Global_params: # Executor: Local Default_wait: 10 Qsub_opts: -V -cwd Qsub_path: /path/to/qsub/bin Qsub_q: myqueue.q module_path: ../neatseq_flow_modules job_limit: /path/to/job_limit Documentation: | A pipeline for basic preparation of fastq reads ---------------------------------------------------------------- The pipeline includes the following stages: 1. Preparation and QA: a. Merging the reads into a single file per sample. b. QC with fastqc c. Trimming with trimmomatic or TrimGalore (Notice the 'SKIP' directive in trimmo instance!) d. QC on trimmed reads with fastqc e. Report with multiQC Vars: paths: trimmo: /path/to/trimmomatic-0.32.jar trimmo_dir: /path/to/trimmo_dir fastqc: /path/to/fastqc trimgal: /path/to/TrimGalore multiqc: /path/to/multiQC cutadapt: /path/to/cutadapt fastq_screen: /path/to/fastq_screen fastq_screen_conf: /path/to/fastq_screen.conf bowtie2: /path/to/bowtie2 databases: human: /path/to/human/bowtie2_ind mouse: /path/to/mouse/bowtie2_ind phix: /path/to/phiX/bowtie2_ind Step_params: # ---------------------------------- 1. Merge, QC and trimming merge1: module: Import script_path: intermediate: tag: basic merge_advanced: module: Import src: - Forward - Reverse - Single - Nucleotide trg: - ..guess.. - fastq.R - fastq.S - ..guess.. script_path: - gzip -cd - ..guess.. - ..guess.. - ..import.. scope: - sample - sample - sample - project ext: - fastq - ..guess.. - fq - ..guess.. intermediate: tag: basic fastq_screen_alt1: module: fastq_screen base: merge1 script_path: {Vars.paths.fastq_screen} qsub_params: -pe: shared 10 redirects: --conf: {Vars.paths.fastq_screen_conf} --filter: 200 --tag: --force: --threads: 10 export: fastq_screen_alt2: module: fastq_screen base: merge1 script_path: {Vars.paths.fastq_screen} qsub_params: -pe: shared 10 aligner: bowtie2: {Vars.paths.bowtie2} genomes: Human: {Vars.databases.human} Mouse: {Vars.databases.mouse} PhiX: {Vars.databases.phix} redirects: --filter: 200 --tag: --force: --threads: 10 # conda: # path: JKJLJLJL # env: fqc_merge1: module: fastqc_html base: merge1 script_path: {Vars.paths.fastqc} qsub_params: -pe: shared 15 redirects: --threads: 15 # subset_samples_cat1: # module: subet_samples # base: merge1 # script_path: # category: Category2 # levels: A trim1: module: trimmo base: merge1 #subset_samples_cat1 script_path: 'java -jar {Vars.paths.trimmo}' # SKIP: spec_dir: {Vars.paths.trimmo_dir} todo: ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-SE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36 redirects: -threads: 20 # sample_list: # category: Category1 # levels: A intermediate: trim_gal: module: Trim_Galore base: merge1 script_path: {Vars.paths.trimgal} tag: trim_galore_tag cutadapt_path: {Vars.paths.cutadapt} redirects: --length: 50 --quality: 20 # Parameters for running Trim Galore --max_n: 1 --trim-n: --yoohoo: # --paired: # --retain_unpaired: fqc_trimgal: module: fastqc_html base: trim_gal script_path: {Vars.paths.fastqc} # exclude_sample_list: [Sample1, Sample2] qsub_params: -pe: shared 15 redirects: --threads: 15 MultQC_merge: module: Multiqc base: fqc_merge1 script_path: {Vars.paths.multiqc} redirects: --interactive: MultQC_trimgal: module: Multiqc base: fqc_trimgal script_path: {Vars.paths.multiqc} tag: SKIP: #False redirects: --interactive: # stop_and_show: