]> Yongqun Oliver He 2017-04-20 An ontology of adverse events associated with Chinese medicines. Draft version Jiahao Wang OCMR: Ontology of Chinese Medicine for Rheumatism Qingping Liu OWL-DL The Ontology of Chinese Medicine for Rheumatism (OCMR) is a biomedical ontology that represents traditional Chinese medications for treating various rheumatism diseases, their ingredients, and adverse events, and other related information. Vision Release; 1.0.11 BFO OWL specification label BFO OWL specification label Really of interest to developers only Relates an entity in the ontology to the name of the variable that is used to represent it in the code that generates the BFO OWL file from the lispy specification. BFO CLIF specification label BFO CLIF specification label Person:Alan Ruttenberg Really of interest to developers only Relates an entity in the ontology to the term that is used to represent it in the the CLIF specification of BFO2 editor preferred term editor preferred term~editor preferred label editor preferred label editor preferred term editor preferred term~editor preferred label GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> PERSON:Daniel Schober The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name for a class or property preferred by the ontology developers. (US-English) editor preferred term example of usage example of usage A phrase describing how a class name should be used. May also include other kinds of examples that facilitate immediate understanding of a class semantics, such as widely known prototypical subclasses or instances of the class. Although essential for high level terms, examples for low level terms (e.g., Affymetrix HU133 array) are not A phrase describing how a term should be used and/or a citation to a work which uses it. May also include other kinds of examples that facilitate immediate understanding, such as widely know prototypes or instances of a class, or cases where a relation is said to hold. GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> PERSON:Daniel Schober example example of usage has curation status has curation status OBI_0000281 PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg PERSON:Bill Bug PERSON:Melanie Courtot has curation status definition textual definition definition definition 2012-04-05: Barry Smith The official OBI definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property: 'Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions' is terrible. Can you fix to something like: A statement of necessary and sufficient conditions explaining the meaning of an expression referring to a class or property. Alan Ruttenberg Your proposed definition is a reasonable candidate, except that it is very common that necessary and sufficient conditions are not given. Mostly they are necessary, occasionally they are necessary and sufficient or just sufficient. Often they use terms that are not themselves defined and so they effectively can't be evaluated by those criteria. On the specifics of the proposed definition: We don't have definitions of 'meaning' or 'expression' or 'property'. For 'reference' in the intended sense I think we use the term 'denotation'. For 'expression', I think we you mean symbol, or identifier. For 'meaning' it differs for class and property. For class we want documentation that let's the intended reader determine whether an entity is instance of the class, or not. For property we want documentation that let's the intended reader determine, given a pair of potential relata, whether the assertion that the relation holds is true. The 'intended reader' part suggests that we also specify who, we expect, would be able to understand the definition, and also generalizes over human and computer reader to include textual and logical definition. Personally, I am more comfortable weakening definition to documentation, with instructions as to what is desirable. We also have the outstanding issue of how to aim different definitions to different audiences. A clinical audience reading chebi wants a different sort of definition documentation/definition from a chemistry trained audience, and similarly there is a need for a definition that is adequate for an ontologist to work with. definition GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> PERSON:Daniel Schober The official OBI definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property. Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions. The official definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property. Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions. definition editor note editor note editor note 1 IAO:0000116 editor_note editor_note uberon An administrative note intended for its editor. It may not be included in the publication version of the ontology, so it should contain nothing necessary for end users to understand the ontology. GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obfoundry.org/obo/obi> PERSON:Daniel Schober editor note term editor definition editor definition editor term editor 20110707, MC: label update to term editor and definition modified accordingly. See http://code.google.com/p/information-artifact-ontology/issues/detail?id=115. 20110707, MC: label update to term editor and definition modified accordingly. See https://github.com/information-artifact-ontology/IAO/issues/115. GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> Name of editor entering the term in the file. The term editor is a point of contact for information regarding the term. The term editor may be, but is not always, the author of the definition, which may have been worked upon by several people PERSON:Daniel Schober term editor alternative term alternative term An alternative name for a class or property which means the same thing as the preferred name (semantically equivalent) GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> PERSON:Daniel Schober alternative term definition source definition source Discussion on obo-discuss mailing-list, see http://bit.ly/hgm99w GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> PERSON:Daniel Schober definition source formal citation, e.g. identifier in external database to indicate / attribute source(s) for the definition. Free text indicate / attribute source(s) for the definition. EXAMPLE: Author Name, URI, MeSH Term C04, PUBMED ID, Wiki uri on 31.01.2007 curator notes curator note curator note 1 IAO:0000232 IAO:0000232 curator_notes curator_notes curator_notes curator_notes true uberon uberon An administrative note of use for a curator but of no use for a user PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg curator note imported from imported from For external terms/classes, the ontology from which the term was imported GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg PERSON:Melanie Courtot imported from expand expression to expand assertion to elucidation elucidation Person:Barry Smith Primitive terms in a highest-level ontology such as BFO are terms which are so basic to our understanding of reality that there is no way of defining them in a non-circular fashion. For these, therefore, we can provide only elucidations, supplemented by examples and by axioms elucidation person:Alan Ruttenberg has associated axiom(nl) has associated axiom(nl) An axiom associated with a term expressed using natural language Person:Alan Ruttenberg Person:Alan Ruttenberg has associated axiom(nl) has associated axiom(fol) has associated axiom(fol) An axiom expressed in first order logic using CLIF syntax Person:Alan Ruttenberg Person:Alan Ruttenberg has associated axiom(fol) Chinese translation YH, JX a chinese translation represents a chinese translation of the existing term. adverse event outcome The AE 'cough AE' has the 'label of AE outcome' of 'cough'; 'infection AE' has the 'label of AE outcom' of 'infection'. an annotation property that represents the label of an adverse event label of adverse event outcome Yongqun Oliver He, Jiangan Hardy Xie has_meddra_id temporal interpretation https://github.com/oborel/obo-relations/wiki/ROAndTime An assertion that holds between an OWL Object Property and a temporal interpretation that elucidates how OWL Class Axioms that use this property are to be interpreted in a temporal context. never in taxon x never in taxon T if and only if T is a class, and x does not instantiate the class expression "in taxon some T". Note that this is a shortcut relation, and should be used as a hasValue restriction in OWL. ?X DisjointWith RO_0002162 some ?Y Chris Mungall tooth SubClassOf 'never in taxon' value 'Aves' taxonomic class assertion An assertion that holds between an ontology class and an organism taxon class, which is intepreted to yield some relationship between instances of the ontology class and the taxon. dubious_for_taxon 1 1 RO:0002174 S dubious_for_taxon T if it is probably the case that no instances of S can be found in any instance of T. dubious_for_taxon dubious_for_taxon this relation lacks a strong logical interpretation, but can be used in place of never_in_taxon where it is desirable to state that the definition of the class is too strict for the taxon under consideration, but placing a never_in_taxon link would result in a chain of inconsistencies that will take time to resolve. Example: metencephalon in teleost uberon present_in_taxon 1 1 RO:0002175 S present_in_taxon T if some instance of T has some S. This does not means that all instances of T have an S - it may only be certain life stages or sexes that have S applicable for taxon present_in_taxon present_in_taxon uberon logical macro assertion https://github.com/oborel/obo-relations/wiki/ShortcutRelations An assertion that involves at least one OWL object that is intended to be expanded into one or more logical axioms. The logical expansion can yield axioms expressed using any formal logical system, including, but not limited to OWL2-DL. logical macro assertion on a class A logical macro assertion whose domain is an IRI for a class The domain for this class can be considered to be owl:Class, but we cannot assert this in OWL2-DL logical macro assertion on a property A logical macro assertion whose domain is an IRI for a property logical macro assertion on an object property logical macro assertion on an annotation property is direct form of Chris Mungall relation p is the direct form of relation q iff p is a subPropertyOf q, p does not have the Transitive characteristic, q does have the Transitive characteristic, and for all x, y: x q y -> exists z1, z2, ..., zn such that x p z1 ... z2n y If we have the annotation P is-direct-form-of Q, and we have inverses P' and Q', then it follows that P' is-direct-form-of Q' external_definition 1 An alternate textual definition for a class taken unmodified from an external source. This definition may have been used to derive a generalized definition for the new class. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000001 UBPROP:0000001 external_definition external_definition external_definition external_definition true uberon uberon axiom_lost_from_external_ontology 1 A textual description of an axiom loss in this ontology compared to an external ontology. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000002 axiom_lost_from_external_ontology axiom_lost_from_external_ontology uberon homology_notes 1 Notes on the homology status of this class. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000003 homology_notes homology_notes uberon external_comment 1 An alternate comment for a class taken unmodified from an external source. Note that obo format only allows a single comment for a class, and does not provide a structured means of adding provenance info. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000005 external_comment external_comment uberon implements_design_pattern 1 UBPROP:0000006 implements_design_pattern implements_design_pattern uberon has_relational_adjective 1 UBPROP:0000007 UBPROP:0000007 Used to connect a class to an adjectival form of its label. For example, a class with label 'intestine' may have a relational adjective 'intestinal'. has_relational_adjective has_relational_adjective has_relational_adjective has_relational_adjective true uberon uberon taxon_notes 1 Notes on the how instances of this class vary across species. UBPROP:0000008 taxon_notes taxon_notes uberon function_notes 1 Notes on the evolved function of instances of this class. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000009 function_notes function_notes uberon structure_notes 1 Notes on the structure, composition or histology of instances of this class. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000010 structure_notes structure_notes uberon development_notes 1 Notes on the ontogenic development of instances of this class. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000011 development_notes development_notes uberon external_ontology_notes 1 Notes on how similar or equivalent classes are represented in other ontologies. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000012 external_ontology_notes external_ontology_notes uberon terminology_notes 1 Notes on how lexical conventions regarding this class, in particular any issues that may arise due to homonyny or synonymy. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000013 terminology_notes terminology_notes uberon is count of 1 UBPROP:0000100 is_count_of is_count_of uberon preceding element is 1 A property used in conjunction with repeated_element_number to indicate an axis and directionality along that axis. If P preceding_element_is R, and P is_count_of S, and X P N, and X' P N+1, then it follows that every X R some X', and the class expression [S and R some X' and inv(R) some X] is empty (i.e. X is followed by X', with no intermediates) UBPROP:0000101 preceding_element_is preceding_element_is uberon phalanx number 1 Most land mammals including humans have a 2-3-3-3-3 formula in both the hands (or paws) and feet. Primitive reptiles typically had the formula 2-3-4-4-5, and this pattern, with some modification, remained in many later reptiles and in the mammal-like reptiles. The phalangeal formula in the flippers of cetaceans (marine mammals) is 2-12-8-1 UBPROP:0000105 phalanx_number phalanx_number uberon x phalanx_number N if and only if (i) x is a phalanx, and (ii) x is phalanx number N in a series of phalanges repeated along an prixomo-distal axis, with phalanx_number 1 being the proximalmost phalanx. Note that in humans, the distalmost phalanx has phlanax_number 3, except in ray_number 1, where the distalmost has phalanx_number 2 fma_set_term 1 FMA has terms like 'set of X'. In general we do not include set-of terms in uberon, but provide a mapping between the singular form and the FMA set term UBPROP:0000202 fma_set_term fma_set_term uberon has_rank A metadata relation between a class and its taxonomic rank (eg species, family) ncbi_taxonomy eco subset CUMBO developmental_classification A class that represents an early developmental structure, like a blastocyst. This part of the ontology is undergoing review to remove inappropriate grouping classes. EFO slim derived from the union of EHDAA2 and EMAPA - still to be checked functional_classification Subset consisting of classes creating for grouping purposes A grouping class that depends on an assumption of homology between subclasses classes that have some inconsistency with FMA somewhat fuzzy grouping for analysis purposes, currently composed of something like: liver, heart, skeletal, kidney, bladder, brain, skin, mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestines, trachea nose, lungs, brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, gonads abstract class brought in to group ontology classes but not informative organs, excluding individual muscles and skeletal elements Phenotype slim Uberon slim - subset that excludes obscure terms and deep compositional terms abstract upper-level terms not directly useful for analysis core classes typically found across vertebrates. one purpose is to create a rough set of terms that could be used to start a new vertebrate AO contributor 1 dc-contributor dc-contributor uberon Source Source subset_property has_alternative_id has_alternative_id has_broad_synonym database_cross_reference database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_exact_synonym has_narrow_synonym has_narrow_synonym has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym has_related_synonym in_subset in_subset shorthand label depicted_by 1 foaf-depicted_by foaf-depicted_by uberon part of part of BFO:0000050 part_of part_of uberon Everything is part of itself. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot be part of each other. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See https://code.google.com/p/obo-relations/wiki/ROAndTime a core relation that holds between a part and its whole http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/#OBO_REL:part_of is part of my brain is part of my body (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach cavity is part of my stomach (continuant parthood, immaterial entity is part of material entity) part_of this day is part of this year (occurrent parthood) has part has part BFO:0000051 has_part has_part uberon Everything has itself as a part. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot have each other as a part. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See https://code.google.com/p/obo-relations/wiki/ROAndTime a core relation that holds between a whole and its part has part has_part my body has part my brain (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach has part my stomach cavity (continuant parthood, material entity has part immaterial entity) this year has part this day (occurrent parthood) is_bearer_of is bearer of http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/omrse.owl bearer of bearer_of realized in http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ro.owl Paraphrase of elucidation: a relation between a realizable entity and a process, where there is some material entity that is bearer of the realizable entity and participates in the process, and the realizable entity comes to be realized in the course of the process [copied from inverse property 'realizes'] to say that b realizes c at t is to assert that there is some material entity d & b is a process which has participant d at t & c is a disposition or role of which d is bearer_of at t& the type instantiated by b is correlated with the type instantiated by c. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [059-003]) is realized by realized in realized_in this disease is realized in this disease course this fragility is realized in this shattering this investigator role is realized in this investigation preceded_by preceded by BFO:0000062 X preceded_by Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with start(X) is preceded by preceded_by preceded_by takes place after uberon An example is: translation preceded_by transcription; aging preceded_by development (not however death preceded_by aging). Where derives_from links classes of continuants, preceded_by links classes of processes. Clearly, however, these two relations are not independent of each other. Thus if cells of type C1 derive_from cells of type C, then any cell division involving an instance of C1 in a given lineage is preceded_by cellular processes involving an instance of C. The assertion P preceded_by P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened earlier, given what we know about what happened later. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be succeeded by some instance of P. Note that an assertion to the effect that P preceded_by P1 is rather weak; it tells us little about the relations between the underlying instances in virtue of which the preceded_by relation obtains. Typically we will be interested in stronger relations, for example in the relation immediately_preceded_by, or in relations which combine preceded_by with a condition to the effect that the corresponding instances of P and P1 share participants, or that their participants are connected by relations of derivation, or (as a first step along the road to a treatment of causality) that the one process in some way affects (for example, initiates or regulates) the other. http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/#OBO_REL:preceded_by is preceded by preceded by preceded_by x is preceded by y if and only if the time point at which y ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which x starts. Formally: x preceded by y iff ω(y) <= α(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. precedes precedes BFO:0000063 precedes precedes uberon precedes x precedes y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x precedes y iff ω(x) <= α(y), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. occurs in Paraphrase of definition: a relation between a process and an independent continuant, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t occurs in occurs_in unfolds in unfolds_in contains process Paraphrase of definition: a relation between an independent continuant and a process, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant [copied from inverse property 'occurs in'] b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t site of anterior_to 2009-07-31T02:15:46Z BSPO:0000096 anterior_to anterior_to cjm uberon x anterior_to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the head. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that bisects an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail: bearer distal_to BSPO:0000097 distal_to distal_to uberon x distal_to y iff x is further along the proximo-distal axis than y, towards the appendage tip. A proximo-distal axis extends from tip of an appendage (distal) to where it joins the body (proximal). dorsal_to BSPO:0000098 dorsal_to dorsal_to uberon x dorsal_to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the back. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that bisects an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly). posterior_to BSPO:0000099 caudal_to posterior_to posterior_to uberon x posterior_to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the body/tail. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that bisects an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail. proximal_to BSPO:0000100 proximal_to proximal_to uberon x proximal_to y iff x is closer to the point of attachment with the body than y. ventral_to BSPO:0000102 uberon ventral_to ventral_to x ventral_to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the front. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that bisects an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly). deep_to BSPO:0000107 Further away from the surface of the organism. Thus, the muscular layer is deep to the skin, but superficial to the intestines. deep_to deep_to uberon superficial_to BSPO:0000108 Near the outer surface of the organism. Thus, skin is superficial to the muscle layer. superficial_to superficial_to uberon in_posterior_side_of BSPO:0000122 X posterior_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two anterior and posterior portions, X is part_of the posterior portion. in_posterior_side_of in_posterior_side_of uberon in_anterior_side_of BSPO:0000123 X anterior_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two anterior and posterior portions, X is part_of the anterior portion. in_anterior_side_of in_anterior_side_of uberon in_proximal_side_of BSPO:0000124 X proximal_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into distal and proximal portions, X is part_of the proximal portion. in_proximal_side_of in_proximal_side_of uberon in_distal_side_of BSPO:0000125 X distal_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into distal and proximal portions, X is part_of the distal portion. in_distal_side_of in_distal_side_of uberon in_lateral_side_of BSPO:0000126 X in_lateral_side_of Y <=> if X is in_left_side_of Y or X is in_right_side_of Y. X is often, but not always a paired structure https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Modeling-paired-structures-Design-Pattern in_lateral_side_of in_lateral_side_of uberon proximalmost_part_of BSPO:0001106 X proximalmost_part_of Y <=> X is part_of Y and X is adjacent_to the proximal boundary of Y proximalmost_part_of proximalmost_part_of uberon distalmost_part_of BSPO:0001108 X distalmost_part_of Y <=> X is part_of Y and X is adjacent_to the distal boundary of Y distalmost_part_of distalmost_part_of uberon is evidence of This represents a relation between two adverse events AE1 and AE2. However, AE1 may be an evidence of another adverse event AE3, and a dfferent adverse event AE4 may also be an evidence of the same AE2. SS, YH, YL An electrocardiogram qt prolonged AE is_evidence_of arrhythmia AE; arrhythmia AE is_evidence_of cardiomyopathy AE; fever AE is_evidence_of inflammation AE; fever AE is_evidence_of viral infection AE; plural effusion AE is_evidence_of cardiac disorder AE. has participant quality an object property that represents a relation between a process and a quality, in which the process has a participant that has the quality. An adverse event has a participant quality, such as a hyperkalemia AE has a participatn quality blood potassium increased. Yongqun He adverse event occurs in a 'occurs in' relation that is applied at the adverse event setting and indicates where an adverse event occurs in. Yongqun He inheres in http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ro.owl A dependent inheres in its bearer at all times for which the dependent exists. a relation between a specifically dependent continuant (the dependent) and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the dependent specifically depends on the bearer for its existence inheres in inheres_in this fragility inheres in this vase this red color inheres in this apple participates in a relation between a continuant and a process, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process participates in participates_in this blood clot participates in this blood coagulation this input material (or this output material) participates in this process this investigator participates in this investigation has participant http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ro.owl Has_participant is a primitive instance-level relation between a process, a continuant, and a time at which the continuant participates in some way in the process. The relation obtains, for example, when this particular process of oxygen exchange across this particular alveolar membrane has_participant this particular sample of hemoglobin at this particular time. a relation between a process and a continuant, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process has participant http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/#OBO_REL:has_participant has_participant this blood coagulation has participant this blood clot this investigation has participant this investigator this process has participant this input material (or this output material) has role 0 0 RO:0000087 chebi_ontology has_role has_role location_of RO:0001015 location_of location_of uberon located_in RO:0001025 located_in located_in uberon has boundary RO:0002002 has_boundary has_boundary uberon bounding layer of A relationship that applies between a continuant and its outer, bounding layer. Examples include the relationship between a multicellular organism and its integument, between an animal cell and its plasma membrane, and between a membrane bound organelle and its outer/bounding membrane. RO:0002007 bounding_layer_of bounding_layer_of uberon before or simultaneous with <= David Osumi-Sutherland Primitive instance level timing relation between events simultaneous_with simultaneous with RO:0002082 Relation between occurrents, shares start and end boundaries. coincides_with is_equal_to simultaneous_with simultaneous_with uberon David Osumi-Sutherland t1 simultaneous_with t2 iff:= t1 before_or_simultaneous_with t2 and not (t1 before t2) ends after David Osumi-Sutherland X ends_after Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with end(X) immediately_preceded_by immediately preceded by A non-transitive temporal relation in which one process immediately precedes another process, such that there is no interval of time between the two processes[SIO:000251]. RO:0002087 X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) directly preceded by immediately_preceded_by immediately_preceded_by is directly preceded by is immediately preceded by starts_at_end_of uberon starts_at_end_of David Osumi-Sutherland X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) immediately precedes ends_at_start_of meets David Osumi-Sutherland X immediately_precedes_Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) starts during David Osumi-Sutherland X starts_during Y iff: (start(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with start(X)) AND (start(X) before_or_simultaneous_with end(Y)) io happens during X happens_during Y iff: (start(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with start(X)) AND (end(X) before_or_simultaneous_with end(Y)) d during David Osumi-Sutherland ends during David Osumi-Sutherland o overlaps X ends_during Y iff: ((start(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with end(X)) AND end(X) before_or_simultaneous_with end(Y). overlaps http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000051 some (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000050 some ?Y) x overlaps y if and only if there exists some z such that x has part z and z part of y continuous_with RO:0002150 continuous_with continuous_with uberon homologous_to RO:0002158 homologous_to homologous_to uberon connected to Binary relationship: x connected_to y if and only if there exists some z such that z connects x and y in a ternary connected_to(x,y,z) relationship. Connection does not imply overlaps. RO:0002170 connected_to connected_to uberon connects Binary relationship: z connects x if and only if there exists some y such that z connects x and y in a ternary connected_to(x,y,z) relationship. RO:0002176 connects connects this is currently used for both structural relationships (such as between a valve and the chamber it connects) and abstract relationships (anatomical lines and the entities they connect) uberon attaches_to_part_of RO:0002177 attaches_to_part_of attaches_to_part_of uberon supplies FMA:86003 RO:0002178 arterial supply of relation between an artery and the structure is supplies with blood. source: FMA supplies supplies uberon develops_from RO:0002202 develops_from develops_from uberon develops_into RO:0002203 develops_into develops_into uberon surrounded_by RO:0002219 surrounded_by surrounded_by uberon x surrounded_by y iff: x is adjacent to y and for every region r adjacent to x, r overlaps y adjacent_to RO:0002220 adjacent_to adjacent_to uberon x adjacent_to y iff: x and y share a boundary surrounds RO:0002221 inverse of surrounded_by surrounds surrounds uberon temporally related to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kBv1ep_9g3sTR-SD3jqzFqhuwo9TPNF-l-9fUDbO6rM/edit?pli=1 Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for relations between occurrents involving the relative timing of their starts and ends. A relation that holds between two occurrents. This is a grouping relation that collects together all the Allen relations. starts RO:0002223 Relation between occurrents, shares a start boundary with. starts starts uberon starts with starts with RO:0002224 starts_with starts_with uberon started by x starts with y if and only if x has part y and the time point at which x starts is equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: α(y) = α(x) ∧ ω(y) < ω(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. Every insulin receptor signaling pathway starts with the binding of a ligand to the insulin receptor Chris Mungall ends RO:0002229 Relation between occurrents, shares an end boundary with. ends ends finishes uberon ends with ends with RO:0002230 ends_with ends_with uberon Chris Mungall finished by x ends with y if and only if x has part y and the time point at which x ends is equivalent to the time point at which y ends. Formally: α(y) > α(x) ∧ ω(y) = ω(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. has developmental contribution from RO:0002254 has_developmental_contribution_from has_developmental_contribution_from uberon developmentally_induced_by RO:0002256 developmentally_induced_by developmentally_induced_by sources for developmentally_induced_by relationships in Uberon: Developmental Biology, Gilbert, 8th edition, figure 6.5(F) t1 developmentally_induced_by t2 if there is a process of organ induction (GO:0001759) with t1 and t2 as interacting participants. t2 causes t1 to change its fate from a precursor tissue type T to T', where T' develops_from T. uberon developmentally preceded by RO:0002258 developmentally_preceded_by developmentally_preceded_by uberon developmentally_replaces RO:0002285 developmentally_replaces developmentally_replaces uberon mereotopologically related to A mereological relationship or a topological relationship Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving parthood or connectivity relationships has member RO:0002351 has_member has_member uberon attaches_to FMA:85990 RO:0002371 attaches_to attaches_to uberon has potential to developmentally contribute to RO:0002385 has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to uberon x has potential to developmentrally contribute to y iff x developmentally contributes to y or x is capable of developmentally contributing to y has potential to develop into RO:0002387 has_potential_to_develop_into has_potential_to_develop_into uberon x has the potential to develop into y iff x develops into y or if x is capable of developing into y contributes to morphology of RO:0002433 contributes_to_morphology_of contributes_to_morphology_of uberon composed primarily of RO:0002473 UBREL:0000002 composed_primarily_of composed_primarily_of uberon x composed_primarily_of y iff: more than half of the mass of x is made from parts of y existence starts during BFO:0000068 RO:0002488 Relation between continuant c and occurrent s, such that every instance of c comes into existing during some s. begins_to_exist_during existence_starts_during existence_starts_during uberon existence starts with RO:0002489 Relation between continuant and occurrent, such that c comes into existence at the start of p. existence_starts_with existence_starts_with uberon existence ends during BFO:0000069 RO:0002492 Relation between continuant c and occurrent s, such that every instance of c ceases to exist during some s, if it does not die prematurely. ceases_to_exist_during existence_ends_during existence_ends_during uberon existence ends with RO:0002493 Relation between continuant and occurrent, such that c ceases to exist at the end of p. existence_ends_with existence_ends_with uberon transformation of RO:0002494 transformation_of transformation_of transforms from uberon immediate transformation of RO:0002495 direct_transformation_of immediate_transformation_of immediate_transformation_of immediately transforms from uberon existence starts during or after RO:0002496 existence_starts_during_or_after existence_starts_during_or_after uberon existence ends during or before RO:0002497 existence_ends_during_or_before existence_ends_during_or_before uberon has material contribution from RO:0002507 has_material_contribution_from has_material_contribution_from uberon has skeleton A relation between a subdivision of an organism and the single subdivision of skeleton that provides structural support for that subdivision. RO:0002551 has sekeletal support has supporting framework has_skeleton has_skeleton uberon luminal space of RO:0002572 luminal_space_of luminal_space_of uberon skeleton of RO:0002576 skeleton_of skeleton_of uberon produces RO:0003000 produces produces uberon produced_by RO:0003001 produced_by produced_by uberon has...channel tropism 归...经 has..nature 具有...药性 has...flavour 具有...药味 has...toxicity 具有...毒性 has part 0 BFO_0000051 chebi_ontology has_part has_part has functional parent 0 0 chebi_ontology has_functional_parent has parent hydride 0 0 chebi_ontology has_parent_hydride is conjugate acid of 0 1 chebi_ontology is_conjugate_acid_of is conjugate base of 0 1 chebi_ontology is_conjugate_base_of is enantiomer of 0 1 chebi_ontology is_enantiomer_of is substituent group from 0 0 chebi_ontology is_substituent_group_from is tautomer of 1 chebi_ontology is_tautomer_of channel for carries channel_for uberon channels_from channels_from uberon channels_into channels_into uberon conduit for conduit_for uberon x is a conduit for y iff y passes through the lumen of x. distally connected to distally_connected_to uberon x distally_connected_to y iff the distal part of x is connected to y. i.e. x connected_to y and x proximal_to y. evolved_from Status: experimental evolved_from uberon existence starts and ends during existence_starts_and_ends_during uberon in_central_side_of X in_central_side Y <=> if Y is subdivided into left and right portions around some median divisor, all parts of X are closer to the median divisor than the outermost lateral sides. https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Modeling-paired-structures-Design-Pattern in_central_side_of uberon protects protects uberon proximally connected to proximally_connected_to uberon x proximally_connected_to y iff the proximal part of x is connected to y. i.e. x connected_to y and x distal_to y. subdivision of placeholder relation. X = 'subdivision of A' and subdivision_of some B means that X is the mereological sum of A and B subdivision_of uberon transitively_connected to transitively_connected_to uberon transitively distally connected to . transitively_distally_connected_to uberon transitively proximally connected to . transitively_proximally_connected_to uberon has_proper_part has_proper_part http://purl.org/obo/owl/relationship OBO_REL:0000007 relationship entity entity BFO 2 Reference: In all areas of empirical inquiry we encounter general terms of two sorts. First are general terms which refer to universals or types:animaltuberculosissurgical procedurediseaseSecond, are general terms used to refer to groups of entities which instantiate a given universal but do not correspond to the extension of any subuniversal of that universal because there is nothing intrinsic to the entities in question by virtue of which they – and only they – are counted as belonging to the given group. Examples are: animal purchased by the Emperortuberculosis diagnosed on a Wednesdaysurgical procedure performed on a patient from Stockholmperson identified as candidate for clinical trial #2056-555person who is signatory of Form 656-PPVpainting by Leonardo da VinciSuch terms, which represent what are called ‘specializations’ in [81 Entity An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [001-001]) Entity doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example Werner Ceusters 'portions of reality' include 4 sorts, entities (as BFO construes them), universals, configurations, and relations. It is an open question as to whether entities as construed in BFO will at some point also include these other portions of reality. See, for example, 'How to track absolutely everything' at http://www.referent-tracking.com/_RTU/papers/CeustersICbookRevised.pdf Julius Caesar Verdi’s Requiem the Second World War your body mass index continuant continuant Continuant (forall (x) (if (Continuant x) (Entity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [008-002] (forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (continuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [009-002] (forall (x) (if (Material Entity x) (exists (t) (and (TemporalRegion t) (existsAt x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [011-002] (forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (hasContinuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [126-001] A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [008-002]) An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts. BFO 2 Reference: Continuant entities are entities which can be sliced to yield parts only along the spatial dimension, yielding for example the parts of your table which we call its legs, its top, its nails. ‘My desk stretches from the window to the door. It has spatial parts, and can be sliced (in space) in two. With respect to time, however, a thing is a continuant.’ [60, p. 240 Continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example, in an expansion involving bringing in some of Ceuster's other portions of reality, questions are raised as to whether universals are continuants if b is a continuant and if, for some t, c has_continuant_part b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [126-001]) if b is a continuant and if, for some t, cis continuant_part of b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [009-002]) if b is a material entity, then there is some temporal interval (referred to below as a one-dimensional temporal region) during which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [011-002]) occurrent (forall (x) (iff (Occurrent x) (and (Entity x) (exists (y) (temporalPartOf y x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [079-001] Simons uses different terminology for relations of occurrents to regions: Denote the spatio-temporal location of a given occurrent e by 'spn[e]' and call this region its span. We may say an occurrent is at its span, in any larger region, and covers any smaller region. Now suppose we have fixed a frame of reference so that we can speak not merely of spatio-temporal but also of spatial regions (places) and temporal regions (times). The spread of an occurrent, (relative to a frame of reference) is the space it exactly occupies, and its spell is likewise the time it exactly occupies. We write 'spr[e]' and `spl[e]' respectively for the spread and spell of e, omitting mention of the frame. (forall (x) (if (Occurrent x) (exists (r) (and (SpatioTemporalRegion r) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion x r))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [108-001] An entity that has temporal parts and that happens, unfolds or develops through time. An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the instantaneous boundary of such an entity (for example a beginning or an ending) or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region which such an entity occupies_temporal_region or occupies_spatiotemporal_region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [077-002]) BFO 2 Reference: every occurrent that is not a temporal or spatiotemporal region is s-dependent on some independent continuant that is not a spatial region BFO 2 Reference: s-dependence obtains between every process and its participants in the sense that, as a matter of necessity, this process could not have existed unless these or those participants existed also. A process may have a succession of participants at different phases of its unfolding. Thus there may be different players on the field at different times during the course of a football game; but the process which is the entire game s-depends_on all of these players nonetheless. Some temporal parts of this process will s-depend_on on only some of the players. Occurrent occurrent Every occurrent occupies_spatiotemporal_region some spatiotemporal region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [108-001]) Occurrent doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the sum of a process and the process boundary of another process. b is an occurrent entity iff b is an entity that has temporal parts. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [079-001]) independent continuant IndependentContinuant (forall (x t) (if (and (IndependentContinuant x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (Entity y) (specificallyDependsOnAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [018-002] (iff (IndependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (not (exists (b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [017-002] (forall (x t) (if (IndependentContinuant x) (exists (r) (and (SpatialRegion r) (locatedInAt x r t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [134-001] A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything. For any independent continuant b and any time t there is some spatial region r such that b is located_in r at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [134-001]) For every independent continuant b and time t during the region of time spanned by its life, there are entities which s-depends_on b during t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [018-002]) a heart ic a chair a leg a molecule a spatial region an atom an orchestra. an organism b is an independent continuant = Def. b is a continuant which is such that there is no c and no t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [017-002]) the bottom right portion of a human torso the interior of your mouth process Process (iff (Process a) (and (Occurrent a) (exists (b) (properTemporalPartOf b a)) (exists (c t) (and (MaterialEntity c) (specificallyDependsOnAt a c t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [083-003] An occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. BFO 2 Reference: The realm of occurrents is less pervasively marked by the presence of natural units than is the case in the realm of independent continuants. Thus there is here no counterpart of ‘object’. In BFO 1.0 ‘process’ served as such a counterpart. In BFO 2.0 ‘process’ is, rather, the occurrent counterpart of ‘material entity’. Those natural – as contrasted with engineered, which here means: deliberately executed – units which do exist in the realm of occurrents are typically either parasitic on the existence of natural units on the continuant side, or they are fiat in nature. Thus we can count lives; we can count football games; we can count chemical reactions performed in experiments or in chemical manufacturing. We cannot count the processes taking place, for instance, in an episode of insect mating behavior.Even where natural units are identifiable, for example cycles in a cyclical process such as the beating of a heart or an organism’s sleep/wake cycle, the processes in question form a sequence with no discontinuities (temporal gaps) of the sort that we find for instance where billiard balls or zebrafish or planets are separated by clear spatial gaps. Lives of organisms are process units, but they too unfold in a continuous series from other, prior processes such as fertilization, and they unfold in turn in continuous series of post-life processes such as post-mortem decay. Clear examples of boundaries of processes are almost always of the fiat sort (midnight, a time of death as declared in an operating theater or on a death certificate, the initiation of a state of war) a process of cell-division, \ a beating of the heart a process of meiosis a process of sleeping p is a process = Def. p is an occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [083-003]) process the course of a disease the flight of a bird the life of an organism your process of aging. disposition (forall (x) (if (Disposition x) (and (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (bearerOfAt x y t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [062-002] BFO 2 Reference: Dispositions exist along a strength continuum. Weaker forms of disposition are realized in only a fraction of triggering cases. These forms occur in a significant number of cases of a similar type. Disposition (forall (x t) (if (and (RealizableEntity x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (specificallyDepends x y t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [063-002] disposition If b is a realizable entity then for all t at which b exists, b s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [063-002]) an atom of element X has the disposition to decay to an atom of element Y b is a disposition means: b is a realizable entity & b’s bearer is some material entity & b is such that if it ceases to exist, then its bearer is physically changed, & b’s realization occurs when and because this bearer is in some special physical circumstances, & this realization occurs in virtue of the bearer’s physical make-up. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [062-002]) certain people have a predisposition to colon cancer children are innately disposed to categorize objects in certain ways. the cell wall is disposed to filter chemicals in endocytosis and exocytosis realizable entity (forall (x) (if (RealizableEntity x) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (inheresIn x y)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [058-002] (forall (x t) (if (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (bearerOfAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [060-002] A specifically dependent continuant that inheres in continuant entities and are not exhibited in full at every time in which it inheres in an entity or group of entities. The exhibition or actualization of a realizable entity is a particular manifestation, functioning or process that occurs under certain circumstances. All realizable dependent continuants have independent continuants that are not spatial regions as their bearers. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [060-002]) RealizableEntity To say that b is a realizable entity is to say that b is a specifically dependent continuant that inheres in some independent continuant which is not a spatial region and is of a type instances of which are realized in processes of a correlated type. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [058-002]) realizable the disposition of this piece of metal to conduct electricity. the disposition of your blood to coagulate the function of your reproductive organs the role of being a doctor the role of this boundary to delineate where Utah and Colorado meet quality (forall (x) (if (Quality x) (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [055-001] quality Quality (forall (x) (if (exists (t) (and (existsAt x t) (Quality x))) (forall (t_1) (if (existsAt x t_1) (Quality x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [105-001] If an entity is a quality at any time that it exists, then it is a quality at every time that it exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [105-001]) a quality is a specifically dependent continuant that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does not require any further process in order to be realized. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [055-001]) the ambient temperature of this portion of air the color of a tomato the length of the circumference of your waist the mass of this piece of gold. the shape of your nose the shape of your nostril specifically dependent continuant (iff (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (forall (t) (if (existsAt a t) (exists (b) (and (IndependentContinuant b) (not (SpatialRegion b)) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [050-003] (iff (RelationalSpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (forall (t) (exists (b c) (and (not (SpatialRegion b)) (not (SpatialRegion c)) (not (= b c)) (not (exists (d) (and (continuantPartOfAt d b t) (continuantPartOfAt d c t)))) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a c t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [131-004] SpecificallyDependentContinuant A continuant that inheres in or is borne by other entities. Every instance of A requires some specific instance of B which must always be the same. Reciprocal specifically dependent continuants: the function of this key to open this lock and the mutually dependent disposition of this lock: to be opened by this key Specifically dependent continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. We're not sure what else will develop here, but for example there are questions such as what are promises, obligation, etc. b is a relational specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a specifically dependent continuant and there are n &gt; 1 independent continuants c1, … cn which are not spatial regions are such that for all 1 i &lt; j n, ci and cj share no common parts, are such that for each 1 i n, b s-depends_on ci at every time t during the course of b’s existence (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [131-004]) b is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region and which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [050-003]) of one-sided specifically dependent continuants: the mass of this tomato of relational dependent continuants (multiple bearers): John’s love for Mary, the ownership relation between John and this statue, the relation of authority between John and his subordinates. sdc the disposition of this fish to decay the function of this heart: to pump blood the mutual dependence of proton donors and acceptors in chemical reactions [79 the mutual dependence of the role predator and the role prey as played by two organisms in a given interaction the pink color of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its center the role of being a doctor the shape of this hole. the smell of this portion of mozzarella role A realizable entity the manifestation of which brings about some result or end that is not essential to a continuant in virtue of the kind of thing that it is but that can be served or participated in by that kind of continuant in some kinds of natural, social or institutional contexts. Role role (forall (x) (if (Role x) (RealizableEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [061-001] BFO 2 Reference: One major family of examples of non-rigid universals involves roles, and ontologies developed for corresponding administrative purposes may consist entirely of representatives of entities of this sort. Thus ‘professor’, defined as follows,b instance_of professor at t =Def. there is some c, c instance_of professor role & c inheres_in b at t.denotes a non-rigid universal and so also do ‘nurse’, ‘student’, ‘colonel’, ‘taxpayer’, and so forth. (These terms are all, in the jargon of philosophy, phase sortals.) By using role terms in definitions, we can create a BFO conformant treatment of such entities drawing on the fact that, while an instance of professor may be simultaneously an instance of trade union member, no instance of the type professor role is also (at any time) an instance of the type trade union member role (any more than any instance of the type color is at any time an instance of the type length).If an ontology of employment positions should be defined in terms of roles following the above pattern, this enables the ontology to do justice to the fact that individuals instantiate the corresponding universals – professor, sergeant, nurse – only during certain phases in their lives. John’s role of husband to Mary is dependent on Mary’s role of wife to John, and both are dependent on the object aggregate comprising John and Mary as member parts joined together through the relational quality of being married. b is a role means: b is a realizable entity & b exists because there is some single bearer that is in some special physical, social, or institutional set of circumstances in which this bearer does not have to be& b is not such that, if it ceases to exist, then the physical make-up of the bearer is thereby changed. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [061-001]) the priest role the role of a boundary to demarcate two neighboring administrative territories the role of a building in serving as a military target the role of a stone in marking a property boundary the role of subject in a clinical trial the student role object aggregate ObjectAggregate An entity a is an object aggregate if and only if there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of a into objects BFO 2 Reference: object aggregates may gain and lose parts while remaining numerically identical (one and the same individual) over time. This holds both for aggregates whose membership is determined naturally (the aggregate of cells in your body) and aggregates determined by fiat (a baseball team, a congressional committee). ISBN:978-3-938793-98-5pp124-158#Thomas Bittner and Barry Smith, 'A Theory of Granular Partitions', in K. Munn and B. Smith (eds.), Applied Ontology: An Introduction, Frankfurt/Lancaster: ontos, 2008, 125-158. (forall (x) (if (ObjectAggregate x) (and (MaterialEntity x) (forall (t) (if (existsAt x t) (exists (y z) (and (Object y) (Object z) (memberPartOfAt y x t) (memberPartOfAt z x t) (not (= y z)))))) (not (exists (w t_1) (and (memberPartOfAt w x t_1) (not (Object w)))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [025-004] a collection of cells in a blood biobank. a swarm of bees is an aggregate of members who are linked together through natural bonds a symphony orchestra defined by fiat: the aggregate of members of an organization defined through physical attachment: the aggregate of atoms in a lump of granite object-aggregate an organization is an aggregate whose member parts have roles of specific types (for example in a jazz band, a chess club, a football team) b is an object aggregate means: b is a material entity consisting exactly of a plurality of objects as member_parts at all times at which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [025-004]) defined through physical containment: the aggregate of molecules of carbon dioxide in a sealed container defined via attributive delimitations such as: the patients in this hospital the aggregate of bearings in a constant velocity axle joint the aggregate of blood cells in your body the nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere the restaurants in Palo Alto your collection of Meissen ceramic plates. site (forall (x) (if (Site x) (ImmaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [034-002] Manhattan Canyon) site Site a hole in the interior of a portion of cheese a rabbit hole an air traffic control region defined in the airspace above an airport b is a site means: b is a three-dimensional immaterial entity that is (partially or wholly) bounded by a material entity or it is a three-dimensional immaterial part thereof. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [034-002]) the Grand Canyon the Piazza San Marco the cockpit of an aircraft the hold of a ship the interior of a kangaroo pouch the interior of the trunk of your car the interior of your bedroom the interior of your office the interior of your refrigerator the lumen of your gut your left nostril (a fiat part – the opening – of your left nasal cavity) object object Object BFO 2 Reference: BFO rests on the presupposition that at multiple micro-, meso- and macroscopic scales reality exhibits certain stable, spatially separated or separable material units, combined or combinable into aggregates of various sorts (for example organisms into what are called ‘populations’). Such units play a central role in almost all domains of natural science from particle physics to cosmology. Many scientific laws govern the units in question, employing general terms (such as ‘molecule’ or ‘planet’) referring to the types and subtypes of units, and also to the types and subtypes of the processes through which such units develop and interact. The division of reality into such natural units is at the heart of biological science, as also is the fact that these units may form higher-level units (as cells form multicellular organisms) and that they may also form aggregates of units, for example as cells form portions of tissue and organs form families, herds, breeds, species, and so on. At the same time, the division of certain portions of reality into engineered units (manufactured artifacts) is the basis of modern industrial technology, which rests on the distributed mass production of engineered parts through division of labor and on their assembly into larger, compound units such as cars and laptops. The division of portions of reality into units is one starting point for the phenomenon of counting. BFO 2 Reference: Each object is such that there are entities of which we can assert unproblematically that they lie in its interior, and other entities of which we can assert unproblematically that they lie in its exterior. This may not be so for entities lying at or near the boundary between the interior and exterior. This means that two objects – for example the two cells depicted in Figure 3 – may be such that there are material entities crossing their boundaries which belong determinately to neither cell. Something similar obtains in certain cases of conjoined twins (see below). BFO 2 Reference: To say that b is causally unified means: b is a material entity which is such that its material parts are tied together in such a way that, in environments typical for entities of the type in question,if c, a continuant part of b that is in the interior of b at t, is larger than a certain threshold size (which will be determined differently from case to case, depending on factors such as porosity of external cover) and is moved in space to be at t at a location on the exterior of the spatial region that had been occupied by b at t, then either b’s other parts will be moved in coordinated fashion or b will be damaged (be affected, for example, by breakage or tearing) in the interval between t and t.causal changes in one part of b can have consequences for other parts of b without the mediation of any entity that lies on the exterior of b. Material entities with no proper material parts would satisfy these conditions trivially. Candidate examples of types of causal unity for material entities of more complex sorts are as follows (this is not intended to be an exhaustive list):CU1: Causal unity via physical coveringHere the parts in the interior of the unified entity are combined together causally through a common membrane or other physical covering\. The latter points outwards toward and may serve a protective function in relation to what lies on the exterior of the entity [13, 47 BFO 2 Reference: an object is a maximal causally unified material entity BFO 2 Reference: ‘objects’ are sometimes referred to as ‘grains’ [74 atom b is an object means: b is a material entity which manifests causal unity of one or other of the types CUn listed above & is of a type (a material universal) instances of which are maximal relative to this criterion of causal unity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [024-001]) cell cells and organisms engineered artifacts grain of sand molecule organelle organism planet solid portions of matter star generically dependent continuant (iff (GenericallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (exists (b t) (genericallyDependsOnAt a b t)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [074-001] GenericallyDependentContinuant gdc The entries in your database are patterns instantiated as quality instances in your hard drive. The database itself is an aggregate of such patterns. When you create the database you create a particular instance of the generically dependent continuant type database. Each entry in the database is an instance of the generically dependent continuant type IAO: information content entity. b is a generically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant that g-depends_on one or more other entities. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [074-001]) the pdf file on your laptop, the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule. material entity material (forall (x) (if (MaterialEntity x) (IndependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [019-002] (forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [020-002] (forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt x y t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [021-002] A material entity is an independent continuant that has some portion of matter as proper or improper continuant part. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [019-002]) BFO 2 Reference: Material entities (continuants) can preserve their identity even while gaining and losing material parts. Continuants are contrasted with occurrents, which unfold themselves in successive temporal parts or phases [60 BFO 2 Reference: Object, Fiat Object Part and Object Aggregate are not intended to be exhaustive of Material Entity. Users are invited to propose new subcategories of Material Entity. BFO 2 Reference: ‘Matter’ is intended to encompass both mass and energy (we will address the ontological treatment of portions of energy in a later version of BFO). A portion of matter is anything that includes elementary particles among its proper or improper parts: quarks and leptons, including electrons, as the smallest particles thus far discovered; baryons (including protons and neutrons) at a higher level of granularity; atoms and molecules at still higher levels, forming the cells, organs, organisms and other material entities studied by biologists, the portions of rock studied by geologists, the fossils studied by paleontologists, and so on.Material entities are three-dimensional entities (entities extended in three spatial dimensions), as contrasted with the processes in which they participate, which are four-dimensional entities (entities extended also along the dimension of time).According to the FMA, material entities may have immaterial entities as parts – including the entities identified below as sites; for example the interior (or ‘lumen’) of your small intestine is a part of your body. BFO 2.0 embodies a decision to follow the FMA here. Every entity which has a material entity as continuant part is a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [020-002]) MaterialEntity a flame a forest fire a human being a hurricane a photon a puff of smoke a sea wave a tornado an aggregate of human beings. an energy wave an epidemic every entity of which a material entity is continuant part is also a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [021-002]) the undetached arm of a human being immaterial entity immaterial BFO 2 Reference: Immaterial entities are divided into two subgroups:boundaries and sites, which bound, or are demarcated in relation, to material entities, and which can thus change location, shape and size and as their material hosts move or change shape or size (for example: your nasal passage; the hold of a ship; the boundary of Wales (which moves with the rotation of the Earth) [38, 7, 10 ImmaterialEntity Vomicine 380.438 A carbazole that has formula C22H24N2O4. C22H24N2O4 CAS:125-15-5 CHEBI:10019 CN1CC[C@@]23[C@@H]4[C@@H]5[C@H](CC(=O)N4c4c2cccc4O)OCC=C(C1)[C@@H]5CC3=O InChI=1S/C22H24N2O4/c1-23-7-6-22-14-3-2-4-15(25)20(14)24-18(27)10-16-19(21(22)24)13(9-17(22)26)12(11-23)5-8-28-16/h2-5,13,16,19,21,25H,6-11H2,1H3/t13-,16-,19-,21-,22+/m0/s1 KEGG:C09255 KNApSAcK:C00001788 Vomicine ZMTYENXGROJCEA-LNKPQSDASA-N chebi_ontology Wilfordine 883.846 A sesquiterpenoid that has formula C43H49NO19. C43H49NO19 CAS:37239-51-3 CC(=O)OC[C@]12[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H]3[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]11O[C@@]3(C)COC(=O)c3cccnc3CCC(C)(O)C(=O)O[C@@H]([C@H](OC(=O)c3ccccc3)[C@@H]2OC(C)=O)[C@]1(C)O CHEBI:10039 InChI=1S/C43H49NO19/c1-21(45)55-20-42-34(59-24(4)48)30(57-22(2)46)29-32(58-23(3)47)43(42)41(8,54)33(31(35(42)60-25(5)49)61-36(50)26-13-10-9-11-14-26)62-38(52)39(6,53)17-16-28-27(15-12-18-44-28)37(51)56-19-40(29,7)63-43/h9-15,18,29-35,53-54H,16-17,19-20H2,1-8H3/t29-,30-,31+,32-,33+,34-,35+,39?,40+,41+,42-,43+/m1/s1 KEGG:C09992 KNApSAcK:C00001987 Wilfordine XQDBHSNYTFRCNJ-OURLNJDISA-N chebi_ontology alpha-amyrin (3beta)-urs-12-en-3-ol 4,4,6a,6b,8a,11,12,14b-octamethyl-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,6a,6b,7,8,8a,9,10,11,12,12a,14,14a,14b-icosahydropicen-3-ol 426.71740 5alpha-urs-12-en-3beta-ol A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is ursane which contains a double bond between positions 12 and 13 and in which the hydrogen at the 3beta position is substituted by a hydroxy group. C30H50O CAS:638-95-9 CHEBI:10213 FSLPMRQHCOLESF-SFMCKYFRSA-N InChI=1S/C30H50O/c1-19-11-14-27(5)17-18-29(7)21(25(27)20(19)2)9-10-23-28(6)15-13-24(31)26(3,4)22(28)12-16-30(23,29)8/h9,19-20,22-25,31H,10-18H2,1-8H3/t19-,20+,22+,23-,24+,25+,27-,28+,29-,30-/m1/s1 KEGG:C08615 KNApSAcK:C00003737 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0106170001 MetaCyc:CPD-8250 PMID:10848960 PMID:15626726 PMID:15659316 PMID:18129592 PMID:19488928 PMID:21575133 Reaxys:1916550 [H][C@@]12CC[C@]3(C)[C@]([H])(CC=C4[C@]5([H])[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)CC[C@]5(C)CC[C@@]34C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@H](O)C2(C)C alpha-Amyrin alpha-amyrenol alpha-amyrin alpha-amyrine chebi_ontology urs-12-ene-3beta-ol viminalol alpha-Elemolic acid 456.701 A triterpenoid that has formula C30H48O3. C30H48O3 CAS:28282-27-1 CC(C)=CCC[C@@H]([C@@H]1CC[C@]2(C)C3=C(CC[C@@]12C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@@H]1CC3)C(O)=O CHEBI:10274 InChI=1S/C30H48O3/c1-19(2)9-8-10-20(26(32)33)21-13-17-30(7)23-11-12-24-27(3,4)25(31)15-16-28(24,5)22(23)14-18-29(21,30)6/h9,20-21,24-25,31H,8,10-18H2,1-7H3,(H,32,33)/t20-,21-,24-,25+,28+,29-,30+/m0/s1 KEGG:C08623 KNApSAcK:C00003744 NBSBUIQBEPROBM-IMJUUJEHSA-N alpha-Elemolic acid chebi_ontology beta-amyrin (3beta)-olean-12-en-3-ol 3beta-hydroxyolean-12-ene 426.71740 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is oleanane substituted at the 3beta-position by a hydroxy group and containing a double bond between positions 12 and 13. It is one of the most commonly occurring triterpenoids in higher plants. C30H50O CAS:559-70-6 CHEBI:10352 InChI=1S/C30H50O/c1-25(2)15-16-27(5)17-18-29(7)20(21(27)19-25)9-10-23-28(6)13-12-24(31)26(3,4)22(28)11-14-30(23,29)8/h9,21-24,31H,10-19H2,1-8H3/t21-,22-,23+,24-,27+,28-,29+,30+/m0/s1 JFSHUTJDVKUMTJ-QHPUVITPSA-N KEGG:C08616 KNApSAcK:C00003738 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0106150015 MetaCyc:CPD-6948 PMID:16478469 PMID:17803686 PMID:21046981 PMID:24079177 PMID:24960408 PMID:25026352 PMID:25115087 PMID:5639923 PMID:6875511 Reaxys:2063468 [H][C@@]12CC(C)(C)CC[C@]1(C)CC[C@]1(C)C2=CC[C@]2([H])[C@@]3(C)CC[C@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]12C amyrin beta-Amyrenol beta-Amyrin beta-amyrin chebi_ontology olean-12-en-3beta-ol electron 0.000548579903 CHEBI:10545 Elementary particle not affected by the strong force having a spin 1/2, a negative elementary charge and a rest mass of 0.000548579903(13) u, or 0.51099906(15) MeV. KEGG:C05359 PMID:21614077 [*-] beta beta(-) beta-particle chebi_ontology e e(-) e- electron negatron (3bR,9bS)-6-hydroxy-9b-methyl-7-propan-2-yl-3,3b,4,5,10,11-hexahydronaphtho[2,1-e]isobenzofuran-1-one 312.404 An oxo steroid that has formula C20H24O3. C20H24O3 CC(C)C1=C(C2=C(C=C1)[C@]3(CCC4=C([C@@H]3CC2)COC4=O)C)O CHEBI:114185 InChI=1S/C20H24O3/c1-11(2)12-4-6-16-14(18(12)21)5-7-17-15-10-23-19(22)13(15)8-9-20(16,17)3/h4,6,11,17,21H,5,7-10H2,1-3H3/t17-,20+/m0/s1 KPXIBWGPZSPABK-FXAWDEMLSA-N LINCS:LSM-25629 chebi_ontology vitamin A A group of fat-soluble retinoids produced via metabolism of provitamin A carotenoids. Vitamin A is involved in immune function, vision, reproduction, and cellular communication. CHEBI:12777 Wikipedia:Vitamin_A chebi_ontology D-galactose 180.15588 C6H12O6 CHEBI:12936 D-Gal D-galacto-hexose D-galactose chebi_ontology Mycoplasma genitalium metabolite Any bacterial metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in Mycoplasma genitalium. CHEBI:131604 Mycoplasma genitalium metabolites chebi_ontology C27-steroid A steroid compound with a structure based on a 27-carbon (cholestane) skeleton. C27-steroids CHEBI:131619 chebi_ontology EC (DNA-directed DNA polymerase) inhibitor A DNA polymerase inhibitor that interferes with the action of a DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC CHEBI:131699 DNA duplicase inhibitor DNA duplicase inhibitors DNA nucleotidyltransferase (DNA-directed) inhibitor DNA nucleotidyltransferase (DNA-directed) inhibitors DNA nucleotidyltransferase inhibitor DNA nucleotidyltransferase inhibitors DNA polymerase I inhibitor DNA polymerase I inhibitors DNA polymerase II inhibitor DNA polymerase II inhibitors DNA polymerase III inhibitor DNA polymerase III inhibitors DNA polymerase alpha inhibitor DNA polymerase alpha inhibitors DNA polymerase beta inhibitor DNA polymerase beta inhibitors DNA polymerase gamma inhibitor DNA polymerase gamma inhibitors DNA polymerase inhibitor DNA polymerase inhibitors DNA replicase inhibitor DNA replicase inhibitors DNA-dependent DNA polymerase inhibitor DNA-dependent DNA polymerase inhibitors DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC inhibitor DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC inhibitors EC (DNA-directed DNA polymerase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Klenow fragment inhibitor Klenow fragment inhibitors Taq DNA polymerase inhibitor Taq DNA polymerase inhibitors Taq Pol I inhibitor Taq Pol I inhibitors Tca DNA polymerase inhibitor Tca DNA polymerase inhibitors Wikipedia:DNA_polymerase chebi_ontology deoxynucleate polymerase inhibitor deoxynucleate polymerase inhibitors deoxynucleoside-triphosphate:DNA deoxynucleotidyltransferase (DNA-directed) inhibitor deoxynucleoside-triphosphate:DNA deoxynucleotidyltransferase (DNA-directed) inhibitors deoxyribonucleate nucleotidyltransferase inhibitor deoxyribonucleate nucleotidyltransferase inhibitors deoxyribonucleic acid duplicase inhibitor deoxyribonucleic acid duplicase inhibitors deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase inhibitor deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase inhibitors deoxyribonucleic duplicase inhibitor deoxyribonucleic duplicase inhibitors deoxyribonucleic polymerase I inhibitor deoxyribonucleic polymerase I inhibitors deoxyribonucleic polymerase inhibitor deoxyribonucleic polymerase inhibitors duplicase inhibitor duplicase inhibitors sequenase inhibitor sequenase inhibitors stigmastane derivative Any steroid (or derivative) based on a stigmastane skeleton. CHEBI:131702 chebi_ontology stigmastane derivatives stigmastane sterol Any sterol based on a stigmastane skeleton. CHEBI:131703 chebi_ontology stigmastane sterols hydroxy monounsaturated fatty acid Any monounsaturated fatty acid carrying one or more hydroxy substituents. CHEBI:131869 chebi_ontology hydroxy MUFA hydroxy monounsaturated fatty acids pyranopyran Any organic heterobicyclic compound containing two ortho-fused pyran rings. CHEBI:131900 chebi_ontology pyranopyrans pyranopyranone A pyranopyran in which at least one of the pyran rings in the pyranopyran skeleton is substituted by an oxo group. CHEBI:131901 chebi_ontology pyranopyranones 4-pyranones CHEBI:131906 chebi_ontology pyran-4-ones dicarboxylic acids and O-substituted derivatives A class of carbonyl compound encompassing dicarboxylic acids and any derivatives obtained by substitution of either one or both of the carboxy hydrogens. CHEBI:131927 chebi_ontology dicarboxylic acids and derivatives long-chain fatty acid ethyl ester 73.07060 A fatty acid ethyl ester resulting from the formal condensation of the carboxy group of a long-chain fatty acid with the hydroxy group of ethanol. C3H5O2R CCOC([*])=O CHEBI:13209 a long-chain fatty acyl ethyl ester chebi_ontology long-chain fatty acid ethyl esters long-chain fatty acyl ethyl ester long-chain fatty acyl ethyl esters wilforine (1S,3R,15S,18S,19R,20R,21R,22S,23R,24R,25R,26S)-20,22,23,25-tetraacetoxy-21-(acetoxymethyl)-26-hydroxy-3,15,26-trimethyl-6,16-dioxo-2,5,17-trioxa-11-azapentacyclo[,21).0(3,24).0(7,12)]hexacosa-7,9,11-trien-19-yl benzoate 867.847 An organic heteropentacyclic compound and pyridine alkaloid with formula C43H49NO18 originally isolated from the roots of Tripterygium wilfordii. C43H49NO18 CAS:11088-09-8 CBA:350230 CBA:353089 CBA:642181 CHEBI:132150 InChI=1S/C43H49NO18/c1-21-16-17-29-28(15-12-18-44-29)39(52)55-19-40(7)30-31(56-23(3)46)35(58-25(5)48)42(20-54-22(2)45)36(59-26(6)49)32(60-38(51)27-13-10-9-11-14-27)34(61-37(21)50)41(8,53)43(42,62-40)33(30)57-24(4)47/h9-15,18,21,30-36,53H,16-17,19-20H2,1-8H3/t21-,30+,31+,32-,33+,34-,35+,36-,40-,41-,42+,43-/m0/s1 PMID:11738408 PMID:18976997 PMID:21982911 PMID:24651642 PMID:25425175 PMID:25958670 PMID:4712613 ZOCKGJZEUVPPPI-QSNSFFMXSA-N [C@@]12([C@@H]([C@@H]([C@@]3([C@H]([C@]14[C@]([C@H]([C@@H]([C@@H]2OC(=O)C)OC(=O)C=5C=CC=CC5)OC([C@H](CCC6=NC=CC=C6C(OC[C@@]3(O4)C)=O)C)=O)(O)C)OC(C)=O)[H])OC(C)=O)OC(=O)C)COC(C)=O chebi_ontology triptofordin C 2 (-)-Triptofordin C 2 (3R,4S,5R,5aS,6R,7S,9R,9aS,10R)-6,10-bis(acetyloxy)-7,9-dihydroxy-2,2,5a,9-tetramethyloctahydro-2H-3,9a-methano-1-benzoxepine-4,5-diyl dibenzoate 610.649 A dihydroagarofuran sesquiterpenoid that is isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii. C-2 Triptofordin C33H38O11 CAS:111514-63-7 CHEBI:132152 FOIOSVGAFMLLDU-UDIRGPGZSA-N InChI=1S/C33H38O11/c1-18(34)40-25-22(36)17-31(5,39)33-26(41-19(2)35)23(30(3,4)44-33)24(42-28(37)20-13-9-7-10-14-20)27(32(25,33)6)43-29(38)21-15-11-8-12-16-21/h7-16,22-27,36,39H,17H2,1-6H3/t22-,23+,24-,25-,26+,27-,31+,32-,33-/m0/s1 KNApSAcK:C00013134 PMID:8722541 Reaxys:6553794 Wikipedia:Triptofordin_C-2 [C@]123[C@]([C@H]([C@H]([C@]([C@H]1OC(C)=O)(C(O2)(C)C)[H])OC(C=4C=CC=CC4)=O)OC(C5=CC=CC=C5)=O)([C@H]([C@H](C[C@]3(O)C)O)OC(=O)C)C chebi_ontology triptofordin C-2 celacinnine (-)-celacinnine (2S)-2-phenyl-9-[(2E)-3-phenylprop-2-enoyl]-1,5,9-triazacyclotridecan-4-one (S)-(-)-celacinnine (S)-celacinnine 405.533 A spermidine alkaloid that is isolated from Maytenus heterophylla and Maytenus senegalensis. C1C(NCCCN(CCCCN[C@@H]1C=2C=CC=CC2)C(/C=C/C=3C=CC=CC3)=O)=O C25H31N3O2 CAS:53938-05-9 CHEBI:132186 InChI=1S/C25H31N3O2/c29-24-20-23(22-12-5-2-6-13-22)26-16-7-8-18-28(19-9-17-27-24)25(30)15-14-21-10-3-1-4-11-21/h1-6,10-15,23,26H,7-9,16-20H2,(H,27,29)/b15-14+/t23-/m0/s1 OROFOUPCOTVAJQ-NSFRLNINSA-N PMID:22470236 PMID:26487315 Reaxys:4720682 chebi_ontology triptonide (-)-triptonide (3bS,4aS,5aS,6aS,7aS,7bS,8aS,8bS)-6a-isopropyl-8b-methyl-3b,4,4a,7a,7b,8b,9,10-octahydrotrisoxireno[6,7:8a,9:4b,5]phenanthro[1,2-c]furan-1,6(3H,6aH)-dione 358.386 A diterpene triepoxide that is triptobenzene K in which the acylhydroquinone moiety has undergone oxidation to the corresponding triepoxyketone derivative. It has been isolated from the roots of Tripterygium wilfordii. C20H22O6 CBA:292103 CHEBI:132267 InChI=1S/C20H22O6/c1-8(2)18-13(25-18)14-20(26-14)17(3)5-4-9-10(7-23-15(9)21)11(17)6-12-19(20,24-12)16(18)22/h8,11-14H,4-7H2,1-3H3/t11-,12-,13-,14-,17-,18-,19+,20+/m0/s1 PMID:10774048 PMID:12903464 PMID:24346247 PMID:25296383 PMID:25308753 PMID:5072337 PMID:8237400 PMID:9863222 Reaxys:5313008 SWOVVKGLGOOUKI-ZHGGVEMFSA-N [C@]123[C@]4(CCC5=C([C@@]4(C[C@H]6[C@]3(C([C@@]7([C@H]([C@@H]1O2)O7)C(C)C)=O)O6)[H])COC5=O)C chebi_ontology Demethylzeylasteral CHEBI:132314 Pubchem:10322911 chebi_ontology pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10322911 Triptohypol A CHEBI:132315 Pubchem:101936043 chebi_ontology pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101936043 triptolidenol (3bS,4aS,5aS,6R,6aR,7aS,7bS,8aS,8bS)-6-hydroxy-6a-(2-hydroxypropan-2-yl)-8b-methyl-3b,4,4a,6,6a,7a,7b,8b,9,10-decahydrotrisoxireno[6,7:8a,9:4b,5]phenanthro[1,2-c]furan-1(3H)-one 15-Hydroxytriptolide 376.401 A tetracyclic diterpenoid that is isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. APBNDXHFQWSYOS-KSYZUNFVSA-N C20H24O7 CAS:99694-86-7 CC(O)(C)[C@]12O[C@H]1[C@@H]3O[C@@]34[C@@]5(C)CCC6=C(COC6=O)[C@]5([H])C[C@@H]7O[C@]47[C@@H]2O CHEBI:132333 InChI=1S/C20H24O7/c1-16(2,23)19-12(26-19)13-20(27-13)17(3)5-4-8-9(7-24-14(8)21)10(17)6-11-18(20,25-11)15(19)22/h10-13,15,22-23H,4-7H2,1-3H3/t10-,11-,12-,13-,15-,17-,18+,19-,20+/m0/s1 Reaxys:9526173 Wikipedia:Triptolidenol chebi_ontology Wilforgine CHEBI:132334 Pubchem:124030 chebi_ontology pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/124030 triptriolide CHEBI:132336 Pubchem:58636974 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/58636974 triptoditerpenic acid B CHEBI:132337 NSC672174 Pubchem:192372 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/192372#section=Top triptohypol B (2R,4aS,6aS,12bR,14aS,14bR)-11-hydroxy-10-methoxy-2,4a,6a,9,12b,14a-hexamethyl-8-oxo-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,6a,8,12b,13,14,14a,14b-tetradecahydropicene-2-carboxylic acid 480.637 C12=CC(=C(C(=C1C(C=C3[C@]2(CC[C@@]4([C@@]3(CC[C@@]5([C@]4(C[C@](CC5)(C)C(O)=O)[H])C)C)C)C)=O)C)OC)O C30H40O5 CHEBI:132338 InChI=1S/C30H40O5/c1-17-23-18(14-20(32)24(17)35-7)28(4)11-13-30(6)22-16-27(3,25(33)34)9-8-26(22,2)10-12-29(30,5)21(28)15-19(23)31/h14-15,22,32H,8-13,16H2,1-7H3,(H,33,34)/t22-,26-,27-,28+,29-,30+/m1/s1 KFGGKCFEQGLWFO-NLVUKCNFSA-N PMID:12165306 Pubchem:101936044 chebi_ontology http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101936044 triptohypol D CHEBI:132339 Pubchem:101062653 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101062653 triptohypol C CHEBI:132340 Pubchem:10411574 chebi_ontology dihydrocelastrol https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10411574 hypodiol CHEBI:132341 Pubchem:101936045 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101936045#section=Top triptohypol E CHEBI:132342 Pubchem:44559123 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/44559123 Triptohypol F CHEBI:132343 Pubchem:91895434 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/91895434 celastolide CHEBI:132344 Pubchem:101936042 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101936042 Canophyllal CHEBI:132345 Pubchem:586214 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/586214 neotriptophenolide (3br,9bs)-9-hydroxy-6-methoxy-9b-methyl-7-(propan-2-yl)-3b,4,5,9b,10,11-hexahydrophenanthro[1,2-c]furan-1(3h)-one Vendors Literature CHEBI:132346 Pubchem:133766 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/133766#section=Top triptonolide CHEBI:132347 Pubchem:133221 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/133221#section=Top triptonoterpene 14-hydroxyabieta-8(14),9(11),12-trien-3-one 300.436 An abietane diterpenoid that is abieta-8(14),9(11),12-triene substituted at positions 3 and 14 respectively by oxo and hydroxy groups. It is found in Tripterygium wilfordii. C20H28O2 CAS:99694-87-8 CHEBI:132348 InChI=1S/C20H28O2/c1-12(2)13-6-8-15-14(18(13)22)7-9-16-19(3,4)17(21)10-11-20(15,16)5/h6,8,12,16,22H,7,9-11H2,1-5H3/t16-,20+/m0/s1 KNApSAcK:C00035772 O=C1C([C@]2([C@](CC1)(C=3C(CC2)=C(O)C(=CC3)C(C)C)C)[H])(C)C PMID:17265278 PMID:25237706 Reaxys:7432793 WENIWZBFJBCNNG-OXJNMPFZSA-N chebi_ontology triptobenzene A CHEBI:132349 Pubchem:15762008 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/15762008 triptobenzene D CHEBI:132350 Pubchem:101712250 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101712250 Triptobenzene H CHEBI:132351 Pubchem:53363843 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/53363843 triptoquinone A CHEBI:132352 Pubchem:132524 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/132524#section=Top triptoquinone B CHEBI:132353 Pubchem:11724191 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/11724191 triptoquinone H CHEBI:132354 Pubchem:101062652 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101062652 EC (procollagen-proline dioxygenase) inhibitor An EC 1.14.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, incorporating 1 atom each of oxygen into both donors) inhibitor that interferes with the action of procollagen-proline dioxygenase (EC CHEBI:132365 EC (procollagen-proline dioxygenase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Procollagen-proline_dioxygenase chebi_ontology collagen proline hydroxylase inhibitor collagen proline hydroxylase inhibitors hydroxylase, collagen proline inhibitor hydroxylase, collagen proline inhibitors peptidyl proline hydroxylase inhibitor peptidyl proline hydroxylase inhibitors procollagen-L-proline,2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (4-hydroxylating) inhibitor procollagen-L-proline,2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (4-hydroxylating) inhibitors procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase inhibitor procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase inhibitors procollagen-proline dioxygenase (EC inhibitor procollagen-proline dioxygenase (EC inhibitors procollagen-proline dioxygenase inhibitor procollagen-proline dioxygenase inhibitors procollagen-proline,2-oxoglutarate-4-dioxygenase inhibitor procollagen-proline,2-oxoglutarate-4-dioxygenase inhibitors proline hydroxylase inhibitor proline hydroxylase inhibitors proline protocollagen hydroxylase inhibitor proline protocollagen hydroxylase inhibitors proline, 2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase inhibitor proline, 2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase inhibitors proline,2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase inhibitor proline,2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase inhibitors prolyl 4-hydroxylase inhibitor prolyl 4-hydroxylase inhibitors prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors prolyl-glycyl-peptide, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase, 4-hydroxylating inhibitor prolyl-glycyl-peptide, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase, 4-hydroxylating inhibitors prolylprotocollagen dioxygenase inhibitor prolylprotocollagen dioxygenase inhibitors prolylprotocollagen hydroxylase inhibitor prolylprotocollagen hydroxylase inhibitors protocollagen hydroxylase inhibitor protocollagen hydroxylase inhibitors protocollagen proline 4-hydroxylase inhibitor protocollagen proline 4-hydroxylase inhibitors protocollagen proline dioxygenase inhibitor protocollagen proline dioxygenase inhibitors protocollagen proline hydroxylase inhibitor protocollagen proline hydroxylase inhibitors protocollagen prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor protocollagen prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors acceptor beta-D-glucuronoside(1-) 176.032 C6H8O6R CHEBI:132367 From EC This entry denotes a family of enzymes accepting a wide range of substrates, including phenols, alcohols, amines and fatty acids. So R can also 'start' with an N MetaCyc:Glucuronosylated-Glucuronoside-Acceptors [C@@H]1(*)O[C@H](C([O-])=O)[C@H]([C@@H]([C@H]1O)O)O acceptor beta-D-glucuronoside chebi_ontology triptotriterpenic acid A CHEBI:132370 Pubchem:127707 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/127707 triptocallic acid D CHEBI:132371 Pubchem:44575705 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/44575705#section=Top triptocallic acid C CHEBI:132372 Pubchem:101937091 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101937091 mesembryanthemoidigenic acid AC1O54QP CHEBI:132373 Pubchem:6452118 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/6452118 29-hydroxyfriedelan-3-one CHEBI:132374 Pubchem:91895429 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/91895429 wilforic acid C CHEBI:132375 Pubchem:101707494 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101707494 Wilforic acid CHEBI:132376 Pubchem:101707492 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101707492 wilforol A CHEBI:132378 Pubchem:10096097 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10096097 wilforol B CHEBI:132379 Pubchem:10366522 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10366522 cangoronin CHEBI:132380 Pubchem:9869964 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/9869964#section=Top 2-O-deacetyleuonine CHEBI:132381 Pubchem:101408619 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101408619 tripfordine C CHEBI:132382 Pubchem:101416498 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101416498 wilfordinine A 763.740 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii and Tripterygium hypoglaucum. C36H45NO17 CAS:262599-02-0 CHEBI:132383 InChI=1S/C36H45NO17/c1-15-16(2)31(44)53-28-25(43)29(51-20(6)41)35(14-47-17(3)38)30(52-21(7)42)26(49-18(4)39)24-27(50-19(5)40)36(35,34(28,9)46)54-33(24,8)13-48-32(45)23-12-37-11-10-22(15)23/h10-12,15-16,24-30,43,46H,13-14H2,1-9H3/t15-,16-,24+,25-,26+,27+,28-,29-,30+,33-,34-,35-,36-/m0/s1 KNApSAcK:C00046976 NZJBHDRNBSDTHF-XWOHFTJRSA-N [C@H]1(C(O[C@@]2([C@](O)([C@@]34[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]([H])([C@H]([C@H]([C@@]3([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]2O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O)[C@@](COC(C5=C([C@H]1C)C=CN=C5)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])=O)C chebi_ontology wilfordinine B 821.777 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii and Tripterygium hypoglaucum. C38H47NO19 CAS:262599-03-1 CHEBI:132384 GGYHKBFLZJPIPM-RBHPRBKBSA-N InChI=1S/C38H47NO19/c1-16-23-11-12-39-13-24(23)32(46)51-14-34(8)25-26(52-18(3)41)30(55-21(6)44)37(15-50-17(2)40)31(56-22(7)45)27(53-19(4)42)29(57-33(47)35(16,9)48)36(10,49)38(37,58-34)28(25)54-20(5)43/h11-13,16,25-31,48-49H,14-15H2,1-10H3/t16-,25-,26-,27+,28-,29+,30-,31+,34+,35-,36+,37-,38+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00046977 [C@@]1(C(O[C@@]2([C@](O)([C@@]34[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]([H])([C@H]([C@H]([C@@]3([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]2OC(C)=O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O)[C@@](COC(C5=C([C@H]1C)C=CN=C5)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])=O)(C)O chebi_ontology wilfordinine C 883.846 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii and Tripterygium hypoglaucum. C43H49NO19 CAS:262599-04-2 CHEBI:132385 InChI=1S/C43H49NO19/c1-20-27-15-16-44-17-28(27)37(51)56-18-39(7)29-30(57-22(3)46)34(60-25(6)49)42(19-55-21(2)45)35(61-36(50)26-13-11-10-12-14-26)31(58-23(4)47)33(62-38(52)40(20,8)53)41(9,54)43(42,63-39)32(29)59-24(5)48/h10-17,20,29-35,53-54H,18-19H2,1-9H3/t20-,29-,30-,31+,32-,33+,34-,35+,39+,40-,41+,42-,43+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00046978 XTKWHABDRIDBLJ-DWELFCMGSA-N [C@@]1(C(O[C@@]2([C@](O)([C@@]34[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]([H])([C@H]([C@H]([C@@]3([C@@H](OC(C=5C=CC=CC5)=O)[C@H]2OC(C)=O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O)[C@@](COC(C6=C([C@H]1C)C=CN=C6)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])=O)(C)O chebi_ontology wilformine (8alpha)-8-(Acetyloxy)-8-deoxoevonimine 805.777 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii and exhibits immunosuppressive and insecticidal properties. C38H47NO18 CAS:41758-69-4 CHEBI:132386 Euonine InChI=1S/C38H47NO18/c1-17-12-13-25-24(11-10-14-39-25)34(47)50-15-35(8)26-27(51-19(3)41)31(54-22(6)44)37(16-49-18(2)40)32(55-23(7)45)28(52-20(4)42)30(56-33(17)46)36(9,48)38(37,57-35)29(26)53-21(5)43/h10-11,14,17,26-32,48H,12-13,15-16H2,1-9H3/t17-,26+,27+,28-,29+,30-,31+,32-,35-,36-,37+,38-/m0/s1 KNApSAcK:C00013118 PMID:11738408 PMID:12579877 PMID:14738378 PMID:16933883 PMID:18998413 PMID:23852638 PMID:2618700 Patent:FR2728466 Patent:WO9113627 QIHHQEWWGMEJTH-VWEYKOQISA-N Reaxys:5418533 [C@@H]1([C@H]([C@@]2([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]([C@]3([C@](O)([C@]42[C@H](OC(=O)C)[C@]1([H])[C@@](COC(C5=C(CC[C@@H](C(O3)=O)C)N=CC=C5)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])OC(C)=O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O chebi_ontology wilfornine A 925.883 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii. C45H51NO20 CAS:345954-00-9 CHEBI:132387 InChI=1S/C45H51NO20/c1-22(47)57-21-44-36(62-26(5)51)32(59-23(2)48)31-34(61-25(4)50)45(44)43(9,56)35(33(60-24(3)49)37(44)63-27(6)52)64-40(55)41(7,65-38(53)28-14-11-10-12-15-28)18-17-30-29(16-13-19-46-30)39(54)58-20-42(31,8)66-45/h10-16,19,31-37,56H,17-18,20-21H2,1-9H3/t31-,32-,33+,34-,35+,36-,37+,41?,42+,43+,44-,45+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00046512 Reaxys:8821612 YJDNHPICMWQYIV-UJSRMDARSA-N [C@@H]1([C@H]([C@@]2([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]([C@]3([C@](O)([C@]42[C@H](OC(=O)C)[C@]1([H])[C@@](COC(C5=C(CCC(C(O3)=O)(OC(C=6C=CC=CC6)=O)C)N=CC=C5)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])OC(C)=O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O chebi_ontology hyponine D 930.904 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium hypoglaucum. BDKQPFFHSCFTQW-UWRKWEHLSA-N C1(C(O[C@@]2([C@](O)([C@@]34[C@H](OC(=O)C=5C=CC=CC5)[C@@]([H])([C@H]([C@H]([C@@]3([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]2OC(C=6C=NC=CC6)=O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O)[C@@](COC(C7=C(C1C)N=CC=C7)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])=O)C C47H50N2O18 CAS:259823-31-9 CHEBI:132388 InChI=1S/C47H50N2O18/c1-23-24(2)40(54)66-37-35(64-42(56)30-16-12-18-48-20-30)39(63-28(6)53)46(22-59-25(3)50)38(62-27(5)52)34(61-26(4)51)32-36(65-41(55)29-14-10-9-11-15-29)47(46,45(37,8)58)67-44(32,7)21-60-43(57)31-17-13-19-49-33(23)31/h9-20,23-24,32,34-39,58H,21-22H2,1-8H3/t23?,24?,32-,34-,35+,36-,37+,38-,39+,44+,45+,46-,47+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00039395 Reaxys:8671241 chebi_ontology hyponin D hyponine E 7-(nicotinoyloxy)-O(5)-furanoyl-O(5)-deacetyl-7-deoxo-evonine 920.866 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium hypoglaucum. C1(C(O[C@@]2([C@](O)([C@@]34[C@H](OC(=O)C=5OC=CC5)[C@@]([H])([C@H]([C@H]([C@@]3([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]2OC(C)=O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C=6C=CC=NC6)=O)[C@@](COC(C7=C(C1C)N=CC=C7)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])=O)C C45H48N2O19 CAS:226975-99-1 CHEBI:132389 InChI=1S/C45H48N2O19/c1-21-22(2)38(52)65-35-33(60-24(4)49)37(62-26(6)51)44(20-58-23(3)48)36(61-25(5)50)32(63-39(53)27-12-9-15-46-18-27)30-34(64-41(55)29-14-11-17-57-29)45(44,43(35,8)56)66-42(30,7)19-59-40(54)28-13-10-16-47-31(21)28/h9-18,21-22,30,32-37,56H,19-20H2,1-8H3/t21?,22?,30-,32-,33+,34-,35+,36-,37+,42+,43+,44-,45+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00039396 PMRSIAJYXABCTQ-IWYQQVOHSA-N chebi_ontology hyponin E hyponine F 7-(acetyloxy)-O(2)-furanoyl-O(2)-deacetyl-7-deoxo-evonine 857.809 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium hypoglaucum. ALJJHPQWUBVQNM-KSTPHJKESA-N C1(C(O[C@@]2([C@](O)([C@@]34[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]([H])([C@H]([C@H]([C@@]3([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]2OC(=O)C5=CC=CO5)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O)[C@@](COC(C6=C(C1C)N=CC=C6)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])=O)C C41H47NO19 CAS:259823-33-1 CHEBI:132390 InChI=1S/C41H47NO19/c1-18-19(2)35(48)60-32-30(59-37(50)26-13-11-15-52-26)34(58-24(7)47)40(17-53-20(3)43)33(57-23(6)46)29(55-21(4)44)27-31(56-22(5)45)41(40,39(32,9)51)61-38(27,8)16-54-36(49)25-12-10-14-42-28(18)25/h10-15,18-19,27,29-34,51H,16-17H2,1-9H3/t18?,19?,27-,29-,30+,31-,32+,33-,34+,38+,39+,40-,41+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00039397 Reaxys:8105536 chebi_ontology hyponin F neoeuonymine 763.740 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Euonymus Sieboldiana. C(=O)(C)OC[C@@]12[C@@H]([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]3([C@@H](O)[C@@]42[C@@](O)([C@]([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H]1OC(=O)C)(OC([C@H]([C@@H](C5=C(C=CC=N5)C(OC[C@]3(C)O4)=O)C)C)=O)[H])C)[H])OC(=O)C C36H45NO17 CAS:33510-25-7 CHEBI:132392 InChI=1S/C36H45NO17/c1-15-16(2)31(44)53-28-26(50-19(5)40)30(52-21(7)42)35(14-47-17(3)38)29(51-20(6)41)25(49-18(4)39)23-27(43)36(35,34(28,9)46)54-33(23,8)13-48-32(45)22-11-10-12-37-24(15)22/h10-12,15-16,23,25-30,43,46H,13-14H2,1-9H3/t15-,16-,23+,25+,26-,27+,28-,29+,30-,33-,34-,35+,36-/m0/s1 NKTOESKXBIEREY-CFCLDRGZSA-N Reaxys:5418062 chebi_ontology forrestine 867.847 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium forrestii, Platanus chiapensis and Maytenus chiapensis. C1(C(O[C@@]2([C@](O)([C@@]34[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]([H])([C@H]([C@H]([C@@]3([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]2OC(C=5C=CC=CC5)=O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O)[C@@](COC(C6=C(C1C)N=CC=C6)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])=O)C C43H49NO18 CAS:146439-78-3 CHEBI:132393 InChI=1S/C43H49NO18/c1-20-21(2)37(50)61-34-32(60-38(51)27-14-11-10-12-15-27)36(59-26(7)49)42(19-54-22(3)45)35(58-25(6)48)31(56-23(4)46)29-33(57-24(5)47)43(42,41(34,9)53)62-40(29,8)18-55-39(52)28-16-13-17-44-30(20)28/h10-17,20-21,29,31-36,53H,18-19H2,1-9H3/t20?,21?,29-,31-,32+,33-,34+,35-,36+,40+,41+,42-,43+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00043510 LBQLWUULERJYOL-PDVUZMAKSA-N PMID:11738408 PMID:14738378 Reaxys:8105266 chebi_ontology hypoglaunine C 883.846 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium hypoglaucum and Tripterygium wilfordii. C1(C(O[C@@]2([C@](O)([C@@]34[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]([H])([C@H]([C@H]([C@@]3([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]2OC(C=5C=CC=CC5)=O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O)[C@@](COC(C6=C(C1C)C=CN=C6)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])=O)(O)C C43H49NO19 CHEBI:132394 InChI=1S/C43H49NO19/c1-20-27-15-16-44-17-28(27)37(51)56-18-39(7)29-30(57-22(3)46)34(59-24(5)48)42(19-55-21(2)45)35(60-25(6)49)31(61-36(50)26-13-11-10-12-14-26)33(62-38(52)40(20,8)53)41(9,54)43(42,63-39)32(29)58-23(4)47/h10-17,20,29-35,53-54H,18-19H2,1-9H3/t20?,29-,30-,31+,32-,33+,34-,35+,39+,40?,41+,42-,43+/m1/s1 MOTYOVLJDKAHIA-SWFKUUAOSA-N PMID:10757718 PMID:23252270 Reaxys:8105598 chebi_ontology cangorinine E-1 867.847 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii. C1(C(O[C@@]2([C@](O)([C@@]34[C@H](OC(=O)C=5C=CC=CC5)[C@@]([H])([C@H]([C@H]([C@@]3([C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H]2OC(C)=O)COC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(C)=O)[C@@](COC(C6=C(C1C)C=CN=C6)=O)(C)O4)C)[H])=O)C C43H49NO18 CHEBI:132395 InChI=1S/C43H49NO18/c1-20-21(2)37(50)61-34-32(57-24(5)47)36(59-26(7)49)42(19-54-22(3)45)35(58-25(6)48)31(56-23(4)46)30-33(60-38(51)27-13-11-10-12-14-27)43(42,41(34,9)53)62-40(30,8)18-55-39(52)29-17-44-16-15-28(20)29/h10-17,20-21,30-36,53H,18-19H2,1-9H3/t20?,21?,30-,31-,32+,33-,34+,35-,36+,40+,41+,42-,43+/m1/s1 OSRVDUIIEIKWRP-QIMXLZNVSA-N PMID:17250858 Reaxys:7740635 cangorinine E-I chebi_ontology regelidine (3R,5R,5aS,6S,9S,9aS,10R)-5,6-bis(benzoyloxy)-9-hydroxy-2,2,5a,9-tetramethyloctahydro-2H-3,9a-methano-1-benzoxepin-10-yl pyridine-3-carboxylate 599.672 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is isolated from the stem of Tripterygium regelii. C35H37NO8 CHEBI:132396 InChI=1S/C35H37NO8/c1-32(2)25-20-27(42-30(38)23-14-9-6-10-15-23)34(4)26(41-29(37)22-12-7-5-8-13-22)17-18-33(3,40)35(34,44-32)28(25)43-31(39)24-16-11-19-36-21-24/h5-16,19,21,25-28,40H,17-18,20H2,1-4H3/t25-,26+,27-,28-,33+,34+,35+/m1/s1 MZSHQEJWMYSZEP-OYUJOXQTSA-N PMID:27113553 Reaxys:22297507 [C@]123[C@]([C@@H](C[C@]([C@H]1OC(C=4C=NC=CC4)=O)(C(O2)(C)C)[H])OC(C5=CC=CC=C5)=O)([C@H](CC[C@@]3(O)C)OC(C6=CC=CC=C6)=O)C chebi_ontology 3-epi-fagomine (2R,3R,4S)-2-(hydroxymethyl)piperidine-3,4-diol 147.173 3-epifagomine A member of the class of hydroxypiperidines that is piperidine carrying a hydroxymethyl substituent at position 2 as well as two hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 4 (the 2R,3R,4S-diastereomer). C6H13NO3 CAS:156639-77-9 CHEBI:132399 InChI=1S/C6H13NO3/c8-3-4-6(10)5(9)1-2-7-4/h4-10H,1-3H2/t4-,5+,6-/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00049947 PMID:18323202 PMID:22207282 PMID:8050098 PMID:9157194 PMID:9544568 Reaxys:7072956 YZNNBIPIQWYLDM-NGJCXOISSA-N [C@H]1([C@H]([C@H](CCN1)O)O)CO chebi_ontology marmesinin (-)-Marmesinin (-)-marmesin beta-D-glucoside (S)-2-(1-(beta-D-Glucopyranosyloxy)-1-methylethyl)-2,3-dihydro-7H-furo(3,2-g)(1)benzopyran-7-one 2-[(2S)-7-oxo-2,3-dihydro-7H-furo[3,2-9][1]benzopyran-2-yl]propan-2-yl beta-D-glucopyranoside 408.400 A member of the class of psoralens that is (-)-marmesin in which the hydroxy hydrogen is replaced by a beta-D-glucosyl residue. Ammijin C20H24O9 CAS:495-30-7 CHEBI:132401 HXCGUCZXPFBNRD-NEDVQNLSSA-N InChI=1S/C20H24O9/c1-20(2,29-19-18(25)17(24)16(23)13(8-21)28-19)14-6-10-5-9-3-4-15(22)27-11(9)7-12(10)26-14/h3-5,7,13-14,16-19,21,23-25H,6,8H2,1-2H3/t13-,14+,16-,17+,18-,19+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00029680 O1[C@@H](CC2=C1C=C3OC(=O)C=CC3=C2)C(O[C@@H]4O[C@@H]([C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]4O)CO)(C)C PMID:15271422 PMID:23721280 PMID:26247834 PMID:26552172 PMID:26653144 PMID:26975106 PMID:27054911 Reaxys:98702 chebi_ontology angelitriol 294.300 7-methoxy-6-[(1R,2S)-1,2,3-trihydroxy-3-methylbutyl]-2H-chromen-2-one A member of the class of coumarins that is 7-methoxycoumarin in which the hydrogen at position 6 has been replaced by a 1,2,3-trihydroxy-3-methylbutyl group (the 1R,2S stereoisomer). Originally isolated from the roots of Angelica pubescens, angelitriol shows strong inhibitory effects on human platelet aggregation. C15H18O6 C=1C(OC2=C(C1)C=C([C@@H](O)[C@H](O)C(O)(C)C)C(=C2)OC)=O CHEBI:132402 InChI=1S/C15H18O6/c1-15(2,19)14(18)13(17)9-6-8-4-5-12(16)21-10(8)7-11(9)20-3/h4-7,13-14,17-19H,1-3H3/t13-,14+/m1/s1 PCSZTTAMZGNQNB-KGLIPLIRSA-N PMID:17238102 Pubchem:10017318 chebi_ontology triptobenzene K (3bR,9bS)-6,9-dihydroxy-7-isopropyl-9b-methyl-3,3b,4,9b,10,11-hexahydrophenanthro[1,2-c]furan-1,5-dione 342.386 3beta,14,19-trihydroxy-abieta-8,11,13-triene A tetracyclic diterpenoid with fromula C20H22O5, originally isolated from the dried root outer bark of Tripterygium hypoglaucum. C20H22O5 CHEBI:132482 InChI=1S/C20H22O5/c1-9(2)11-6-15(22)17-16(18(11)23)14(21)7-13-12-8-25-19(24)10(12)4-5-20(13,17)3/h6,9,13,22-23H,4-5,7-8H2,1-3H3/t13?,20-/m0/s1 O1C(C2=C(C1)C3[C@](CC2)(C4=C(C(=C(C=C4O)C(C)C)O)C(C3)=O)C)=O Pubchem:101936047 WEYINIKPYXLZCS-JDOQCHFPSA-N chebi_ontology triptonoterpene methyl ether 11-hydroxy-14-methoxyabieta-8(14),9(11),12-trien-3-one 11-hydroxy-14-methoxyabieta-8,11,13-trien-3-one 330.462 An abietane diterpenoid that is abieta-8(14),9(11),12-triene substituted at positions 3, 11 and 14 respectively by oxo, hydroxy and methoxy groups. It is found in Tripterygium wilfordii and Tripterygium hypoglaucum. C21H30O3 CHEBI:132483 InChI=1S/C21H30O3/c1-12(2)14-11-15(22)18-13(19(14)24-6)7-8-16-20(3,4)17(23)9-10-21(16,18)5/h11-12,16,22H,7-10H2,1-6H3/t16-,21-/m0/s1 O=C1C([C@]2([C@](CC1)(C=3C(CC2)=C(OC)C(=CC3O)C(C)C)C)[H])(C)C PMID:18554602 PMID:22256754 Reaxys:7386633 SPNKZMRXBVCONG-KKSFZXQISA-N chebi_ontology wilforidine CHEBI:132512 Pubchem:101335371 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101335371 celafurine CHEBI:132513 Pubchem:15346742 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/15346742 EC (beta-galactosidase) inhibitor An EC 3.2.1.* (glycosidase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of beta-galactosidase (EC CHEBI:132518 EC (beta-galactosidase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors S 2107 inhibitor S 2107 inhibitors beta-D-galactanase inhibitor beta-D-galactanase inhibitors beta-D-galactoside galactohydrolase inhibitor beta-D-galactoside galactohydrolase inhibitors beta-D-lactosidase inhibitor beta-D-lactosidase inhibitors beta-lactosidase inhibitor beta-lactosidase inhibitors chebi_ontology exo-(1->4)-beta-D-galactanase inhibitor exo-(1->4)-beta-D-galactanase inhibitors hydrolact inhibitor hydrolact inhibitors lactase inhibitor lactase inhibitors lactozym inhibitor lactozym inhibitors maxilact inhibitor maxilact inhibitors oryzatym inhibitor oryzatym inhibitors sumiklat inhibitor sumiklat inhibitors trilactase inhibitor trilactase inhibitors triptonoterpenol CHEBI:132613 Pubchem:159330 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/159330 triptohairic acid CHEBI:132614 Pubchem:100929735 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/100929735 orthosphenic acid CHEBI:132615 CHEMBL515079 Pubchem:20056194 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/20056194#section=Top triptotriterpenic acid B (3|A,5xi,18|A,22|A)-3,22-dihydroxyolean-12-en-30-oic acid CHEBI:132616 Pubchem:195563 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/195563 triptotriterpenic acid C CHEBI:132617 Pubchem:130072 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/130072 triptotritepenonic acid A (5xi,18|A,22|A)-22-hydroxy-3-oxoolean-12-en-30-oic acid CHEBI:132618 Pubchem:192337 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/192337 regelin CHEBI:132619 Pubchem:163808 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/163808 6alpha-hydroxycholestanol (3beta,5alpha,6alpha)-cholestane-3,6-diol (5alpha)-cholestane-3beta,6alpha-diol 404.670 6alpha-hydroxycholestanol A sterol that is cholestanol in which the hydrogen at the 6alpha position has been replaced by a hydroxy group. C27H48O2 CHEBI:132620 InChI=1S/C27H48O2/c1-17(2)7-6-8-18(3)21-9-10-22-20-16-25(29)24-15-19(28)11-13-27(24,5)23(20)12-14-26(21,22)4/h17-25,28-29H,6-16H2,1-5H3/t18-,19+,20+,21-,22+,23+,24-,25+,26-,27-/m1/s1 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01010135 PMWTYEQRXYIMND-XNZKQLDXSA-N Reaxys:3211240 [C@]12([C@]([C@]3([C@](CC1)([C@@]4([C@](C[C@H](CC4)O)([C@H](C3)O)[H])C)[H])[H])(CC[C@@]2([C@@](CCCC(C)C)(C)[H])[H])[H])C chebi_ontology cholestan-3beta,6alpha-diol 16-hydroxytriptolide CHEBI:132621 Pubchem:126556 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/126556 triptophenolide methyl ether 74311-48-1 CHEBI:132622 Pubchem:156286 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/156286 nodakenetin CHEBI:132623 Pubchem:26305 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/26305 Columbianadin CHEBI:132624 Pubchem:6436246 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/6436246 CHEMBL299099 2-deoxymeranzin hydrate CHEBI:132625 Pubchem:10659145 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10659145#section=Top columbianetin acetate CHEBI:132626 Pubchem:161409 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/161409 (+)-Angenomalin CHEBI:132627 Pubchem:51520704 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/51520704#section=Top isotalatizidine CHEBI:132628 Pubchem:11452543 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/11452543 neoline CHEBI:132629 Pubchem:120682 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/120682 benzoylmesaconine CHEBI:132630 Pubchem:24832657 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/24832657 senbusine A CHEBI:132631 Pubchem:100930481 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/100930481 hukbusine A CHEBI:132632 Pubchem:102375480 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/102375480 benzoylaconine CHEBI:132633 Pubchem:78358486 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/78358486 benzoylhypaconine CHEBI:132634 Pubchem:78358526 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/78358526 neojiangyouaconitine CHEBI:132635 Pubchem:78358553 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/78358553 deoxyaconitine CHEBI:132636 Pubchem:6426870 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/6426870 foresaconitine CHEBI:132637 Pubchem:92044468 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/92044468 crassicauline A CHEBI:132638 Pubchem:157539 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/157539 aconine CHEBI:132639 Pubchem:20054813 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/20054813 yunaconitine CHEBI:132640 Pubchem:11250863 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/11250863 chasmanine CHEBI:132641 Pubchem:20055812 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/20055812 foresticine CHEBI:132642 Pubchem:185130 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/185130 N-deethylaconine CHEBI:132643 Pubchem:101552717 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101552717 hypaconine CHEBI:132644 Pubchem:101671038 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101671038 mesaconine CHEBI:132645 Pubchem:101671037 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101671037 oxonitine CHEBI:132646 Pubchem:6708531 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/6708531 futoenone CHEBI:132647 Pubchem:9819306 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/9819306 galgravin CHEBI:132648 Pubchem:101749 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101749 Acuminatin CHEBI:132649 Pubchem:6441048 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/6441048 burchellin CHEBI:132650 Pubchem:100199 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/100199 kadsurenin C CHEBI:132651 Pubchem:45487142 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/45487142 kadsurenin K CHEBI:132652 Pubchem:3083438 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/3083438 kaadsurenin L CHEBI:132653 Pubchem:3083437 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/3083437 kadsurenin M CHEBI:132654 Pubchem:208856 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/208856 Terpinen-4-ol CHEBI:132655 Pubchem:11230 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/11230 gamma-Elemene CHEBI:132656 Pubchem:6432312 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/6432312 piperlactam S CHEBI:132657 Pubchem:622222 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/622222 pipataline CHEBI:132658 Pubchem:9922008 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/9922008 isostrychnine CHEBI:132659 Pubchem:11024113 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/11024113 isobrucine CHEBI:132660 Pubchem:3081763 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/3081763 Isostrychnine N-oxide CHEBI:132661 Pubchem:15631900 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/15631900 Isobrucine N-oxide CHEBI:132662 Pubchem:101532797 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101532797 protostrychnine CHEBI:132663 Pubchem:101282059 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101282059 isopseudostrychnine CHEBI:132664 Pubchem:101575887 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101575887 Stryvomitine CHEBI:132665 Pubchem:101575886 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101575886 pseudostrychnine CHEBI:132666 Pubchem:21723446 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/21723446 pseudobrucine CHEBI:132667 Pubchem:3083630 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/3083630 icajine CHEBI:132668 Pubchem:3083907 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/3083907 novacine CHEBI:132669 Pubchem:10365034 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10365034 14-hydroxyicajine CHEBI:132670 Pubchem:210990 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/210990 alpha-colubrine 3-methoxystrychnidin-10-one 3-methoxystrychnine 364.438 A monoterpenoid indole alkaloid that is strychnine in which the hydrogen at position 3 has been replaced by a methoxy group. It is a minor alkaloid from Strychnos nux-vomica. C1[C@@]2(N3CC[C@@]42[C@]5(N(C=6C4=CC=C(C6)OC)C(C[C@]7([C@@]5([C@@]1(C(=CCO7)C3)[H])[H])[H])=O)[H])[H] C22H24N2O3 CAPUGADOGHKUQS-JPPAUQSISA-N CAS:509-44-4 CHEBI:132696 InChI=1S/C22H24N2O3/c1-26-13-2-3-15-16(8-13)24-19(25)10-17-20-14-9-18-22(15,21(20)24)5-6-23(18)11-12(14)4-7-27-17/h2-4,8,14,17-18,20-21H,5-7,9-11H2,1H3/t14-,17-,18-,20-,21-,22+/m0/s1 KNApSAcK:C00025153 Reaxys:57558 chebi_ontology beta-colubrine 2-methoxystrychnidin-10-one 2-methoxystrychnine 364.438 A monoterpenoid indole alkaloid that is strychnine in which the hydrogen at position 2 has been replaced by a methoxy group. It is a minor alkaloid from Strychnos nux-vomica. C1[C@@]2(N3CC[C@@]42[C@]5(N(C=6C4=CC(=CC6)OC)C(C[C@]7([C@@]5([C@@]1(C(=CCO7)C3)[H])[H])[H])=O)[H])[H] C22H24N2O3 CAS:509-36-4 CHEBI:132697 InChI=1S/C22H24N2O3/c1-26-13-2-3-16-15(8-13)22-5-6-23-11-12-4-7-27-17-10-19(25)24(16)21(22)20(17)14(12)9-18(22)23/h2-4,8,14,17-18,20-21H,5-7,9-11H2,1H3/t14-,17-,18-,20-,21-,22+/m0/s1 KNApSAcK:C00025155 PMID:19235686 PMID:7912074 Reaxys:58916 ZTHVHELPCLGXHF-JPPAUQSISA-N chebi_ontology 10-Hydroxylicajine CHEBI:132699 PDBeChem:57412271 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/57412271 11-Hydroxylicajine CHEBI:132700 Pubchem:57412270 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/57412270 5-Hydroxylvomicine CHEBI:132702 Pubchem:101575888 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101575888 strychnine N-oxide (1S,11S,18S,20R,21R,22S)-12-oxa-8,17-diazaheptacyclo[,18).0(2,7).0(8,22).0(11,21).0(15,20)]tetracosa-2,4,6,14-tetraen-9-one 17-oxide 350.412 ADTDBAKUQAKBGZ-VXJIXCKJSA-N An N-oxide resulting from the oxidation of the non-acylated nitrogen of strychnine. It is a metabolite of strychnine. C1[C@@]2([N+]3(CC[C@@]42[C@]5(N(C=6C4=CC=CC6)C(C[C@]7([C@@]5([C@@]1(C(=CCO7)C3)[H])[H])[H])=O)[H])[O-])[H] C21H22N2O3 CAS:7248-28-4 CHEBI:132703 InChI=1S/C21H22N2O3/c24-18-10-16-19-13-9-17-21(6-7-23(17,25)11-12(13)5-8-26-16)14-3-1-2-4-15(14)22(18)20(19)21/h1-5,13,16-17,19-20H,6-11H2/t13-,16-,17-,19-,20-,21+,23?/m0/s1 N-oxystrychnine PMID:12560037 PMID:13970484 PMID:19235686 PMID:22417832 PMID:25443369 PMID:26578094 PMID:26625339 PMID:27125604 PMID:2867877 PMID:5764883 PMID:7912074 PMID:8103941 Pubchem:73393 Reaxys:57208 chebi_ontology genostrychnine strychnidin-10-one, 19-oxide strychnine 19-oxide strychnine N(6)-oxide strychnine-N-oxide 2-Hydroxy-3-methoxystrychnine CHEBI:132705 Pubchem:21680050 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/21680050 5-Oxobrucine CHEBI:132707 Pubchem:57412268 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/57412268 loganoside CHEBI:132709 Pubchem:91727262 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/91727262 Secoxyloganin CHEBI:132712 Pubchem:162868 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/162868 ethyl trans-caffeate (E)-ethyl 3,4-dihydroxycinnamate (E)-ethyl 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)acrylate (E)-ethyl caffeate 208.211 An ethyl ester resulting from the formal condensation of the carboxy group of trans-caffeic acid with ethanol. C11H12O4 C=1(C=CC(=C(C1)O)O)/C=C/C(OCC)=O CAS:102-37-4 CHEBI:132714 InChI=1S/C11H12O4/c1-2-15-11(14)6-4-8-3-5-9(12)10(13)7-8/h3-7,12-13H,2H2,1H3/b6-4+ PMID:16041399 PMID:19813225 PMID:23050660 PMID:24892518 PMID:7334427 Pubchem:5317238 Reaxys:2106401 WDKYDMULARNCIS-GQCTYLIASA-N Wikipedia:Ethyl_caffeate chebi_ontology ethyl (2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)acrylate ethyl (2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoate ethyl 3,4-dihydroxycinnamate ethyl caffeate stepharine CHEBI:132715 KNApSAcK:C00025272 PDBeChem:98455 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/98455 stepharanine CHEBI:132718 Pubchem:10358881 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10358881 bianfugenine 4,5,6,9-Tetramethoxy-7H-dibenzo(de,h)quinolin-7-one CHEBI:132719 Pubchem:137399 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/137399 sinomendine CHEBI:132720 Pubchem:11759516 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/11759516 dl-syrngaresinol 4,4'-tetrahydro-1h,3h-furo[3,4-c]furan-1,4-diylbis(2,6-dimethoxyphenol) CHEBI:132721 Pubchem:100067 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/100067 paeoninorigenone CHEBI:132788 Pubchem:133475 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/133475 Oxypaeoniflorin CHEBI:132789 PDBeChem:21631105 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/21631105 alpha-benzoyloxypaeoniflorin CHEBI:132790 Pubchem:46883189 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/46883189 beta-benzoyloxypaeoniflorin CHEBI:132791 Pubchem:46883190 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/46883190 (+)-Lactiflorin CHEBI:132792 Pubchem:14605198 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/14605198 albiforin CHEBI:132793 Pubchem:24868421 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/24868421 Pinen-10-yl vicianoside CHEBI:132794 Pubchem:3036428 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/3036428#section=Top Lactinolide CHEBI:132795 PDBeChem:14336593 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/14336593 paeonilactinone (1R,4S,5R)-4-(hydroxymethyl)-6,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]heptan-2-one 168.233 A cyclic monoterpene ketone that is bicyclo[3.1.1]heptan-2-one which is substituted at positions 4, 6, and 6 by hydroxymethyl, methyl, and methyl groups (the 1R,4S,5R stereoisomer). It has been found in Japanese Paeoniae Radix, which has been used in various Chinese medicinal preparations as an anodyne, sedative, antispasmodic, and astringent. C10H16O2 CC1(C)[C@]2([C@](CC([C@@]1(C2)[H])=O)(CO)[H])[H] CHEBI:132796 InChI=1S/C10H16O2/c1-10(2)7-4-8(10)9(12)3-6(7)5-11/h6-8,11H,3-5H2,1-2H3/t6-,7-,8+/m1/s1 PMID:27313650 PMID:8814958 Pubchem:68588302 ZRBRUAVSMJRQMW-PRJMDXOYSA-N chebi_ontology 6'-O-Acetylpaeoniflorin CHEBI:132815 PDBeChem:21575212 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/21575212 6'-O-Galloylalbiflorin CHEBI:132816 Pubchem:102516500 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/102516500 Paeoniflorin Sulfonate CHEBI:132817 Pubchem:101382399 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101382399 Trachelosperogenin B CHEBI:132819 Pubchem:23259303 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/23259303 Matairesinoside CHEBI:132820 Pubchem:486612 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/486612 Epipinoresinol CHEBI:132821 PDBeChem:637584 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/637584 Salicifoliol CHEBI:132822 Pubchem:102275941 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/102275941 Clionasterol CHEBI:132823 Pesticides:457801 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/457801 Spathulenol CHEBI:132824 PDBeChem:522266 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/522266 Aristoloterpenate-I CHEBI:132825 Pubchem:10347702 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10347702 Versicolactone B CHEBI:132826 Pubchem:6438997 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/6438997 Camphenilone CHEBI:132827 Pubchem:93073 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/93073 Isobornyl Formate Bornyl formate CHEBI:132828 Pubchem:23623868 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/23623868 delta-Terpineolacetate CHEBI:132829 Pubchem:91691738 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/91691738 terpiryl acetate delta-Elemene CHEBI:132830 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/12309449 beta-Maaliene CHEBI:132831 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101596917 gurjunele CHEBI:132832 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/15560275 L-Epicatechin CHEBI:132833 DL-Catechin chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/1203 naringenin 7-O-beta-D-glucuronide 448.378 5-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2H-1-benzopyran-7-yl beta-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid A dihydroxyflavanone that is naringenin in which the phenolic hydrogen at position 7 has been replaced by a beta-D-glucuronosyl residue. BDCRTIDKZGEVEN-DNPGXZAYSA-N C21H20O11 CHEBI:132835 HMDB:HMDB29209 InChI=1S/C21H20O11/c22-9-3-1-8(2-4-9)13-7-12(24)15-11(23)5-10(6-14(15)31-13)30-21-18(27)16(25)17(26)19(32-21)20(28)29/h1-6,13,16-19,21-23,25-27H,7H2,(H,28,29)/t13?,16-,17-,18+,19-,21+/m0/s1 O1[C@H](C(O)=O)[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@H]([C@@H]1OC=2C=C(C3=C(OC(CC3=O)C=4C=CC(=CC4)O)C2)O)O)O Reaxys:10398829 chebi_ontology naringenin-7-O-glucuronide (E,E)-hepta-2,4-dienal (2E,4E)-2,4-heptadienal (2E,4E)-hepta-2,4-dienal (E,E)-2,4-Heptadien-1-al (E,E)-2,4-heptadienal 110.154 2,4-heptadienal A heptadienal in which the two double bonds are located at positions 2 and 4 (the E,E-geoisomer). C7H10O CAS:4313-03-5 CC/C=C/C=C/C(=O)[H] CHEBI:132837 InChI=1S/C7H10O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8/h3-7H,2H2,1H3/b4-3+,6-5+ LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA06000024 PMID:23790924 PMID:26040727 Reaxys:1699244 SATICYYAWWYRAM-VNKDHWASSA-N chebi_ontology trans,trans-2,4-Heptadienal trans,trans-Hepta-2,4-dienal 3-hydroxyheptanoic acid 146.185 3-hydroxyheptanoic acid A 3-hydroxy fatty acid that is heptanoic acid in which one of the hydrogens at position 3 is replaced by a hydroxy group. C(C(O)=O)C(CCCC)O C7H14O3 CHEBI:132838 HMDB:HMDB61653 InChI=1S/C7H14O3/c1-2-3-4-6(8)5-7(9)10/h6,8H,2-5H2,1H3,(H,9,10) OXSSIXNFGTZQMZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1755590 chebi_ontology (2R,5S)-linalyl oxide 170.249 2-[(2R,5S)-5-ethenyl-5-methyloxolan-2-yl]propan-2-ol A monoterpenoid that is 2-(2-hydroxypropan-2-yl)oxolane carying additional methyl and vinyl substituents both located at position 5 (the 2R,5S-diastereomer). BRHDDEIRQPDPMG-PSASIEDQSA-N C([C@@H]1O[C@@](CC1)(C=C)C)(O)(C)C C10H18O2 CHEBI:132839 InChI=1S/C10H18O2/c1-5-10(4)7-6-8(12-10)9(2,3)11/h5,8,11H,1,6-7H2,2-4H3/t8-,10-/m1/s1 Reaxys:1423560 chebi_ontology cis-linalyl oxide (E)-2-undecenal (2E)-2-undecenal (2E)-undec-2-enal (E)-undec-2-enal 168.276 2-undecenal A 2-undecenal in which the C=C bond has E configuration. C(CCCCCCC)/C=C/C=O C11H20O CAS:53448-07-0 CHEBI:132843 HMDB:HMDB40247 InChI=1S/C11H20O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12/h9-11H,2-8H2,1H3/b10-9+ LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA06000065 PANBRUWVURLWGY-MDZDMXLPSA-N PMID:12848511 PMID:20164502 PMID:22224661 PMID:24601090 PMID:25340465 Reaxys:1906352 chebi_ontology trans-2-undecenal trans-undec-2-enal GLYCIDYL METHACRYLATE CHEBI:132844 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/7837 (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl methyl carbonate (3Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl methyl carbonate 158.195 A carbonate ester that is dimethyl carbonate in which one of the methyl groups has been replaced by a (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl group. It has a floral scent and is used in the production of fruit or vegetable-like flavour additives. BLOXMGXSDAAJGX-PLNGDYQASA-N C8H14O3 CAS:67633-96-9 CC/C=C\CCOC(OC)=O CHEBI:132845 InChI=1S/C8H14O3/c1-3-4-5-6-7-11-8(9)10-2/h4-5H,3,6-7H2,1-2H3/b5-4- Reaxys:11333065 chebi_ontology cis-3-hexenyl methyl carbonate cis-hex-3-en-1-yl methyl carbonate 8-Methyl-1-undecene CHEBI:132846 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/522552 1-p-Menthene CHEBI:132847 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/21671 Linaloyl Oxide CHEBI:132848 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/522514 Lauric Anhydride CHEBI:132849 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/69527 trifloroside (4aS,5R,6S)-1-oxo-5-vinyl-4,4a,5,6-tetrahydro-1H,3H-pyrano[3,4-c]pyran-6-yl 2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-4-O-[3-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-2-hydroxybenzoyl]-beta-D-glucopyranoside 782.697 A secoiridoid glycoside that is (4aS,5R,6R)-6-hydroxy-5-vinyl-4,4a,5,6-tetrahydro-1H,3H-pyrano[3,4-c]pyran-1-one in which the hydroxy group has been converted to the corresponding 2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-beta-D-glucoside, the 4-hydroxy group of which has been esterified by formal condensation with the carboxy group of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid 3-beta-D-glucoside. It is a component of Gentiana scabra root extract, which is used as an internal remedy in traditional Korean medicine for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. C35H42O20 CAS:53823-10-2 CHEBI:132850 InChI=1S/C35H42O20/c1-5-17-18-9-10-46-31(44)20(18)12-48-33(17)55-35-30(50-16(4)39)29(49-15(3)38)28(23(53-35)13-47-14(2)37)54-32(45)19-7-6-8-21(24(19)40)51-34-27(43)26(42)25(41)22(11-36)52-34/h5-8,12,17-18,22-23,25-30,33-36,40-43H,1,9-11,13H2,2-4H3/t17-,18+,22-,23-,25-,26+,27-,28-,29+,30-,33+,34-,35+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00010796 O1[C@@H](O[C@@H]2OC=C3[C@]([C@H]2C=C)(CCOC3=O)[H])[C@H](OC(=O)C)[C@@H](OC(=O)C)[C@H](OC(=O)C4=C(O)C(O[C@@H]5O[C@@H]([C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]5O)CO)=CC=C4)[C@H]1COC(=O)C PMCID:PMC4131568 PMID:12822897 PMID:17221438 PMID:17404979 PMID:23599008 PMID:26129938 PMID:9396170 PMID:9397205 PMID:9611826 RMBMLYUFYBZPCX-XQARLGSBSA-N Reaxys:7970578 chebi_ontology Roburic Acid CHEBI:132851 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/12315005 lespedezol D1 (6aR,11aR)-8-methoxy-6a,11a-dihydro-6H-[1]benzofuro[3,2-c]chromene-3,9-diol 286.280 A member of the class of pterocarpans that is (6aR,11aR)-3,9-dihydroxypterocarpan in which the hydrogen at position 8 has been replaced by a methoxy group. C12=CC(=C(C=C1O[C@@]3([C@]2(COC4=C3C=CC(=C4)O)[H])[H])O)OC C16H14O5 CHEBI:132852 InChI=1S/C16H14O5/c1-19-15-5-10-11-7-20-13-4-8(17)2-3-9(13)16(11)21-14(10)6-12(15)18/h2-6,11,16-18H,7H2,1H3/t11-,16-/m0/s1 NYGZYUAVZPIKBZ-ZBEGNZNMSA-N Reaxys:5595634 Wikipedia:Kushenin chebi_ontology kushenin lespedezol D1 acteoside 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethyl 3-O-(6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)-4-O-[(2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoyl]-beta-D-glucopyranoside 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethyl 3-O-(alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-4-O-[(2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoyl]-beta-D-glucopyranoside 624.588 A glycoside that is the alpha-L-rhamnosyl-(1->3)-beta-D-glucoside of hydroxytyrosol in which the hydroxy group at position 4 of the glucopyranosyl moiety has undergone esterification by formal condensation with trans-caffeic acid. C29H36O15 CAS:61276-17-3 CHEBI:132853 CHEBI:9953 FBSKJMQYURKNSU-ZLSOWSIRSA-N HMDB:HMDB34843 InChI=1S/C29H36O15/c1-13-22(36)23(37)24(38)29(41-13)44-27-25(39)28(40-9-8-15-3-6-17(32)19(34)11-15)42-20(12-30)26(27)43-21(35)7-4-14-2-5-16(31)18(33)10-14/h2-7,10-11,13,20,22-34,36-39H,8-9,12H2,1H3/b7-4+/t13-,20+,22-,23+,24+,25+,26+,27+,28+,29-/m0/s1 KEGG:C10501 KNApSAcK:C00002783 PMID:10432210 PMID:25628651 PMID:25900014 PMID:25900087 PMID:26427909 PMID:26453510 PMID:26700563 PMID:26827721 PMID:26856531 PMID:26981096 PMID:26990576 PMID:27096224 PMID:27125592 PMID:27191581 PMID:27223850 PMID:27326537 PMID:27428333 Reaxys:1278646 Wikipedia:Verbascoside [C@H]1([C@H]([C@@H](O[C@@H]([C@H]1OC(/C=C/C=2C=CC(=C(C2)O)O)=O)CO)OCCC=3C=C(C(=CC3)O)O)O)O[C@@H]4O[C@H]([C@@H]([C@H]([C@H]4O)O)O)C chebi_ontology kusaginin verbascoside 9-hydroxyundec-10-enoic acid 200.275 A hydroxy monounsaturated fatty acid that is undec-10-enoic acid which is substituted by a hydroxy group at position 9. It has been isolated from the leaves of Corchorus olitorius, also known as the medicinal foodstuff moroheiya. C(CCCCCCCC(C=C)O)(O)=O C11H20O3 CHEBI:132854 CJUFNYIRKDOQMC-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C11H20O3/c1-2-10(12)8-6-4-3-5-7-9-11(13)14/h2,10,12H,1,3-9H2,(H,13,14) Reaxys:1774484 chebi_ontology corchorifatty acid E Viscumneoside I CHEBI:132856 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/42608078 Viscumneoside III CHEBI:132857 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/195287 Viscumneoside IV CHEBI:132858 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/5492426 Viscumneoside V CHEBI:132859 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/195288 Viscumneoside VI CHEBI:132860 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/3082946 Viscumneoside VII CHEBI:132861 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/5748462 coriatin (1S,2R,3S,5R,6R,7R,9S,12S)-2-hydroxy-12-(2-hydroxypropan-2-yl)-7-methyl-11H-spiro[4,10-dioxatetracyclo[,7).0(3,5)]dodecane-6,2'-oxiran]-11-one 296.316 A sesquiterpene lactone containing two epoxide groups and two tertiary hydroxy groups that has been isolated from the roots of Coriaria nepalensis. C15H20O6 CHEBI:132863 InChI=1S/C15H20O6/c1-12(2,17)7-6-4-13(3)14(5-19-14)9-10(21-9)15(13,18)8(7)11(16)20-6/h6-10,17-18H,4-5H2,1-3H3/t6-,7+,8+,9+,10-,13-,14+,15-/m0/s1 LGZSARJAXHVXEV-YEJVQPDVSA-N PMID:12016873 PMID:24467533 [C@@]12([C@]([C@]3(C(O[C@@](C1)([C@]3(C(O)(C)C)[H])[H])=O)[H])([C@@H]4[C@H]([C@@]25OC5)O4)O)C chebi_ontology Corianin CHEBI:132864 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10880921 Kaurenoic Acid CHEBI:132865 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/73062 Deoxyfuconojirimycin CHEBI:132866 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/122618 1-DEOXYNOJIRIMYCIN CHEBI:132867 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/29435 cyclomorusin A 418.440 6,11-dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-8-(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)-3H,7H,8H-chromeno[4,3-b]pyrano[2,3-h]chromen-7-one An extended flavonoid that is cyclomulberrin in which the hydroxy group at position 10 has undergone oxidative cyclisation to position 3 of the 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl substituent, with migration of the double bond into conjugation with the aromatic ring. It is a moderate inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (IC50 = 16.2 - 36.6 muM), and a strong inhibitor of platelet-activating factor (PAF; 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) induced platelet aggregation. C25H22O6 CAS:62596-34-3 CHEBI:132868 GDQXJMLXEYSICD-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C25H22O6/c1-12(2)9-19-21-22(28)20-16(27)11-18-15(7-8-25(3,4)31-18)23(20)30-24(21)14-6-5-13(26)10-17(14)29-19/h5-11,19,26-27H,1-4H3 O1C=2C3=C(OC(C=C3)(C)C)C=C(O)C2C(=O)C=4C(OC5=C(C14)C=CC(O)=C5)C=C(C)C PMID:12648543 PMID:12662107 PMID:15884809 PMID:15885940 PMID:17396934 PMID:17405024 PMID:18330242 PMID:18608767 PMID:19149258 PMID:21434689 PMID:22145117 PMID:24381530 PMID:24494557 PMID:25981820 PMID:7903365 PMID:8435100 Reaxys:1442991 chebi_ontology cyclomorusin cyclomulberrin 3,8,10-trihydroxy-11-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)-6-(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)-6H,7H-chromeno[4,3-b]chromen-7-one 420.455 A extended flavonoid that is 6H,7H-chromeno[4,3-b]chromen-7-one which is substituted by a 2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl group at position 6, a 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl group at position 11, and hydroxy groups at positions 3, 8, and 10. It is found in the bark of Morus species and has been reported to protect human neuronal cells derived from the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line. C25H24O6 CAS:19275-51-5 CC(C)=CCC=1C(=CC(=C2C(C=3C(C=C(C)C)OC=4C=C(C=CC4C3OC12)O)=O)O)O CHEBI:132869 HMDB:HMDB30688 InChI=1S/C25H24O6/c1-12(2)5-7-15-17(27)11-18(28)21-23(29)22-20(9-13(3)4)30-19-10-14(26)6-8-16(19)25(22)31-24(15)21/h5-6,8-11,20,26-28H,7H2,1-4H3 KNApSAcK:C00004061 PMID:19149258 PMID:20815207 PMID:22297755 PMID:7903365 PMID:8435100 Reaxys:1631347 SYFDWXWLRGHYAJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology (-)-homalomenol C 254.366 An organic heterotricyclic compound and sesquiterpenoid that is 11-oxatricyclo[,6)]undecane-1,8-diol which is substituted by methyl groups at positions 5 and 8, and by an isopropyl group at position 5. The absolute stereochemistry is not known; it is either 1R,2S,5R,6R,7R,8R (as shown), or the enantiomer. C15H26O3 CHEBI:132870 DHUDRGOPTAAHRB-ARSDKDGVSA-N InChI=1S/C15H26O3/c1-9(2)10-5-6-13(3)11(10)12-14(4,16)7-8-15(13,17)18-12/h9-12,16-17H,5-8H2,1-4H3/t10-,11+,12-,13+,14-,15-/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00033918 Reaxys:5426860 [C@@]12([C@](CC[C@]([C@@]3([C@]1([C@](CC3)(C(C)C)[H])[H])C)(O2)O)(C)O)[H] chebi_ontology homalomenol C rel-(1R,2S,5R,6R,7R,8R)-5-isopropyl-2,8-dimethyl-11-oxatricyclo[,6)]undecane-1,8-diol (-)-homalomenol D 238.366 An organic heterotricyclic compound and sesquiterpenoid that is 11-oxatricyclo[,6)]undecan-8-ol which is substituted by methyl groups at positions 2 and 8, and by an isopropyl group at position 5. The absolute stereochemistry is not known; it is either 1R,2R,5S,6S,7R,8R (as shown), or the enantiomer. C15H26O2 CHEBI:132871 InChI=1S/C15H26O2/c1-9(2)10-5-7-14(3)11-6-8-15(4,16)13(17-11)12(10)14/h9-13,16H,5-8H2,1-4H3/t10-,11+,12+,13+,14-,15+/m0/s1 Reaxys:5425478 YEBFCABPNPSILV-RUDNTAQLSA-N [C@@]12([C@](CC[C@]([C@]3([C@@]1([C@@](CC3)(C(C)C)[H])[H])C)(O2)[H])(C)O)[H] chebi_ontology homalomenol D rel-(1R,2R,5S,6S,7R,8R)-5-isopropyl-2,8-dimethyl-11-oxatricyclo[,6)]undecan-8-ol fangchinoline (+)-fangchinoline (+)-limacine (1beta)-2,2'-dimethyl-6,6',12-trimethoxyberbaman-7-ol (1beta)-6,6',12-trimethoxy-2,2'-dimethylberbaman-7-ol 608.725 7-O-demethyltetrandrine A bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid that is (1beta)- berbaman which has been substituted by methyl groups at the 2 and 2' positions, by methoxy groups at the 6, 6', and 12 positions, and by a hydroxy group at position 7. Isolated from Stephania tetrandra, it has been found to possess neuroprotective and anti-tumour activity. C37H40N2O6 CAS:436-77-1 CHEBI:132893 IIQSJHUEZBTSAT-VMPREFPWSA-N InChI=1S/C37H40N2O6/c1-38-14-12-24-19-31(42-4)33-21-27(24)28(38)16-22-6-9-26(10-7-22)44-32-18-23(8-11-30(32)41-3)17-29-35-25(13-15-39(29)2)20-34(43-5)36(40)37(35)45-33/h6-11,18-21,28-29,40H,12-17H2,1-5H3/t28-,29-/m0/s1 O1C=2C=C3C(=CC2OC)CCN([C@H]3CC4=CC=C(OC=5C=C(C[C@@]6(N(CCC=7C6=C1C(O)=C(OC)C7)C)[H])C=CC5OC)C=C4)C PMID:18161288 PMID:19428795 PMID:19764054 PMID:20030508 PMID:20208355 PMID:21418191 PMID:22130369 PMID:22720080 PMID:23112944 PMID:23401195 PMID:23452799 PMID:23596478 PMID:24568493 PMID:24856768 PMID:25539072 PMID:25645647 PMID:25754692 PMID:25872479 PMID:26408176 PMID:26512898 PMID:26893655 Reaxys:78975 Wikipedia:Fangchinoline chebi_ontology cassameridine 319.268 8H-bis[1,3]benzodioxolo[6,5,4-de:5',6'-g]quinolin-8-one ANNPRBPTCAXMQI-UHFFFAOYSA-N An oxoaporphine alkaloid that is 7H-dibenzo[de,g]quinolin-7-one which is substituted by methylenedioxy grups at the 1,2 and 9,10 positions. Compared with liriodenine, which lacks the 9,10-methylenedioxy group, cassameridine displays only moderate antifungal activity. C18H9NO5 C=12C(C3=NC=CC4=CC5=C(C(C1C=C6C(=C2)OCO6)=C34)OCO5)=O CHEBI:132894 InChI=1S/C18H9NO5/c20-17-10-5-12-11(21-6-22-12)4-9(10)15-14-8(1-2-19-16(14)17)3-13-18(15)24-7-23-13/h1-5H,6-7H2 KNApSAcK:C00025782 PMID:7420287 Reaxys:1088882 cassameridin chebi_ontology oxofangchirine 6,6',7,12-tetramethoxy-2-methyl-1',2',3',4'-tetradehydroberbaman-15'-one 618.676 A bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid that is 1',2',3',4'-tetradehydroberbaman which has been substituted by a methyl group at position 2, methoxy groups at positions 6, 6', 7, and 12, and an oxo group at the 15' position. Isolated from Stephania tetrandra. C37H34N2O7 CAS:102516-53-0 CHEBI:132895 INUHRHLZFLIFNB-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C37H34N2O7/c1-39-15-13-24-19-32(43-4)36(44-5)37-33(24)27(39)16-21-6-11-28(41-2)30(17-21)45-25-9-7-22(8-10-25)35(40)34-26-20-31(46-37)29(42-3)18-23(26)12-14-38-34/h6-12,14,17-20,27H,13,15-16H2,1-5H3 KNApSAcK:C00025994 O1C=2C=C3C(=CC2OC)C=CN=C3C(=O)C4=CC=C(OC=5C=C(CC6N(CCC=7C6=C1C(OC)=C(OC)C7)C)C=CC5OC)C=C4 PMID:3728032 chebi_ontology 22108-99-2 CHEBI:132896 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/161379 stephanthrine BETA-TERPINEOL CHEBI:132899 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/8748 (+)-homalomenol A (1R,3aR,4R,7S,7aR)-3a,7-dimethyl-1-(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)octahydro-1H-indene-4,7-diol 238.366 A sesquiterpenoid that is perhydroindane which is substituted by a (2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl) group at position 1, methyl groups at positions 3a and 7, and hydroxy groups at positions 4 and 7 (the 1R,3aR,4R,7S,7aR stereoisomer). C15H26O2 CAS:145400-03-9 CHEBI:132900 FKMCEEHVCIIPLE-ZSAUSMIDSA-N InChI=1S/C15H26O2/c1-10(2)9-11-5-7-14(3)12(16)6-8-15(4,17)13(11)14/h9,11-13,16-17H,5-8H2,1-4H3/t11-,12-,13-,14+,15+/m1/s1 PMID:1368861 PMID:17511005 PMID:18975180 Reaxys:5810527 [C@@]12([C@@H](CC[C@@]([C@@]1([C@H](CC2)C=C(C)C)[H])(O)C)O)C chebi_ontology homalomenol A (+)-homalomenol B (1R,3aR,4R,7S,7aR)-3a,7-dimethyl-1-(2-methylprop-2-en-1-yl)octahydro-1H-indene-4,7-diol 238.366 A sesquiterpenoid that is (+)-homalomenol A in which the double bond of the 2-methylpropen-1-yl group has migrated from the 1-2 position to the 2-3 position. C15H26O2 CAS:145400-04-0 CHEBI:132901 InChI=1S/C15H26O2/c1-10(2)9-11-5-7-14(3)12(16)6-8-15(4,17)13(11)14/h11-13,16-17H,1,5-9H2,2-4H3/t11-,12-,13-,14+,15+/m1/s1 PECCCWAOADXQBC-ZSAUSMIDSA-N PMID:1368861 Reaxys:5810044 [C@@]12([C@@H](CC[C@@]([C@@]1([C@H](CC2)CC(C)=C)[H])(O)C)O)C chebi_ontology homalomenol B 1,4,7-Eudesmanetriol 1beta,4beta,7alpha-trihydroxyeudesmane CHEBI:132902 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/101634632 oplodiol (-)-oplodiol (1S,4R,4aR,8aR)-7-isopropyl-1,4a-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octahydronaphthalene-1,4-diol 238.366 C15H26O2 CHEBI:132903 InChI=1S/C15H26O2/c1-10(2)11-5-7-14(3)12(9-11)15(4,17)8-6-13(14)16/h5,10,12-13,16-17H,6-9H2,1-4H3/t12-,13-,14-,15+/m1/s1 KNApSAcK:C00012788 PMID:10643672 PMID:15139145 PMID:18649899 PMID:19370929 PMID:19735040 SOZSXJHFVBBAOY-TUVASFSCSA-N [1S-(1alpha,4alpha,4aalpha,8abeta)]-1,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octahydro-1,4a-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethyl)-1,4-naphthalenediol [C@@]12([C@@H](CC[C@@]([C@@]1(CC(=CC2)C(C)C)[H])(O)C)O)C chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/12313756 bullatantriol (+)-bullatantriol (1R,3aR,4R,7S,7aR)-1-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropyl)-3a,7-dimethyloctahydro-1H-indene-4,7-diol 256.382 A sesqiterpenoid that is octahydro-1H-indene which is substituted by a 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropyl group at position 1, methyl groups at positions 3a and 7, and hydroxy groups at positions 4 and 7 (the 1R,3aR,4R,7S,7aR stereoisomer). It has been isolated from various Homalomena species. C15H28O3 CHEBI:132904 InChI=1S/C15H28O3/c1-13(2,17)9-10-5-7-14(3)11(16)6-8-15(4,18)12(10)14/h10-12,16-18H,5-9H2,1-4H3/t10-,11-,12-,14+,15+/m1/s1 JQHTXZNYHSCIFE-FPVZYODXSA-N PMID:1368861 PMID:17511005 PMID:18649899 PMID:23373216 Reaxys:5808002 [C@@]12([C@@H](CC[C@@]([C@@]1([C@H](CC2)CC(O)(C)C)[H])(O)C)O)C chebi_ontology alpha-Cadinol CHEBI:132905 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10398656 T-Muurolol CHEBI:132906 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/3084331 Mucrolidin CHEBI:132907 chebi_ontology https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/14864716 aspartate CHEBI:132943 aspartate anion aspartic acid anion chebi_ontology octadec-9-enoate 281.454 9-octadecenoate An octadecenoate in which the double bond is at C-9. C(=CCCCCCCCC)CCCCCCCC(=O)[O-] C18:1, n-9(1-) C18H33O2 CHEBI:132944 Delta(9)-octadecenoate InChI=1S/C18H34O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h9-10H,2-8,11-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20)/p-1 ZQPPMHVWECSIRJ-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology octadec-9-enoate tartrate A dicarboxylic acid anion obtained by deprotonation of at least one of the carboxy groups of any tartaric acid. CHEBI:132950 CHEBI:35396 chebi_ontology tartaric acid anion tartaric acid anions tartrate tartrate anion tartrate anions tartrates oxalate A dicarboxylic acid anion obtained by deprotonation of at least one of the carboxy groups of oxalic acid. CHEBI:132952 chebi_ontology ethanedioic acid anion ethanedioic acid anions oxalate anion oxalate anions oxalates oxalic acid anion oxalic acid anions oxoaporphine alkaloid Any benzylisoquinoline alkaloid that has a 7-keto-4H-dibenzo[de,g]quinoline skeleton. They are found in members of the Anonacea, Aracea, Hernandiaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Menispermaceae, Monimiaceae, Papaveraceae, and Ranunculaceae families. CHEBI:132998 chebi_ontology oxoaporphine alkaloids bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid A type of benzylisoquinoline alkaloid whose structures are built up of two benzylisoquinoline units linked by ether bridges. Various structural patterns resulting from additional bridging between the two units by direct carbon-carbon bridging or by methylenedioxy groups are common. CHEBI:133004 PMID:1955879 PMID:2191354 PMID:3323421 bis(benzylisoquinoline) alkaloid bis(benzylisoquinoline) alkaloids bis-benzylisoquinoline alkaloid bis-benzylisoquinoline alkaloids bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids chebi_ontology diterpene triepoxide A diterpenoid compound that contains three epoxide groups. CHEBI:133018 Patent:US2002068098 chebi_ontology diterpene triepoxides spiro-epoxide An oxaspiro compound in which a carbon atom of an epoxide ring is the only common member of two rings. CHEBI:133131 chebi_ontology spiro-epoxides spiroepoxide spiroepoxides chromenochromene Any organic heteroolycyclic compound whose skeleton two ortho-fused chromene rings, and their derivatives. CHEBI:133135 chebi_ontology chromenochromenes undecenal 168.276 A monounsaturated fatty acid aldehyde that is undecanal which has undergone formal dehydrogenation to introduce a double bond at unspecified position. C11H20O CHEBI:133150 chebi_ontology 2-undecenal 168.276 An undecenal that has formula C11H20O. C(CCCCCCC)C(=CC=O)[H] C11H20O CAS:2463-77-6 CHEBI:133173 InChI=1S/C11H20O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12/h9-11H,2-8H2,1H3 PANBRUWVURLWGY-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology undec-2-enal saturated dicarboxylic acid dianion(2-) 88.019 A carboxylic acid dianion obtained by deprotonation of both carboxy groups of any dicarboxylic acid that contains no carbon-carbon double bonds. C2O4R CHEBI:133291 [O-]C(*C([O-])=O)=O a saturated dicarboxylic acid chebi_ontology saturated dicarboxylate(2-) oxo dicarboxylic acid dianion Any dicarboxylic acid dianion carrying one or more oxo groups. CHEBI:133294 chebi_ontology oxo dicarboxylic acid glycol A diol in which the two hydroxy groups are on different carbon atoms, usually but not necessarily adjacent. CHEBI:13643 Glykol a glycol chebi_ontology glycols carbamate 60.03212 An amino-acid anion that has formula CH2NO2. Beilstein:3903503 CAS:302-11-4 CH2NO2 CHEBI:13941 Carbamat Gmelin:239604 InChI=1S/CH3NO2/c2-1(3)4/h2H2,(H,3,4)/p-1 KXDHJXZQYSOELW-UHFFFAOYSA-M Karbamat NC([O-])=O carbamate carbamate ion carbamic acid, ion(1-) chebi_ontology glutamate(1-) 146.12136 2-ammoniopentanedioate An alpha-amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of glutamic acid, having anionic carboxy groups and a cationic amino group C5H8NO4 CHEBI:14321 Gmelin:327908 InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/p-1 WHUUTDBJXJRKMK-UHFFFAOYSA-M [NH3+]C(CCC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology glutamate glutamate(1-) glutamic acid monoanion hydrogen glutamate retinal 284.43572 3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl)nona-2,4,6,8-tetraenal An enal that consists of 3,7-dimethyl-9-nona-2,4,6,8-tetraenal (double bond geometry unspecified) carrying a 2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl group at the 9-position. C20H28O CHEBI:15035 InChI=1S/C20H28O/c1-16(8-6-9-17(2)13-15-21)11-12-19-18(3)10-7-14-20(19,4)5/h6,8-9,11-13,15H,7,10,14H2,1-5H3 MetaCyc:Retinals NCYCYZXNIZJOKI-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:2055098 [H]C(=O)C=C(C)C=CC=C(C)C=CC1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C chebi_ontology retinal retinoate 299.42718 3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl)nona-2,4,6,8-tetraenoate A retinoid that has formula C20H27O2. C20H27O2 CC(C=CC1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=CC=CC(C)=CC([O-])=O CHEBI:15036 InChI=1S/C20H28O2/c1-15(8-6-9-16(2)14-19(21)22)11-12-18-17(3)10-7-13-20(18,4)5/h6,8-9,11-12,14H,7,10,13H2,1-5H3,(H,21,22)/p-1 SHGAZHPCJJPHSC-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology retinoate selenide 78.96000 An elemental selenium that has formula Se. CAS:22541-48-6 CHEBI:15076 Gmelin:85522 HMUBNCUQSSTAIB-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/Se/q-2 Se Se(2-) [Se--] chebi_ontology selanediide selenide selenide(2-) tartrate(2-) 148.07096 Beilstein:5740673 C4H4O6 CHEBI:15193 chebi_ontology rel-(2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate acceptor A A molecular entity that can accept an electron, a pair of electrons, an atom or a group from another molecular entity. Acceptor Akzeptor CHEBI:13699 CHEBI:15339 CHEBI:2377 Hydrogen-acceptor KEGG:C00028 KEGG:C16722 Oxidized donor accepteur acceptor chebi_ontology beta-D-glucosiduronic acid A glucosiduronic acid resulting from the formal condensation of any substance with beta-D-glucuronic acid to form a glycosidic bond. Acceptor beta-D-glucuronoside C6H9O7R CHEBI:10404 CHEBI:13701 CHEBI:15341 CHEBI:22803 Glucuronide KEGG:C03033 beta-D-Glucuronide beta-D-Glucuronoside beta-D-glucosiduronic acids beta-D-glucuronides beta-D-glucuronosides chebi_ontology coenzyme A 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-{3-[(3R)-3-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-oxo-4-({3-oxo-3-[(2-sulfanylethyl)amino]propyl}amino)butyl] dihydrogen diphosphate} 3'-phosphoadenosine-(5')diphospho(4')pantatheine 767.53540 A thiol comprising a panthothenate unit in phosphoric anhydride linkage with a 3',5'-adenosine diphosphate unit; and an aminoethanethiol unit. Beilstein:77809 C21H36N7O16P3S CAS:85-61-0 CC(C)(COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP(O)(O)=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCS CHEBI:13294 CHEBI:13295 CHEBI:13298 CHEBI:15346 CHEBI:23355 CHEBI:3771 CHEBI:41597 CHEBI:41631 CHEBI:741566 COENZYME A CoA CoA-SH CoASH Coenzym A Coenzyme A DrugBank:DB01992 HSCoA InChI=1S/C21H36N7O16P3S/c1-21(2,16(31)19(32)24-4-3-12(29)23-5-6-48)8-41-47(38,39)44-46(36,37)40-7-11-15(43-45(33,34)35)14(30)20(42-11)28-10-27-13-17(22)25-9-26-18(13)28/h9-11,14-16,20,30-31,48H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,23,29)(H,24,32)(H,36,37)(H,38,39)(H2,22,25,26)(H2,33,34,35)/t11-,14-,15-,16+,20-/m1/s1 KEGG:C00010 KNApSAcK:C00007258 Koenzym A PDBeChem:COA PDBeChem:COZ PMID:11923312 PMID:13025483 PMID:15014152 PMID:15893380 PMID:18407920 PMID:19666462 PMID:20351285 PMID:2981478 PMID:7310833 RGJOEKWQDUBAIZ-IBOSZNHHSA-N Wikipedia:Coenzyme_A [(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)-4-hydroxy-3-(phosphonooxy)tetrahydrofuran-2-yl]methyl (3R)-3-hydroxy-4-({3-oxo-3-[(2-sulfanylethyl)amino]propyl}amino)-2,2-dimethyl-4-oxobutyl dihydrogen diphosphate chebi_ontology choline 104.17080 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium A choline that is the parent compound of the cholines class, consisting of ethanolamine having three methyl substituents attached to the amino function. Beilstein:1736748 Bilineurine C5H14NO CAS:62-49-7 CHEBI:13985 CHEBI:15354 CHEBI:23212 CHEBI:3665 CHEBI:41524 CHOLINE ION C[N+](C)(C)CCO Choline DrugBank:DB00122 ECMDB:ECMDB00097 Gmelin:324597 HMDB:HMDB00097 InChI=1S/C5H14NO/c1-6(2,3)4-5-7/h7H,4-5H2,1-3H3/q+1 KEGG:C00114 KEGG:D07690 KNApSAcK:C00007298 MetaCyc:CHOLINE N,N,N-trimethylethanol-ammonium N-trimethylethanolamine OEYIOHPDSNJKLS-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:CHT PMID:10930630 PMID:12826235 PMID:12946691 PMID:14972364 PMID:16210714 PMID:17087106 PMID:17283071 PMID:17344490 PMID:18204095 PMID:18230680 PMID:18786517 PMID:18786520 PMID:19246089 PMID:20038853 PMID:20446114 PMID:22770225 PMID:22961562 PMID:23095202 PMID:23616508 PMID:23637565 PMID:23733158 PMID:6420466 PMID:7590654 PMID:9517478 Reaxys:1736748 Wikipedia:Choline YMDB:YMDB00227 chebi_ontology choline trimethylethanolamine acetylcholine 146.20748 2-acetyloxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium ACETYLCHOLINE ACh Acetylcholine Actylcholine is an ester of acetic acid and choline, which acts as a neurotransmitter. Azetylcholin Beilstein:1764436 C7H16NO2 CAS:51-84-3 CC(=O)OCC[N+](C)(C)C CHEBI:12686 CHEBI:13715 CHEBI:15355 CHEBI:22197 CHEBI:2416 CHEBI:40559 DrugBank:DB03128 Gmelin:326108 InChI=1S/C7H16NO2/c1-7(9)10-6-5-8(2,3)4/h5-6H2,1-4H3/q+1 KEGG:C01996 LINCS:LSM-5888 O-Acetylcholine OIPILFWXSMYKGL-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:ACH PMID:14764638 PMID:15014918 PMID:15231705 PMID:15361288 PMID:18050502 PMID:18407448 PMID:19255787 PMID:20963497 PMID:21130809 PMID:21246223 PMID:21545631 PMID:21601579 Wikipedia:Acetylcholine acetylcholine chebi_ontology choline acetate cysteine 121.15922 2-Amino-3-mercaptopropionic acid 2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid 2-amino-3-sulfanylpropanoic acid A sulfur-containing amino acid that is propanoic acid with an amino group at position 2 and a sulfanyl group at position 3. Beilstein:1721406 C C3H7NO2S CAS:3374-22-9 CHEBI:14061 CHEBI:15356 CHEBI:23508 CHEBI:4050 Cys Cystein Cysteine Gmelin:2933 Hcys InChI=1S/C3H7NO2S/c4-2(1-7)3(5)6/h2,7H,1,4H2,(H,5,6) KEGG:C00736 KNApSAcK:C00001351 KNApSAcK:C00007323 NC(CS)C(O)=O PMID:17439666 PMID:25181601 Reaxys:1721406 Wikipedia:Cysteine XUJNEKJLAYXESH-UHFFFAOYSA-N Zystein chebi_ontology cisteina cysteine acetic acid 60.05200 A simple monocarboxylic acid containing two carbons. ACETIC ACID AcOH Acetic acid Beilstein:506007 C2H4O2 CAS:64-19-7 CC(O)=O CH3-COOH CH3CO2H CHEBI:15366 CHEBI:22169 CHEBI:2387 CHEBI:40486 E 260 E-260 E260 Essigsaeure Ethanoic acid Ethylic acid Gmelin:1380 HMDB:HMDB00042 HOAc INS No. 260 InChI=1S/C2H4O2/c1-2(3)4/h1H3,(H,3,4) KEGG:C00033 KEGG:D00010 KNApSAcK:C00001176 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010002 MeCO2H MeCOOH MetaCyc:ACET Methanecarboxylic acid PDBeChem:ACT PDBeChem:ACY PMID:12005138 PMID:15107950 PMID:16630552 PMID:16774200 PMID:17190852 PMID:19416101 PMID:19469536 PMID:22153255 PMID:22173419 QTBSBXVTEAMEQO-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:506007 Wikipedia:Acetic_acid acetic acid acide acetique chebi_ontology ethoic acid all-trans-retinoic acid (2E,4E,6E,8E)-3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl)nona-2,4,6,8-tetraenoic acid (all-E)-3,7-Dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2,4,6,8-nonatetraenoic acid 3,7-Dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexene-1-yl)-2,4,6,8-nonatetraenoic acid (ECL) 300.43512 A retinoic acid in which all four exocyclic double bonds have E- (trans-) geometry. AGN 100335 Acide retinoique (French) (DSL) Beilstein:2057223 C20H28O2 CAS:302-79-4 CC(\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C(C)=C/C(O)=O CHEBI:15367 CHEBI:45376 CHEBI:8815 DrugBank:DB00755 HMDB:HMDB01852 InChI=1S/C20H28O2/c1-15(8-6-9-16(2)14-19(21)22)11-12-18-17(3)10-7-13-20(18,4)5/h6,8-9,11-12,14H,7,10,13H2,1-5H3,(H,21,22)/b9-6+,12-11+,15-8+,16-14+ KEGG:C00777 KEGG:D00094 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR01090019 PDBeChem:REA PMID:11073974 PMID:11214352 PMID:11332619 PMID:11343416 PMID:11437362 PMID:11556813 PMID:11722649 PMID:11896294 PMID:11904404 PMID:14581379 PMID:14605492 PMID:14627725 PMID:14704332 PMID:14705145 PMID:14978018 PMID:15194426 PMID:15318809 PMID:15327395 PMID:15359008 PMID:15376324 PMID:15476854 PMID:15537748 PMID:15539337 PMID:15675886 PMID:15839997 PMID:16569247 PMID:16685080 PMID:16688769 PMID:16720557 PMID:16819260 PMID:16847436 PMID:16920920 PMID:17073551 PMID:17166212 PMID:17204142 PMID:18052213 PMID:18085670 PMID:18162363 PMID:18183617 PMID:18318655 PMID:18322276 PMID:18400206 PMID:18404486 PMID:18440196 PMID:18678272 PMID:18819820 PMID:18977311 PMID:19112091 PMID:19144697 PMID:19427305 PMID:19587328 PMID:19597529 PMID:19814868 PMID:19841174 PMID:21898109 PMID:21924320 PMID:21993673 PMID:22134377 PMID:22177959 PMID:22180426 PMID:22244299 PMID:22261335 PMID:22428994 PMID:22514600 PMID:22532966 PMID:22534100 PMID:22538278 PMID:22741806 RETINOIC ACID Reaxys:2057223 Renova Retin-A Retinoic acid Retisol-A Ro 1-5488 SHGAZHPCJJPHSC-YCNIQYBTSA-N Stieva-A Tretin M Tretinoine (French) (EINECS) Vesanoid Vitamin A acid Wikipedia:Tretinoin all-(E)-Retinoic acid all-trans-Retinoic acid all-trans-Tretinoin all-trans-Vitamin A acid all-trans-Vitamin A1 acid all-trans-beta-Retinoic acid beta-Retinoic acid chebi_ontology trans-Retinoic acid tretinoin limonene (+-)-(RS)-limonene (+/-)-limonene 1,8-p-menthadiene 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)cyclohexene 1-methyl-4-(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohex-1-ene 136.23404 4-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohexene A monoterpene that is cyclohex-1-ene substituted by a methyl group at position 1 and a prop-1-en-2-yl group at position 4 respectively. C10H16 CAS:138-86-3 CAS:7705-14-8 CC(=C)C1CCC(C)=CC1 CHEBI:14506 CHEBI:15384 CHEBI:18466 CHEBI:6463 Cajeputene Dipentene InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4,10H,1,5-7H2,2-3H3 KEGG:C06078 KNApSAcK:C00000823 KNApSAcK:C00003043 Kautschin Limonene Reaxys:774123 UM-BBD_compID:c0626 XMGQYMWWDOXHJM-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology dl-Limonene limonene p-mentha-1,8-diene (+)-delta-cadinene (+)-delta-Cadinene (1S,8aR)-4,7-dimethyl-1-(propan-2-yl)-1,2,3,5,6,8a-hexahydronaphthalene (1S,8aR)-delta-cadinene 204.35106 A member of the cadinene family of sesquiterpenes in which the double bonds are located at the 4-4a and 7-8 positions, and in which the isopropyl group at position 1 is cis to the hydrogen at the adjacent bridgehead carbon (the 1S,8aR-enantiomer). C15H24 CAS:483-76-1 CHEBI:10750 CHEBI:15385 CHEBI:18458 CHEBI:56 FUCYIEXQVQJBKY-ZFWWWQNUSA-N InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-10(2)13-8-6-12(4)14-7-5-11(3)9-15(13)14/h9-10,13,15H,5-8H2,1-4H3/t13-,15-/m0/s1 KEGG:C06394 KNApSAcK:C00007636 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0103330001 MetaCyc:CPD-1722 [H][C@@]12C=C(C)CCC1=C(C)CC[C@H]2C(C)C cadina-1(10),4-diene chebi_ontology delta-amorphene delta-cadinene glycine 75.06664 Aminoacetic acid Aminoessigsaeure Beilstein:635782 C2H5NO2 CAS:56-40-6 CHEBI:10792 CHEBI:14344 CHEBI:15428 CHEBI:24368 CHEBI:42964 CHEBI:5460 DHMQDGOQFOQNFH-UHFFFAOYSA-N DrugBank:DB00145 ECMDB:ECMDB00123 G GLYCINE Gly Glycin Glycine Glycocoll Glykokoll Glyzin Gmelin:1808 H2N-CH2-COOH HMDB:HMDB00123 Hgly InChI=1S/C2H5NO2/c3-1-2(4)5/h1,3H2,(H,4,5) KEGG:C00037 KEGG:D00011 KNApSAcK:C00001361 Leimzucker MetaCyc:GLY NCC(O)=O PDBeChem:GLY PMID:10930630 PMID:11019925 PMID:11174716 PMID:11542461 PMID:11806864 PMID:12631515 PMID:12754315 PMID:12770151 PMID:12921899 PMID:15331688 PMID:15388434 PMID:15710237 PMID:16105183 PMID:16151895 PMID:16214212 PMID:16417482 PMID:16444815 PMID:16664855 PMID:16901953 PMID:16918424 PMID:16986325 PMID:16998855 PMID:17154252 PMID:17383967 PMID:17582620 PMID:17970719 PMID:18079355 PMID:18396796 PMID:18440992 PMID:18593588 PMID:18816054 PMID:18840508 PMID:19028609 PMID:19120667 PMID:19449910 PMID:19526731 PMID:19544666 PMID:19738917 PMID:19916621 PMID:19924257 PMID:21751272 PMID:22044190 PMID:22079563 PMID:22234938 PMID:22264337 PMID:22293292 PMID:22401276 PMID:22434786 Reaxys:635782 The simplest (and the only achiral) proteinogenic amino acid, with a hydrogen atom as its side chain. Wikipedia:Glycine YMDB:YMDB00016 aminoacetic acid aminoethanoic acid chebi_ontology glycine squalene (6E,10E,14E,18E)-2,6,10,15,19,23-hexamethyltetracosa-2,6,10,14,18,22-hexaene (all-E)-2,6,10,15,19,23-hexamethyl-2,6,10,14,18,22-tetracosahexaene 410.71800 A triterpene consisting of 2,6,10,15,19,23-hexamethyltetracosane having six double bonds at the 2-, 6-, 10-, 14-, 18- and 22-positions with (all-E)-configuration. Beilstein:1728920 C30H50 CAS:111-02-4 CC(C)=CCC\C(C)=C\CC\C(C)=C\CC\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CCC=C(C)C CHEBI:10795 CHEBI:10843 CHEBI:15104 CHEBI:15440 CHEBI:26746 CHEBI:9245 InChI=1S/C30H50/c1-25(2)15-11-19-29(7)23-13-21-27(5)17-9-10-18-28(6)22-14-24-30(8)20-12-16-26(3)4/h15-18,23-24H,9-14,19-22H2,1-8H3/b27-17+,28-18+,29-23+,30-24+ KEGG:C00751 KNApSAcK:C00003755 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0106010002 PMID:16341241 PMID:24362891 Spinacene Squalene Supraene YYGNTYWPHWGJRM-AAJYLUCBSA-N chebi_ontology squalene 3-oxo-fatty acyl-CoA 3-Oxoacyl-CoA 3-oxo fatty acyl-CoAs 3-oxo fatty acyl-coenzyme A 836.57300 An oxo fatty acyl-CoA that results from the formal condensation of the thiol group of coenzyme A with the carboxy group of any 3-oxo-fatty acid.. C24H37N7O18P3SR CC(C)(COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP(O)(O)=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC(=O)CC([*])=O CHEBI:11868 CHEBI:13606 CHEBI:15489 CHEBI:1629 CHEBI:20161 KEGG:C00264 PMID:11315193 PMID:11418601 PMID:11879205 PMID:7957058 PMID:8541311 chebi_ontology malate(2-) 132.07156 2-hydroxybutanedioate A C4-dicarboxylate resulting from deprotonation of both carboxy groups of malic acid. BJEPYKJPYRNKOW-UHFFFAOYSA-L Beilstein:3664410 C4H4O5 CAS:149-61-1 CHEBI:14556 CHEBI:15595 CHEBI:25114 Gmelin:327305 InChI=1S/C4H6O5/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2,5H,1H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/p-2 KEGG:C00711 OC(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O PMID:17190852 Reaxys:3664410 chebi_ontology hydroxybutanedioic acid, ion(2-) mal malate anion malate dianion (+)-catechin (+)-(2R,3S)-5,7,3',4'-Tetrahydroxyflavan-3-ol (+)-3',4',5,7-Tetrahydroxy-2,3-trans-flavan-3-ol (+)-Catechin (+)-Catechol (+)-Cyanidan-3-ol (2R,3S)-(+)-Catechin (2R,3S)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-1H-chromene-3,5,7-triol (2R,3S)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)chromane-3,5,7-triol (2R,3S)-Catechin (2R,3S)-catechin (2R-trans)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-1-Benzopyran-3,5,7-triol 290.26810 C15H14O6 CAS:154-23-4 CHEBI:10862 CHEBI:15600 CHEBI:18 CHEBI:18443 Cianidanol Cyanidanol D-Catechin HMDB:HMDB02780 InChI=1S/C15H14O6/c16-8-4-11(18)9-6-13(20)15(21-14(9)5-8)7-1-2-10(17)12(19)3-7/h1-5,13,15-20H,6H2/t13-,15+/m0/s1 KEGG:C06562 KNApSAcK:C00000947 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12020001 MetaCyc:CPD-1961 O[C@H]1Cc2c(O)cc(O)cc2O[C@@H]1c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PDBeChem:KXN PFTAWBLQPZVEMU-DZGCQCFKSA-N PMID:10617953 PMID:11196148 PMID:1502708 PMID:8224433 PMID:9438556 Reaxys:92761 The (+)-enantiomer of catechin and a polyphenolic antioxidant plant metabolite. Wikipedia:Catechin catechuic acid chebi_ontology (6aR,11aR)-3,9-dihydroxypterocarpan (6AR,11AR)-3,9-dihydroxypterocarpan (6aR,11aR)-3,9-Dihydroxypterocarpan (6aR,11aR)-3,9-dihydroxypterocarpan (6aR,11aR)-6a,11a-dihydro-6H-benzo[4,5]furo[3,2-c]chromene-3,9-diol (6aR-cis)-6a,11a-Dihydro-6H-benzofuro(3,2-c)(1)benzopyran-3,9-diol 256.25338 A pterocarpan that has formula C15H12O4. C15H12O4 CAS:61135-91-9 CHEBI:10934 CHEBI:15648 CHEBI:18599 CHEBI:259 InChI=1S/C15H12O4/c16-8-2-4-11-13(5-8)18-7-12-10-3-1-9(17)6-14(10)19-15(11)12/h1-6,12,15-17H,7H2/t12-,15-/m0/s1 KEGG:C04271 ODMIEGVTNZNSLD-WFASDCNBSA-N [H][C@@]12COc3cc(O)ccc3[C@]1([H])Oc1cc(O)ccc21 chebi_ontology 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid (+)-Tartaric acid (2R,3R)-Tartaric acid (R,R)-Tartrate 150.08684 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid 2,3-dihydroxysuccinic acid A tetraric acid that is butanedioic acid substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 2 and 3. C4H6O6 CAS:87-69-4 CHEBI:15674 CHEBI:9404 FEWJPZIEWOKRBE-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:27021 InChI=1S/C4H6O6/c5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10/h1-2,5-6H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) KEGG:C00898 KEGG:D00103 KNApSAcK:C00001206 L-Tartaric acid OC(C(O)C(O)=O)C(O)=O Reaxys:510169 Tartaric acid Wikipedia:Tartaric_Acid chebi_ontology aldose 90.07790 Aldehydic parent sugars (polyhydroxy aldehydes H[CH(OH)]nC(=O)H, n >= 2) and their intramolecular hemiacetals. Aldose C2H4O2(CH2O)n CHEBI:13755 CHEBI:15693 CHEBI:22305 CHEBI:2561 KEGG:C01370 Wikipedia:Aldose aldoses an aldose chebi_ontology L-alpha-amino acid 74.05870 Any alpha-amino acid having L-configuration at the alpha-carbon. C2H4NO2R CHEBI:13072 CHEBI:13243 CHEBI:13797 CHEBI:15705 CHEBI:21224 CHEBI:6175 KEGG:C00151 L-2-Amino acid L-Amino acid L-alpha-amino acid L-alpha-amino acids L-alpha-amino acids N[C@@H]([*])C(O)=O chebi_ontology primary alcohol 1-Alcohol 31.03390 A primary alcohol is a compound in which a hydroxy group, -OH, is attached to a saturated carbon atom which has either three hydrogen atoms attached to it or only one other carbon atom and two hydrogen atoms attached to it. CH3OR CHEBI:13676 CHEBI:14887 CHEBI:15734 CHEBI:26262 CHEBI:57489 CHEBI:8406 KEGG:C00226 Primary alcohol [H]C([H])(O)[*] a primary alcohol chebi_ontology primary alcohols formate 45.01744 A monocarboxylic acid anion that is the conjugate base of formic acid. Induces severe metabolic acidosis and ocular injury in human subjects. BDAGIHXWWSANSR-UHFFFAOYSA-M Beilstein:1901205 CAS:71-47-6 CHEBI:14276 CHEBI:15740 CHEBI:24081 CHO2 Gmelin:1006 HCO2 anion HMDB:HMDB00142 InChI=1S/CH2O2/c2-1-3/h1H,(H,2,3)/p-1 KEGG:C00058 MetaCyc:FORMATE PMID:17190852 PMID:3946945 Reaxys:1901205 UM-BBD_compID:c0106 Wikipedia:Formate [H]C([O-])=O aminate chebi_ontology formate formiate formic acid, ion(1-) formylate hydrogen carboxylate methanoate succinic acid 1,2-ethanedicarboxylic acid 118.08800 An alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid resulting from the formal oxidation of each of the terminal methyl groups of butane to the corresponding carboxy group. It is an intermediate metabolite in the citric acid cycle. Beilstein:1754069 Bernsteinsaeure Butandisaeure Butanedionic acid C4H6O4 CAS:110-15-6 CHEBI:15741 CHEBI:22943 CHEBI:26807 CHEBI:45639 CHEBI:9304 Dihydrofumaric acid DrugBank:DB00139 E363 ECMDB:ECMDB00254 Ethylenesuccinic acid Gmelin:2785 HMDB:HMDB00254 HOOC-CH2-CH2-COOH InChI=1S/C4H6O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8) KDYFGRWQOYBRFD-UHFFFAOYSA-N KEGG:C00042 KNApSAcK:C00001205 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01170043 MetaCyc:SUC OC(=O)CCC(O)=O PDBeChem:SIN PMID:17439666 Reaxys:1754069 SUCCINIC ACID Succinic acid Wikipedia:Succinic_acid YMDB:YMDB00338 acide butanedioique acide succinique acidum succinicum amber acid asuccin butanedioic acid chebi_ontology spirit of amber succinic acid hexadecanoic acid 1-Pentadecanecarboxylic acid 1-hexyldecanoic acid 16:00 256.42410 A straight-chain, sixteen-carbon, saturated long-chain fatty acid. Beilstein:607489 C16 C16 fatty acid C16:0 C16H32O2 CAS:57-10-3 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]14-COOH CHEBI:14730 CHEBI:15756 CHEBI:233028 CHEBI:24540 CHEBI:24541 CHEBI:24542 CHEBI:24550 CHEBI:29889 CHEBI:35978 CHEBI:44952 DrugBank:DB03796 Gmelin:190200 HMDB:HMDB00220 Hexadecanoate Hexadecylic acid Hexaectylic acid IPCSVZSSVZVIGE-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C16H32O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16(17)18/h2-15H2,1H3,(H,17,18) KEGG:C00249 KEGG:D05341 KNApSAcK:C00001233 KNApSAcK:C00030479 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010001 MetaCyc:PALMITATE PALMITIC ACID PDBeChem:PLM PMID:12492626 PMID:15357969 PMID:1589452 PMID:16509590 PMID:16884313 PMID:17439666 PMID:17502136 PMID:20001317 PMID:22735334 Palmitate Palmitic acid Palmitinic acid Palmitinsaeure Pentadecanecarboxylic acid Reaxys:607489 Wikipedia:Palmitic_acid cetylic acid chebi_ontology hexadecanoic acid hexadecoic acid n-hexadecanoic acid n-hexadecoic acid palmitic acid loganin 1-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-1,4a,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-6-hydroxy-7-methylcyclopenta[c]pyran-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester 390.38234 AGR:IND500719365 AMBQHHVBBHTQBF-UOUCRYGSSA-N An iridoid monoterpenoid isolated from the plant species of the genus Cornus. C17H26O10 CAS:18524-94-2 CHEBI:14525 CHEBI:15771 CHEBI:25069 CHEBI:6513 InChI=1S/C17H26O10/c1-6-9(19)3-7-8(15(23)24-2)5-25-16(11(6)7)27-17-14(22)13(21)12(20)10(4-18)26-17/h5-7,9-14,16-22H,3-4H2,1-2H3/t6-,7+,9-,10+,11+,12+,13-,14+,16-,17-/m0/s1 KEGG:C01433 KNApSAcK:C00003088 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102070001 Loganin MetaCyc:LOGANIN PMID:19666019 PMID:22931211 Reaxys:55724 Wikipedia:Loganin [H][C@]12C[C@H](O)[C@H](C)[C@@]1([H])[C@@H](OC=C2C(=O)OC)O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O chebi_ontology loganin methyl (1S,4aS,6S,7R,7aS)-1-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-6-hydroxy-7-methyl-1,4a,5,6,7,7a-hexahydrocyclopenta[c]pyran-4-carboxylate malonate(2-) (-)OOC-CH2-COO(-) 102.04558 A dicarboxylic acid dianion obtained by the deprotonation of the carboxy groups of malonic acid. Beilstein:3904386 C3H2O4 CAS:156-80-9 CHEBI:14563 CHEBI:15792 CHEBI:25130 CHEBI:44151 DrugBank:DB02201 Gmelin:141932 InChI=1S/C3H4O4/c4-2(5)1-3(6)7/h1H2,(H,4,5)(H,6,7)/p-2 KEGG:C00383 MALONATE ION OFOBLEOULBTSOW-UHFFFAOYSA-L PDBeChem:MLI Reaxys:3904386 [O-]C(=O)CC([O-])=O chebi_ontology malo malonate malonic acid, ion(2-) propanedioate propanedioic acid, ion(2-) luteolin 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4-benzopyrone 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one 286.23630 3',4',5,7-Tetrahydroxyflavone 5,7,3',4'-Tetrahydroxyflavone A 3'-hydroxyflavonoid which is thought to play an important role in the human body as an antioxidant, a free radical scavenger, an agent in the prevention of inflammation, a promoter of carbohydrate metabolism, and an immune system modulator. C15H10O6 CAS:491-70-3 CHEBI:12082 CHEBI:14536 CHEBI:15864 CHEBI:25086 CHEBI:6578 HMDB:HMDB05800 IQPNAANSBPBGFQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C15H10O6/c16-8-4-11(19)15-12(20)6-13(21-14(15)5-8)7-1-2-9(17)10(18)3-7/h1-6,16-19H KEGG:C01514 KNApSAcK:C00000674 LINCS:LSM-5229 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12110006 Luteolin Luteolol MetaCyc:5734-TETRAHYDROXYFLAVONE Oc1cc(O)c2c(c1)oc(cc2=O)-c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PMID:18946424 PMID:18991571 PMID:21899269 PMID:22749133 PMID:23035972 PMID:23229294 Reaxys:292084 Salifazide Wikipedia:Luteolin chebi_ontology digitoflavone flacitran sterol 3-hydroxysteroids A 3-hydroxy steroid closely related to cholestan-3-ol. CHEBI:13688 CHEBI:15114 CHEBI:15889 CHEBI:26771 CHEBI:9266 KEGG:C00370 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMST01 Sterol chebi_ontology sterol sterols 5,6-dihydrouracil 114.10272 2,4(1H,3H)-Pyrimidinedione, dihydro- 2,4-Dioxotetrahydropyrimidine 5,6-Dihydro-2,4-dihydroxypyrimidine 5,6-Dihydrouracil 5,6-dihydrouracil A pyrimidine obtained by formal addition of hydrogen across the 5,6-position of uracil. Beilstein:112496 Beilstein:1851498 C4H6N2O2 CAS:504-07-4 CHEBI:12078 CHEBI:15901 CHEBI:19360 CHEBI:1999 CHEBI:20511 CHEBI:42107 CHEBI:921 DIHYDROPYRIMIDINE-2,4(1H,3H)-DIONE Dihydro-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione Dihydrouracil Dihydrouracile HMDB:HMDB00076 Hydrouracil InChI=1S/C4H6N2O2/c7-3-1-2-5-4(8)6-3/h1-2H2,(H2,5,6,7,8) KEGG:C00429 MetaCyc:DI-H-URACIL O=C1CCNC(=O)N1 OIVLITBTBDPEFK-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:DUC PMID:15724255 PMID:18619742 PMID:20926004 PMID:22770225 Reaxys:112496 Wikipedia:Dihydrouracil chebi_ontology dihydropyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione beta-D-glucose 180.15588 BETA-D-GLUCOSE Beilstein:1281607 C6H12O6 CAS:492-61-5 CHEBI:10397 CHEBI:12373 CHEBI:15903 CHEBI:22795 CHEBI:41140 D-Glucopyranose with beta configuration at the anomeric centre. DrugBank:DB02379 Gmelin:648637 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 KEGG:C00221 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O PDBeChem:BGC PMID:19443021 PMID:25568069 Reaxys:1281607 WQZGKKKJIJFFOK-VFUOTHLCSA-N beta-D-Glucose beta-D-glucopyranose beta-D-glucose chebi_ontology long-chain fatty acid A fatty acid with a chain length ranging from C13 to C22. CHEBI:13655 CHEBI:14529 CHEBI:15904 CHEBI:25075 CHEBI:6528 CHO2R Higher fatty acid KEGG:C00638 LCFA LCFAs Long-chain fatty acid OC([*])=O chebi_ontology long-chain fatty acids nicotinic acid 123.10944 3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid 3-Pyridylcarboxylic acid 3-carboxypyridine A pyridinemonocarboxylic acid that is pyridine in which the hydrogen at position 3 is replaced by a carboxy group. Beilstein:109591 C6H5NO2 CAS:59-67-6 CHEBI:15940 CHEBI:25538 CHEBI:44319 CHEBI:7559 DrugBank:DB00627 Gmelin:3340 HMDB:HMDB01488 InChI=1S/C6H5NO2/c8-6(9)5-2-1-3-7-4-5/h1-4H,(H,8,9) KEGG:C00253 KEGG:D00049 KNApSAcK:C00000208 LINCS:LSM-4676 MetaCyc:NIACINE NICOTINIC ACID Niacin Nicotinic acid Nikotinsaeure OC(=O)c1cccnc1 P.P. factor PDBeChem:NIO PMID:12563315 PMID:12789870 PMID:15037193 PMID:15183629 PMID:15205990 PMID:15311728 PMID:15627518 PMID:16018787 PMID:16172771 PMID:16400392 PMID:16449845 PMID:16767301 PMID:16877271 PMID:16945375 PMID:18037924 PMID:18993152 PMID:18996527 PMID:19369827 PMID:19592242 PMID:19678716 PMID:19779335 PMID:20979384 PMID:21632263 PMID:22116693 PMID:22155410 PMID:22229411 PMID:22366213 PMID:22458880 PMID:22770225 PMID:24568240 PMID:24675661 PMID:24848081 PMID:24975217 PMID:25040591 PMID:25241762 PMID:25429652 PMID:4259917 PP factor PVNIIMVLHYAWGP-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:109591 Wikipedia:Niacin acide nicotinique acido nicotinico acidum nicotinicum anti-pellagra vitamin beta-pyridinecarboxylic acid chebi_ontology m-pyridinecarboxylic acid nicotinic acid nicotinic acid pellagra preventive factor pyridine-3-carboxylic acid pyridine-beta-carboxylic acid vitamin B3 (R)-lactate (2R)-2-hydroxypropanoate (R)-lactate 89.07000 An optically active form of lactate having (R)-configuration. Beilstein:4655978 C3H5O3 CHEBI:11001 CHEBI:16004 CHEBI:18684 C[C@@H](O)C([O-])=O D-2-hydroxypropanoate D-2-hydroxypropionate D-lactate Gmelin:362716 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/p-1/t2-/m1/s1 JVTAAEKCZFNVCJ-UWTATZPHSA-M KEGG:C00256 MetaCyc:D-LACTATE Reaxys:4655978 chebi_ontology ethylbenzene 106.16500 Aethylbenzol An alkylbenzene carrying an ethyl substituent. It is a constituent of coal tar and petroleum. Beilstein:1901871 C8H10 CAS:100-41-4 CCc1ccccc1 CHEBI:14229 CHEBI:16101 CHEBI:23999 CHEBI:45136 CHEBI:4898 DrugBank:DB01722 Ethylbenzene Ethylbenzol Ethylenzene Gmelin:2990 HMDB:HMDB59905 InChI=1S/C8H10/c1-2-8-6-4-3-5-7-8/h3-7H,2H2,1H3 KEGG:C07111 MetaCyc:ETHYLBENZENE PHENYLETHANE Phenylethane Reaxys:1901871 UM-BBD_compID:c0116 Wikipedia:Ethylbenzene YNQLUTRBYVCPMQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N alpha-methyltoluene chebi_ontology ethylbenzene chlorogenic acid 3-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)quinic acid 3-Caffeoylquinic acid 3-O-Caffeoylquinic acid 354.30870 5-O-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)-L-quinic acid A cinnamate ester obtained by formal condensation of the carboxy group of trans-caffeic acid with the 3-hydroxy group of quinic acid. It is an intermediate metabolite in the biosynthesis of lignin. C16H18O9 CAS:327-97-9 CHEBI:13972 CHEBI:16112 CHEBI:23145 CHEBI:3625 CWVRJTMFETXNAD-JUHZACGLSA-N Caffeoyl quinic acid Chlorogenate Chlorogenic acid HMDB:HMDB03164 InChI=1S/C16H18O9/c17-9-3-1-8(5-10(9)18)2-4-13(20)25-12-7-16(24,15(22)23)6-11(19)14(12)21/h1-5,11-12,14,17-19,21,24H,6-7H2,(H,22,23)/b4-2+/t11-,12-,14-,16+/m1/s1 KEGG:C00852 KNApSAcK:C00002724 MetaCyc:CAFFEOYLQUINATE O[C@@H]1C[C@](O)(C[C@@H](OC(=O)\C=C\c2ccc(O)c(O)c2)[C@@H]1O)C(O)=O PMID:16507475 PMID:22770225 Reaxys:2017157 Wikipedia:Chlorogenic_acid [1S-(1alpha,3beta,4alpha,5alpha)]3-[[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-propenyl]oxy]-1,4,5-trihydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid chebi_ontology edit(1S,3R,4R,5R)-3-{[(2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoyl]oxy}-1,4,5-trihydroxycyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid trans-5-O-Caffeoyl-D-quinate cholesterol (3beta,14beta,17alpha)-cholest-5-en-3-ol 386.65350 A cholestanoid consisting of cholestane having a double bond at the 5,6-position as well as a 3beta-hydroxy group. Beilstein:2060565 C27H46O CAS:57-88-5 CC(C)CCC[C@@H](C)[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CC=C4C[C@@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@H]3CC[C@]12C CHEBI:13982 CHEBI:16113 CHEBI:23204 CHEBI:3659 CHEBI:41564 CHOLESTEROL Cholest-5-en-3beta-ol Cholesterin Cholesterol DrugBank:DB04540 Gmelin:550297 HMDB:HMDB00067 HVYWMOMLDIMFJA-DPAQBDIFSA-N InChI=1S/C27H46O/c1-18(2)7-6-8-19(3)23-11-12-24-22-10-9-20-17-21(28)13-15-26(20,4)25(22)14-16-27(23,24)5/h9,18-19,21-25,28H,6-8,10-17H2,1-5H3/t19-,21+,22+,23-,24+,25+,26+,27-/m1/s1 KEGG:C00187 KEGG:D00040 KNApSAcK:C00003648 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01010001 MetaCyc:CHOLESTEROL PDBeChem:CLR PMID:10901445 PMID:11412894 PMID:16341241 PMID:24287311 PMID:25308664 PMID:25451949 PMID:25522988 PMID:25658343 PMID:25977713 PMID:4696527 PMID:8838010 Reaxys:2060565 Wikipedia:Cholesterol chebi_ontology cholest-5-en-3beta-ol cholesterol shikimic acid (3R,4S,5R)-3,4,5-trihydroxycyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylic acid 174.15130 3,4,5-Trihydroxy-1-cyclohexenecarboxylic acid 3alpha,4alpha,5beta-trihydroxy-1-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid A cyclohexenecarboxylic acid that is cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylic acid substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 3, 4 and 5 (the 3R,4S,5R stereoisomer). It is an intermediate metabolite in plants and microorganisms. Beilstein:2210055 C7H10O5 CAS:138-59-0 CHEBI:16119 CHEBI:26662 CHEBI:26664 CHEBI:45740 CHEBI:9133 HMDB:HMDB03070 InChI=1S/C7H10O5/c8-4-1-3(7(11)12)2-5(9)6(4)10/h1,4-6,8-10H,2H2,(H,11,12)/t4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 JXOHGGNKMLTUBP-HSUXUTPPSA-N KEGG:C00493 KNApSAcK:C00001203 L-shikimic acid O[C@@H]1CC(=C[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O)C(O)=O PDBeChem:SKM PMID:24190737 PMID:24628944 PMID:24783849 PMID:24836188 PMID:24894540 PMID:24981409 Reaxys:2210055 Shikimate Shikimic acid Wikipedia:Shikimic_acid [3R-(3alpha,4alpha,5beta)]-3,4,5-trihydroxy-1-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid chebi_ontology ammonia 17.03056 AMMONIA Ammonia Ammoniak An azane that consists of a single nitrogen atom covelently bonded to three hydrogen atoms. Beilstein:3587154 CAS:7664-41-7 CHEBI:13405 CHEBI:13406 CHEBI:13407 CHEBI:13771 CHEBI:16134 CHEBI:22533 CHEBI:44269 CHEBI:44284 CHEBI:44404 CHEBI:7434 Gmelin:79 H3N HMDB:HMDB00051 InChI=1S/H3N/h1H3 KEGG:C00014 KEGG:D02916 KNApSAcK:C00007267 MetaCyc:AMMONIA MolBase:930 NH3 PDBeChem:NH3 PMID:110589 PMID:11139349 PMID:11540049 PMID:11746427 PMID:11783653 PMID:13753780 PMID:14663195 PMID:15092448 PMID:15094021 PMID:15554424 PMID:15969015 PMID:16008360 PMID:16050680 PMID:16348008 PMID:16349403 PMID:16614889 PMID:16664306 PMID:16842901 PMID:17025297 PMID:17439666 PMID:17569513 PMID:17737668 PMID:18670398 PMID:22002069 PMID:22081570 PMID:22088435 PMID:22100291 PMID:22130175 PMID:22150211 PMID:22240068 PMID:22290316 PMID:22342082 PMID:22385337 PMID:22443779 PMID:22560242 QGZKDVFQNNGYKY-UHFFFAOYSA-N R-717 Reaxys:3587154 Wikipedia:Ammonia [H]N([H])[H] [NH3] ammonia ammoniac amoniaco azane chebi_ontology spirit of hartshorn heptadecane 240.46774 A straight-chain alkane with 17 carbon atoms. It is a component of essential oils from plants like Opuntia littoralis and Annona squamosa. Beilstein:1738898 C17H36 CAS:629-78-7 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]15-CH3 CHEBI:14393 CHEBI:16148 CHEBI:24511 CHEBI:5671 HMDB:HMDB59830 Heptadecane Heptadekan InChI=1S/C17H36/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-17H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C01816 KNApSAcK:C00030472 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA11000003 MetaCyc:HEPTADECANE-CPD NDJKXXJCMXVBJW-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:19296389 PMID:24354326 Reaxys:1738898 Wikipedia:Heptadecane chebi_ontology heptadecane n-heptadecane benzoate 121.11340 Beilstein:1862486 Benzenecarboxylate Benzeneformate Benzenemethanoate C7H5O2 CAS:766-76-7 CHEBI:13879 CHEBI:16150 CHEBI:22717 Gmelin:2945 HMDB:HMDB01870 InChI=1S/C7H6O2/c8-7(9)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5H,(H,8,9)/p-1 KEGG:C00180 MetaCyc:BENZOATE Phenylcarboxylate Phenylformate Reaxys:1862486 The simplest member of the class of benzoates that is the conjugate base of benzoic acid, comprising a benzoic acid core with a proton missing to give a charge of -1. UM-BBD_compID:c0121 WPYMKLBDIGXBTP-UHFFFAOYSA-M [O-]C(=O)c1ccccc1 benzoate benzoate anion benzoic acid, ion(1-) chebi_ontology retinyl ester 313.45380 A carboxylic ester obtained by formal condensation of the hydroxy group of retinol with the carboxy group of any carboxylic acid. C21H29O2R CC(=CCOC([*])=O)C=CC=C(C)C=CC1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C CHEBI:15039 CHEBI:16179 CHEBI:26540 CHEBI:8818 Retinyl ester chebi_ontology retinyl ester retinyl esters oleic acid (9Z)-Octadecenoic acid (9Z)-octadec-9-enoic acid (Z)-Octadec-9-enoic acid 18:1 n-9 18:1Delta9cis 282.46140 An octadec-9-enoic acid in which the double bond at C-9 has Z (cis) stereochemistry. Beilstein:1726542 C18:1 n-9 C18H34O2 CAS:112-80-1 CCCCCCCC\C=C/CCCCCCCC(O)=O CHEBI:104361 CHEBI:16196 CHEBI:25664 CHEBI:44741 CHEBI:7741 DrugBank:DB04224 ECMDB:ECMDB21348 Gmelin:109551 Gmelin:57556 HMDB:HMDB00207 InChI=1S/C18H34O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h9-10H,2-8,11-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20)/b10-9- KEGG:C00712 KEGG:D02315 KNApSAcK:C00001232 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01030002 OLEIC ACID Octadec-9-enoic acid Oelsaeure Oleate Oleic acid PDBeChem:OLA PMID:11304127 PMID:15325315 PMID:15723125 PMID:18772370 PMID:19761868 PMID:23844805 PMID:24819471 PMID:25794012 PMID:5332408 PMID:6205897 Reaxys:1726542 Wikipedia:Oleic_acid ZQPPMHVWECSIRJ-KTKRTIGZSA-N chebi_ontology cis-9-octadecenoic acid cis-Delta(9)-octadecenoic acid cis-oleic acid ethanol 1-hydroxyethane 46.06844 A primary alcohol that is ethane in which one of the hydrogens is substituted by a hydroxy group. Aethanol Aethylalkohol Alkohol Beilstein:1718733 C2H5OH C2H6O CAS:64-17-5 CCO CHEBI:14222 CHEBI:16236 CHEBI:23978 CHEBI:30878 CHEBI:30880 CHEBI:42377 CHEBI:44594 CHEBI:4879 Dehydrated ethanol DrugBank:DB00898 ETHANOL EtOH Ethanol Ethyl alcohol Gmelin:787 HMDB:HMDB00108 InChI=1S/C2H6O/c1-2-3/h3H,2H2,1H3 KEGG:C00469 KEGG:D00068 KEGG:D06542 KNApSAcK:C00019560 LFQSCWFLJHTTHZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N MetaCyc:ETOH Methylcarbinol MolBase:858 MolBase:859 PDBeChem:EOH PDBeChem:OHE PMID:11046114 PMID:11090978 PMID:11198720 PMID:11200745 PMID:11262320 PMID:11303910 PMID:11333032 PMID:11505026 PMID:11590970 PMID:11728426 PMID:11750186 PMID:11754521 PMID:11810019 PMID:11826039 PMID:11981228 PMID:12824058 PMID:12829422 PMID:12888778 PMID:12946583 PMID:14674846 PMID:15019421 PMID:15239123 PMID:15285839 PMID:15464411 PMID:15465973 PMID:15749123 PMID:15900217 PMID:15902919 PMID:16084479 PMID:16133132 PMID:16352430 PMID:16390872 PMID:16737463 PMID:16891664 PMID:16934862 PMID:17043811 PMID:17190852 PMID:17663926 PMID:17687877 PMID:18095657 PMID:18249266 PMID:18320157 PMID:18347649 PMID:18408978 PMID:18411066 PMID:18456322 PMID:18513832 PMID:18922656 PMID:18925476 PMID:19280886 PMID:19359288 PMID:19384566 PMID:19458312 PMID:19851413 PMID:19901811 PMID:21600756 PMID:21762181 PMID:21881875 PMID:21967628 PMID:22019193 PMID:22222864 PMID:22261437 PMID:22286266 PMID:22306018 PMID:22331491 PMID:22336593 Reaxys:1718733 UM-BBD_compID:c0038 Wikipedia:Ethanol [CH2Me(OH)] [OEtH] alcohol alcohol etilico alcool ethylique chebi_ontology etanol ethanol hydroxyethane spiritus vini quercetin 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one 3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavone 3,5,7,3',4'-PENTAHYDROXYFLAVONE 3,5,7,3',4'-Pentahydroxyflavone 302.23570 A pentahydroxyflavone having the five hydroxy groups placed at the 3-, 3'-, 4'-, 5- and 7-positions. Beilstein:317313 C15H10O7 CAS:117-39-5 CHEBI:11704 CHEBI:14991 CHEBI:16243 CHEBI:26472 CHEBI:45280 CHEBI:8696 DrugBank:DB04216 Gmelin:579210 HMDB:HMDB05794 InChI=1S/C15H10O7/c16-7-4-10(19)12-11(5-7)22-15(14(21)13(12)20)6-1-2-8(17)9(18)3-6/h1-5,16-19,21H KEGG:C00389 KNApSAcK:C00004631 LINCS:LSM-4199 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12110004 MetaCyc:CPD-520 Oc1cc(O)c2c(c1)oc(-c1ccc(O)c(O)c1)c(O)c2=O PDBeChem:QUE PMID:18549926 PMID:18564899 PMID:18579649 PMID:22920589 PMID:23342112 PMID:23359794 Patent:KR20120121684 Patent:US2013012577 Quercetin REFJWTPEDVJJIY-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:317313 Wikipedia:Quercetin chebi_ontology sophoretin xanthaurine phospholipid A lipid containing phosphoric acid as a mono- or di-ester. The term encompasses phosphatidic acids and phosphoglycerides. C5H6O8PR3 CHEBI:14816 CHEBI:16247 CHEBI:26063 CHEBI:8150 KEGG:C00865 Phospholipid chebi_ontology phospholipid derivative phospholipids adenosine (2R,3R,4S,5R)-2-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-5-(hydroxymethyl)oxolane-3,4-diol 267.24152 6-Amino-9-beta-D-ribofuranosyl-9H-purine 9-beta-D-Ribofuranosidoadenine 9-beta-D-Ribofuranosyl-9H-purin-6-amine 9-beta-D-ribofuranosyl-9H-purin-6-amine A ribonucleoside composed of a molecule of adenine attached to a ribofuranose moiety via a beta-N(9)-glycosidic bond. ADENOSINE Ade-Rib Adenine Deoxyribonucleoside Adenocard Adenocor Adenoscan Adenosin Adenosine Adenyldeoxyriboside Ado Beilstein:93029 C10H13N5O4 CAS:58-61-7 CHEBI:13734 CHEBI:16335 CHEBI:22237 CHEBI:2472 CHEBI:40558 CHEBI:40825 CHEBI:40906 Deoxyadenosine Desoxyadenosine DrugBank:DB00640 ECMDB:ECMDB00050 Gmelin:53385 HMDB:HMDB00050 InChI=1S/C10H13N5O4/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(18)6(17)4(1-16)19-10/h2-4,6-7,10,16-18H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 KEGG:C00212 KEGG:D00045 KNApSAcK:C00007444 LINCS:LSM-28568 MetaCyc:ADENOSINE Nc1ncnc2n(cnc12)[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O OIRDTQYFTABQOQ-KQYNXXCUSA-N PDBeChem:ADN PMID:11213237 PMID:11820865 PMID:11978011 PMID:16183671 PMID:16917093 PMID:17190852 PMID:18000974 PMID:323854 Reaxys:93029 Wikipedia:Adenosine YMDB:YMDB00058 adenosine beta-D-Adenosine chebi_ontology D-threonine (2R,3S)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid 119.11920 AYFVYJQAPQTCCC-STHAYSLISA-N An optically active form of threonine having D-configuration. Beilstein:1721643 Beilstein:4656043 C4H9NO3 CAS:632-20-2 CHEBI:13027 CHEBI:16398 CHEBI:21107 CHEBI:42146 CHEBI:42196 CHEBI:42224 CHEBI:4254 CHEBI:45935 CHEBI:45990 C[C@H](O)[C@@H](N)C(O)=O D-2-Amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid D-THREONINE D-Threonin D-Threonine D-threonine DTH DrugBank:DB03700 ECMDB:ECMDB21519 Gmelin:874136 HMDB:HMDB13775 InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t2-,3+/m0/s1 KEGG:C00820 PDBeChem:DTH PMID:15375647 PMID:17081141 PMID:22176976 Reaxys:1721643 YMDB:YMDB00802 chebi_ontology trans-caffeic acid (2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid 180.15740 3,4-Dihydroxy-trans-cinnamate 3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic acid 3,4-dihydroxy-trans-cinnamate Beilstein:1954563 C9H8O4 CAFFEIC ACID CAS:331-39-5 CAS:501-16-6 CHEBI:11691 CHEBI:11692 CHEBI:12870 CHEBI:1379 CHEBI:16433 CHEBI:19877 CHEBI:41964 Caffeic acid HMDB:HMDB01964 InChI=1S/C9H8O4/c10-7-3-1-6(5-8(7)11)2-4-9(12)13/h1-5,10-11H,(H,12,13)/b4-2+ KEGG:C01197 KEGG:C01481 KNApSAcK:C00000615 OC(=O)\C=C\c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PDBeChem:DHC QAIPRVGONGVQAS-DUXPYHPUSA-N Reaxys:1954563 The trans-isomer of caffeic acid. Wikipedia:Caffeic_acid chebi_ontology trans-Caffeate trans-caffeate alanine 2-Aminopropanoic acid 2-Aminopropionic acid 2-aminopropanoic acid 89.09322 A ALA Alanin Alanine An alpha-amino acid that consists of propionic acid bearing an amino substituent at position 2. Beilstein:635807 C3H7NO2 CAS:302-72-7 CC(N)C(O)=O CHEBI:13748 CHEBI:16449 CHEBI:22277 CHEBI:2539 Gmelin:2449 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6) KEGG:C01401 PMID:17439666 PMID:22264337 QNAYBMKLOCPYGJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:635807 Wikipedia:Alanine alanina alanine chebi_ontology naphthalene 128.17052 An aromatic hydrocarbon comprising two fused benzene rings. It occurs in the essential oils of numerous plant species e.g. magnolia. Beilstein:1421310 C10H8 CAS:91-20-3 CHEBI:14638 CHEBI:16482 CHEBI:25469 CHEBI:44619 CHEBI:7472 Gmelin:3347 HMDB:HMDB29751 InChI=1S/C10H8/c1-2-6-10-8-4-3-7-9(10)5-1/h1-8H KEGG:C00829 KNApSAcK:C00001259 MetaCyc:NAPHTHALENE NAPHTHALENE Naphthalen Naphthalene Naphthalin PDBeChem:NPY PMID:10814889 PMID:11202734 PMID:16220979 PMID:16699520 PMID:17850896 PMID:26875834 PMID:26895256 PMID:27439360 Reaxys:1421310 UFWIBTONFRDIAS-UHFFFAOYSA-N UM-BBD_compID:c0333 Wikipedia:Naphthalene c1ccc2ccccc2c1 chebi_ontology naftaleno naftalina naphtalene naphtaline naphthalene spermidine 1,5,10-triazadecane 145.24598 4-azaoctamethylenediamine 4-azaoctane-1,8-diamine A triamine that is the 1,5,10-triaza derivative of decane. ATHGHQPFGPMSJY-UHFFFAOYSA-N Beilstein:1698591 C7H19N3 CAS:124-20-9 CHEBI:15095 CHEBI:15097 CHEBI:16610 CHEBI:26732 CHEBI:26733 CHEBI:45647 CHEBI:9218 DrugBank:DB03566 Gmelin:454510 HMDB:HMDB01257 InChI=1S/C7H19N3/c8-4-1-2-6-10-7-3-5-9/h10H,1-9H2 KEGG:C00315 KNApSAcK:C00001431 LINCS:LSM-37075 MetaCyc:SPERMIDINE N-(3-Aminopropyl)-1,4-butane-diamine N-(3-aminopropyl)butane-1,4-diamine NCCCCNCCCN PDBeChem:SPD PMID:22770225 Reaxys:1698591 SPERMIDINE Spermidin Spermidine Wikipedia:Spermidine chebi_ontology vanillate 167.13878 4-HYDROXY-3-METHOXYBENZOATE 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoate A methoxybenzoate that is the conjugate base of vanillic acid. Beilstein:6504377 C8H7O4 CHEBI:15301 CHEBI:16632 CHEBI:27277 CHEBI:46315 COc1cc(ccc1O)C([O-])=O DrugBank:DB08711 InChI=1S/C8H8O4/c1-12-7-4-5(8(10)11)2-3-6(7)9/h2-4,9H,1H3,(H,10,11)/p-1 KEGG:C06672 PDBeChem:VNL Reaxys:6504377 UM-BBD_compID:c0194 WKOLLVMJNQIZCI-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology vanillate D-abequosyl-D-mannosyl-rhamnosyl-D-galactose-1-diphospholipid 3,6-dideoxy-D-xylo-hexosyl-D-mannosyl-rhamnosyl-D-galactose 1-diphospholipid CHEBI:12898 CHEBI:16640 CHEBI:22142 CHEBI:4085 C[C@H]1O[C@H](O[C@H]2[C@H](O)[C@@H](CO)O[C@H](O[C@H]3[C@H](C)O[C@@H](O[C@H]4[C@@H](O)[C@@H](CO)O[C@H](OP(O)(=O)OP(O)(=O)OC\C=C(\C)CC\C=C(\C)CC\C=C(\C)CC\C=C(\C)CC\C=C(\C)CC\C=C(\C)CC\C=C(\C)CC\C=C(\C)CC\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CCC=C(C)C)[C@@H]4O)[C@H](O)[C@@H]3O)[C@H]2O)[C@H](O)C[C@H]1O D-Abequosyl-D-mannosyl-rhamnosyl-D-galactose-1-diphospholipid D-abequosyl-D-mannosyl-rhamnosyl-D-galactose-1-diphospholipid InChI=1S/C79H132O24P2/c1-50(2)25-15-26-51(3)27-16-28-52(4)29-17-30-53(5)31-18-32-54(6)33-19-34-55(7)35-20-36-56(8)37-21-38-57(9)39-22-40-58(10)41-23-42-59(11)43-24-44-60(12)45-46-94-104(90,91)103-105(92,93)102-79-72(89)75(68(85)66(49-81)98-79)101-77-70(87)69(86)73(62(14)96-77)99-78-71(88)74(67(84)65(48-80)97-78)100-76-64(83)47-63(82)61(13)95-76/h25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,45,61-89H,15-24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46-49H2,1-14H3,(H,90,91)(H,92,93)/b51-27+,52-29+,53-31-,54-33-,55-35-,56-37-,57-39-,58-41-,59-43-,60-45-/t61-,62+,63-,64-,65-,66-,67-,68+,69+,70-,71+,72-,73+,74+,75+,76-,77+,78-,79-/m1/s1 KEGG:C04808 PTVYOHQZLXNCIG-IXAGMXAFSA-N abequosyl-D-mannosyl-rhamnosyl-D-galactose 1-diphospholipid chebi_ontology carbohydrate Any member of the class of organooxygen compounds that is a polyhydroxy-aldehyde or -ketone or a lactol resulting from their intramolecular condensation (monosaccharides); substances derived from these by reduction of the carbonyl group (alditols), by oxidation of one or more hydroxy groups to afford the corresponding aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids, or by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by a hydrogen atom; and polymeric products arising by intermolecular acetal formation between two or more such molecules (disaccharides, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides). Carbohydrates contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms; prior to any oxidation or reduction, most have the empirical formula Cm(H2O)n. Compounds obtained from carbohydrates by substitution, etc., are known as carbohydrate derivatives and may contain other elements. Cyclitols are generally not regarded as carbohydrates. CHEBI:15131 CHEBI:16646 CHEBI:23008 CHEBI:9318 Kohlenhydrat Kohlenhydrate Wikipedia:Carbohydrate carbohidrato carbohidratos carbohydrate carbohydrates chebi_ontology glucide glucides glucido glucidos hydrates de carbone saccharide saccharides saccharidum (S)-lactate (+)-lactate (2S)-2-hydroxypropanoate (S)-lactate 89.07000 An optically active form of lactate having (S)-configuration. Beilstein:4655977 C3H5O3 CHEBI:11065 CHEBI:12411 CHEBI:16651 CHEBI:18783 C[C@H](O)C([O-])=O Gmelin:324523 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/p-1/t2-/m0/s1 JVTAAEKCZFNVCJ-REOHCLBHSA-M KEGG:C00186 L(+)-lactate L-(+)-lactate L-lactate MetaCyc:L-LACTATE Reaxys:4655977 UM-BBD_compID:c0152 chebi_ontology nucleoside 5'-phosphate 196.09510 A ribosyl or deoxyribosyl derivative of a pyrimidine or purine base in which C-5 of the ribose ring is mono-, di-, tri- or tetra-phosphorylated. C5H9O6PR2 CHEBI:14674 CHEBI:16701 CHEBI:25603 CHEBI:7650 KEGG:C01117 Nucleoside 5'-phosphate O[C@H]1[C@@H]([*])[C@H]([*])O[C@@H]1COP(O)(O)=O chebi_ontology nucleoside 5'-phosphates uridine 1-beta-D-ribofuranosylpyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione 1-beta-D-ribofuranosyluracil 244.20146 A ribonucleoside composed of a molecule of uracil attached to a ribofuranose moiety via a beta-N(1)-glycosidic bond. Beilstein:754904 C9H12N2O6 CAS:58-96-8 CHEBI:15296 CHEBI:16704 CHEBI:27227 CHEBI:46386 CHEBI:46391 CHEBI:46460 CHEBI:9893 DRTQHJPVMGBUCF-XVFCMESISA-N DrugBank:DB02745 ECMDB:ECMDB00296 Gmelin:397474 HMDB:HMDB00296 InChI=1S/C9H12N2O6/c12-3-4-6(14)7(15)8(17-4)11-2-1-5(13)10-9(11)16/h1-2,4,6-8,12,14-15H,3H2,(H,10,13,16)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 KEGG:C00299 KNApSAcK:C00019674 MetaCyc:URIDINE OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1O)n1ccc(=O)[nH]c1=O PDBeChem:URI PMID:12084455 PMID:15621516 PMID:16839635 PMID:17190852 PMID:22392515 PMID:22770225 Reaxys:754904 URIDINE Urd Uridin Uridine Wikipedia:Uridine YMDB:YMDB00127 beta-Uridine chebi_ontology u uridine adenine 135.12690 6-Aminopurine 9H-purin-6-amine A ADENINE Ade Adenin Adenine Beilstein:608603 C5H5N5 CAS:73-24-5 CHEBI:13733 CHEBI:16708 CHEBI:22236 CHEBI:2470 CHEBI:40579 DrugBank:DB00173 GFFGJBXGBJISGV-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:3903 HMDB:HMDB00034 InChI=1S/C5H5N5/c6-4-3-5(9-1-7-3)10-2-8-4/h1-2H,(H3,6,7,8,9,10) KEGG:C00147 KEGG:D00034 KNApSAcK:C00001490 MetaCyc:ADENINE Nc1ncnc2[nH]cnc12 PDBeChem:ADE PMID:17439666 PMID:8070089 Reaxys:608603 The parent compound of the 6-aminopurines, composed of a purine having an amino group at C-6. Wikipedia:Adenine adenine chebi_ontology benzene 78.11184 A six-carbon aromatic annulene in which each carbon atom donates one of its two 2p electrons into a delocalised pi system. A toxic, flammable liquid byproduct of coal distillation, it is used as an industrial solvent. Benzene is a carcinogen that also damages bone marrow and the central nervous system. BENZENE Beilstein:969212 Benzen Benzene Benzine Benzol Bicarburet of hydrogen C6H6 CAS:71-43-2 CHEBI:13876 CHEBI:16716 CHEBI:22703 CHEBI:3025 CHEBI:41187 Coal naphtha Gmelin:1671 HMDB:HMDB01505 InChI=1S/C6H6/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6H KEGG:C01407 Mineral naphtha PDBeChem:BNZ PMID:11684179 PMID:11993966 PMID:12857942 PMID:14677922 PMID:15468289 PMID:15935818 PMID:16161967 PMID:17373369 PMID:18072742 PMID:18407866 PMID:18409691 PMID:18836923 PMID:19228219 PMID:21325737 PMID:23088855 PMID:23222815 PMID:23534829 PMID:6353911 PMID:8124204 Phene Pyrobenzol Pyrobenzole Reaxys:969212 UHOVQNZJYSORNB-UHFFFAOYSA-N UM-BBD_compID:c0142 Wikipedia:Benzene [6]annulene benzene benzole c1ccccc1 chebi_ontology cyclohexatriene phenyl hydride D-alpha-amino acid 74.05870 C2H4NO2R CHEBI:12909 CHEBI:13625 CHEBI:16733 CHEBI:20906 CHEBI:4097 D-Amino acid D-alpha-amino acid D-alpha-amino acids D-alpha-amino acids KEGG:C00405 N[C@H]([*])C(O)=O chebi_ontology 2-furoate 111.07610 A furancarboxylate that is the conjugate base of 2-furoic acid. Beilstein:1366018 C5H3O3 CHEBI:11577 CHEBI:16739 CHEBI:19582 Gmelin:326316 InChI=1S/C5H4O3/c6-5(7)4-2-1-3-8-4/h1-3H,(H,6,7)/p-1 KEGG:C01546 SMNDYUVBFMFKNZ-UHFFFAOYSA-M [O-]C(=O)c1ccco1 chebi_ontology furan-2-carboxylate ADP 427.20110 5'-adenylphosphoric acid A purine ribonucleoside 5'-diphosphate having adenine as the nucleobase. ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE ADP Adenosine 5'-diphosphate Beilstein:67722 C10H15N5O10P2 CAS:20398-34-9 CAS:58-64-0 CHEBI:13222 CHEBI:16761 CHEBI:22244 CHEBI:2342 CHEBI:40553 COMe:MOL000173 DrugBank:DB03431 Gmelin:88452 H3adp InChI=1S/C10H15N5O10P2/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(24-10)1-23-27(21,22)25-26(18,19)20/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H,21,22)(H2,11,12,13)(H2,18,19,20)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 KEGG:C00008 KEGG:G11113 KNApSAcK:C00019353 Nc1ncnc2n(cnc12)[C@@H]1O[C@H](COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(O)=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O PDBeChem:ADP PMID:16295522 Reaxys:67722 XTWYTFMLZFPYCI-KQYNXXCUSA-N adenosine 5'-(trihydrogen diphosphate) chebi_ontology tryptamine 160.21570 1H-indole-3-ethanamine 2-(1H-INDOL-3-YL)ETHANAMINE 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethanamine 2-(3-indolyl)ethylamine 3-(2-Aminoethyl)indole APJYDQYYACXCRM-UHFFFAOYSA-N An aminoalkylindole consisting of indole having a 2-aminoethyl group at the 3-position. Beilstein:125513 C10H12N2 CAS:61-54-1 CHEBI:15274 CHEBI:16765 CHEBI:27161 CHEBI:46157 CHEBI:9767 DrugBank:DB08653 Gmelin:603448 HMDB:HMDB00303 InChI=1S/C10H12N2/c11-6-5-8-7-12-10-4-2-1-3-9(8)10/h1-4,7,12H,5-6,11H2 KEGG:C00398 KNApSAcK:C00001434 MetaCyc:TRYPTAMINE NCCc1c[nH]c2ccccc12 PDBeChem:TSS PMID:16126914 PMID:22770225 PMID:24345948 PMID:24558969 Reaxys:125513 Tryptamine Wikipedia:Tryptamine chebi_ontology melatonin 232.27830 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine A member of the class of acetamides that is acetamide in which one of the hydrogens attached to the nitrogen atom is replaced by a 2-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl group. It is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in humans. Beilstein:205542 C13H16N2O2 CAS:73-31-4 CHEBI:14577 CHEBI:16796 CHEBI:25180 CHEBI:6730 COc1ccc2[nH]cc(CCNC(C)=O)c2c1 DRLFMBDRBRZALE-UHFFFAOYSA-N DrugBank:DB01065 HMDB:HMDB01389 InChI=1S/C13H16N2O2/c1-9(16)14-6-5-10-8-15-13-4-3-11(17-2)7-12(10)13/h3-4,7-8,15H,5-6H2,1-2H3,(H,14,16) KEGG:C01598 KEGG:D08170 LINCS:LSM-4779 Melatonin MetaCyc:N-ACETYL-5-METHOXY-TRYPTAMINE N-Acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine N-[2-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl]acetamide N-[2-(5-methoxyindol-3-yl)ethyl]acetamide PDBeChem:ML1 PMID:16678784 PMID:18212404 PMID:18485664 Reaxys:205542 Wikipedia:Melatonin chebi_ontology melatonin melatonine 2-oxoglutarate(2-) 144.08226 2-ketoglutarate 2-oxoglutarate 2-oxopentanedioate 2-oxopentanedioic acid, ion(2-) An oxo dicarboxylate obtained by deprotonation of both carboxy groups of 2-oxoglutaric acid. Beilstein:3664503 C5H4O5 CAS:64-15-3 CHEBI:11638 CHEBI:16810 CHEBI:19748 Gmelin:602479 InChI=1S/C5H6O5/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/p-2 KEGG:C00026 KPGXRSRHYNQIFN-UHFFFAOYSA-L MetaCyc:2-KETOGLUTARATE PMID:11913971 PMID:15612731 PMID:17190852 PMID:19376872 PMID:21184277 PMID:21196226 PMID:21791173 Reaxys:3664503 [O-]C(=O)CCC(=O)C([O-])=O alpha-ketoglutarate chebi_ontology methionine 149.21238 2-Amino-4-(methylthio)butyric acid 2-amino-4-(methylsulfanyl)butanoic acid 2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid A sulfur-containing amino acid that is butyric acid bearing an amino substituent at position 2 and a methylthio substituent at position 4. Beilstein:636185 C5H11NO2S CAS:59-51-8 CHEBI:14590 CHEBI:16811 CHEBI:25229 CHEBI:6829 CSCCC(N)C(O)=O DL-Methionine FFEARJCKVFRZRR-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:3117 Hmet InChI=1S/C5H11NO2S/c1-9-3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h4H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8) KEGG:C01733 KEGG:D04983 M Met Methionin Methionine PMID:16702333 PMID:22264337 PMID:2543976 Racemethionine Reaxys:636185 UM-BBD_compID:c0094 Wikipedia:Methionine alpha-amino-gamma-methylmercaptobutyric acid chebi_ontology methionine metionina L-threonine (2S)-threonine (2S,3R)-(-)-Threonine (2S,3R)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid 119.11920 2-Amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid AYFVYJQAPQTCCC-GBXIJSLDSA-N An optically active form of threonine having L-configuration. Beilstein:1721646 C4H9NO3 CAS:72-19-5 CHEBI:13175 CHEBI:16857 CHEBI:21403 CHEBI:42083 CHEBI:45843 CHEBI:45983 CHEBI:6308 C[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)C(O)=O DrugBank:DB00156 ECMDB:ECMDB00167 Gmelin:82510 HMDB:HMDB00167 InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t2-,3+/m1/s1 KEGG:C00188 KEGG:D00041 KNApSAcK:C00001394 L-(-)-Threonine L-2-Amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid L-Threonin L-Threonine L-alpha-amino-beta-hydroxybutyric acid L-threonine PDBeChem:THR PMID:11964235 PMID:12523390 PMID:16659349 PMID:17379183 PMID:22289691 PMID:22342587 PMID:22513921 PMID:22770225 PMID:24671569 Reaxys:1721646 T THREONINE Thr UM-BBD_compID:c0413 Wikipedia:Threonine YMDB:YMDB00214 chebi_ontology nucleoside diphosphate 293.08240 C5H11O10P2R CHEBI:13401 CHEBI:13662 CHEBI:14675 CHEBI:16862 CHEBI:25606 CHEBI:7428 CHEBI:7652 KEGG:C00454 NDP Nucleoside diphosphate O[C@H]1[C@H]([*])O[C@H](COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(O)=O)[C@H]1O chebi_ontology nucleoside diphosphates gamma-aminobutyric acid 103.11980 4-Aminobutanoic acid 4-Aminobutyric acid 4-aminobutanoic acid 4-aminobutanoic acid 4-aminobutyric acid 4Abu A gamma-amino acid that is butanoic acid with the amino substituent located at C-4. BTCSSZJGUNDROE-UHFFFAOYSA-N Beilstein:906818 C4H9NO2 CAS:56-12-2 CHEBI:16865 CHEBI:1786 CHEBI:193777 CHEBI:20318 CHEBI:40483 DrugBank:DB02530 GABA GAMMA-AMINO-BUTANOIC ACID Gmelin:49775 HMDB:HMDB00112 InChI=1S/C4H9NO2/c5-3-1-2-4(6)7/h1-3,5H2,(H,6,7) KEGG:C00334 KEGG:D00058 KNApSAcK:C00001337 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01100039 MetaCyc:4-AMINO-BUTYRATE NCCCC(O)=O PDBeChem:ABU PMID:10630630 PMID:10930630 PMID:16276116 PMID:21614609 PMID:22770225 Reaxys:906818 Wikipedia:Gamma-Aminobutyric_acid chebi_ontology gamma-Aminobuttersaeure gamma-Aminobutyric acid gamma-amino-n-butyric acid gamma-aminobutanoic acid gamma-aminobutyric acid omega-aminobutyric acid piperidic acid piperidinic acid salicylic acid 138.12070 2-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID 2-carboxyphenol 2-hydroxybenzoic acid A monohydroxybenzoic acid that is benzoic acid with a hydroxy group at the ortho position. It is obtained from the bark of the white willow and wintergreen leaves. Beilstein:774890 C7H6O3 CAS:69-72-7 CHEBI:16914 CHEBI:26597 CHEBI:45521 CHEBI:9006 DrugBank:DB00936 Gmelin:3418 HMDB:HMDB01895 InChI=1S/C7H6O3/c8-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)7(9)10/h1-4,8H,(H,9,10) KEGG:C00805 KEGG:D00097 KNApSAcK:C00000206 LINCS:LSM-4763 MetaCyc:CPD-110 OC(=O)c1ccccc1O PDBeChem:SAL PMID:11016405 PMID:12865403 PMID:1650428 PMID:19400653 PMID:19816125 PMID:22770225 PMID:3425858 Reaxys:774890 Salicylic acid Wikipedia:Salicylic_Acid YGSDEFSMJLZEOE-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology o-Hydroxybenzoic acid o-carboxyphenol o-hydroxybenzoic acid gallate 169.11160 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate A trihydroxybenzoate that is the conjugate base of gallic acid. Beilstein:3907457 C7H5O5 CHEBI:11686 CHEBI:14291 CHEBI:16918 CHEBI:24178 Gmelin:328003 InChI=1S/C7H6O5/c8-4-1-3(7(11)12)2-5(9)6(4)10/h1-2,8-10H,(H,11,12)/p-1 KEGG:C01424 LNTHITQWFMADLM-UHFFFAOYSA-M MetaCyc:CPD-183 Oc1cc(cc(O)c1O)C([O-])=O Reaxys:3907457 UM-BBD_compID:c0006 chebi_ontology gallate ergosterol (22E)-ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3beta-ol (22E,24S)-24-methylcholesta-5,7,22-trien-3beta-ol 396.64836 A phytosterol consiting of ergostane having double bonds at the 5,6-, 7,8- and 22,23-positions as well as a 3beta-hydroxy group. Beilstein:2338604 C28H44O CAS:57-87-4 CHEBI:14214 CHEBI:16933 CHEBI:23942 CHEBI:42264 CHEBI:4825 DNVPQKQSNYMLRS-APGDWVJJSA-N DrugBank:DB04038 ERGOSTEROL Ergosterol InChI=1S/C28H44O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h7-10,18-20,22,24-26,29H,11-17H2,1-6H3/b8-7+/t19-,20+,22-,24+,25-,26-,27-,28+/m0/s1 KEGG:C01694 KNApSAcK:C00003652 KNApSAcK:C00023755 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01030093 PDBeChem:ERG Provitamin D2 Reaxys:2338604 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])C3=CC=C4C[C@@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)\C=C\[C@H](C)C(C)C chebi_ontology ergosterol citrate(3-) 189.09970 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate(3-) 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, ion(3-) 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate 2-hydroxytricarballylate A tricarboxylic acid trianion, obtained by deprotonation of the three carboxy groups of citric acid. Beilstein:1884707 C6H5O7 CAS:126-44-3 CHEBI:13999 CHEBI:16947 CHEBI:23321 CHEBI:42563 CITRATE ANION Gmelin:4239 InChI=1S/C6H8O7/c7-3(8)1-6(13,5(11)12)2-4(9)10/h13H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/p-3 KEGG:C00158 KRKNYBCHXYNGOX-UHFFFAOYSA-K OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O PDBeChem:FLC Reaxys:1884707 chebi_ontology cit cit(3-) citrate geranial (2E)-3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal (E)-Citral (E)-Geranial 152.23340 A monoterpenoid that is (2E,6E)-octa-2,6-dienal substituted by methyl groups at positions 3 and 7. C10H16O CAS:141-27-5 CAS:5392-40-5 CC(C)=CCC\C(C)=C\C=O CHEBI:14296 CHEBI:16980 CHEBI:24218 CHEBI:5327 Geranial HMDB:HMDB35078 InChI=1S/C10H16O/c1-9(2)5-4-6-10(3)7-8-11/h5,7-8H,4,6H2,1-3H3/b10-7+ KEGG:C01499 KNApSAcK:C00003035 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102010003 MetaCyc:GERANIAL PMID:23938144 PMID:24682420 Reaxys:1721873 WTEVQBCEXWBHNA-JXMROGBWSA-N alpha-Citral chebi_ontology citral A geranial lemonal neral trans-Citral oxalic acid 90.03490 An alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid that is ethane substituted by carboxyl groups at positions 1 and 2. Beilstein:385686 C2H2O4 CAS:144-62-7 CHEBI:16995 CHEBI:25730 CHEBI:44583 CHEBI:7811 DrugBank:DB03902 Ethandisaeure Ethanedioic acid Gmelin:2208 H2ox HMDB:HMDB02329 HOOCCOOH InChI=1S/C2H2O4/c3-1(4)2(5)6/h(H,3,4)(H,5,6) KEGG:C00209 KNApSAcK:C00001198 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01170031 MUBZPKHOEPUJKR-UHFFFAOYSA-N MetaCyc:OXALATE OC(=O)C(O)=O OXALIC ACID Oxalic acid Oxalsaeure PDBeChem:OXD PMID:15587083 PMID:22735334 Reaxys:385686 Wikipedia:Oxalic_acid chebi_ontology ethane-1,2-dioic acid oxalic acid propane-1,2-diol 1,2-Propanediol 1,2-Propylenglykol 1,2-dihydroxypropane 2-hydroxypropanol 76.09442 C3H8O2 CAS:57-55-6 CC(O)CO CH3CH(OH)CH2OH CHEBI:14899 CHEBI:16997 CHEBI:8469 DNIAPMSPPWPWGF-UHFFFAOYSA-N DrugBank:DB01839 HMDB:HMDB01881 HOCH2CH(OH)CH3 HOCH2CH(OH)Me InChI=1S/C3H8O2/c1-3(5)2-4/h3-5H,2H2,1H3 KEGG:C00583 KEGG:D00078 KNApSAcK:C00007410 LINCS:LSM-36856 MeCH(OH)CH2OH PMID:15665701 PMID:16078503 PMID:18346395 PMID:18845115 PMID:21616561 PPD Propane-1,2-diol Propylene glycol Reaxys:1340498 The simplest member of the class of propane-1,2-diols, consisting of propane in which a hydrogen at position 1 and a hydrogen at position 2 are substituted by hydroxy groups. A colourless, viscous, hygroscopic, low-melting (-59degreeC) and high-boiling (188degreeC) liquid with low toxicity, it is used as a solvent, emulsifying agent, and antifreeze. Wikipedia:Propylene_glycol alpha-propyleneglycol chebi_ontology isopropylene glycol methyl glycol methylethyl glycol methylethylene glycol monopropylene glycol propane-1,2-diol (+)-Cassythicine (+)-Cassythicine 325.359 An isoquinoline alkaloid that has formula C19H19NO4. C19H19NO4 CAS:5890-28-8 CHEBI:17 COc1cc-2c(C[C@@H]3N(C)CCc4cc5OCOc5c-2c34)cc1O InChI=1S/C19H19NO4/c1-20-4-3-10-7-16-19(24-9-23-16)18-12-8-15(22-2)14(21)6-11(12)5-13(20)17(10)18/h6-8,13,21H,3-5,9H2,1-2H3/t13-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09389 KNApSAcK:C00001834 MPWZJVCAMFAIGV-ZDUSSCGKSA-N chebi_ontology cholesterol ester 413.65570 C28H45O2R CHEBI:13983 CHEBI:17002 CHEBI:23205 CHEBI:3660 Cholesterol ester Cholesterol esterified at the 3-hydroxy group. KEGG:C02530 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CC=C4C[C@H](CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)OC([*])=O)[C@H](C)CCCC(C)C a cholesterol ester chebi_ontology cholesterol esters octadecanal 268.47784 An alpha-CH2-containing aldehyde that has formula C18H36O. C18H36O CAS:638-66-4 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC=O CHEBI:14679 CHEBI:17034 CHEBI:25628 CHEBI:7722 FWWQKRXKHIRPJY-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C18H36O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19/h18H,2-17H2,1H3 KEGG:C01838 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA06000098 Octadecanal chebi_ontology octadecanal stearaldehyde L-aspartic acid (2S)-2-aminobutanedioic acid (S)-2-aminobutanedioic acid (S)-2-aminosuccinic acid 133.10270 2-Aminosuccinic acid ASPARTIC ACID Asp Beilstein:1723530 C4H7NO4 CAS:56-84-8 CHEBI:17053 CHEBI:21247 CHEBI:40853 CHEBI:40900 CHEBI:40913 CHEBI:40942 CHEBI:6193 CKLJMWTZIZZHCS-REOHCLBHSA-N D DrugBank:DB00128 ECMDB:ECMDB00191 Gmelin:3333 HMDB:HMDB00191 InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 KEGG:C00049 KEGG:D00013 KNApSAcK:C00001342 L-Asparaginsaeure L-Aspartic acid L-aspartic acid MetaCyc:L-ASPARTATE N[C@@H](CC(O)=O)C(O)=O PDBeChem:ASP PMID:11568288 PMID:21359215 PMID:22770225 Reaxys:1723530 The L-enantiomer of aspartic acid. YMDB:YMDB00896 chebi_ontology ketone A compound in which a carbonyl group is bonded to two carbon atoms: R2C=O (neither R may be H). CHEBI:13427 CHEBI:13646 CHEBI:17087 CHEBI:24974 CHEBI:6127 CHEBI:8742 COR2 KEGG:C01450 Keton Ketone R-CO-R' Wikipedia:Ketone [*]C([*])=O a ketone cetone chebi_ontology ketones ketones erythritol (2R,3S)-butane-1,2,3,4-tetrol 122.11980 Beilstein:1719753 C4H10O4 CAS:149-32-6 CHEBI:14215 CHEBI:17113 CHEBI:23946 CHEBI:372804 CHEBI:44263 CHEBI:4840 DrugBank:DB04481 Erythrit Erythrite Erythritol Erythrol Gmelin:82499 HMDB:HMDB02994 InChI=1S/C4H10O4/c5-1-3(7)4(8)2-6/h3-8H,1-2H2/t3-,4+ KEGG:C00503 KNApSAcK:C00001161 L-erythritol MESO-ERYTHRITOL MetaCyc:ERYTHRITOL OC[C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO PDBeChem:MRY PMID:12639570 PMID:163226 PMID:16901854 PMID:17336832 PMID:17979222 PMID:18369603 PMID:19632091 PMID:22770225 PMID:23421980 PMID:23574577 PMID:23890177 PMID:9862657 Phycite Phycitol Reaxys:1735878 The meso-diastereomer of butane-1,2,3,4-tetrol. UNXHWFMMPAWVPI-ZXZARUISSA-N Wikipedia:Erythritol chebi_ontology erythritol erythro-tetritol meso-erythritol mesoerythritol hexanoate 1-hexanoate 1-pentacarboxylate 1-pentanecarboxylate 115.15034 A short-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of hexanoic acid (also known as caproic acid). Beilstein:3601453 C6H11O2 CAS:151-33-7 CCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]4-COO(-) CHEBI:14398 CHEBI:17120 CHEBI:24569 ECMDB:ECMDB21229 FUZZWVXGSFPDMH-UHFFFAOYSA-M Gmelin:326340 InChI=1S/C6H12O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6(7)8/h2-5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/p-1 KEGG:C01585 MetaCyc:HEXANOATE butylacetate caproate capronate chebi_ontology hexanoate hexoate hexylate n-caproate n-hexanoate n-hexoate n-hexylate nPnCO2 anion pentanecarboxylate pentylformate long-chain fatty alcohol 17.00730 A fatty alcohol with a chain length of C13 or greater. CHEBI:14527 CHEBI:17135 CHEBI:6524 CHEBI:73312 HOR KEGG:C00339 Long-chain alcohol O[*] PMID:19155068 PMID:22436224 PMID:22444994 a long chain fatty alcohol chebi_ontology long chain fatty alcohol long chain fatty alcohols long-chain alcohols long-chain fatty alcohols benzaldehyde 106.12190 An arenecarbaldehyde that consists of benzene bearing a single formyl substituent; the simplest aromatic aldehyde and parent of the class of benzaldehydes. Artificial almond oil Benzaldehyde Benzanoaldehyde Benzene carbaldehyde Benzene carboxaldehyde Benzenecarbonal Benzenecarboxaldehyde Benzenemethylal Benzoic acid aldehyde Benzoic aldehyde Benzylaldehyde C7H6O CAS:100-52-7 CHEBI:13875 CHEBI:17169 CHEBI:22697 CHEBI:3019 Ethereal oil of bitter almonds HMDB:HMDB06115 HUMNYLRZRPPJDN-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C7H6O/c8-6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-6H KEGG:C00193 KEGG:C00261 KEGG:D02314 MetaCyc:BENZALDEHYDE O=Cc1ccccc1 PDBeChem:HBX PMID:11943806 PMID:12692643 PMID:12738275 PMID:12746108 PMID:1388821 PMID:15087594 PMID:15658857 PMID:16248550 PMID:16508147 PMID:16557466 PMID:18348134 PMID:20733068 PMID:20878540 PMID:21035797 PMID:21538605 PMID:21773601 PMID:21828928 PMID:23263855 Phenylformaldehyde Phenylmethanal Reaxys:471223 Synthetic oil of bitter almond UM-BBD_compID:c0279 Wikipedia:Benzaldehyde benzaldehyde chebi_ontology cinnamyl alcohol 134.17510 3-Phenyl-2-propen-1-ol 3-phenyl-2-propen-1-ol 3-phenylprop-2-en-1-ol A primary alcohol comprising an allyl core with a hydroxy substituent at the 1-position and a phenyl substituent at the 3-position (geometry of the C=C bond unspecified). Beilstein:1903999 C9H10O CAS:104-54-1 CHEBI:13996 CHEBI:17177 CHEBI:23254 CHEBI:23255 CHEBI:3714 Cinnamyl alcohol Gmelin:27238 HMDB:HMDB29697 InChI=1S/C9H10O/c10-8-4-7-9-5-2-1-3-6-9/h1-7,10H,8H2 KEGG:C02394 KNApSAcK:C00042390 MetaCyc:CINNAMYL-ALC OCC=Cc1ccccc1 OOCCDEMITAIZTP-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:23421457 PMID:24190481 Reaxys:1903999 Styrylcarbinol Wikipedia:Cinnamyl_alcohol Zimtalcohol chebi_ontology cinnamyl alcohol pinene C10H16 CHEBI:14839 CHEBI:17187 CHEBI:26134 CHEBI:8215 KEGG:C06077 Pinene chebi_ontology nucleoside 5'-monophosphate C5H10O7PR CHEBI:14676 CHEBI:17188 CHEBI:25607 CHEBI:7439 CHEBI:7653 CHEBI:7654 KEGG:C01329 KEGG:C02520 NMP Nucleoside monophosphate Nucleoside phosphate O[C@H]1[C@H]([*])O[C@H](COP(O)(O)=O)[C@H]1O chebi_ontology nucleoside monophosphate nucleoside monophosphates salutaridine 327.37438 4-hydroxy-3,6-dimethoxy-17-methyl-5,6,8,14-tetradehydromorphinan-7-one 5,6,8,14-Tetradehydro-4-hydroxy-3,6-dimethoxy-17-methyl-morphinan-7-one A morphinane alkaloid from the opium poppy, in which the 5,6,8,14-tetradehydromorphinan-7-one skeleton is substituted at position 4 by a hydroxyl group, positions 3 and 6 by methoxy groups and position N17 by a methyl group. An intermediate in the biosynthesis of narcotic analgesics such as morphine and codeine. Beilstein:1630083 Beilstein:4788633 C19H21NO4 CAS:1936-18-1 CHEBI:15062 CHEBI:17225 CHEBI:26598 CHEBI:9015 COC1=C[C@]23CCN(C)[C@H](Cc4ccc(OC)c(O)c24)C3=CC1=O GVTRUVGBZQJVTF-YJYMSZOUSA-N InChI=1S/C19H21NO4/c1-20-7-6-19-10-16(24-3)14(21)9-12(19)13(20)8-11-4-5-15(23-2)18(22)17(11)19/h4-5,9-10,13,22H,6-8H2,1-3H3/t13-,19+/m1/s1 KEGG:C05179 KNApSAcK:C00001916 PMID:17226487 PMID:17611928 Reaxys:1630083 Salutaridine Sinoacutine Wikipedia:Salutaridine chebi_ontology glucose 180.15588 An aldohexose used as a source of energy and metabolic intermediate. C6H12O6 CAS:50-99-7 CHEBI:14313 CHEBI:17234 CHEBI:24277 CHEBI:33929 CHEBI:5418 DL-glucose Glc Glucose Glukose KEGG:C00293 Wikipedia:Glucose chebi_ontology gluco-hexose glucose 7H-purine 120.11222 7H-purine Beilstein:3200 C5H4N4 CHEBI:14968 CHEBI:17258 CHEBI:8639 Gmelin:601779 HMDB:HMDB01366 InChI=1S/C5H4N4/c1-4-5(8-2-6-1)9-3-7-4/h1-3H,(H,6,7,8,9) KDCGOANMDULRCW-UHFFFAOYSA-N KEGG:C15587 Purine Purine base Reaxys:3200 The 7H-tautomer of purine. c1ncc2[nH]cnc2n1 chebi_ontology purine myo-inositol (1r,2R,3S,4s,5R,6S)-cyclohexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol 1,2,3,4,5,6-HEXAHYDROXY-CYCLOHEXANE 1,2,3,5/4,6-cyclohexanehexol 180.15588 1D-myo-Inositol 1L-myo-Inositol An inositol having myo- configuration. Beilstein:1907329 Bios I C6H12O6 CAS:87-89-8 CDAISMWEOUEBRE-GPIVLXJGSA-N CHEBI:10601 CHEBI:12826 CHEBI:12831 CHEBI:17268 CHEBI:25451 CHEBI:43559 Cyclohexitol D-myo-Inositol Dambose DrugBank:DB03106 Gmelin:82918 HMDB:HMDB00211 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9/h1-12H/t1-,2-,3-,4+,5-,6- Inositol Ins KEGG:C00137 KEGG:D08079 KNApSAcK:C00001164 L-myo-Inositol Meat sugar MetaCyc:MYO-INOSITOL Myoinositol O[C@H]1[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O PDBeChem:INS PMID:11034685 PMID:11244303 PMID:11323092 PMID:11772411 PMID:12478879 PMID:12832083 PMID:14583919 PMID:14681857 PMID:15181167 PMID:15295080 PMID:15558078 PMID:16410747 PMID:1694860 PMID:17439666 PMID:17722064 PMID:18650262 PMID:18854045 PMID:19097871 PMID:19383710 PMID:22285975 PMID:22461977 PMID:22517104 PMID:838172 Reaxys:1907329 Wikipedia:Inositol chebi_ontology cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol i-inositol inosite meso-Inositol myo-Inositol myo-inositol propionate 73.07060 Beilstein:3587503 C3H5O2 CAS:72-03-7 CCC([O-])=O CH3-CH2-COO(-) CHEBI:14903 CHEBI:17272 CHEBI:26290 EtCO2 anion Gmelin:1820 InChI=1S/C3H6O2/c1-2-3(4)5/h2H2,1H3,(H,4,5)/p-1 KEGG:C00163 PMID:17951291 PMID:18375549 PMID:2647392 The conjugate base of propionic acid; a key precursor in lipid biosynthesis. UM-BBD_compID:c0277 XBDQKXXYIPTUBI-UHFFFAOYSA-M carboxylatoethane chebi_ontology ethanecarboxylate ethylformate metacetonate methylacetate propanate propanoate propanoate propanoic acid, ion(1-) propionate pseudoacetate pectin Any mixture of complex, colloidal, macromolecular plant galacturonans containing a large proportion of D-galactopyranosyluronic acid residues in alpha-(1->4) linkage, the carboxy groups of which may be esterified to varying degrees by methyl groups or be partially or completely converted into salts. The structure shown is that of the parent polygalacturonan. CAS:9000-69-5 CHEBI:14741 CHEBI:17309 CHEBI:26180 CHEBI:7946 H2O(C6H8O6)n HMDB:HMDB03402 KEGG:C00714 KEGG:D02316 KEGG:G10591 MetaCyc:PECTATE PMID:17930085 PMID:24751282 PMID:24798790 PMID:7960137 Pectin Pektin Pektine Poly(1,4-alpha-D-galacturonide) Reaxys:8539058 Wikipedia:Pectin chebi_ontology pectic substance pectina pectinas pectine pectines pectins poly[(1->4)-alpha-D-GalpA] all-trans-retinol (2E,4E,6E,8E)-3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl)nona-2,4,6,8-tetraen-1-ol 286.45160 A retinol in which all four exocyclic double bonds have E- (trans-) geometry. Alphalin Beilstein:403040 C20H30O CAS:11103-57-4 CAS:68-26-8 CC(\C=C\C=C(C)\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=C/CO CHEBI:12783 CHEBI:17336 CHEBI:22349 CHEBI:8816 Chocola A DrugBank:DB00162 FPIPGXGPPPQFEQ-OVSJKPMPSA-N Gmelin:247497 InChI=1S/C20H30O/c1-16(8-6-9-17(2)13-15-21)11-12-19-18(3)10-7-14-20(19,4)5/h6,8-9,11-13,21H,7,10,14-15H2,1-5H3/b9-6+,12-11+,16-8+,17-13+ KEGG:C00473 KEGG:C17276 KEGG:D00069 KEGG:D06543 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR01090000 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR01090001 PDBeChem:RTL Retinol Vitamin A Vitamin A1 Wikipedia:Vitamin_A all-trans-Retinol all-trans-retinol all-trans-retinyl alcohol all-trans-vitamin A alcohol chebi_ontology linoleic acid (9Z,12Z)-Octadecadienoic acid (9Z,12Z)-octadeca-9,12-dienoic acid (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid 280.44550 9-cis,12-cis-Octadecadienoic acid 9Z,12Z-octadecadienoic acid An octadecadienoic acid in which the two double bonds are at positions 9 and 12 and have Z (cis) stereochemistry. Beilstein:1727101 C18:2 9c, 12c omega6 todos cis-9,12-octadienoico C18:2, n-6,9 all-cis C18H32O2 CAS:60-33-3 CCCCC\C=C/C\C=C/CCCCCCCC(O)=O CHEBI:17351 CHEBI:25047 CHEBI:42395 CHEBI:6479 Gmelin:57557 HMDB:HMDB00673 InChI=1S/C18H32O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h6-7,9-10H,2-5,8,11-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20)/b7-6-,10-9- KEGG:C01595 KNApSAcK:C00001224 LA LINOLEIC ACID LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01030120 Linoleic acid MetaCyc:LINOLEIC_ACID OYHQOLUKZRVURQ-HZJYTTRNSA-N PDBeChem:EIC PMID:11113630 PMID:11304127 PMID:11322990 PMID:14667063 PMID:14993245 PMID:15115315 PMID:15642793 PMID:15969511 PMID:16254037 PMID:16563718 PMID:17647039 PMID:18044828 PMID:18990554 PMID:19628674 PMID:19936816 PMID:23900039 PMID:24081493 PMID:6205897 Reaxys:1727101 Wikipedia:Linoleic_acid acide cis-linoleique acide linoleique acido linoleico all-cis-9,12-octadecadienoic acid chebi_ontology cis,cis-9,12-octadecadienoic acid cis,cis-linoleic acid cis-Delta(9,12)-octadecadienoic acid linolic acid D-aspartic acid (2R)-2-aminobutanedioic acid (R)-2-aminobutanedioic acid (R)-2-aminosuccinic acid 133.10270 Beilstein:1723529 C4H7NO4 CAS:1783-96-6 CHEBI:17364 CHEBI:20920 CHEBI:4108 CKLJMWTZIZZHCS-UWTATZPHSA-N D-Asparaginsaeure D-Aspartic acid D-aspartic acid DAS DrugBank:DB02655 Gmelin:602084 HMDB:HMDB06483 InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t2-/m1/s1 KEGG:C00402 MetaCyc:CPD-302 N[C@H](CC(O)=O)C(O)=O PDBeChem:DAS PMID:11419736 PMID:17118457 PMID:17407322 PMID:18318836 PMID:19860889 Reaxys:1723529 The D-enantiomer of aspartic acid. aspartic acid D-form chebi_ontology cystine 240.30256 3,3'-disulfanediylbis(2-aminopropanoic acid) 3,3'-dithiobis(2-aminopropanoic acid) A sulfur-containing amino acid obtained by the oxidation of two cysteine molecules which are then linked via a disulfide bond. Beilstein:1728091 C6H12N2O4S2 CAS:923-32-0 CHEBI:14062 CHEBI:17376 CHEBI:23513 CHEBI:4052 Cystin Cystine Dicysteine Gmelin:83347 InChI=1S/C6H12N2O4S2/c7-3(5(9)10)1-13-14-2-4(8)6(11)12/h3-4H,1-2,7-8H2,(H,9,10)(H,11,12) KEGG:C01420 LEVWYRKDKASIDU-UHFFFAOYSA-N NC(CSSCC(N)C(O)=O)C(O)=O PMID:18608550 PMID:24327171 PMID:24525029 PMID:24525030 Reaxys:1728091 Wikipedia:Cystine Zystin alpha-Diamino-beta-dithiolactic acid chebi_ontology cistina cystine bergaptol 202.16294 4-hydroxy-7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one 5-Hydroxyfuranocoumarin 5-Hydroxypsoralen A 5-hydroxyfurocoumarin that has formula C11H6O4. Bergaptol C11H6O4 CAS:486-60-2 CHEBI:12136 CHEBI:13894 CHEBI:17377 CHEBI:22755 CHEBI:22756 CHEBI:3068 GIJHDGJRTUSBJR-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C11H6O4/c12-10-2-1-6-9(15-10)5-8-7(11(6)13)3-4-14-8/h1-5,13H KEGG:C00758 KNApSAcK:C00000581 Oc1c2ccoc2cc2oc(=O)ccc12 chebi_ontology geraniol (2E)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol (2E)-3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol (E)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol (E)-geraniol (E)-nerol 154.24932 2-trans-3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol 3,7-dimethyl-trans-2,6-octadien-1-ol A monoterpenoid consisting of two prenyl units linked head-to-tail and functionalised with a hydroxy group at its tail end. Beilstein:1722456 C10H18O CAS:106-24-1 CC(C)=CCC\C(C)=C\CO CHEBI:14297 CHEBI:17447 CHEBI:24219 CHEBI:5329 GLZPCOQZEFWAFX-JXMROGBWSA-N Geraniol Gmelin:185248 InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-9(2)5-4-6-10(3)7-8-11/h5,7,11H,4,6,8H2,1-3H3/b10-7+ KEGG:C01500 KNApSAcK:C00000845 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102010016 PMID:18824010 PMID:20573166 PMID:23102596 PMID:23108028 PMID:23168261 PMID:23200656 PMID:23399806 PMID:23415329 PMID:23499697 PMID:23510343 Wikipedia:Geraniol chebi_ontology geraniol geranyl alcohol lemonol t-geraniol trans-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol trans-geraniol aldehyde 29.01800 A compound RC(=O)H, in which a carbonyl group is bonded to one hydrogen atom and to one R group. Aldehyd Aldehyde CHEBI:13432 CHEBI:13753 CHEBI:13805 CHEBI:13806 CHEBI:17478 CHEBI:22291 CHEBI:2554 CHEBI:8750 CHOR KEGG:C00071 RC(=O)H RCHO [H]C([*])=O aldehido aldehidos aldehyde aldehydes aldehydes aldehydum an aldehyde chebi_ontology scopoletin 192.16810 6-Methoxy-7-hydroxycoumarin 6-Methylesculetin 6-O-Methylesculetin 7-Hydroxy-6-methoxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one 7-hydroxy-6-methoxy-2H-chromen-2-one 7-hydroxy-6-methoxycoumarin A hydroxycoumarin that is umbelliferone bearing a methoxy substituent at position 6. C10H8O4 CAS:92-61-5 CHEBI:15067 CHEBI:17488 CHEBI:210840 CHEBI:26611 CHEBI:9057 COc1cc2ccc(=O)oc2cc1O InChI=1S/C10H8O4/c1-13-9-4-6-2-3-10(12)14-8(6)5-7(9)11/h2-5,11H,1H3 KEGG:C01752 KNApSAcK:C00002499 LINCS:LSM-6694 PMID:20686865 PMID:21078410 PMID:21163341 PMID:21383663 PMID:21417386 PMID:21544717 PMID:21598418 PMID:21604276 PMID:21605187 PMID:21657075 PMID:21751840 RODXRVNMMDRFIK-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:156296 Scopoletin chebi_ontology scopoletin (-)-quinic acid (-)-Quinic acid (1S,3R,4S,5R)-1,3,4,5-tetrahydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid 192.16658 1L-1(OH),3,4/5-tetrahydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid AAWZDTNXLSGCEK-WYWMIBKRSA-N Beilstein:2212412 C7H12O6 CAS:77-95-2 CHEBI:17521 CHEBI:26492 CHEBI:8715 Chinic acid D-Quinic acid HMDB:HMDB03072 InChI=1S/C7H12O6/c8-3-1-7(13,6(11)12)2-4(9)5(3)10/h3-5,8-10,13H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,4-,5-,7+/m1/s1 KEGG:C00296 KNApSAcK:C00001201 Kinic acid L-Quinic acid MetaCyc:QUINATE O[C@@H]1C[C@@](O)(C[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O)C(O)=O PDBeChem:QIC PMID:15589483 PMID:22770225 Quinic acid Reaxys:2212412 The (-)-enantiomer of quinic acid. Wikipedia:Quinic_acid chebi_ontology alditol (CH2O)nC2H6O2 A carbohydrate that is an acyclic polyol having the general formula HOCH2[CH(OH)]nCH2OH (formally derivable from an aldose by reduction of the carbonyl group). Alditol CHEBI:13754 CHEBI:17522 CHEBI:22298 CHEBI:2556 Glycitol KEGG:C00717 Sugar alcohol Wikipedia:Glycerin alditols chebi_ontology hydrogencarbonate 61.01684 Acid carbonate BICARBONATE ION BVKZGUZCCUSVTD-UHFFFAOYSA-M Beilstein:3903504 Bicarbonate CAS:71-52-3 CHEBI:13363 CHEBI:17544 CHEBI:22863 CHEBI:40961 CHEBI:5589 CHO3 Gmelin:49249 HCO3(-) HCO3- HMDB:HMDB00595 Hydrogencarbonate InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)/p-1 KEGG:C00288 OC([O-])=O PDBeChem:BCT The carbon oxoanion resulting from the removal of a proton from carbonic acid. [CO2(OH)](-) chebi_ontology hydrogen(trioxidocarbonate)(1-) hydrogencarbonate hydrogencarbonate(1-) hydrogentrioxocarbonate(1-) hydrogentrioxocarbonate(IV) hydroxidodioxidocarbonate(1-) quercitrin 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranoside 3,3',4',5,7-Pentahydroxyflavone-3-L-rhamnoside 3-((6-Deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)-oxy)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 448.37690 A quercetin O-glycoside that is quercetin substituted by a alpha-L-rhamnosyl moiety at position 3 via a glycosidic linkage. C21H20O11 CAS:522-12-3 CHEBI:132834 CHEBI:14996 CHEBI:17558 CHEBI:26485 CHEBI:8705 C[C@@H]1O[C@@H](Oc2c(oc3cc(O)cc(O)c3c2=O)-c2ccc(O)c(O)c2)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O HMDB:HMDB33751 InChI=1S/C21H20O11/c1-7-15(26)17(28)18(29)21(30-7)32-20-16(27)14-12(25)5-9(22)6-13(14)31-19(20)8-2-3-10(23)11(24)4-8/h2-7,15,17-18,21-26,28-29H,1H3/t7-,15-,17+,18+,21-/m0/s1 KEGG:C01750 KNApSAcK:C00005374 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12112171 MetaCyc:QUERCITRIN OXGUCUVFOIWWQJ-HQBVPOQASA-N PMID:10963295 PMID:11714358 PMID:11816040 PMID:12008093 PMID:15388977 PMID:15725651 PMID:16806328 PMID:17366733 PMID:19928818 PMID:21834636 PMID:22327179 PMID:22379948 PMID:23138875 PMID:23291772 Quercetin 3-L-rhamnoside Quercetin 3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside Quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside Quercimelin Quercitrin Quercitronic acid Quercitroside Reaxys:68135 Wikipedia:Quercitrin chebi_ontology luteolin 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranoside quercetin 3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside quercetin-3-L-rhamnoside phthalate(2-) 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate 164.11496 A phthalate that is the dianion obtained by the deprotonation of both the carboxy groups of phthalic acid. Beilstein:3906509 C8H4O4 CAS:3198-29-6 CHEBI:14831 CHEBI:17563 CHEBI:26090 Gmelin:3530 InChI=1S/C8H6O4/c9-7(10)5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8(11)12/h1-4H,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/p-2 KEGG:C01606 Reaxys:3906509 UM-BBD_compID:c0181 XNGIFLGASWRNHJ-UHFFFAOYSA-L [O-]C(=O)c1ccccc1C([O-])=O benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate chebi_ontology phthalate uracil 112.08684 2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione 2,4-Dioxopyrimidine 2,4-Pyrimidinedione A common and naturally occurring pyrimidine nucleobase in which the pyrimidine ring is substituted with two oxo groups at positions 2 and 4. Found in RNA, it base pairs with adenine and replaces thymine during DNA transcription. Beilstein:606623 C4H4N2O2 CAS:66-22-8 CHEBI:15288 CHEBI:17568 CHEBI:27210 CHEBI:46375 CHEBI:9882 DrugBank:DB03419 Gmelin:2896 HMDB:HMDB00300 ISAKRJDGNUQOIC-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C4H4N2O2/c7-3-1-2-5-4(8)6-3/h1-2H,(H2,5,6,7,8) KEGG:C00106 KEGG:D00027 KNApSAcK:C00001513 MetaCyc:URACIL O=c1cc[nH]c(=O)[nH]1 PDBeChem:URA PMID:11279060 PMID:12855717 PMID:15274295 PMID:16834123 PMID:17439666 PMID:18533995 PMID:18815805 PMID:19175333 PMID:22020693 PMID:22074393 PMID:22120518 PMID:22171528 PMID:22237209 PMID:22299724 PMID:22356544 PMID:22447672 PMID:22483865 PMID:22567906 PMID:22685418 PMID:3654008 Reaxys:606623 U URACIL Ura Uracil Urazil Wikipedia:Uracil chebi_ontology pyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione uracil toluene 92.13842 Beilstein:635760 C7H8 CAS:108-88-3 CHEBI:15248 CHEBI:17578 CHEBI:27022 CHEBI:44023 CHEBI:9624 Cc1ccccc1 DrugBank:DB01900 Gmelin:2456 InChI=1S/C7H8/c1-7-5-3-2-4-6-7/h2-6H,1H3 KEGG:C01455 PDBeChem:MBN PMID:11182169 PMID:11314682 PMID:11846266 PMID:11991009 PMID:12062755 PMID:12213539 PMID:12237258 PMID:12784113 PMID:12876426 PMID:14512097 PMID:14559343 PMID:14605898 PMID:15015825 PMID:15019953 PMID:15119846 PMID:15193425 PMID:15542760 PMID:15567510 PMID:15695158 PMID:15796064 PMID:16316648 PMID:16348226 PMID:16601996 PMID:17145141 PMID:17175136 PMID:17497535 PMID:17725881 PMID:18397809 PMID:18832024 PMID:19261054 PMID:19384711 PMID:19429395 PMID:19635754 PMID:19765629 PMID:19825861 PMID:19928203 PMID:19969016 PMID:20347282 PMID:20837561 PMID:21430649 PMID:21655021 PMID:21731073 PMID:21802510 PMID:21840036 Reaxys:635760 TOLUENE The simplest member of the class toluenes consisting of a benzene core which bears a single methyl substituent. Toluen Toluene Toluol UM-BBD_compID:c0114 Wikipedia:Toluene YXFVVABEGXRONW-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology methylbenzene phenylmethane toluene beta-carotene 1,1'-[(1E,3E,5E,7E,9E,11E,13E,15E,17E)-3,7,12,16-tetramethyloctadeca-1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17-nonaene-1,18-diyl]bis(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohexene) 536.87264 A cyclic carotene obtained by dimerisation of all-trans-retinol. A strongly-coloured red-orange pigment abundant in plants and fruit and the most active and important provitamin A carotenoid. BETA-CAROTENE Beilstein:1917416 C40H56 CAS:7235-40-7 CC(\C=C\C=C(C)\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C CHEBI:10355 CHEBI:12392 CHEBI:17579 CHEBI:22834 CHEBI:40987 COMe:MOL000093 HMDB:HMDB00561 InChI=1S/C40H56/c1-31(19-13-21-33(3)25-27-37-35(5)23-15-29-39(37,7)8)17-11-12-18-32(2)20-14-22-34(4)26-28-38-36(6)24-16-30-40(38,9)10/h11-14,17-22,25-28H,15-16,23-24,29-30H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,19-13+,20-14+,27-25+,28-26+,31-17+,32-18+,33-21+,34-22+ KEGG:C02094 KEGG:D03101 KNApSAcK:C00000919 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR01070000 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR01070001 MetaCyc:CPD1F-129 OENHQHLEOONYIE-JLTXGRSLSA-N PDBeChem:BCR PMID:11171227 PMID:11182771 PMID:11332447 PMID:11359610 PMID:11382814 PMID:11567548 PMID:11677037 PMID:11714348 PMID:11962062 PMID:12081834 PMID:12891827 PMID:14658721 PMID:14764912 PMID:14976384 PMID:14997360 PMID:15113067 PMID:15333155 PMID:15695449 PMID:15789045 PMID:15909543 PMID:15949680 PMID:15949683 PMID:16036331 PMID:16087476 PMID:16338959 PMID:16563447 PMID:17004738 PMID:17625873 PMID:17708644 PMID:17851775 PMID:18429004 PMID:18766464 PMID:18767554 PMID:18794175 PMID:19480350 PMID:19574250 PMID:19669835 PMID:19703237 PMID:19852884 PMID:19888275 PMID:19896667 PMID:19937581 PMID:20074992 PMID:20515074 PMID:22079732 PMID:22309480 PMID:22428124 PMID:22489215 PMID:22534340 PMID:22575730 Reaxys:1917416 Wikipedia:Beta_Carotene all-trans-beta-carotene beta,beta-carotene beta-Carotene beta-Karotin chebi_ontology linalool 154.24930 2,6-dimethylocta-2,7-dien-6-ol 3,7-Dimethylocta-1,6-dien-3-ol 3,7-dimethylocta-1,6-dien-3-ol A monoterpenoid that is octa-1,6-diene substituted by methyl groups at positions 3 and 7 and a hydroxy group at position 3. It has been isolated from plants like Ocimum canum. Beilstein:1362385 C10H18O CAS:78-70-6 CC(C)=CCCC(C)(O)C=C CDOSHBSSFJOMGT-UHFFFAOYSA-N CHEBI:11712 CHEBI:1417 CHEBI:17580 CHEBI:19917 Gmelin:406448 HMDB:HMDB36100 InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-5-10(4,11)8-6-7-9(2)3/h5,7,11H,1,6,8H2,2-4H3 KEGG:C03985 KNApSAcK:C00003047 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102010004 Linalool PMID:18695915 PMID:24570447 PMID:24758511 Reaxys:1362385 Wikipedia:Linalool beta-linalool chebi_ontology linalool linalyl alcohol D-aldohexose Any D-aldose having a chain of six carbon atoms in the molecule. C6H12O6 CHEBI:12990 CHEBI:17608 CHEBI:21038 D-aldohexose D-aldohexoses chebi_ontology ferulic acid (2E)-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid (E)-3-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-propenoic acid (E)-4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxycinnamic acid (E)-4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid (E)-Ferulic acid 194.18400 3-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propenoic acid 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-trans-cinnamic acid 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid A ferulic acid consisting of trans-cinnamic acid bearing methoxy and hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 4 respectively on the phenyl ring. C10H10O4 CAS:1135-24-6 CAS:537-98-4 CHEBI:14260 CHEBI:17620 CHEBI:24030 CHEBI:42445 CHEBI:5046 COc1cc(\C=C\C(O)=O)ccc1O Ferulic acid HMDB:HMDB00954 InChI=1S/C10H10O4/c1-14-9-6-7(2-4-8(9)11)3-5-10(12)13/h2-6,11H,1H3,(H,12,13)/b5-3+ KEGG:C01494 KNApSAcK:C00002743 KSEBMYQBYZTDHS-HWKANZROSA-N MetaCyc:FERULIC-ACID PDBeChem:FER PMID:11041377 PMID:11982438 PMID:12529986 PMID:15162367 PMID:15309442 PMID:16011737 PMID:16185284 PMID:18582080 PMID:18651237 PMID:18707110 PMID:18795822 PMID:19594750 PMID:8821508 Reaxys:1570363 Wikipedia:Ferulic_Acid chebi_ontology trans-4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid trans-Ferulic acid D-glucose 180.15588 A glucose with D-configuration. C6H12O6 CAS:50-99-7 CHEBI:12965 CHEBI:17634 CHEBI:20999 D(+)-glucose D-(+)-glucose D-gluco-hexose D-glucose Traubenzucker chebi_ontology dextrose grape sugar ribonucleoside diphosphate 293.083 C5H11O10P2R CHEBI:15046 CHEBI:17668 CHEBI:26557 CHEBI:8845 KEGG:C03723 Ribonucleoside diphosphate chebi_ontology ribonucleoside diphosphate ribonucleoside diphosphates coniferol (E)-coniferol 180.20048 4-(3-Hydroxy-1-propenyl)-2-methoxyphenol 4-(3-hydroxy-1-propenyl)-2-methoxyphenol 4-[(1E)-3-hydroxy-1-propenyl]-2-methoxyphenol 4-[(1E)-3-hydroxyprop-1-en-1-yl]-2-methoxyphenol A phenylpropanoid that is one of the main monolignols, produced by the reduction of the carboxy functional group in cinnamic acid and the addition of a hydroxy and a methoxy substituent to the aromatic ring. Beilstein:2048963 C10H12O3 CAS:458-35-5 CHEBI:14016 CHEBI:14017 CHEBI:17745 CHEBI:23371 CHEBI:3858 CHEBI:4730 COc1cc(\C=C\CO)ccc1O Coniferol Coniferyl alcohol InChI=1S/C10H12O3/c1-13-10-7-8(3-2-6-11)4-5-9(10)12/h2-5,7,11-12H,6H2,1H3/b3-2+ JMFRWRFFLBVWSI-NSCUHMNNSA-N KEGG:C00590 KNApSAcK:C00000614 PMID:11430982 PMID:11684179 PMID:20336005 PMID:22920542 PMID:23131896 PMID:23159486 PMID:23188459 PMID:23448127 PMID:23624856 PMID:23633600 PMID:23876147 PMID:6660881 Reaxys:2048963 Wikipedia:Coniferyl_alcohol chebi_ontology glycine betaine (trimethylammonio)acetate (trimethylammoniumyl)acetate 1-carboxy-N,N,N-trimethylmethanaminium inner salt 117.14638 2-N,N,N-trimethylammonio acetate Beilstein:3537113 Bet Betaine C5H11NO2 CAS:107-43-7 CHEBI:13895 CHEBI:15264 CHEBI:17750 CHEBI:22858 CHEBI:24370 CHEBI:27128 CHEBI:3073 C[N+](C)(C)CC([O-])=O Glycine betaine Gmelin:26434 HMDB:HMDB00043 InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-6(2,3)4-5(7)8/h4H2,1-3H3 KEGG:C00719 KEGG:D07523 KNApSAcK:C00007291 KWIUHFFTVRNATP-UHFFFAOYSA-N MetaCyc:BETAINE N,N,N-Trimethylglycine N,N,N-trimethylammonioacetate PDBeChem:BET PMID:16197300 PMID:18326594 PMID:20346934 PMID:20446114 PMID:20642826 PMID:22770225 Reaxys:3537113 The amino acid betaine derived from glycine. Trimethylaminoacetate Trimethylammonioacetate Wikipedia:Trimethylglycine YMDB:YMDB01516 abromine acidol betaine chebi_ontology trimethylglycine trimethylglycocoll methanol 32.04186 Beilstein:1098229 CAS:67-56-1 CH3OH CH4O CHEBI:14588 CHEBI:17790 CHEBI:25227 CHEBI:44080 CHEBI:44553 CHEBI:6816 CO Gmelin:449 HMDB:HMDB01875 InChI=1S/CH4O/c1-2/h2H,1H3 KEGG:C00132 KEGG:D02309 METHANOL MeOH MetaCyc:METOH Methanol Methyl alcohol Methylalkohol OKKJLVBELUTLKV-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:MOH PMID:11141607 PMID:11430978 PMID:11489599 PMID:11680737 PMID:11684179 PMID:14012711 PMID:14678513 PMID:14760634 PMID:15172721 PMID:15906011 PMID:16705261 PMID:17451998 PMID:17733096 PMID:19064074 PMID:19850112 PMID:20314698 Reaxys:1098229 The primary alcohol that is the simplest aliphatic alcohol, comprising a methyl and an alcohol group. UM-BBD_compID:c0132 Wikipedia:Methanol carbinol chebi_ontology methanol spirit of wood wood alcohol wood naphtha wood spirit serine 105.09262 2-Amino-3-hydroxypropionic acid 2-amino-3-hydroxypropanoic acid 3-Hydroxyalanine An alpha-amino acid that is alanine substituted at position 3 by a hydroxy group. Beilstein:1721402 C3H7NO3 CAS:302-84-1 CHEBI:15081 CHEBI:17822 CHEBI:26648 CHEBI:9116 Gmelin:26429 InChI=1S/C3H7NO3/c4-2(1-5)3(6)7/h2,5H,1,4H2,(H,6,7) KEGG:C00716 KNApSAcK:C00001393 MTCFGRXMJLQNBG-UHFFFAOYSA-N NC(CO)C(O)=O Reaxys:1721402 Serin Serine Wikipedia:Serine chebi_ontology serine (S)-naringenin (-)-(2S)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)chroman-4-one (-)-(2S)-Naringenin (-)-(2S)-naringenin (2S)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-4H-chromen-4-one (2S)-Naringenin (S)-2,3-dihydo-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one (S)-naringenin 272.25280 4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavanone 4',5,7-trihydroxyflavanone C15H12O5 CAS:480-41-1 CHEBI:14640 CHEBI:17846 CHEBI:25484 CHEBI:25488 CHEBI:44288 CHEBI:7483 DrugBank:DB03467 FTVWIRXFELQLPI-ZDUSSCGKSA-N HMDB:HMDB02670 InChI=1S/C15H12O5/c16-9-3-1-8(2-4-9)13-7-12(19)15-11(18)5-10(17)6-14(15)20-13/h1-6,13,16-18H,7H2/t13-/m0/s1 KEGG:C00509 KNApSAcK:C00000982 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12140001 MetaCyc:NARINGENIN-CMPD NARINGENIN Naringenin Oc1ccc(cc1)[C@@H]1CC(=O)c2c(O)cc(O)cc2O1 PDBeChem:NAR PMID:11093936 PMID:17664077 Reaxys:90699 The (S)-enantiomer of naringenin. Wikipedia:Naringenin chebi_ontology naringetol pelargidanon salipurpol glutaric acid 1,3-Propanedicarboxylic acid 1,5-pentanedioic acid 132.11462 An alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid that is a linear five-carbon dicarboxylic acid. Beilstein:1209725 C5H8O4 CAS:110-94-1 CHEBI:17859 CHEBI:24330 CHEBI:43097 CHEBI:5434 DrugBank:DB03553 GLUTARIC ACID Glutaric acid Glutarsaeure Gmelin:26809 HMDB:HMDB00661 InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c6-4(7)2-1-3-5(8)9/h1-3H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9) JFCQEDHGNNZCLN-UHFFFAOYSA-N KEGG:C00489 KNApSAcK:C00001184 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01170046 OC(=O)CCCC(O)=O PDBeChem:GUA PMID:24297153 PMID:24587932 PMID:24900967 Pentanedioic acid Reaxys:1209725 Wikipedia:Glutaric_acid chebi_ontology pentanedioic acid donor A molecular entity that can transfer ("donate") an electron, a pair of electrons, an atom or a group to another molecular entity. CHEBI:14202 CHEBI:17891 CHEBI:4697 Donator Donor KEGG:C01351 chebi_ontology donneur donor all-trans-retinal (2E,4E,6E,8E)-3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl)nona-2,4,6,8-tetraenal 284.43572 A retinal in which all four exocyclic double bonds have E- (trans-) geometry. C20H28O CAS:116-31-4 CHEBI:12776 CHEBI:17898 CHEBI:22348 CHEBI:8814 HMDB:HMDB01358 InChI=1S/C20H28O/c1-16(8-6-9-17(2)13-15-21)11-12-19-18(3)10-7-14-20(19,4)5/h6,8-9,11-13,15H,7,10,14H2,1-5H3/b9-6+,12-11+,16-8+,17-13+ KEGG:C00376 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR01090002 MetaCyc:RETINAL NCYCYZXNIZJOKI-OVSJKPMPSA-N PDBeChem:RET PMID:12168520 PMID:15500295 PMID:15686550 PMID:15724104 PMID:16054134 PMID:16128572 PMID:17326003 PMID:21447403 PMID:21995425 PMID:22162152 PMID:22198730 PMID:22220722 PMID:22417174 PMID:22428905 PMID:22431612 PMID:22515697 PMID:22529810 PMID:22559266 PMID:22621924 PMID:22841964 PMID:22879987 Retinal Retinene Vitamin A aldehyde Wikipedia:Retinal [H]C(=O)\C=C(C)\C=C\C=C(C)\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C all-trans-Retinal all-trans-Retinene all-trans-Vitamin A aldehyde all-trans-retinal all-trans-retinaldehyde chebi_ontology retinaldehyde pipecolic acid 129.15700 2-piperidinecarboxylic acid A piperidinemonocarboxylic acid in which the carboxy group is located at position C-2. Beilstein:112883 Beilstein:81095 C6H11NO2 CAS:535-75-1 CHEBI:17964 CHEBI:26142 ECMDB:ECMDB21385 Gmelin:68953 HMDB:HMDB00070 HXEACLLIILLPRG-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C6H11NO2/c8-6(9)5-3-1-2-4-7-5/h5,7H,1-4H2,(H,8,9) OC(=O)C1CCCCN1 PMID:22770225 Reaxys:81095 Wikipedia:Pipecolic_acid YMDB:YMDB01675 chebi_ontology homoproline pipecolinic acid piperidine-2-carboxylic acid isoorientin (1S)-1,5-anhydro-1-[2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-6-yl]-D-glucitol 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-6-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 448.37690 A flavone C-glycoside consisting of luteolin having a beta-D-glucosyl residue at the 6-position. C21H20O11 CAS:4261-42-1 CHEBI:14471 CHEBI:17965 CHEBI:24905 CHEBI:6034 Homoorientin InChI=1S/C21H20O11/c22-6-14-17(27)19(29)20(30)21(32-14)16-11(26)5-13-15(18(16)28)10(25)4-12(31-13)7-1-2-8(23)9(24)3-7/h1-5,14,17,19-24,26-30H,6H2/t14-,17-,19+,20-,21+/m1/s1 Isoorientin KEGG:C01821 KNApSAcK:C00001055 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12110469 Luteolin-6-C-beta-D-glucoside OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O)c1c(O)cc2oc(cc(=O)c2c1O)-c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 ODBRNZZJSYPIDI-VJXVFPJBSA-N PMID:21080643 PMID:22529049 PMID:22948221 PMID:22980875 PMID:23026832 PMID:23220614 Reaxys:68256 Wikipedia:Isoorientin chebi_ontology butyrate 1-butanoate 1-butyrate 1-propanecarboxylate 87.09718 A short-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of butyric acid, obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group. Beilstein:3601060 C4H7O2 CAS:461-55-2 CCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]2-COO(-) CHEBI:13924 CHEBI:17968 CHEBI:22946 FERIUCNNQQJTOY-UHFFFAOYSA-M Gmelin:324289 InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-2-3-4(5)6/h2-3H2,1H3,(H,5,6)/p-1 KEGG:C00246 MetaCyc:BUTYRIC_ACID PMID:17190852 PMID:7496326 Reaxys:3601060 UM-BBD_compID:c0035 butanate butanoate butanoate butanoic acid, ion(1-) butyrate chebi_ontology n-butanoate n-butyrate propanecarboxylate propylformate acyl-CoA 794.53600 A thioester that results from the formal condensation of the thiol group of coenzyme A with the carboxy group of any carboxylic acid. Acyl coenzyme A Acyl-CoA C22H35N7O17P3SR CAS:9029-97-4 CC(C)(COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP(O)(O)=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC([*])=O CHEBI:13727 CHEBI:13802 CHEBI:17984 CHEBI:22223 CHEBI:2455 KEGG:C00040 PMID:11264983 PMID:11524729 PMID:16495773 PMID:21514367 PMID:21541677 chebi_ontology benzyl alcohol (hydroxymethyl)benzene 108.13782 An aromatic alcohol that consists of benzene bearing a single hydroxymethyl substituent. Aromatic alcohol Beilstein:878307 Benzenemethanol Benzyl alcohol Benzylalkohol C7H8O CAS:100-51-6 CHEBI:13888 CHEBI:17987 CHEBI:22742 CHEBI:3053 Gmelin:26514 HMDB:HMDB03119 Hydroxymethylbenzene InChI=1S/C7H8O/c8-6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5,8H,6H2 KEGG:C00556 KEGG:C03485 KEGG:D00077 KNApSAcK:C00029811 MetaCyc:BENZYL-ALCOHOL OCc1ccccc1 PMID:11766131 PMID:21557223 PMID:22036973 Phenylcarbinol Phenylmethanol Reaxys:878307 UM-BBD_compID:c0278 WVDDGKGOMKODPV-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Benzyl_Alcohol alcoholum benzylicum alcool benzylique alpha-Hydroxytoluene alpha-toluenol benzenecarbinol benzyl alcohol benzylic alcohol chebi_ontology phenylmethanol phenylmethyl alcohol (-)-secologanin (-)-Secologanin 3-Ethenyl-2-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-3,4-dihydro-4-(2-oxoethyl)-2H-pyran-5-carboxylic acid, methyl ester 388.367 An iridoid monoterpenoid that is acetaldehyde in which on of the hydrogens of the methyl group has been replaced by a 2-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran-4-yl group which is substituted at positions 3 and 5 by a vinyl and a methoxycarbonyl group, respectively (the 2S,3R,4S stereoisomer). Beilstein:1441446 C17H24O10 CAS:19351-63-4 CHEBI:15070 CHEBI:18002 CHEBI:18500 CHEBI:45549 CHEBI:9076 CSKKDSFETGLMSB-NRZPKYKESA-N InChI=1S/C17H24O10/c1-3-8-9(4-5-18)10(15(23)24-2)7-25-16(8)27-17-14(22)13(21)12(20)11(6-19)26-17/h3,5,7-9,11-14,16-17,19-22H,1,4,6H2,2H3/t8-,9+,11-,12-,13+,14-,16+,17+/m1/s1 KEGG:C01852 KNApSAcK:C00003098 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102070002 METHYL (2S,3R,4S)-2-(BETA-D-GLUCOPYRANOSYLOXY)-4-(2-OXOETHYL)-3-VINYL-3,4-DIHYDRO-2H-PYRAN-5-CARBOXYLATE MetaCyc:SECOLOGANIN-CPD PDBeChem:SCG PMID:24104568 PMID:26285573 Reaxys:1441446 Secologanin Wikipedia:Secologanin [C@H]1(O[C@@H]([C@@H](O)[C@@H]([C@H]1O)O)CO)O[C@H]2[C@@H]([C@@H](C(=CO2)C(OC)=O)CC=O)C=C chebi_ontology methyl (2S,3R,4S)-3-ethenyl-2-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-4-(2-oxoethyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran-5-carboxylate methyl (2S,3R,4S)-4-(formylmethyl)-2-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-3,4-dihydro-3-vinyl-2H-pyran-5-carboxylate secologanin fumaric acid (2E)-2-butenedioic acid (2E)-but-2-enedioic acid (E)-2-butenedioic acid 116.07220 A butenedioic acid in which the C=C double bond has E geometry. It is an intermediate metabolite in the citric acid cycle. Beilstein:605763 C4H4O4 CAS:110-17-8 CHEBI:18012 CHEBI:24124 CHEBI:42743 CHEBI:5190 E297 FUMARIC ACID Fumaric acid Fumarsaeure Gmelin:49855 HMDB:HMDB00134 InChI=1S/C4H4O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/b2-1+ KEGG:C00122 KEGG:D02308 KNApSAcK:C00001183 MetaCyc:FUM OC(=O)\C=C\C(O)=O PDBeChem:FUM PMID:17439666 PMID:21414846 PMID:22113915 PMID:22217732 PMID:22516248 Reaxys:605763 VZCYOOQTPOCHFL-OWOJBTEDSA-N Wikipedia:Fumaric_Acid chebi_ontology trans-1,2-ethylenedicarboxylic acid trans-Butenedioic acid trans-but-2-enedioic acid loganate (1S,4aS,6S,7R,7aS)-1-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-6-hydroxy-7-methyl-1,4a,5,6,7,7a-hexahydrocyclopenta[c]pyran-4-carboxylate 375.34782 A monocarboxylic acid anion that has formula C16H23O10. C16H23O10 CHEBI:14524 CHEBI:18052 CHEBI:25067 InChI=1S/C16H24O10/c1-5-8(18)2-6-7(14(22)23)4-24-15(10(5)6)26-16-13(21)12(20)11(19)9(3-17)25-16/h4-6,8-13,15-21H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,22,23)/p-1/t5-,6+,8-,9+,10+,11+,12-,13+,15-,16-/m0/s1 JNNGEAWILNVFFD-CDJYTOATSA-M KEGG:C01512 [H][C@]12C[C@H](O)[C@H](C)[C@@]1([H])[C@@H](OC=C2C([O-])=O)O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O chebi_ontology lipid 'Lipids' is a loosely defined term for substances of biological origin that are soluble in nonpolar solvents. They consist of saponifiable lipids, such as glycerides (fats and oils) and phospholipids, as well as nonsaponifiable lipids, principally steroids. CHEBI:14517 CHEBI:18059 CHEBI:25054 CHEBI:6486 KEGG:C01356 Lipid chebi_ontology lipids formononetin 268.26410 4'-O-methyldaidzein 7-Hydroxy-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-benzopyrone 7-Hydroxy-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one 7-Hydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone 7-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-benzopyran-4-one 7-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one A member of the class of 7-hydroxyisoflavones that is 7-hydroxyisoflavone substituted by a methoxy group at position 4'. Beilstein:1288158 C16H12O4 CAS:485-72-3 CHEBI:14279 CHEBI:18088 CHEBI:18194 CHEBI:24086 CHEBI:5146 COc1ccc(cc1)-c1coc2cc(O)ccc2c1=O Formononetin HKQYGTCOTHHOMP-UHFFFAOYSA-N HMDB:HMDB05808 InChI=1S/C16H12O4/c1-19-12-5-2-10(3-6-12)14-9-20-15-8-11(17)4-7-13(15)16(14)18/h2-9,17H,1H3 KEGG:C00858 KNApSAcK:C00002525 LINCS:LSM-19000 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12050037 MetaCyc:FORMONONETIN PMID:16108819 PMID:24023812 Reaxys:237979 Wikipedia:Formononetin biochanin B chebi_ontology formononetol hexose Any six-carbon monosaccharide which in its linear form contains either an aldehyde group at position 1 (aldohexose) or a ketone group at position 2 (ketohexose). CHEBI:14399 CHEBI:18133 CHEBI:24590 CHEBI:5709 Hexose KEGG:C00738 chebi_ontology hexose hexoses catechol 1,2-Benzenediol 1,2-Dihydroxybenzene 110.11064 2-hydroxyphenol A benzenediol comprising of a benzene core carrying two hydroxy substituents ortho to each other. Beilstein:471401 Brenzcatechin C6H6O2 CAS:120-80-9 CAS:12385-08-9 CHEBI:135158 CHEBI:13950 CHEBI:18135 CHEBI:23054 CHEBI:3467 CHEBI:41441 Catechol DrugBank:DB02232 Gmelin:2936 HMDB:HMDB00957 InChI=1S/C6H6O2/c7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8/h1-4,7-8H KEGG:C00090 KEGG:C01785 KEGG:C15571 KNApSAcK:C00002644 MetaCyc:CATECHOL Oc1ccccc1O PDBeChem:CAQ PMID:10651166 PMID:11470755 PMID:15951152 PMID:16610220 Pyrocatechol Reaxys:471401 UM-BBD_compID:c0097 Wikipedia:Catechol YCIMNLLNPGFGHC-UHFFFAOYSA-N alpha-hydroxyphenol benzene-1,2-diol catechol chebi_ontology o-Benzenediol o-hydroxyphenol pyrocatechin polysaccharide A biomacromolecule consisting of large numbers of monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically. This term is commonly used only for those containing more than ten monosaccharide residues. CHEBI:14864 CHEBI:18154 CHEBI:26205 CHEBI:8322 Glycan Glycane Glykan Glykane KEGG:C00420 Polysaccharide chebi_ontology glycans polisacarido polisacaridos polysaccharide polysaccharides isoflavone 222.23870 3-Phenylchromone 3-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 3-phenyl-4H-chromen-4-one A simplest member of the class of isoflavones that is 4H-chromen-4-one in which the hydrogen at position 3 is replaced by a phenyl group. Beilstein:157731 C15H10O2 CAS:574-12-9 CHEBI:14467 CHEBI:18220 CHEBI:24892 CHEBI:6013 GOMNOOKGLZYEJT-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:1224833 InChI=1S/C15H10O2/c16-15-12-8-4-5-9-14(12)17-10-13(15)11-6-2-1-3-7-11/h1-10H Isoflavon Isoflavone KEGG:C00799 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12050000 O=c1c(coc2ccccc12)-c1ccccc1 Reaxys:157731 chebi_ontology glutamic acid 147.12930 2-Aminoglutaric acid 2-aminopentanedioic acid An alpha-amino acid that is glutaric acid bearing a single amino substituent at position 2. Beilstein:1723799 C5H9NO4 CAS:617-65-2 CHEBI:18237 CHEBI:24314 CHEBI:5431 DL-Glutamic acid DL-Glutaminic acid E Glu Glutamate Glutamic acid Glutaminic acid Glutaminsaeure Gmelin:101971 InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) KEGG:C00302 KEGG:D04341 KNApSAcK:C00001358 KNApSAcK:C00019577 NC(CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O PMID:15739367 PMID:17190852 PMID:24616376 PMID:24984001 Reaxys:1723799 WHUUTDBJXJRKMK-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Glutamic_acid chebi_ontology glutamic acid iron atom 26Fe 55.84500 An iron group element atom that has atomic number 26. CAS:7439-89-6 CHEBI:13322 CHEBI:18248 CHEBI:24872 CHEBI:5974 DrugBank:DB01592 Eisen Fe HMDB:HMDB15531 InChI=1S/Fe Iron KEGG:C00023 Reaxys:4122945 WebElements:Fe XEEYBQQBJWHFJM-UHFFFAOYSA-N [Fe] chebi_ontology fer ferrum hierro iron iron ribonucleoside Any nucleoside where the sugar component is D-ribose. C5H9O4R CHEBI:13014 CHEBI:13015 CHEBI:13685 CHEBI:18254 CHEBI:21085 CHEBI:26560 CHEBI:4240 CHEBI:8844 KEGG:C00911 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H]([*])[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O Ribonucleoside a ribonucleoside chebi_ontology ribonucleosides dodecanoate 1-undecanecarboxylate 199.310 A medium-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of dodecanoic acid (lauric acid); major species at pH 7.3. Beilstein:3588839 C(CCCCCCCC)CCC([O-])=O C12 fatty acid anion C12H23O2 CH3-[CH2]10-COO(-) CHEBI:14187 CHEBI:18262 CHEBI:23863 Gmelin:333430 InChI=1S/C12H24O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12(13)14/h2-11H2,1H3,(H,13,14)/p-1 KEGG:C02679 MetaCyc:DODECANOATE POULHZVOKOAJMA-UHFFFAOYSA-M Reaxys:3588839 chebi_ontology dodecanoate dodecoate dodecylate duodecyclate duodecylate laurate laurostearate n-dodecanoate undecane-1-carboxylate vulvate nucleobase Base CHEBI:13873 CHEBI:18282 CHEBI:25598 CHEBI:2995 KEGG:C00701 That part of DNA or RNA that may be involved in pairing. Wikipedia:Nucleobase a nucleobase chebi_ontology nucleobases manganese atom 25Mn 54.93805 A manganese group element atom that has formula Mn. CAS:7439-96-5 CHEBI:13382 CHEBI:18291 CHEBI:25153 CHEBI:6681 InChI=1S/Mn KEGG:C00034 Mangan Manganese Mn PWHULOQIROXLJO-UHFFFAOYSA-N WebElements:Mn [Mn] chebi_ontology manganese manganese manganeso manganum histamine 111.14518 1H-Imidazole-4-ethanamine 2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethanamine 2-(4-Imidazolyl)ethylamine A member of the class of imidazoles that is 1H-imidazole substituted at position C-4 by a 2-aminoethyl group. Beilstein:2012 C5H9N3 CAS:51-45-6 CHEBI:14401 CHEBI:18295 CHEBI:24596 CHEBI:43187 CHEBI:817 Gmelin:2968 HISTAMINE HMDB:HMDB00870 Histamine InChI=1S/C5H9N3/c6-2-1-5-3-7-4-8-5/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8) KEGG:C00388 KEGG:D08040 KNApSAcK:C00001414 MetaCyc:HISTAMINE NCCc1c[nH]cn1 NTYJJOPFIAHURM-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:HSM PMID:16399866 PMID:19547708 PMID:19843401 PMID:22770225 PMID:24101735 Reaxys:2012 Wikipedia:Histamine chebi_ontology alkane Alkan Alkane An acyclic branched or unbranched hydrocarbon having the general formula CnH2n+2, and therefore consisting entirely of hydrogen atoms and saturated carbon atoms. CH3R CHEBI:13435 CHEBI:18310 CHEBI:22317 CHEBI:2576 C[*] KEGG:C01371 RH alcane alcanes alcano alcanos alkane alkanes an alkane chebi_ontology isovitexin (1S)-1,5-anhydro-1-[5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-6-yl]-D-glucitol 432.37750 6-C-Glucosylapigenin 6-Glucosylapigenin A C-glycosyl compound that consists of apigenin substituted by a 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol moiety at position 6. Apigenin 6-C-glucoside Apigenin-6-C-glucoside Beilstein:66651 C21H20O10 CAS:29702-25-8 CAS:38953-85-4 CHEBI:14482 CHEBI:18330 CHEBI:22806 CHEBI:2771 InChI=1S/C21H20O10/c22-7-14-17(26)19(28)20(29)21(31-14)16-11(25)6-13-15(18(16)27)10(24)5-12(30-13)8-1-3-9(23)4-2-8/h1-6,14,17,19-23,25-29H,7H2/t14-,17-,19+,20-,21+/m1/s1 Isovitexin KEGG:C01714 KNApSAcK:C00001059 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12110338 MYXNWGACZJSMBT-VJXVFPJBSA-N MetaCyc:ISOVITEXIN OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O)c1c(O)cc2oc(cc(=O)c2c1O)-c1ccc(O)cc1 PMID:16142640 PMID:22475010 PMID:22683902 PMID:23057589 Reaxys:66651 Saponaretin Wikipedia:Isovitexin beta-D-isovitexin chebi_ontology vanillin 152.14730 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzaldehyde 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde 4-formyl-2-methoxyphenol 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde 4-hydroxy-m-anisaldehyde A member of the class of benzaldehydes carrying methoxy and hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 4 respectively. Beilstein:472792 C8H8O3 CAS:121-33-5 CHEBI:15302 CHEBI:18346 CHEBI:1842 CHEBI:20380 CHEBI:48387 Gmelin:3596 InChI=1S/C8H8O3/c1-11-8-4-6(5-9)2-3-7(8)10/h2-5,10H,1H3 KEGG:C00755 KEGG:D00091 KNApSAcK:C00002683 KNApSAcK:C00029531 MWOOGOJBHIARFG-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:V55 UM-BBD_compID:c0193 Vanillaldehyde Vanillin Wikipedia:Vanillin [H]C(=O)c1ccc(O)c(OC)c1 chebi_ontology methylprotocatechuic aldehyde p-hydroxy-m-methoxybenzaldehyde p-vanillin vaniline vanillaldehyde vanillic aldehyde vanillin methoxsalen 216.18950 6-hydroxy-7-methoxy-5-benzofuranacrylic acid delta-lactone 8-MOP 8-MP 8-Methoxyfuranocoumarin 8-Methoxypsoralen 8-methoxy-2',3',6,7-furocoumarin 8-methoxy-4',5':6,7-furocoumarin 8-methoxy-[furano-3'.2':6.7-coumarin] 8-methoxypsoralen 9-methoxy-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one 9-methoxy-7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one A member of the class of psoralens that is 7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one in which the 9 position is substituted by a methoxy group. It is a constituent of the fruits of Ammi majus. Like other psoralens, trioxsalen causes photosensitization of the skin. It is administered topically or orally in conjunction with UV-A for phototherapy treatment of vitiligo and severe psoriasis. Beilstein:196453 C12H8O4 CAS:298-81-7 CHEBI:10068 CHEBI:101063 CHEBI:12268 CHEBI:12715 CHEBI:18358 CHEBI:21960 CHEBI:27330 CHEBI:27331 CHEBI:40342 COc1c2occc2cc2ccc(=O)oc12 DrugBank:DB00553 HMDB:HMDB14693 InChI=1S/C12H8O4/c1-14-12-10-8(4-5-15-10)6-7-2-3-9(13)16-11(7)12/h2-6H,1H3 KEGG:C01864 KEGG:D00139 KNApSAcK:C00000576 LINCS:LSM-3410 METHOXSALEN Meladinine Meloxine Methoxsalen O-Methylxanthotoxol O-methylxanthotoxol Oxsoralen PDBeChem:8MO PMID:15009205 PMID:7945434 Patent:US2889337 QXKHYNVANLEOEG-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:196453 Ultra Mop Uvadex Wikipedia:Methoxsalen Xanthotoxin chebi_ontology xanthotoxin phosphate(3-) 94.97136 A phosphate ion that is the conjugate base of hydrogenphosphate. Beilstein:3903772 CAS:14265-44-2 CHEBI:14791 CHEBI:18367 CHEBI:45024 CHEBI:7793 Gmelin:1997 InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4)/p-3 KEGG:C00009 NBIIXXVUZAFLBC-UHFFFAOYSA-K O4P Orthophosphate PDBeChem:PO4 PHOSPHATE ION PO4(3-) Phosphate Reaxys:3903772 [O-]P([O-])([O-])=O [PO4](3-) chebi_ontology phosphate tetraoxidophosphate(3-) tetraoxophosphate(3-) tetraoxophosphate(V) apigenin 2-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxychromone 270.23690 4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavone 5,7,4'-Trihydroxyflavone 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-benzopyrone 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one A trihydroxyflavone that is flavone substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 4', 5 and 7. Apigenin Beilstein:262620 C.I. Natural Yellow 1 C15H10O5 CAS:520-36-5 CHEBI:12084 CHEBI:18388 CHEBI:22588 CHEBI:2768 HMDB:HMDB02124 InChI=1S/C15H10O5/c16-9-3-1-8(2-4-9)13-7-12(19)15-11(18)5-10(17)6-14(15)20-13/h1-7,16-18H KEGG:C01477 KNApSAcK:C00003817 KZNIFHPLKGYRTM-UHFFFAOYSA-N LINCS:LSM-5206 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12110005 MetaCyc:CPD-431 Oc1ccc(cc1)-c1cc(=O)c2c(O)cc(O)cc2o1 PDBeChem:AGI PMID:23304222 PMID:23344191 PMID:23354402 PMID:23359392 Reaxys:262620 Wikipedia:Apigenin chamomile chebi_ontology spigenin versulin phenylacetate 135.13998 2-phenylethanoate A monocarboxylic acid anion that is the conjugate base of phenylacetic acid. Beilstein:3539899 C8H7O2 CHEBI:14779 CHEBI:18401 CHEBI:25975 Gmelin:327522 InChI=1S/C8H8O2/c9-8(10)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5H,6H2,(H,9,10)/p-1 MetaCyc:PHENYLACETATE Reaxys:3539899 UM-BBD_compID:c0211 WLJVXDMOQOGPHL-UHFFFAOYSA-M [O-]C(=O)Cc1ccccc1 chebi_ontology phenylacetate phenylacetate anion phenylacetate(1-) phenylacetic acid anion magnesium(2+) 24.30500 A magnesium cation that has formula Mg. CAS:22537-22-0 CHEBI:13379 CHEBI:18420 CHEBI:25112 CHEBI:49736 CHEBI:6635 Gmelin:6857 InChI=1S/Mg/q+2 JLVVSXFLKOJNIY-UHFFFAOYSA-N KEGG:C00305 MAGNESIUM ION Mg Mg(2+) Mg2+ PDBeChem:MG [Mg++] chebi_ontology magnesium cation magnesium(2+) magnesium(2+) ion magnesium(II) cation magnesium, doubly charged positive ion magnesium, ion (Mg(2+)) 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol 138.16380 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)phenol 4-Hydroxybenzeneethanol 4-Hydroxyphenylethanol A phenol substituted at position 4 by a 2-hydroxyethyl group. C8H10O2 CAS:501-94-0 CHEBI:1879 InChI=1S/C8H10O2/c9-6-5-7-1-3-8(10)4-2-7/h1-4,9-10H,5-6H2 KEGG:C06044 OCCc1ccc(O)cc1 PMID:21162532 PMID:21381678 Reaxys:1859884 Tyrosol Wikipedia:Tyrosol YCCILVSKPBXVIP-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology p-Hydroxyphenethyl alcohol tyrosol delta-lactone 1,5-lactone 1,5-lactones A lactone having a six-membered lactone ring. CHEBI:18946 chebi_ontology delta-lactona delta-lactonas delta-lactone delta-lactones 2-hexenal 2-hexenaldehyde 3-propyl-acrolein 98.14300 A hexenal having the double bond at the 2-position. C6H10O CAS:505-57-7 CHEBI:19591 InChI=1S/C6H10O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7/h4-6H,2-3H2,1H3 MBDOYVRWFFCFHM-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:20736172 PMID:20936263 Reaxys:1740988 [H]C(=O)C([H])=C([H])CCC alpha,beta-hexylenaldehyde alpha.beta-Hexylenaldehyd beta-propylacrolein chebi_ontology hex-2-enal hexen-2-al hexen-2-en-1-al hexylenic aldehyde leaf aldehyde 3-hexenal 98.14300 A hexenal carrying an unsaturation at position 3. C6H10O CAS:4440-65-7 CCC=CCC=O CHEBI:20030 GXANMBISFKBPEX-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C6H10O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7/h3-4,6H,2,5H2,1H3 Reaxys:1739452 chebi_ontology hex-3-enal 3-hydroxybutyric acid (1)-3-Hydroxybutyric acid 104.10452 3 HBA 3-Hydroxybuttersaeure 3-OH-butyric acid 3-hydroxybutanoic acid A straight-chain 3-hydroxy monocarboxylic acid comprising a butyric acid core with a single hydroxy substituent in the 3- position; a ketone body whose levels are raised during ketosis, used as an energy source by the brain during fasting in humans. Also used to synthesise biodegradable plastics. BHBA Beilstein:773861 C4H8O3 CAS:300-85-6 CC(O)CC(O)=O CHEBI:20067 DL-beta-Hydroxybutyric acid HMDB:HMDB00357 InChI=1S/C4H8O3/c1-3(5)2-4(6)7/h3,5H,2H2,1H3,(H,6,7) LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01050005 PMID:10855969 PMID:17190852 PMID:17579249 PMID:6061736 Reaxys:773861 WHBMMWSBFZVSSR-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:3-hydroxybutyrate beta-Hydroxy-n-butyric acid beta-Hydroxybuttersaeure beta-hydroxy-n-butyric acid beta-hydroxybutanoic acid beta-hydroxybutyric acid chebi_ontology 6-aminopurines 6-aminopurines Any compound having 6-aminopurine (adenine) as part of its structure. CHEBI:20706 PMID:1646334 PMID:18524423 PMID:7342604 chebi_ontology C-glycosyl compound A glycosyl compound arising formally from the elimination of water from a glycosidic hydroxy group and an H atom bound to a carbon atom, thus creating a C-C bond. C-glycoside C-glycosides C-glycosyl compounds CHEBI:20857 chebi_ontology D-galactoside CHEBI:20961 CHEBI:4143 D-galactoside D-galactosides chebi_ontology N-glycosyl compound A glycosyl compound arising formally from the elimination of water from a glycosidic hydroxy group and an H atom bound to a nitrogen atom, thus creating a C-N bond. CHEBI:21731 N-glycoside N-glycosides N-glycosyl compounds chebi_ontology glycosylamine glycosylamines acaricide A substance used to destroy pests of the subclass Acari (mites and ticks). Akarizid Akarizide CHEBI:22153 Wikipedia:Acaricide acaricides chebi_ontology miticide acetamides CHEBI:22160 Compounds with the general formula RNHC(=O)CH3. chebi_ontology aconitate(3-) 171.08442 A tricarboxylic acid trianion that is the conjugate base of aconitic acid. C6H3O6 CHEBI:22210 GTZCVFVGUGFEME-UHFFFAOYSA-K Gmelin:364851 InChI=1S/C6H6O6/c7-4(8)1-3(6(11)12)2-5(9)10/h1H,2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/p-3 [O-]C(=O)CC(=CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology prop-1-ene-1,2,3-tricarboxylate aconitic acid 1-propene-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid 174.10824 3-carboxy-2-pentenedioic acid A tricarboxylic acid that is prop-1-ene substituted by carboxy groups at positions 1, 2 and 3. Beilstein:1725828 C6H6O6 CAS:499-12-7 CHEBI:22211 GTZCVFVGUGFEME-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:185280 InChI=1S/C6H6O6/c7-4(8)1-3(6(11)12)2-5(9)10/h1H,2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12) OC(=O)CC(=CC(O)=O)C(O)=O PMID:24702026 PMID:24710945 PMID:25011271 Reaxys:1725828 Wikipedia:Aconitic_acid achilleic acid chebi_ontology citridic acid equisetic acid prop-1-ene-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid acyl group An organic group formed by removing one or more hydroxy groups from an oxoacid that has the general structure RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l =/= 0). Although the term is almost always applied to organic compounds, with carboxylic acid as the oxoacid, acyl groups can in principle be derived from other types of acids such as sulfonic acids or phosphonic acids. CHEBI:22221 acyl group acyl groups alkanoyl alkanoyl group chebi_ontology groupe acyle adenosine bisphosphate CHEBI:22251 adenosine bisphosphates chebi_ontology adenosine phosphate CHEBI:22256 adenosine phosphates chebi_ontology adenosines CHEBI:22260 chebi_ontology aldaric acid anion CHEBI:22289 aldarate aldarates aldaric acid anions chebi_ontology aldaric acid CHEBI:22290 Dicarboxylic acids formed from aldoses by replacement of both terminal groups (CHO and CH2OH) by carboxy groups. aldaric acid aldaric acids chebi_ontology alkaline earth metal atom CHEBI:22313 Erdalkalimetall Erdalkalimetalle alkaline earth metal alkaline earth metals alkaline-earth metal alkaline-earth metals chebi_ontology metal alcalino-terreux metal alcalinoterreo metales alcalinoterreos metaux alcalino-terreux alkali metal atom Alkalimetall Alkalimetalle CHEBI:22314 alkali metal alkali metals chebi_ontology metal alcalin metal alcalino metales alcalinos metaux alcalins alkaloid Alkaloid Alkaloide Any of the naturally occurring, basic nitrogen compounds (mostly heterocyclic) occurring mostly in the plant kingdom, but also found in bacteria, fungi, and animals. By extension, certain neutral compounds biogenetically related to basic alkaloids are also classed as alkaloids. Amino acids, peptides, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, amino sugars and antibiotics are not normally regarded as alkaloids. Compounds in which the nitrogen is exocyclic (dopamine, mescaline, serotonin, etc.) are usually classed as amines rather than alkaloids. CHEBI:22315 Wikipedia:Alkaloid alcaloide alcaloides alkaloids chebi_ontology alkyl group A univalent group -CnH2n+1 derived from an alkane by removal of a hydrogen atom from any carbon atom. CHEBI:22323 alkyl group alkyl groups chebi_ontology groupe alkyle grupo alquilo grupos alquilo alpha-terpineol 1-alpha-terpineol 1-menthene-8-ol 1-methyl-4-isopropyl-1-cyclohexen-8-ol 1-methyl-4-isopropyl-1-cyclohexene-8-ol 154.24932 2-(4-methyl-3-cyclohexenyl)-2-propanol 2-(4-methylcyclohex-3-en-1-yl)propan-2-ol A terpineol that is propan-2-ol substituted by a 4-methylcyclohex-3-en-1-yl group at position 2. Beilstein:1906604 C10H18O CAS:98-55-5 CC1=CCC(CC1)C(C)(C)O CHEBI:22469 Gmelin:406992 HMDB:HMDB04043 InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-8-4-6-9(7-5-8)10(2,3)11/h4,9,11H,5-7H2,1-3H3 KEGG:C16772 KNApSAcK:C00029674 PMID:16356517 Reaxys:1906604 UM-BBD_compID:c0669 WUOACPNHFRMFPN-UHFFFAOYSA-N alpha,alpha,4-trimethyl-3-cyclohexene-1-methanol alpha-terpineol chebi_ontology p-menth-1-en-8-ol aminopurine Any purine having at least one amino substituent. CHEBI:22527 aminopurines chebi_ontology anion A monoatomic or polyatomic species having one or more elementary charges of the electron. Anion Anionen CHEBI:22563 anion aniones anions chebi_ontology anthraquinone CHEBI:22580 anthracenequinones anthraquinones chebi_ontology antifeedant A substance that prevents pests from feeding. CHEBI:22583 antifeedants chebi_ontology antioxidant A substance that opposes oxidation or inhibits reactions brought about by dioxygen or peroxides. CHEBI:22586 antioxidants antioxydant antoxidant chebi_ontology antiviral agent A substance that destroys or inhibits replication of viruses. CHEBI:22587 anti-viral agent anti-viral agents antiviral antiviral agents antivirals chebi_ontology arabinose 150.12990 Ara C5H10O5 CAS:147-81-9 CHEBI:22599 CHEBI:33943 HMDB:HMDB29942 Wikipedia:Arabinose arabino-pentose arabinose chebi_ontology arabinoside CHEBI:22601 arabinoside arabinosides chebi_ontology arenecarboxamide A monocarboxylic acid amide in which the amide linkage is bonded directly to an arene ring system. CHEBI:22645 arenecarboxamides chebi_ontology aspartate family amino acid An L-alpha-amino acid which is L-aspartic acid or any of the essential amino acids biosynthesised from it (asparagine, lysine, methionine, threonine and isoleucine). A closed class. CHEBI:22658 PMID:4386082 PMID:4394351 PMID:4721772 PMID:5016260 PMID:5074276 aspartate family amino acids aspartic acid family amino acid aspartic acid family amino acids chebi_ontology oxaloacetate family amino acid oxaloacetate family amino acids oxaloacetate/aspartate family amino acid oxaloacetate/aspartate family amino acids aspartic acid (+-)-Aspartic acid (R,S)-Aspartic acid 133.10272 2-aminobutanedioic acid An alpha-amino acid that consists of succinic acid bearing a single alpha-amino substituent Asp Aspartic acid Beilstein:774618 C4H7NO4 CAS:617-45-8 CHEBI:22660 CKLJMWTZIZZHCS-UHFFFAOYSA-N D DL-Aminosuccinic acid DL-Asparagic acid Gmelin:185140 InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9) KEGG:C16433 NC(CC(O)=O)C(O)=O PMID:22264337 Reaxys:774618 Wikipedia:Aspartic_acid aspartic acid chebi_ontology auxin Any of a group of compounds, both naturally occurring and synthetic, that induce cell elongation in plant stems (from Greek alphaupsilonxialphanuomega, "to grow"). CHEBI:22676 Wikipedia:Auxin auxins chebi_ontology base A molecular entity having an available pair of electrons capable of forming a covalent bond with a hydron (Bronsted base) or with the vacant orbital of some other molecular entity (Lewis base). Base Base1 Base2 Basen CHEBI:22695 KEGG:C00701 Nucleobase base bases chebi_ontology benzaldehydes Any arenecarbaldehyde that consists of a formyl substituted benzene ring and its substituted derivatives thereof. CHEBI:22698 chebi_ontology benzamides CHEBI:22702 chebi_ontology benzenes Any benzenoid aromatic compound consisting of the benzene skeleton and its substituted derivatives. CHEBI:22712 chebi_ontology benzoates A monocarboxylic acid anion obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group of any benzoic acid. CHEBI:22718 benzoate anion chebi_ontology benzoic acids Any aromatic carboxylic acid that consists of benzene in which at least a single hydrogen has been substituted by a carboxy group. CHEBI:22723 chebi_ontology benzopyran CHEBI:22727 Wikipedia:Benzopyran benzopyrans chebi_ontology benzopyrrole CHEBI:22728 benzopyrroles chebi_ontology benzyl alcohols CHEBI:22743 Compounds containing a phenylmethanol skeleton. benzylic alcohol benzylic alcohols chebi_ontology benzyl group 91.13048 Bn C6H5-CH2- C7H7 CHEBI:22744 benzyl chebi_ontology phenylalanine side-chain phenylmethyl benzylisoquinoline alkaloid Any isoquinoline alkaloid based on a benzylisoquinoline skeleton. CHEBI:22750 benzylisoquinoline alkaloids chebi_ontology beta-D-glucoside CHEBI:10400 CHEBI:22798 beta-D-glucoside beta-D-glucosides chebi_ontology amino-acid betaine Any amino acid-derived zwitterion - such as glycine betaine (N,N,N-trimethylammonioacetate) - in which the ammonium nitrogen carries three methyl substituents. CHEBI:22860 amino acid betaines amino-acid betaines betaines chebi_ontology bornane monoterpenoid CHEBI:22912 bornane monoterpenoids chebi_ontology boron molecular entity CHEBI:22916 boron compounds boron molecular entities boron molecular entity chebi_ontology phytogenic insecticide An insecticide compound naturally occurring in plants. CHEBI:22917 botanical insecticide botanical insecticides chebi_ontology phytogenic insecticides branched-chain amino acid Any amino acid in which the parent hydrocarbon chain has one or more alkyl substituents CHEBI:22918 branched chain amino acids chebi_ontology butan-4-olide Any gamma-lactone having the lactone moiety derived from 4-hydroxybutanoic acid. CHEBI:22950 butan-4-olides butanolide chebi_ontology butenedioic acid 116.07216 2-butenedioic acid A C4-dicarboxylic acid that has formula C4H4O4. Beilstein:8132074 C4H4O4 CHEBI:22958 InChI=1S/C4H4O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H,(H,5,6)(H,7,8) VZCYOOQTPOCHFL-UHFFFAOYSA-N [H]C(=C([H])C(O)=O)C(O)=O but-2-enedioic acid chebi_ontology cadinene Any sesquiterpene having a cadinane skeleton containing one or more C=C bonds. CHEBI:22976 Wikipedia:Cadinene cadinenes chebi_ontology calcium atom 20Ca 40.07800 An alkaline earth metal atom that has formula Ca. CAS:7440-70-2 CHEBI:22984 Ca Calcium DrugBank:DB01373 InChI=1S/Ca KEGG:C00076 Kalzium OYPRJOBELJOOCE-UHFFFAOYSA-N WebElements:Ca [Ca] calcio calcium calcium chebi_ontology calcium molecular entity CHEBI:22985 calcium compounds calcium molecular entities calcium molecular entity chebi_ontology carbamoyl group -C(O)NH2 -CONH2 44.03272 CH2NO CHEBI:23004 PMID:24168430 The univalent carboacyl group formed by loss of -OH from the carboxy group of carbamic acid. aminocarbonyl carbamoyl carbamyl carbamyl group carboxamide chebi_ontology carbonates CHEBI:23016 Organooxygen compounds that are salts or esters of carbonic acid, H2CO3. chebi_ontology carbonyl group 28.01010 >C=O CHEBI:23019 CO carbonyl carbonyl group chebi_ontology carotene CHEBI:23042 Hydrocarbon carotenoids. carotene carotenes carotenes chebi_ontology carotenoid CAS:36-88-4 CHEBI:23044 One of a class of tetraterpenoids (C40), formally derived from the acyclic parent, psi,psi-carotene by hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, cyclization, oxidation, or combination of these processes. This class includes carotenes, xanthophylls and certain compounds that arise from rearrangement of the skeleton of psi,psi-carotene or by loss of part of this structure. Retinoids are excluded. a carotenoid carotenes and carotenoids carotenoid carotenoids chebi_ontology carotenol CHEBI:23045 carotenols chebi_ontology hydroxycarotenoids catechin (+/-)-Catechin CHEBI:23053 KEGG:C17590 LINCS:LSM-1682 Members of the class of hydroxyflavan that have a flavan-3-ol skeleton and its substituted derivatives. catechin catechins chebi_ontology cholines A quaternary ammonium ion based on the choline ion and its substituted derivatives thereof. CHEBI:23217 chebi_ontology chromenes CHEBI:23232 chebi_ontology cineole CHEBI:23243 chebi_ontology cineoles cinnamate 147.15068 3-phenyl-2-propenoate 3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid, ion(1-) 3-phenylacrylate 3-phenylprop-2-enoate A member of the class of cinnamates that results from the deprotonation of the carboxy group of cinnamic acid. Beilstein:3904519 C9H7O2 CAS:4151-45-5 CHEBI:23248 Gmelin:328657 InChI=1S/C9H8O2/c10-9(11)7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-7H,(H,10,11)/p-1 WBYWAXJHAXSJNI-UHFFFAOYSA-M [H]C(=Cc1ccccc1)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology cinnamic acid, ion(1-) cinnamic acids Any alpha,beta-unsaturated monocarboxylic acid based on the cinnamic acid skeleton and its substituted derivatives. CHEBI:23252 chebi_ontology cis-3-hexenal (3Z)-Hexenal (3Z)-hex-3-enal 98.14300 AGR:IND20511481 AGR:IND44685237 AGR:IND44686640 C6H10O CAS:6789-80-6 CC\C=C/CC=O CHEBI:23292 GXANMBISFKBPEX-ARJAWSKDSA-N HMDB:HMDB31498 InChI=1S/C6H10O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7/h3-4,6H,2,5H2,1H3/b4-3- KEGG:C16310 KNApSAcK:C00000353 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA06000110 PMID:14732275 Patent:US4241098 Reaxys:1720171 The cis-isomer of 3-hexenal. Wikipedia:Cis-3-Hexenal chebi_ontology coenzyme A low-molecular-weight, non-protein organic compound participating in enzymatic reactions as dissociable acceptor or donor of chemical groups or electrons. CHEBI:23354 chebi_ontology coenzyme coenzymes cofactor An organic molecule or ion (usually a metal ion) that is required by an enzyme for its activity. It may be attached either loosely (coenzyme) or tightly (prosthetic group). CHEBI:23357 Wikipedia:Cofactor_(biochemistry) chebi_ontology cofactor cofactors compatible osmolytes CHEBI:23366 chebi_ontology compatible osmolytes molecular entity Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity. CHEBI:23367 chebi_ontology entidad molecular entidades moleculares entite moleculaire molecular entities molecular entity molekulare Entitaet copper molecular entity CHEBI:23377 chebi_ontology copper compounds copper molecular entities copper molecular entity copper cation CHEBI:23378 Cu Cu cation chebi_ontology copper cation copper cations coumarins CHEBI:23403 chebi_ontology cyclic amide CHEBI:23443 CHEBI:3990 chebi_ontology cyclic amide cyclic amides cyclic monoterpene ketone A cyclic terpene ketone in which the terpene specified is monoterpene. CHEBI:23446 chebi_ontology cyclic monoterpene ketones cyclitol A polyol consisting of a cycloalkane containing at least three hydroxy groups, each attached to a different ring carbon atom. CHEBI:23451 chebi_ontology cyclitols cycloalkane CHEBI:23453 Saturated monocyclic hydrocarbons (with or without side chains). Zyklan Zykloalkan Zykloparaffin chebi_ontology cyclane cycloalkane cycloalkanes cycloalkanes cycloparaffin cyclohexenecarboxylic acid CHEBI:23483 chebi_ontology cyclohexenecarboxylic acids cysteine derivative An amino acid derivative resulting from reaction of cysteine at the amino group, carboxy group, or thiol group, or from the replacement of any hydrogen of cysteine by a heteroatom. The definition normally excludes peptides containing cysteine residues. CHEBI:23509 chebi_ontology cysteine derivative deoxyhexose Any C6 deoxy sugar having at least one hydroxy group replaced by hydrogen. CHEBI:23628 chebi_ontology deoxyhexose deoxyhexoses deoxy sugar Any sugar having a hydroxy group replaced with a hydrogen atom. CHEBI:23639 chebi_ontology deoxy sugars deoxysugar deoxysugars diazole An azole that is either one of a pair of heterocyclic organic compounds comprising three carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms arranged in a ring. CHEBI:23677 chebi_ontology diazoles dihydroxybenzoic acid Any member of the class of hydroxybenzoic acids carrying two phenolic hydroxy groups on the benzene ring and its derivatives. CHEBI:23778 chebi_ontology dihydroxybenzoic acids diol A compound that contains two hydroxy groups, generally assumed to be, but not necessarily, alcoholic. Aliphatic diols are also called glycols. CHEBI:23824 Wikipedia:Diol chebi_ontology diols diterpene alkaloid CHEBI:23847 chebi_ontology diterpene alkaloids diterpenoid Any terpenoid derived from a diterpene. The term includes compounds in which the C20 skeleton of the parent diterpene has been rearranged or modified by the removal of one or more skeletal atoms (generally methyl groups). C20 isoprenoids CHEBI:23849 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMPR0104 chebi_ontology diterpenoides diterpenoids behenate 339.57560 A straight-chain saturated fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of behenic acid, arising from deprotonation of the carboxylic acid group. C22H43O2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]20-COO(-) CHEBI:23858 Docosanoate Gmelin:351197 InChI=1S/C22H44O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22(23)24/h2-21H2,1H3,(H,23,24)/p-1 KEGG:C08281 UKMSUNONTOPOIO-UHFFFAOYSA-M behenate chebi_ontology docosanoate docosanoate drug Any substance which when absorbed into a living organism may modify one or more of its functions. The term is generally accepted for a substance taken for a therapeutic purpose, but is also commonly used for abused substances. CHEBI:23888 chebi_ontology drugs medicine monoatomic cation CHEBI:23906 chebi_ontology monoatomic cations enzyme inhibitor A compound or agent that combines with an enzyme in such a manner as to prevent the normal substrate-enzyme combination and the catalytic reaction. CHEBI:23924 chebi_ontology enzyme inhibitor enzyme inhibitors inhibidor enzimatico inhibidores enzimaticos inhibiteur enzymatique inhibiteurs enzymatiques ethanols Any primary alcohol based on an ethanol skeleton. CHEBI:23982 chebi_ontology ethyl ester 73.07060 Any carboxylic ester resulting from the formal condensation of the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid with ethanol. C3H5O2R CCOC([*])=O CHEBI:23990 CHEBI:85056 carboxylic acid ethyl ester carboxylic acid ethyl esters chebi_ontology ethyl carboxylate ethyl carboxylates ethyl esters fat-soluble vitamin CHEBI:24020 Vitamins like A, D, E and K that dissolve in fats and are stored in body tissues. Unlike the water-soluble vitamins, these are stored in the body for long periods of time and generally pose a greater risk for toxicity when consumed in excess. chebi_ontology fat-soluble vitamins fettloesliche Vitamine fatty alcohol An aliphatic alcohol consisting of a chain of 8 to 22 carbon atoms. Fatty alcohols may be saturated or unsaturated and may be branched or unbranched. CHEBI:24026 Fettalkohol Fettalkohole LIPID_MAPS_class:LMFA05 alcool gras chebi_ontology fatty alcohol fatty alcohols ferulic acids CHEBI:24031 chebi_ontology flavones 2-aryl-1-benzopyran-4-one 2-aryl-1-benzopyran-4-ones 2-arylchromen-4-one 2-arylchromen-4-ones A member of the class of flavonoid with a 2-aryl-1-benzopyran-4-one (2-arylchromen-4-one) skeleton and its substituted derivatives. CHEBI:24043 MetaCyc:Flavones Wikipedia:Flavone [*]c1c([*])c([*])c(c([*])c1[*])-c1oc2c([*])c([*])c([*])c([*])c2c(=O)c1[*] a flavone chebi_ontology furanocoumarin Any furochromene that consists of a furan ring fused with a coumarin. The fusion may occur in different ways in give several isomers. CHEBI:24128 Wikipedia:Furocoumarin chebi_ontology furanocoumarins furans CHEBI:24129 Compounds containing at least one furan ring. chebi_ontology oxacyclopenta-2,4-dienes galactoside CHEBI:24163 chebi_ontology galactoside galactosides galacturonan CHEBI:24174 CHEBI:5260 chebi_ontology galacturonans 3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol 154.24932 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol 3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol An octadienol that has formula C10H18O. Beilstein:8132082 C10H18O CHEBI:24221 GLZPCOQZEFWAFX-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:2352439 InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-9(2)5-4-6-10(3)7-8-11/h5,7,11H,4,6,8H2,1-3H3 LINCS:LSM-36962 [H]C(CO)=C(C)CCC=C(C)C chebi_ontology glucoside CHEBI:24278 chebi_ontology glucosides aconitine 16-Ethyl-1alpha,6alpha,19beta-trimethoxy-4-(methoxymethyl)-aconitane-3alpha,8,10alpha,11,18alpha-pentol, 8-acetate 10-benzoate 20-ethyl-3alpha,13,15alpha-trihydroxy-1alpha,6alpha,16beta-trimethoxy-4-(methoxymethyl)aconitane-8,14alpha-diyl 8-acetate 14-benzoate 645.73712 A diterpenoid that is 20-ethyl-3alpha,13,15alpha-trihydroxy-1alpha,6alpha,16beta-trimethoxy-4-(methoxymethyl)aconitane-8,14alpha-diol having acetate and benzoate groups at the 8- and 14-positions respectively. Aconitine C34H47NO11 CAS:302-27-2 CHEBI:2430 InChI=1S/C34H47NO11/c1-7-35-15-31(16-41-3)20(37)13-21(42-4)33-19-14-32(40)28(45-30(39)18-11-9-8-10-12-18)22(19)34(46-17(2)36,27(38)29(32)44-6)23(26(33)35)24(43-5)25(31)33/h8-12,19-29,37-38,40H,7,13-16H2,1-6H3/t19-,20-,21+,22-,23+,24+,25-,26?,27+,28-,29+,31+,32-,33+,34-/m1/s1 KEGG:C06091 KNApSAcK:C00001611 PMID:12951473 PMID:14979521 PMID:16293382 PMID:16315485 PMID:16949890 PMID:17276394 PMID:17327465 PMID:18329015 PMID:18448863 PMID:19967988 PMID:20717872 PMID:20886302 PMID:20937638 PMID:20953393 PMID:21277363 PMID:21377951 PMID:21505405 PMID:21512442 PMID:21782880 PMID:9459571 Reaxys:74608 XFSBVAOIAHNAPC-XTHSEXKGSA-N [H][C@]12C[C@]3(O)[C@@H](OC)[C@H](O)[C@](OC(C)=O)([C@@]4([H])[C@H](OC)[C@]5([H])[C@]6(COC)CN(CC)C4[C@]15[C@H](C[C@H]6O)OC)[C@@]2([H])[C@H]3OC(=O)c1ccccc1 chebi_ontology glucosiduronic acid Any substance produced by linking glucuronic acid to another substance via a glycosidic bond. CHEBI:24302 chebi_ontology glucosiduronic acids glucuronide glutarate A dicarboxylic acid anion obtained by deprotonation of at least one of the carboxy groups of glutaric acid. CHEBI:24329 chebi_ontology glutarate anion glutarates glutaric acid anion glycine derivative A proteinogenic amino acid derivative resulting from reaction of glycine at the amino group or the carboxy group, or from the replacement of any hydrogen of glycine by a heteroatom. CHEBI:24373 chebi_ontology glycoglycerolipid CHEBI:24385 chebi_ontology glycoglycerolipids glycophospholipid Any phospholipid that contain both phosphate and carbohydrate as integral structural components. CHEBI:24397 chebi_ontology glycophospholipid glycophospholipids phosphoglycolipids glycoside A glycosyl compound resulting from the attachment of a glycosyl group to a non-acyl group RO-, RS-, RSe-, etc. The bond between the glycosyl group and the non-acyl group is called a glycosidic bond. By extension, the terms N-glycosides and C-glycosides are used as class names for glycosylamines and for compounds having a glycosyl group attached to a hydrocarbyl group respectively. These terms are misnomers and should not be used. The preferred terms are glycosylamines and C-glycosyl compounds, respectively. CHEBI:24400 O-glycoside O-glycosides chebi_ontology glycosides glycosides glycosylglucose CHEBI:24405 chebi_ontology glycosylglucoses chemical entity A chemical entity is a physical entity of interest in chemistry including molecular entities, parts thereof, and chemical substances. CHEBI:24431 chebi_ontology chemical entity biological role A role played by the molecular entity or part thereof within a biological context. CHEBI:24432 biological function chebi_ontology group A defined linked collection of atoms or a single atom within a molecular entity. CHEBI:24433 Gruppe Rest chebi_ontology group groupe grupo grupos guanidines Any organonitrogen compound containing a carbamimidamido (guanidino) group. Guanidines have the general structure (R(1)R(2)N)(R(3)R(4)N)C=N-R(5) and are related structurally to amidines and ureas. CHEBI:24436 chebi_ontology Acutumidine 383.824 Acutumidine An alkaloid that has formula C18H22ClNO6. C18H22ClNO6 CAS:18145-26-1 CHEBI:2452 COC1=CC(=O)[C@]2([C@@H](Cl)C[C@]34NCC[C@]23CC(=O)C(OC)=C4OC)[C@@H]1O InChI=1S/C18H22ClNO6/c1-24-10-6-12(22)18(14(10)23)11(19)8-17-15(26-3)13(25-2)9(21)7-16(17,18)4-5-20-17/h6,11,14,20,23H,4-5,7-8H2,1-3H3/t11-,14+,16+,17+,18+/m0/s1 KEGG:C10565 KNApSAcK:C00002310 SBALNGLYQFMKPR-NQTWQHAWSA-N chebi_ontology organic heterocyclic compound A cyclic compound having as ring members atoms of carbon and at least of one other element. CHEBI:24532 chebi_ontology organic heterocycle organic heterocyclic compounds hexadecenoic acid 16:1 A C16 straight-chain monounsaturated fatty acid having one C=C double bond. C16:1 C16H30O2 CHEBI:24548 FA 16:1 Hexadecensaeure Hexadecensaeuren PMID:17439666 acide hexadecenoique acides hexadecenoiques acido hexadecenoico acidos hexadecenoicos chebi_ontology hexadecenoic acid hexadecenoic acid 16:1 hexenal A monounsaturated fatty acid aldehyde that is hexene having an oxo group at position 1. CHEBI:24578 chebi_ontology hormone CHEBI:24621 Originally referring to an endogenous compound that is formed in specialized organ or group of cells and carried to another organ or group of cells, in the same organism, upon which it has a specific regulatory function, the term is now commonly used to include non-endogenous, semi-synthetic and fully synthetic analogues of such compounds. chebi_ontology endocrine hormones hydrocarbon A compound consisting of carbon and hydrogen only. CHEBI:24632 Kohlenwasserstoff Kohlenwasserstoffe chebi_ontology hidrocarburo hidrocarburos hydrocarbon hydrocarbons hydrocarbure hydroxides CHEBI:24651 Hydroxides are chemical compounds containing a hydroxy group or salts containing hydroxide (OH(-)). chebi_ontology hydroxy fatty acid Any fatty acid carrying one or more hydroxy substituents. CHEBI:24654 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMFA0105 PMID:18296335 PMID:6419288 PMID:8274032 chebi_ontology hydroxy fatty acids hydroxy carboxylic acid Any carboxylic acid with at least one hydroxy group. CHEBI:24669 chebi_ontology hydroxy carboxylic acids hydroxycarboxylic acid hydroxycarboxylic acids hydroxybenzoate Any benzoate derivative carrying a single carboxylate group and at least one hydroxy substituent. CHEBI:24675 chebi_ontology hydroxybenzoates hydroxybenzoic acid Any benzoic acid carrying one or more phenolic hydroxy groups on the benzene ring. C7H6O3 CHEBI:24676 CHEBI:50778 chebi_ontology hydroxybenzoic acid hydroxybenzoic acids hydroxybutyric acid Any compound comprising a butyric acid core carrying at least one hydroxy substituent. C4H8O3 CHEBI:24684 chebi_ontology hydroxybutanoic acid hydroxybutanoic acids hydroxybutyric acids monohydroxycinnamic acid CHEBI:24688 chebi_ontology monohydroxycinnamic acids hydroxycinnamic acid Any member of the class of cinnamic acids carrying one or more hydroxy substituents. CHEBI:24689 chebi_ontology hydroxycinnamic acids hydroxyflavanone A member of the class of flavanones that consists of flavanone with one or more hydroxy substituents. CHEBI:24697 chebi_ontology hydroxyflavanone hydroxyflavanones hydroxyflavone Any flavone in which one or more ring hydrogens are replaced by hydroxy groups. CHEBI:24698 chebi_ontology hydroxyflavones hydroxymethyl group -CH3-OH 31.03392 CH3O CHEBI:24712 chebi_ontology hydroxymethyl serine side-chain imidazoles A five-membered organic heterocycle containing two nitrogen atoms at positions 1 and 3, or any of its derivatives; compounds containing an imidazole skeleton. CHEBI:24780 chebi_ontology indoles Any compound containing an indole skeleton. CHEBI:24828 chebi_ontology oxoacid A compound which contains oxygen, at least one other element, and at least one hydrogen bound to oxygen, and which produces a conjugate base by loss of positive hydrogen ion(s) (hydrons). CHEBI:24833 chebi_ontology oxacids oxiacids oxo acid oxoacid oxoacids oxy-acids oxyacids inorganic anion CHEBI:24834 chebi_ontology inorganic anions inorganic molecular entity A molecular entity that contains no carbon. CHEBI:24835 anorganische Verbindungen chebi_ontology inorganic compounds inorganic entity inorganic molecular entities inorganics inositol 1,2,3,4,5,6-cyclohexanehexol 180.15588 Any cyclohexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol. C6H12O6 CDAISMWEOUEBRE-UHFFFAOYSA-N CHEBI:24848 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9/h1-12H OC1C(O)C(O)C(O)C(O)C1O chebi_ontology inositol inositols inositols insect attractant A chemical that lures insects to a trap, thereby removing them from crops, animals or stored products. CHEBI:24850 PMID:7044287 chebi_ontology insect attractants insecticide CHEBI:24852 Strictly, a substance intended to kill members of the class Insecta. In common usage, any substance used for preventing, destroying, repelling or controlling insects. Wikipedia:Insecticide chebi_ontology insecticides monoatomic ion CHEBI:24867 chebi_ontology monoatomic ions ion A molecular entity having a net electric charge. CHEBI:24870 Ion Ionen chebi_ontology ion iones ions iron molecular entity CHEBI:24873 chebi_ontology iron compounds iron molecular entities iron molecular entity iron cation CHEBI:24875 Fe Fe cation chebi_ontology iron cation iron cations isoleucine A 2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid having either (2R,3R)- or (2S,3S)-configuration. Beilstein:1721790 CAS:443-79-8 CHEBI:24898 Hile PMID:17190852 Reaxys:1721790 chebi_ontology isoleucine rel-(2R,3R)-2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid isoprenoid Any lipid formally derived from isoprene (2-methylbuta-1,3-diene), the skeleton of which can generally be discerned in repeated occurrence in the molecule. The skeleton of isoprenoids may differ from strict additivity of isoprene units by loss or shift of a fragment, commonly a methyl group. The class includes both hydrocarbons and oxygenated derivatives. CHEBI:24913 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMPR01 PMID:12769708 PMID:19219049 chebi_ontology isoprenoid isoprenoids isoprenoids isoquinoline alkaloid Any alkaloid that has a structure based on an isoquinoline nucleus. They are derived from the amino acids like tyrosine and phenylalanine. CHEBI:24921 chebi_ontology isoquinoline alkaloids isoquinolines A class of organic heteropolycyclic compound consisting of isoquinoline and its substitution derivatives. CHEBI:24922 chebi_ontology lactam CHEBI:24995 Cyclic amides of amino carboxylic acids, having a 1-azacycloalkan-2-one structure, or analogues having unsaturation or heteroatoms replacing one or more carbon atoms of the ring. Laktam Laktame chebi_ontology lactam lactams lactams lactate 2-hydroxypropanoate 2-hydroxypropanoic acid, ion(1-) 2-hydroxypropionate 89.07000 A hydroxy monocarboxylic acid anion that is the conjugate base of lactic acid, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. Beilstein:3587719 C3H5O3 CAS:113-21-3 CC(O)C([O-])=O CHEBI:24996 Gmelin:240074 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/p-1 JVTAAEKCZFNVCJ-UHFFFAOYSA-M KEGG:C01432 MeCH(OH)CO2 anion MetaCyc:Lactate b-lactate beta-lactate chebi_ontology lactate lactone Any cyclic carboxylic ester containing a 1-oxacycloalkan-2-one structure, or an analogue having unsaturation or heteroatoms replacing one or more carbon atoms of the ring. CHEBI:25000 Lacton Lakton Laktone chebi_ontology lactona lactonas lactone lactones leucine (+-)-Leucine (RS)-Leucine 131.17296 2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid A branched-chain amino acid that consists of glycine in which one of the hydrogens attached to the alpha-carbon is substituted by an isobutyl group. Beilstein:636005 C6H13NO2 CAS:328-39-2 CC(C)CC(N)C(O)=O CHEBI:25017 DL-Leucine Gmelin:50203 Hleu InChI=1S/C6H13NO2/c1-4(2)3-5(7)6(8)9/h4-5H,3,7H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9) KEGG:C16439 L LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01100048 Leu Leucin Leuzin PMID:17439666 ROHFNLRQFUQHCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:636005 Wikipedia:Leucine chebi_ontology leucine lignan Any phenylpropanoid derived from phenylalanine via dimerization of substituted cinnamic alcohols, known as monolignols, to a dibenzylbutane skeleton. Note that while individual members of the class have names ending ...lignane, ...lignene, ...lignadiene, etc., the class names lignan, neolignan, etc., do not end with an "e". CHEBI:25035 CHEBI:25036 chebi_ontology lignan lignans macrolide A macrocyclic lactone with a ring of twelve or more members derived from a polyketide. CHEBI:25106 Makrolid Wikipedia:Macrolide chebi_ontology macrolide macrolides macrolides magnesium atom 12Mg 24.30500 An alkaline earth metal atom that has formula Mg. CAS:7439-95-4 CHEBI:25107 DrugBank:DB01378 FYYHWMGAXLPEAU-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:16207 InChI=1S/Mg KEGG:C00305 Magnesium Mg WebElements:Mg [Mg] chebi_ontology magnesio magnesium magnesium magnesium molecular entity CHEBI:25108 chebi_ontology magnesium compounds magnesium molecular entities magnesium molecular entity magnesium porphyrin CHEBI:25111 chebi_ontology magnesium porphyrins malate A dicarboxylic acid anion obtained by deprotonation of at least one of the carboxy groups of malic acid. CHEBI:25115 chebi_ontology malate anion malates malic acid anion manganese molecular entity CHEBI:25154 chebi_ontology manganese compounds manganese molecular entities manganese molecular entity manganese cation CHEBI:25155 Mn chebi_ontology manganese cation manganese cations p-menthane monoterpenoid CHEBI:25186 chebi_ontology p-menthane monoterpenoids p-menthan-3-ol 156.26520 Any secondary alcohol that is one of the eight possible diastereoisomers of 5-methyl-2-(propan-2-yl)cyclohexan-1-ol. C10H20O CC(C)C1CCC(C)CC1O CHEBI:25187 InChI=1S/C10H20O/c1-7(2)9-5-4-8(3)6-10(9)11/h7-11H,4-6H2,1-3H3 NOOLISFMXDJSKH-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology metabolite Any intermediate or product resulting from metabolism. The term 'metabolite' subsumes the classes commonly known as primary and secondary metabolites. CHEBI:25212 CHEBI:26619 CHEBI:35220 chebi_ontology metabolite metabolites primary metabolites secondary metabolites metal cation CHEBI:25213 a metal cation chebi_ontology metal cations metalloporphyrin CHEBI:25216 chebi_ontology metalloporphyrins metaloporphyrins monomethoxybenzene CHEBI:25235 Compounds containing a benzene skeleton substituted with one methoxy group. chebi_ontology monomethoxybenzenes methoxybenzoate CHEBI:25236 chebi_ontology methoxybenzoates methoxybenzoic acid Any benzoic acid carrying one or more methoxy substituents. CHEBI:25238 chebi_ontology methoxybenzoic acids methoxyflavanone A member of the class of flavanones that consists of flavanone with one or more methoxy substituents. CHEBI:25240 chebi_ontology methoxyflavanones methoxyflavone Any member of the class of flavones with at least one methoxy substituent. CHEBI:25241 chebi_ontology methoxyflavones methyl ester Any carboxylic ester resulting from the formal condensation of a carboxy group with methanol. C2H3O2R CHEBI:25248 COC([*])=O carboxylic acid methyl ester carboxylic acid methyl esters chebi_ontology mitochondrial respiratory-chain inhibitor CHEBI:25355 chebi_ontology mitochondrial electron transport chain inhibitors mitochondrial electron-transport chain inhibitor mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibitors molecule Any polyatomic entity that is an electrically neutral entity consisting of more than one atom. CHEBI:25367 Molekuel chebi_ontology molecula molecule molecules neutral molecular compounds molybdenum molecular entity CHEBI:25370 chebi_ontology molybdenum compounds molybdenum molecular entities monocarboxylic acid An oxoacid containing a single carboxy group. CHEBI:25384 chebi_ontology monocarboxylic acid monocarboxylic acids monohydroxybenzoate A hydroxybenzoate carrying a single hydroxy substituent at unspecified position. CHEBI:25388 chebi_ontology monohydroxybenzoates monohydroxybenzoic acid Any hydroxybenzoic acid having a single phenolic hydroxy substituent on the benzene ring. CHEBI:25389 chebi_ontology monohydroxybenzoic acids monoterpene ketone A terpene ketone derived from a monoterpene. CHEBI:25408 chebi_ontology monoterpene ketones monoterpenoid Any terpenoid derived from a monoterpene. The term includes compounds in which the C10 skeleton of the parent monoterpene has been rearranged or modified by the removal of one or more skeletal atoms (generally methyl groups). CHEBI:25409 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMPR0102 chebi_ontology monoterpenoids monoterpenols CHEBI:25411 KEGG:C00863 chebi_ontology monoterpenols monounsaturated fatty acid Any fatty acid with one double or triple bond in the fatty acid chain and singly bonded carbon atoms in the rest of the chain. MUFAs have positive effects on the cardiovascular system, and in diabetes treatment. CHEBI:25413 MUFA MUFAs PMID:10584045 PMID:12936956 chebi_ontology monounsaturated fatty acids monoatomic monocation 0.00000 CHEBI:25414 [*+] chebi_ontology monoatomic monocations monovalent cation monovalent inorganic cations morphinane alkaloid An isoquinoline alkaloid based on a morphinan skeleton and its substituted derivatives. CHEBI:25418 chebi_ontology morphinane alkaloids monoatomic polycation CHEBI:25430 chebi_ontology monoatomic polycations multivalent inorganic cations mutagen An agent that increases the frequency of mutations above the normal background level, usually by interacting directly with DNA and causing it damage, including base substitution. CHEBI:25435 Wikipedia:Mutagen chebi_ontology mutagene mutagenes mutagenic agent mutageno mutagenos mutagens naphthalenes Any benzenoid aromatic compound having a skeleton composed of two ortho-fused benzene rings. CHEBI:25477 chebi_ontology nematicide A substance used to destroy pests of the phylum Nematoda (roundworms). CHEBI:25491 Wikipedia:Nematicide chebi_ontology nematicides nematocide neohesperidoside A glycoside containing alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1->2)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl residue as the sugar unit. CHEBI:25495 chebi_ontology neohesperidoside neohesperidosides neurotransmitter An endogenous compound that is used to transmit information across the synapse between a neuron and another cell. CHEBI:25512 Wikipedia:Neurotransmitter chebi_ontology neurotransmitters nickel cation CHEBI:25516 Ni Ni cation chebi_ontology nickel cation nickel cations nitrogen atom 7N CHEBI:25555 N Stickstoff WebElements:N azote chebi_ontology nitrogen nitrogen nitrogeno nonaprenol Any polyprenol composed of at least nine isoprene units. CHEBI:25582 chebi_ontology nonaprenols nonmetal atom CHEBI:25585 Nichtmetall Nichtmetalle chebi_ontology no metal no metales non-metal non-metaux nonmetal nonmetal nonmetals nucleoside phosphate A nucleobase-containing molecular entity that is a nucleoside in which one or more of the sugar hydroxy groups has been converted into a mono- or poly-phosphate. The term includes both nucleotides and non-nucleotide nucleoside phosphates. CHEBI:25608 KEGG:C01329 NMP Nucleoside monophosphate chebi_ontology nucleoside phosphates octadecadienoate 279.4393 A long-chain, unsaturated fatty acid anion formed by deprotonation of the carboxy group of any octadecadienoic acid; major species at pH 7.3. C18H31O2 CHEBI:25626 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology octadecadienoate octadecadienoic acid 18:2 Any straight-chain, C18 polyunsaturated fatty acid having two C=C double bonds. C18:2 C18H32O2 CAS:26764-25-0 CHEBI:25627 FA (18:2) PMID:6794350 chebi_ontology octadecadienoic acid stearate 283.46930 A fatty acid anion 18:0 that is the conjugate base of stearic acid. Stearates have a variety of uses in the pharmaceutical industry. Beilstein:3590530 C18H35O2 CAS:646-29-7 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]16-COO(-) CHEBI:231588 CHEBI:25629 Gmelin:344065 InChI=1S/C18H36O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h2-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20)/p-1 KEGG:C01530 MetaCyc:STEARIC_ACID PMID:16401590 PMID:19184617 PMID:3180776 PMID:7452460 QIQXTHQIDYTFRH-UHFFFAOYSA-M Reaxys:3590530 Stearate chebi_ontology octadecanoate octadecanoate octadecanoic acid, ion(1-) stearate stearic acid, ion(1-) octadecenoic acid Any member of the group of C18 monounsaturated fatty acids with the double bond located at any position in the chain. C18H34O2 CHEBI:25634 PMID:18832207 PMID:19106329 PMID:7276754 chebi_ontology octadecenoic acid octadienol A primary alcohol that is octanol consisting of two double bonds at unspecified positions. CHEBI:25639 chebi_ontology octadienols octanoate 1-heptanecarboxylate 143.204 A straight-chain saturated fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of octanoic acid (caprylic acid); believed to block adipogenesis. Beilstein:3588079 C(CCCCCC)C(=O)[O-] C8H15O2 CAS:74-81-7 CH3-[CH2]6-COO(-) CHEBI:25646 Gmelin:329219 InChI=1S/C8H16O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8(9)10/h2-7H2,1H3,(H,9,10)/p-1 PMID:11983812 Reaxys:3588079 UM-BBD_compID:c0047 WWZKQHOCKIZLMA-UHFFFAOYSA-M caprilate caprylate chebi_ontology n-caprylate n-octanoate n-octoate n-octylate octanoate octanoic acid, ion(1-) octylate organic heteromonocyclic compound CHEBI:25693 chebi_ontology organic heteromonocyclic compounds organic anion CHEBI:25696 chebi_ontology organic anions organic cation Any organic ion with a net positive charge. CHEBI:25697 chebi_ontology organic cations ether 15.99940 An organooxygen compound with formula ROR, where R is not hydrogen. CHEBI:25698 OR2 [*]O[*] chebi_ontology ether ethers ethers organic ion CHEBI:25699 chebi_ontology organic ions organic phosphate CHEBI:25703 chebi_ontology organic phosphate organic phosphate ester organic phosphate esters organic phosphates organophosphate ester organophosphate esters aliphatic alcohol 17.007 Aliphatic alcohol An alcohol derived from an aliphatic compound. CHEBI:2571 HOR KEGG:C02525 aliphatic alcohols an aliphatic alcohol chebi_ontology organophosphorus compound An organophosphorus compound is formally a compound containing at least one carbon-phosphorus bond, but the term is often extended to include esters and thioesters. CHEBI:25710 chebi_ontology organophosphorus compound organophosphorus compounds osmolyte A solute used by a cell under water stress to maintain cell volume. CHEBI:25728 chebi_ontology osmolytes oxide An oxide is a chemical compound of oxygen with other chemical elements. CHEBI:25741 chebi_ontology oxide oxides oxo carboxylic acid Any compound that has an aldehydic or ketonic group as well as a carboxylic acid group in the same molecule. CHEBI:25754 chebi_ontology oxo acids oxo carboxylic acids oxo carboxylic acids unsaturated fatty acid anion Any fatty acid anion containing at least one C-C unsaturated bond; formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. CHEBI:2580 an unsaturated fatty acid chebi_ontology oxygen atom 15.99940 8O A chalcogen that has formula O. CHEBI:25805 InChI=1S/O KEGG:C00007 O QVGXLLKOCUKJST-UHFFFAOYSA-N Sauerstoff WebElements:O [O] chebi_ontology oxigeno oxygen oxygen oxygene oxygen molecular entity CHEBI:25806 chebi_ontology oxygen molecular entities oxygen molecular entity p-menthane 1-isopropyl-4-methylcyclohexane 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-cyclohexane 1-methyl-4-(propan-2-yl)cyclohexane 140.26580 A monoterpene that has formula C10H20. Beilstein:1900617 C10H20 CAS:99-82-1 CC1CCC(CC1)C(C)C CFJYNSNXFXLKNS-UHFFFAOYSA-N CHEBI:25826 InChI=1S/C10H20/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h8-10H,4-7H2,1-3H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102090000 chebi_ontology p-Menthan p-menthane para-menthane hexadecanoate ester A fatty acid ester obtained by condensation of the carboxy group of palmitic acid with a hydroxy group of an alcohol or phenol. C(CCCCCCCCCC)CCCCC(O*)=O C16H31O2R CHEBI:25835 chebi_ontology hexadecanoate ester hexadecanoate esters palmitate ester palmitate esters palmitic acid ester palmitic acid esters pentacyclic triterpenoid CHEBI:25872 chebi_ontology pentacyclic triterpenoids pentahydroxyflavone A hydroxyflavone substituted by five hydroxy groups. CHEBI:25883 chebi_ontology pentahydroxyflavones aldopentose phosphate CHEBI:25900 aldopentose phosphate aldopentose phosphates chebi_ontology pentose A five-carbon monosaccharide which in its linear form contains either an aldehyde group at position 1 (aldopentose) or a ketone group at position 2 (ketopentose). CHEBI:25901 chebi_ontology pentose pentoses pesticide CHEBI:25944 Pestizid Pestizide Strictly, a substance intended to kill pests. In common usage, any substance used for controlling, preventing, or destroying animal, microbiological or plant pests. Wikipedia:Pesticide chebi_ontology pesticide pesticides 3-phenyllactic acid 166.17390 2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoic acid 2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropionic acid A 2-hydroxy monocarboxylic acid that is lactic acid in which one of the methyl hydrogens is substituted by a phenyl group. C9H10O3 CAS:828-01-3 CHEBI:25998 DL-3-phenyllactic acid DL-beta-phenyllactic acid HMDB:HMDB00779 InChI=1S/C9H10O3/c10-8(9(11)12)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5,8,10H,6H2,(H,11,12) MetaCyc:CPD-7999 OC(Cc1ccccc1)C(O)=O PMID:22770225 Reaxys:2209791 VOXXWSYKYCBWHO-UHFFFAOYSA-N beta-phenyllactic acid chebi_ontology phenylpropanoid Any organic aromatic compound with a structure based on a phenylpropane skeleton. The class includes naturally occurring phenylpropanoid esters, flavonoids, anthocyanins, coumarins and many small phenolic molecules as well as their semi-synthetic and synthetic analogues. Phenylpropanoids are also precursors of lignin. CHEBI:26004 Wikipedia:Phenylpropanoid chebi_ontology phenylpropanoids pheromone A semiochemical used in olfactory communication between organisms of the same species eliciting a change in sexual or social behaviour. CHEBI:26013 PMID:23988175 Wikipedia:Pheromone chebi_ontology ectohormone feromone pheromone pheromones phosphate CHEBI:26020 Salts and esters of phosphoric and oligophosphoric acids and their chalcogen analogues. In inorganic chemistry, the term is also used to describe anionic coordination entities with phosphorus as central atom. chebi_ontology phosphates phosphates phosphoric acid 97.99520 A phosphorus oxoacid that consits of one oxo and three hydroxy groups joined covalently to a central phosphorus atom. Beilstein:1921286 CAS:7664-38-2 CHEBI:26078 Gmelin:2000 H3O4P H3PO4 HMDB:HMDB02142 InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4) KEGG:C00009 KEGG:D05467 KNApSAcK:C00007408 NBIIXXVUZAFLBC-UHFFFAOYSA-N Orthophosphoric acid PMID:11455380 PMID:15630224 PMID:17439666 PMID:17518491 PMID:22282755 PMID:22333268 PMID:22381614 PMID:22401268 Phosphate Phosphoric acid Phosphorsaeure Phosphorsaeureloesungen Reaxys:1921286 Wikipedia:Phosphoric_Acid [H]OP(=O)(O[H])O[H] [PO(OH)3] acide phosphorique acidum phosphoricum chebi_ontology orthophosphoric acid phosphoric acid tetraoxophosphoric acid trihydrogen tetraoxophosphate(3-) trihydroxidooxidophosphorus phosphoric acid derivative CHEBI:26079 chebi_ontology phosphoric acid derivatives phosphoric acids phosphorus molecular entity CHEBI:26082 chebi_ontology phosphorus molecular entities phthalate CHEBI:26092 chebi_ontology phthalates benzenedicarboxylic acid A member of the class of benzoic acids in that consists of benzene substituted by two carboxy groups. C8H6O4 CHEBI:26094 benzenedicarboxylic acid chebi_ontology phytosteroid CHEBI:26124 chebi_ontology phytosteroids phytosterols CHEBI:26125 Sterols similar to cholesterol which occur in plants and vary only in carbon side chains and/or presence or absence of a double bond. Wikipedia:Phytosterol chebi_ontology biological pigment An endogenous molecular entity that results in a colour of an organism as the consequence of the selective absorption of light. CHEBI:26130 chebi_ontology pigments piperidinemonocarboxylic acid CHEBI:26148 chebi_ontology piperidinemonocarboxylic acids piperidines CHEBI:26151 chebi_ontology plant growth regulator A chemical, natural or artificial, that can affect the rate of growth of a plant. CHEBI:26155 chebi_ontology plant growth regulators polar amino acid CHEBI:26167 CHEBI:8283 KEGG:C06699 Polar amino acid chebi_ontology polar amino acids polyketide CHEBI:26188 Natural and synthetic compounds containing alternating carbonyl and methylene groups ('beta-polyketones'), biogenetically derived from repeated condensation of acetyl coenzyme A (via malonyl coenzyme A), and usually the compounds derived from them by further condensations, etc. Considered by many to be synonymous with the less frequently used terms acetogenins and ketides. chebi_ontology polyketide polyketides polyol A compound that contains two or more hydroxy groups. CHEBI:26191 chebi_ontology polyols polyphenol CHEBI:26195 Members of the class of phenols that contain 2 or more benzene rings each of which is substituted by at least one hydroxy group. Wikipedia:Polyphenol chebi_ontology polyphenols polyprenol (C5H8)nC10H18O 0.0 Any member of the class of prenols possessing the general formula H-[CH2C(Me)=CHCH2]nOH in which the carbon skeleton is composed of more than one isoprene units. CHEBI:26199 CHEBI:8317 KEGG:C06081 chebi_ontology polyprenols polyunsaturated fatty acid Any fatty acid containing more than one double bond. Acids in this group are reported to have cardioprotective effects; and levels are lowered in chronic fatigue syndrome. CHEBI:26208 PMID:14977874 PMID:16380690 PMID:17891522 PUFA PUFAs chebi_ontology polyunsaturated fatty acids porphyrins CHEBI:26214 Natural pigments containing a fundamental skeleton of four pyrrole nuclei united through the alpha-positions by four methine groups to form a macrocyclic structure. Wikipedia:Porphyrin chebi_ontology porphyrins potassium atom 19K 39.09830 An alkali metal atom that has formula K. CAS:7440-09-7 CHEBI:26216 DrugBank:DB01345 InChI=1S/K K KEGG:C00238 Kalium WebElements:K ZLMJMSJWJFRBEC-UHFFFAOYSA-N [K] chebi_ontology kalium potasio potassium potassium potassium molecular entity CHEBI:26217 chebi_ontology potassium molecular entities potassium molecular entity prenols Any alcohol possessing the general formula H-[CH2C(Me)=CHCH2]nOH in which the carbon skeleton is composed of one or more isoprene units (biogenetic precursors of the isoprenoids). CHEBI:26244 PMID:3113948 PMID:4207873 chebi_ontology prenols proanthocyanidin A flavonoid oligomer obtained by the the condensation of two or more units of hydroxyflavans. CHEBI:26267 Wikipedia:Proanthocyanidin chebi_ontology condensed tannins polyflavonoid tannins proanthocyanidins proline 115.13050 An alpha-amino acid that is pyrrolidine bearing a carboxy substituent at position 2. Beilstein:80809 C5H9NO2 CAS:609-36-9 CHEBI:26271 DL-Proline Gmelin:26927 Hpro InChI=1S/C5H9NO2/c7-5(8)4-2-1-3-6-4/h4,6H,1-3H2,(H,7,8) KEGG:C16435 OC(=O)C1CCCN1 ONIBWKKTOPOVIA-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:16534801 PMID:21400017 PMID:21903295 PMID:22264337 PMID:22280966 PMID:22770225 Prolin Reaxys:80809 Wikipedia:Proline chebi_ontology prolina proline pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid propane-1,2-diols CHEBI:26284 chebi_ontology propane-1,2-diols propanediol CHEBI:26288 chebi_ontology propanediols psoralens A furanocoumarin with a 7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one skeleton and its substituted derivatives thereof. CHEBI:26369 chebi_ontology psoralenes pterocarpans 212.15930 C15O2R12 CHEBI:26377 CHEBI:60953 Members of the class of benzofurochromene with a 6a,11a-dihydro-6H-[1]benzofuro[3,2-c]chromene skeleton and its substituted derivatives. They generally bear structural resemblance to isoflavanoids that possess antibiotic activity and are produced by plant tissues in response to infection. They are the 3,4-dihydroderivatives of coumestans. MetaCyc:PTEROCARPANS Wikipedia:Pterocarpan [*]c1c([*])c([*])c2c(OC([*])([*])C3([*])c4c([*])c([*])c([*])c([*])c4OC23[*])c1[*] chebi_ontology isoflavonoid phytoalexin isoflavonoid phytoalexins purine nucleobase CHEBI:26386 KEGG:C15587 chebi_ontology purine bases purine nucleobase purine nucleobases purine nucleoside diphosphate CHEBI:26391 chebi_ontology purine nucleoside diphosphates purine nucleoside monophosphate CHEBI:26392 chebi_ontology purine nucleoside monophosphates purine nucleoside CHEBI:26394 chebi_ontology purine nucleoside purine nucleosides purine nucleotide Any nucleotide that has a purine nucleobase. CHEBI:26395 chebi_ontology purine nucleotides purine ribonucleoside diphosphate CHEBI:26396 chebi_ontology purine ribonucleoside diphosphates purine ribonucleoside monophosphate CHEBI:26397 chebi_ontology purine ribonucleoside monophosphates purine ribonucleoside CHEBI:26399 chebi_ontology purine ribonucleosides purine ribonucleotide Any ribonucleotide that has a purine nucleobase. CHEBI:26400 chebi_ontology purine ribonucleotides purines A class of imidazopyrimidines that consists of purine and its substituted derivatives. CHEBI:13678 CHEBI:26401 chebi_ontology pyrans CHEBI:26407 chebi_ontology pyridine alkaloid CHEBI:26416 chebi_ontology pyridine alkaloids pyridinemonocarboxylic acid A monocarboxylic acid in which the carboxy group is attached to a pyridine (or substituted pyridine) ring. CHEBI:26420 chebi_ontology pyridinemonocarboxylic acids pyridines Any organonitrogen heterocyclic compound based on a pyridine skeleton and its substituted derivatives. CHEBI:26421 chebi_ontology pyrimidine nucleobase CHEBI:26432 chebi_ontology pyrimidine bases pyrimidine nucleobase pyrimidine nucleobases pyrimidine nucleoside CHEBI:26440 KEGG:C03169 N-D-Ribosylpyrimidine chebi_ontology pyrimidine nucleosides quaternary nitrogen compound A nitrogen molecular entity that is electronically neutral but which contains a quaternary nitrogen. CHEBI:26469 chebi_ontology quinate A cyclitol carboxylic acid anion that is conjugate base of quinic acid. CHEBI:26490 chebi_ontology quinic acid A cyclitol carboxylic acid. CHEBI:26493 PMID:15589483 PMID:19952409 PMID:23590498 chebi_ontology quinoline alkaloid CHEBI:26509 chebi_ontology quinoline alkaloids retinals CHEBI:26534 chebi_ontology retinoic acid 3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl)nona-2,4,6,8-tetraenoic acid 300.43512 A retinoid consisting of 3,7-dimethylnona-2,4,6,8-tetraenoic acid substituted at position 9 by a 2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl group (geometry of the four exocyclic double bonds is not specified). C20H28O2 CC(C=CC1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=CC=CC(C)=CC(O)=O CHEBI:26536 InChI=1S/C20H28O2/c1-15(8-6-9-16(2)14-19(21)22)11-12-18-17(3)10-7-13-20(18,4)5/h6,8-9,11-12,14H,7,10,13H2,1-5H3,(H,21,22) LINCS:LSM-2135 PMID:24506204 SHGAZHPCJJPHSC-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology retinoid CHEBI:26537 Oxygenated derivatives of 3,7-dimethyl-1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-enyl)nona-1,3,5,7-tetraene and derivatives thereof. chebi_ontology retinoid retinoids retinoids rhamnose A deoxymannose sugar that is the 6-deoxy derivative of hexose. C6H12O5 CHEBI:26546 PMID:24211429 PMID:24831810 chebi_ontology ramnose rhamnose rhamnoside CHEBI:26547 chebi_ontology rhamnoside rhamnosides rhamnosylglucoside CHEBI:26548 chebi_ontology rhamnosylglucoside rhamnosylglucosides ribonucleoside monophosphate CHEBI:26558 chebi_ontology ribonucleoside monophosphates ribonucleotide CHEBI:26561 chebi_ontology ribonucleotides ribose phosphate CHEBI:26562 chebi_ontology ribose phosphate ribose phosphates rutinoside CHEBI:26587 chebi_ontology rutinoside rutinosides saponin A glycoside that is a compound containing one or more hydrophilic glycoside moieties combined with a lipophilic triterpenoid or steroid derivative. Found in particular abundance in plant species. CHEBI:26605 CHEBI:60583 chebi_ontology sapogenin glycoside sapogenin glycosides saponins sapogenin Any organic polycyclic compound that is the aglycon moiety of a saponin; sapogenins may be steroids or triterpenoids. CHEBI:26606 chebi_ontology sapogenin sapogenins saturated fatty acid Any fatty acid containing no carbon to carbon multiple bonds. Known to produce adverse biological effects when ingested to excess. CHEBI:26607 PMID:16492686 PMID:19763019 PMID:20237329 SFA SFAs chebi_ontology saturated fatty acid saturated fatty acids selenium molecular entity CHEBI:26628 chebi_ontology selenium molecular entities selenium molecular entity semiochemical A molecular messenger released by an organism that affects the behaviour within or between species. CHEBI:26645 Wikipedia:Semiochemical chebi_ontology semiochemicals serine family amino acid 3-phosphoglycerate family amino acid 3-phosphoglycerate family amino acids An L-alpha-amino acid which is biosynthesised from 3-phosphoglycerate (i.e. serine, glycine, cysteine and homocysteine). A closed class. CHEBI:26650 PMID:20709681 chebi_ontology serine family amino acids sesquiterpene alkaloid CHEBI:26657 chebi_ontology sesquiterpene alkaloids sesquiterpenoid Any terpenoid derived from a sesquiterpene. The term includes compounds in which the C15 skeleton of the parent sesquiterpene has been rearranged or modified by the removal of one or more skeletal atoms (generally methyl groups). CHEBI:26658 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMPR0103 chebi_ontology sesquiterpenoides sesquiterpenoids short-chain fatty acid An aliphatic monocarboxylic acid with a chain length of less than C6. If any non-hydrocarbon substituent is present, the compound is not normally regarded as a short-chain fatty acid. CH2OR CHEBI:26666 OC([*])=O PMID:16633129 PMID:16870803 PMID:18203540 PMID:20148677 SCFA SCFAs chebi_ontology short-chain fatty acids silicon molecular entity CHEBI:26677 chebi_ontology silicon compounds silicon molecular entities silicon molecular entity solanesol (2E,6E,10E,14E,18E,22E,26E,30E)-3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31,35-nonamethylhexatriaconta-2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34-nonaen-1-ol 631.06850 A nonaprenol that is hexatriaconta-2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34-nonaen-1-ol substituted by 9 methyl groups at positions 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31 and 35 (the all-trans0stereoisomer). AFPLNGZPBSKHHQ-MEGGAXOGSA-N C45H74O CAS:13190-97-1 CC(C)=CCC\C(C)=C\CC\C(C)=C\CC\C(C)=C\CC\C(C)=C\CC\C(C)=C\CC\C(C)=C\CC\C(C)=C\CC\C(C)=C\CO CHEBI:26718 InChI=1S/C45H74O/c1-37(2)19-11-20-38(3)21-12-22-39(4)23-13-24-40(5)25-14-26-41(6)27-15-28-42(7)29-16-30-43(8)31-17-32-44(9)33-18-34-45(10)35-36-46/h19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,46H,11-18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36H2,1-10H3/b38-21+,39-23+,40-25+,41-27+,42-29+,43-31+,44-33+,45-35+ Reaxys:1717721 chebi_ontology stigmastane 400.72318 A steroid fundamental parent that has formula C29H52. Beilstein:8170826 C29H52 CHEBI:26773 GKBHKNPLNHLYHT-LWQAOISPSA-N InChI=1S/C29H52/c1-7-22(20(2)3)12-11-21(4)25-15-16-26-24-14-13-23-10-8-9-18-28(23,5)27(24)17-19-29(25,26)6/h20-27H,7-19H2,1-6H3/t21-,22-,23?,24+,25-,26+,27+,28+,29-/m1/s1 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01040000 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CCC4CCCC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CC[C@@H](CC)C(C)C chebi_ontology stigmastane styrenes CHEBI:26799 chebi_ontology succinate A dicarboxylic acid anion obtained by deprotonation of at least one of the carboxy groups of succinic acid. CHEBI:26806 chebi_ontology succinate anion succinates succinic acid anion carbohydrate phosphate CHEBI:26816 carbohydrate phosphates chebi_ontology sulfur atom 16S 32.06600 A chalcogen that has formula S. CAS:7704-34-9 CHEBI:26833 Elemental sulfur InChI=1S/S KEGG:C00087 KEGG:D06527 NINIDFKCEFEMDL-UHFFFAOYSA-N S Schwefel WebElements:S [S] azufre chebi_ontology soufre sulfur sulfur sulphur theion sulfur-containing amino acid CHEBI:26834 chebi_ontology sulfur-containing amino acids sulfur molecular entity CHEBI:26835 chebi_ontology sulfur molecular entities sulfur molecular entity tannin Any of a group of astringent polyphenolic vegetable principles or compounds, chiefly complex glucosides of catechol and pyrogallol. CHEBI:26848 Wikipedia:Tannin chebi_ontology tannins tartaric acid (2R,3R)-rel-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid (2RS,3RS)-tartaric acid (R*,R*)-(+-)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid (R*,R*)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid 150.08684 Beilstein:1725148 Beilstein:6270431 C4H6O6 CAS:133-37-9 CHEBI:26849 DL-tartaric acid Gmelin:82691 PMID:24507823 PMID:24556732 Traubensaeure Vogesensaeure YMDB:YMDB01788 acide tartrique acido tartarico chebi_ontology dl-tartaric acid para-Weinsaeure paratartaric acid racemic acid racemic tartaric acid racemische Weinsaeure rel-(2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid resolvable tartaric acid uvic acid terpene alkaloid CHEBI:26871 chebi_ontology terpene alkaloids terpene ketone Any terpenoid which contains a keto group. CHEBI:26872 chebi_ontology terpenoid Any isoprenoid that is a natural product or related compound formally derived from isoprene units. Terpenoids may contain oxygen in various functional groups. This class is subdivided according to the number of carbon atoms in the parent terpene. The skeleton of terpenoids may differ from strict additivity of isoprene units by the loss or shift of a fragment, generally a methyl group. CHEBI:26873 Terpenoid Wikipedia:Terpenoid chebi_ontology terpenoide terpenoides terpenoids terpenol CHEBI:26874 chebi_ontology terpenols terpineol A family of monoterpenols that have a p-menthane skeleton containing one double bond and bearing a single hydroxy substituent. CHEBI:26876 Wikipedia:Terpineol chebi_ontology tertiary alcohol 71.09780 A tertiary alcohol is a compound in which a hydroxy group, -OH, is attached to a saturated carbon atom which has three other carbon atoms attached to it. C4H7OR3 CHEBI:26878 OC(C[*])(C[*])C[*] chebi_ontology tertiary alcohol tertiary alcohols oxolanes Any oxacycle having an oxolane (tetrahydrofuran) skeleton. CHEBI:26912 chebi_ontology tetrapyrrole A natural pigment containing four pyrrole rings joined by one-carbon units linking position 2 of one pyrrole ring to position 5 of the next. CHEBI:26932 chebi_ontology tetrapyrrole tetrapyrroles tetraric acid CHEBI:26933 chebi_ontology tetraric acids tetraterpenoid Any terpenoid derived from a tetraterpene. The term includes compounds in which the C40 skeleton of the parent tetraterpene has been rearranged or modified by the removal of one or more skeletal atoms (generally methyl groups). C40 isoprenoids CHEBI:26935 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMPR0107 chebi_ontology tetraterpenoides tetraterpenoids monoatomic tetracation 0.00000 CHEBI:26937 [*+4] chebi_ontology monoatomic tetracations tetravalent inorganic cations thiocarboxylic ester An ester in which one or both oxygens of an ester group have been replaced by divalent sulfur. CHEBI:26959 chebi_ontology thiocarboxylic esters organic heterotricyclic compound An organic tricyclic compound in which at least one of the rings of the tricyclic skeleton contains one or more heteroatoms. CHEBI:26979 chebi_ontology heterotricyclic compounds organic heterotricyclic compounds threonine An alpha-amino acid in which one of the hydrogens attached to the alpha-carbon of glycine is substituted by a 1-hydroxyethyl group. Beilstein:8204750 C4H9NO3 CAS:80-68-2 CHEBI:26986 PMID:11379295 PMID:15221503 PMID:22264337 Threonin Wikipedia:Threonine chebi_ontology threonine toluenes Any member of the class of benzenes that is a substituted benzene in which the substituents include one (and only one) methyl group. CHEBI:27024 chebi_ontology toxin CHEBI:27026 Poisonous substance produced by a biological organism such as a microbe, animal or plant. Wikipedia:Toxin chebi_ontology toxin toxins micronutrient CHEBI:27027 chebi_ontology micronutrients trace elements transition element atom An element whose atom has an incomplete d sub-shell, or which can give rise to cations with an incomplete d sub-shell. CHEBI:27081 Uebergangselement Uebergangsmetalle chebi_ontology metal de transicion metal de transition metales de transicion metaux de transition transition element transition element transition elements transition metal transition metals tricarboxylic acid trianion CHEBI:27092 chebi_ontology tricarboxylate tricarboxylates tricarboxylic acid trianions tricarboxylic acid An oxoacid containing three carboxy groups. C3H3O6R CHEBI:27093 Tricarbonsaeure Trikarbonsaeure Wikipedia:Tricarboxylic_acid chebi_ontology tricarboxylic acids trihydroxybenzoic acid CHEBI:27115 chebi_ontology trihydroxybenzoic acids trihydroxyflavone Any hydroxyflavone carrying three hydroxy groups at unspecified positions. CHEBI:27116 chebi_ontology trihydroxyflavones triol A chemical compound containing three hydroxy groups. CHEBI:27136 chebi_ontology triols tryptamines CHEBI:27162 Tryptamine and its substitution derivatives. chebi_ontology organic heterobicyclic compound CHEBI:27171 chebi_ontology heterobicyclic compounds organic heterobicyclic compounds univalent carboacyl group A univalent carboacyl group is a group formed by loss of OH from the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid. CHEBI:27207 chebi_ontology univalent acyl group univalent carboacyl groups univalent carboxylic acyl groups unsaturated fatty acid Any fatty acid containing at least one C=C or C#C bond. CHEBI:27208 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMFA0103 PMID:5322381 alkene acid chebi_ontology olefinic acid unsaturated fatty acids uridines CHEBI:27242 chebi_ontology valine 117.14638 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid A branched-chain amino acid that consists of glycine in which one of the hydrogens attached to the alpha-carbon is substituted by an isopropyl group. Beilstein:506689 C5H11NO2 CAS:516-06-3 CC(C)C(N)C(O)=O CHEBI:27266 DL-valine Gmelin:49877 Hval InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-3(2)4(6)5(7)8/h3-4H,6H2,1-2H3,(H,7,8) KEGG:C16436 KZSNJWFQEVHDMF-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:17190852 PMID:22770225 Reaxys:506689 Valin Wikipedia:Valine chebi_ontology valina valine very long-chain fatty acid A fatty acid which has a chain length greater than C22. CH2OR CHEBI:27283 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010025 OC([*])=O VLCFA VLCFAs chebi_ontology higher fatty acid very long-chain fatty acids vitamin D CHEBI:27300 D vitamins Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble prohormones, which can be obtained from sun exposure, food and supplements. Vitamin D is biologically inactive and converted to the biologically active calcitriol via double hydroxylation in the body. chebi_ontology volatile oil component Any metabolite that is found naturally as a component of a volatile oil. CHEBI:27311 Wikipedia:Essential_oil chebi_ontology essential oil component essential oil components ethereal oil component ethereal oil components volatile oil components water-soluble vitamin CHEBI:27314 chebi_ontology wasserloesliche Vitamine water-soluble vitamins xanthophyll A subclass of carotenoids consisting of the oxygenated carotenes. CHEBI:27325 DrugBank:DB00137 chebi_ontology xanthophylls xanthophylls xylene C8H10 CAS:1330-20-7 CHEBI:27338 Dimethylbenzol KEGG:C19551 Wikipedia:Xylene Xylol Xylole chebi_ontology dimethylbenzene methyl toluene methyltoluene xileno xilenos xylene xylenes zinc atom 30Zn 65.39000 A zinc group element atom that has formula Zn. CAS:7440-66-6 CHEBI:27363 Gmelin:16321 HCHKCACWOHOZIP-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/Zn KEGG:C00038 PDBeChem:ZN WebElements:Zn Zink Zn Zn(II) Zn2+ [Zn] chebi_ontology cinc zinc zinc zincum zinc molecular entity CHEBI:27364 chebi_ontology zinc compounds zinc molecular entities zinc ion CHEBI:27365 chebi_ontology zinc ion zinc ions zwitterion A neutral compound having formal unit electrical charges of opposite sign on non-adjacent atoms. Sometimes referred to as inner salts, dipolar ions (a misnomer). CHEBI:27369 chebi_ontology compose zwitterionique compuestos zwitterionicos zwitterion zwitteriones zwitterionic compounds zwitterions cinnamic acid 148.15862 3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid 3-phenylacrylic acid 3-phenylprop-2-enoic acid 3-phenylpropenoic acid A monocarboxylic acid that consists of acrylic acid bearing a phenyl substituent at the 3-position. It is found in Cinnamomum cassia. Beilstein:507757 C9H8O2 CAS:621-82-9 CHEBI:23250 CHEBI:27386 CHEBI:3710 Cinnamic acid Gmelin:328659 HMDB:HMDB00567 InChI=1S/C9H8O2/c10-9(11)7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-7H,(H,10,11) KEGG:C10438 PMID:19238838 PMID:24636064 PMID:24868863 PMID:7628877 PhCH=CHCO2H Reaxys:507757 WBYWAXJHAXSJNI-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Cinnamic_acid Zimtsaeure [H]C(=Cc1ccccc1)C(O)=O benzenepropenoic acid benzylideneacetic acid beta-phenylacrylic acid chebi_ontology phenylacrylic acid p-xylene 1,4-Dimethylbenzene 1,4-Dimethylbenzol 1,4-xylene 106.16500 4-methyltoluene 4-xylene A xylene with methyl groups at positions 1 and 4. Beilstein:1901563 C8H10 CAS:106-42-3 CHEBI:10633 CHEBI:25832 CHEBI:27417 CHEBI:45248 Cc1ccc(C)cc1 DrugBank:DB03463 Gmelin:2697 HMDB:HMDB59924 InChI=1S/C8H10/c1-7-3-5-8(2)6-4-7/h3-6H,1-2H3 KEGG:C06756 MetaCyc:CPD-1422 PARA-XYLENE PDBeChem:PXY PMID:23316419 PMID:24028095 Reaxys:1901563 UM-BBD_compID:c0083 URLKBWYHVLBVBO-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:P-Xylene chebi_ontology p-Methyltoluene p-Xylene p-Xylol p-dimethylbenzene para-xylene umbelliferone 162.14210 7-Hydroxycoumarin 7-hydroxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one 7-hydroxy-2H-chromen-2-one A hydroxycoumarin that is coumarin substituted by a hydroxy group ay position 7. Beilstein:127683 C9H6O3 CAS:93-35-6 CHEBI:27187 CHEBI:27188 CHEBI:27510 CHEBI:9858 Gmelin:1220112 InChI=1S/C9H6O3/c10-7-3-1-6-2-4-9(11)12-8(6)5-7/h1-5,10H KEGG:C09315 KNApSAcK:C00002503 LINCS:LSM-3960 ORHBXUUXSCNDEV-UHFFFAOYSA-N Oc1ccc2ccc(=O)oc2c1 Umbelliferone beta-umbelliferone chebi_ontology hydrangin skimmetin boron atom 10.81100 5B A boron group element atom that has formula B. B Bor Boron CAS:7440-42-8 CHEBI:22915 CHEBI:27560 CHEBI:3152 InChI=1S/B KEGG:C06266 WebElements:B ZOXJGFHDIHLPTG-UHFFFAOYSA-N [B] boracium bore boro boron boron chebi_ontology oxirane 1,2-Epoxyaethan 1,2-epoxyethane 44.05256 A saturated organic heteromonocyclic parent that is a three-membered heterocycle of two carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. Aethylenoxid Amprolene Anprolene Anproline Beilstein:102378 C1CO1 C2H4O CAS:75-21-8 CHEBI:24001 CHEBI:27561 CHEBI:4900 Dihydrooxirene Dimethylene oxide ETO Ethylene oxide Gmelin:676 HMDB:HMDB31305 IAYPIBMASNFSPL-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C2H4O/c1-2-3-1/h1-2H2 KEGG:C06548 KEGG:D03474 Oxacyclopropane Oxane Oxidoethane Oxyfume PMID:11437638 PMID:24313866 PMID:24882394 PMID:25005741 PMID:3932500 Reaxys:102378 UM-BBD_compID:c0527 Wikipedia:Oxirane chebi_ontology epoxyethane ethene oxide oxirane oxyde d'ethylene selenium atom 34Se 78.96000 A chalcogen that has formula Se. BUGBHKTXTAQXES-UHFFFAOYSA-N CAS:7782-49-2 CHEBI:26627 CHEBI:27568 CHEBI:9091 InChI=1S/Se KEGG:C01529 Se Selen Selenium WebElements:Se [Se] chebi_ontology selenio selenium selenium histidine 155.15468 2-amino-3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoic acid An alpha-amino acid that is propanoic acid bearing an amino substituent at position 2 and a 1H-imidazol-4-yl group at position 3. Beilstein:84087 C6H9N3O2 CAS:4998-57-6 CHEBI:24598 CHEBI:27570 CHEBI:43118 CHEBI:5733 DL-Histidine Gmelin:3656 HNDVDQJCIGZPNO-UHFFFAOYSA-N Histidin Histidine InChI=1S/C6H9N3O2/c7-5(6(10)11)1-4-2-8-3-9-4/h2-3,5H,1,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) KEGG:C00768 KNApSAcK:C00001363 NC(Cc1c[nH]cn1)C(O)=O PMID:17190852 PMID:22264337 PMID:22770225 Reaxys:84087 Wikipedia:Histidine alpha-Amino-1H-imidazole-4-propionic acid chebi_ontology histidina histidine silicon atom 14Si 28.08550 A carbon group element atom that has formula Si. CAS:7440-21-3 CHEBI:26676 CHEBI:27573 CHEBI:9140 InChI=1S/Si KEGG:C06263 Si Silicon Silizium WebElements:Si XUIMIQQOPSSXEZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N [Si] chebi_ontology silicio silicium silicon silicon procyanidin B4 (2R,2'R,3S,3'R,4S)-2,2'-bis(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,3',4,4'-tetrahydro-2H,2'H-4,8'-bichromene-3,3',5,5',7,7'-hexol 578.52020 A proanthocyanidin obtained by the condensation of (-)-epicatechin and (+)-catechin units. C30H26O12 CAS:29106-51-2 CHEBI:26268 CHEBI:27589 CHEBI:8447 HMDB:HMDB13690 InChI=1S/C30H26O12/c31-13-7-20(37)24-23(8-13)41-29(12-2-4-16(33)19(36)6-12)27(40)26(24)25-21(38)10-17(34)14-9-22(39)28(42-30(14)25)11-1-3-15(32)18(35)5-11/h1-8,10,22,26-29,31-40H,9H2/t22-,26+,27+,28-,29-/m1/s1 KEGG:C10238 KNApSAcK:C00002935 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12030004 O[C@@H]1Cc2c(O)cc(O)c([C@H]3[C@H](O)[C@H](Oc4cc(O)cc(O)c34)c3ccc(O)c(O)c3)c2O[C@@H]1c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PMID:17638329 PMID:17851427 PMID:22253995 PMID:22320845 Patent:US2010047372 Patent:WO2010021935 Procyanidin B4 Reaxys:3647174 Wikipedia:Procyanidin_B4 XFZJEEAOWLFHDH-VUGKQVTMSA-N catechin-(4alpha->8)-epicatechin chebi_ontology carbon atom 12.01070 6C A carbon group element atom that has formula C. C CAS:7440-44-0 CHEBI:23009 CHEBI:27594 CHEBI:3399 Carbon InChI=1S/C KEGG:C06265 Kohlenstoff OKTJSMMVPCPJKN-UHFFFAOYSA-N WebElements:C [C] carbon carbon carbone carbonium carbono chebi_ontology psoralen 186.16350 186.16354 3-(6-hydroxy-5-benzofuranyl)-2-propenoic acid delta-lactone 6,7-furanocoumarin 6-hydroxy-5-benzofuranacrylic acid delta-lactone 7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one 7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one Beilstein:152784 C11H6O3 CAS:66-97-7 CHEBI:26368 CHEBI:27616 CHEBI:378534 CHEBI:8615 Ficusin InChI=1S/C11H6O3/c12-11-2-1-7-5-8-3-4-13-9(8)6-10(7)14-11/h1-6H KEGG:C09305 KEGG:D08450 KNApSAcK:C00000297 Manaderm O=c1ccc2cc3ccoc3cc2o1 PMID:20196083 PMID:21468912 Psoralen Reaxys:152784 The simplest member of the class of psoralens that is 7H-furo[3,2-g]chromene having a keto group at position 7. It has been found in plants like Psoralea corylifolia and Ficus salicifolia. Wikipedia:Psoralen ZCCUUQDIBDJBTK-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology furo[2',3':7,6]coumarin furo[4',5':6,7]coumarin furocoumarin psoralen psoralene beta-D-galactose 180.15590 A D-galactopyranose having beta-configuration at the anomeric centre. BETA-D-GALACTOSE Beilstein:1680744 C6H12O6 CAS:7296-64-2 CHEBI:10383 CHEBI:22774 CHEBI:27667 CHEBI:42776 CHEBI:42889 Gal-beta Gmelin:648639 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 KEGG:C00962 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O PDBeChem:GLB PMID:17991151 PMID:19443021 PMID:25568069 Reaxys:1680744 WQZGKKKJIJFFOK-FPRJBGLDSA-N beta-D-Gal beta-D-Galactose beta-D-galactopyranose beta-D-galactose chebi_ontology decanoate 1-nonanecarboxylate 171.25670 A fatty acid anion 10:0 that is the conjugate base of decanoic acid. Beilstein:3538146 C10H19O2 CCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]8-COO(-) CHEBI:125804 CHEBI:23570 CHEBI:27689 GHVNFZFCNZKVNT-UHFFFAOYSA-M Gmelin:330643 InChI=1S/C10H20O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10(11)12/h2-9H2,1H3,(H,11,12)/p-1 KEGG:C01571 MetaCyc:CPD-3617 Reaxys:3538146 caprate caprinate caprynate chebi_ontology decanoate decanoic acid anion decoate decylate n-caprate n-decanoate n-decoate n-decylate nC9H19CO2 anion sitosterol (-)-beta-Sitosterol (24R)-Ethylcholest-5-en-3beta-ol (24R)-Stigmast-5-en-3beta-ol (24R)-ethylcholest-5-en-3beta-ol (3beta)-Stigmast-5-en-3-ol 22,23-Dihydrostigmasterol 24alpha-Ethylcholesterol 414.70670 A phytosterols that is stigmast-5-ene substituted by a beta-hydroxy group at position 3. Azuprostat Beilstein:1916156 C29H50O CAS:83-46-5 CHEBI:26692 CHEBI:27693 CHEBI:9170 Cupreol InChI=1S/C29H50O/c1-7-21(19(2)3)9-8-20(4)25-12-13-26-24-11-10-22-18-23(30)14-16-28(22,5)27(24)15-17-29(25,26)6/h10,19-21,23-27,30H,7-9,11-18H2,1-6H3/t20-,21-,23+,24+,25-,26+,27+,28+,29-/m1/s1 KEGG:C01753 KEGG:D08518 KNApSAcK:C00003672 KNApSAcK:C00023770 KZJWDPNRJALLNS-VJSFXXLFSA-N LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01040129 Nimbosterol PMID:20525330 PMID:23199991 PMID:23215694 PMID:23250922 PMID:23266618 PMID:23516045 PMID:23624268 Sitosterol Triastonal [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CC=C4C[C@@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CC[C@@H](CC)C(C)C alpha-Dihydrofucosterol beta-Sitosterin beta-Sitosterol chebi_ontology stigmast-5-en-3beta-ol 3'-hydroxyflavonoid 229.16660 3'-Hydroxyflavonoid 3'-hydroxyflavones 3'-hydroxyflavonoid 3'-hydroxyflavonoids Any hydroxyflavone with a hydroxy substituent at position 3'. C15HO3R9 CHEBI:1346 CHEBI:13597 CHEBI:19851 CHEBI:27741 KEGG:C02790 Oc1c([*])c([*])c([*])c(c1[*])-c1oc2c([*])c([*])c([*])c([*])c2c(=O)c1[*] chebi_ontology isoferulic acid (2E)-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid 194.18400 3-Hydroxy-4-methoxycinnamic acid A ferulic acid consisting of trans-cinnamic acid bearing methoxy and hydroxy substituents at positions 4 and 3 respectively on the phenyl ring. C10H10O4 CAS:537-73-5 CHEBI:24888 CHEBI:27794 CHEBI:6010 COc1ccc(\C=C\C(O)=O)cc1O DrugBank:DB07109 HMDB:HMDB00955 Hesperetic acid InChI=1S/C10H10O4/c1-14-9-4-2-7(6-8(9)11)3-5-10(12)13/h2-6,11H,1H3,(H,12,13)/b5-3+ KEGG:C10470 KNApSAcK:C00002752 PDBeChem:4FE PMID:18314290 PMID:21937734 PMID:21941899 PMID:22770225 QURCVMIEKCOAJU-HWKANZROSA-N Reaxys:2212760 chebi_ontology alpha-L-rhamnoside 163.14850 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranoside C6H11O5R CHEBI:10294 CHEBI:22426 CHEBI:27848 C[C@@H]1O[C@@H](O[*])[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O KEGG:C02757 alpha-L-Rhamnoside alpha-L-rhamnosides chebi_ontology 1,8-cineole 1,3,3-TRIMETHYL-2-OXABICYCLO[2.2.2]OCTANE 1,3,3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane 1,8-Cineol 1,8-Cineole 1,8-cineole 1,8-epoxy-p-menthane 1,8-oxido-p-menthane 154.24932 A cineole that has formula C10H18O. Beilstein:105109 Beilstein:5239941 C10H18O CAS:470-82-6 CHEBI:18956 CHEBI:23242 CHEBI:27961 CHEBI:35814 CHEBI:41535 CHEBI:561 C[C@@]12CC[C@@H](CC1)C(C)(C)O2 DrugBank:DB03852 Gmelin:131076 InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-9(2)8-4-6-10(3,11-9)7-5-8/h8H,4-7H2,1-3H3/t8-,10+ KEGG:C09844 KEGG:D04115 KNApSAcK:C00000136 PDBeChem:CNL WEEGYLXZBRQIMU-WAAGHKOSSA-N Wikipedia:Eucalyptol Zineol cajeputol chebi_ontology cineole eucalyptol luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-yl beta-D-glucopyranoside 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-7-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-5-hydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 448.37690 7-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-5-hydroxy-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one 7-Glucoluteolin 7-Glucosylluteolin 7-O-beta-D-Glucosyl-5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyflavone A glycosyloxyflavone that is luteolin substituted by a beta-D-glucopyranosyl moiety at position 7 via a glycosidic linkage. C21H20O11 CAS:5373-11-5 CHEBI:12251 CHEBI:20779 CHEBI:25089 CHEBI:27994 CHEBI:29061 CHEBI:6582 Cinaroside Cynaroside HMDB:HMDB35588 InChI=1S/C21H20O11/c22-7-16-18(27)19(28)20(29)21(32-16)30-9-4-12(25)17-13(26)6-14(31-15(17)5-9)8-1-2-10(23)11(24)3-8/h1-6,16,18-25,27-29H,7H2/t16-,18-,19+,20-,21-/m1/s1 KEGG:C03951 KNApSAcK:C00004266 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12110642 Luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside Luteolin 7-O-glucopyranoside Luteolin 7-O-glucoside Luteolin 7-glucoside Luteolin 7-monoglucoside Luteolin-7-glucoside Luteoloside MetaCyc:LUTEOLIN-7-O-BETA-D-GLUCOSIDE OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](Oc2cc(O)c3c(c2)oc(cc3=O)-c2ccc(O)c(O)c2)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O PEFNSGRTCBGNAN-QNDFHXLGSA-N PMID:20127879 PMID:22741463 PMID:23019878 PMID:7875536 Patent:CN101474196 Patent:US2011207684 Reaxys:66982 Wikipedia:Cynaroside chebi_ontology beta-D-galactoside 179.14790 C6H11O6R CHEBI:10384 CHEBI:22775 CHEBI:22776 CHEBI:28034 KEGG:C00602 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](O[*])[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O a beta-D-galactoside beta-D-Galactoside beta-D-galactopyranoside beta-D-galactosides chebi_ontology phenylalanine 165.18918 2-amino-3-phenylpropanoic acid An aromatic amino acid that is alanine in which one of the methyl hydrogens is substituted by a phenyl group. Beilstein:1910407 C9H11NO2 CAS:150-30-1 CHEBI:25984 CHEBI:28044 CHEBI:8089 COLNVLDHVKWLRT-UHFFFAOYSA-N DL-Phenylalanine F Gmelin:50836 InChI=1S/C9H11NO2/c10-8(9(11)12)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5,8H,6,10H2,(H,11,12) KEGG:C02057 NC(Cc1ccccc1)C(O)=O PHE PMID:17439666 PMID:22264337 Phenylalanin Phenylalanine Reaxys:1910407 Wikipedia:Phenylalanine alpha-Amino-beta-phenylpropionic acid chebi_ontology fenilalanina phenylalanine o-xylene 1,2-Dimethylbenzol 1,2-dimethylbenzene 1,2-xylene 106.16500 2-xylene 3,4-xylene A xylene substituted by methyl groups at positions 1 and 3. Beilstein:1815558 C8H10 CAS:95-47-6 CHEBI:10611 CHEBI:25623 CHEBI:28063 CHEBI:44697 CTQNGGLPUBDAKN-UHFFFAOYSA-N Cc1ccccc1C DrugBank:DB03029 Gmelin:67796 HMDB:HMDB59851 InChI=1S/C8H10/c1-7-5-3-4-6-8(7)2/h3-6H,1-2H3 KEGG:C07212 MetaCyc:CPD-1421 ORTHO-XYLENE PDBeChem:OXE PMID:22960059 PMID:24246944 Reaxys:1815558 UM-BBD_compID:c0248 Wikipedia:O-Xylene chebi_ontology o-Dimethylbenzene o-Methyltoluene o-Xylene o-Xylol gentiobiose 342.29648 6-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-D-glucopyranose 6-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-D-glucose A glycosylglucose consisting of two D-glucopyranose units connected by a beta-(1->6)-linkage. C12H22O11 CAS:554-91-6 CHEBI:24214 CHEBI:28066 CHEBI:5318 CHEBI:60806 D-Glc(beta1->6)D-Glc DLRVVLDZNNYCBX-CQUJWQHSSA-N Gentiobiose InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-3-5(14)8(17)10(19)12(23-3)21-2-4-6(15)7(16)9(18)11(20)22-4/h3-20H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5-,6-,7+,8+,9-,10-,11?,12-/m1/s1 KEGG:C08240 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](OC[C@H]2OC(O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O PMID:24274485 PMID:24338885 PMID:4640505 PMID:7536675 Reaxys:4875396 Wikipedia:Gentiobiose beta-D-Glc-(1->6)-D-Glc beta-D-Glcp-(1->6)-D-Glcp beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1->6)-D-glucopyranose beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1->6)-D-glucose beta-D-glucosyl-(1->6)-D-glucose chebi_ontology genistein 270.23690 4',5,7-trihydroxyisoflavone 5,7,4'-Trihydroxyisoflavone 5,7-dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 5,7-dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one 7-Hydroxyisoflavone with additional hydroxy groups at positions 5 and 4'. It is a phytoestrogenic isoflavone with antioxidant properties. Beilstein:263823 C15H10O5 CAS:446-72-0 CHEBI:24204 CHEBI:28088 CHEBI:42763 CHEBI:5302 DrugBank:DB01645 GENISTEIN Genistein InChI=1S/C15H10O5/c16-9-3-1-8(2-4-9)11-7-20-13-6-10(17)5-12(18)14(13)15(11)19/h1-7,16-18H KEGG:C06563 KNApSAcK:C00002526 LINCS:LSM-5549 MetaCyc:CPD-3141 Oc1ccc(cc1)-c1coc2cc(O)cc(O)c2c1=O PDBeChem:GEN PMID:10741415 PMID:11564287 PMID:18413741 PMID:18490856 PMID:18815740 PMID:19107852 PMID:19402570 PMID:22303062 PMID:24297371 PMID:24379139 Prunetol Reaxys:263823 Sophoricol TZBJGXHYKVUXJN-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Genistein chebi_ontology borneol 1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol 154.24932 A bornane monoterpenoid that is 1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptane substituted by a hydroxy group at position 2. Beilstein:1903042 Borneo camphor Borneol C10H18O CAS:507-70-0 CC1(C)C2CCC1(C)C(O)C2 CHEBI:22913 CHEBI:28093 CHEBI:3150 DTGKSKDOIYIVQL-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:185292 InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-9(2)7-4-5-10(9,3)8(11)6-7/h7-8,11H,4-6H2,1-3H3 KEGG:C01411 KNApSAcK:C00003028 Sumatra camphor bornyl alcohol chebi_ontology endo-1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol endo-2-bornanol endo-2-camphanol endo-2-hydroxycamphane benzamide 121.13662 An aromatic amide that consists of benzene bearing a single carboxamido substituent. The parent of the class of benzamides. Beilstein:385876 Benzamide Benzenecarboxamide Benzoic acid amide Benzoylamide C7H7NO CAS:55-21-0 CHEBI:22701 CHEBI:28179 CHEBI:3021 CHEBI:46351 HMDB:HMDB04461 InChI=1S/C7H7NO/c8-7(9)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5H,(H2,8,9) KEGG:C09815 KXDAEFPNCMNJSK-UHFFFAOYSA-N NC(=O)c1ccccc1 PMID:20133863 PhC(=O)NH2 PhC(O)NH2 Phenylcarboxamide Phenylcarboxyamide Reaxys:385876 UM-BBD_compID:c0368 Wikipedia:Benzamide benzamide chebi_ontology daidzein 254.23750 4',7-dihydroxyisoflavone 7,4'-dihydroxyisoflavone 7-Hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-benzopyrone 7-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 7-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one A member of the class of 7-hydroxyisoflavones that is 7-hydroxyisoflavone substituted by an additional hydroxy group at position 4'. Beilstein:231523 C15H10O4 CAS:486-66-8 CHEBI:23558 CHEBI:28197 CHEBI:4306 Daidzein HMDB:HMDB03312 InChI=1S/C15H10O4/c16-10-3-1-9(2-4-10)13-8-19-14-7-11(17)5-6-12(14)15(13)18/h1-8,16-17H KEGG:C10208 KNApSAcK:C00009380 LINCS:LSM-2935 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12050038 MetaCyc:DAIDZEIN Oc1ccc(cc1)-c1coc2cc(O)ccc2c1=O PMID:11193416 PMID:16802696 PMID:23267126 PMID:23337939 PMID:23342971 PMID:23439294 PMID:9544566 Reaxys:231523 Wikipedia:Daidzein ZQSIJRDFPHDXIC-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology daidzeol isoaurostatin hesperetin (-)-(S)-hesperetin (-)-hesperetin (2S)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-4H-chromen-4-one (S)-2,3-dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 3',5,7-Trihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavanone 302.27880 A trihydroxyflavanone having the three hydroxy gropus located at the 3'-, 5- and 7-positions and an additional methoxy substituent at the 4'-position. AIONOLUJZLIMTK-AWEZNQCLSA-N Beilstein:92705 C16H14O6 CAS:520-33-2 CHEBI:24529 CHEBI:28230 CHEBI:5681 COc1ccc(cc1O)[C@@H]1CC(=O)c2c(O)cc(O)cc2O1 DrugBank:DB01094 HMDB:HMDB05782 Hesperetin InChI=1S/C16H14O6/c1-21-13-3-2-8(4-10(13)18)14-7-12(20)16-11(19)5-9(17)6-15(16)22-14/h2-6,14,17-19H,7H2,1H3/t14-/m0/s1 KEGG:C01709 KNApSAcK:C00000968 LINCS:LSM-20933 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12140003 MetaCyc:CPD-7072 PMID:16964766 PMID:22409373 PMID:22794525 PMID:22899565 PMID:22903244 Reaxys:92705 Wikipedia:Hesperetin chebi_ontology hesperetin vomifoliol (+/-)-6-Hydroxy-3-oxo-alpha-ionol (+/-)-6-hydroxy-3-oxo-alpha-ionol 224.29610 4-hydroxy-4-[(1E)-3-hydroxybut-1-en-1-yl]-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one A fenchane monoterpenoid that is 3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one substituted by a hydroxy and a (1E)-3-hydroxybut-1-en-1-yl group at position 4. Beilstein:2331902 C13H20O3 CC(O)\C=C\C1(O)C(C)=CC(=O)CC1(C)C CHEBI:11087 CHEBI:18464 CHEBI:28258 CHEBI:69 InChI=1S/C13H20O3/c1-9-7-11(15)8-12(3,4)13(9,16)6-5-10(2)14/h5-7,10,14,16H,8H2,1-4H3/b6-5+ KEGG:C04166 KPQMCAKZRXOZLB-AATRIKPKSA-N PMID:24436000 PMID:24949478 PMID:25282893 PMID:25918779 Reaxys:2331902 Vomifoliol chebi_ontology galactose An aldohexose that is the C-4 epimer of glucose. C6H12O6 CAS:26566-61-0 CHEBI:24162 CHEBI:28260 CHEBI:33933 CHEBI:5256 Gal Galactose Galaktose KEGG:C01582 Wikipedia:Galactose chebi_ontology galacto-hexose galactose rac-lactic acid (+-)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid 2-Hydroxypropionic acid A racemate comprising equimolar amounts of (R)- and (S)-lactic acid. Beilstein:1209341 C3H6O3 CAS:50-21-5 CHEBI:24998 CHEBI:28358 CHEBI:6351 DrugBank:DB04398 E270 KEGG:C01432 KEGG:D00111 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01050002 Lactic acid Milchsaeure PMID:17190852 Reaxys:1209341 Wikipedia:Lactic_acid alpha-hydroxypropanoic acid alpha-hydroxypropionic acid chebi_ontology rac-2-hydroxypropanoic acid alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid CHEBI:10197 CHEBI:13780 CHEBI:22361 CHEBI:28383 KEGG:C04025 alpha(omega)-Dicarboxylic acid alpha,omega-Dicarboxylic acid alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acids alphaomega-dicarboxylic acid chebi_ontology triacontan-1-ol 1-Triacontanol 438.81270 A fatty alcohol 30:0 that has formula C30H62O. Beilstein:1711965 C30H62O CAS:593-50-0 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCO CHEBI:27089 CHEBI:28409 CHEBI:9663 InChI=1S/C30H62O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31/h31H,2-30H2,1H3 KEGG:C08392 KNApSAcK:C00001269 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA05000006 Myricyl alcohol REZQBEBOWJAQKS-UHFFFAOYSA-N Triacontan-1-ol chebi_ontology melissyl alcohol n-triacontanol triacontan-1-ol triacontyl alcohol eriodictyol (2S)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-4H-chromen-4-one (S)-2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy-4-benzopyrone 288.25220 A tetrahydroxyflavanone that is flavanone substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 5, 7, 3' and 4' respectively. Beilstein:92358 C15H12O6 CAS:552-58-9 CHEBI:23945 CHEBI:28412 CHEBI:4832 CHEBI:49606 Eriodictiol Eriodictyol InChI=1S/C15H12O6/c16-8-4-11(19)15-12(20)6-13(21-14(15)5-8)7-1-2-9(17)10(18)3-7/h1-5,13,16-19H,6H2/t13-/m0/s1 KEGG:C05631 KNApSAcK:C00000960 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12140002 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12140432 Oc1cc(O)c2C(=O)C[C@H](Oc2c1)c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 SBHXYTNGIZCORC-ZDUSSCGKSA-N chebi_ontology alpha-carotene 536.87264 A cyclic carotene with a beta- and an epsilon-ring at opposite ends respectively. ANVAOWXLWRTKGA-JLTXGRSLSA-N Beilstein:2067408 Beilstein:3227599 C40H56 CAS:432-70-2 CC(\C=C\C=C(C)\C=C\C1C(C)=CCCC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C CHEBI:10215 CHEBI:22447 CHEBI:28425 HMDB:HMDB03993 InChI=1S/C40H56/c1-31(19-13-21-33(3)25-27-37-35(5)23-15-29-39(37,7)8)17-11-12-18-32(2)20-14-22-34(4)26-28-38-36(6)24-16-30-40(38,9)10/h11-14,17-23,25-28,37H,15-16,24,29-30H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,19-13+,20-14+,27-25+,28-26+,31-17+,32-18+,33-21+,34-22+ KEGG:C05433 KNApSAcK:C00003765 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR01070258 PMID:23620017 PMID:24169341 PMID:9408998 Reaxys:2682045 all-trans-alpha-carotene alpha-Carotene alpha-carotene beta,epsilon-carotene chebi_ontology isovaleric acid 102.13170 3-Methylbutanoic acid 3-Methylbuttersaeure 3-methyl-n-butyric acid 3-methylbutanoic acid 3-methylbutyric acid A C5, branched-chain saturated fatty acid. Beilstein:1098522 C5H10O2 CAS:503-74-2 CC(C)CC(O)=O CHEBI:24930 CHEBI:28484 CHEBI:43426 CHEBI:6069 DrugBank:DB03750 GWYFCOCPABKNJV-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:101117 ISOVALERIC ACID InChI=1S/C5H10O2/c1-4(2)3-5(6)7/h4H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,6,7) Isovalerate Isovaleriansaeure Isovaleric acid KEGG:C08262 KNApSAcK:C00001189 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01020181 PDBeChem:IVA PMID:12743728 beta-methylbutyric acid chebi_ontology delphinic acid isobutylformic acid isopentanoic acid isopropylacetic acid isovalerianic acid kaempferol 286.23630 3,4',5,7-Tetrahydroxyflavone 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one 4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5,7,4'-Trihydroxyflavonol 5,7,4'-trihydroxyflavonol A tetrahydroxyflavone in which the four hydroxy groups are located at positions 3, 5, 7 and 4'. Beilstein:304401 C.I. 75640 C15H10O6 CAS:520-18-3 CHEBI:24944 CHEBI:28499 CHEBI:43598 CHEBI:6100 DrugBank:DB01852 HMDB:HMDB05801 IYRMWMYZSQPJKC-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C15H10O6/c16-8-3-1-7(2-4-8)15-14(20)13(19)12-10(18)5-9(17)6-11(12)21-15/h1-6,16-18,20H Indigo yellow KEGG:C05903 KNApSAcK:C00004565 Kaempferol Kaempherol Kampherol Kempferol LINCS:LSM-5304 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12110003 MetaCyc:CPD1F-90 Nimbecetin Oc1ccc(cc1)-c1oc2cc(O)cc(O)c2c(=O)c1O PDBeChem:KMP PMID:12592675 PMID:15234754 PMID:17426744 Pelargidenolon Populnetin Reaxys:304401 Rhamnolutein Rhamnolutin Robigenin Swartziol Trifolitin Wikipedia:kaempferol campherol chebi_ontology rutin 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl 6-O-(6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside 3-Rhamnoglucosylquercetin 3-Rutinosyl quercetin 3-[[6-O-(6-Deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl]oxy]-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 610.51750 A rutinoside that is quercetin with the hydroxy group at position C-3 substituted with glucose and rhamnose sugar groups. Beilstein:75455 C27H30O16 CAS:153-18-4 CHEBI:26585 CHEBI:28527 CHEBI:45398 CHEBI:8923 C[C@@H]1O[C@@H](OC[C@H]2O[C@@H](Oc3c(oc4cc(O)cc(O)c4c3=O)-c3ccc(O)c(O)c3)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O DrugBank:DB01698 HMDB:HMDB03249 IKGXIBQEEMLURG-NVPNHPEKSA-N InChI=1S/C27H30O16/c1-8-17(32)20(35)22(37)26(40-8)39-7-15-18(33)21(36)23(38)27(42-15)43-25-19(34)16-13(31)5-10(28)6-14(16)41-24(25)9-2-3-11(29)12(30)4-9/h2-6,8,15,17-18,20-23,26-33,35-38H,7H2,1H3/t8-,15+,17-,18+,20+,21-,22+,23+,26+,27-/m0/s1 KEGG:C05625 KEGG:D00190 KEGG:D08499 KNApSAcK:C00005413 LINCS:LSM-2457 MetaCyc:RUTIN PMID:15601236 PMID:20701244 Phytomelin Quercetin 3-rutinoside Quercetin-3-rutinoside Reaxys:75455 Rutin Rutoside Wikipedia:Rutin chebi_ontology guaiacol 1-Hydroxy-2-methoxybenzene 124.13722 2-Hydroxyanisole 2-methoxyphenol 2-methoxyphenol A monomethoxybenzene that consists of phenol with a methoxy substituent at the ortho position. C7H8O2 CAS:90-05-1 CHEBI:24434 CHEBI:28591 CHEBI:5549 COc1ccccc1O Catechol monomethyl ether Guaiacol HMDB:HMDB01398 InChI=1S/C7H8O2/c1-9-7-5-3-2-4-6(7)8/h2-5,8H,1H3 KEGG:C01502 KEGG:C15572 KEGG:D00117 KNApSAcK:C00002654 KNApSAcK:C00029459 LHGVFZTZFXWLCP-UHFFFAOYSA-N LINCS:LSM-6001 MetaCyc:CPD-400 PDBeChem:JZ3 PMID:22103597 PMID:23587706 PMID:24295708 Patent:RU94026717 Reaxys:508112 Wikipedia:Guaiacol chebi_ontology o-Methoxyphenol carbamic acid 61.04006 A one-carbon compound that is ammonia in which one of the hydrogens is replaced by a carboxy group. Although carbamic acid derivatives are common, carbamic acid itself has never been synthesised. Aminoameisensaeure Aminoformic acid Beilstein:1734754 CARBAMIC ACID CAS:463-77-4 CH3NO2 CHEBI:22504 CHEBI:23002 CHEBI:28616 CHEBI:3386 CHEBI:44573 Carbamate Carbamic acid Carbamidsaeure DrugBank:DB04261 Gmelin:130345 InChI=1S/CH3NO2/c2-1(3)4/h2H2,(H,3,4) KEGG:C01563 KXDHJXZQYSOELW-UHFFFAOYSA-N NC(O)=O PDBeChem:OUT Wikipedia:Carbamic_acid carbamic acid chebi_ontology campesterol (24R)ergost-5-en-3beta-ol 400.68012 A phytosterol that has formula C28H48O. C28H48O CAS:474-62-4 CHEBI:22994 CHEBI:28623 CHEBI:3342 Campesterol InChI=1S/C28H48O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h9,18-20,22-26,29H,7-8,10-17H2,1-6H3/t19-,20-,22+,23+,24-,25+,26+,27+,28-/m1/s1 KEGG:C01789 KNApSAcK:C00003647 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01030097 SGNBVLSWZMBQTH-PODYLUTMSA-N [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CC=C4C[C@@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CC[C@@H](C)C(C)C campest-5-en-3beta-ol chebi_ontology phosphorus atom 15P 30.97376 A pnictogen that has formula P. CAS:7723-14-0 CHEBI:26080 CHEBI:28659 CHEBI:8168 Gmelin:16235 InChI=1S/P KEGG:C06262 OAICVXFJPJFONN-UHFFFAOYSA-N P Phosphor Phosphorus WebElements:P [P] chebi_ontology fosforo phosphore phosphorus phosphorus molybdenum atom 42Mo 95.94000 A chromium group element atom that has formula Mo. CAS:7439-98-7 CHEBI:25369 CHEBI:28685 CHEBI:49750 CHEBI:6968 Gmelin:16205 InChI=1S/Mo KEGG:C00150 Mo Molybdaen Molybdenum WebElements:Mo ZOKXTWBITQBERF-UHFFFAOYSA-N [Mo] chebi_ontology molibdeno molybdene molybdenum molybdenum copper atom 29Cu 63.54600 A copper group element atom that has formula Cu. CAS:7440-50-8 CHEBI:23376 CHEBI:28694 CHEBI:3874 Copper Cu Gmelin:16269 InChI=1S/Cu KEGG:C00070 Kupfer RYGMFSIKBFXOCR-UHFFFAOYSA-N WebElements:Cu [Cu] chebi_ontology cobre copper copper cuivre cuprum liquiritigenin (-)-liquiritigenin (2S)-7-Hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one (2S)-7-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-4H-chromen-4-one (2S)-liquiritigenin 256.25340 4',7-Dihydroxyflavanone 7,4'-Dihydroxyflavanone 7-HYDROXY-2-(4-HYDROXY-PHENYL)-CHROMAN-4-ONE A dihydroxyflavanone compound having the two hydroxy substituents at the 4'- and 7-positions. Isolated from the root of Glycyrrhizae uralensis, it is a selective agonist for oestrogen receptor beta. Beilstein:3593780 C15H12O4 CAS:578-86-9 CHEBI:25065 CHEBI:28777 CHEBI:42001 CHEBI:6501 FURUXTVZLHCCNA-AWEZNQCLSA-N HMDB:HMDB29519 InChI=1S/C15H12O4/c16-10-3-1-9(2-4-10)14-8-13(18)12-6-5-11(17)7-15(12)19-14/h1-7,14,16-17H,8H2/t14-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09762 KNApSAcK:C00000977 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12140061 Liquiritigenin Oc1ccc(cc1)[C@@H]1CC(=O)c2ccc(O)cc2O1 PDBeChem:DFV PMID:17950610 PMID:18177995 PMID:21866899 Reaxys:3593780 Wikipedia:Liquiritigenin chebi_ontology liquiritigenin coumarin 1,2-Benzopyrone 146.14270 2-Propenoic acid, 3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-, d-lactone 2-Propenoic acid, 3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-, delta-lactone 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one 2H-benzo[b]pyran-2-one 2H-chromen-2-one 5,6-Benzo-2-pyrone A chromenone having the keto group located at the 2-position. Beilstein:383644 Benzo-a-pyrone Benzo-alpha-pyrone C9H6O2 CAS:91-64-5 CHEBI:101256 CHEBI:23402 CHEBI:28794 CHEBI:3906 CHEBI:41552 Coumarine Coumarinic anhydride Cumarin DrugBank:DB04665 Gmelin:165222 HMDB:HMDB01218 InChI=1S/C9H6O2/c10-9-6-5-7-3-1-2-4-8(7)11-9/h1-6H KEGG:C05851 KEGG:D07751 KNApSAcK:C00002460 LINCS:LSM-2519 MetaCyc:COUMARIN O=c1ccc2ccccc2o1 PMID:17988284 PMID:19025869 PMID:21046436 PMID:21462332 PMID:21798343 PMID:8735869 Rattex Reaxys:383644 Tonka bean camphor Wikipedia:Coumarin ZYGHJZDHTFUPRJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology cis-o-Coumarinic acid lactone o-Hydroxycinnamic acid lactone o-hydroxycinnamic acid delta-lactone flavonols 229.16660 3-hydroxyflavones Any hydroxyflavone in which is the ring hydrogen at position 3 of the heterocyclic ring is replaced by a hydroxy group. C15HO3R9 CHEBI:13639 CHEBI:24052 CHEBI:28802 CHEBI:71969 MetaCyc:Flavonols Oc1c(oc2c([*])c([*])c([*])c([*])c2c1=O)-c1c([*])c([*])c([*])c([*])c1[*] Wikipedia:Flavonol a flavonol chebi_ontology sinapyl alcohol 210.22650 4-(3-hydroxyprop-1-en-1-yl)-2,6-dimethoxyphenol A primary alcohol, being cinnamyl alcohol hydroxylated at C-4 and methoxylated at C-3 and -5. Beilstein:3084125 C11H14O4 CAS:537-33-7 CHEBI:26683 CHEBI:28813 CHEBI:9158 COc1cc(C=CCO)cc(OC)c1O InChI=1S/C11H14O4/c1-14-9-6-8(4-3-5-12)7-10(15-2)11(9)13/h3-4,6-7,12-13H,5H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C02325 LZFOPEXOUVTGJS-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:22794913 PMID:23398235 PMID:24667164 Reaxys:3084125 Sinapic alcohol Sinapoyl alcohol Sinapyl alcohol chebi_ontology dodecane 170.33484 A straight-chain alkane with 12 carbon atoms. It has been form the essential oils of various plants including Zingiber officinale (ginger). Beilstein:1697175 Bihexyl C12H26 CAS:112-40-3 CCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]10-CH3 CHEBI:25464 CHEBI:28817 CHEBI:41713 CHEBI:4675 DODECANE Dihexyl Dodecane Dodekan DrugBank:DB02771 Gmelin:201408 HMDB:HMDB31444 InChI=1S/C12H26/c1-3-5-7-9-11-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-12H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C08374 KNApSAcK:C00001248 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA11000004 MetaCyc:CPD-9290 PDBeChem:D12 PMID:24493301 Reaxys:1697175 SNRUBQQJIBEYMU-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Dodecane chebi_ontology dodecane n-Dodecane naringin (2S)-5-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromen-7-yl 2-O-(6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside 580.53460 A disaccharide derivative that is (S)-naringenin substituted by a 2-O-(alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl moiety at position 7 via a glycosidic linkage. Beilstein:102012 C27H32O14 CAS:10236-47-2 CHEBI:25486 CHEBI:28819 CHEBI:545774 CHEBI:566122 CHEBI:7485 C[C@@H]1O[C@@H](O[C@@H]2[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](CO)O[C@H]2Oc2cc(O)c3C(=O)C[C@H](Oc3c2)c2ccc(O)cc2)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O DFPMSGMNTNDNHN-ZPHOTFPESA-N HMDB:HMDB02927 InChI=1S/C27H32O14/c1-10-20(32)22(34)24(36)26(37-10)41-25-23(35)21(33)18(9-28)40-27(25)38-13-6-14(30)19-15(31)8-16(39-17(19)7-13)11-2-4-12(29)5-3-11/h2-7,10,16,18,20-30,32-36H,8-9H2,1H3/t10-,16-,18+,20-,21+,22+,23-,24+,25+,26-,27+/m0/s1 KEGG:C09789 KNApSAcK:C00000983 LINCS:LSM-2038 MetaCyc:NARINGIN Naringenin 7-O-[alpha-L-rhamnosyl-(1->2)-beta-D-glucoside] Naringenin 7-O-alpha-L-rhamnosyl-(1->2)-beta-D-glucoside Naringenin 7-O-neohesperidoside Naringin Naringoside PMID:21636685 PMID:22847135 PMID:22965302 PMID:22985397 PMID:23111634 Reaxys:102012 Wikipedia:Naringin chebi_ontology stigmasterol (22E)-stigmasta-5,22-dien-3beta-ol (3beta,22E)-stigmasta-5,22-dien-3-ol 412.69082 5,22-Cholestadien-24-ethyl-3beta-ol A 3beta-sterol that consists of 3beta-hydroxystigmastane having double bonds at the 5,6- and 22,23-positions. Beilstein:2568182 C29H48O CAS:83-48-7 CHEBI:26774 CHEBI:28824 CHEBI:8195 HCXVJBMSMIARIN-PHZDYDNGSA-N HMDB:HMDB00937 InChI=1S/C29H48O/c1-7-21(19(2)3)9-8-20(4)25-12-13-26-24-11-10-22-18-23(30)14-16-28(22,5)27(24)15-17-29(25,26)6/h8-10,19-21,23-27,30H,7,11-18H2,1-6H3/b9-8+/t20-,21-,23+,24+,25-,26+,27+,28+,29-/m1/s1 KEGG:C05442 KNApSAcK:C00003674 KNApSAcK:C00023774 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01040123 PMID:13318319 PMID:13547565 Reaxys:2568182 Stigmasterol Wikipedia:Stigmasterol [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CC=C4C[C@@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)\C=C\[C@@H](CC)C(C)C beta-stigmasterol chebi_ontology phytosterol poriferasterol stigmasta-5,22-dien-3beta-ol stigmasterol octanoic acid 1-heptanecarboxylic acid 144.21140 8:0 A straight-chain saturated fatty acid that is heptane in which one of the hydrogens of a terminal methyl group has been replaced by a carboxy group. Octanoic acid is also known as caprylic acid. Acide octanoique Acido octanoico Acidum octanocium Beilstein:1747180 C8:0 C8H16O2 CAS:124-07-2 CCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]6-COOH CHEBI:25648 CHEBI:28837 CHEBI:3373 CHEBI:44501 Caprylic acid DrugBank:DB04519 Gmelin:142966 HMDB:HMDB00482 InChI=1S/C8H16O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8(9)10/h2-7H2,1H3,(H,9,10) KEGG:C06423 KEGG:D05220 KNApSAcK:C00001231 Kaprylsaeure LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010008 MetaCyc:CPD-195 OCTANOIC ACID (CAPRYLIC ACID) Octanoic acid Octansaeure Octylic acid PDBeChem:OCA PMID:16162522 PMID:16872526 PMID:19096058 Reaxys:1747180 WWZKQHOCKIZLMA-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Caprylic_acid acide octanoique acido octanoico acidum octanoicum chebi_ontology n-caprylic acid n-octanoic acid n-octoic acid n-octylic acid octanoic acid octanoic acid octoic acid lutein (3R,3'R,6'R)-beta,epsilon-carotene-3,3'-diol (3R,3'R,6S)-4,5-DIDEHYDRO-5,6-DIHYDRO-BETA,BETA-CAROTENE-3,3'-DIOL 568.87144 A carotenol that has formula C40H56O2. Beilstein:2068550 Bo-Xan C40H56O2 CAS:127-40-2 CC(\C=C\C=C(C)\C=C\[C@H]1C(C)=C[C@H](O)CC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C1=C(C)C[C@@H](O)CC1(C)C CHEBI:27324 CHEBI:28838 CHEBI:43817 CHEBI:6576 DrugBank:DB00137 E 161b HMDB:HMDB03233 InChI=1S/C40H56O2/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-23-37-33(5)25-35(41)27-39(37,7)8)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)22-24-38-34(6)26-36(42)28-40(38,9)10/h11-25,35-37,41-42H,26-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,23-21+,24-22+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t35-,36+,37-/m0/s1 KBPHJBAIARWVSC-RGZFRNHPSA-N KEGG:C08601 KNApSAcK:C00003776 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR01070274 Lutein MetaCyc:CPD1F-119 PDBeChem:LUT PMID:10714278 PMID:14670087 PMID:23543147 PMID:24451312 Reaxys:2068550 Wikipedia:Lutein Xanthophyll chebi_ontology lutein stearic acid 18:0 284.478 A C18 straight-chain saturated fatty acid component of many animal and vegetable lipids. As well as in the diet, it is used in hardening soaps, softening plastics and in making cosmetics, candles and plastics. Beilstein:608585 C(CCCCCCCCCC)CCCCCCC(=O)O C18:0 C18H36O2 CAS:57-11-4 CH3-[CH2]16-COOH CHEBI:25631 CHEBI:28842 CHEBI:45710 DrugBank:DB03193 Gmelin:11738 HMDB:HMDB00827 InChI=1S/C18H36O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h2-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20) KEGG:C01530 KEGG:D00119 KNApSAcK:C00001238 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010018 MetaCyc:STEARIC_ACID Octadecanoic acid Octadecansaeure Oktadekansaeure PDBeChem:STE PMID:11425337 PMID:16448636 PMID:17439666 PMID:18982377 PMID:19468063 PMID:19838949 PMID:22735334 PMID:26884207 PMID:7763343 QIQXTHQIDYTFRH-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:608585 STEARIC ACID Stearate Stearinsaeure Wikipedia:Stearic_acid acide octadecanoique acide stearique chebi_ontology n-octadecanoic acid octadecanoic acid octadecoic acid (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol (3Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol (3Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol (3Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol 100.159 3-Hexen-1-ol, (Z)- A primary alcohol that consists of (3Z)-hex-3-ene substituted by a hydroxy group at position 1. Blatteralkohol C6H12O CAS:928-96-1 CC/C=C\CCO CHEBI:20029 CHEBI:28857 CHEBI:6398 HMDB:HMDB30003 InChI=1S/C6H12O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7/h3-4,7H,2,5-6H2,1H3/b4-3- KEGG:C08492 KNApSAcK:C00000356 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA05000059 Leaf alcohol MetaCyc:CIS-3-HEXENOL PMID:23678819 PMID:23749439 PMID:23923622 PMID:24301200 Reaxys:1719712 UFLHIIWVXFIJGU-ARJAWSKDSA-N Wikipedia:Cis-3-Hexen-1-ol chebi_ontology cis-3-Hexen-1-ol flavanones 2,3-dihydroflavones 212.15930 C15O2R12 CHEBI:13636 CHEBI:24038 CHEBI:24054 CHEBI:28863 Members of the class of flavans with a 3,4-dihydro-2-aryl-2H-1-benzopyran-4-one skeleton and its substituted derivatives. MetaCyc:FLAVANONES Wikipedia:Flavanone [*]c1c([*])c([*])c(c([*])c1[*])C1([*])Oc2c([*])c([*])c([*])c([*])c2C(=O)C1([*])[*] a flavanone chebi_ontology tetracosanoic acid 368.63670 A C24 straight-chain saturated fatty acid. Beilstein:1728237 C24H48O2 CAS:557-59-5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]22-COOH CHEBI:25467 CHEBI:26892 CHEBI:28866 CHEBI:6458 Gmelin:107095 HMDB:HMDB02003 InChI=1S/C24H48O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24(25)26/h2-23H2,1H3,(H,25,26) KEGG:C08320 KNApSAcK:C00001223 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010024 Lignoceric acid Lignozerinsaeure MetaCyc:TETRACOSANOATE PMID:21781003 PMID:23019902 PMID:23157011 PMID:23394615 PMID:23871298 PMID:24491713 PMID:3174658 QZZGJDVWLFXDLK-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1728237 Tetracosanoic acid Tetracosansaeure Wikipedia:Lignoceric_acid chebi_ontology n-tetracosanoic acid tetracosanic acid tetracosanoic acid tetracosoic acid tetraeicosanoic acid tetraicosanoic acid fatty acid anion 44.00950 Alkanate CHEBI:13634 CHEBI:24022 CHEBI:28868 CHEBI:4985 CO2R Fatty acid anion Fettsaeureanion Fettsaeureanionen KEGG:C02403 PMID:18628202 The conjugate base of a fatty acid, arising from deprotonation of the carboxylic acid group of the corresponding fatty acid. [O-]C([*])=O a fatty acid acido graso anionico acidos grasos anionicos anion de l'acide gras chebi_ontology fatty acid anions tetradecanoic acid 1-tetradecanecarboxylic acid 14 14:0 14:00 228.37090 A straight-chain, fourteen-carbon, long-chain saturated fatty acid mostly found in milk fat. Beilstein:508624 C14 C14H28O2 CAS:544-63-8 CCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]12-COOH CHEBI:26897 CHEBI:278516 CHEBI:28875 CHEBI:44232 CHEBI:7056 CHEBI:73168 DrugBank:DB08231 Gmelin:242115 HMDB:HMDB00806 InChI=1S/C14H28O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14(15)16/h2-13H2,1H3,(H,15,16) KEGG:C06424 KNApSAcK:C00001228 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010014 MYRISTIC ACID MetaCyc:CPD-7836 Myristic acid Myristinsaeure PDBeChem:MYR PMID:13129458 PMID:15149689 PMID:16509590 PMID:16554156 PMID:19154695 PMID:19761868 PMID:19786012 PMID:19902021 PMID:19955401 PMID:20634506 PMID:20920594 PMID:21955528 PMID:22030224 PMID:27206979 PMID:6802973 Reaxys:508624 TUNFSRHWOTWDNC-UHFFFAOYSA-N Tetradecanoic acid Wikipedia:Myristic_acid acide tetradecanoique chebi_ontology myristic acid n-Tetradecan-1-oic acid n-Tetradecoic acid n-tetradecanoic acid tetradecoic acid butan-1-ol 1-BUTANOL 1-Butanol 1-butyl alcohol 1-hydroxybutane 74.12160 A primary alcohol that is butane in which a hydrogen of one of the methyl groups is substituted by a hydroxy group. It it produced in small amounts in humans by the gut microbes. Beilstein:969148 BuOH C4H10O CAS:71-36-3 CCCCO CHEBI:22936 CHEBI:28885 CHEBI:39632 CHEBI:612 DrugBank:DB02145 Gmelin:25753 HMDB:HMDB04327 InChI=1S/C4H10O/c1-2-3-4-5/h5H,2-4H2,1H3 KEGG:C06142 KEGG:D03200 LRHPLDYGYMQRHN-UHFFFAOYSA-N MetaCyc:BUTANOL PDBeChem:1BO PMID:23980702 PMID:7096503 Reaxys:969148 Wikipedia:N-Butanol butan-1-ol chebi_ontology n-Butanol n-Butylalkohol n-butan-1-ol n-butyl alcohol propyl carbinol pentadecane 212.41458 A straight-chain alkane with 15 carbon atoms. It is a component of volatile oils isolated from plants species like Scandix balansae. Beilstein:1698194 C15H32 CAS:629-62-9 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]13-CH3 CHEBI:25466 CHEBI:28897 CHEBI:44175 CHEBI:7973 DrugBank:DB03715 HMDB:HMDB59886 InChI=1S/C15H32/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-15H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C08388 KNApSAcK:C00001265 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA11000006 MetaCyc:CPD-7946 PDBeChem:MYS PENTADECANE PMID:14598162 PMID:15330541 PMID:23847066 PMID:23973758 Pentadecane Pentadekan Reaxys:1698194 Wikipedia:Pentadecane YCOZIPAWZNQLMR-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology n-Pentadecane decan-1-ol 1-Decanol 158.281 A fatty alcohol consisting of a hydroxy function at C-1 of an unbranched saturated chain of ten carbon atoms. Beilstein:1735221 C(CCCCCCC)CCO C10H22O CAS:112-30-1 CHEBI:10605 CHEBI:132855 CHEBI:23569 CHEBI:28903 CHEBI:41909 Decyl alcohol Gmelin:218613 HMDB:HMDB11624 InChI=1S/C10H22O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11/h11H,2-10H2,1H3 KEGG:C01633 KNApSAcK:C00030100 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA05000062 MWKFXSUHUHTGQN-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:DE1 PMID:17314143 PMID:18597345 PMID:18601223 PMID:27471068 PMID:5485018 Reaxys:1735221 Wikipedia:1-Decanol capric alcohol caprinic alcohol chebi_ontology decan-1-ol n-Decanol n-decan-1-ol n-decyl alcohol nonylcarbinol protoanemonin 4-Methylenebut-2-en-4-olide 5-methylene-2(5H)-furanone 5-methylenefuran-2(5H)-one 96.08406 A butenolide that has formula C5H4O2. Beilstein:105670 C5H4O2 C=C1OC(=O)C=C1 CAS:108-28-1 CHEBI:20447 CHEBI:28906 CHEBI:8585 InChI=1S/C5H4O2/c1-4-2-3-5(6)7-4/h2-3H,1H2 KEGG:C07090 KNApSAcK:C00000301 Protoanemonin RNYZJZKPGHQTJR-UHFFFAOYSA-N UM-BBD_compID:c0298 chebi_ontology cis-4-Methylenebut-2-en-4-olide ammonium 18.03850 AMMONIUM ION Ammonium(1+) An onium cation obtained by protonation of ammonia. CAS:14798-03-9 CHEBI:22534 CHEBI:28938 CHEBI:49783 CHEBI:7435 Gmelin:84 H4N InChI=1S/H3N/h1H3/p+1 KEGG:C01342 MetaCyc:AMMONIUM MolBase:929 NH4(+) NH4+ PDBeChem:NH4 PMID:11319011 PMID:11341317 PMID:12096804 PMID:14512268 PMID:14879753 PMID:16345391 PMID:16903292 PMID:17392693 PMID:18515490 PMID:19199063 PMID:19596600 PMID:19682559 PMID:19716251 PMID:21993530 PMID:22265469 PMID:22524020 PMID:22562341 PMID:22631217 QGZKDVFQNNGYKY-UHFFFAOYSA-O Reaxys:16093784 Wikipedia:Ammonium [H][N+]([H])([H])[H] [NH4](+) ammonium azanium chebi_ontology behenic acid 1-docosanoic acid 340.58360 A straight-chain, C22, long-chain saturated fatty acid. Behenic acid Behensaeure Beilstein:1792887 C22H44O2 CAS:112-85-6 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]20-COOH CHEBI:25463 CHEBI:28941 CHEBI:3003 Docosanoate Docosanoic acid Docosansaeure Dokosansaeure Gmelin:232293 Heneicosansaeure InChI=1S/C22H44O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22(23)24/h2-21H2,1H3,(H,23,24) KEGG:C08281 KNApSAcK:C00001211 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010022 PMID:11124748 PMID:12357383 PMID:15716582 PMID:20565070 Reaxys:1792887 UKMSUNONTOPOIO-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology docosanic acid docosanoic acid docosoic acid n-docosanoic acid amino sugar Aminosugars Any sugar having one or more alcoholic hydroxy groups replaced by substituted or unsubstituted amino groups. CHEBI:22481 CHEBI:22530 CHEBI:2662 CHEBI:28963 KEGG:C05383 PMID:18424273 PMID:9056391 amino sugars aminosugar chebi_ontology dicarboxylic acid dianion A carboxylic acid dianion obtained by deprotonation of both carboxy groups of any dicarboxylic acid. C2O4R CHEBI:13632 CHEBI:23688 CHEBI:23689 CHEBI:28965 CHEBI:38711 [O-]C(=O)[*]C([O-])=O a dicarboxylate chebi_ontology dicarboxylate dicarboxylates dicarboxylic acid dianion dicarboxylic acid dianions chlorophyll CAS:1406-65-1 CHEBI:13973 CHEBI:23161 CHEBI:28966 CHEBI:3630 CHEBI:3635 COMe:MOL000012 Chlorophyll KEGG:C01793 a chlorophyll chebi_ontology chlorophyll chlorophylls (R)-propane-1,2-diol (2R)-propane-1,2-diol (R)-1,2-Propanediol (R)-Propane-1,2-diol (R)-Propylene glycol (R)-propane-1,2-diol 76.09442 A propane-1,2-diol that has formula C3H8O2. C3H8O2 CAS:4254-14-2 CHEBI:18705 CHEBI:28972 CHEBI:352 CHEBI:44863 C[C@@H](O)CO DNIAPMSPPWPWGF-GSVOUGTGSA-N DrugBank:DB02159 InChI=1S/C3H8O2/c1-3(5)2-4/h3-5H,2H2,1H3/t3-/m1/s1 KEGG:C02912 PDBeChem:PGR R-1,2-PROPANEDIOL chebi_ontology strychnine 334.41160 A monoterpenoid indole alkaloid that is strychnidine bearing a keto substituent at the 10-position. Beilstein:52979 C21H22N2O2 CAS:57-24-9 CHEBI:26795 CHEBI:28973 CHEBI:9293 Gmelin:117894 InChI=1S/C21H22N2O2/c24-18-10-16-19-13-9-17-21(6-7-22(17)11-12(13)5-8-25-16)14-3-1-2-4-15(14)23(18)20(19)21/h1-5,13,16-17,19-20H,6-11H2/t13-,16-,17-,19-,20-,21+/m0/s1 KEGG:C06522 KNApSAcK:C00001770 KNApSAcK:C00025213 PDBeChem:SY9 PMID:10471592 PMID:10821054 PMID:11024105 PMID:11157095 PMID:11324564 PMID:11327524 PMID:11453337 PMID:11516560 PMID:11900860 PMID:12611967 PMID:12718443 PMID:12742643 PMID:12757728 PMID:14530208 PMID:14552874 PMID:14575889 PMID:15046720 PMID:15275654 PMID:15302677 PMID:15601738 PMID:15610168 PMID:16075189 PMID:16171972 PMID:16887371 PMID:16950410 PMID:17145135 PMID:17365101 PMID:17449162 PMID:17595105 PMID:17827655 PMID:17900376 PMID:18199816 PMID:19071748 PMID:19194159 PMID:19200346 PMID:19394327 PMID:19445923 PMID:19617896 PMID:19628662 PMID:20534469 PMID:20810461 PMID:20837125 PMID:21042643 PMID:21109870 PMID:21468359 PMID:21506420 PMID:21532268 PMID:21616062 PMID:21618309 PMID:21666516 PMID:21726589 PMID:22168233 PMID:22417832 PMID:23395890 PMID:25702781 PMID:25877308 PMID:25958869 PMID:26028680 PMID:26173662 PMID:26223366 PMID:26330182 PMID:26416729 PMID:26556179 PMID:26625339 PMID:9918589 QMGVPVSNSZLJIA-FVWCLLPLSA-N Reaxys:52979 Strychnin Strychnine Wikipedia:Strychnine [H][C@@]12CC(=O)N3c4ccccc4[C@]45CCN6CC(=CCO1)[C@]([H])(C[C@@]46[H])[C@]2([H])[C@]35[H] chebi_ontology strychnidin-10-one carbonic acid 62.02478 A chalcocarbonic acid that has formula CH2O3. BVKZGUZCCUSVTD-UHFFFAOYSA-N CAS:463-79-6 CH2O3 CHEBI:13351 CHEBI:23017 CHEBI:23744 CHEBI:28976 CHEBI:3401 Carbonic acid Dihydrogen carbonate Gmelin:25554 H2CO3 InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4) KEGG:C01353 Koehlensaeure OC(O)=O PDBeChem:CO3 [CO(OH)2] carbonic acid chebi_ontology dihydroxidooxidocarbon (S)-propane-1,2-diol (2S)-propane-1,2-diol (S)-1,2-Propanediol (S)-Propane-1,2-diol (S)-Propylene glycol (S)-propane-1,2-diol 76.09442 A propane-1,2-diol that has formula C3H8O2. C3H8O2 CHEBI:18799 CHEBI:29002 CHEBI:440 CHEBI:45065 C[C@H](O)CO DNIAPMSPPWPWGF-VKHMYHEASA-N DrugBank:DB04349 InChI=1S/C3H8O2/c1-3(5)2-4/h3-5H,2H2,1H3/t3-/m0/s1 KEGG:C02917 PDBeChem:PGO chebi_ontology cyclohexane 84.15948 An alicyclic hydrocarbon comprising a ring of six carbon atoms; the cyclic form of hexane, used as a raw material in the manufacture of nylon. Beilstein:1900225 C1CCCCC1 C6H12 CAS:110-82-7 CHEBI:23472 CHEBI:29005 CHEBI:4009 CHEBI:41506 CYCLOHEXANE Cyclohexan Cyclohexane DrugBank:DB03561 Gmelin:1662 HMDB:HMDB29597 InChI=1S/C6H12/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6H2 KEGG:C11249 MetaCyc:CPD-8923 PDBeChem:CHX PMID:11234809 PMID:24334480 Reaxys:1900225 Wikipedia:Cyclohexane XDTMQSROBMDMFD-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology cyclohexane hexahydrobenzene hexamethylene hexanaphthene arginine 174.20112 2-Amino-5-guanidinovaleric acid 2-amino-5-(carbamimidamido)pentanoic acid 2-amino-5-guanidinopentanoic acid An alpha-amino acid that is glycine in which the alpha-is substituted by a 3-guanidinopropyl group. Arginin Arginine Beilstein:1725411 C6H14N4O2 CAS:7200-25-1 CHEBI:22616 CHEBI:2643 CHEBI:29016 Harg InChI=1S/C6H14N4O2/c7-4(5(11)12)2-1-3-10-6(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,11,12)(H4,8,9,10) KEGG:C02385 NC(CCCNC(N)=N)C(O)=O ODKSFYDXXFIFQN-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:10848923 Reaxys:1725411 Wikipedia:L-Arginine arginine chebi_ontology nonanoic acid 1-nonanoic acid 1-octanecarboxylic acid 158.23800 A C9 straight-chain saturated fatty acid which occurs naturally as esters of the oil of pelargonium. Has antifungal properties, and is also used as a herbicide as well as in the preparation of plasticisers and lacquers. Beilstein:1752351 C9H18O2 CAS:112-05-0 CCCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]7-COOH CHEBI:25861 CHEBI:29019 CHEBI:7616 FBUKVWPVBMHYJY-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:185341 InChI=1S/C9H18O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9(10)11/h2-8H2,1H3,(H,10,11) KEGG:C01601 KNApSAcK:C00030829 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010009 MetaCyc:CPD-8505 Nonanoate Nonanoic acid Nonansaeure PMID:11413921 PMID:16124228 PMID:19274268 PMID:20673187 Pelargonic acid Pelargonsaeure Reaxys:1752351 Wikipedia:Nonanoic_acid chebi_ontology n-nonanoic acid nonanoic acid nonoic acid nonylic acid pelargic acid pelargon pergonic acid iron(2+) 55.84500 An iron cation that has formula Fe. CAS:15438-31-0 CHEBI:13319 CHEBI:13321 CHEBI:21129 CHEBI:24876 CHEBI:29033 CHEBI:34754 CHEBI:49599 CWYNVVGOOAEACU-UHFFFAOYSA-N FE (II) ION Fe Fe(2+) Fe(II) Fe2+ Ferrous ion Gmelin:6845 InChI=1S/Fe/q+2 Iron(2+) KEGG:C14818 PDBeChem:FE2 [Fe++] chebi_ontology iron ion(2+) iron(2+) iron(2+) ion iron(II) cation manganese(2+) 54.93805 A divalent metal cation in which the metal is manganese. CAS:16397-91-4 CHEBI:21435 CHEBI:25156 CHEBI:29035 CHEBI:49749 Gmelin:6858 InChI=1S/Mn/q+2 MANGANESE (II) ION Mn Mn(2+) Mn(II) Mn2+ PDBeChem:MN WAEMQWOKJMHJLA-UHFFFAOYSA-N [Mn++] chebi_ontology manganese(2+) manganese(2+) ion manganese(II) manganese(II) cation manganese, ion (Mn2+) manganous ion copper(2+) 63.54600 An ion of copper carrying a double positive charge. CAS:15158-11-9 CHEBI:20882 CHEBI:23380 CHEBI:29036 CHEBI:49550 COPPER (II) ION Cu Cu(2+) Cu(II) Cu2+ Gmelin:6855 InChI=1S/Cu/q+2 JPVYNHNXODAKFH-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:CU PMID:23900424 PMID:24168430 Reaxys:3587177 [Cu++] chebi_ontology copper(2+) copper(2+) ion copper(II) cation copper(II) cation copper, ion (Cu2+) cupric ion carboxylic acid anion 44.00950 CHEBI:13626 CHEBI:13945 CHEBI:23026 CHEBI:29067 CHEBI:58657 CO2R The conjugate base formed when the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid is deprotonated. [O-]C([*])=O a carboxylate carboxylic acid anions carboxylic anions chebi_ontology phthalic acid 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 166.13084 A benzenedicarboxylic acid cosisting of two carboxy groups at ortho positions. Beilstein:608199 C8H6O4 CAS:88-99-3 CHEBI:14832 CHEBI:26093 CHEBI:29069 CHEBI:44902 CHEBI:8174 DrugBank:DB02746 Gmelin:27343 InChI=1S/C8H6O4/c9-7(10)5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8(11)12/h1-4H,(H,9,10)(H,11,12) KEGG:C01606 OC(=O)c1ccccc1C(O)=O PDBeChem:PHT PHTHALIC ACID PMID:10682108 PMID:15016950 PMID:16804812 PMID:9838120 Phthalic acid Reaxys:608199 Wikipedia:Phthalic_acid XNGIFLGASWRNHJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid chebi_ontology o-benzenedicarboxylic acid ortho-phthalic acid phthalic acid mononucleotide 213.103 C5H10O7PR CHEBI:14616 CHEBI:25404 CHEBI:29075 CHEBI:6983 KEGG:C02171 Mononucleotide chebi_ontology mononucleotide mononucleotides potassium(1+) 39.09830 A monoatomic monocation obtained from potassium. CAS:24203-36-9 CHEBI:26219 CHEBI:29103 CHEBI:49685 CHEBI:8345 Gmelin:15203 InChI=1S/K/q+1 K K(+) K+ KEGG:C00238 KEGG:D08403 NPYPAHLBTDXSSS-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:K POTASSIUM ION [K+] chebi_ontology potassium cation potassium(1+) potassium(1+) ion potassium(I) cation zinc(2+) 65.39000 A zinc cation that has formula Zn. CAS:23713-49-7 CHEBI:10113 CHEBI:27368 CHEBI:29105 CHEBI:49972 CHEBI:49982 Gmelin:6869 InChI=1S/Zn/q+2 KEGG:C00038 PDBeChem:ZN PTFCDOFLOPIGGS-UHFFFAOYSA-N ZINC ION Zn Zn(2+) Zn(II) Zn2+ [Zn++] chebi_ontology dietary zinc zinc cation zinc(2+) zinc(2+) ion zinc(II) cation zinc, ion (Zn2+) calcium(2+) 40.07800 A calcium cation that has formula Ca. BHPQYMZQTOCNFJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N CALCIUM ION CAS:14127-61-8 CHEBI:22988 CHEBI:29108 CHEBI:3308 CHEBI:48760 Ca Ca(2+) Ca2+ Gmelin:6850 InChI=1S/Ca/q+2 KEGG:C00076 PDBeChem:CA [Ca++] calcium(2+) calcium(2+) ion calcium(II) cation calcium, doubly charged positive ion chebi_ontology azanide 16.02262 A nitrogen hydride that has formula H2N. CHEBI:29337 H2N HYGWNUKOUCZBND-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/H2N/h1H2/q-1 NH2(-) [H][N-][H] amide azanide chebi_ontology dihydridonitrate(1-) hydridonitrate(2-) 15.01468 A divalent inorganic anion resulting from the removal of two protons from ammonia. CHEBI:29340 DZQYTNGKSBCIOE-UHFFFAOYSA-N HN InChI=1S/HN/h1H/q-2 NH(2-) [N--][H] azanediide chebi_ontology hydridonitrate(2-) imide monocarboxylic acid amide 42.01680 A carboxamide derived from a monocarboxylic acid. CHEBI:13211 CHEBI:22207 CHEBI:25383 CHEBI:29347 CHEBI:6977 CNOR3 [*]N([*])C([*])=O chebi_ontology monocarboxylic acid amides fatty amide A monocarboxylic acid amide derived from a fatty acid. Aliphatic amide CHEBI:13247 CHEBI:22310 CHEBI:22330 CHEBI:2572 CHEBI:29348 CHEBI:35749 CHEBI:38838 CHNOR2 KEGG:C02244 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMFA08 chebi_ontology fatty amide fatty amides nerol (2Z)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol (2Z)-3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol (Z)-3,7-Dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol (Z)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol (Z)-geraniol 154.24932 2-cis-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol Beilstein:1722454 Beilstein:1722455 C10H18O CAS:106-25-2 CC(C)=CCC\C(C)=C/CO CHEBI:24220 CHEBI:29452 CHEBI:7523 GLZPCOQZEFWAFX-YFHOEESVSA-N InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-9(2)5-4-6-10(3)7-8-11/h5,7,11H,4,6,8H2,1-3H3/b10-7- KEGG:C09871 KNApSAcK:C00000855 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102010010 MetaCyc:CPD-7978 Nerol PMID:23999034 PMID:24269775 PMID:24599108 Patent:CN103342627 Patent:MX2013000640 Reaxys:1722454 The (2Z)-stereoisomer of 3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol. It has been isolated from the essential oils from plants like lemon grass. Wikipedia:Nerol chebi_ontology cis-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol cis-geraniol neryl alcohol ferulate (2E)-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enoate 193.17606 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-trans-cinnamate A monocarboxylic acid anion obtained by the deprotonation of the carboxy group of ferulic acid. C10H9O4 CHEBI:11848 CHEBI:14259 CHEBI:24029 CHEBI:29749 COc1cc(\C=C\C([O-])=O)ccc1O InChI=1S/C10H10O4/c1-14-9-6-7(2-4-8(9)11)3-5-10(12)13/h2-6,11H,1H3,(H,12,13)/p-1/b5-3+ KSEBMYQBYZTDHS-HWKANZROSA-M MetaCyc:FERULIC-ACID chebi_ontology ferulate (-)-quinate (-)-quinate (1S,3R,4S,5R)-1,3,4,5-tetrahydroxycyclohexanecarboxylate 191.15864 1L-1(OH),3,4/5-Tetrahydroxycyclohexanecarboxylate A quinate that is the conjugate base of (-)-quinic acid. AAWZDTNXLSGCEK-WYWMIBKRSA-M C7H11O6 CHEBI:15000 CHEBI:26489 CHEBI:29751 InChI=1S/C7H12O6/c8-3-1-7(13,6(11)12)2-4(9)5(3)10/h3-5,8-10,13H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/p-1/t3-,4-,5-,7+/m1/s1 KEGG:C00296 L-quinate O[C@@H]1C[C@@](O)(C[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O)C([O-])=O Quinate Reaxys:5029142 chebi_ontology fumarate(2-) (2E)-but-2-enedioate (2E)-but-2-enedioate (E)-2-butenedioic acid, ion(2-) 114.05628 A C4-dicarboxylate that is the E-isomer of but-2-enedioate(2-) Beilstein:1861276 C4H2O4 CAS:142-42-7 CHEBI:14284 CHEBI:24122 CHEBI:29806 CHEBI:42511 DrugBank:DB01677 FUMARATE Gmelin:325288 InChI=1S/C4H4O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/p-2/b2-1+ KEGG:C00122 MetaCyc:FUM PDBeChem:FMR PMID:15618158 PMID:16857679 PMID:17190852 PMID:22052553 PMID:22405071 Reaxys:1861276 UM-BBD_compID:c0111 VZCYOOQTPOCHFL-OWOJBTEDSA-L [O-]C(=O)\C=C\C([O-])=O chebi_ontology fumarate glutamate(2-) 145.11342 2-aminopentanedioate A dicarboxylic acid dianion that is the conjugate base of glutamate(1-). Beilstein:4134100 C5H7NO4 CHEBI:29987 Gmelin:327903 InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/p-2 NC(CCC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O Reaxys:4134100 WHUUTDBJXJRKMK-UHFFFAOYSA-L chebi_ontology glutamate glutamate(2-) glutamic acid dianion D-aspartate(1-) (2R)-2-ammoniobutanedioate (2R)-2-ammoniosuccinate 132.09478 An aspartate(1-) that is the conjugate base of D-aspartic acid. Beilstein:8316944 C4H6NO4 CHEBI:12918 CHEBI:20919 CHEBI:29990 CKLJMWTZIZZHCS-UWTATZPHSA-M D-aspartate D-aspartate(1-) D-aspartic acid monoanion InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/p-1/t2-/m1/s1 Reaxys:8316944 [NH3+][C@H](CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology hydrogen D-aspartate L-aspartate(1-) (2S)-2-ammoniobutanedioate (2S)-2-ammoniosuccinate 132.09478 An aspartate(1-) that is the conjugate base of L-aspartic acid. C4H6NO4 CHEBI:13085 CHEBI:21244 CHEBI:29991 CKLJMWTZIZZHCS-REOHCLBHSA-M Gmelin:327374 InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/p-1/t2-/m0/s1 L-aspartate L-aspartate(1-) L-aspartic acid monoanion Reaxys:15801578 [NH3+][C@@H](CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology hydrogen L-aspartate L-aspartate(2-) (2S)-2-aminobutanedioate (2S)-2-aminosuccinate 131.08684 An aspartate(2-) that is the conjugate base of L-aspartate(1-). Beilstein:4133557 C4H5NO4 CHEBI:29993 CKLJMWTZIZZHCS-REOHCLBHSA-L Gmelin:327367 InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/p-2/t2-/m0/s1 L-aspartate L-aspartate(2-) L-aspartic acid dianion N[C@@H](CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O Reaxys:4133557 chebi_ontology D-aspartate(2-) (2R)-2-aminobutanedioate (2R)-2-aminosuccinate 131.08684 An aspartate(2-) that is the conjugate base of D-aspartate(1-). C4H5NO4 CHEBI:29994 CKLJMWTZIZZHCS-UWTATZPHSA-L D-aspartate D-aspartate(2-) D-aspartic acid dianion Gmelin:327368 InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/p-2/t2-/m1/s1 N[C@H](CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O Reaxys:14495011 chebi_ontology aspartate(2-) 131.08684 2-aminobutanedioate 2-aminosuccinate A C4-dicarboxylate that is the dianion obtained by the deprotonation of both the carboxy groups of aspartic acid. C4H5NO4 CHEBI:29995 CKLJMWTZIZZHCS-UHFFFAOYSA-L InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/p-2 NC(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O aspartate aspartate(2-) aspartic acid dianion chebi_ontology succinate(2-) (-)OOC-CH2-CH2-COO(-) 116.07216 A dicarboxylic acid dianion resulting from the removal of a proton from both of the carboxy groups of succinic acid. Beilstein:1863859 C4H4O4 CAS:56-14-4 CHEBI:15125 CHEBI:22941 CHEBI:26803 CHEBI:30031 Gmelin:240255 InChI=1S/C4H6O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/p-2 KDYFGRWQOYBRFD-UHFFFAOYSA-L MetaCyc:SUC PMID:17190852 Reaxys:1863859 UM-BBD_compID:c0312 [O-]C(=O)CCC([O-])=O butanedioate butanedioic acid, ion(2-) chebi_ontology succinate acetate 59.04402 A monocarboxylic acid anion resulting from the removal of a proton from the carboxy group of acetic acid. ACETATE ION Azetat Beilstein:1901470 C2H3O2 CAS:71-50-1 CC([O-])=O CH3-COO(-) CHEBI:13704 CHEBI:22165 CHEBI:30089 CHEBI:40480 DrugBank:DB03166 Ethanoat Gmelin:1379 InChI=1S/C2H4O2/c1-2(3)4/h1H3,(H,3,4)/p-1 KEGG:C00033 MeCO2 anion MetaCyc:ACET PDBeChem:ACT PMID:17190852 PMID:22211106 PMID:22371380 QTBSBXVTEAMEQO-UHFFFAOYSA-M Reaxys:1901470 UM-BBD_compID:c0050 Wikipedia:Acetate acetate acetic acid, ion(1-) chebi_ontology ethanoate boron(1+) 10.81100 A monoatomic boron that has formula B. B B(+) Boron cation Boron, ion (B1+) CAS:14594-80-0 CHEBI:30165 Gmelin:39354 HYFJXBYGHMZZPQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/B/q+1 [B+] boron(1+) boron(1+) ion boron(I) cation chebi_ontology kaempferol 3-O-beta-D-glucoside 3,4',5,7-Tetrahydroxyflavone-3-glucoside 3-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one 448.378 4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl beta-D-glucopyranoside A kaempferol O-glucoside in which a glucosyl residue is attached at position 3 of kaempferol via a beta-glycosidic linkage. Astragalin C1(=C(C(C2=C(C=C(C=C2O1)O)O)=O)O[C@H]3[C@H](O)[C@H]([C@@H]([C@@H](CO)O3)O)O)C=4C=CC(O)=CC4 C21H20O11 CAS:480-10-4 CHEBI:132836 CHEBI:30200 CHEBI:31745 HMDB:HMDB37429 InChI=1S/C21H20O11/c22-7-13-15(26)17(28)18(29)21(31-13)32-20-16(27)14-11(25)5-10(24)6-12(14)30-19(20)8-1-3-9(23)4-2-8/h1-6,13,15,17-18,21-26,28-29H,7H2/t13-,15-,17+,18-,21+/m1/s1 JPUKWEQWGBDDQB-QSOFNFLRSA-N KEGG:C12249 KNApSAcK:C00005138 Kaempferol 3-O-beta-D-glucoside Kaempferol 3-O-glucoside LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12111725 MetaCyc:CPD1F-453 PMID:21329934 PMID:21466157 PMID:22210036 PMID:22489129 PMID:22766709 Reaxys:1359980 Wikipedia:Astragalin astragaline chebi_ontology kaempferol-3-O-beta-glucopyranoside phosphorus(.) 