2943,
edam:operation_3799 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3 aQTL-atlas" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://wlcb.oit.uci.edu/3aQTLatlas" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0196,
edam:topic_3697 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "3CAC is a three-class classifier designed to classify contigs in mixed metagenome assemblies as phages, plasmids, chromosomes, or uncertain. 3CAC generates its initial classification by existing classifiers: viralVerify, PPR-Meta, PlasClass, and deepVirFinder. Thus, prior to running 3CAC, installation of these tools are required." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0310,
edam:operation_3731 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "3CAC" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/Shamir-Lab/3CAC" ;
biotools:primaryContact .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Script" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0102,
edam:topic_3474 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:34270679" ;
sc:description "Pathogenicity prediction of human variants using multitask learning with evolutionary constraints." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0331,
edam:operation_3461 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "CC-BY-NC-4.0" ;
sc:name "3Cnet" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://zenodo.org/record/4716879#.YIO-xqkzZH1" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3300,
edam:topic_3304 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:31449837" ;
sc:description "3d-SPADE is a method to find reoccurring spike patterns in parallel spike train data, and to determine their statistical significance. It is a part of Elephant." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3501 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "BSD-3-Clause" ;
sc:name "3d-SPADE" ;
sc:url "https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/spade.html" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool",
"Web API",
"Web service" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_1317,
edam:topic_2275 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "The 3D-Beacons Network provides unified programmatic access to experimentally determined and predicted structure models." ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "Apache-2.0" ;
sc:name "3D-Beacons" ;
sc:softwareHelp ,
sc:softwareVersion "1.0.0" ;
sc:url "https://3d-beacons.org" ;
biotools:primaryContact .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1460 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_1476 ;
sc:name "Protein structure" ] ;
bsc:output [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_3870 ;
sc:encodingFormat edam:format_1476,
edam:format_3874 ;
sc:name "Trajectory data" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Workflow" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0081,
edam:topic_3892 ;
sc:author "Adam Hospital" ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:32566135" ;
sc:contributor "Genís Bayarri" ;
sc:description "This workflow illustrates the process of generating protein conformational ensembles from 3D structures and analysing its molecular flexibility, step by step, using the BioExcel Building Blocks library (biobb). Workflow included in the ELIXIR 3D-Bioinfo Implementation Study: Building on PDBe-KB to chart and characterize the conformation landscape of native proteins" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0250,
edam:operation_3891 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "Apache-2.0" ;
sc:name "3D-BioInfo + BioExcel: Protein Conformational Ensembles Generation" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:provider "3D-BioInfo" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:softwareVersion "1.0" ;
sc:url "https://mmb.irbbarcelona.org/biobb/workflows#protein-conformational-ensembles-generation" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Adam Hospital" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool",
"Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0078,
edam:topic_2814 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:17335583" ;
sc:description "3D-BLAST is a very fast and accurate method for discovering the homologous proteins and evolutionary classifications of a newly determined protein structure." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2421,
edam:operation_2479 ;
sc:name "3D-BLAST beta" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:softwareVersion "1.02" ;
sc:url "http://3d-blast.life.nctu.edu.tw/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Plug-in" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_2229,
edam:topic_3384 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:31950986" ;
sc:description "An open-source active surface tool for single-cell segmentation in 3D microscopy images. It is a plugin for Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (https://www.mitk.org/)." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3552 ;
sc:name "3D-Cell-Annotator" ;
sc:url "http://www.3D-cell-annotator.org" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3306,
edam:topic_3452 ;
sc:description "An interactive tool for users to browse through sagittal, axial and coronal views of CT/MRI images." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3443 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3D CT MRI images interactive sliding viewer" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29134-3d-ct-mri-images-interactive-sliding-viewer" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Gang Wang" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0092,
edam:topic_1317 ;
sc:author ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:19417072" ;
sc:description "A web server for generation of 3D-structural DNA models with a defined conformation by providing control over both ‘global’ and ‘local’ conformational features." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0570,
edam:operation_2481 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3D-DART" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:provider ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:softwareVersion "1" ;
sc:url "https://milou.science.uu.nl/services/3DDART/" ;
biotools:primaryContact .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3070,
edam:topic_3382 ;
