""".. rubric:: Corrplot utilities :author: Thomas Cokelaer :references: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/corrplot/vignettes/corrplot-intro.html """ import string from colormap import cmap_builder import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse, Circle, Rectangle, Wedge from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection import pandas as pd import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hierarchy from biokit.viz.linkage import Linkage __all__ = ['Corrplot'] class Corrplot(Linkage): """An implementation of correlation plotting tools (corrplot) Here is a simple example with a correlation matrix as an input (stored in a pandas dataframe): .. plot:: :width: 50% :include-source: # create a correlation-like data set stored in a Pandas' dataframe. import string # letters = string.uppercase[0:10] # python2 letters = string.ascii_uppercase[0:10] import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(dict(( (k, np.random.random(10)+ord(k)-65) for k in letters))) # and use corrplot from biokit.viz import corrplot c = corrplot.Corrplot(df) c.plot() .. seealso:: All functionalities are covered in this `notebook `_ """ def __init__(self, data, na=0): """.. rubric:: Constructor Plots the content of square matrix that contains correlation values. :param data: input can be a dataframe (Pandas), or list of lists (python) or a numpy matrix. Note, however, that values must be between -1 and 1. If not, or if the matrix (or list of lists) is not squared, then correlation is computed. The data or computed correlation is stored in :attr:`df` attribute. :param bool compute_correlation: if the matrix is non-squared or values are not bounded in -1,+1, correlation is computed. If you do not want that behaviour, set this parameter to False. (True by default). :param na: replace NA values with this value (default 0) The :attr:`params` contains some tunable parameters for the colorbar in the :meth:`plot` method. :: # can be a list of lists, the correlation matrix is then a 2x2 matrix c = corrplot.Corrplot([[1,1], [2,4], [3,3], [4,4]]) """ super(Corrplot, self).__init__() #: The input data is stored in a dataframe and must therefore be #: compatible (list of lists, dictionary, matrices...) self.df = pd.DataFrame(data, copy=True) compute_correlation = False w, h = self.df.shape if self.df.max().max() > 1 or self.df.min().min()<-1: compute_correlation = True if w !=h: compute_correlation = True if list(self.df.index) != list(self.df.columns): compute_correlation = True if compute_correlation: print("Computing correlation") cor = self.df.fillna(na).corr() self.df = cor # replace NA with zero self.df.fillna(na, inplace=True) #: tunable parameters for the :meth:`plot` method. self.params = { 'colorbar.N': 100, 'colorbar.shrink': .8, 'colorbar.orientation':'vertical'} def _set_default_cmap(self): self.cm = cmap_builder('#AA0000','white','darkblue') def order(self, method='complete', metric='euclidean',inplace=False): """Rearrange the order of rows and columns after clustering :param method: any scipy method (e.g., single, average, centroid, median, ward). See scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage :param metric: any scipy distance (euclidean, hamming, jaccard) See scipy.spatial.distance or scipy.cluster.hieararchy :param bool inplace: if set to True, the dataframe is replaced You probably do not need to use that method. Use :meth:`plot` and the two parameters order_metric and order_method instead. """ Y = self.linkage(self.df, method=method, metric=metric) ind1 = hierarchy.fcluster(Y, 0.7*max(Y[:,2]), 'distance') Z = hierarchy.dendrogram(Y, no_plot=True) idx1 = Z['leaves'] cor2 = self.df.iloc[idx1,idx1] if inplace is True: self.df = cor2 else: return cor2 self.Y = Y self.Z = Z self.idx1 = idx1 self.ind1 = ind1 #treee$order == Z.leaves and c.idx1 # hc = c.ind1 #clustab <- table(hc)[unique(hc[tree$order])] #cu <- c(0, cumsum(clustab)) #mat <- cbind(cu[-(k + 1)] + 0.5, n - cu[-(k + 1)] + 0.5, #cu[-1] + 0.5, n - cu[-1] + 0.5) #rect(mat[,1], mat[,2], mat[,3], mat[,4], border = col, lwd = lwd) def plot(self, fig=None, grid=True, rotation=30, lower=None, upper=None, shrink=0.9, facecolor='white', colorbar=True, label_color='black', fontsize='small', edgecolor='black', method='ellipse', order_method='complete', order_metric='euclidean', cmap=None, ax=None, binarise_color=False): """plot the correlation matrix from the content of :attr:`df` (dataframe) By default, the correlation is shown on the upper and lower triangle and is symmetric wrt to the diagonal. The symbols are ellipses. The symbols