30.97376 A monoatomic phosphorus that has formula P. CAS:7723-14-0 CHEBI:30207 InChI=1S/P OAICVXFJPJFONN-UHFFFAOYSA-N P P(.) [P] chebi_ontology monophosphorus phosphorus atom phosphorus(.) fluorine(1+) 18.99840 A monoatomic fluorine that has formula F. CAS:14701-13-4 CHEBI:30240 F F(+) Fluorine cation Gmelin:15174 InChI=1S/F/q+1 LMHDQOWNISVSPD-UHFFFAOYSA-N [F+] chebi_ontology fluorine(1+) linoleate (9Z,12Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid, ion(1-) (9Z,12Z)-octadeca-9,12-dienoate (9Z,12Z)-octadecadienoate (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid, ion(1-) 279.43754 An octadecadienoate with cis- double bonds at the 9- and 12- positions; the conjugate base of linoleic acid. Beilstein:4139597 C18H31O2 CAS:1509-85-9 CCCCC\C=C/C\C=C/CCCCCCCC([O-])=O CHEBI:12272 CHEBI:14515 CHEBI:20826 CHEBI:30245 Gmelin:667201 InChI=1S/C18H32O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h6-7,9-10H,2-5,8,11-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20)/p-1/b7-6-,10-9- KEGG:C01595 MetaCyc:LINOLEIC_ACID OYHQOLUKZRVURQ-HZJYTTRNSA-M Reaxys:4139597 chebi_ontology cis,cis-9,12-octadecadienoate cis,cis-linoleate cis-Delta(9,12)-octadecadienoate linoleic acid, ion(1-) isopropyl group (CH3)2CH- -CH(CH3)2 1-methylethyl 43.08768 C3H7 CHEBI:30353 chebi_ontology iPr isopropyl propan-2-yl valine side-chain isobutyl group (CH3)2CH-CH2- -CH2-CH(CH3)2 2-methylpropan-1-ido 2-methylpropyl 57.11426 C4H9 CHEBI:30356 chebi_ontology iBu isobutyl leucine side-chain isobutane (CH3)2CH-CH3 2-methylpropane 58.12220 An alkane that is propane substituted by a methyl group at position 2. Beilstein:1730720 C4H10 CAS:75-28-5 CC(C)C CHEBI:30363 E943b Gmelin:1301 InChI=1S/C4H10/c1-4(2)3/h4H,1-3H3 KEGG:D04623 NNPPMTNAJDCUHE-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:24179026 PMID:24464945 R-600a Reaxys:1730720 Wikipedia:Isobutane chebi_ontology isobutane monoatomic dication 0.00000 CHEBI:23856 CHEBI:30412 CHEBI:4665 Divalent cation KEGG:C00572 [*++] chebi_ontology divalent cation divalent inorganic cations monoatomic dications silver atom 107.86820 47Ag A copper group element atom that has formula Ag. Ag BQCADISMDOOEFD-UHFFFAOYSA-N CAS:7440-22-4 CHEBI:30512 InChI=1S/Ag Silber WebElements:Ag [Ag] argent argentum chebi_ontology plata silver silver gamma-aminobutyrate 102.11186 4-Amino-butyrat 4-Aminobutylate 4-aminobutanoate 4-aminobutanoic acid ion (1-) 4-aminobutyrate An gamma-amino acid anion resulting from the deprotonation of the carboxy group of gamma-aminobutyric acid. BTCSSZJGUNDROE-UHFFFAOYSA-M Beilstein:3536873 C4H8NO2 CHEBI:11961 CHEBI:20317 CHEBI:30566 Gmelin:559138 InChI=1S/C4H9NO2/c5-3-1-2-4(6)7/h1-3,5H2,(H,6,7)/p-1 KEGG:C00334 NCCCC([O-])=O PMID:12509893 Reaxys:3536873 chebi_ontology gamma-aminobutanoate gamma-aminobutyrate anion silicon(1+) 28.08550 An elemental silicon that has formula Si. CAS:14067-07-3 CHEBI:30582 FSLGCYNKXXIWGJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/Si/q+1 Si Si(+) Silicon cation [Si+] chebi_ontology silicon(1+) silicon(1+) ion silicon(I) cation oxalate(2-) 88.01900 A dicarboxylic acid dianion obtained by deprotonation of both carboxy groups of oxalic acid. Beilstein:1905970 C2O4 CAS:338-70-5 CHEBI:14702 CHEBI:25729 CHEBI:30623 CHEBI:44820 Gmelin:2207 InChI=1S/C2H2O4/c3-1(4)2(5)6/h(H,3,4)(H,5,6)/p-2 KEGG:C00209 MUBZPKHOEPUJKR-UHFFFAOYSA-L OXALATE ION PDBeChem:OXL Reaxys:1905970 UM-BBD_compID:c0017 [O-]C(=O)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology ethanedioate ethanedioic acid, ion(2-) ox oxalate Berbamine 608.725 A bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid that has formula C37H40N2O6. Berbamine C37H40N2O6 CAS:478-61-5 CHEBI:3063 COc1cc2CCN(C)[C@H]3Cc4ccc(Oc5cc(C[C@H]6N(C)CCc7cc(OC)c(OC)c(Oc1cc23)c67)ccc5O)cc4 DFOCUWZXJBAUSQ-URLMMPGGSA-N InChI=1S/C37H40N2O6/c1-38-14-12-24-19-32(41-3)33-21-27(24)28(38)16-22-6-9-26(10-7-22)44-31-18-23(8-11-30(31)40)17-29-35-25(13-15-39(29)2)20-34(42-4)36(43-5)37(35)45-33/h6-11,18-21,28-29,40H,12-17H2,1-5H3/t28-,29+/m0/s1 KEGG:C09357 KNApSAcK:C00001817 chebi_ontology loganic acid (1S,4aS,6S,7R,7aS)-1-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-6-hydroxy-7-methyl-1,4a,5,6,7,7a-hexahydrocyclopenta[c]pyran-4-carboxylic acid 376.35576 A cyclopentapyran that is 1,4a,5,6,7,7a-hexahydrocyclopenta[c]pyran-4-carboxylic acid substituted at positions 1, 6 and 7 by beta-D-glucosyloxy, hydroxy and methyl groups respectively Beilstein:4887090 C16H24O10 CAS:22255-40-9 CHEBI:25068 CHEBI:30632 CHEBI:6512 InChI=1S/C16H24O10/c1-5-8(18)2-6-7(14(22)23)4-24-15(10(5)6)26-16-13(21)12(20)11(19)9(3-17)25-16/h4-6,8-13,15-21H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,22,23)/t5-,6+,8-,9+,10+,11+,12-,13+,15-,16-/m0/s1 JNNGEAWILNVFFD-CDJYTOATSA-N KEGG:C01512 KNApSAcK:C00010604 Loganic acid [H][C@]12C[C@H](O)[C@H](C)[C@@]1([H])[C@@H](OC=C2C(O)=O)O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O chebi_ontology phenylacetic acid 136.14792 2-PHENYLACETIC ACID 2-Phenylethanoic acid A monocarboxylic acid that is toluene in which one of the hydrogens of the methyl group has been replaced by a carboxy group. Beilstein:1099647 Benzeneacetic acid Benzylformic acid C8H8O2 CAS:103-82-2 CHEBI:25977 CHEBI:30745 CHEBI:44686 CHEBI:8085 ECMDB:ECMDB04128 Gmelin:68976 HMDB:HMDB00209 InChI=1S/C8H8O2/c9-8(10)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5H,6H2,(H,9,10) KEGG:C07086 KNApSAcK:C00000750 MetaCyc:PHENYLACETATE OC(=O)Cc1ccccc1 Omega-Phenylacetic acid PA PDBeChem:PAC PMID:12147706 PMID:12569987 PMID:15057459 PMID:15506622 PMID:15646820 PMID:17622769 PMID:2083978 PMID:24587751 PMID:24631718 PMID:7544181 PMID:7716788 Phenylacetic acid Reaxys:1099647 WLJVXDMOQOGPHL-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Phenylacetic_acid YMDB:YMDB00891 alpha-toluic acid benzeneacetic acid chebi_ontology omega-phenylacetic acid phenylacetic acid benzoic acid 122.12130 A compound comprising a benzene ring core carrying a carboxylic acid substituent. Aromatic carboxylic acid BENZOIC ACID Beilstein:636131 Benzenecarboxylic acid Benzeneformic acid Benzenemethanoic acid Benzoesaeure Benzoic acid C7H6O2 CAS:65-85-0 CHEBI:22722 CHEBI:3029 CHEBI:30746 CHEBI:41051 Dracylic acid DrugBank:DB03793 E210 Gmelin:2946 HMDB:HMDB01870 InChI=1S/C7H6O2/c8-7(9)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5H,(H,8,9) KEGG:C00180 KEGG:C00539 KEGG:D00038 KNApSAcK:C00000207 LINCS:LSM-37118 MetaCyc:BENZOATE OC(=O)c1ccccc1 PDBeChem:BEZ PMID:16728954 PMID:17439666 PMID:18314336 Phenylcarboxylic acid Phenylformic acid Reaxys:636131 WPYMKLBDIGXBTP-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Benzoic_Acid YMDB:YMDB02301 acide benzoique benzoic acid chebi_ontology formic acid 46.02538 Acide formique Ameisensaeure BDAGIHXWWSANSR-UHFFFAOYSA-N Beilstein:1209246 CAS:64-18-6 CH2O2 CHEBI:24082 CHEBI:30751 CHEBI:42460 CHEBI:5145 DrugBank:DB01942 FORMIC ACID Formic acid Gmelin:1008 H-COOH HCO2H HCOOH HMDB:HMDB00142 InChI=1S/CH2O2/c2-1-3/h1H,(H,2,3) KEGG:C00058 KNApSAcK:C00001182 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010040 MetaCyc:FORMATE Methanoic acid PDBeChem:FMT PMID:12591956 PMID:14637377 PMID:15811469 PMID:16120414 PMID:16185830 PMID:16222862 PMID:16230297 PMID:16445901 PMID:16465784 PMID:18034701 PMID:18397576 PMID:22080171 PMID:22280475 PMID:22304812 PMID:22385261 PMID:22447125 PMID:22483350 PMID:22499553 PMID:22540994 PMID:22606986 PMID:22622393 PMID:3946945 PMID:7361809 Patent:CN101481304 Reaxys:1209246 The simplest carboxylic acid, containing a single carbon. Occurs naturally in various sources including the venom of bee and ant stings, and is a useful organic synthetic reagent. Principally used as a preservative and antibacterial agent in livestock feed. Induces severe metabolic acidosis and ocular injury in human subjects. Wikipedia:Formic_acid [H]C(O)=O aminic acid bilorin chebi_ontology formic acid formylic acid hydrogen carboxylic acid methoic acid salicylate 137.11280 2-hydroxybenzoate 2-hydroxybenzoic acid ion(1-) A monohydroxybenzoate that is the conjugate base of salicylic acid. Beilstein:3605209 C7H5O3 CAS:63-36-5 CHEBI:15061 CHEBI:26595 CHEBI:30762 Gmelin:3417 InChI=1S/C7H6O3/c8-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)7(9)10/h1-4,8H,(H,9,10)/p-1 KEGG:C00805 Oc1ccccc1C([O-])=O PMID:16669002 PMID:16934829 Reaxys:3605209 Salicylate UM-BBD_compID:c0043 YGSDEFSMJLZEOE-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology o-hydroxybenzoate sal salicylate propionic acid 74.07850 A short-chain saturated fatty acid comprising ethane attached to the carbon of a carboxy group. Beilstein:506071 C3H6O2 CAS:79-09-4 CCC(O)=O CH3-CH2-COOH CHEBI:26304 CHEBI:30768 CHEBI:45227 CHEBI:8476 DrugBank:DB03766 Gmelin:1821 InChI=1S/C3H6O2/c1-2-3(4)5/h2H2,1H3,(H,4,5) KEGG:C00163 KEGG:D02310 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010003 PA PDBeChem:PPI PMID:15868474 PMID:1628870 PMID:16763906 PROPANOIC ACID Propanoic acid Propionic acid Propionsaeure XBDQKXXYIPTUBI-UHFFFAOYSA-N acide propanoique acide propionique carboxyethane chebi_ontology ethanecarboxylic acid ethylformic acid metacetonic acid methylacetic acid propanoic acid propioic acid propionic acid propoic acid pseudoacetic acid citric acid 192.12350 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid 2-Hydroxytricarballylic acid 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid 3-Carboxy-3-hydroxypentane-1,5-dioic acid A tricarboxylic acid that is propane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid bearing a hydroxy substituent at position 2. It is an important metabolite in the pathway of all aerobic organisms. Beilstein:782061 C6H8O7 CAS:77-92-9 CHEBI:23322 CHEBI:30769 CHEBI:3727 CHEBI:41523 CITRIC ACID Citric acid Citronensaeure DrugBank:DB04272 E330 Gmelin:4240 H3cit HMDB:HMDB00094 InChI=1S/C6H8O7/c7-3(8)1-6(13,5(11)12)2-4(9)10/h13H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12) KEGG:C00158 KEGG:D00037 KNApSAcK:C00007619 KRKNYBCHXYNGOX-UHFFFAOYSA-N MetaCyc:CIT OC(=O)CC(O)(CC(O)=O)C(O)=O PDBeChem:CIT PMID:11762832 PMID:11782123 PMID:11857437 PMID:14537820 PMID:15311880 PMID:15934243 PMID:16232627 PMID:17190852 PMID:17357118 PMID:17604395 PMID:18298573 PMID:18960216 PMID:19288211 PMID:22115968 PMID:22192423 PMID:22264346 PMID:22373571 PMID:22509852 Reaxys:782061 Wikipedia:Citric_Acid chebi_ontology citric acid butyric acid 1-butanoic acid 1-butyric acid 1-propanecarboxylic acid 4:0 88.10510 A straight-chain saturated fatty acid that is butane in which one of the terminal methyl groups has been oxidised to a carboxy group. BUTANOIC ACID Beilstein:906770 Butanoate Butanoic acid Buttersaeure Butyric acid C4:0 C4H8O2 CAS:107-92-6 CCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]2-COOH CHEBI:113450 CHEBI:22948 CHEBI:30772 CHEBI:3234 CHEBI:41208 DrugBank:DB03568 FERIUCNNQQJTOY-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:26242 HMDB:HMDB00039 InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-2-3-4(5)6/h2-3H2,1H3,(H,5,6) KEGG:C00246 KNApSAcK:C00001180 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010004 MetaCyc:BUTYRIC_ACID PDBeChem:BUA PMID:10736622 PMID:10956204 PMID:11201044 PMID:11208715 PMID:11238216 PMID:11305323 PMID:12068484 PMID:13678314 PMID:14962641 PMID:1542095 PMID:15809727 PMID:15810631 PMID:15938880 PMID:19318247 PMID:19366864 PMID:19703412 PMID:21699495 PMID:22038864 PMID:22194341 PMID:22322557 PMID:22339023 PMID:22466881 Reaxys:906770 Wikipedia:Butyric_acid acide butanoique acide butyrique butanic acid butanoic acid butanoic acid butoic acid butyric acid chebi_ontology ethylacetic acid n-butanoic acid n-butyric acid propanecarboxylic acid propylformic acid hexanoic acid 1-hexanoic acid 1-pentanecarboxylic acid 116.15830 6:0 A C6, straight-chain saturated fatty acid. Beilstein:773837 C6:0 C6H12O2 CAS:142-62-1 CCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]4-COOH CHEBI:24571 CHEBI:30776 CHEBI:40213 CHEBI:5702 ECMDB:ECMDB21229 FUZZWVXGSFPDMH-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:185066 HEXANOIC ACID HMDB:HMDB00535 Hexanoate Hexanoic acid Hexylic acid InChI=1S/C6H12O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6(7)8/h2-5H2,1H3,(H,7,8) KEGG:C01585 KNApSAcK:C00001218 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010006 MetaCyc:HEXANOATE PDBeChem:6NA PMID:10685018 PMID:1556177 PMID:24357269 PMID:24924750 Pentanecarboxylic acid Reaxys:773837 Wikipedia:Hexanoic_acid YMDB:YMDB01424 butylacetic acid caproic acid capronic acid chebi_ontology hexanoic acid hexoic acid n-Caproic acid n-hexanoic acid n-hexoic acid n-hexylic acid pentiformic acid pentylformic acid gallic acid 170.11954 3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoic acid 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid A trihydroxybenzoic acid in which the hydroxy groups are at positions 3, 4, and 5. Beilstein:2050274 C7H6O5 CAS:149-91-7 CHEBI:24180 CHEBI:30778 CHEBI:5268 Gallic acid Gmelin:27336 HMDB:HMDB05807 InChI=1S/C7H6O5/c8-4-1-3(7(11)12)2-5(9)6(4)10/h1-2,8-10H,(H,11,12) KEGG:C01424 KNApSAcK:C00002647 LINCS:LSM-37191 LNTHITQWFMADLM-UHFFFAOYSA-N MetaCyc:CPD-183 OC(=O)c1cc(O)c(O)c(O)c1 PMID:11032918 PMID:14598907 PMID:17426744 PMID:18314336 PMID:19812218 PMID:20441561 PMID:24010549 PMID:24342507 Pyrogallol-5-carboxylic acid Reaxys:2050274 Wikipedia:Gallic_acid chebi_ontology succinate(1-) 117.08010 3-carboxypropanoate A dicarboxylic acid monoanion resulting from the removal of a proton from one of the carboxy groups of succinic acid. Beilstein:3904279 Butanedioic acid, conjugate base C4H5O4 CHEBI:30779 Gmelin:325292 HOOC-CH2-CH2-COO(-) InChI=1S/C4H6O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/p-1 KDYFGRWQOYBRFD-UHFFFAOYSA-M OC(=O)CCC([O-])=O Reaxys:3904279 chebi_ontology hydrogen succinate malonic acid 104.06146 An alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid in which the two carboxy groups are separated by a single methylene group. Beilstein:1751370 C3H4O4 CAS:141-82-2 CHEBI:25132 CHEBI:30794 CHEBI:44060 CHEBI:6660 DrugBank:DB02175 Gmelin:2550 H2malo HMDB:HMDB00691 HOOC-CH2-COOH InChI=1S/C3H4O4/c4-2(5)1-3(6)7/h1H2,(H,4,5)(H,6,7) KEGG:C00383 KNApSAcK:C00001193 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01170041 MALONIC ACID Malonic acid MetaCyc:MALONATE OC(=O)CC(O)=O OFOBLEOULBTSOW-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:MLA PMID:22770225 Propanedioic acid Reaxys:1751370 Wikipedia:Malonic_acid chebi_ontology propanedioic acid malonate(1-) 103.05352 A dicarboxylic acid monoanion that has formula C3H3O4. Beilstein:3904186 C3H3O4 CHEBI:30795 Gmelin:324637 HOOC-CH2-COO(-) Hmalo InChI=1S/C3H4O4/c4-2(5)1-3(6)7/h1H2,(H,4,5)(H,6,7)/p-1 Malonic acid, conjugate base OC(=O)CC([O-])=O OFOBLEOULBTSOW-UHFFFAOYSA-M carboxyacetate chebi_ontology phthalate(1-) 165.12290 2-carboxybenzoate A phthalate that is the conjugate base of phthalic acid. Beilstein:1876115 C8H5O4 CHEBI:30800 Gmelin:328025 InChI=1S/C8H6O4/c9-7(10)5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8(11)12/h1-4H,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/p-1 OC(=O)c1ccccc1C([O-])=O Reaxys:1876115 XNGIFLGASWRNHJ-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology hydrogen phthalate dodecanoic acid 1-undecanecarboxylic acid 200.31780 A straight-chain, twelve-carbon medium-chain saturated fatty acid with strong bactericidal properties; the main fatty acid in coconut oil and palm kernel oil. ABL Beilstein:1099477 C12 fatty acid C12:0 C12H24O2 CAS:143-07-7 CCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]10-COOH CHEBI:23864 CHEBI:23865 CHEBI:30805 CHEBI:41882 CHEBI:4680 Coconut oil fatty acids DAO Dodecanoic acid Dodecylcarboxylate Dodecylic acid DrugBank:DB03017 Duodecyclic acid Duodecylic acid Gmelin:103520 HMDB:HMDB00638 InChI=1S/C12H24O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12(13)14/h2-11H2,1H3,(H,13,14) KEGG:C02679 KNApSAcK:C00001221 LAURIC ACID LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010012 Lauric acid Laurinsaeure Laurostearic acid MetaCyc:DODECANOATE N-dodecanoic acid PDBeChem:DAO PMID:19387482 PMID:26884207 POULHZVOKOAJMA-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1099477 UM-BBD_compID:c0566 Undecane-1-carboxylic acid Vulvic acid Wikipedia:Lauric_acid chebi_ontology dodecanoic acid dodecoic acid lauric acid n-dodecanoic acid tetradecanoate 1-tetradecanecarboxylate 227.364 A long-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of myristic acid; major species at pH 7.3. Beilstein:3589340 C(CCCCCCCC)CCCCC([O-])=O C14H27O2 CH3-[CH2]12-COO(-) CHEBI:30807 CHEBI:35292 Gmelin:335122 InChI=1S/C14H28O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14(15)16/h2-13H2,1H3,(H,15,16)/p-1 KEGG:C06424 Reaxys:3589340 TUNFSRHWOTWDNC-UHFFFAOYSA-M Tetradecanoate chebi_ontology myristate n-tetradecan-1-oate n-tetradecoate tetradecanoate tetradecoate decanoic acid 1-nonanecarboxylic acid 10:0 172.265 A C10, straight-chain saturated fatty acid. Beilstein:1754556 C(CCCCCC)CCC(=O)O C10:0 C10H20O2 CAS:334-48-5 CH3-[CH2]8-COOH CHEBI:23572 CHEBI:30813 CHEBI:41906 CHEBI:4347 DECANOIC ACID Decanoate Decanoic acid Decylic acid Dekansaeure DrugBank:DB03600 ECMDB:ECMDB21204 GHVNFZFCNZKVNT-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:69184 HMDB:HMDB00511 InChI=1S/C10H20O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10(11)12/h2-9H2,1H3,(H,11,12) KEGG:C01571 KNApSAcK:C00001213 Kaprinsaeure LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010010 MetaCyc:CPD-3617 PDBeChem:DKA PMID:19168249 PMID:20661498 PMID:24284257 PMID:24357269 YMDB:YMDB00677 capric acid caprinic acid chebi_ontology decanoic acid decoic acid n-Capric acid n-decanoic acid n-decoic acid n-decylic acid vanillic acid 168.14672 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid A monohydroxybenzoic acid that is 4-hydroxybenzoic acid substituted by a methoxy group at position 3. Beilstein:2208364 C8H8O4 CAS:121-34-6 CHEBI:27278 CHEBI:30816 CHEBI:9933 COc1cc(ccc1O)C(O)=O DrugBank:DB02130 Gmelin:1472811 HMDB:HMDB00484 InChI=1S/C8H8O4/c1-12-7-4-5(8(10)11)2-3-6(7)9/h2-4,9H,1H3,(H,10,11) KEGG:C06672 KNApSAcK:C00002682 PDBeChem:VNL PMID:20482617 PMID:24078147 PMID:24314059 Vanillic acid WKOLLVMJNQIZCI-UHFFFAOYSA-N YMDB:YMDB01802 chebi_ontology oleate (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate (9Z)-octadecenoate (Z)-9-octadecenoic acid, ion(1-) 281.45342 A C18, long straight-chain monounsaturated fatty acid anion; and the conjugate base of oleic acid, arising from deprotonation of the carboxylic acid group. Beilstein:1913148 C18H33O2 CAS:115-06-0 CCCCCCCC\C=C/CCCCCCCC([O-])=O CHEBI:14684 CHEBI:25663 CHEBI:30823 Gmelin:344067 InChI=1S/C18H34O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h9-10H,2-8,11-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20)/p-1/b10-9- Oleat PMID:12429352 Reaxys:1913148 ZQPPMHVWECSIRJ-KTKRTIGZSA-M chebi_ontology cis-9-octadecenoate oleic acid anion 2-furoic acid 112.08350 2-FUROIC ACID 2-Furancarboxylic acid 2-Furoic acid 2-carboxyfuran 2-furanoic acid 2-furoic acid A furoic acid having the carboxylic acid group located at position 2. Beilstein:110149 C5H4O3 CAS:88-14-2 CHEBI:1101 CHEBI:19583 CHEBI:30845 CHEBI:42470 Furan-2-carbonsaeure Gmelin:3056 HMDB:HMDB00617 InChI=1S/C5H4O3/c6-5(7)4-2-1-3-8-4/h1-3H,(H,6,7) KEGG:C01546 KNApSAcK:C00000151 OC(=O)c1ccco1 PMID:12587683 PMID:16306695 PMID:18492059 PMID:19938546 PMID:20393580 PMID:22031465 PMID:23421908 Pyromucic acid Reaxys:110149 SMNDYUVBFMFKNZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:2-Furoic_acid acide 2-furoique acido 2-furoico alpha-furancarboxylic acid alpha-furoic acid chebi_ontology furan-2-carboxylic acid betulin (3beta)-lup-20(29)-ene-3,28-diol 442.71680 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is lupane having a double bond at position 20(29) as well as 3beta-hydroxy and 28-hydroxymethyl substituents. Betuline Betulinol Betulol C30H50O2 CAS:473-98-3 CHEBI:3086 FVWJYYTZTCVBKE-ROUWMTJPSA-N HMDB:HMDB36838 InChI=1S/C30H50O2/c1-19(2)20-10-15-30(18-31)17-16-28(6)21(25(20)30)8-9-23-27(5)13-12-24(32)26(3,4)22(27)11-14-29(23,28)7/h20-25,31-32H,1,8-18H2,2-7H3/t20-,21+,22-,23+,24-,25+,27-,28+,29+,30+/m0/s1 KEGG:C08618 KNApSAcK:C00003740 PMID:10075776 PMID:19222115 PMID:19537177 PMID:19821831 PMID:21537960 PMID:21598174 PMID:21643657 PMID:21647548 PMID:22864237 PMID:22978210 PMID:22978211 PMID:23017394 PMID:23158079 PMID:23203108 PMID:23267736 Reaxys:2064515 Trochol Wikipedia:Betulin [H][C@]12CC[C@]3([H])[C@@]4(C)CC[C@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@]4([H])CC[C@@]3(C)[C@]1(C)CC[C@@]1(CO)CC[C@@H](C(C)=C)[C@]21[H] chebi_ontology betulinic acid 3beta-hydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid 456.70030 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is lupane having a double bond at position 20(29) as well as 3beta-hydroxy and 28-carboxy substituents. It is found in the bark and other plant parts of several species of plants including Syzygium claviflorum. It exhibits anti-HIV, antimalarial, antineoplastic and anti-inflammatory properties. Betulinic acid C30H48O3 CAS:472-15-1 CHEBI:3087 CHEBI:65491 HMDB:HMDB30094 InChI=1S/C30H48O3/c1-18(2)19-10-15-30(25(32)33)17-16-28(6)20(24(19)30)8-9-22-27(5)13-12-23(31)26(3,4)21(27)11-14-29(22,28)7/h19-24,31H,1,8-17H2,2-7H3,(H,32,33)/t19-,20+,21-,22+,23-,24+,27-,28+,29+,30-/m0/s1 KEGG:C08619 KNApSAcK:C00003741 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0106140004 Mairin PMID:14595673 PMID:15083202 PMID:20075711 PMID:7489361 PMID:8176401 Patent:RU2445317 Patent:RU2458933 Patent:US2012237629 QGJZLNKBHJESQX-FZFNOLFKSA-N Reaxys:2711110 Wikipedia:Betulinic_acid [H][C@]12CC[C@]3([H])[C@@]4(C)CC[C@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@]4([H])CC[C@@]3(C)[C@]1(C)CC[C@]1(CC[C@@H](C(C)=C)[C@]21[H])C(O)=O chebi_ontology alcohol A compound in which a hydroxy group, -OH, is attached to a saturated carbon atom. Alcohol CHEBI:13804 CHEBI:22288 CHEBI:2553 CHEBI:30879 HOR KEGG:C00069 O[*] alcohols an alcohol chebi_ontology 2-oxoglutaric acid 146.09810 2-Ketoglutaric acid 2-oxopentanedioic acid An oxo dicarboxylic acid that consists of glutaric acid bearing an oxo substituent at position 2. It is an intermediate metabolite in Krebs cycle. Beilstein:1705689 C5H6O5 CAS:328-50-7 CHEBI:1253 CHEBI:19749 CHEBI:30915 CHEBI:40661 DrugBank:DB02926 Gmelin:602480 HMDB:HMDB00208 InChI=1S/C5H6O5/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) KEGG:C00026 KNApSAcK:C00000769 KPGXRSRHYNQIFN-UHFFFAOYSA-N MetaCyc:2-KETOGLUTARATE OC(=O)CCC(=O)C(O)=O Oxoglutaric acid PDBeChem:AKG PMID:17439666 PMID:18990406 PMID:20155414 PMID:20200292 PMID:20583149 PMID:20636327 PMID:21964641 Reaxys:1705689 Wikipedia:Alpha-Ketoglutaric_acid alpha-Ketoglutaric acid alpha-ketoglutaric acid chebi_ontology 2-oxoglutarate(1-) 145.09020 2-ketoglutarate 4-carboxy-2-oxobutanoate A dicarboxylic acid monoanion resulting from selective deprotonation of the 1-carboxy group of 2-oxoglutaric acid. Beilstein:4132418 C5H5O5 CHEBI:30916 Gmelin:2159365 InChI=1S/C5H6O5/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/p-1 KPGXRSRHYNQIFN-UHFFFAOYSA-M OC(=O)CCC(=O)C([O-])=O Reaxys:4132418 chebi_ontology glutarate(2-) 130.09874 A dicarboxylic acid dianion obtained by deprotonation of both the carboxy groups of glutaric acid. Beilstein:3904695 C5H6O4 CHEBI:14322 CHEBI:24327 CHEBI:30921 Gmelin:240388 InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c6-4(7)2-1-3-5(8)9/h1-3H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/p-2 JFCQEDHGNNZCLN-UHFFFAOYSA-L Reaxys:3904695 [O-]C(=O)CCCC([O-])=O chebi_ontology glutarate pentanedioate 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate 148.07096 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate 2,3-dihydroxysuccinate A tartaric acid anion that is the conjugate base of 3-carboxy-2,3-dihydroxypropanoate. Beilstein:1876435 C4H4O6 CHEBI:26850 CHEBI:30929 FEWJPZIEWOKRBE-UHFFFAOYSA-L InChI=1S/C4H6O6/c5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10/h1-2,5-6H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/p-2 OC(C(O)C([O-])=O)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology tartrate octacosanoic acid 1-octacosanoic acid 424.744 A C28, very long straight-chain, saturated fatty acid. Beilstein:1801616 C(CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)CCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O C28H56O2 CAS:506-48-9 CH3-[CH2]26-COOH CHEBI:132862 CHEBI:31001 HMDB:HMDB02348 InChI=1S/C28H56O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28(29)30/h2-27H2,1H3,(H,29,30) LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010028 Octacosancarbonsaeure Octacosansaeure PMID:15376388 PMID:15847942 PMID:24218964 PMID:2474624 Reaxys:1801616 UTOPWMOLSKOLTQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Montanic_acid chebi_ontology montanic acid n-octacosanoic acid n-octaeicosanoic acid octacosanoic acid octacosoic acid octaeicosanoic acid octacosanoate 1-octacosanoate 423.736 A very long straight-chain saturated fatty acid anion and the conjugate base of octacosanoic acid (montanic acid), arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. C(CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)CCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O C28H55O2 CH3-[CH2]26-COO(-) CHEBI:31002 InChI=1S/C28H56O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28(29)30/h2-27H2,1H3,(H,29,30)/p-1 PMID:15513825 UTOPWMOLSKOLTQ-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology montanate n-octacosanoate octacosanoate octaeicosanoate melissic acid 1-triacontanoic acid 452.79620 A C30, very long straight-chain, saturated fatty acid. Beilstein:1803689 C30H60O2 CAS:506-50-3 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]28-COOH CHEBI:31003 Gmelin:1622816 InChI=1S/C30H60O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30(31)32/h2-29H2,1H3,(H,31,32) LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010030 Reaxys:1803689 Triacontansaeure VHOCUJPBKOZGJD-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology melissic acid myricic acid n-triacontanoic acid triacontanoic acid triacontoic acid melissate 451.78826 A very long straight-chain saturated fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of melissic acid, arising from deprotonation of the carboxylic acid group. C30H59O2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]28-COO(-) CHEBI:31004 Gmelin:383247 InChI=1S/C30H60O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30(31)32/h2-29H2,1H3,(H,31,32)/p-1 Triacontanoat VHOCUJPBKOZGJD-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology n-triacontanoate triacontanoate triacontanoate triacontoate hexacosanoic acid 396.68990 A 26-carbon, straight-chain, saturated fatty acid. Beilstein:1799681 C26:0 C26H52O2 CAS:506-46-7 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]24-COOH CHEBI:31009 Gmelin:374172 Hexacosansaeure InChI=1S/C26H52O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26(27)28/h2-25H2,1H3,(H,27,28) LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010026 PMID:1911873 PMID:19135040 Reaxys:1799681 XMHIUKTWLZUKEX-UHFFFAOYSA-N ceratinic acid ceric acid cerinic acid cerotic acid cerylic acid chebi_ontology hexacosanoic acid hexacosoic acid hexaeicosanoic acid n-C26:0 n-hexacosanoic acid cerotate 395.68190 C26H51O2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]24-COO(-) CHEBI:31013 Gmelin:374171 InChI=1S/C26H52O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26(27)28/h2-25H2,1H3,(H,27,28)/p-1 PMID:3244051 The conjugate base of cerotic acid. XMHIUKTWLZUKEX-UHFFFAOYSA-M cerate ceratinate cerinate cerotate cerylate chebi_ontology hexacosanoate hexacosanoate n-hexacosanoate lignocerate 367.62880 A straight-chain saturated fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of lignoceric acid, formed by deprotonation of the carboxy group. C24H47O2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]22-COO(-) CHEBI:31014 Gmelin:373325 InChI=1S/C24H48O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24(25)26/h2-23H2,1H3,(H,25,26)/p-1 Lignocerat MetaCyc:TETRACOSANOATE QZZGJDVWLFXDLK-UHFFFAOYSA-M Tetracosanoat chebi_ontology lignocerate n-tetracosanoate tetracosanate tetracosanoate tetracosanoate tetracosoate tetraeicosanoate Bornyl acetate (1R,2S,4R)-(+)-Bornyl acetate 196.286 A monoterpenoid that has formula C12H20O2. Bornyl acetate C12H20O2 CAS:20347-65-3 CC(=O)O[C@H]1CC2CCC1(C)C2(C)C CHEBI:3151 InChI=1S/C12H20O2/c1-8(13)14-10-7-9-5-6-12(10,4)11(9,2)3/h9-10H,5-7H2,1-4H3/t9?,10-,12?/m0/s1 KEGG:C11338 KEGG:D09740 KGEKLUUHTZCSIP-YZRBJQDESA-N KNApSAcK:C00000842 chebi_ontology Brucine 394.464 A monoterpenoid indole alkaloid that has formula C23H26N2O4. Brucine C23H26N2O4 CAS:357-57-3 CHEBI:3193 COc1cc2N3[C@H]4[C@@H]5[C@H](CC3=O)OCC=C3CN6CC[C@]4([C@@H]6C[C@H]53)c2cc1OC InChI=1S/C23H26N2O4/c1-27-16-8-14-15(9-17(16)28-2)25-20(26)10-18-21-13-7-19-23(14,22(21)25)4-5-24(19)11-12(13)3-6-29-18/h3,8-9,13,18-19,21-22H,4-7,10-11H2,1-2H3/t13-,18-,19-,21-,22-,23+/m0/s1 KEGG:C09084 KNApSAcK:C00001695 LINCS:LSM-5758 RRKTZKIUPZVBMF-IBTVXLQLSA-N chebi_ontology stearyl alcohol 1-hydroxyoctadecane 1-octadecanol 270.49372 A fatty alcohol consisting of a hydroxy function at C-1 of an unbranched saturated chain of 18 carbon atoms. Beilstein:1362907 C18H38O CAS:112-92-5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCO CHEBI:32154 GLDOVTGHNKAZLK-UHFFFAOYSA-N HMDB:HMDB02350 InChI=1S/C18H38O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19/h19H,2-18H2,1H3 KEGG:D01924 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA05000085 MetaCyc:CPD-7873 PMID:21137365 Reaxys:1362907 Stearylalkohol Wikipedia:Stearyl_alcohol chebi_ontology n-1-octadecanol n-octadecanol n-octadecyl alcohol octadecan-1-ol octadecan-1-ol octadecanol stearyl alcohol nonanoate 1-nonanoate 1-octanecarboxylate 157.23060 A medium-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of nonanoic acid that in methyl ester form has significant nematicidal activity. Beilstein:3904165 C9H17O2 CCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]7-COO(-) CHEBI:32361 FBUKVWPVBMHYJY-UHFFFAOYSA-M Gmelin:329987 InChI=1S/C9H18O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9(10)11/h2-8H2,1H3,(H,10,11)/p-1 chebi_ontology n-nonanoate nonanoate nonoate nonylate pelargate pelargonate pergonate heptanoate (7:0) 1-hexanecarboxylate 129.17692 A medium-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of heptanoic acid; shown in myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion studies to increase levels of C4 Kreb's cycle intermediates. Beilstein:3903940 C7H13O2 CAS:7563-37-3 CCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]5-COO(-) CHEBI:32362 Gmelin:327115 InChI=1S/C7H14O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7(8)9/h2-6H2,1H3,(H,8,9)/p-1 MNWFXJYAOYHMED-UHFFFAOYSA-M MetaCyc:CPD-7619 PMID:16141384 Reaxys:3903940 chebi_ontology enanthate enanthylate heptanoate heptanoic acid, ion(1-) heptoate heptylate n-heptanoate n-heptoate n-heptylate oenanthate oenanthylate undecanoic acid 1-decanecarboxylic acid 186.29120 A straight-chain, eleven-carbon saturated medium-chain fatty acid found in body fluids; the most fungitoxic of the C7:0 - C18:0 fatty acid series. Beilstein:1759287 C11H22O2 CAS:112-37-8 CCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]9-COOH CHEBI:32368 Gmelin:102992 HMDB:HMDB00947 Hendecanoic acid InChI=1S/C11H22O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11(12)13/h2-10H2,1H3,(H,12,13) KEGG:C17715 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010011 PDBeChem:11A PMID:16332663 PMID:1739406 PMID:18516670 Reaxys:1759287 UDA Undekansaeure Wikipedia:Undecylic_acid ZDPHROOEEOARMN-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology hendecanoic acid n-undecanoic acid n-undecoic acid n-undecylic acid undecanoic acid undecoic acid undecylic acid undecanoate 1-decanecarboxylate 185.28324 A medium-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of undecanoic acid; used in tandem with testosterone cation in the treatment of male hypogonadism. Major species at pH 7.3. Beilstein:3904444 C11H21O2 CCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]9-COO(-) CHEBI:32369 Gmelin:331364 InChI=1S/C11H22O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11(12)13/h2-10H2,1H3,(H,12,13)/p-1 PMID:1619029 PMID:18852533 PMID:7711892 ZDPHROOEEOARMN-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology hendecanoate n-undecanoate n-undecoate n-undecylate undecanoate undecoate undecylate catecholate(2-) 108.09476 A phenolate anion that is the conjugate base of catecholate(1-). Beilstein:3904566 C6H4O2 CHEBI:32402 Gmelin:325876 InChI=1S/C6H6O2/c7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8/h1-4,7-8H/p-2 Reaxys:3904566 YCIMNLLNPGFGHC-UHFFFAOYSA-L [O-]c1ccccc1[O-] benzene-1,2-diolate cat catecholate chebi_ontology alaninate 2-aminopropanoate 88.08528 An alpha-amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of alanine, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. Beilstein:3903719 C3H6NO2 CC(N)C([O-])=O CHEBI:32439 Gmelin:101040 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6)/p-1 QNAYBMKLOCPYGJ-UHFFFAOYSA-M alaninate alanine anion chebi_ontology alaninium 1-carboxyethanaminium 90.10116 An alpha-amino-acid cation that is the conjugate acid of alanine. C3H8NO2 CC([NH3+])C(O)=O CHEBI:32440 Gmelin:362663 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6)/p+1 QNAYBMKLOCPYGJ-UHFFFAOYSA-O alanine cation alaninium chebi_ontology cysteinate(1-) 120.15128 2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoate 2-amino-3-sulfanylpropanoate A sulfur-containing amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of cysteine, obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group. Beilstein:4128885 C3H6NO2S CHEBI:32456 Gmelin:363235 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2S/c4-2(1-7)3(5)6/h2,7H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)/p-1 NC(CS)C([O-])=O Reaxys:4128885 XUJNEKJLAYXESH-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology cys(-) cysteinate(1-) cysteine monoanion hydrogen cysteinate cysteinate(2-) 119.14334 2-amino-3-sulfidopropanoate An alpha-amino-acid anion that has formula C3H5NO2S. C3H5NO2S CHEBI:32457 Gmelin:49990 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2S/c4-2(1-7)3(5)6/h2,7H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)/p-2 NC(C[S-])C([O-])=O XUJNEKJLAYXESH-UHFFFAOYSA-L chebi_ontology cysteinate cysteinate(2-) cysteine dianion cysteinium 1-carboxy-2-mercaptoethanaminium 1-carboxy-2-sulfanylethanaminium 122.16716 An alpha-amino-acid cation that has formula C3H8NO2S. C3H8NO2S CHEBI:32458 Gmelin:325859 H2cys(+) InChI=1S/C3H7NO2S/c4-2(1-7)3(5)6/h2,7H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)/p+1 XUJNEKJLAYXESH-UHFFFAOYSA-O [NH3+]C(CS)C(O)=O chebi_ontology cysteine cation cysteinium phenylalaninate 164.18120 2-amino-3-phenylpropanoate An aromatic amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of phenylalanine, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. C9H10NO2 CHEBI:32504 COLNVLDHVKWLRT-UHFFFAOYSA-M Gmelin:329083 InChI=1S/C9H11NO2/c10-8(9(11)12)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5,8H,6,10H2,(H,11,12)/p-1 NC(Cc1ccccc1)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology phenylalaninate phenylalanine anion phenylalaninium 1-carboxy-2-phenylethanaminium 166.19710 An alpha-amino-acid cation that is the conjugate acid of phenylalanine, arising from protonation of the amino group. C9H12NO2 CHEBI:32505 COLNVLDHVKWLRT-UHFFFAOYSA-O InChI=1S/C9H11NO2/c10-8(9(11)12)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5,8H,6,10H2,(H,11,12)/p+1 [NH3+]C(Cc1ccccc1)C(O)=O chebi_ontology phenylalanine cation phenylalaninium glycinium 76.07458 An alpha-amino-acid cation that is the conjugate acid of glycine, arising from protonation of the amino. C2H6NO2 CHEBI:32507 DHMQDGOQFOQNFH-UHFFFAOYSA-O Gmelin:323509 H2gly(+) InChI=1S/C2H5NO2/c3-1-2(4)5/h1,3H2,(H,4,5)/p+1 NH3(+)-CH2-COOH [NH3+]CC(O)=O carboxymethanaminium chebi_ontology glycine cation glycinium glycinate 74.05870 An alpha-amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of glycine, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. Beilstein:1852023 C2H4NO2 CHEBI:32508 DHMQDGOQFOQNFH-UHFFFAOYSA-M Gmelin:81890 H2N-CH2-COO(-) InChI=1S/C2H5NO2/c3-1-2(4)5/h1,3H2,(H,4,5)/p-1 NCC([O-])=O Reaxys:1852023 UM-BBD_compID:c0559 aminoacetate chebi_ontology gly(-) glycinate glycine anion histidinate(1-) 154.14660 2-amino-3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoate An alpha-amino-acid anion that has formula C6H8N3O2. Beilstein:3959092 C6H8N3O2 CHEBI:32529 Gmelin:364417 HNDVDQJCIGZPNO-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C6H9N3O2/c7-5(6(10)11)1-4-2-8-3-9-4/h2-3,5H,1,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/p-1 NC(Cc1c[nH]cn1)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology histidinate(1-) histidine anion hydrogen histidinate histidinate(2-) 153.13880 2-amino-3-imidazol-1-id-4-ylpropanoate An alpha-amino-acid anion that has formula C6H7N3O2. C6H7N3O2 CHEBI:32530 InChI=1S/C6H9N3O2/c7-5(6(10)11)1-4-2-8-3-9-4/h2-3,5H,1,7H2,(H2,8,9,10,11)/p-2 NC(Cc1c[n-]cn1)C([O-])=O TWRZMXZXJKNOLO-UHFFFAOYSA-L chebi_ontology histidinate histidinate(2-) histidine dianion histidinium(1+) 156.16262 2-ammonio-3-(1H-imidazol-3-ium-4-yl)propanoate An alpha-amino-acid cation that has formula C6H10N3O2. C6H10N3O2 CHEBI:32531 HNDVDQJCIGZPNO-UHFFFAOYSA-O InChI=1S/C6H9N3O2/c7-5(6(10)11)1-4-2-8-3-9-4/h2-3,5H,1,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/p+1 [NH3+]C(Cc1c[nH]c[nH+]1)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology histidine monocation histidinium histidinium(1+) histidinium(2+) 157.17056 4-(2-ammonio-2-carboxyethyl)-1H-imidazol-3-ium An alpha-amino-acid cation that has formula C6H11N3O2. C6H11N3O2 CHEBI:32532 Gmelin:1151904 HNDVDQJCIGZPNO-UHFFFAOYSA-P InChI=1S/C6H9N3O2/c7-5(6(10)11)1-4-2-8-3-9-4/h2-3,5H,1,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/p+2 [NH3+]C(Cc1c[nH]c[nH+]1)C(O)=O chebi_ontology histidine dication histidinediium histidinium(2+) nicotinate 122.10150 3-pyridinecarboxylate A pyridinemonocarboxylate that is the conjugate base of nicotinic acid, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group; major species at pH 7.3. Beilstein:3539722 C6H4NO2 CHEBI:14650 CHEBI:22851 CHEBI:25530 CHEBI:32544 Gmelin:327384 InChI=1S/C6H5NO2/c8-6(9)5-2-1-3-7-4-5/h1-4H,(H,8,9)/p-1 MetaCyc:NIACINE PMID:17190852 PMID:21742010 PMID:21953179 PVNIIMVLHYAWGP-UHFFFAOYSA-M Reaxys:3539722 [O-]C(=O)c1cccnc1 chebi_ontology nicotinate pyridine-3-carboxylate barium atom 137.32700 56Ba An alkaline earth metal atom that has formula Ba. Ba Barium CHEBI:32594 DSAJWYNOEDNPEQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/Ba WebElements:Ba [Ba] bario barium barium baryum chebi_ontology isoleucinate CHEBI:32612 Gmelin:101585 chebi_ontology ile(-) isoleucinate isoleucine anion rel-(2R,3R)-2-amino-3-methylpentanoate isoleucinium CHEBI:32613 Gmelin:1651827 H2ile(+) chebi_ontology isoleucine cation isoleucinium rel-(1R,2R)-1-carboxy-2-methylbutan-1-aminium leucinate 130.16502 2-amino-4-methylpentanoate An alpha-amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of leucine, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. C6H12NO2 CC(C)CC(N)C([O-])=O CHEBI:32627 InChI=1S/C6H13NO2/c1-4(2)3-5(7)6(8)9/h4-5H,3,7H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/p-1 ROHFNLRQFUQHCH-UHFFFAOYSA-M Reaxys:5245805 chebi_ontology leu(-) leucinate leucine anion leucinium 1-carboxy-3-methylbutan-1-aminium 132.18090 An alpha-amino-acid cation that is the conjugate acid of leucine, arising from protonation of the amino group. C6H14NO2 CC(C)CC([NH3+])C(O)=O CHEBI:32628 Gmelin:1651836 H2leu(+) InChI=1S/C6H13NO2/c1-4(2)3-5(7)6(8)9/h4-5H,3,7H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/p+1 ROHFNLRQFUQHCH-UHFFFAOYSA-O chebi_ontology leucine cation leucinium methioninate 148.20444 2-amino-4-(methylsulfanyl)butanoate A sulfur-containing amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of methionine, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. Beilstein:3937270 C5H10NO2S CHEBI:32644 CSCCC(N)C([O-])=O FFEARJCKVFRZRR-UHFFFAOYSA-M Gmelin:326565 InChI=1S/C5H11NO2S/c1-9-3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h4H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/p-1 Reaxys:3937270 chebi_ontology met(-) methioninate methionine anion methioninium 1-carboxy-3-(methylsulfanyl)propan-1-aminium 150.22032 A sulfur-containing amino-acid anion that is the conjugate acid of methionine, arising from protonation of the amino group. C5H12NO2S CHEBI:32646 CSCCC([NH3+])C(O)=O FFEARJCKVFRZRR-UHFFFAOYSA-O Gmelin:326567 H2met(+) InChI=1S/C5H11NO2S/c1-9-3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h4H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/p+1 chebi_ontology methionine cation methioninium argininate 173.19318 2-amino-5-(carbamimidamido)pentanoate 2-amino-5-guanidinopentanoate An alpha-amino-acid anion that has formula C6H13N4O2. C6H13N4O2 CHEBI:32695 Gmelin:603497 InChI=1S/C6H14N4O2/c7-4(5(11)12)2-1-3-10-6(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,11,12)(H4,8,9,10)/p-1 NC(CCCNC(N)=N)C([O-])=O ODKSFYDXXFIFQN-UHFFFAOYSA-M arg(-) argininate arginine anion chebi_ontology argininium(1+) 175.20906 2-ammonio-5-guanidiniopentanoate An alpha-amino-acid cation that has formula C6H15N4O2. C6H15N4O2 CHEBI:32696 Gmelin:1345599 H2arg(+) InChI=1S/C6H14N4O2/c7-4(5(11)12)2-1-3-10-6(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,11,12)(H4,8,9,10)/p+1 NC(=[NH2+])NCCCC([NH3+])C([O-])=O ODKSFYDXXFIFQN-UHFFFAOYSA-O arginine arginine monocation argininium argininium(1+) chebi_ontology argininium(2+) (1-carboxy-4-guanidiniobutyl)ammonium 176.21700 An alpha-amino-acid cation that has formula C6H16N4O2. C6H16N4O2 CHEBI:32697 H3arg(2+) InChI=1S/C6H14N4O2/c7-4(5(11)12)2-1-3-10-6(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,11,12)(H4,8,9,10)/p+2 NC(=[NH2+])NCCCC([NH3+])C(O)=O ODKSFYDXXFIFQN-UHFFFAOYSA-P arginine dication argininediium argininium(2+) chebi_ontology L-threoninate (2S,3R)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoate 118.11126 AYFVYJQAPQTCCC-GBXIJSLDSA-M An L-alpha-amino acid anion that is the conjugate base of L-threonine, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. Beilstein:4376295 C4H8NO3 CHEBI:32820 C[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)C([O-])=O Gmelin:464365 InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/p-1/t2-,3+/m1/s1 L-threoninate L-threonine anion Reaxys:4376295 chebi_ontology L-threoninium (1S,2R)-1-carboxy-2-hydroxypropan-1-aminium 120.12714 AYFVYJQAPQTCCC-GBXIJSLDSA-O C4H10NO3 CHEBI:32822 C[C@@H](O)[C@H]([NH3+])C(O)=O InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/p+1/t2-,3+/m1/s1 L-threonine cation L-threoninium The L-enantiomer of threoninium. chebi_ontology D-threoninate (2R,3S)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoate 118.11126 AYFVYJQAPQTCCC-STHAYSLISA-M C4H8NO3 CHEBI:32827 C[C@H](O)[C@@H](N)C([O-])=O D-threoninate D-threonine anion Gmelin:1006174 InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/p-1/t2-,3+/m0/s1 The D-enantiomer of threoninate. chebi_ontology D-threoninium (1R,2S)-1-carboxy-2-hydroxypropan-1-aminium 120.12714 AYFVYJQAPQTCCC-STHAYSLISA-O C4H10NO3 CHEBI:32828 C[C@H](O)[C@@H]([NH3+])C(O)=O D-threonine cation D-threoninium InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/p+1/t2-,3+/m0/s1 The D-enantiomer of threoninium. chebi_ontology threoninate C4H8NO3 CHEBI:32832 chebi_ontology rel-(2R,3S)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoate threoninate threonine anion threoninium C4H10NO3 CHEBI:32833 chebi_ontology rel-(1R,2S)-1-carboxy-2-hydroxypropan-1-aminium threonine cation threoninium serinate 104.08468 2-amino-3-hydroxypropanoate An alpha-amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of serine. C3H6NO3 CHEBI:32845 Gmelin:324692 InChI=1S/C3H7NO3/c4-2(1-5)3(6)7/h2,5H,1,4H2,(H,6,7)/p-1 MTCFGRXMJLQNBG-UHFFFAOYSA-M NC(CO)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology serinate serine anion serinium 1-carboxy-2-hydroxyethanaminium 106.10056 An alpha-amino-acid cation that is the conjugate acid of serine. C3H8NO3 CHEBI:32846 Gmelin:1925675 InChI=1S/C3H7NO3/c4-2(1-5)3(6)7/h2,5H,1,4H2,(H,6,7)/p+1 MTCFGRXMJLQNBG-UHFFFAOYSA-O [NH3+]C(CO)C(O)=O chebi_ontology serine cation serinium valinate 116.13844 2-amino-3-methylbutanoate A branched-chain amino-acid anion that has formula C5H10NO2. C5H10NO2 CC(C)C(N)C([O-])=O CHEBI:32859 Gmelin:49876 InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-3(2)4(6)5(7)8/h3-4H,6H2,1-2H3,(H,7,8)/p-1 KZSNJWFQEVHDMF-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology val(-) valinate valine anion valinium 1-carboxy-2-methylpropan-1-aminium 118.15432 An alpha-amino-acid cation that has formula C5H12NO2. C5H12NO2 CC(C)C([NH3+])C(O)=O CHEBI:32860 Gmelin:1651060 H2val(+) InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-3(2)4(6)5(7)8/h3-4H,6H2,1-2H3,(H,7,8)/p+1 KZSNJWFQEVHDMF-UHFFFAOYSA-O chebi_ontology valine cation valinium prolinate 114.12256 An alpha-amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of proline, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. Beilstein:5387795 C5H8NO2 CHEBI:32871 Gmelin:50151 InChI=1S/C5H9NO2/c7-5(8)4-2-1-3-6-4/h4,6H,1-3H2,(H,7,8)/p-1 ONIBWKKTOPOVIA-UHFFFAOYSA-M Reaxys:5387795 [O-]C(=O)C1CCCN1 chebi_ontology pro(-) prolinate proline anion pyrrolidine-2-carboxylate prolinium 116.13840 2-carboxypyrrolidinium An alpha-amino-acid cation that is the conjugate acid of proline, arising from protonation of the amino group. C5H10NO2 CHEBI:32872 H2pro(+) InChI=1S/C5H9NO2/c7-5(8)4-2-1-3-6-4/h4,6H,1-3H2,(H,7,8)/p+1 OC(=O)C1CCC[NH2+]1 ONIBWKKTOPOVIA-UHFFFAOYSA-O chebi_ontology proline cation prolinium alkene Alkene An acyclic branched or unbranched hydrocarbon having one carbon-carbon double bond and the general formula CnH2n. Acyclic branched or unbranched hydrocarbons having more than one double bond are alkadienes, alkatrienes, etc. C2H2R2 CHEBI:22320 CHEBI:2581 CHEBI:32878 KEGG:C01372 alkenes chebi_ontology olefin propane 44.09562 ATUOYWHBWRKTHZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N An alkane that has formula C3H8. Beilstein:1730718 C3H8 CAS:74-98-6 CCC CH3-CH2-CH3 CHEBI:32879 E944 Gmelin:25044 InChI=1S/C3H8/c1-3-2/h3H2,1-2H3 Propan chebi_ontology propane nonane 128.25510 A straight chain alkane composed of 9 carbon atoms. BKIMMITUMNQMOS-UHFFFAOYSA-N Beilstein:1696917 C9H20 CAS:111-84-2 CCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]7-CH3 CHEBI:32892 Gmelin:240576 HMDB:HMDB29595 InChI=1S/C9H20/c1-3-5-7-9-8-6-4-2/h3-9H2,1-2H3 KNApSAcK:C00034882 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA11000579 Nonan PMID:23822267 Reaxys:1696917 chebi_ontology n-nonane nonane octadecane 254.49430 A straight-chain alkane carrying 18 carbon atoms. Beilstein:1740138 C18H38 CAS:593-45-3 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]16-CH3 CHEBI:32926 Gmelin:263389 InChI=1S/C18H38/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-18H2,1-2H3 KNApSAcK:C00030879 Oktadekan PMID:9842728 RZJRJXONCZWCBN-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1740138 chebi_ontology n-octadecane octadecane nonadecane 268.52090 A straight-chain alkane with 19 carbon atoms. It has been found as a component of essential oils isolated from Artemisia armeniaca. Beilstein:1742892 C19H40 CAS:629-92-5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]17-CH3 CHEBI:32927 InChI=1S/C19H40/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-19H2,1-2H3 LQERIDTXQFOHKA-UHFFFAOYSA-N Nonadekan PMID:22724515 PMID:23949856 PMID:24459478 Reaxys:1742892 chebi_ontology n-nonadecane nonadecane henicosane 296.57410 An alkane that has 21 carbons and a straight-chain structure. It has been isolated from plants like Periploca laevigata and Carthamus tinctorius. Beilstein:1748500 C21H44 CAS:629-94-7 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]19-CH3 CHEBI:32931 FNAZRRHPUDJQCJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C21H44/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-21H2,1-2H3 MetaCyc:CPD-7935 PMID:19018567 PMID:22439883 PMID:23371463 PMID:24060842 PMID:24459472 Patent:US2008293992 Patent:US7615672 Reaxys:1748500 chebi_ontology heneicosane henicosane n-heneicosane tetracosane 338.65380 A straight-chain alkane containing 24 carbon atoms. Beilstein:1758462 C24H50 CAS:646-31-1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]22-CH3 CHEBI:32936 InChI=1S/C24H50/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-23-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-24H2,1-2H3 KNApSAcK:C00032307 PMID:22906240 PMID:25050317 PMID:25154406 POOSGDOYLQNASK-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1758462 Wikipedia:Tetracosane chebi_ontology n-tetracosane tetracosane octacosane 394.76010 A straight-chain alkane containing 28 carbon atoms. Beilstein:1770570 C28H58 CAS:630-02-4 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]26-CH3 CHEBI:32943 InChI=1S/C28H58/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-23-25-27-28-26-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-28H2,1-2H3 KNApSAcK:C00034614 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA11000580 MetaCyc:CPD-9765 PMID:17328933 PMID:22263592 Reaxys:1770570 ZYURHZPYMFLWSH-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology n-octacosane octacosane epoxide 40.02080 Alkene oxide Any cyclic ether in which the oxygen atom forms part of a 3-membered ring. C2H2OR2 C2OR4 CHEBI:13828 CHEBI:23930 CHEBI:32955 CHEBI:4812 Epoxide KEGG:C00722 Olefin oxide PMID:10891060 Wikipedia:Epoxide [*]C1([*])OC1([*])[*] an epoxide chebi_ontology epoxides epoxides amide Amide An amide is a derivative of an oxoacid RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l =/= 0) in which an acidic hydroxy group has been replaced by an amino or substituted amino group. CHEBI:22473 CHEBI:2633 CHEBI:32988 KEGG:C00241 amides chebi_ontology long-chain fatty acyl-CoA 794.53600 A fatty acyl-CoA that results from the formal condensation of the thiol group of coenzyme A with the carboxy group of any long-chain (C13 to C22) fatty acid. C22H35N7O17P3SR CC(C)(COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP(O)(O)=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC([*])=O CHEBI:13649 CHEBI:14530 CHEBI:25073 CHEBI:33184 CHEBI:6523 KEGG:C02843 LCFA-CoA LCFA-CoAs LCFA-coenzyme A LCFA-coenzyme As Long-chain acyl-CoA PMID:10224157 PMID:14516204 PMID:16357361 PMID:17652214 PMID:19170545 PMID:19679826 a long-chain acyl-CoA (OLD) chebi_ontology long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs long-chain fatty acyl-coenzyme A long-chain fatty acyl-coenzyme As (E)-cinnamyl alcohol (2E)-3-phenylprop-2-en-1-ol (E)-3-phenyl-2-propen-1-ol (E)-cinnamyl alcohol 134.17510 3-Phenyl-2-propen-1-ol Beilstein:741973 C9H10O CAS:104-54-1 CAS:4407-36-7 CHEBI:33227 Gmelin:261108 HMDB:HMDB29698 InChI=1S/C9H10O/c10-8-4-7-9-5-2-1-3-6-9/h1-7,10H,8H2/b7-4+ KEGG:C02394 MetaCyc:CINNAMYL-ALC OC\C=C\c1ccccc1 OOCCDEMITAIZTP-QPJJXVBHSA-N PMID:20431333 PMID:20940038 Reaxys:741973 Styrylcarbinol The E (trans) stereoisomer of cinnamyl alcohol. Wikipedia:Cinnamyl_alcohol chebi_ontology vitamin An organic substance that is distributed in foodstuffs, is distinct from the main organic components of food (protein, carbohydrate and fat) and is needed for the normal nutrition of the organism in question. The term "vitamines" (from vita + amines) was coined in 1912 by Casimir Funk, who believed that these compounds were amines. CHEBI:10004 CHEBI:27305 CHEBI:33229 Vitamin chebi_ontology vitamina vitaminas vitamine vitamines vitamins vitaminum application CHEBI:33232 Intended use of the molecular entity or part thereof by humans. chebi_ontology fundamental particle A particle not known to have substructure. CHEBI:33233 chebi_ontology elementary particle elementary particles monoatomic entity A monoatomic entity is a molecular entity consisting of a single atom. CHEBI:33238 atomic entity chebi_ontology monoatomic entities coordination entity An assembly consisting of a central atom (usually metallic) to which is attached a surrounding array of other groups of atoms (ligands). CHEBI:33240 chebi_ontology coordination compounds coordination entities coordination entity oxoacid derivative CHEBI:33241 chebi_ontology oxoacid derivatives inorganic hydride CHEBI:33242 chebi_ontology inorganic hydrides organic fundamental parent An organic fundamental parent is a structure used as a basis for substitutive names in organic nomenclature, containing, in addition to one or more hydrogen atoms, a single atom of an element, a number of atoms (alike or different) linked together to form an unbranched chain, a monocyclic or polycyclic ring system, or a ring assembly or ring/chain system. CHEBI:33245 chebi_ontology organic fundamental parents organic parent hydrides inorganic group Any substituent group which does not contain carbon. CHEBI:33246 chebi_ontology inorganic groups organic group Any substituent group or skeleton containing carbon. CHEBI:33247 chebi_ontology organic groups hydrocarbyl group A univalent group formed by removing a hydrogen atom from a hydrocarbon. CHEBI:33248 chebi_ontology groupe hydrocarbyle grupo hidrocarbilo grupos hidrocarbilo hydrocarbyl group hydrocarbyl groups organyl group Any organic substituent group, regardless of functional type, having one free valence at a carbon atom. CHEBI:33249 chebi_ontology groupe organyle grupo organilo grupos organilo organyl group organyl groups atom A chemical entity constituting the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element. CHEBI:22671 CHEBI:23907 CHEBI:33250 atom atome atomo atoms atomus chebi_ontology element elements atomic nucleus A nucleus is the positively charged central portion of an atom, excluding the orbital electrons. Atomkern CHEBI:33252 Kern chebi_ontology noyau noyau atomique nuclei nucleo nucleo atomico nucleus nucleus atomi nucleon CHEBI:33253 Heavy nuclear particle: proton or neutron. Nukleon Nukleonen chebi_ontology nucleon nucleons primary amide A derivative of an oxoacid RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l =/= 0) in which an acidic hydroxy group has been replaced by an amino or substituted amino group. CHEBI:33256 chebi_ontology primary amide primary amides elemental molecular entity A molecular entity all atoms of which have the same atomic number. CHEBI:33259 chebi_ontology homoatomic entity homoatomic molecular entities homoatomic molecular entity organosulfur compound An organosulfur compound is a compound containing at least one carbon-sulfur bond. CHEBI:23010 CHEBI:25714 CHEBI:33261 Wikipedia:Organosulfur_compounds chebi_ontology organosulfur compound organosulfur compounds polyatomic anion An anion consisting of more than one atom. CHEBI:33273 chebi_ontology polyatomic anions molecular messenger CHEBI:33280 chebi_ontology chemical messenger antimicrobial agent A substance that kills or slows the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoans. Antibiotika Antibiotikum CHEBI:22582 CHEBI:33281 PMID:12964249 PMID:22117953 PMID:22439833 PMID:22849268 PMID:22849276 PMID:22958833 antibiotic antibiotics antibiotique antimicrobial antimicrobial agents antimicrobials chebi_ontology microbicide microbicides antibacterial agent A substance that kills or slows the growth of bacteria. CHEBI:33282 antibacterial agents antibacterials bactericide bactericides chebi_ontology nutrient A nutrient is a chemical element needed by all life forms. CHEBI:33284 chebi_ontology nutrients heteroorganic entity A heteroorganic entity is an organic molecular entity in which carbon atoms or organic groups are bonded directly to one or more heteroatoms. CHEBI:33285 chebi_ontology heteroorganic entities organoelement compounds agrochemical An agrochemical is a substance that is used in agriculture or horticulture. CHEBI:33286 Wikipedia:Agrochemical agrichemical agrichemicals agricultural chemicals agrochemicals chebi_ontology fertilizer A fertilizer is any substance that is added to soil or water to assist the growth of plants. CHEBI:33287 chebi_ontology fertiliser fertilizers rodenticide A substance used to destroy rodent pests. CHEBI:33288 Wikipedia:Rodenticide chebi_ontology rodenticides avicide A substance used to destroy bird pests (class Aves). CHEBI:33289 Wikipedia:Avicide avicides chebi_ontology fuel An energy-rich substance that can be transformed with release of usable energy. CHEBI:33292 chebi_ontology alkali metal molecular entity A molecular entity containing one or more atoms of an alkali metal. CHEBI:33296 alkali metal molecular entities chebi_ontology alkaline earth molecular entity An alkaline earth molecular entity is a molecular entity containing one or more atoms of an alkaline earth metal. CHEBI:33299 alkaline earth compounds alkaline earth molecular entities alkaline earth molecular entity alkaline-earth compounds chebi_ontology pnictogen Any p-block element atom that is in group 15 of the periodic table: nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony and bismuth. CHEBI:33300 chebi_ontology group 15 elements group V elements nitrogenoideos nitrogenoides pnictogene pnictogenes pnictogens pnictogen molecular entity A p-block molecular entity containing any pnictogen. CHEBI:33302 chebi_ontology pnictogen molecular entities pnictogen molecular entity chalcogen Any p-block element belonging to the group 16 family of the periodic table. CHEBI:33303 Chalkogen Chalkogene PMID:17084588 anfigeno anfigenos calcogeno calcogenos chalcogen chalcogene chalcogenes chalcogens chebi_ontology group 16 elements group VI elements chalcogen molecular entity Any p-block molecular entity containing a chalcogen. CHEBI:33304 chalcogen compounds chalcogen molecular entities chalcogen molecular entity chebi_ontology carbon group element atom CHEBI:33306 carbon group element carbon group elements carbonoides chebi_ontology cristallogene cristallogenes group 14 elements group IV elements carboxylic ester An ester of a carboxylic acid, R(1)C(=O)OR(2), where R(1) = H or organyl and R(2) = organyl. CHEBI:13204 CHEBI:23028 CHEBI:33308 CHEBI:3408 CO2R2 Carboxylic ester KEGG:C02391 Wikipedia:Ester [*]C(=O)O[*] a carboxylic ester carboxylic acid esters carboxylic esters chebi_ontology boron group element atom CHEBI:33317 Element der Borgruppe boron group element boron group elements chebi_ontology group 13 elements group III elements main group element atom An atom belonging to one of the main groups (found in the s- and p- blocks) of the periodic table. CHEBI:33318 Hauptgruppenelement Hauptgruppenelemente chebi_ontology main group element main group elements strontium atom 38Sr 87.62000 An alkaline earth metal atom that has formula Sr. CAS:7440-24-6 CHEBI:33324 CIOAGBVUUVVLOB-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/Sr Sr WebElements:Sr [Sr] chebi_ontology estroncio strontium strontium zinc group element atom CHEBI:33340 chebi_ontology group 12 elements zinc group element zinc group elements chromium group element atom CHEBI:33350 chebi_ontology chromium group element chromium group elements group 6 elements manganese group element atom CHEBI:33352 chebi_ontology group 7 elements manganese group element manganese group elements iron group element atom CHEBI:33356 chebi_ontology group 8 elements iron group element iron group elements copper group element atom CHEBI:33366 chebi_ontology coinage metals copper group element copper group elements group 11 elements pnictogen oxoacid CHEBI:33408 chebi_ontology pnictogen oxoacids elemental halogen CHEBI:33434 chebi_ontology elemental halogen elemental halogens phospho sugar Any monosaccharide containing an alcoholic hydroxy group esterified with phosphoric acid. CHEBI:15132 CHEBI:25406 CHEBI:26086 CHEBI:33447 CHEBI:9320 KEGG:C00934 PMID:18186488 chebi_ontology monosaccharide phosphates phospho sugar phospho sugars phosphorylated sugar phosphorylated sugars phosphosugar phosphosugars benzylic group Arylmethyl groups and derivatives formed by substitution: ArCR2-. CHEBI:33452 benzylic group benzylic groups benzylic groups chebi_ontology groupe benzylique phosphorus oxoacid A pnictogen oxoacid which contains phosphorus and oxygen, at least one hydrogen atom bound to oxygen, and forms an ion by the loss of one or more protons. CHEBI:33457 Oxosaeure des Phosphors chebi_ontology oxoacids of phosphorus phosphorus oxoacid phosphorus oxoacids pnictogen oxoanion CHEBI:33459 chebi_ontology pnictogen oxoanion pnictogen oxoanions phosphorus oxoanion CHEBI:33461 chebi_ontology oxoanions of phosphorus phosphorus oxoanion phosphorus oxoanions elemental phosphorus CHEBI:33464 chebi_ontology elemental pnictogen CHEBI:33465 chebi_ontology elemental pnictogen elemental pnictogens monoatomic phosphorus CHEBI:33466 P atomic phosphorus chebi_ontology phosphorus(1+) 30.97376 A monoatomic phosphorus that has formula P. CAS:16427-80-8 CHEBI:33467 FTFMSLKBXSATDG-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:15200 InChI=1S/P/q+1 P P(+) [P+] chebi_ontology phosphorus cation phosphorus(1+) phosphorus(1+) ion phosphorus(I) cation transition element molecular entity A molecular entity containing one or more atoms of a transition element. CHEBI:33497 chebi_ontology transition element molecular entities transition metal molecular entity alkali metal cation CHEBI:33504 alkali metal cations chebi_ontology alkaline earth cation CHEBI:33513 alkaline earth cations alkaline earth metal cation alkaline-earth metal cations chebi_ontology transition element cation CHEBI:33515 chebi_ontology transition element cations transition metal cation metal atom An atom of an element that exhibits typical metallic properties, being typically shiny, with high electrical and thermal conductivity. CHEBI:25217 CHEBI:33521 CHEBI:6788 KEGG:C00050 PMID:21784043 Wikipedia:Metal chebi_ontology elemental metal elemental metals metal element metal elements metals alpha-amino-acid anion An amino-acid anion obtained by deprotonation of any alpha-amino acid. CHEBI:33558 alpha-amino acid anions alpha-amino-acid anion alpha-amino-acid anions chebi_ontology s-block element atom CHEBI:33559 chebi_ontology s-block element s-block elements p-block element atom Any main group element atom belonging to the p-block of the periodic table. CHEBI:33560 chebi_ontology p-block element p-block elements d-block element atom CHEBI:33561 chebi_ontology d-block element d-block elements glycolipid Any member of class of 1,2-di-O-acylglycerols joined at oxygen 3 by a glycosidic linkage to a carbohydrate part (usually a mono-, di- or tri-saccharide). Some substances classified as bacterial glycolipids have the sugar part acylated by one or more fatty acids and the glycerol part may be absent. CHEBI:24393 CHEBI:33563 CHEBI:5476 Glycolipid KEGG:C05005 Wikipedia:Glycolipids chebi_ontology glycolipids catechols Any compound containing an o-diphenol component. CHEBI:13628 CHEBI:18862 CHEBI:33566 KEGG:C15571 chebi_ontology benzenediols CHEBI:22705 CHEBI:22711 CHEBI:33570 chebi_ontology carboxylic acid 45.01740 A carbon oxoacid acid carrying at least one -C(=O)OH group and having the structure RC(=O)OH, where R is any any monovalent functional group. Carboxylic acids are the most common type of organic acid. CHEBI:13428 CHEBI:13627 CHEBI:23027 CHEBI:33575 CHO2R Carbonsaeure Carbonsaeuren Karbonsaeure OC([*])=O PMID:17147560 PMID:18433345 RC(=O)OH Wikipedia:Carboxylic_acid acide carboxylique acides carboxyliques acido carboxilico acidos carboxilicos carboxylic acid carboxylic acids chebi_ontology sulfur-containing carboxylic acid Any carboxylic acid having a sulfur substituent. CHEBI:33576 S-containing carboxylic acid S-containing carboxylic acids chebi_ontology sulfur-containing carboxylic acids main group molecular entity A molecular entity containing one or more atoms from any of groups 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 of the periodic table. CHEBI:33579 chebi_ontology main group compounds main group molecular entities boron group molecular entity CHEBI:33581 boron group molecular entities chebi_ontology carbon group molecular entity CHEBI:33582 carbon group molecular entities carbon group molecular entity chebi_ontology cyclic compound Any molecule that consists of a series of atoms joined together to form a ring. CHEBI:33595 Wikipedia:Cyclic_compound chebi_ontology cyclic compounds homocyclic compound A cyclic compound having as ring members atoms of the same element only. CHEBI:33597 chebi_ontology homocyclic compound homocyclic compounds isocyclic compounds carbocyclic compound A homocyclic compound in which all of the ring members are carbon atoms. CHEBI:33598 carbocycle carbocyclic compound carbocyclic compounds chebi_ontology spiro compound A compound having one atom as the only common member of two rings. CHEBI:33599 chebi_ontology spiro compound spiro compounds spiro-fused compounds spirocycle spirocycles spirocyclic compound spirocyclic compounds spirofused compounds hydrogen molecular entity CHEBI:33608 chebi_ontology hydrogen compounds hydrogen molecular entities elemental boron CAS:7440-42-8 CHEBI:33609 boron chebi_ontology trona elemental boron monoatomic boron B CHEBI:33610 chebi_ontology polycyclic compound CHEBI:33635 chebi_ontology polycyclic compounds bicyclic compound A molecule that features two fused rings. CHEBI:33636 bicyclic compounds chebi_ontology ortho-fused compound A polycyclic compound in which two rings have two, and only two, atoms in common. Such compounds have n common faces and 2n common atoms. CHEBI:33637 chebi_ontology ortho-fused compounds ortho-fused polycyclic compounds olefin Acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons having one or more carbon-carbon double bonds, apart from the formal ones in aromatic compounds. The class olefins subsumes alkenes and cycloalkenes and the corresponding polyenes. CHEBI:33641 chebi_ontology olefin olefins olefins cyclic olefin CHEBI:33642 The inclusive term for any cyclic hydrocarbon having any number of double bonds. chebi_ontology cyclic olefin cyclic olefins cycloalkene An unsaturated monocyclic hydrocarbon having at least one endocyclic double bond. CHEBI:33643 chebi_ontology cycloalkene cycloalkenes acyclic olefin Acyclic branched or unbranched hydrocarbons having one or more carbon-carbon double bond. CHEBI:33645 acyclic olefins chebi_ontology aliphatic compound Any acyclic or cyclic, saturated or unsaturated carbon compound, excluding aromatic compounds. CHEBI:33653 aliphatic compounds chebi_ontology alicyclic compound An aliphatic compound having a carbocyclic ring structure which may be saturated or unsaturated, but may not be a benzenoid or other aromatic system. CHEBI:33654 alicyclic compounds chebi_ontology aromatic compound A cyclically conjugated molecular entity with a stability (due to delocalization) significantly greater than that of a hypothetical localized structure (e.g. Kekule structure) is said to possess aromatic character. CHEBI:33655 aromatic compounds aromatic molecular entity aromatics aromatische Verbindungen chebi_ontology arene Any monocyclic or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. CHEBI:33658 arene arenes aromatic hydrocarbons chebi_ontology organic aromatic compound CHEBI:33659 chebi_ontology organic aromatic compounds monocyclic compound CHEBI:33661 chebi_ontology monocyclic compounds annulene A mancude monocyclic hydrocarbon without side chains of the general formula CnHn (n is an even number) or CnHn+1 (n is an odd number). In systematic nomenclature an annulene with seven or more carbon atoms may be named [n]annulene, where n is the number of carbon atoms. CHEBI:33662 annulene annulenes chebi_ontology cyclic hydrocarbon CHEBI:33663 chebi_ontology cyclic hydrocarbon cyclic hydrocarbons monocyclic hydrocarbon CHEBI:33664 chebi_ontology monocyclic hydrocarbon monocyclic hydrocarbons monocyclic hydrocarbons polycyclic hydrocarbon CHEBI:33666 chebi_ontology polycyclic hydrocarbon polycyclic hydrocarbons heteromonocyclic compound CHEBI:33670 chebi_ontology heteromonocyclic compound heteromonocyclic compounds heteropolycyclic compound CHEBI:33671 chebi_ontology heteropolycyclic compounds polyheterocyclic compounds heterobicyclic compound A bicyclic compound in which at least one of the rings contains at least one skeletal heteroatom. CHEBI:33672 chebi_ontology heterobicyclic compounds zinc group molecular entity CHEBI:33673 chebi_ontology zinc group molecular entities s-block molecular entity An s-block molecular entity is a molecular entity containing one or more atoms of an s-block element. CHEBI:33674 chebi_ontology s-block compounds s-block molecular entities s-block molecular entity p-block molecular entity A main group molecular entity that contains one or more atoms of a p-block element. CHEBI:33675 chebi_ontology p-block compounds p-block molecular entities p-block molecular entitiy d-block molecular entity A d-block molecular entity is a molecular entity containing one or more atoms of a d-block element. CHEBI:33676 chebi_ontology d-block compounds d-block molecular entities d-block molecular entity hydrides CHEBI:33692 Hydrides are chemical compounds of hydrogen with other chemical elements. chebi_ontology biomacromolecule A macromolecule formed by a living organism. Biopolymere CHEBI:33694 biomacromolecules biopolymer biopolymers chebi_ontology polyatomic cation A cation consisting of more than one atom. CHEBI:33702 chebi_ontology polyatomic cations amino-acid cation CHEBI:33703 amino acid cation amino-acid cation amino-acid cations chebi_ontology alpha-amino acid 74.05870 Amino acid Amino acids An amino acid in which the amino group is located on the carbon atom at the position alpha to the carboxy group. C2H4NO2R CHEBI:10208 CHEBI:13779 CHEBI:22442 CHEBI:2642 CHEBI:33704 KEGG:C00045 KEGG:C05167 NC([*])C(O)=O alpha-amino acid alpha-amino acids alpha-amino carboxylic acids chebi_ontology gamma-amino acid A non-proteinogenic amino-acid in which the amino group is located on the carbon atom at the position gamma to the carboxy group. CHEBI:33707 chebi_ontology gamma-amino acid gamma-amino acids amino acid A carboxylic acid containing one or more amino groups. Aminocarbonsaeure Aminokarbonsaeure Aminosaeure CHEBI:13815 CHEBI:22477 CHEBI:33709 Wikipedia:Amino_acid amino acids chebi_ontology alpha-amino-acid cation CHEBI:33719 alpha-amino acid cations alpha-amino-acid cation alpha-amino-acid cations chebi_ontology carbohydrate acid CHEBI:33720 carbohydrate acid carbohydrate acids chebi_ontology carbohydrate acid anion CHEBI:33721 carbohydrate acid anion carbohydrate acid anions chebi_ontology tetritol CHEBI:33729 chebi_ontology tetritol tetritols chromium group molecular entity CHEBI:33741 chebi_ontology chromium group molecular entities chromium group molecular entity manganese group molecular entity CHEBI:33743 chebi_ontology manganese group molecular entities manganese group molecular entity iron group molecular entity CHEBI:33744 chebi_ontology iron group molecular entities iron group molecular entity copper group molecular entity CHEBI:33745 chebi_ontology copper group molecular entities copper group molecular entity tetraric acid anion CHEBI:33798 chebi_ontology tetrarate tetrarates tetraric acid anions organic hydroxy compound An organic compound having at least one hydroxy group attached to a carbon atom. CHEBI:33822 CHEBI:64710 chebi_ontology hydroxy compounds organic alcohol organic hydroxy compounds enol 41.02870 Alkenols; the term refers specifically to vinylic alcohols, which have the structure HOCR'=CR2. Enols are tautomeric with aldehydes (R' = H) or ketones (R' =/= H). C2HOR3 CHEBI:33823 O\C([*])=C(/[*])[*] alkenols chebi_ontology enol enols enols organic cyclic compound Any organic molecule that consists of atoms connected in the form of a ring. CHEBI:33832 chebi_ontology organic cyclic compounds heteroarene A heterocyclic compound formally derived from an arene by replacement of one or more methine (-C=) and/or vinylene (-CH=CH-) groups by trivalent or divalent heteroatoms, respectively, in such a way as to maintain the continuous pi-electron system characteristic of aromatic systems and a number of out-of-plane pi-electrons corresponding to the Hueckel rule (4n+2). CHEBI:33833 chebi_ontology hetarenes heteroarenes benzenoid aromatic compound CHEBI:33836 benzenoid aromatic compounds benzenoid compound chebi_ontology nucleoside 116.115 An N-glycosyl compound that has both a nucleobase, normally adenine, guanine, xanthine, thymine, cytosine or uracil, and either a ribose or deoxyribose as functional parents. C5H8O3R2 CHEBI:13661 CHEBI:25611 CHEBI:33838 CHEBI:7647 KEGG:C00801 Nucleoside [C@H]1([C@H]([C@@H](*)[C@@H](O1)*)O)CO a nucleoside chebi_ontology nucleosides nucleosides macromolecule A macromolecule is a molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass. CHEBI:33839 Wikipedia:Macromolecule chebi_ontology macromolecule macromolecules polymer polymer molecule polymers aromatic annulene CHEBI:33842 aromatic annulenes chebi_ontology monocyclic arene A monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. CHEBI:33847 chebi_ontology monocyclic arenes polycyclic arene A polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. CHEBI:33848 PAH PAHs PMID:15198916 PMID:25679824 Wikipedia:Polycyclic_aromatic_hydrocarbon chebi_ontology polycyclic arenes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons phenols Aryl alcohol CHEBI:13664 CHEBI:13825 CHEBI:25969 CHEBI:2857 CHEBI:33853 KEGG:C15584 MetaCyc:Aryl-Alcohol Organic aromatic compounds having one or more hydroxy groups attached to a benzene or other arene ring. Wikipedia:Phenols arenols aryl alcohol chebi_ontology phenols aromatic alcohol Any alcohol in which the alcoholic hydroxy group is attached to a carbon which is itself bonded to an aromatic ring. CHEBI:13818 CHEBI:22620 CHEBI:22640 CHEBI:2831 CHEBI:33854 aromatic alcohols aryl alcohol aryl alcohols chebi_ontology arenecarbaldehyde *C(=O)[H] 29.018 Any aldehyde in which the carbonyl group is attached to an aromatic moiety. Aromatic aldehyde CHEBI:13819 CHEBI:22621 CHEBI:2832 CHEBI:33855 CHEBI:87908 CHOR KEGG:C00193 an aromatic aldehyde an aryl aldehyde arenecarbaldehyde arenecarbaldehydes aryl aldehyde aryl aldehydes chebi_ontology aromatic amino acid 88.085 Aromatic L-amino acid Aromatic amino acid C2H4NO2R CHEBI:13820 CHEBI:22623 CHEBI:2835 CHEBI:33856 KEGG:C01021 aromatic amino acid aromatic amino acids chebi_ontology aromatic carboxylic acid Any carboxylic acid in which the carboxy group is directly bonded to an aromatic ring. CHEBI:13817 CHEBI:13821 CHEBI:2830 CHEBI:33859 aromatic carboxylic acids chebi_ontology reagent A substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, examine, or produce other substances. CHEBI:33893 chebi_ontology reactif reactivo reagent reagents metallotetrapyrrole CHEBI:33909 chebi_ontology metal-tetrapyrrole metal-tetrapyrrole complex metallotetrapyrroles aldopentose A pentose with a (potential) aldehyde group at one end. CHEBI:33916 PMID:10723607 aldopentose aldopentoses chebi_ontology aldohexose A hexose with a (potential) aldehyde group at one end. CHEBI:2558 CHEBI:33917 aldohexose aldohexoses chebi_ontology macronutrient CHEBI:33937 chebi_ontology macronutrients ribose Any aldopentose where the open-chain form has all the hydroxy groups on the same side in the Fischer projection. Occurrs in two enantiomeric forms, D- and L-ribose, of which only the former is found in nature. C5H10O5 CHEBI:26564 CHEBI:33942 Rib chebi_ontology ribo-pentose ribose silver molecular entity CHEBI:33964 chebi_ontology silver compounds silver molecular entities silver molecular entity elemental silver CHEBI:33966 chebi_ontology elemental magnesium CHEBI:33973 chebi_ontology magnesium coordination entity CHEBI:33976 chebi_ontology magnesium coordination compounds magnesium coordination entities magnesium coordination entity deoxymannose CHEBI:33983 chebi_ontology deoxymannoses (-)-catechin (-)-Catechin (2S,3R)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-1H-benzopyran-3,5,7-triol (2S,3R)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol 290.26810 C15H14O6 CAS:18829-70-4 CHEBI:33992 InChI=1S/C15H14O6/c16-8-4-11(18)9-6-13(20)15(21-14(9)5-8)7-1-2-10(17)12(19)3-7/h1-5,13,15-20H,6H2/t13-,15+/m1/s1 KEGG:C14079 KNApSAcK:C00008808 O[C@@H]1Cc2c(O)cc(O)cc2O[C@H]1c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PFTAWBLQPZVEMU-HIFRSBDPSA-N The (-)-enantiomer of catechin. catechin L-form chebi_ontology dibutyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dibutyl ester 278.34350 A phthalate ester that is the diester obtained by the formal condensation of the carboxy groups of phthalic acid with two molecules of butan-1-ol. Beilstein:1914064 Benzene-o-dicarboxylic acid di-n-butyl ester Benzenedicarboxylic acid dibutyl ester Butyl phthalate C16H22O4 CAS:84-74-2 CCCCOC(=O)c1ccccc1C(=O)OCCCC CHEBI:34687 CHEBI:535597 DBP DOIRQSBPFJWKBE-UHFFFAOYSA-N Di-n-butyl phthalate Dibutyl 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate Dibutyl o-phthalate Dibutyl phthalate Dibutyl-o-phthalate Gmelin:262569 HMDB:HMDB33244 InChI=1S/C16H22O4/c1-3-5-11-19-15(17)13-9-7-8-10-14(13)16(18)20-12-6-4-2/h7-10H,3-6,11-12H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C14214 PMID:11133400 PMID:19840837 PMID:24213843 PMID:24468924 PMID:24616073 Phthalic acid di-n-butyl ester Phthalic acid dibutyl ester Reaxys:1914064 Wikipedia:Dibutyl_phthalate chebi_ontology dibutyl benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate n-Butyl phthalate o-Benzenedicarboxylic acid dibutyl ester diethyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diethyl ester 1,2-Diethyl phthalate 222.23716 Beilstein:1912500 C12H14O4 CAS:84-66-2 CCOC(=O)c1ccccc1C(=O)OCC CHEBI:34698 DEP Diethyl 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate Diethyl o-phthalate Diethyl phthalate Ethyl phthalate FLKPEMZONWLCSK-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:261704 InChI=1S/C12H14O4/c1-3-15-11(13)9-7-5-6-8-10(9)12(14)16-4-2/h5-8H,3-4H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C14175 KEGG:D03804 PMID:19840837 PMID:23880707 PMID:24418706 Phthalic acid diethyl ester Phthalsaeurediaethylester Reaxys:1912500 The diethyl ester of benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid. Wikipedia:Diethyl_phthalate chebi_ontology diethyl benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate diethyl benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate o-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diethyl ester o-Bis(ethoxycarbonyl)benzene furfural 2-Formylfuran 2-Furaldehyde 2-Furanaldehyde 2-Furancarbonal 2-Furancarboxaldehyde 2-Furyl-methanal 2-Furylcarboxaldehyde 96.08410 An aldehyde that is furan with the hydrogen at position 2 substituted by a formyl group. C5H4O2 CAS:98-01-1 CHEBI:34768 CHEBI:42593 Furaldehyde HYBBIBNJHNGZAN-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C5H4O2/c6-4-5-2-1-3-7-5/h1-4H KEGG:C14279 KNApSAcK:C00030331 MetaCyc:CPD0-2357 O=Cc1ccco1 PDBeChem:FU2 PMID:17439666 PMID:21925629 PMID:22081946 PMID:22133603 PMID:22213717 PMID:22277539 PMID:22315196 PMID:22504824 PMID:22512171 PMID:22592554 PMID:22639140 PMID:22648683 PMID:22703600 Reaxys:105755 Wikipedia:Furfural YMDB:YMDB01459 chebi_ontology furan-2-carbaldehyde 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 120.19158 3,5-dimethyltoluene A trimethylbenzene carrying methyl substituents at positions 1, 3 and 5. AUHZEENZYGFFBQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N Beilstein:906806 C9H12 CAS:108-67-8 CHEBI:34833 Cc1cc(C)cc(C)c1 Gmelin:2956 HMDB:HMDB41924 InChI=1S/C9H12/c1-7-4-8(2)6-9(3)5-7/h4-6H,1-3H3 KEGG:C14508 Mesitylene PMID:16549407 Reaxys:906806 Wikipedia:Mesitylene chebi_ontology s-trimethylbenzene sym-trimethylbenzene tetralin 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene 132.20228 An ortho-fused bicyclic hydrocarbon that is 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative of naphthalene. Beilstein:1446407 C10H12 C1CCc2ccccc2C1 CAS:119-64-2 CHEBI:35008 CXWXQJXEFPUFDZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:3348 InChI=1S/C10H12/c1-2-6-10-8-4-3-7-9(10)5-1/h1-2,5-6H,3-4,7-8H2 KEGG:C14114 PMID:23732916 PMID:24325207 Reaxys:1446407 Tetralin Wikipedia:Tetralin benzocyclohexane chebi_ontology naphthalene 1,2,3,4-tetrahydride tetralene strontium(2+) 87.62000 A strontium cation that has formula Sr. CAS:22537-39-9 CHEBI:33514 CHEBI:34982 CHEBI:35104 CHEBI:49891 Gmelin:6868 InChI=1S/Sr/q+2 KEGG:C13884 PDBeChem:SR PWYYWQHXAPXYMF-UHFFFAOYSA-N STRONTIUM ION Sr Sr(2+) Sr2+ Strontium [Sr++] chebi_ontology strontium(2+) strontium(2+) ion strontium(II) cation nitrogen hydride CHEBI:35106 chebi_ontology nitrogen hydrides azane CHEBI:35107 Saturated acyclic nitrogen hydrides having the general formula NnHn+2. azanes chebi_ontology elemental manganese CHEBI:35115 chebi_ontology aldose phosphate CHEBI:35131 aldose phosphates chebi_ontology (6'R)-beta,epsilon-carotene (+)-alpha-carotene (6'R)-beta,epsilon-carotene 536.87264 ANVAOWXLWRTKGA-NTXLUARGSA-N An alpha-carotene that has formula C40H56. Beilstein:2067409 C40H56 CAS:7488-99-5 CC(\C=C\C=C(C)\C=C\[C@H]1C(C)=CCCC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C CHEBI:35147 InChI=1S/C40H56/c1-31(19-13-21-33(3)25-27-37-35(5)23-15-29-39(37,7)8)17-11-12-18-32(2)20-14-22-34(4)26-28-38-36(6)24-16-30-40(38,9)10/h11-14,17-23,25-28,37H,15-16,24,29-30H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,19-13+,20-14+,27-25+,28-26+,31-17+,32-18+,33-21+,34-22+/t37-/m0/s1 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR01070011 alpha-carotene (natural) chebi_ontology (6'S)-beta,epsilon-carotene (6'S)-beta,epsilon-carotene 536.87264 ANVAOWXLWRTKGA-QTRZAOAUSA-N An alpha-carotene that has formula C40H56. Beilstein:2682045 C40H56 CC(\C=C\C=C(C)\C=C\[C@@H]1C(C)=CCCC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C=C(C)/C=C/C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C CHEBI:35148 InChI=1S/C40H56/c1-31(19-13-21-33(3)25-27-37-35(5)23-15-29-39(37,7)8)17-11-12-18-32(2)20-14-22-34(4)26-28-38-36(6)24-16-30-40(38,9)10/h11-14,17-23,25-28,37H,15-16,24,29-30H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,19-13+,20-14+,27-25+,28-26+,31-17+,32-18+,33-21+,34-22+/t37-/m1/s1 chebi_ontology elemental calcium CHEBI:35155 chebi_ontology cyclic carotene CHEBI:35163 chebi_ontology cyclic carotene cyclic carotenes Celabenzine 379.496 An azamacrocycle that has formula C23H29N3O2. C23H29N3O2 CAS:53938-08-2 CHEBI:3518 Celabenzine InChI=1S/C23H29N3O2/c27-22-18-21(19-10-3-1-4-11-19)24-14-7-8-16-26(17-9-15-25-22)23(28)20-12-5-2-6-13-20/h1-6,10-13,21,24H,7-9,14-18H2,(H,25,27)/t21-/m0/s1 KEGG:C10578 KNApSAcK:C00002322 LSYKFBZWBDMZLQ-NRFANRHFSA-N O=C(N1CCCCN[C@@H](CC(=O)NCCC1)c1ccccc1)c1ccccc1 chebi_ontology terpene A hydrocarbon of biological origin having carbon skeleton formally derived from isoprene [CH2=C(CH3)CH=CH2]. CHEBI:35186 Terpen chebi_ontology terpene terpenes terpenes terpeno terpenos monoterpene A C10 terpene. CHEBI:35187 Monoterpen chebi_ontology monoterpenes monoterpenes monoterpeno monoterpenos sesquiterpene A C15 terpene. CHEBI:35189 Sesquiterpen chebi_ontology sesquiterpenes sesquiterpenes sesquiterpeno sesquiterpenos diterpene A C20 terpene. CHEBI:35190 Diterpen chebi_ontology diterpenes diterpenes diterpeno diterpenos triterpene A C30 terpene. CHEBI:35191 Triterpen chebi_ontology triterpenes triterpenes triterpeno triterpenos tetraterpene A C40 terpene. CHEBI:35193 chebi_ontology tetraterpenes tetraterpenes tetraterpeno tetraterpenos alkaline earth coordination entity CHEBI:35217 alkaline earth coordination compounds alkaline earth coordination entities alkaline earth coordination entity chebi_ontology plant growth retardant CHEBI:26154 CHEBI:26156 CHEBI:35219 chebi_ontology plant growth inhibitor plant growth inhibitors plant growth retardants inhibitor A substance that diminishes the rate of a chemical reaction. CHEBI:35222 chebi_ontology inhibidor inhibiteur inhibitor inhibitors cysteine zwitterion (+)H3N-CH(CH2SH)-COO(-) 121.15922 2-ammonio-3-mercaptopropanoate 2-ammonio-3-sulfanylpropanoate An amino acid zwitterion that has formula C3H7NO2S. C3H7NO2S CHEBI:35237 Gmelin:49992 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2S/c4-2(1-7)3(5)6/h2,7H,1,4H2,(H,5,6) XUJNEKJLAYXESH-UHFFFAOYSA-N [NH3+]C(CS)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology cysteine cysteine zwitterion amino acid zwitterion CHEBI:35238 The zwitterionic form of an amino acid having a negatively charged carboxyl group and a positively charged amino group. amino acid zwitterion chebi_ontology serine zwitterion 105.09262 2-ammonio-3-hydroxypropanoate An amino acid zwitterion obtained by transfer of a proton from the carboxy to the amnio group of serine. Beilstein:3935647 C3H7NO3 CHEBI:35243 Gmelin:2060272 InChI=1S/C3H7NO3/c4-2(1-5)3(6)7/h2,5H,1,4H2,(H,6,7) MTCFGRXMJLQNBG-UHFFFAOYSA-N [NH3+]C(CO)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology serine zwitterion benzofurans CHEBI:22721 CHEBI:35259 chebi_ontology quaternary ammonium ion 14.00670 A derivative of ammonium, NH4(+), in which all four of the hydrogens bonded to nitrogen have been replaced with univalent (usually organyl) groups. CHEBI:26470 CHEBI:35267 CHEBI:8693 KEGG:C06703 NR4 Quaternary amine [*][N+]([*])([*])[*] chebi_ontology quaternary ammonium quaternary ammonium ion quaternary ammonium ions ammonium ion Ammonium, NH4(+), and derivatives formed by substitution by univalent groups. CHEBI:35274 ammonium ions azanium ions chebi_ontology onium betaine CHEBI:35281 Neutral molecules having charge-separated forms with an onium atom which bears no hydrogen atoms and that is not adjacent to the anionic atom. betaines chebi_ontology onium betaines ammonium betaine Any neutral molecule having charge-separated forms with a quaternary ammonium atom which bears no hydrogen atoms and that is not adjacent to the anionic atom. CHEBI:35284 ammonium betaines chebi_ontology acylcholine 131.17290 A choline ester formed from choline and a carboxylic acid. C6H13NO2R CHEBI:13245 CHEBI:22227 CHEBI:2463 CHEBI:35287 C[N+](C)(C)CCOC([*])=O KEGG:C01777 acylcholines an acylcholine chebi_ontology all-trans-retinoate (2E,4E,6E,8E)-3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl)nona-2,4,6,8-tetraenoate 299.42718 A retinoate that is the conjugate base of all-trans-retinoic acid. C20H27O2 CC(\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C(C)=C/C([O-])=O CHEBI:26535 CHEBI:35291 InChI=1S/C20H28O2/c1-15(8-6-9-16(2)14-19(21)22)11-12-18-17(3)10-7-13-20(18,4)5/h6,8-9,11-12,14H,7,10,13H2,1-5H3,(H,21,22)/p-1/b9-6+,12-11+,15-8+,16-14+ KEGG:C00777 Retinoate SHGAZHPCJJPHSC-YCNIQYBTSA-M all-trans-Retinoate all-trans-retinoate chebi_ontology fused compound CHEBI:35293 chebi_ontology fused compounds fused polycyclic compounds fused-ring polycyclic compound fused-ring polycyclic compounds polycyclic fused-ring compounds carbopolycyclic compound A polyclic compound in which all of the ring members are carbon atoms. CHEBI:35294 carbopolycyclic compounds chebi_ontology homopolycyclic compound CHEBI:35295 chebi_ontology homopolycyclic compounds ortho-fused polycyclic arene CHEBI:35296 chebi_ontology ortho-fused polycyclic arenes pentoside CHEBI:35312 chebi_ontology pentoside pentosides hexoside CHEBI:35313 chebi_ontology hexoside hexosides glycosiduronic acid CHEBI:35314 chebi_ontology glycosiduronic acid glycosiduronic acids deoxy hexoside CHEBI:35315 chebi_ontology deoxy hexoside deoxy hexosides steroid Any of naturally occurring compounds and synthetic analogues, based on the cyclopenta[a]phenanthrene carbon skeleton, partially or completely hydrogenated; there are usually methyl groups at C-10 and C-13, and often an alkyl group at C-17. By extension, one or more bond scissions, ring expansions and/or ring contractions of the skeleton may have occurred. Natural steroids are derived biogenetically from squalene, so may be considered as triterpenoids. CHEBI:13687 CHEBI:26768 CHEBI:35341 CHEBI:9263 KEGG:C00377 Steroid chebi_ontology steroids 3beta-sterol 3beta-Hydroxysteroid 3beta-hydroxysteroids 3beta-sterols CHEBI:1725 CHEBI:20248 CHEBI:35348 KEGG:C02945 chebi_ontology hydroxy steroid CHEBI:24748 CHEBI:35350 CHEBI:5814 Hydroxysteroid KEGG:C02159 chebi_ontology hydroxy steroids hydroxysteroids organonitrogen compound Any heteroorganic entity containing at least one carbon-nitrogen bond. CHEBI:35352 chebi_ontology organonitrogen compounds organonitrogens fatty acid 45.01740 Any aliphatic monocarboxylic acid derived from or contained in esterified form in an animal or vegetable fat, oil or wax. CHEBI:13633 CHEBI:24024 CHEBI:35366 CHEBI:4984 CHO2R Fatty acid Fettsaeure Fettsaeuren KEGG:C00162 OC([*])=O PMID:14287444 PMID:14300208 PMID:14328676 Wikipedia:Fatty_acid acide gras acides gras acido graso acidos grasos chebi_ontology fatty acids fatty acids pentasaccharide An oligomer comprising five monomeric monosaccharide units. CHEBI:35369 chebi_ontology pentasaccharides alpha-L-arabinoside C5H9O5R CHEBI:10290 CHEBI:22421 CHEBI:35376 KEGG:C01032 alpha-L-Arabinoside alpha-L-arabinosides chebi_ontology monosaccharide CHEBI:25407 CHEBI:35381 CHEBI:6984 KEGG:C06698 Monosaccharid Monosaccharide Monosacharid Parent monosaccharides are polyhydroxy aldehydes H[CH(OH)]nC(=O)H or polyhydroxy ketones H-[CHOH]n-C(=O)[CHOH]m-H with three or more carbon atoms. The generic term 'monosaccharide' (as opposed to oligosaccharide or polysaccharide) denotes a single unit, without glycosidic connection to other such units. It includes aldoses, dialdoses, aldoketoses, ketoses and diketoses, as well as deoxy sugars, provided that the parent compound has a (potential) carbonyl group. chebi_ontology monosacarido monosacaridos monosaccharide monosaccharides aspartate(1-) 132.09478 2-ammoniobutanedioate 2-ammoniosuccinate An alpha-amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of aspartic acid. C4H6NO4 CHEBI:22659 CHEBI:29992 CHEBI:35391 CKLJMWTZIZZHCS-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/p-1 [NH3+]C(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O aspartate(1-) aspartic acid monoanion chebi_ontology hydrogen aspartate tartrate(1-) 149.07890 A 3-carboxy-2,3-dihydroxypropanoate that is the conjugate base of tartaric acid. C4H5O6 CHEBI:35397 chebi_ontology rel-(2R,3R)-3-carboxy-2,3-dihydroxypropanoate oxoanion An oxoanion is an anion derived from an oxoacid by loss of hydron(s) bound to oxygen. CHEBI:33274 CHEBI:33436 CHEBI:35406 chebi_ontology oxoacid anions oxoanion oxoanions ortho-fused bicyclic arene CHEBI:35426 chebi_ontology ortho-fused bicyclic arene ortho-fused bicyclic arenes ortho-fused polycyclic hydrocarbon CHEBI:35427 chebi_ontology ortho-fused polycyclic hydrocarbon ortho-fused polycyclic hydrocarbons ortho-fused bicyclic hydrocarbon CHEBI:35428 chebi_ontology ortho-fused bicyclic hydrocarbon ortho-fused bicyclic hydrocarbons D-glucoside C6H11O6R CHEBI:21009 CHEBI:35436 CHEBI:4173 D-Glucoside D-glucosides KEGG:C01798 chebi_ontology antiinfective agent A substance used in the prophylaxis or therapy of infectious diseases. CHEBI:35441 anti-infective agents anti-infective drugs antiinfective agents antiinfective drug chebi_ontology antiparasitic agent A substance used to treat or prevent parasitic infections. CHEBI:35442 Wikipedia:Antiparasitic antiparasitic drugs antiparasitics chebi_ontology parasiticides central nervous system drug A class of drugs producing both physiological and psychological effects through a variety of mechanisms involving the central nervous system. CHEBI:35470 CNS agent CNS drugs central nervous system agents chebi_ontology anti-inflammatory drug A substance that reduces or suppresses inflammation. CHEBI:35472 anti-inflammatory drugs antiinflammatory agent antiinflammatory drug antiinflammatory drugs chebi_ontology analgesic An agent capable of relieving pain without the loss of consciousness or without producing anaesthesia. In addition, analgesic is a role played by a compound which is exhibited by a capability to cause a reduction of pain symptoms. CHEBI:35480 chebi_ontology non-narcotic analgesic A drug that has principally analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory actions. Non-narcotic analgesics do not bind to opioid receptors. CHEBI:35481 chebi_ontology phthalate ester CHEBI:35484 chebi_ontology phthalate esters central nervous system depressant A loosely defined group of drugs that tend to reduce the activity of the central nervous system. CHEBI:35488 CNS depressants central nervous system depressants chebi_ontology organic disulfide 64.13000 CHEBI:35489 Compounds of structure RSSR in which R and R' are organic groups. S2R2 [*]SS[*] chebi_ontology disulfides organic disulfides cystine zwitterion 240.30256 3,3'-disulfanediylbis(2-ammoniopropanoate) 3,3'-dithiobis(2-ammoniopropanoate) An amino acid zwitterion that is the tautomer of cystine. C6H12N2O4S2 CHEBI:35492 Gmelin:51007 InChI=1S/C6H12N2O4S2/c7-3(5(9)10)1-13-14-2-4(8)6(11)12/h3-4H,1-2,7-8H2,(H,9,10)(H,11,12) LEVWYRKDKASIDU-UHFFFAOYSA-N [NH3+]C(CSSCC([NH3+])C([O-])=O)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology antipyretic A drug that prevents or reduces fever by lowering the body temperature from a raised state. An antipyretic will not affect the normal body temperature if one does not have fever. Antipyretics cause the hypothalamus to override an interleukin-induced increase in temperature. The body will then work to lower the temperature and the result is a reduction in fever. CHEBI:35493 Wikipedia:Antipyretic anti-pyretic chebi_ontology alkaloid fundamental parent CHEBI:35506 alkaloid fundamental parents chebi_ontology natural product fundamental parent CHEBI:35507 chebi_ontology natural product fundamental parents steroid fundamental parent CHEBI:35508 chebi_ontology steroid fundamental parents ergostane 386.69660 A steroid fundamental parent that has formula C28H50. C28H50 CHEBI:35512 InChI=1S/C28H50/c1-19(2)20(3)10-11-21(4)24-14-15-25-23-13-12-22-9-7-8-17-27(22,5)26(23)16-18-28(24,25)6/h19-26H,7-18H2,1-6H3/t20-,21+,22?,23-,24+,25-,26-,27-,28+/m0/s1 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01030000 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01040001 WAAWMJYYKITCGF-ADGVWNIHSA-N [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CCC4CCCC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CC[C@H](C)C(C)C chebi_ontology ergostane cholestane 372.67002 A steroid fundamental parent that has formula C27H48. Beilstein:5334741 C27H48 CAS:14982-53-7 CHEBI:35516 InChI=1S/C27H48/c1-19(2)9-8-10-20(3)23-14-15-24-22-13-12-21-11-6-7-17-26(21,4)25(22)16-18-27(23,24)5/h19-25H,6-18H2,1-5H3/t20-,21?,22+,23-,24+,25+,26+,27-/m1/s1 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01010000 Wikipedia:Cholestane XIIAYQZJNBULGD-LDHZKLTISA-N [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CCC4CCCC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCCC(C)C chebi_ontology cholestane campestane 386.69660 A steroid fundamental parent that has formula C28H50. C28H50 CHEBI:35518 InChI=1S/C28H50/c1-19(2)20(3)10-11-21(4)24-14-15-25-23-13-12-22-9-7-8-17-27(22,5)26(23)16-18-28(24,25)6/h19-26H,7-18H2,1-6H3/t20-,21-,22?,23+,24-,25+,26+,27+,28-/m1/s1 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01030001 WAAWMJYYKITCGF-SULSJXDKSA-N [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CCC4CCCC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CC[C@@H](C)C(C)C campestane chebi_ontology hypoglycemic agent A drug which lowers the blood glucose level. CHEBI:35526 antidiabetic antihyperglycemic antihyperglycemic agent antihyperglycemic agents antihyperglycemic drug antihyperglycemic drugs antihyperglycemics chebi_ontology hypoglycemic agents hypoglycemic drug hypoglycemic drugs EC (prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase) inhibitor (5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)-icosa-5,8,11,14-tetraenoate,hydrogen-donor:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitor (5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)-icosa-5,8,11,14-tetraenoate,hydrogen-donor:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitors (PG)H synthase inhibitor (PG)H synthase inhibitors A compound or agent that combines with cyclooxygenases (EC and thereby prevents its substrate-enzyme combination with arachidonic acid and the formation of icosanoids, prostaglandins, and thromboxanes. CHEBI:35544 COX inhibitor EC (cyclooxygenase) inhibitor EC (cyclooxygenase) inhibitors EC (prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors PG synthetase inhibitor PG synthetase inhibitors chebi_ontology cyclooxygenase (EC inhibitor cyclooxygenase (EC inhibitors cyclooxygenase inhibitor cyclooxygenase inhibitors fatty acid cyclooxygenase inhibitor fatty acid cyclooxygenase inhibitors prostaglandin G/H synthase inhibitor prostaglandin G/H synthase inhibitors prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase inhibitor prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase inhibitors prostaglandin synthase inhibitor prostaglandin synthase inhibitors prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors heterocyclic organic fundamental parent CHEBI:35552 chebi_ontology heterocyclic fundamental parent heterocyclic organic fundamental parents heterocyclic parent hydrides organic heterocyclic fundamental parents cardiovascular drug A drug that affects the rate or intensity of cardiac contraction, blood vessel diameter or blood volume. CHEBI:35554 cardiovascular agent cardiovascular drugs chebi_ontology mancude organic heteromonocyclic parent CHEBI:35555 chebi_ontology mancude organic heteromonocyclic parents mancude-ring organic heteromonocyclic parents furan 1,4-epoxy-1,3-butadiene 68.07400 A monocyclic heteroarene with a structure consisting of a 5-membered ring containing four carbons and one oxygen, with formula C4H4O. It is a toxic, flammable, low-boiling (31degreeC) colourless liquid. Beilstein:103221 C4H4O CAS:110-00-9 CHEBI:30855 CHEBI:34767 CHEBI:35559 Furan Gmelin:25716 HMDB:HMDB13785 InChI=1S/C4H4O/c1-2-4-5-3-1/h1-4H KEGG:C14275 LINCS:LSM-37156 PMID:16006568 PMID:17224250 PMID:22079235 PMID:22542513 PMID:22641279 PMID:22865590 PMID:9169064 Reaxys:103221 Wikipedia:Furan YLQBMQCUIZJEEH-UHFFFAOYSA-N c1ccoc1 chebi_ontology divinylene oxide furan furane oxacyclopentadiene oxole tetrole mancude ring Any molecular entity that consists of a ring having (formally) the maximum number of noncumulative double bonds. CHEBI:35568 chebi_ontology mancude rings mancude-ring systems mancunide-ring systems mancude organic heterobicyclic parent CHEBI:35570 chebi_ontology mancude organic heterobicyclic parents mancude-ring organic heterobicyclic parents mancude organic heterocyclic parent CHEBI:35571 chebi_ontology mancude organic heterocyclic parents mancude-ring organic heterocyclic parents organic mancude parent CHEBI:35573 chebi_ontology organic mancude parents organic mancude-ring parents N-oxide CHEBI:35580 N-oxide N-oxides chebi_ontology purine A heterobicyclic aromatic organic compound comprising a pyrimidine ring fused to an imidazole ring; the parent compound of the purines. C5H4N4 CHEBI:35584 HMDB:HMDB01366 KEGG:C15587 MetaCyc:PURINE PMID:12865945 PMID:24088627 chebi_ontology purine 1H-purine 120.11210 1H-purine C5H4N4 CHEBI:35586 Gmelin:2379911 InChI=1S/C5H4N4/c1-4-5(8-2-6-1)9-3-7-4/h1-3H,(H,6,7,8,9) KDCGOANMDULRCW-UHFFFAOYSA-N The 1H-tautomer of purine. c1nc2c[nH]cnc2n1 chebi_ontology 3H-purine 120.11222 3H-purine C5H4N4 CHEBI:35588 InChI=1S/C5H4N4/c1-4-5(8-2-6-1)9-3-7-4/h1-3H,(H,6,7,8,9) KDCGOANMDULRCW-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:6149478 PMID:7178185 PMID:7296170 Reaxys:1210196 The 3H-tautomer of purine. c1nc2cnc[nH]c2n1 chebi_ontology 9H-purine 120.11222 9H-purine Beilstein:606899 C5H4N4 CAS:120-73-0 CHEBI:35589 Gmelin:3120 InChI=1S/C5H4N4/c1-4-5(8-2-6-1)9-3-7-4/h1-3H,(H,6,7,8,9) KDCGOANMDULRCW-UHFFFAOYSA-N The 9H-tautomer of purine. Wikipedia:Purine c1ncc2nc[nH]c2n1 chebi_ontology 2H-pyran 2H-pyran 82.10054 A pyran that has formula C5H6O. Beilstein:3535541 C1OC=CC=C1 C5H6O CHEBI:35592 InChI=1S/C5H6O/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-4H,5H2 MGADZUXDNSDTHW-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology 4H-pyran 4H-pyran 82.10050 A pyran that has formula C5H6O. Beilstein:1421312 C1C=COC=C1 C5H6O CAS:289-65-6 CHEBI:35593 InChI=1S/C5H6O/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h2-5H,1H2 MRUWJENAYHTDQG-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology pyran C5H6O CHEBI:35594 chebi_ontology pyran carbon oxoanion A negative ion consisting solely of carbon and oxygen atoms, and therefore having the general formula CxOy(n-) for some integers x, y and n. CHEBI:35604 carbon oxoanion carbon oxoanions chebi_ontology oxocarbon anion oxocarbon anions carbon oxoacid CHEBI:35605 carbon oxoacids chebi_ontology oxoacids of carbon antineoplastic agent A substance that inhibits or prevents the proliferation of neoplasms. CHEBI:35610 anticancer agent anticancer agents antineoplastic antineoplastic agents chebi_ontology cytostatic flavouring agent A food additive that is used to added improve the taste or odour of a food. CHEBI:35617 chebi_ontology flavoring agent flavoring agents flavour enhancer flavour enhancers flavouring agents aromatic ether Any ether in which the oxygen is attached to at least one aryl substituent. CHEBI:35618 chebi_ontology vasodilator agent A drug used to cause dilation of the blood vessels. CHEBI:35620 chebi_ontology vasodilator vasodilator agents anticonvulsant A drug used to prevent seizures or reduce their severity. Antiepileptika Antiepileptikum Antikonvulsiva Antikonvulsivum CHEBI:35623 anti-convulsant anti-convulsants anti-convulsive agent anti-convulsive agents anticonvulsants anticonvulsive agent anticonvulsive agents antiepileptic antiepileptics antiepileptique antiepileptiques chebi_ontology morphinan 227.34468 An isoquinoline alkaloid fundamental parent that has formula C16H21N. Beilstein:1375527 C16H21N CHEBI:35649 INAXVFBXDYWQFN-XHSDSOJGSA-N InChI=1S/C16H21N/c1-2-6-13-12(5-1)11-15-14-7-3-4-8-16(13,14)9-10-17-15/h1-2,5-6,14-15,17H,3-4,7-11H2/t14-,15+,16-/m0/s1 [H][C@@]12CCCC[C@@]11CCN[C@@H]2Cc2ccccc12 chebi_ontology morphinan terpenoid fundamental parent CHEBI:35662 chebi_ontology terpenoid fundamental parents abietane 276.49980 A diterpene that has formula C20H36. Beilstein:2500550 C20H36 CHEBI:35673 InChI=1S/C20H36/c1-14(2)15-7-9-17-16(13-15)8-10-18-19(3,4)11-6-12-20(17,18)5/h14-18H,6-13H2,1-5H3/t15-,16-,17-,18-,20+/m0/s1 STIVVCHBLMGYSL-ZYNAIFEFSA-N [H][C@@]12CC[C@@]3([H])C(C)(C)CCC[C@]3(C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@H](C2)C(C)C abietane chebi_ontology antihypertensive agent Any drug used in the treatment of acute or chronic vascular hypertension regardless of pharmacological mechanism. CHEBI:35674 antihypertensive antihypertensive agents antihypertensive drug antihypertensive drugs chebi_ontology antilipemic drug A substance used to treat hyperlipidemia (an excess of lipids in the blood). CHEBI:35679 Wikipedia:Hypolipidemic_agent antihyperlipemic antihyperlipemics antihyperlipidemic antihyperlipidemic agent antihyperlipidemic agents antihyperlipidemic drug antihyperlipidemic drugs antihyperlipidemics antilipemic antilipemic drugs antilipemics chebi_ontology hypolipidemic agent hypolipidemic agents secondary alcohol 30.02600 58.07910 A secondary alcohol is a compound in which a hydroxy group, -OH, is attached to a saturated carbon atom which has two other carbon atoms attached to it. CH2OR2 CHEBI:13425 CHEBI:13686 CHEBI:26617 CHEBI:35681 CHEBI:58662 CHEBI:8741 CHEBI:9077 KEGG:C00432 KEGG:C01612 OC([*])[*] R-CHOH-R' Secondary alcohol a secondary alcohol chebi_ontology secondary alcohols dicarboxylic acid Any carboxylic acid containing two carboxy groups. CHEBI:23692 CHEBI:35692 CHEBI:36172 CHEBI:4501 Dicarboxylic acid KEGG:C02028 chebi_ontology dicarboxylic acids dicarboxylic acid anion CHEBI:35693 chebi_ontology dicarboxylic acid anion dicarboxylic acid anions dicarboxylic acid monoanion Any dicarboxylic acid anion that is a monoanion obtained by the deprotonation of only one of the carboxy groups of the dicarboxylic acid. CHEBI:35695 chebi_ontology dicarboxylic acid monoanions ester A compound formally derived from an oxoacid RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l > 0) and an alcohol, phenol, heteroarenol, or enol by linking with formal loss of water from an acidic hydroxy group of the former and a hydroxy group of the latter. CHEBI:23960 CHEBI:35701 CHEBI:4859 Ester KEGG:C00287 Wikipedia:Ester chebi_ontology esters immunosuppressive agent An agent that suppresses immune function by one of several mechanisms of action. Classical cytotoxic immunosuppressants act by inhibiting DNA synthesis. Others may act through activation of T-cells or by inhibiting the activation of helper cells. In addition, an immunosuppressive agent is a role played by a compound which is exhibited by a capability to diminish the extent and/or voracity of an immune response. CHEBI:35705 chebi_ontology immunosuppressant immunosuppressive agents inmunosupresor thujane 1-isopropyl-4-methylbicyclo[3.1.0]hexane 138.24992 4-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane 4-methyl-1-(propan-2-yl)bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane A monoterpene that has formula C10H18. Beilstein:2496757 C10H18 CAS:471-12-5 CC(C)C12CCC(C)C1C2 CHEBI:35709 GCTNBVHDRFKLLK-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C10H18/c1-7(2)10-5-4-8(3)9(10)6-10/h7-9H,4-6H2,1-3H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102120029 chebi_ontology dihydrosabinene thujane pinane 138.24992 2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]heptane A monoterpene that is bicyclo[3.1.1]heptane substituted by methyl groups at positions 2, 6 and 6. Beilstein:1847301 C10H18 CAS:473-55-2 CC1CCC2CC1C2(C)C CHEBI:35710 InChI=1S/C10H18/c1-7-4-5-8-6-9(7)10(8,2)3/h7-9H,4-6H2,1-3H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102120026 Reaxys:1847301 XOKSLPVRUOBDEW-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology dihydropinene pinane ursane 412.73388 A triterpene that has formula C30H52. Beilstein:3207208 C30H52 CHEBI:35711 InChI=1S/C30H52/c1-20-12-16-27(5)18-19-29(7)22(25(27)21(20)2)10-11-24-28(6)15-9-14-26(3,4)23(28)13-17-30(24,29)8/h20-25H,9-19H2,1-8H3/t20-,21+,22-,23+,24-,25+,27-,28+,29-,30-/m1/s1 OOTXFYSZXCPMPG-BMYLZFHVSA-N [H][C@]12CC[C@]3([H])[C@@]4(C)CCCC(C)(C)[C@]4([H])CC[C@@]3(C)[C@]1(C)CC[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)[C@@]21[H] chebi_ontology ursane antifungal agent An antimicrobial agent that destroys fungi by suppressing their ability to grow or reproduce. CHEBI:35718 antifungal antifungal agents antifungal drug antifungal drugs antifungals chebi_ontology liposaccharide CHEBI:35740 chebi_ontology liposaccharides fatty aldehyde 29.01800 An aldehyde formally arising from reduction of the carboxylic acid group of its corresponding fatty acid, having a carbonyl group at one end of the carbon chain. CHEBI:35746 CHOR PMID:15210368 PMID:21341652 PMID:21347727 [*]C=O a fatty aldehyde chebi_ontology fatty aldehydes fatty acid ester 44.00950 A carboxylic ester in which the carboxylic acid component can be any fatty acid. CHEBI:27315 CHEBI:35747 CHEBI:35748 CHEBI:78205 CO2R2 [*]OC([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid esters tricarboxylic acid anion Any anion of a tricarboxylic acid formed by deprotonation of at least one carboxy group. CHEBI:35753 chebi_ontology tricarboxylic acid anion tricarboxylic acid anions monocarboxylic acid anion 44.01000 A carboxylic acid anion formed when the carboxy group of a monocarboxylic acid is deprotonated. CHEBI:13657 CHEBI:25382 CHEBI:3407 CHEBI:35757 CO2R Carboxylate KEGG:C00060 Monocarboxylate [O-]C([*])=O a monocarboxylate chebi_ontology monocarboxylates monocarboxylic acid anions phosphate ion A phosphorus oxoanion that is the conjugate base of phosphoric acid. CHEBI:35780 Pi chebi_ontology phosphate phosphate ions bornane 1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptane 138.24992 A monoterpene that has formula C10H18. BEWYHVAWEKZDPP-UHFFFAOYSA-N Beilstein:1900804 C10H18 CAS:464-15-3 CC1(C)C2CCC1(C)CC2 CHEBI:35783 DrugBank:DB04501 InChI=1S/C10H18/c1-9(2)8-4-6-10(9,3)7-5-8/h8H,4-7H2,1-3H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102120000 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102120026 bornane bornylane camphane chebi_ontology seco-steroid CHEBI:35788 chebi_ontology seco-steroids oxo steroid CHEBI:24979 CHEBI:25804 CHEBI:35789 chebi_ontology keto steroids ketosteroids oxo steroids oxosteroids citrate(1-) 191.11558 A tricarboxylic acid monoanion that is the conjugate base of citric acid, obtained by deprotonation of one of the three carboxy groups. C6H7O7 CHEBI:35804 H2cit H2cit(-) chebi_ontology dihydrogen citrate citrate(2-) 190.10764 A tricarboxylic acid dianion obtained by deprotonation of two of the three carboxy groups of citric acid. C6H6O7 CHEBI:35808 Hcit Hcit(2-) chebi_ontology hydrogen citrate branched-chain fatty acid Any fatty acid in which the parent hydrocarbon chain has one or more alkyl substituents; a common component in animal and bacterial lipids. The fatty acyl chain is usually saturated and the substituent a methyl group; however, unsaturated BCFAs are found in marine animals, and branches other than methyl are found in microbial lipids. BCFA BCFAs Branched chain fatty acid CHEBI:22919 CHEBI:3166 CHEBI:35819 KEGG:C05996 PMID:18318842 branched fatty acid branched fatty acids branched-chain fatty acids chebi_ontology antiprotozoal drug Any antimicrobial drug which is used to treat or prevent protozoal infections. CHEBI:35820 Wikipedia:Antiprotozoal_agent antiprotozoal agent antiprotozoal agents antiprotozoal drugs chebi_ontology anticholesteremic drug A substance used to lower plasma cholesterol levels. CHEBI:35821 CHEBI:64906 anticholesteremic anticholesteremic agent anticholesteremic drugs antihypercholesterolemic antihypercholesterolemic agent antihypercholesterolemic agents antihypercholesterolemic drug antihypercholesterolemic drugs antihypercholesterolemics chebi_ontology cholesterol inhibitor hypocholesteremic agent lipoxygenase inhibitor A compound or agent that combines with lipoxygenase and thereby prevents its substrate-enzyme combination with arachidonic acid and the formation of the icosanoid products hydroxyicosatetraenoic acid and various leukotrienes. CHEBI:35856 chebi_ontology lipooxygenase inhibitor lipoxygenase inhibitors hydroxy monocarboxylic acid CHEBI:35868 chebi_ontology hydroxy acid hydroxy monocarboxylic acids imidazopyrimidine CHEBI:35875 chebi_ontology imidazopyrimidines pnictogen hydride CHEBI:35881 chebi_ontology pnictogen hydride pnictogen hydrides glutarate(1-) 131.10668 4-carboxybutanoate A dicarboxylic acid monoanion that is the conjugate base of glutaric acid. Beilstein:3904478 C5H7O4 CHEBI:30922 CHEBI:35906 CHEBI:35907 Gmelin:326031 InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c6-4(7)2-1-3-5(8)9/h1-3H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/p-1 JFCQEDHGNNZCLN-UHFFFAOYSA-M OC(=O)CCCC([O-])=O Reaxys:3904478 chebi_ontology hydrogen glutarate aconitane 257.41372 A terpene alkaloid fundamental parent that has formula C18H27N. C18H27N CHEBI:35911 InChI=1S/C18H27N/c1-2-11-9-19-17-14-8-15(11)18(17,5-1)16-7-10-3-4-12(14)13(16)6-10/h10-17,19H,1-9H2/t10-,11+,12+,13-,14-,15-,16-,17?,18+/m1/s1 YGJXLMNSTLJAMX-GCUFGPJWSA-N [H][C@]12CC[C@]3([H])[C@@]4([H])C[C@]5([H])[C@H]6CCC[C@@]5(C4NC6)[C@]([H])(C1)[C@]3([H])C2 aconitane chebi_ontology sterol ester CHEBI:13220 CHEBI:15115 CHEBI:26770 CHEBI:26772 CHEBI:35915 CHEBI:9268 CHEBI:9269 KEGG:C01958 Sterol ester Steryl ester chebi_ontology steryl ester evonine 761.72316 A pyridine alkaloid fundamental parent that has formula C36H43NO17. Beilstein:4946284 C36H43NO17 CAS:33458-64-9 CHEBI:35934 IMIAGCONYJPMDY-MCLCTUEFSA-N InChI=1S/C36H43NO17/c1-15-16(2)31(44)53-29-26(49-18(4)39)30(52-21(7)42)35(14-47-17(3)38)28(51-20(6)41)25(43)23-27(50-19(5)40)36(35,34(29,9)46)54-33(23,8)13-48-32(45)22-11-10-12-37-24(15)22/h10-12,15-16,23,26-30,46H,13-14H2,1-9H3/t15-,16-,23-,26-,27+,28+,29-,30-,33-,34-,35+,36-/m0/s1 [H][C@]12OC(=O)[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)c3ncccc3C(=O)OC[C@]3(C)O[C@@]4([C@]([H])(OC(C)=O)[C@]3([H])C(=O)[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@]4(COC(C)=O)[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H]1OC(C)=O)[C@@]2(C)O chebi_ontology evonine neurotransmitter agent A substance used for its pharmacological action on any aspect of neurotransmitter systems. Neurotransmitter agents include agonists, antagonists, degradation inhibitors, uptake inhibitors, depleters, precursors, and modulators of receptor function. CHEBI:35942 chebi_ontology neurotransmitter agents 3-hydroxy monocarboxylic acid 3-hydroxy acid 3-hydroxy monocarboxylic acids A hydroxy monocarboxylic acid that has a hydroxy group beta to the carboxy group. CHEBI:35969 beta-hydroxy acid beta-hydroxy acids beta-hydroxy carboxylic acid beta-hydroxy carboxylic acids chebi_ontology dihydroxy monocarboxylic acid Any hydroxy monocarboxylic acid carrying at least two hydroxy groups. CHEBI:35972 chebi_ontology dihydroxy monocarboxylic acids nonan-1-ol 1-Hydroxynonane 1-Nonanol 144.25450 A fatty alcohol consisting of a hydroxy function at C-1 of an unbranched saturated chain of nine carbon atoms. It has been isolated as a component of volatile oils from plants like Hordeum vulgare. AGR:IND44158795 Beilstein:969213 C9H20O CAS:143-08-8 CCCCCCCCCO CHEBI:32893 CHEBI:34109 CHEBI:35986 CHEBI:42305 DrugBank:DB03143 Gmelin:406178 HMDB:HMDB31265 InChI=1S/C9H20O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10/h10H,2-9H2,1H3 KEGG:C14696 KNApSAcK:C00030830 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA05000092 NONAN-1-OL Nonylalkohol PDBeChem:F09 PMID:23793896 PMID:5913174 Pelargonalkohol Reaxys:969213 Wikipedia:1-Nonanol ZWRUINPWMLAQRD-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology n-Nonyl alcohol n-nonanol nonalol nonan-1-ol nonyl alcohol octyl carbinol pelargonic alcohol bridged compound A polycyclic compound in which two rings have two or more atoms in common. CHEBI:35990 bridged compounds chebi_ontology tridecane 184.36142 A straight chain alkane containing 13 carbon atoms. It forms a component of the essential oils isolated from plants such as Abelmoschus esculentus. Beilstein:1733089 C13H28 CAS:629-50-5 CCCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]11-CH3 CHEBI:32901 CHEBI:35025 CHEBI:35998 CHEBI:46104 Gmelin:1222217 HMDB:HMDB34284 IIYFAKIEWZDVMP-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C13H28/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-13H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C13834 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA11000001 PDBeChem:TRD PMID:23768323 PMID:24010324 Reaxys:1733089 TRIDECANE Tridecane Tridekan Wikipedia:Tridecane chebi_ontology n-tridecane tridecane omega-6 fatty acid A family of polyunsaturated fatty acids that have in common a final carbon-carbon double bond in the n-6 position, i.e., the sixth bond from the methyl end of the fatty acid. CHEBI:36009 PMID:19035453 PMID:19136835 chebi_ontology omega-6 fatty acid omega-6 fatty acids octadec-9-enoic acid 18:1, n-9 282.46136 9-octadecenoic acid An octadecenoic acid with a double bond at C-9. Beilstein:1726541 C18:1, n-9 C18H34O2 CAS:2027-47-6 CHEBI:36021 Delta(9)-octadecenoic acid InChI=1S/C18H34O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h9-10H,2-8,11-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20) PMID:20110887 PMID:22908585 PMID:23578483 PMID:24478215 Reaxys:1726541 ZQPPMHVWECSIRJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N [H]C(CCCCCCCC)=C([H])CCCCCCCC(O)=O chebi_ontology octadec-9-enoic acid antimicrobial drug A drug used to treat or prevent microbial infections. CHEBI:36043 antimicrobial drugs chebi_ontology benzoate ester CHEBI:36054 Esters of benzoic acid or substituted benzoic acids. benzoate ester benzoate esters benzoic acid esters chebi_ontology furoic acid A monocarboxylic acid that consists of a furan ring having a single carboxylic acid group on any ring position and derivatives thereof. CHEBI:36055 chebi_ontology furoic acids furancarboxylate CHEBI:36056 chebi_ontology furancarboxylates hydroxy monocarboxylic acid anion Any monocarboxylic acid anion carrying at least one hydroxy substituent. CHEBI:36059 chebi_ontology hydroxy monocarboxylic acid anions hydroxymonocarboxylic acid anion hydroxymonocarboxylic acid anions 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid 154.120 3,4-Dihydroxybenzoic acid 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid 4,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid 4-Carboxy-1,2-dihydroxybenzene A dihydroxybenzoic acid in which the hydroxy groups are located at positions 3 and 4. C(=O)(C1=CC(=C(C=C1)O)O)O C7H6O4 CAS:99-50-3 CHEBI:1380 CHEBI:16798 CHEBI:19879 CHEBI:20270 CHEBI:20272 CHEBI:36062 CHEBI:41912 HMDB:HMDB01856 InChI=1S/C7H6O4/c8-5-2-1-4(7(10)11)3-6(5)9/h1-3,8-9H,(H,10,11) KEGG:C00230 KNApSAcK:C00002668 MetaCyc:3-4-DIHYDROXYBENZOATE PDBeChem:DHB PMID:17709440 PMID:19160570 PMID:20840540 PMID:20973550 PMID:21569764 PMID:21619045 PMID:22770225 Protocatechuic acid Protocatehuic acid Reaxys:1448841 Wikipedia:Protocatechuic_acid YQUVCSBJEUQKSH-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology dihydroxybenzoate A hydroxybenzoate that is the conjugate base of dihydroxybenzoic acid. CHEBI:36084 chebi_ontology dihydroxybenzoate dihydroxybenzoates trihydroxybenzoate CHEBI:36085 chebi_ontology trihydroxybenzoates cinnamate ester CHEBI:36087 chebi_ontology cinnamate ester cinnamate esters cinnamates CHEBI:36091 chebi_ontology piperidinecarboxylate CHEBI:36109 chebi_ontology piperidinecarboxylates pipecolate 128.14960 A piperidinecarboxylate that is the conjugate base of pipecolic acid. C6H10NO2 CHEBI:26141 CHEBI:30914 CHEBI:36110 HXEACLLIILLPRG-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C6H11NO2/c8-6(9)5-3-1-2-4-7-5/h5,7H,1-4H2,(H,8,9)/p-1 [O-]C(=O)C1CCCCN1 chebi_ontology piperidine-2-carboxylate cyclitol carboxylic acid CHEBI:36123 chebi_ontology cyclitol carboxylic acids (+)-quinic acid (1R,3S,4R,5S)-1,3,4,5-tetrahydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid 192.16658 1D-1(OH),3,4/5-tetrahydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid AAWZDTNXLSGCEK-DRMQKGJZSA-N Beilstein:2212410 C7H12O6 CHEBI:36124 InChI=1S/C7H12O6/c8-3-1-7(13,6(11)12)2-4(9)5(3)10/h3-5,8-10,13H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,4-,5-,7+/m0/s1 O[C@H]1C[C@@](O)(C[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)C(O)=O Reaxys:2212410 The (+)-enantiomer of quinic acid. chebi_ontology cyclitol carboxylic acid anion CHEBI:36125 chebi_ontology cyclitol carboxylic acid anions cyclohexenecarboxylate CHEBI:36126 chebi_ontology cyclohexenecarboxylates cyclic terpene ketone An alicyclic ketone in which the carbocyclic ring structure forms part of a terpene skeleton. CHEBI:36130 chebi_ontology cyclic terpene ketone alicyclic ketone A cyclic ketone in which the carbocyclic ring structure which may be saturated or unsaturated, but may not be a benzenoid or other aromatic system. CHEBI:36132 alicyclic ketone alicyclic ketones chebi_ontology quinone CHEBI:13684 CHEBI:26517 CHEBI:36141 Chinon Compounds having a fully conjugated cyclic dione structure, such as that of benzoquinones, derived from aromatic compounds by conversion of an even number of -CH= groups into -C(=O)- groups with any necessary rearrangement of double bonds (polycyclic and heterocyclic analogues are included). Wikipedia:Quinone a quinone chebi_ontology quinone quinones quinones oxo dicarboxylic acid Any dicarboxylic acid carrying one or more oxo groups. CHEBI:36145 chebi_ontology oxo dicarboxylic acids oxo dicarboxylate CHEBI:36147 chebi_ontology oxo dicarboxylates oxo-dicarboxylic acid dianion oxo-dicarboxylic acid dianions butenedioate 114.05628 A C4-dicarboxylate that has formula C4H2O4. C4H2O4 CHEBI:22956 CHEBI:22957 CHEBI:36180 Gmelin:874013 InChI=1S/C4H4O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/p-2 VZCYOOQTPOCHFL-UHFFFAOYSA-L [H]C(=C([H])C([O-])=O)C([O-])=O but-2-enedioate chebi_ontology shikimate (3R,4S,5R)--3,4,5-trihydroxycyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylate 173.14336 A cyclohexenecarboxylate that is the conjugate base of shikimic acid. C7H9O5 CHEBI:15083 CHEBI:26663 CHEBI:36208 InChI=1S/C7H10O5/c8-4-1-3(7(11)12)2-5(9)6(4)10/h1,4-6,8-10H,2H2,(H,11,12)/p-1/t4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 JXOHGGNKMLTUBP-HSUXUTPPSA-M O[C@@H]1CC(=C[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology shikimate disaccharide A compound in which two monosaccharides are joined by a glycosidic bond. CHEBI:23844 CHEBI:36233 CHEBI:4654 Disaccharid Disaccharide Disacharid KEGG:C01911 chebi_ontology disacarido disacaridos disaccharides 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate 153.112 3,4-Dihydroxybenzoate 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate 4,5-dihydroxybenzoate A dihydroxybenzoate having the two hydroxy groups located at the 3- and 4-positions. C(=O)(C1=CC(=C(C=C1)O)O)[O-] C7H5O4 CHEBI:11694 CHEBI:14955 CHEBI:19878 CHEBI:36241 DrugBank:DB03946 InChI=1S/C7H6O4/c8-5-2-1-4(7(10)11)3-6(5)9/h1-3,8-9H,(H,10,11)/p-1 KEGG:C00230 MetaCyc:3-4-DIHYDROXYBENZOATE Reaxys:4921766 UM-BBD_compID:c0120 YQUVCSBJEUQKSH-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology caffeic acid 180.15740 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid A hydroxycinnamic acid that is cinnamic acid in which the phenyl ring is substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 3 and 4. It exists in cis and trans forms; the latter is the more common. Beilstein:2210883 C9H8O4 CHEBI:36281 HMDB:HMDB01964 InChI=1S/C9H8O4/c10-7-3-1-6(5-8(7)11)2-4-9(12)13/h1-5,10-11H,(H,12,13) KEGG:C01481 LINCS:LSM-5272 OC(=O)C=Cc1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PMID:11373473 PMID:15778121 PMID:18061431 PMID:18314336 PMID:18482095 PMID:20542693 PMID:8340025 QAIPRVGONGVQAS-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:2210883 chebi_ontology tricarboxylic acid monoanion CHEBI:36299 chebi_ontology tricarboxylic acid monoanions tricarboxylic acid dianion CHEBI:36300 chebi_ontology tricarboxylic acid dianions cyclic tetrapyrrole CHEBI:36309 chebi_ontology cyclic tetrapyrroles macrocyclic tetrapyrrole macrocyclic tetrapyrroles trypanocidal drug A drug used to treat or prevent infections caused by protozoal organisms belonging to the suborder Trypanosomatida. CHEBI:36335 antitrypanosomal agent antitrypanosomal agents antitrypanosomal drug antitrypanosomal drugs chebi_ontology trypanocidal drugs trypanocide trypanosomicidal agents strychnidine 320.42814 A quinoline alkaloid fundamental parent that has formula C21H24N2O. AGRTUYYPROFOFX-ZMUQRAOQSA-N Beilstein:44534 C21H24N2O CHEBI:36337 InChI=1S/C21H24N2O/c1-2-4-16-15(3-1)21-7-9-22-12-13-6-10-24-17-5-8-23(16)20(21)19(17)14(13)11-18(21)22/h1-4,6,14,17-20H,5,7-12H2/t14-,17-,18-,19-,20-,21+/m0/s1 [H][C@@]12CCN3c4ccccc4[C@]45CCN6CC(=CCO1)[C@]([H])(C[C@@]46[H])[C@]2([H])[C@]35[H] chebi_ontology strychnidine lepton CHEBI:36338 Lepton is a fermion that does not experience the strong force (strong interaction). The term is derived from the Greek lambdaepsilonpitauomicronsigma (small, thin). chebi_ontology leptons baryon Baryon is a fermion that does experience the strong force (strong interaction). The term is derived from the Greek betaalpharhoupsilonsigma (heavy). CHEBI:36339 baryons chebi_ontology fermion CHEBI:36340 Particle of half-integer spin quantum number following Fermi-Dirac statistics. Fermions are named after Enrico Fermi. chebi_ontology fermion fermions subatomic particle A particle smaller than an atom. CHEBI:36342 chebi_ontology subatomic particles composite particle A subatomic particle known to have substructure (i.e. consisting of smaller particles). CHEBI:36343 chebi_ontology composite particles hadron CHEBI:36344 Hadron is a subatomic particle which experiences the strong force. chebi_ontology hadrons nuclear particle A nucleus or any of its constituents in any of their energy states. CHEBI:36347 chebi_ontology nuclear particle polyatomic entity Any molecular entity consisting of more than one atom. CHEBI:36357 chebi_ontology polyatomic entities polyatomic ion An ion consisting of more than one atom. CHEBI:36358 chebi_ontology polyatomic ions phosphorus oxoacid derivative CHEBI:36359 chebi_ontology phosphorus oxoacid derivative phosphorus oxoacids and derivatives CHEBI:36360 chebi_ontology phosphorus oxoacids and derivatives saturated organic heterocyclic parent CHEBI:36388 chebi_ontology saturated heterocyclic parent hydride saturated heterocyclic parent hydrides saturated organic heterocyclic parents saturated organic heteromonocyclic parent CHEBI:36389 chebi_ontology saturated heteromonocyclic parent hydride saturated heteromonocyclic parent hydrides saturated organic heteromonocyclic parents monocyclic olefin A monocyclic hydrocarbon having any number of double bonds. CHEBI:36403 chebi_ontology monocyclic olefins bisabolane 1-(1,5-dimethylhexyl)-4-methylcyclohexane 210.39870 A terpenoid fundamental parent that has formula C15H30. Beilstein:2037504 C15H30 CC(C)CCCC(C)C1CCC(C)CC1 CHEBI:36480 InChI=1S/C15H30/c1-12(2)6-5-7-14(4)15-10-8-13(3)9-11-15/h12-15H,5-11H2,1-4H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0103060000 NOWQRWPUNHMSAF-UHFFFAOYSA-N bisabolane chebi_ontology oleanane 412.73388 A triterpene that has formula C30H52. Beilstein:3140799 C30H52 CHEBI:36481 InChI=1S/C30H52/c1-25(2)16-17-27(5)18-19-29(7)21(22(27)20-25)10-11-24-28(6)14-9-13-26(3,4)23(28)12-15-30(24,29)8/h21-24H,9-20H2,1-8H3/t21-,22+,23+,24-,27-,28+,29-,30-/m1/s1 VCNKUCWWHVTTBY-KQCVGMHHSA-N [H][C@]12CC[C@]3([H])[C@@]4(C)CCCC(C)(C)[C@]4([H])CC[C@@]3(C)[C@]1(C)CC[C@@]1(C)CCC(C)(C)C[C@@]21[H] chebi_ontology oleanane lupane 412.73388 A triterpene that has formula C30H52. Beilstein:2562721 C30H52 CAS:464-99-3 CHEBI:36485 InChI=1S/C30H52/c1-20(2)21-12-16-27(5)18-19-29(7)22(25(21)27)10-11-24-28(6)15-9-14-26(3,4)23(28)13-17-30(24,29)8/h20-25H,9-19H2,1-8H3/t21-,22+,23-,24+,25+,27+,28-,29+,30+/m0/s1 NKMDIWKRKQFYPH-VIUFNMEASA-N [H][C@]12CC[C@]3([H])[C@@]4(C)CCCC(C)(C)[C@]4([H])CC[C@@]3(C)[C@]1(C)CC[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@H](C(C)C)[C@]21[H] chebi_ontology lupane cadinane (1S,4S,4aS,6S,8aS)-1,6-dimethyl-4-(propan-2-yl)decahydronaphthalene (1S,4S,4aS,6S,8aS)-4-isopropyl-1,6-dimethyldecahydronaphthalene 208.38282 A sesquiterpene consisting of decalin having two methyl substituents at the 1- and 6-positions, an isopropyl substituent at the 4-position and (1S,4S,4aS,6S,8aS)-configuration. Beilstein:1433 C15H28 CHEBI:36513 FZZNNPQZDRVKLU-YTFOTSKYSA-N InChI=1S/C15H28/c1-10(2)13-8-6-12(4)14-7-5-11(3)9-15(13)14/h10-15H,5-9H2,1-4H3/t11-,12-,13-,14-,15-/m0/s1 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](C)C[C@@]1([H])[C@@H](CC[C@@H]2C)C(C)C cadinane chebi_ontology eudesmane (1R,4aR,7R,8aS)-1,4a-dimethyl-7-(propan-2-yl)decahydronaphthalene (1R,4aR,7R,8aS)-7-isopropyl-1,4a-dimethyldecahydronaphthalene 208.38280 A terpenoid fundamental parent that has formula C15H28. Beilstein:2498027 C15H28 CAS:473-11-0 CHEBI:36522 DYEQPYSFRWUNNV-APIJFGDWSA-N InChI=1S/C15H28/c1-11(2)13-7-9-15(4)8-5-6-12(3)14(15)10-13/h11-14H,5-10H2,1-4H3/t12-,13-,14+,15-/m1/s1 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](CC[C@@]1(C)CCC[C@H]2C)C(C)C chebi_ontology eudesmane humulane 1,1,4,8-tetramethylcycloundecane 210.39870 A terpenoid fundamental parent that has formula C15H30. Beilstein:1902327 C15H30 CC1CCCC(C)CCC(C)(C)CCC1 CHEBI:36523 InChI=1S/C15H30/c1-13-7-5-8-14(2)10-12-15(3,4)11-6-9-13/h13-14H,5-12H2,1-4H3 UTJJFHJHTZKQSW-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology humulane kaurane 274.48396 A diterpene that has formula C20H34. Beilstein:6791834 C20H34 CHEBI:36539 IVZWRQBQDVHDNG-XWIHJEQYSA-N InChI=1S/C20H34/c1-14-12-20-11-8-16-18(2,3)9-5-10-19(16,4)17(20)7-6-15(14)13-20/h14-17H,5-13H2,1-4H3/t14-,15+,16+,17-,19+,20+/m1/s1 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@]34C[C@@H](C)[C@@H](CC[C@]3([H])[C@@]1(C)CCCC2(C)C)C4 chebi_ontology kaurane ent-kaurane 274.48396 A diterpene that has formula C20H34. Beilstein:2043842 C20H34 CHEBI:36540 IVZWRQBQDVHDNG-KUIXFMFUSA-N InChI=1S/C20H34/c1-14-12-20-11-8-16-18(2,3)9-5-10-19(16,4)17(20)7-6-15(14)13-20/h14-17H,5-13H2,1-4H3/t14-,15+,16+,17-,19+,20+/m0/s1 [H][C@]12CC[C@]34C[C@H](C)[C@H](CC[C@@]3([H])[C@]1(C)CCCC2(C)C)C4 chebi_ontology main-group coordination entity A coordination entity in which the central atom to which the ligands are attached comes from groups 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18 of the periodic table. CHEBI:36562 chebi_ontology main group coordination compounds main-group coordination entities carbonyl compound Any compound containing the carbonyl group, C=O. The term is commonly used in the restricted sense of aldehydes and ketones, although it actually includes carboxylic acids and derivatives. CHEBI:36586 carbonyl compounds chebi_ontology organic oxo compound CHEBI:36587 Organic compounds containing an oxygen atom, =O, doubly bonded to carbon or another element. chebi_ontology organic oxo compounds oxo compounds fenchane 1,3,3-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptane 138.24992 A monoterpene that is bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane substituted by methy groups at positions 1, 3 and 3. C10H18 CAS:6248-88-0 CC1(C)CC2(C)CCC1C2 CHEBI:36611 HINAOCRDJFBYGD-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C10H18/c1-9(2)7-10(3)5-4-8(9)6-10/h8H,4-7H2,1-3H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102120027 PMID:20734952 chebi_ontology fenchane triterpenoid Any terpenoid derived from a triterpene. The term includes compounds in which the C30 skeleton of the parent triterpene has been rearranged or modified by the removal of one or more skeletal atoms (generally methyl groups). CHEBI:27151 CHEBI:36615 CHEBI:9748 KEGG:C06085 Triterpenoid chebi_ontology triterpenoides triterpenoids heterotricyclic compound CHEBI:36688 chebi_ontology heterotricyclic compound heterotricyclic compounds heterotricyclic compounds fenchane monoterpenoid CHEBI:36739 chebi_ontology fenchane monoterpenoids alpha-pinene (+-)-2-pinene (+-)-alpha-pinene 136.23404 2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene 2-pinene A pinene that is bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene substituted by methyl groups at positions 2, 6 and 6 respectively. Beilstein:3194807 C10H16 CAS:2437-95-8 CAS:80-56-8 CC1=CCC2CC1C2(C)C CHEBI:10326 CHEBI:22467 CHEBI:36740 GRWFGVWFFZKLTI-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-7-4-5-8-6-9(7)10(8,2)3/h4,8-9H,5-6H2,1-3H3 KEGG:C09880 KNApSAcK:C00000805 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102120017 MetaCyc:Alpha-pinene PMID:11868675 PMID:23513743 Reaxys:3194807 UM-BBD_compID:c0634 Wikipedia:Alpha-Pinene acintene A alpha-Pinene chebi_ontology pin-2(3)-ene pin-2-ene farnesane 2,6,10-trimethyldodecane 212.41458 A sesquiterpene that is dodecane substituted by methyl groups at positions 2, 6 and 10. Beilstein:1719672 C15H32 CAS:3891-98-3 CCC(C)CCCC(C)CCCC(C)C CHEBI:36756 Farnesan InChI=1S/C15H32/c1-6-14(4)10-8-12-15(5)11-7-9-13(2)3/h13-15H,6-12H2,1-5H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0103010000 MetaCyc:CPD-8764 Patent:US2008098645 Patent:US7399323 Reaxys:1719672 YFHFHLSMISYUAQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology farnesane farnesane sesquiterpenoid CHEBI:36757 chebi_ontology farnesane sesquiterpenoid farnesane sesquiterpenoids abietane diterpenoid A diterpenoid based on an abietane skeleton. CHEBI:36762 abietane diterpenoids chebi_ontology camphor 1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one 152.23340 2-bornanone 2-camphanone 2-keto-1,7,7-trimethylnorcamphane A cyclic monoterpene ketone that is bornane bearing an oxo substituent at position 2. A naturally occurring monoterpenoid. Beilstein:1907611 Beilstein:3196099 Beilstein:6475830 C10H16O CAS:464-48-2 CAS:76-22-2 CC1(C)C2CCC1(C)C(=O)C2 CHEBI:36773 Camphor DSSYKIVIOFKYAU-UHFFFAOYSA-N DrugBank:DB01744 Formosa camphor Gmelin:83275 InChI=1S/C10H16O/c1-9(2)7-4-5-10(9,3)8(11)6-7/h7H,4-6H2,1-3H3 Japan camphor KEGG:C00809 KEGG:C18369 KEGG:D00098 KNApSAcK:C00000135 Kampfer LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102120001 MetaCyc:Camphor PMID:17488023 PMID:19384733 PMID:20950270 PMID:21562741 PMID:21620923 PMID:21777420 PMID:21906366 Reaxys:3196099 Wikipedia:Camphor bornan-2-one camphor chebi_ontology gum camphor laurel camphor root bark oil spirit of camphor carbobicyclic compound A bicyclic compound in which all the ring atoms are carbon. CHEBI:36785 carbobicyclic compounds chebi_ontology tetralins 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalenes CHEBI:36786 Compounds containing a tetralin skeleton. chebi_ontology 3-hydroxy steroid 3-hydroxy steroids Any hydroxy steroid carrying a hydroxy group at position 3. CHEBI:36834 chebi_ontology 3beta-hydroxy steroid 3beta-hydroxy steroids A 3-hydroxy steroid in which the 3-hydroxy substituent is in the beta-position. CHEBI:36836 CHEBI:71195 PMID:10535978 PMID:12829805 a 3beta-hydroxysteroid chebi_ontology 6-hydroxy steroid 6-hydroxy steroids CHEBI:36849 chebi_ontology 6alpha-hydroxy steroid 6alpha-hydroxy steroids CHEBI:36850 chebi_ontology hydroxy seco-steroid CHEBI:36853 chebi_ontology hydroxy seco-steroids elemental fluorine CHEBI:36892 chebi_ontology monoatomic fluorine CHEBI:36895 F atomic fluorine chebi_ontology elemental selenium CAS:7782-49-2 CHEBI:36904 chebi_ontology elemental selenium inorganic ion CHEBI:36914 chebi_ontology inorganic ions inorganic cation CHEBI:36915 chebi_ontology inorganic cations cation A monoatomic or polyatomic species having one or more elementary charges of the proton. CHEBI:23058 CHEBI:3473 CHEBI:36916 Cation KEGG:C01373 Kation Kationen cation cationes cations chebi_ontology chalcocarbonic acid CHEBI:36961 chalcocarbonic acid chalcocarbonic acids chalcocarbonic acids chebi_ontology organochalcogen compound An organochalcogen compound is a compound containing at least one carbon-chalcogen bond. CHEBI:36962 chebi_ontology organochalcogen compound organochalcogen compounds organooxygen compound An organochalcogen compound containing at least one carbon-oxygen bond. CHEBI:36963 PMID:17586126 chebi_ontology organooxygen compound organooxygen compounds nucleotide A nucleotide is a nucleoside phosphate. It is a phosphate ester that has a nucleoside moiety and has at least one phosphate moiety attached to the C-5 carbon of the ribose or deoxyribose moiety. CHEBI:13215 CHEBI:13663 CHEBI:36976 CHEBI:7656 KEGG:C00215 Nucleotide a nucleotide chebi_ontology nucleotides ribonucleoside 5'-monophosphate CHEBI:1976 CHEBI:1977 CHEBI:20500 CHEBI:36996 CHEBI:37010 chebi_ontology ribonucleoside 5'-monophosphates ribonucleoside 5'-phosphate CHEBI:37015 chebi_ontology ribonucleoside 5'-phosphates purine ribonucleoside 5'-monophosphate CHEBI:37021 chebi_ontology purine ribonucleoside 5'-monophosphates amino-acid anion CHEBI:37022 amino acid anions amino-acid anion amino-acid anions chebi_ontology purine ribonucleoside 5'-diphosphate CHEBI:37038 chebi_ontology purine ribonucleoside 5'-diphosphates 3-hydroxybutyrate 103.09658 3-OH butyrate 3-OH-butyrate 3-hydroxybutanoate A hydroxy fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of 3-hydroxybutyric acid, obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group; major species at pH 7.3. Beilstein:4127635 C4H7O3 CC(O)CC([O-])=O CHEBI:37054 DL-3-hydroxybutyrate InChI=1S/C4H8O3/c1-3(5)2-4(6)7/h3,5H,2H2,1H3,(H,6,7)/p-1 Reaxys:4127635 WHBMMWSBFZVSSR-UHFFFAOYSA-M beta-hydroxy-n-butyrate beta-hydroxybutanoate chebi_ontology ribonucleoside 5'-diphosphate CHEBI:37075 chebi_ontology ribonucleoside 5'-diphosphates adenosine 5'-phosphate CHEBI:37096 adenosine 5'-phosphates chebi_ontology nucleoside bisphosphate CHEBI:37123 chebi_ontology nucleoside bisphosphates strontium molecular entity CHEBI:37131 chebi_ontology strontium compounds strontium molecular entities strontium molecular entity barium molecular entity CHEBI:37133 barium compounds barium molecular entities barium molecular entity chebi_ontology elemental barium CHEBI:37134 chebi_ontology barium(2+) 137.32700 A barium cation that has formula 137.32700. BARIUM ION Ba Ba(2+) Ba2+ Barium CAS:22541-12-4 CHEBI:32593 CHEBI:34552 CHEBI:37136 CHEBI:49494 Gmelin:6848 InChI=1S/Ba/q+2 KEGG:C13881 PDBeChem:BA XDFCIPNJCBUZJN-UHFFFAOYSA-N [Ba++] barium(2+) barium(2+) ion barium(II) cation chebi_ontology fumarate(1-) (2E)-3-carboxyacrylate (2E)-3-carboxyprop-2-enoate 115.06422 A hydrogen butenedioate obtained by deprotonation of one of the carboxy groups of fumaric acid. Beilstein:1906438 C4H3O4 CHEBI:37154 Gmelin:325290 InChI=1S/C4H4O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/p-1/b2-1+ OC(=O)\C=C\C([O-])=O Reaxys:1906438 VZCYOOQTPOCHFL-OWOJBTEDSA-M chebi_ontology fumarate monoanion hydrogen fumarate hydrogen butenedioate 115.06422 3-carboxyacrylate 3-carboxyprop-2-enoate A dicarboxylic acid monoanion that has formula C4H3O4. Beilstein:5244783 C4H3O4 CHEBI:37155 Gmelin:1342303 InChI=1S/C4H4O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/p-1 VZCYOOQTPOCHFL-UHFFFAOYSA-M [H]C(=C([H])C([O-])=O)C(O)=O chebi_ontology organic hydride CHEBI:37175 chebi_ontology organic hydrides mononuclear parent hydride CHEBI:37176 chebi_ontology mononuclear hydride mononuclear hydrides mononuclear parent hydrides hexol A polyol that contains 6 hydroxy groups. CHEBI:37206 chebi_ontology hexol hexols elemental molybdenum CHEBI:37237 chebi_ontology molybdenum cation CHEBI:37239 Mo Mo cation chebi_ontology molybdenum cation molybdenum cations adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate CHEBI:37240 adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphates chebi_ontology elemental potassium CHEBI:37247 chebi_ontology elemental zinc CHEBI:37253 chebi_ontology elemental copper CHEBI:37404 chebi_ontology cyclic ether Any ether in which the oxygen atom forms part of a ring. CHEBI:37406 CHEBI:37407 chebi_ontology cyclic ether cyclic ethers cyclic ethers epoxy compounds epoxy compounds hydroxyanthraquinones An anthraquinone substituted with one or more hydroxy groups. CHEBI:13829 CHEBI:24672 CHEBI:37485 an hydroxyanthraquinone chebi_ontology trihydroxyanthraquinone A member of the class of hydroxyanthraquinones carrying three hydroxy substituents. C14H8O5 CHEBI:37488 Wikipedia:Trihydroxyanthraquinone chebi_ontology trihydroxy-9,10-anthraquinones acid Acid An acid is a molecular entity capable of donating a hydron (Bronsted acid) or capable of forming a covalent bond with an electron pair (Lewis acid). CHEBI:13800 CHEBI:13801 CHEBI:22209 CHEBI:2426 CHEBI:37527 KEGG:C00174 Saeure Saeuren acid acide acido acids an acid chebi_ontology fatty acyl-CoA 794.53600 An acyl-CoA that results from the formal condensation of the thiol group of coenzyme A with the carboxy group of any fatty acid. C22H35N7O17P3SR CC(C)(COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP(O)(O)=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC([*])=O CHEBI:24025 CHEBI:37554 CHEBI:4987 Fatty acyl CoA PMID:11524729 PMID:20442897 PMID:2079609 chebi_ontology fatty acyl-coenzyme A fatty acyl-coenzyme As alpha-L-arabinofuranoside CHEBI:10287 CHEBI:22418 CHEBI:37572 KEGG:C03645 alpha-L-Arabinofuranoside alpha-L-arabinofuranosides chebi_ontology heteroatomic molecular entity A molecular entity consisting of two or more chemical elements. CHEBI:37577 chebi_ontology chemical compound heteroatomic molecular entities gamma-lactone 1,4-Lactone 1,4-lactones A lactone having a five-membered lactone ring. CHEBI:13194 CHEBI:18937 CHEBI:22971 CHEBI:37581 CHEBI:541 PMID:18789684 a 1,4-lactone butyrolactones chebi_ontology gamma-Laktone gamma-lactona gamma-lactonas gamma-lactones cis-octadec-9-ene (9Z)-octadec-9-ene (Z)-9-octadecene 252.47844 An octadec-9-ene that has formula C18H36. Beilstein:1721559 C18H36 CAS:1779-13-1 CCCCCCCC\C=C/CCCCCCCC CHEBI:37604 HSNQNPCNYIJJHT-ZCXUNETKSA-N InChI=1S/C18H36/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h17-18H,3-16H2,1-2H3/b18-17- chebi_ontology cis-9-octadecene octadec-9-ene 252.47844 An octadecene that has formula C18H36. Beilstein:8330440 C18H36 CHEBI:37605 HSNQNPCNYIJJHT-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C18H36/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h17-18H,3-16H2,1-2H3 [H]C(CCCCCCCC)=C([H])CCCCCCCC chebi_ontology octadec-9-ene octadecene An alkene that is octadecane containing one double bond at unspecified position. C18H36 CHEBI:37606 chebi_ontology octadecene L-galactose C6H12O6 CHEBI:37618 L-Gal L-galacto-hexose L-galactose chebi_ontology L-galactopyranose 180.15588 Beilstein:1423216 C6H12O6 CHEBI:37619 Gmelin:1420663 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6?/m0/s1 L-galactopyranose L-galactose OC[C@@H]1OC(O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O Reaxys:1423216 The L-enantiomer of galactopyranose. WQZGKKKJIJFFOK-DHVFOXMCSA-N chebi_ontology beta-L-galactose 180.15588 A L-galactopyranose with a beta-configuration at the anomeric position. Beilstein:1907370 C6H12O6 CHEBI:37620 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6-/m0/s1 OC[C@@H]1O[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O Reaxys:1907370 WQZGKKKJIJFFOK-KGJVWPDLSA-N beta-L-galactopyranose chebi_ontology galactopyranose C6H12O6 CHEBI:37621 The pyranose form of galactose. chebi_ontology galactopyranose carboxamide 42.01680 An amide of a carboxylic acid, having the structure RC(=O)NR2. The term is used as a suffix in systematic name formation to denote the -C(=O)NH2 group including its carbon atom. CHEBI:35354 CHEBI:35355 CHEBI:37622 CNOR3 [*]C(=O)N([*])[*] carboxamides carboxamides chebi_ontology primary carboxamide L-glucose Beilstein:1724626 C6H12O6 CAS:921-60-8 CHEBI:37624 L(-)-glucose L-gluco-hexose L-glucose chebi_ontology L-glucopyranose 180.15588 Beilstein:2206321 C6H12O6 CHEBI:37627 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6?/m0/s1 L-glucopyranose OC[C@@H]1OC(O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O Reaxys:2206321 The L-enantiomer of glucopyranose. WQZGKKKJIJFFOK-ZZWDRFIYSA-N chebi_ontology beta-L-glucose 180.15588 A L-glucopyranose with a beta-configuration at the anomeric position. Beilstein:1907373 C6H12O6 CHEBI:37631 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6-/m0/s1 OC[C@@H]1O[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O Reaxys:1907373 WQZGKKKJIJFFOK-QYESYBIKSA-N beta-L-glucopyranose chebi_ontology oleanolic acid 3beta-Hydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid 3beta-hydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid 456.70030 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is olean-12-en-28-oic acid substituted by a beta-hydroxy group at position 3. Astrantiagenin C C30H48O3 CAS:508-02-1 CHEBI:37659 Caryophyllin Giganteumgenin C InChI=1S/C30H48O3/c1-25(2)14-16-30(24(32)33)17-15-28(6)19(20(30)18-25)8-9-22-27(5)12-11-23(31)26(3,4)21(27)10-13-29(22,28)7/h8,20-23,31H,9-18H2,1-7H3,(H,32,33)/t20-,21-,22+,23-,27-,28+,29+,30-/m0/s1 KEGG:C17148 MIJYXULNPSFWEK-GTOFXWBISA-N Oleanic acid PMID:15541359 PMID:24393202 Virgaureagenin B Wikipedia:Oleanolic_acid [H][C@@]12CC(C)(C)CC[C@@]1(CC[C@]1(C)C2=CC[C@]2([H])[C@@]3(C)CC[C@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]12C)C(O)=O chebi_ontology glucopyranose C6H12O6 CHEBI:37661 chebi_ontology glucopyranose sesquiterpene lactone Any member of a diverse class of complex, multicyclic phytochemicals showing a variety of skeleton arrangements and bioactivities, and having in common a sesquiterpenoid structure including a lactone ring. CHEBI:37667 chebi_ontology sesquiterpene lactones terpene lactone CHEBI:37668 chebi_ontology terpene lactones protein kinase inhibitor An EC 2.7.* (P-containing group transferase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of protein kinases. CHEBI:37699 chebi_ontology protein kinase inhibitors phosphatidyl oligosaccharide CHEBI:37711 chebi_ontology phosphatidyl oligosaccharides phosphoric ester CHEBI:26019 CHEBI:37734 chebi_ontology phosphate esters phosphoric esters elemental silicon CHEBI:37763 chebi_ontology butane 58.12220 A straight chain alkane composed of 4 carbon atoms. Beilstein:969129 C4H10 CAS:106-97-8 CCCC CHEBI:22945 CHEBI:25462 CHEBI:37808 CHEBI:44430 E 943a E-943a E943a Gmelin:1148 IJDNQMDRQITEOD-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C4H10/c1-3-4-2/h3-4H2,1-2H3 N-BUTANE PDBeChem:NBU PMID:24179026 R-600 Reaxys:969129 Wikipedia:Butane butane chebi_ontology n-Butan n-C4H10 n-butane carboacyl group A carboacyl group is a group formed by loss of at least one OH from the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid. CHEBI:37838 carboacyl groups carboxylic acyl group carboxylic acyl groups chebi_ontology plant hormone A plant growth regulator that modulates the formation of stems, leaves and flowers, as well as the development and ripening of fruit. The term includes endogenous and non-endogenous compounds (e.g. active compounds produced by bacteria on the leaf surface) as well as semi-synthetic and fully synthetic compounds. CHEBI:26158 CHEBI:37848 Wikipedia:Phytohormone chebi_ontology phytohormone phytohormones plant growth factor plant growth factors plant growth hormone plant growth hormones plant hormones hydroxycoumarin Any coumarin carrying at least one hydroxy substituent. CHEBI:24691 CHEBI:24692 CHEBI:37912 chebi_ontology hydroxycoumarins oxaspiro compound A spiro compound in which at least one of the cyclic components is an oxygen heterocyle. CHEBI:37948 chebi_ontology oxaspiro compounds dye CHEBI:37958 Farbstoff Farbstoffe chebi_ontology colorante colorantes dyes teinture teintures pyranone Any of a class of cyclic chemical compounds that contain an unsaturated six-membered ring with one ring oxygen atom and an oxo substituent. CHEBI:37963 chebi_ontology oxopyrans pyranone pyranones pyrone pyrones carbotricyclic compound A carbopolyclic compound comprising of three carbocyclic rings. CHEBI:38032 carbotricyclic compounds chebi_ontology antimalarial A drug used in the treatment of malaria. Antimalarials are usually classified on the basis of their action against Plasmodia at different stages in their life cycle in the human. CHEBI:38068 antimalarials chebi_ontology anti-arrhythmia drug A drug used for the treatment or prevention of cardiac arrhythmias. Anti-arrhythmia drugs may affect the polarisation-repolarisation phase of the action potential, its excitability or refractoriness, or impulse conduction or membrane responsiveness within cardiac fibres. CHEBI:38070 antiarrhythmic agent chebi_ontology polypyrrole A compound composed of two or more pyrrole units. Beilstein:8538310 CHEBI:38077 PPys chebi_ontology poly(pyrrole)s polypyrroles organonitrogen heterocyclic compound Any organonitrogen compound containing a cyclic component with nitrogen and at least one other element as ring member atoms. CHEBI:38101 chebi_ontology heterocyclic organonitrogen compounds organonitrogen heterocyclic compounds oxacycle Any organic heterocyclic compound containing at least one ring oxygen atom. CHEBI:38104 PMID:17134300 chebi_ontology heterocyclic organooxygen compounds organooxygen heterocyclic compounds oxacycles lactol CHEBI:38131 Cyclic hemiacetals formed by intramolecular addition of a hydroxy group to an aldehydic or ketonic carbonyl group. They are thus 1-oxacycloalkan-2-ols or unsaturated analogues. chebi_ontology lactol lactols lactols Collagen C4H6N2O3R2(C7H9N2O2R)n CAS:9064-67-9 CHEBI:3815 Collagen KEGG:C00211 chebi_ontology chelator A ligand with two or more separate binding sites that can bind to a single metallic central atom, forming a chelate. CHEBI:23090 CHEBI:3585 CHEBI:38161 CHEBI:6789 Chelating agent KEGG:C00917 KEGG:C02169 Metal chelator chebi_ontology chelating agents chelators complexon organic heterotetracyclic compound CHEBI:38163 chebi_ontology organic heterotetracyclic compounds organic heteropentacyclic compound CHEBI:38164 chebi_ontology organic heteropentacyclic compounds organic heteropolycyclic compound CHEBI:25429 CHEBI:38075 CHEBI:38166 chebi_ontology organic heteropolycyclic compounds monocyclic heteroarene CHEBI:38179 chebi_ontology monocyclic heteroarenes polycyclic heteroarene CHEBI:38180 chebi_ontology polycyclic heteroarenes pyridinemonocarboxylate A monocarboxylic acid anion resulting from the removal of a proton from the carboxy group of a pyridinemonocarboxylic acid. A 'closed class'. CHEBI:38181 chebi_ontology pyridinemonocarboxylates phytotoxin Any toxin produced by a plant. CHEBI:38231 chebi_ontology phytotoxins DNA polymerase inhibitor Any inhibitor of a DNA polymerase. CHEBI:38234 chebi_ontology magnesium tetrapyrrole CHEBI:38251 chebi_ontology magnesium tetrapyrroles pyrrolidines Any of a class of heterocyclic amines having a saturated five-membered ring. CHEBI:26922 CHEBI:38191 CHEBI:38260 chebi_ontology 2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid 119.11920 2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid AYFVYJQAPQTCCC-UHFFFAOYSA-N An alpha-amino acid that is butanoic acid substituted by an amino group at position 2 and a hydroxy group at position 3. Beilstein:1098902 C4H9NO3 CC(O)C(N)C(O)=O CHEBI:38263 InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8) chebi_ontology 2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid 131.17296 2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid A branched chain amino acid that consists of 3-methylpentanoic acid bearing an amino substituent at position 2. AGPKZVBTJJNPAG-UHFFFAOYSA-N C6H13NO2 CAS:443-79-8 CCC(C)C(N)C(O)=O CHEBI:38264 InChI=1S/C6H13NO2/c1-3-4(2)5(7)6(8)9/h4-5H,3,7H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9) KEGG:C16434 PMID:10944265 Reaxys:1721790 chebi_ontology benzodioxoles CHEBI:38298 chebi_ontology camphene 136.23404 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylenebicyclo[2.2.1]heptane 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylenenorbornane 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylidenebicyclo[2.2.1]heptane 3,3-dimethyl-2-methylenenorbornane 3,3-dimethyl-2-methylenenorcamphane A monoterpene with a bicyclic skeleton that is bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane substituted by geminal methyl groups at position 2 and a methylidene group at position 3. It is a widespread natural product found in many essential oils. C10H16 CAS:79-92-5 CC1(C)C2CCC(C2)C1=C CHEBI:3830 CRPUJAZIXJMDBK-UHFFFAOYSA-N Camphene Comphene HMDB:HMDB59839 InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-7-8-4-5-9(6-8)10(7,2)3/h8-9H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3 KEGG:C06076 KNApSAcK:C00003029 PMID:15949824 PMID:23513745 Reaxys:1903765 Wikipedia:Camphene chebi_ontology diazines Any organic heterocyclic compound containing a benzene ring in which two of the C-H fragments have been replaced by isolobal nitrogens (the diazine parent structure). CHEBI:38313 chebi_ontology cholinergic drug Any drug used for its actions on cholinergic systems. Included here are agonists and antagonists, drugs that affect the life cycle of acetylcholine, and drugs that affect the survival of cholinergic neurons. CHEBI:38323 chebi_ontology cholinergic agent cholinergic drugs cholinomimetic cholinergic agonist Any drug that binds to and activates cholinergic receptors. CHEBI:38324 acetylcholine agonist acetylcholine agonists acetylcholine receptor agonist chebi_ontology cholinergic agonists cholinomimetic cholinomimetics muscarinic agonist Any drug that binds to and activates a muscarinic cholinergic receptor. CHEBI:38325 chebi_ontology muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist muscarinic agonists muscarinic cholinergic agonist muscarinic cholinergic agonists pyrimidone A pyrimidine carrying one or more oxo substituents. CHEBI:38337 chebi_ontology pyrimidones 1-benzopyran 1-benzopyrans CHEBI:38443 chebi_ontology chromenone CHEBI:38445 chebi_ontology chromenones EC (acetylcholinesterase) inhibitor AChEI AcCholE inhibitor AcCholE inhibitors An EC 3.1.1.* (carboxylic ester hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of enzyme acetylcholinesterase (EC, which helps breaking down of acetylcholine into choline and acetic acid. CHEBI:38462 EC (acetylcholinesterase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Acetylcholinesterase_inhibitor acetyl.beta-methylcholinesterase inhibitor acetyl.beta-methylcholinesterase inhibitors acetylcholine acetylhydrolase inhibitor acetylcholine acetylhydrolase inhibitors acetylcholine esterase inhibitor acetylcholine hydrolase inhibitor acetylcholine hydrolase inhibitors acetylcholinesterase (EC inhibitor acetylcholinesterase (EC inhibitors acetylcholinesterase inhibitor acetylcholinesterase inhibitors acetylthiocholinesterase inhibitor acetylthiocholinesterase inhibitors chebi_ontology choline esterase I inhibitor choline esterase I inhibitors cholinesterase inhibitor cholinesterase inhibitors true cholinesterase inhibitor true cholinesterase inhibitors indole alkaloid fundamental parent CHEBI:38482 chebi_ontology indole alkaloid fundamental parents electron-transport chain inhibitor CHEBI:38496 ETC inhibitor chebi_ontology electron transport chain inhibitors respiratory-chain inhibitor CHEBI:38497 chebi_ontology respiratory chain inhibitor respiratory electron-transport chain inhibitor respiratory-chain inhibitors quinoline alkaloid fundamental parent CHEBI:38514 chebi_ontology quinoline alkaloid fundamental parents isoquinoline alkaloid fundamental parent CHEBI:38515 chebi_ontology isoquinoline alkaloid fundamental parents spermidine alkaloid CHEBI:38524 chebi_ontology spermidine alkaloids terpene alkaloid fundamental parent CHEBI:38525 chebi_ontology terpene alkaloid fundamental parents pyridine alkaloid fundamental parent CHEBI:38528 chebi_ontology pyridine alkaloid fundamental parents cyclopentapyran CHEBI:38606 chebi_ontology cyclopentapyrans aminoalkylindole CHEBI:22503 CHEBI:24792 CHEBI:38631 aminoalkylindoles chebi_ontology membrane transport modulator Any agent that affects the transport of molecular entities across a biological membrane. CHEBI:38632 chebi_ontology membrane transport modulators tyrosine kinase inhibitor Any protein kinase inhibitor that interferes with the action of tyrosine kinase. CHEBI:38637 TKI inhibitor TKI inhibitors Wikipedia:Tyrosine-kinase_inhibitor chebi_ontology protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors tyrosine kinase inhibitors tyrphostin tyrphostins trimethylbenzene C9H12 CAS:25551-13-7 CHEBI:38641 chebi_ontology methylxylene trimethyl benzene trimethylbenzene trimethylbenzenes methylbutyric acid A methyl-branched fatty acid comprising a butyric acid core carrying a single methyl substituent. C5H10O2 CHEBI:38653 PMID:13105653 chebi_ontology methylbutanoic acid flavans Any flavonoid with a 3,4-dihydro-2-aryl-2H-1-benzopyran skeleton and its substituted derivatives. CHEBI:38672 [*]c1c([*])c([*])c(c([*])c1[*])C1([*])Oc2c([*])c([*])c([*])c([*])c2C([*])([*])C1([*])[*] chebi_ontology tetrahydroxyflavone Any hydroxyflavone carrying four hydroxy substituents. CHEBI:26924 CHEBI:27117 CHEBI:38684 chebi_ontology tetrahydroxyflavone tetrahydroxyflavones carboxylic acid dianion Any dianion containing at least one carboxy group. CHEBI:38716 carboxylic acid dianion carboxylic acid dianions chebi_ontology carboxylic acid trianion A trianion containing at least one carboxy group. CHEBI:38717 carboxylic acid trianion carboxylic acid trianions chebi_ontology monomethoxyflavanone Any methoxyflavanone that is flavanone substituted by a methoxy group. CHEBI:38738 chebi_ontology monomethoxyflavanones trihydroxyflavanone A hydroxyflavanone carrying three hydroxy substituents. CHEBI:38739 chebi_ontology trihydroxyflavanones tetrahydroxyflavanone A hydroxyflavanone with atleast four hydroxy substituents. CHEBI:38742 chebi_ontology tetrahydroxyflavanones dihydroxyflavanone Any hydroxyflavanone carrying two hydroxy substituents. CHEBI:38749 chebi_ontology dihydroxyflavanones triamine Any polyamine that contained three amino groups. CHEBI:38751 chebi_ontology triamines hydroxyisoflavone CHEBI:38755 Member of the class of isoflavones bearing at least one hydroxy group. chebi_ontology hydroxyisoflavones methoxyisoflavone CHEBI:38756 Members of the class of isoflavones with at least one methoxy substituent. chebi_ontology methoxyisoflavones isoflavones Any isoflavonoid with a 3-aryl-1-benzopyran-4-one (3-aryl-4H-chromen-4-one) skeleton and its substituted derivatives. CHEBI:24889 CHEBI:24894 CHEBI:38757 MetaCyc:Isoflavones [*]c1oc2c([*])c([*])c([*])c([*])c2c(=O)c1-c1c([*])c([*])c([*])c([*])c1[*] an isoflavone chebi_ontology isoflavones Coriamyrtin 278.301 A gamma-lactone that has formula C15H18O5. BWWDLKVKPVKBGJ-TWMZOSGRSA-N C15H18O5 CAS:2571-86-0 CC(=C)[C@@H]1[C@@H]2C[C@@]3(C)[C@@]4(CO4)[C@@H]4O[C@@H]4[C@@]3(O)[C@H]1C(=O)O2 CHEBI:3882 Coriamyrtin InChI=1S/C15H18O5/c1-6(2)8-7-4-13(3)14(5-18-14)10-11(20-10)15(13,17)9(8)12(16)19-7/h7-11,17H,1,4-5H2,2-3H3/t7-,8+,9+,10+,11-,13-,14+,15-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09379 KNApSAcK:C00003238 chebi_ontology benzofurochromene An organic heteropolycyclic compound whose skeleton consists of a chromene ring fused onto a 1-benzofuran ring, together with their substituted derivatives. CHEBI:38834 benzofurochromenes chebi_ontology indole alkaloid An alkaloid containing an indole skeleton. CHEBI:24795 CHEBI:38958 CHEBI:5901 Indole alkaloid KEGG:C06073 Wikipedia:Indole_alkaloid chebi_ontology indole alkaloids methylbenzene Any alkylbenzene that is benzene substituted with one or more methyl groups. CHEBI:38975 chebi_ontology methylbenzenes alkylbenzene A monocyclic arene that is benzene substituted with one or more alkyl groups. Alkylbenzol CHEBI:38976 alkylbenzene alkylbenzenes chebi_ontology calcium cation CHEBI:39123 Ca calcium cation calcium cations chebi_ontology calcium ion CHEBI:39124 Ca calcium ion calcium ions chebi_ontology barium cation Ba CHEBI:39125 barium cation barium cations chebi_ontology barium ion Ba CHEBI:39126 barium ion barium ions chebi_ontology magnesium cation Any magnesium ion that is positively charged. CHEBI:39127 Mg chebi_ontology magnesium cation magnesium ion CHEBI:39128 Mg chebi_ontology magnesium ion magnesium ions strontium cation CHEBI:39129 Sr Sr cation chebi_ontology strontium cation strontium cations strontium ion CHEBI:39130 Sr chebi_ontology strontium ion strontium ions elemental strontium CHEBI:39131 chebi_ontology Bronsted acid A molecular entity capable of donating a hydron to an acceptor (Bronsted base). Bronsted acid Bronsted-Saeure CHEBI:39141 acide de Bronsted chebi_ontology donneur d'hydron hydron donor Bronsted base A molecular entity capable of accepting a hydron from a donor (Bronsted acid). Bronsted base Bronsted-Base CHEBI:39142 accepteur d'hydron base de Bronsted chebi_ontology hydron acceptor Lewis base A molecular entity able to provide a pair of electrons and thus capable of forming a covalent bond with an electron-pair acceptor (Lewis acid), thereby producing a Lewis adduct. CHEBI:39144 Lewis base Lewis-Base base de Lewis chebi_ontology donneur d'une paire d'electrons electron donor dibenzopyrrole CHEBI:39205 chebi_ontology dibenzopyrroles alpha-farnesene 2,6,10-trimethyldodeca-2,6,9,11-tetraene 204.35106 3,7,11-trimethyl-1,3,6,10-dodecatetraene 3,7,11-trimethyldodeca-1,3,6,10-tetraene A farnesene that is 1,3,6,10-tetraene substituted by methyl groups at positions 3, 7 and 11 respectively. Beilstein:1702194 C15H24 CAS:502-61-4 CHEBI:39236 CXENHBSYCFFKJS-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-6-14(4)10-8-12-15(5)11-7-9-13(2)3/h6,9-10,12H,1,7-8,11H2,2-5H3 [H]C(CC([H])=C(C)C=C)=C(C)CCC=C(C)C chebi_ontology farnesene A sesquiterpene that is any of the four possible isomers of 3,7,11-trimethyl-1,3,6,10-dodecatetraene (alpha-farnesene) or of the two possible isomers of 7,11-dimethyl-3-methylene-1,6,10-dodecatriene. C15H24 CHEBI:39237 Wikipedia:Farnesene chebi_ontology growth regulator Any chemical substance that inhibits the life-cycle of an organism. CHEBI:39317 chebi_ontology growth regulators branched-chain saturated fatty acid Any saturated fatty acid with a carbon side-chain or isopropyl termination. CHEBI:39417 branched saturated fatty acid branched saturated fatty acids branched-chain saturated fatty acid branched-chain saturated fatty acids chebi_ontology straight-chain saturated fatty acid Any saturated fatty acid lacking a side-chain. CHEBI:39418 PMID:15644336 chebi_ontology straight-chain saturated fatty acid straight-chain saturated fatty acids furochromene CHEBI:39432 chebi_ontology furochromenes fluorescent probe A role played by a fluorescent molecular entity used to study the microscopic environment by fluorescence spectroscopy. CHEBI:39442 chebi_ontology pyrimidine ribonucleosides CHEBI:13784 CHEBI:26445 CHEBI:39446 CHEBI:7263 chebi_ontology pyrimidines Any compound having a pyrimidine as part of its structure. CHEBI:13681 CHEBI:26448 CHEBI:39447 chebi_ontology polyazaalkane Any azaalkane in which two or more carbons in the chain are replaced by nitrogen. CHEBI:39474 chebi_ontology polyazaalkanes dihydrogenphosphate 96.98724 A monovalent inorganic anion that consists of phosphoric acid in which one of the three OH groups has been deprotonated. CHEBI:29137 CHEBI:39739 CHEBI:39745 DIHYDROGENPHOSPHATE ION DrugBank:DB02831 Gmelin:1999 H2O4P H2PO4(-) InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4)/p-1 NBIIXXVUZAFLBC-UHFFFAOYSA-M PDBeChem:2HP [H]OP([O-])(=O)O[H] [PO2(OH)2](-) chebi_ontology dihydrogen(tetraoxidophosphate)(1-) dihydrogenphosphate dihydrogentetraoxophosphate(1-) dihydrogentetraoxophosphate(V) dihydroxidodioxidophosphate(1-) cyclic ketone CHEBI:3992 Cyclic ketone KEGG:C02019 chebi_ontology cyclic ketones N,N,N-trimethylglycinium 118.154 A quaternary ammonium ion in which the substituents on nitrogen are methyl (three) and carboxymethyl. Beilstein:1758492 C5H12NO2 CHEBI:12531 CHEBI:41134 CHEBI:41139 DrugBank:DB04455 ECMDB:ECMDB04024 Gmelin:324712 InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-6(2,3)4-5(7)8/h4H2,1-3H3/p+1 KWIUHFFTVRNATP-UHFFFAOYSA-O PDBeChem:BET Reaxys:1758492 TRIMETHYL GLYCINE [N+](C)(C)(C)CC(=O)O carboxy-N,N,N-trimethylmethanaminium chebi_ontology 5-hydroxymethylfurfural 126.11000 2-Hydroxymethyl-5-furfural 5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-furancarbonal 5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-furancarboxaldehyde 5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-furfural 5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-furfuraldehyde 5-(Hydroxymethyl)furan-2-aldehyde 5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfural 5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfurole 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furaldehyde 5-(hydroxymethyl)furan-2-carbaldehyde 5-HMF 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-formylfuran 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furancarbaldehyde 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furfural 5-Hydroxymethylfuraldehyde 5-Hydroxymethylfuran-2-aldehyde 5-Hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde 5-Oxymethylfurfurole 5-hydroxymethylfurfural A member of the class of furans that is furan which is substituted at positions 2 and 5 by formyl and hydroxymethyl substituents, respectively. Virtually absent from fresh foods, it is naturally generated in sugar-containing foods during storage, and especially by drying or cooking. It is the causative component in honey that affects the presystemic metabolism and pharmacokinetics of GZ in-vivo. Beilstein:110889 C6H6O3 CAS:67-47-0 CHEBI:2077 CHEBI:412516 CHEBI:42598 Gmelin:278693 HMDB:HMDB34355 HMF Hydroxymethylfurfural Hydroxymethylfurfuralaldehyde Hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde Hydroxymethylfurfurole InChI=1S/C6H6O3/c7-3-5-1-2-6(4-8)9-5/h1-3,8H,4H2 KEGG:C11101 KNApSAcK:C00029547 MetaCyc:CPD-11572 NOEGNKMFWQHSLB-UHFFFAOYSA-N PDBeChem:FUX PMID:1556177 PMID:20082406 PMID:20420424 PMID:21838257 PMID:22264628 PMID:22757699 PMID:23106038 PMID:24001819 PMID:24054253 PMID:24054256 PMID:24399510 PMID:24399607 PMID:24408726 PMID:24444020 PMID:24518321 PMID:2917974 PMID:6391997 Patent:GB591858 Patent:GB600871 Patent:US2929823 Patent:US2994645 Patent:US3066150 Patent:US3071599 Reaxys:110889 Wikipedia:Hydroxymethylfurfural [H]C(=O)c1ccc(CO)o1 chebi_ontology D-galactopyranose 180.15590 A galactopyranose having D-configuration. Beilstein:1281605 C6H12O6 CAS:10257-28-0 CAS:59-23-4 CHEBI:4139 D-Galactose D-galactopyranose D-galactose Gmelin:83257 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6?/m1/s1 KEGG:C00124 KNApSAcK:C00019681 OC[C@H]1OC(O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O PMID:1378088 PMID:17336832 PMID:19913595 Reaxys:1281605 WQZGKKKJIJFFOK-SVZMEOIVSA-N Wikipedia:Galactose chebi_ontology carboxymethyl group -CH2-COOH 59.04402 C2H3O2 CARBOXYMETHYL GROUP CHEBI:23029 CHEBI:41396 CHEBI:41402 PDBeChem:CBM aspartic acid side-chain carboxymethyl chebi_ontology carbonate 60.00890 A carbon oxoanion that has formula 60.00890. BVKZGUZCCUSVTD-UHFFFAOYSA-L Beilstein:3600898 CARBONATE ION CAS:3812-32-6 CHEBI:29201 CHEBI:41605 CHEBI:41609 CO3 CO3(2-) Gmelin:1559 InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)/p-2 Karbonat PDBeChem:CO3 [CO3](2-) [O-]C([O-])=O carbonate chebi_ontology trioxidocarbonate(2-) D-glucopyranose 180.15588 A glucopyranose having D-configuration. Beilstein:1281604 C6H12O6 CAS:2280-44-6 CHEBI:4167 D-Glc D-Glcp D-Glucose D-glucopyranose D-glucose Dextrose Glc-OH Glucose Gmelin:83256 Grape sugar HMDB:HMDB00122 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6?/m1/s1 KEGG:C00031 KEGG:D00009 KNApSAcK:C00001122 MetaCyc:D-Glucose OC[C@H]1OC(O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O PMID:15987845 PMID:16901854 PMID:17336832 PMID:17439666 PMID:17928662 PMID:19913595 PMID:26812026 PMID:7524207 PMID:9140037 PMID:9501190 PMID:9506998 PMID:9545565 Reaxys:1281604 WQZGKKKJIJFFOK-GASJEMHNSA-N Wikipedia:Glucose chebi_ontology glucose decane 142.28168 A straight-chain alkane with 10 carbon atoms. Beilstein:1696981 C10H22 CAS:124-18-5 CCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]8-CH3 CHEBI:32894 CHEBI:41801 CHEBI:41808 DECANE DIOQZVSQGTUSAI-UHFFFAOYSA-N Dekan DrugBank:DB02826 Gmelin:67816 HMDB:HMDB31450 InChI=1S/C10H22/c1-3-5-7-9-10-8-6-4-2/h3-10H2,1-2H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA11000568 MetaCyc:CPD-9287 PDBeChem:D10 PMID:11762597 Reaxys:1696981 Wikipedia:Decane chebi_ontology decane n-Dekan n-decane D-hexose A hexose that has D-configuration at position 5. C6H12O6 CHEBI:4194 D-Hexose D-hexopyranose D-hexose D-hexoses KEGG:C00738 chebi_ontology (R)-lactic acid (-)-lactic acid (2R)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid (R)-(-)-lactic acid 90.07794 An optically active form of lactic acid having (R)-configuration. Beilstein:1720252 C3H6O3 CAS:10326-41-7 CHEBI:341 CHEBI:42105 CHEBI:42111 CHEBI:43701 C[C@@H](O)C(O)=O D-2-Hydroxypropanoic acid D-2-Hydroxypropionic acid D-Lactic acid D-Milchsaeure D-lactic acid DrugBank:DB03066 DrugBank:DB04398 Gmelin:362718 HMDB:HMDB01311 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m1/s1 JVTAAEKCZFNVCJ-UWTATZPHSA-N KEGG:C00256 KNApSAcK:C00019549 LACTIC ACID PDBeChem:LAC PMID:21842515 PMID:22127808 PMID:22277286 PMID:22344644 Reaxys:1720252 Wikipedia:Lactic_acid chebi_ontology (S)-lactic acid (+)-lactic acid (2S)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid (S)-(+)-lactic acid (S)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid (S)-2-hydroxypropionic acid 90.07794 An optically active form of lactic acid having (S)-configuration. Beilstein:1720251 C3H6O3 CAS:79-33-4 CHEBI:422 C[C@H](O)C(O)=O Gmelin:362717 HMDB:HMDB00190 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m0/s1 JVTAAEKCZFNVCJ-REOHCLBHSA-N KEGG:C00186 KNApSAcK:C00001191 L-(+)-alpha-hydroxypropionic acid L-(+)-lactic acid L-Lactic acid L-Milchsaeure PMID:21996028 PMID:22336740 PMID:22367529 PMID:22424924 PMID:22443585 PMID:22461545 PMID:22534372 PMID:22538963 PMID:22578598 Reaxys:1720251 Wikipedia:Lactic_Acid chebi_ontology emodin 1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-methyl-9,10-anthracenedione 1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-methyl-9,10-anthraquinone 1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-methylanthra-9,10-quinone 270.23690 3-METHYL-1,6,8-TRIHYDROXYANTHRAQUINONE A trihydroxyanthraquinone that is 9,10-anthraquinone which is substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 1, 3, and 8 and by a methyl group at position 6. It is present in the roots and barks of numerous plants (particularly rhubarb and buckthorn), moulds, and lichens. It is an active ingredient of various Chinese herbs. Beilstein:1888141 C15H10O5 CAS:518-82-1 CHEBI:42221 CHEBI:42223 CHEBI:4782 Cc1cc(O)c2C(=O)c3c(O)cc(O)cc3C(=O)c2c1 DrugBank:DB07715 Emodin InChI=1S/C15H10O5/c1-6-2-8-12(10(17)3-6)15(20)13-9(14(8)19)4-7(16)5-11(13)18/h2-5,16-18H,1H3 KEGG:C10343 KNApSAcK:C00000555 LINCS:LSM-18994 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK13040008 PDBeChem:EMO PMID:12563347 PMID:12657721 PMID:16077936 PMID:16388516 PMID:16959273 PMID:17019678 PMID:17022020 PMID:17340270 PMID:18193729 PMID:18387517 PMID:18473931 PMID:19089830 PMID:19409890 PMID:19505457 PMID:19799875 PMID:19921750 PMID:20139316 PMID:21834668 PMID:22020806 PMID:22137788 PMID:22144110 PMID:22271272 PMID:22378302 PMID:22426603 PMID:22452333 PMID:22484343 RHMXXJGYXNZAPX-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1888141 Schuttgelb Wikipedia:Emodin chebi_ontology (-)-epigallocatechin (-)-3,3',4',5,5',7-Flavanhexol (-)-Epigallocatechin (2R,3R)-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol (2R,3R)-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol 2,3-cis-epigallocatechin 306.26746 A flavan-3,3',4',5,5',7-hexol having (2R,3R)-configuration. Beilstein:3655868 C15H14O7 CAS:970-74-1 CHEBI:31029 CHEBI:42251 CHEBI:42255 Epigallocatechol HMDB:HMDB38361 InChI=1S/C15H14O7/c16-7-3-9(17)8-5-12(20)15(22-13(8)4-7)6-1-10(18)14(21)11(19)2-6/h1-4,12,15-21H,5H2/t12-,15-/m1/s1 KEGG:C12136 KNApSAcK:C00008818 L-Epigallocatechin LINCS:LSM-20967 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12020004 MetaCyc:CPD-10411 O[C@@H]1Cc2c(O)cc(O)cc2O[C@@H]1c1cc(O)c(O)c(O)c1 PDBeChem:EGT PMID:10775337 PMID:19653629 PMID:19937856 Reaxys:94057 XMOCLSLCDHWDHP-IUODEOHRSA-N chebi_ontology tricosanoic acid 354.61010 A very long-chain fatty acid that is tricosane in which one of the methyl groups has been oxidised to the corresponding carboxylic acid. Beilstein:1795192 C23H46O2 CAS:2433-96-7 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CHEBI:39419 CHEBI:42392 CHEBI:42394 DrugBank:DB03500 HMDB:HMDB01160 InChI=1S/C23H46O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23(24)25/h2-22H2,1H3,(H,24,25) LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010023 MetaCyc:CPD-7834 PDBeChem:F23 PMID:20117838 Reaxys:1795192 XEZVDURJDFGERA-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology n-tricosanoic acid tricosanoic acid formyl group -CH(O) -CHO 29.01804 CHEBI:24089 CHEBI:42480 CHEBI:42485 CHO FORMYL GROUP Fo H-CO- PDBeChem:FOR aldehyde group carbaldehyde chebi_ontology formyl methanoyl flavone 2-PHENYL-4H-CHROMEN-4-ONE 2-Phenyl-4-benzopyron 2-Phenyl-4-chromone 2-Phenylbenzopyran-4-one 2-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 2-phenyl-4H-benzopyran-4-one 2-phenyl-4H-chromen-4-one 2-phenyl-gamma-benzopyrone 2-phenylchromone 222.23870 Beilstein:157598 C15H10O2 CAS:525-82-6 CHEBI:42486 CHEBI:42491 CHEBI:5076 DrugBank:DB07776 Flavon Flavone Gmelin:1224858 HMDB:HMDB03075 InChI=1S/C15H10O2/c16-13-10-15(11-6-2-1-3-7-11)17-14-9-5-4-8-12(13)14/h1-10H KEGG:C10043 KEGG:C15608 KNApSAcK:C00001040 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12110097 MetaCyc:CPD-8485 O=c1cc(oc2ccccc12)-c1ccccc1 PDBeChem:FLN PMID:11370674 PMID:12063116 PMID:17347140 PMID:18596412 Reaxys:157598 The simplest member of the class of flavones that consists of 4H-chromen-4-one bearing a phenyl substituent at position 2. VHBFFQKBGNRLFZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology pentadecanoic acid 15:00 242.39750 A straight-chain, fifteen-carbon carboxylic acid with no heteroatoms; a long-chain of mainly ruminant origin. Beilstein:1773831 C15 C15:0 C15H30O2 CAS:1002-84-2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CHEBI:39108 CHEBI:42502 CHEBI:42504 HMDB:HMDB00826 InChI=1S/C15H30O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15(16)17/h2-14H2,1H3,(H,16,17) KEGG:C16537 KNApSAcK:C00007423 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010015 PDBeChem:F15 PENTADECANOIC ACID PMID:23442377 PMID:24930002 Pentadecylic acid Reaxys:1773831 WQEPLUUGTLDZJY-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Pentadecanoic_acid chebi_ontology n-Pentadecanoic acid n-pentadecanoic acid pentadecanoic acid pentadecylic acid propylbenzene 1-Phenylpropane 1-Propylbenzene 120.19160 An alkylbenzene that is benzene having one of its aromatic hydrogens substituted by a propyl group. C9H12 CAS:103-65-1 CCCc1ccccc1 CHEBI:42630 HMDB:HMDB59877 InChI=1S/C9H12/c1-2-6-9-7-4-3-5-8-9/h3-5,7-8H,2,6H2,1H3 Isocumene ODLMAHJVESYWTB-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:23423853 PMID:24636564 Phenylpropane Reaxys:1903006 chebi_ontology n-Propylbenzene propylbenzene gamma-butyrolactone 1,2-butanolide 1,4-Butanolide 1,4-Lactone 4-Butyrolactone 4-Deoxytetronic acid 4-Hydroxybutyric acid lactone 86.08920 A butan-4-olide that is tetrahydrofuran substituted by an oxo group at position 2. Butyrolactone C4H6O2 CAS:96-48-0 CHEBI:18871 CHEBI:42636 CHEBI:42639 DrugBank:DB04699 GAMMA-BUTYROLACTONE HMDB:HMDB00549 InChI=1S/C4H6O2/c5-4-2-1-3-6-4/h1-3H2 KEGG:C01770 O=C1CCCO1 PDBeChem:GBL PMID:12429914 PMID:23245230 PMID:24500753 Reaxys:105248 UM-BBD_compID:c0033 Wikipedia:Gamma-Butyrolactone YEJRWHAVMIAJKC-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology dihydro-2(3H)-furanone dihydrofuran-2(3H)-one gamma-butanolactone gamma-butyrolactone gamma-hydroxybutyric acid lactone gamma-hydroxybutyrolactone tetrahydrofuran-2-one hydroxy group -OH 17.00734 CHEBI:24706 CHEBI:43171 CHEBI:43176 HO HYDROXY GROUP PDBeChem:HYD chebi_ontology hydroxy hydroxy group hydroxyl hydroxyl group oxidanyl (4S)-4-hydroxy-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one (4S)-4-hydroxy-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one 114.10272 4-HYDROXY-3,4-DIHYDRO-1H-PYRIMIDIN-2-ONE A pyrimidone that has formula C4H6N2O2. C4H6N2O2 CHEBI:43254 DEAAWXYGBWCVJW-VKHMYHEASA-N InChI=1S/C4H6N2O2/c7-3-1-2-5-4(8)6-3/h1-3,7H,(H2,5,6,8)/t3-/m0/s1 PDBeChem:HPY [H]O[C@]1([H])N([H])C(=O)N([H])C([H])=C1[H] chebi_ontology hydrogenphosphate 95.97930 A phosphate ion that is the conjugate base of dihydrogenphosphate. CHEBI:29139 CHEBI:43470 CHEBI:43474 Gmelin:1998 HO4P HPO4(2-) HYDROGENPHOSPHATE ION INORGANIC PHOSPHATE GROUP InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4)/p-2 MolBase:1628 NBIIXXVUZAFLBC-UHFFFAOYSA-L OP([O-])([O-])=O PDBeChem:IPS PDBeChem:PI [P(OH)O3](2-) [PO3(OH)](2-) chebi_ontology hydrogen phosphate hydrogen(tetraoxidophosphate)(2-) hydrogenphosphate hydrogentetraoxophosphate(2-) hydrogentetraoxophosphate(V) hydroxidotrioxidophosphate(2-) phosphate kojic acid 142.10940 5-Hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-4-pyrone 5-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-4H-pyran-4-one 5-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-4-pyrone A pyranone that is 4H-pyran substituted by a hydroxy group at position 5, a hydroxymethyl group at position 2 and an oxo group at position 4. It has been isolated from the fungus Aspergillus oryzae. BEJNERDRQOWKJM-UHFFFAOYSA-N Beilstein:120895 C6H6O4 CAS:501-30-4 CHEBI:34805 CHEBI:43568 CHEBI:43572 DrugBank:DB01759 Gmelin:3620 HMDB:HMDB32923 InChI=1S/C6H6O4/c7-2-4-1-5(8)6(9)3-10-4/h1,3,7,9H,2H2 KEGG:C14516 Kojic acid Kojisaeure MetaCyc:KOJIC-ACID OCc1cc(=O)c(O)co1 PDBeChem:KOJ PMID:11534762 PMID:1348188 PMID:15039076 PMID:16198580 PMID:18083129 PMID:19471877 PMID:20943172 PMID:23683589 PMID:24116376 PMID:7714722 PMID:8987542 Patent:AU2012268879 Patent:JP2013017408 Reaxys:120895 Wikipedia:Kojic_acid acido kojico chebi_ontology icosane 282.54748 A straight chain alkane composed of 20 carbon atoms. It has been isolated from the leaves of Agave attenuata. Beilstein:1700722 C20H42 CAS:112-95-8 CBFCDTFDPHXCNY-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]18-CH3 CHEBI:32929 CHEBI:43618 CHEBI:43619 EICOSANE HMDB:HMDB59909 InChI=1S/C20H42/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-20H2,1-2H3 PDBeChem:LFA PMID:23459067 PMID:23880873 PMID:23899195 Reaxys:1700722 Wikipedia:Icosane chebi_ontology eicosane icosane n-eicosane octyldodecane Delcosine 453.570 A diterpenoid that has formula C24H39NO7. BMZNJVXOLCBDPZ-AXCJZLSHSA-N C24H39NO7 CAS:545-56-2 CCN1C[C@]2(COC)CC[C@H](O)[C@@]34[C@@H]5C[C@H]6[C@H](O)[C@@H]5[C@](O)(C[C@@H]6OC)[C@@](O)([C@@H](OC)[C@H]23)C14 CHEBI:4381 Delcosine InChI=1S/C24H39NO7/c1-5-25-10-21(11-30-2)7-6-15(26)23-13-8-12-14(31-3)9-22(28,16(13)17(12)27)24(29,20(23)25)19(32-4)18(21)23/h12-20,26-29H,5-11H2,1-4H3/t12-,13-,14+,15+,16-,17+,18-,19+,20?,21+,22-,23+,24-/m1/s1 KEGG:C08676 KNApSAcK:C00001632 chebi_ontology Delphinine 599.713 A diterpenoid that has formula C33H45NO9. C33H45NO9 CAS:561-07-9 CHEBI:4384 COC[C@@]12CC[C@H](OC)[C@@]34[C@@H]5C[C@@]6(O)[C@H](OC(=O)c7ccccc7)[C@@H]5[C@@](C[C@@H]6OC)(OC(C)=O)[C@@H]([C@H](OC)[C@H]13)C4N(C)C2 Delphinine InChI=1S/C33H45NO9/c1-18(35)43-32-15-22(40-5)31(37)14-20(23(32)28(31)42-29(36)19-10-8-7-9-11-19)33-21(39-4)12-13-30(17-38-3)16-34(2)27(33)24(32)25(41-6)26(30)33/h7-11,20-28,37H,12-17H2,1-6H3/t20-,21+,22+,23-,24+,25+,26-,27?,28-,30+,31+,32-,33+/m1/s1 KEGG:C08677 KNApSAcK:C00001633 REVYTWNGZDPRKE-UWZYQZSNSA-N chebi_ontology Denudatin B 356.413 A benzofuran that has formula C21H24O5. C21H24O5 CAS:87402-88-8 CHEBI:4401 COc1ccc(cc1OC)[C@H]1OC2=CC(=O)C(CC=C)=C[C@@]2(OC)[C@@H]1C Denudatin B InChI=1S/C21H24O5/c1-6-7-15-12-21(25-5)13(2)20(26-19(21)11-16(15)22)14-8-9-17(23-3)18(10-14)24-4/h6,8-13,20H,1,7H2,2-5H3/t13-,20+,21-/m1/s1 KEGG:C10554 KNApSAcK:C00000671 VDYACOATPFOZIO-HBUDHLSFSA-N chebi_ontology duvoglustat (2R,3R,4R,5S)-2-(hydroxymethyl)piperidine-3,4,5-triol 1,5-Deoxy-1,5-imino-D-mannitol 1,5-Dideoxy-1,5-imino-D-glucitol 1,5-deoxy-1,5-imino-D-mannitol 1,5-dideoxy-1,5-imino-D-glucitol 1-DEOXYNOJIRIMYCIN 1-Deoxymannojirimycin 1-Deoxynojirimycin 163.17170 5-amino-1,5-dideoxy-D-glucopyranose An optically active form of 2-(hydroxymethyl)piperidine-3,4,5-triol having 2R,3R,4R,5S-configuration. BAY-H-5595 C6H13NO4 CAS:19130-96-2 CHEBI:132398 CHEBI:44369 CHEBI:76525 D-1-deoxynojirimycin DNJ DrugBank:DB03206 HMDB:HMDB35359 InChI=1S/C6H13NO4/c8-2-3-5(10)6(11)4(9)1-7-3/h3-11H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 KEGG:C16843 KEGG:D09605 KNApSAcK:C00029420 LXBIFEVIBLOUGU-JGWLITMVSA-N MetaCyc:1-DEOXYNOJIRIMYCIN Moranolin Moranoline OC[C@H]1NC[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O PDBeChem:NOJ PMID:23265519 PMID:23391926 PMID:23536174 PMID:23561072 PMID:23570294 PMID:23648852 PMID:23755289 PMID:23909841 PMID:24050301 PMID:26292150 PMID:26867190 PMID:26927057 PMID:27160849 PMID:27294120 Reaxys:1524395 Wikipedia:1-Deoxynojirimycin chebi_ontology duvoglustat hexadecane 226.442 A straight-chain alkane with 16 carbon atoms. It is a component of essential oil isolated from long pepper. Beilstein:1736592 C(CCCCCCCCCC)CCCCC C16H34 CAS:544-76-3 CH3-[CH2]14-CH3 CHEBI:32910 CHEBI:45292 CHEBI:45296 Cetan DCAYPVUWAIABOU-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:103739 HEXADECANE HMDB:HMDB33792 Hexadekan InChI=1S/C16H34/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h3-16H2,1-2H3 PDBeChem:R16 PMID:17314143 PMID:19114507 PMID:205235 PMID:24657864 PMID:24765642 PMID:2480087 PMID:27439360 Reaxys:1736592 Wikipedia:Hexadecane Zetan cetane chebi_ontology hexadecane n-cetane n-hexadecane sec-butyl group -CH(CH3)-CH2-CH3 1-methylpropyl 57.11426 C4H9 CH3-CH2-CH(CH3)- CHEBI:30352 CHEBI:45554 CHEBI:45557 PDBeChem:SBU SEC-BUTYL GROUP but-2-yl butan-2-ido butan-2-yl chebi_ontology isoleucine side-chain s-butyl sec-butyl heptanoic acid 130.18486 A C7, straight-chain fatty acid that contributes to the odour of some rancid oils. Used in the preparation of esters for the fragrance industry, and as an additive in cigarettes. Beilstein:1744723 C7H14O2 CAS:111-14-8 CCCCCCC(O)=O CH3-[CH2]5-COOH CHEBI:24519 CHEBI:45568 CHEBI:45571 DrugBank:DB02938 Gmelin:142428 HEPTANOIC ACID HMDB:HMDB00666 Heptansaeure InChI=1S/C7H14O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7(8)9/h2-6H2,1H3,(H,8,9) KEGG:C17714 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010007 MNWFXJYAOYHMED-UHFFFAOYSA-N MetaCyc:CPD-7619 Oenanthsaeure PDBeChem:SHV PMID:23999410 Reaxys:1744723 Wikipedia:Heptanoic_acid chebi_ontology enanthic acid enanthylic acid heptanoic acid heptoic acid heptylic acid n-heptanoic acid n-heptoic acid n-heptylic acid oenanthic acid oenanthylic acid ADP(3-) 424.17730 5'-O-[(phosphonatooxy)phosphinato]adenosine ADP ADP trianion An organophosphate oxoanion that is the trianion of adenosine 5'-diphosphate arising from deprotonation of all three OH groups of the diphosphate; major species present at pH 7.3. Beilstein:3783669 C10H12N5O10P2 CHEBI:456216 Gmelin:341336 InChI=1S/C10H15N5O10P2/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(24-10)1-23-27(21,22)25-26(18,19)20/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H,21,22)(H2,11,12,13)(H2,18,19,20)/p-3/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 Nc1ncnc2n(cnc12)[C@@H]1O[C@H](COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])([O-])=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O XTWYTFMLZFPYCI-KQYNXXCUSA-K adenosine 5'-diphosphate chebi_ontology undecane 156.30826 A straight-chain alkane with 11 carbon atoms. Beilstein:1697099 C11H24 CAS:1120-21-4 CCCCCCCCCCC CH3-[CH2]9-CH3 CHEBI:32899 CHEBI:46341 CHEBI:46342 Gmelin:142928 Hendekan InChI=1S/C11H24/c1-3-5-7-9-11-10-8-6-4-2/h3-11H2,1-2H3 MetaCyc:CPD-9289 PDBeChem:UND RSJKGSCJYJTIGS-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1697099 UNDECANE Undekan Wikipedia:Undecane chebi_ontology hendecane n-undecane undecane oxo group 15.99940 =O CHEBI:29353 CHEBI:44607 CHEBI:46629 O OXO GROUP PDBeChem:OXO chebi_ontology oxo azaalkane CHEBI:46686 azaalkanes chebi_ontology carbonate ester Any carbonate that is carbonic acid in which the hydrogens have been replaced by organyl groups. CHEBI:46722 Wikipedia:Carbonate_ester carbonate ester chebi_ontology solvent A liquid that can dissolve other substances (solutes) without any change in their chemical composition. CHEBI:46787 Loesungsmittel Wikipedia:Solvent chebi_ontology solvant solvents carboxy group -C(O)OH -CO2H -COOH 45.01744 CARBOXY GROUP CHEBI:23025 CHEBI:41420 CHEBI:46883 CHO2 PDBeChem:CBX carboxy carboxyl group chebi_ontology oxalate(1-) 89.02694 A dicarboxylic acid monoanion that is the conjugate base of oxalic acid. Beilstein:3601755 C2HO4 CHEBI:46904 Gmelin:49515 Hox InChI=1S/C2H2O4/c3-1(4)2(5)6/h(H,3,4)(H,5,6)/p-1 MUBZPKHOEPUJKR-UHFFFAOYSA-M OC(=O)C([O-])=O carboxyformate chebi_ontology hydrogen ethanedioate hydrogen oxalate anthracenes CHEBI:46955 Compounds containing an anthracene skeleton. chebi_ontology (+)-syringaresinol (+)-Syringaresinol (7alpha,7'alpha,8alpha,8'alpha)-3,3',5,5'-tetramethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxylignane-4,4'-diol 4,4'-(1S,3aR,4S,6aR)-tetrahydro-1H,3H-furo[3,4-c]furan-1,4-diylbis(2,6-dimethoxyphenol) 418.43700 C22H26O8 CAS:21453-69-0 CHEBI:47 InChI=1S/C22H26O8/c1-25-15-5-11(6-16(26-2)19(15)23)21-13-9-30-22(14(13)10-29-21)12-7-17(27-3)20(24)18(8-12)28-4/h5-8,13-14,21-24H,9-10H2,1-4H3/t13-,14-,21+,22+/m0/s1 KEGG:C10889 KNApSAcK:C00002631 KOWMJRJXZMEZLD-HCIHMXRSSA-N PMID:21500777 Reaxys:4585066 The (7alpha,7'alpha,8alpha,8'alpha)-stereoisomer of syringaresinol. [H][C@]12CO[C@H](c3cc(OC)c(O)c(OC)c3)[C@@]1([H])CO[C@@H]2c1cc(OC)c(O)c(OC)c1 chebi_ontology tetrahydrofuranone Any oxolane having an oxo- substituent at any position on the tetrahydrofuran ring. CHEBI:47016 PMID:6047194 chebi_ontology tetrahydrofuranones tetrahydrofuranol CHEBI:47017 chebi_ontology tetrahydrofuranols dihydroxytetrahydrofuran CHEBI:47019 chebi_ontology dihydroxytetrahydrofurans acetate ester 59.04400 Acetic ester Acetyl ester Any carboxylic ester where the carboxylic acid component is acetic acid. C2H3O2R CC(=O)O[*] CHEBI:13244 CHEBI:13799 CHEBI:22189 CHEBI:2406 CHEBI:47622 KEGG:C01883 Wikipedia:Acetate#Esters acetate acetate esters acetates acetyl esters an acetyl ester chebi_ontology 16-oxo steroid 16-Oxosteroid 16-oxo steroids 16-oxosteroid 16-oxosteroids Any oxo steroid carrying an oxo group at position 16. CHEBI:13583 CHEBI:19161 CHEBI:47786 CHEBI:770 KEGG:C01986 chebi_ontology 3-oxo steroid 3-Oxosteroid 3-oxo steroids 3-oxosteroids Any oxo steroid where an oxo substituent is located at position 3. CHEBI:13607 CHEBI:1653 CHEBI:20182 CHEBI:47788 CHEBI:71186 KEGG:C01876 a 3-oxosteroid chebi_ontology furofuran CHEBI:47790 Organic heterobicyclic compounds containing a two furan rings ortho-fused to each other. chebi_ontology furofurans indicator Anything used in a scientific experiment to indicate the presence of a substance or quality, change in a body, etc. CHEBI:47867 Indikator chebi_ontology photosensitizing agent A chemical compound that can be excited by light of a specific wavelength and subsequently transfer energy to a chosen reactant. This is commonly molecular oxygen within a cancer tissue, which is converted to (highly rective) singlet state oxygen. This rapidly reacts with any nearby biomolecules, ultimately killing the cancer cells. CHEBI:47868 chebi_ontology photosensitising agent steroid ester CHEBI:26762 CHEBI:47880 KEGG:C15506 chebi_ontology steroid esters cyclic polypyrrole CHEBI:47882 chebi_ontology cyclic polypyrroles macrocyclic polypyrroles polypyrrole macrocycles 3-oxo Delta(4)-steroid 272.42500 3-Oxo-delta4-steroid 3-oxo Delta(4)-steroids 3-oxo-Delta(4)-steroid A 3-oxo steroid conjugated to a C=C double bond at the alpha,beta position. C19H28O CC12CCCC1C1CCC3=CC(=O)CCC3(C)C1CC2 CHEBI:13604 CHEBI:1626 CHEBI:20157 CHEBI:47909 InChI=1S/C19H28O/c1-18-9-3-4-16(18)15-6-5-13-12-14(20)7-11-19(13,2)17(15)8-10-18/h12,15-17H,3-11H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C00619 MSEZLHAVPJYYIQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology flavonoid 2-aryl-1-benzopyran 2-aryl-1-benzopyrans Any member of the 'superclass' flavonoids whose skeleton is based on 1-benzopyran with an aryl substituent at position 2. The term was originally restricted to natural products, but is now also used to describe semi-synthetic and fully synthetic compounds. CHEBI:13638 CHEBI:24044 CHEBI:47916 CHEBI:5077 Flavonoid KEGG:C01579 Wikipedia:Flavonoid chebi_ontology flavonoid flavonoids 3'-hydroxyflavanones Any hydroxyflavanone with a hydroxy substituent at position 3' of the phenyl ring. CHEBI:48024 MetaCyc:3-Hydroxy-Flavanones a 3'-hydroxyflavanone chebi_ontology polyene An olefin that contains more than one carbon-carbon double bond. CHEBI:48121 chebi_ontology polyenes antiseptic drug A substance used locally on humans and other animals to destroy harmful microorganisms or to inhibit their activity (cf. disinfectants, which destroy microorganisms found on non-living objects, and antibiotics, which can be transported through the lymphatic system to destroy bacteria within the body). CHEBI:48218 Wikipedia:Antiseptic antiseptic antiseptic agent antiseptic agents antiseptics chebi_ontology local antiinfective agents local microbicides topical antiinfective agents topical microbicides disinfectant An antimicrobial agent that is applied to non-living objects to destroy harmful microorganisms or to inhibit their activity. CHEBI:48219 Desinfektionsmittel chebi_ontology desinfectant disinfectants disinfecting agent butane-1,2,3,4-tetrol 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroxybutane 122.11980 A tetritol that is butane substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 1, 2, 3 and 4. Beilstein:1735878 C4H10O4 CAS:149-32-6 CAS:7541-59-5 CHEBI:48299 Erythrite Erythrol InChI=1S/C4H10O4/c5-1-3(7)4(8)2-6/h3-8H,1-2H2 KEGG:C00503 KEGG:D08915 KNApSAcK:C00001161 OCC(O)C(O)CO Phycite Phycitol Reaxys:1735878 UNXHWFMMPAWVPI-UHFFFAOYSA-N butane-1,2,3,4-tetrol chebi_ontology fragrance A substance, extract, or preparation for diffusing or imparting an agreeable or attractive smell. CHEBI:48318 Parfuem aroma arome chebi_ontology essence parfum perfume scent disulfide CHEBI:48343 Compounds of structure RSSR'. chebi_ontology disulfides polar solvent A solvent that is composed of polar molecules. Polar solvents can dissolve ionic compounds or ionisable covalent compounds. CHEBI:48354 chebi_ontology polar solvent polar solvents non-polar solvent CHEBI:48355 chebi_ontology non-polar solvents protic solvent A polar solvent that is capable of acting as a hydron (proton) donor. CHEBI:48356 chebi_ontology protogenic solvent protophilic solvent CHEBI:48359 HBA solvent chebi_ontology hydrogen bond acceptor solvent protophilic solvent amphiprotic solvent CHEBI:48360 amphiprotic solvent chebi_ontology angiogenesis inhibitor An agent and endogenous substances that antagonize or inhibit the development of new blood vessels. CHEBI:48422 CHEBI:67170 Wikipedia:Angiogenesis_inhibitor angiogenesis antagonist angiostatic agents anti-angiogenic agent chebi_ontology carbazoles CHEBI:48513 chebi_ontology EC (aldehyde reductase) inhibitor ALR2 inhibitor ALR2 inhibitors An EC 1.1.1.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group, NAD(+) or NADP(+) acceptor) inhibitor that interferes with the action of aldehyde reductase (EC CHEBI:48550 EC (aldehyde reductase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors NADPH-aldopentose reductase inhibitor NADPH-aldopentose reductase inhibitors NADPH-aldose reductase inhibitor NADPH-aldose reductase inhibitors aldehyde reductase (EC inhibitor aldehyde reductase (EC inhibitors aldehyde reductase inhibitor aldehyde reductase inhibitors alditol:NAD(P)(+) 1-oxidoreductase inhibitor alditol:NAD(P)(+) 1-oxidoreductase inhibitors alditol:NADP oxidoreductase inhibitor alditol:NADP oxidoreductase inhibitors alditol:NADP(+) 1-oxidoreductase inhibitor alditol:NADP(+) 1-oxidoreductase inhibitors aldose reductase inhibitor aldose reductase inhibitors chebi_ontology polyol dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) inhibitor polyol dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) inhibitors radical scavenger A role played by a substance that can react readily with, and thereby eliminate, radicals. CHEBI:48578 chebi_ontology free radical scavengers free-radical scavenger hydroxypiperidine CHEBI:48590 chebi_ontology hydroxypiperidines Estragole 1-Allyl-4-methoxybenzene 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propen-1-yl)-Benzene 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propen-1-yl)benzene 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)-Benzene 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene, 9CI 1-Methoxy-4-prop-2-enylbenzene 1-methoxy-4-(prop-2-en-1-yl)benzene 148.202 3-(p-Methoxyphenyl)propene 4-Allyl-1-methoxybenzene 4-Allylanisole 4-Allylmethoxybenzene 4-Methoxyallylbenzene An olefinic compound that has formula C10H12O. BENZENE,1-ALLYL,4-METHOXY METHYLCHAVICOL Benzene, 1-methoxy, 4-prop-2-enyl C10H12O CAS:140-67-0 CHEBI:4867 COc1ccc(CC=C)cc1 Chavicol methyl ether Chavicyl methyl ether Esdragol Esdragole Esdragon Estragol Estragol (methylchavicol) Estragole Ether, p-allylphenyl methyl FEMA 2411 HMDB:HMDB34121 InChI=1S/C10H12O/c1-3-4-9-5-7-10(11-2)8-6-9/h3,5-8H,1,4H2,2H3 Isoanethole Isoanthethole KEGG:C10452 KNApSAcK:C00002740 Methyl chavicol Methyl chavicole Methyl chavicole (estragole) Methyl-Chavicol Methylchavicol O-Methyl-Chavicol P-Allylmethoxybenzene P-Allylphenyl methyl ether P-Methoxyallylbenzene PMID:10552889 PMID:10995274 PMID:11161012 PMID:11884690 PMID:12575134 PMID:12617576 PMID:15922374 PMID:16826298 PMID:18095647 PMID:18266152 PMID:18618386 PMID:19167006 PMID:19913108 PMID:20552457 PMID:21291237 PMID:21469658 PMID:21834250 PMID:21922923 PMID:21969960 PMID:23010670 PMID:23020916 PMID:24421258 Para-allylanisole (estragole) Tarragon Terragon ZFMSMUAANRJZFM-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology p-Allyl-Anisole p-Allylanisole p-Allylphenyl methyl ether agonist CHEBI:48705 Substance which binds to cell receptors normally responding to naturally occurring substances and which produces a response of its own. agonist agonista agoniste agonists chebi_ontology antagonist CHEBI:48706 Substance that attaches to and blocks cell receptors that normally bind naturally occurring substances. antagonist antagonista antagoniste antagonists chebi_ontology beta-phellandrene 136.23404 2-p-menthadiene 3-isopropyl-6-methylene-1-cyclohexene 3-methylene-6-(1-methylethyl)cyclohexene 3-methylidene-6-(propan-2-yl)cyclohex-1-ene 4-isopropyl-1-methylene-2-cyclohexene Beilstein:2038351 C10H16 CAS:555-10-2 CC(C)C1CCC(=C)C=C1 CHEBI:48741 CHEBI:546332 HMDB:HMDB36081 InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4,6,8,10H,3,5,7H2,1-2H3 LFJQCDVYDGGFCH-UHFFFAOYSA-N MetaCyc:Beta-phellandrene One of a pair of phellandrene cyclic monoterpene double-bond isomers in which one double bond is exocyclic (cf. alpha-phellandrene, where both of them are endoocyclic). PMID:16780354 PMID:22978237 PMID:23074920 PMID:23162914 PMID:23285820 PMID:23472478 PMID:23659167 PMID:23738471 PMID:24354204 PMID:24427963 PMID:24617143 PMID:24689308 PMID:25115100 PMID:25230518 PMID:8460944 Reaxys:2038351 beta-Phellandren beta-phellandrene chebi_ontology p-mentha-1(7),2-diene cholinergic antagonist Anticholinergika Anticholinergikum Any drug that binds to but does not activate cholinergic receptors, thereby blocking the actions of acetylcholine or cholinergic agonists. CHEBI:48873 acetylcholine antagonists acetylcholine receptor antagonist agent anticholinergique agente anticolinergico agentes anticolinergicos anticholinergic agents anticholinergics anticholinergiques anticolinergicos chebi_ontology cholinergic-blocking agents 3-carboxy-2,3-dihydroxypropanoate 149.07890 3-carboxy-2,3-dihydroxypropanoate A tartaric acid anion that is the conjugate base of 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid. Beilstein:3905887 C4H5O6 CHEBI:48929 FEWJPZIEWOKRBE-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C4H6O6/c5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10/h1-2,5-6H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/p-1 OC(C(O)C([O-])=O)C(O)=O Reaxys:3905887 chebi_ontology isovalerate 101.12376 3-methyl-n-butyrate 3-methylbutanoate 3-methylbutyrate A branched-chain saturated fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of isovaleric acid; reported to improve ruminal fermentation and feed digestion in cattle. Beilstein:773692 C5H9O2 CC(C)CC([O-])=O CHEBI:48942 GWYFCOCPABKNJV-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C5H10O2/c1-4(2)3-5(6)7/h4H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,6,7)/p-1 PMID:19138353 beta-methylbutyrate chebi_ontology delphinate isopentanoate isopropylacetate isovalerate isovalerianate (+)-Tetrandrine (+)-Tetrandrine 622.751 A bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid that has formula C38H42N2O6. C38H42N2O6 CAS:518-34-3 CHEBI:49 COc1ccc2C[C@@H]3N(C)CCc4cc(OC)c(OC)c(Oc5cc6[C@H](Cc7ccc(Oc1c2)cc7)N(C)CCc6cc5OC)c34 InChI=1S/C38H42N2O6/c1-39-15-13-25-20-32(42-4)34-22-28(25)29(39)17-23-7-10-27(11-8-23)45-33-19-24(9-12-31(33)41-3)18-30-36-26(14-16-40(30)2)21-35(43-5)37(44-6)38(36)46-34/h7-12,19-22,29-30H,13-18H2,1-6H3/t29-,30-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09654 KNApSAcK:C00001919 KNApSAcK:C00025278 LINCS:LSM-6539 Tetrandrine WVTKBKWTSCPRNU-KYJUHHDHSA-N chebi_ontology 2-phenylethanol 122.16440 2-Hydroxyethylbenzene 2-PEA 2-PHENYL-ETHANOL 2-Phenylethanol 2-phenylethanol A primary alcohol that is ethanol substituted by a phenyl group at position 2. Beilstein:1905732 Benzeneethanol Benzylmethanol C8H10O CAS:60-12-8 CHEBI:44780 CHEBI:49000 CHEBI:8096 DrugBank:DB02192 Gmelin:240469 HMDB:HMDB33944 InChI=1S/C8H10O/c9-7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-5,9H,6-7H2 KEGG:C05853 KEGG:D00192 KNApSAcK:C00002663 MetaCyc:CPD-7035 OCCc1ccccc1 PDBeChem:PEL PMID:19517523 PMID:22690913 PMID:23385159 PMID:23836015 PMID:24423498 Phenethyl alcohol Phenylethyl alcohol Reaxys:1905732 WRMNZCZEMHIOCP-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Phenethyl_alcohol beta-PEA beta-Phenethyl alcohol beta-Phenylethanol beta-Phenylethyl alcohol chebi_ontology marmesin 2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2,3-dihydro-7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one 246.25856 A psoralen that has formula C14H14O4. Beilstein:200868 Beilstein:85846 C14H14O4 CC(C)(O)C1Cc2cc3ccc(=O)oc3cc2O1 CHEBI:49080 FWYSBEAFFPBAQU-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C14H14O4/c1-14(2,16)12-6-9-5-8-3-4-13(15)18-10(8)7-11(9)17-12/h3-5,7,12,16H,6H2,1-2H3 chebi_ontology (-)-marmesin (-)-Marmesin (2R)-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2,3-dihydro-7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one 246.25856 A marmesin that has formula C14H14O4. Beilstein:85845 C14H14O4 CAS:495-32-9 CHEBI:49083 FWYSBEAFFPBAQU-GFCCVEGCSA-N InChI=1S/C14H14O4/c1-14(2,16)12-6-9-5-8-3-4-13(15)18-10(8)7-11(9)17-12/h3-5,7,12,16H,6H2,1-2H3/t12-/m1/s1 KEGG:C09278 KNApSAcK:C00002485 [H][C@@]1(Cc2cc3ccc(=O)oc3cc2O1)C(C)(C)O chebi_ontology drug metabolite CHEBI:49103 chebi_ontology drug metabolites (6S)-vomifoliol (4S)-4-hydroxy-4-[(1E)-3-hydroxybut-1-en-1-yl]-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one 224.29610 A vomifoliol that has formula C13H20O3. Beilstein:7688381 C13H20O3 CC(O)\C=C\[C@@]1(O)C(C)=CC(=O)CC1(C)C CHEBI:49156 InChI=1S/C13H20O3/c1-9-7-11(15)8-12(3,4)13(9,16)6-5-10(2)14/h5-7,10,14,16H,8H2,1-4H3/b6-5+/t10?,13-/m1/s1 KPQMCAKZRXOZLB-ZKQKWALRSA-N PMID:21634415 chebi_ontology (6R,9S)-vomifoliol (4R)-4-hydroxy-4-[(1E,3S)-3-hydroxybut-1-en-1-yl]-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one 224.29610 A (6R)-vomifoliol that has formula C13H20O3. Beilstein:2617867 C13H20O3 CHEBI:49160 C[C@H](O)\C=C\[C@]1(O)C(C)=CC(=O)CC1(C)C InChI=1S/C13H20O3/c1-9-7-11(15)8-12(3,4)13(9,16)6-5-10(2)14/h5-7,10,14,16H,8H2,1-4H3/b6-5+/t10-,13-/m0/s1 KPQMCAKZRXOZLB-BXQPDHIASA-N chebi_ontology (6R)-vomifoliol (4R)-4-hydroxy-4-[(1E)-3-hydroxybut-1-en-1-yl]-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one 224.29610 A vomifoliol that has formula C13H20O3. C13H20O3 CC(O)\C=C\[C@]1(O)C(C)=CC(=O)CC1(C)C CHEBI:49161 InChI=1S/C13H20O3/c1-9-7-11(15)8-12(3,4)13(9,16)6-5-10(2)14/h5-7,10,14,16H,8H2,1-4H3/b6-5+/t10?,13-/m0/s1 KPQMCAKZRXOZLB-LWRBJFJMSA-N chebi_ontology (6S,9R)-vomifoliol (4S)-4-hydroxy-4-[(1E,3R)-3-hydroxybut-1-en-1-yl]-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one (4S)-4-hydroxy-4-[(1E,3R)-3-hydroxybut-1-enyl]-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one (6S,9R)-6-Hydroxy-3-oxo-alpha-ionol (6S,9R)-6-hydroxy-3-oxo-alpha-ionol (6S,9R)-vomifoliol 224.29610 A (6S)-vomifoliol with a R configuration for the hydroxy group at position 9. Beilstein:1877674 Blumenol A C13H20O3 CAS:23526-45-6 CHEBI:10020 CHEBI:49157 CHEBI:49164 C[C@@H](O)\C=C\[C@@]1(O)C(C)=CC(=O)CC1(C)C InChI=1S/C13H20O3/c1-9-7-11(15)8-12(3,4)13(9,16)6-5-10(2)14/h5-7,10,14,16H,8H2,1-4H3/b6-5+/t10-,13-/m1/s1 KEGG:C01760 KNApSAcK:C00029834 KPQMCAKZRXOZLB-KOIHBYQTSA-N MetaCyc:--6-HYDROXY-3-OXO-ALPHA-IONOL PMID:19336938 PMID:22364828 Reaxys:1877674 Vomifoliol chebi_ontology eugenol 1,3,4-Eugenol 1-Hydroxy-2-methoxy-4-allylbenzene 1-Hydroxy-2-methoxy-4-prop-2-enylbenzene 1-Hydroxy-2-methoxy-4-propenylbenzene 1-allyl-3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzene 1-allyl-4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzene 164.20110 2-Hydroxy-5-allylanisole 2-Methoxy-1-hydroxy-4-allylbenzene 2-Methoxy-4-(2-propen-1-yl)phenol 2-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol 2-Methoxy-4-allylphenol 2-Methoxy-4-prop-2-enylphenol 2-methoxy-4-(2-propen-1-yl)phenol 2-methoxy-4-(prop-2-en-1-yl)phenol 4-Allyl-1-hydroxy-2-methoxybenzene 4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenol 4-Allylcatechol-2-methyl ether 4-Allylguaiacol 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-1-allylbenzene 4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol A phenylpropanoid formally derived from guaiacol with an allyl chain substituted para to the hydroxy group. Allylguaiacol Beilstein:1366759 C10H12O2 CAS:97-53-0 CHEBI:4917 COc1cc(CC=C)ccc1O Caryophyllic acid Eugenic acid Eugenol HMDB:HMDB05809 InChI=1S/C10H12O2/c1-3-4-8-5-6-9(11)10(7-8)12-2/h3,5-7,11H,1,4H2,2H3 KEGG:C10453 KEGG:D04117 KNApSAcK:C00000619 LINCS:LSM-2720 MetaCyc:CPD-6481 PMID:11033063 PMID:11806158 PMID:14745850 PMID:15574415 PMID:18218839 PMID:20809147 PMID:22923067 PMID:23181601 PMID:23261812 PMID:23264268 PMID:2329164 PMID:23313798 PMID:23325490 PMID:23422484 PMID:23422489 PMID:23444040 PMID:23594212 PMID:23666640 PMID:23677922 PMID:23707945 PMID:23768603 PMID:23768604 PMID:23791894 PMID:23837051 PMID:23841789 PMID:23852671 PMID:8596779 PMID:9084914 RRAFCDWBNXTKKO-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1366759 Wikipedia:Eugenol chebi_ontology eugenol p-Allylguaiacol p-Eugenol diterpene lactone CHEBI:49193 chebi_ontology diterpene lactones anti-ulcer drug CHEBI:49201 One of various classes of drugs with different action mechanisms used to treat or ameliorate peptic ulcer or irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. anti-ulcer agent anti-ulcer agents anti-ulcer drugs chebi_ontology syringaresinol 3,3',5,5'-tetramethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxylignane-4,4'-diol 4,4'-tetrahydro-1H,3H-furo[3,4-c]furan-1,4-diylbis(2,6-dimethoxyphenol) 418.43704 A lignan that is 7,9':7',9-diepoxylignane substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 4 and 4' and methoxy groups at positions 3, 3', 5 and 5' respectively. C22H26O8 CHEBI:49211 COc1cc(cc(OC)c1O)C1OCC2C1COC2c1cc(OC)c(O)c(OC)c1 InChI=1S/C22H26O8/c1-25-15-5-11(6-16(26-2)19(15)23)21-13-9-30-22(14(13)10-29-21)12-7-17(27-3)20(24)18(8-12)28-4/h5-8,13-14,21-24H,9-10H2,1-4H3 KOWMJRJXZMEZLD-UHFFFAOYSA-N S(8-8)S chebi_ontology (-)-syringaresinol (7beta,7'beta,8beta,8'beta)-3,3',5,5'-tetramethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxylignane-4,4'-diol 418.43704 Beilstein:6577407 C22H26O8 CHEBI:49212 InChI=1S/C22H26O8/c1-25-15-5-11(6-16(26-2)19(15)23)21-13-9-30-22(14(13)10-29-21)12-7-17(27-3)20(24)18(8-12)28-4/h5-8,13-14,21-24H,9-10H2,1-4H3/t13-,14-,21+,22+/m1/s1 KOWMJRJXZMEZLD-WRMVBYCNSA-N PMID:20958014 PMID:21469695 PMID:21627109 Reaxys:6577407 The (7beta,7'beta,8beta,8'beta)-stereoisomer of syringaresinol. [H][C@@]12CO[C@@H](c3cc(OC)c(O)c(OC)c3)[C@]1([H])CO[C@H]2c1cc(OC)c(O)c(OC)c1 chebi_ontology bisabolene C15H24 CHEBI:49235 Wikipedia:Bisabolene chebi_ontology beta-bisabolene 1-methyl-4-(5-methyl-1-methylenehex-4-en-1-yl)cyclohexene 204.35106 A bisabolene that is cyclohexene substituted by a methyl group at position 1 and a 6-methylhepta-1,5-dien-2-yl group at position 4. Beilstein:2044624 C15H24 CC(C)=CCCC(=C)C1CCC(C)=CC1 CHEBI:49249 HMDB:HMDB35992 InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-12(2)6-5-7-14(4)15-10-8-13(3)9-11-15/h6,8,15H,4-5,7,9-11H2,1-3H3 PMID:22164802 PMID:23678435 PMID:23833899 Reaxys:2044624 XZRVRYFILCSYSP-UHFFFAOYSA-N beta-Bisabolen bisabola-4,7(11),10(15)-triene chebi_ontology humulene C15H24 CHEBI:49289 Humulen chebi_ontology 2-hydroxy monocarboxylic acid 2-hydroxy acid 2-hydroxy monocarboxylic acids CHEBI:19626 CHEBI:35967 CHEBI:49302 chebi_ontology molybdenum(4+) 95.94000 A molybdenum cation that has formula 95.94000. CAS:21175-08-6 CHEBI:30509 CHEBI:49409 CHEBI:49414 Gmelin:54125 InChI=1S/Mo/q+4 MOLYBDENUM(IV) ION Mo Mo(4+) Molybdenum, ion (Mo4+) PDBeChem:4MO ZIKKVZAYJJZBGE-UHFFFAOYSA-N [Mo+4] chebi_ontology molybdenum(4+) molybdenum(4+) ion molybdenum(IV) cation silver(1+) 107.86820 A silver cation that has formula Ag. Ag Ag(+) CAS:14701-21-4 CHEBI:30051 CHEBI:49467 CHEBI:49468 FOIXSVOLVBLSDH-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:15176 InChI=1S/Ag/q+1 PDBeChem:AG SILVER ION Silver ion (1+) [Ag+] chebi_ontology silver(1+) silver(1+) ion silver(I) cation hydrogen atom 1.00794 1H A s-block element atom that has formula 1.00794. CHEBI:24634 CHEBI:49636 CHEBI:49637 H InChI=1S/H Wasserstoff WebElements:H YZCKVEUIGOORGS-UHFFFAOYSA-N [H] chebi_ontology hidrogeno hydrogen hydrogen hydrogene Fagomine 147.173 A piperidine that has formula C6H13NO3. C6H13NO3 CAS:53185-12-9 CHEBI:4969 Fagomine InChI=1S/C6H13NO3/c8-3-4-6(10)5(9)1-2-7-4/h4-10H,1-3H2/t4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 KEGG:C10144 KNApSAcK:C00002038 OC[C@H]1NCC[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O YZNNBIPIQWYLDM-HSUXUTPPSA-N chebi_ontology nickel(2+) 58.69340 An ion of nickel carrying a double positive charge. CAS:14701-22-5 CHEBI:25517 CHEBI:49785 CHEBI:49786 Gmelin:6859 InChI=1S/Ni/q+2 NICKEL (II) ION Ni Ni(2+) Ni2+ Nickel, ion (Ni2+) PDBeChem:NI PMID:20456924 VEQPNABPJHWNSG-UHFFFAOYSA-N [Ni++] chebi_ontology nickel(2+) nickel(2+) ion nickel(II) cation nickelous ion fatty acid methyl ester A fatty acid ester that is the carboxylic ester obtained by the formal condensation of a fatty acid with methanol. C2H3O2R CHEBI:13635 CHEBI:24023 CHEBI:4986 COC([*])=O FAME Fatty acid methyl ester KEGG:C03395 MetaCyc:Fatty-acid-methyl-esters Wikipedia:Fatty_acid_methyl_ester a fatty acid methyl ester chebi_ontology fatty acid methyl esters glycosyloxyflavone A member of the class of flavones having one or more glycosyl residues attached at unspecified positions. CHEBI:50018 chebi_ontology flavone glycoside flavone glycosides glycosyloxyflavone glycosyloxyflavones beta-pinene 136.23404 2(10)-pinene 6,6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptane 6,6-dimethyl-2-methylidenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptane An isomer of pinene with an exocyclic double bond. It is a component of essential oils from many plants. C10H16 CAS:127-91-3 CC1(C)C2CCC(=C)C1C2 CHEBI:10438 CHEBI:22853 CHEBI:50025 HMDB:HMDB36560 InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-7-4-5-8-6-9(7)10(8,2)3/h8-9H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3 KEGG:C09882 KNApSAcK:C00000816 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102120018 MetaCyc:CPD-3221 PMID:23472478 PMID:23513734 PMID:23738469 PMID:24555296 Reaxys:1362266 WTARULDDTDQWMU-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Beta-pinene beta-Pinene chebi_ontology nopinene pin-2(10)-ene pseudopinene sabinene 1-isopropyl-4-methylenebicyclo[3.1.0]hexane 136.23400 4(10)-thujene 4-methylene-1-(1-methylethyl)bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane 4-methylidene-1-(propan-2-yl)bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane A thujene that is a bicyclic monoterpene isolated from the essential oils of various plant species. Beilstein:2038283 C10H16 CAS:3387-41-5 CC(C)C12CC1C(=C)CC2 CHEBI:50027 InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-7(2)10-5-4-8(3)9(10)6-10/h7,9H,3-6H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C16777 MetaCyc:CPD-4893 NDVASEGYNIMXJL-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:24493662 PMID:24512040 PMID:24520907 Reaxys:2038283 Sabinen Wikipedia:Sabinene chebi_ontology thuj-4(10)-ene thujene A monoterpene based on a thujane skeleton. C10H16 CHEBI:50030 Thujen chebi_ontology phellandrene C10H16 CHEBI:50034 Phellandren Wikipedia:Phellandrene chebi_ontology organic amino compound A compound formally derived from ammonia by replacing one, two or three hydrogen atoms by organyl groups. CHEBI:50047 chebi_ontology organic amino compounds p-menthadiene A monoterpene that consists of an unsaturated p-menthane skeleton having two double bonds. C10H16 CHEBI:50073 chebi_ontology excitatory amino acid agonist An agent that binds to and activates excitatory amino acid receptors. CHEBI:50103 chebi_ontology excitatory amino acid agonists excitatory amino acid receptor agonist excitatory amino acid receptor agonists sex hormone Any hormone that is responsible for controlling sexual characteristics and reproductive function. CHEBI:50112 Geschlechtshormon Geschlechtshormone Sexualhormon Sexualhormone chebi_ontology hormone sexuelle hormones sexuelles sex hormones estrogen A hormone that stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of female sex characteristics in mammals by binding to oestrogen receptors. The oestrogens are named for their importance in the oestrous cycle. The oestrogens that occur naturally in the body, notably estrone, estradiol, estriol, and estetrol are steroids. Other compounds with oestrogenic activity are produced by plants (phytoestrogens) and fungi (mycoestrogens); synthetic compounds with oestrogenic activity are known as xenoestrogens. CHEBI:50114 Estrogene Oestrogen Oestrogene Wikipedia:Estrogen chebi_ontology estrogene estrogenes estrogenes Hormon estrogeno estrogenos estrogens oestrogen oestrogene oestrogenes oestrogens biflavonoid A flavonoid oligomer that is obtained by the oxidative coupling of at least two units of aryl-substituted benzopyran rings or its substituted derivatives, resulting in the two ring systems being joined together by a single atom or bond. CHEBI:50128 Wikipedia:Biflavonoid biflavonoids chebi_ontology diflavonoid diflavonoids keratolytic drug A drug that softens, separates, and causes desquamation of the cornified epithelium or horny layer of skin. Keratolytic drugs are used to expose mycelia of infecting fungi or to treat corns, warts, and certain other skin diseases. CHEBI:50176 chebi_ontology desquamating agent keratolytic agent keratolytic drugs skin-peeling agent dermatologic drug A drug used to treat or prevent skin disorders or for the routine care of skin. CHEBI:50177 chebi_ontology dermatologic agent dermatologic drugs dermatological agent P450 inhibitor An enzyme inhibitor that interferes with the activity of cytochrome P450 involved in catalysis of organic substances. CHEBI:50183 CYP2D6 inhbitor CYP2D6 inhbitors P450 inhibitors chebi_ontology cytochrome P450 inhibitor cytochrome P450 inhibitors provitamin A substance that can be converted into a vitamin by animal tissues. CHEBI:50188 Wikipedia:Provitamin chebi_ontology provitamins dihydroxybenzaldehyde C7H6O3 CHEBI:50196 chebi_ontology dihydroxybenzaldehyde (R)-naringenin (+)-(2R)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)chroman-4-one (2R)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-4H-chromen-4-one (2R)-naringenin 2,3-dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-benzopyrone 272.25278 Beilstein:90700 C15H12O5 CHEBI:50201 FTVWIRXFELQLPI-CYBMUJFWSA-N InChI=1S/C15H12O5/c16-9-3-1-8(2-4-9)13-7-12(19)15-11(18)5-10(17)6-14(15)20-13/h1-6,13,16-18H,7H2/t13-/m1/s1 MetaCyc:CPD-14042 Oc1ccc(cc1)[C@H]1CC(=O)c2c(O)cc(O)cc2O1 Reaxys:90700 The (R)-enantiomer of naringenin. chebi_ontology naringenin 272.25278 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-4H-chromen-4-one A trihydroxyflavanone that is flavanone substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 5, 6 and 4'. Beilstein:280888 C15H12O5 CHEBI:50202 FTVWIRXFELQLPI-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C15H12O5/c16-9-3-1-8(2-4-9)13-7-12(19)15-11(18)5-10(17)6-14(15)20-13/h1-6,13,16-18H,7H2 LINCS:LSM-1927 MetaCyc:Naringenin Oc1ccc(cc1)C1CC(=O)c2c(O)cc(O)cc2O1 chebi_ontology 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde 1,2-dihydroxy-4-formylbenzene 138.12074 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde 3,4-dihydroxybenzenecarbonal 4-formyl-1,2-benzenediol 4-formyl-1,2-dihydroxybenzene A dihydroxybenzaldehyde that has formula C7H6O3. Beilstein:774381 C7H6O3 CAS:139-85-5 CHEBI:50205 Gmelin:123001 IBGBGRVKPALMCQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C7H6O3/c8-4-5-1-2-6(9)7(10)3-5/h1-4,9-10H KEGG:C16700 KNApSAcK:C00018099 Protocatechualdehyde [H]C(=O)c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 chebi_ontology protocatechualdehyde protocatechuic aldehyde retinol 286.45160 3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl)nona-2,4,6,8-tetraen-1-ol A retinoid consisting of 3,7-dimethylnona-2,4,6,8-tetraen-1-ol substituted at position 9 by a 2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl group (geometry of the four exocyclic double bonds is not specified). C20H30O CC(C=CC=C(C)C=CC1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=CCO CHEBI:15037 CHEBI:26538 CHEBI:50211 FPIPGXGPPPQFEQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C20H30O/c1-16(8-6-9-17(2)13-15-21)11-12-19-18(3)10-7-14-20(19,4)5/h6,8-9,11-13,21H,7,10,14-15H2,1-5H3 LINCS:LSM-5317 MetaCyc:Retinols chebi_ontology retinol EC 3.1.4.* (phosphoric diester hydrolase) inhibitor An EC 3.1.* (ester hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of a phosphoric diester hydrolase (EC 3.1.4.*). CHEBI:50218 CHEBI:76774 EC 3.1.4.* (phosphoric diester hydrolase) inhibitors chebi_ontology phosphodiesterase inhibitor phosphodiesterase inhibitors phosphoric diester hydrolase (EC 3.1.4.*) inhibitor phosphoric diester hydrolase (EC 3.1.4.*) inhibitors phosphoric diester hydrolase inhibitor phosphoric diester hydrolase inhibitors antidote Any protective agent counteracting or neutralizing the action of poisons. CHEBI:50247 antidotes chebi_ontology hematologic agent CHEBI:50248 Drug that acts on blood and blood-forming organs and those that affect the hemostatic system. chebi_ontology hematologic agents 2-hydroxydicarboxylic acid 2-Hydroxydicarboxylic acid 2-hydroxydicarboxylic acids Any dicarboxylic acid carrying a hydroxy group on the carbon atom at position alpha to the carboxy group. C3H4O5(CH2)n CHEBI:1154 CHEBI:19636 CHEBI:50263 KEGG:C03668 chebi_ontology prodrug A compound that, on administration, must undergo chemical conversion by metabolic processes before becoming the pharmacologically active drug for which it is a prodrug. CHEBI:50266 Prodrugs Wikipedia:Prodrug chebi_ontology protective agent CHEBI:50267 Synthetic or natural substance which is given to prevent a disease or disorder or are used in the process of treating a disease or injury due to a poisonous agent. chebi_ontology chemoprotectant chemoprotectants chemoprotective agent chemoprotective agents protective agents GABA modulator A substance that does not act as agonist or antagonist but does affect the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-ionophore complex. GABA-A receptors appear to have at least three allosteric sites at which modulators act: a site at which benzodiazepines act by increasing the opening frequency of gamma-aminobutyric acid-activated chloride channels; a site at which barbiturates act to prolong the duration of channel opening; and a site at which some steroids may act. CHEBI:50268 GABA modulators chebi_ontology secoiridoid glycoside CHEBI:50274 chebi_ontology secoiridoid glycoside secoiridoid glycosides EC (DNA topoisomerase) inhibitor A topoisomerase inhibitor that inhibits the bacterial enzymes of the DNA topoisomerases, Type I class (EC that catalyze ATP-independent breakage of one of the two strands of DNA, passage of the unbroken strand through the break, and rejoining of the broken strand. These bacterial enzymes reduce the topological stress in the DNA structure by relaxing negatively, but not positively, supercoiled DNA. CHEBI:50276 DNA topoisomerase inhibitor DNA topoisomerase inhibitors EC (DNA topoisomerase) inhibitors EC (topoisomerase I) inhibitor EC (topoisomerase I) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors chebi_ontology topoisomerase I (EC inhibitor topoisomerase I (EC inhibitors topoisomerase I inhibitor topoisomerase I inhibitors type I DNA topoisomerase inhibitor type I DNA topoisomerase inhibitors onium compound CHEBI:50312 chebi_ontology onium compound onium compounds onium compounds onium cation CHEBI:50313 Mononuclear cations derived by addition of a hydron to a mononuclear parent hydride of the pnictogen, chalcogen and halogen families. chebi_ontology onium cations onium cations onium ion onium ions proteinogenic amino-acid side-chain group A univalent organyl group obtained by cleaving the bond from C-2 to the side chain of a proteinogenic amino-acid. CHEBI:50325 canonical amino-acid side-chain canonical amino-acid side-chains chebi_ontology proteinogenic amino-acid side-chain proteinogenic amino-acid side-chain groups proteinogenic amino-acid side-chains sulfanylmethyl group -CH2-SH 47.10052 CH3S CHEBI:50326 HS-CH2- chebi_ontology cysteine side-chain sulfanylmethyl 2-carboxyethyl group 2-carboxyethyl 73.07060 C3H5O2 CHEBI:50329 chebi_ontology glutamic acid side-chain 1H-imidazol-4-ylmethyl group 1H-imidazol-4-ylmethyl 81.09598 C4H5N2 CHEBI:50338 chebi_ontology histidine side-chain 3-carbamimidamidopropyl group 100.14242 3-(carbamimidoylamino)propyl 3-carbamimidamidopropyl 3-guanidinopropyl C4H10N3 CHEBI:50340 arginine side-chain chebi_ontology 1-hydroxyethyl group 1-hydroxyethyl 45.06050 C2H5O CHEBI:50341 chebi_ontology threonine side-chain cholestanoid Any steroid based on a cholestane skeleton and its derivatives. CHEBI:50401 chebi_ontology cholestanoids ergostanoid CHEBI:50403 chebi_ontology ergostanoids probe A role played by a molecular entity used to study the microscopic environment. CHEBI:50406 chebi_ontology platelet aggregation inhibitor A drug or agent which antagonizes or impairs any mechanism leading to blood platelet aggregation, whether during the phases of activation and shape change or following the dense-granule release reaction and stimulation of the prostaglandin-thromboxane system. CHEBI:50427 chebi_ontology platelet aggregation inhibitors laxative An agent that produces a soft formed stool, and relaxes and loosens the bowels, typically used over a protracted period, to relieve constipation. Compare with cathartic, which is a substance that accelerates defecation. A substances can be both a laxative and a cathartic. CHEBI:50503 aperient aperients chebi_ontology laxante laxatives purgative purgatives butenolide 2-furanone A gamma-lactone that consists of a 2-furanone skeleton and its substituted derivatives. C4H4O2 CHEBI:22960 CHEBI:38121 CHEBI:50523 Wikipedia:Butenolide butenolides chebi_ontology furan-2-one catecholate(1-) 109.10270 2-hydroxyphenolate A phenolate anion that is the conjugate base of catechol. Beilstein:3904355 C6H5O2 CHEBI:50524 Gmelin:142204 InChI=1S/C6H6O2/c7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8/h1-4,7-8H/p-1 Oc1ccccc1[O-] Reaxys:3904355 YCIMNLLNPGFGHC-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology pyrocatechol monoanion phenolate anion An organic anion arising from deprotonation of the OH function of a phenol compound. CHEBI:50525 chebi_ontology phenolate anions iridoid monoterpenoid CHEBI:50563 One of a class of monoterpenoids biosynthesized from isoprene and often intermediates in the biosynthesis of alkaloids. Iridoids usually consist of a cyclopentane ring fused to a six-membered oxygen heterocycle. Wikipedia:Iridoid chebi_ontology iridoid monoterpenoid iridoid monoterpenoids alkenyl alcohol Any aliphatic alcohol in which the carbon chain contains one or more olefinic bonds. CHEBI:50582 alkenyl alcohols chebi_ontology hydroxyalkene hydroxyalkenes alkyl alcohol An aliphatic alcohol in which the aliphatic alkane chain is substituted by a hydroxy group at unspecified position. CHEBI:22937 CHEBI:50581 CHEBI:50584 alkyl alcohols chebi_ontology hydroxyalkane hydroxyalkanes cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor A cyclooxygenase inhibitor that interferes with the action of cyclooxygenase 2. CHEBI:50629 COX-2 inhibitor COX-2 inhibitors PGHS-2 inhibitor PGHS-2 inhibitors Wikipedia:Prostaglandin-endoperoxide_synthase_2 chebi_ontology cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitor cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors prostaglandin H synthase-2 inhibitor prostaglandin H synthase-2 inhibitors prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 inhibitor prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 inhibitors cyclooxygenase 1 inhibitor A cyclooxygenase inhibitor that interferes with the action of cyclooxygenase 1. CHEBI:50630 COX-1 inhibitor COX-1 inhibitors PTGS1 inhibitor PTGS1 inhibitors Wikipedia:PTGS1 chebi_ontology cyclo-oxygenase 1 inhibitor cyclo-oxygenase 1 inhibitors cyclooxygenase 1 inhibitors cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitor cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitors prostaglandin G/H synthase 1 inhibitor prostaglandin G/H synthase 1 inhibitors prostaglandin H2 synthase 1 inhibitor prostaglandin H2 synthase 1 inhibitors prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 inhibitor prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 inhibitors cross-linking reagent A reagent with two reactive groups, usually at opposite ends of the molecule, that are capable of reacting with and thereby forming bridges between macromolecules, principally side chains of amino acids in proteins, allowing the locations of naturally reactive areas within the proteins to be identified. CHEBI:50684 chebi_ontology cross-linking reagents oligosaccharide A compound in which monosaccharide units are joined by glycosidic linkages. The term is commonly used to refer to a defined structure as opposed to a polymer of unspecified length or a homologous mixture. When the linkages are of other types the compounds are regarded as oligosaccharide analogues. CHEBI:25679 CHEBI:35319 CHEBI:50699 CHEBI:7758 KEGG:C00930 O-glycosylglycoside O-glycosylglycosides Oligosaccharide an oligosaccharide chebi_ontology oligosacarido oligosacaridos oligosaccharides nutraceutical A product in capsule, tablet or liquid form that provide essential nutrients, such as a vitamin, an essential mineral, a protein, an herb, or similar nutritional substance. CHEBI:50733 Dietary Supplement Food Supplementation Nutritional supplement chebi_ontology EC [DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing)] inhibitor A topoisomerase inhibitor that inhibits DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing), EC (topoisomerase II), which catalyses ATP-dependent breakage of both strands of DNA, passage of the unbroken strands through the breaks, and rejoining of the broken strands. CHEBI:50234 CHEBI:50750 DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing) (EC inhibitor DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing) (EC inhibitors DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing) inhibitor DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing) inhibitors DNA topoisomerase II inhibitor DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors EC (DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing)) inhibitor EC (DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing)) inhibitors EC [DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing)] inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors chebi_ontology inhibitor of type II topoisomerase inhibitors of type II topoisomerase topoisomerase II inhibitor topoisomerase II inhibitors topoisomerase-II inhibitor topoisomerase-II inhibitors type II DNA topoisomerase inhibitor type II DNA topoisomerase inhibitors isoflavonoid 3-aryl-1-benzopyran 3-aryl-1-benzopyrans Any 1-benzopyran with an aryl substituent at position 3. The term was originally restricted to natural products, but is now also used to describe semi-synthetic and fully synthetic compounds. CHEBI:50753 MetaCyc:Isoflavonoids Wikipedia:Isoflavonoid chebi_ontology isoflavonoids immunomodulator Biologically active substance whose activity affects or plays a role in the functioning of the immune system. Biomodulator CHEBI:50846 Immune factor Immunologic factor Immunological factor Wikipedia:Immunotherapy chebi_ontology immunomodulators immunological adjuvant A substance that augments, stimulates, activates, potentiates, or modulates the immune response at either the cellular or humoral level. A classical agent (Freund's adjuvant, BCG, Corynebacterium parvum, et al.) contains bacterial antigens. It could also be endogenous (e.g., histamine, interferon, transfer factor, tuftsin, interleukin-1). Its mode of action is either non-specific, resulting in increased immune responsiveness to a wide variety of antigens, or antigen-specific, i.e., affecting a restricted type of immune response to a narrow group of antigens. The therapeutic efficacy is related to its antigen-specific immunoadjuvanticity. CHEBI:50847 Immunoactivator Immunoadjuvant Immunologic adjuvant Immunopotentiator Immunostimulant Wikipedia:Immunologic_adjuvant chebi_ontology 2-furoate ester 2-furoate ester Any carboxylic ester where the carboxylic acid component is 2-furoic acid. CHEBI:50856 chebi_ontology furan-2-carboxylate ester furan-2-carboxylate esters organic molecular entity Any molecular entity that contains carbon. CHEBI:25700 CHEBI:33244 CHEBI:50860 chebi_ontology organic compounds organic entity organic molecular entities genotoxin A role played by a chemical compound to induce direct or indirect DNA damage. Such damage can potentially lead to the formation of a malignant tumour, but DNA damage does not lead inevitably to the creation of cancerous cells. CHEBI:50902 Wikipedia:Genotoxicity chebi_ontology genotoxic agent genotoxic agents genotoxins carcinogenic agent A role played by a chemical compound which is known to induce a process of carcinogenesis by corrupting normal cellular pathways, leading to the acquistion of tumoral capabilities. CHEBI:50903 agente carcinogeno cancerigene cancerogene carcinogen carcinogene carcinogenic agents carcinogeno carcinogens chebi_ontology allergen A chemical compound which causes the onset of an allergic reaction by interacting with any of the molecular pathways involved in an allergy. CHEBI:50904 Wikipedia:Allergen alergeno allergene allergenic agent chebi_ontology teratogenic agent A role played by a chemical compound in biological systems with adverse consequences in embryo developments, leading to birth defects, embryo death or altered development, growth retardation and functional defect. CHEBI:50905 agent teratogene chebi_ontology teratogen teratogeno hepatotoxic agent A role played by a chemical compound exihibiting itself through the ability to induce damage to the liver in animals. CHEBI:50908 agente hepatotoxico chebi_ontology hepatotoxicant hepatoxic agent hepatoxicant neurotoxin A poison that interferes with the functions of the nervous system. CHEBI:50910 CHEBI:50911 Wikipedia:Neurotoxin agente neurotoxico chebi_ontology nerve poison nerve poisons neurotoxic agent neurotoxic agents neurotoxicant neurotoxins angiogenesis modulating agent An agent that modulates the physiologic angiogenesis process. This is accomplished by endogenous angiogenic proteins and a variety of other chemicals and pharmaceutical agents. CHEBI:50926 chebi_ontology secondary amino compound A compound formally derived from ammonia by replacing two hydrogen atoms by organyl groups. CHEBI:50995 chebi_ontology secondary amino compounds tertiary amino compound A compound formally derived from ammonia by replacing three hydrogen atoms by organyl groups. CHEBI:50996 chebi_ontology tertiary amino compounds macrocycle A cyclic compound containing nine or more atoms as part of the cyclic system. CHEBI:51026 Makrocyclen Makrozyklen Wikipedia:Macrocycle chebi_ontology macrocycle macrocycles makrocyclische Verbindungen makrozyklische Verbindungen hormone agonist A chemical substance which binds to specific hormone receptors activating the function of the endocrine glands, the biosynthesis of their secreted hormones, or the action of hormones upon their specific sites. CHEBI:51060 chebi_ontology hormone receptor modulator A drug that modulates the function of the endocrine glands, the biosynthesis of their secreted hormones, or the action of hormones upon their specific sites. CHEBI:51061 chebi_ontology hormone receptor modulators chemical role A role played by the molecular entity or part thereof within a chemical context. CHEBI:51086 chebi_ontology fluorescent dye CHEBI:51121 chebi_ontology fluorescent dyes nitrogen molecular entity CHEBI:25556 CHEBI:51143 CHEBI:7594 KEGG:C06061 Nitrogenous compounds chebi_ontology nitrogen compounds nitrogen molecular entities dipolar compound An organic molecule that is electrically neutral carrying a positive and a negative charge in one of its major canonical descriptions. In most dipolar compounds the charges are delocalized; however the term is also applied to species where this is not the case. CHEBI:51151 chebi_ontology dipolar compounds acenes CHEBI:51269 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons consisting of fused benzene rings in a rectilinear arrangement and their substitution derivatives. chebi_ontology thioester 60.07500 A compound of general formula RC(=O)SR'. Compare with thionoester, RC(=S)OR'. CHEBI:51277 COSR2 [*]C(=O)S[*] chebi_ontology thio ester thioesters thiol ester acenoquinone CHEBI:51285 Quinones containing an acene fused ring system. acenoquinone acenoquinones chebi_ontology diester A diester is a compound containing two ester groups. CHEBI:51307 chebi_ontology diester diesters GABA agent A substance, such as agonists, antagonists, degradation or uptake inhibitors, depleters, precursors, and modulators of receptor function, used for its pharmacological actions on GABAergic systems. CHEBI:51374 chebi_ontology organodiyl group Any organic substituent group, regardless of functional type, having two free valences at carbon atom(s). CHEBI:51422 chebi_ontology organodiyl groups organic divalent group CHEBI:51446 chebi_ontology organic univalent group CHEBI:51447 chebi_ontology organic monovalent group dimethoxybenzene Any methoxybenzene that consists of a benzene skeleton substituted with two methoxy groups and its derivatives. CHEBI:51681 chebi_ontology dimethoxybenzenes methoxybenzene Any aromatic ether that consists of a benzene skeleton substituted with one or more methoxy groups. CHEBI:51683 chebi_ontology methoxybenzenes enal 53.03940 An alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehyde of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-CH=O in which the aldehydic C=O function is conjugated to a C=C double bond at the alpha,beta position. C3HOR3 CHEBI:51688 [H]C(=O)C(\[*])=C(/[*])[*] chebi_ontology enals enone 52.03150 An alpha,beta-unsaturated ketone of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-C(=O)R(4) (R(4) =/= H) in which the C=O function is conjugated to a C=C double bond at the alpha,beta position. C3OR4 CHEBI:51689 Wikipedia:Enone [*]\C([*])=C(\[*])C([*])=O chebi_ontology enones enoate ester 68.03090 An alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic ester of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-C(=O)OR(4) (R(4) =/= H) in which the ester C=O function is conjugated to a C=C double bond at the alpha,beta position. C3O2R4 CHEBI:51702 [*]\C([*])=C(\[*])C(=O)O[*] chebi_ontology enoate enoate esters enoates friedelin (-)-friedelin (4R,4aS,6aS,6bR,8aR,12aR,12bS,14aS,14bS)-4,4a,6b,8a,11,11,12b,14a-octamethylicosahydropicen-3(2H)-one 426.71740 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is perhydropicene which is substituted by an oxo group at position 3 and by methyl groups at the 4, 4a, 6b, 8a, 11, 11, 12b, and 14a-positions (the 4R,4aS,6aS,6bR,8aR,12aR,12bS,14aS,14bS-enantiomer). It is the major triterpenoid constituent of cork. C30H50O CAS:559-74-0 CHEBI:5171 D:A-friedooleanan-3-one InChI=1S/C30H50O/c1-20-21(31)9-10-22-27(20,5)12-11-23-28(22,6)16-18-30(8)24-19-25(2,3)13-14-26(24,4)15-17-29(23,30)7/h20,22-24H,9-19H2,1-8H3/t20-,22+,23-,24+,26+,27+,28-,29+,30-/m0/s1 KEGG:C08626 KNApSAcK:C00003747 MetaCyc:CPD-13047 OFMXGFHWLZPCFL-SVRPQWSVSA-N PMID:17639555 PMID:20610397 PMID:20675291 PMID:21718291 Patent:WO2009072916 [H][C@@]12CCC(=O)[C@H](C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2(C)CC[C@@]2(C)[C@]3([H])CC(C)(C)CC[C@]3(C)CC[C@]12C chebi_ontology friedelan-3-one friedelin friedeline alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehyde An aldehyde of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-CH=O or RC#C-CH=O in which the aldehydic C=O function is conjugated to an unsaturated C-C bond at the alpha,beta position. CHEBI:51718 alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes chebi_ontology alpha,beta-unsaturated ketone A ketone of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-C(=O)R(4) (R(4) =/= H) or R(1)C#C-C(=O)R(2) (R(2) =/= H) in which the ketonic C=O function is conjugated to an unsaturated C-C bond at the alpha,beta position. CHEBI:51721 alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones chebi_ontology alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic ester A carboxylic ester of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-C(=O)OR(4) (R(4) =/= H) or R(1)C#C-C(=O)OR(2) (R(2) =/= H) in which the ester C=O function is conjugated to an unsaturated C-C bond at the alpha,beta position. CHEBI:51737 alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic esters chebi_ontology alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic acid amide A monocarboxylic amide of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-C(=O)NR(4)R(5) or R(1)C#C-C(=O)NR(2)R(3) in which the amide C=O function is conjugated to an unsaturated C-C bond at the alpha,beta position. CHEBI:51750 alpha,beta-unsaturated amide alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxamide alpha,beta-unsaturated monocarboxylic acid amide alpha,beta-unsaturated monocarboxylic acid amides chebi_ontology enamide 66.03820 An alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic acid amide of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-C(=O)NR(4)R(5) in which the amide C=O function is conjugated to a C=C double bond at the alpha,beta position. C3NOR5 CHEBI:51751 [*]\C([*])=C(\[*])C(=O)N([*])[*] chebi_ontology enamides organic heterohexacyclic compound CHEBI:51914 chebi_ontology organic heterohexacyclic compounds heptadienal An seven carbon-enal containing one extra C=C double bond, which may or may not be conjugated with the aldehydic C=O and alpha,beta-double bond systems. CHEBI:51921 chebi_ontology heptadienals organic polycyclic compound CHEBI:51958 chebi_ontology organic polycyclic compounds organic tricyclic compound CHEBI:51959 chebi_ontology organic tricyclic compounds Futoquinol 354.397 A monoterpenoid that has formula C21H22O5. AOZTYYBGNNXAOI-NTEUORMPSA-N C21H22O5 CAS:28178-92-9 CHEBI:5203 COC1=CC(=O)C(CC=C)=CC1(OC)C(\C)=C\c1ccc2OCOc2c1 Futoquinol InChI=1S/C21H22O5/c1-5-6-16-12-21(24-4,20(23-3)11-17(16)22)14(2)9-15-7-8-18-19(10-15)26-13-25-18/h5,7-12H,1,6,13H2,2-4H3/b14-9+ KEGG:C10574 KNApSAcK:C00002604 chebi_ontology 5-hydroxyfurocoumarin 197.12320 5-hydroxyfuranocoumarin 5-hydroxyfuranocoumarins 5-hydroxyfurocoumarins A furanocoumarin which bears a hydroxy group at position 5. C11HO4R5 CHEBI:52058 a 5-hydroxyfurocoumarin an 5-hydroxyfurocoumarin chebi_ontology methoxide 31.03390 An organic anion that is the conjugate base of methanol. CH3O CHEBI:52090 C[O-] InChI=1S/CH3O/c1-2/h1H3/q-1 NBTOZLQBSIZIKS-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1839368 chebi_ontology methoxide ion ethoxide 45.06050 An organic anion that is the conjugate base of ethanol. Beilstein:1839415 C2H5O CC[O-] CHEBI:52092 HHFAWKCIHAUFRX-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C2H5O/c1-2-3/h2H2,1H3/q-1 Reaxys:1839415 chebi_ontology ethoxy anion organic heteroheptacyclic compound CHEBI:52157 chebi_ontology biochemical role A biological role played by the molecular entity or part thereof within a biochemical context. CHEBI:52206 chebi_ontology biophysical role CHEBI:52208 chebi_ontology aetiopathogenetic role A role played by the molecular entity or part thereof which causes the development of a pathological process. CHEBI:52209 chebi_ontology etiopathogenetic agent etiopathogenetic role pharmacological role A biological role which describes how a drug interacts within a biological system and how the interactions affect its medicinal properties. CHEBI:52210 chebi_ontology physiological role CHEBI:52211 chebi_ontology ligand Any molecule or ion capable of binding to a central metal atom to form coordination complexes. CHEBI:52214 Wikipedia:Ligand chebi_ontology ligands pharmaceutical Any substance introduced into a living organism with therapeutic or diagnostic purpose. CHEBI:33293 CHEBI:33294 CHEBI:52217 chebi_ontology farmaco medicament pharmaceuticals 7-hydroxyflavonol 250.20570 7-hydroxy-flavonols Any flavonol carrying a 7-hydroxy substituent. C15H6O4R4 CHEBI:52267 Oc1cc([*])c2c(c1)oc(-c1cc([*])c([*])c([*])c1)c(O)c2=O chebi_ontology sterol methyltransferase inhibitor An EC 2.1.1.* (methyltransferases) inhibitor that interferes with the action of sterol methyltransferase. CHEBI:52303 chebi_ontology EC 3.2.1.* (glycosidase) inhibitor An EC 3.2.* (glycosylase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any glycosidase (i.e. enzymes hydrolysing O- and S-glycosyl compounds, EC 3.2.1.*). CHEBI:52424 CHEBI:76776 EC 3.2.1.* (glycosidase) inhibitors EC 3.2.1.* inhibitor EC 3.2.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology glycosidase (EC 3.2.1.*) inhibitor glycosidase (EC 3.2.1.*) inhibitors glycosidase inhibitor glycosidase inhibitors glycoside hydrolase inhibitors galactolipid A glycolipid and which the glyco component is specified as galactosyl. CHEBI:5254 a galactolipid chebi_ontology tetracyclic diterpenoid A diterpenoid with a tetracyclic skeleton. CHEBI:52557 chebi_ontology tetracyclic diterpenoids 2-hydroxy carboxylic acid 2-Hydroxy carboxylate 75.04340 C2H3O3R CHEBI:1111 CHEBI:13592 CHEBI:52618 KEGG:C02929 OC([*])C(O)=O a 2-hydroxy carboxylic acid chebi_ontology EC (retroviral ribonuclease H) inhibitor An inhibitor of ribonuclease H (EC, an enzyme required for specific hydrolysis of the RNA strand of an RNA/DNA hybrid. CHEBI:52629 EC (retroviral ribonuclease H) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors HIV RNase H inhibitor HIV RNase H inhibitors HIV-1 RNase H inhibitor HIV-1 RNase H inhibitors HIV-1 ribonuclease H inhibitor HIV-1 ribonuclease H inhibitors RT/RNase H inhibitor RT/RNase H inhibitors Wikipedia:Retroviral_ribonuclease_H chebi_ontology retroviral reverse transcriptase RNaseH inhibitor retroviral reverse transcriptase RNaseH inhibitors retroviral ribonuclease H (EC inhibitor retroviral ribonuclease H (EC inhibitors retroviral ribonuclease H inhibitor cyclic organic group An organic group that consists of a closed ring. It may be a substituent or a skeleton. CHEBI:52845 chebi_ontology cyclic organic groups azamacrocycle A cyclic macromolecule containing one or more nitrogen atoms in place of carbon either as the divalent group NH for the group CH2 or a single trivalent nitrogen atom for the group CH. CHEBI:52898 aza macrocycle aza macrocyclic compound aza-macrocycle azamacrocycles chebi_ontology epitope CHEBI:53000 The biological role played by a material entity when bound by a receptor of the adaptive immune system. Specific site on an antigen to which an antibody binds. antigenic determinant chebi_ontology epitope function epitope role polyanionic macromolecule A polymer carrying multiple negative charges. CHEBI:53309 chebi_ontology polyanion polyanions olefinic fatty acid Any fatty acid containing at least one C=C double bond. CHEBI:53339 PMID:832335 chebi_ontology ionic macromolecule A macromolecule containing ionic groups. CHEBI:53368 chebi_ontology ionic polymer polyionic macromolecule kaurane diterpenoid A diterpenoid compound having a kaurane skeleton. CHEBI:53666 chebi_ontology kaurane diterpenoids HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor An entity which inhibits the activity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. CHEBI:53756 HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors chebi_ontology reverse transcriptase inhibitor reverse transcriptase inhibitors antidiarrhoeal drug Any drug found useful in the symptomatic treatment of diarrhoea. CHEBI:55323 antidiarrheal antidiarrheal agent antidiarrheal agents antidiarrheal drug antidiarrheal drugs antidiarrheals antidiarrhoeal antidiarrhoeal agent antidiarrhoeal agents antidiarrhoeal drugs antidiarrhoeals antiperistaltic antiperistaltic agent antiperistaltic agents antiperistaltic drug antiperistaltic drugs antiperistaltics chebi_ontology gastrointestinal drug A drug used for its effects on the gastrointestinal system, e.g. controlling gastric acidity, regulating gastrointestinal motility and water flow, and improving digestion. CHEBI:55324 chebi_ontology gastrointestinal agent gastrointestinal agents gastrointestinal drugs 7-hydroxyisoflavones A hydroxyisoflavone compound having a hydroxy group at the 7-position. CHEBI:55465 MetaCyc:7-hydroxyisoflavones chebi_ontology hemiacetal 46.025 A compound having the general formula RR'C(OH)OR'' (R'' =/= H). CH2O2R2 CHEBI:5653 Hemiacetal chebi_ontology hemiacetals hemiacetals heterocyclic compound A cyclic compound having as ring members atoms of at least two different elements. CHEBI:5686 Heterocyclic compound chebi_ontology compuesto heterociclico compuestos heterociclicos heterocycle heterocyclic compounds coenzyme A(4-) 3'-phosphonatoadenosine 5'-{3-[(3R)-3-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-oxo-4-({3-oxo-3-[(2-sulfanylethyl)amino]propyl}amino)butyl] diphosphate} 763.50200 Beilstein:11604429 C21H32N7O16P3S CC(C)(COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP([O-])([O-])=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCS CHEBI:57287 CoA InChI=1S/C21H36N7O16P3S/c1-21(2,16(31)19(32)24-4-3-12(29)23-5-6-48)8-41-47(38,39)44-46(36,37)40-7-11-15(43-45(33,34)35)14(30)20(42-11)28-10-27-13-17(22)25-9-26-18(13)28/h9-11,14-16,20,30-31,48H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,23,29)(H,24,32)(H,36,37)(H,38,39)(H2,22,25,26)(H2,33,34,35)/p-4/t11-,14-,15-,16+,20-/m1/s1 RGJOEKWQDUBAIZ-IBOSZNHHSA-J Tetraanion of coenzyme A. chebi_ontology glycine zwitterion 2-azaniumylacetate 75.06660 An amino acid zwitterion arising from transfer of a proton from the carboxy to the amino group of glycine. C2H5NO2 CHEBI:57305 DHMQDGOQFOQNFH-UHFFFAOYSA-N Gmelin:1807 InChI=1S/C2H5NO2/c3-1-2(4)5/h1,3H2,(H,4,5) MetaCyc:GLY [NH3+]CC([O-])=O chebi_ontology glycine 3-oxo-fatty acyl-CoA(4-) 3-ketoacyl-CoA 3-ketoacyl-coenzyme A 3-oxo-fatty acyl-CoA 3-oxoacyl-coenzyme A An acyl-CoA(4-) arising from deprotonation of the phosphate and diphosphate groups of any 3-oxo-fatty acyl-CoA. C24H33N7O18P3SR CC(C)(COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP([O-])([O-])=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC(=O)CC([*])=O CHEBI:57347 MetaCyc:3-KETOACYL-COA chebi_ontology 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate luteolin-7-olate(1-) 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate 285.22840 A flavonoid oxoanion that is the conjugate base of luteolin, arising from selective deprotonation of the 7-hydroxy group. C15H9O6 CHEBI:57545 IQPNAANSBPBGFQ-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C15H10O6/c16-8-4-11(19)15-12(20)6-13(21-14(15)5-8)7-1-2-9(17)10(18)3-7/h1-6,16-19H/p-1 MetaCyc:5734-TETRAHYDROXYFLAVONE Oc1ccc(cc1O)-c1cc(=O)c2c(O)cc([O-])cc2o1 chebi_ontology luteolin luteolin-7-olate anion long-chain fatty acid anion A fatty acid anion with a chain length of C13 or greater. CHEBI:13652 CHEBI:57560 CO2R [O-]C([*])=O a long-chain carboxylate a long-chain fatty acid chebi_ontology long-chain fatty acid anions chlorogenate (1S,3R,4R,5R)-3-[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoyloxy]-1,4,5-trihydroxycyclohexanecarboxylate 353.30080 A monocarboxylic acid anion that is the conjugate base of chlorogenic acid; major species at pH 7.3. Beilstein:6097142 C16H17O9 CHEBI:23144 CHEBI:57644 CWVRJTMFETXNAD-JUHZACGLSA-M InChI=1S/C16H18O9/c17-9-3-1-8(5-10(9)18)2-4-13(20)25-12-7-16(24,15(22)23)6-11(19)14(12)21/h1-5,11-12,14,17-19,21,24H,6-7H2,(H,22,23)/p-1/b4-2+/t11-,12-,14-,16+/m1/s1 O[C@@H]1C[C@](O)(C[C@@H](OC(=O)\C=C\c2ccc(O)c(O)c2)[C@@H]1O)C([O-])=O chebi_ontology chlorogenate anion quercetin-7-olate 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5-dihydroxy-4-oxo-4-chromen-7-olate 301.22830 C15H9O7 CHEBI:57694 Conjugate base of quercetin arising from selective deprotonation of the 7-hydroxy group; major species at pH 7.3. InChI=1S/C15H10O7/c16-7-4-10(19)12-11(5-7)22-15(14(21)13(12)20)6-1-2-8(17)9(18)3-6/h1-5,16-19,21H/p-1 Oc1ccc(cc1O)-c1oc2cc([O-])cc(O)c2c(=O)c1O REFJWTPEDVJJIY-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology quercetin quercetin anion D-threonine zwitterion (2R,3S)-2-azaniumyl-3-hydroxybutanoate 119.11920 A D-alpha-amino acid zwitterion that is D-threonine in which a proton has been transferred from the carboxy group to the amino group. It is the major species at pH 7.3. AYFVYJQAPQTCCC-STHAYSLISA-N C4H9NO3 CHEBI:57757 C[C@H](O)[C@@H]([NH3+])C([O-])=O D-threonine InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t2-,3+/m0/s1 chebi_ontology trans-caffeate (2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)acrylate (2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoate 179.14950 3,4-dihydroxy-trans-cinnamate Beilstein:8986917 C9H7O4 CHEBI:57770 Gmelin:1824843 InChI=1S/C9H8O4/c10-7-3-1-6(5-8(7)11)2-4-9(12)13/h1-5,10-11H,(H,12,13)/p-1/b4-2+ Oc1ccc(\C=C\C([O-])=O)cc1O QAIPRVGONGVQAS-DUXPYHPUSA-M The conjugate base of trans-caffeic acid; major species at pH 7.3. chebi_ontology trans-caffeate trans-caffeate anion trans-caffeate(1-) spermidine(3+) (4-azaniumylbutyl)(3-azaniumylpropyl)azanium 148.26970 ATHGHQPFGPMSJY-UHFFFAOYSA-Q An ammonium ion that is the trication of spermidine, formed by protonation at all three nitrogens. C7H22N3 CHEBI:57834 InChI=1S/C7H19N3/c8-4-1-2-6-10-7-3-5-9/h10H,1-9H2/p+3 MetaCyc:SPERMIDINE N-(3-ammoniopropyl)butane-1,4-diaminium [NH3+]CCCC[NH2+]CCC[NH3+] chebi_ontology spermidine nucleoside 5'-phosphate dianion 194.07920 C5H7O6PR2 CHEBI:57867 O[C@H]1[C@@H]([*])[C@H]([*])O[C@@H]1COP([O-])([O-])=O The conjugate base of a nucleoside 5'-phosphate. a nucleoside 5'-phosphate chebi_ontology nucleoside 5'-phosphate dianions tryptaminium 161.22310 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethanaminium APJYDQYYACXCRM-UHFFFAOYSA-O An ammonium ion that is the conjugate acid of tryptamine arising from protonation of the primary amino group; major species at pH 7.3. C10H13N2 CHEBI:57887 Gmelin:533978 InChI=1S/C10H12N2/c11-6-5-8-7-12-10-4-2-1-3-9(8)10/h1-4,7,12H,5-6,11H2/p+1 [NH3+]CCc1c[nH]c2ccccc12 chebi_ontology tryptamine tryptaminium cation tryptaminium(1+) L-threonine zwitterion (2S,3R)-2-ammonio-3-hydroxybutanoate (2S,3R)-2-azaniumyl-3-hydroxybutanoate 119.11920 AYFVYJQAPQTCCC-GBXIJSLDSA-N C4H9NO3 CHEBI:57926 C[C@@H](O)[C@H]([NH3+])C([O-])=O Gmelin:2506280 InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t2-,3+/m1/s1 L-threonine Zwitterionic form of L-threonine arising from transfer of a proton from the carboxy to the amino group; major species at pH 7.3. chebi_ontology nucleoside diphosphate(3-) 305.09310 C5H8O10P2R CHEBI:57930 C[C@@H]1O[C@H](COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])([O-])=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O NDP trianion NDP(3-) Trianion of nucleoside diiphosphate arising from deprotonation of all three free OH groups of the diphosphate; major species at pH 7.3. a ribonucleoside 5'-diphosphate chebi_ontology nucleoside diphosphate trianion ribonucleoside diphosphate trianion ribonucleoside diphosphate(3-) nucleoside 5'-monophosphate(2-) 211.08660 5'-ribonucleotide(2-) C5H8O7P C5H8O7PR CHEBI:58043 CHEBI:85513 O[C@@H]1[C@H](O)[C@@H](COP([O-])([O-])=O)O[C@H]1[*] The dianion of a nucleoside monophosphate: major species at pH 7.3. a ribonucleoside 5'-phosphate chebi_ontology nucleoside monophosphate anion nucleoside monophosphate anions nucleoside monophosphate dianion nucleoside monophosphate dianions salutaridinium(1+) 328.38230 4-hydroxy-3,6-dimethoxy-17-methyl-5,6,8,14-tetradehydromorphinan-17-ium-7-one C19H22NO4 CHEBI:58061 COC1=C[C@]23CC[NH+](C)[C@H](Cc4ccc(OC)c(O)c24)C3=CC1=O GVTRUVGBZQJVTF-YJYMSZOUSA-O InChI=1S/C19H21NO4/c1-20-7-6-19-10-16(24-3)14(21)9-12(19)13(20)8-11-4-5-15(23-2)18(22)17(11)19/h4-5,9-10,13,22H,6-8H2,1-3H3/p+1/t13-,19+/m1/s1 The conjugate acid of salutaridine; major species at pH 7.3. chebi_ontology salutaridine salutaridine cation salutaridine(1+) salutaridinium cation quercitrin-7-olate 3-[(6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)oxy]-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate 3-[(alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl)oxy]-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate 447.36900 C21H19O11 CHEBI:58192 C[C@@H]1O[C@@H](Oc2c(oc3cc([O-])cc(O)c3c2=O)-c2ccc(O)c(O)c2)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O Conjugate base of quercitrin arising from selective deprotonation of the 7-hydroxy group; major species at pH 7.3. InChI=1S/C21H20O11/c1-7-15(26)17(28)18(29)21(30-7)32-20-16(27)14-12(25)5-9(22)6-13(14)31-19(20)8-2-3-10(23)11(24)4-8/h2-7,15,17-18,21-26,28-29H,1H3/p-1/t7-,15-,17+,18+,21-/m0/s1 MetaCyc:QUERCITRIN OXGUCUVFOIWWQJ-HQBVPOQASA-M chebi_ontology quercitrin quercitrin-7-olate anion quercitrin-7-olate(1-) (S)-naringenin(1-) (2S)-5-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxochroman-7-olate (S)-naringenin anion 271.24480 A flavonoid oxoanion that is the conjugate base of (S)-naringenin, arising from selective deprotonation of the 7-hydroxy group; major species at pH 7.3. C15H11O5 CHEBI:58292 FTVWIRXFELQLPI-ZDUSSCGKSA-M InChI=1S/C15H12O5/c16-9-3-1-8(2-4-9)13-7-12(19)15-11(18)5-10(17)6-14(15)20-13/h1-6,13,16-18H,7H2/p-1/t13-/m0/s1 MetaCyc:NARINGENIN-CMPD Oc1ccc(cc1)[C@@H]1CC(=O)c2c(O)cc([O-])cc2O1 chebi_ontology Hypaconitine 615.712 A diterpenoid that has formula C33H45NO10. C33H45NO10 CAS:6900-87-4 CHEBI:5831 COC[C@@]12CC[C@H](OC)[C@@]34[C@@H]5C[C@@]6(O)[C@H](OC(=O)c7ccccc7)[C@@H]5[C@@](OC(C)=O)([C@@H]([C@H](OC)[C@H]13)C4N(C)C2)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]6OC FIDOCHXHMJHKRW-VHQVDBNASA-N Hypaconitine InChI=1S/C33H45NO10/c1-17(35)44-33-21-19(14-31(38,28(42-6)26(33)36)27(21)43-29(37)18-10-8-7-9-11-18)32-20(40-4)12-13-30(16-39-3)15-34(2)25(32)22(33)23(41-5)24(30)32/h7-11,19-28,36,38H,12-16H2,1-6H3/t19-,20+,21-,22+,23+,24-,25?,26+,27-,28+,30+,31-,32+,33-/m1/s1 KEGG:C08688 KNApSAcK:C00001644 chebi_ontology isoorientin(1-) (1S)-1,5-anhydro-1-[2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-hydroxy-7-oxido-4-oxo-4H-chromen-6-yl]-D-glucitol 447.36900 A flavonoid oxoanion that is the conjugate base of isoorientin, arising from selective deprotonation of the 7-hydroxy group; major species at pH 7.3. C21H19O11 CHEBI:58333 InChI=1S/C21H20O11/c22-6-14-17(27)19(29)20(30)21(32-14)16-11(26)5-13-15(18(16)28)10(25)4-12(31-13)7-1-2-8(23)9(24)3-7/h1-5,14,17,19-24,26-30H,6H2/p-1/t14-,17-,19+,20-,21+/m1/s1 OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O)c1c([O-])cc2oc(cc(=O)c2c1O)-c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 ODBRNZZJSYPIDI-VJXVFPJBSA-M chebi_ontology isoorientin 7-olate isoorientin anion acyl-CoA(4-) 790.50500 An acyl-CoA oxoanion arising from deprotonation of the phosphate and diphosphate OH groups of any acyl-CoA; major species at pH 7.3. C22H31N7O17P3SR CC(C)(COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP([O-])([O-])=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC([*])=O CHEBI:58342 an acyl-CoA chebi_ontology histaminium 112.15300 2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethanaminium An ammonium ion that is the conjugate acid of histamine protonated on the side-chain nitrogen. C5H10N3 CHEBI:58432 InChI=1S/C5H9N3/c6-2-1-5-3-7-4-8-5/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)/p+1 NTYJJOPFIAHURM-UHFFFAOYSA-O [NH3+]CCc1c[nH]cn1 chebi_ontology histamine histaminium cation isovitexin-7-olate (1S)-1,5-anhydro-1-[5-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-7-oxido-4-oxo-4H-chromen-6-yl]-D-glucitol 431.36960 C21H19O10 CHEBI:58447 InChI=1S/C21H20O10/c22-7-14-17(26)19(28)20(29)21(31-14)16-11(25)6-13-15(18(16)27)10(24)5-12(30-13)8-1-3-9(23)4-2-8/h1-6,14,17,19-23,25-29H,7H2/p-1/t14-,17-,19+,20-,21+/m1/s1 MYXNWGACZJSMBT-VJXVFPJBSA-M MetaCyc:ISOVITEXIN OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O)c1c([O-])cc2oc(cc(=O)c2c1O)-c1ccc(O)cc1 The 7-oxoanion of isovitexin. chebi_ontology apigenin-7-olate 269.22900 5-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate Beilstein:6979399 C15H9O5 CHEBI:58470 InChI=1S/C15H10O5/c16-9-3-1-8(2-4-9)13-7-12(19)15-11(18)5-10(17)6-14(15)20-13/h1-7,16-18H/p-1 KZNIFHPLKGYRTM-UHFFFAOYSA-M MetaCyc:CPD-431 Oc1ccc(cc1)-c1cc(=O)c2c(O)cc([O-])cc2o1 The 7-oxoanion of apigenin apigenin chebi_ontology kaempferol oxoanion 285.22840 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-olate C15H9O6 CHEBI:58573 IYRMWMYZSQPJKC-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C15H10O6/c16-8-3-1-7(2-4-8)15-14(20)13(19)12-10(18)5-9(17)6-11(12)21-15/h1-6,16-18,20H/p-1 Oc1ccc(cc1)-c1oc2cc(O)cc(O)c2c(=O)c1[O-] The 3-oxoanion of kaempferol. chebi_ontology kaempferol flavonol oxoanion 232.19050 C15H4O3R5 CHEBI:58588 MetaCyc:Flavonols The conjugate base of a flavonol compound. [O-]c1c(oc2cc([*])cc([*])c2c1=O)-c1cc([*])c([*])c([*])c1 a flavonol oxoanion chebi_ontology flavonolate 2-hydroxy carboxylate 74.03550 C2H2O3R CHEBI:58896 OC([*])C([O-])=O The conjugate base of a 2-hydroxy carboxylic acid. chebi_ontology organophosphate oxoanion An organic phosphoric acid derivative in which one or more oxygen atoms of the phosphate group(s) has been deprotonated. CHEBI:58945 chebi_ontology organophosphate oxoanions acyl-CoA oxoanion Any acyl coenzyme A thioester in which one or more of the phosphate and/or diphosphate groups has been deprotonated. CHEBI:58946 acyl-CoA oxoanions chebi_ontology very long-chain fatty acid anion Any fatty acid anion with a chain length greater than C22. CHEBI:58950 CO2R [O-]C([*])=O a very long-chain fatty acid anion chebi_ontology very long-chain fatty acid anions short-chain fatty acid anion Any fatty acid anion obtained by removal of a proton from the carboxy group of a short-chain fatty acid (chain length of less than C6). CHEBI:58951 CO2R [O-]C([*])=O a short-chain fatty acid chebi_ontology short-chain fatty acid anions saturated fatty acid anion Any fatty acid anion in which there is no C-C unsaturation. CHEBI:58953 a saturated fatty acid chebi_ontology saturated fatty acid anions straight-chain saturated fatty acid anion Any saturated fatty acid anion lacking a carbon side-chain. CHEBI:58954 chebi_ontology straight-chain saturated fatty acid anions branched-chain fatty acid anion Any fatty acid anion with a carbon side-chain or isopropyl termination. CHEBI:58955 a branched-chain fatty acid branched-chain fatty acid anions chebi_ontology branched-chain saturated fatty acid anion Any saturated fatty acid anion with a carbon side-chain or isopropyl termination. CHEBI:58956 branched-chain saturated fatty acid anions chebi_ontology neohesperidin (2S)-5-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromen-7-yl 2-O-(alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside (S)-7-(((2-O-6-Deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)oxy)-2,3-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 610.56060 A flavanone glycoside that is hesperitin having an 2-O-(alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl moiety attached to the 7-hydroxy group. ARGKVCXINMKCAZ-UZRWAPQLSA-N Beilstein:1279600 C28H34O15 CAS:13241-33-3 CHEBI:59016 CHEBI:7504 COc1ccc(cc1O)[C@@H]1CC(=O)c2c(O)cc(O[C@@H]3O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3O[C@@H]3O[C@@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]3O)cc2O1 HMDB:HMDB30748 Hesperetin 7-O-neohesperidoside InChI=1S/C28H34O15/c1-10-21(33)23(35)25(37)27(39-10)43-26-24(36)22(34)19(9-29)42-28(26)40-12-6-14(31)20-15(32)8-17(41-18(20)7-12)11-3-4-16(38-2)13(30)5-11/h3-7,10,17,19,21-31,33-37H,8-9H2,1-2H3/t10-,17-,19+,21-,22+,23+,24-,25+,26+,27-,28+/m0/s1 KEGG:C09806 KNApSAcK:C00000987 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12140452 MetaCyc:CPD-7074 Neohesperidin PMID:18045389 PMID:21950163 PMID:22102373 PMID:23285810 Reaxys:1279600 chebi_ontology biomarker A substance used as an indicator of a biological state. CHEBI:59163 biological marker chebi_ontology straight-chain fatty acid Any fatty acid whose skeletal carbon atoms form an unbranched open chain. CHEBI:59202 chebi_ontology straight-chain fatty acids straight-chain fatty acid anion A fatty acid anion formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid functional group of a straight-chain fatty acid. CHEBI:59203 chebi_ontology straight-chain FA anion straight-chain FA anions straight-chain fatty acid anions essential fatty acid Any member of the sub-set of polyunsaturated fatty acid for which there is an absolute dietary requirement. CHEBI:59549 EFA EFAs EFS PMID:1745654 PMID:19034351 PMID:7609665 acides gras indispensables acidos grasos esenciales chebi_ontology essential fatty acids essentielle Fettsaeuren medium-chain fatty acid 45.01740 Any fatty acid with a chain length of between C6 and C12. CHEBI:59554 CHO2R MCFA MCFAs OC([*])=O chebi_ontology medium-chain fatty acids medium-chain fatty acid anion A fatty acid anion resulting from the deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety of a medium-chain fatty acid. CHEBI:59558 CO2R MCFA anion MCFA anions [O-]C([*])=O a medium chain fatty acid chebi_ontology medium-chain FA anion medium-chain FA anions medium-chain fatty acid anions phosphoric acids CHEBI:59698 Compounds containing one or more phosphoric acid units. chebi_ontology nucleophilic reagent A reagent that forms a bond to its reaction partner (the electrophile) by donating both bonding electrons. CHEBI:59740 chebi_ontology nucleophile nucleophiles nucleophilic reagents aliphatic aldehyde An aldehyde derived from an aliphatic compound CHEBI:59768 aliphatic aldehydes chebi_ontology acetal An organooxygen compound having the structure RR'C(OR'')(OR''') (R'', R''' =/= H). Mixed acetals have R'' and R''' groups which differ. CHEBI:59769 acetals chebi_ontology cyclic acetal An acetal in the molecule of which the acetal carbon and one or both oxygen atoms thereon are members of a ring. CHEBI:59770 chebi_ontology cyclic acetals L-alpha-amino acid anion 88.08520 C2H3NO2R CHEBI:59814 C[C@H](N)C([O-])=O Conjugate base of an L-alpha-amino acid arising from deprotonation of the C-1 carboxy group. L-alpha-amino carboxylate chebi_ontology hydroxy fatty acid anion CHEBI:59835 OH-FA anion OH-FA-anions OH-fatty acid anion OH-fatty acid anions The conjugate base of any hydroxy fatty acid, formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. chebi_ontology hydroxy fatty acid anions 3-hydroxy fatty acid 3-OH fatty acid 3-OH fatty acids 3-hydroxy fatty acids 89.07000 Any fatty acid with a hydroxy functional group in the beta- or 3-position. beta-Hydroxy fatty acids accumulate during cardiac hypoxia, and can also be used as chemical markers of bacterial endotoxins. C3H5O3R CHEBI:59845 OC([*])CC(O)=O PMID:1226425 PMID:17392575 PMID:3094448 PMID:7406063 beta-OH fatty acid beta-OH fatty acids beta-hydroxy fatty acid beta-hydroxy fatty acids chebi_ontology L-alpha-amino acid zwitterion C2H4NO2R CHEBI:59869 L-alpha-amino acid zwitterions Zwitterionic form of an L-alpha-amino acid having an anionic carboxy group and a protonated amino group. [NH3+][C@@H]([*])C([O-])=O an L-amino acid chebi_ontology D-alpha-amino acid zwitterion C2H4NO2R CHEBI:59871 D-alpha-amino acid zwitterions Zwitterionic form of a D-alpha-amino acid having an anionic carboxy group and a protonated amino group. [NH3+][C@H]([*])C([O-])=O a D-amino acid chebi_ontology gamma-aminobutyric acid zwitterion 103.11980 4-aminobutanoate 4-ammoniobutanoate 4-azaniumylbutanoate BTCSSZJGUNDROE-UHFFFAOYSA-N C4H9NO2 CHEBI:59888 Gmelin:1041559 InChI=1S/C4H9NO2/c5-3-1-2-4(6)7/h1-3,5H2,(H,6,7) Zwitterionic form of gamma-aminobutyric acid having an anionic carboxy group and a protonated amino group. [NH3+]CCCC([O-])=O chebi_ontology columbianetin (+-)-columbianetin 246.25860 8,9-dihydro-8-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2H-furo[2,3-h]1-benzopyran-2-one 8-(2-hydroxypropan-2-yl)-8,9-dihydro-2H-furo[2,3-h]chromen-2-one Beilstein:200954 C14H14O4 CAS:1147-29-1 CC(C)(O)C1Cc2c(O1)ccc1ccc(=O)oc21 CHEBI:59948 InChI=1S/C14H14O4/c1-14(2,16)11-7-9-10(17-11)5-3-8-4-6-12(15)18-13(8)9/h3-6,11,16H,7H2,1-2H3 The angular furanocoumarin analogue of the linear furanocoumarin marmesin. YRAQEMCYCSSHJG-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology EC (tyrosinase) inhibitor Any EC 1.14.18.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, miscellaneous compound as one donor, incorporating 1 atom of oxygen) inhibitor that interferes with the action of tyrosinase (monophenol monooxygenase), EC, an enzyme that catalyses the oxidation of phenols (such as tyrosine) and is widespread in plants and animals. CHEBI:59997 EC (tyrosinase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors L-tyrosine,L-dopa:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitor L-tyrosine,L-dopa:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitors NN-acetyl-6-hydroxytryptophan oxidase inhibitor NN-acetyl-6-hydroxytryptophan oxidase inhibitors O-diphenol:O2 oxidoreductase inhibitor O-diphenol:O2 oxidoreductase inhibitors chebi_ontology cresolase inhibitor cresolase inhibitors monophenol dihydroxyphenylalanine:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitor monophenol dihydroxyphenylalanine:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitors monophenol monooxidase inhibitor monophenol monooxidase inhibitors monophenol monooxygenase inhibitor monophenol monooxygenase inhibitors monophenol oxidase inhibitor monophenol oxidase inhibitors monophenol, dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitor monophenol, dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitors monophenolase inhibitor monophenolase inhibitors phenol oxidase inhibitor phenol oxidase inhibitors phenolase inhibitor phenolase inhibitors tyrosinase (EC inhibitor tyrosinase (EC inhibitors tyrosinase inhibitor tyrosinase inhibitors tyrosine-dopa oxidase inhibitor tyrosine-dopa oxidase inhibitors chemical substance A chemical substance is a portion of matter of constant composition, composed of molecular entities of the same type or of different types. CHEBI:59999 Chemische Substanz chebi_ontology mixture A mixture is a chemical substance composed of multiple molecules, at least two of which are of a different kind. CHEBI:60004 Mischung chebi_ontology polymer A polymer is a mixture, which is composed of macromolecules of different kinds and which may be differentiated by composition, length, degree of branching etc.. CHEBI:60027 Kunststoff Polymer Wikipedia:Polymer chebi_ontology flavonoid oxoanion Any anion arising from deprotonation of at least one OH group in a flavonoid compound. CHEBI:60038 chebi_ontology flavonoid oxoanions 7-hydroxyflavon-3-olate 249.19780 C15H5O4R4 CHEBI:60090 Conjugate base of a 7-hydroxyflavonol compound arising from selective deprotonation of the 3-hydroxy group; major species at pH 7.3. Oc1cc([*])c2c(c1)oc(-c1cc([*])c([*])c([*])c1)c([O-])c2=O a 7-O-hydroxy-flavonol chebi_ontology ionic polymer An ionic polymer is a polymer, composed of ionic macromolecules. CHEBI:60164 chebi_ontology polyionic polymer divalent metal cation A metal cation with a valence of two. CHEBI:60240 a divalent metal cation chebi_ontology monovalent inorganic cation An atom or small molecule with a positive charge that does not contain carbon in covalent linkage, with a valency of one. CHEBI:60242 a monovalent cation chebi_ontology silver ion A silver atom having a net electric charge. CHEBI:60247 chebi_ontology nickel ion A nickel atom having a net electric charge. CHEBI:60248 chebi_ontology silver cation CHEBI:60253 chebi_ontology indole alkaloid cation Any cation arising from protonation of at least one of the amino functions in an indole alkaloid. CHEBI:60521 chebi_ontology indole alkaloid cations Isosorbide C6H10O4 CAS:652-67-5 CHEBI:6060 Isosorbide KEGG:D00347 chebi_ontology NMDA receptor antagonist Any substance that inhibits the action of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. They tend to induce a state known as dissociative anesthesia, marked by catalepsy, amnesia, and analgesia, while side effects can include hallucinations, nightmares, and confusion. Due to their psychotomimetic effects, many NMDA receptor antagonists are used as recreational drugs. CHEBI:60643 CHEBI:60797 N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists NMDA receptor antagonists NMDAR antagonist NMDAR antagonists chebi_ontology excitatory amino acid antagonist Any substance which inhibits the action of receptors for excitatory amino acids. CHEBI:60798 EAA receptor antagonist EAA receptor antagonists chebi_ontology excitatory amino acid antagonists excitatory amino acid receptor antagonist excitatory amino acid receptor antagonists adjuvant Any pharmacological or immunological agent that modifies the effect of other agents such as drugs or vaccines while having few if any direct effects when given by itself. CHEBI:60809 adjuvants chebi_ontology D-alpha-amino acid anion 88.08520 Any alpha-amino acid anion in which the parent amino acid has D-configuration. C2H3NO2R CHEBI:60895 C[C@@H](N)C([O-])=O D-alpha-amino acid anions D-alpha-amino carboxylate chebi_ontology racemate A racemate is an equimolar mixture of a pair of enantiomers. CHEBI:60911 chebi_ontology melange racemique racemates racemic mixture amino monosaccharide Any amino sugar that is a monosaccharide in which one alcoholic hydroxy group is replaced by an amino group. CHEBI:60926 amino monosaccharides chebi_ontology Kadsurenone 356.413 A benzofuran that has formula C21H24O5. C21H24O5 CAS:95851-37-9 CHEBI:6097 COc1ccc(cc1OC)[C@H]1OC2=CC(=O)C(CC=C)=C[C@]2(OC)[C@@H]1C InChI=1S/C21H24O5/c1-6-7-15-12-21(25-5)13(2)20(26-19(21)11-16(15)22)14-8-9-17(23-3)18(10-14)24-4/h6,8-13,20H,1,7H2,2-5H3/t13-,20+,21+/m1/s1 KEGG:C10638 KNApSAcK:C00000719 Kadsurenone VDYACOATPFOZIO-UBWHGVKJSA-N chebi_ontology beta-glucoside A glucoside in which the anomeric carbon of the glycosidic bond is in a beta configuration CHEBI:60980 beta-glucosides chebi_ontology purine nucleoside bisphosphate A nucleoside bisphosphate that has a purine nucleobase. CHEBI:61078 chebi_ontology purine nucleoside bisphosphates ribonucleoside bisphosphate A nucleoside bisphosphate where sugar of the nucleoside is ribose. CHEBI:61079 chebi_ontology ribonucleoside bisphosphates EC (histone deacetylase) inhibitor An EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the function of histone deacetylase (EC CHEBI:61115 EC (histone deacetylase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors HDAC inhibitor HDAC inhibitors HDACi HDACis HDI HDIs Wikipedia:Histone_deacetylase_inhibitor chebi_ontology histone amidohydrolase inhibitor histone amidohydrolase inhibitors histone deacetylase (EC inhibitor histone deacetylase (EC inhibitors histone deacetylase inhibitor histone deacetylase inhibitors nucleobase-containing molecular entity Any compound that has a nucleobase as a part. CHEBI:61120 chebi_ontology nucleobase-containing compound nucleobase-containing compounds nucleobase-containing molecular entities karakoline 20-ethyl-16beta-methoxy-4-methylaconitane-1alpha,8,14alpha-triol 377.51764 Aconitane-1,8,14-triol, 20-ethyl-16-methoxy-4-methyl-, (1-alpha,14-alpha,16-beta)- An organonitrogen heterocyclic compound that is aconitane bearing hydroxy groups at the 1alpha, 8, and 14alpha positions and substituted at on the nitrogen and at positions 4 and 16beta by ethyl, methyl, and methoxy groups, respectively. C22H35NO4 CAS:39089-30-0 CHEBI:6113 Carmichaeline Carmicheline HKQZUYOVMYOFIT-VHNBHZRZSA-N InChI=1S/C22H35NO4/c1-4-23-10-20(2)6-5-16(24)22-12-7-11-14(27-3)9-21(26,17(12)18(11)25)13(19(22)23)8-15(20)22/h11-19,24-26H,4-10H2,1-3H3/t11-,12-,13+,14+,15-,16+,17-,18+,19?,20+,21+,22-/m1/s1 KEGG:C08693 KNApSAcK:C00001649 Karacoline Karakoline [H][C@]12C[C@]3([H])[C@]([H])([C@H]1O)[C@](O)(C[C@@H]2OC)[C@@]1([H])C[C@]2([H])[C@@]4(C)CC[C@H](O)[C@@]32C1N(CC)C4 chebi_ontology hesperetin(1-) (2S)-5-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxochroman-7-olate 301.27080 A flavonoid oxoanion that is the conjugate base of hesperetin arising from selective deprtotonation of the 7-hydroxy group. AIONOLUJZLIMTK-AWEZNQCLSA-M C16H13O6 CHEBI:61249 COc1ccc(cc1O)[C@@H]1CC(=O)c2c(O)cc([O-])cc2O1 InChI=1S/C16H14O6/c1-21-13-3-2-8(4-10(13)18)14-7-12(20)16-11(19)5-9(17)6-15(16)22-14/h2-6,14,17-19H,7H2,1H3/p-1/t14-/m0/s1 chebi_ontology hesperetin anion adenyl nucleotide A nucleotide having adenine as the base. CHEBI:61293 chebi_ontology adenyl ribonucleotide A purine riboncleotide where adenine is the purine. CHEBI:61296 adenine ribonucleotide chebi_ontology C4-dicarboxylate A dicarboxylate that contains four carbon atoms. CHEBI:61336 chebi_ontology 3-hydroxy carboxylic acid 3-hydroxy carboxylic acids 3-hydroxycarboxylic acid 3-hydroxycarboxylic acids Any hydroxy carboxylic acid which contains a hydroxy group located beta- to the carboxylic acid group. CHEBI:61355 beta-hydroxy carboxylic acid beta-hydroxy carboxylic acids beta-hydroxycarboxylic acid beta-hydroxycarboxylic acids chebi_ontology polyanionic polymer A polymer, composed of polyanion macromolecules. CHEBI:61469 chebi_ontology polyanion polyanions steroid saponin Any saponin derived from a hydroxysteroid. CHEBI:61655 PMID:18486659 PMID:20346608 PMID:20846658 chebi_ontology glycosteroid glycosteroids glycosyl steroid glycosyl steroids steroid glycoside steroid glycosides steroid saponins steroidal glycoside steroidal glycosides sterol glycoside sterol glycosides steryl glycoside steryl glycosides fatty acid derivative Any organic molecular entity derived from a fatty acid. CHEBI:61697 FA derivative FA derivatives chebi_ontology fatty acid derivatives (-)-alpha-gurjunene (-)-alpha-gurjunene (1aR,4R,4aR,7bS)-1,1,4,7-tetramethyl-1a,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7b-octahydro-1H-cyclopropa[e]azulene 204.35110 A carbotricyclic compound and sesquiterpene that is 1a,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7b-octahydro-1H-cyclopropa[e]azulene which is substituted by methyl groups at positions 1, 1, 4 and 7 (the 1aR,4R,4aR,7bS- diastereoisomer). It has been isolated from plant species like Anaphalis nubigena and Jatropha ribifolia. C15H24 CAS:489-40-7 CHEBI:61699 InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-9-6-8-12-14(15(12,3)4)13-10(2)5-7-11(9)13/h9,11-12,14H,5-8H2,1-4H3/t9-,11-,12-,14-/m1/s1 KEGG:C19734 MetaCyc:CPD-12891 PMID:10190971 PMID:19731610 PMID:23365607 PMID:24371539 Reaxys:1939514 SPCXZDDGSGTVAW-XIDUGBJDSA-N [H][C@]12CCC(C)=C1[C@@]1([H])[C@@]([H])(CC[C@H]2C)C1(C)C chebi_ontology terpene glycoside A terpenoid in which one or more hydroxy functions are glycosylated. CHEBI:61777 chebi_ontology terpene glycosides triterpenoid saponin A terpene glycoside in which the terpene moiety is a triterpenoid. CHEBI:61778 Wikipedia:Triterpenoid_saponin chebi_ontology triterpene glycoside triterpene glycosides triterpenoid saponins monounsaturated fatty acid aldehyde Any fatty aldehyde with one double or triple bond located at any position in the aliphatic chain. CHEBI:61870 chebi_ontology monounsaturated fatty acid aldehydes oxo-fatty acyl-CoA A fatty acyl-CoA that results from the formal condensation of the thiol group of coenzyme A with the carboxy group of any oxo-fatty acid. CHEBI:61903 chebi_ontology oxo-FA-CoA oxo-FA-coenzyme A oxo-fatty acyl-coenzyme A very long-chain fatty acyl-CoA A fatty acyl-CoA in which the fatty acyl group has a chain length greater than C22. CHEBI:61910 PMID:16768463 PMID:20360933 PMID:20530735 PMID:20798351 VLCA-coenzyme A VLCFA-CoA VLCFA-CoAs VLCFA-coenzyme A VLCFA-coenzyme As chebi_ontology very long-chain acyl-CoA very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A very long-chain fatty acyl-coenzyme A very long-chain fatty acyl-coenzyme As polar amino acid zwitterion 74.05870 C2H4NO2R CHEBI:62031 MetaCyc:Polar-amino-acids Zwitterionic form of a polar amino acid having an anionic carboxy group and a protonated amino group. [NH3+]C([*])C([O-])=O a polar amino acid chebi_ontology acyl donor Any donor that can transfer acyl groups between molecular entities. CHEBI:62049 PMID:16100120 PMID:19052863 chebi_ontology allelochemical A class of secondary metabolites developed by many plants to influence the behaviour, growth or survival of herbivores, and thus acting as a defence against herbivory. CHEBI:62215 allelochemicals chebi_ontology signalling molecule A molecular messenger in which the molecule is specifically involved in transmitting information between cells. Such molecules are released from the cell sending the signal, cross over the gap between cells by diffusion, and interact with specific receptors in another cell, triggering a response in that cell by activating a series of enzyme controlled reactions which lead to changes inside the cell. CHEBI:62488 chebi_ontology signal molecule signal molecules signaling molecule signaling molecules signalling molecules methyl-branched fatty acid Any branched-chain fatty acid containing methyl branches only. CHEBI:62499 PMID:17030019 PMID:19747846 PMID:19933331 chebi_ontology methyl-branched fatty acids eudesmane sesquiterpenoid Any sesquiterpenoid having a eudesmane skeleton. CHEBI:62508 chebi_ontology eudesmane sesquiterpenoids gamma-eudesmol (+)-gamma-eudesmol 2-[(2R,4aR)-4a,8-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7-octahydronaphthalen-2-yl]propan-2-ol 222.36630 A eudesmane sesquiterpenoid in which the eudesmane skeleton carries a hydroxy substituent at C-11 and has a double bond between C-4 and C-5. C15H26O CAS:1209-71-8 CC1=C2C[C@@H](CC[C@@]2(C)CCC1)C(C)(C)O CHEBI:62513 InChI=1S/C15H26O/c1-11-6-5-8-15(4)9-7-12(10-13(11)15)14(2,3)16/h12,16H,5-10H2,1-4H3/t12-,15-/m1/s1 KEGG:C17124 Machilol PMID:11374955 PMID:11411523 PMID:11671565 PMID:11836934 PMID:17826984 PMID:18495186 PMID:19750507 PMID:19768997 PMID:20527953 Reaxys:5332265 Selinenol Uncineol WMOPMQRJLLIEJV-IUODEOHRSA-N chebi_ontology eudesm-4-en-11-ol anionic phospholipid Any organophosphate oxoanion that is a negatively charged phospholipid, e.g. phosphatidylserine(1-), phosphatidate(2-), phosphatidylglycerol(1-). CHEBI:62643 a phospholipid derivative anionic phospholipids chebi_ontology phospholipid anion phospholipid anions aromatic ester An ester where the ester linkage is bonded directly to an aromatic system. CHEBI:62732 aromatic esters chebi_ontology aromatic amide An amide in which the amide linkage is bonded directly to an aromatic system. CHEBI:62733 aromatic amides chebi_ontology glycine receptor antagonist CHEBI:62754 chebi_ontology glycine receptor antagonists fuel additive Any additive that enhances the efficiency of fuel. CHEBI:62803 chebi_ontology fuel additives fuel enhancer beta-elemene (1alpha,2beta,4beta)-1-Methyl-2,4-bis(methylvinyl)-1-vinylcyclohexane (1alpha,2beta,4beta)-1-ethenyl-1-methyl-2,4-bis(1-methylethenyl)cyclohexane (1alpha,2beta,4beta)-1-methyl-2,4-bis(methylvinyl)-1-vinylcyclohexane 2,4-Diisopropenyl-1-methyl-1-vinylcyclohexane A sesquiterpene that consists of cyclohexane bearing methyl and vinyl substituents at position 1 as well as two isopropenyl substituents at positions 2 and 4. CAS:33880-83-0 CHEBI:62854 KEGG:C17094 PMID:18442668 PMID:19513519 PMID:20193603 PMID:20399285 PMID:20405479 PMID:20416170 PMID:20456328 PMID:20563582 PMID:20663036 PMID:21246417 PMID:21616632 PMID:21681682 PMID:21809584 beta-Elemene chebi_ontology rel-(1S,2S,4R)-1-ethenyl-1-methyl-2,4-di(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohexane rel-(1S,2S,4R)-1-methyl-2,4-di(prop-1-en-2-yl)-1-vinylcyclohexane hepatoprotective agent Any compound that is able to prevent damage to the liver. CHEBI:62868 antihepatotoxic agent chebi_ontology hepatoprotective agents odorant receptor agonist An agonist that selectively binds to and activates an odorant receptor. CHEBI:62873 chebi_ontology emulsifier CHEBI:63046 The chemical role played by a substance that stabilizes an emulsion by increasing its kinetic stability. chebi_ontology emulgent emulgents emulsifiers food emulsifier A food additive used to form or maintain a uniform emulsion of two (or more) phases in a food. CHEBI:63047 chebi_ontology food emulsifiers zinc cation Any zinc ion that is positively charged. CHEBI:63056 chebi_ontology zinc cations glycosyl compound A carbohydrate derivative arising formally from the elimination of water from a glycosidic hydroxy group and an H atom bound to an oxygen, carbon, nitrogen or sulfur atom of a separate entity. CHEBI:63161 chebi_ontology glycosyl compounds ribonucleoside monophosphate oxoanion An organophosphate oxoanion resulting from deprotonation of at least one of the acidic hydroxy groups from the phosphate moiety of a ribonucleoside monophosphate. CHEBI:63165 chebi_ontology ribonucleoside monophosphate oxoanions beta-caryophyllene A sesquiterpene with a [7.2.0]-bicyclic structure comprising fused 9- and 4-membered rings, with a trans-ring junction, a trans-double bond between the 4- and 5-positions of the 9-membered ring, a methylidene group at position 9, and methyl groups at positions 3, 11, and 11. The most commonly occurring form is the (1R,9S)-(-)-enantiomer, which is found in many essential oils, particularly clove oil. CHEBI:63191 chebi_ontology carbohydrate derivative Any organooxygen compound derived from a carbohydrate by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by an amino group, a thiol group or similar heteroatomic groups. The term also includes derivatives of these compounds. CHEBI:63299 carbohydrate derivatives chebi_ontology derivatised carbohydrate derivatised carbohydrates derivatized carbohydrate derivatized carbohydrates disaccharide derivative A carbohydrate derivative that is formally obtained from a disaccharide. CHEBI:63353 chebi_ontology disaccharide derivatives monosaccharide derivative A carbohydrate derivative that is formally obtained from a monosaccharide. CHEBI:63367 chebi_ontology monosaccharide derivatives pentose derivative A monosaccharide derivative that is formally obtained from a pentose. CHEBI:63409 chebi_ontology pentose derivatives all-trans-retinyl ester 313.45380 A retintinyl ester in which all double bonds of the retinyl side-chain have trans-configuration. C21H29O2R CC(\C=C\C=C(C)\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=C/COC([*])=O CHEBI:63410 HMDB:HMDB03598 KEGG:C02075 MetaCyc:All-trans-Retinyl-Esters PMID:12741839 PMID:16116091 PMID:19490105 an all-trans-retinyl ester chebi_ontology carbohydrate acid derivative A carbohydrate derivative that is formally obtained from a carbohydrate acid. CHEBI:63436 carbohydrate acid derivatives chebi_ontology sulfur-containing amino-acid anion A sulfur-containing amino acid whose alpha-carboxylic acid group is ionized (not protonated). CHEBI:63470 chebi_ontology sulfur-containing amino-acid anions branched-chain amino-acid anion A branched-chain amino acid whose alpha-carboxylic acid group is ionized (not protonated). CHEBI:63471 branched-chain amino-acid anions chebi_ontology aromatic amino-acid anion An aromatic amino acid whose alpha-carboxylic acid group is ionized (non-protonated). CHEBI:63473 aromatic amino-acid anions chebi_ontology carbohydrate acid derivative anion A carboxylic acid anion resulting from the deprotonation of the carboxy group of a carbohydrate acid derivative. CHEBI:63551 carbohydrate acid anion derivative carbohydrate acid anion derivatives carbohydrate acid derivative anions chebi_ontology oligosaccharide derivative A carbohydrate derivative that is formally obtained from an oligosaccharide. CHEBI:63563 O-glycosylglycoside derivative O-glycosylglycoside derivatives chebi_ontology oligosaccharide derivatives pentasaccharide derivative An oligosaccharide derivative that is formally obtained from a pentasaccharide. CHEBI:63566 chebi_ontology pentasaccharide derivatives (-)-delta-cadinene (-)-delta-cadinene (1R,8aS)-4,7-dimethyl-1-(propan-2-yl)-1,2,3,5,6,8a-hexahydronaphthalene (1R,8aS)-4,7-dimethyl-1-isopropyl-1,2,3,5,6,8a-hexahydronaphthalene 204.35110 A member of the cadinene family of sesquiterpenes in which the double bonds are located at the 4-4a and 7-8 positions, and in which the isopropyl group at position 1 is cis to the hydrogen at the adjacent bridgehead carbon (the 1R,8aS-enantiomer). C15H24 CHEBI:63703 FUCYIEXQVQJBKY-UKRRQHHQSA-N InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-10(2)13-8-6-12(4)14-7-5-11(3)9-15(13)14/h9-10,13,15H,5-8H2,1-4H3/t13-,15-/m1/s1 PMID:21276937 Reaxys:2501562 [H][C@]12C=C(C)CCC1=C(C)CC[C@@H]2C(C)C chebi_ontology neuroprotective agent Any compound that can be used for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. CHEBI:63726 chebi_ontology neuroprotectant neuroprotectants neuroprotective agents retinoid X receptor agonist An agonist that selectively binds to and activates a retinoid X receptor. CHEBI:63794 Wikipedia:Retinoid_X_receptor chebi_ontology retinoid X receptor agonists 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoate 167.13880 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoate A monohydroxybenzoate that is the conjugate base of 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoic acid, arising from deprotonation of the carboxy group. C8H7O4 CHEBI:63797 COc1ccc(cc1O)C([O-])=O InChI=1S/C8H8O4/c1-12-7-3-2-5(8(10)11)4-6(7)9/h2-4,9H,1H3,(H,10,11)/p-1 LBKFGYZQBSGRHY-UHFFFAOYSA-M PMID:1083208 PMID:11327601 PMID:16707678 PMID:7813485 Reaxys:6504382 chebi_ontology isovanillate 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoic acid 168.14670 3-Hydroxyanisic acid 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoic acid 3-hydroxy-p-anisic acid A methoxybenzoic acid that is 4-methoxybenzoic acid bearing a hydroxy substituent at position 3. Acide isovanillique Beilstein:2208365 C8H8O4 CAS:645-08-9 CHEBI:63798 COc1ccc(cc1O)C(O)=O HMDB:HMDB60003 InChI=1S/C8H8O4/c1-12-7-3-2-5(8(10)11)4-6(7)9/h2-4,9H,1H3,(H,10,11) Isovanillic acid LBKFGYZQBSGRHY-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:23477143 PMID:24820992 PMID:24956816 Reaxys:2208365 chebi_ontology 2-butoxyethanol 118.17420 2-butoxyethanol 2-hydroxyethyl n-butyl ether 3-oxa-1-heptanol A primary alcohol that is ethanol in which one of the methyl hydrogens is replaced by a butoxy group. A high-boiling (171degreeC) colourless liquid, it is used as a solvent for paints and inks, as well as in some dry cleaning solutions. BuOCH2CH2OH C6H14O2 CAS:111-76-2 CCCCOCCO CHEBI:63921 HMDB:HMDB31327 InChI=1S/C6H14O2/c1-2-3-5-8-6-4-7/h7H,2-6H2,1H3 KEGG:C19355 O-butyl ethylene glycol PMID:15371241 PMID:15705494 PMID:22330932 PMID:9372852 POAOYUHQDCAZBD-UHFFFAOYSA-N Patent:US2448767 Reaxys:1732511 Wikipedia:2-Butoxyethanol butoxyethanol butyl cellosolve butyl glycol butyl oxitol chebi_ontology ethylene glycol butyl ether ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether ethylene glycol monobutyl ether glycol butyl ether n-butoxyethanol macrocyclic lactone Any lactone in which the cyclic carboxylic ester group forms a part of a cyclic macromolecule. CHEBI:50333 CHEBI:63944 chebi_ontology macrocyclic lactones celastrol (2R,4aS,6aS,12bR,14aS,14bR)-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,6a,11,12b,13,14,14a,14b-tetradecahydro-10-hydroxy-2,4a,6a,9,12b,14a-hexamethyl-11-oxo-2-picenecarboxylic acid (2R,4aS,6aS,12bR,14aS,14bR)-10-hydroxy-2,4a,6a,9,12b,14a-hexamethyl-11-oxo-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,6a,11,12b,13,14,14a,14b-tetradecahydropicene-2-carboxylic acid 3-hydroxy-9beta,13alpha-dimethyl-2-oxo-24,25,26-trinoroleana-1(10),3,5,7-tetraen-29-oic acid 450.60960 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is 24,25,26-trinoroleana-1(10),3,5,7-tetraen-29-oic acid bearing an oxo substituent at position 2, a hydroxy substituent at position 3 and two methyl groups at positions 9 and 13. An antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Potently inhibits lipid peroxidation in mitochondria and inhibits TNF-alpha-induced NFkappaB activation. Also shown to inhibit topoisomerase II activity in vitro (IC50 = 7.41 muM). C29H38O4 CAS:34157-83-0 CHEBI:63959 D:A-Friedo-24-noroleana-1(10),3,5,7-tetraen-29-oic acid, 3-hydroxy-2-oxo-, (20alpha)- HMDB:HMDB02385 InChI=1S/C29H38O4/c1-17-18-7-8-21-27(4,19(18)15-20(30)23(17)31)12-14-29(6)22-16-26(3,24(32)33)10-9-25(22,2)11-13-28(21,29)5/h7-8,15,22,31H,9-14,16H2,1-6H3,(H,32,33)/t22-,25-,26-,27+,28-,29+/m1/s1 KQJSQWZMSAGSHN-JJWQIEBTSA-N PMID:11809076 PMID:15593077 PMID:20934245 PMID:20954803 PMID:21134410 PMID:21414301 PMID:21425580 PMID:21466843 PMID:21569548 PMID:21666907 PMID:21850367 PMID:21865725 PMID:21866552 PMID:22087583 PMID:22206928 PMID:22334592 Patent:KR20100097843 Patent:US2011263693 Reaxys:2194425 Tripterine [H][C@@]12C[C@@](C)(CC[C@]1(C)CC[C@]1(C)C3=CC=C4C(C)=C(O)C(=O)C=C4[C@]3(C)CC[C@@]21C)C(O)=O chebi_ontology Hsp90 inhibitor An EC (non-chaperonin molecular chaperone ATPase) inhibitor that blocks the action of heat shock protein 90. CHEBI:63962 Hsp90 inhibitors PMID:19860732 PMID:19946660 PMID:22035754 PMID:22920907 PMID:22959035 PMID:23160336 PMID:23312026 Wikipedia:Hsp90_inhibitors chebi_ontology heat shock protein 90 inhibitor heat shock protein 90 inhibitors protein kinase C agonist An agonist that selectively binds to and activates a protein kinase C receptor CHEBI:64018 chebi_ontology protein kinase C agonists food additive Any substance which is added to food to preserve or enhance its flavour and/or appearance. CHEBI:64047 Wikipedia:Food_additive chebi_ontology food additives food acidity regulator A food additive that is used to change or otherwise control the acidity or alkalinity of foods. They may be acids, bases, neutralising agents or buffering agents. CHEBI:64049 Wikipedia:Acidity_regulator acidity regulator acidity regulators chebi_ontology food acidity regulators pH control agent pH control agents protein kinase agonist An agonist that selectively binds to and activates a protein kinase receptor. CHEBI:64106 chebi_ontology protein kinase agonists MALDI matrix material 'matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization' matrix material 'matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization' matrix materials A compound used to form the matrix for MALDI (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization) mass spectrometry. MALDI matrix materials are crystalline compounds with a fairly low molecular weight, so as to allow facile vaporization, have strong absorption at UV or IR wavelengths (to rapidly and efficiently absorb laser irradiation), generally contain polar groups (enabling them to be used in aqueous solutions) and are frequently acidic (so assisting ionisation of the compound being studied, which is contained within the matrix material). CHEBI:64345 MALDI matrix materials MALDI matrix solution MALDI matrix solutions PMID:15373456 Patent:EP2060919 Wikipedia:Matrix-assisted_laser_desorption/ionization#Matrix chebi_ontology aralkylamino compound An organic amino compound in which an aminoalkyl group is linked to an arene. CHEBI:64365 aralkylamino compounds chebi_ontology monolignol A metabolite of plant origin (phytochemical) which acts as a source material for biosynthesis of both lignans and lignin. CHEBI:64477 Wikipedia:Monolignol chebi_ontology monolignols Licarin A (+)(-)-trans-Dehydrodiisoeugenol 326.387 A benzofuran that has formula C20H22O4. C20H22O4 CAS:51020-86-1 CHEBI:6451 COc1cc(\C=C\C)cc2[C@H](C)[C@H](Oc12)c1ccc(O)c(OC)c1 ITDOFWOJEDZPCF-FNINDUDTSA-N InChI=1S/C20H22O4/c1-5-6-13-9-15-12(2)19(24-20(15)18(10-13)23-4)14-7-8-16(21)17(11-14)22-3/h5-12,19,21H,1-4H3/b6-5+/t12-,19-/m0/s1 KEGG:C10650 KNApSAcK:C00002611 Licarin A chebi_ontology trans-sinapyl alcohol (E)-sinapyl alcohol 210.22650 4-[(1E)-3-hydroxyprop-1-en-1-yl]-2,6-dimethoxyphenol AGR:IND43654461 C11H14O4 CAS:537-33-7 CHEBI:64557 COc1cc(cc(OC)c1O)\C=C\CO InChI=1S/C11H14O4/c1-14-9-6-8(4-3-5-12)7-10(15-2)11(9)13/h3-4,6-7,12-13H,5H2,1-2H3/b4-3+ KEGG:C02325 KNApSAcK:C00002778 LZFOPEXOUVTGJS-ONEGZZNKSA-N PMID:12659499 Reaxys:3084126 Sinapoyl alcohol Sinapyl alcohol in which the configuration of the propenyl double bond is E. It is one of the main monolignols. chebi_ontology methionine zwitterion 149.21100 2-ammonio-4-(methylsulfanyl)butanoate 2-azaniumyl-4-(methylsulfanyl)butanoate An amino acid zwitterion arising from transfer of a proton from the carboxy to the amino group of methionine; major species at pH 7.3. C5H11NO2S CHEBI:64558 CSCCC([NH3+])C([O-])=O FFEARJCKVFRZRR-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C5H11NO2S/c1-9-3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h4H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8) chebi_ontology methionine EC (glycine hydroxymethyltransferase) inhibitor 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate:glycine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitor 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate:glycine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitors An EC 2.1.2.* (hydroxymethyl-, formyl- and related transferases) inhibitor that interferes with the action of glycine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC CHEBI:64570 EC (glycine hydroxymethyltransferase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors L-serine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitor L-serine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitors L-threonine aldolase inhibitor L-threonine aldolase inhibitors Wikipedia:Glycine_hydroxymethyltransferase allothreonine aldolase inhibitor allothreonine aldolase inhibitors chebi_ontology glycine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC inhibitor glycine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC inhibitors glycine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitor glycine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitors serine aldolase inhibitor serine aldolase inhibitors serine hydroxymethylase inhibitor serine hydroxymethylase inhibitors serine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitor serine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitors serine transhydroxymethylase inhibitor serine transhydroxymethylase inhibitors threonine aldolase inhibitor threonine aldolase inhibitors NMDA receptor agonist An excitatory amino acid agonist which binds to NMDA receptors and triggers a response. CHEBI:64571 N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor agonist N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor agonists NMDA receptor agonists NMDAR agonist NMDAR agonists chebi_ontology quercetin O-glucoside A quercetin O-glycoside that is an O-glucosylated derivative of quercetin. CHEBI:64621 chebi_ontology quercetin O-glucosides kaempferol O-glucoside A glycosyloxyflavone that is an O-glucosylated derivative of kaempferol. CHEBI:64634 chebi_ontology divalent inorganic cation An inorganic cation with a valency of two. CHEBI:64641 chebi_ontology one-carbon compound An organic molecular entity containing a single carbon atom (C1). CHEBI:64708 chebi_ontology one-carbon compounds organic acid Any organic molecular entity that is acidic and contains carbon in covalent linkage. CHEBI:64709 chebi_ontology organic acids EC (phosphoinositide phospholipase C) inhibitor 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol-4,5-bisphosphate inositoltrisphosphohydrolase inhibitor 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol-4,5-bisphosphate inositoltrisphosphohydrolase inhibitors 1-phosphatidyl-D-myo-inositol-4,5-bisphosphate inositoltrisphosphohydrolase inhibitor 1-phosphatidyl-D-myo-inositol-4,5-bisphosphate inositoltrisphosphohydrolase inhibitors 1-phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase inhibitor 1-phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase inhibitors An EC 3.1.4.* (phosphoric diester hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (EC CHEBI:64763 EC (phosphoinositide phospholipase C) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors PI-PLC inhibitor PI-PLC inhibitors Wikipedia:Phosphatidylinositol-specific_phospholipase_C chebi_ontology monophosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase inhibitor monophosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase inhibitors phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C inhibitor phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C inhibitors phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C inhibitor phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C inhibitors phosphoinositidase C inhibitor phosphoinositidase C inhibitors phosphoinositide phospholipase C (EC inhibitor phosphoinositide phospholipase C (EC inhibitors phosphoinositide phospholipase C inhibitor phosphoinositide phospholipase C inhibitors triphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase inhibitor triphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase inhibitors cosmetic CHEBI:64857 The role played by a substance in enhancing the appearance or odour of the human body; a name given to the substance itself or to a component of it. Wikipedia:Cosmetics chebi_ontology cosmetic component cosmetics poison Any substance that causes disturbance to organisms by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when a sufficient quantity is absorbed by the organism. CHEBI:64909 Wikipedia:Poison chebi_ontology poisonous agent poisonous agents poisonous substance poisonous substances poisons toxic agent toxic agents toxic substance toxic substances antiplasmodial drug An antiparasitic drug which is effective against Apicomplexan parasites in the genus Plasmodium. The genus contains over 200 species and includes those responsible for malaria. CHEBI:64915 antiplasmodial agent antiplasmodial agents antiplasmodial drugs antiplasmodium agent antiplasmodium agents antiplasmodium drug antiplasmodium drugs chebi_ontology anti-HIV agent An antiviral agent that destroys or inhibits the replication of the human immunodeficiency virus. CHEBI:64946 anti-AIDS agent anti-AIDS agents anti-HIV agents chebi_ontology anti-HIV-1 agent An anti-HIV agent that destroys or inhibits the replication of HIV-1, the more infective and more virulent of the two types of HIV virus. CHEBI:64947 anti-HIV-1 agents anti-HTLV-III agent anti-HTLV-III agents anti-LAV agent anti-LAV agents chebi_ontology anti-HBV agent An antiviral agent that destroys or inhibits the replication of the hepatitis B virus. CHEBI:64951 PMID:20712567 anti-HBV agents anti-hepatitis B virus agent anti-hepatitis B virus agents chebi_ontology EC (arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase) inhibitor 5-LOX inhibitor 5-LOX inhibitors 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors 5delta-lipoxygenase inhibitor 5delta-lipoxygenase inhibitors A lipoxygenase inhibitor that interferes with the action of arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (EC C-5-lipoxygenase inhibitor C-5-lipoxygenase inhibitors CHEBI:64964 EC (arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors LTA synthase inhibitor LTA synthase inhibitors arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (EC inhibitor arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (EC inhibitors arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors arachidonic 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor arachidonic 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors arachidonic acid 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor arachidonic acid 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors chebi_ontology delta(5)-lipoxygenase inhibitor delta(5)-lipoxygenase inhibitors leukotriene A4 synthase inhibitor leukotriene A4 synthase inhibitors leukotriene-A4 synthase inhibitor leukotriene-A4 synthase inhibitors EC (arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase) inhibitor 15-LOX inhibitor 15-LOX inhibitors 15-lipoxygenase inhibitor 15-lipoxygenase inhibitors A lipoxygenase inhibitor that interferes with the action of arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase (EC CHEBI:64996 EC (arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase (EC inhibitor arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase (EC inhibitors arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase inhibitor arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase inhibitors arachidonate:oxygen 15-oxidoreductase inhibitor arachidonate:oxygen 15-oxidoreductase inhibitors chebi_ontology linoleic acid omega(6)-lipoxygenase inhibitor linoleic acid omega(6)-lipoxygenase inhibitors omega(6) lipoxygenase inhibitor omega(6) lipoxygenase inhibitors EC (triacylglycerol lipase) inhibitor Any EC 3.1.1.* (carboxylic ester hydrolase) inhibitor that inhibits the action of triacylglycerol lipase (EC CHEBI:65001 EC (triacylglycerol lipase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors GEH inhibitor GEH inhibitors PPL inhibitor PPL inhibitors Tween hydrolase inhibitor Tween hydrolase inhibitors Tweenase inhibitor Tweenase inhibitors Tweenesterase inhibitor Tweenesterase inhibitors butyrinase inhibitor butyrinase inhibitors cacordase inhibitor cacordase inhibitors capalase L inhibitor capalase L inhibitors chebi_ontology glycerol ester hydrolase inhibitor glycerol ester hydrolase inhibitors glycerol-ester hydrolase inhibitor glycerol-ester hydrolase inhibitors heparin releasable hepatic lipase inhibitor heparin releasable hepatic lipase inhibitors hepatic lipase inhibitor hepatic lipase inhibitors hepatic monoacylglycerol acyltransferase inhibitor hepatic monoacylglycerol acyltransferase inhibitors lipase inhibitor lipase inhibitors lipazin inhibitor lipazin inhibitors liver lipase inhibitor liver lipase inhibitors pancreatic lipase inhibitor pancreatic lipase inhibitors pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase inhibitor pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase inhibitors post-heparin plasma protamine-resistant lipase inhibitor post-heparin plasma protamine-resistant lipase inhibitors salt-resistant post-heparin lipase inhibitor salt-resistant post-heparin lipase inhibitors steapsin inhibitor steapsin inhibitors triacetinase inhibitor triacetinase inhibitors triacylglycerol ester hydrolase inhibitor triacylglycerol ester hydrolase inhibitors triacylglycerol lipase (EC inhibitor triacylglycerol lipase (EC inhibitors triacylglycerol lipase inhibitor triacylglycerol lipase inhibitors tributyrase inhibitor tributyrase inhibitors tributyrin esterase inhibitor tributyrin esterase inhibitors tributyrinase inhibitor tributyrinase inhibitors triglyceridase inhibitor triglyceridase inhibitors triglyceride hydrolase inhibitor triglyceride hydrolase inhibitors triglyceride lipase inhibitor triglyceride lipase inhibitors triolein hydrolase inhibitor triolein hydrolase inhibitors tween-hydrolysing esterase inhibitor tween-hydrolyzing esterase inhibitors anti-asthmatic agent Any compound that has anti-asthmatic effects. CHEBI:65023 anti-asthmatic agents antiasthmatic agent antiasthmatic agents chebi_ontology food preservative CHEBI:65255 Substances which are added to food in order to prevent decomposition caused by microbial growth or by undesirable chemical changes. chebi_ontology food preservatives antimicrobial food preservative A food preservative which prevents decomposition of food by preventing the growth of fungi or bacteria. In European countries, E-numbers for permitted food preservatives are from E200 to E299, divided into sorbates (E200-209), benzoates (E210-219), sulfites (E220-229), phenols and formates (E230-239), nitrates (E240-259), acetates (E260-269), lactates (E270-279), propionates (E280-289) and others (E290-299). CHEBI:65256 antimicrobial food preservatives antimicrobial preservative antimicrobial preservatives chebi_ontology terpenoid indole alkaloid An indole alkaloid which is biosynthesised from L-tryptophan and isoprenoid building blocks. CHEBI:65321 chebi_ontology terpenoid indole alkaloids monoterpenoid indole alkaloid A terpenoid indole alkaloid which is biosynthesised from L-tryptophan and diisoprenoid (usually secolaganin) building blocks. CHEBI:65323 PMID:18280746 PMID:20717879 PMID:21425787 PMID:22679912 chebi_ontology monoterpenoid indole alkaloids alkyl caffeate ester A cinnamate ester obtained by formal condensation of caffeic acid with any alkyl alcohol. C9H7O4R CHEBI:65331 COC(=O)\C=C\c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PMID:22797656 alkyl caffeate chebi_ontology avicularin 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl alpha-L-arabinofuranoside 434.35030 A quercetin O-glycoside in which an alpha-L-arabinofuranosyl residue is attached at position 3 of quercetin via a glycosidic linkage. It is isolated particularly from Juglans regia and Foeniculum vulgare. Avicularine Avicularoside BDCDNTVZSILEOY-UXYNSRGZSA-N C20H18O11 CAS:572-30-5 CHEBI:65460 Fenicularin HMDB:HMDB30860 InChI=1S/C20H18O11/c21-6-13-15(26)17(28)20(30-13)31-19-16(27)14-11(25)4-8(22)5-12(14)29-18(19)7-1-2-9(23)10(24)3-7/h1-5,13,15,17,20-26,28H,6H2/t13-,15-,17+,20-/m0/s1 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12112167 OC[C@@H]1O[C@@H](Oc2c(oc3cc(O)cc(O)c3c2=O)-c2ccc(O)c(O)c2)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O PMID:12787957 PMID:14600382 PMID:17177509 PMID:17269066 PMID:21226126 PMID:22305062 PMID:22953911 PMID:2631115 Quercetin 3-alpha-L-arabinofuranoside Reaxys:100404 chebi_ontology lupeol (3beta)-lup-20(29)-en-3-ol 426.71740 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is lupane in which the hydrogen at the 3beta position is substituted by a hydroxy group. It occurs in the skin of lupin seeds, as well as in the latex of fig trees and of rubber plants. It is also found in many edible fruits and vegetables. C30H50O CAS:545-47-1 CHEBI:132397 CHEBI:6570 InChI=1S/C30H50O/c1-19(2)20-11-14-27(5)17-18-29(7)21(25(20)27)9-10-23-28(6)15-13-24(31)26(3,4)22(28)12-16-30(23,29)8/h20-25,31H,1,9-18H2,2-8H3/t20-,21+,22-,23+,24-,25+,27+,28-,29+,30+/m0/s1 KEGG:C08628 KNApSAcK:C00003749 MQYXUWHLBZFQQO-QGTGJCAVSA-N MetaCyc:CPD-90 PMID:10930257 PMID:16445885 PMID:17107079 PMID:21118697 PMID:21467639 PMID:21712449 PMID:9883589 Reaxys:2063497 [H][C@]12CC[C@]3([H])[C@@]4(C)CC[C@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@]4([H])CC[C@@]3(C)[C@]1(C)CC[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@H](C(C)=C)[C@]21[H] beta-viscol chebi_ontology fagarasterol lupeol monogynol B hypoglaunine B 1,5,7,8,11-pentaacetoxy-2-furanoyl-4-hydroxy-3,15[2'-hydroxy-2',3'-dimethyl-3'-(3''-carboxy-4''-pyridyl)-propanoic acid]dicarbolactone-dihydroagarofuran 873.80660 A sesquiterpene alkaloid that is a macrolide incorporating a substituted pyridine and dihydroagarofuran moieties. Isolated from root barks of Tripterygium hypoglaucum, it exhibits anti-HIV activity. C41H47NO20 CHEBI:66060 InChI=1S/C41H47NO20/c1-18-24-12-13-42-15-25(24)34(48)55-16-37(7)27-28(56-20(3)44)32(58-22(5)46)40(17-54-19(2)43)33(59-23(6)47)29(60-35(49)26-11-10-14-53-26)31(61-36(50)38(18,8)51)39(9,52)41(40,62-37)30(27)57-21(4)45/h10-15,18,27-33,51-52H,16-17H2,1-9H3/t18?,27-,28-,29+,30-,31+,32-,33+,37+,38?,39+,40-,41+/m1/s1 JXQXTWWCCNHEQZ-PEWXIWONSA-N PMID:10757718 Reaxys:8105725 [H][C@]12OC(=O)C(C)(O)C(C)c3ccncc3C(=O)OC[C@]3(C)O[C@@]4([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]3([H])[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@]4(COC(C)=O)[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H]1OC(=O)c1ccco1)[C@@]2(C)O chebi_ontology salaspermic acid (3S,5aR,7aS,7bR,9aS,12R,13aR,13bS,15aR,15bS,16R)-3-hydroxy-7b,9a,12,13b,15a,16-hexamethylicosahydro-3,5a-methanochryseno[2,1-c]oxepine-12(5H)-carboxylic acid (3beta,20alpha)-3,24-epoxy-3-hydroxy-D:A-friedooleanan-29-oic acid 472.69970 A hexacyclic triterpenoid that is D:A-friedooleanan-29-oic acid substituted by a hydroxy group at position 3 and an epoxy group across positions 3 and 24 (the (3beta,20alpha stereoisomer). Isolated from Salacia macrosperma and Tripterygium wilfordii, it exhibits anti-HIV activity. C30H48O4 CAS:71247-78-4 CBA:338605 CBA:371262 CBA:379028 CHEBI:66153 InChI=1S/C30H48O4/c1-19-29-9-7-20-26(4,21(29)8-10-30(19,33)34-18-29)14-16-28(6)22-17-25(3,23(31)32)12-11-24(22,2)13-15-27(20,28)5/h19-22,33H,7-18H2,1-6H3,(H,31,32)/t19-,20+,21+,22-,24-,25-,26-,27-,28+,29+,30+/m1/s1 PMID:1375626 PMID:17972583 PMID:7720147 PMID:8158155 Reaxys:4889115 ZXENWDWQTWYUGY-UUZWCOCASA-N [H][C@@]12CC[C@]3(O)OC[C@@]1(CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2(C)CC[C@@]2(C)[C@]4([H])C[C@@](C)(CC[C@]4(C)CC[C@]12C)C(O)=O)[C@H]3C chebi_ontology tripterifordin (5beta,8alpha,13alpha)-16-hydroxy-18,20-epoxykauran-18-one 318.45040 A kaurane diterpenoid that is (5beta,8alpha,13alpha)-18,20-epoxykauran-18-one substituted by a hydroxy group at position 16. Isolated from the roots of Tripterygium wilfordii, it exhibits anti-HIV activity. C20H30O3 CAS:139122-81-9 CHEBI:66275 C[C@]1(O)C[C@]23C[C@H]1CC[C@@H]2[C@@]12CCC[C@@](C)([C@H]1CC3)C(=O)OC2 InChI=1S/C20H30O3/c1-17-7-3-8-20(12-23-16(17)21)14(17)6-9-19-10-13(4-5-15(19)20)18(2,22)11-19/h13-15,22H,3-12H2,1-2H3/t13-,14-,15+,17+,18+,19+,20-/m1/s1 KLMZPLYXGZZBCX-TYOHIEAGSA-N KNApSAcK:C00041947 Kauran-18-oic acid, 16,20-dihydroxy-, delta-lactone,(4alpha)- PMID:10579865 PMID:1602302 PMID:8328267 Reaxys:8587307 chebi_ontology hypodiolide A triptonine A 945.91230 A sesquiterpene alkaloid with anti-HIV activity isolated from Tripterygium hypoglaucum. C45H55NO21 CAS:168009-84-5 CHEBI:66276 COC(=O)C[C@@H]1C(=O)CC[C@H](C)C(=O)O[C@@H]2[C@@H]3[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]45O[C@@]3(C)COC(=O)c3cccnc3[C@H](C)[C@H](C)C(=O)O[C@@H]([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]4(COC1=O)[C@@H]2OC(C)=O)[C@]5(C)O GHLDKPNDMMVFDQ-OFWWAFBUSA-N InChI=1S/C45H55NO21/c1-19-13-14-28(51)27(16-29(52)58-10)41(56)60-18-44-36(63-24(6)49)32(65-38(19)53)30-34(62-23(5)48)45(44)43(9,57)35(33(61-22(4)47)37(44)64-25(7)50)66-39(54)21(3)20(2)31-26(12-11-15-46-31)40(55)59-17-42(30,8)67-45/h11-12,15,19-21,27,30,32-37,57H,13-14,16-18H2,1-10H3/t19-,20+,21-,27+,30+,32+,33-,34+,35-,36+,37-,42-,43-,44+,45-/m0/s1 PMID:10757718 Reaxys:8306033 chebi_ontology triptonine B 961.91170 A sesquiterpene alkaloid with anti-HIV activity isolated from Tripterygium hypoglaucum. C45H55NO22 CAS:168009-85-6 CHEBI:66277 COC(=O)CC1C(=O)CCC(C)C(=O)O[C@@H]2[C@@H]3[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]45O[C@@]3(C)COC(=O)c3cnccc3C(C)C(C)(O)C(=O)O[C@@H]([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]4(COC1=O)[C@@H]2OC(C)=O)[C@]5(C)O GSBZVVMZYQMZBG-XMOOUNKUSA-N InChI=1S/C45H55NO22/c1-19-11-12-28(51)26(15-29(52)59-10)38(54)61-18-44-35(64-23(5)49)31(66-37(19)53)30-33(63-22(4)48)45(44)43(9,58)34(32(62-21(3)47)36(44)65-24(6)50)67-40(56)42(8,57)20(2)25-13-14-46-16-27(25)39(55)60-17-41(30,7)68-45/h13-14,16,19-20,26,30-36,57-58H,11-12,15,17-18H2,1-10H3/t19?,20?,26?,30-,31-,32+,33-,34+,35-,36+,41+,42?,43+,44-,45+/m1/s1 PMID:10757718 Reaxys:8305955 chebi_ontology Magnoflorine 342.410 An isoquinoline alkaloid that has formula C20H24NO4. C20H24NO4 CAS:2141-09-5 CHEBI:6641 COc1ccc2C[C@H]3c4c(CC[N+]3(C)C)cc(OC)c(O)c4-c2c1O InChI=1S/C20H23NO4/c1-21(2)8-7-12-10-15(25-4)20(23)18-16(12)13(21)9-11-5-6-14(24-3)19(22)17(11)18/h5-6,10,13H,7-9H2,1-4H3,(H-,22,23)/p+1/t13-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09581 KNApSAcK:C00001885 Magnoflorine YLRXAIKMLINXQY-ZDUSSCGKSA-O chebi_ontology sciscllascilloside E-1 1223.35080 15-deoxoeucosterol-3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1->2)-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1->3)]-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1->2)-alpha-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1->6)-beta-D-glucopyranoside A triterpenoid saponin isolated from Scilla scilloides and has been shown to exhibit anti-tumour activity. C58H94O27 CHEBI:66439 InChI=1S/C58H94O27/c1-8-27(62)29-17-23(2)58(85-29)16-15-56(6)26-9-10-33-54(4,25(26)11-14-57(56,58)7)13-12-34(55(33,5)22-61)81-50-44(73)42(71)38(67)32(80-50)21-76-52-47(36(65)28(63)20-75-52)83-53-48(84-49-43(72)40(69)35(64)24(3)77-49)46(39(68)31(19-60)79-53)82-51-45(74)41(70)37(66)30(18-59)78-51/h23-24,28-53,59-61,63-74H,8-22H2,1-7H3/t23-,24+,28+,29+,30-,31-,32-,33-,34+,35+,36+,37-,38-,39-,40-,41+,42+,43-,44-,45-,46+,47-,48-,49+,50+,51+,52+,53+,54-,55-,56+,57+,58+/m1/s1 LLBZPESJRQGYMB-VFEURASPSA-N PMID:12237544 Reaxys:6048738 [H][C@]1(O[C@@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O)O[C@H]1[C@@]([H])(O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@]1([H])O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)O[C@@H]1[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)CO[C@H]1OC[C@H]1O[C@@]([H])(O[C@H]2CC[C@]3(C)C4=C(CC[C@@]3([H])[C@@]2(C)CO)[C@]2(C)CC[C@@]3(O[C@@H](C[C@H]3C)C(=O)CC)[C@@]2(C)CC4)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O chebi_ontology (+)-sesamin 354.35330 5,5'-(1S,3aR,4S,6aR)-tetrahydro-1H,3H-furo[3,4-c]furan-1,4-diylbis(1,3-benzodioxole) A lignan that consists of tetrahydro-1H,3H-furo[3,4-c]furan substituted by 1,3-benzodioxole groups at positions 1 and 4 (the 1S,3aR,4S,6aR stereoisomer). Isolated from Cinnamomum camphora, it exhibits cytotoxic activity. C20H18O6 CAS:607-80-7 CHEBI:66470 Fagarol HMDB:HMDB34256 InChI=1S/C20H18O6/c1-3-15-17(25-9-23-15)5-11(1)19-13-7-22-20(14(13)8-21-19)12-2-4-16-18(6-12)26-10-24-16/h1-6,13-14,19-20H,7-10H2/t13-,14-,19+,20+/m0/s1 KEGG:C10882 KNApSAcK:C00000601 MetaCyc:CPD-8922 PEYUIKBAABKQKQ-AFHBHXEDSA-N PMID:16309310 PMID:16785429 PMID:21043475 PMID:21973101 Reaxys:96118 Sezamin Wikipedia:Sesamin [H][C@]12CO[C@H](c3ccc4OCOc4c3)[C@@]1([H])CO[C@@H]2c1ccc2OCOc2c1 chebi_ontology malic acid 134.08744 2-Hydroxybutanedioic acid 2-Hydroxyethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid 2-Hydroxysuccinic acid 2-hydroxybutanedioic acid A 2-hydroxydicarboxylic acid that is succinic acid in which one of the hydrogens attached to a carbon is replaced by a hydroxy group. Aepfelsaeure BJEPYKJPYRNKOW-UHFFFAOYSA-N Beilstein:1723539 C4H6O5 CAS:6915-15-7 CHEBI:6650 DL-Malic acid E296 Gmelin:3325 H2mal HMDB:HMDB00744 InChI=1S/C4H6O5/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2,5H,1H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9) KEGG:C00711 KEGG:D04843 Malic acid MetaCyc:RS-Malate OC(CC(O)=O)C(O)=O PMID:15767321 PMID:17190852 PMID:17439666 PMID:17896933 PMID:19743855 PMID:22411507 Reaxys:1723539 Wikipedia:Malic_acid alpha-hydroxysuccinic acid apple acid chebi_ontology hydroxybutanedioic acid hydroxysuccinic acid maslinic acid (2alpha,3beta)-2,3-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid 472.69970 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is olean-12-ene substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 2 and 3 and a carboxy group at position 28 (the 2alpha,3beta stereoisomer). It is isolated from Olea europaea and Salvia canariensis and exhibits anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antineoplastic activity. C30H48O4 CAS:4373-41-5 CHEBI:66682 Crategolic acid HMDB:HMDB02392 InChI=1S/C30H48O4/c1-25(2)12-14-30(24(33)34)15-13-28(6)18(19(30)16-25)8-9-22-27(5)17-20(31)23(32)26(3,4)21(27)10-11-29(22,28)7/h8,19-23,31-32H,9-17H2,1-7H3,(H,33,34)/t19-,20+,21-,22+,23-,27-,28+,29+,30-/m0/s1 KEGG:C16939 MDZKJHQSJHYOHJ-LLICELPBSA-N Masilinic acid PMID:12802735 PMID:21288041 PMID:21309591 PMID:21384845 PMID:21973054 PMID:23003682 PMID:23175023 Patent:CN102106861 Patent:CN102579456 Patent:US2011105611 Patent:WO2011015692 Reaxys:2711878 Wikipedia:Maslinic_acid [H][C@@]12CC(C)(C)CC[C@@]1(CC[C@]1(C)C2=CC[C@]2([H])[C@@]3(C)C[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]12C)C(O)=O chebi_ontology Polpunonic acid 3-Oxofriedelan-20alpha-29-oic acid 456.70030 A triterpenoid that has formula C30H48O3. C30H48O3 CAS:33600-93-0 CHEBI:66769 InChI=1S/C30H48O3/c1-19-20(31)8-9-21-27(19,4)11-10-22-28(21,5)15-17-30(7)23-18-26(3,24(32)33)13-12-25(23,2)14-16-29(22,30)6/h19,21-23H,8-18H2,1-7H3,(H,32,33)/t19-,21+,22-,23+,25+,26+,27+,28-,29+,30-/m0/s1 Maytenonic acid PMID:2095372 WHWHDGKOSUKYOV-GDXNDQEESA-N [H][C@@]12CCC(=O)[C@H](C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2(C)CC[C@@]2(C)[C@]3([H])C[C@@](C)(CC[C@]3(C)CC[C@]12C)C(O)=O chebi_ontology C4-dicarboxylic acid Any dicarboxylic acid that contains four carbon atoms. C4-dicarboxylic acids CHEBI:66873 chebi_ontology alanine zwitterion 2-ammoniopropanoate 2-azaniumylpropanoate 89.09320 An amino acid zwitterion arising from transfer of a proton from the carboxy to the amino group of alanine; major species at pH 7.3. C3H7NO2 CC([NH3+])C([O-])=O CHEBI:66916 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6) QNAYBMKLOCPYGJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology (+)-marmesin (+)-2,3-dihydro-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one (+)-Marmesin (2S)-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2,3-dihydro-7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one (7S)-marmesin (S)-(+)-2,3-dihydro-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one (S)-2,3-dihydro-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one (S)-marmesin 246.25856 A marmesin that has formula C14H14O4. Beilstein:85844 C14H14O4 CAS:13849-08-6 CHEBI:6695 FWYSBEAFFPBAQU-LBPRGKRZSA-N InChI=1S/C14H14O4/c1-14(2,16)12-6-9-5-8-3-4-13(15)18-10(8)7-11(9)17-12/h3-5,7,12,16H,6H2,1-2H3/t12-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09276 KNApSAcK:C00000584 LINCS:LSM-2799 Marmesin S-(+)-marmesin [H][C@]1(Cc2cc3ccc(=O)oc3cc2O1)C(C)(C)O chebi_ontology (-)-matairesinol (-)-matairesinol (3R,4R)-3,4-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)dihydrofuran-2(3H)-one 358.38510 3R,4R-Bis((4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl)dihydro-2(3H)-furanone A lignan that is gamma-butyrolactone in which the 3 and 4 positions are substituted by 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl groups (the 3R,4R-diastereomer). Artigenin congener C20H22O6 CAS:580-72-3 CHEBI:43819 CHEBI:65005 CHEBI:6698 COc1cc(C[C@H]2COC(=O)[C@@H]2Cc2ccc(O)c(OC)c2)ccc1O DrugBank:DB04200 InChI=1S/C20H22O6/c1-24-18-9-12(3-5-16(18)21)7-14-11-26-20(23)15(14)8-13-4-6-17(22)19(10-13)25-2/h3-6,9-10,14-15,21-22H,7-8,11H2,1-2H3/t14-,15+/m0/s1 KEGG:C10682 KNApSAcK:C00000606 MATGKVZWFZHCLI-LSDHHAIUSA-N Matairesinol MetaCyc:CPD-8912 PDBeChem:MAX PMID:15653677 PMID:19935713 PMID:20734328 PMID:21315909 PMID:21522091 PMID:21597179 PMID:21736835 PMID:22037685 PMID:22113872 PMID:22396124 PMID:22483751 PMID:22646817 Reaxys:93883 Wikipedia:Matairesinol chebi_ontology radiation protective agent CHEBI:66987 chebi_ontology radiation protective agents radiation protective drug radiation protective drugs methyl-branched fatty acid anion Any branched-chain fatty acid anion containing methyl branches only. CHEBI:67013 chebi_ontology methyl-branched fatty acid anions anti-inflammatory agent Any compound that has anti-inflammatory effects. CHEBI:67079 anti-inflammatory agents antiinflammatory agent antiinflammatory agents chebi_ontology gap junctional intercellular communication inhibitor An inhibitor that interferes with the process of gap junctional intercellular communication. CHEBI:67195 Wikipedia:Gap_junction chebi_ontology gap junctional intercellular communication inhibitors retinoic acid receptor agonist An agonist that selectively binds to and activates a retinoic acid receptor. CHEBI:67198 Wikipedia:Retinoic_acid_receptor chebi_ontology retinoic acid receptor agonists AP-1 antagonist AP-1 antagonists An antogonist that interferes with the action of activator protein 1 (AP-1). CHEBI:67199 Wikipedia:Activator_protein_1 activator protein-1 antagonist activator protein-1 antagonists chebi_ontology provitamin A A provitamin that can be converted into vitamin A by enzymes from animal tissues. CHEBI:67200 chebi_ontology provitamin As EC (oligo-1,6-glucosidase) inhibitor An EC 3.2.1.* (glycosidase) inhibitor that inhibits the action of sucrose oligo-1,6-glucosidase (EC CHEBI:67232 EC (oligo-1,6-glucosidase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors alpha-limit dextrinase inhibitor alpha-limit dextrinase inhibitors chebi_ontology dextrin 6-glucanohydrolase inhibitor dextrin 6-glucanohydrolase inhibitors dextrin 6alpha-glucanohydrolase inhibitor dextrin 6alpha-glucanohydrolase inhibitors exo-oligo-1,6-glucosidase inhibitor exo-oligo-1,6-glucosidase inhibitors isomaltase inhibitor isomaltase inhibitors oligo-1,6-glucosidase (EC inhibitor oligo-1,6-glucosidase (EC inhibitors oligo-1,6-glucosidase inhibitor oligo-1,6-glucosidase inhibitors oligosaccharide alpha-1,6-glucohydrolase inhibitor oligosaccharide alpha-1,6-glucohydrolase inhibitors sucrase-isomaltase inhibitor sucrase-isomaltase inhibitors EC (alpha-glucosidase) inhibitor An EC 3.2.1.* (glycosidase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of alpha-glucosidase (EC CHEBI:50628 CHEBI:67239 EC (alpha-glucosidase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Alpha-glucosidase_inhibitor alpha-1,4-glucosidase inhibitor alpha-1,4-glucosidase inhibitors alpha-D-glucosidase inhibitor alpha-D-glucosidase inhibitors alpha-glucopyranosidase inhibitor alpha-glucopyranosidase inhibitors alpha-glucosidase (EC inhibitor alpha-glucosidase (EC inhibitors alpha-glucosidase inhibitor alpha-glucosidase inhibitors alpha-glucoside hydrolase inhibitor alpha-glucoside hydrolase inhibitors chebi_ontology glucoinvertase inhibitor glucoinvertase inhibitors glucosidoinvertase inhibitor glucosidoinvertase inhibitors glucosidosucrase inhibitor glucosidosucrase inhibitors maltase inhibitor maltase inhibitors maltase-glucoamylase inhibitor maltase-glucoamylase inhibitors (-)-lariciresinol (-)-lariciresinol 360.40100 4-[(2R,3S,4S)-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-yl]-2-methoxyphenol A lignan that is tetrahydrofuran substituted at positions 2, 3 and 4 by 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl, hydroxymethyl and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl groups respectively (the 2R,3S,4S-diastereomer). C20H24O6 CAS:83327-19-9 CHEBI:67244 COc1cc(C[C@@H]2CO[C@H]([C@@H]2CO)c2ccc(O)c(OC)c2)ccc1O InChI=1S/C20H24O6/c1-24-18-8-12(3-5-16(18)22)7-14-11-26-20(15(14)10-21)13-4-6-17(23)19(9-13)25-2/h3-6,8-9,14-15,20-23H,7,10-11H2,1-2H3/t14-,15-,20+/m1/s1 Lariciresinol MHXCIKYXNYCMHY-SXGZJXTBSA-N MetaCyc:CPD-8908 PMID:21679690 PMID:22218086 PMID:22466741 PMID:8262939 Reaxys:5622895 chebi_ontology (+)-lariciresinol (+)-lariciresinol 360.40100 4-[(2S,3R,4R)-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-yl]-2-methoxyphenol A lignan that is tetrahydrofuran substituted at positions 2, 3 and 4 by 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl, hydroxymethyl and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl groups respectively (the 2S,3R,4R-diastereomer). C20H24O6 CAS:27003-73-2 CAS:83327-19-9 CHEBI:67246 COc1cc(C[C@H]2CO[C@@H]([C@H]2CO)c2ccc(O)c(OC)c2)ccc1O InChI=1S/C20H24O6/c1-24-18-8-12(3-5-16(18)22)7-14-11-26-20(15(14)10-21)13-4-6-17(23)19(9-13)25-2/h3-6,8-9,14-15,20-23H,7,10-11H2,1-2H3/t14-,15-,20+/m0/s1 KEGG:C10646 KNApSAcK:C00000602 Lariciresinol MHXCIKYXNYCMHY-AUSJPIAWSA-N MetaCyc:CPD-8907 PMID:21138310 PMID:21679690 PMID:21973054 PMID:22218086 PMID:8262939 Wikipedia:Lariciresinol chebi_ontology quercetin 3-O-beta-D-galactopyranoside 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(beta-D-galactopyranosyloxy)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl beta-D-galactopyranoside 464.37630 A quercetin O-glycoside that is quercetin with a beta-D-galactosyl residue attached at position 3. Isolated from Artemisia capillaris, it exhibits hepatoprotective activity. C21H20O12 CAS:482-36-0 CHEBI:5836 CHEBI:67486 HMDB:HMDB30775 Hyperin Hyperoside InChI=1S/C21H20O12/c22-6-13-15(27)17(29)18(30)21(32-13)33-20-16(28)14-11(26)4-8(23)5-12(14)31-19(20)7-1-2-9(24)10(25)3-7/h1-5,13,15,17-18,21-27,29-30H,6H2/t13-,15+,17+,18-,21+/m1/s1 KEGG:C10073 KNApSAcK:C00005372 LINCS:LSM-5907 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12112041 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](Oc2c(oc3cc(O)cc(O)c3c2=O)-c2ccc(O)c(O)c2)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O OVSQVDMCBVZWGM-DTGCRPNFSA-N PMID:21428416 PMID:22324400 PMID:23220618 PMID:23291593 PMID:23835282 PMID:24173369 Quercetin 3-galactoside Reaxys:100990 Wikipedia:Hyperoside chebi_ontology quercetin 3-O-galactoside daucosterol (3beta)-stigmast-5-en-3-yl beta-D-glucopyranoside 3-beta-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)stigmast-5-ene 576.84730 A steroid saponin that is sitosterol attached to a beta-D-glucopyranosyl residue at position 3 via a glycosidic linkage. It has bee isolated from Panax japonicus var. major and Breynia fruticosa. BSSG C35H60O6 CAS:474-58-8 CC[C@H](CC[C@@H](C)[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CC=C4C[C@H](CC[C@]4(C)[C@H]3CC[C@]12C)O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)C(C)C CHEBI:67554 InChI=1S/C35H60O6/c1-7-22(20(2)3)9-8-21(4)26-12-13-27-25-11-10-23-18-24(14-16-34(23,5)28(25)15-17-35(26,27)6)40-33-32(39)31(38)30(37)29(19-36)41-33/h10,20-22,24-33,36-39H,7-9,11-19H2,1-6H3/t21-,22-,24+,25+,26-,27+,28+,29-,30-,31+,32-,33-,34+,35-/m1/s1 KEGG:D05848 MetaCyc:CPD-11608 NPJICTMALKLTFW-OFUAXYCQSA-N PMID:23337296 PMID:23668009 PMID:24010320 PMID:24228585 PMID:7246155 Reaxys:100108 Wikipedia:Daucosterol alexandrin beta-daucosterol beta-sitosterol 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside beta-sitosteryl-beta-D-glucopyranoside chebi_ontology coriandrinol daucosterin eleutheroside A lyoniside sitogluside sitoglusidum sterolin Mesaconitine 631.712 A diterpenoid that has formula C33H45NO11. C33H45NO11 CAS:2752-64-9 CHEBI:6773 COC[C@]12CN(C)C3[C@@H]4[C@H](OC)[C@H]1[C@]3([C@@H]1C[C@@]3(O)[C@H](OC(=O)c5ccccc5)[C@@H]1[C@]4(OC(C)=O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]3OC)[C@H](C[C@H]2O)OC InChI=1S/C33H45NO11/c1-16(35)45-33-21-18(13-31(39,28(43-6)26(33)37)27(21)44-29(38)17-10-8-7-9-11-17)32-20(41-4)12-19(36)30(15-40-3)14-34(2)25(32)22(33)23(42-5)24(30)32/h7-11,18-28,36-37,39H,12-15H2,1-6H3/t18-,19-,20+,21-,22+,23+,24-,25?,26+,27-,28+,30+,31-,32+,33-/m1/s1 KEGG:C08698 KNApSAcK:C00001654 KNApSAcK:C00028576 Mesaconitine XUHJBXVYNBQQBD-TUWOXVOMSA-N chebi_ontology uvaol (3beta)-Urs-12-ene-3,28-diol 442.71680 A triterpenoid that has formula C30H50O2. C30H50O2 CAS:545-46-0 CHEBI:67894 InChI=1S/C30H50O2/c1-19-10-15-30(18-31)17-16-28(6)21(25(30)20(19)2)8-9-23-27(5)13-12-24(32)26(3,4)22(27)11-14-29(23,28)7/h8,19-20,22-25,31-32H,9-18H2,1-7H3/t19-,20+,22+,23-,24+,25+,27+,28-,29-,30-/m1/s1 PMID:21443171 XUARCIYIVXVTAE-ZAPOICBTSA-N [H][C@@]12CC[C@]3(C)[C@]([H])(CC=C4[C@]5([H])[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)CC[C@]5(CO)CC[C@@]34C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@H](O)C2(C)C chebi_ontology erythrodiol (3beta)-olean-12-ene-3,28-diol 3beta,28-dihydroxy-ole-12-ene 3beta-erythrodiol 442.71680 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is beta-amyrin in which one of the hydrogens of the methyl group at position 28 has been replaced by a hydroxy group. It is a plant metabolite found in olive oil as well as in Rhododendron ferrugineum and other Rhododendron species. AGR:IND21806547 AGR:IND43745334 C30H50O2 CAS:545-48-2 CC1(C)CC[C@]2(CO)CC[C@]3(C)C(=CC[C@@H]4[C@@]5(C)CC[C@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@@H]5CC[C@@]34C)[C@@H]2C1 CHEBI:67939 HMDB:HMDB02360 InChI=1S/C30H50O2/c1-25(2)14-16-30(19-31)17-15-28(6)20(21(30)18-25)8-9-23-27(5)12-11-24(32)26(3,4)22(27)10-13-29(23,28)7/h8,21-24,31-32H,9-19H2,1-7H3/t21-,22-,23+,24-,27-,28+,29+,30+/m0/s1 KNApSAcK:C00019065 MetaCyc:CPD-14499 PMID:15522132 PMID:18384095 PMID:21443171 PMID:23587059 PSZDOEIIIJFCFE-OSQDELBUSA-N Reaxys:2340203 chebi_ontology erythrodiol olean-12-ene-3beta,28-diol oleanolic alcohol 3beta-acetoxyolean-18-en-28-oic acid 3beta-(acetyloxy)olean-18-en-28-oic acid 498.73700 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is olean-18-ene substituted by an acetyloxy group at position 3 and a carboxy group at position 28. It has been isolated from Juglans sinensis. ATCLOZHDTYBRBI-MGIFRHGRSA-N C32H50O4 CC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@@]2(C)[C@@H](CC[C@]3(C)[C@@H]2CC[C@@H]2C4=CC(C)(C)CC[C@@]4(CC[C@@]32C)C(O)=O)C1(C)C CHEBI:67949 InChI=1S/C32H50O4/c1-20(33)36-25-12-13-29(6)23(28(25,4)5)11-14-31(8)24(29)10-9-21-22-19-27(2,3)15-17-32(22,26(34)35)18-16-30(21,31)7/h19,21,23-25H,9-18H2,1-8H3,(H,34,35)/t21-,23+,24-,25+,29+,30-,31-,32+/m1/s1 PMID:21309591 Reaxys:3180462 chebi_ontology 3-oxo-23-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid 23-hydroxy-3-oxours-12-en-28-oic acid 470.68380 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is urs-12-ene substituted by an oxo group at position 3, a carboxy group at position 28 and a hydroxy group at position 23. It has been isolated from Juglans sinensis. C30H46O4 CHEBI:67951 C[C@@H]1CC[C@@]2(CC[C@]3(C)C(=CC[C@@H]4[C@@]5(C)CCC(=O)[C@@](C)(CO)[C@@H]5CC[C@@]34C)[C@@H]2[C@H]1C)C(O)=O InChI=1S/C30H46O4/c1-18-9-14-30(25(33)34)16-15-28(5)20(24(30)19(18)2)7-8-22-26(3)12-11-23(32)27(4,17-31)21(26)10-13-29(22,28)6/h7,18-19,21-22,24,31H,8-17H2,1-6H3,(H,33,34)/t18-,19+,21-,22-,24+,26+,27+,28-,29-,30+/m1/s1 PMID:21309591 RWFVBIQKMCLKMM-CARKBDGISA-N Reaxys:6988922 chebi_ontology 3-epioleanolic acid (3alpha)-3-hydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid 456.70030 A triterpenoid that has formula C30H48O3. C30H48O3 CHEBI:68103 InChI=1S/C30H48O3/c1-25(2)14-16-30(24(32)33)17-15-28(6)19(20(30)18-25)8-9-22-27(5)12-11-23(31)26(3,4)21(27)10-13-29(22,28)7/h8,20-23,31H,9-18H2,1-7H3,(H,32,33)/t20-,21-,22+,23+,27-,28+,29+,30-/m0/s1 MIJYXULNPSFWEK-KDQGZELNSA-N PMID:21469696 [H][C@@]12CC(C)(C)CC[C@@]1(CC[C@]1(C)C2=CC[C@]2([H])[C@@]3(C)CC[C@@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]12C)C(O)=O chebi_ontology gallocatechin (2R*,3S*)- 3,4-dihydro-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-3,5,7-triol (2R*,3S*)-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol 306.26750 A catechin that is a flavan substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 3, 3', 4', 5, 5' and 7 (the trans isomaer). It is isolated from Acacia mearnsii. C15H14O7 CAS:1617-55-6 CAS:970-73-0 CHEBI:68330 Gallocatechol InChI=1S/C15H14O7/c16-7-3-9(17)8-5-12(20)15(22-13(8)4-7)6-1-10(18)14(21)11(19)2-6/h1-4,12,15-21H,5H2/t12-,15+/m0/s1 KEGG:C12127 KNApSAcK:C00008817 O[C@H]1Cc2c(O)cc(O)cc2O[C@@H]1c1cc(O)c(O)c(O)c1 PMID:21192716 Reaxys:8867302 Wikipedia:Gallocatechol XMOCLSLCDHWDHP-SWLSCSKDSA-N chebi_ontology gallocatechol rel-(2R,3S)-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol azole Any monocyclic heteroarene consisting of a five-membered ring containing nitrogen. Azoles can also contain one or more other non-carbon atoms, such as nitrogen, sulfur or oxygen. CHEBI:68452 Wikipedia:Azole azoles chebi_ontology apoptosis inhibitor Any substance that inhibits the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death) in multi-celled organisms. CHEBI:68494 Type I cell-death inhibitor Type I cell-death inhibitors Type I programmed cell-death inhibitor Type I programmed cell-death inhibitors apoptosis inhibitors chebi_ontology apoptosis inducer Any substance that induces the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death) in multi-celled organisms. CHEBI:68495 Type I cell-death inducer Type I cell-death inducers Type I programmed cell-death inducer Type I programmed cell-death inducers apoptosis inducers chebi_ontology pectate (1,4-alpha-D-Galacturonide)n (1,4-alpha-D-Galacturonosyl)n (C6H7O6)nH2O An polyanionic polymer obtained by global deprotonation of the carboxy groups of pectin. CHEBI:68837 De-esterified pectin KEGG:C00470 KEGG:G10506 MetaCyc:PECTATE Pectic acid Poly(1,4-alpha-D-galacturonate) Poly(1,4-alpha-D-galacturonate)(n) Poly[1,4-alpha-D-galacturonide(1 )] alpha-D-Polygalacturonic acid chebi_ontology pectate pectate polyanion hydroxytyrosol 154.16320 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)benzene-1,2-diol A member of the class of catechols that is benzene-1,2-diol substituted by a 2-hydroxyethyl group at position 4. Isolated from Olea europaea, it exhibits antioxidant and antineoplastic activities. C8H10O3 CAS:10597-60-1 CHEBI:68889 InChI=1S/C8H10O3/c9-4-3-6-1-2-7(10)8(11)5-6/h1-2,5,9-11H,3-4H2 JUUBCHWRXWPFFH-UHFFFAOYSA-N LINCS:LSM-36968 OCCc1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PMID:22014120 PMID:22924436 PMID:23017390 PMID:23244583 Reaxys:2208118 Wikipedia:Hydroxytyrosol chebi_ontology dopet Tracheloside 2(3H)-Furanone, 4-((3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)methyl)-3-((4-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl)dihydro-3-hydroxy-, (3S-cis)- 550.55170 A lignan that has formula C27H34O12. C27H34O12 CAS:33464-71-0 CHEBI:68939 COc1ccc(C[C@H]2COC(=O)[C@]2(O)Cc2ccc(O[C@@H]3O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3O)c(OC)c2)cc1OC InChI=1S/C27H34O12/c1-34-17-6-4-14(9-19(17)35-2)8-16-13-37-26(32)27(16,33)11-15-5-7-18(20(10-15)36-3)38-25-24(31)23(30)22(29)21(12-28)39-25/h4-7,9-10,16,21-25,28-31,33H,8,11-13H2,1-3H3/t16-,21+,22+,23-,24+,25+,27-/m0/s1 LWYAMIUSVGPFKS-CGLYQLBNSA-N PMID:22060189 chebi_ontology nantenine (6aS)-1,2-dimethoxy-6-methyl-5,6,6a,7-tetrahydro-4H-benzo[de][1,3]benzodioxolo[5,6-g]quinoline 339.38500 6a-alpha-Aporphine, 1,2-dimethoxy-9,10-(methylenedioxy)- An isoquinoline alkaloid that has formula C20H21NO4. C20H21NO4 CAS:2565-01-7 CHEBI:68992 Domestine InChI=1S/C20H21NO4/c1-21-5-4-11-7-17(22-2)20(23-3)19-13-9-16-15(24-10-25-16)8-12(13)6-14(21)18(11)19/h7-9,14H,4-6,10H2,1-3H3/t14-/m0/s1 PMID:22029392 WSVWKHTVFGTTKJ-AWEZNQCLSA-N [H][C@@]12Cc3cc4OCOc4cc3-c3c(OC)c(OC)cc(CCN1C)c23 chebi_ontology o-Methyldomesticine methyl linoleate 1-O-methyl (9Z,12Z)-octadecadienoate 294.47210 A fatty acid methyl ester of linoleic acid. It has been isolated from Neolitsea daibuensis. C19H34O2 CAS:112-63-0 CCCCC\C=C/C\C=C/CCCCCCCC(=O)OC CHEBI:69080 InChI=1S/C19H34O2/c1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19(20)21-2/h7-8,10-11H,3-6,9,12-18H2,1-2H3/b8-7-,11-10- Methyl 9-cis,12-cis-octadecadienoate PMID:22148193 Reaxys:1727614 WTTJVINHCBCLGX-NQLNTKRDSA-N chebi_ontology linoleic acid methyl ester methyl (9Z,12Z)-octadeca-9,12-dienoate Methyl palmitate 270.45070 A fatty acid methyl ester that has formula C17H34O2. C17H34O2 CAS:112-39-0 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)OC CHEBI:69187 ChemIDplus:0000112390 FLIACVVOZYBSBS-UHFFFAOYSA-N HMDB:HMDB61859 Hexadecanoate methyl ester Hexadecanoic acid methyl ester InChI=1S/C17H34O2/c1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17(18)19-2/h3-16H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C16995 Methyl hexadecanoate Methyl palmitate Methyl palmitic acid PMID:118159 PMID:12143008 PMID:12872920 PMID:12939035 PMID:13018208 PMID:13827622 PMID:1707612 PMID:21240761 PMID:22148193 PMID:24421258 PMID:3833822 PMID:8130610 chebi_ontology methyl hexadecanoate ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one (22E)-ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one 24-methylcholesta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one 392.61660 An ergostanoid that is (22E)-ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraene substituted by an oxo group at position 3. It has been isolated from the mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis. C28H40O CAS:19254-69-4 CC(C)[C@@H](C)\C=C\[C@@H](C)[C@H]1CCC2=C3C=CC4=CC(=O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@H]3CC[C@]12C CHEBI:68084 CHEBI:69431 InChI=1S/C28H40O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h7-10,17-20,24,26H,11-16H2,1-6H3/b8-7+/t19-,20+,24+,26-,27-,28+/m0/s1 OIMXTYUHMBQQJM-HSVWHVBGSA-N PMID:21043476 PMID:21226488 PMID:21428374 PMID:21848266 Reaxys:3223568 chebi_ontology (+)-isolariciresinol (6R,7R,8S)-8-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-6,7-bis(hydroxymethyl)-3-methoxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalen-2-ol 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-7-hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-6-methoxy-2,3-naphthalenedimethanol 360.40100 A lignan that is 5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalen-2-ol substituted by hydroxymethyl groups at positions 6 and 7, a methoxy group at position 3 and a 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl group at position 8. It has been isolated from the roots of Rubia yunnanensis. C20H24O6 CAS:548-29-8 CHEBI:69542 COc1cc(ccc1O)[C@@H]1[C@@H](CO)[C@H](CO)Cc2cc(OC)c(O)cc12 InChI=1S/C20H24O6/c1-25-18-6-11(3-4-16(18)23)20-14-8-17(24)19(26-2)7-12(14)5-13(9-21)15(20)10-22/h3-4,6-8,13,15,20-24H,5,9-10H2,1-2H3/t13-,15-,20-/m0/s1 OGFXBIXJCWAUCH-KPHUOKFYSA-N PMID:21138310 PMID:21973054 Reaxys:2019804 chebi_ontology hederagenin (3beta)-3,23-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid 472.69970 A sapogenin that is olean-12-en-28-oic acid substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 3 and 23 (the 3beta stereoisomer). Astrantiagenin E C30H48O4 CAS:465-99-6 CHEBI:69579 Caulosapogenin Hederagenic acid Hederagenol InChI=1S/C30H48O4/c1-25(2)13-15-30(24(33)34)16-14-28(5)19(20(30)17-25)7-8-22-26(3)11-10-23(32)27(4,18-31)21(26)9-12-29(22,28)6/h7,20-23,31-32H,8-18H2,1-6H3,(H,33,34)/t20-,21+,22+,23-,26-,27-,28+,29+,30-/m0/s1 MetaCyc:CPD-9481 PGOYMURMZNDHNS-MYPRUECHSA-N PMID:22005599 PMID:23530040 Patent:CN101564405 Patent:CN102633857 Patent:CN102697791 Reaxys:2711855 Wikipedia:Hederagenin [H][C@@]12CC(C)(C)CC[C@@]1(CC[C@]1(C)C2=CC[C@]2([H])[C@@]3(C)CC[C@H](O)[C@@](C)(CO)[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]12C)C(O)=O chebi_ontology Paeonol 1-(2-Hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)ethanone 166.17390 4-O-Methylresacetophenone A methoxybenzene that has formula C9H10O3. C9H10O3 CAS:552-41-0 CHEBI:69581 CHEBI:7890 COc1ccc(C(C)=O)c(O)c1 InChI=1S/C9H10O3/c1-6(10)8-4-3-7(12-2)5-9(8)11/h3-5,11H,1-2H3 KEGG:C10712 KNApSAcK:C00002704 LINCS:LSM-24937 PMID:21954959 Paeonol UILPJVPSNHJFIK-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology Paeoniflorigenone 318.32120 A benzoate ester that has formula C17H18O6. BANPEMKDTXIFRE-LQPBRMSDSA-N C17H18O6 CAS:80454-42-8 CHEBI:69582 InChI=1S/C17H18O6/c1-16-8-13(18)11-7-17(16,20)23-15(22-16)12(11)9-21-14(19)10-5-3-2-4-6-10/h2-6,11-12,15,20H,7-9H2,1H3/t11-,12-,15+,16+,17-/m1/s1 PMID:21954959 [H][C@]12O[C@@]3(C)CC(=O)[C@]([H])(C[C@@]3(O)O1)[C@H]2COC(=O)c1ccccc1 chebi_ontology Benzoylpaeoniflorin 584.56790 A terpene glycoside that has formula C30H32O12. C30H32O12 CHEBI:69583 InChI=1S/C30H32O12/c1-27-14-29(36)19-12-30(27,28(19,26(41-27)42-29)15-38-24(35)17-10-6-3-7-11-17)40-25-22(33)21(32)20(31)18(39-25)13-37-23(34)16-8-4-2-5-9-16/h2-11,18-22,25-26,31-33,36H,12-15H2,1H3/t18-,19-,20-,21+,22-,25+,26-,27+,28+,29-,30+/m1/s1 LATYEZNGPQKAIK-HRCYFWENSA-N PMID:21954959 [H][C@]1(O[C@H](COC(=O)c2ccccc2)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)O[C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])[C@@]4(O)C[C@]1(C)O[C@]([H])(O4)[C@@]23COC(=O)c1ccccc1 chebi_ontology Palbinone 18-Norandrosta-11,13(17)-diene-15,16-dione, 3,17-dihydroxy-4,4,8,14-tetramethyl-, (3beta,5alpha)- 358.47120 A 16-oxo steroid that has formula C22H30O4. C22H30O4 CAS:139954-00-0 CHEBI:69584 InChI=1S/C22H30O4/c1-19(2)13-8-11-21(4)14(20(13,3)10-9-15(19)23)7-6-12-16(24)17(25)18(26)22(12,21)5/h6-7,13-15,23-24H,8-11H2,1-5H3/t13-,14+,15-,20-,21+,22-/m0/s1 KIAKLFLISZCITK-PPAUHQMUSA-N PMID:21954959 [H][C@@]12CC[C@]3(C)[C@]([H])(C=CC4=C(O)C(=O)C(=O)[C@@]34C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@H](O)C2(C)C chebi_ontology kaempferol-3-rutinoside 3-((6-O-(6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)oxy)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl 6-O-(6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside 594.51810 A kaempferol O-glucoside that is kaempferol attached to a rutinosyl [6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannosyl-(1->6)-beta-D-glucosyl] residue at position 3 via a glycosidic linkage. It has been isolated from the leaves of Solanum campaniforme. C27H30O15 CAS:17650-84-9 CHEBI:69657 C[C@@H]1O[C@@H](OC[C@H]2O[C@@H](Oc3c(oc4cc(O)cc(O)c4c3=O)-c3ccc(O)cc3)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O InChI=1S/C27H30O15/c1-9-17(31)20(34)22(36)26(39-9)38-8-15-18(32)21(35)23(37)27(41-15)42-25-19(33)16-13(30)6-12(29)7-14(16)40-24(25)10-2-4-11(28)5-3-10/h2-7,9,15,17-18,20-23,26-32,34-37H,8H2,1H3/t9-,15+,17-,18+,20+,21-,22+,23+,26+,27-/m0/s1 Kaempferol-3-O-beta-rutinoside PMID:21962208 PMID:22677447 PMID:23912804 PMID:24123927 PMID:24128471 RTATXGUCZHCSNG-QHWHWDPRSA-N Reaxys:74581 chebi_ontology kaempferol 3-O-(6''-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside nicotiflorin Veraguensin (2R,3S,4S,5S)-2,5-Bis(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-3,4-dimethyltetrahydrofuran 372.45470 A lignan that has formula C22H28O5. C22H28O5 CAS:19950-55-1 CHEBI:69669 COc1ccc(cc1OC)[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@@H](C)[C@@H]1C)c1ccc(OC)c(OC)c1 InChI=1S/C22H28O5/c1-13-14(2)22(16-8-10-18(24-4)20(12-16)26-6)27-21(13)15-7-9-17(23-3)19(11-15)25-5/h7-14,21-22H,1-6H3/t13-,14-,21-,22+/m0/s1 JLJAVUZBHSLLJL-GKHNXXNSSA-N KEGG:C10892 KNApSAcK:C00002633 PMID:21936523 chebi_ontology 5-Methoxygalbelgin 402.48070 A lignan that has formula C23H30O6. C23H30O6 CHEBI:69670 COc1ccc(cc1OC)[C@H]1O[C@@H]([C@@H](C)[C@@H]1C)c1cc(OC)c(OC)c(OC)c1 FUFHSLKNBJRCDG-WJWAULOUSA-N InChI=1S/C23H30O6/c1-13-14(2)22(16-11-19(26-5)23(28-7)20(12-16)27-6)29-21(13)15-8-9-17(24-3)18(10-15)25-4/h8-14,21-22H,1-7H3/t13-,14-,21-,22-/m0/s1 PMID:21936523 chebi_ontology pellitorine (2E,4E)-N-(2-methylpropyl)deca-2,4-dienamide (2E,4E)-N-isobutyl-2,4-decadienamide 223.35440 A fatty amide that has formula C14H25NO. C14H25NO CAS:18836-52-7 CCCCC\C=C\C=C\C(=O)NCC(C)C CHEBI:69686 InChI=1S/C14H25NO/c1-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-14(16)15-12-13(2)3/h8-11,13H,4-7,12H2,1-3H3,(H,15,16)/b9-8+,11-10+ MAGQQZHFHJDIRE-BNFZFUHLSA-N PMID:21158422 PMID:21973101 chebi_ontology trans-Pellitorin Euonymine (1S,3R,13S,14S,17S,18R,19R,20R,21S,22R,23R,24R,25R)-20-(Acetoxymethyl)-25-hydroxy-3,13,14,25-tetramethyl-6,15-dioxo-2,5,16-trioxa-11-azapentacyclo[[1,20].0[3,23].0[7,12]]pentacosa-7,9,11-trien e-18,19,21,22,24-pentayl pentaacetate 805.77570 A terpene lactone that has formula C38H47NO18. C38H47NO18 CAS:33458-82-1 CHEBI:69763 InChI=1S/C38H47NO18/c1-16-17(2)33(46)56-30-28(52-20(5)42)32(55-23(8)45)37(15-49-18(3)40)31(54-22(7)44)27(51-19(4)41)25-29(53-21(6)43)38(37,36(30,10)48)57-35(25,9)14-50-34(47)24-12-11-13-39-26(16)24/h11-13,16-17,25,27-32,48H,14-15H2,1-10H3/t16-,17-,25+,27+,28-,29+,30-,31+,32-,35-,36-,37-,38-/m0/s1 PBFGAFDJVQAMRS-MNPNNVDDSA-N PMID:21634414 [H][C@]12OC(=O)[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)c3ncccc3C(=O)OC[C@]3(C)O[C@@]4([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]3([H])[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]4(COC(C)=O)[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H]1OC(C)=O)[C@@]2(C)O chebi_ontology loliolide (6S,7aR)-6-hydroxy-4,4,7a-trimethyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-1-benzofuran-2-one 196.24290 A benzofuran that has formula C11H16O3. C11H16O3 CAS:5989-02-6 CC1(C)C[C@H](O)C[C@@]2(C)OC(=O)C=C12 CHEBI:69774 InChI=1S/C11H16O3/c1-10(2)5-7(12)6-11(3)8(10)4-9(13)14-11/h4,7,12H,5-6H2,1-3H3/t7-,11+/m0/s1 PMID:21634415 XEVQXKKKAVVSMW-WRWORJQWSA-N chebi_ontology osthole 244.28570 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 7-methoxy-8-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)- A botanical anti-fungal agent that has formula C15H16O3. C15H16O3 CAS:484-12-8 CHEBI:69832 COc1ccc2ccc(=O)oc2c1CC=C(C)C Coumarin, 7-methoxy-8-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)- InChI=1S/C15H16O3/c1-10(2)4-7-12-13(17-3)8-5-11-6-9-14(16)18-15(11)12/h4-6,8-9H,7H2,1-3H3 KEGG:C09280 KNApSAcK:C00002488 LINCS:LSM-3762 MBRLOUHOWLUMFF-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:21627108 chebi_ontology oppsit-4(15)-ene-1beta,11-diol (1R,3aR,4R,7aS)-1-(2-Hydroxy-2-methylpropyl)-3a-methyl-7-methyleneoctahydro-1H-inden-4-ol 238.36570 A sesquiterpenoid that has formula C15H26O2. C15H26O2 CHEBI:69848 InChI=1S/C15H26O2/c1-10-5-6-12(16)15(4)8-7-11(13(10)15)9-14(2,3)17/h11-13,16-17H,1,5-9H2,2-4H3/t11-,12-,13-,15+/m1/s1 PMID:21561060 UACKNRNYUIAHPT-BHPKHCPMSA-N [H][C@@]12[C@H](CC[C@@]1(C)[C@H](O)CCC2=C)CC(C)(C)O chebi_ontology morusin 2-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-hydroxy-8,8-dimethyl-3-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)-4H,8H-benzo[1,2-b:3,4-b']dipyran-4-one 420.45450 An extended flavonoid that is flavone substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 5, 2' and 4', a prenyl group at position 3 and a 2,2-dimethyl pyran group across positions 7 and 8. C25H24O6 CAS:62596-29-6 CC(C)=CCc1c(oc2c3C=CC(C)(C)Oc3cc(O)c2c1=O)-c1ccc(O)cc1O CHEBI:7005 HMDB:HMDB36631 InChI=1S/C25H24O6/c1-13(2)5-7-17-22(29)21-19(28)12-20-16(9-10-25(3,4)31-20)24(21)30-23(17)15-8-6-14(26)11-18(15)27/h5-6,8-12,26-28H,7H2,1-4H3 KEGG:C10106 KNApSAcK:C00001070 PMID:25237377 PMID:25476160 PMID:25628938 Reaxys:1442330 XFFOMNJIDRDDLQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology 4'-O-methylepigallocatechin (2R,3R)-2-(3,5-dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol 320.29400 A catechin that has formula C16H16O7. C16H16O7 CHEBI:70253 COc1c(O)cc(cc1O)[C@H]1Oc2cc(O)cc(O)c2C[C@H]1O ITDYPNOEEHONAH-UKRRQHHQSA-N InChI=1S/C16H16O7/c1-22-16-11(19)2-7(3-12(16)20)15-13(21)6-9-10(18)4-8(17)5-14(9)23-15/h2-5,13,15,17-21H,6H2,1H3/t13-,15-/m1/s1 Ourateacatechin PMID:21080642 chebi_ontology Tormentic acid (2alpha,3beta)-2,3,19-Trihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid 488.69910 A triterpenoid that has formula C30H48O5. C30H48O5 CHEBI:70682 InChI=1S/C30H48O5/c1-17-10-13-30(24(33)34)15-14-27(5)18(22(30)29(17,7)35)8-9-21-26(4)16-19(31)23(32)25(2,3)20(26)11-12-28(21,27)6/h8,17,19-23,31-32,35H,9-16H2,1-7H3,(H,33,34)/t17-,19-,20+,21-,22-,23+,26+,27-,28-,29-,30+/m1/s1 OXVUXGFZHDKYLS-BLIWDXROSA-N [H][C@@]12CC[C@]3(C)[C@]([H])(CC=C4[C@]5([H])[C@](C)(O)[C@H](C)CC[C@@]5(CC[C@@]34C)C(O)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)C2(C)C chebi_ontology topoisomerase inhibitor An EC 5.99.1.* (miscellaneous isomerase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any of the topoisomerases (enzymes that regulate the overwinding or underwinding of DNA). CHEBI:70727 Wikipedia:Topoisomerase chebi_ontology topoisomerase inhibitors antileishmanial agent An antiprotozoal drug used to treat or prevent infections caused by protozoan parasites that belong to the genus Leishmania. CHEBI:70868 antileishmanial agents antileishmanial drug antileishmanial drugs chebi_ontology hexacyclic triterpenoid A triterpenoid that consists of a hexacyclic ring system. CHEBI:70994 chebi_ontology hexacyclic triterpenoids extended flavonoid Any flavonoid with one or more rings fused on to the phenyl substituted benzopyran framework. CHEBI:71037 chebi_ontology extended flavonoids flavan-3,3',4',5,5',7-hexol 306.26750 A hydroxyflavan that is 3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene which is substituted at positions 3, 5, and 7 by hydroxy groups, and at position 2 by a 3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl group. C15H14O7 CHEBI:71224 InChI=1S/C15H14O7/c16-7-3-9(17)8-5-12(20)15(22-13(8)4-7)6-1-10(18)14(21)11(19)2-6/h1-4,12,15-21H,5H2 OC1Cc2c(O)cc(O)cc2OC1c1cc(O)c(O)c(O)c1 XMOCLSLCDHWDHP-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology (+)-epigallocatechin (+)-cis-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-1(2H)-benzopyran-3,5,7-triol (+)-cis-3,3',4',5,5',7-hexahydroxyflavane (+)-epi-gallocatechin (2S,3S)-(+)-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol (2S,3S)-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol (2S,3S)-flavan-3,3',4',5,5',7-hexol (2S,3S)-flavan-3,5,7,3',4',5'-hexol 306.26750 A flavan-3,3',4',5,5',7-hexol that has (2S,3S)-configuration. C15H14O7 CHEBI:71227 InChI=1S/C15H14O7/c16-7-3-9(17)8-5-12(20)15(22-13(8)4-7)6-1-10(18)14(21)11(19)2-6/h1-4,12,15-21H,5H2/t12-,15-/m0/s1 O[C@H]1Cc2c(O)cc(O)cc2O[C@H]1c1cc(O)c(O)c(O)c1 XMOCLSLCDHWDHP-WFASDCNBSA-N chebi_ontology EC 2.* (transferase) inhibitor An enzyme inhibitor that inhibits the action of a transferase (EC 2.*) CHEBI:71300 EC 2 inhibitor EC 2 inhibitors EC 2.* (transferase) inhibitors EC 2.* inhibitor EC 2.* inhibitors Wikipedia:Transferase chebi_ontology transferase inhibitor transferase inhibitors hexadec-9-enoate 253.40030 9-hexadecenoate 9-hexadecenoate(1-) A long-chain unsaturated fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of hexadec-9-enoic acid, obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group; major species at pH 7.3. C16H29O2 CHEBI:71449 InChI=1S/C16H30O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16(17)18/h7-8H,2-6,9-15H2,1H3,(H,17,18)/p-1 SECPZKHBENQXJG-UHFFFAOYSA-M [H]C(CCCCCC)=C([H])CCCCCCCC([O-])=O chebi_ontology hexadec-9-enoate hexadec-9-enoate(1-) EC (fatty acid synthase) inhibitor (FAS) inhibitors An EC 2.3.1.* (acyltransferase transferring other than amino-acyl group) inhibitor that interferes with the action of fatty acid synthase (EC, a multi-enzyme protein involved in fatty acid synthesis. CHEBI:71476 EC (fatty acid synthase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Fatty-acid_synthase acyl-CoA:malonyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (decarboxylating, oxoacyl- and enoyl-reducing and thioester-hydrolysing) inhibitor acyl-CoA:malonyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (decarboxylating, oxoacyl- and enoyl-reducing and thioester-hydrolysing) inhibitors chebi_ontology fatty acid synthase (EC inhibitor fatty acid synthase (EC inhibitors fatty acid synthase inhibitor fatty acid synthase inhibitors dihydroagarofuran (3R,5aS,9R,9aS)-2,2,5a,9-tetramethyloctahydro-2H-3,9a-methano-1-benzoxepine 222.36630 A eudesmane sesquiterpenoid that is octahydro-2H-3,9a-methano-1-benzoxepine substituted by methyl groups at positions 2, 2, 5a and 9 (the 3R,5aS,9R,9aS stereoisomer). C15H26O CHEBI:71547 HVAVUZLEYSAYGE-UXOAXIEHSA-N InChI=1S/C15H26O/c1-11-6-5-8-14(4)9-7-12-10-15(11,14)16-13(12,2)3/h11-12H,5-10H2,1-4H3/t11-,12-,14+,15+/m1/s1 PMID:16901807 Reaxys:1423249 [H][C@@]12CC[C@]3(C)CCC[C@@H](C)[C@]3(C1)OC2(C)C chebi_ontology dihydro-beta-agarofuran dihydroagarofuran sesquiterpenoid Any sesquiterpenoid with a dihydroagarofuran skeleton. CHEBI:71548 PMID:17898902 chebi_ontology dihydroagarofuran sesquiterpenoids friedelane (4aR,6aR,6bS,8aR,9S,12aR,12bS,14aS,14bR)-2,2,4a,6a,8a,9,12b,14a-octamethyldocosahydropicene 412.73390 A triterpene that is docosahydropicene substituted by 8 methyl groups at positions 2, 2, 4a, 6a, 8a, 9, 12b and 14a. C30H52 CHEBI:71575 InChI=1S/C30H52/c1-21-10-9-11-22-27(21,5)13-12-23-28(22,6)17-19-30(8)24-20-25(2,3)14-15-26(24,4)16-18-29(23,30)7/h21-24H,9-20H2,1-8H3/t21-,22+,23-,24+,26+,27+,28-,29+,30-/m0/s1 KVSNMTUIMXZPLU-XOZXFAFYSA-N PMID:22224263 Reaxys:2055185 [H][C@@]12CCC[C@H](C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2(C)CC[C@@]2(C)[C@]3([H])CC(C)(C)CC[C@]3(C)CC[C@]12C chebi_ontology gamma-amino acid anion An amino-acid anion in which the amino group is situated gamma- to the carboxylate group. CHEBI:71666 chebi_ontology gamma-amino acid anions hexadec-9-enoic acid 16:1 omega-7 254.40820 9-hexadecenoic acid A hexadecenoic acid in which the double bond is located at position 9. C16H30O2 CHEBI:72004 InChI=1S/C16H30O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16(17)18/h7-8H,2-6,9-15H2,1H3,(H,17,18) Reaxys:1781015 SECPZKHBENQXJG-UHFFFAOYSA-N [H]C(CCCCCC)=C([H])CCCCCCCC(O)=O chebi_ontology hexadec-9-enoic acid hydroxyflavan A member of the class of flavans in which one or more ring hydrogens are replaced by hydroxy groups. CHEBI:24036 CHEBI:72010 chebi_ontology flavanols hydroxyflavans 2-(hydroxymethyl)piperidine-3,4,5-triol 2-(hydroxymethyl)piperidine-3,4,5-triols A hydroxypiperidine that has three hydroxy groups located at positions 3, 4 and 5 as well as a hydroxymethyl substituent at position 2. CHEBI:72490 chebi_ontology flavonoids Any organic molecular entity whose stucture is based on derivatives of a phenyl-substituted 1-phenylpropane possessing a C15 or C16 skeleton, or such a structure which is condensed with a C6-C3 lignan precursors. The term is a 'superclass' comprising all members of the classes of flavonoid, isoflavonoid, neoflavonoid, chalcones, dihydrochalcones, aurones, pterocarpan, coumestans, rotenoid, flavonolignan, homoflavonoid and flavonoid oligomers. Originally restricted to natural products, the term is also applied to synthetic compounds related to them. CHEBI:72544 Wikipedia:Flavonoids chebi_ontology flavonoid organic molecule Any molecule that consists of at least one carbon atom as part of the electrically neutral entity. CHEBI:72695 chebi_ontology organic molecules flavonoid oligomer A phenylpropanoid obtained by the coupling of two or more units of aryl-substituted benzopyran units and their substituted derivatives. CHEBI:72720 chebi_ontology flavonoid oligomers flavanone glycoside A member of the class of flavanones having one or more glycosyl residues attached at unspecified positions. CHEBI:72730 chebi_ontology flavanone glycosides EC [carbonyl reductase (NADPH)] inhibitor ALR3 inhibitor ALR3 inhibitors An EC 1.1.1.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group, NAD(+) or NADP(+) acceptor) inhibitor that interferes with the action of carbonyl reductase (NADPH), EC CHEBI:73136 EC (carbonyl reductase (NADPH)) inhibitor EC (carbonyl reductase (NADPH)) inhibitors EC [carbonyl reductase (NADPH)] inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors NADPH2-dependent carbonyl reductase inhibitor NADPH2-dependent carbonyl reductase inhibitors Wikipedia:Carbonyl_reductase_(NADPH) aldehyde reductase 1 inhibitor aldehyde reductase 1 inhibitors carbonyl reductase (NADPH) (EC inhibitor carbonyl reductase (NADPH) (EC inhibitors carbonyl reductase (NADPH) inhibitor carbonyl reductase (NADPH) inhibitors carbonyl reductase (NADPH2) inhibitor carbonyl reductase (NADPH2) inhibitors carbonyl reductase inhibitor carbonyl reductase inhibitors chebi_ontology nonspecific NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase inhibitor nonspecific NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase inhibitors prostaglandin 9-ketoreductase inhibitor prostaglandin 9-ketoreductase inhibitors secondary-alcohol:NADP+ oxidoreductase inhibitor secondary-alcohol:NADP+ oxidoreductase inhibitors xenobiotic ketone reductase inhibitor xenobiotic ketone reductase inhibitors EC (L-ascorbate peroxidase) inhibitors An EC 1.11.1.* (peroxidases) inhibitor that inhibits the action of L-ascorbate peroxidase (EC CHEBI:73181 EC (L-ascorbate peroxidase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors L-ascorbate peroxidase (EC inhibitor L-ascorbate peroxidase (EC inhibitors L-ascorbate peroxidase inhibitor L-ascorbate peroxidase inhibitors L-ascorbate:hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase inhibitor L-ascorbate:hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase inhibitors L-ascorbic acid peroxidase inhibitor L-ascorbic acid peroxidase inhibitors L-ascorbic acid-specific peroxidase inhibitor L-ascorbic acid-specific peroxidase inhibitors Wikipedia:L-ascorbate_peroxidase ascorbate peroxidase inhibitor ascorbate peroxidase inhibitors ascorbic acid peroxidase inhibitor ascorbic acid peroxidase inhibitors chebi_ontology EC 3.6.* (hydrolases acting on acid anhydrides) inhibitor Any hydrolase inhibitor that interferes with the action of a hydrolase which acts on acid anhydrides (EC 3.6.*.*). CHEBI:73216 CHEBI:76765 EC 3.6 inhibitor EC 3.6 inhibitors EC 3.6.* (hydrolases acting on acid anhydrides) inhibitors EC 3.6.* inhibitor EC 3.6.* inhibitors EC 3.6.*.* inhibitor EC 3.6.*.* inhibitors acid anhydride hydrolase inhibitor acid anhydride hydrolase inhibitors chebi_ontology inhibitor of hydrolase acting on acid anhydride (EC 3.6.*) inhibitors of hydrolase acting on acid anhydride (EC 3.6.*) NF-kappaB inhibitor An inhibitor of NF-kappaB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells), a protein complex involved in the transcription of DNA. CHEBI:73240 NF-kappaB inhibitors Wikipedia:NF-%CE%BAB chebi_ontology nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells inhibitor nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells inhibitors alpha-CH2-containing aldehyde 43.04460 An aldehyde of general formula R-CH2-CH=O in which the aldehydic C=O function is attached to a CH2 group at the alpha-position. C2H3OR CHEBI:73359 CHEBI:77661 [*]CC=O a 2,3-saturated aldehyde alpha-CH2-containing aldehydes alpha-methylene aldehyde alpha-methylene aldehydes chebi_ontology indole skeleton 110.09230 A mancude heterobicyclic organic group consisting of a benzene ring fused to a pyrrole ring. C8N CHEBI:73398 chebi_ontology organic heterobicyclic ring A bicyclic organic group that contains both carbon and hetero atoms. CHEBI:73541 chebi_ontology organic heterobicyclic rings alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1->2)-beta-D-glucopyranose 2-O-(6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranose 2-O-(alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranose 2-O-alpha-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-D-glucopyranose 326.29710 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1->2)-beta-D-glucopyranose A disaccharide consisting of alpha-L-rhamnose and beta-D-glucose linked via a 1->2 glycosidic bond. C12H22O10 CAS:17074-02-1 CHEBI:73992 C[C@@H]1O[C@@H](O[C@H]2[C@H](O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O HMDB:HMDB29523 InChI=1S/C12H22O10/c1-3-5(14)7(16)9(18)12(20-3)22-10-8(17)6(15)4(2-13)21-11(10)19/h3-19H,2H2,1H3/t3-,4+,5-,6+,7+,8-,9+,10+,11+,12-/m0/s1 KEGG:C08244 KNApSAcK:C00001143 Neohesperidose PMID:22484948 PMID:23221119 Reaxys:1290802 VSRVRBXGIRFARR-OUEGHFHCSA-N Wikipedia:Neohesperidose alpha-L-Rhap-(1->2)-beta-D-Glcp chebi_ontology genistein(1-) 269.22900 5-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate An organic anion that is the conjugate base of genistein, obtained by selective deprotonation of the 7-hydroxy group. C15H9O5 CHEBI:74224 InChI=1S/C15H10O5/c16-9-3-1-8(2-4-9)11-7-20-13-6-10(17)5-12(18)14(13)15(11)19/h1-7,16-18H/p-1 MetaCyc:CPD-3141 Oc1ccc(cc1)-c1coc2cc([O-])cc(O)c2c1=O TZBJGXHYKVUXJN-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology genistein anti-obesity agent Any substance which is used to reduce or control weight. CHEBI:74518 Wikipedia:Anti-obesity anti-obesity agents anti-obestic agent anti-obestic agents chebi_ontology astringent A compound that causes the contraction of body tissues, typically used to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions. CHEBI:74783 Wikipedia:Astringent adstringent adstringents astringents chebi_ontology homoeriodictyol (-)-Homoeriodictyol (2S)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-4H-chromen-4-one (S)-2,3-Dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-4-benzopyrone 302.27880 5,7,4'-Trihydroxy-3'-methoxyflavanone A trihydroxyflavanone that consists of 3'-methoxyflavanone in which the three hydroxy substituents are located at positions 4', 5, and 7. C16H14O6 CAS:446-71-9 CHEBI:5753 CHEBI:74960 COc1cc(ccc1O)[C@@H]1CC(=O)c2c(O)cc(O)cc2O1 Eriodictyol 3'-methyl ether Eriodictyonone FTODBIPDTXRIGS-ZDUSSCGKSA-N InChI=1S/C16H14O6/c1-21-14-4-8(2-3-10(14)18)13-7-12(20)16-11(19)5-9(17)6-15(16)22-13/h2-6,13,17-19H,7H2,1H3/t13-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09756 KNApSAcK:C00000969 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12140449 MetaCyc:CPD-7071 PMID:21384439 PMID:22150672 PMID:23906843 Reaxys:1294930 Wikipedia:Homoeriodictyol chebi_ontology morin 2',3,4',5,7-Pentahydroxyflavone 2',4',3,5,7-Pentahydroxyflavone 2',4',5,7-Tetrahydroxyflavan-3-ol 2',4',5,7-Tetrahydroxyflavonol 2-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 2-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one 3,5,7,2',4'-Pentahydroxyflavone 302.23570 A pentahydroxyflavone that is 7-hydroxyflavonol bearing three additional hydroxy substituents at positions 2' 4' and 5. C.I.Natural Yellow 8 C15H10O7 CAS:480-16-0 CHEBI:6998 CHEBI:75092 HMDB:HMDB30796 InChI=1S/C15H10O7/c16-6-1-2-8(9(18)3-6)15-14(21)13(20)12-10(19)4-7(17)5-11(12)22-15/h1-5,16-19,21H KEGG:C10105 KNApSAcK:C00004624 LINCS:LSM-36988 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12112517 Oc1ccc(c(O)c1)-c1oc2cc(O)cc(O)c2c(=O)c1O PMID:15516722 PMID:16806951 PMID:18629640 PMID:19539802 PMID:19774509 PMID:22740350 PMID:23030699 PMID:23254912 PMID:23279849 PMID:23352912 PMID:23384060 PMID:23432089 PMID:23590821 PMID:23757948 PMID:23952478 Reaxys:327474 Wikipedia:Morin_(flavonol) YXOLAZRVSSWPPT-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology nerolidol C15H26O CAS:7212-44-4 CHEBI:7524 chebi_ontology EC 1.11.1.* (peroxidases) inhibitor An EC 1.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as donors) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any of the peroxidases (EC 1.11.1.*). CHEBI:75381 EC 1.11.1 inhibitor EC 1.11.1 inhibitors EC 1.11.1.* (peroxidase) inhibitor EC 1.11.1.* (peroxidase) inhibitors EC 1.11.1.* (peroxidases) inhibitors EC 1.11.1.* inhibitor EC 1.11.1.* inhibitors Wikipedia:Peroxidases chebi_ontology inhibitor of peroxidases inhibitors of peroxidases peroxidases inhibitors EC 5.* (isomerase) inhibitor An enzyme inhibitor that inhibits the action of an isomerase (EC 5.*.*.*). CHEBI:75596 EC 5.* (isomerase) inhibitors EC 5.* inhibitor EC 5.* inhibitors EC 5.*.*.* inhibitor EC 5.*.*.* inhibitors chebi_ontology isomerase (EC 5.*) inhibitor isomerase (EC 5.*) inhibitors isomerase inhibitor isomerase inhibitors EC 6.* (ligase) inhibitor Any enzyme inhibitor that interferes with the action of a ligase (EC 6.*.*.*). Ligases are enzymes that catalyse the joining of two molecules with concomitant hydrolysis of the diphosphate bond in ATP or a similar triphosphate. CHEBI:75603 EC 6.* (ligase) inhibitors EC 6.* inhibitor EC 6.* inhibitors EC 6.*.*.* inhibitor EC 6.*.*.* inhibitors Wikipedia:Ligase chebi_ontology ligase inhibitor ligase inhibitors EC 6.4.* (C-C bond-forming ligase) inhibitor A ligase inhibitor that interferes with the action of a C-C bond-forming ligase (EC 6.4.*.*). C--C bond-forming ligase inhibitor C--C bond-forming ligase inhibitors C-C bond-forming ligase (EC 6.4.*) inhibitor C-C bond-forming ligase (EC 6.4.*) inhibitorS C-C bond-forming ligase inhibitor C-C bond-forming ligase inhibitors CHEBI:75604 EC 6.4.* (C-C bond-forming ligase) inhibitorS EC 6.4.* inhibitor EC 6.4.* inhibitors EC 6.4.*.* inhibitor EC 6.4.*.* inhibitors chebi_ontology procyanidin B3 (2R,2'R,3S,3'S,4S)-2,2'-bis(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,3',4,4'-tetrahydro-2H,2'H-4,8'-bichromene-3,3',5,5',7,7'-hexol 578.52020 A proanthocyanidin consisting of two molecules of (+)-catechin joined by a bond between positions 4 and 8' in alpha-configuration. It can be found in red wine, in barley, in beer, in peach or in Jatropha macrantha, the Huanarpo Macho. C-(4a,8)-C C30H26O12 CAS:23567-23-9 CHEBI:75630 Catechin(4a->8)catechin Catechin-(4alpha->8)-catechin HMDB:HMDB33974 InChI=1S/C30H26O12/c31-13-7-20(37)24-23(8-13)41-29(12-2-4-16(33)19(36)6-12)27(40)26(24)25-21(38)10-17(34)14-9-22(39)28(42-30(14)25)11-1-3-15(32)18(35)5-11/h1-8,10,22,26-29,31-40H,9H2/t22-,26-,27-,28+,29+/m0/s1 KEGG:C10209 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12030003 O[C@H]1Cc2c(O)cc(O)c([C@H]3[C@H](O)[C@H](Oc4cc(O)cc(O)c34)c3ccc(O)c(O)c3)c2O[C@@H]1c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PMID:20131846 PMID:20568787 PMID:20955177 PMID:21950419 PMID:22629448 PMID:22744145 PMID:22747497 PMID:22783976 PMID:22868163 PMID:23131027 PMID:23411286 PMID:23829187 PMID:23971434 Patent:KR20100129858 Patent:WO2010021935 Proanthocyanidin B3 Reaxys:3586582 Wikipedia:Procyanidin_B3 XFZJEEAOWLFHDH-AVFWISQGSA-N chebi_ontology procyanidin B2 (2R,2'R,3R,3'R,4R)-2,2'-bis(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,3',4,4'-tetrahydro-2H,2'H-4,8'-bichromene-3,3',5,5',7,7'-hexol 578.52020 A proanthocyanidin consisting of two molecules of (-)-epicatechin joined by a bond between positions 4 and 8' in a beta-configuration. Procyanidin B2 can be found in Cinchona pubescens (Chinchona, in the rind, bark and cortex), in Cinnamomum verum (Ceylon cinnamon, in the rind, bark and cortex), in Crataegus monogyna (Common hawthorn, in the flower and blossom), in Uncaria guianensis (Cat's claw, in the root), in Vitis vinifera (Common grape vine, in the leaf), in Litchi chinensis (litchi, in the pericarp), in the apple, in Ecdysanthera utilis and in red wine. C30H26O12 CAS:29106-49-8 CHEBI:75632 EC-(4b,8)-EC Epicathechin-(4beta->8)-epicathechin HMDB:HMDB33973 InChI=1S/C30H26O12/c31-13-7-20(37)24-23(8-13)41-29(12-2-4-16(33)19(36)6-12)27(40)26(24)25-21(38)10-17(34)14-9-22(39)28(42-30(14)25)11-1-3-15(32)18(35)5-11/h1-8,10,22,26-29,31-40H,9H2/t22-,26-,27-,28-,29-/m1/s1 KEGG:C17639 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12030002 O[C@@H]1Cc2c(O)cc(O)c([C@@H]3[C@@H](O)[C@H](Oc4cc(O)cc(O)c34)c3ccc(O)c(O)c3)c2O[C@@H]1c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PMID:22042007 PMID:23250807 PMID:23285083 PMID:23360097 PMID:23460126 PMID:23472464 PMID:23474305 PMID:23811048 PMID:23922881 PMID:23985492 PMID:24136906 Proanthocyanidin B2 Procyanidol B2 Reaxys:1279736 Wikipedia:Procyanidin_B2 XFZJEEAOWLFHDH-NFJBMHMQSA-N chebi_ontology eukaryotic metabolite Any metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in eukaryotes, the taxon that include members of the fungi, plantae and animalia kingdoms. CHEBI:75763 chebi_ontology eukaryotic metabolites animal metabolite Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in animals that include diverse creatures from sponges, insects to mammals. CHEBI:75767 CHEBI:77721 CHEBI:77743 animal metabolites chebi_ontology mammalian metabolite Any animal metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in mammals. CHEBI:75768 CHEBI:77464 CHEBI:77744 chebi_ontology mammalian metabolites B vitamin Any of the group of eight water-soluble vitamins originally thought to be a single compound (vitamin B) that play important roles in cell metabolism. The group comprises vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. (Around 20 other compounds were once thought to be B vitamins but are no longer classified as such.) B vitamins B-group vitamin B-group vitamins CHEBI:75769 PMID:22743781 PMID:23093174 PMID:23238962 PMID:23449527 PMID:23462586 PMID:23690582 Wikipedia:B_vitamin chebi_ontology vitamin B mouse metabolite Any mammalian metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in a mouse (Mus musculus). CHEBI:75771 Mus musculus metabolite Mus musculus metabolites chebi_ontology mouse metabolites Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite Any fungal metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). CHEBI:75772 CHEBI:76949 CHEBI:76951 S. cerevisiae metabolite S. cerevisiae metabolites S. cerevisiae secondary metabolite S. cerevisiae secondary metabolites Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolites Saccharomyces cerevisiae secondary metabolites baker's yeast metabolite baker's yeast metabolites baker's yeast secondary metabolite baker's yeast secondary metabolites chebi_ontology prokaryotic metabolite Any metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in prokaryotes, the taxon that include members of domains such as the bacteria and archaea. CHEBI:75787 chebi_ontology prokaryotic metabolites nobiletin 2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-5,6,7,8-tetramethoxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one 402.39460 5,6,7,8,3',4'-Hexamethoxyflavone A methoxyflavone that is flavone substituted by methoxy groups at positions 5, 6, 7, 8, 3' and 4' respectively. C21H22O8 CAS:478-01-3 CHEBI:7602 COc1ccc(cc1OC)-c1cc(=O)c2c(OC)c(OC)c(OC)c(OC)c2o1 HMDB:HMDB29540 Hexamethoxyflavone InChI=1S/C21H22O8/c1-23-13-8-7-11(9-15(13)24-2)14-10-12(22)16-17(25-3)19(26-4)21(28-6)20(27-5)18(16)29-14/h7-10H,1-6H3 KEGG:C10112 KNApSAcK:C00001076 LINCS:LSM-2130 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12111468 MRIAQLRQZPPODS-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:25488359 PMID:25845666 Reaxys:360887 Wikipedia:Nobiletin chebi_ontology lacceroate 479.84140 A very long-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of lacceroic acid, obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group. C32H63O2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CHEBI:76024 ICAIHSUWWZJGHD-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C32H64O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32(33)34/h2-31H2,1H3,(H,33,34)/p-1 MetaCyc:CPD-8463 chebi_ontology dotriacontanoate dotriacontanoate dotriacontanoate(1-) lacceroate(1-) aromatic amino-acid zwitterion An amino acid zwitterion obtained by transfer of a proton from the carboxy to the amino group of any aromatic amino-acid. C2H4NO2R CHEBI:76042 MetaCyc:Aromatic-Amino-Acids [NH3+]C([*])C([O-])=O an aromatic amino-acid aromatic amino-acid zwitterions chebi_ontology (+)-epicatechin (2S,3S)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol (2S,3S)-3',4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavan-3-ol (2S,3S)-3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavan 290.26810 A catechin that is flavan carrying five hydroxy substituents at positions 3, 3', 4', 5 and 7 (the 2S,3S-stereoisomer). C15H14O6 CAS:35323-91-2 CHEBI:76125 InChI=1S/C15H14O6/c16-8-4-11(18)9-6-13(20)15(21-14(9)5-8)7-1-2-10(17)12(19)3-7/h1-5,13,15-20H,6H2/t13-,15-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09728 KNApSAcK:C00000957 O[C@H]1Cc2c(O)cc(O)cc2O[C@H]1c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 PFTAWBLQPZVEMU-ZFWWWQNUSA-N PMID:15568761 Reaxys:3655328 chebi_ontology ent-Epicatechin xenobiotic metabolite Any metabolite produced by metabolism of a xenobiotic compound. CHEBI:76206 chebi_ontology xenobiotic metabolites lacceroic acid 480.84940 A straight-chain saturated fatty acid that is dotriacontane in which one of the methyl groups has been oxidised to the corresponding carboxylic acid. C32:0 C32H64O2 CAS:3625-52-3 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O CHEBI:76215 ICAIHSUWWZJGHD-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C32H64O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32(33)34/h2-31H2,1H3,(H,33,34) LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010032 Lacceric acid MetaCyc:CPD-8463 Reaxys:1715878 Wikipedia:Lacceroic_acid chebi_ontology dotriacontanoic acid EC (histone acetyltransferase) inhibitor An EC 2.3.1.* (acyltransferase transferring other than amino-acyl group) inhibitor that interferes with the function of histone acetyltransferase (EC CHEBI:76395 EC (histone acetyltransferase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors HAT inhibitor HAT inhibitors Wikipedia:Histone_acetyltransferase acetyl-CoA:histone acetyltransferase inhibitor acetyl-CoA:histone acetyltransferase inhibitors chebi_ontology histone acetokinase inhibitor histone acetokinase inhibitors histone acetylase inhibitor histone acetylase inhibitors histone acetyltransferase (EC inhibitor histone acetyltransferase (EC inhibitors histone acetyltransferase inhibitor histone acetyltransferase inhibitors histone transacetylase inhibitor histone transacetylase inhibitors nucleosome-histone acetyltransferase inhibitor nucleosome-histone acetyltransferase inhibitors propellant A compressed gas or liquid with a boiling point lower than room temperature which to used to propel and dispense liquids such as deodorants, insecticides, paints, etc. from aerosol cans. CHEBI:76414 PMID:22519407 PMID:24001847 chebi_ontology propellants quercetin O-glycoside Any glycosyloxyflavone that is an O-glycosylated derivative of quercetin. CHEBI:76424 chebi_ontology quercetin O-glycosides polyunsaturated fatty acid anion Any unsaturated fatty acid anion containing more than one C-C unsaturated bond. Major species at pH 7.3. CHEBI:76567 PUFA chebi_ontology polyunsaturated fatty acid anions EC 2.1.* (C1-transferase) inhibitor A transferase inhibitor inhibiting the action of transferase of a one-carbon-containing group (EC 2.1.*.*). C1-transferase (EC 2.1.*) inhibitor C1-transferase (EC 2.1.*) inhibitors C1-transferase inhibitor C1-transferase inhibitors CHEBI:76655 EC 2.1.* (C1-transferase) inhibitors EC 2.1.* inhibitor EC 2.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology one-carbon-containing group transferase inhibitor one-carbon-containing group transferase inhibitors EC 2.3.* (acyltransferase) inhibitor A transferase inhibitor that interferes with the action of an acyltransferase (EC 2.3.*.*). CHEBI:76661 EC 2.3.* (acyltransferase) inhibitors EC 2.3.* inhibitor EC 2.3.* inhibitors acyltransferase inhibitor acyltransferase inhibitors chebi_ontology EC 2.5.1.* (non-methyl-alkyl or aryl transferase) inhibitor A transferase inhibitor that inhibits the transfer of an alkyl (other than methyl) or aryl group (EC 2.5.1.*). CHEBI:76663 EC 2.5.1.* (non-methyl-alkyl or aryl transferase) inhibitors EC 2.5.1.* inhibitor EC 2.5.1.* inhibitors alkyl/aryl (non-methyl) transferase inhibitor alkyl/aryl (non-methyl) transferase inhibitors chebi_ontology non-methyl alkyl/aryl transferase (EC 2.5.1.*) inhibitor non-methyl alkyl/aryl transferase (EC 2.5.1.*) inhibitors non-methyl alkyl/aryl transferase inhibitor non-methyl alkyl/aryl transferase inhibitors non-methyl-alkyl or aryl transferase inhibitor non-methyl-alkyl or aryl transferase inhibitors EC 2.7.* (P-containing group transferase) inhibitor A transferase inhibitor that inhibits the action of a phosphorus-containing group transferase (EC 2.7.*.*). CHEBI:76668 EC 2.7.* (P-containing group transferase) inhibitors EC 2.7.* (phosphorus-containing group transferase) inhibitor EC 2.7.* (phosphorus-containing group transferase) inhibitors EC 2.7.* inhibitor EC 2.7.* inhibitors chebi_ontology phosphorus-containing group transferase (EC 2.7.*) inhibitor phosphorus-containing group transferase (EC 2.7.*) inhibitors phosphorus-containing group transferase inhibitor phosphorus-containing group transferase inhibitors EC 5.99.* (other isomerases) inhibitor An isomerase inhibitor that interferes with the action of any member of the group of 'other isomerases' (EC 5.99.*.*). CHEBI:76697 EC 5.99.* (miscellaneous isomerases) inhibitor EC 5.99.* (miscellaneous isomerases) inhibitors EC 5.99.* (other isomerase) inhibitor EC 5.99.* (other isomerase) inhibitors EC 5.99.* (other isomerases) inhibitors EC 5.99.* inhibitor EC 5.99.* inhibitors chebi_ontology EC 1.* (oxidoreductase) inhibitor An enzyme inhibitor which interferes with the action of an oxidoreductase (EC 1.*.*.*). CHEBI:76725 EC 1.* (oxidoreductase) inhibitors EC 1.* inhibitor EC 1.* inhibitors Wikipedia:Oxidoreductase chebi_ontology oxidoreductase (EC 1.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase (EC 1.*) inhibitors oxidoreductase inhibitor oxidoreductase inhibitors EC 1.1.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group) inhibitor An oxidoreductase inhibitor which interferes with the action of an oxidoreductase acting on the CH-OH group of donors (EC 1.1.*.*). CHEBI:76726 EC 1.1.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group) inhibitors EC 1.1.* inhibitor EC 1.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology inhibitor of oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor inhibitor of oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donors inhibitors of oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor inhibitors of oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donors oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group (EC 1.1.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group (EC 1.1.*) inhibitors oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group inhibitors EC 1.4.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-NH2 group) inhibitor An oxidoreductase inhibitor which interferes with the action of an oxidoreductase acting on the CH-NH2 group of donors (EC 1.4.*.*). CHEBI:76730 EC 1.4.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-NH2 group) inhibitor EC 1.4.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-NH2 group) inhibitors EC 1.4.* inhibitor EC 1.4.* inhibitors chebi_ontology inhibitor of oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH2 group of donor inhibitor of oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH2 group of donors inhibitors of oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH2 group of donor inhibitors of oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH2 group of donors oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH2 group of donor inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH2 group of donor inhibitors oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH2 group of donors (EC 1.4.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH2 group of donors (EC 1.4.*) inhibitors EC 1.10.* (oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors) inhibitor An oxidoreductase inhibitor which interferes with the action of an oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors (EC 1.10.*.*). CHEBI:76737 EC 1.10.* (oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors) inhibitors EC 1.10.* (oxidoreductases acting on diphenols and related substances as donors) inhibitor EC 1.10.* (oxidoreductases acting on diphenols and related substances as donors) inhibitors EC 1.10.* inhibitor EC 1.10.* inhibitors chebi_ontology inhibitor of an oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donor inhibitor of an oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donor (EC 1.10.*) inhibitor of an oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors inhibitors of an oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donor inhibitors of an oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donor (EC 1.10.*) inhibitors of an oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors EC 1.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as donors) inhibitor An oxidoreductase inhibitor which interferes with the action of an oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as donors (EC 1.11.*.*). CHEBI:76738 EC 1.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as donors) inhibitors EC 1.11.* (oxidoreductases acting on peroxide as donors) inhibitor EC 1.11.* (oxidoreductases acting on peroxide as donors) inhibitors EC 1.11.* inhibitor EC 1.11.* inhibitors chebi_ontology oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as donors (EC 1.11.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as donors (EC 1.11.*) inhibitors oxidoreductases acting on peroxide as donors (EC 1.11.*) inhibitor oxidoreductases acting on peroxide as donors (EC 1.11.*) inhibitors EC 1.13.* [oxidoreductase acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases)] inhibitor An oxidoreductase inhibitor which interferes with the action of an oxidoreductase acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases), EC 1.13.*.*. CHEBI:76740 EC 1.13.* [oxidoreductase acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases)] inhibitors EC 1.13.* inhibitor EC 1.13.* inhibitors chebi_ontology oxidoreductase acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases) (EC 1.13.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases) (EC 1.13.*) inhibitors oxidoreductase acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases) inhibitors EC 1.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen) inhibitor An oxidoreductase inhibitor which interferes with the action of an oxidoreductase acting on hydrogen as donors (EC 1.14.*.*). CHEBI:76741 EC 1.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen) inhibitors EC 1.14.* inhibitor EC 1.14.* inhibitors chebi_ontology inhibitor of oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen (EC 1.14.*) inhibitor of oxidoreductases acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen (EC 1.14.*) inhibitors of oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen (EC 1.14.*) inhibitors of oxidoreductases acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen (EC 1.14.*) oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen (EC 1.14.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen (EC 1.14.*) inhibitors oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen inhibitors EC 3.* (hydrolase) inhibitor Any enzyme inhibitor that interferes with the action of a hydrolase (EC 3.*.*.*). CHEBI:76759 EC 3.* (hydrolase) inhibitors EC 3.* inhibitor EC 3.* inhibitors EC 3.*.*.* inhibitor EC 3.*.*.* inhibitors Wikipedia:Hydrolase chebi_ontology hydrolase (EC 3.*) inhibitor hydrolase (EC 3.*) inhibitors hydrolase inhibitor hydrolase inhibitors EC 3.1.* (ester hydrolase) inhibitor A hydrolase inhibitor that interferes with the action of any ester hydrolase (EC 3.1.*.*). CHEBI:76760 EC 3.1.* (ester hydrolase) inhibitors EC 3.1.* inhibitor EC 3.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology ester hydrolase (EC 3.1.*) inhibitor ester hydrolase (EC 3.1.*) inhibitors ester hydrolase inhibitor ester hydrolase inhibitors EC 3.2.* (glycosylase) inhibitor A hydrolase inhibitor that interferes with the action of any glycosylase (EC 3.2.*.*). CHEBI:76761 EC 3.2.* (glycosylase) inhibitors EC 3.2.* inhibitor EC 3.2.* inhibitors chebi_ontology glycosylase (EC 3.2.*) inhibitor glycosylase (EC 3.2.*) inhibitors glycosylase inhibitor glycosylase inhibitors EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitor Any hydrolase inhibitor that interferes with the action of a hydrolase acting on C-N bonds, other than peptide bonds (EC 3.5.*.*). CHEBI:76764 EC 3.5.* (hydrolase acting on non-peptide C-N bond) inhibitor EC 3.5.* (hydrolase acting on non-peptide C-N bond) inhibitors EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on C-N bonds, other than peptide bonds) inhibitor EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on C-N bonds, other than peptide bonds) inhibitors EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitors EC 3.5.* inhibitor EC 3.5.* inhibitors chebi_ontology EC 3.1.1.* (carboxylic ester hydrolase) inhibitor An EC 3.1.* (ester hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of a carboxylic ester hydrolase (EC 3.1.1.*). CHEBI:76773 EC 3.1.1.* (carboxylic ester hydrolase) inhibitors EC 3.1.1.* inhibitor EC 3.1.1.* inhibitors carboxylic ester hydrolase (EC 3.1.1.*) inhibitor carboxylic ester hydrolase (EC 3.1.1.*) inhibitors chebi_ontology EC 3.1.26.* (endoribonucleases producing 5'-phosphomonoesters) inhibitor An EC 3.1.* (ester hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any endoribonuclease producing 5'-phosphomonoesters (EC 3.1.26.*). CHEBI:76785 EC 3.1.26.* (endoribonucleases producing 5'-phosphomonoesters) inhibitors EC 3.1.26.* inhibitor EC 3.1.26.* inhibitors chebi_ontology endoribonuclease producing 5'-phosphomonoesters (EC 3.1.26.*) inhibitor endoribonuclease producing 5'-phosphomonoesters (EC 3.1.26.*) inhibitors endoribonuclease producing 5'-phosphomonoesters inhibitor endoribonuclease producing 5'-phosphomonoesters inhibitors EC (glutathione transferase) inhibitor An EC 2.5.1.* (non-methyl-alkyl or aryl transferase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of a glutathione transferase (EC CHEBI:76797 EC (glutathione transferase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors RX:glutathione R-transferase inhibitor RX:glutathione R-transferase inhibitors S-(hydroxyalkyl)glutathione lyase inhibitor S-(hydroxyalkyl)glutathione lyase inhibitors Wikipedia:Glutathione_S-transferase chebi_ontology glutathione S-alkyl transferase inhibitor glutathione S-alkyl transferase inhibitors glutathione S-alkyltransferase inhibitor glutathione S-alkyltransferase inhibitors glutathione S-aralkyltransferase inhibitor glutathione S-aralkyltransferase inhibitors glutathione S-aryltransferase inhibitor glutathione S-aryltransferase inhibitors glutathione S-transferase inhibitor glutathione S-transferase inhibitors glutathione transferase (EC inhibitor glutathione transferase (EC inhibitors glutathione transferase inhibitor glutathione transferase inhibitors EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor An EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.*). CHEBI:76807 EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitors EC 3.5.1.* inhibitor EC 3.5.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.*) inhibitor non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.*) inhibitors EC 2.7.7.* (nucleotidyltransferase) inhibitor An EC 2.7.* (P-containing group transferase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any nucleotidyltransferase (EC 2.7.7.*). CHEBI:76815 EC 2.7.7.* (nucleotidyltransferase) inhibitors chebi_ontology inhibitor of nucleotidyltransferases inhibitor of nucleotidyltransferases (EC 2.7.7.*) inhibitors of nucleotidyltransferases inhibitors of nucleotidyltransferases (EC 2.7.7.*) nucleotidyltransferase (EC 2.7.7.*) inhibitor nucleotidyltransferase (EC 2.7.7.*) inhibitors nucleotidyltransferase inhibitor nucleotidyltransferase inhibitors EC 6.4.1.* (carboxylase) inhibitor An EC 6.4.* (C-C bond-forming ligase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of a carboxylating enzyme (EC 6.4.1.*). CHEBI:76824 EC 6.4.1.* (C-C bond forming ligase) inhibitor EC 6.4.1.* (C-C bond forming ligase) inhibitors EC 6.4.1.* (C-C bond-forming ligase) inhibitors EC 6.4.1.* (carboxylase) inhibitors EC 6.4.1.* inhibitor EC 6.4.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology inhibitor of ligases forming C-C bonds inhibitor of ligases forming C-C bonds (EC 6.4.1.*) inhibitors of ligases forming C-C bonds inhibitors of ligases forming C-C bonds (EC 6.4.1.*) EC 5.99.1.* (miscellaneous isomerase) inhibitor An EC 5.99.* (other isomerases) inhibitor that interferes with the activity of any enzyme in the EC 5.99.1.* class. CHEBI:76830 EC 5.99.1.* (miscellaneous isomerase) inhibitors EC 5.99.1.* inhibitor EC 5.99.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology EC 2.5.* (non-methyl-alkyl or aryl transferase) inhibitor An EC 2.5.* (transferase) inhibitor that inhibits the action of any transferase that transfers an alkyl (other than methyl) or aryl group (EC 2.5.*). CHEBI:76834 EC 2.5.* (non-methyl-alkyl or aryl transferase) inhibitors EC 2.5.* inhibitor EC 2.5.* inhibitors chebi_ontology non-methyl-alkyl or aryl transferase (EC 2.5.*) inhibitor non-methyl-alkyl or aryl transferase (EC 2.5.*) inhibitors EC 1.1.1.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group, NAD(+) or NADP(+) acceptor) inhibitor An EC 1.1.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group) inhibitor that uses NAD(+) or NADP(+) as acceptor (EC 1.1.1.*). CHEBI:76835 EC 1.1.1.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group, NAD(+) or NADP(+)acceptor) inhibitors EC 1.1.1.* inhibitor EC 1.1.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group, NAD(+) or NADP(+) acceptor (EC 1.1.1.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group, NAD(+) or NADP(+) acceptor (EC 1.1.1.*) inhibitors EC 1.13.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on single donors and incorporating 2 O atoms) inhibitor An EC 1.13.* [oxidoreductase acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases)] inhibitor that inhibits the action of any oxidoreductase incorporating 2 atoms of oxygen (EC 1.13.11.*). CHEBI:76837 EC 1.13.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on single donors and incorporating 2 O atoms) inhibitors EC 1.13.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on single donors and incorporating 2 atoms of oxygen) inhibitor EC 1.13.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on single donors and incorporating 2 atoms of oxygen) inhibitors EC 1.13.11.* inhibitor EC 1.13.11.* inhibitors chebi_ontology oxidoreductase acting on single donors and incorporating 2 atoms of oxygen (EC 1.13.11.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on single donors and incorporating 2 atoms of oxygen (EC 1.13.11.*) inhibitors EC 1.14.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, incorporating of 1 atom of oxygen, with reduced flavin or flavoprotein as one donor) inhibitor An EC 1.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any such enzyme incorporating one atom of oxygen and using reduced flavin or flavoprotein as donor (EC 1.14.14.*). CHEBI:76838 EC 1.14.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, incorporating of 1 atom of oxygen, with reduced flavin or flavoprotein as one donor) inhibitors EC 1.14.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation of 1 atom of oxygen, with reduced flavin or flavoprotein as one donor) inhibitor EC 1.14.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation of 1 atom of oxygen, with reduced flavin or flavoprotein as one donor) inhibitors EC 1.14.14.* inhibitor EC 1.14.14.* inhibitors chebi_ontology oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation of 1 atom of oxygen, with reduced flavin or flavoprotein as one donor (EC 1.14.14.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation of 1 atom of oxygen, with reduced flavin or flavoprotein as one donor (EC 1.14.14.*) inhibitors EC 1.14.99.* (miscellaneous oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen) inhibitor An EC 1.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any enzyme in the EC 1.14.99.* (miscellaneous) category. CHEBI:76840 EC 1.14.99.* (miscellaneous oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen) inhibitors EC 1.14.99.* inhibitor EC 1.14.99.* inhibitors chebi_ontology miscellaneous oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen (EC 1.14.99.*) inhibitor miscellaneous oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen (EC 1.14.99.*) inhibitors EC 1.14.18.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, miscellaneous compound as one donor, incorporating 1 atom of oxygen) inhibitor An EC 1.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any such enzyme using a miscellaneous compound as one donor and incorporating one atom of oxygen (EC 1.14.18.*). CHEBI:76845 EC 1.14.18.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, miscellaneous compound as one donor, incorporating 1 atom of oxygen) inhibitors EC 1.14.18.* inhibitor EC 1.14.18.* inhibitors chebi_ontology oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, miscellaneous compound as one donor, incorporating 1 atom of oxygen (EC 1.14.18.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, miscellaneous compound as one donor, incorporating 1 atom of oxygen (EC 1.14.18.*) inhibitors EC 1.4.3.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-NH2 group, oxygen as acceptor) inhibitor An EC 1.4.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-NH2 group) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any such enzyme using oxygen as acceptor (EC 1.4.3.*). CHEBI:76861 EC 1.4.3.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-NH2 group, oxygen as acceptor) inhibitors EC 1.4.3.* inhibitor EC 1.4.3.* inhibitors chebi_ontology oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-NH2 group, oxygen as acceptor (EC 1.4.3.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-NH2 group, oxygen as acceptor (EC 1.4.3.*) inhibitors EC 2.1.1.* (methyltransferases) inhibitor An EC 2.1.* (C1-transferase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any methyltransferase (EC 2.1.1.*). CHEBI:76871 EC 2.1.1.* (methyltransferase) inhibitor EC 2.1.1.* (methyltransferase) inhibitors EC 2.1.1.* (methyltransferases) inhibitors EC 2.1.1.* inhibitor EC 2.1.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology methyltransferase (EC 2.1.1.*) inhibitor methyltransferase (EC 2.1.1.*) inhibitors EC 2.1.2.* (hydroxymethyl-, formyl- and related transferases) inhibitor An EC 2.1.* (C1-transferase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any hydroxymethyl-, formyl- and related transferase (EC 2.1.2.*). CHEBI:76874 EC 2.1.2.* (hydroxymethyl-, formyl- and related transferases) inhibitors EC 2.1.2.* inhibitor EC 2.1.2.* inhibitors chebi_ontology hydroxymethyl-, formyl- and related transferases (EC 2.1.2.*) inhibitor hydroxymethyl-, formyl- and related transferases (EC 2.1.2.*) inhibitors EC 2.3.1.* (acyltransferase transferring other than amino-acyl group) inhibitor An EC 2.3.* (acyltransferase) inhibitor that inhibits the action of any acyltransferase transferring groups other than amino-acyl groups (EC 2.3.1.*). CHEBI:76878 EC 2.3.1.* (acyltransferase transferring other than amino-acyl group) inhibitors EC 2.3.1.* inhibitor EC 2.3.1.* inhibitors acyltransferase transferring other than amino-acyl group EC 2.3.1.* inhibitor acyltransferase transferring other than amino-acyl group EC 2.3.1.* inhibitors chebi_ontology EC (unspecific monooxygenase) inhibitor An EC 1.14.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, incorporating of 1 atom of oxygen, with reduced flavin or flavoprotein as one donor) inhibitor that interferes with the action of an unspecified monooxygenase (EC CHEBI:76898 EC (unspecific monooxygenase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase inhibitor aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase inhibitors aryl-4-monooxygenase inhibitor aryl-4-monooxygenase inhibitors chebi_ontology flavoprotein monooxygenase inhibitor flavoprotein monooxygenase inhibitors flavoprotein-linked monooxygenase inhibitor flavoprotein-linked monooxygenase inhibitors microsomal P-450 inhibitor microsomal P-450 inhibitors microsomal monooxygenase inhibitor microsomal monooxygenase inhibitors substrate,reduced-flavoprotein:oxygen oxidoreductase (RH-hydroxylating or -epoxidising) inhibitor substrate,reduced-flavoprotein:oxygen oxidoreductase (RH-hydroxylating or -epoxidising) inhibitors unspecific monooxygenase (EC inhibitor unspecific monooxygenase (EC inhibitors unspecific monooxygenase inhibitor unspecific monooxygenase inhibitors xenobiotic monooxygenase inhibitor xenobiotic monooxygenase inhibitors EC 1.14.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, incorporating 1 atom each of oxygen into both donors) inhibitor An EC 1.14.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen) inhibitor that interferes with the function of any such enzyme using 2-oxoglutarate as one donor and incorporating one atom each of oxygen into both donors (EC 1.14.11.*). CHEBI:76902 EC 1.14.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, incorporating 1 atom each of oxygen into both donors) inhibitors EC 1.14.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, and incorporation of one atom each of oxygen into both donors) inhibitor EC 1.14.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, and incorporation of one atom each of oxygen into both donors) inhibitors EC 1.14.11.* inhibitor EC 1.14.11.* inhibitors chebi_ontology oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, incorporating 1 atom each of oxygen into both donors (EC 1.14.11.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, incorporating 1 atom each of oxygen into both donors (EC 1.14.11.*) inhibitors oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, and incorporation of one atom each of oxygen into both donors (EC 1.14.11.*) inhibitor oxidoreductase acting on paired donors, with 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, and incorporation of one atom each of oxygen into both donors (EC 1.14.11.*) inhibitors plant metabolite Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in plants, the kingdom that include flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms. CHEBI:75766 CHEBI:76924 CHEBI:76925 chebi_ontology plant metabolites plant secondary metabolites pathway inhibitor An enzyme inhibitor that interferes with one or more steps in a metabolic pathway. CHEBI:76932 chebi_ontology metabolic pathway inhibitor metabolic pathway inhibitors pathway inhibitors EC 3.6.4.* (hydrolases acting on ATP; involved in cellular and subcellular movement) inhibitor An EC 3.6.* (hydrolases acting on acid anhydrides) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any such enzyme acting on ATP and involved in cellular and subcellular movement (EC 3.6.4.*). CHEBI:76938 EC 3.6.4.* (hydrolase acting on ATP; involved in cellular and subcellular movement) inhibitor EC 3.6.4.* (hydrolase acting on ATP; involved in cellular and subcellular movement) inhibitors EC 3.6.4.* (hydrolases acting on ATP; involved in cellular and subcellular movement) inhibitors EC 3.6.4.* inhibitor EC 3.6.4.* inhibitors chebi_ontology hydrolases acting on ATP; involved in cellular and subcellular movement (EC 3.6.4.*) inhibitor hydrolases acting on ATP; involved in cellular and subcellular movement (EC 3.6.4.*) inhibitors EC (non-chaperonin molecular chaperone ATPase) inhibitor ATP phosphohydrolase (polypeptide-polymerising) inhibitor ATP phosphohydrolase (polypeptide-polymerising) inhibitors ATP phosphohydrolase (polypeptide-polymerizing) inhibitor ATP phosphohydrolase (polypeptide-polymerizing) inhibitors An EC 3.6.4.* (hydrolases acting on ATP; involved in cellular and subcellular movement) inhibitor that interferes with the action of a non-chaperonin molecular chaperone ATPase (EC CHEBI:76939 EC (non-chaperonin molecular chaperone ATPase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Non-chaperonin_molecular_chaperone_ATPase chebi_ontology molecular chaperone Hsc70 ATPase inhibitor molecular chaperone Hsc70 ATPase inhibitors non-chaperonin molecular chaperone ATPase (EC inhibitor non-chaperonin molecular chaperone ATPase (EC inhibitors fungal metabolite Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in fungi, the kingdom that includes microorganisms such as the yeasts and moulds. CHEBI:75765 CHEBI:76946 CHEBI:76947 chebi_ontology fungal metabolites Aspergillus metabolite Any fungal metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in the mould, Aspergillus. Aspergillus metabolites CHEBI:75864 CHEBI:76956 CHEBI:76958 chebi_ontology human xenobiotic metabolite Any human metabolite produced by metabolism of a xenobiotic compound in humans. CHEBI:76967 chebi_ontology human xenobiotic metabolites bacterial metabolite Any prokaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in bacteria. CHEBI:75760 CHEBI:76969 CHEBI:76970 chebi_ontology Escherichia coli metabolite Any bacterial metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in Escherichia coli. CHEBI:76971 E.coli metabolite E.coli metabolites Escherichia coli metabolites chebi_ontology bacterial xenobiotic metabolite Any bacterial metabolite produced by metabolism of a xenobiotic compound in bacteria. CHEBI:76976 bacterial xenobiotic metabolites chebi_ontology phytoestrogen Any compound produced by a plant that happens to have estrogenic activity. CHEBI:76989 Wikipedia:Phytoestrogen chebi_ontology phytoestrogens EC 1.10.99.* (oxidoreductases acting on diphenols and related substances as donors, other acceptors) inhibitor An EC 1.10.* (oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any such enzyme in the EC 1.10.99.* category. CHEBI:77019 EC 1.10.99.* (oxidoreductases acting on diphenols and related substances as donors, other acceptors) inhibitors EC 1.10.99.* inhibitor EC 1.10.99.* inhibitors chebi_ontology oxidoreductases acting on diphenols and related substances as donors, other acceptors (EC 1.10.99.*) inhibitor oxidoreductases acting on diphenols and related substances as donors, other acceptors (EC 1.10.99.*) inhibitors EC [ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone)] inhibitor 1-(beta-D-ribofuranosyl)-1,4-dihydronicotinamide:quinone oxidoreductase inhibitor 1-(beta-D-ribofuranosyl)-1,4-dihydronicotinamide:quinone oxidoreductase inhibitors An EC 1.10.99.* (oxidoreductases acting on diphenols and related substances as donors, other acceptors) inhibitor that interferes with the action of ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone), EC CHEBI:77020 EC (ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone)) inhibitor EC (ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone)) inhibitors EC [ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone)] inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors N-ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone) inhibitor N-ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone) inhibitors NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase-2 inhibitor NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase-2 inhibitors NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase2 inhibitor NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase2 inhibitors NQO2 inhibitor NQO2 inhibitors NRH:quinone oxidoreductase 2 inhibitor NRH:quinone oxidoreductase 2 inhibitors QR2 inhibitor QR2 inhibitors Wikipedia:Ribosyldihydronicotinamide_dehydrogenase_(quinone) chebi_ontology quinone reductase 2 inhibitor quinone reductase 2 inhibitors ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone) (EC inhibitor ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone) (EC inhibitors expectorant CHEBI:77035 Compounds that are considered to increase the volume of secretions in the respiratory tract, so facilitating their removal by ciliary action and coughing. Compare with mucolytics, which decrease the viscosity of mucus, facilitating its removal by ciliary action and expectoration, and antitussives, which suppress the cough reflex. PMID:17594730 chebi_ontology expectorants EC 3.5.5.* (hydrolase acting on C-N bonds in nitriles) inhibitor An EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any such enzyme acting on the C-N bond of nitriles (EC 3.5.5.*). CHEBI:77117 EC 3.5.5.* (hydrolase acting on C-N bonds in nitriles) inhibitors EC 3.5.5.* inhibitor EC 3.5.5.* inhibitors chebi_ontology hydrolase acting on C-N bonds in nitriles (EC 3.5.5.*) inhibitor hydrolase acting on C-N bonds in nitriles (EC 3.5.5.*) inhibitors inhibitor of hydrolases acting on C-N bonds in nitriles inhibitors of hydrolases acting on C-N bonds in nitriles EC (nitrilase) inhhibitor An EC 3.5.5.* (hydrolase acting on C-N bonds in nitriles) inhibitor that interferes with the action of nitrilase (EC CHEBI:77118 EC (nitrilase) inhhibitors EC inhhibitor EC inhhibitoras Wikipedia:Nitrilase acetonitrilase inhhibitor acetonitrilase inhhibitors benzonitrilase inhhibitor benzonitrilase inhhibitors chebi_ontology nitrilase (EC inhhibitor nitrilase (EC inhhibitorS nitrile aminohydrolase inhhibitor nitrile aminohydrolase inhhibitors EC (prostaglandin-E2 9-reductase) inhibitor (5Z,13E)-(15S)-9alpha,11alpha,15-trihydroxyprosta-5,13-dienoate:NADP(+) 9-oxidoreductase inhibitor (5Z,13E)-(15S)-9alpha,11alpha,15-trihydroxyprosta-5,13-dienoate:NADP(+) 9-oxidoreductase inhibitors 9-keto-prostaglandin E2 reductase inhibitor 9-keto-prostaglandin E2 reductase inhibitors 9-ketoprostaglandin reductase inhibitor 9-ketoprostaglandin reductase inhibitors An EC 1.1.1.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group, NAD(+) or NADP(+) acceptor) inhibitor that interferes with the action of prostaglandin-E2 9-reductase (EC CHEBI:77119 EC (prostaglandin-E2 9-reductase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors PGE-9-ketoreductase inhibitor PGE-9-ketoreductase inhibitors PGE2 9-oxoreductase inhibitor PGE2 9-oxoreductase inhibitors PGE2-9-OR inhibitor PGE2-9-OR inhibitors PGE2-9-ketoreductase inhibitor PGE2-9-ketoreductase inhibitors Wikipedia:Prostaglandin-E2_9-reductase chebi_ontology prostaglandin 9-ketoreductase inhibitor prostaglandin 9-ketoreductase inhibitors prostaglandin E 9-ketoreductase inhibitor prostaglandin E 9-ketoreductase inhibitors prostaglandin E2-9-oxoreductase inhibitor prostaglandin E2-9-oxoreductase inhibitors prostaglandin-E2 9-reductase (EC inhibitor prostaglandin-E2 9-reductase (EC inhibitors reductase, 15-hydroxy-9-oxoprostaglandin inhibitor reductase, 15-hydroxy-9-oxoprostaglandin inhibitors sinapic acid 224.21000 3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxycinnamic acid 3-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid A monohydroxycinnamic acid that is cinnamic acid in which the phenyl hydrogens at positions 3, 4, and 5 are replaced by methoxy, hydroxy, and methoxy groups, respectively. C11H12O5 CAS:530-59-6 CHEBI:77131 COc1cc(C=CC(O)=O)cc(OC)c1O DrugBank:DB08587 InChI=1S/C11H12O5/c1-15-8-5-7(3-4-10(12)13)6-9(16-2)11(8)14/h3-6,14H,1-2H3,(H,12,13) KEGG:C00482 PCMORTLOPMLEFB-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:Sinapinic_acid chebi_ontology food colouring A food additive that imparts colour to food. In European countries, E-numbers for permitted food colours are from E 100 to E 199, divided into yellows (E 100-109), oranges (E 110-119), reds (E 120-129), blues and violets (E 130-139), greens (E 140-149), browns and blacks (E 150-159), and others (E 160-199). CHEBI:77182 Wikipedia:Food_coloring chebi_ontology food coloring food colorings food colourings cardioprotective agent Any protective agent that is able to prevent damage to the heart. CHEBI:77307 cardioprotective agents chebi_ontology long-chain primary fatty alcohol 1-methylene long chain fatty alcohol A long-chain fatty alcohol in which the hydroxy group is attached to a methylene (CH2) group. CH3OR CHEBI:77396 OC[*] RCH2OH a long-chain primary fatty alcohol alpha-methylene long chain fatty alcohol chebi_ontology tetracosan-1-ol 1-tetracosanol 354.65320 A long-chain primary fatty alcohol that is tetracosane in which a hydrogen attached to one of the terminal carbons is replaced by a hydroxy group. It has been isolated from a variety of plants, including grape seeds, evening primrose (Oenothera biennis), pitaya fruits (Hylocereus polyrhizus and Hylocereus undatus), and the flowers of Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac). C24H50O CAS:506-51-4 CBA:321567 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCO CHEBI:77413 InChI=1S/C24H50O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25/h25H,2-24H2,1H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA05000222 MetaCyc:CPD-7874 PMID:19716291 PMID:22417487 PMID:24239848 PMID:24386928 PMID:834119 Reaxys:1777129 TYWMIZZBOVGFOV-UHFFFAOYSA-N Wikipedia:1-Tetracosanol chebi_ontology lignoceric alcohol lignoceryl alcohol n-Tetracosanol-1 n-tetracosanol tetracosan-1-ol tetracosanol tetracosyl alcohol heptadecan-1-ol 1-Hydroxyheptadecane 1-heptadecanol 256.46710 A long-chain fatty alcohol that is heptadecane in which one of the terminal methyl hydrogens is replaced by a hydroxy group. C17H36O CAS:1454-85-9 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCO CHEBI:77470 GOQYKNQRPGWPLP-UHFFFAOYSA-N Heptadecanol Heptadecyl alcohol InChI=1S/C17H36O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18/h18H,2-17H2,1H3 PMID:19112892 PMID:20491078 Reaxys:1702195 chebi_ontology heptadecan-1-ol n-Heptadecanol EC (shikimate dehydrogenase) inhibitor 5-dehydroshikimate reductase inhibitor 5-dehydroshikimate reductase inhibitors 5-dehydroshikimic reductase inhibitor 5-dehydroshikimic reductase inhibitors An EC 1.1.1.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-OH group, NAD(+) or NADP(+) acceptor) inhibitor that interferes with the action of shikimate dehydrogenase (EC AroE inhibitor AroE inhibitors CHEBI:77484 DHS reductase inhibitor DHS reductase inhibitors EC (shikimate dehydrogenase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Shikimate_dehydrogenase chebi_ontology dehydroshikimic reductase inhibitor dehydroshikimic reductase inhibitors shikimate 5-dehydrogenase inhibitor shikimate 5-dehydrogenase inhibitors shikimate dehydrogenase (EC inhibitor shikimate dehydrogenase (EC inhibitors shikimate dehydrogenase inhibitor shikimate dehydrogenase inhibitors shikimate oxidoreductase inhibitor shikimate oxidoreductase inhibitors shikimate:NADP(+) 3-oxidoreductase inhibitor shikimate:NADP(+) 3-oxidoreductase inhibitors shikimate:NADP(+) 5-oxidoreductase inhibitor shikimate:NADP(+) 5-oxidoreductase inhibitors shikimate:NADP(+) oxidoreductase inhibitor shikimate:NADP(+) oxidoreductase inhibitors thermal degradation product Any product obtained as a result of thermally induced non-enzymatic degradation. CHEBI:77521 chebi_ontology thermal artefact thermal artefacts thermal degradation products Maillard reaction product Any thermal degradation product obtained as a result of a chemical reaction between an amino acid and a reducing sugar (Maillard reaction, a non-enzymatic browning procedure that usually imparts flavour to starch-based food products). CHEBI:77523 Maillard product Maillard products PMID:23588491 PMID:23612540 PMID:24246231 Wikipedia:Maillard_reaction chebi_ontology maillard reaction products fatty acyl-CoA(4-) An acyl-CoA(4-) arising from deprotonation of the phosphate and diphosphate OH groups of any fatty acyl-CoA; major species at pH 7.3. C22H31N7O17P3SR CC(C)(COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP([O-])([O-])=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC([*])=O CHEBI:77636 a fatty acyl-CoA chebi_ontology fatty acyl-coenzyme A(4-) emodin(1-) 269.22950 4,5-dihydroxy-7-methyl-9,10-dioxo-9,10-dihydroanthracen-2-olate A phenolate anion that is the conjugate base of emodin, obtained by deprotonation of the phenolic hydroxy group at position 2; major species at pH 7.3 (according to Marvin v 6.2.0.). C15H9O5 CHEBI:77659 Cc1cc(O)c2C(=O)c3c(O)cc([O-])cc3C(=O)c2c1 InChI=1S/C15H10O5/c1-6-2-8-12(10(17)3-6)15(20)13-9(14(8)19)4-7(16)5-11(13)18/h2-5,16-18H,1H3/p-1 RHMXXJGYXNZAPX-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology emodin formononetin(1-) 267.25670 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate A flavonoid oxoanion that is the conjugate base of formononetin, obtained by deprotonation of the 7-hydroxy group. Major microspecies at pH 7.3 (according to Marvin v 6.2.0.). C16H11O4 CHEBI:77688 COc1ccc(cc1)-c1coc2cc([O-])ccc2c1=O HKQYGTCOTHHOMP-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C16H12O4/c1-19-12-5-2-10(3-6-12)14-9-20-15-8-11(17)4-7-13(15)16(14)18/h2-9,17H,1H3/p-1 chebi_ontology formononetin bergaptol(1-) 201.15550 7-oxo-7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-4-olate A phenolate anion that is the conjugate base of bergaptol, obtained by deprotonation of the phenolic hydroxy substituent. Major microspecies at pH 7.3 (according to Marvin v 6.2.0.). C11H5O4 CHEBI:77728 GIJHDGJRTUSBJR-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C11H6O4/c12-10-2-1-6-9(15-10)5-8-7(11(6)13)3-4-14-8/h1-5,13H/p-1 [O-]c1c2ccoc2cc2oc(=O)ccc12 bergaptol chebi_ontology human metabolite Any mammalian metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in humans (Homo sapiens). CHEBI:75770 CHEBI:77123 CHEBI:77746 H. sapiens metabolite H. sapiens metabolites Homo sapiens metabolite Homo sapiens metabolites chebi_ontology daidzein(1-) 253.23010 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate A flavonoid oxoanion obtained by deprotonation of the 7-hydroxy group of daidzein. It is the major microspecies at pH 7.3 (according to Marvin v 6.2.0.). C15H9O4 CHEBI:77764 InChI=1S/C15H10O4/c16-10-3-1-9(2-4-10)13-8-19-14-7-11(17)5-6-12(14)15(13)18/h1-8,16-17H/p-1 MetaCyc:DAIDZEIN Oc1ccc(cc1)-c1coc2cc([O-])ccc2c1=O PMID:21848266 PMID:23267126 PMID:23337939 PMID:23342971 PMID:23439294 PMID:9544566 ZQSIJRDFPHDXIC-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology daidzein luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside(1-) 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-7-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-5-olate 447.36950 A flavonoid oxoanion obtained by deprotonation of the 5-hydroxy group of luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside. It is the major microspecies at pH 7.3 (according to Marvin v 6.2.0.). C21H19O11 CHEBI:77791 InChI=1S/C21H20O11/c22-7-16-18(27)19(28)20(29)21(32-16)30-9-4-12(25)17-13(26)6-14(31-15(17)5-9)8-1-2-10(23)11(24)3-8/h1-6,16,18-25,27-29H,7H2/p-1/t16-,18-,19+,20-,21-/m1/s1 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](Oc2cc([O-])c3c(c2)oc(cc3=O)-c2ccc(O)c(O)c2)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O PEFNSGRTCBGNAN-QNDFHXLGSA-M chebi_ontology luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside EC (amidase) inhibitor An EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of amidase (EC CHEBI:77941 EC (amidase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors N-acetylaminohydrolase inhibitor N-acetylaminohydrolase inhibitors Wikipedia:Amidase acylamidase inhibitor acylamidase inhibitors acylamide amidohydrolase inhibitor acylamide amidohydrolase inhibitors amidase (EC inhibitor amidase (EC inhibitors amidase inhibitor amidase inhibitors amidohydrolase inhibitor amidohydrolase inhibitors chebi_ontology deaminase inhibitor deaminase inhibitors fatty acylamidase inhibitor fatty acylamidase inhibitors food stabiliser A food additive that is used to preserve the structure of food. CHEBI:77966 Wikipedia:Stabiliser_(food) chebi_ontology food stabilisers food stabilizer food stabilizers stabiliser stabilisers stabilizer stabilizers food thickening agent A food additive that is used to increase the viscosity of foodstuffs. CHEBI:77970 chebi_ontology food thickening agents thickening agent thickening agents food gelling agent A food additive that enhances the texture of a foodstuff by gel formation. CHEBI:78016 chebi_ontology food gelling agents food propellant A propellant that is used to expel foods from an aerosol container. CHEBI:78017 chebi_ontology food propellants octadecenoate 281.4534 A fatty acid anion containing 18 carbons and one double bond. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid group. Major species at pH 7.3. C18H33O2 CHEBI:78049 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology hexadecenoate 253.4003 A long-chain unsaturated fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of hexadecenoic acid, obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group; major species at pH 7.3. C16H29O2 CHEBI:78095 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology hexadecenoate fatty acid anion 3:0 73.07060 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 3 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C3H5O2 CHEBI:78113 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 3:0 fatty acid anion 4:0 87.09718 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 4 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C4H7O2 CHEBI:78115 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 4:0 fatty acid anion 6:0 115.15034 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 6 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C6H11O2 CHEBI:78116 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 6:0 fatty acid anion 8:0 143.20350 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 8 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C8H15O2 CHEBI:78117 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 8:0 fatty acid anion 10:0 171.25670 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 10 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C10H19O2 CHEBI:78118 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 10:0 fatty acid anion 12:0 199.30982 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 12 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C12H23O2 CHEBI:78119 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 12:0 fatty acid anion 14:0 227.36298 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 14 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C14H27O2 CHEBI:78121 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 14:0 fatty acid anion 15:0 241.38960 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 15 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C15H29O2 CHEBI:78122 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 15:0 fatty acid anion 16:0 255.41610 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 16 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C16H31O2 CHEBI:78123 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 16:0 fatty acid anion 18:0 283.46930 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 18 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C18H35O2 CHEBI:78125 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 18:0 fatty acid anion 22:0 339.57560 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 22 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C22H43O2 CHEBI:78127 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 22:0 fatty acid anion 24:0 367.62880 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 24 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C24H47O2 CHEBI:78128 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 24:0 fatty acid anion 26:0 395.68190 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 26 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C26H51O2 CHEBI:78129 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 26:0 fatty acid anion 28:0 423.73510 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 28 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C28H55O2 CHEBI:78130 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 28:0 fatty acid anion 30:0 451.78826 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 30 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. C30H59O2 CHEBI:78131 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology fatty acid 30:0 fatty alcohol 18:0 270.49372 Any fatty alcohol containing 18 carbons. C18H38O CHEBI:78138 O[*] chebi_ontology fatty alcohol 18:0 fatty alcohol 24:0 354.65320 Any fatty alcohol containing 24 carbons. C24H50O CHEBI:78142 O[*] chebi_ontology fatty alcohol 24:0 fatty alcohol 30:0 438.81270 Any fatty alcohol containing 30 carbons. C30H62O CHEBI:78145 O[*] chebi_ontology fatty alcohol 30:0 fatty acid ethyl ester A fatty acid ester that is the carboxylic ester obtained by the formal condensation of a fatty acid with ethanol. C3H5O2R CCOC([*])=O CHEBI:78206 a fatty acid ethyl ester chebi_ontology food component Any substance that is distributed in foodstuffs. It includes materials derived from plants or animals, such as vitamins or minerals, as well as environmental contaminants. CHEBI:78295 chebi_ontology dietary component dietary components food components environmental contaminant Any minor or unwanted substance introduced into the environment that can have undesired effects. CHEBI:78298 chebi_ontology environmental contaminants asarone 1,2,4-trimethoxy-5-(prop-1-en-1-yl)benzene 2,4,5-trimethoxy-1-propenylbenzene 208.25360 A phenylpropanoid that is benzene substituted by methoxy groups at positions 1, 2 and 4 and a propen-1-yl group at position 5. It has been isolated from Acorus. C12H16O3 CHEBI:78308 COc1cc(OC)c(C=CC)cc1OC InChI=1S/C12H16O3/c1-5-6-9-7-11(14-3)12(15-4)8-10(9)13-2/h5-8H,1-4H3 RKFAZBXYICVSKP-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:2210026 chebi_ontology alpha-asarone 1,2,4-trimethoxy-5-[(1E)-prop-1-en-1-yl]benzene 208.25360 Asarone C12H16O3 CAS:2883-98-9 CHEBI:78309 COc1cc(OC)c(\C=C\C)cc1OC HMDB:HMDB31469 InChI=1S/C12H16O3/c1-5-6-9-7-11(14-3)12(15-4)8-10(9)13-2/h5-8H,1-4H3/b6-5+ KEGG:C17846 PMID:22878197 PMID:22964166 PMID:22975146 PMID:24498829 PMID:24580506 RKFAZBXYICVSKP-AATRIKPKSA-N Reaxys:1910606 The trans-isomer of asarone. Wikipedia:Asarone chebi_ontology trans-1,2,4-trimethoxy-5-(1-propenyl)benzene trans-Isoasaron trans-Isoasarone 4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one 150.21760 4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one A carbobicyclic compound that is bicyclo[3.1.1]heptane which is substituted by an oxo group at position 2 and by methyl groups at positions 4, 6 and 6, and which contains a double bond between positions 3 and 4. C10H14O CAS:18309-32-5 CC1=CC(=O)C2CC1C2(C)C CHEBI:78315 DCSCXTJOXBUFGB-UHFFFAOYSA-N InChI=1S/C10H14O/c1-6-4-9(11)8-5-7(6)10(8,2)3/h4,7-8H,5H2,1-3H3 KEGG:C09913 KNApSAcK:C00003067 chebi_ontology (S)-(-)-verbenone (-)-cis-verbenone (-)-verbenone (1S,5S)-4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one 150.21760 A 4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one in which both chiral centres have S configuration. C10H14O CAS:1196-01-6 CC1=CC(=O)[C@H]2C[C@@H]1C2(C)C CHEBI:78316 DCSCXTJOXBUFGB-JGVFFNPUSA-N InChI=1S/C10H14O/c1-6-4-9(11)8-5-7(6)10(8,2)3/h4,7-8H,5H2,1-3H3/t7-,8+/m0/s1 PMID:24339334 Reaxys:1907623 Wikipedia:Levoverbenone chebi_ontology l-verbenoe levoverbenone 2-hydroxypropanoic acid 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid 2-Hydroxypropionic acid 2-hydroxypropanoic acid 90.07790 A 2-hydroxy monocarboxylic acid that is propanoic acid in which one of the alpha-hydrogens is replaced by a hydroxy group. C3H6O3 CAS:50-21-5 CC(O)C(O)=O CHEBI:78320 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6) JVTAAEKCZFNVCJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N KEGG:C01432 KEGG:D00111 Lactic acid chebi_ontology refrigerant A substance used in a thermodynamic heat pump cycle or refrigeration cycle that undergoes a phase change from a gas to a liquid and back. Refrigerants are used in air-conditioning systems and freezers or refrigerators and are assigned a "R" number (by ASHRAE - formerly the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers), which is determined systematically according to their molecular structure. CHEBI:78433 Wikipedia:Refrigerant chebi_ontology refrigerants EC (carboxylesterase) inhibitor Alpha-carboxylesterase inhibitor Alpha-carboxylesterase inhibitors Any EC 3.1.1.* (carboxylic ester hydrolase) inhibitor that inhibits the action of carboxylesterase (EC ). Beta-esterase inhibitor Beta-esterase inhibitors CHEBI:78444 EC (carboxylesterase) inhibitors ali-esterase inhibitor ali-esterase inhibitors butyrate esterase inhibitor butyrate esterase inhibitors butyryl esterase inhibitor butyryl esterase inhibitors carboxyl ester hydrolase inhibitor carboxyl ester hydrolase inhibitors carboxylate esterase inhibitor carboxylate esterase inhibitors carboxylesterase inhibitor carboxylesterase inhibitors carboxylic acid esterase inhibitor carboxylic acid esterase inhibitors carboxylic esterase inhibitor carboxylic esterase inhibitors carboxylic-ester hydrolase inhibitor carboxylic-ester hydrolase inhibitors chebi_ontology cocaine esterase inhibitor cocaine esterase inhibitors esterase A inhibitor esterase A inhibitors esterase B inhibitor esterase B inhibitors esterase D inhibitor esterase D inhibitors methylbutyrase inhibitor methylbutyrase inhibitors methylbutyrate esterase inhibitor methylbutyrate esterase inhibitors monobutyrase inhibitor monobutyrase inhibitors nonspecific carboxylesterase inhibitor nonspecific carboxylesterase inhibitors procaine esterase inhibitor procaine esterase inhibitors propionyl esterase inhibitor propionyl esterase inhibitors serine esterase inhibitor serine esterase inhibitors triacetin esterase inhibitor triacetin esterase inhibitors vitamin A esterase inhibitor vitamin A esterase inhibitors alpha-amino acid zwitterion An amino acid zwitterion obtained by transfer of a proton from the carboxy to the amino group of any alpha-amino acid; major species at pH 7.3. C2H4NO2R CHEBI:78608 CHEBI:83409 MetaCyc:Alpha-Amino-Acids [NH3+]C([*])C([O-])=O an alpha-amino acid chebi_ontology carbohydrates and carbohydrate derivatives Any organooxygen compound that is a polyhydroxy-aldehyde or -ketone, or a compound derived from one. Carbohydrates contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and usually have an empirical formula Cm(H2O)n; carbohydrate derivatives may contain other elements by substitution or condensation. CHEBI:78616 carbohydrates and derivatives carbohydrates and their derivatives chebi_ontology fundamental metabolite Any metabolite produced by all living cells. CHEBI:78675 chebi_ontology essential metabolite essential metabolites fundamental metabolites pentadecanoate 241.39010 A straight-chain, saturated fatty acid anion resulting from the deprotonation of the carboxy group of pentadecanoic acid. It is the major species at pH 7.3. C15H29O2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CHEBI:78795 InChI=1S/C15H30O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15(16)17/h2-14H2,1H3,(H,16,17)/p-1 WQEPLUUGTLDZJY-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology pentadecanoate olefinic compound Any organic molecular entity that contains at least one C=C bond. CHEBI:78840 chebi_ontology olefinic compounds 4-terpineol (+-)-p-Menth-1-en-4-ol 1-Menthene-4-ol 1-Methyl-4-isopropyl-1-cyclohexen-4-ol 1-Terpinen-4-ol 1-isopropyl-4-methylcyclohex-3-en-1-ol 1-p-Menthen-4-ol 1-para-Menthen-4-ol 154.24930 4-Carvomenthenol 4-Methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)-3-cyclohexen-1-ol 4-Methyl-1-isopropyl-3-cyclohexen-1-ol 4-methyl-1-(propan-2-yl)cyclohex-3-en-1-ol A terpineol that is 1-menthene carrying a hydroxy substituent at position 4. C10H18O CAS:562-74-3 CC(C)C1(O)CCC(C)=CC1 CHEBI:78884 HMDB:HMDB35833 InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-8(2)10(11)6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4,8,11H,5-7H2,1-3H3 KEGG:C17073 PMID:21760828 PMID:22998411 PMID:23292030 PMID:23469686 PMID:23649340 PMID:24349880 PMID:24460330 PMID:24731375 Reaxys:1906603 Terpene-4-ol Terpin-4-en-1-ol Terpinen-4-ol Terpinene-4-ol Terpinenol-4 Terpineol-4 WRYLYDPHFGVWKC-UHFFFAOYSA-N alpha-terpinen-4-ol chebi_ontology p-Menth-1-en-4-ol Paeoniflorin 480.463 A terpene glycoside that has formula C23H28O11. C23H28O11 CAS:23180-57-6 CHEBI:7889 C[C@@]12C[C@@]3(O)O[C@@H](O1)[C@]1(COC(=O)c4ccccc4)[C@H]3C[C@]21O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O InChI=1S/C23H28O11/c1-20-9-22(29)13-7-23(20,32-18-16(27)15(26)14(25)12(8-24)31-18)21(13,19(33-20)34-22)10-30-17(28)11-5-3-2-4-6-11/h2-6,12-16,18-19,24-27,29H,7-10H2,1H3/t12-,13-,14-,15+,16-,18+,19-,20+,21+,22-,23+/m1/s1 KEGG:C09959 KNApSAcK:C00003011 Paeoniflorin YKRGDOXKVOZESV-WRJNSLSBSA-N chebi_ontology Paeonolide 460.430 A glycoside that has formula C20H28O12. C20H28O12 CAS:72520-92-4 CHEBI:7891 COc1ccc(C(C)=O)c(O[C@@H]2O[C@H](CO[C@@H]3OC[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)c1 IDZZECHGWAZTIB-NYBIBFQCSA-N InChI=1S/C20H28O12/c1-8(21)10-4-3-9(28-2)5-12(10)31-20-18(27)16(25)15(24)13(32-20)7-30-19-17(26)14(23)11(22)6-29-19/h3-5,11,13-20,22-27H,6-7H2,1-2H3/t11-,13+,14-,15+,16-,17+,18+,19-,20+/m0/s1 KEGG:C10715 KNApSAcK:C00002705 Paeonolide chebi_ontology (omega-1)-hydroxy fatty acid (omega-1)-hydroxy fatty acids A hydroxy fatty acid that is a straight-chain fatty acid in which one of the hydrogens attached to the carbon adjacent to the terminal methyl group (i.e. at the (omega-1) position) is replaced by a hydroxy group. CHEBI:78954 chebi_ontology hexadecanoate (16:0) 1-hexyldecanoate 1-pentadecanecarboxylate 255.41610 A long-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of hexadecanoic acid (palmitic acid); major species at pH 7.3. Beilstein:3589907 C16H31O2 CAS:143-20-4 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CH3-[CH2]14-COO(-) CHEBI:231736 CHEBI:7896 Gmelin:344266 HMDB:HMDB00220 Hexadecanoic acid, ion(1-) IPCSVZSSVZVIGE-UHFFFAOYSA-M InChI=1S/C16H32O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16(17)18/h2-15H2,1H3,(H,17,18)/p-1 MetaCyc:PALMITATE Reaxys:3589907 chebi_ontology hexadecanoate n-hexadecanoate n-hexadecoate palmitate pentadecanecarboxylate (-)-Arctigenin (-)-Arctigenin 372.412 A lignan that has formula C21H24O6. C21H24O6 CAS:7770-78-7 CHEBI:79 COc1cc(C[C@@H]2[C@@H](Cc3ccc(OC)c(OC)c3)COC2=O)ccc1O InChI=1S/C21H24O6/c1-24-18-7-5-13(11-20(18)26-3)8-15-12-27-21(23)16(15)9-14-4-6-17(22)19(10-14)25-2/h4-7,10-11,15-16,22H,8-9,12H2,1-3H3/t15-,16+/m0/s1 KEGG:C10545 KNApSAcK:C00000609 LINCS:LSM-3183 NQWVSMVXKMHKTF-JKSUJKDBSA-N chebi_ontology tricosanoate 353.60270 A very long-chain fatty acid anion that is the conjugate base of tricosanoic acid, obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group; major species at pH 7.3. C23H45O2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC([O-])=O CHEBI:79007 InChI=1S/C23H46O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23(24)25/h2-22H2,1H3,(H,24,25)/p-1 PMID:20671299 XEZVDURJDFGERA-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology tricosanoate alpha,beta-unsaturated monocarboxylic acid 2,3-unsaturated monocarboxylic acid 2,3-unsaturated monocarboxylic acids A monocarboxylic acid in which the carbon of the carboxy group is directly attached to a C=C or C#C bond. CHEBI:79020 alpha,beta-unsaturated monocarboxylic acids chebi_ontology plasticiser Any compound that is used as an additive to increase the plasticity or fluidity of a substance, particularly but not exclusively to synthetic polymers. CHEBI:79056 Wikipedia:Plasticizer chebi_ontology plasticisers plasticizer plasticizers Parsonsine 439.500 A macrolide that has formula C23H37NO7. C23H37NO7 CAS:72213-98-0 CC(C)[C@@]1(O)CC(=O)O[C@H](C)[C@@](O)(C(C)C)C(=O)OCC2=CCN3CC[C@@H](OC1=O)[C@@H]23 CHEBI:7937 InChI=1S/C22H33NO8/c1-12(2)21(27)10-17(24)30-14(5)22(28,13(3)4)20(26)29-11-15-6-8-23-9-7-16(18(15)23)31-19(21)25/h6,12-14,16,18,27-28H,7-11H2,1-5H3/t14-,16-,18-,21+,22+/m1/s1 KEGG:C10357 KNApSAcK:C00002104 MPPSDVYCCOJJIB-QCNRXRGQSA-N Parsonsine chebi_ontology trivalent inorganic anion Any inorganic anion with a valency of three. CHEBI:79387 chebi_ontology trivalent inorganic anions divalent inorganic anion Any inorganic anion with a valency of two. CHEBI:79388 chebi_ontology divalent inorganic anions monovalent inorganic anion Any inorganic anion with a valency of one. CHEBI:79389 chebi_ontology monovalent inorganic anions patchouli alcohol (-)-(1R,3R,6S,7S,8S)-2,2,6,8-tetramethyltricyclo[,8)]undecan-3-ol (-)-patchouli alcohol (-)-patchoulol (1R,4S,4aS,6R,8aS)-4,8a,9,9-tetramethyloctahydro-1,6-methanonaphthalen-1(2H)-ol 222.36630 A carbotricyclic compound and sesquiterpenoid tertiary alcohol that is tricyclo[,8)]undecan-3-ol which is substituted at positions 2, 2, 6 and 8 by methyl groups (the 1R,3R,6S,7S,8S-diastereoisomer). C15H26O CAS:5986-55-0 CHEBI:7940 GGHMUJBZYLPWFD-CUZKYEQNSA-N InChI=1S/C15H26O/c1-10-5-8-15(16)13(2,3)11-6-7-14(15,4)12(10)9-11/h10-12,16H,5-9H2,1-4H3/t10-,11+,12-,14-,15+/m0/s1 KEGG:C09705 KNApSAcK:C00003168 MetaCyc:CPD-11399 PMID:20148554 PMID:3038029 Patchouli alcohol Reaxys:5730219 [1R-(1alpha,4beta,4aalpha,6beta,8aalpha)]-octahydro-4,8a,9,9-tetramethyl-1,6-methano-1(2H)-naphthol [H][C@@]12CC[C@@]3(C)[C@@]([H])(C1)[C@@H](C)CC[C@@]3(O)C2(C)C chebi_ontology patchoulanol patchouli camphor patchoulic alcohol patchoulol patchoulol Acutumine 397.85000 An alkaloid that has formula C19H24ClNO6. C19H24ClNO6 CAS:17088-50-5 CHEBI:80789 COC1=CC(=O)[C@]2([C@@H](Cl)C[C@]34N(C)CC[C@]23CC(=O)C(OC)=C4OC)[C@@H]1O FSXRARBVZZKCGJ-FMAJMWNWSA-N InChI=1S/C19H24ClNO6/c1-21-6-5-17-8-10(22)14(26-3)16(27-4)18(17,21)9-12(20)19(17)13(23)7-11(25-2)15(19)24/h7,12,15,24H,5-6,8-9H2,1-4H3/t12-,15+,17+,18+,19+/m0/s1 KEGG:C16910 chebi_ontology Anemonin 192.16810 A butenolide that has formula C10H8O4. C10H8O4 CAS:508-44-1 CHEBI:80791 InChI=1S/C10H8O4/c11-7-1-3-9(13-7)5-6-10(9)4-2-8(12)14-10/h1-4H,5-6H2/t9-,10-/m1/s1 JLUQTCXCAFSSLD-NXEZZACHSA-N KEGG:C16913 O=C1O[C@@]2(CC[C@@]22OC(=O)C=C2)C=C1 Pulsatilla camphor chebi_ontology Arctiin 534.55230 A lignan that has formula C27H34O11. C27H34O11 CAS:20362-31-6 CHEBI:80793 COc1ccc(C[C@H]2COC(=O)[C@@H]2Cc2ccc(O[C@@H]3O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3O)c(OC)c2)cc1OC InChI=1S/C27H34O11/c1-33-18-6-4-14(10-20(18)34-2)8-16-13-36-26(32)17(16)9-15-5-7-19(21(11-15)35-3)37-27-25(31)24(30)23(29)22(12-28)38-27/h4-7,10-11,16-17,22-25,27-31H,8-9,12-13H2,1-3H3/t16-,17+,22+,23+,24-,25+,27+/m0/s1 KEGG:C16915 XOJVHLIYNSOZOO-SWOBOCGESA-N chebi_ontology Disinomenine 656.76460 A morphinane alkaloid that has formula C38H44N2O8. AXVVWZONCVUAPP-QULPKBGFSA-N Bisinomenine C38H44N2O8 CHEBI:80819 COC1=C[C@@H]2[C@@H]3Cc4c(cc(OC)c(O)c4[C@]2(CCN3C)CC1=O)-c1cc(OC)c(O)c2c1C[C@H]1[C@H]3C=C(OC)C(=O)C[C@@]23CCN1C InChI=1S/C38H44N2O8/c1-39-9-7-37-17-27(41)29(45-3)15-23(37)25(39)11-21-19(13-31(47-5)35(43)33(21)37)20-14-32(48-6)36(44)34-22(20)12-26-24-16-30(46-4)28(42)18-38(24,34)8-10-40(26)2/h13-16,23-26,43-44H,7-12,17-18H2,1-6H3/t23-,24-,25+,26+,37-,38-/m1/s1 KEGG:C16954 chebi_ontology Michelalbine 281.30590 An alkaloid that has formula C17H15NO3. C17H15NO3 CHEBI:80850 CKIYSMRPIBQTHQ-JKSUJKDBSA-N InChI=1S/C17H15NO3/c19-16-11-4-2-1-3-10(11)14-13-9(5-6-18-15(13)16)7-12-17(14)21-8-20-12/h1-4,7,15-16,18-19H,5-6,8H2/t15-,16+/m0/s1 KEGG:C16997 O[C@H]1[C@H]2NCCc3cc4OCOc4c(-c4ccccc14)c23 chebi_ontology Sweroside 358.34050 A glycoside that has formula C16H22O9. C16H22O9 CAS:14215-86-2 CHEBI:80907 InChI=1S/C16H22O9/c1-2-7-8-3-4-22-14(21)9(8)6-23-15(7)25-16-13(20)12(19)11(18)10(5-17)24-16/h2,6-8,10-13,15-20H,1,3-5H2/t7-,8+,10-,11-,12+,13-,15+,16+/m1/s1 KEGG:C17071 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](O[C@@H]2OC=C3[C@@H](CCOC3=O)[C@H]2C=C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O VSJGJMKGNMDJCI-ZASXJUAOSA-N chebi_ontology Tuduranine 297.34840 An isoquinoline alkaloid that has formula C18H19NO3. C18H19NO3 CHEBI:80910 COc1cc2CCN[C@@H]3Cc4ccc(O)cc4-c(c1OC)c23 InChI=1S/C18H19NO3/c1-21-15-8-11-5-6-19-14-7-10-3-4-12(20)9-13(10)17(16(11)14)18(15)22-2/h3-4,8-9,14,19-20H,5-7H2,1-2H3/t14-/m1/s1 KEGG:C17077 KUECBJOPWMRHEX-CQSZACIVSA-N chebi_ontology 3-phenyllactate 165.16596 2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoate A 2-hydroxy carboxylate that results from the removal of a proton from the carboxylic acid group of 3-phenyllactic acid. C9H9O3 CHEBI:8100 InChI=1S/C9H10O3/c10-8(9(11)12)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5,8,10H,6H2,(H,11,12)/p-1 OC(Cc1ccccc1)C([O-])=O Reaxys:3667177 VOXXWSYKYCBWHO-UHFFFAOYSA-M chebi_ontology phenyllactate Sinactine 339.38500 An alkaloid that has formula C20H21NO4. C20H21NO4 CAS:38853-67-7 CHEBI:81368 COc1cc2CCN3Cc4c5OCOc5ccc4CC3c2cc1OC InChI=1S/C20H21NO4/c1-22-18-8-13-5-6-21-10-15-12(3-4-17-20(15)25-11-24-17)7-16(21)14(13)9-19(18)23-2/h3-4,8-9,16H,5-7,10-11H2,1-2H3 KEGG:C17898 UWEHVAXMSWXKRW-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology Isosinomenine 329.39020 A morphinane alkaloid that has formula C19H23NO4. C19H23NO4 CHEBI:81369 COC1=C[C@@]23CCN(C)[C@@H](Cc4ccc(OC)c(O)c24)[C@H]3CC1=O InChI=1S/C19H23NO4/c1-20-7-6-19-10-16(24-3)14(21)9-12(19)13(20)8-11-4-5-15(23-2)18(22)17(11)19/h4-5,10,12-13,22H,6-9H2,1-3H3/t12-,13+,19-/m1/s1 KEGG:C17899 OWDQPILTDJLGCN-QHRIQVFBSA-N chebi_ontology Simiarenol 426.71740 A triterpenoid that has formula C30H50O. C30H50O CAS:1615-94-7 CC(C)[C@H]1CC[C@@H]2[C@]1(C)CC[C@]1(C)[C@H]3CC=C4[C@@H](CC[C@H](O)C4(C)C)[C@]3(C)CC[C@@]21C CHEBI:81371 InChI=1S/C30H50O/c1-19(2)20-9-12-23-27(20,5)15-17-30(8)24-13-10-21-22(11-14-25(31)26(21,3)4)28(24,6)16-18-29(23,30)7/h10,19-20,22-25,31H,9,11-18H2,1-8H3/t20-,22-,23-,24+,25+,27-,28+,29+,30-/m1/s1 KEGG:C17901 XVXPXUMUGATHPD-JMJRLLIOSA-N chebi_ontology pinoresinol A lignan that is tetrahydro-1H,3H-furo[3,4-c]furan substituted at positions 1 and 4 by 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl groups. CHEBI:8225 PMID:15302525 PMID:16915861 PMID:20653530 Wikipedia:Pinoresinol chebi_ontology 2,4-Hexadienal (E,E)-2,4-Hexadienal 96.12710 A fatty aldehyde that has formula C6H8O. BATOPAZDIZEVQF-MQQKCMAXSA-N C6H8O CAS:142-83-6 CHEBI:82334 C\C=C\C=C\C=O InChI=1S/C6H8O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7/h2-6H,1H3/b3-2+,5-4+ KEGG:C19249 chebi_ontology elemental iron An elemental molecular entity in which all of the atoms have atomic number 26. CHEBI:82663 chebi_ontology monounsaturated fatty acid anion Any unsaturated fatty acid anion with one double or triple bond in the fatty acid chain. CHEBI:82680 [O-]C([*])=O chebi_ontology monounsaturated fatty acid anions oleanolate 3beta-hydroxyolean-12-en-28-oate 455.69290 A monocarboxylic acid anion that is the conjugate base of oleanolic acid, obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group; major species at pH 7.3. C30H47O3 CC1(C)CC[C@@]2(CC[C@]3(C)C(=CC[C@@H]4[C@@]5(C)CC[C@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@@H]5CC[C@@]34C)[C@@H]2C1)C([O-])=O CHEBI:82828 InChI=1S/C30H48O3/c1-25(2)14-16-30(24(32)33)17-15-28(6)19(20(30)18-25)8-9-22-27(5)12-11-23(31)26(3,4)21(27)10-13-29(22,28)7/h8,20-23,31H,9-18H2,1-7H3,(H,32,33)/p-1/t20-,21-,22+,23-,27-,28+,29+,30-/m0/s1 MIJYXULNPSFWEK-GTOFXWBISA-M PMID:18835348 chebi_ontology oleanolate Daphnia galeata metabolite A Daphnia metabolite produced by the species Daphnia galeata. CHEBI:83038 Daphnia galeata metabolites chebi_ontology crustacean metabolite An animal metabolite produced by arthropods such as crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimps and krill. CHEBI:83039 chebi_ontology crustacean metabolites Daphnia magna metabolite A Daphnia metabolite produced by the species Daphnia magna. CHEBI:83056 Daphnia magna metabolites chebi_ontology Daphnia metabolite A crustacean metabolite produced by the genus of small planktonic arthropods, Daphnia CHEBI:83057 Daphnia metabolites Wikipedia:Daphnia chebi_ontology long-chain fatty acyl-CoA(4-) A fatty acyl-CoA(4-) arising from deprotonation of the phosphate and diphosphate OH groups of any long-chain fatty acyl-CoA; major species at pH 7.3. C22H31N7O17P3SR CC(C)(COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP([O-])([O-])=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC([*])=O CHEBI:83139 a long-chain fatty acyl-CoA chebi_ontology Daphnia tenebrosa metabolite A Daphnia metabolite produced by the species Daphnia tenebrosa. CHEBI:83146 Daphnia tenebrosa metabolites chebi_ontology flavone C-glycoside Any C-glycosyl compound arising formally from the elimination of water from a glycosidic hydroxy group and an H atom bound to a flavone skeleton, thus creating a C-C bond. CHEBI:83280 chebi_ontology flavone C-glycosides beta-D-glucosiduronate A carbohydrate acid derivative anion obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group of any beta-D-glucosiduronic acid; major species at pH 7.3. C6H8O7R CHEBI:83411 MetaCyc:Beta-D-Glucuronides O[C@@H]1[C@@H](O)[C@H](O[*])O[C@@H]([C@H]1O)C([O-])=O a beta-D-glucuronoside chebi_ontology long-chain alkane Any alkane having a chain length of at least 13 carbon atoms. CHEBI:83563 HR [*] a long-chain alkane chebi_ontology 3-oxolacceroyl-CoA(4-) 1240.32200 3-ketodotriacontanoyl-coenzyme A(4-) 3-ketolacceroyl-CoA(4-) 3-ketolacceroyl-coenzyme A(4-) 3-oxo-dotriacontanoyl-CoA 3-oxodotriacontanoyl-CoA(4-) 3-oxodotriacontanoyl-coenzyme A(4-) 3-oxolacceroyl-coenzyme A(4-) A 3-oxo-fatty acyl-CoA(4-) arising from deprotonation of the phosphate and diphosphate OH groups of 3-oxolacceroyl-CoA; major species at pH 7.3. C53H92N7O18P3S CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)CC(=O)SCCNC(=O)CCNC(=O)[C@H](O)C(C)(C)COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP([O-])([O-])=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12 CHEBI:83795 InChI=1S/C53H96N7O18P3S/c1-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-41(61)36-44(63)82-35-34-55-43(62)32-33-56-51(66)48(65)53(2,3)38-75-81(72,73)78-80(70,71)74-37-42-47(77-79(67,68)69)46(64)52(76-42)60-40-59-45-49(54)57-39-58-50(45)60/h39-40,42,46-48,52,64-65H,4-38H2,1-3H3,(H,55,62)(H,56,66)(H,70,71)(H,72,73)(H2,54,57,58)(H2,67,68,69)/p-4/t42-,46-,47-,48+,52-/m1/s1 VVJMBDPTYGWBEY-YQUCNGBHSA-J chebi_ontology proteinogenic amino acid derivative Any derivative of a proteinogenic amino acid resulting from reaction at an amino group, carboxy group, or a side-chain functional group, or from the replacement of any hydrogen by a heteroatom. CHEBI:83811 canonical amino acid derivative canonical amino acid derivatives canonical amino-acid derivative canonical amino-acid derivatives chebi_ontology proteinogenic amino acid derivatives proteinogenic amino-acid derivative proteinogenic amino-acid derivatives proteinogenic amino acid Any of the 23 alpha-amino acids that are precursors to proteins, and are incorporated into proteins during translation. The group includes the 20 amino acids encoded by the nuclear genes of eukaryotes together with selenocysteine, pyrrolysine, and N-formylmethionine. Apart from glycine, which is non-chiral, all have L configuration. CHEBI:83813 Wikipedia:Proteinogenic_amino_acid canonical amino acid canonical amino acids chebi_ontology proteinogenic amino acids non-proteinogenic amino acid Any amino-acid that is not naturally encoded in the genetic code of any organism. CHEBI:83820 Wikipedia:Non-proteinogenic_amino_acids chebi_ontology non-canonical amino acid non-canonical amino acids non-canonical amino-acid non-canonical amino-acids non-coded amino acid non-coded amino acids non-coded amino-acid non-coded amino-acids non-proteinogenic amino acids non-proteinogenic amino-acid non-proteinogenic amino-acids amino acid derivative Any derivative of an amino acid resulting from reaction at an amino group, carboxy group, side-chain functional group, or from the replacement of any hydrogen by a heteroatom. The definition normally excludes peptides containing amino acid residues. CHEBI:25359 CHEBI:83821 amino acid derivatives chebi_ontology modified amino acids non-proteinogenic alpha-amino acid Any alpha-amino acid which is not a member of the group of 23 proteinogenic amino acids. CHEBI:83925 chebi_ontology non-proteinogenic alpha-amino acids non-proteinogenic alpha-amino-acid non-proteinogenic alpha-amino-acids 3-methyl fatty acid anion 3-methyl fatty acid 3-methyl-branched fatty acid anion 3-methyl-branched fatty acid(1-) A methyl-branched fatty acid anion obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group of any 3-methyl fatty acid; major species at pH 7.3. C4H6O2R CC([*])CC([O-])=O CHEBI:83972 chebi_ontology pentose phosphate Any phospho sugar that is the phosphate derivative of pentose. CHEBI:84055 chebi_ontology pentose phosphates human urinary metabolite Any metabolite (endogenous or exogenous) found in human urine samples. CHEBI:84087 chebi_ontology human urinary metabolites 3-hydroxy fatty acid anion 3-hydroxy fatty acid A hydroxy fatty acid anion obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group of any 3-hydroxy fatty acid. C3H4O3R CHEBI:84196 OC([*])CC([O-])=O chebi_ontology EC (nicotinamidase) inhibitor An EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of nicotinamidase (EC CHEBI:84264 EC (nicotinamidase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Nicotinamidase YNDase inhibitor YNDase inhibitors chebi_ontology nicotinamidase (EC inhibitor nicotinamidase (EC inhibitors nicotinamidase inhibitor nicotinamidase inhibitors nicotinamide amidase inhibitor nicotinamide amidase inhibitors nicotinamide amidohydrolase inhibitor nicotinamide amidohydrolase inhibitors nicotinamide deaminase inhibitor nicotinamide deaminase inhibitors nonanal 142.23860 A fatty aldehyde formally arising from reduction of nonanoic acis. Metabolite observed in cancer metabolism. C9H18O CAS:124-19-6 CCCCCCCCC=O CHEBI:84268 GYHFUZHODSMOHU-UHFFFAOYSA-N HMDB:HMDB59835 InChI=1S/C9H18O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10/h9H,2-8H2,1H3 KNApSAcK:C00030828 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA06000040 MetaCyc:CPD-8491 PMID:25172748 PMID:25466114 PMID:25518943 Reaxys:1236701 Wikipedia:Nonanal chebi_ontology n-nonaldehyde nonanal nonanoic aldehyde nonyl aldehyde nonylaldehyde nonylic aldehyde pelargonaldehyde pelargonic aldehyde cholesteryl myristate (3beta)-cholest-5-en-3-yl tetradecanoate 1-Myristoyl-cholesterol 597.00920 A cholesterol ester obtained by the formal condensation of the hydroxy group of cholesterol with the carboxy group of myristic acid. C41H72O2 CAS:1989-52-2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@]2(C)[C@H]3CC[C@]4(C)[C@H](CC[C@H]4[C@@H]3CC=C2C1)[C@H](C)CCCC(C)C CE(14:0) CE(14:0/0:0) CHEBI:84304 Cholesterol 1-tetradecanoic acid Cholesterol Ester(14:0) Cholesterol Ester(14:0/0:0) HMDB:HMDB06725 InChI=1S/C41H72O2/c1-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-21-39(42)43-34-26-28-40(5)33(30-34)22-23-35-37-25-24-36(32(4)20-18-19-31(2)3)41(37,6)29-27-38(35)40/h22,31-32,34-38H,7-21,23-30H2,1-6H3/t32-,34+,35+,36-,37+,38+,40+,41-/m1/s1 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST01020004 PMID:20674581 PMID:20970407 PMID:22339978 PMID:6947261 Reaxys:2068082 SJDMTGSQPOFVLR-ZPQCIJQQSA-N chebi_ontology cholesteryl tetradecanoate (omega-1)-hydroxy fatty acid anion (omega-1)-hydroxy fatty acid (omega-1)-hydroxy fatty acid anion A hydroxy fatty acid anion obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group of any (omega-1)-hydroxy fatty acid; major species at pH 7.3. C3H5O3R CC(O)[*]C([O-])=O CHEBI:84497 chebi_ontology 3-oxolacceroyl-CoA 1244.35200 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-{3-[(3R)-3-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-oxo-4-{[3-({2-[(3-oxodotriacontanoyl)sulfanyl]ethyl}amino)-3-oxopropyl]amino}butyl] dihydrogen diphosphate} 3-ketodotriacontanoyl-CoA 3-ketodotriacontanoyl-coenzyme A 3-ketolacceroyl-CoA 3-ketolacceroyl-coenzyme A 3-oxodotriacontanoyl-CoA 3-oxodotriacontanoyl-coenzyme A 3-oxolacceroyl-coenzyme A A 3-oxo-fatty acyl-CoA obtained from the formal condensation of the thiol group of coenzyme A with the carboxy group of 3-oxolacceroic acid. C53H96N7O18P3S CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)CC(=O)SCCNC(=O)CCNC(=O)[C@H](O)C(C)(C)COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP(O)(O)=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12 CHEBI:84584 InChI=1S/C53H96N7O18P3S/c1-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-41(61)36-44(63)82-35-34-55-43(62)32-33-56-51(66)48(65)53(2,3)38-75-81(72,73)78-80(70,71)74-37-42-47(77-79(67,68)69)46(64)52(76-42)60-40-59-45-49(54)57-39-58-50(45)60/h39-40,42,46-48,52,64-65H,4-38H2,1-3H3,(H,55,62)(H,56,66)(H,70,71)(H,72,73)(H2,54,57,58)(H2,67,68,69)/t42-,46-,47-,48+,52-/m1/s1 VVJMBDPTYGWBEY-YQUCNGBHSA-N chebi_ontology trans-2,3-unsaturated fatty aldehyde 2E-fatty aldehyde A fatty aldehyde with a trans-double bond at carbon 2. C3H3OR CHEBI:84588 [*]\C=C\C=O chebi_ontology trans-2-enal algal metabolite Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in algae including unicellular organisms like chlorella and diatoms to multicellular organisms like giant kelps and brown algae. CHEBI:84735 algal metabolites chebi_ontology ethyl hexadecanoate 284.47720 A long-chain fatty acid ethyl ester resulting from the formal condensation of the carboxy group of palmitic acid with the hydroxy group of ethanol. C18H36O2 CAS:628-97-7 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)OCC CHEBI:84932 Ethyl cetylate HMDB:HMDB29811 InChI=1S/C18H36O2/c1-3-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20-4-2/h3-17H2,1-2H3 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA07010471 PMID:22936608 PMID:24431044 PMID:24794020 Palmitic acid ethyl ester Reaxys:1782663 WE(2:0/16:0) XIRNKXNNONJFQO-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology ethyl hexadecanoate ethyl palmitate ethyl oleate 310.51450 A long-chain fatty acid ethyl ester resulting from the formal condensation of the carboxy group of oleic acid with the hydroxy group of ethanol. C20H38O2 CAS:111-62-6 CCCCCCCC\C=C/CCCCCCCC(=O)OCC CHEBI:84940 Ethyl cis-9-octadecenoate HMDB:HMDB34451 InChI=1S/C20H38O2/c1-3-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20(21)22-4-2/h11-12H,3-10,13-19H2,1-2H3/b12-11- KEGG:D04090 LVGKNOAMLMIIKO-QXMHVHEDSA-N MetaCyc:CPD-14388 PMID:25596105 PMID:25612070 Reaxys:1727318 Wikipedia:Ethyl_oleate chebi_ontology ethyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate ethyl (9Z)-octadecenoate oleic acid ethyl ester 11,12-saturated fatty acyl-CoA(4-) Any fatty acyl-CoA(4-) in which the 11-12 bond of the fatty acyl group is saturated. This is needed for a reaction together with CHEBI:84947 C33H53N7O17P3SR CC(C)(COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP([O-])([O-])=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC(=O)CCCCCCCCCCC[*] CHEBI:84948 PMID:10563812 PMID:2295634 an 11,12-saturated fatty acyl-CoA chebi_ontology skin lightening agent Any cosmetic used to lighten the colour of skin by reducing the concentration of melanin. CHEBI:85046 PMID:21265866 PMID:22132817 PMID:22314516 PMID:23891889 PMID:23974587 PMID:25535470 PMID:25574195 PMID:25643794 Wikipedia:Skin_whitening chebi_ontology melanogenesis inhibitor melanogenesis inhibitors skin bleaching agent skin bleaching agents skin depigmenting agent skin depigmenting agents skin lightening agents skin whitening agent skin whitening agents EC 1.10.3.* (oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors with oxygen as acceptor) inhibitor An EC 1.10.* (oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any such enzyme using oxygen as acceptor (EC 1.10.3.*). CHEBI:85048 EC 1.10.3.* (oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors with oxygen as acceptor) inhibitors EC 1.10.3.* inhibitor EC 1.10.3.* inhibitors chebi_ontology EC (catechol oxidase) inhibitor 1,2-benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitor 1,2-benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitors Any EC 1.10.3.* (oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors with oxygen as acceptor) inhibitor that interferes with the action of catechol oxidase (EC CHEBI:85049 Dopa oxidase inhibitor Dopa oxidase inhibitors EC (catechol oxidase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Catechol_oxidase catechol oxidase (EC inhibitor catechol oxidase (EC inhibitors catechol oxidase inhibitor catechol oxidase inhibitors catecholase inhibitor catecholase inhibitors chebi_ontology diphenol oxidase inhibitor diphenol oxidase inhibitors o-diphenol oxidoreductase inhibitor o-diphenol oxidoreductase inhibitors o-diphenol:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitor o-diphenol:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitors o-diphenolase inhibitor o-diphenolase inhibitors phenolase inhibitor phenolase inhibitors polyphenol oxidase inhibitor polyphenol oxidase inhibitors pyrocatechol oxidase inhibitor pyrocatechol oxidase inhibitors tyrosinase inhibitor tyrosinase inhibitors EC (laccase) inhibitor Any EC 1.10.3.* (oxidoreductase acting on diphenols and related substances as donors with oxygen as acceptor) inhibitor that interferes with the action of laccase (EC CHEBI:85050 EC (laccase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Laccase benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitor benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase inhibitors chebi_ontology laccase (EC inhibitor laccase (EC inhibitors laccase inhibitor laccase inhibitors p-diphenol oxidase inhibitor p-diphenol oxidase inhibitors urishiol oxidase inhibitor urishiol oxidase inhibitors urushiol oxidase inhibitor urushiol oxidase inhibitors EC (quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase) inhibitor Any EC 1.13.11.* (oxidoreductase acting on single donors and incorporating 2 O atoms) inhibitor that interferes with the action of quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase (EC CHEBI:85051 EC (quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Quercetin_2,3-dioxygenase chebi_ontology flavonol 2,4-oxygenase inhibitor flavonol 2,4-oxygenase inhibitors quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase (EC inhibitor quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase (EC inhibitors quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase inhibitor quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase inhibitors quercetin:oxygen 2,3-oxidoreductase (decyclising) inhibitor quercetin:oxygen 2,3-oxidoreductase (decyclising) inhibitors quercetin:oxygen 2,3-oxidoreductase (decyclizing) inhibitor quercetin:oxygen 2,3-oxidoreductase (decyclizing) inhibitors quercetin:oxygen 2,3-oxidoreductase (ring-opening) inhibitor quercetin:oxygen 2,3-oxidoreductase (ring-opening) inhibitors quercetinase inhibitor quercetinase inhibitors EC (D-amino-acid oxidase) inhibitor Any EC 1.4.3.* (oxidoreductase acting on donor CH-NH2 group, oxygen as acceptor) inhibitor that interferes with the action of D-amino-acid oxidase (EC CHEBI:85052 D-amino-acid oxidase (EC inhibitor D-amino-acid oxidase (EC inhibitors D-amino-acid oxidase inhibitor D-amino-acid oxidase inhibitors D-amino-acid:oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating) inhibitor D-amino-acid:oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating) inhibitors EC (D-amino-acid oxidase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors L-amino acid:O2 oxidoreductase inhibitor L-amino acid:O2 oxidoreductase inhibitors Wikipedia:D-amino_acid_oxidase chebi_ontology new yellow enzyme inhibitor new yellow enzyme inhibitors ophio-amino-acid oxidase inhibitor ophio-amino-acid oxidase inhibitors human blood serum metabolite Any metabolite (endogenous or exogenous) found in human blood serum samples. CHEBI:85234 chebi_ontology human blood serum metabolites 11,12-saturated fatty acyl-CoA Any fatty acyl-CoA in which the 11-12 bond of the fatty acyl group is saturated. C33H57N7O17P3SR CC(C)(COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP(O)(O)=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(=O)NCCSC(=O)CCCCCCCCCCC[*] CHEBI:85348 chebi_ontology antifungal drug Any antifungal agent used to prevent or treat fungal infections in humans or animals. CHEBI:86327 Wikipedia:Antifungal anti-fungal drug anti-fungal drugs anti-fungal medication anti-fungal medications antifungal drugs antifungal medication antifungal medications chebi_ontology pharmaceutical fungicide pharmaceutical fungicides botanical anti-fungal agent CHEBI:86494 Heteroorganic entities that are plant metabolites which have significant antifungal properties. botanical anti-fungal agents chebi_ontology ADP(2-) 425.18630 5'-O-{[(hydroxyphosphinato)oxy]phosphinato}adenosine An organophosphate oxoanion obtained by deprotonation of two of the three diphosphate OH groups of adenosine 5'-diphosphate. C10H13N5O10P2 CHEBI:87518 InChI=1S/C10H15N5O10P2/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(24-10)1-23-27(21,22)25-26(18,19)20/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H,21,22)(H2,11,12,13)(H2,18,19,20)/p-2/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 Nc1ncnc2n(cnc12)[C@@H]1O[C@H](COP([O-])(=O)OP(O)([O-])=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O Reaxys:7558006 XTWYTFMLZFPYCI-KQYNXXCUSA-L chebi_ontology myrcenol 154.24930 2-methyl-6-methylideneoct-7-en-2-ol A monoterpenoid that is oct-7-en-2-ol substituted by a methyl group at position 2 and a methylidene group at position 6 respectively. C10H18O CAS:543-39-5 CC(C)(O)CCCC(=C)C=C CHEBI:87529 DUNCVNHORHNONW-UHFFFAOYSA-N HMDB:HMDB36107 InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-5-9(2)7-6-8-10(3,4)11/h5,11H,1-2,6-8H2,3-4H3 PMID:18640191 PMID:24305835 PMID:25221621 Reaxys:1744474 chebi_ontology 1,1,6-trimethyltetralin 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene 174.28200 A member of the class of tetralins that is tetralin substituted by methyl groups at positions 1, 1 and 6 respectively. C13H18 CAS:475-03-6 CHEBI:87604 Cc1ccc2c(CCCC2(C)C)c1 InChI=1S/C13H18/c1-10-6-7-12-11(9-10)5-4-8-13(12,2)3/h6-7,9H,4-5,8H2,1-3H3 LTMQZVLXCLQPCT-UHFFFAOYSA-N Reaxys:1862519 chebi_ontology 3-furaldehyde 96.08410 AZVSIHIBYRHSLB-UHFFFAOYSA-N An aldehyde that is furan substituted by a formyl group at position 3. C5H4O2 CAS:498-60-2 CHEBI:87609 InChI=1S/C5H4O2/c6-3-5-1-2-7-4-5/h1-4H O=Cc1ccoc1 PMID:21050023 PMID:23452467 Reaxys:105852 chebi_ontology furan-3-carbaldehyde polyamine Any organic amino compound that contains two or more amino groups. CHEBI:88061 Wikipedia:Polyamine chebi_ontology polyamines fatty acid anion 23:0 Any saturated fatty acid anion containing 23 carbons. Formed by deprotonation of the carboxylic acid moiety. Major species at pH 7.3. CHEBI:88081 chebi_ontology metal cation allergen Any metal cation which causes the onset of an allergic reaction. CHEBI:88186 allergenic metal cation allergenic metal cations allergenic metal ion allergenic metal ions chebi_ontology metal cation allergens metal ion allergen metal ion allergens drug allergen Any drug which causes the onset of an allergic reaction. CHEBI:88188 allergenic drug chebi_ontology Linalyl oxide 170.249 2,6-Dimethyl-3,6-oxido-7-octen-2-ol 2-(5-Methyl-5-vinyltetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2-propanol 2-(5-ethenyl-5-methyloxolan-2-yl)propan-2-ol 2-(Tetrahydro-5-methyl-5-vinyl-2-furyl)propan-2-ol 2-Methyl-2-vinyl-5-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)tetrahydrofuran 2-Methyl-2-vinyl-5-(2-hydroxy-2-propyl)tetrahydrofuran 5-(1-Hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2-methyl-2-vinyltetrahydrofuran 5-Ethenyltetrahydro-a,a,5-trimethyl-2-furanmethanol, 9CI 5-Ethenyltetrahydro-alpha,alpha,5-trimethyl-2-furanmethanol An oxolane that has formula C10H18O2. BRHDDEIRQPDPMG-UHFFFAOYSA-N C10H18O2 C=CC1(C)CCC(C(C)(C)O)O1 CAS:60047-17-8 CHEBI:88534 FEMA 3746 Furan linalool oxide HMDB:HMDB35907 InChI=1S/C10H18O2/c1-5-10(4)7-6-8(12-10)9(2,3)11/h5,8,11H,1,6-7H2,2-4H3 KNApSAcK:C00010335 Linalool 3,6-oxide Linalool oxide PMID:24023812 Tetrahydro-2-methyl-5-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2-vinylfuran Tetrahydro-alpha,alpha,5-trimethyl-5-vinylfuran-2-methanol alpha,alpha,5-Trimethyl-5-vinyltetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol chebi_ontology beta-Guaiene 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-Octahydro-1,4-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethylidene)azulene, 9CI 1,4-dimethyl-7-(propan-2-ylidene)-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydroazulene 204.352 A sesquiterpene that has formula C15H24. C15H24 CAS:88-84-6 CC(C)=C1CCC(C)C=2CCC(C)C2C1 CHEBI:88873 Cis-beta -guainene GIBQERSGRNPMEH-UHFFFAOYSA-N Guaia-1(5),7(11)-diene Guaiene HMDB:HMDB38157 InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-10(2)13-7-5-11(3)14-8-6-12(4)15(14)9-13/h11-12H,5-9H2,1-4H3 KNApSAcK:C00020376 PMID:24023812 b-Guaiene beta -cis-guaiene beta -guainene chebi_ontology (-)-epicatechin (-)-Epicatechin (2R,3R)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene-3,5,7-triol 290.26810 A catechin with (2R,3R)-configuration. C15H14O6 CAS:490-46-0 CHEBI:18484 CHEBI:90 InChI=1S/C15H14O6/c16-8-4-11(18)9-6-13(20)15(21-14(9)5-8)7-1-2-10(17)12(19)3-7/h1-5,13,15-20H,6H2/t13-,15-/m1/s1 KEGG:C09727 KNApSAcK:C00000956 LINCS:LSM-20956 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12020003 MetaCyc:CPD-7630 PFTAWBLQPZVEMU-UKRRQHHQSA-N PMID:10427682 PMID:7655336 Reaxys:92760 [H][C@@]1(Oc2cc(O)cc(O)c2C[C@H]1O)c1ccc(O)c(O)c1 chebi_ontology Salidroside 300.305 A glycoside that has formula C14H20O7. C14H20O7 CAS:10338-51-9 CHEBI:9009 ILRCGYURZSFMEG-RKQHYHRCSA-N InChI=1S/C14H20O7/c15-7-10-11(17)12(18)13(19)14(21-10)20-6-5-8-1-3-9(16)4-2-8/h1-4,10-19H,5-7H2/t10-,11-,12+,13-,14-/m1/s1 KEGG:C06046 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](OCCc2ccc(O)cc2)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O Salidroside Tyrosol glucoside chebi_ontology p-Hydroxyphenethyl alcohol 1-O-beta-D-glucoside santamarin (+)-santamarine (3aS)-2,3,3abeta,4,5,5a,6,7,9abeta,9balpha-Decahydro-6alpha-hydroxy-5aalpha,9-dimethyl-3-methylenenaphtho[1,2-b]furan-2-one (3aS,5aR,6R,9aS,9bS)-6-Hydroxy-5a,9-dimethyl-3-methylene-3a,4,5,5a,6,7,9a,9b-octahydro-3H-naphtho[1,2-b]furan-2-one (3aS,5aR,6R,9aS,9bS)-6-hydroxy-5a,9-dimethyl-3-methylidene-3a,4,5,5a,6,7,9a,9b-octahydronaphtho[1,2-b]furan-2(3H)-one (3aS,5aR,6R,9aS,9bS)-6-hydroxy-5a,9-dimethyl-3-methylidene-4,5,6,7,9a,9b-hexahydro-3aH-benzo[g][1]benzofuran-2-one 248.31750 A sesquiterpene lactone of the eudesmanolide group. Balchanin Beilstein:1287299 C15H20O3 CAS:4290-13-5 CHEBI:244416 CHEBI:9023 InChI=1S/C15H20O3/c1-8-4-5-11(16)15(3)7-6-10-9(2)14(17)18-13(10)12(8)15/h4,10-13,16H,2,5-7H2,1,3H3/t10-,11+,12+,13-,15-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09544 KNApSAcK:C00003363 PLSSEPIRACGCBO-PFFFPCNUSA-N PMID:6476889 Santamarin [H][C@@]12[C@H]3OC(=O)C(=C)[C@@H]3CC[C@@]1(C)[C@H](O)CC=C2C chebi_ontology santamarin santamarine EC (pyruvate carboxylase) inhibitor An EC 6.4.1.* (carboxylase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of pyruvate carboxylase (EC CHEBI:90318 EC (pyruvate carboxylase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors Wikipedia:Pyruvate_carboxylase chebi_ontology pyruvate carboxylase (EC inhibitor pyruvate carboxylase (EC inhibitors pyruvate carboxylase inhibitor pyruvate carboxylase inhibitors pyruvate:carbon-dioxide ligase (ADP-forming) inhibitor pyruvate:carbon-dioxide ligase (ADP-forming) inhibitors pyruvic carboxylase inhibitor pyruvic carboxylase inhibitors strychnine(1+) 10-oxostrychnidin-19-ium 335.420 An indole alkaloid cation obtained by protonation of the tertiary amino group of strychnine. C1[C@@]2([NH+]3CC[C@@]42[C@]5(N(C=6C4=CC=CC6)C(C[C@]7([C@@]5([C@@]1(C(=CCO7)C3)[H])[H])[H])=O)[H])[H] C21H23N2O2 CHEBI:90700 InChI=1S/C21H22N2O2/c24-18-10-16-19-13-9-17-21(6-7-22(17)11-12(13)5-8-25-16)14-3-1-2-4-15(14)23(18)20(19)21/h1-5,13,16-17,19-20H,6-11H2/p+1/t13-,16-,17-,19-,20-,21+/m0/s1 QMGVPVSNSZLJIA-FVWCLLPLSA-O chebi_ontology strychnine cation strychninium ion retinoic acid receptor modulator A nuclear receptor modulator that affects the retinoic acid receptor CHEBI:90708 chebi_ontology retinoic acid receptor modulators nuclear receptor modulator Any receptor modulator acting on nuclear receptors CHEBI:90709 chebi_ontology nuclear receptor modulators receptor modulator A drug that acts as an antagonist, agonist, reverse agonist, or in some other fashion when interacting with cellular receptors. CHEBI:90710 chebi_ontology receptor modulators 3-oxoacyl-CoA(4-) 3-oxoacyl-CoA 832.543 An acyl-CoA(4-) arising from deprotonation of the phosphate and diphosphate OH groups of any 3-oxoacyl-CoA; major species at pH 7.3. C24H33N7O18P3SR CHEBI:90726 [C@@H]1(N2C3=C(C(=NC=N3)N)N=C2)O[C@H](COP(OP(OCC([C@H](C(NCCC(NCCSC(=O)CC(=O)*)=O)=O)O)(C)C)(=O)[O-])(=O)[O-])[C@H]([C@H]1O)OP([O-])([O-])=O chebi_ontology aromatic carboxylate *C([O-])=O 44.010 A carboxylic acic anion obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy group of any aromatic carboxylic acid. Major species at pH 7.3. CHEBI:91007 CO2R an aromatic carboxylate chebi_ontology Sinomenine 329.391 A morphinane alkaloid that has formula C19H23NO4. C19H23NO4 CAS:115-53-7 CHEBI:9163 COC1=C[C@@H]2[C@@H]3Cc4ccc(OC)c(O)c4[C@]2(CCN3C)CC1=O INYYVPJSBIVGPH-QHRIQVFBSA-N InChI=1S/C19H23NO4/c1-20-7-6-19-10-14(21)16(24-3)9-12(19)13(20)8-11-4-5-15(23-2)18(22)17(11)19/h4-5,9,12-13,22H,6-8,10H2,1-3H3/t12-,13+,19-/m1/s1 KEGG:C09643 KNApSAcK:C00001918 LINCS:LSM-24940 Sinomenine chebi_ontology octadeca-9,12-dienoic acid 280.446 A lipid that has formula C18H32O2. C18H32O2 CCCCCC=CCC=CCCCCCCCC(=O)O CHEBI:92157 InChI=1S/C18H32O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h6-7,9-10H,2-5,8,11-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20) LINCS:LSM-2181 OYHQOLUKZRVURQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N chebi_ontology syringin 372.36706 4-[(1E)-3-hydroxyprop-1-en-1-yl]-2,6-dimethoxyphenyl beta-D-glucopyranoside A monosaccharide derivative that is trans-sinapyl alcohol attached to a beta-D-glucopyranosyl residue at position 1 via a glycosidic linkage. Beilstein:97166 C17H24O9 CAS:118-34-3 CAS:138-87-4 CHEBI:9380 COc1cc(cc(OC)c1O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)\C=C\CO Eleutheroside B InChI=1S/C17H24O9/c1-23-10-6-9(4-3-5-18)7-11(24-2)16(10)26-17-15(22)14(21)13(20)12(8-19)25-17/h3-4,6-7,12-15,17-22H,5,8H2,1-2H3/b4-3+/t12-,13-,14+,15-,17+/m1/s1 KEGG:C01533 KEGG:C17517 KNApSAcK:C00000010 KNApSAcK:C00007328 KNApSAcK:C00030167 Ligustrin Lilacin MAGNOLENIN A MetaCyc:CPD-63 Methoxyconiferine PMID:23620140 PMID:23666001 PMID:23678812 QJVXKWHHAMZTBY-GCPOEHJPSA-N Reaxys:97166 Syrigin Syringenin Syringin Syringoside Wikipedia:Syringin beta-Terpineol chebi_ontology Talatizamine 421.571 A diterpenoid that has formula C24H39NO5. BDCURAWBZJMFIK-FLDLCTCNSA-N C24H39NO5 CAS:20501-56-8 CCN1C[C@]2(COC)CC[C@H](OC)[C@@]34[C@@H]5C[C@H]6[C@H](O)[C@@H]5[C@](O)(C[C@@H]6OC)[C@@H](C[C@H]23)C14 CHEBI:9392 InChI=1S/C24H39NO5/c1-5-25-11-22(12-28-2)7-6-18(30-4)24-14-8-13-16(29-3)10-23(27,19(14)20(13)26)15(21(24)25)9-17(22)24/h13-21,26-27H,5-12H2,1-4H3/t13-,14-,15+,16+,17-,18+,19-,20+,21?,22+,23+,24-/m1/s1 KEGG:C08713 KNApSAcK:C00001669 Talatizamine chebi_ontology tectorigenin 300.26290 5,7,4'-trihydroxy-6-methoxyisoflavone 5,7-dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-6-methoxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one A methoxyisoflavone that is isoflavone substituted by a methoxy group at position 6 and hydroxy groups at positions 5, 7 and 4' respectively. C16H12O6 CAS:548-77-6 CHEBI:9429 COc1c(O)cc2occ(-c3ccc(O)cc3)c(=O)c2c1O HMDB:HMDB42024 InChI=1S/C16H12O6/c1-21-16-11(18)6-12-13(15(16)20)14(19)10(7-22-12)8-2-4-9(17)5-3-8/h2-7,17-18,20H,1H3 KEGG:C10534 KNApSAcK:C00002577 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK12050385 OBBCRPUNCUPUOS-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMID:23461431 PMID:24380276 PMID:25480515 PMID:25856699 Reaxys:305601 Wikipedia:Tectorigenin chebi_ontology tripdiolide 376.401 An oxacycle that has formula C20H24O7. C20H24O7 CAS:38647-10-8 CC(C)[C@]12O[C@H]1[C@@H]1O[C@]11[C@]3(O[C@H]3C[C@H]3C4=C([C@@H](O)C[C@]13C)C(=O)OC4)[C@@H]2O CHEBI:9740 InChI=1S/C20H24O7/c1-7(2)18-13(26-18)14-20(27-14)17(3)5-10(21)12-8(6-24-15(12)22)9(17)4-11-19(20,25-11)16(18)23/h7,9-11,13-14,16,21,23H,4-6H2,1-3H3/t9-,10-,11-,13-,14-,16+,17-,18-,19+,20+/m0/s1 KEGG:C09202 KNApSAcK:C00003493 PUJWFVBVNFXCHZ-SQEQANQOSA-N Tripdiolide chebi_ontology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17399748 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/5072337 Oliver He and Jiahao Wang on 4/18/2017: Triptolide was not classified by ChEBI as diterpene triepoxide as it should be (Ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/5072337). Therefore, we modified the definition here. triptolide 360.402 An oxacycle that has formula C20H24O6. C20H24O6 CAS:38748-32-2 CC(C)[C@]12O[C@H]1[C@@H]1O[C@]11[C@]3(O[C@H]3C[C@H]3C4=C(CC[C@]13C)C(=O)OC4)[C@@H]2O CHEBI:9747 DFBIRQPKNDILPW-CIVMWXNOSA-N InChI=1S/C20H24O6/c1-8(2)18-13(25-18)14-20(26-14)17(3)5-4-9-10(7-23-15(9)21)11(17)6-12-19(20,24-12)16(18)22/h8,11-14,16,22H,4-7H2,1-3H3/t11-,12-,13-,14-,16+,17-,18-,19+,20+/m0/s1 KEGG:C09204 KNApSAcK:C00003494 LINCS:LSM-5518 Triptolide chebi_ontology https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26447544 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17097618 Oliver He and Jiahao Wang on 4/18/2017: Triptolide was not classified by ChEBI as diterpene triepoxide as it should be (Ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17097618). Therefore, we modified the definition here. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6461212 Tutin 294.300 A gamma-lactone that has formula C15H18O6. C15H18O6 CAS:2571-22-4 CC(=C)[C@@H]1[C@H]2OC(=O)[C@@H]1[C@]1(O)[C@H]3O[C@H]3[C@]3(CO3)[C@]1(C)[C@@H]2O CCAZWUJBLXKBAY-ULZPOIKGSA-N CHEBI:9783 InChI=1S/C15H18O6/c1-5(2)6-7-12(17)20-8(6)9(16)13(3)14(4-19-14)10-11(21-10)15(7,13)18/h6-11,16,18H,1,4H2,2-3H3/t6-,7+,8+,9+,10+,11-,13-,14+,15-/m0/s1 KEGG:C09570 KNApSAcK:C00003381 Tutin chebi_ontology ursolic acid (3beta)-3-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid 3beta-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid 456.70030 A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is urs-12-en-28-oic acid substituted by a beta-hydroxy group at position 3. Beilstein:2228563 C30H48O3 CAS:77-52-1 CHEBI:9908 C[C@@H]1CC[C@@]2(CC[C@]3(C)C(=CC[C@@H]4[C@@]5(C)CC[C@H](O)C(C)(C)[C@@H]5CC[C@@]34C)[C@@H]2[C@H]1C)C(O)=O InChI=1S/C30H48O3/c1-18-10-15-30(25(32)33)17-16-28(6)20(24(30)19(18)2)8-9-22-27(5)13-12-23(31)26(3,4)21(27)11-14-29(22,28)7/h8,18-19,21-24,31H,9-17H2,1-7H3,(H,32,33)/t18-,19+,21+,22-,23+,24+,27+,28-,29-,30+/m1/s1 KEGG:C08988 KNApSAcK:C00003558 PMID:17516089 Reaxys:2228563 Ursolic acid WCGUUGGRBIKTOS-GPOJBZKASA-N chebi_ontology malol prunol urson (R)-(+)-verbenone (+)-verbenone (1R)-4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one (1R,5R)-(+)-2-pinen-4-one (1R,5R)-(+)-pin-2-en-4-one (1R,5R)-2-pinen-4-one (1R,5R)-4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one (1R,5R)-pin-2-en-4-one (1R-cis)-4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo(3.1.1)hept-3-en-2-one 150.21760 A 4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one in which both chiral centres have R configuration. It is a component of Spanish verbena oil, from Verbena triphylla. C10H14O CAS:18309-32-5 CC1=CC(=O)[C@@H]2C[C@H]1C2(C)C CHEBI:9955 DCSCXTJOXBUFGB-SFYZADRCSA-N InChI=1S/C10H14O/c1-6-4-9(11)8-5-7(6)10(8,2)3/h4,7-8H,5H2,1-3H3/t7-,8+/m1/s1 KEGG:C09913 PMID:24339334 Patent:US2911442 Reaxys:2042766 Verbenone Wikipedia:Verbenone chebi_ontology d-verbenone clinical drug role William Hogan William Hogan the role of a material entity to prevent, diagnose, treat, or study disease and/or its effects drug product William Hogan William Hogan a material entity (1) containing at least one scattered molecular aggregate as part that is the bearer of an active ingredient role and (2) that is itself the bearer of a clinical drug role active ingredient William R. Hogan a role of a scattered molecular aggregate that is part of a drug product that is realized by (1) administration of the drug to an organism followed by (2) some change in the structure or functioning of some part of the organism active ingredient role role of scattered molecular aggregate William R. Hogan a role borne by a scattered molecular aggregate and realized by its grains participating in one or more processes role of a scattered molecular aggregate drug administration William R. Hogan a treatment that has as participants an extended organism and a drug product and that results in part of the drug product being located in the extended organism administration of a drug product to an organism data item information content entity curation status specification Better to represent curation as a process with parts and then relate labels to that process (in IAO meeting) GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> OBI_0000266 PERSON:Bill Bug The curation status of the term. The allowed values come from an enumerated list of predefined terms. See the specification of these instances for more detailed definitions of each enumerated value. curation status specification data about an ontology part Person:Alan Ruttenberg data about an ontology part is a data item about a part of an ontology, for example a term Tripterygium GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy cellular organisms GC_ID:1 biota ncbi_taxonomy Boreoeutheria Boreotheria GC_ID:1 PMID:11743200 PMID:11791233 ncbi_taxonomy Mesangiospermae GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Pentapetalae GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Menispermoideae GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Ranunculoideae GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Sinomenium acutum GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Aristolochia mollissima GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy xun gu feng Piperales GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Sigesbeckia GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:185188 Siegesbeckia ncbi_taxonomy Tripterygium hypoglaucum GC_ID:1 Tripterygium hypoglaucu ncbi_taxonomy Taxillus sutchuenensis GC_ID:1 Taxillus sutchuenensis (Lecomte) Danser ncbi_taxonomy Vincetoxicum pycnostelma Asclepias paniculata Cynanchum paniculatum GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:714464 Pycnostelma paniculatum Vincetoxicum paniculatum (Bunge) Kitag., non. (R.Br.) Kuntze, 1891 Vincetoxicum paniculatum, nom. illeg. ncbi_taxonomy Eleutherococcus gracilistylus Acanthopanax gracilistylus GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Eukaryota Eucarya Eucaryotae Eukarya Eukaryotae GC_ID:1 PMID:23020233 eucaryotes eukaryotes eukaryotes ncbi_taxonomy Strychnos nux-vomica GC_ID:1 Strychnos nux-vomica L. Strychnos nuxvomica ncbi_taxonomy Amniota GC_ID:1 amniotes ncbi_taxonomy Bilateria GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Morus alba GC_ID:1 Morus sinensis ncbi_taxonomy white mulberry Paeonia lactiflora Chinese peony GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:65562 Paeonia albiflora common garden peony ncbi_taxonomy Apiineae GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Chaenomeles GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Rosales GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:3473 NCBITaxon:3601 NCBITaxon:4266 ncbi_taxonomy Erythrina variegata Erythrina indica GC_ID:1 Indian coral tree ci tong dabdab ncbi_taxonomy Gentianales GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Apocynaceae GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:4064 dogbane family ncbi_taxonomy Heracleum GC_ID:1 cow parsnips ncbi_taxonomy Ranunculales GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:3439 ncbi_taxonomy Stephania tetrandra GC_ID:1 Stephania tetrandra S.Moore ncbi_taxonomy Pistacia terebinthus GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy terebinth turpentine-tree Piper wallichii GC_ID:1 Piper wallichii (Miq.) Hand.-Mazz. ncbi_taxonomy Tripterygium wilfordii GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Gentiana macrophylla GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Clerodendrum trichotomum Clerodendron trichotomum Clerodendrum trichotonum GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:488980 ncbi_taxonomy Trachelospermum jasminoides GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Bombyx mori GC_ID:1 domestic silkworm ncbi_taxonomy silk moth silkworm eudicotyledons Dicotyledoneae GC_ID:1 Magnoliopsida NCBITaxon:3399 dicots dicotyledons eudicots ncbi_taxonomy asterids Asteridae GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy rosids GC_ID:1 Rosidae ncbi_taxonomy Homalomena occulta GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Clematis chinensis GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Aconitum carmichaelii Aconitum carmichaeli GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Ptyas dhumnades Coluber dhumnades GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:8588 Zaocys dhumnades Zaocys dhumnades dhumnades ncbi_taxonomy fabids GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:41939 NCBITaxon:4293 eurosids I ncbi_taxonomy campanulids GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:41940 NCBITaxon:4379 euasterids II ncbi_taxonomy lamiids GC_ID:1 NCBITaxon:41935 euasterids I ncbi_taxonomy Homo sapiens GC_ID:1 human humans man ncbi_taxonomy Panthera tigris GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy tiger adverse event Melanie Courtot and YH: More work is needed on how to restrict the scope of a term to be an 'adverse event', notably regarding temporal association. When is an appropirate time interval between a medical intervention and an adverse event observed? One week, one month, one year, or a lifetime? For some well-studied medical interventions (e.g., administration of many vaccines or drugs), we probably have a general idea. For many new interventions, we don't know much. In OAE, this issue is associated with defining the 'adverse event incubation time'. AE YH: There has been discussion regarding whether the term 'side effect' is an alternative term for 'adverse event'. In AERO, the term 'AERO:adverse event' represents a subset of those adverse events for which causality has been established. In OAE, an adverse event for which causality has been established is called 'causal adverse event'. a pathological bodily process that occurs after a medical intervention. An adverse event is likely caused by the medical intervention; however, such a causal association is not required to be an adverse event. YH: The main scope of OAE includes: (1) represent terms and relations in the area of adverse events, (2) assess possible associations between an adverse event and a medical intervention, particularly, identify any causal effect of a medical intervention to an adverse event; and (2) understand the mechanism (including molecular mechanisms) of causal adverse events. WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25093068 The OAE official website is: http://www.oae-ontology.org/. WEB: http://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/HowToReport/ucm053087.htm adverse reaction YH: An adverse event is a process that has specified output of some adverse medical outcome (e.g., symptom, sign or accident) after a medical intervention (or process) (e.g., administration of drug or vaccine). The medical intervention can be an administration of a drug, a vaccine (i.e., vaccination), or a special nutritional product (for example, dietary supplement, infant formula, medical food), surgery, or usage of a medical device. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adverse_event YH: An adverse event is possibly induced by the medical intervention. It can be caused by the medical intervention, or may not be caused by the medical intervention. One ultimate goal (or the goal in clinics) of study adverse events is to assess if the adverse event outcome is due to the medical intervention. Yongqun He medical intervention medical intervention is a planned process that has the goal of diagnosing, preventing or relieving illness or injury. YH WEB: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_medical_intervention flushing AE 10016825 a skin discoloration AE which has an outcome of flushing, a sudden reddening of the face, neck, or upper chest SS, YH HPO: HP_0001033 SIDER: C0016382 脸红 CTCAE:E13771 NCIt:C26775 WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003241.htm musculoskeletal or connective tissue AE 10028395 an adverse event that has an outcome of abnormal sign in a musculoskeletal or connective tissue. YH, RR, JX WEB: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/programs/msd/ musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorder AE A musculoskeletal disorder is an injury or disorder of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, or supporting structures of the upper or lower limbs, neck, or lower back that are caused, precipitated, or exacerbated by sudden exertion or prolonged exposure to physical factors such as repetition, force, vibration, or awkward posture CTCAE: E13872 injury AE 10022116 SS, YH an injury and procedural complication AE which has an outcome of injury systematic AE an adverse event that occurs systematically throughout the systemic circulation. This is different from local adverse event that is limited or a certain location. systematic adverse event URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adverse_drug_reaction YH, JX discomfort AE HPO: HP_0010832 a sensory capability AE that resuls in an uncomfortable feeling. YH SIDER: C0234215 female reproductive system AE 10038604 YH a reproductive system AE that occurs on the female side. male reproductive system AE a reproductive system AE that occurs on the male side. YH cardiac disorder AE 10007541 10061024 HPO: HP_0001627 SIDER: C0018799 a cardiovascular disorder AE that has a cardiac disorder outcome. SS, YH WEB: Primary Source: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/heart+disease Secondary Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23091623 dermatitis AE 10012431 SIDER: C0011603 SS, YH HPO: HP_0011123 intrinsic factor of adverse event YH a role that is intrinsic to a patient and is associated with an adverse event. No causal effect between this factor and the adverse event is assumed. Examples include: age, race, organ dysfunction, disease, pregrancy, lactation, gender, and genetics. lactation factor of adverse event an intrinsic factor of adverse event that is the lactation of a patient. YH sensory neuropathy AE a peripheral neuropathy AE which has an outcome of sensory neuropathy that involves damage to nerves of the peripheral nervous system. sensory neuropathy AE YH, AG tremor AE 10044565 SS, YH SIDER: C0040822 WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tremor.html NCIt: C38038 HPO: HP_0001337 CTCAE: E12837 Tremor AE is a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of an involuntary trembling or quivering, and muscle contraction and relaxation. circulatory shock AE 10040560 physiological shock AE 休克 a cardiovascular disorder AE that is a result of insufficient blood flow throughout the body. Shock often accompanies severe injury or illness. WEB: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000039.htm shock WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shock_%28circulatory%29 Circulatory shock is not related to the emotional state of shock. hair, skin or nail AE YH, SS, JX an adverse event that occurs in hair, skin, or nail. hair, skin, and nail AE hair AE YH, SS a hair, skin, and nail AE that occurs in hair. nail AE a hair, skin, and nail AE that occurs in nail. YH, SS abdominal distension AE 10000060 NCIt: C78161 a sensory capability AE that results in a sensation of elevated abdominal pressure and volume DJ, SS, YH HPO: HP_0003270 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0003609/ SIDER: C0000731 CTCAE: E10456 agranulocytosis AE 10001507 HPO: HP_0001913 SIDER: C0001824 a hematopoietic system AE that has an outcome of acute leukopenia, or lowered white blood cell count, most commonly of neutrophils causing neutropenia in circulating blood WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001295.htm 粒性白血球缺乏症 JX, DJ, SS, YH amenorrhoea AE 10001928 HPO: HP_0000141 DJ, SS, YH SIDER: C0002453 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21942684 a female reproductive system AE that is characterized by the absence of menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age aplastic anaemia AE 10002967 再生障碍性贫血 aplastic anemia DJ, SS, JX, YH Aplastic anaemia AE is an anemia AE that occurs when the bone marrow, and the blood stem cells that reside there are damaged. This causes a deficiency of all three blood cell types (pancytopenia): red blood cells (anemia), white blood cells (leukopenia), and platelets (thrombocytopenia). SIDER: C0002874 HPO: HP_0001915 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23292240 balance disorder AE 10049848 a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of a disturbance that causes an individual to feel unsteady, giddy, woozy, or have a sensation of movement, spinning, or floating. HPO: HP_0002141 SS, YH SIDER: C0575090 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balance_disorder convulsion AE 10010904 convulsion AE is a muscle adverse event that results in a medical condition where body muscles contract and relax rapidly and repeatedly, resulting in an uncontrolled shaking of the body HPO: HP_0001250 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convulsion SIDER: C0009951 SS, YH difficulty in walking AE SS, YH a movement disorder AE that has an outcome of difficulty in walking properly dyspnea AE 10013963 10013968 SS, YH WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyspnoea HPO: HP_0002094 UMLS CUI: C0013404 MedDRA: 10013968 is for "dyspnoea"; MedDRA: 10013963 is for "dyspnea". NCIt: C2998 SIDER: C0013404 呼吸困难 CTCAE: E13368 dyspnoea AE is an abnormal respiration AE debilitating symptom that is the experience of unpleasant or uncomfortable respiratory sensations, shortness of breath, air hunger dyspnoea AE conduction system disorder AE 10000032 10010276 a cardiac disorder AE of the electrical conduction system that controls the heart rate, generates and conducts electrical impulses throughout the muscle of the heart, stimulating the heart to contract and pump blood. conduction disorder AE NCIt: C78245 CTCAE: E10114 WEB: http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=8407 SS cardiac conduction disorder AE kidney AE 10038428 SS, YH an adverse event that occurs in kidney. muscular weakness AE 10028372 HPO: HP_0001324 a muscle AE that has an outcome of muscular weakness AE (i.e., lack of muscle strength). SS, YH SIDER: C0151786 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscular_weakness rhinitis AE 10028116 runny nose WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinitis SIDER: C0035455 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/rhinitis HPO: HP_0002257 SS, YH rhinitis AE is a respiratory system inflammation characterized by runny nose,irritation and inflammation of some internal areas of the nose fever AE 10005911 10016558 10037660 Axelrod YK1, Diringer MN. Temperature management in acute neurologic disorders. Neurol Clin. 2008 May;26(2):585-603, xi. doi: 10.1016/j.ncl.2008.02.005. PMID: 18514828. YH, SS, MW WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrexia febrile response an abnormal body temperature AE which has an outcome of fever CTCAE: E11102 body temperature increased AE pyrexia AE NCIt: C3038 Fever is a frequent medical sign that describes an increase in internal body temperature to levels above normal. Fever is characterized as a temporary elevation in the body's thermoregulatory set-point, usually by about 1-2 °F). rash AE 10037844 YH SIDER: C0015230 URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rash Drug-induced rash is the most commonly reported drug reaction. URL: http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/common-rashes Wick JY. Drug-induced rash: nuisance or threat? Consult Pharm. 2013 Mar;28(3):160-6. PMID: 23462025. a skin AE that shows the symptom of rash, i.e., an abnormal change in skin color, appearance, or texture. A rash may cause the skin to change color, itch, become warm, bumpy, dry, cracked or blistered, swell and may be painful. HPO: HP_0000988 infection AE 10021789 YH, JX change of name from 'infection adverse event' to 'infectious adverse event' on 09/23/13 for a better clinical relevance, move 'infection adverse event' as an alternative term - SS an adverse event that has an outcome of a pathogen infection, i.e., an infection caused by a pathogen such as a virus, bacterium, or parasite. infection infectious adverse event WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/infection syndrome AE An AE that has an outcome of syndrome. Syndrome is the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (observed by a physician), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others. YH pruritus AE 10037087 NCIt:C3344 SIDER: C0033774 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=mesh&cmd=DetailsSearch&term=pruritus+generalised&log$=activity CTCAE:E13686 itching YH, SS, MW pruritus generalised AE itch Pruritus is an itch (Latin: pruritus), i.e., an unpleasant sensation that evokes the desire or reflex to scratch. HPO: HP_0000989 a skin adverse event that has an outcome of pruritus pain AE 10033371 CTCAE: E11167 SIDER: C0030193 HPO: HP_0010833 NCIt: C3303 YH, MW a sensory capability AE that has an outcome of pain in a patient myalgia AE 10028411 SIDER: C0231528 NCIt:C27009 YH, MW HPO: HP_0003326 muscle pain AE CTCAE:E12485 a pain AE that has outcome of myalgia. Myalgia means "muscle pain" and is a symptom of many diseases and disorders. urticaria AE 10046735 SIDER: C0042109 Urticaria AE is a rash AE notable for dark red, raised, itchy bumps. YH, MW hives CTCAE:E13746 HPO: HP_0001025 NCIt:C3432 headache AE 10019211 CTCAE: E12678 SIDER: C0018681 a pain AE that has an outcome of headache HPO: HP_0002315 YH, MW NCIt: C34661 respiratory system AE I created this term and make it to be an umbrella term for different disorder terms related to respiratory system. --Oliver He YH an AE that occurs in respiratory system. leukocyte cell number increased AE 10024378 10047943 CTCAE: E10048 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leukocytosis According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'leukocytosis' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 1,021 VAERS reports (0.8%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). white blood cell count increased AE NCIt: C35524 leukocytosis AE MP: MP_0000218 SS, YH, EB a leukocyte cell number abnormal AE that has an outcome of greater than normal number of leukocytes, or nucleated cells of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages, found in blood or other tissue abnormal blood pressure AE MP: MP_0000230 a cardiovascular disorder AE that has an outcome of abnormal blood pressure, representing altered tension of the blood within the systemic arteries dizziness AE 10013573 HPO: HP_0002321 YH, SS, MW a sensory capability AE that has an outcome of dizziness Dizziness describes a number of subjective symptoms, which the patient may describe as feelings of lightheadedness, floating, wooziness, giddiness, confusion, disorientation or loss of balance. Medical terms include vertigo, disequilibrium, pre-syncope or syncoptic episode. Causes may stem from a variety of failures of equilibrioception, hypotension, cerebral hypoxia or a reaction to environmental chemicals or drugs. CTCAE:E12631 NCIt:C37943 SIDER: C0012833 somnolence AE 10041349 CTCAE:E12814 HPO: HP_0001262 drowsiness a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of somnolence Somnolence (or "drowsiness") is a state of near-sleep, a strong desire for sleep, or sleeping for unusually long periods (c.f. hypersomnia). SIDER: C2830004 YH, SS, MW NCIt:C26754 paresthesia AE 10033775 10033987 a sensory neuropathy AE that shows a sensation of tingling, pricking, or numbness of a person's skin with no apparent long-term physical effect. CTCAE: E12758 Paresthesia is more generally known as the feeling of "pins and needles" or of a limb being "asleep" (although this is not directly related to the phenomenon of sleep). The manifestation of paresthesia may be transient or chronic. YH, MW paraesthesia AE WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraesthesia NCIt: C28177 anorexia AE 10002646 10002649 10061428 decreased appetite AE YH, MW NCIt: C2875 HPO: HP_0002039 a gustatory system AE which demonstrates a decreased sensation of appetite. WEB: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anorexia/basics/definition/con-20033002 anorexia nervosa AE CTCAE: E12252 SIDER: C0003123 厌食症 cough AE 10011224 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cough YH, SS, MW coughing AE cough WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/cough.html an abnormal respiration AE that shows a sudden and often repetitively occurring reflex to keep the throat and airways clear CTCAE:E13364 NCIt:C37935 sweating AE YH a skin adverse event that has an outcome of sweating SIDER: C0038990 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'sweating' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 2,301 VAERS reports (1.8%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). HPO: HP_0000975 abdominal pain AE 10000081 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_pain HPO: HP_0002027 SIDER: C0000737 YH, SS According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'abdominal pain' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 2,254 VAERS reports (1.8%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). a pain AE that is observed in abdominal cavity hypertension AE 10005750 10020772 CTCAE: E13785 NCIt: C3117 HPO: HP_0000822 blood pressure increased SIDER: C0020538 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21722707 YH, SS, MW an abnormal blood pressure AE that has an outcome of sustained high blood pressure at a level that is likely to result in cardiovascular disease and/or other pathological states MP: MP_0000231 asthma AE 10003553 哮喘 Asthma is a common chronic lung disease. It has been defined by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute as a common chronic disorder of the airways that is complex and characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, airflow obstruction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness (bronchospasm), and an underlying inflammation. HPO: HP_0002099 YH a respiratory system AE which has an outcome of asthma SIDER: C0004096 back pain AE 10003988 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'back pain' was mentioned in 1,277 VAERS reports (1.0%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). YH, MW HPO: HP_0003418 NCIt:C41830 CTCAE:E12388 a pain AE that has an outcome of back pain SIDER: C0004604 gastrointestinal hemorrhage AE 10017955 MP: MP_0000465 a hemorrhage AE that has an outcome of gastrointestinal hemorrhage gastrointestinal haemorrhage AE WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/gastrointestinal+hemorrhage bleeding in the stomach and/or the intestines neuropathy AE WEB: http://www.neuropathy.org/ SIDER: C0442874 a nervous system AE that shows a damage to or disease affecting the nerves. 