sc:description "Generate in 3D the diffusion gradient vector field as in Xu and Prince 1998" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3443 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3D Diffusion gradient" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/31994-diffusion-gradient-vector-field-in-3d" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Khaled Khairy" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Workflow" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0102,
edam:topic_0654 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:28336562" ;
sc:description "3D de novo assembly (3D-DNA) is a pipeline for de novo assembly using HiC." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0524,
edam:operation_3216 ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "3d-dna" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/aidenlab/3d-dna" ;
biotools:primaryContact .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0081,
edam:topic_3314 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:28125221" ;
sc:description "Structural Cheminformatics Research Infrastructure in a Freely Available Virtual Machine." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2406,
edam:operation_3646 ;
sc:name "3D-e-Chem-VM" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://3d-e-chem.github.io/3D-e-Chem-VM/" ;
biotools:primaryContact "C. De. Graaf",
"Ross Mcguire",
"S. Verhoeven" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0078,
edam:topic_3534 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:19767616" ;
sc:description "3D-footprint provides estimates of binding specificity for all protein-DNA complexes available at the Protein Data Bank. The web interface allows the user to: (i) browse DNA-binding proteins by keyword; (ii) find proteins that recognize a similar DNA motif and (iii) BLAST similar DNA-binding proteins, highlighting interface residues in the resulting alignments. Comparisons with expert-curated databases RegulonDB and TRANSFAC support the quality of structure-based estimates of specificity." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0321,
edam:operation_3561 ;
sc:name "3D-Footprint" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://floresta.eead.csic.es/3dfootprint" ;
biotools:primaryContact "3D-Footprint Support" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3306,
edam:topic_3382 ;
sc:description "A toolbox for performing image registrations on 4D RTOG files or any other volumetric image." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3443 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3D Free Form Image Registration Toolbox (GUI)" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/21017-3d-free-form-image-registration-toolbox-gui" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Daniel Markel" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0078,
edam:topic_2814 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:18515349" ;
sc:description "Software for predicting enzyme function from structure rather than sequence. Users input protein coordinates in PDB format to which all known protein structures are compared by 3D structural superposition. Superposition results are displayed through interactive graphics." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0320,
edam:operation_2487 ;
sc:name "3D-Fun" ;
sc:url "http://3dfun.bioinfo.pl" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0203,
edam:topic_3940 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:32442297" ;
sc:description """3D chromatin organization webserver is a 3D genome modeling engine for predicting structural variation-driven alterations of chromatin spatial structure in the human genome.
3D genome organization plays a critical role in its functioning. Alterations of this organization caused by structural variants (SVs) may lead to changes in gene transcription or even to disease. The recent advent of Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) based techniques such as ChIA-PET and Hi-C allows us to investigate genome spatial organization. The rising volume of sequencing data in turn enables highly accurate identification of structural variation. Combination of those two sources of information can reveal mechanisms of genome regulation.""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0481,
edam:operation_3196 ;
sc:name "3D-GNOME" ;
sc:softwareVersion "2.0" ;
sc:url "https://3dgnome.cent.uw.edu.pl/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3070,
edam:topic_3382 ;
sc:description "MATLAB script for converting a image stack into a 3D array." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3443 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3D image stacker" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/38788-3d-image-stack-viewer" ;
biotools:primaryContact "boyexex" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0078,
edam:topic_3542 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:12824423" ;
sc:description "3D-Jury is a protein structure prediction server that collects predictions from multiple servers and generates the final model using a consensus approach." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0267,
edam:operation_0477 ;
sc:name "3D-Jury" ;
sc:url "http://meta.bioinfo.pl/submit_wizard.pl" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1520 ;
sc:name "Peptide hydrophobic moment" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1522 ;
sc:name "Protein sequence hydropathy plot" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:description "Computations of joint angles and displacements, moments and forces (lower / upper limb)" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0407 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3D Kinematics and Inverse Dynamics" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "2.2" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/58021-3d-kinematics-and-inverse-dynamics" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Raphael Dumas" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0078,
edam:topic_0602 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:17517763" ;
sc:description "Tool to predict interacting partners and binding models of a query protein sequence through the analysis of structural complexes." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0474,
edam:operation_2575 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "Unlicense" ;
sc:name "3D-partner" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://gemdock.life.nctu.edu.tw/3d-partner/" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Jinn-Moon Yang",
"Yu-Shu Lo" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3383,
edam:topic_3954 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:32211292" ;
sc:description """3D photoacoustic visualization studio.
Bio Optics and Acoustics Laboratory.""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0297,
edam:operation_3443 ;
sc:name "3D PHOVIS" ;
sc:url "http://www.boa-lab.com" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0078,
edam:topic_0736 ;
sc:citation "pubmed:10526371",
"pubmed:10860755" ;
sc:description "Protein fold recognition using 1d and 3d sequence profiles coupled with secondary structure and solvation potential information." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0245,
edam:operation_0474 ;
sc:name "3D-pssm" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/~3dpssm/index2.html" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Lawrence Kelley" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0209,
edam:topic_3375 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:31595406" ;
sc:description """3D-QSAR is a web portal that brings 3-D QSAR to all electronic devices-the Py-CoMFA web application as tool to build models from pre-aligned datasets.
The underlying idea of any field-based 3-D QSAR is that differences in a target propriety, e.g., biological activity, are often closely related to equivalent changes in shapes and intensities of noncovalent calculated interaction surrounding the molecules (also called molecular interaction fields, MIFs).""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0478,
edam:operation_3659 ;
sc:name "3d-qsar" ;
sc:url "http://www.3d-qsar.com" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0203,
edam:topic_3518 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:33345702" ;
sc:description """3D RNA-seq appA powerful and flexible tool for rapid and accurate differential expression and alternative splicing analysis of RNA-seq data for biologists.
3D RNA-seq is currently under a dual-licensing model.""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0264,
edam:operation_3800 ;
sc:name "3D RNA-seq" ;
sc:url "https://3drnaseq.hutton.ac.uk/app_direct/3DRNAseq/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3070,
edam:topic_3382 ;
sc:description "3D Shepp-Logan Phantom is a 3D extension of MATLAB's phantom function - generates a phantom consisting of an arbitrary number of ellipsoids in 3D." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3755 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3D Shepp-Logan Phantom" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50974-3d-shepp-logan-phantom" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Patrick Bolan" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0166 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:24573477" ;
sc:description "3D-SURFER is a web-based tool for real-time protein surface comparison and analysis. The server integrates a repertoire of methods to assist in high throughput screening and visualization of protein surface comparisons." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2479,
edam:operation_3666 ;
sc:name "3D-SURFER" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://kiharalab.org/3d-surfer/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3067,
edam:topic_3954 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:33057891" ;
sc:description "3D-XGuide is a software framework providing a foundation for rapid prototyping of new approaches in the field of XR navigation guidance. Actual software release offers graphical user interface with basic functionality including data import and handling, calculation of projection geometry and transformations between related coordinate systems, rigid 3D-3D registration, and template-matching-based tracking and motion compensation algorithms in 2D and 3D." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0337,
edam:operation_3443 ;
sc:license "BSD-2-Clause" ;
sc:name "3D-XGuide" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/ExCaVI-Ulm/3D-XGuide" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0082,
edam:topic_0099 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:31450739" ;
sc:description "An Web Server for RNA 3D structure prediction." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0278,
edam:operation_2441 ;
sc:name "3dRNA" ;
sc:softwareVersion "v2.0" ;
sc:url "http://biophy.hust.edu.cn/3dRNA" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3070,
edam:topic_3382 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:34743262" ;
sc:description "An interactive software for 3D segmentation and analysis of dendritic spines." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3450,
edam:operation_3799 ;
sc:name "3D Spine Analysis Software (3dSpAn)" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "https://sites.google.com/view/3dSpAn/" ;
biotools:primaryContact ,
"Ewa Baczynska",
"Nirmal Das" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3070,
edam:topic_3444 ;
sc:description "This software contains 2D and 3D Shepp-Logan phantoms in both the image and Fourier domains." ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "Three Dimensional Analytical Magnetic Resonance Imaging Phantom in the Fourier Domain" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareVersion "" ;
sc:url "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/15697-three-dimensional-analytical-magnetic-resonance-imaging-phantom-in-the-fourier-domain" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Cheng Guan Koay" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
bsc:input [ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1146 ;
sc:name "EMDB ID" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_1127 ;
sc:name "PDB ID" ],
[ a bsct:FormalParameter ;