can be changed to e.g. rectangle. The symbols are shown on upper and lower sides but you could choose a symbol for the upper side and another for the lower side using the **lower** and **upper** parameters. :param fig: Create a new figure by default. If an instance of an existing figure is provided, the corrplot is overlayed on the figure provided. Can also be the number of the figure. :param grid: add grid (Defaults to grey color). You can set it to False or a color. :param rotation: rotate labels on y-axis :param lower: if set to a valid method, plots the data on the lower left triangle :param upper: if set to a valid method, plots the data on the upper left triangle :param float shrink: maximum space used (in percent) by a symbol. If negative values are provided, the absolute value is taken. If greater than 1, the symbols wiill overlap. :param facecolor: color of the background (defaults to white). :param colorbar: add the colorbar (defaults to True). :param str label_color: (defaults to black). :param fontsize: size of the fonts defaults to 'small'. :param method: shape to be used in 'ellipse', 'square', 'rectangle', 'color', 'text', 'circle', 'number', 'pie'. :param order_method: see :meth:`order`. :param order_metric: see : meth:`order`. :param cmap: a valid cmap from matplotlib or colormap package (e.g., 'jet', or 'copper'). Default is red/white/blue colors. :param ax: a matplotlib axes. The colorbar can be tuned with the parameters stored in :attr:`params`. Here is an example. See notebook for other examples:: c = corrplot.Corrplot(dataframe) c.plot(cmap=('Orange', 'white', 'green')) c.plot(method='circle') c.plot(colorbar=False, shrink=.8, upper='circle' ) """ # default if cmap != None: try: if isinstance(cmap, str): self.cm = cmap_builder(cmap) else: self.cm = cmap_builder(*cmap) except: print("incorrect cmap. Use default one") self._set_default_cmap() else: self._set_default_cmap() self.shrink = abs(shrink) self.fontsize = fontsize self.edgecolor = edgecolor df = self.order(method=order_method, metric=order_metric) # figure can be a number or an instance; otherwise creates it if isinstance(fig, int): fig = plt.figure(num=fig, facecolor=facecolor) elif fig is not None: fig = plt.figure(num=fig.number, facecolor=facecolor) else: fig = plt.figure(num=None, facecolor=facecolor) # do we have an axes to plot the data in ? if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal', facecolor=facecolor) else: # if so, clear the axes. Colorbar cannot be removed easily. plt.sca(ax) ax.clear() # subplot resets the bg color, let us set it again fig.set_facecolor(facecolor) width, height = df.shape labels = (df.columns) # add all patches to the figure # TODO check value of lower and upper if upper is None and lower is None: mode = 'method' diagonal = True elif upper and lower: mode = 'both' diagonal = False elif lower is not None: mode = 'lower' diagonal = True elif upper is not None: mode = 'upper' diagonal = True self.binarise_color = binarise_color if mode == 'upper': self._add_patches(df, upper, 'upper', ax, diagonal=True) elif mode == 'lower': self._add_patches(df, lower, 'lower', ax, diagonal=True) elif mode == 'method': self._add_patches(df, method, 'both', ax, diagonal=True) elif mode == 'both': self._add_patches(df, upper, 'upper', ax, diagonal=False) self._add_patches(df, lower, 'lower', ax, diagonal=False) # set xticks/xlabels on top ax.xaxis.tick_top() xtickslocs = np.arange(len(labels)) ax.set_xticks(xtickslocs) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=rotation, color=label_color, fontsize=fontsize, ha='left') ytickslocs = np.arange(len(labels)) ax.set_yticks(ytickslocs) ax.set_yticklabels(labels, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color) plt.tight_layout() # shift the limits to englobe the patches correctly # This should be here afer set_xticks ax.set_xlim(-0.5, width-.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, height-.5) ax.invert_yaxis() if grid is not False: if grid is True: grid = 'grey' for i in range(0, width): ratio1 = float(i)/width ratio2 = float(i+2)/width # TODO 1- set axis off # 2 - set xlabels along the diagonal # set colorbar either on left or bottom if mode == 'lower': plt.axvline(i+.5, ymin=1-ratio1, ymax=0., color=grid) plt.axhline(i+.5, xmin=0, xmax=ratio2, color=grid) if mode == 'upper': plt.axvline(i+.5, ymin=1 - ratio2, ymax=1, color=grid) plt.axhline(i+.5, xmin=ratio1, xmax=1, color=grid) if mode in ['method', 'both']: plt.axvline(i+.5, color=grid) plt.axhline(i+.5, color=grid) # can probably be simplified if mode == 'lower': plt.axvline(-.5, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='grey') plt.axvline(width-.5, ymin=0, ymax=1./width, color='grey', lw=2) plt.axhline(width-.5, xmin=0, xmax=1, color='grey',lw=2) plt.axhline(-.5, xmin=0, xmax=1./width, color='grey',lw=2) plt.xticks([]) for i in range(0, width): plt.text(i, i-.6 ,labels[i],fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color, rotation=rotation, verticalalignment='bottom') plt.text(-.6, i ,labels[i],fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color, rotation=0, horizontalalignment='right') plt.axis('off') # can probably be simplified elif mode == 'upper': plt.axvline(width-.5, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='grey', lw=2) plt.axvline(-.5, ymin=1-1./width, ymax=1, color='grey', lw=2) plt.axhline(-.5, xmin=0, xmax=1, color='grey',lw=2) plt.axhline(width-.5, xmin=1-1./width, xmax=1, color='grey',lw=2) plt.yticks([]) for i in range(0, width): plt.text(-.6+i, i ,labels[i],fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color, horizontalalignment='right', rotation=0) plt.text(i, -.5 ,labels[i],fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color, rotation=rotation, verticalalignment='bottom') plt.axis('off') # set all ticks length to zero ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis='both',which='both', length=0) if colorbar: N = self.params['colorbar.N'] + 1 assert N >=2 # make sure the colorbar limits remains between the min (0) and the # max (1) (remember colormap are normalised) so that if data is # between -0.5 and let us say +1, the colors do not start at -0.5 # but -1 indeed. self.collection.set_clim(0,1) cb = plt.gcf().colorbar(self.collection, orientation=self.params['colorbar.orientation'], shrink=self.params['colorbar.shrink'], boundaries= np.linspace(0,1,N), ticks=[0,.25, 0.5, 0.75,1], ax=ax) cb.ax.set_yticklabels([-1,-.5,0,.5,1]) return cb def _add_patches(self, df, method, fill, ax, diagonal=True): width, height = df.shape labels = (df.columns) patches = [] colors = [] for x in range(width): for y in range(height): if fill == 'lower' and x > y: continue elif fill == 'upper' and x < y: continue if diagonal is False and x==y: continue datum = (df.iloc[x, y] +1.)/2. d = df.iloc[x, y] d_abs = np.abs(d) #c = self.pvalues[x, y] rotate = -45 if d > 0 else +45 #cmap = self.poscm if d >= 0 else self.negcm if method in ['ellipse', 'square', 'rectangle', 'color']: if method == 'ellipse': func = Ellipse patch = func((x, y), width=1 * self.shrink, height=(self.shrink - d_abs*self.shrink), angle=rotate) else: func = Rectangle w = h = d_abs * self.shrink #FIXME shring must be <=1 offset = (1-w)/2. if method == 'color': w = 1 h = 1 offset = 0 patch = func((x + offset-.5, y + offset-.5), width=w, height=h, angle=0) if self.edgecolor: patch.set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) #patch.set_facecolor(cmap(d_abs)) colors.append(datum) if d_abs > 0.05: patch.set_linestyle('dotted') #ax.add_artist(patch) patches.append(patch) #FIXME edgecolor is always printed elif method=='circle': patch = Circle((x, y), radius=d_abs*self.shrink/2.) if self.edgecolor: patch.set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) #patch.set_facecolor(cmap(d_abs)) colors.append(datum) if d_abs > 0.05: patch.set_linestyle('dotted') #ax.add_artist(patch) patches.append(patch) elif method in ['number', 'text']: from easydev import precision if d<0: edgecolor = 'red' elif d>=0: edgecolor = 'blue' ax.text(x,y, precision(d, 2), color=edgecolor, fontsize=self.fontsize, horizontalalignment='center', weight='bold', alpha=max(0.5, d_abs)) # withdash=False) elif method == 'pie': S = 360 * d_abs patch = [ Wedge((x,y), 1*self.shrink/2., -90, S-90), Wedge((x,y), 1*self.shrink/2., S-90, 360-90), ] #patch[0].set_facecolor(cmap(d_abs)) #patch[1].set_facecolor('white') colors.append(datum) colors.append(0.5) if self.edgecolor: patch[0].set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) patch[1].set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) #ax.add_artist(patch[0]) #ax.add_artist(patch[1]) patches.append(patch[0]) patches.append(patch[1]) else: raise ValueError('Method for the symbols is not known. Use e.g, square, circle') if self.binarise_color: colors = [1 if color >0.5 else -1 for color in colors] if len(patches): col1 = PatchCollection(patches, array=np.array(colors), cmap=self.cm) ax.add_collection(col1) self.collection = col1 # Somehow a release of matplotlib prevent the edge color # from working but the set_edgecolor on the collection itself does # work... if self.edgecolor: self.collection.set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor)