Alice Nzinga
Chris Stoeckert
Jan-Eric Litton
Jie Zheng
Loreana Norlin
Maria Anderberg
Martin N. Fransson
Mathias Brochhausen
Mikael Eriksson
Roxana Merino-Martinez
Sanela Kjellqvist
William R. Hogan
The Ontology for Biobanking (OBIB) is an ontology for the annotation and modeling of the activities, contents, and administration of a biobank. Biobanks are facilities that store specimens, such as bodily fluids and tissues, typically along with specimen annotation and clinical data. OBIB is based on a subset of the Ontology for Biomedical Investigation (OBI), has the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as its upper ontology, and is developed following OBO Foundry principles. The first version of OBIB resulted from the merging of two existing biobank-related ontologies, OMIABIS and biobank ontology.
MIABIS_v2_accepted and UPenn Biobank ontology
Ontology for BIoBanking (OBIB)
Relates an entity in the ontology to the name of the variable that is used to represent it in the code that generates the BFO OWL file from the lispy specification.
Really of interest to developers only
BFO OWL specification label
Relates an entity in the ontology to the term that is used to represent it in the the CLIF specification of BFO2
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
Really of interest to developers only
BFO CLIF specification label
editor preferred term
The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name for a class or property preferred by the ontology developers. (US-English)
PERSON:Daniel Schober
editor preferred term
example of usage
A phrase describing how a term should be used and/or a citation to a work which uses it. May also include other kinds of examples that facilitate immediate understanding, such as widely know prototypes or instances of a class, or cases where a relation is said to hold.
PERSON:Daniel Schober
example of usage
in branch
An annotation property indicating which module the terms belong to. This is currently experimental and not implemented yet.
in branch
has curation status
PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON:Melanie Courtot
has curation status
The official definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property. Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions.
Barry Smith
The official OBI definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property: 'Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions' is terrible.
Can you fix to something like:
A statement of necessary and sufficient conditions explaining the meaning of an expression referring to a class or property.
Alan Ruttenberg
Your proposed definition is a reasonable candidate, except that it is very common that necessary and sufficient conditions are not given. Mostly they are necessary, occasionally they are necessary and sufficient or just sufficient. Often they use terms that are not themselves defined and so they effectively can't be evaluated by those criteria.
On the specifics of the proposed definition:
We don't have definitions of 'meaning' or 'expression' or 'property'. For 'reference' in the intended sense I think we use the term 'denotation'. For 'expression', I think we you mean symbol, or identifier. For 'meaning' it differs for class and property. For class we want documentation that let's the intended reader determine whether an entity is instance of the class, or not. For property we want documentation that let's the intended reader determine, given a pair of potential relata, whether the assertion that the relation holds is true. The 'intended reader' part suggests that we also specify who, we expect, would be able to understand the definition, and also generalizes over human and computer reader to include textual and logical definition.
Personally, I am more comfortable weakening definition to documentation, with instructions as to what is desirable.
We also have the outstanding issue of how to aim different definitions to different audiences. A clinical audience reading chebi wants a different sort of definition documentation/definition from a chemistry trained audience, and similarly there is a need for a definition that is adequate for an ontologist to work with.
PERSON:Daniel Schober
editor note
An administrative note intended for its editor. It may not be included in the publication version of the ontology, so it should contain nothing necessary for end users to understand the ontology.
PERSON:Daniel Schober
editor note
term editor
Name of editor entering the term in the file. The term editor is a point of contact for information regarding the term. The term editor may be, but is not always, the author of the definition, which may have been worked upon by several people
20110707, MC: label update to term editor and definition modified accordingly. See
PERSON:Daniel Schober
term editor
alternative label
A label for a class or property that can be used to refer to the class or property instead of the preferred rdfs:label. Alternative labels should be used to indicate community- or context-specific labels, abbreviations, shorthand forms and the like.
OBO Operations committee
PERSON:Daniel Schober
Consider re-defing to: An alternative name for a class or property which can mean the same thing as the preferred name (semantically equivalent, narrow, broad or related).
alternative label
definition source
Formal citation, e.g. identifier in external database to indicate / attribute source(s) for the definition. Free text indicate / attribute source(s) for the definition. EXAMPLE: Author Name, URI, MeSH Term C04, PUBMED ID, Wiki uri on 31.01.2007
PERSON:Daniel Schober
Discussion on obo-discuss mailing-list, see
definition source
has obsolescence reason
Relates an annotation property to an obsolescence reason. The values of obsolescence reasons come from a list of predefined terms, instances of the class obsolescence reason specification.
PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON:Melanie Courtot
has obsolescence reason
curator note
An administrative note of use for a curator but of no use for a user
PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg
curator note
term tracker item
the URI for an OBI Terms ticket at sourceforge, such as
An IRI or similar locator for a request or discussion of an ontology term.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert, Alan Ruttenberg
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert, Alan Ruttenberg
The 'tracker item' can associate a tracker with a specific ontology term.
term tracker item
ontology term requester
The name of the person, project, or organization that motivated inclusion of an ontology term by requesting its addition.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert, Alan Ruttenberg
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert, Alan Ruttenberg
The 'term requester' can credit the person, organization or project who request the ontology term.
ontology term requester
is denotator type
Relates an class defined in an ontology, to the type of it's denotator
In OWL 2 add AnnotationPropertyRange('is denotator type' 'denotator type')
Alan Ruttenberg
is denotator type
imported from
For external terms/classes, the ontology from which the term was imported
PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON:Melanie Courtot
imported from
expand expression to
ObjectProperty: RO_0002104
Label: has plasma membrane part
Annotations: IAO_0000424 " some ( and some ?Y)"
A macro expansion tag applied to an object property (or possibly a data property) which can be used by a macro-expansion engine to generate more complex expressions from simpler ones
Chris Mungall
expand expression to
expand assertion to
ObjectProperty: RO???
Label: spatially disjoint from
Annotations: expand_assertion_to "DisjointClasses: ( some ?X) ( some ?Y)"
A macro expansion tag applied to an annotation property which can be expanded into a more detailed axiom.
Chris Mungall
expand assertion to
first order logic expression
PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg
first order logic expression
antisymmetric property
part_of antisymmetric property xsd:true
Use boolean value xsd:true to indicate that the property is an antisymmetric property
Alan Ruttenberg
antisymmetric property
OBO foundry unique label
An alternative name for a class or property which is unique across the OBO Foundry.
The intended usage of that property is as follow: OBO foundry unique labels are automatically generated based on regular expressions provided by each ontology, so that SO could specify unique label = 'sequence ' + [label], etc. , MA could specify 'mouse + [label]' etc. Upon importing terms, ontology developers can choose to use the 'OBO foundry unique label' for an imported term or not. The same applies to tools .
PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON:Bjoern Peters
PERSON:Chris Mungall
PERSON:Melanie Courtot
GROUP:OBO Foundry <>
OBO foundry unique label
has ID digit count
Ontology: <>
'has ID prefix': ""
'has ID digit count' : 7,
rdfs:label "RO id policy"
'has ID policy for': "RO"
Relates an ontology used to record id policy to the number of digits in the URI. The URI is: the 'has ID prefix" annotation property value concatenated with an integer in the id range (left padded with "0"s to make this many digits)
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
has ID digit count
has ID range allocated
Datatype: idrange:1
Annotations: 'has ID range allocated to': "Chris Mungall"
EquivalentTo: xsd:integer[> 2151 , <= 2300]
Relates a datatype that encodes a range of integers to the name of the person or organization who can use those ids constructed in that range to define new terms
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
has ID range allocated to
has ID policy for
Ontology: <>
'has ID prefix': ""
'has ID digit count' : 7,
rdfs:label "RO id policy"
'has ID policy for': "RO"
Relating an ontology used to record id policy to the ontology namespace whose policy it manages
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
has ID policy for
has ID prefix
Ontology: <>
'has ID prefix': ""
'has ID digit count' : 7,
rdfs:label "RO id policy"
'has ID policy for': "RO"
Relates an ontology used to record id policy to a prefix concatenated with an integer in the id range (left padded with "0"s to make this many digits) to construct an ID for a term being created.
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
has ID prefix
person:Alan Ruttenberg
Person:Barry Smith
Primitive terms in a highest-level ontology such as BFO are terms which are so basic to our understanding of reality that there is no way of defining them in a non-circular fashion. For these, therefore, we can provide only elucidations, supplemented by examples and by axioms
has associated axiom(nl)
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
An axiom associated with a term expressed using natural language
has associated axiom(nl)
has associated axiom(fol)
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
An axiom expressed in first order logic using CLIF syntax
has associated axiom(fol)
is allocated id range
Relates an ontology IRI to an (inclusive) range of IRIs in an OBO name space. The range is give as, e.g. "IAO_0020000-IAO_0020999"
PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg
Add as annotation triples in the granting ontology
is allocated id range
has ontology root term
Ontology annotation property. Relates an ontology to a term that is a designated root term of the ontology. Display tools like OLS can use terms annotated with this property as the starting point for rendering the ontology class hierarchy. There can be more than one root.
Nicolas Matentzoglu
has ontology root term
may be identical to
A annotation relationship between two terms in an ontology that may refer to the same (natural) type but where more evidence is required before terms are merged.
David Osumi-Sutherland
Edges asserting this should be annotated with to record evidence supporting the assertion and its provenance.
may be identical to
scheduled for obsoletion on or after
Used when the class or object is scheduled for obsoletion/deprecation on or after a particular date.
Chris Mungall, Jie Zheng
GO ontology
scheduled for obsoletion on or after
has axiom id
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
A URI that is intended to be unique label for an axiom used for tracking change to the ontology. For an axiom expressed in different languages, each expression is given the same URI
has axiom label
term replaced by
Use on obsolete terms, relating the term to another term that can be used as a substitute
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
Add as annotation triples in the granting ontology
term replaced by
ISA alternative term
An alternative term used by the ISA tools project (
Requested by Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran
Person: Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran
Person: Philippe Rocca-Serra
ISA tools project (
ISA alternative term
NIAID GSCID-BRC alternative term
An alternative term used by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases (GSCID) and Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRC).
PERSON: Chris Stoeckert, Jie Zheng
NIAID GSCID-BRC metadata working group
NIAID GSCID-BRC alternative term
IEDB alternative term
An alternative term used by the IEDB.
PERSON:Randi Vita, Jason Greenbaum, Bjoern Peters
IEDB alternative term
This is an annotation used on an object property to indicate a logical characterstic beyond what is possible in OWL.
OBO Operations call
logical characteristic of object property
'part disjoint with' 'defined by construct' """
PREFIX owl: <>
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty :part_of ;
owl:someValuesFrom ?a ;
owl:disjointWith [
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty :part_of ;
owl:someValuesFrom ?b
?a :part_disjoint_with ?b .
Links an annotation property to a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query which is meant to provide semantics for a shortcut relation.
defined by construct
An assertion that holds between an OWL Object Property and a temporal interpretation that elucidates how OWL Class Axioms that use this property are to be interpreted in a temporal context.
temporal interpretation
An assertion that involves at least one OWL object that is intended to be expanded into one or more logical axioms. The logical expansion can yield axioms expressed using any formal logical system, including, but not limited to OWL2-DL.
logical macro assertion
A logical macro assertion whose domain is an IRI for a property
logical macro assertion on a property
Used to annotate object properties to describe a logical meta-property or characteristic of the object property.
logical macro assertion on an object property
An alternative label for a class or property which has a more general meaning than the preferred name/primary label.
has broad synonym
An alternative label for a class or property which has the exact same meaning than the preferred name/primary label.
has exact synonym
An alternative label for a class or property which has a more specific meaning than the preferred name/primary label.
has narrow synonym
An alternative label for a class or property that has been used synonymously with the primary term name, but the usage is not strictly correct.
has related synonym
is part of
my brain is part of my body (continuant parthood, two material entities)
my stomach cavity is part of my stomach (continuant parthood, immaterial entity is part of material entity)
this day is part of this year (occurrent parthood)
a core relation that holds between a part and its whole
Everything is part of itself. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot be part of each other.
Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See
Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent can be part of an occurrent; only a process can be part of a process; only a continuant can be part of a continuant; only an independent continuant can be part of an independent continuant; only an immaterial entity can be part of an immaterial entity; only a specifically dependent continuant can be part of a specifically dependent continuant; only a generically dependent continuant can be part of a generically dependent continuant. (This list is not exhaustive.)
A continuant cannot be part of an occurrent: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot be part of a continuant: use 'has participant'. A material entity cannot be part of an immaterial entity: use 'has location'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot be part of an independent continuant: use 'inheres in'. An independent continuant cannot be part of a specifically dependent continuant: use 'bearer of'.
part of
has part
my body has part my brain (continuant parthood, two material entities)
my stomach has part my stomach cavity (continuant parthood, material entity has part immaterial entity)
this year has part this day (occurrent parthood)
a core relation that holds between a whole and its part
Everything has itself as a part. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot have each other as a part.
Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See
Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent have an occurrent as part; only a process can have a process as part; only a continuant can have a continuant as part; only an independent continuant can have an independent continuant as part; only a specifically dependent continuant can have a specifically dependent continuant as part; only a generically dependent continuant can have a generically dependent continuant as part. (This list is not exhaustive.)
A continuant cannot have an occurrent as part: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot have a continuant as part: use 'has participant'. An immaterial entity cannot have a material entity as part: use 'location of'. An independent continuant cannot have a specifically dependent continuant as part: use 'bearer of'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot have an independent continuant as part: use 'inheres in'.
has part
realized in
this disease is realized in this disease course
this fragility is realized in this shattering
this investigator role is realized in this investigation
is realized by
[copied from inverse property 'realizes'] to say that b realizes c at t is to assert that there is some material entity d & b is a process which has participant d at t & c is a disposition or role of which d is bearer_of at t& the type instantiated by b is correlated with the type instantiated by c. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [059-003])
Paraphrase of elucidation: a relation between a realizable entity and a process, where there is some material entity that is bearer of the realizable entity and participates in the process, and the realizable entity comes to be realized in the course of the process
realized in
this disease course realizes this disease
this investigation realizes this investigator role
this shattering realizes this fragility
to say that b realizes c at t is to assert that there is some material entity d & b is a process which has participant d at t & c is a disposition or role of which d is bearer_of at t& the type instantiated by b is correlated with the type instantiated by c. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [059-003])
Paraphrase of elucidation: a relation between a process and a realizable entity, where there is some material entity that is bearer of the realizable entity and participates in the process, and the realizable entity comes to be realized in the course of the process
x is preceded by y if and only if the time point at which y ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which x starts. Formally: x preceded by y iff ω(y) <= α(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point.
is preceded by
preceded by
x precedes y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x precedes y iff ω(x) <= α(y), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point.
occurs in
b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t
unfolds in
Paraphrase of definition: a relation between a process and an independent continuant, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant
occurs in
site of
[copied from inverse property 'occurs in'] b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t
Paraphrase of definition: a relation between an independent continuant and a process, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant
contains process
[copied from inverse property 'occupies temporal region'] p occupies_temporal_region t. This is a primitive relation between an occurrent p and the temporal region t upon which the spatiotemporal region p occupies_spatiotemporal_region projects. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [132-001])
has temporal occupant
[copied from inverse property 'has history'] b has_history c iff c history_of b [XXX-001
b history_of c if c is a material entity or site and b is a history that is the unique history of cAxiom: if b history_of c and b history_of d then c=d [XXX-001
history of
b has_history c iff c history_of b [XXX-001
[copied from inverse property 'history of'] b history_of c if c is a material entity or site and b is a history that is the unique history of cAxiom: if b history_of c and b history_of d then c=d [XXX-001
has history
A governing organization G1 is subordinate to another governing organization G2 iff there is some authority possessed by G2 that is not possessed by G1 and G1's jurisdiction falls within the relevant jurisdiction of G2.
'is subordinate authority of'
Domain: governing organization
Range: governing organization
Formal properties: transitive, anti-symmetric, irreflexive
Natural language definition: A governing organization G1 is subordinate to another governing organization G2 iff there is some authority possessed by G2 that is not possessed by G1 and G1 falls within the relevant jurisdiction of G2.
is subordinate authority of
has measurement unit label
This document is about information artifacts and their representations
A (currently) primitive relation that relates an information artifact to an entity.
7/6/2009 Alan Ruttenberg. Following discussion with Jonathan Rees, and introduction of "mentions" relation. Weaken the is_about relationship to be primitive.
We will try to build it back up by elaborating the various subproperties that are more precisely defined.
Some currently missing phenomena that should be considered "about" are predications - "The only person who knows the answer is sitting beside me" , Allegory, Satire, and other literary forms that can be topical without explicitly mentioning the topic.
person:Alan Ruttenberg
Smith, Ceusters, Ruttenberg, 2000 years of philosophy
is about
A person's name denotes the person. A variable name in a computer program denotes some piece of memory. Lexically equivalent strings can denote different things, for instance "Alan" can denote different people. In each case of use, there is a case of the denotation relation obtaining, between "Alan" and the person that is being named.
A primitive, instance-level, relation obtaining between an information content entity and some portion of reality. Denotation is what happens when someone creates an information content entity E in order to specifically refer to something. The only relation between E and the thing is that E can be used to 'pick out' the thing. This relation connects those two together. sense 3: To signify directly; refer to specifically
2009-11-10 Alan Ruttenberg. Old definition said the following to emphasize the generic nature of this relation. We no longer have 'specifically denotes', which would have been primitive, so make this relation primitive.
g denotes r =def
r is a portion of reality
there is some c that is a concretization of g
every c that is a concretization of g specifically denotes r
person:Alan Ruttenberg
Conversations with Barry Smith, Werner Ceusters, Bjoern Peters, Michel Dumontier, Melanie Courtot, James Malone, Bill Hogan
m is a quality measurement of q at t. When q is a quality, there is a measurement process p that has specified output m, a measurement datum, that is about q
8/6/2009 Alan Ruttenberg: The strategy is to be rather specific with this relationship. There are other kinds of measurements that are not of qualities, such as those that measure time. We will add these as separate properties for the moment and see about generalizing later
From the second IAO workshop [Alan Ruttenberg 8/6/2009: not completely current, though bringing in comparison is probably important]
This one is the one we are struggling with at the moment. The issue is what a measurement measures. On the one hand saying that it measures the quality would include it "measuring" the bearer = referring to the bearer in the measurement. However this makes comparisons of two different things not possible. On the other hand not having it inhere in the bearer, on the face of it, breaks the audit trail.
Werner suggests a solution based on "Magnitudes" a proposal for which we are awaiting details.
From the second IAO workshop, various comments, [commented on by Alan Ruttenberg 8/6/2009]
unit of measure is a quality, e.g. the length of a ruler.
[We decided to hedge on what units of measure are, instead talking about measurement unit labels, which are the information content entities that are about whatever measurement units are. For IAO we need that information entity in any case. See the term measurement unit label]
[Some struggling with the various subflavors of is_about. We subsequently removed the relation represents, and describes until and only when we have a better theory]
a represents b means either a denotes b or a describes
a describes b means a is about b and a allows an inference of at least one quality of b
We have had a long discussion about denotes versus describes.
From the second IAO workshop: An attempt at tieing the quality to the measurement datum more carefully.
a is a magnitude means a is a determinate quality particular inhering in some bearer b existing at a time t that can be represented/denoted by an information content entity e that has parts denoting a unit of measure, a number, and b. The unit of measure is an instance of the determinable quality.
From the second meeting on IAO:
An attempt at defining assay using Barry's "reliability" wording
process and has_input some material entity
and has_output some information content entity
and which is such that instances of this process type reliably generate
outputs that describes the input.
This one is the one we are struggling with at the moment. The issue is what a measurement measures. On the one hand saying that it measures the quality would include it "measuring" the bearer = referring to the bearer in the measurement. However this makes comparisons of two different things not possible. On the other hand not having it inhere in the bearer, on the face of it, breaks the audit trail.
Werner suggests a solution based on "Magnitudes" a proposal for which we are awaiting details.
Alan Ruttenberg
is quality measurement of
inverse of the relation 'denotes'
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert, Mike Conlon
denoted by
relates a process to a time-measurement-datum that represents the duration of the process
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
is duration of
inverse of the relation of is quality measurement of
2009/10/19 Alan Ruttenberg. Named 'junk' relation useful in restrictions, but not a real instance relationship
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
is quality measured as
relates a time stamped measurement datum to the time measurement datum that denotes the time when the measurement was taken
Alan Ruttenberg
has time stamp
relates a time stamped measurement datum to the measurement datum that was measured
Alan Ruttenberg
has measurement datum
x designates y, if for any given group of language users, x is an information content entity, is about y, and represents y in a linguistic context..
Mathias Brochhausen
p1 is designated by p2, if p2 is an information content entity that represents p1 in a linguistic context.
Mathias Brochhausen
is designated by
A relation that relates a container to a measurement datum that specifies the maximum capacity of the container.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
has maximum capacity
A relation that relates a container to a measurement datum that specifies the actual amount of material in the container.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
has actual load
Mathias Brochhausen
This is a primitive relation. This relation is the foundation to the owners right to have the owned entity at his/her full disposal.
Reinach, A. Sämtliche Werke. Texkritische Ausgabe, München: Philosophia Verlag, 1989, p.189-204.
a administrates b if c owns b and some rights and obligations grounded in the owning relation regarding b are transferred from c to a.
Mathias Brochhausen
Mathias Brochhausen
A definition of "tranfers" object property can be found in d-acts:
a is contact information for b, if a is a information content entity, b is a human being or an organization and a identifies a physical location or electronic resource that allows to initiate communication with a.
Mathias Brochhausen
is contact information about
a is owned by b if b has complete power over a. All rights and obligations of ownership are grounded in this (primitive) relation. The claims and obligations of ownership can be partially transferred to a third party by the owner, b.
Reinach, A. Sämtliche Werke. Texkritische Ausgabe, München: Philosophia Verlag, 1989, p.189-204.
is owned by
The provides_service_consumer_with relation links the service to its primary process it provides for the consumer (as opposed to secondary processual parts of a service process such as payment or documentation). For example, a 'DNA sequencing service' provides_service_consumer_with 'DNA sequencing' as the essential process performed by the provider for the client.
A relation between a service and the primary processual part of the service that is performed by the provider for the consumer.
The relation between the conclusion "Gene tpbA is involved in EPS production" and the data items produced using two sets of organisms, one being a tpbA knockout, the other being tpbA wildtype tested in polysacharide production assays and analyzed using an ANOVA.
The relation between a data item and a conclusion where the conclusion is the output of a data interpreting process and the data item is used as an input to that process
Philly 2011 workshop
see is_input_of example_of_usage
The inverse property of is_specified_input_of
8/17/09: specified inputs of one process are not necessarily specified inputs of a larger process that it is part of. This is in contrast to how 'has participant' works.
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Bjoern Peters
PERSON: Larry Hunter
PERSON: Melanie Coutot
some Autologous EBV(Epstein-Barr virus)-transformed B-LCL (B lymphocyte cell line) is_input_for instance of Chromum Release Assay described at
A relation between a planned process and a continuant participating in that process that is not created during the process. The presence of the continuant during the process is explicitly specified in the plan specification which the process realizes the concretization of.
Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON:Bjoern Peters
The inverse property of is_specified_output_of
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Bjoern Peters
PERSON: Larry Hunter
PERSON: Melanie Courtot
A relation between a planned process and a continuant participating in that process. The presence of the continuant at the end of the process is explicitly specified in the objective specification which the process realizes the concretization of.
Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON:Bjoern Peters
A cell sorting process achieves the objective specification 'material separation objective'
This relation obtains between a planned process and a objective specification when the criteria specified in the objective specification are met at the end of the planned process.
BP, AR, PPPB branch
PPPB branch derived
modified according to email thread from 1/23/09 in accordince with DT and PPPB branch
has grain
the relation of the cells in the finger of the skin to the finger, in which an indeterminate number of grains are parts of the whole by virtue of being grains in a collective that is part of the whole, and in which removing one granular part does not nec- essarily damage or diminish the whole. Ontological Whether there is a fixed, or nearly fixed number of parts - e.g. fingers of the hand, chambers of the heart, or wheels of a car - such that there can be a notion of a single one being missing, or whether, by contrast, the number of parts is indeterminate - e.g., cells in the skin of the hand, red cells in blood, or rubber molecules in the tread of the tire of the wheel of the car.
Discussion in Karslruhe with, among others, Alan Rector, Stefan Schulz, Marijke Keet, Melanie Courtot, and Alan Ruttenberg. Definition take from the definition of granular parthood in the cited paper. Needs work to put into standard form
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PAPER: Granularity, scale and collectivity: When size does and does not matter, Alan Rector, Jeremy Rogers, Thomas Bittner, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 39 (2006) 333-349
has grain
This relation obtains between an objective specification and a planned process when the criteria specified in the objective specification are met at the end of the planned process.
is member of organization
Relating a legal person or organization to an organization in the case where the legal person or organization has a role as member of the organization.
2009/10/01 Alan Ruttenberg. Barry prefers generic is-member-of. Question of what the range should be. For now organization. Is organization a population? Would the same relation be used to record members of a population
JZ: Discussed on May 7, 2012 OBI dev call. Bjoern points out that we need to allow for organizations to be members of organizations. And agreed by the other OBI developers. So, human and organization were specified in 'Domains'. The textual definition was updated based on it.
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
Person:Helen Parkinson
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
Person:Helen Parkinson
2009/09/28 Alan Ruttenberg. Fucoidan-use-case
is member of organization
has disposition to bind
A relationship between two material entitites that each have disposition to form a complex with the other.
This is a shortcut relation, and should expand to say that the two material entities have dispositions, point to the process in which they from a complex that realizes those dispositions, and points to the complex in which the two entities are 'bound to' each other
has disposition to bind
has organization member
Relating an organization to a legal person or organization.
See tracker:
Person: Jie Zheng
has organization member
specifies value of
A relation between a value specification and an entity which the specification is about.
specifies value of
has value specification
A relation between an information content entity and a value specification that specifies its value.
PERSON: James A. Overton
has value specification
Mathias Brochhausen
obsolete owns
Mathias Brochhausen
obsolete administrates
Mathias Brochhausen
obsolete is contact information about
Reinach, A. S�mtliche Werke. Texkritische Ausgabe, M�nchen: Philosophia Verlag, 1989, p.189-204.
obsolete is owned by
BFO relation takes precedence.
We anticipate BFO 2.0 including and defining this relation. When it does, we will obsolete this property and declare it equivalent to the BFO 2.0 relation.
inheres in
this fragility is a characteristic of this vase
this red color is a characteristic of this apple
a relation between a specifically dependent continuant (the characteristic) and any other entity (the bearer), in which the characteristic depends on the bearer for its existence.
Note that this relation was previously called "inheres in", but was changed to be called "characteristic of" because BFO2 uses "inheres in" in a more restricted fashion. This relation differs from BFO2:inheres_in in two respects: (1) it does not impose a range constraint, and thus it allows qualities of processes, as well as of information entities, whereas BFO2 restricts inheres_in to only apply to independent continuants (2) it is declared functional, i.e. something can only be a characteristic of one thing.
characteristic of
bearer of
this apple is bearer of this red color
this vase is bearer of this fragility
Inverse of characteristic_of
A bearer can have many dependents, and its dependents can exist for different periods of time, but none of its dependents can exist when the bearer does not exist.
is bearer of
has characteristic
participates in
this blood clot participates in this blood coagulation
this input material (or this output material) participates in this process
this investigator participates in this investigation
a relation between a continuant and a process, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process
participates in
has participant
this blood coagulation has participant this blood clot
this investigation has participant this investigator
this process has participant this input material (or this output material)
a relation between a process and a continuant, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process
Has_participant is a primitive instance-level relation between a process, a continuant, and a time at which the continuant participates in some way in the process. The relation obtains, for example, when this particular process of oxygen exchange across this particular alveolar membrane has_participant this particular sample of hemoglobin at this particular time.
has participant
A journal article is an information artifact that inheres in some number of printed journals. For each copy of the printed journal there is some quality that carries the journal article, such as a pattern of ink. The journal article (a generically dependent continuant) is concretized as the quality (a specifically dependent continuant), and both depend on that copy of the printed journal (an independent continuant).
An investigator reads a protocol and forms a plan to carry out an assay. The plan is a realizable entity (a specifically dependent continuant) that concretizes the protocol (a generically dependent continuant), and both depend on the investigator (an independent continuant). The plan is then realized by the assay (a process).
A relationship between a generically dependent continuant and a specifically dependent continuant, in which the generically dependent continuant depends on some independent continuant in virtue of the fact that the specifically dependent continuant also depends on that same independent continuant. A generically dependent continuant may be concretized as multiple specifically dependent continuants.
is concretized as
A journal article is an information artifact that inheres in some number of printed journals. For each copy of the printed journal there is some quality that carries the journal article, such as a pattern of ink. The quality (a specifically dependent continuant) concretizes the journal article (a generically dependent continuant), and both depend on that copy of the printed journal (an independent continuant).
An investigator reads a protocol and forms a plan to carry out an assay. The plan is a realizable entity (a specifically dependent continuant) that concretizes the protocol (a generically dependent continuant), and both depend on the investigator (an independent continuant). The plan is then realized by the assay (a process).
A relationship between a specifically dependent continuant and a generically dependent continuant, in which the generically dependent continuant depends on some independent continuant in virtue of the fact that the specifically dependent continuant also depends on that same independent continuant. Multiple specifically dependent continuants can concretize the same generically dependent continuant.
this catalysis function is a function of this enzyme
a relation between a function and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the function specifically depends on the bearer for its existence
A function inheres in its bearer at all times for which the function exists, however the function need not be realized at all the times that the function exists.
is function of
This relation is modeled after the BFO relation of the same name which was in BFO2, but is used in a more restricted sense - specifically, we model this relation as functional (inherited from characteristic-of). Note that this relation is now removed from BFO2020.
function of
this red color is a quality of this apple
a relation between a quality and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the quality specifically depends on the bearer for its existence
A quality inheres in its bearer at all times for which the quality exists.
is quality of
This relation is modeled after the BFO relation of the same name which was in BFO2, but is used in a more restricted sense - specifically, we model this relation as functional (inherited from characteristic-of). Note that this relation is now removed from BFO2020.
quality of
this investigator role is a role of this person
a relation between a role and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the role specifically depends on the bearer for its existence
A role inheres in its bearer at all times for which the role exists, however the role need not be realized at all the times that the role exists.
is role of
This relation is modeled after the BFO relation of the same name which was in BFO2, but is used in a more restricted sense - specifically, we model this relation as functional (inherited from characteristic-of). Note that this relation is now removed from BFO2020.
role of
this enzyme has function this catalysis function (more colloquially: this enzyme has this catalysis function)
a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a function, in which the function specifically depends on the bearer for its existence
A bearer can have many functions, and its functions can exist for different periods of time, but none of its functions can exist when the bearer does not exist. A function need not be realized at all the times that the function exists.
has function
this apple has quality this red color
a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a quality, in which the quality specifically depends on the bearer for its existence
A bearer can have many qualities, and its qualities can exist for different periods of time, but none of its qualities can exist when the bearer does not exist.
has quality
this person has role this investigator role (more colloquially: this person has this role of investigator)
a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a role, in which the role specifically depends on the bearer for its existence
A bearer can have many roles, and its roles can exist for different periods of time, but none of its roles can exist when the bearer does not exist. A role need not be realized at all the times that the role exists.
has role
a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a disposition, in which the disposition specifically depends on the bearer for its existence
has disposition
This relation is modeled after the BFO relation of the same name which was in BFO2, but is used in a more restricted sense - specifically, we model this relation as functional (inherited from characteristic-of). Note that this relation is now removed from BFO2020.
disposition of
this cell derives from this parent cell (cell division)
this nucleus derives from this parent nucleus (nuclear division)
a relation between two distinct material entities, the new entity and the old entity, in which the new entity begins to exist when the old entity ceases to exist, and the new entity inherits the significant portion of the matter of the old entity
This is a very general relation. More specific relations are preferred when applicable, such as 'directly develops from'.
derives from
this parent cell derives into this cell (cell division)
this parent nucleus derives into this nucleus (nuclear division)
a relation between two distinct material entities, the old entity and the new entity, in which the new entity begins to exist when the old entity ceases to exist, and the new entity inherits the significant portion of the matter of the old entity
This is a very general relation. More specific relations are preferred when applicable, such as 'directly develops into'. To avoid making statements about a future that may not come to pass, it is often better to use the backward-looking 'derives from' rather than the forward-looking 'derives into'.
derives into
is location of
my head is the location of my brain
this cage is the location of this rat
a relation between two independent continuants, the location and the target, in which the target is entirely within the location
Most location relations will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See
location of
located in
my brain is located in my head
this rat is located in this cage
a relation between two independent continuants, the target and the location, in which the target is entirely within the location
Location as a relation between instances: The primitive instance-level relation c located_in r at t reflects the fact that each continuant is at any given time associated with exactly one spatial region, namely its exact location. Following we can use this relation to define a further instance-level location relation - not between a continuant and the region which it exactly occupies, but rather between one continuant and another. c is located in c1, in this sense, whenever the spatial region occupied by c is part_of the spatial region occupied by c1. Note that this relation comprehends both the relation of exact location between one continuant and another which obtains when r and r1 are identical (for example, when a portion of fluid exactly fills a cavity), as well as those sorts of inexact location relations which obtain, for example, between brain and head or between ovum and uterus
Most location relations will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See
located in
This is redundant with the more specific 'independent and not spatial region' constraint. We leave in the redundant axiom for use with reasoners that do not use negation.
This is redundant with the more specific 'independent and not spatial region' constraint. We leave in the redundant axiom for use with reasoners that do not use negation.
the surface of my skin is a 2D boundary of my body
a relation between a 2D immaterial entity (the boundary) and a material entity, in which the boundary delimits the material entity
A 2D boundary may have holes and gaps, but it must be a single connected entity, not an aggregate of several disconnected parts.
Although the boundary is two-dimensional, it exists in three-dimensional space and thus has a 3D shape.
boundary of
is 2D boundary of
is boundary of
2D boundary of
my body has 2D boundary the surface of my skin
a relation between a material entity and a 2D immaterial entity (the boundary), in which the boundary delimits the material entity
A 2D boundary may have holes and gaps, but it must be a single connected entity, not an aggregate of several disconnected parts.
Although the boundary is two-dimensional, it exists in three-dimensional space and thus has a 3D shape.
has boundary
has 2D boundary
w 'has component' p if w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type.
has component
p regulates q iff p is causally upstream of q, the execution of p is not constant and varies according to specific conditions, and p influences the rate or magnitude of execution of q due to an effect either on some enabler of q or some enabler of a part of q.
p negatively regulates q iff p regulates q, and p decreases the rate or magnitude of execution of q.
negatively regulates
temporally related to
inverse of starts with
p has input c iff: p is a process, c is a material entity, c is a participant in p, c is present at the start of p, and the state of c is modified during p.
has input
p has output c iff c is a participant in p, c is present at the end of p, and c is not present in the same state at the beginning of p.
has output
p results in the developmental progression of s iff p is a developmental process and s is an anatomical entity and p causes s to undergo a change in state at some point along its natural developmental cycle (this cycle starts with its formation, through the mature structure, and ends with its loss).
results in developmental progression of
an annotation of gene X to anatomical structure formation with results_in_formation_of UBERON:0000007 (pituitary gland) means that at the beginning of the process a pituitary gland does not exist and at the end of the process a pituitary gland exists.
every "endocardial cushion formation" (GO:0003272) results_in_formation_of some "endocardial cushion" (UBERON:0002062)
results in formation of
p is causally upstream of, negative effect q iff p is casually upstream of q, and the execution of p decreases the execution of q.
causally upstream of, negative effect
A relationship that holds between entities participating in some developmental process (GO:0032502)
developmentally related to
An organism that is a member of a population of organisms
is member of is a mereological relation between a item and a collection.
is member of
member part of
member of
has member is a mereological relation between a collection and an item.
has member
inverse of has input
input of
inverse of has output
output of
relation that links two events, processes, states, or objects such that one event, process, state, or object (a cause) contributes to the production of another event, process, state, or object (an effect) where the cause is partly or wholly responsible for the effect, and the effect is partly or wholly dependent on the cause.
causally related to
p is causally upstream of q iff p is causally related to q, the end of p precedes the end of q, and p is not an occurrent part of q.
causally upstream of
p is 'causally upstream or within' q iff p is causally related to q, and the end of p precedes, or is coincident with, the end of q.
influences (processual)
causally upstream of or within
p is causally related to q if and only if p or any part of p and q or any part of q are linked by a chain of events where each event pair is one where the execution of p influences the execution of q. p may be upstream, downstream, part of, or a container of q.
causal relation between processes
causally upstream of or within, negative effect
DEPRECATED This relation is similar to but different in important respects to the characteristic-of relation. See comments on that relation for more information.
DEPRECATED inheres in
DEPRECATED bearer of
true exactly 0 ?Y
has measurement value
has specified numeric value
A relation between a value specification and a number that quantifies it.
A range of 'real' might be better than 'float'. For now we follow 'has measurement value' until we can consider technical issues with SPARQL queries and reasoning.
PERSON: James A. Overton
has specified numeric value
has specified value
A relation between a value specification and a literal.
This is not an RDF/OWL object property. It is intended to link a value found in e.g. a database column of 'M' (the literal) to an instance of a value specification class, which can then be linked to indicate that this is about the biological gender of a human subject.
has specified value
A measurement datum that is the output of counting.
Mathias Brochhausen
A measurement datum that is the output of counting.
The planned process of finding the number of elements in a finite set of objects.
Mathias Brochhausen
The planned process of finding the number of elements in a finite set of objects.
age structure data set
A data set consisting of measurements of age organized in age brackets.
A data set consisting of measurements of age organized in age brackets.
age data in age brackets data set
An identifier curated by ORCID, Inc. to denote some academic author.
Matthew Diller
William R. Hogan
An identifier curated by ORCID, Inc. to denote some academic author.
Julius Caesar
Verdi’s Requiem
the Second World War
your body mass index
BFO 2 Reference: In all areas of empirical inquiry we encounter general terms of two sorts. First are general terms which refer to universals or types:animaltuberculosissurgical procedurediseaseSecond, are general terms used to refer to groups of entities which instantiate a given universal but do not correspond to the extension of any subuniversal of that universal because there is nothing intrinsic to the entities in question by virtue of which they – and only they – are counted as belonging to the given group. Examples are: animal purchased by the Emperortuberculosis diagnosed on a Wednesdaysurgical procedure performed on a patient from Stockholmperson identified as candidate for clinical trial #2056-555person who is signatory of Form 656-PPVpainting by Leonardo da VinciSuch terms, which represent what are called ‘specializations’ in [81
Entity doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example Werner Ceusters 'portions of reality' include 4 sorts, entities (as BFO construes them), universals, configurations, and relations. It is an open question as to whether entities as construed in BFO will at some point also include these other portions of reality. See, for example, 'How to track absolutely everything' at
An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [001-001])
Entity doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example Werner Ceusters 'portions of reality' include 4 sorts, entities (as BFO construes them), universals, configurations, and relations. It is an open question as to whether entities as construed in BFO will at some point also include these other portions of reality. See, for example, 'How to track absolutely everything' at
per discussion with Barry Smith
An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [001-001])
An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts.
BFO 2 Reference: Continuant entities are entities which can be sliced to yield parts only along the spatial dimension, yielding for example the parts of your table which we call its legs, its top, its nails. ‘My desk stretches from the window to the door. It has spatial parts, and can be sliced (in space) in two. With respect to time, however, a thing is a continuant.’ [60, p. 240
Continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example, in an expansion involving bringing in some of Ceuster's other portions of reality, questions are raised as to whether universals are continuants
A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [008-002])
if b is a continuant and if, for some t, c has_continuant_part b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [126-001])
if b is a continuant and if, for some t, cis continuant_part of b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [009-002])
if b is a material entity, then there is some temporal interval (referred to below as a one-dimensional temporal region) during which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [011-002])
(forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (continuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [009-002]
(forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (hasContinuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [126-001]
(forall (x) (if (Continuant x) (Entity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [008-002]
(forall (x) (if (Material Entity x) (exists (t) (and (TemporalRegion t) (existsAt x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [011-002]
Continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example, in an expansion involving bringing in some of Ceuster's other portions of reality, questions are raised as to whether universals are continuants
A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [008-002])
if b is a continuant and if, for some t, c has_continuant_part b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [126-001])
if b is a continuant and if, for some t, cis continuant_part of b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [009-002])
if b is a material entity, then there is some temporal interval (referred to below as a one-dimensional temporal region) during which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [011-002])
(forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (continuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [009-002]
(forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (hasContinuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [126-001]
(forall (x) (if (Continuant x) (Entity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [008-002]
(forall (x) (if (Material Entity x) (exists (t) (and (TemporalRegion t) (existsAt x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [011-002]
An entity that has temporal parts and that happens, unfolds or develops through time.
BFO 2 Reference: every occurrent that is not a temporal or spatiotemporal region is s-dependent on some independent continuant that is not a spatial region
BFO 2 Reference: s-dependence obtains between every process and its participants in the sense that, as a matter of necessity, this process could not have existed unless these or those participants existed also. A process may have a succession of participants at different phases of its unfolding. Thus there may be different players on the field at different times during the course of a football game; but the process which is the entire game s-depends_on all of these players nonetheless. Some temporal parts of this process will s-depend_on on only some of the players.
Occurrent doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the sum of a process and the process boundary of another process.
Simons uses different terminology for relations of occurrents to regions: Denote the spatio-temporal location of a given occurrent e by 'spn[e]' and call this region its span. We may say an occurrent is at its span, in any larger region, and covers any smaller region. Now suppose we have fixed a frame of reference so that we can speak not merely of spatio-temporal but also of spatial regions (places) and temporal regions (times). The spread of an occurrent, (relative to a frame of reference) is the space it exactly occupies, and its spell is likewise the time it exactly occupies. We write 'spr[e]' and `spl[e]' respectively for the spread and spell of e, omitting mention of the frame.
An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the instantaneous boundary of such an entity (for example a beginning or an ending) or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region which such an entity occupies_temporal_region or occupies_spatiotemporal_region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [077-002])
Every occurrent occupies_spatiotemporal_region some spatiotemporal region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [108-001])
b is an occurrent entity iff b is an entity that has temporal parts. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [079-001])
(forall (x) (if (Occurrent x) (exists (r) (and (SpatioTemporalRegion r) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion x r))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [108-001]
(forall (x) (iff (Occurrent x) (and (Entity x) (exists (y) (temporalPartOf y x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [079-001]
Occurrent doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the sum of a process and the process boundary of another process.
per discussion with Barry Smith
Simons uses different terminology for relations of occurrents to regions: Denote the spatio-temporal location of a given occurrent e by 'spn[e]' and call this region its span. We may say an occurrent is at its span, in any larger region, and covers any smaller region. Now suppose we have fixed a frame of reference so that we can speak not merely of spatio-temporal but also of spatial regions (places) and temporal regions (times). The spread of an occurrent, (relative to a frame of reference) is the space it exactly occupies, and its spell is likewise the time it exactly occupies. We write 'spr[e]' and `spl[e]' respectively for the spread and spell of e, omitting mention of the frame.
An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the instantaneous boundary of such an entity (for example a beginning or an ending) or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region which such an entity occupies_temporal_region or occupies_spatiotemporal_region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [077-002])
Every occurrent occupies_spatiotemporal_region some spatiotemporal region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [108-001])
b is an occurrent entity iff b is an entity that has temporal parts. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [079-001])
(forall (x) (if (Occurrent x) (exists (r) (and (SpatioTemporalRegion r) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion x r))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [108-001]
(forall (x) (iff (Occurrent x) (and (Entity x) (exists (y) (temporalPartOf y x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [079-001]
a chair
a heart
a leg
a molecule
a spatial region
an atom
an orchestra.
an organism
the bottom right portion of a human torso
the interior of your mouth
A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything.
b is an independent continuant = Def. b is a continuant which is such that there is no c and no t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [017-002])
For any independent continuant b and any time t there is some spatial region r such that b is located_in r at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [134-001])
For every independent continuant b and time t during the region of time spanned by its life, there are entities which s-depends_on b during t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [018-002])
(forall (x t) (if (IndependentContinuant x) (exists (r) (and (SpatialRegion r) (locatedInAt x r t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [134-001]
(forall (x t) (if (and (IndependentContinuant x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (Entity y) (specificallyDependsOnAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [018-002]
(iff (IndependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (not (exists (b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [017-002]
independent continuant
b is an independent continuant = Def. b is a continuant which is such that there is no c and no t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [017-002])
For any independent continuant b and any time t there is some spatial region r such that b is located_in r at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [134-001])
For every independent continuant b and time t during the region of time spanned by its life, there are entities which s-depends_on b during t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [018-002])
(forall (x t) (if (IndependentContinuant x) (exists (r) (and (SpatialRegion r) (locatedInAt x r t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [134-001]
(forall (x t) (if (and (IndependentContinuant x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (Entity y) (specificallyDependsOnAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [018-002]
(iff (IndependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (not (exists (b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [017-002]
BFO 2 Reference: Spatial regions do not participate in processes.
Spatial region doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the union of a spatial point and a spatial line that doesn't overlap the point, or two spatial lines that intersect at a single point. In both cases the resultant spatial region is neither 0-dimensional, 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, or 3-dimensional.
A spatial region is a continuant entity that is a continuant_part_of spaceR as defined relative to some frame R. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [035-001])
All continuant parts of spatial regions are spatial regions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [036-001])
(forall (x y t) (if (and (SpatialRegion x) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)) (SpatialRegion y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [036-001]
(forall (x) (if (SpatialRegion x) (Continuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [035-001]
spatial region
Spatial region doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the union of a spatial point and a spatial line that doesn't overlap the point, or two spatial lines that intersect at a single point. In both cases the resultant spatial region is neither 0-dimensional, 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, or 3-dimensional.
per discussion with Barry Smith
A spatial region is a continuant entity that is a continuant_part_of spaceR as defined relative to some frame R. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [035-001])
All continuant parts of spatial regions are spatial regions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [036-001])
(forall (x y t) (if (and (SpatialRegion x) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)) (SpatialRegion y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [036-001]
(forall (x) (if (SpatialRegion x) (Continuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [035-001]
Temporal region doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the mereological sum of a temporal instant and a temporal interval that doesn't overlap the instant. In this case the resultant temporal region is neither 0-dimensional nor 1-dimensional
A temporal region is an occurrent entity that is part of time as defined relative to some reference frame. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [100-001])
All parts of temporal regions are temporal regions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [101-001])
Every temporal region t is such that t occupies_temporal_region t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [119-002])
(forall (r) (if (TemporalRegion r) (occupiesTemporalRegion r r))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [119-002]
(forall (x y) (if (and (TemporalRegion x) (occurrentPartOf y x)) (TemporalRegion y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [101-001]
(forall (x) (if (TemporalRegion x) (Occurrent x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [100-001]
temporal region
Temporal region doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the mereological sum of a temporal instant and a temporal interval that doesn't overlap the instant. In this case the resultant temporal region is neither 0-dimensional nor 1-dimensional
per discussion with Barry Smith
A temporal region is an occurrent entity that is part of time as defined relative to some reference frame. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [100-001])
All parts of temporal regions are temporal regions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [101-001])
Every temporal region t is such that t occupies_temporal_region t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [119-002])
(forall (r) (if (TemporalRegion r) (occupiesTemporalRegion r r))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [119-002]
(forall (x y) (if (and (TemporalRegion x) (occurrentPartOf y x)) (TemporalRegion y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [101-001]
(forall (x) (if (TemporalRegion x) (Occurrent x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [100-001]
an infinitely thin plane in space.
the surface of a sphere-shaped part of space
A two-dimensional spatial region is a spatial region that is of two dimensions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [039-001])
(forall (x) (if (TwoDimensionalSpatialRegion x) (SpatialRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [039-001]
two-dimensional spatial region
A two-dimensional spatial region is a spatial region that is of two dimensions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [039-001])
(forall (x) (if (TwoDimensionalSpatialRegion x) (SpatialRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [039-001]
the spatiotemporal region occupied by a human life
the spatiotemporal region occupied by a process of cellular meiosis.
the spatiotemporal region occupied by the development of a cancer tumor
A spatiotemporal region is an occurrent entity that is part of spacetime. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [095-001])
All parts of spatiotemporal regions are spatiotemporal regions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [096-001])
Each spatiotemporal region at any time t projects_onto some spatial region at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [099-001])
Each spatiotemporal region projects_onto some temporal region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [098-001])
Every spatiotemporal region occupies_spatiotemporal_region itself.
Every spatiotemporal region s is such that s occupies_spatiotemporal_region s. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [107-002])
(forall (r) (if (SpatioTemporalRegion r) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion r r))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [107-002]
(forall (x t) (if (SpatioTemporalRegion x) (exists (y) (and (SpatialRegion y) (spatiallyProjectsOntoAt x y t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [099-001]
(forall (x y) (if (and (SpatioTemporalRegion x) (occurrentPartOf y x)) (SpatioTemporalRegion y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [096-001]
(forall (x) (if (SpatioTemporalRegion x) (Occurrent x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [095-001]
(forall (x) (if (SpatioTemporalRegion x) (exists (y) (and (TemporalRegion y) (temporallyProjectsOnto x y))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [098-001]
spatiotemporal region
(forall (x) (if (SpatioTemporalRegion x) (Occurrent x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [095-001]
(forall (x) (if (SpatioTemporalRegion x) (exists (y) (and (TemporalRegion y) (temporallyProjectsOnto x y))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [098-001]
A spatiotemporal region is an occurrent entity that is part of spacetime. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [095-001])
All parts of spatiotemporal regions are spatiotemporal regions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [096-001])
Each spatiotemporal region at any time t projects_onto some spatial region at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [099-001])
Each spatiotemporal region projects_onto some temporal region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [098-001])
Every spatiotemporal region s is such that s occupies_spatiotemporal_region s. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [107-002])
(forall (r) (if (SpatioTemporalRegion r) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion r r))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [107-002]
(forall (x t) (if (SpatioTemporalRegion x) (exists (y) (and (SpatialRegion y) (spatiallyProjectsOntoAt x y t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [099-001]
(forall (x y) (if (and (SpatioTemporalRegion x) (occurrentPartOf y x)) (SpatioTemporalRegion y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [096-001]
a process of cell-division, \ a beating of the heart
a process of meiosis
a process of sleeping
the course of a disease
the flight of a bird
the life of an organism
your process of aging.
An occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t.
p is a process = Def. p is an occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [083-003])
BFO 2 Reference: The realm of occurrents is less pervasively marked by the presence of natural units than is the case in the realm of independent continuants. Thus there is here no counterpart of ‘object’. In BFO 1.0 ‘process’ served as such a counterpart. In BFO 2.0 ‘process’ is, rather, the occurrent counterpart of ‘material entity’. Those natural – as contrasted with engineered, which here means: deliberately executed – units which do exist in the realm of occurrents are typically either parasitic on the existence of natural units on the continuant side, or they are fiat in nature. Thus we can count lives; we can count football games; we can count chemical reactions performed in experiments or in chemical manufacturing. We cannot count the processes taking place, for instance, in an episode of insect mating behavior.Even where natural units are identifiable, for example cycles in a cyclical process such as the beating of a heart or an organism’s sleep/wake cycle, the processes in question form a sequence with no discontinuities (temporal gaps) of the sort that we find for instance where billiard balls or zebrafish or planets are separated by clear spatial gaps. Lives of organisms are process units, but they too unfold in a continuous series from other, prior processes such as fertilization, and they unfold in turn in continuous series of post-life processes such as post-mortem decay. Clear examples of boundaries of processes are almost always of the fiat sort (midnight, a time of death as declared in an operating theater or on a death certificate, the initiation of a state of war)
(iff (Process a) (and (Occurrent a) (exists (b) (properTemporalPartOf b a)) (exists (c t) (and (MaterialEntity c) (specificallyDependsOnAt a c t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [083-003]
p is a process = Def. p is an occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [083-003])
(iff (Process a) (and (Occurrent a) (exists (b) (properTemporalPartOf b a)) (exists (c t) (and (MaterialEntity c) (specificallyDependsOnAt a c t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [083-003]
an atom of element X has the disposition to decay to an atom of element Y
certain people have a predisposition to colon cancer
children are innately disposed to categorize objects in certain ways.
the cell wall is disposed to filter chemicals in endocytosis and exocytosis
BFO 2 Reference: Dispositions exist along a strength continuum. Weaker forms of disposition are realized in only a fraction of triggering cases. These forms occur in a significant number of cases of a similar type.
b is a disposition means: b is a realizable entity & b’s bearer is some material entity & b is such that if it ceases to exist, then its bearer is physically changed, & b’s realization occurs when and because this bearer is in some special physical circumstances, & this realization occurs in virtue of the bearer’s physical make-up. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [062-002])
If b is a realizable entity then for all t at which b exists, b s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [063-002])
(forall (x t) (if (and (RealizableEntity x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (specificallyDepends x y t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [063-002]
(forall (x) (if (Disposition x) (and (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (bearerOfAt x y t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [062-002]
b is a disposition means: b is a realizable entity & b’s bearer is some material entity & b is such that if it ceases to exist, then its bearer is physically changed, & b’s realization occurs when and because this bearer is in some special physical circumstances, & this realization occurs in virtue of the bearer’s physical make-up. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [062-002])
If b is a realizable entity then for all t at which b exists, b s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [063-002])
(forall (x t) (if (and (RealizableEntity x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (specificallyDepends x y t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [063-002]
(forall (x) (if (Disposition x) (and (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (bearerOfAt x y t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [062-002]
the disposition of this piece of metal to conduct electricity.
the disposition of your blood to coagulate
the function of your reproductive organs
the role of being a doctor
the role of this boundary to delineate where Utah and Colorado meet
A specifically dependent continuant that inheres in continuant entities and are not exhibited in full at every time in which it inheres in an entity or group of entities. The exhibition or actualization of a realizable entity is a particular manifestation, functioning or process that occurs under certain circumstances.
To say that b is a realizable entity is to say that b is a specifically dependent continuant that inheres in some independent continuant which is not a spatial region and is of a type instances of which are realized in processes of a correlated type. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [058-002])
All realizable dependent continuants have independent continuants that are not spatial regions as their bearers. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [060-002])
(forall (x t) (if (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (bearerOfAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [060-002]
(forall (x) (if (RealizableEntity x) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (inheresIn x y)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [058-002]
realizable entity
To say that b is a realizable entity is to say that b is a specifically dependent continuant that inheres in some independent continuant which is not a spatial region and is of a type instances of which are realized in processes of a correlated type. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [058-002])
All realizable dependent continuants have independent continuants that are not spatial regions as their bearers. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [060-002])
(forall (x t) (if (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (bearerOfAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [060-002]
(forall (x) (if (RealizableEntity x) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (inheresIn x y)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [058-002]
A zero-dimensional spatial region is a point in space. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [037-001])
(forall (x) (if (ZeroDimensionalSpatialRegion x) (SpatialRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [037-001]
zero-dimensional spatial region
A zero-dimensional spatial region is a point in space. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [037-001])
(forall (x) (if (ZeroDimensionalSpatialRegion x) (SpatialRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [037-001]
the ambient temperature of this portion of air
the color of a tomato
the length of the circumference of your waist
the mass of this piece of gold.
the shape of your nose
the shape of your nostril
a quality is a specifically dependent continuant that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does not require any further process in order to be realized. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [055-001])
If an entity is a quality at any time that it exists, then it is a quality at every time that it exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [105-001])
(forall (x) (if (Quality x) (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [055-001]
(forall (x) (if (exists (t) (and (existsAt x t) (Quality x))) (forall (t_1) (if (existsAt x t_1) (Quality x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [105-001]
a quality is a specifically dependent continuant that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does not require any further process in order to be realized. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [055-001])
If an entity is a quality at any time that it exists, then it is a quality at every time that it exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [105-001])
(forall (x) (if (Quality x) (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [055-001]
(forall (x) (if (exists (t) (and (existsAt x t) (Quality x))) (forall (t_1) (if (existsAt x t_1) (Quality x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [105-001]
Reciprocal specifically dependent continuants: the function of this key to open this lock and the mutually dependent disposition of this lock: to be opened by this key
of one-sided specifically dependent continuants: the mass of this tomato
of relational dependent continuants (multiple bearers): John’s love for Mary, the ownership relation between John and this statue, the relation of authority between John and his subordinates.
the disposition of this fish to decay
the function of this heart: to pump blood
the mutual dependence of proton donors and acceptors in chemical reactions [79
the mutual dependence of the role predator and the role prey as played by two organisms in a given interaction
the pink color of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its center
the role of being a doctor
the shape of this hole.
the smell of this portion of mozzarella
A continuant that inheres in or is borne by other entities. Every instance of A requires some specific instance of B which must always be the same.
b is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region and which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [050-003])
Specifically dependent continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. We're not sure what else will develop here, but for example there are questions such as what are promises, obligation, etc.
(iff (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (forall (t) (if (existsAt a t) (exists (b) (and (IndependentContinuant b) (not (SpatialRegion b)) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [050-003]
specifically dependent continuant
b is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region and which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [050-003])
Specifically dependent continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. We're not sure what else will develop here, but for example there are questions such as what are promises, obligation, etc.
per discussion with Barry Smith
(iff (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (forall (t) (if (existsAt a t) (exists (b) (and (IndependentContinuant b) (not (SpatialRegion b)) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [050-003]
John’s role of husband to Mary is dependent on Mary’s role of wife to John, and both are dependent on the object aggregate comprising John and Mary as member parts joined together through the relational quality of being married.
the priest role
the role of a boundary to demarcate two neighboring administrative territories
the role of a building in serving as a military target
the role of a stone in marking a property boundary
the role of subject in a clinical trial
the student role
A realizable entity the manifestation of which brings about some result or end that is not essential to a continuant in virtue of the kind of thing that it is but that can be served or participated in by that kind of continuant in some kinds of natural, social or institutional contexts.
BFO 2 Reference: One major family of examples of non-rigid universals involves roles, and ontologies developed for corresponding administrative purposes may consist entirely of representatives of entities of this sort. Thus ‘professor’, defined as follows,b instance_of professor at t =Def. there is some c, c instance_of professor role & c inheres_in b at t.denotes a non-rigid universal and so also do ‘nurse’, ‘student’, ‘colonel’, ‘taxpayer’, and so forth. (These terms are all, in the jargon of philosophy, phase sortals.) By using role terms in definitions, we can create a BFO conformant treatment of such entities drawing on the fact that, while an instance of professor may be simultaneously an instance of trade union member, no instance of the type professor role is also (at any time) an instance of the type trade union member role (any more than any instance of the type color is at any time an instance of the type length).If an ontology of employment positions should be defined in terms of roles following the above pattern, this enables the ontology to do justice to the fact that individuals instantiate the corresponding universals – professor, sergeant, nurse – only during certain phases in their lives.
b is a role means: b is a realizable entity & b exists because there is some single bearer that is in some special physical, social, or institutional set of circumstances in which this bearer does not have to be& b is not such that, if it ceases to exist, then the physical make-up of the bearer is thereby changed. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [061-001])
(forall (x) (if (Role x) (RealizableEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [061-001]
b is a role means: b is a realizable entity & b exists because there is some single bearer that is in some special physical, social, or institutional set of circumstances in which this bearer does not have to be& b is not such that, if it ceases to exist, then the physical make-up of the bearer is thereby changed. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [061-001])
(forall (x) (if (Role x) (RealizableEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [061-001]
or with divisions drawn by cognitive subjects for practical reasons, such as the division of a cake (before slicing) into (what will become) slices (and thus member parts of an object aggregate). However, this does not mean that fiat object parts are dependent for their existence on divisions or delineations effected by cognitive subjects. If, for example, it is correct to conceive geological layers of the Earth as fiat object parts of the Earth, then even though these layers were first delineated in recent times, still existed long before such delineation and what holds of these layers (for example that the oldest layers are also the lowest layers) did not begin to hold because of our acts of delineation.Treatment of material entity in BFOExamples viewed by some as problematic cases for the trichotomy of fiat object part, object, and object aggregate include: a mussel on (and attached to) a rock, a slime mold, a pizza, a cloud, a galaxy, a railway train with engine and multiple carriages, a clonal stand of quaking aspen, a bacterial community (biofilm), a broken femur. Note that, as Aristotle already clearly recognized, such problematic cases – which lie at or near the penumbra of instances defined by the categories in question – need not invalidate these categories. The existence of grey objects does not prove that there are not objects which are black and objects which are white; the existence of mules does not prove that there are not objects which are donkeys and objects which are horses. It does, however, show that the examples in question need to be addressed carefully in order to show how they can be fitted into the proposed scheme, for example by recognizing additional subdivisions [29
the FMA:regional parts of an intact human body.
the Western hemisphere of the Earth
the division of the brain into regions
the division of the planet into hemispheres
the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the body
the upper and lower lobes of the left lung
BFO 2 Reference: Most examples of fiat object parts are associated with theoretically drawn divisions
b is a fiat object part = Def. b is a material entity which is such that for all times t, if b exists at t then there is some object c such that b proper continuant_part of c at t and c is demarcated from the remainder of c by a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [027-004])
(forall (x) (if (FiatObjectPart x) (and (MaterialEntity x) (forall (t) (if (existsAt x t) (exists (y) (and (Object y) (properContinuantPartOfAt x y t)))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [027-004]
fiat object part
b is a fiat object part = Def. b is a material entity which is such that for all times t, if b exists at t then there is some object c such that b proper continuant_part of c at t and c is demarcated from the remainder of c by a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [027-004])
(forall (x) (if (FiatObjectPart x) (and (MaterialEntity x) (forall (t) (if (existsAt x t) (exists (y) (and (Object y) (properContinuantPartOfAt x y t)))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [027-004]
an edge of a cube-shaped portion of space.
A one-dimensional spatial region is a line or aggregate of lines stretching from one point in space to another. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [038-001])
(forall (x) (if (OneDimensionalSpatialRegion x) (SpatialRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [038-001]
one-dimensional spatial region
A one-dimensional spatial region is a line or aggregate of lines stretching from one point in space to another. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [038-001])
(forall (x) (if (OneDimensionalSpatialRegion x) (SpatialRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [038-001]
a collection of cells in a blood biobank.
a swarm of bees is an aggregate of members who are linked together through natural bonds
a symphony orchestra
an organization is an aggregate whose member parts have roles of specific types (for example in a jazz band, a chess club, a football team)
defined by fiat: the aggregate of members of an organization
defined through physical attachment: the aggregate of atoms in a lump of granite
defined through physical containment: the aggregate of molecules of carbon dioxide in a sealed container
defined via attributive delimitations such as: the patients in this hospital
the aggregate of bearings in a constant velocity axle joint
the aggregate of blood cells in your body
the nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere
the restaurants in Palo Alto
your collection of Meissen ceramic plates.
An entity a is an object aggregate if and only if there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of a into objects
BFO 2 Reference: object aggregates may gain and lose parts while remaining numerically identical (one and the same individual) over time. This holds both for aggregates whose membership is determined naturally (the aggregate of cells in your body) and aggregates determined by fiat (a baseball team, a congressional committee).
ISBN:978-3-938793-98-5pp124-158#Thomas Bittner and Barry Smith, 'A Theory of Granular Partitions', in K. Munn and B. Smith (eds.), Applied Ontology: An Introduction, Frankfurt/Lancaster: ontos, 2008, 125-158.
b is an object aggregate means: b is a material entity consisting exactly of a plurality of objects as member_parts at all times at which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [025-004])
(forall (x) (if (ObjectAggregate x) (and (MaterialEntity x) (forall (t) (if (existsAt x t) (exists (y z) (and (Object y) (Object z) (memberPartOfAt y x t) (memberPartOfAt z x t) (not (= y z)))))) (not (exists (w t_1) (and (memberPartOfAt w x t_1) (not (Object w)))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [025-004]
object aggregate
An entity a is an object aggregate if and only if there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of a into objects
An entity a is an object aggregate if and only if there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of a into objects
ISBN:978-3-938793-98-5pp124-158#Thomas Bittner and Barry Smith, 'A Theory of Granular Partitions', in K. Munn and B. Smith (eds.), Applied Ontology: An Introduction, Frankfurt/Lancaster: ontos, 2008, 125-158.
b is an object aggregate means: b is a material entity consisting exactly of a plurality of objects as member_parts at all times at which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [025-004])
(forall (x) (if (ObjectAggregate x) (and (MaterialEntity x) (forall (t) (if (existsAt x t) (exists (y z) (and (Object y) (Object z) (memberPartOfAt y x t) (memberPartOfAt z x t) (not (= y z)))))) (not (exists (w t_1) (and (memberPartOfAt w x t_1) (not (Object w)))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [025-004]
a cube-shaped region of space
a sphere-shaped region of space,
A three-dimensional spatial region is a spatial region that is of three dimensions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [040-001])
(forall (x) (if (ThreeDimensionalSpatialRegion x) (SpatialRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [040-001]
three-dimensional spatial region
A three-dimensional spatial region is a spatial region that is of three dimensions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [040-001])
(forall (x) (if (ThreeDimensionalSpatialRegion x) (SpatialRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [040-001]
Manhattan Canyon)
a hole in the interior of a portion of cheese
a rabbit hole
an air traffic control region defined in the airspace above an airport
the Grand Canyon
the Piazza San Marco
the cockpit of an aircraft
the hold of a ship
the interior of a kangaroo pouch
the interior of the trunk of your car
the interior of your bedroom
the interior of your office
the interior of your refrigerator
the lumen of your gut
your left nostril (a fiat part – the opening – of your left nasal cavity)
b is a site means: b is a three-dimensional immaterial entity that is (partially or wholly) bounded by a material entity or it is a three-dimensional immaterial part thereof. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [034-002])
(forall (x) (if (Site x) (ImmaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [034-002]
b is a site means: b is a three-dimensional immaterial entity that is (partially or wholly) bounded by a material entity or it is a three-dimensional immaterial part thereof. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [034-002])
(forall (x) (if (Site x) (ImmaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [034-002]
cells and organisms
engineered artifacts
grain of sand
solid portions of matter
BFO 2 Reference: BFO rests on the presupposition that at multiple micro-, meso- and macroscopic scales reality exhibits certain stable, spatially separated or separable material units, combined or combinable into aggregates of various sorts (for example organisms into what are called ‘populations’). Such units play a central role in almost all domains of natural science from particle physics to cosmology. Many scientific laws govern the units in question, employing general terms (such as ‘molecule’ or ‘planet’) referring to the types and subtypes of units, and also to the types and subtypes of the processes through which such units develop and interact. The division of reality into such natural units is at the heart of biological science, as also is the fact that these units may form higher-level units (as cells form multicellular organisms) and that they may also form aggregates of units, for example as cells form portions of tissue and organs form families, herds, breeds, species, and so on. At the same time, the division of certain portions of reality into engineered units (manufactured artifacts) is the basis of modern industrial technology, which rests on the distributed mass production of engineered parts through division of labor and on their assembly into larger, compound units such as cars and laptops. The division of portions of reality into units is one starting point for the phenomenon of counting.
BFO 2 Reference: Each object is such that there are entities of which we can assert unproblematically that they lie in its interior, and other entities of which we can assert unproblematically that they lie in its exterior. This may not be so for entities lying at or near the boundary between the interior and exterior. This means that two objects – for example the two cells depicted in Figure 3 – may be such that there are material entities crossing their boundaries which belong determinately to neither cell. Something similar obtains in certain cases of conjoined twins (see below).
BFO 2 Reference: To say that b is causally unified means: b is a material entity which is such that its material parts are tied together in such a way that, in environments typical for entities of the type in question,if c, a continuant part of b that is in the interior of b at t, is larger than a certain threshold size (which will be determined differently from case to case, depending on factors such as porosity of external cover) and is moved in space to be at t at a location on the exterior of the spatial region that had been occupied by b at t, then either b’s other parts will be moved in coordinated fashion or b will be damaged (be affected, for example, by breakage or tearing) in the interval between t and t.causal changes in one part of b can have consequences for other parts of b without the mediation of any entity that lies on the exterior of b. Material entities with no proper material parts would satisfy these conditions trivially. Candidate examples of types of causal unity for material entities of more complex sorts are as follows (this is not intended to be an exhaustive list):CU1: Causal unity via physical coveringHere the parts in the interior of the unified entity are combined together causally through a common membrane or other physical covering\. The latter points outwards toward and may serve a protective function in relation to what lies on the exterior of the entity [13, 47
BFO 2 Reference: an object is a maximal causally unified material entity
BFO 2 Reference: ‘objects’ are sometimes referred to as ‘grains’ [74
b is an object means: b is a material entity which manifests causal unity of one or other of the types CUn listed above & is of a type (a material universal) instances of which are maximal relative to this criterion of causal unity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [024-001])
b is an object means: b is a material entity which manifests causal unity of one or other of the types CUn listed above & is of a type (a material universal) instances of which are maximal relative to this criterion of causal unity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [024-001])
The entries in your database are patterns instantiated as quality instances in your hard drive. The database itself is an aggregate of such patterns. When you create the database you create a particular instance of the generically dependent continuant type database. Each entry in the database is an instance of the generically dependent continuant type IAO: information content entity.
the pdf file on your laptop, the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop
the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule.
A continuant that is dependent on one or other independent continuant bearers. For every instance of A requires some instance of (an independent continuant type) B but which instance of B serves can change from time to time.
b is a generically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant that g-depends_on one or more other entities. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [074-001])
(iff (GenericallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (exists (b t) (genericallyDependsOnAt a b t)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [074-001]
generically dependent continuant
b is a generically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant that g-depends_on one or more other entities. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [074-001])
(iff (GenericallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (exists (b t) (genericallyDependsOnAt a b t)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [074-001]
the function of a hammer to drive in nails
the function of a heart pacemaker to regulate the beating of a heart through electricity
the function of amylase in saliva to break down starch into sugar
BFO 2 Reference: In the past, we have distinguished two varieties of function, artifactual function and biological function. These are not asserted subtypes of BFO:function however, since the same function – for example: to pump, to transport – can exist both in artifacts and in biological entities. The asserted subtypes of function that would be needed in order to yield a separate monoheirarchy are not artifactual function, biological function, etc., but rather transporting function, pumping function, etc.
A function is a disposition that exists in virtue of the bearer’s physical make-up and this physical make-up is something the bearer possesses because it came into being, either through evolution (in the case of natural biological entities) or through intentional design (in the case of artifacts), in order to realize processes of a certain sort. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [064-001])
(forall (x) (if (Function x) (Disposition x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [064-001]
A function is a disposition that exists in virtue of the bearer’s physical make-up and this physical make-up is something the bearer possesses because it came into being, either through evolution (in the case of natural biological entities) or through intentional design (in the case of artifacts), in order to realize processes of a certain sort. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [064-001])
(forall (x) (if (Function x) (Disposition x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [064-001]
the boundary between the 2nd and 3rd year of your life.
p is a process boundary =Def. p is a temporal part of a process & p has no proper temporal parts. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [084-001])
Every process boundary occupies_temporal_region a zero-dimensional temporal region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [085-002])
(forall (x) (if (ProcessBoundary x) (exists (y) (and (ZeroDimensionalTemporalRegion y) (occupiesTemporalRegion x y))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [085-002]
(iff (ProcessBoundary a) (exists (p) (and (Process p) (temporalPartOf a p) (not (exists (b) (properTemporalPartOf b a)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [084-001]
process boundary
p is a process boundary =Def. p is a temporal part of a process & p has no proper temporal parts. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [084-001])
Every process boundary occupies_temporal_region a zero-dimensional temporal region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [085-002])
(forall (x) (if (ProcessBoundary x) (exists (y) (and (ZeroDimensionalTemporalRegion y) (occupiesTemporalRegion x y))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [085-002]
(iff (ProcessBoundary a) (exists (p) (and (Process p) (temporalPartOf a p) (not (exists (b) (properTemporalPartOf b a)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [084-001]
the temporal region during which a process occurs.
BFO 2 Reference: A temporal interval is a special kind of one-dimensional temporal region, namely one that is self-connected (is without gaps or breaks).
A one-dimensional temporal region is a temporal region that is extended. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [103-001])
(forall (x) (if (OneDimensionalTemporalRegion x) (TemporalRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [103-001]
one-dimensional temporal region
A one-dimensional temporal region is a temporal region that is extended. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [103-001])
(forall (x) (if (OneDimensionalTemporalRegion x) (TemporalRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [103-001]
a flame
a forest fire
a human being
a hurricane
a photon
a puff of smoke
a sea wave
a tornado
an aggregate of human beings.
an energy wave
an epidemic
the undetached arm of a human being
An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time.
BFO 2 Reference: Material entities (continuants) can preserve their identity even while gaining and losing material parts. Continuants are contrasted with occurrents, which unfold themselves in successive temporal parts or phases [60
BFO 2 Reference: Object, Fiat Object Part and Object Aggregate are not intended to be exhaustive of Material Entity. Users are invited to propose new subcategories of Material Entity.
BFO 2 Reference: ‘Matter’ is intended to encompass both mass and energy (we will address the ontological treatment of portions of energy in a later version of BFO). A portion of matter is anything that includes elementary particles among its proper or improper parts: quarks and leptons, including electrons, as the smallest particles thus far discovered; baryons (including protons and neutrons) at a higher level of granularity; atoms and molecules at still higher levels, forming the cells, organs, organisms and other material entities studied by biologists, the portions of rock studied by geologists, the fossils studied by paleontologists, and so on.Material entities are three-dimensional entities (entities extended in three spatial dimensions), as contrasted with the processes in which they participate, which are four-dimensional entities (entities extended also along the dimension of time).According to the FMA, material entities may have immaterial entities as parts – including the entities identified below as sites; for example the interior (or ‘lumen’) of your small intestine is a part of your body. BFO 2.0 embodies a decision to follow the FMA here.
A material entity is an independent continuant that has some portion of matter as proper or improper continuant part. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [019-002])
Every entity which has a material entity as continuant part is a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [020-002])
every entity of which a material entity is continuant part is also a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [021-002])
(forall (x) (if (MaterialEntity x) (IndependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [019-002]
(forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt x y t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [021-002]
(forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [020-002]
material entity
A material entity is an independent continuant that has some portion of matter as proper or improper continuant part. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [019-002])
Every entity which has a material entity as continuant part is a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [020-002])
every entity of which a material entity is continuant part is also a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [021-002])
(forall (x) (if (MaterialEntity x) (IndependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [019-002]
(forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt x y t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [021-002]
(forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [020-002]
b is a continuant fiat boundary = Def. b is an immaterial entity that is of zero, one or two dimensions and does not include a spatial region as part. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [029-001])
BFO 2 Reference: In BFO 1.1 the assumption was made that the external surface of a material entity such as a cell could be treated as if it were a boundary in the mathematical sense. The new document propounds the view that when we talk about external surfaces of material objects in this way then we are talking about something fiat. To be dealt with in a future version: fiat boundaries at different levels of granularity.More generally, the focus in discussion of boundaries in BFO 2.0 is now on fiat boundaries, which means: boundaries for which there is no assumption that they coincide with physical discontinuities. The ontology of boundaries becomes more closely allied with the ontology of regions.
BFO 2 Reference: a continuant fiat boundary is a boundary of some material entity (for example: the plane separating the Northern and Southern hemispheres; the North Pole), or it is a boundary of some immaterial entity (for example of some portion of airspace). Three basic kinds of continuant fiat boundary can be distinguished (together with various combination kinds [29
Continuant fiat boundary doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the mereological sum of two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary and a one dimensional continuant fiat boundary that doesn't overlap it. The situation is analogous to temporal and spatial regions.
Every continuant fiat boundary is located at some spatial region at every time at which it exists
(iff (ContinuantFiatBoundary a) (and (ImmaterialEntity a) (exists (b) (and (or (ZeroDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (OneDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (TwoDimensionalSpatialRegion b)) (forall (t) (locatedInAt a b t)))) (not (exists (c t) (and (SpatialRegion c) (continuantPartOfAt c a t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [029-001]
continuant fiat boundary
b is a continuant fiat boundary = Def. b is an immaterial entity that is of zero, one or two dimensions and does not include a spatial region as part. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [029-001])
Continuant fiat boundary doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the mereological sum of two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary and a one dimensional continuant fiat boundary that doesn't overlap it. The situation is analogous to temporal and spatial regions.
(iff (ContinuantFiatBoundary a) (and (ImmaterialEntity a) (exists (b) (and (or (ZeroDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (OneDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (TwoDimensionalSpatialRegion b)) (forall (t) (locatedInAt a b t)))) (not (exists (c t) (and (SpatialRegion c) (continuantPartOfAt c a t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [029-001]
BFO 2 Reference: Immaterial entities are divided into two subgroups:boundaries and sites, which bound, or are demarcated in relation, to material entities, and which can thus change location, shape and size and as their material hosts move or change shape or size (for example: your nasal passage; the hold of a ship; the boundary of Wales (which moves with the rotation of the Earth) [38, 7, 10
immaterial entity
The Equator
all geopolitical boundaries
all lines of latitude and longitude
the line separating the outer surface of the mucosa of the lower lip from the outer surface of the skin of the chin.
the median sulcus of your tongue
a one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary is a continuous fiat line whose location is defined in relation to some material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [032-001])
(iff (OneDimensionalContinuantFiatBoundary a) (and (ContinuantFiatBoundary a) (exists (b) (and (OneDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (forall (t) (locatedInAt a b t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [032-001]
one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary
a one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary is a continuous fiat line whose location is defined in relation to some material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [032-001])
(iff (OneDimensionalContinuantFiatBoundary a) (and (ContinuantFiatBoundary a) (exists (b) (and (OneDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (forall (t) (locatedInAt a b t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [032-001]
On a somewhat higher level of complexity are what we shall call rate process profiles, which are the targets of selective abstraction focused not on determinate quality magnitudes plotted over time, but rather on certain ratios between these magnitudes and elapsed times. A speed process profile, for example, is represented by a graph plotting against time the ratio of distance covered per unit of time. Since rates may change, and since such changes, too, may have rates of change, we have to deal here with a hierarchy of process profile universals at successive levels
One important sub-family of rate process profiles is illustrated by the beat or frequency profiles of cyclical processes, illustrated by the 60 beats per minute beating process of John’s heart, or the 120 beats per minute drumming process involved in one of John’s performances in a rock band, and so on. Each such process includes what we shall call a beat process profile instance as part, a subtype of rate process profile in which the salient ratio is not distance covered but rather number of beat cycles per unit of time. Each beat process profile instance instantiates the determinable universal beat process profile. But it also instantiates multiple more specialized universals at lower levels of generality, selected from rate process profilebeat process profileregular beat process profile3 bpm beat process profile4 bpm beat process profileirregular beat process profileincreasing beat process profileand so on.In the case of a regular beat process profile, a rate can be assigned in the simplest possible fashion by dividing the number of cycles by the length of the temporal region occupied by the beating process profile as a whole. Irregular process profiles of this sort, for example as identified in the clinic, or in the readings on an aircraft instrument panel, are often of diagnostic significance.
The simplest type of process profiles are what we shall call ‘quality process profiles’, which are the process profiles which serve as the foci of the sort of selective abstraction that is involved when measurements are made of changes in single qualities, as illustrated, for example, by process profiles of mass, temperature, aortic pressure, and so on.
b is a process_profile =Def. there is some process c such that b process_profile_of c (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [093-002])
b process_profile_of c holds when b proper_occurrent_part_of c& there is some proper_occurrent_part d of c which has no parts in common with b & is mutually dependent on b& is such that b, c and d occupy the same temporal region (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [094-005])
(forall (x y) (if (processProfileOf x y) (and (properContinuantPartOf x y) (exists (z t) (and (properOccurrentPartOf z y) (TemporalRegion t) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion x t) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion y t) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion z t) (not (exists (w) (and (occurrentPartOf w x) (occurrentPartOf w z))))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [094-005]
(iff (ProcessProfile a) (exists (b) (and (Process b) (processProfileOf a b)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [093-002]
process profile
b is a process_profile =Def. there is some process c such that b process_profile_of c (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [093-002])
b process_profile_of c holds when b proper_occurrent_part_of c& there is some proper_occurrent_part d of c which has no parts in common with b & is mutually dependent on b& is such that b, c and d occupy the same temporal region (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [094-005])
(forall (x y) (if (processProfileOf x y) (and (properContinuantPartOf x y) (exists (z t) (and (properOccurrentPartOf z y) (TemporalRegion t) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion x t) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion y t) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion z t) (not (exists (w) (and (occurrentPartOf w x) (occurrentPartOf w z))))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [094-005]
(iff (ProcessProfile a) (exists (b) (and (Process b) (processProfileOf a b)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [093-002]
John’s role of husband to Mary is dependent on Mary’s role of wife to John, and both are dependent on the object aggregate comprising John and Mary as member parts joined together through the relational quality of being married.
a marriage bond, an instance of requited love, an obligation between one person and another.
b is a relational quality = Def. for some independent continuants c, d and for some time t: b quality_of c at t & b quality_of d at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [057-001])
(iff (RelationalQuality a) (exists (b c t) (and (IndependentContinuant b) (IndependentContinuant c) (qualityOfAt a b t) (qualityOfAt a c t)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [057-001]
relational quality
b is a relational quality = Def. for some independent continuants c, d and for some time t: b quality_of c at t & b quality_of d at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [057-001])
(iff (RelationalQuality a) (exists (b c t) (and (IndependentContinuant b) (IndependentContinuant c) (qualityOfAt a b t) (qualityOfAt a c t)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [057-001]
a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary (surface) is a self-connected fiat surface whose location is defined in relation to some material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [033-001])
(iff (TwoDimensionalContinuantFiatBoundary a) (and (ContinuantFiatBoundary a) (exists (b) (and (TwoDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (forall (t) (locatedInAt a b t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [033-001]
two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary
a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary (surface) is a self-connected fiat surface whose location is defined in relation to some material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [033-001])
(iff (TwoDimensionalContinuantFiatBoundary a) (and (ContinuantFiatBoundary a) (exists (b) (and (TwoDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (forall (t) (locatedInAt a b t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [033-001]
the geographic North Pole
the point of origin of some spatial coordinate system.
the quadripoint where the boundaries of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona meet
zero dimension continuant fiat boundaries are not spatial points. Considering the example 'the quadripoint where the boundaries of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona meet' : There are many frames in which that point is zooming through many points in space. Whereas, no matter what the frame, the quadripoint is always in the same relation to the boundaries of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.
a zero-dimensional continuant fiat boundary is a fiat point whose location is defined in relation to some material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [031-001])
(iff (ZeroDimensionalContinuantFiatBoundary a) (and (ContinuantFiatBoundary a) (exists (b) (and (ZeroDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (forall (t) (locatedInAt a b t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [031-001]
zero-dimensional continuant fiat boundary
zero dimension continuant fiat boundaries are not spatial points. Considering the example 'the quadripoint where the boundaries of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona meet' : There are many frames in which that point is zooming through many points in space. Whereas, no matter what the frame, the quadripoint is always in the same relation to the boundaries of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.
requested by Melanie Courtot
a zero-dimensional continuant fiat boundary is a fiat point whose location is defined in relation to some material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [031-001])
(iff (ZeroDimensionalContinuantFiatBoundary a) (and (ContinuantFiatBoundary a) (exists (b) (and (ZeroDimensionalSpatialRegion b) (forall (t) (locatedInAt a b t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [031-001]
a temporal region that is occupied by a process boundary
right now
the moment at which a child is born
the moment at which a finger is detached in an industrial accident
the moment of death.
temporal instant.
A zero-dimensional temporal region is a temporal region that is without extent. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [102-001])
(forall (x) (if (ZeroDimensionalTemporalRegion x) (TemporalRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [102-001]
zero-dimensional temporal region
A zero-dimensional temporal region is a temporal region that is without extent. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [102-001])
(forall (x) (if (ZeroDimensionalTemporalRegion x) (TemporalRegion x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [102-001]
A history is a process that is the sum of the totality of processes taking place in the spatiotemporal region occupied by a material entity or site, including processes on the surface of the entity or within the cavities to which it serves as host. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [138-001])
A history is a process that is the sum of the totality of processes taking place in the spatiotemporal region occupied by a material entity or site, including processes on the surface of the entity or within the cavities to which it serves as host. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [138-001])
A monocarboxylic acid amide resulting from the formal condensation of the aryl amino group of N-phenyl-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-amine with propanoic acid.
A primary alcohol that is ethane in which one of the hydrogens is substituted by a hydroxy group.
Amide derived from two or more amino carboxylic acid molecules (the same or different) by formation of a covalent bond from the carbonyl carbon of one to the nitrogen atom of another with formal loss of water. The term is usually applied to structures formed from alpha-amino acids, but it includes those derived from any amino carboxylic acid. X = OH, OR, NH2, NHR, etc.
An aldehyde resulting from the formal oxidation of methanol.
High molecular weight, linear polymers, composed of nucleotides containing deoxyribose and linked by phosphodiester bonds; DNA contain the genetic information of organisms.
Deoxyribonucleic acid
deoxyribonucleic acids
deoxyribonucleic acid
A nitrogen oxide consisting of linear unsymmetrical molecules with formula N2O. While it is the most used gaseous anaesthetic in the world, its major commercial use, due to its solubility under pressure in vegetable fats combined with its non-toxicity in low concentrations, is as an aerosol spray propellant and aerating agent for canisters of 'whipped' cream.
Dinitrogen oxide
dinitrogen oxide
dinitrogen oxide
A morphinane alkaloid that is a highly potent opiate analgesic psychoactive drug. Morphine acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) to relieve pain but has a high potential for addiction, with tolerance and both physical and psychological dependence developing rapidly. Morphine is the most abundant opiate found in Papaver somniferum (the opium poppy).
A racemate composed of equimolar amounts of (R)- and (S)-nicotine.
Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity.
molecular entity
molecular entity
A compound in which a hydroxy group, -OH, is attached to a saturated carbon atom.
A racemate composed of equimolar amounts of dextrobupivacaine and levobupivacaine. Used (in the form of its hydrochloride hydrate) as a local anaesthetic.
A chemical entity constituting the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element.
A substance that kills or slows the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoans.
antimicrobial agent
A macromolecule made up of nucleotide units and hydrolysable into certain pyrimidine or purine bases (usually adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, uracil), D-ribose or 2-deoxy-D-ribose and phosphoric acid.
nucleic acids
nucleic acid
High molecular weight, linear polymers, composed of nucleotides containing ribose and linked by phosphodiester bonds; RNA is central to the synthesis of proteins.
ribonucleic acid
ribonucleic acids
ribonucleic acid
A macromolecule is a molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass.
Any of naturally occurring compounds and synthetic analogues, based on the cyclopenta[a]phenanthrene carbon skeleton, partially or completely hydrogenated; there are usually methyl groups at C-10 and C-13, and often an alkyl group at C-17. By extension, one or more bond scissions, ring expansions and/or ring contractions of the skeleton may have occurred. Natural steroids are derived biogenetically from squalene which is a triterpene.
A narcotic or opioid substance, synthetic or semisynthetic agent producing profound analgesia, drowsiness, and changes in mood.
opioid analgesic
A central nervous system depressant used to induce drowsiness or sleep or to reduce psychological excitement or anxiety.
Any member of a group of drugs that reversibly inhibit the propagation of signals along nerves. Wide variations in potency, stability, toxicity, water-solubility and duration of action determine the route used for administration, e.g. topical, intravenous, epidural or spinal block.
local anaesthetic
local anaesthetic
Substance which produces loss of feeling or sensation.
inhalation anaesthetic
intravenous anaesthetic
A tetracarboxylic acid anion formed by deprotonation of all four carboxy groups in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA).
A phenol resulting from the formal substitution of the hydrogen at the 2 position of 1,3-diisopropylbenzene by a hydroxy group.
An organofluorine compound that is haloperidol in which the hydroxy group has been eliminated with the introduction of a double bond in the piperidine ring, and the 4-chlorophenyl group has been replaced by a benzimidazol-2-on-1-yl group. It is used in the management of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and in conjunction with an opioid analgesic such as fentanyl to maintain the patient in a calm state of neuroleptanalgesia with indifference to surroundings but still able to cooperate with the surgeon.
The ethyl ester of 1-[(1R)-1-phenylethyl]-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylic acid. It is an intravenous general anaesthetic with no analgesic activity.
ethyl 1-[(1R)-1-phenylethyl]-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylate
A 1,4-benzodiazepinone that is 1,3-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one substituted by a chloro group at position 7, a methyl group at position 1 and a phenyl group at position 5.
Any compound used for the purpose of preserving biological tissues from decay in such a way as to allow for the preparation of thin, stained sections for subsequent histological study.
A drug used to prevent nausea or vomiting. An antiemetic may act by a wide range of mechanisms: it might affect the medullary control centres (the vomiting centre and the chemoreceptive trigger zone) or affect the peripheral receptors.
A drug used to produce muscle relaxation (excepting neuromuscular blocking agents). Its primary clinical and therapeutic use is the treatment of muscle spasm and immobility associated with strains, sprains, and injuries of the back and, to a lesser degree, injuries to the neck. Also used for the treatment of a variety of clinical conditions that have in common only the presence of skeletal muscle hyperactivity, for example, the muscle spasms that can occur in multiple sclerosis.
muscle relaxant
A 1,4-benzodiazepinone compound having a methyl substituent at the 1-position, a hydroxy substituent at the 3-position, a 2-chlorophenyl group at the 5-position and a chloro substituent at the 7-position.
The trisodium salt of citric acid.
trisodium 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate
sodium citrate
A morphinane alkaloid that is a hydrogenated ketone derivative of morphine. A semi-synthetic drug, it is a centrally acting pain medication of the opioid class.
A member of the class of cyclohexanones in which one of the hydrogens at position 2 is substituted by a 2-chlorophenyl group, while the other is substituted by a methylamino group.
A chloride salt in which the negative charge of the chloride ions is balanced by succinylcholine dications.
2,2'-[(1,4-dioxobutane-1,4-diyl)bis(oxy)]bis(N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium) dichloride
succinylcholine chloride (anhydrous)
The monocarboxylic acid amide resulting from the formal condensation of N,N-diethylglycine with 2,6-dimethylaniline.
Any substance which is used to neutralise stomach acidity.
A piperidinecarboxylate ester that is piperidine which is substituted by a methyl group at position 1 and by phenyl and ethoxycarbonyl groups at position 4. It is an analgesic which is used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, including postoperative pain and labour pain.
ethyl 1-methyl-4-phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylate
The sodium salt of methohexital.
sodium 5-(hex-3-yn-2-yl)-1-methyl-4,6-dioxo-5-(prop-2-en-1-yl)-1,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidin-2-olate
methohexital sodium
A steroid ester in which a 5alpha-androstane skeleton is C-3alpha- and C-17beta-disubstituted with acetoxy groups and 2beta- and 16beta-disubstituted with 1-methylpiperidinium-1-yl groups. It is a non-depolarizing curare-mimetic muscle relaxant.
A benzoate ester, formally the result of esterification of 4-aminobenzoic acid with 2-diethylaminoethanol but formed experimentally by reaction of ethyl 4-aminobenzoate with 2-diethylaminoethanol.
2-(diethylamino)ethyl 4-aminobenzoate
A member of the class of furans used to treat peptic ulcer disease (PUD) and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
An organic sodium salt having thiopental(1-) as the counter-ion.
sodium 5-ethyl-4,6-dioxo-5-(pentan-2-yl)-1,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thiolate
thiopental sodium
A 5alpha-androstane compound having 3alpha-acetoxy-, 17beta-acetoxy-, 2beta-piperidino- and 16beta-N-methylpiperidinium substituents.
A cultured cell that is part of a cell line - a stable and homogeneous population of cells with a common biological origin and propagation history in culture
A cultured cell that is part of a cell line - a stable and homogeneous population of cells with a common biological origin and propagation history in culture
cell line cell
A cell line cell that is expected to be capable of an unlimited number of divisions, and is thus able to support indefinite propagation in vitro as part of an immortal cell line.
continuous cell line cell
permanent cell line cell
immortal cell line cell
He, Tong-Chuan, et al., Identification of c-MYC as a target of the APC pathway. Science 281.5382 (1998): 1509-1512.: "To evaluate the transcriptional effects of APC, we studied a human colorectal cancer cell line (HT29-APC) containing a zinc-inducible APC gene and a control cell line (HT29–β-Gal) containing an analogous inducible lacZ gene".
Note that common usage in the literature is often of the form "a human colorectal cancer cell line", as seen above. But such references to studies in "a line" refer to the fact that discrete populations of cells that are input into culturing or experiments, not an entire lineage of cells. It is these discrete populations that we refer to as 'cell lines'.
A cultured cell population that represents a genetically stable and homogenous population of cultured cells that shares a common propagation history (i.e. has been successively passaged together in culture).
A cultured cell population that represents a genetically stable and homogenous population of cultured cells that shares a common propagation history (i.e. has been successively passaged together in culture).
cell line
A cell line that is expected to be capable of indefinite propagation in an vitro culture.
permanent cell line
immortal cell line
A material entity of anatomical origin (part of or deriving from an organism) that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane.
A cultured cell that is freshly isolated from a organismal source, or derives in culture from such a cell prior to the culture being passaged.
primary cultured cell
A cell that is found in a natural setting, which includes multicellular organism cells 'in vivo' (i.e. part of an organism), and unicellular organisms 'in environment' (i.e. part of a natural environment).
native cell
A cell in vitro that is or has been maintained or propagated as part of a cell culture.
cultured cell
A red blood cell. In mammals, mature erythrocytes are biconcave disks containing hemoglobin whose function is to transport oxygen.
An immature erythrocyte that changes the protein composition of its plasma membrane by exosome formation and extrusion. The types of protein removed differ between species though removal of the transferrin receptor is apparent in mammals and birds.
A cell in vitro that has undergone physical changes as a consequence of a deliberate and specific experimental procedure.
experimentally modified cell in vitro
An achromatic cell of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages capable of ameboid movement, found in blood or other tissue.
A cell that is maintained or propagated in a controlled artificial environment for use in an investigation.
cell in vitro
A portion of environmental material is a fiat object part which forms the medium or part of the medium of an environmental system.
environmental material
A specimen barcode is a specimen identification number formatted as an optical machine-readable representation.
specimen barcode
Left renal cortex
Cortex of left kidney
Wall of distal ileum
Wall of distal part of ileum
Paries anterior (vagina)
Anterior wall of vagina
Paries posterior (vagina)
Posterior wall of vagina
Right tibial nerve
Left tibial nerve
Right frontal lobe cortex
Cortex of right frontal lobe
Right leg
Left leg
Right leg skin
Skin of right leg
Left leg skin
Skin of left leg
Left posterior tibial artery
Spatial association relationship which describes the containment, adjacency and anatomical coordinates of physical anatomical entities. Examples: anatomical containment, anatomical adjacency, anatomical coordinate.
Anatomical location
Right mammary gland
Mucosa of abdominal part of esophagus
Muscularis mucosae of abdominal part of esophagus
Right hemisphere of cerebellum
a governmental organization that has a local, regional, or territorial government that recognizes a sovereign state as its higher political authority
Amanda Hicks
William R. Hogan
subnational entity
A subnational entity that does not possess full political independence or sovereignty as a sovereign state, but remains politically outside of the controlling state and controls a geographical region that is outside the controlling state's integral region.
Amanda Hicks
William R. Hogan
Typically, the common feature is that the dependency does not conduct foreign affairs, and relegates this authority to the sovereign state. But otherwise, it is largely or completely autonomous relative to the administrative subdivisions. Examples include Puerto Rico (U.S.), Guam (U.S.), Greenland (Denmark), French Polynesia (France), and Falkland Islands (United Kingdom).
geopolitical dependency
geographical entity of astronomical body
A material entity that is (1) a bona fide or fiat object part of the crust, any bodies of liquid on or contained within the crust, or planetary boundary layer (if present) of a terrestrial planet (including Earth), dwarf planet, exoplanet, natural satellite, planetesimal, or small Solar System body, and that (2) overlaps the planetary surface (including having a boundary that coincides with part of the planetary surface).
Mathias Brochhausen
Matt Diller
William R. Hogan
Includes atmosphere, crust, geographical regions (e.g., the geographical region over which the state of Florida has jurisdiction), bodies of water, mountains, etc.
Generally, an individual organism is a distinct object that is not a part of the Earth, although this requires more thought. But the intent is definitely for this class to NOT subsume organism universally. Human beings are contained within, but not part of, the Earth, for example.
Note that despite the word 'planetary' in 'planetary surface', it refers generally to surface of dwarf planets, asteroids, moons, etc.
We note that not all planets have a surface per se (e.g., gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn). So only planets, natural satellites, etc. with a planetary surface (with or without a planetary boundary layer) have geographical entities.
We note that the term 'geography' is also applied to the Earth's moon, Mars, Venus, and possibly even other moons and planets in our own solar system and beyond.
Thus, we are attempting to define things generally enough that they could be reused for the geographical entities/features on the Moon, Mars, other planets, exoplanets, other natural satellites (a.k.a moons), asteroids, etc.
geographical entity
A geographical entity that is demarcated at least in part by one or more closed fiat boundaries all of whose lines are part of the planetary surface.
François Modave
Mathias Brochhausen
Matt Diller
William R. Hogan
geographical region
A governmental organization with a defined territory on which it exercises internal and external sovereignty, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.
William R. Hogan
de facto sovereign state
de facto state
nation state
Per Wikipedia, the word 'nation' does not always refer to soverign states. For example, the "nation of Islam".
sovereign state
An organization that governs the people living in a particular geographical region or aggregate of geographical regions. The geographical region it governs can change over time (such as the westward expansion of the United States and the addition of Hawaii).
Note: this definition was taken over from "geopolitical organization".
Amanda Hicks
IMPORTANT: The label "geopolitical organization" was previously used for OMRSE_00000044 (governmental organization). "geopoli organization" is a label for a new and different class.
governmental organization
Any immune system process that functions in the calibrated response of an organism to a potential internal or invasive threat.
immune response
A biological process is the execution of a genetically-encoded biological module or program. It consists of all the steps required to achieve the specific biological objective of the module. A biological process is accomplished by a particular set of molecular functions carried out by specific gene products (or macromolecular complexes), often in a highly regulated manner and in a particular temporal sequence.
A protein complex that in its canonical form is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds and sometimes complexed with additional proteins. An immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph.
immunoglobulin complex
A stable assembly of two or more macromolecules, i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates or lipids, in which at least one component is a protein and the constituent parts function together.
protein-containing complex
Population category defined using ancestry informative markers (AIMs) based on genetic/genomic data
ancestry category
Includes individuals that either self-report or have been described as Asian but there was not sufficient information to allow classification as East Asian, Central Asian, South Asian or South-East Asian.
Includes individuals who either self-report or are described by authors as Hispanic, Latino, Latin American or one of the sub-populations
from this region. This category includes individuals with known admixture of primarily European, African and Native American ancestries, though some may have also a degree of Asian (e.g. Peru). We also note that the levels of admixture vary depending on the country, with Caribbean countries carrying higher levels of African admixture when compared to South American countries, for example. This category also includes individuals who genetically cluster with reference populations from this region, for example 1000 Genomes and/or HapMap CLM, MXL, PEL and PUR populations
Hispanic or Latin American
African American
European American
conditional specification
A directive information entity that specifies what should happen if the trigger condition is fulfilled.
PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch
OBI branch derived
conditional specification
measurement unit label
Examples of measurement unit labels are liters, inches, weight per volume.
A measurement unit label is as a label that is part of a scalar measurement datum and denotes a unit of measure.
2009-03-16: provenance: a term measurement unit was
proposed for OBI (OBI_0000176) , edited by Chris Stoeckert and
Cristian Cocos, and subsequently moved to IAO where the objective for
which the original term was defined was satisfied with the definition
of this, different, term.
2009-03-16: review of this term done during during the OBI workshop winter 2009 and the current definition was considered acceptable for use in OBI. If there is a need to modify this definition please notify OBI.
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Melanie Courtot
measurement unit label
objective specification
In the protocol of a ChIP assay the objective specification says to identify protein and DNA interaction.
A directive information entity that describes an intended process endpoint. When part of a plan specification the concretization is realized in a planned process in which the bearer tries to effect the world so that the process endpoint is achieved.
2009-03-16: original definition when imported from OBI read: "objective is an non realizable information entity which can serve as that proper part of a plan towards which the realization of the plan is directed."
2014-03-31: In the example of usage ("In the protocol of a ChIP assay the objective specification says to identify protein and DNA interaction") there is a protocol which is the ChIP assay protocol. In addition to being concretized on paper, the protocol can be concretized as a realizable entity, such as a plan that inheres in a person. The objective specification is the part that says that some protein and DNA interactions are identified. This is a specification of a process endpoint: the boundary in the process before which they are not identified and after which they are. During the realization of the plan, the goal is to get to the point of having the interactions, and participants in the realization of the plan try to do that.
Answers the question, why did you do this experiment?
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Barry Smith
PERSON: Bjoern Peters
PERSON: Jennifer Fostel
goal specification
OBI Plan and Planned Process/Roles Branch
objective specification
Pour the contents of flask 1 into flask 2
A directive information entity that describes an action the bearer will take.
Alan Ruttenberg
OBI Plan and Planned Process branch
action specification
datum label
A label is a symbol that is part of some other datum and is used to either partially define the denotation of that datum or to provide a means for identifying the datum as a member of the set of data with the same label
9/22/11 BP: changed the rdfs:label for this class from 'label' to 'datum label' to convey that this class is not intended to cover all kinds of labels (stickers, radiolabels, etc.), and not even all kind of textual labels, but rather the kind of labels occuring in a datum.
datum label
data item
Data items include counts of things, analyte concentrations, and statistical summaries.
An information content entity that is intended to be a truthful statement about something (modulo, e.g., measurement precision or other systematic errors) and is constructed/acquired by a method which reliably tends to produce (approximately) truthful statements.
2/2/2009 Alan and Bjoern discussing FACS run output data. This is a data item because it is about the cell population. Each element records an event and is typically further composed a set of measurment data items that record the fluorescent intensity stimulated by one of the lasers.
2009-03-16: data item deliberatly ambiguous: we merged data set and datum to be one entity, not knowing how to define singular versus plural. So data item is more general than datum.
2009-03-16: removed datum as alternative term as datum specifically refers to singular form, and is thus not an exact synonym.
2014-03-31: See discussion at
JAR: datum -- well, this will be very tricky to define, but maybe some
information-like stuff that might be put into a computer and that is
meant, by someone, to denote and/or to be interpreted by some
process... I would include lists, tables, sentences... I think I might
defer to Barry, or to Brian Cantwell Smith
JAR: A data item is an approximately justified approximately true approximate belief
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Chris Stoeckert
PERSON: Jonathan Rees
data item
a serial number such as "12324X"
a stop sign
a written proper name such as "OBI"
An information content entity that is a mark(s) or character(s) used as a conventional representation of another entity.
20091104, MC: this needs work and will most probably change
2014-03-31: We would like to have a deeper analysis of 'mark' and 'sign' in the future (see
PERSON: James A. Overton
PERSON: Jonathan Rees
based on Oxford English Dictionary
A symbol that denotes a number.
PERSON: Jonathan Rees
information content entity
Examples of information content entites include journal articles, data, graphical layouts, and graphs.
A generically dependent continuant that is about some thing.
2014-03-10: The use of "thing" is intended to be general enough to include universals and configurations (see
information_content_entity 'is_encoded_in' some digital_entity in obi before split (040907). information_content_entity 'is_encoded_in' some physical_document in obi before split (040907).
Previous. An information content entity is a non-realizable information entity that 'is encoded in' some digital or physical entity.
PERSON: Chris Stoeckert
information content entity
10 feet. 3 ml.
A scalar measurement datum is a measurement datum that is composed of two parts, numerals and a unit label.
2009-03-16: we decided to keep datum singular in scalar measurement datum, as in
this case we explicitly refer to the singular form
Would write this as: has_part some 'measurement unit label' and has_part some numeral and has_part exactly 2, except for the fact that this won't let us take advantage of OWL reasoning over the numbers. Instead use has measurment value property to represent the same. Use has measurement unit label (subproperty of has_part) so we can easily say that there is only one of them.
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Melanie Courtot
scalar measurement datum
An information content entity whose concretizations indicate to their bearer how to realize them in a process.
2009-03-16: provenance: a term realizable information entity was proposed for OBI (OBI_0000337) , edited by the PlanAndPlannedProcess branch. Original definition was "is the specification of a process that can be concretized and realized by an actor" with alternative term "instruction".It has been subsequently moved to IAO where the objective for which the original term was defined was satisfied with the definitionof this, different, term.
2013-05-30 Alan Ruttenberg: What differentiates a directive information entity from an information concretization is that it can have concretizations that are either qualities or realizable entities. The concretizations that are realizable entities are created when an individual chooses to take up the direction, i.e. has the intention to (try to) realize it.
8/6/2009 Alan Ruttenberg: Changed label from "information entity about a realizable" after discussions at ICBO
Werner pushed back on calling it realizable information entity as it isn't realizable. However this name isn't right either. An example would be a recipe. The realizable entity would be a plan, but the information entity isn't about the plan, it, once concretized, *is* the plan. -Alan
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Bjoern Peters
directive information entity
PMID: 18378114.Genomics. 2008 Mar 28. LINKGEN: A new algorithm to process data in genetic linkage studies.
A plan specification which describes the inputs and output of mathematical functions as well as workflow of execution for achieving an predefined objective. Algorithms are realized usually by means of implementation as computer programs for execution by automata.
Philippe Rocca-Serra
PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch
adapted from discussion on OBI list (Matthew Pocock, Christian Cocos, Alan Ruttenberg)
curation status specification
The curation status of the term. The allowed values come from an enumerated list of predefined terms. See the specification of these instances for more detailed definitions of each enumerated value.
Better to represent curation as a process with parts and then relate labels to that process (in IAO meeting)
curation status specification
data set
Intensity values in a CEL file or from multiple CEL files comprise a data set (as opposed to the CEL files themselves).
A data item that is an aggregate of other data items of the same type that have something in common. Averages and distributions can be determined for data sets.
2009/10/23 Alan Ruttenberg. The intention is that this term represent collections of like data. So this isn't for, e.g. the whole contents of a cel file, which includes parameters, metadata etc. This is more like java arrays of a certain rather specific type
2014-05-05: Data sets are aggregates and thus must include two or more data items. We have chosen not to add logical axioms to make this restriction.
person:Allyson Lister
person:Chris Stoeckert
data set
An image is an affine projection to a two dimensional surface, of measurements of some quality of an entity or entities repeated at regular intervals across a spatial range, where the measurements are represented as color and luminosity on the projected on surface.
person:Alan Ruttenberg
person:Chris Stoeckert
data about an ontology part
Data about an ontology part is a data item about a part of an ontology, for example a term
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
data about an ontology part
plan specification
PMID: 18323827.Nat Med. 2008 Mar;14(3):226.New plan proposed to help resolve conflicting medical advice.
A directive information entity with action specifications and objective specifications as parts, and that may be concretized as a realizable entity that, if realized, is realized in a process in which the bearer tries to achieve the objectives by taking the actions specified.
2009-03-16: provenance: a term a plan was proposed for OBI (OBI_0000344) , edited by the PlanAndPlannedProcess branch. Original definition was " a plan is a specification of a process that is realized by an actor to achieve the objective specified as part of the plan". It has been subsequently moved to IAO where the objective for which the original term was defined was satisfied with the definitionof this, different, term.
2014-03-31: A plan specification can have other parts, such as conditional specifications.
2022-01-16 Updated definition to that proposed by Clint Dowloand, IAO Issue 231.
Alternative previous definition: a plan is a set of instructions that specify how an objective should be achieved
Alan Ruttenberg
Clint Dowland
OBI Plan and Planned Process branch
2/3/2009 Comment from OBI review.
Action specification not well enough specified.
Conditional specification not well enough specified.
Question whether all plan specifications have objective specifications.
Request that IAO either clarify these or change definitions not to use them
plan specification
measurement datum
Examples of measurement data are the recoding of the weight of a mouse as {40,mass,"grams"}, the recording of an observation of the behavior of the mouse {,process,"agitated"}, the recording of the expression level of a gene as measured through the process of microarray experiment {3.4,luminosity,}.
A measurement datum is an information content entity that is a recording of the output of a measurement such as produced by a device.
2/2/2009 is_specified_output of some assay?
person:Chris Stoeckert
measurement datum
version number
A version number is an information content entity which is a sequence of characters borne by part of each of a class of manufactured products or its packaging and indicates its order within a set of other products having the same name.
Note: we feel that at the moment we are happy with a general version number, and that we will subclass as needed in the future. For example, see 7. genome sequence version
version number
lot number
A lot number is an information content entity which is an identical sequence of character borne by part of manufactured product or its packaging for each instances of a product class in a discrete batch of an item. Lot numbers are usually assigned to each separate production run of an item. Manufacturing as a lot might be due to a variety of reasons, for example, a single process during which many individuals are made from the same portion of source material. Lot numbers can be encoded in a pattern of other information objects, such as bar codes, numerals, or patterns of dots.
batch number
lot number
A settings datum is a datum that denotes some configuration of an instrument.
2/3/2009 Feedback from OBI
This should be a "setting specification". There is a question of whether it is information about a realizable or not.
Pro other specification are about realizables.
Cons sometimes specifies a quality which is not a realizable.
Alan grouped these in placeholder for the moment. Name by analogy to measurement datum.
setting datum
conclusion textual entity
that fucoidan has a small statistically significant effect on AT3 level but no useful clinical effect as in-vivo anticoagulant, a paraphrase of part of the last paragraph of the discussion section of the paper 'Pilot clinical study to evaluate the anticoagulant activity of fucoidan', by Lowenthal et. al.PMID:19696660
A textual entity that expresses the results of reasoning about a problem, for instance as typically found towards the end of scientific papers.
2009/09/28 Alan Ruttenberg. Fucoidan-use-case
2009/10/23 Alan Ruttenberg: We need to work on the definition still
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
conclusion textual entity
material information bearer
A page of a paperback novel with writing on it. The paper itself is a material information bearer, the pattern of ink is the information carrier.
a brain
a hard drive
A material entity in which a concretization of an information content entity inheres.
material information bearer
obsolescence reason specification
The reason for which a term has been deprecated. The allowed values come from an enumerated list of predefined terms. See the specification of these instances for more detailed definitions of each enumerated value.
The creation of this class has been inspired in part by Werner Ceusters' paper, Applying evolutionary terminology auditing to the Gene Ontology.
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Melanie Courtot
obsolescence reason specification
textual entity
Words, sentences, paragraphs, and the written (non-figure) parts of publications are all textual entities
A textual entity is a part of a manifestation (FRBR sense), a generically dependent continuant whose concretizations are patterns of glyphs intended to be interpreted as words, formulas, etc.
AR, (IAO call 2009-09-01): a document as a whole is not typically a textual entity, because it has pictures in it - rather there are parts of it that are textual entities. Examples: The title, paragraph 2 sentence 7, etc.
MC, 2009-09-14 (following IAO call 2009-09-01): textual entities live at the FRBR ( manifestation level. Everything is significant: line break, pdf and html versions of same document are different textual entities.
PERSON: Lawrence Hunter
textual entity
document title
Textual characteristics of traditional and Open Access scientific journals are similar
A textual entity that names a document
PERSON: Lawrence Hunter
document title
Any picture, diagram or table
An information content entity consisting of a two dimensional arrangement of information content entities such that the arrangement itself is about something.
PERSON: Lawrence Hunter
A journal article, patent application, laboratory notebook, or a book
A collection of information content entities intended to be understood together as a whole
PERSON: Lawrence Hunter
running title
A shorter version of a document title
PERSON: Lawrence Hunter
running title
A scalar measurement datum that is the result of measurement of length quality
Alan Ruttenberg
length measurement datum
denotator type
The Basic Formal Ontology ontology makes a distinction between Universals and defined classes, where the formal are "natural kinds" and the latter arbitrary collections of entities.
A denotator type indicates how a term should be interpreted from an ontological perspective.
Alan Ruttenberg
Barry Smith, Werner Ceusters
denotator type
A scalar measurement datum that is the result of measurement of mass quality
2009/09/28 Alan Ruttenberg. Fucoidan-use-case
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
mass measurement datum
A scalar measurement datum that is the result of measuring a temporal interval
2009/09/28 Alan Ruttenberg. Fucoidan-use-case
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
time measurement datum
A textual entity that is used as directive to deliver something to a person, or organization
2010-05-24 Alan Ruttenberg. Use label for the string representation. See issue
postal address
email address
Alan Ruttenberg 1/3/2012 - Provisional id, see issue at
Person:Alan Ruttenberg
Person:Chris Stoeckart
email address
Recording the current temperature in a laboratory notebook. Writing a journal article. Updating a patient record in a database.
A planned process in which a document is created or added to by including the specified input in it.
6/11/9: Edited at OBI workshop. We need to be able identify a child form of information artifact which corresponds to something enduring (not brain like). This used to be restricted to physical document or digital entity as the output, but that excludes e.g. an audio cassette tape
Bjoern Peters
The sentence "The article has Pubmed ID 12345." contains a CRID that has two parts: one part is the CRID symbol, which is '12345'; the other part denotes the CRID registry, which is Pubmed.
A symbol that is part of a CRID and that is sufficient to look up a record from the CRID's registry.
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Bill Hogan
PERSON: Bjoern Peters
PERSON: Melanie Courtot
CRID symbol
Original proposal from Bjoern, discussions at IAO calls
centrally registered identifier symbol
The sentence "The article has Pubmed ID 12345." contains a CRID that has two parts: one part is the CRID symbol, which is '12345'; the other part denotes the CRID registry, which is Pubmed.
An information content entity that consists of a CRID symbol and additional information about the CRID registry to which it belongs.
2014-05-05: In defining this term we take no position on what the CRID denotes. In particular do not assume it denotes a *record* in the CRID registry (since the registry might not have 'records').
Alan, IAO call 20101124: potentially the CRID denotes the instance it was associated with during creation.
Note, IAO call 20101124: URIs are not always CRID, as not centrally registered. We acknowledge that CRID is a subset of a larger identifier class, but this subset fulfills our current needs. OBI PURLs are CRID as they are registered with OCLC. UPCs (Universal Product Codes from AC Nielsen)are not CRID as they are not centrally registered.
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Bill Hogan
PERSON: Bjoern Peters
PERSON: Melanie Courtot
Original proposal from Bjoern, discussions at IAO calls
centrally registered identifier
PubMed is a CRID registry. It has a code set of PubMed identifiers associated with journal articles.
A code set of CRID records, each consisting of a CRID symbol and additional information which was recorded in the code set through an assigning a centrally registered identifier process.
Justin Whorton
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Bill Hogan
PERSON: Bjoern Peters
PERSON: Melanie Courtot
CRID registry
Original proposal from Bjoern, discussions at IAO calls
centrally registered identifier registry
time stamped measurement datum
An identifier that denotes some postal delivery route, some aggregate of postal delivery routes or a geographical region and was created for the purpose of sorting and delivering mail.
Mathias Brochhausen
postal code
An information content entity that is the outcome of a dubbing process and is used to refer to one instance of entity shared by a group of people to refer to that individual entity.
Justin Whorton
Mathias Brochhausen
proper name
Mathias Brochhausen
Sep 29, 2016: The current definition has been amended from the previous version: "A proper name is an information content entity that is the outcome of a dubbing process and is used to refer to one instance of entity shared by a group of people to refer to that individual entity." to more accuratly reflect the necessary and sufficient condition on the class. (MB)
A dubbing process is a planned process that provides a reference to an individual entity shared by a group of subscribers to refer to that individual entity.
Mathias Brochhausen
Mathias Brochhausen
dubbing process
A personal name is a proper name identifying an individual person.
Mathias Brochhausen
Personal names "today usually comprises a given name bestowed at birth or at a young age plus a surname. It is nearly universal for a human to have a name; except in rare cases, for example feral children growing up in isolation, or infants orphaned by natural disaster for whom no written record survives.[citation needed] The Convention on the Rights of the Child specifies that a child has the right from birth to a name. Certain isolated tribes, such as the Machiguenga of the Amazon, also lack personal names." (
personal name
A given name, in Western contexts often referred to as a first name, is a personal name that specifies and differentiates between members of a group of individuals, especially in a family, all of whose members usually share the same family name (surname). A given name is purposefully given, usually by a child's parents at or near birth, in contrast to an inherited one such as a family name
Mathias Brochhausen
given name
A family name (in Western contexts often referred to as a surname or last name) is typically a part of a person's name which has been passed, according to law or custom, from one or both parents to their children.
Mathias Brochhausen
family name
A document that denotes some identity and is concretized by the bearer of some credential role.
Amanda Hicks
identity document
A documented identity is the aggregate of all data items about an entity. Notice that a documented identity is not itself a document since a document is intended to be understood as a whole and data items about an individual are usually scattered across different documents.
Amanda Hicks
is an aggregate of ICEs also an ICE? yes
Is part_of the appropriate relation to use for data items and documented identities?
documented identity
I order a beer and the bartender authenticates my age by looking at my DOB on my driver's license. I sign into my email account, and the system authenticates my permission to read the email by checking the password I enter against my password listed in the database.
Authentication is the act of checking or verifying an identity claim (that is either tacit or explicit).
Amanda Hicks
A role that inheres in a concretization of an identity document and is realized by an authentication process.
Amanda Hicks
credential role
ontology module
I have placed this under 'data about an ontology part', but this can be discussed. I think this is OK if 'part' is interpreted reflexively, as an ontology module is the whole ontology rather than part of it.
ontology file
This class and it's subclasses are applied to OWL ontologies. Using an rdf:type triple will result in problems with OWL-DL. I propose that dcterms:type is instead used to connect an ontology URI with a class from this hierarchy. The class hierarchy is not disjoint, so multiple assertions can be made about a single ontology.
ontology module
base ontology module
An ontology module that comprises only of asserted axioms local to the ontology, excludes import directives, and excludes axioms or declarations from external ontologies.
base ontology module
editors ontology module
An ontology module that is intended to be directly edited, typically managed in source control, and typically not intended for direct consumption by end-users.
source ontology module
editors ontology module
main release ontology module
An ontology module that is intended to be the primary release product and the one consumed by the majority of tools.
TODO: Add logical axioms that state that a main release ontology module is derived from (directly or indirectly) an editors module
main release ontology module
bridge ontology module
An ontology module that consists entirely of axioms that connect or bridge two distinct ontology modules. For example, the Uberon-to-ZFA bridge module.
bridge ontology module
import ontology module
A subset ontology module that is intended to be imported from another ontology.
TODO: add axioms that indicate this is the output of a module extraction process.
import file
import ontology module
subset ontology module
An ontology module that is extracted from a main ontology module and includes only a subset of entities or axioms.
ontology slim
subset ontology
subset ontology module
curation subset ontology module
A subset ontology that is intended as a whitelist for curators using the ontology. Such a subset will exclude classes that curators should not use for curation.
curation subset ontology module
analysis ontology module
An ontology module that is intended for usage in analysis or discovery applications.
analysis subset ontology module
single layer ontology module
A subset ontology that is largely comprised of a single layer or strata in an ontology class hierarchy. The purpose is typically for rolling up for visualization. The classes in the layer need not be disjoint.
ribbon subset
single layer subset ontology module
exclusion subset ontology module
A subset of an ontology that is intended to be excluded for some purpose. For example, a blacklist of classes.
exclusion subset ontology module
external import ontology module
An imported ontology module that is derived from an external ontology. Derivation methods include the OWLAPI SLME approach.
external import
external import ontology module
species subset ontology module
A subset ontology that is crafted to either include or exclude a taxonomic grouping of species.
taxon subset
species subset ontology module
reasoned ontology module
An ontology module that contains axioms generated by a reasoner. The generated axioms are typically direct SubClassOf axioms, but other possibilities are available.
reasoned ontology module
generated ontology module
An ontology module that is automatically generated, for example via a SPARQL query or via template and a CSV.
TODO: Add axioms (using PROV-O?) that indicate this is the output-of some reasoning process
generated ontology module
template generated ontology module
An ontology module that is automatically generated from a template specification and fillers for slots in that template.
template generated ontology module
taxonomic bridge ontology module
taxonomic bridge ontology module
ontology module subsetted by expressivity
ontology module subsetted by expressivity
obo basic subset ontology module
A subset ontology that is designed for basic applications to continue to make certain simplifying assumptions; many of these simplifying assumptions were based on the initial version of the Gene Ontology, and have become enshrined in many popular and useful tools such as term enrichment tools.
Examples of such assumptions include: traversing the ontology graph ignoring relationship types using a naive algorithm will not lead to cycles (i.e. the ontology is a DAG); every referenced term is declared in the ontology (i.e. there are no dangling clauses).
An ontology is OBO Basic if and only if it has the following characteristics:
No Dangling Clauses
Fully Asserted
Fully Labeled
No equivalence axioms
Singly labeled edges
No qualifier lists
No disjointness axioms
No owl-axioms header
No imports
obo basic subset ontology module
ontology module subsetted by OWL profile
ontology module subsetted by OWL profile
EL++ ontology module
EL++ ontology module
A document that explains all relevant information to assist a human being in understanding the expectations and requirements of participation in a process, and is an instrument in obtaining consent and, after having obtained consent, is a record that such a consent has occurred.
informed consent document
informed consent form
An informed consent form that has been filled with all required contents.
completely filled informed consent form
An informed consent form that has been partially filled with required contents.
partially filled informed consent form
A planned process of making the decision of the competent authorities in form of a letter, document, or verbal or electronic form, that confirms that somebody has permission to do something or be somewhere, e.g. to realize a given project.
act of authorizing
A document that is the output of an authorization process.
obsolete authorization document
A role that represents the eligibility of a candidate according to a study protocol.
eligibility of candidate participation
A role inhering in a participant who meets all eligibility criteria defined within a study protocol.
candidate eligible for study role
A role inhering in a participant who does not meet all eligibility criteria defined within the study protocol.
candidate ineligible for study role
A disposition to initiate processes that result in a disorder.
Albert Goldfain
Alexander Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
A pathogenic disposition is realized in processes that create a disorder.
The use of 'initiates' is intended to convey that a pathogenic disposition is realized when processes resulting in a disorder begin because of some action on the part of the bearer of the disposition. By this interpretation of 'initiates', disorder-causing entities such as glass, UV light, and toxins do not have a pathogenic disposition.
pathogenic disposition
An organism that is experiencing pregnancy-induced or pathologic immunosuppression.
Albert Goldfain
Alexander Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
immunosuppressed organism
A material entity with a pathogenic disposition.
Albert Goldfain
Alexander Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
A process that attenuates an immune response.
Albert Goldfain
Alexander Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
An immunosuppression process which arises as the result of a disorder.
Disorders that result in immunosuppression include those that result from infection, stress, malnutrition, and treatments such as chemotherapy or calcineurin inhibition.
Albert Goldfain
Alexander Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
pathologic immunosuppression
A disposition whose realization negatively regulates an immune response.
Albert Goldfain
Alexander Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
immunosuppressive disposition
An immunosuppression induced by progesterone and other factors upregulated in pregnant women.
Albert Goldfain
Alexander Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
pregnancy-induced immunosuppression
An immunosuppressed organism that is a human experiencing HIV-based immunosuppression.
Alex Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
immunosuppressed human experiencing HIV-based immunosuppression
An immunosuppressed organism that is a human experiencing chronic systemic steroid use-based immunosuppression.
Alex Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
immunosuppressed human experiencing chronic systemic steroid use-based immunosuppression
A pathologically immunosuppressed organism that is a human experiencing drug-based immunosuppression.
Alex Diehl
Lindsay Cowell
immunosuppressed human experiencing drug-based immunosuppression due to organ transplant
Epstein Barr virus
Epstein-Barr virus
Epstein-Barr virus EBV
Human herpesvirus 4
Human herpesvirus type 4
Human gammaherpesvirus 4
Human hepatitis B virus
hepatitis B virus (HBV)
hepatitis B virus HBV
hepatitis B virus, HBV
human hepatitis B virus HBV
Hepatitis B virus
Hepatitis C virus
hepatitis C virus HCV
human hepatitis C virus
human hepatitis C virus HCV
human hepatitis virus C HCV
post-transfusion hepatitis non A non B virus
Hepacivirus C
human immunodeficiency virus 1 HIV-1
human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 HIV 1
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 HIV1
human immunodeficiency virus type 1, HIV-1
human immunodeficiency virus type I HIV-1
human immunodeficiency virus type-1 HIV-1
human immunodeficiency virus-1 HIV-1
Human immunodeficiency virus 1
HIV type 2
Human immunodeficiency virus type 2
Human immunodeficiency virus-2
human immunodeficiency virus type 2 HIV-2
human immunodeficiency virus type 2, HIV-2
Human immunodeficiency virus 2
bony vertebrates
HIV-1 group O
Vertebrata <vertebrates>
Homo sapiens
The method by which conception or impregnation is prevented. This may be achieved through the use of devices, drugs or surgery.
Birth Control Method
Birth Control Method
A rare, cytologically high grade carcinoma that arises from the renal parenchyma. It is characterized by the presence of prominently dilated cystic spaces in a bland, fibrotic stroma. The lining cells have large irregular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Necrosis and mitotic figures are not present. It rarely metastasizes.
Tubulocystic Renal Cell Cancer
Tubulocystic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma
Tubulocystic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Denotes a person whose ancestry is in any of the countries of the central part of the African continent: Burundi, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Rwanda.
Central African
Central African
Denotes a person whose ancestry is in any of the countries of the northern part of the African continent: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara.
North African
North African
Denotes a person whose ancestry is in the country of South Africa.
South African
South African
Denotes a person whose ancestry is in any of the Asian countries south of China, east of India, west of New Guinea and north of Australia.
Southeast Asian
Southeast Asian
Denotes a person whose ancestry is in any of the Asian countries between the Caspian Sea in the west, China in the east, Afghanistan in the south, and Russia in the north.
Central Asian
Central Asian
Denotes a person whose ancestry is in the country or continent of Australia.
Denotes a person whose ancestry is in the country of New Zealand.
New Zealander
New Zealander
Denotes a person whose ancestry is in the countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Finland and Iceland are generally included as part of the Scandinavian region.
A collection of ethnic geographical categories including Australian and New Zealander.
Australian/New Zealand
Australian/New Zealand Ethnicity
Australian/New Zealand Ethnicity
An indicator that a person previously received radiation treatment for the same condition.
Prior RT
Prior Radiation
Prior Radiation Therapy
Prior Radiotherapy
previously irradiated
Prior Radiation Therapy
Any therapy that is administered to augment or stimulate other treatment modalities or to minimize or prevent disease recurrence subsequent to the main treatment plan.
AJ-Adjuvant Therapy
Adjuvant Therapy
adjunct therapy
adjunctive therapy
adjuvant therapy
Adjuvant Therapy
Originally, therapeutic administration of serum or gamma globulin containing preformed antibodies produced by another individual; currently, immunotherapy includes nonspecific systemic stimulation, adjuvants, active specific immunotherapy, and adoptive immunotherapy. New forms of immunotherapy include the use of monoclonal antibodies. This approach has been widely adopted by cancer specialists, often in cases which fail to respond to other treatment. Immunotherapy aims to boost immune system function, as with the administration of interferons and interleukin-2, or to attack cancerous cells directly, as with the injection of monoclonal antibodies. Various immunotherapeutic techniques have also been employed among AIDS patients. In addition, a number of alternative medical practices are claimed to enhance immune function, and various over-the-counter substances (e.g., goldenseal, lysine have gained popularity for this supposed property.
Prior Immunotherapy
Prior Immunotherapy
Previous chemotherapy administered as treatment for this cancer.
Prior Chemotherapy
Prior Chemotherapy Regimens
Prior Chemotherapy
An indication that an individual has been previously treated with hormonal therapy.
Prior Hormone Therapy
prior hormonal therapy
Prior Hormone Therapy
Any intervention for management of a malignant neoplasm.
Cancer Therapeutic Procedure
Cancer Therapy
Cancer Treatment
Malignant Neoplasm Therapy
Malignant Neoplasm Treatment
anticancer therapy
Cancer Therapeutic Procedure
A group of renal cell carcinomas characterized by the presence of different translocations involving the chromosome Xp11.2. These translocations result in the creation of gene fusions involving the TFE3 gene. Patients are usually children and young adults. Morphologically, the malignant epithelial cells form papillary patterns.
Renal Cell Cancer Associated with Xp11.2 Translocations/TFE3 Gene Fusions
Renal Cell Carcinoma Associated with Xp11.2 Translocations/TFE3 Gene Fusions
TFE3-Rearranged Renal Cell Carcinoma
Xp11.2 Translocation-Related Renal Cell Carcinoma
Renal Cell Carcinoma Associated with Xp11.2 Translocations/TFE3 Gene Fusions
A record of an individual's background in regard to smoking tobacco. This would include such factors as start date, end date (if applicable), number of cigarette smoked, attempts to quit, and others.
Smoking History
Tobacco Smoking History
Tobacco Smoking History
A neoplasm of low malignant potential arising from the ovary. It is characterized by the proliferation of neoplastic mucinous epithelial cells that resemble intestinal epithelial cells. There is no evidence of stromal invasion.
Borderline Ovarian Mucinous Tumor, Intestinal Type
Borderline Ovarian Mucinous Tumor, Intestinal Type
A neoplasm of low malignant potential arising from the ovary. It is characterized by the proliferation of neoplastic epithelial cells that resemble endocervical epithelial cells. There is no evidence of stromal invasion.
Borderline Ovarian Mucinous Tumor, Endocervical-Like
Borderline Ovarian Mucinous Tumor, Endocervical-Like
An epithelial neoplasm with low malignant potential affecting the ovary. It is characterized by the presence of clear or hobnail cells. In some cases, the cells may display nuclear atypia and prominent nucleoli. When such cells are present, they remain confined to the glands. There is no evidence of stromal invasion.
Borderline Ovarian Clear Cell Neoplasm
Borderline Ovarian Clear Cell Tumor
Clear cell cystic tumor of borderline malignancy
Borderline Ovarian Clear Cell Tumor
An ovarian epithelial neoplasm that resembles the transitional cell neoplasms found in the urinary tract. It is characterized by the presence of atypia and absence of stromal invasion.
Borderline Ovarian Transitional Cell Neoplasm
Borderline Ovarian Transitional Cell Tumor
Borderline Ovarian Transitional Cell Tumor
Denotes a person whose ancestry is in the countries of the Indian sub-continent, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
South Asian
South Asians
South Asian
Denotes the inhabitants of any of the countries of Europe, a person from there, or their descendants elsewhere.
An aggressive carcinoma arising from the ovary. Most patients present with advanced disease. Microscopically, it is characterized by significant cytologic atypia, increased mitotic activity, and necrosis. The prognosis is usually poor.
Anaplastic Carcinoma of Ovary
Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Ovary
Anaplastic Ovarian Carcinoma
Ovarian Undifferentiated Carcinoma
Undifferentiated Carcinoma of Ovary
Undifferentiated Carcinoma of the Ovary
Undifferentiated Ovarian Cancer
Undifferentiated Ovarian Carcinoma
Ovarian Undifferentiated Carcinoma
A morphologic variant of squamous cell lung carcinoma characterized by the presence of papillary structures.
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Papillary Variant
Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma, Papillary Variant
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Papillary Variant
A morphologic variant of squamous cell lung carcinoma characterized by the presence of clear cells.
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Variant
Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma, Clear Cell Variant
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Variant
A poorly differentiated morphologic variant of squamous cell lung carcinoma characterized by the presence of small tumor cells with focal squamous differentiation.
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Small Cell Variant
Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma, Small Cell Variant
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Small Cell Variant
A morphologic variant of lung adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of mucin pools containing islands of well differentiated adenocarcinoma cells.
Lung Colloid Adenocarcinoma
Lung Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma
Lung Mucinous Cystic Tumor of Borderline Malignancy
Mucinous cystic tumor of borderline malignancy
Lung Colloid Adenocarcinoma
A morphologic variant of lung adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of signet ring cells.
Lung Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma
Lung Signet-Ring Cell Carcinoma
Lung Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma
A low grade serous epithelial neoplasm arising from the ovary. It is characterized by an atypical proliferation of serous-type epithelial cells without evidence of stromal invasion. It is often asymptomatic but rarely it may present with abdominal pain or abdominal enlargement due to rupture or torsion.
Borderline Ovarian Serous Neoplasm
Borderline Ovarian Serous Tumor
Borderline Serous Neoplasm of Ovary
Borderline Serous Neoplasm of the Ovary
Borderline Serous Tumor of Ovary
Borderline Serous Tumor of the Ovary
Ovarian Serous Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential
Ovarian Serous Tumor of Low Malignant Potential
Proliferating Ovarian Serous Neoplasm
Proliferating Ovarian Serous Tumor
Proliferating Serous Neoplasm of Ovary
Proliferating Serous Neoplasm of the Ovary
Proliferating Serous Tumor of Ovary
Proliferating Serous Tumor of the Ovary
Serous Neoplasm of Ovary with Low Malignant Potential
Serous Neoplasm of the Ovary with Low Malignant Potential
Serous Ovarian Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential
Serous Ovarian Tumor of Low Malignant Potential
Serous Tumor of Ovary with Low Malignant Potential
Serous Tumor of the Ovary with Low Malignant Potential
Borderline Ovarian Serous Tumor
A morphologic variant of lung adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of polygonal malignant cells forming sheets. Acinar, papillary, micropapillary, or lepidic growth patterns are absent. If the tumor is 100 percent solid, intracellular mucin should be present in at least five tumor cells in each of two high-power fields and confirmed with mucin immunohistochemical stains. Tumors formerly classified as large cell carcinomas expressing pneumocyte immunohistochemical markers, even if intracellular mucin is absent, are now included in this category.
Lung Solid Adenocarcinoma with Mucin
Pulmonary Solid Adenocarcinoma with Mucin
Solid Adenocarcinoma of Lung with Mucin
Solid Adenocarcinoma of the Lung with Mucin
Solid Lung Adenocarcinoma
Solid adenocarcinoma
Solid Lung Adenocarcinoma
An invasive malignant epithelial tumor that arises from the colon. There is no morphologic, immunophenotypic, or molecular biological evidence of glandular or squamous differentiation.
Carcinoma Simplex of the Colon.
Colon Anaplastic Carcinoma
Colon Undifferentiated Carcinoma
Undifferentiated Carcinoma of Colon
Undifferentiated Carcinoma of the Colon
Undifferentiated Colon Cancer
Undifferentiated Colonic Carcinoma
Colon Undifferentiated Carcinoma
A low grade, non-invasive ovarian epithelial neoplasm characterized by the presence of atypical neoplastic serous and mucinous cells.
Borderline Ovarian Seromucinous Tumor/Atypical Proliferative Ovarian Seromucinous Tumor
Borderline Ovarian Seromucinous Tumor/Atypical Proliferative Ovarian Seromucinous Tumor
A quantification of lifetime tobacco exposure defined as (number of cigarettes smoked per day x number of years smoked)/20. One pack-year is smoking 20 cigarettes a day for one year.
Pack Year
Pack Year: The number of cigarettes smoked per day times the number of years smoked divided by 20 (the number of cigarettes in a pack)
pack year
pack years smoked
{Pack Year}
Pack Year
Denotes a person having origins in any of the countries abutting the Mediterranean Sea, principally those of Europe.
Denotes a person having origins in any of the countries of Western Europe such as Spain, Portugal, or France.
Western European
Western European
Denotes a person having origins in any of the countries of Eastern Europe such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, Former Soviet Union, or Finland. It also includes persons who call themselves Gypsies from this region.
Eastern European
Eastern European
Denotes a person having origins in the region of southwest Asia, between the India subcontinent and Europe, including Kuwait, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, lands east of Pakistan or the other countries of the Arabian Peninsula. Also includes people of Jewish ethnicity including Sephardic and Ashkenazic.
Middle Eastern
Middle Eastern
An epithelial neoplasm that arises from the ovary characterized by the presence of glandular or cystic spaces which contain atypical glandular epithelial cells resembling endometrial cells. The surrounding ovarian stroma is often fibrotic. There is no evidence of stromal invasion.
Borderline Endometrioid Neoplasm of Ovary
Borderline Endometrioid Neoplasm of the Ovary
Borderline Endometrioid Tumor of Ovary
Borderline Endometrioid Tumor of the Ovary
Borderline Ovarian Endometrioid Neoplasm
Borderline Ovarian Endometrioid Tumor
Borderline Ovarian Endometrioid Tumor/Atypical Proliferative Ovarian Endometrioid Tumor
Endometrioid Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential
Endometrioid Neoplasm with Proliferating Activity, Ovarian
Endometrioid Tumor of Low Malignant Potential
Endometrioid Tumor with Proliferating Activity, Ovarian
Endometrioid tumor of low malignant potential
Low Malignant Potential Endometrioid Neoplasm of Ovary
Low Malignant Potential Endometrioid Neoplasm of the Ovary
Low Malignant Potential Endometrioid Tumor of Ovary
Low Malignant Potential Endometrioid Tumor of the Ovary
Low Malignant Potential Ovarian Endometrioid Neoplasm
Low Malignant Potential Ovarian Endometrioid Tumor
Ovarian Endometrioid Borderline Neoplasm
Ovarian Endometrioid Borderline Tumor
Ovarian Endometrioid Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential
Ovarian Endometrioid Neoplasm with Proliferating Activity
Ovarian Endometrioid Tumor of Low Malignant Potential
Ovarian Endometrioid Tumor with Proliferating Activity
Proliferating Endometrioid Neoplasm of Ovary
Proliferating Endometrioid Neoplasm of the Ovary
Proliferating Endometrioid Tumor of Ovary
Proliferating Endometrioid Tumor of the Ovary
Proliferating Ovarian Endometrioid Neoplasm
Proliferating Ovarian Endometrioid Tumor
Borderline Ovarian Endometrioid Tumor/Atypical Proliferative Ovarian Endometrioid Tumor
A description of an individual's current and past experience with alcoholic beverage consumption.
Alcohol History
Alcohol Use
Alcohol Use History
alcohol history
Alcohol Use History
A surgery that is a surgical procedure to remove all or part of your colon.
A textual entity providing information about a biobank and that is written in English.
Mathias Brochhausen
biobank description
biobank description in english
A proper name that refers to a sample collection.
Mathias Brochhausen
sample collection identifier
A device that is part of a freezer and consists of a solid horizontal surface to keep material in the freezer on a flat surface.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
freezer shelf
A planned process that gets rid of a material that is no longer useful or desirable.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
A worker role of recruiting human subjects to partcipate in a clinical investigation in which data about human subject is collected.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
human subject recuiter role
A device that is intended to hold cryovials.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
cryovial box
A container that is used for discarded material.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
trash container
A device that is part of a freezer for keeping material in the freezer in a defined position and prevents movement.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
freezer rack
A device that is designed to contain blood spot cards.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
blood spot card box
A questionnaire that comprises a set of questions about patient, such as height, weight, race, biological sex, clinical history, etc., which will be filled by a recruiter based on an Electronic Medical Record (EMR).
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
data confirm questionnaire
A document editing process in which one or more fields in a form are filled with related information, such as when answering a questionnare.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
form filling
A patient questionnaire which has been filled out by a patient.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
filled patient questionnaire
A questionnaire that comprises a set of demographic and medical questions about a patient which will be filled by the patient or their legally authorized representative.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
patient questionnaire
A collection packet which contains a container with a specimen and a form filled with information about the collected specimen and specimen source.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
collection packet with specimen and information material
A material to be added role that is born by a chemical entity which is added into a blood collection containter to optimize specific blood component(s) preservation and/or separation.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
blood additive role
A worker role that performs the practical hands-on work in laboratories and is realized during study design execution.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
lab technician role
A collection packet which contains a container with a specimen.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
collection packet with specimen
A collection packet which contains an empty container that will be used for holding a specimen.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
collection packet with empty container
A role borne by some material entity which can be delivered/administrated into some organism and the role is realized during a clinical treatment process aiming to treat symptoms, signs or diagnosed disease.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Jie Zheng
Penn Group
obsolete medication role
A data confirm questionnaire which has been filled out by a human subject recruiter.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
filled data confirm questionnaire
A material entity used for specimen collection. It can contain a container to hold a specimen and material (e.g. paper) carrying information about the specimen and the specimen source (e.g. patient).
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
collection packet
A material entity that is bearer of a medication role.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Jie Zheng
Penn Group
medication material
A device that is designed to collect, ship and store blood specimens in an easy and inexpensive way.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
blood spot card
A test tube that designed to store materials at very low temperatures.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
A test tube which is either a sterile glass or plastic tube with a closure that is evacuated to create a vacuum inside the tube facilitating the draw of a predetermined volume of liquid. Most commonly used to draw a blood sample directly from the vein, these also are used to collect urine samples. Vacutainer tube may contain additives designed to stabilize and preserve the specimen prior to analytical testing.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
A planned process for receiving specimens such as into a laboratory.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
specimen receiving
An adding a material entity into a target process where a collected specimen is added to a specimen container. (note, not used for other specimen process that produce new specimens)
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
adding specimen into a container
An adding specimen into a container process that spots the blood from an organism on the blood spot card.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
blood spotting
A processed specimen which is the output of a density gradient centrifugation of an anticoagulated blood specimen that contains most of the white blood cells and platelets.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
buffy coat specimen
A blood specimen that is located on a blood spot card.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
A specimen that located in a blood spot card via blood spotting process.
blood specimen on blood spot card
A collection packet which contains a container without a specimen and an unfilled form that will be used to fill in information about specimen to be collected.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
collection packet with empty container and unfilled information material
A duration time of smoking about how long a person has been smoking regularly. (better to have criteria of regularly mean, such as smoke everyday)
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
duration time of smoking regularly
An average value of use of cigarettes per day.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
average daily use of cigarette datum
A processed material that contains nicotine in the form of a transdermal patch which releases nicotine into the body through the skin. It is commonly used as an aid in nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), a process for smoking cessation.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
nicotine patch
A processed material which is a small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in thin paper for smoking.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
A processed material contains nicotine in a form of a chewing gum or a candy-like tablet. It delivers nicotine to the body via absorption by the tissues of the mouth. It is commonly used as an aid in nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), a process for smoking cessation.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
nicotine gum or lozenge
A processed material which is a tightly-rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco that is ignited so that its smoke may be drawn into the mouth.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
A processed material which is a kind of smokeless tobacco product consumed by placing a portion of the tobacco between the cheek and gum or upper lip teeth and chewing.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
chewing tobacco
A processed material that contains nicotine.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
nicotine product
Penn Group
nicotine material
A device made to allow the user to inhale or taste smoke or vapor derived from the burning or vaporization of some substance.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
smoking pipe
A processed material that vaporizes a liquid solution containing nicotine and simulates tobacco smoking by producing an aerosol that resembles smoke.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
nicotine e-cigarette
A time measurement datum which is the start date of a smoking behavior.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
smoking start date
A smoking behavior that uses a smoking pipe to inhale or taste tobacco material.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
pipe smoking behavior
A time measurement datum about how long a person has been smoking.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
duration time of smoking
A time measurement datum which is the end date of a smoking behavior.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
smoking end date
A processed material which is made from tobacco for smoking tobacco using a pipe.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
pipe tobacco
A Eukaryota that is within the genus Nicotiana of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
Penn Group
A processed material that is made from tobacco. Typically, tobacco material is meant to be used as a source of nicotine as tobacco contains a higher concentration of nicotine than most other plants.
Person: Jie Zheng, Chris Stoeckert
tobacco product
Penn Group
tobacco material
An anatomical location that is just below (1 cm) the site of surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Location below resection
adjacent to tissue for PAXgene fixation.
An anatomical location that is adjacent to the site where tissue was collected and subjected to fixation.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Location adjacent to tissue fixation
A time measurement datum that states the duration during which a specimen was submerged in fixative.
more general than time in formalin
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time in fixative measurement
A collection from organism that occurs after the organism is dead.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
postmortem collecting specimen from organism
A collecting specimen from organism that occurs during the process of organ donation.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
collecting specimen from organism during organ donation
A temperature measurement assay to obtain the body temperature of an organism through placement of a thermometer in an internal cavity or organ.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
core body temperature
internal body temperature measurement assay
An internal body temperature measurement assay where the thermometer is placed in the rectum.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
rectal temperature measurement assay
An internal body temperature measurement assay where the thermometer is placed in an organ.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
organ temperature measurement assay
An internal body temperature measurement assay where the temperature probe interfaces with the anesthesia vent monitor. Typically the thermometer is a rectal probe with a wire and connector that hooks up to the ekg/pulse ox/co2 monitor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
anesthesia probe temperature measurement assay
An identifier that refers to a collection packet used in a specimen collection process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Kit ID
collection packet identifier
A role which inheres in a person and is realized in the dissection of a body for anatomical instruction or pathological examination.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
prosector role
A protocol that is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization for carrying out routine operations.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
standard operating procedure
A standard operating procedure for the transportation of specimens.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen transport SOP
A standard operating procedure for collecting specimens from organism.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
tissue procurement SOP
A standard operating procedure for properly and completely filling out a case report form.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
CRF completion protocol
case report form completion SOP
A textual entity that is a short communication to provide advisory or informative matter about a standard operating procedure.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
SOP memorandum
A protocol that provides deviations or changes to part of an existing standard operating procedure.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
SOP adjustment
A date of specimen collection for the first collection of blood from a donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
first blood draw date
A date of specimen collection for the first collection of a tissue from a donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
first tissue removed date
A data item that reports the calendar date when the data collected on a form was verified.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of form data verification
A data item that reports the time of day when a blood specimen was collected.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
blood draw time
A blood draw time for the first collection of a blood specimen from a donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
first blood draw time
A time of surgical removal of specimen for the first removal of tissue from a donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
first tissue removed time
A data item that reports the time of day when a clamp or ligature was applied to an organ for specimen collection.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of surgical ligature for specimen collection
A planned process to assess the correctness of data entered on a form.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
form data verification process
A planned process to stop blood flow for an organ during a surgical procedure using a clamp or ligature.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
surgical ligature process
An organization at which the process of collecting a specimen from an organism occurred.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
biospecimen source site
tissue source site
organization conducting specimen collection from organism
specimen collected with GTEx Pink Kit
A specimen from organism that is collected with a collection packet that is designed to collect specimens of a particular type for a particular purpose.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen collected with specific kit
specimen collected with specific collection packet
A categorical value specification that is used to record the destruction of an organism cells or tissues by the organisms' own enzymes or processes with nominal categories ranging from none to severe.
Add instances 0-non, 1-slight, 2-moderate, 3-severe
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
autolysis value specification
follow up needed for Pathology Resource Center identified issue for Postmortem/Organ Procurement Tissue Collection
A data item that is an indicator of whether further followup on a specimen collection issue is required.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
followup required for specimen collection issue
resolution of Pathology Resource Center identified issue for Postmortem/Organ Procurement Tissue Collection
A data item that is an indicator of whether a specimen collection issue is resolved.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
resolved specimen collection issue
A comment from tissue procurement that is an explanation as to why frozen specimens were not collected.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
reason for not collecting frozen specimens
A comment from tissue procurement made in regards to the resolution of an issue with the tissue.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on resolved specimen collection issue
A data item indicating whether the body of the specimen donor was refrigerated after death but prior to specimen collection.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen donor body refrigerated indicator
A time measurement datum that states the duration during which the specimen donor's body was refrigerated.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time donor body refrigerated measurement
A life-death temporal boundary marked by the irreversible end of all brain activity (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
brain death
cessation of brain activity death
A life-death temporal boundary marked by the natural cessation of cardiac activity.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
cardiac death
cessation of cardiac activity death
A data item that indicates the amount of a serum analyte is at a level above a threshold considered to be present.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
positive serological assay result
A data item that indicates the amount of a serum analyte is at a level below a threshold considered to be present.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
negative serological assay result
A data item that indicates the amount of a serum analyte is approximately at a threshold considered to be present and therefore can not be confidently scored as positive or negative.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
indeterminate serological assay result
An information content entity that is about the status of an assay and indicates that the assay has not been started or completed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
non-performance of an assay
A date of specimen collection on which the surgery was performed during which the specimen was collected.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of surgical removal of specimen
A planned process to administer sedation drugs intravenously prior to surgery in order to induce total or partial loss of sensation especially tactile sensation and pain.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
preoperative intravenous administration of sedative
A planned process to administer opioid analgesics intravenously prior to surgery in order to induce total or partial loss of sensation especially tactile sensation and pain.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
preoperative intravenous administration of opioid analgesic
A planned process to administer antiemetic agents intravenously prior to surgery to prevent nausea or vomiting.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
preoperative intravenous administration of antiemetic
A planned process to administer antacid intravenously prior to surgery in order to relieve and reduce the symptoms of ulcers in the stomach and upper small intestine.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
preoperative intravenous administration of antacid
A planned process to administer medication intravenously prior to surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
preoperative intravenous administration of medication
administered prior to organ removal
A planned process to administer anaesthetic to a restricted or localized area in order to produce a loss of feeling.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
administration of local anaesthetic
epidural administration prior to organ removal
A planned process to administer anaesthetic to a restricted area or part of the body in order to produce a loss of feeling.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
administration of regional anaesthetic
administered prior to organ removal
A planned process to administer anaesthetic within or into a vein or veins in order to produce a loss of feeling.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
administration of intravenous anaesthetic
administered prior to organ removal
A planned process to administer opioid analgesics intravenously in order to induce total or partial loss of sensation especially tactile sensation and pain.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
intravenous administration of opioid analgesic
administered prior to organ removal
A planned process to administer muscle relaxant intravenously in order to relax skeletal muscles and reduce muscle contraction.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
intravenous administration of muscle relaxant
administered prior to organ removal
A planned process to administer anaesthetic in the form of a gas aerosol or fine powder via the respiratory tract usually by oral or nasal inhalation for local or systemic effect.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
administration of inhalation anaesthetic
A planned process to administer anaesthetic in order to produce a loss of feeling.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
administration of anaesthetic
A planned process to administer insulin during a surgical procedure.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
administration of insulin during surgery
A planned process to administer steroid during a surgical procedure.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
administration of steroid during surgery
A planned process to administer antimicrobial agent(s) during a surgical procedure.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
administration of antimicrobial agent during surgery
A planned process to administer medication(s) during a surgical procedure.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
administration of medication during surgery
A data item that reports the time of day at which the first incision is made during surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of first surgical incision
A surgical procedure in which the anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon are removed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
abdominoperineal resection
A colectomy that is the surgical removal of the left side of the large intestine.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
left colectomy
left hemicolectomy
A colectomy that is the surgical removal of the sigmoid colon.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
sigmoid colectomy
A colectomy that involves removing the cecum, the ascending colon, the hepatic flexure (where the ascending colon joins the transverse colon), the first one-third of the transverse colon, and part of the terminal ileum, along with fat and lymph nodes.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
right colectomy
right hemicolectomy
A colectomy that is complete resection of the colon
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
subtotal colectomy
A colectomy that is resection of part of the colon or a resection of all of the colon without complete resection of the colon
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
total colectomy
A colectomy that is resection of the transverse colon along with the middle colic vessels and its mesentery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
transverse colectomy
A surgical procedure that is done to treat cancer of the rectum in which the part of the rectum containing the cancer is removed. The remaining part of the rectum is reconnected to the colon.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
low anterior resection
A surgical procedure to remove all or part of the rectum. It is often needed to treat rectal cancer.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng,53/
A colectomy that is the surgical removal of the rectum and all or part of the colon.[
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
A colectomy that is the surgical removal of the rectum and sigmoid colon.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
A data item that reports the time of day when the first clamp was applied to the vasculature of an organ for specimen collection.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of first clamp for specimen removal
A data item that reports the time of day when the second clamp was applied to the vasculature of an organ for specimen collection.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of second clamp for specimen removal
A time measurement datum of the period between organ resection and the time of first clamping perfomed in vivo.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
in vivo intraoperative ischemic period
A data item on the duration of blood pressure variances of greater than 20 mmHg from a patient's pre-operative baseline from the time of anesthesia induction to 15 minutes post.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
BP excursions from time of anesthesia induction to 15 minutes post
vital sign blood pressure variance early in organ excision
A data item on the duration of blood pressure variances of greater than 20 mmHg from a patient's pre-operative baseline from 15 minutes post anesthesia induction to the organ excision.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
BP excursions from 15 minutes post anesthesia induction to organ excision
vital sign blood pressure variance late in organ excision
A time stamped measurement datum that is the first temperature recorded in the operating room of the specimen donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
first temperature recorded in operating room of specimen donor
A time stamped measurement datum that is the second temperature recorded in the operating room of the specimen donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
second temperature recorded in operating room of specimen donor
A comment from tissue procurement of the epochs of oxygen desaturation of less than 92% for more than 5 minutes prior to organ excision.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
oxygen desaturation epochs prior to organ excision description
A measurement datum of the level of carbon dioxide gas at time closest to organ exiscion from the specimen donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
carbon dioxide level of specimen donor recorded at time closest to organ excision
A measurement datum of the volume of albumin administered during surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
albumin volume administered intraoperatively
A count of the number of units of packed red blood cells administered during surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
amount of packed red blood cells administered intraoperatively
A measurement datum of the volume of platelets administered during surgery measured.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
platelet volume administered intraoperatively
A count of the number of units of fresh frozen plasma administered during surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
amount of fresh frozen plasma administered intraoperatively
A measurement datum of the volume of intraoperative blood loss from the specimen donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
intraoperative blood loss of specimen donor
specimen donor intraoperative blood loss volume measurement datum
A specimen donor intraoperative blood loss volume measurement datum obtained prior to organ excision.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
intraoperative blood loss of specimen donor prior to organ excision
specimen donor intraoperative blood loss prior to organ excision volume measurement datum
A specimen donor intraoperative blood loss volume measurement datum obtained at the end of surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
intraoperative blood loss of specimen donor at end of surgery
specimen donor intraoperative blood loss at end of surgery volume measurement datum
A measurement datum of the volume of intraoperative urine excreted obtained from the specimen donor during surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
intraoperative urine volume excreted
specimen donor intraoperative urine excreted volume measurement datum
A specimen donor intraoperative urine excreted volume measurement datum obtained during prior to organ excision.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
intraoperative urine volume excreted of specimen donor prior to organ excision
specimen donor intraoperative urine excreted prior to organ excision volume measurement datum
A specimen donor intraoperative urine excreted volume measurement datum obtained at the end of surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
intraoperative urine volume excreted of specimen donor at end of surgery
specimen donor intraoperative urine excreted at end of surgery volume measurement datum
An information content entity that is an indication of whether ascites fluid was collected from the specimen donor during organ excision.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
indicator of ascites fluid collection during surgery
A measurement datum of the volume of ascites fluid collected from the specimen donor during surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
ascites fluid from specimen donor during surgery volume measurement datum
A time measurement datum of the duration of fasting by the specimen donor prior to surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Duration of fasting by specimen donor prior to surgery
A comment from tissue procurement of the pre-operative bowel preparation performed prior to surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on donor pre-operative bowel preparation prior to surgery
A comment from tissue procurement of notable events that occurred during surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on notable events during donor surgery
A data item indicating the time at which the surgical specimen left the operating for delivery to the pathology gross room.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time specimen left operating room
A surgical procedure with the removal of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. This is the most common surgery done for endometrial cancer.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
A surgical procedure with the removal of the uterus, cervix, left fallopian tube, and left ovary.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
hysterectomy with left salpingo-oophorectomy
A surgical procedure with the removal of the uterus, cervix, right fallopian tube, and right ovary.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
hysterectomy with right salpingo-oophorectomy
A surgical procedure with the removal of both ovaries.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
bilateral oophorectomy
A surgical procedure with the removal of the left ovary.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
left oophorectomy
A surgical procedure with the removal of the right ovary.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
right oophorectomy
A surgical procedure that removes all organs from a person's pelvic cavity including the urinary bladder, urethra, rectum, and anus.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
pelvic exenteration
A surgical procedure to remove a mass (growth or tumor) on the ovary or in the pelvis.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
pelvic mass excision
A surgical procedure to remove both ovaries and both fallopian tubes.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
A surgical procedure to remove the left ovary and left fallopian tube.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
left salpingo-oophorectomy
A surgical procedure to remove the right ovary and right fallopian tube.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
right salpingo-oophorectomy
A protocol providing the action or system by which the surgical procedure is to be performed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Jie Zheng
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
surgical method
A surgical method in which operations are performed through the abdomen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
abdominal surgical method
A surgical method in which operations are performed through the vagina.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
vaginal surgical method
A surgical method in which operations are performed far from their location through small incisions (usually 0.5���1.5��cm) elsewhere in the body.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
laparoscopic surgical method
Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (LAVH)
A surgical method in which operations are performed through the vagina aided by laparoscopic tools and techniques.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
laparoscopically assisted vaginal surgical method
A surgical procedure in which the body of the uterus is removed but the cervix is kept intact, as compared to the more common total hysterectomy, in which the uterus, cervix and fundus (the part of the uterus above the fallopian tube openings) are removed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
supracervical hysterectomy
A surgical method using very small tools attached to a robotic arm. The surgeon controls the robotic arm with a computer.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
robotic surgical method
An information content entity that is an indication of whether pelvic washings were collected during ovarian surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
indicator of pelvic washings collected during ovarian surgery
A biopsy of the left kidney.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Kidney biopsy (left)
left kidney biopsy
A biopsy of the right kidney.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Kidney biopsy (right)
right kidney biopsy
A surgical procedure to remove a mass (growth or tumor) in the left kidney.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Kidney mass excision (left)
left kidney mass excision
A surgical procedure to remove part of the left kidney.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Nephrectomy (partial left)
left partial nephrectomy
A surgical procedure to remove the entire left kidney.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Nephrectomy (radical left)
left radical nephrectomy
A surgical procedure that is minimally invasive to remove a patient's left renal pelvis, kidney, ureter, and bladder cuff.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Nephroureterectomy (left)
left nephroureterectomy
A surgical procedure to remove a mass (growth or tumor) in the right kidney.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Kidney mass excision (right)
right kidney mass excision
A surgical procedure to remove part of the right kidney.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Nephrectomy (partial right)
right partial nephrectomy
A surgical procedure to remove the entire right kidney.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Nephrectomy (radical right)
right radical nephrectomy
A surgical procedure that is minimally invasive to remove a patient's right renal pelvis, kidney, ureter, and bladder cuff.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Nephroureterectomy (right)
right nephroureterectomy
A surgical method in which an incision is made using a scalpel. Open surgery is the traditional type of surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
open surgery
open surgical method
A biopsy of the left lung.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
left lung biopsy
A biopsy of the right lung.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
right lung biopsy
A surgical procedure to remove one of the lobes of the left lung.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng,P07749/
left lung lobectomy
A surgical procedure to remove one of the lobes of the right lung.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng,P07749/
right lung lobectomy
A surgical procedure to remove a mass (growth or tumor) in the left lung.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
left lung mass excision
A surgical procedure to remove a mass (growth or tumor) in the right lung.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
right lung mass excision
A surgical procedure performed to remove an entire left lung
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
left pneumonectomy
A surgical procedure performed to remove an entire right lung
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
right pneumonectomy
A surgical procedure to remove a triangle-shaped slice of tissue from the left lung. It may be used to remove a tumor or some other type of tissue that requires removal and typically includes a small amount of normal tissue around it.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
wedge resection of left lung
A surgical procedure to remove a triangle-shaped slice of tissue from the right lung. It may be used to remove a tumor or some other type of tissue that requires removal and typically includes a small amount of normal tissue around it.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
wedge resection of right lung
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether pre-operative/pre-anesthesia blood samples were collected from the participant and were successfully banked in a biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
indicator of collected and banked pre-operative blood specimens
The reason(s) that the pre-operative/pre-anesthesia blood samples were not received in the tissue bank as per the BPV Collection and Processing SOP.
A comment from tissue procurement providing a reason that the pre-operative/pre-anesthesia blood samples were not received in a biobank as per SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
reason for not banking pre-operative blood specimen
A reason for not banking pre-operative blood specimen which is the blood specimen was not received in the biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
blood not received in biobank
A reason for not banking pre-operative blood specimen which is a minimum amount of required pre-op blood was not drawn.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
minimum amount of required pre-op blood not drawn
A reason for not banking pre-operative blood specimen which is a minimum number of aliquots was not banked.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
minimum number of aliquots not banked
A reason for not banking pre-operative blood specimen which is the blood was hemolyzed or not useable.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
blood was hemolyzed or not useable
BPV SOP governing receipt and dissection of surgical tissue in the Tissue Bank
A standard operating procedure for the receipt and dissection of surgical tissue in a biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
receipt and dissection of surgical specimen SOP
Date and time tissue specimens were received in Tissue Bank from the Pathology Gross Room
A data item indicating the date and time at which the specimen was received in the biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
data and time of biobank receipt of specimen
A personal name that designates the person who received a specimen in the biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of biobank person receiving specimen
A textual entity that states a comment or issue regarding specimen receipt or deviations from a standard operating procedure for specimen receipt.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment from specimen receipt
Parent Tissue Specimen ID of required study tumor tissue received in Tissue Bank from the Pathology Gross Room
A specimen ID denoting a specimen that is used to create a specimen family.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
parent specimen ID
A personal name that designates the person who performed the dissection of a surgical specimen to create a specimen family.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of dissector of parent specimen
A data item indicating the time that the dissection of a specimen for specimen family creation began.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
beginning time of parent specimen dissection.
A data item indicating the time that the dissection of a specimen for specimen family creation ended.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
ending time of parent specimen dissection.
The gross appearance of the parent sample as determined in the pathology gross room.
A data item on manifestations of disease produced from macroscopic analysis of a specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen gross appearance
A specimen gross appearance of a tumor manifestation.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen gross appearance of tumor
A biopsy that uses a thin, hollow needle to draw cells from a body.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
needle biopsy
obsolete fine needle biopsy
A biopsy that uses a hollow tube that allows extracting a core of tissue for testing. This type of needle biopsy uses a wider needle than does fine-needle aspiration.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
core biopsy
obsolete core needle biopsy
A processed material that is a non-carcinogenic, non-cross-linking mixture of different alcohols, acid and a soluble organic compound that rapidly preserves morphology and all bio-molecules.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
PAXgene Tissue FIX
PAXgene fixation reagent
10% neutral buffered formalin (4% neutral buffered formaldehyde)
A processed material that is a mixture of formalin (formaldehyde), phosphates, and water used as a standard fixative for diagnostic preparations.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
buffered formalin
neutral buffered formalin
A protocol specifying the buffer formula of the fixative in which tissue specimens are processed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Fixative formula (buffer)
buffer formula for specimen fixative
A data item that indicates the the date determined by appropriate stability testing of the medical product, lot, batch or item after which the product may not meet the appropriate regulatory agencies requirements.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
medical product expiration date
A manufacturer that produces fixatives used in specimen collection.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
fixative product manufacturer
A manufacturer that produces materials to be sold for profit.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
commercial source
commercial manufacturer
A manufacturer that produces materials internally for the internal needs of the organization.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
In-house source
in-house manufacturer
A buffered formalin condition by virtue of the formalin having undergone a recycling process such as fractional distillation by temperature.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
recycled formalin
recycled buffered formalin condition
A quality that inheres in buffered formalin by virtue of its usage and processing.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
buffered formalin condition
A buffered formalin condition by virtue of being newly prepared with formalin that has not been previously used.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
fresh formalin
fresh buffered formalin condition
A standard operating procedure for collection and processing of blood specimens.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
blood specimen collection and processing SOP
An information content entity indicating whether the minimum requirement according to a standard operating procedure was met for pre-operative blood collection.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
minimum required pre-operative blood tubes collected
An information content entity indicating whether approval was received to proceed with collection.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
approval to proceed with collection
A health care provider role borne by a person trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing, transfusions, donations, or research. Phlebotomists collect blood primarily by performing venipunctures.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
phlebotomist role
A health care provider role borne by a medical practitioner trained in anesthesia and perioperative medicine.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
anesthesiologist role
A nurse role borne by a nurse who specializes in the administration of anesthesia.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
nurse anesthetist role
A health care provider role borne by a person whose duties are to prepare operating rooms, set up equipment and surgical tools, and assist doctors and nurses during surgeries as instructed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
O.R. technician
surgical technician
operating room technician
A data item indicating the date and time when a blood specimen was collected.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Date and Time Blood Was Drawn
date and time of blood collection
A blood specimen collection that occurs pre-operatively or pre-anesthesia relative to surgery.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
pre-operative blood draw
pre-operative blood specimen collection
A collecting specimen from organism that results in a blood specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
blood draw
blood specimen collection
A personal name that designates the person who performed the collection of a blood specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of person performing blood draw
A specimen container for collecting blood and has ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as an anticoagulant.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
lavender top tube
blood specimen container with EDTA
A specimen container developed by PreAnalytiX that is intended to collect, anticoagulate, stabilize, transport, and store a venous whole blood sample for preparation of high quality DNA for use with molecular diagnostic test methods that require DNA.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
PAXgene DNA vacutainer
A specimen container developed by PreAnalytiX that contains a proprietary reagent for stabilization of intracellular RNA immediately upon collection.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
PAXgene RNA vacutainer
Volume of blood collected in milliliters
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a volume measurement assay that has a blood specimen as evaluant.
need volume measurement assay from OBI first
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
blood specimen volume
A blood specimen collection that is performed with a fresh needle inserted into a vein.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
fresh venous needle stick
fresh venous needle blood specimen collection
A textual entity that states additional information about the blood specimen or donor that is deemed relevant for the specimen collection process.
Consider generalizing label of ���comment from tissue procurement��
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment from blood specimen collection
A data item indicating the date and time at which the specimen was received in the laboratory for processing.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
data and time of laboratory receipt of specimen
A personal name that designates the person who received a blood specimen in the laboratory.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of person receiving blood specimen in laboratory
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a temperature measurement assay occurring in a laboratory and performed when a blood specimen is received.
need temperature measurement assay from OBI and humidity from PATO
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
temperature in lab when blood specimen was received
A measurement datum that is the output of an assay of humidity occurring in a laboratory and performed when a blood specimen is received.
need humidity from PATO
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
humidity in lab when blood specimen was received
DNA PAXgene tube Specimen Barcode ID
A specimen barcode that is associated with a vacutainer.
need specimen barcode
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
vacutainer specimen barcode
Time DNA PAXgene tube was frozen at -20�_C �� 2�_C
A time of specimen freezing which occurred at approximately -20�_C.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of specimen freezing at approximately -20 degrees C
Time DNA PAXgene tube was transferred to storage at -75�_C �� 5�_C
A time of specimen freezing which occurred at -75�_ �� 5�_C.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of specimen freezing at -70 to -80 degrees C
A personal name that designates the person who stored a specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of person storing specimen
DNA PAXgene tube was collected and stored in accordance with the specified SOP
An information content entity indicating whether the specimen was collected and stored in accordance with the specified SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen was collected and stored in accordance with the specified SOP
DNA PAXgene tube storage comments
A textual entity that states additional information about the blood specimen or donor that is deemed relevant for the specimen storage process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment from blood specimen storage
Time plasma processing began.
A data item indicating the time when a blood specimen was processed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of blood processing
An identifier that specifically identifies a particular conical centrifuge tube.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Conical centrifuge Tube code
conical centrifuge tube identifier
A blood specimen volume of blood contained in a conical centrifuge tube.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
blood specimen volume in conical centrifuge tube
A specimen barcode that is associated with a blood plasma specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
blood plasma specimen barcode
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a volume measurement assay that has a blood plasma specimen as evaluant.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
blood plasma specimen volume
A data item indicating the time when a blood plasma specimen was placed on dry ice.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of blood plasma specimen placement on dry ice
A specimen barcode that is associated with a cryovial.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
cryovial specimen barcode
A data item indicating the time when a blood plasma specimen was transferred to a freezer.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of blood plasma specimen transfer to freezer
A personal name that designates the person who processed a blood specimen to generate aliquots of blood plasma specimens.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of person processing blood plasma specimen aliquots
A personal name that designates the person who transferred blood plasma specimens to freezer.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of person transferring blood plasma specimens to freezer
Plasma Processing Was Performed in Accordance With Specified SOP
An information content entity indicating whether the specimen was processed in accordance with the specified SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen was processed in accordance with the specified SOP
Plasma Processing Comments
A textual entity that states additional information about the blood specimen or donor that is deemed relevant for specimen processing.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment from blood specimen processing
An information content entity indicating whether the presence of gross hemolysis of plasma was observed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
presence of gross hemolysis of plasma observed
Volume in ml of Whole Cell Pellet
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a volume measurement assay that has a cell pellet as evaluant.
need volume measurement assay from OBI first
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
cell pellet volume
Whole Cell Pellet Aliquot Specimen Barcode ID
A specimen barcode that is associated with a cell pellet specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
cell pellet specimen barcode
A data item indicating the time when processing of a blood cell pellet specimen was completed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of completion of blood cell pellet processing
A data item indicating the time when the blood cell pellet specimen was transferred to storage.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of blood cell pellet transfer to storage
A personal name that designates the person who performed processing of the blood cell pellet specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of person processing blood cell pellet specimen
A data item indicating the calendar date when a specimen was placed on dry ice for transport.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of specimen placement on dry ice for transport
A data item indicating the time when a specimen was placed on dry ice for transport.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of specimen placement on dry ice for transport
A data item indicating the calendar date when a specimen was stored at -75_ � 5_C.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of specimen freezing at -70 to -80 degrees C
A data item indicating the calendar date when a specimen was transported to another institution.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of specimen shipment
date of specimen transport
A data item indicating the time when a specimen was transported to another institution.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of specimen shipment
time of specimen transport
A role borne by an organization that is the provider of a specimen that is transported to another organization.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen shipping organization
specimen transporting organization
A role borne by an organization that is the recipient of a specimen that is transported from another organization.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen receiving organization
A personal name that designates the person who is responsible for the transport of a specimen to another organization.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of person responsible for specimen shipment
name of person responsible for specimen transport
A personal name that designates the person who verified the specimen transport was according to best practice, international standards, and industry regulations as trained by the IATA.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of IATA-trained person verifying specimen shipment
name of IATA-trained person verifying specimen transport
A data item indicating the calendar date when a specimen was received after transport from another institution.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of receiving specimen shipment
date of receiving specimen transport
A data item indicating the time when a specimen was received after transport from another institution.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of receiving specimen shipment
time of receiving specimen transport
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a temperature measurement assay performed on a collection packet when it is received with a specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
temperature of interior kit at time of receipt
temperature of specimen collection packet at time of receipt
A personal name that designates the person who received the specimen that was transported from another organization.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of person receiving specimen shipment
An information content entity indicating that the physical condition of a specimen upon receipt after transport was good.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen shipment received in good condition
An information content entity indicating that the physical condition of a specimen upon receipt after transport was poor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen shipment received in poor condition
A textual entity that states information about the physical integrity or wholeness of the specimen that is deemed relevant for the specimen transport process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on specimen integrity after transport
A data item indicating the calendar date when a specimen arrives in the gross pathology room for processing and review.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of specimen receipt for pathologist processing
A data item indicating the time when a specimen arrives in the gross pathology room for processing and review.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of receipt for pathologist processing
A personal name that designates the person who performed a quality control inspection of the specimen that is to be transported to another organization.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of quality control inspector of specimen
A personal name that designates the person who performed the data entry process for filling in a tissue recovery case report form.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of data entry person for tissue recovery form
A personal name that designates the person who is the leader of the team responsible for entering the tissue recovery form data.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of team leader for filling out tissue recovery form
A standard operating procedure for fixation of a tissue to the state where it is completely infiltrated with a suitable histological wax and can be embedded ready for section cutting on the microtome for a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE tissue processing SOP
An information content entity that indicates whether equipment was maintained following the manufacturers recommendations.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
equipment maintained as per manufacturer recommendations
A textual entity that states information about maintenance discrepancies from manufacturer recommendations.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on maintenance discrepancy from manufacturer recommendations
A role borne by a chemical that is realized in the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) processes to remove alcohol used for specimen dehydration, remove stains, and prepare a specimen for infiltration medium.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE clearing agent role
An information content entity that indicates whether duration of the alcohol stage followed that prescribed in the FFPE tissue processing SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
adherence of alcohol stage duration to FFPE tissue processing SOP
A time measurement datum that is the result of measuring the duration of the alcohol stage in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE alcohol stage duration
An information content entity that indicates whether duration of the dehydration process followed that prescribed in the FFPE tissue processing SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
adherence of dehydration process duration to FFPE tissue processing SOP
A time measurement datum that is the result of measuring the duration of the dehydration process in the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE dehydration process duration
An information content entity that indicates whether temperature of the dehydration process followed that prescribed in the FFPE tissue processing SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
adherence of dehydration process temperature to FFPE tissue processing SOP
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a temperature measurement assay performed on a specimen in alcohol during the dehydration process in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE dehydration process temperature
An information content entity that indicates whether the number of stages and replicates followed that prescribed in the FFPE tissue processing SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
adherence of stage and replicate numbers to FFPE tissue processing SOP
A data item that indicates the number of stages and replicates in a FFPE process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
number of FFPE stages/replicates
An information content entity that indicates whether the duration in clearing agent followed that prescribed in the FFPE tissue processing SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
adherence of duration in clearing agent to FFPE tissue processing SOP
A time measurement datum that is the result of measuring the duration in clearing agent in the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE clearing agent duration
An information content entity that indicates whether the temperature of clearing agent followed that prescribed in the FFPE tissue processing SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
adherence of temperature of clearing agent to FFPE tissue processing SOP
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a temperature measurement assay performed on a specimen in clearing agent in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE clearing agent temperature
An information content entity that indicates whether the paraffin impregnation method followed that prescribed in the FFPE tissue processing SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
adherence to paraffin impregnation method in FFPE tissue processing SOP
A protocol for the paraffin impregnation step of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE paraffin impregnation method
An information content entity that indicates whether the paraffin temperature followed that prescribed in the FFPE tissue processing SOP.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
adherence of paraffin temperature to FFPE tissue processing SOP
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a temperature measurement assay performed on paraffin in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE paraffin temperature
A textual entity that states information relevant to tissue processing in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on FFPE tissue processing
A standard operating procedure for the paraffin embedding of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE tissue paraffin embedding SOP
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a temperature measurement assay performed during the paraffin processing for embedding in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE paraffin processing for embedding temperature
A paraffin that has not been previously used or recycled.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
fresh paraffin
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of an age measurement assay performed on paraffin.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
age of paraffin
A time measurement datum that is the result of measuring the total time that freshly poured blocks were cooled in the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
total time FFPE freshly poured blocks were cooled
A standard operating procedure for the handling, tracking, and storing of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue block.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE tissue block handling, tracking, and storage SOP
An information content entity that indicates whether the FFPE tissue block storage SOP was followed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
adherence to FFPE tissue block storage SOP
discrepancies from a FFPE tissue block storage SOP.
A textual entity that states information relevant to storage of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue block.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on FFPE tissue block storage
A textual entity that states information relevant to paraffin embedding of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on paraffin embedding of FFPE tissue
A personal name that designates the person who performed a specimen slide preparation.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Slide Prep Technician Name
name of specimen slide preparation technician
A standard operating procedure for the preparation of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE tissue section preparation SOP
An age that inheres in a microtome blade.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
microtome blade age
A microtome blade age that indicates that the microtome blade is as new as possible.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
fresh microtome blade
A protocol describing the preparation on the faced block prior to sectioning of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
preparation of FFPE block face for sectioning protocol
A textual entity that describes the carge on a glass slide.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Slide Charge
description of glass slide charge
An information content entity that indicates that a glass slide has been positively charged.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
charged slide
charged glass slide indicator
An information content entity that indicates that a glass slide has not been positively charged.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
uncharged slide
uncharged glass slide indicator
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a temperature measurement assay performed on a water bath used in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE water bath temperature
An information content entity that indicates the frequency with which microtome maintenance is performed and recorded.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
microtome maintenance frequency
A microtome maintenance frequency that indicates that microtome maintenance is performed and recorded daily.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
daily microtome maintenance
A textual entity that states information about deviations from a microtome daily maintenance standard operating procedure.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on deviations from microtome daily maintenance SOP
An information content entity that indicates the frequency with which water bath maintenance is performed and recorded.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
water bath maintenance frequency
A water bath maintenance frequency that indicates that microtome maintenance is performed and recorded daily.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
daily water bath maintenance
A textual entity that states information about deviations from a water bath daily maintenance standard operating procedure.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on deviations from water bath daily maintenance SOP
A textual entity that states information relevant to preparation of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on preparation of FFPE tissue section
A standard operating procedure for the hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining and slide mounting of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE tissue section H&E staining and mounting SOP
A time measurement datum that is the result of measuring the duration in an oven for the hematoxylin and eosin staining of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE tissue section H&E staining in oven duration
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a temperature measurement assay performed on a oven during a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
oven temperature during FFPE tissue section H&E staining
A protocol describing the deparaffinization method used during the hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slide preparation of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
H&E deparaffinization method
FFPE tissue section H&E deparaffinization protocol
A protocol describing the staining method used during the hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slide preparation of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
H&E staining method
FFPE tissue section H&E staining protocol
A protocol describing the clearing method used during the hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slide preparation of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
H&E clearing method
FFPE tissue section H&E clearing protocol
A protocol describing the method for applying a cover slip used during the hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slide preparation of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
H&E cover slipping method
FFPE tissue section H&E cover slip protocol
A planned process involving the manual performance of the FFPE tissue section H&E deparaffinization protocol.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
manual FFPE tissue section H&E deparaffinization
A planned process involving the manual performance of the FFPE tissue section H&E staining protocol.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
manual FFPE tissue section H&E staining
A planned process involving the manual performance of the FFPE tissue section H&E clearing protocol.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
manual FFPE tissue section H&E clearing
A planned process involving the manual performance of the FFPE tissue section H&E cover slip protocol.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
manual FFPE tissue section H&E cover slipping
A textual entity that states information relevant to the preparation of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slide.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on preparation of FFPE H&E stained slide
A data item that indicates the frequency with which hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining equipment maintenance is performed and recorded.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
H&E staining equipment maintenance performed and recorded frequency
A categorical value specification that is used to record the frequency with which hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining equipment maintenance is performed and recorded. Categories include daily, weekly, bi-monthly, and per SOP.
Add instances: daily, weekly, bi-monthly, per SOP
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
H&E staining equipment maintenance performed and recorded frequency value specification
A textual entity that states information about deviations from a hemtoxylin and eosin (H&E) equipment maintenance standard operating procedure.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on deviations from H&E equipment maintenance SOP
A specimen barcode associated with the specific chart (key) used to randomly assign specimens to one of several distinct experimental protocols.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen randomization key ID
A role borne by personnel responsible for managing human research protocol requirements including but not limited to screening, obtaining authorization, consenting and/or enrollment activities.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Consent or Research Analyst/Coordinator role
manager of human research protocol requirements role
A textual entity that is a notification within a clinical data repository that a specimen donor was a transplant recipient.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
transplant alert associated with specimen donor
A textual entity that is a notification within a clinical data repository that specimen donor serology results include positive infectious disease data.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
serology alert associated with specimen donor
A data item indicating the date and time at which the parent specimen ID was recorded.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
data and time parent specimen ID was recorded
A textual entity that states additional information deemed relevant for tissue specimen processing.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on tissue specimen processing
Brain Endowment Bank at Miller School of Medicine, of the University of Miami.
A biobank that focuses on the special requirements of the human brain with regards to preservation, handling, and analysis.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
brain bank
human brain biobank
A biobank which receives its specimens primarily/exclusively from tissue source sites.� Activities include receipt, some processing, production of slides/images of the tissue, storage, and retrieval/shipping of materials on-demand.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Central Biospecimen Repository
central biobank
A laboratory that specializes in acquiring human tissues and analyzing components such as DNA and RNA from them.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
laboratory, data analysis, and coordinating center for human specimens
A laboratory that performs a rigorous review of images of tissue specimens by a group of senior pathologists not involved in the specimen collection typically to evaluate and characterize the tissue (e.g., % necrosis).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
pathology research center
A data item indicating the time when a specimen was placed in a container with stabilizing reagent.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time specimen place in stabilizer
An identifier that specifically identifies a particular component of a collection packet.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
kit component ID
collection packet component ID
A data item indicating the date and time at which a specimen was frozen by placement in liguid nitrogen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
data and time specimen was frozen in liquid nitrogen
weight of frozen tumor block after freezing in liquid nitrogen
A mass measurement datum that is the result of measuring the weight of a frozen tissue specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
weight of frozen tissue specimen
A protocol for the fixation step of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE fixation protocol
A FFPE fixation protocol that specifies the planned delay to fixation time.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE fixation delay protocol
A specimen ID that specifically identifies a particular tissue cassete used in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE tissue cassette ID
A data item indicating the date and time at which the FFPE tissue cassette ID was recorded.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
data and time FFPE tissue cassette ID was recorded
A data item indicating the date and time when a tissue cassette was placed in fixative as part of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date and time FFPE tissue cassette placed in fixative
A time measurement datum that is the result of measuring the duration of the the planned delay of placing the tissue cassette in fixative in the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
placement of tissue cassette in FFPE fixative delay duration
A data item indicating the date and time when a tissue cassette was placed in a tissue processor as part of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date and time FFPE tissue cassette placed in processor
A data item indicating the date and time when a tissue processor cycle ended as part of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date and time FFPE tissue processor cycle ended
A time in fixative measurement that states the duration during which a specimen was submerged in fixative as part of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time in FFPE fixative measurement
A data item indicating the date and time when a tissue cassette was removed from a tissue processor as part of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date and time FFPE tissue cassette removed from processor
A data item indicating the date and time when a tissue embedding started as part of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date and time FFPE tissue embedding started
A time measurement datum that is the result of measuring the time between FFPE tissue processor cycle completion and embedding in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
measurement of time between FFPE tissue processor cycle completion and embedding
A data item indicating the date and time when a tissue cassette was frozen as part of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date and time FFPE tissue cassette was frozen
A protocol for the freezing step of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE freezing method
FFPE freezing protocol
A FFPE freezing protocol that involves the use of dry ice.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE freezing by dry ice protocol
A FFPE freezing protocol that involves the use of liquid nitrogen vapor phase.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE freezing by LN2 vapor phase protocol
Date/Time Tissue Cryosettes Were Transferred to Storage
A data item indicating the date and time when a tissue cassette was transferred to storage after a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date and time FFPE tissue cassette transferred to storage
A personal name that designates the person who performed the dissection of a normal tissue adjacent to a tumor for a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of dissector of normal adjacent tissue to tumor for FFPE
A specimen was processed in accordance with the specified SOP where the specified SOP is for a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen was processed in accordance with the FFPE SOP
A data item indicating the date and time when a specimen tissue was fixed or frozen as part of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date and time FFPE tissue was preserved
A specimen was processed in accordance with the specified SOP where the specified SOP is for a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) process and includes less than 1 hour delay in fixation and 23 hour time in fixative.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen was processed in accordance with the FFPE SOP including <1 hour delay to fixation and 23 hour time in fixative
A comment from tissue procurement made in regards to all non-consent issues related to or creating a limitation on tissues that can be procured including tissue type and reason for restriction.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on procurement site restriction
An identifier that specifically identifies a particular specimen image.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen image ID
A textual entity that states information relevant to an image from a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) slide.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on FFPE slide image
A personal name that designates the person who was the submitter of a pathology case summary report.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of submitting pathologist
name of submitter of pathology case summary report.
A data item that reports the calendar date when a pathology case summary report was submitted.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of submission of pathology case summary report
A personal name that designates the person who served as the reviewer for quality assurance purposes of a pathology case summary report.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of reviewing pathologist
name of reviewer of pathology case summary report.
A data item that reports the calendar date when a pathology case summary report was reviewed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of review of pathology case summary report
A comment from tissue procurement that was submitted as feedback by a pathologist
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
pathologist submitted specimen procurement feedback
The largest dimension of the tumor on the slide measured in millimeters.
A length measurement datum that is the result of measuring the maximum length of a tumor specimen as presented on a slide.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
greatest tumor dimension on slide
A data item that is the result of determining the percentage of cross-sectional surface area of an entire specimen slide composed of tumor focus including necrotic tumor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
percentage of cross-sectional surface area of entire slide composed of tumor focus
A data item that is the result of determining the percentage of tumor nuclei by cell count of the entire specimen slide (number of tumor epithelial cell nuclei as compared to all cell nuclei).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
percentage of tumor cellularity by cell count of the entire slide.
A data item that is the result of determining the percentage of cross-sectional surface area of an entire specimen slide that is composed of necrotic tissue.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
percentage of cross-sectional surface area of entire slide composed of necrotic tissue
A data item that is made up of percentages of different histology-based assessments of a tumor slide specimen that in aggregate describe the total tumor surface area (i.e. add up to 100%).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
histologic profile quantitative assessment of tumor slide specimen surface area
A data item that is the result of determining the percentage of a tumor slide specimen that is viable based on surface area not including stroma.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
percentage of viable tumor slide specimen by surface area
A data item that is the result of determining the percentage of a tumor slide specimen that is necrotic based on surface area.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
percentage of necrotic tumor slide specimen by surface area
A data item that is the result of determining the percentage of a tumor slide specimen that is stroma based on surface area.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
percentage of tumor slide specimen stroma by surface area
Percent non-cellular component consisting of mucin, hemorrhage, blood clot, etc.
A data item that is the result of determining the percentage of a tumor slide specimen that is non-cellular based on surface area.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
percentage of non-cellular component of tumor slide specimen by surface area
A textual entity that describes the non-cellular component of a tumor slide specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
non-cellular component of tumor slide specimen description
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether the local pathology review of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained tumor tissue slide confirmed the histological type.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
confirmation of histologic type of FFPE H&E tumor slide
This Slide Meets the Microscopic Analysis Criteria of the BPV Project of Necrosis Percentage of <20% AND Tumor Content of _50% Tumor Nuclei
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) slide meets the microscopic analysis criteria with respect to necrosis percentage and tumor content.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE slide meets necrosis percentage and tumor content criteria
A textual entity that describes findings upon review of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) slide that do not meet microscopic analysis criteria.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE slide findings that do not meet microscopic analysis criteria
A textual entity that states information relevant to a review by a pathologist of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) slide.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment from pathology review of FFPE slide
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) slide was consistent with findings of diagnostic pathology report.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE slide consistent with findings of diagnostic pathology report
A textual entity that describes inconsistencies with findings of diagnostic pathology report upon review of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) slide.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
FFPE slide inconsistencies with findings of diagnostic pathology report
A personal name that designates the person who served as the pathologist reviewing a specimen slide at an organization conducting specimen collection from organisms.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of reviewing pathologist at organization conducting specimen collection
A data item that reports the calendar date when a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) slide was reviewed by a pathologist.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date of FFPE slide review by the pathologist
A personal name that designates the person who performed the data entry process for filling in a local pathology review form.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of data entry person for local pathology review form
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether examination of a tissue specimen slide revealed the presence of sarcomatoid features.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
presence of sarcomatoid features on specimen slide
A textual entity that describes sarcomatoid features observed on a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) slide.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
sarcomatoid features observed on FFPE slide
A personal name that designates the person who received a specimen in a pathology gross room from an associated operating room (OR).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of person in gross room receiving OR specimen
A specimen transport SOP governing the transport of tissue from the operating room (OR) to the pathology gross room.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen transport from OR to gross room SOP
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether transport of tissue from the operating room (OR) to the pathology gross room was performed in accordance with the relevant standard operating procedure (SOP).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen transport from OR to gross room was performed as per SOP
A textual entity that describes issues with the transport of tissue from the operating room (OR) to the pathology gross room or deviations from the relevant standard operating procedure (SOP).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen transport from OR to gross room issues or deviations from SOP
A scalar measurement datum that is the output of a temperature measurement assay occurring in a pathology gross room and performed when a specimen arrived from the operating room (OR).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
temperature in gross room when specimen arrived from OR
A measurement datum that is the output of an assay of humidity occurring in a pathology gross room and performed when a specimen arrived from the operating room (OR).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
humidity in gross room when specimen arrived from OR
A personal name that designates the person who performed the gross evaluation of a resected tissue specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
name of performer of gross evaluation of resected tissue specimen
A mass measurement datum that is the output of an assay to measure the weight of a resected tissue specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
resected tissue weight
resected tissue specimen mass measurement datum
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether gross appearance of disease was observed in a resected tissue specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
gross appearance of disease in resected tissue
A textual entity that states information relevant to gross evaluation of a resected tissue specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on gross evaluation of resected tissue specimen
A diagnosis that is based on the gross evaluation of a resected tissue specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
gross diagnosis of resected tissue
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether a photograph was taken in the pathology gross room of a resected tissue specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
photograph of tissue was taken in pathology gross room
A textual entity that describes the reason no photographs were taken of a resected tissue specimen in the pathology gross room.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
reason for not taking a photograph of resected tissue in pathology gross room
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether pathology ink was used to mark the resected tissue specimen.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
pathology ink used on resected tissue specimen
India ink
A processed material that is used to mark the margin of a surgical excision of a resected tissue. It is used to evaluate whether the margin is free of tumor tissue.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
pathology ink
ink used for marking surgical margin
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether a tumor tissue specimen was released to a biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
tumor tissue was released to the biobank
A textual entity that describes the reason why a tumor tissue specimen was not released to a biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
explanation of why tumor tissue specimen was not released to a biobank
A data item that is the result of determining the percentage of gross area of necrosis of a specimen sent to a biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
percentage of gross area of necrosis of a specimen sent to biobank
A data item that is the result of determining the percentage of tumor content of a specimen sent to a biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
percentage of tumor content of specimen sent to biobank
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether a second piece of tumor was collected and released to a biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
second piece of tumor tissue was collected
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether the dimensions of each specimen meet the criteria specified within the relevant tissue procurement standard operating procedure (SOP).
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
dimensions of each specimen meet the criteria specified within the relevant tissue procurement SOP
A textual entity that states information relevant to deviations from a tissue procurement SOP with regards to specimen dimensions.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
comment on deviations in specimen dimensions from a tissue procurement SOP
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether normal adjacent tissue was released to the biobank in addition to the tumor tissue.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
normal adjacent tissue released to the biobank in addition to tumor tissue
A data item indicating the time when a specimen was transferred from a pathology gross room to a biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
time of specimen transfer from pathology gross room to a biobank
An information content entity that is about the status of a tumor and indicates that there has not been a recurrence.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
no recurrence of tumor
A comment from tissue procurement that was submitted as part of a follow-up documenting donor outcome after initial specimen collection.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
follow-up on donor outcome comment from tissue procurement
Did the participant sign and date the informed consent for HRRC/IRB#11-279?
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether the participant signed and dated a specified informed consent form.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
participant signed and dated informed consent form
A textual entity that states information relevant to a review to determine if requirements were met for a specimen collection from a donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
case quality review comment
specimen collection quality review comment
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether the minimum required pre-operative RNA and DNA PAXgene tubes were collected from a donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
minimum required pre-operative RNA and DNA PAXgene tubes were collected
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether the desired plasma and serum aliquots were obtained from a specimen donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
desired plasma and serum aliquots were obtained
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether a tumor specimen was obtained and processed with a particular FFPE fixation delay protocol to meet the top priority for tissue procurement.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
top priority tumor specimen was obtained and processed with a particular FFPE fixation delay protocol
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether a tumor specimen was obtained and processed with a particular FFPE fixation delay protocol other than meeting the top priority for tissue procurement.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
additional tumor specimen was obtained and processed with a particular FFPE fixation delay protocol
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether the local pathology review of a hematoxylin (H&E) slide derived from a quality control (QC) formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue was completed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
local pathology review of QC FFPE tumor tissue H&E slide was completed
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether the local pathology review was consistent with the findings of the diagnostic pathology report from the site of specimen collection from a donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
local pathology review was consistent with site of tissue procurement diagnostic pathology report
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether clinical data entry was completed for a specimen donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
case clinical data entry was completed
specimen donor clinical data entry was completed
Required tumor module satisfies the project criteria of necrosis percentage of less than 20% and tumor content of greater than or equal to 50% tumor cells by surface area
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether the tumor specimen obtained satisfied criteria of necrosis percentage and tumor content of tumor cells by surface area.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
tumor specimen satisfied criteria of necrosis percentage and tumor content
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether all requirements for an investigation were met such that a specimen from a particular donor is released for shipment.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
case meets all requirements for an investigation and is released for shipment.
all requirements for an investigation are met enabling release of specimen for shipment.
An information content entity that is an indicator of whether activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
case was stopped
activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped.
An activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped that is because there was not enough blood collected.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
case was stopped because not enough blood collected
activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because not enough blood collected
An activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped that is because there was not enough tissue.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
case was stopped because not enough tissue
activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because not enough tissue
An activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped that is because the tissue was too necrotic.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
case was stopped because tissue was too necrotic
activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because tissue was too necrotic
An activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped that is because the tissue was benign.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
case was stopped because tissue was benign
activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because tissue was benign
An activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped that is because the tissue was not released to a biobank.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
case was stopped because tissue was not released to biobank
activity related to a particular specimen donor was stopped because tissue was not released to a biobank
An authorization in which a legally authorized individual is asked to give permission for general research for post mortem specimen donation from a person they represent.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation
A role borne by a person who approaches a person's legal representative and informs them of key facts about potential risks and benefits, and asks them for authorization for post-mortem specimen donation for general research for the person they legally represent.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
obtainer of research authorization for post-mortem specimen donation
research authorization obtainer role for post mortem donation of specimens from a legally authorized representative
An authorization documentation that is the output of a research authorization for post mortem specimen donation.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation
An information content entity that indicates whether research authorization for post mortem specimen donation was obtained.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation was obtained
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation establishing agreement for post-mortem donation and use in general research.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
agreed to research authorization for post mortem specimen donation
research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation that is affirmative
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation establishing the lack of agreement for post-mortem donation and use in general research.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation
research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation that is negative
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation in which the reason authorization was not obtained was due to due to religious reasons.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused due to religious reasons
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation not obtained due to religious reasons
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation in which authorization was not obtained because the donors surgeon did not recommend it.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused due to surgeon's recommendation
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation not obtained due to surgeon's recommendation
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation because the legally authorized representative felt pressured into making a decision.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused because legally authorized representative felt pressured
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation not obtained because legally authorized representative felt pressured
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation in which authorization was not obtained because the the legally authorized representative felt too distraught.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused because legally authorized representative too distraught
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation not obtained because legally authorized representative felt too distraught
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation in which authorization was not obtained because the the legally authorized representative needed more time to make a decision.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused because legally authorized representative needed more time to make a decision
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation not obtained because legally authorized representative needed more time to make a decision
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation in which authorization was not obtained because the the legally authorized representative was uncomfortable with the risks of the request.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused because legally authorized representative was uncomfortable with the risks
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation not obtained because legally authorized representative was uncomfortable with the risks
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation in which authorization was not obtained because the the legally authorized representative was afraid the decision might affect the surgery plans for the donor.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused because legally authorized representative was afraid the decision would affect surgery plans
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation not obtained because legally authorized representative was afraid the decision might affect the surgery plans of donor
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation in which authorization was not obtained because the the legally authorized representative did not agree with the activity of biobanking.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused because legally authorized representative did not agree with the activity of biobanking.
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation not obtained because legally authorized representative did not agree with the activity of biobanking
A research authorization documentation for post mortem specimen donation in which authorization was not obtained because the the legally authorized representative did not show up to the appointment as scheduled.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
refused because legally authorized representative did not show up to the appointment as scheduled.
research authorization for post mortem specimen donation not obtained because legally authorized representative did not show up to the appointment as scheduled
A data item that indicates the calendar date on which a research protocol was approved by an Institutional Review Board related to where the research will take place.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
IRB approval date
date of research protocol approval as determined by an institutional review board
A data item that indicates the calendar date on which a research protocol expires and becomes inactive as determined by an Institutional Review Board.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
IRB expiration date
date of research protocol expiration as determined by an institutional review board
An centrally registered identifier symbol assigned by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that identifies a particular protocol at a given site.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
protocol number at a site
identification number of a protocol at a particular site
A data item that indicates the calendar date on which the signing of the research authorization for post mortem specimen donation by the legally authorized individual was witnessed.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
date that research authorization for post mortem specimen donation was witnessed
A data item that indicates the calendar date on which the receipt of the research authorization was verified by study personnel.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
research authorization verification date
date of research authorization verification
A personal name that designates who performed the screening of a potential specimen donor for a research study.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
specimen donor screener
name of person screening specimen donors
A personal name of an individual with research obtainer role who approaches a person's legal representative and informs them of key facts about potential risks and benefits, and asks them for authorization for post-mortem specimen donation for research for the person they legally represent.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Research authorization obtainer for post-mortem specimen donation
name of person obtaining authorization from legally authorized representative for post-mortem specimen donation
A data item that indicates the calendar date on which a research authorization was obtained from a specimen donor's legally authorized representative.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
Research authorization date
date on which research authorization was obtained from legally authorized representative
An identifier that uniquely identifies a particular legally authorized representative in a research study.
Person: Chris Stoeckert, Helena Ellis, Jie Zheng
legal representative identifier
identifier for legally authorized representative
A relationship that may be biological or legal, between the specimen donor a