sc:additionalType edam:data_3021 ;
sc:name "UniProt accession" ] ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0078,
edam:topic_3366 ;
sc:author ,
"Joan Segura" ;
sc:citation ,
sc:description "Web based application designed to integrate protein structure, protein sequence and protein annotations in a unique graphical environment. The current version of the application offers a unified, enriched and interactive view of EMDB volumes, PDB structures and Uniprot sequences where the protein annotations stored in Uniprot, Immune Epitope DB, Phospho Site Plus, BioMuta and dSysMap can be explored interactively at sequence and structural level." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0564,
edam:operation_2422 ;
sc:funder "CORBEL",
"Comunidad de Madrid",
"Instituto de Salud Carlos III",
"Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation" ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "Apache-2.0" ;
sc:name "3DBIONOTES" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:provider "ELIXIR-ES",
"cnb.csic.es" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:softwareVersion "v3" ;
sc:url "http://3dbionotes.cnb.csic.es/ws" ;
biotools:primaryContact .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Workbench",
"Workflow" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0780,
edam:topic_3500 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:35013443" ;
sc:description "A light and robust tool to do 3D cell instance segmentation for cell membrane images. It is useful when the cells clump together." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3443,
edam:operation_3553 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3DCellSeg" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/AntonotnaWang/3DCellSeg" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_2814 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:21791532" ;
sc:description "3DCOMB is a software which can generate a multiple structure alignment (MSA) with not only as many conserved cores as possible, but also high-quality pairwise alignments." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0295,
edam:operation_0504 ;
sc:name "3DCOMB" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux" ;
sc:softwareVersion "1.06" ;
sc:url "http://ttic.uchicago.edu/~jinbo/software.htm" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Library" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_2229,
edam:topic_3295 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:32859248" ;
sc:description """3DeFDR is a statistical methods for identifying cell type-specific looping interactions in 5C and Hi-C data.
An important unanswered question in chromatin biology is the extent to which long-range looping interactions change across developmental models, genetic perturbations, drug treatments, and disease states. Computational tools for rigorous assessment of cell type-specific loops across multiple biological conditions are needed. We present 3DeFDR, a simple and effective statistical tool for classifying dynamic loops across biological conditions from Chromosome-Conformation-Capture-Carbon-Copy (5C) and Hi-C data. Our work provides a statistical framework and open-source coding libraries for sensitive detection of cell type-specific loops in high-resolution 5C and Hi-C data from multiple cellular conditions""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0481,
edam:operation_3435 ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "3DeFDR" ;
sc:url "https://bitbucket.org/creminslab/5c3defdr" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0128,
edam:topic_3385 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:23671335" ;
sc:description "3DEM Loupe is a web-server that allows normal mode analysis of any uploaded electron microscopy volume. Results can be explored in 3 dimensions through animations and movies." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0321,
edam:operation_3457 ;
sc:name "3DEM Loupe" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://3demloupe.cnb.csic.es" ;
biotools:primaryContact "3DEM Loupe Team" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal",
"Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_3569 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "Robust computational infrastructure capable of supporting the automatic and standardised benchmarking of image processing applications for cryoEM." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2428 ;
sc:name "3DEMBenchmark" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:provider "cnb.csic.es" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://i2pc.cnb.csic.es/3dembenchmark/LoadHome.htm" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Joan Segura" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Workbench" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0082,
edam:topic_3400 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:35664289" ;
sc:description "The 3DFI pipeline predicts the 3D structure of proteins and searches for structural homology in the 3D space." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0303,
edam:operation_3767 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "MIT" ;
sc:name "3DFI" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/PombertLab/3DFI" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0082,
edam:topic_3912 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:35639501" ;
sc:description "A web-server to benchmark computational models for 3D Genomics." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0475,
edam:operation_3435 ;
sc:license "GPL-3.0" ;
sc:name "3DGenBench" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://3dgenbench.net/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0154,
edam:topic_3474 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:35511112" ;
sc:description "3D graph and text based neural network for drug-drug interaction prediction." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_3625,
edam:operation_4009 ;
sc:license "Apache-2.0" ;
sc:name "3DGT-DDI" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/hehh77/3DGT-DDI" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0091,
edam:topic_2275 ;
sc:author "Joan Segura" ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:26772592" ;
sc:description "3DIANA (3D Domain Interaction Analysis) is a web based environment designed to integrate bioinformatics-like information for the analysis of protein interactions and quaternary structure modellling" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2949,
edam:operation_3350 ;
sc:name "3DIANA" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://3diana.cnb.csic.es/" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0128,
edam:topic_0736 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:20965963" ;
sc:description "Collection of protein interactions for which high-resolution three-dimensional structures are known. The interface residues are presented for each interaction type individually, plus global domain interfaces at which one or more partners (domains or peptides) bind. The web server visualizes these interfaces along with atomic details of individual interactions using Jmol." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0246,
edam:operation_2949 ;
sc:name "3DID database of 3D interacting domains" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://3did.irbbarcelona.org/" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Patrick Aloy" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Database portal" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0102,
edam:topic_3295 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:33245777" ;
sc:description """3D-Genome Interaction Viewer & database is a comprehensive resource of 3D genome and 3D cancer genome.
3D genome organization is tightly coupled with gene regulation in various biological processes and diseases. 3D Interaction Viewer and Database (3DIV) is a database providing chromatin interaction visualization in a variety of options from one-to-all chromatin interaction with epigenetic annotation to unique dynamic browsing tools allowing examination of large-scale genomic rearrangement mediated impacts in cancer 3D genome.""" ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_2429,
edam:operation_3435 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:name "3DIV" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://3div.kr" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0082,
edam:topic_3534 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:20513649" ;
sc:description "3DLigandSite is a web server for the prediction of ligand binding sites. Ligands bound to similar protein structures as the query structure are used to predict the binding site." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0474,
edam:operation_2575 ;
sc:name "3DLigandSite" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:softwareHelp ;
sc:url "http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/3dligandsite" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Mark Wass" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Web application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0078,
edam:topic_0166 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:9837739" ;
sc:description "3dLOGO is a server for the identification and analysis of conserved protein three-dimensional (3D) substructures." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0245,
edam:operation_3767 ;
sc:name "3dLOGO" ;
sc:url "http://3dlogo.uniroma2.it/3dLOGO/home.html" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Command-line tool" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0102,
edam:topic_3676 ;
sc:citation ,
"pubmed:38565273" ;
sc:description "A command line tool for bio bank-scale mapping of variants to protein structures." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0321,
edam:operation_3227 ;
sc:isAccessibleForFree true ;
sc:license "GPL-3.0" ;
sc:name "3Dmapper" ;
sc:operatingSystem "Linux",
"Windows" ;
sc:url "https://github.com/vicruiser/3Dmapper" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Script",
"Workbench" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0821,
edam:topic_3569 ;
sc:citation ;
sc:description "This is an in-house code of the FORTH/ICE-HT Laboratory of Simulation of Advanced Materials and Processes, Patras, Greece, providing a reliable 3D reconstruction and simulation of a membrane bioreactor for lactose hydrolysis with immobilized enzymes. The membrane model is coupled to a macroscopic model of a single membrane fiber unit to produce lactose concentration profiles, lactose consumption predictions, and performance index estimates." ;
sc:featureList edam:operation_0250,
edam:operation_2476 ;
sc:name "3DMem-enzyme" ;
sc:url "http://www.iceht.forth.gr/staff/burganos.html" ;
biotools:primaryContact "Vassilios Burganos" .
a sc:SoftwareApplication ;
dcterms:conformsTo "https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.6-DRAFT" ;
sc:additionalType "Desktop application" ;
sc:applicationSubCategory edam:topic_0154,
edam:topic_3382 ;