神经病变 WEB: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/147963.php YH, RR WEB: http://www.emedicinehealth.com/neuropathy/article_em.htm#types_of_neuropathy WEB: http://www.emedicinehealth.com/neuropathy/article_em.htm Neuropathy is often classified according to the types or location of nerves that are affected. Neuropathy can also be classified according to the disease causing it. (For example, neuropathy from the effects of diabetes is called diabetic neuropathy. Ref: http://www.emedicinehealth.com/neuropathy/article_em.htm#types_of_neuropathy. HPO: HP_0007141 skin discoloration AE 10040829 skin discoloration AE is a skin adverse event that results in change in color of skin or mucus membranes skin discolouration AE YH, SS According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'skin discoloration' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 909 VAERS reports (0.7%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). speech disorder AE 10041466 YH a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of disorder in speech SIDER: C0037822 HPO: HP_0006977 hemorrhage AE 10055798 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hemorrhage haemorrhage AE bleeding AE MP: MP_0001914 a cardiovascular disorder AE that has an outcome of hemorrhage loss of blood from the vascular compartment to the exterior or into nonvascular body space as a result of rupture or severance of the blood vessels nausea and vomiting AE YH This term will most likely removed since it is just a combination of nausea and vomiting. an abnormal digestion AE which has an outcome of nausea and vomiting According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'nausea and vomiting' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 812 VAERS reports (0.6%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). muscle AE a musculoskeletal system AE that occurs in muscle. YH hepatobiliary or pancreatic AE YH, JX an adverse event that occurs in liver, biliary, and pancreatic areas. URL: http://www.ijhpd.com/ WEB: http://www.uchospitals.edu/online-library/content=P00670 liver, biliary, and pancreatic disorder AE digestive system AE YH an AE that occurs in digestive system. facial paralysis AE SIDER: C0015469 HPO: HP_0007209 a paralysis AE that has an outcome of paralysis in face According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'facial paralysis' was mentioned in 580 VAERS reports (0.5%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). YH eye AE 10015916 YH an AE that occurs in eye. eye disorder AE HPO: HP_0000496 SIDER: C0015397 erythema multiforme AE 10015218 a rash AE which shows red, target-shaped or "bulls-eye" patches or sores on the skin. WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erythema_multiforme The erythema multiforme rash usually begins on the arms, hands, legs, and feet, but you might also find it on the face, neck, and body. It also can affect the lips and inside the mouth. It usuallys follows an infection or drug exposure. HPO: HP_0010783 WEB: http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/skin/erythema_multiforme.html SIDER: C0014742 YH, MW CTCAE:E13627 NCIt:C3024 gastrointestinal disorder AE SIDER: C0017178 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'gastrointestinal disorder' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 449 VAERS reports (0.3%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). a digestive system AE which has an outcome of a gastrointestinal disorder YH HPO: HP_0011024 cardiac arrest 10007515 10007617 10028596 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cardiac+arrest a cardiac disorder AE that has an outcome of heartarrest, the abrupt cessation of normal circulation of the blood due to failure of the heart to contract effectively during systole. cardiopulmonary arrest YH circulatory arrest NCIT: C50479 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myocardial_infarction CTCAE: E10101 heart arrest AE liver function test abnormal AE 10019670 10024690 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hepatic+function MP: MP_0000609 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'liver function tests abnormal' was mentioned in 717 VAERS reports (0.6%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). a liver related investigation result abnormal AE which shows an abnormal test result in a liver function test, indicating aberrant function of liver. ear AE an AE that occurs in ear. SIDER: C0013447 ear disorder AE YH HPO: HP_0000598 viral infection AE viral infection HPO: HP_0005364 SIDER: C0042769 an infection AE that results in detrimental colonization of a host organism by virus YH, SS WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viral_infection jaundice AE 10023126 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaundice According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'jaundice' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 317 VAERS reports (0.2%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). MP: MP_0000611 SIDER: C0022346 a liver/biliary system AE which has an outcome of jaundice, which is the clinical manifestation of hyperbilirubinemia, with deposition of bile pigments in the skin, resulting in yellowish staining of the skin and mucous membranes HPO: HP_0000952 SS, YH icterus AE palpitation AE 10033557 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palpitations a sensory capability AE that has an outcome of palpitation A palpitation is an abnormal awareness of the beating of the heart, whether it is too slow, too fast, irregular, or at its normal frequency. YH immune system AE According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'immune system disorder' was mentioned in 292 VAERS reports (0.2%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). HPO: HP_0002715 YH SIDER: C0021053 immune system disorder AE an AE that occurs in immune system. thrombocytopenic purpura AE 10043561 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'thrombocytopenic purpura'; is an adverse event that was mentioned in 267 VAERS reports (0.2%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). HPO: HP_0004829 Thrombocytopenic purpura AE are purpura AE associated with a reduction in circulating blood platelets which can result from a variety of causes. YH SIDER: C0857305 amnesia AE 10001949 NCIt:C2867 YH, MW a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of amnesia in a patient HPO: HP_0002354 CTCAE:E12585 SIDER: C0002622 Amnesia is a short term memory condition in which memory is disturbed. In simple terms it is the loss of memory. purpura AE 10037549 HPO: HP_0000979 Purpura is the appearance of red or purple discolorations on the skin that do not blanch on applying pressure. They are caused by bleeding underneath the skin. This is common with typhus and can be present with meningitis caused by meningococcal meningitis or septicaemia. Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purpura. NCIt:C78787 YH, MW CTCAE:E13690 紫癜 SIDER: C0034150 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'purpura'; is an adverse event that was mentioned in 251 VAERS reports (0.2%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). a skin discoloration AE which has an outcome of purpura coma AE 10010071 Coma is a profound state of unconsciousness. A comatose person cannot be awakened, fails to respond normally to pain or light, does not have sleep-wake cycles, and does not take voluntary actions. HPO: HP_0001259 a sensory capability AE that has an outcome of coma YH SIDER: C0009421 cardiovascular AE 10007649 HPO: HP_0001626 SIDER: C0007222 YH an AE that occurs in cardiovascular system. cardiovascular disorder AE urine abnormality AE SIDER: C0235639 a urinary system AE that has an outcome of urine abnormality AE HPO: HP_0011036 YH increased salivation AE MP: MP_0000622 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'increased salivation' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 336 VAERS reports (0.3%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). an abnormal salivary gland physiology AE which has an outcome of increased salivation, meaning greater than normal amounts of flowing saliva generalized spasm AE YH a muscle spasm AE which has an outcome of generalized spasm, which is an involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. Spasms may involve skeletal muscle (MUSCLE, SKELETAL) or smooth muscle (MUSCLE, SMOOTH). dry mouth AE 10013781 xerostomia NCIt: C26917 HPO: HP_0000217 a digestive system AE which has an outcome of dry mouth, which is dryness of the mouth resulting from reduced salivary secretion YH According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'dry mouth'; is an adverse event that was mentioned in 171 VAERS reports (0.1%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). CTCAE: E10578 SIDER: C0043352 epistaxis AE 10015090 YH, MW NCIt:C26766 nosebleed Epistaxis is the relatively common occurrence of hemorrhage from the nose, usually noticed when the blood drains out through the nostrils. SIDER: C0014591 HPO: HP_0000421 a hemorrhage AE that has an outcome of epistaxis CTCAE:E13374 abnormal salivary gland physiology AE MP: MP_0005310 a digestive system AE which has an outcome of abnormal salivary gland physiology, which is any functional anomaly of any of the glands in the mouth that secrete saliva bone AE 10005956 HPO: HP_0000924 SIDER: C0005940 YH a musculoskeletal system AE that occurs in the bone bone disorder muscle spasm AE 10028334 MP: MP_0000743 SS, YH WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spasm a muscle adverse event which has an outcome of muscle spasm, which is an involuntary and often painful muscle contraction or cramps having a number of causes ranging from nutritional deficiency to serious nervous system conditions abnormal stool AE According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'abnormal stools' was mentioned in 111 VAERS reports (<0.1%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). a digestive system AE which has an outcome of abnormal stool YH paralysis AE 10033799 a movement disorder AE that results in the loss of power of voluntary movement in a muscle through injury or disease of its nerve supply HPO: HP_0010549 SIDER: C0522224 MP: MP_0000753 瘫痪 WEB: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/paralysis.html SS, YH According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'paralysis' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 574 VAERS reports (0.4%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). ataxia AE 10003591 CTCAE:E12597 SIDER: C0004134 HPO: HP_0001251 a movement disorder AE that has an outcome of ataxia, inability to coordinate voluntary muscular movements According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'ataxia' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 555 VAERS reports (0.4%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). YH, MW NCIt:C26702 MP: MP_0001393 skin AE 10040831 WEB: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/skin+disorder a hair, skin, and nail AE that occurs in skin. YH abnormal gait AE 10017577 gait disturbance AE NCIt: C78303 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21224774 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'abnormal gait' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 998 VAERS reports (0.8%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). a movement disorder AE that has an outcome of unusual or distinctive way of walking SS, YH CTCAE: E11112 MP: MP_0001406 abnormal fluid regulation AE MP: MP_0001784 a homeostasis AE which has an outcome of abnormal fluid regulation, which is any anomaly in the control of intracellular and/or extracellular fluid anemia AE 10002034 10002272 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001586/ a hematopoietic system AE which has an outcome of anemia, which is less than normal levels of red blood cells and/or hemoglobin within red blood cells, or volume of packed red blood cells in the bloodstream, resulting in insufficient oxygenation of tissues and organs anaemia AE NCIt: C2869 MP: MP_0001577 CTCAE: E10010 hypotension AE 10005734 10021097 HPO: HP_0002615 NCIt: C3128 YH, MW CTCAE: E13791 blood pressure decreased, low blood pressure MP: MP_0001596 an abnormal blood pressure AE that has an outcome of sustained low blood pressure at a level that is likely to result in cardiovascular disease and/or other pathological states SIDER: C0020649 abnormal digestion AE MP: MP_0001664 a digestive system AE which has an outcome of abnormal digestion, which is an altered ability of the mechanical, chemical, and enzymatic processes of the body to convert ingested food into material suitable for assimilation for synthesis of tissues or liberation of energy homeostasis AE an AE that occurs in the homeostasis system. anomaly in the processes involved in the maintenance of an internal equilibrium of various functions and chemical or protein composition of the fluids and tissues MP: MP_0001764 edema AE 10016807 10030095 10042674 MP: MP_0001785 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oedema an abnormal fluid regulation AE which has an outcome of edema, which is an accumulation of an excessive amount of watery fluid in cells or intercellular tissues oedema, swelling, dropsy WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swelling_(medical) inflammation AE 10061218 SIDER: C0021368 SS, YH HPO: HP_0007891 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflammation MP: MP_0001846 an immune system disorder AE that results in complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. Inflammation is a protective attempt by the organism to remove the injurious stimuli as well as initiate the healing process for the tissue greater than expected response to injury, infection, or insult. respiratory system inflammation AE MP: MP_0002405 an inflammation AE which occurs in the respiratory system, which is reflected with the local accumulation of fluid, plasma proteins, and leukocytes in the respiratory system vasculitis AE 10047115 NCIt:C26912 MP: MP_0001864 CTCAE:E13837 YH, MW HPO: HP_0002633 an inflammation AE that has an outcome of vasculitis, which is an inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel SIDER: C0042384 It's an inflammation. allergy AE 10001718 10001738 anaphylactic reaction AE allergic reaction AE CTCAE: E11248 MP: MP_0001878 过敏反应 NCIt: C3114 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allergy allergic response AE JX, LW, YH a hypersensitivity AE which results in an allergic response showing a marked increase in reactivity to an antigen upon subsequent exposure. 变态反应 nervous system AE 10029202 KY, YH an AE that occurs in nervous system. MP: MP_0003633 nervous system disorder AE URL: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/nervous_system_disorders/overview_of_nervous_system_disorders_85,P00799/ abnormal respiration AE Not sure if it is same as respiratory system disorder or abnormal respiration. --Oliver He MP: MP_0001943 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'respiratory disorder' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 556 VAERS reports (0.4%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). a respiratory system AE which has an outcome of abnormal respiration, an anomaly in the movement of gases into and out of the lung apnea AE respiratory arrest AE JX, YH, MW NCIt: C26698 MedDRA: 10002974 is for "apnoea"; MedDRA: 10002972 is for "apnea". According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'apnea' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 1,618 VAERS reports (1.3%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). CTCAE: E13306 apnoea AE UMLS CUI: C0003578 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/apnea MP: MP_0001957 an abnormal respiration AE which has an outcome of apnea, temporary cessation of breathing; sometimes episodic deafness AE 10011878 MP: MP_0001967 HPO: HP_0000365 SIDER: C0011053 an ear disorder AE which has an outcome of deafness, which is an inability to hear gustatory system AE MP: MP_0001985 YH, JX an adverse event that occurs in a gustatory system abnormal vision AE MP: MP_0002090 an eye disorder AE which has an outcome of abnormal vision, which is an inability or decreased ability to see seizure AE 10039906 10039910 CTCAE: E12804 WEB: http://www.healthline.com/symptom/seizures 突然发作 YH, JX, YH MP: MP_0002064 NCIt: C2962 a behavior and neurological AE that shows a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain. behavioral and neurological AE WEB: http://www.psychguides.com/guides/behavioral-disorder-symptoms-causes-and-effects/ YH, JX behavior AE disruptive behavioral disorder AE MP: MP_0004924 an adverse event that has an outcome of an abnormal behavior and neurological phenotype. any anomaly in the actions, reactions, or performance of an organism in response to external or internal stimuli compared to controls behavioral AE behavioral disorder AE movement disorder AE 10028035 HPO: HP_0100022 SIDER: C0026650 MP: MP_0002066 a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of altered ability to coordinate voluntary movement or repetitive, compulsive movements sensory capability AE MP: MP_0002067 a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of inability or altered ability to respond to a sensory stimulus hypersensitivity AE 10020751 Hypersensitivity AE is a immune system AE that is a set of undesirable reactions produced by the normal immune system, including allergies and autoimmunity. These reactions may be damaging, uncomfortable, or occasionally fatal. JX, LW, YH MP: MP_0002148 HPO: HP_0100326 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypersensitivity hypersensitivity reaction AE 超敏反应 SIDER: C0020517 hypoventilation AE 10021133 10038678 respiratory depression AE HPO: HP_0007110 MP: MP_0002321 WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypoventilation QL, YH According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'hypoventilation' is an adverse event that was mentioned in 321 VAERS reports (0.2%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). SIDER: C0398353 呼吸抑制 an abnormal respiration AE which has an outcome of hypoventilation, i.e., reduced alveolar ventilation relative to metabolic carbon dioxide production; results in alveolar carbon dioxide pressure increasing above normal hematopoietic system AE MP: MP_0002396 an adverse event which occurs in a hematopoietic system, which is any structural or developmental anomaly of the blood cells or the organs associated with the development and formation of blood cells mydriasis AE 10028521 HPO: HP_0011499 SIDER: C0026961 MP: MP_0002546 an eye disorder AE which has an outcome of mydriasis, which is dilation of one or both pupils regardless of light conditions increased heart rate AE 10019303 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachycardia tachycardia MP: MP_0002626 an arrhythmia AE that has an outcome of greater than average resting heart beats per minute, usually measured by the number of times the heart ventricles contract per unit of time, usually per minute opisthotonus AE 10030899 YH a muscle spasm AE that has an outcome of opisthotonus MP: MP_0002880 SIDER: C0151818 HPO: HP_0002179 opisthotonus is a form of tetanic spasm in which the head, neck and spine are bent backward and the body is bowed forward dysphagia AE 10013950 CTCAE: E10621 HPO: HP_0002015 SIDER: C0011168 NCIt: C2980 MP: MP_0003158 a digestive system AE which has an outcome of dysphagia, which is a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of difficulty in swallowing food or liquid vomiting AE 10047700 NCIt: C3442 regurgitation AE SIDER: C0042963 MP: MP_0003260; MDR: 10047700 CTCAE: E11068 HPO: HP_0002013 an abnormal digestion AE which has an outcome of vomiting, the retrograde expulsion of gastric contents through the oral cavity abnormal defecation AE MP: MP_0003866 a digestive system AE that has an outcome of abnormal defecation, an anomaly in the production and excretion of feces urinary incontinence AE MP: MP_0003280 HPO: HP_0000020 SIDER: C0042024 YH, MW MedDRA: 10046543 CTCAE: E13042 NCIt: C78497 WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/urinaryincontinence.html a urinary system AE that has an outcome of the symptom of urinary incontinence, which is the inability to control the urinary excretory functions. tinnitus AE 10043882 HPO: HP_0000360 MP: MP_0003741 CTCAE: E10287 NCIt: C50772 SIDER: C0040264 an hearing disorder AE that shows a persistent sensation of buzzing, ringing, clicking, or other noises in the ear mouth mucosal ulceration AE MP: MP_0003747 According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 'mouth ulceration' was mentioned in 246 VAERS reports (0.2%) during1991-2001 (Reference: PMID: 12825543). a digestive system AE which has an outcome of mouth mucosal ulceration, which is lesions through the mucous membrane of the mouth, usually associated with loss of tissue diarrhea AE 10012735 diarrhoea AE MP: MP_0005036 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/diarrhea an abnormal defecation AE that has an outcome of diarrhea, which is abnormally frequent discharge of semi-solid or fluid fecal matter from the bowel hematuria AE 10018867 10018870 10019450 MP: MP_0005161 YH, SJ, MW WEB: http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/hematuria/ NCIt: C3090 a urinary system AE that results in the presence of blood in the urine blood urine blood urine presence haematuria AE UMLS CUI: C0018965 (hematuria AND haematuria); UMLS CUI: C0947999 (blood urine presence) CTCAE: E13000 Hematuria AE can be caused by menstruation, vigorous exercise, sexual activity, viral illness, trauma, or infection, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), along with more serious disorders such as cancer, disease, and clotting. urinary system AE MP: MP_0005502 YH an adverse event that has an outcome of urinary system AE is a functional anomaly of any of the organs involved in the production or excretion of urine abnormal body temperature AE MP: MP_0005535 a homeostasis AE whic has an outcome of abnomal body temperature, which is a deviation in the level of heat natural to a living being double vision AE 10013036 an abnormal vision AE which has an outcome of double vision, which is two images perceived when only a single object is present diplopia AE MP: MP_0006150 investigation result abnormal AE 10061253 EB, SS, YH This term is used to replace 'lab test abnormal AE'. The reason for this is that some test, like X-ray test, is not considered by many physicians as a lab test. Therefore, we have used this new term to cover a broader scope. All terms asserted under this term represent the investigation results without defined conclusion of disease. laboratory test abnormal an adverse event that is indicated by an abnormal result of an investigation that uses some laboratory equipment, device, or medical technology. ecchymosis AE 10014080 MP: MP_0009276 HPO: HP_0000978 a hemorrhage AE that has an outcome of ecchymosis SIDER: C0013491 an ecchymosis is a spot caused by loss of blood from a vessel; it implies a larger size than a petechiae, and has a more diffuse border than purpura; an ecchymosis can be caused by a bruise (which implies trauma), but can also be caused by bleeding diathesis erythema AE 10015150 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erythema HPO: HP_0010783 reddish skin SS, YH SIDER: C0041834 Erythema AE is a skin adverse event that showns redness of the skin caused by hyperemia of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin. MP:0001190 reproductive system AE YH, SS reproductive system AE is an AE that occurs in the reproductive system. arrhythmia AE 10003119 abnormal heartbeat AE HPO: HP_0011675 SS, YH WEB: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/arr/ SIDER: C0003811 cardiac arrhythmia AE a cardiac disorder AE which has an outcome of abnormal heart rhythm MP: MP_0004085 stomach discomfort AE 10042124 stomach upset AE SS, YH 胃部不适 a digestive system AE which has an outcome of stomach discomfort skin ulceration AE 10040943 10040947 SIDER: C0037299 skin ulcer AE WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulcer_%28dermatology%29 HPO: HP_0200042 NCIt: C54247 CTCAE: E13730 a skin AE that shows a result of skin ulcer, i.e., a sore on the skin or a mucous membrane, accompanied by the disintegration of tissue. Ulcers can result in complete loss of the epidermis and often portions of the dermis and even subcutaneous fat. SS, YH, MW urine analysis result abnormal AE 10062226 SS, YH, EB a urinary system investigation result abnormal AE that has an outcome of a urine analysis abnormality vasodilatation AE a cardiovascular disorder AE which has an outcome of vasodilatation, which refers to the widening of blood vessels resulting from relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, particularly in the large arteries, smaller arterioles and large veins. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasodilation SS, YH HPO: HP_0004927 SIDER: C0595862 blood bilirubin level abnormal AE 10058477 a liver related investigation result abnormal AE that has an outcome of an abnormal amount of bilirubin in the blood DJ, SS, YH, EB WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/bilirubin blood bilirubin level increased AE 10005364 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/bilirubin a blood bilirubin level abnormal AE with an outcome of a increased amount of bilirubin, or a yellow breakdown product (broken down hemoglobin) of normal heme catabolism, in the blood DJ, SS, YH, EB CTCAE: E12096 NCIt: C27088 bone marrow depression AE 10005986 10048580 DJ, SS, YH, MW hypocellular bone marrow UMLS: C0151773 SIDER: C0151773 Bone marrow produces three types of blood cells; red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Bone marrow depression is characterized by an inability or reduced ability of the bone marrow to produce these cells. A low blood count can involve just one or all three types of blood cells. HPO: HP_0012145 NCIt: C35167 bone marrrow hypocellular WEB: http://www.drugs.com/condition/bone-marrow-depression-low-blood-counts.html CTCAE: E10022 a bone marrow disorder AE that has an outcome of an abnormal condition in which the bone marrow is unable to produce normal amounts of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets WEB: http://en.diagnosispro.com/differential_diagnosis-for/bx-bone-marrow-biopsy-hypocellular/29777-154.html bone marrow disorder AE 10061729 a hematopoietic system AE that has an outcome of disease in the bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside of some bones that contain stem cells that can develop into red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/bonemarrowdiseases.html DJ, SS, YH cardiac failure AE 10007554 10019279 DJ, SS, YH heart failure NCIt: C50577 a cardiovascular disorder AE that results in the inability of the heart to provide sufficient pump action to distribute blood flow to meet the needs of the body WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cardiac+failure SIDER: C0018801 HPO: HP_0001635 CTCAE: E10124 cardiogenic shock AE 10007625 a hypotension AE that has an outcome of the inability of the heart to supply enough blood to the organs of the body because of heart damage WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001237/ DJ, SS, YH cardiomyopathy AE 10007636 WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiomyopathy DJ, SS, YH a cardiovascular disorder AE that has an outcome of deterioration of the function of the myocardium, usually leads to heart failure SIDER: C0878544 HPO: HP_0001638 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cardiomyopathy cerebral hemorrhage AE 10008111 DJ, SS, YH a brain disorder AE with the outcome of hemorrhage or blood in the brain SIDER: C2937358 cerebral haemorrhage AE HPO: HP_0001342 alcohol cardiomyopathy AE coordination abnormal AE 10010947 SIDER: C0520966 HPO: HP_0011443 a behavior and neurological AE that results in a loss of coordination DJ, SS, YH cutaneous vasculitis AE 10011686 WEB: http://dermnetnz.org/vascular/vasculitis.html HPO: HP_0200029 皮肤血管炎 an inflammation AE that has an outcome of inflamed blood vessels in the skin DJ, SS, YH SIDER: C0262988 delirium AE 10012218 NCIt:C2981 a psychiatric disorder AE that results in a decline in level of cognitive function CTCAE:E12898 DJ, SS, YH, MW WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/delirium disturbance in attention AE 10013496 DJ, SS, YH HPO: HP_0007018 SIDER: C0233414 a behavior and neurological AE that results in a loss of attention drug eruption AE 10013687 a skin AE that has an outcome of a range of adverse drugs reactions of the skin, most commonly rashes resembling measles WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/drug+eruption DJ, SS, YH dysuria AE 10013990 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/dysuria 排尿困难 urination disorders AE SIDER: C0013428 HPO: HP_0100518 Dysuria AE is an urinary system AE that results in painful urination JX, DJ, SS, YH electrocardiogram result abnormal AE 10014363 a cardiac function test abnormal AE that has an outcome of abnormal electrical activity in the heart WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003868.htm DJ, SS, YH, EB enteritis AE 10014866 DJ, SS, YH a digestive system AE with an outcome of inflammation in the intestine, especially the small intestine HPO: HP_0004387 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/enteritis SIDER: C0014335 eyelid edema AE 10015993 SIDER: C0162285 an eye edema AE that has an outcome of swelling in either or both the lower and upper eyelids, due to fluid buildup or inflammation in the delicate tissues surrounding the eye. WEB: http://www.localhealth.com/article/eyelid-swelling eyelid oedema AE DJ, SS, YH HPO: HP_0100539 fall AE 10016173 CTCAE: E11687 NCIt: C50558 HPO: HP_0002359 a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of patient falling DJ, SS, YH SIDER: C0085639 fracture AE 10017076 DJ, SS, YH a bone disorder AE that has an outcome of complete or incomplete break in a bone resulting from the application of excessive force NCIt: C3046 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Fractures CTCAE: E11703 gastritis AE 10017853 SIDER: C0017152 NCIt: C26780 a gastric disorder AE that has an outcome of inflammation in the lining of the stomach WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002135/ CTCAE: E10733 DJ, SS, YH HPO: HP_0005263 hematochezia AE 10018836 haematochezia AE HPO: HP_0002573 SIDER: C0018932 a digestive system AE that has an outcome of the passage of bloody stools WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hematochezia DJ, SS, YH hemolytic uremic syndrome AE 10018932 10019515 DJ, SS, YH HPO: HP_0005575 SIDER: C0019061 a hematopoietic system AE that has an outcome of hemolytic anemia, acute kidney failure and a low platelet count haemolytic uraemic syndrome AE CTCAE: E10043 NCIt: C75545 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23307876 hepatic failure AE 10019663 a liver/biliary system AE that has an outcome of the inability of the liver to perform its normal synthetic and metabolic function WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/liver+failure HPO: HP_0001399 NCIt: C26922 DJ, SS, YH CTCAE: E11211 SIDER: C0085605 hepatomegaly AE 10019842 a liver/biliary system AE that has an outcome of swelling of the liver DJ, SS, YH WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003275.htm SIDER: C0019209 HPO: HP_0002240 hyperhidrosis AE 10020642 CTCAE:E13645 DJ, SS, YH, MW WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hyperhidrosis a skin AE that results in excess perspiration HPO: HP_0000975 SIDER: C0020458 NCIt:C78345 toxin-induced cardiomyopathy AE leukemoid reaction AE 10024328 leukaemoid reaction AE HPO: HP_0001909 SIDER: C0023501 SZ, DJ, SS, YH WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000575.htm Immune system disorder AE that results in an increase in white blood cell count as a result of stress or infection leukopenia AE 10024384 SIDER: C0023530 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2154209/ HPO: HP_0001882 a hematopoietic system AE that has an outcome of a lower than normal number of leukocytes, or nucleated cells of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages, found in blood or other tissue SZ, DJ, SS, YH libido disorder AE 10061221 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2695750/ SZ, DJ, SS, YH a psychiatric disorder AE that results in a disorder in the patient's desire for sexual interaction liver AE 10024670 WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/liverdiseases.html Liver/biliary system AE that results in the disease of the liver SIDER: C0023895 SZ, DJ, SS, YH HPO: HP_0006706 liver disorder melena AE 10027141 HPO: HP_0002249 Abnormal defecation AE that results in black feces associated with gastrointestinal hemorrhage melaena AE SZ, SS, YH WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003130.htm SIDER: C0025222 myocarditis AE 10028606 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001204/ SZ, SS, YH NCIt: C34831 an inflammation AE that has an outcome of inflammation of the heart muscle CTCAE: E10157 nephrotic syndrome AE 10029164 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001520/ SZ, SS, YH HPO: HP_0000100 a kidney disorder AE that has an outcome of a group of symptoms that include protein in the urine, low blood protein levels, high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels and swelling SIDER: C0027726 neurotoxicity AE 10029350 10067722 SZ, SS, YH, QL WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurotoxicity a nervous system AE that alters the normal activity of the nervous system due to exposure to neurotoxins (which can be natural or artificial toxic substances), and causes damage to nervous tissue toxic neuropathy AE oral mucosa erosion AE 10064594 SZ, SS, YH Digestive System AE that results in oral lesions pancytopenia AE 10033661 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/pancytopenia SIDER: C0030312 SZ, SS, YH HPO: HP_0001876 Hematopoietic System AE that results in a reduction in the amount of red and white blood cells and platelets in blood pseudomembranous colitis AE 10037128 SZ, SS, YH WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001305/ SIDER: C1257843 a digestive system AE that has an outcome of infection in the large intestine with an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile bacteria HPO: HP_0002583 red blood cell count decreased AE 10038153 WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003644.htm SIDER: C0427457 SZ, SS, YH, EB a red blood cell count abnormal AE that has an outcome of a decrease in red blood cells HPO: HP_0001903 acute kidney injury AE 10038436 10069339 NCIt:C26808 As shown on the renal.org website (http://www.renal.org/guidelines/modules/acute-kidney-injury), Acute kidney injury (AKI) has now replaced the term acute renal failure. renal failure acute AE CTCAE:E12973 SZ, SS, YH, Izabela Birsanescu, MW SIDER: C0022660 AKI Acute kidney failure occurs when kidneys become unable to filter waste products from blood. HPO: HP_0001919 WEB: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/kidney-failure/basics/definition/con-20024029 WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/acute+renal+failure a kidney disorder AE that results in the rapid loss or decline of kidney function respiratory acidosis AE 10038695 NCIt:C26872 respiratory failure AE a respiratory system AE that has an outcome of a condition where lungs cannot remove all the carbon dioxide the body produces, makes body fluid too acidic SIDER: C1145670 WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001154/ SZ, SS, YH CTCAE:E13545 HPO: HP_0004877 skin hyperpigmentation AE 10040865 a skin AE that has an outcome of darkening in an area of skin or nails caused by increased melanin WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hyperpigmentation HPO: HP_0010284 SIDER: C0162834 CTCAE:E13718 SZ, SS, YH, MW NCIt:C79731 sleep disorder AE 10040984 SIDER: C0851578 a behavior and neurological AE that results in irregular sleep patterns SZ, SS, YH WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/sleep+disorder HPO: HP_0002360 gastric hemorrhage AE 10017788 10017789 gastric haemorrhage AE YH, SS NCIt: C54582 A gastrointestinal hemorrhage AE that has an outcome of the bleeding in the stomach CTCAE: E10706 suicide attempt AE 10042464 HPO: HP_0000708 a psychiatric disorder AE that results in attempted suicide NCIt:C80111 CTCAE:E12969 SZ, SS, YH, MW SIDER: C0038663 tachypnea AE 10043089 tachypnoea AE SIDER: C0231835 an abnormal repiration AE that shows an outcome of tachypnoea (i.e., abnormally rapid breathing or respiration) HPO: HP_0004346 SZ, SS, YH thrombocytopenia AE 10043554 WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000586.htm a hematopoietic system AE that has an outcome of decrease in platelets in the blood HPO: HP_0001873 SZ, SS, YH SIDER: C0040034 upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage AE 10046274 10055356 SIDER: C0041909 HPO: HP_0002239 SZ, SS, YH upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage AE NCIt: C78660 WEB: Primary Source: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/gastrointestinal+bleeding Secondary Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1237869/ CTCAE: E11062 a gastrointestinal hemorrhage AE that has an outcome of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract urinary retention AE 10046555 HPO: HP_0000016 Urinary system AE that results in an inability to urinate SZ, SS, YH, MW WEB: Primary Source: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/urinary+retention Secondary Source: http://www.medtronic.com/patients/urinary-retention/index.htm NCIt:C50790 CTCAE:E13046 SIDER: C0080274 urine output decreased AE 10059895 NCIt: C80522 WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003147.htm a urine abnormality AE that has an outcome of decreased urine output, less than 500 milliliters of urine in 24 hours CTCAE: E12217 SZ, SS, YH vision blurred AE 10005886 10047513 an abnormal vision AE that results in unclear vision blurred vision AE NCIt: C27123 WEB: Primary Source: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003029.htm Secondary Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23111613 HPO: HP_0000622 SIDER: C0344232 CTCAE: E10346 SZ, SS, YH multi-organ failure AE 10028154 YH, SS A systematic adverse event that has an outcome of failure in mulitple organs CTCAE: E11155 NCIt: C75568 brain AE YH an adverse event that occurs in brain. brain disorder AE cardiovascular investigation result abnormal AE 10007512 an investigation result abnormal AE that involves an abnormal result of an investigation involving the cardiovascular system EB, YH blood sodium increased 10005803 HPO: HP_0003228 SIDER: C0595878 A physical quality that has an increased level of sodium in the blood EB, YH, MW urinary system investigation result abnormal AE 10038362 renal and urinary tract investigation and urinalysis result abnormal AE an investigation result abnormal AE that involves the renal and urinary tract and urinalyses EB, YH renal system investigation result abnormal AE endocrine investigation result abnormal AE 10014706 EB an investigation result abnormal AE that involves an abnormal result of an endocrine investigation hematology investigation result abnormal AE 10018851 haematology investigation abnormal AE an investigation result abnormal AE that is characterized by an abnormal result of a hematology investigation MedDRA: 10057755 EB red blood cell profile abnormal AE 20000029 EB a hematology investigation result abnormal AE that results in an abnormal red blood cell profile white blood cell profile abnormal AE 20000030 a hematology investigation result abnormal AE that is characterized by an abnormal white blood cell profile EB leukocyte cell number abnormal AE a white blood cell profile abnormal AE that is characterized by an abnormal leukocyte cell number EB liver related investigation result abnormal AE 20000008 EB an investigation result abnormal AE that is characterized by an abnormal liver related investigation result red blood cell count abnormal AE 10038151 EB a red blood cell profile abnormal AE that is characterized by an abnormal red blood cell count severity of adverse event AE severity YH, SS a process quality that represents the level of severity of an adverse event. psychiatric disorder AE 10037175 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_disorder a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of a mental illness or psychiatiric disorder. The mental illness is a mental or behavioral pattern or anomaly that causes either suffering or an impaired ability to function in ordinary life (disability), and which is not developmentally or socially normative. YH, Izabela Birsanescu mental disorder AE AE severity G1 AE severity Grade 1 CTCAE4: E10005 (Grade 1 Adverse Event) YH, SS a severity of AE that shows asymptomatic, or involves mild or minor symptoms, or is of marginal clinical relevance, or consists of clinical or diagnostic observations alone, or where intervention is not indicated, or where only non-prescription intervention is indicated. Note the AE severity Grade 1 equals to CTCAE G1 AE severity. Web: http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/ctcae.owl#Grade_1_Adverse_Event AE severity G2 a severity of AE for which only minimal, local, or noninvasive intervention (e.g. packing, cautery) is indicated, or that limits instrumental activities of daily living (ADLs, e.g., shopping, laundry, transportation, or ability to conduct finances). Note the AE severity Grade 2 equals to CTCAE G2 AE severity. Web: http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/ctcae.owl#Grade_2_Adverse_Event YH, SS CTCAE4: E10006 (Grade 2 Adverse Event) AE severity Grade 2 AE severity G3 Web: http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/ctcae.owl#Grade_3_Adverse_Event AE severity Grade 3 YH, SS CTCAE4: E10007 (Grade 3 Adverse Event) Note the AE severity Grade 3 equals to CTCAE G3 AE severity. a severity of AE that shows an outcome which is medically significant but not life-threatening; or for which inpatient care or prolongation of hospitalization are indicated; or that is an important medical event that does not result in hospitalization, but may jeopardize the patient or may require intervention either to prevent hospitalization, to prevent the AE from becoming life-threatening or causing death; or that is disabling; or that results in persistent or significant disability, incapacity, or limitation of self care activities of daily living (ADLs, getting in and out of bed, dressing, eating, getting around inside, bathing, or using the toilet). AE severity G4 AE severity Grade 4 Web: http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/ctcae.owl#Grade_4_Adverse_Event a severity of AE that has life-threatening consequences, for which urgent intervention is indicated, that puts the patient is at risk of death at the time of the event if immediate intervention is not undertaken, or that causes blindness or deafness (need to decide if unilateral or bilateral). Note the AE severity Grade 4 equals to CTCAE G4 AE severity. CTCAE4: E10008 (Grade 4 Adverse Event) YH, SS AE severity G5 Note the AE severity Grade 5 equals to CTCAE G5 AE severity. YH, SS AE severity Grade 5 Web: http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/ctcae.owl#Grade_5_Adverse_Event CTCAE4: E10009 (Grade 5 Adverse Event) a severity of AE that results in death. gastric disorder AE 10056819 stomach disorder AE a gastrointestinal disorder AE that shows a problem with the stomach, ranging from indigestion and heartburn to peptic ulcers and GERD. RR, YH WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/stomachdisorders.html numbness AE 10029829 YH, JS a sensory capability AE that has an outcome of numbness, a loss of sensation of feeling in a part of the body. WEB: http://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/numbness/basics/definition/sym-20050938 hemolytic anemia AE 10019493 JX, LW, YH 溶血性贫血 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemolytic_anemia Hemolytic anemia AE is an anemia AE associated with hemolysis, the abnormal breakdown of red blood cells (RBCs), either in the blood vessels (intravascular hemolysis) or elsewhere in the human body (extravascular). Such an AE can be relatively harmless or life-threatening. heartburn AE 10019326 Heartburn AE is a gastric disorder AE that also known as pyrosis, cardialgia, or acid indigestion. It's a burning sensation in the chest, just behind the breastbone or in the epigastrium, the upper central abdomen. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartburn JX, LW, YH 胃灼热(烧心) mastauxe AE 乳房增大 JX, LW, YH WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/mastauxe Mastauxea AE is a reproductive system AE that shows enlargement of the breast. hypoactive sexual desire disorder AE 10020933 hyposexuality AE JX, LW, YH WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypoactive_sexual_desire_disorder 性欲减退 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder AE is a libido disorder AE that is considered a sexual dysfunction and is characterized as a lack or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity, as judged by a clinician. chromatosis AE 色素沉着 WEB: http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/chromatosis JX, LW, YH Chromatos AE is a skin AE shows that deposit of pigment in a normally unpigmented area or excessive pigmentation in a normally pigmented site. allergic rhinitis AE 10001723 Allergic rhinitis AE is a rhinitis AE that is an allergic inflammation of the nasal airways. It occurs when an allergen, such as pollen, dust, or animal dander (particles of shed skin and hair) is inhaled by an individual with a sensitized immune system. 过敏性鼻炎 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allergic_rhinitis NCIt:C79532 CTCAE:E13303 JX, LW, YH, MW loose stools AE 10024840 JX, LW, YH Loose stools AE is a abnormal stool AE that is usually a form of diarrhea and many conditions causing loose stool will be listed under diarrhea. It may also be related to watery stool (also within the spectrum of diarrhea). WEB: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/sym/loose_stool.htm 稀便 eructation AE 10015137 JX, LW, YH ructus AE WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burping burping AE belching AE Eructation AE is a digestive system AE that is the release of gas from the digestive tract (mainly esophagus and stomach) through the mouth. It is usually accompanied with a typical sound and, at times, an odor. 嗳气 glossolalia AE Glossolalia AE is a speech disorder AE that is the fluid vocalizing of speech-like syllables that lack any readily comprehended meaning. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossolalia JX, LW, YH 语言不清 stomach ache AE 10042126 NCIt: C26682 胃痛 abdominal pain AE stomach pain AE stomachache AE CTCAE: E10460 JX, LW, YH Stomachache AE is a pain AE that the pain in or near your stomach. It is a common symptom associated with transient disorders or serious disease. conduction block AE 传导阻滞 Conduction block AE is a conduction system disorder AE that shows failure of impulse transmission at some point along a nerve fiber, although conduction along the segments proximal and distal to it are unaffected. JX, LW, YH WEB: http://www.medilexicon.com/medicaldictionary.php?t=10757 photodermatitis AE WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photodermatitis 光敏性皮炎 Photodermatitis AE is a dermatitis AE that referred to as sun poisoning or photoallergy, is a form of allergic contact dermatitis in which the allergen must be activated by light to sensitize the allergic response, and to cause a rash or other systemic effects on subsequent exposure. JX, LW, YH interstitial nephritis AE 10048302 tubulointerstitial nephritis AE Interstitial nephritis AE is an inflammation AE that is a form of nephritis affecting the interstitium of the kidneys surrounding the tubules. This disease can be either acute, meaning it occurs suddenly, or chronic, meaning it is ongoing and eventually ends in kidney failure. 间质肾炎 JX, LW, YH WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstitial_nephritis dysphoria AE 10013954 烦躁不安 JX, LW, YH Dysphoria AE is a behavior and neurological AE that is a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction. In a psychiatric context, dysphoria may accompany depression, anxiety, or agitation. Common reactions to dysphoria include emotional distress or indifference. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysphoria herpes simplex AE 10019948 JX, LW, YH WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herpes_simplex herpes catarrhalis AE a herpes viral infection AE tha is caused by both Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). 单纯疱疹 unconsciousness AE 10045481 Unconsciousness AE is a sensory capability AE that is a state which occurs when the ability to maintain a awareness of self and environment is lost, it involves a complete or near-complete lack of responsiveness to people and other environmental stimuli. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconsciousness JX, LW, YH loss of consciousness AE 意识丧失 miosis AE 10027646 Miosis AE is an eye AE that is a term with various definitions, which generally include constriction of the pupil. 瞳孔缩小 myosis AE WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miosis JX, LW, YH albuminuria AE 10001580 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuminuria 蛋白尿 JX, LW, YH Albuminuria AE is a urine abnormality AE that is a pathological condition wherein albumin is present in the urine. It is a type of proteinuria. contact dermatitis AE 10010790 Contact dermatitis AE is a dermatitis AE that is a type of skin inflammation.It results from exposure to allergens (allergic contact dermatitis) or irritants (irritant contact dermatitis). Phototoxic dermatitis occurs when the allergen or irritant is activated by sunlight. JX, LW, YH 接触性皮炎 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contact_dermatitis peripheral coldness AE 10034568 a sensory capability AE that has an outcome of peripheral coldness, or coldness of extremeties WEB: http://www.patient.co.uk/leaflets/peripheral_coldness.htm RR hyperesthesia AE 10020568 a sensory capability AE that has an outcome of hyperaesthesia, meaning unusual or pathological sensitivity of the skin or of a particular sense RR 神经过敏 WEB: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperesthesia hyperaesthesia AE idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura AE 10021245 RR a thrombocytopenic purpura AE with no known cause (idiopathic). Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is a bleeding disorder in which the immune system destroys platelets, which are necesssary for normal blood clotting. Persons with this disorder have too few platelets in the blood. 特发性血小板减少性紫癜 WEB: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000535.htm fecal incontinence AE 10016092 10016296 RR, MW, YH faecal incontinence AE CTCAE: E10693 NCIt: C78498 WEB: http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/fecalincontinence/#what an abnormal defecation AE that has an outcome of fecal incontinence, the accidental passing of solid or liquid stool or mucus from the rectum fear AE 10016275 WEB: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fear RR a behavior and neurological AE that has an outcome of fear, which is to be afraid and/or worried anaphylactic shock AE 10002199 WEB: http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=10092 WEB: http://smschile.cl/documentos/cursos2010/MedicalClinicsNorthAmerica/Acute%20Symptoms%20of%20Drug%20Hypersensitivity%20%28Urticaria,%20Angioedema,%20Anaphylaxis,%20Anaphylactic%20Shock%29.pdf a circulatory AE that is a serious allergic reaction associated with systemic vasodilation that causes low blood pressure which is by definition 30% lower than the person's baseline or below standard values. 过敏性休克 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaphylaxis JX, LW, YH, RR epigastric discomfort AE 10053155 JX, LW, YH 上腹部不适 WEB: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/sym/epigastric_discomfort.htm Epigastric discomfort is a discomfort AE that shows discomfort in the upper central region of the abdomen. upper Abdominal discomfort AE acute intravascular hemolysis AE Acute intravascular hemolysis AE is a cardiovascular AE that has an outcome of disruption of red blood cells occurs while they are within blood vessels. JX, LW, YH 急性血管内溶血 skin redness AE Skin redness AE is an erythema AE that is abnormal redness of the skin, often signaling a pathological condition, such as inflammation, infection, or sunburn. JX, LW, YH 皮肤发红 WEB: http://www.healthline.com/health/skin-redness hearing disorder AE 10019243 JX, LW, YH Hearing disorder AE is an ear disorder that shows impairment of the sense of hearing. 听觉障碍 increased defecation frequency AE Increased defecation frequency AE is a abnormal stool AE that shows defecation number increased. 大便次数增加 JX, LW, YH pain over the liver AE JX, LW, YH 肝区痛 Pain over the liver AE is a pain AE that shows pain over the liver. numbness of tongue AE Numbness of tongue AE is a numbness AE that shows abnormal feeling or loss of sensation in the tongue. JX, LW, YH 舌部麻木 numbness of the limbs AE JX, LW, YH Numbness of the limbs AE is a numbness AE that shows reduced or loss of sensation on the skin of the arm and leg. 肢体麻木 insomnia AE 10022437 a sleep disorder AE in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired. SIDER: C0917801 YH, MW HPO: HP_0002360 WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insomnia CTCAE: E12925 Insomnia is a symptom of a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. bleeding and coagulation disorders AE JX, LW, YH Bleeding and coagulation disorders AE is a hematopoietic system AE that shows bleeding and coagulation disorders. 出凝血功能障碍 skin allergy AE 皮肤过敏 an allergy AE that shows swelling and irritation of the skin, caused by an allergy to a substance in the environment. JX, LW, YH acousma AE 幻听 JX, LW, YH Acousma AE is a sensory capability AE that shows a hallucinatory impression of strange sounds. obviously decreased blood pressure AE 血压明显下降 JX, LW, YH significantly decreased blood pressure AE Obviously decreased blood pressure AE is a hypotension AE that shows obviously sustained low blood pressure at a level that is likely to result in cardiovascular disease and/or other pathological states. proarrhythmic effect AE 10036766 Proarrhythmic effect AE is an arrhythmia AE that is a new or more frequent occurrence of pre-existing arrhythmias, paradoxically precipitated by antiarrhythmic therapy, which means it is a side effect associated with the administration of some existing antiarrhythmic drugs, as well as drugs for other indications. In other words, it is a tendency of antiarrhythmic drugs to facilitate emergence of new arrhythmias. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proarrhythmia arhythmia auxo-action AE JX, LW, YH 致心律失常 low bone density AE 10049470 SJ, YH WEB: http://nof.org/articles/9 a bone disorder AE that has an outcome of low bone densityl, but not low enough to be considered osteoporosis gaze palsy AE 10056696 A palsy AE that has a symmetric limitation of the movements of both eyes in the same direction. WEB: http://one.aao.org/bcscsnippetdetail.aspx?id=f5a77965-de2a-4fb0-82fb-5f4089671ad6 JX, YH menstrual disorder AE 10027327 Menstrual disorder AE is an abnormal condition in a woman's menstrual cycle. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menstrual_disorder JX, YH cognitive disorder AE 10057668 a psychiatric disorder AE that is a category of mental health disorders that primarily affect learning, memory, perception, and problem solving, and include amnesia, dementia, and delirium. JX, YH WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_disorder menstruation irregular AE 10022992 10027339 Menstruation irregular AE is a endocrine system AE that is an abnormal variation in length of menstrual cycles in a female. NCIt: C35219 irregular menstruation AE JX, YH, MW WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irregular_menstruation CTCAE: E13125 generalised tonic-clonic seizure AE 10018100 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonic%E2%80%93clonic_seizure Generalised tonic-clonic seizure AE is a seizure AE that is a type of generalized seizure that affects the entire brain. Tonic–clonic seizures are the seizure type most commonly associated with epilepsy and seizures in general, though it is a misconception that they are the only type. JX, YH cryptorchidism AE 10011498 cryptorchidism AE is a male reproductive system AE which results in the absence of one or both testes from the scrotum. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptorchidism YH, SJ undescended testis delusion AE 10012239 SJ, YH WEB: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/delusion a psychiatric disorder AE that results in a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary. epileptic seizure AE a seizure AE that shows a brief episode of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. 癫痫 WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epileptic_seizure epilepsy JX, YH cardiac function test abnormal AE 10058479 UMLS CUI: C0438177 a cardiovascular investigation result abnormal AE that results in an abnormal result on a test used to evaluate heart function YH WEB: http://www.drsinatra.com/heart-function-tests-to-assess-heart-disease-risk/ WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiology_diagnostic_tests_and_procedures injury or procedural complication AE injury and procedural complication AE an adverse event that shows a result of injury or procedural complication. JX, YH testicular disorder AE 10043306 a male reproductive system AE that has involvement of the testis. CTCAE: E13215 NCIt: C26890 MW, YH euphoria AE 10015533 a behavior and neurological AE that has an exaggerated feeling of well-being which is disproportionate to events and stimuli. CTCAE: E12915 MW, YH NCIt: C34598 oligospermia AE 10030300 a male reproductive system AE that has a decrease in the number of spermatozoa in the semen. CTCAE: E13141 NCIt: C34860 MW, YH medical procedure YH, SS a medical intervention that refers to any series of pre-defined steps that should be followed to achieve a desired result. WEB: http://www.wisegeekhealth.com/what-is-the-difference-between-a-surgery-and-a-procedure.htm behavior abnormal quality YH, JX a behavioral quality where the behavior in an organism is abnormal. WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abnormality_(behavior) herpes viral infection AE 10019972 a viral infection AE that is caused by a herpes virus. Note that there are 8 herpesvirus types. WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herpesviridae YH, JX coordination and balance disorder AE 10072984 YH, QL coordination and balance disturbance AE a cross product of coordination abnormal AE and balance disorder AE aversion to greasy food AE an anorexia AE that has loss of appetite of greasy food. QL, YH WEB: http://www.anxietycare.org.uk/docs/eating.asp dysstasia AE 10050218 YH, QL a coordination and balance disorder AE that has difficulty in standing WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/dysstasia dystasia AE gastrorrhexis AE QL, YH WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/gastrorrhexis a gastric disorder AE that shows an rupture in the stomach stomach rupture rupture AE WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupture YH. QL an injury AE that refers to break or burst suddenly (esp. of a pipe, a vessel, or a bodily part such as an organ or membrane) acute gastric mucosal lesion AE 10000753 AGML AE WEB: http://medmantic.com/wiki/Acute_Gastric_Mucosal_Lesion 急性胃黏膜损害 a gastric disorder AE that shows the body under stress, causing acute erosion, bleeding and ulcers, stomach or duodenal mucosa damage collectively. The main clinical manifestations include upper gastrointestinal bleeding and a small perforation. QL, YH bowel sounds increased AE 10048720 QL, YH a bowel sounds abnormal AE that shows an increased amount of bowel sounds. hyperactive bowel sounds AE 肠鸣音亢进 UMLS CUI: C0232694 WEB: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003137.htm bowel sounds abnormal AE WEB: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003137.htm UMLS CUI: C0159060 肠鸣音异常 QL, YH a gastrointestinal disorder AE that shows an abnormal amount of bowel sounds. hyperacusia AE 10052526 WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperacusis a hearing disorder AE with an abnormally disproportionate increase in the sensation of loudness in response to auditory stimuli of normal volume QL, YH 听觉过敏 lumbago AE a back pain AE that occurs at the low back WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_back_pain low back pain AE 腰痛 QL, YH 下背痛 kidney area percussion pain AE a pain AE that shows the pain in the kidney area identified by a percussion procedure. 肾区叩击痛 QL, YH URL http://howshealth.com/kidney-pain-location-causes-symptoms-treatment/#percussion physical examination 10071941 a medical procedure by which a medical professional investigates the body of a patient for signs of disease. QL, YH WEB: http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/annual-physical-examinations WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_examination percussion procedure 10051720 a physical test by which a surface is tapped to determine the underlying structure, and is used in clinical examinations to assess the condition of the thorax or abdomen. percussion test QL, YH WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percussion_(medicine) cylindruria AE 10011730 10067534 管型尿 QL, YH a urine analysis result abnomal AE that shows cylindrical structures produced by the kidney and present in the urine. WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cylindruria urinary casts present AE visual disturbance AE 10047543 an eye disorder AE that causes visual disturbance and interfere with normal sight. WEB: http://www.healthline.com/symptom/visual-disturbance JX, YH eye edema AE 10052139 an edema AE that has an outcome of swelling in the eye. JX, YH feces pale AE 10016102 an abnormal stool AE that shows pale or clay-colored stool. faeces pale AE WEB: http://www.healthline.com/symptom/pale-stools 大便苍白 JX, YH hypomenorrhea AE 10021032 WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypomenorrhea hypomenorrhoea AE 月经减少 QL, YH a menstrual disorder AE that shows an extremely light menstrual blood flow necrospermia AE 10074729 MP: MP_0009325 QL, YH WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necrospermia a male reproductive system AE in which spermatozoa in seminal fluid are dead or motionless 死精 subfertility AE 10042391 WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infertility JX, LW, YH MP: MP_0001921 a reproductive system AE that results in diminished ability to produce live offspring 生育能力下降 infertility AE 10021926 不孕不育 QL, YH WEB: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infertility/basics/definition/con-20034770 MP: MP_0001921 a reproductive system AE that results in an inability to conceive for at least one year after trying and having unprotected sex. low estrogen level AE 10015519 WEB: http://www.md-health.com/Low-Estrogen.html hypoestrogenism AE 性激素水平下降 estrogen deficiency AE QL, YH an endocrine investigation result abnormal AE that is characterized by a lower than normal level of estrogen, the primary sex hormone in women WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypoestrogenism dysfunctional uterine bleeding AE 10013908 QL, YH 功能性子宫出血 WEB: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/257007-overview MESH: D008796 a hemorrhage AE that occurs at the uterus, but it is not related to menstruation. The irregular and unpredictable bleeding usually comes from a dysfunctional endometrium. testicular atrophy AE 10043298 睾丸萎缩 WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicular_atrophy QL, YH a testicular disorder AE that has a loss of testicular volume pure red cell aplasia AE red-cell aplasia, pure PRCA AE QL, YH WEB: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/205695-overview MESH: D012010 an aplastic anemia AE that results in the suppression of erythropoiesis with little or no abnormality of leukocyte or platelet production. 纯红再障性贫血 allergic cutaneous vasculitis AE QL, YH WEB: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000874.htm DO: DOID_11450 a cutaneous vasculitis AE that results in inflammation of small blood vessels, characterized clinically by palpable purpura, which is a slightly elevated purpuric rash over one or more areas of the kin. 皮肤变应性血管炎 melanoplakia AE SNOMEDCT: 84647002 a skin hyperpigmentation AE that shows the occurrence of pigmented patches on the tongue and buccal mucousmembranes. WEB: http://www.medilexicon.com/medicaldictionary.php?t=53725 皮肤黑斑病 QL, YH erythema nodosum AE 10015226 结节性红斑 an erythema AE that showns an erythematous eruption characterized by inflammatory nodules that are usually tender, multiple, and bilateral. Such a symptom is commonly associated with drug reactions or infection. WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erythema_nodosum erythemanodosum AE QL, YH HPO: HP_0012219 MeSH: D004893 tonic spasm AE QL, YH WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/tonic+spasm 强直性痉挛 a muscle spasm AE that occurs when the contraction of a spasm is sustained or continuing. Such a spasm is generally severe because is is often caused by diseases that affect the central nervous system or brain, such as tetanus, rabies, and cerebral palsy. premature ovarian failure AE DO: DOID_5426 a female reproductive system AE that occurs at the ovaries where ovaries do not produce estrogen despite high levels of circulating gonadotropins in women under 40. WEB: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/prematureovarianfailure.html WEB: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/premature-ovarian-failure/basics/definition/con-20028351 primary ovarian insufficiency AE QL, YH 卵巢早衰 skin erosion AE 10040840 QL, YH HP: HP_0200041 a skin adverse event that has an outcome of a discontinuity of the skin exhibiting incomplete loss of the epidermis, a lesion that is moist, circumscribed, and usually depressed. arrest of hematopoiesis AE 造血功能障碍 QL, YH WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haematopoiesis a hematopoietic system AE that has an outcome of an arrest of the formation of blood cellular components. acute arrest of hematopoiesis AE an arrest of hematopoiesis AE that occurs quickly 急性造血功能障碍 WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haematopoiesis QL, YH palsy AE A paralysis AE accompanied by involuntary tremors. 麻痹 KY, YH WEB: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/palsy WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palsy optic hyperesthesia AE 光过敏 YH, Jiahao Wang WEB: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/optic+hyperesthesia A hyperaesthesia AE that occurs at the optic area, reflected by an abnormal sensitivity to light. asphyxia AE 10003497 10003502 窒息 An abnormal respiration AE that shows a severely deficient supply of oxygen to the body that arises from abnormal breathing. WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asphyxia asphyxiation AE YH, Jiahao Wang myotonia AE 10061533 肌强直 WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myotonia An muscle AE showing delayed relaxation (prolonged contraction) of the skeletal muscles after voluntary contraction or electrical stimulation YH, Jiahao Wang neck myotonia AE An myotonia AE that occurs in the neck. YH, Jiahao Wang WEB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myotonia 颈项强直 planned process 'Plan' includes a future direction sense. That can be problematic if plans are changed during their execution. There are however implicit contingencies for protocols that an agent has in his mind that can be considered part of the plan, even if the agent didn't have them in mind before. Therefore, a planned process can diverge from what the agent would have said the plan was before executing it, by adjusting to problems encountered during execution (e.g. choosing another reagent with equivalent properties, if the originally planned one has run out.) 6/11/9: Edited at workshop. Used to include: is initiated by an agent Bjoern Peters Injecting mice with a vaccine in order to test its efficacy We are only considering successfully completed planned processes. A plan may be modified, and details added during execution. For a given planned process, the associated realized plan specification is the one encompassing all changes made during execution. This means that all processes in which an agent acts towards achieving some objectives is a planned process. branch derived http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi.owl A processual entity that realizes a plan which is the concretization of a plan specification. This class merges the previously separated objective driven process and planned process, as they the separation proved hard to maintain. (1/22/09, branch call) planned process scattered molecular aggregate scattered molecular aggregate the sodium and chloride ions in a glass of salt water A scattered molecular aggregate is a material entity that consists of all the molecules of a specific type that are located in some bounded region and which is part of a more massive material entity that has parts that are other such aggregates Collective Discussion in Karslruhe with, among others, Alan Rector, Stefan Schulz, Marijke Keet, Melanie Courtot, and Alan Ruttenberg. With inspiration from the paper Granularity, scale and collectivity: When size does and does not matter, Alan Recto, Jeremy Rogers, Thomas Bittner, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 39 (2006) 333-349 PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg organism 10/21/09: This is a placeholder term, that should ideally be imported from the NCBI taxonomy, but the high level hierarchy there does not suit our needs (includes plasmids and 'other organisms') 13-02-2009: OBI doesn't take position as to when an organism starts or ends being an organism - e.g. sperm, foetus. This issue is outside the scope of OBI. GROUP: OBI Biomaterial Branch http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi.owl A material entity that is an individual living system, such as animal, plant, bacteria or virus, that is capable of replicating or reproducing, growth and maintenance in the right environment. An organism may be unicellular or made up, like humans, of many billions of cells divided into specialized tissues and organs. WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organism animal fungus organism plant virus bodily process Albert Goldfain creation date: 2009-06-23T11:53:49Z pathological bodily process Albert Goldfain http://ontology.buffalo.edu/medo/Disease_and_Diagnosis.pdf A bodily process that is clinically abnormal. creation date: 2009-06-23T11:54:29Z treatment http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ogms.owl creation date: 2010-03-31T04:51:11Z http://code.google.com/p/ogms/issues/detail?id=35 A processual entity whose completion is hypothesized (by a healthcare provider) to alleviate the signs and symptoms associated with a disorder Albert Goldfain behavioral quality An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's behavior aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements in a given situation. PATO:0000186 PATO:0001722 behavioural quality quality physical quality A quality of a physical entity that exists through action of continuants at the physical level of organisation in relation to other entities. PATO:0001018 PATO:0002079 Wikipedia:Physical_property quality relational physical quality process quality A quality which inheres in an process. PATO:0001236 PATO:0001239 PATO:0001240 See comments of relational quality of a physical entity. quality quality of a process quality of occurrent quality of process relational quality of occurrent physical object quality A quality which inheres in a continuant. PATO:0001237 PATO:0001238 PATO:0001241 Relational qualities are qualities that hold between multiple entities. Normal (monadic) qualities such as the shape of a eyeball exist purely as a quality of that eyeball. A relational quality such as sensitivity to light is a quality of that eyeball (and connecting nervous system) as it relates to incoming light waves/particles. monadic quality of a continuant monadic quality of an object monadic quality of continuant multiply inhering quality of a physical entity quality quality of a continuant quality of a single physical entity quality of an object quality of continuant snap:Quality organismal quality A quality that inheres in an entire organism or part of an organism. PATO:0001995 quality bark A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) outside the vascular cambium (PO:0005598) or the xylem (PO:0005352); in older trees may be divided into dead outer bark and living inner bark, which consists of secondary phloem (PO:0005043). PO:0004518 corteza (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy portion of bark tissue (exact) 樹皮 (Japanese, exact) root epidermis A portion of epidermis (PO:0005679) that is part of a root (PO:0009005). PO:0006036 PO:0006037 PO_GIT:111 The root epidermis is different from the shoot epidermis in its origin, function and structure. epiblem (related) epidermis de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy rhizodermis (related) 根表皮 (Japanese, exact) fruit A fruit (PO:0009001) may contain additional plant structures (PO:0009011) that were part of a flower (PO:0009046) and mature along with the gynoecium, such as a receptacle (PO:0009064). A fruit may develop without fertilization in cases of parthenocarpy, apomixis, or other hormone-induced conditions and may not always contain seeds (PO:0009010). When annotating to fruit (PO:0009001) that are referred to as ‘aggregate’, ‘multiple’, or ‘compound’, please annotate directly to the appropriate plant structure, such as receptacle, hypanthium (PO:0009065) or infructescence (PO:0006342). Fruits only occur in angiosperms. A multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496) that develops from a gynoecium (PO:0009062), or a single carpel (PO:0009030), and at maturity may have as parts one or more seeds (PO:0009010). PO:0009001 PO:0020067 PO:0020068 PO:0020069 PO:0020070 PO:0020071 PO:0020072 PO:0020073 PO:0020074 PO:0020076 PO:0020077 PO:0020078 PO:0020079 PO:0020080 PO:0020082 PO:0020083 PO:0020087 PO:0020107 PO_GIT:76 aggregate fruit (broad) coenocarp (narrow) compound fruit (broad) dehiscent fruit (broad) diaspore (broad) frucht (exact, German) fruto (exact, Spanish) indehiscent fruit (broad) multiple fruit (broad) plant_anatomy propagule (broad) syncarp (narrow) 果実 (exact, Japanese) root A plant axis (PO:0025004) that lacks shoot axis nodes (PO:0005004) and usually grows indeterminately. PO:0003006 PO:0009005 PO_GIT:578 Roots function in the absorption of water and inorganic nutrients, anchoring the plant body to the substrate and supporting it, storage of food and nutrients, and vegetative reproduction. The roots of most vascular plant species enter into symbiosis with soil-borne microorganisms. Roots are usually positively geotropic and found underground, although there are many exceptions such as the aerial roots of orchids. Roots often form secondary thickening from the root lateral meristem (PO:0006308). Commonly thought of as one of the three basic parts of the plant body, along with the shoot axis (PO:0025029) and leaves (PO:0025034). aerial root (narrow) climbing root (narrow) plant_anatomy ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) radices (exact, plural) radix (exact) 根 (Japanese, exact) shoot system A collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) that produces shoot-borne portions of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) and the plant structures (PO:0009011) that arise from them. PO:0009006 PO_GIT:135 Poaceae crown (related) The shoot system is generally used to refer to the above-ground plant parts, although some plants have parts of their shoot system underground. For example, a rhizome (PO:0004542), bulb (PO:0025356), a corm (PO:0025355) or a subterranean tuber (PO:0004547), as in Solanum tuberosum (potato) or yam, are all part of the shoot system. plant_anatomy shoot (related) sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) thalli (related) thallus (related) tree crown (narrow) シュート系、苗条系 (Japanese, exact) portion of plant tissue A plant structure (PO:0009011) that consists predominantly of similarly specialized plant cells (PO:0009002) of one or more types. A portion of plant tissue may contain one or several types of cells that are organized in a specific spatial arrangement into a structural unit (which includes a mass of callus) and may include an intercellular matrix. May include other types of isolated cells, such as idioblasts. PO:0009007 PO_GIT:59 plant tissue (related) plant_anatomy porci&#243n de un tejido vegetal (Spanish, exact) portion of tissue (broad) tissue (broad) 植物組織の一部 (Japanese, exact) plant organ &#243rgano vegetal (Spanish, exact) A multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496) that is a functional unit, is a proper part of a whole plant (PO:0000003), and includes portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007) of at least two different types that derive from a common developmental path. Examples include stem (PO:0009047), leaf (PO:0025034), and root (PO:0009005). May include individual plant cells (PO:0009002) that are not part of a portion of plant tissue (e.g., idioblasts, PO:0000283). A plant organ may have one or more different plant organs as parts, such as a sporophyll (PO:0009026) that may have as part a sporangium (PO:0025094) or a carpel (PO:0009030) that may have as part a plant ovule (PO:0020003). PO:0009008 PO_GIT:55 compound plant organ (related) organ (broad) plant_anatomy simple plant organ (related) 植物 器官 (Japanese, exact) seed A multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496) that develops from a plant ovule (PO:0020003) and has as parts a plant embryo (PO:0009009) enclosed in a seed coat (PO:0009088). A seed generally develops from an ovule (PO:0020003) after fertilization, but may develop without fertilization in the case of apogamy (e.g., adventitious embryos or somatic embryos). A seed is a reproductive unit of seed plants (gymnosperms, angiosperms, and fossil pteridosperms). PO:0009010 PO_GIT:405 diaspore (broad) plant_anatomy pyrene (narrow) semilla (Spanish, exact) 種子 (Japanese, exact) plant structure 'Part' includes both proper parts and the whole plant. CARO:0000003 anatomical structure is defined as: Material anatomical entity that has inherent 3D shape and is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. An anatomical structure that is or was part of a plant, or was derived from a part of a plant. PO:0009011 PO_GIT:57 estructura vegetal (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy 植物 構造 (Japanese, exact) stem A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is the primary axis of a plant. A stem often bears leaves and buds. It is usually above ground, and is more or less negatively geotropic. PO:0009047 PO_GIT:52 PO_GIT:96 bole (narrow) ca&#241a (Spanish, exact) cane (narrow) caudex (narrow) caudices (narrow) core (narrow) culm (exact) eje primario (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy primary axis (exact) primary stem (exact) primocane (narrow) scape (narrow) stalk (narrow) tallo (Spanish, exact) tronco (Spanish, exact) trunk (narrow) 茎 (Japanese, exact) plant axis 2010-07-01T03:44:41Z An axial plant organ (PO:0009008). Includes roots and shoots. PO:0025004 eje de la planta (Spanish, exact) plant axes (exact, plural) plant_anatomy rwalls 植物軸(軸柱) (Japanese, exact) shoot axis 2010-07-01T03:46:35Z A plant axis (PO:0025004) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006). Often bears leaves and branches. In vascular plants, has at least one node and one internode. PO:0025029 caullome (exact) eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy rwalls shoot (related) シュート軸 (Japanese, exact) leaf 2010-07-12T01:31:44Z A phyllome (PO:0006001) that is not associated with a reproductive structure. PO:0025034 PO_GIT:274 PO_GIT:301 hoja (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy rwalls 葉 (Japanese, exact) branch 2010-07-01T04:21:46Z A shoot axis (PO:00025029) that develops from an axillary bud meristem (PO:0000232) or from equal divisions of a meristematic apical cell (PO:0030007). In vascular plants, branches arise from an axillary bud meristem (PO:0000232) and from divisions of the meristematic apical cell (PO:0030007) in non-vascular plants. PO:0025073 PO_GIT:134 branchlet (narrow) higher order axis (narrow) plant_anatomy ramificaci&#243n (Spanish, exact) rwalls secondary axis (narrow) shoot axis branch (exact) tertiary axis (narrow) twig (narrow) 枝 (Japanese, exact) plant anatomical entity 2010-11-15T11:41:38Z An anatomical entity that is or was part of a plant. Includes both material entities such as plant structures and immaterial entities such as plant anatomical spaces. CARO:0000000 anatomical entity is defined as: Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species. PO:0025131 PO_GIT:224 entidad anat&#243mica vegetal (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy rwalls 植物 解剖学(形態)的実体 (Japanese, exact) multi-tissue plant structure 2012-06-11T14:57:00Z A plant structure (PO:0009011) that has as parts two or more portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007) of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single structural unit demarcated by primarily bona-fide boundaries from other structural units of different types. Laurel_Cooper Most multi-tissue plant structures have at least a small connection to other plant structures via a fiat boundary, such as where a leaf (PO:0025034) connects to a shoot axis (PO:0025029), a petal (PO:0009032) connects to a receptacle (PO:0009064), or a branch (PO:0025073) connects to a stem (PO:0009047). PO:0025496 PO_GIT:480 estructura vegetal con m&#250ltiples tejidos (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy 複数の組織からなる植物構造 (Japanese, exact) traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces 中药饮片 Decoction Pieces TCM decoction pieces With crude medicine as raw materials, according to Chinese medicine theory, after processing, it can be directly used in traditional Chinese medicine clinical or pharmaceutical production and use of prescription drugs. 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局中国国家标准化管理委员会.GB/T 31774-2015 中华人民共和国国家标准,中药编码规则及编码[S].2015. 以中药材为原材料,按中医药理论,经过加工炮制后,可直接用于中医临床或制剂生产使用的处方药品。 TCM dispelling pathogenic wind and dampeness drug 祛风湿药 Dispelling Pathogenic Wind and Dampeness Drugs TCM warming interior drug 温里药 Warming Interior Drug TCM promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis drug 活血化瘀药 Promoting Blood Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis Drugs TCM supplementing and boosting drug 补虚药 Supplementing and Boosting Drugs TCM wind-damp dispelling and cold-dispersing drug 祛风湿散寒药 Wind-damp Dispelling and Cold-dispersing Drugs TCM winddamp-dispelling and heat-clearing drug 祛风湿清热药 Winddamp-dispelling and Heat-clearing Drugs TCM winddamp-dispelling and tendon-bone-strengthening drug 祛风湿强筋骨药 Winddamp-dispelling and Tendon-bone-strengthening Drugs TCM blood-activating and trauma-curing drug 活血疗伤药 Blood-activating and Trauma-curing Drugs TCM blood-supplementing drug 补血药 Blood-supplementing Drugs Channel Tropism 药物作用部位 药物对于机体某部分的选择性作用。 钟赣生主编.中药学[M].北京:中国中医药出版社,2012. 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Adverse Drug Reactions Journal,2006,8(1):62 islet of Langerhans A primitive exocrine pancreas can be found in holocephalan cartilaginous fish; a pancreatic duct directly ending in the gut lumen is connected to a glandular structure made of exocrine cells and associated with cell islets, which comprises three different hormone-producing cell types: insulin, somatostatin and glucagon (Yui and Fujita, 1986) AAO:0010406 Anatomical structure which consists of glands developed from pancreatic ducts in the larvae and secrete insulin.[AAO] BTO:0000991 CALOHA:TS-0741 EFO:0000856 EMAPA:32927 EV:0100130 FMA:16016 GAID:324 MA:0000127 MAT:0000076 MESH:D007515 MIAA:0000076 Mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians have a pancreas with similar histology and mode of development, while in some fish, the islet cells are segregated as Brockmann bodies.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000006 UMLS:C0022131 VHOG:0000646 XAO:0000159 island of Langerhans island of pancreas islets of langerhans pancreatic insula pancreatic islet the clusters of hormone-producing cells that are scattered throughout the pancreas uberon peripheral nervous system (...) specific vertebrate traits within the chordate phylum such as skeletal tissues, PNS, and spectacular head and brain development, are linked to the NC (neural crest) and its derivatives.[well established][VHOG] A major division of the nervous system that contains nerves which connect the central nervous system (CNS) with sensory organs, other organs, muscles, blood vessels and glands. AAO:0000429 BAMS:PNS BILA:0000081 BTO:0001028 CALOHA:TS-0808 EFO:0000891 EHDAA2:0001445 EHDAA:2893 EMAPA:16665 EV:0100335 FBbt:00005098 FMA:9903 GAID:715 MA:0000218 MAT:0000338 MESH:D017933 MIAA:0000338 Nervous structures including ganglia outside of the central nervous system. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] PNS Part of nervous system in which nerves extend throughout the body outside of the brain and spinal cord.[AAO] TAO:0000142 The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the part of the nervous system connected to the CNS which contains cranial nerves III - XII, spinal, peripheral and autonomic nerves. (CUMBO) UBERON:0000010 UMLS:C0206417 UMLS:C1305921 VHOG:0000399 XAO:0000178 ZFA:0000142 http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=247 lateral part of the basal amygdalar nucleus lateral part of the basolateral nucleus nucleus amygdalae basalis, pars lateralis nucleus amygdaloideus basalis, pars lateralis magnocellularis nucleus basalis lateralis amygdalae pars peripherica pars peripherica; systema nervosum periphericum systema nervosum periphericum uberon zone of skin (...) it is well-established that neural crest cells contribute to both the dermal skeleton (craniofacial bone, teeth, and the caudal fin rays of teleosts) and the integument, including craniofacial dermis and all pigment cells outside the retina (...).[well established][VHOG] Any portion of the organ that covers that body and consists of a layer of epidermis and a layer of dermis. EHDAA2:0001844 EHDAA:6530 EMAPA:17525 EV:0100152 FMA:86166 GAID:933 MA:0000151 MAT:0000284 MESH:D012867 MIAA:0000284 Note the distinction between the entire skin of the body, of which there is only 1 in an organism, and zones of skin, of which there can be many. Examples: skin of knee OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjX3ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0000014 VHOG:0000860 portion of skin region of skin skin skin region skin zone uberon we assume that mouse, HOG and GAID all mean zone of skin when they say skin. We also choose skin as an exact synonym, as it is more intuitive anatomical boundary A non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions. Anatomical boundaries are contiguous structures. AEO:0000192 CARO:0000010 Except in the case of abstracted fiat boundaries such as the midline plane of an organism, all 2D anatomical entities have a 3 dimensional projection. For example, the surface of the shell of a muscle has a distinct shape that projects into the third dimension. Note that boundaries are 2D structures. They have no thickness - and so can not be sites of gene expression or gene product localisation. For this, use boundary region terms. FMA:50705 UBERON:0000015 uberon endocrine pancreas BTO:0000650 CALOHA:TS-1302 EFO:0002542 EMAPA:35305 EV:0100129 FMA:16018 In the hagfish and lampreys (our most primitive vertebrate species of today), the first sign of 'a new organ' is found as collections of endocrine cells around the area of the bile duct connection with the duodenum. These endocrine organs are composed of 99% beta cells and 1% somatostatin-producing delta cells. Compared to the more primitive protochordates (e.g. amphioxus), this represents a stage where all previously scattered insulin-producing cells of the intestinal tissue have now quantitatively migrated to found a new organ involved in sensing blood glucose rather than gut glucose. Only later in evolution, the beta cells are joined by exocrine tissue and alpha cells (exemplified by the rat-, rabbit- and elephant-fishes). Finally, from sharks and onwards in evolution, we have the islet PP-cell entering to complete the pancreas.[well established][VHOG] MA:0001582 TAO:0001260 The part of the pancreas that acts as an endocrine gland, consisting of the islets of Langerhans, which secrete insulin and other hormones. [TFD][VHOG] The part of the pancreas that is part of the endocrine system and is made up of islet cells, which produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin. The zebrafish endocrine pancreas is composed of small groups of islet cells that are distributed throughout the exocrine pancreas. The islet cells produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin.[TAO] UBERON:0000016 VHOG:0000049 ZFA:0001260 create a separate class for distributed pancreas, eg cyclostomes? endocrine and exocrine pancreas are not co-associated in hagfishes or lampreys endocrine pancreas endocrine part of pancreas islets of Langerhans part of pancreas pars endocrina pancreatis uberon exocrine pancreas AAO:0010407 BTO:0000434 CALOHA:TS-1241 EMAPA:35328 EV:0100093 FMA:16017 In the hagfish and lampreys (our most primitive vertebrate species of today), the first sign of 'a new organ' is found as collections of endocrine cells around the area of the bile duct connection with the duodenum. These endocrine organs are composed of 99% beta cells and 1% somatostatin-producing delta cells. Compared to the more primitive protochordates (e.g. amphioxus), this represents a stage where all previously scattered insulin-producing cells of the intestinal tissue have now quantitatively migrated to found a new organ involved in sensing blood glucose rather than gut glucose. Only later in evolution, the beta cells are joined by exocrine tissue and alpha cells (exemplified by the rat-, rabbit- and elephant-fishes). Finally, from sharks and onwards in evolution, we have the islet PP-cell entering to complete the pancreas.[well established][VHOG] MA:0002415 TAO:0001249 The exocrine pancreas is composed of acinar epithelial cells and ductal epithelium that manufacture the proteolytic enzymes and bicarbonate required for digestion.[TAO] The part of the pancreas that acts as an exocrine gland, consisting of the pancreatic acini, which produce pancreatic juice and secrete it into the intestine to aid in protein digestion. [TFD][VHOG] The part of the pancreas that is part of the exocrine system and which produces and store zymogens of digestive enzymes, such as chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen in the acinar cells [GO]. UBERON:0000017 UMLS:C0553695 VHOG:0000048 XAO:0000137 ZFA:0001249 exocrine component of pancreas exocrine pancreas exocrine part of pancreas pars exocrina pancreatis uberon camera-type eye A cavitated compound organ that transduces light waves into neural signals.[TAO] AAO:0010340 An organ of sight that includes the camera-type eyeball and supporting structures such as the lacrimal apparatus, the conjunctiva, the eyelid. BTO:0004688 EHDAA2:0000484 EHDAA:936 EMAPA:16198 FMA distinguishes Eye (subdivision of face) which has its parts an Eyeball (organ), as well as other structures, and the orbit of skull. MA includes eyelid, conjunctiva and lacrimal apparatus as part of MA:eye - consistent with FMA - so we can infer that MA:eye is more like FMA:eye than FMA:eyeball. For other AOs this distinction is less meaningful - e.g. ZFA has no eyelid; XAO has no eyelid, but it has conjuctiva, which is considered part of the xao:eye. GO considers eyelid development part of eye development. See also notes on optic nerve - XAO, AAO and BTO consider this part of the eye. MA considers the eye muscles part of the eye, whereas FMA has a class 'orbital content' for this FMA:54448 MA:0000261 OpenCyc:Mx8Ngx4rwKSh9pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVil5pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvViTvpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000107 The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000019 UMLS:C0015392 UMLS:C1280202 VHOG:0000275 XAO:0000179 ZFA:0000107 camera-type eye plus associated structures eye eyes orbital part of face orbital region regio orbitalis uberon vertebrate eye sense organ AEO:0000094 An organ that is capable of transducing sensory stimulus to the nervous system. BSA:0000121 BTO:0000202 CALOHA:TS-2043 EHDAA2:0001824 EHDAA:500 EMAPA:16192 EMAPA:35955 FBbt:00005155 GAID:63 HAO:0000930 MA:0000017 MESH:D012679 Sinnesorgan UBERON:0000020 UMLS:C0935626 VHOG:0001407 WBbt:0006929 organ of sense organ system organ of sensory organ system organ of sensory system sense organ system organ sensillum sensor sensory organ sensory organ system organ sensory system organ uberon tube Any hollow cylindrical anatomical structure containing a lumen through which substances are transported. UBERON:0000025 anatomical tube duct galen:Tube not every anatomical conduit is a tube - for example, a bone foramen is an opening in the bone, and there is no distinct separate tube structure. Tubes may transport large mixed objects (for example, a bolus of food in the digestive tube) or they may transport the secretions of a single gland (for example, gland ducts) tubular uberon appendage AEO:0000193 An appendage is an external body part, or natural prolongation, that protrudes from an organism's body, such as a vertebrate's limbs[BILA][BILA:0000018]. BILA:0000018 BTO:0001492 CARO:0010003 EFO:0000799 EHDAA2:0003193 EV:0100155 FBbt:00007000 HAO:0000144 MAT:0000023 MESH:D005121 MIAA:0000023 Major subdivision of an organism that protrudes from the body[DOS, CARO]. OpenCyc:Mx4rvViC-JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organ or organ part that is attached to the body of an organism. For example a limb[GO, modified][GO:0048736]. UBERON:0000026 UMLS:C0598782 VSAO:0000075 XAO:0000218 appendages appendicular extremitaet extremity limbs/digits/tail this is currently a subtype of organism subdivision - which would exclude feathers uberon head AAO:0010335 AEO:0000106 BILA:0000115 BTO:0000282 CALOHA:TS-0436 EFO:0000964 EHDAA2:0003106 EMAPA:31858 FBbt:00000004 FMA:7154 GAID:61 HAO:0000397 MA:0000023 MAT:0000294 MESH:D006257 MIAA:0000294 OpenCyc:Mx4rEOLm4rgPEdmAAAACs6hRjg OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi6YJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organism subdivision that is the part of the body consisting of the cranial and pharyngeal regions.[AAO] Organism subdivision which is the part of the body which consists of the cranial and pharygeal regions.[TAO] SPD:0000016 TAO:0001114 TGMA:0000002 The head is the anterior-most division of the body [GO]. UBERON:0000033 UMLS:C0018670 VHOG:0001644 Vertebrate evolution has been characterized by a fresh and vast array of cranial structures that collectively form the head.[well established][VHOG] WBbt:0005739 XAO:0003024 ZFA:0001114 adult head cephalic area galen:Head head (volume) uberon serous membrane A multi-tissue structure that is comprised of a secretory epithelial layer and a connective tissue layer.[TAO] FMA:9581 GAID:19 MESH:D012704 TAO:0005425 UBERON:0000042 UMLS:C0036760 ZFA:0005425 a smooth membrane consisting of a thin layer of cells which excrete serous fluid. Serous membranes line and enclose several body cavities, known as serous cavities, where they secrete a lubricating fluid which reduces friction from muscle movement. Serosa is not to be confused with adventitia, a connective tissue layer which binds together structures rather than reducing friction between them. Each serous membrane is composed of a secretory epithelial layer and a connective tissue layer underneath. The epithelial layer, known as mesothelium, consists of a single layer of avascular flat nucleated cells (cuboidal epithelium) which produce the lubricating serous fluid. This fluid has a consistency similar to thin mucus. These cells are bound tightly to the underlying connective tissue. The connective tissue layer provides the blood vessels and nerves for the overlying secretory cells, and also serves as the binding layer which allows the whole serous membrane to adhere to organs and other structures.[WP] in FMA, SM = mesothelium + connective tissue. It excludes the cavity. Serous sac = SM + cavity. Note that the SM is a subtype of wall in FMA. multi-tissue structure that is comprised of a secretory epithelial layer (mesothelium) and a connective tissue layer. serosa tunica serosa uberon wall of serous sac tendon AEO:0000091 BTO:0001356 CALOHA:TS-1021 Dense regular connective tissue that connects muscle to bone.[VSAO] Dense regular connective tissue that connects muscle to bone[VSAO]. EHDAA2:0003091 EMAPA:35854 EV:0100149 FMA:9721 GAID:276 MA:0000115 MESH:D013710 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjefJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Phylogenetically, tendinous tissue first appears in the invertebrate chordate Branchiostoma as myosepta. This two-dimensional array of collagen fibers is highly organized, with fibers running along two primary axes. In hagfish the first linear tendons appear and the myosepta have developed specialized regions with unidirectional fiber orientation - a linear tendon within the flat sheet of myoseptum.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000043 UMLS:C0039508 VHOG:0001286 VSAO:0000073 XAO:0000173 ZFA:0005647 galen:Tendon in FMA, tendon is an organ component that with parts dense-irregular-connective-tissue of tendon and dense-irregular-connective-tissue of tendon sheath; we follow VSAO in making it a subtype of the former. In VSAO tendons connect muscle to bone; in WP the def states integument (e.g. auricular muscles) - but JB confirms this is not actually tendon but aponeurosis sinew tendo uberon simple eye An eye with one concave chamber. Note that 'simple' does not imply a reduced level of complexity or acuity. TGMA:0000729 UBERON:0000047 uberon vessel A tubular structure that contains, conveys body fluid, such as blood or lymph. UBERON:0000055 uberon ureter AAO:0010254 Anatomical structure consisting of long narrow duct which carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.[AAO] BTO:0001409 CALOHA:TS-1084 EFO:0000930 EHDAA2:0002139 EHDAA:9341 EMAPA:17950 EV:0100097 FMA:9704 GAID:438 MA:0000378 MAT:0000120 MESH:D014513 MIAA:0000120 Muscular duct that propels urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder, or related organs. OpenCyc:Mx4rvhmm6JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The duct of amniotes that carries urine from a metanephric kidney to the urinary bladder. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-29, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] The first embryonic hint of a metanephros is the formation of the metanephric duct that appears as a ureteric diverticulum arising at the base of preexisting mesonephric duct. The ureteric diverticulum grows dorsally into the posterior region of the nephric ridge. Here it enlarges and stimulates the growth of metanephric tubules that come to make up the metanephric kidney. The metanephros becomes the adult kidney of amniotes, and the metanephric duct is usually called the ureter.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000056 UMLS:C0041951 VHOG:0000605 XAO:0000144 galen:Ureter in humans, consists of adventitial, muscular and mucoa layers metanephric duct uberon ureteral ureteric urethra BTO:0001426 CALOHA:TS-1132 EFO:0000931 EMAPA:30901 EV:0100099 FMA:19667 GAID:390 In human males, the urethra travels through the penis, and carries semen as well as urine. In females, the urethra is shorter and emerges above the vaginal opening. MA:0000379 MAT:0000121 MESH:D014521 MIAA:0000121 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjkypwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0000057 UMLS:C0041967 VHOG:0001264 XAO:0000153 galen:Urethra the fibromuscular tubular canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder to the exterior via the external urinary meatus; in males, the urethra is joined by the ejaculatory ducts and serves as a passageway for semen during ejaculation, as well as a canal for urine during voiding; in females, the urethra is shorter and emerges above the vaginal opening uberon urethral duct A tube shaped portion of tissue lined with epithelial cells that collects secretions and routes them to their destination[ZFA:0005171]. A tubular structure that transports secreted or excreted substances. AAO:0011123 FBbt:00100314 FMA:30320 Most ducts, but not all, are exocrine gland ducts. Some ontologies classify structures such as the oviduct here. TAO:0005171 UBERON:0000058 UMLS:C0687028 XAO:0004000 ZFA:0005171 anatomical duct ducts exocrine duct exocrine gland duct galen:Duct uberon anatomical wall EMAPA:25036 FMA:82482 Organ component adjacent to an organ cavity and which consists of a maximal aggregate of organ component layers. UBERON:0000060 UBERON:0009915 galen:Wall in FMA, serosa is a wall organ wall uberon wall wall of organ anatomical structure AAO:0010825 AEO:0000003 BILA:0000003 CARO:0000003 EHDAA2:0003003 EMAPA:0 FBbt:00007001 FMA:67135 GAID:781 HAO:0000003 MA:0003000 MESH:D000825 Material anatomical entity that is a single connected structure with inherent 3D shape generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. TAO:0000037 TGMA:0001823 UBERON:0000061 VHOG:0001759 WBbt:0000100 XAO:0003000 ZFA:0000037 biological structure connected biological structure uberon organ Anatomical structure that performs a specific function or group of functions [WP]. CARO v1 does not include a generic 'organ' class, only simple and compound organ. CARO v2 may include organ, see https://github.com/obophenotype/caro/issues/4 CARO:0020004 EFO:0000634 EMAPA:35949 ENVO:01000162 FMA:67498 MA:0003001 OpenCyc:Mx4rv5XMb5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rwP3iWpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organs are commonly observed as visibly distinct structures, but may also exist as loosely associated clusters of cells that work together to perform a specific function or functions. UBERON:0000062 UMLS:C0178784 WBbt:0003760 anatomical unit body organ element uberon organ subunit A part of an organ that constitutes a distinct modular sub-unit. In some cases, the organ may also contain other sub-units of identical or similar types, in other cases this may be a distinct entity. FMA distinguishes segment from zone by whether the fiat boundaries are fixed/anchored (segments) or floating (zone). It's not completely clear how to apply this distinction FMA:86140 Organ region with one or more anchored fiat boundaries. Examples: artery, trunk of nerve, cervical part of esophagus, pelvic part of vagina, horn of thyroid cartilage, anterior segment of eyeball. Organ region with one or more fixed or anchored fiat boundaries. Examples: artery, trunk of nerve, cervical part of esophagus, pelvic part of vagina, horn of thyroid cartilage, anterior segment of eyebal. UBERON:0000063 organ region with fixed fiat boundary organ segment segment of organ uberon organ part A multicellular structure that is a part of an organ. AAO:0011124 EFO:0000635 FMA:82472 UBERON:0000064 cardinal organ part currently defined in a very broad sense, may be replaced by more specific classes in the future regional part of organ uberon fully formed stage BTO:0001043 BilaDO:0000004 EFO:0001272 FBdv:00005369 The stage of development at which the animal is fully formed, including immaturity and maturity. Includes both sexually immature stage, and adult stage. UBERON:0000066 WBls:0000041 XtroDO:0000084 adult stage fully formed animal stage juvenile-adult stage uberon embryo stage part A stage that is part of the embryo stage. UBERON:0000067 embryonic stage part uberon embryo stage A life cycle stage that starts with fertilization and ends with the fully formed embryo. BilaDO:0000002 EV:0300001 FBdv:00005289 FMA:72652 HsapDv:0000002 MmusDv:0000002 OGES:000000 OGES:000022 UBERON:0000068 WBls:0000003 WBls:0000092 WBls:0000102 XAO:1000012 embryogenesis embryonic stage uberon death stage End of the life of an organism. UBERON:0000071 XAO:0000437 XtroDO:0000085 death ncit:Death is an outcome uberon regional part of nervous system 2009-06-18T09:00:04Z Any part or collection of parts of the central or peripheral nervous system. Parts may span both CNS and PNS. Melissa Haendel UBERON:0000073 UMLS:C1518256 part of nervous system uberon subdivision of skeletal system Anatomical cluster consisting of the skeletal elements and articular elements that are part of an individual subdivision of the organism. FMA:85544 UBERON:0000075 UBERON:0010322 UMLS:C1519343 galen:ComplexSkeletalStructure skeletal system part skeletal system subdivision uberon external ectoderm (or external ectoderm) forms the following structures: Skin Epithelium of the mouth and nasal cavity saliavary glands, and glands of mouth and nasal cavity Enamel - as a side note dentin and dental pulp are formed from ectomesenchyme which is derived from ectoderm Epithelium of pineal and pituitary glands Lens and cornea of the eye Apical ectodermal ridge inducing development of the limb buds of the embryo. Sensory receptors in epidermis EHDAA2:0001968 EHDAA:1494 EHDAA:350 EHDAA:4784 EHDAA:4790 EHDAA:4796 EHDAA:7860 EMAPA:16096 FMA:87656 The surface (external) layer of ectoderm which begins to proliferate shortly after separation from the neuroectoderm. UBERON:0000076 UMLS:C1515087 merge with non-neural. In vertebrates, the ectoderm has three parts: external ectoderm (also known as surface ectoderm), the neurectoderm (neural crest, and neural tube) surface (external) ectoderm surface ectoderm uberon mesonephros A kidney formed of nephric tubules arising in the middle region of the nephric ridge; a transient embryonic stage that replaces the pronephros, but is itself replaced by the adult metanephros [in mammals; in fishes and amphibians it is the adult kidney]. [Evolution, Fourth_Edition_(2006)_McGraw-Hill, Function, Kardong_KV, Vertebrates:_Comparative_Anatomy, p.745][VHOG] AAO:0010384 As the pronephros regresses, the archinephric duct induces the sequential differentiation of tubules in the more caudal parts of the nephric ridge. (...) Tubules that differentiate in the middle part of the nephric ridge form a kidney called the mesonephros. This kidney functions in the embryos and larvae of all vertebrates. (...) In all vertebrate embryos, the kidney begins with the differentiation of a few renal tubules from the anterior end of the nephric ridge overlying the pericardial cavity. (...) This early-developing embryonic kidney is called the pronephros.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0001542 By contrast to the pronephros, the histological features of the mammalian mesonephros, with its primitive glomeruli, suggest that it probably functions as a primitive kidney, and is involved in the production of much of the amniotic fluid. Within the two mesonephroi, one located on either side of the dorsal mesentery of the hindgut, a substantial number (in the region of about 40 or more) of cranio-caudally segmented mesonephric tubules are formed. It has, however, been suggested that only the most rostrally located 4-6 pairs of mesonephric tubules drain into the mesonephric portion of the nephric duct. This is now seen to extend along the length of the mesonephroi, being located towards their lateral sides. The mesonephros is also retained over a considerably longer period than the pronephros, but gradually undergoes regression in a cranio-caudal direction. While the rostral part displays clear evidence of regression its more caudal part appears to display evidence of functional activity. Within the medial part of the mesonephros, vesicles are formed, although no glomeruli are formed there in this species. It is, however, difficult to believe that the relatively enormous mesonephroi do not have an excretory role in the mouse, only serving as a base for gonadal differentiation. In the human embryo, the medial part of the mesonephric tubules enlarges, become invaginated by capillaries, and form glomeruli. These then take on an excretory role. In the mouse, the mesonephric ducts appear to be patent throughout their length[GUDMAP, modified] CALOHA:TS-0624 EFO:0000928 EHDAA2:0001130 EHDAA:1581 EHDAA:5903 EMAPA:16744 EMAPA:27644 FMA:72171 GAID:1308 In mammals, the mesonephros is the second of the three embryonic kidneys to be established and exists only transiently. In fish and amphibians, the mesonephros will form the mature kidney MESH:D001755 Organ that is the definitive adult kidney. It replaces the earlier pronephros, which degenerates as the mesonephros becomes functional in feeding stage tadpoles.[AAO] TAO:0000529 The second stage of the kidney. It serves as the main excretory organ of aquatic vertebrates and as a temporary embryonic kidney in higher vertebrates. It is composed of the mesonephric duct (also called the Wolffian duct), mesonephric tubules, and associated capillary tufts. A single tubule and its associated capillary tuft is called a mesonephric excretory unit; these units are similar in structure and function to nephrons of the adult kidney. The mesonephros is derived from intermediate mesoderm in the vertebrate embryo. UBERON:0000080 UMLS:C0025492 VHOG:0000038 Wolffian body XAO:0000141 ZFA:0000529 amphibian adult kidney corpus Wolffi mesonephric mesonephric kidney mesonephroi middle kidney opisthonephros opisto nephros opistonephros uberon metanephros A kidney formed of nephric tubules arising in the posterior region of the nephric ridge and drained by a ureter; replaces the embryonic pronephros and mesonephros [in mammals]. [Evolution, Fourth_Edition_(2006)_McGraw-Hill, Function, Kardong_KV, Vertebrates:_Comparative_Anatomy, p.745][VHOG] BTO:0001543 During the fifth week of gestation, the mesonephric duct develops an outpouching, the ureteric bud, near its attachment to the cloaca. This bud, also called the metanephrogenic diverticulum, grows posteriorly and towards the head of the embryo. The elongated stalk of the ureteric bud, the metanephric duct, later forms the ureter. As the cranial end of the bud extends into the intermediate mesoderm, it undergoes a series of branchings to form the collecting duct system of the kidney. It also forms the major and minor calyces and the renal pelvis EHDAA2:0001137 EHDAA:3089 EHDAA:5911 EMAPA:17207 EMAPA:17373 FMA:72172 In mammals, the metanephros is the excretory organ of the fetus, which develops into the mature kidney and is formed from the rear portion of the nephrogenic cord. The metanephros is an endocrine and metabolic organ that filters the blood and excretes the end products of body metabolism in the form of urine[GO] TODO check developmental relationships The ureteric diverticulum grows dorsally into the posterior region of the nephric ridge. Here it enlarges and stimulates the growth of metanephric tubules that come to make up the metanephric kidney. The metanephros becomes the adult kidney of amniotes.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000081 UMLS:C0231049 VHOG:0000039 definite kidney definitive kidney hind kidney metanephric metanephric kidney metanephron uberon mesonephric tubule A mesonephric tubule is an epithelial tube that is part of the mesonephros[GO]. Genital ridge that is next to the mesonephros[WP]. AAO:0010389 Any of the renal tubules composing the mesonephros. In mammals they function as excretory structures during the early embryonic development but are later incorporated into the reproductive system. [TFD][VHOG] As the pronephros regresses, the archinephric duct induces the sequential differentiation of tubules in the more caudal parts of the nephric ridge. (...) Tubules that differentiate in the middle part of the nephric ridge form a kidney called the mesonephros. This kidney functions in the embryos and larvae of all vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0001134 EMAPA:27588 EMAPA:27659 TODO check UBERON:0000083 VHOG:0000500 XAO:0000148 renal tubules tubuli mesonephrici uberon ureteric bud An epithelial swelling on the Wolffian duct that elongates to invade the adjacent metanephric mesenchyme[MP] BTO:0001646 EHDAA2:0002140 EHDAA:3091 EHDAA:5917 EMAPA:17209 EMAPA:17376 Outgrowth of the mesonephric duct that penetrates the metanephric mesoderm and forms the ureter, renal pelvis, major and minor calyces and collecting ducts. [Embryology, See_Dudek_RW_and_Fix_JD, Third_Edition_(2004)_Philadelphia:_Lippincott_William_and_Wilkins, p.137][VHOG] Outgrowth of the mesonephric duct that penetrates the metanephric mesoderm and forms the ureter, renal pelvis, major and minor calyces and collecting ducts[VHOG:0000541]. The first embryonic hint of a metanephros is the formation of the metanephric duct that appears as a ureteric diverticulum arising at the base of preexisting mesonephric duct. The ureteric diverticulum grows dorsally into the posterior region of the nephric ridge. Here it enlarges and stimulates the growth of metanephric tubules that come to make up the metanephric kidney. The metanephros becomes the adult kidney of amniotes, and the metanephric duct is usually called the ureter.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000084 UMLS:C1284058 VHOG:0000541 diverticulum diverticulum metanephricum gemma ureterica metanephric bud metanephric diverticulum uberon ureteric ampulla ureteric diverticulum post-embryonic stage BilaDO:0000003 In birds, the postnatal stage begins when the beak penetrates the shell (i.e., external pipping) (Brown et al. 1997) OGES:000010 OGES:000014 OGES:000024 UBERON:0000092 WBls:0000022 WBls:0000093 WBls:0000103 post-hatching stage postembryonic postembryonic stage stage succeeding embryo, including mature structure uberon membrane organ 2009-07-30T05:19:13Z FMA:7145 Nonparenchymatous organ that primarily consists of dense connective tissue organized into a sheet which interconnects two or more organs, separates two or more body spaces from one another, or surrounds an organ or body part. Examples: interosseous membrane of forearm, obturator membrane, tympanic membrane, fibrous pericardium, fascia lata, dura mater. [FMA] UBERON:0000094 cjm membrane membrane of organ uberon life cycle An entire span of an organism's life, commencing with the zygote stage and ending in the death of the organism. FBdv:00000000 HsapDv:0000001 MmusDv:0000001 OGES:000011 UBERON:0000104 entire life cycle entire lifespan life lifespan ncithesaurus:Life uberon life cycle stage A spatiotemporal region encompassing some part of the life cycle of an organism. BILS:0000105 EFO:0000399 FBdv:00007012 FMA:24120 HsapDv:0000000 MmusDv:0000000 OlatDv:0000010 PdumDv:0000090 UBERON:0000105 WBls:0000002 XAO:1000000 ZFS:0000000 ZFS:0100000 developmental stage ncithesaurus:Developmental_Stage stage the WBls class 'all stages' belongs here as it is the superclass of other WBls stages this class represents a proper part of the life cycle of an organism. The class 'life cycle' should not be placed here uberon we map the ZFS unknown stage here as it is logically equivalent to saying *some* life cycle stage zygote stage 1-cell stage A stage at which the organism is a single cell produced by means of sexual reproduction. As in all metazoans, eumetazoan development begins with a fertilized egg, or zygote.[well established][VHOG] BILS:0000106 BilaDO:0000005 EFO:0001322 EHDAA:27 EMAPA:16033 FBdv:00005288 PdumDv:0000100 UBERON:0000106 VHOG:0000745 XAO:1000001 ZFS:0000001 fertilized egg stage fertilized egg stage one cell stage one-cell stage uberon zygote zygotum cleavage stage BILS:0000107 BilaDO:0000006 EFO:0001290 FBdv:00000054 MESH:A16.254.270 MmusDv:0000004 OGES:000015 OGES:000020 PdumDv:0000200 The first few specialized divisions of an activated animal egg; Stage consisting of division of cells in the early embryo. The zygotes of many species undergo rapid cell cycles with no significant growth, producing a cluster of cells the same size as the original zygote. The different cells derived from cleavage are called blastomeres and form a compact mass called the morula. Cleavage ends with the formation of the blastula. UBERON:0000107 XAO:1000004 ZFS:0000046 uberon blastula stage An early stage of embryonic development in animals. It is produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum and consists of a spherical layer of around 128 cells surrounding a central fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel. The blastula follows the morula and precedes the gastrula in the developmental sequence. BILS:0000108 BilaDO:0000007 EFO:0001282 HsapDv:0000006 MmusDv:0000007 OGES:000003 OGES:000016 OGES:000021 OpenCyc:Mx4rEetFnKP2EdqAAAACs4vPlg UBERON:0000108 WBls:0000005 XAO:1000003 ZFS:0000045 consider adding a preceding stage 'morula stage' as part of cleavage uberon gastrula stage A stage defined by complex and coordinated series of cellular movements that occurs at the end of cleavage during embryonic development of most animals. The details of gastrulation vary from species to species, but usually result in the formation of the three primary germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. BILS:0000109 BilaDO:0000008 EFO:0001296 FBdv:00005317 HsapDv:0000010 MmusDv:0000013 OGES:000004 OGES:000019 UBERON:0000109 WBls:0000010 XAO:1000005 ZFS:0000047 blastocystis trilaminaris stage trilaminar blastocyst stage trilaminar blastoderm stage trilaminar disk stage trilaminar germ stage trilaminar stage uberon neurula stage BILS:0000110 BilaDO:0000009 HsapDv:0000012 MmusDv:0000017 Staged defined by the formation of a tube from the flat layer of ectodermal cells known as the neural plate. This will give rise to the central nervous system. UBERON:0000110 XAO:1000006 uberon organogenesis stage A stage at which the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm develop into the internal organs of the organism. BILS:0000111 BilaDO:0000010 HsapDv:0000015 MmusDv:0000018 OGES:000005 OGES:000032 UBERON:0000111 segmentation stage uberon neuron projection bundle A fasciculated bundle of neuron projections (GO:0043005), largely or completely lacking synapses. CARO:0001001 FBbt:00005099 UBERON:0000122 UBERON:0005163 funiculus nerve fiber bundle neural fiber bundle uberon anterior region of body UBERON:0000153 uberon posterior region of body UBERON:0000154 uberon membranous layer A thin sheet or layer of pliable tissue, serving as a covering or envelope of a part, as the lining of a cavity, as a partition or septum, or to connect two structures. FMA:30322 FMA:82500 MESH:D008566 UBERON:0000158 membrane membranous organ component uberon intestine AAO:0000246 ANISEED:1235303 BSA:0000093 BTO:0000648 CALOHA:TS-0490 EFO:0000834 EMAPA:32874 EMAPA:35180 EV:0100071 FMA:7199 GAID:295 In zebrafish, No stomach, small intestine, or large intestine can be distinguished. However, differences can be found in the morphology of the mucosa columnar epithelial cells and the number of goblet cells, suggesting functional differentiation. The intestine has numerous folds that become progressively shorter in a rostral-to-caudal direction. Proportionally, these folds are significantly larger than the finger-like intestinal villi of mammals and other amniotes (Wallace et al. 2005). Columnar-shaped absorptive enterocytes are the most numerous in the zebrafish intestinal epithelium. Goblet cells are the second most populous epithelial cell type. MA:0000328 MA:0001524 MESH:A03.492.411 MIAA:0000043 Portion of the alimentary canal bounded anteriorly by the pyloric sphincter and posteriorly by the cloacal sphincter.[AAO] Segment of the alimentary canal extending from the stomach to the anus and, in humans and other mammals, consists of two segments, the small intestine and the large intestine. TAO:0001338 The tract of the alimentary canal. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] This class is probably too inclusive UBERON:0000160 UMLS:C0021853 VHOG:0000056 WBbt:0005772 XAO:0000129 ZFA:0001338 bowel galen:Intestine intestinal intestinal tract uberon orifice Anatomical conduit that connects two adjacent body spaces (or a body space with the space surrounding the organism)[FMA,modified]. FMA:3724 UBERON:0000161 anatomical orifice anatomical ostium hilum in FMA, this is an anatomical conduit *space*, rather than anatomical conduit ostium uberon cloaca A cloaca is apparently a primitive vertebrate feature because it occurs in most primitive gnathostomes and persists in the embryos of almost all vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] A common passage for fecal, urinary, and reproductive discharge in most lower vertebrates as well as the terminal end of the hindgut before division into rectum, bladder, and genital primordia in mammalian embryos. [TFD][VHOG] AAO:0000095 Anatomical structure which is the common receptacle for the alimentary canal, Wolffian ducts, oviducts, and the bladder.[AAO] Common chamber into which the intestines and excretory system opens. Arises during development in all vertebrates, but in many it becomes subdivided, lost or incorporated into other structures GAID:1206 Human beings only have an embryonic cloaca, which is split up into separate tracts during the development of the urinary and reproductive organs MESH:D002988 UBERON:0000162 UMLS:C0008987 VHOG:0001186 XAO:0000244 ZFA:0005781 adding df link to embryonic cloaca leads to a cycle in uberon-simple, as cloaca is a suberclass of embryonic cloaca cloacal cloacal chamber hindgut endoderm and proctodeal ectoderm. uberon vent embryonic cloaca EHDAA2:0000256 EHDAA:4895 EMAPA:27573 EMAPA:27638 UBERON:0000163 cloaca endoderm-lined chamber that develops as pouch-like dilation of the caudal end of the hindgut and receives the allantois ventrally and two mesonephric ducts laterally; caudally it ends blindly at the cloacal membrane formed by the union of proctodeal (anal pit) ectoderm and cloacal endoderm, with no intervening mesoderm[MP]. this class represents the embryonic form of the cloaca, as found in both mammals and non-mammals. uberon primitive urogenital sinus EHDAA2:0004060 EHDAA:5029 EHDAA:5919 EMAPA:17211 EMAPA:17379 In mammals the lowly monotremes still have a cloaca. Higher types have done away with this structure and have a separate anal outlet for the rectum. The monotreme cloaca shows the initiation of this subdivision. The cloaca has such includes only the distal part, roughly comparable to the proctodeum. The more proximal part is divided into (1) a large dorsal passage into which the intestine opens, the coprodeum, and (2) a ventral portion, the urodeum with which the bladder connects. (...) the development of the placental mammals recapitulates in many respects the phylogenetic story. In the sexually indifferent stage of placental mammal there is a cloaca. While the indifferent stage still persists, a septum develops, and extends out to the closing membrane. This divides the cloaca into two chambers: a coprodeum continuous with the gut above, and a urodeum or urogenital sinus below.[well established][VHOG] The ventral part of the cloaca after its separation from the rectum, giving rise to the lower part of the bladder in both sexes, to the prostatic portion of the male urethra, and to the urethra and vestibule in the female. [TFD][VHOG] UBERON:0000164 UGS UMLS:C0231057 VHOG:0000414 fetal UGS sinus urogenitalis the term 'urogenital sinus' may refer to the primitive urogenital sinus present as a transient developmental structure in most mammals or it may refer to a condition in which an unseptated cloaca persists in animals longer than normal the ventral part of the cloaca remaining after septation of the rectum, which further develops into part of the bladder, part of the prostatic part of the male urethra and the urethra and vestibule in females uberon urogenital sinus mouth AAO:0010355 BTO:0001090 BTO:0004698 CALOHA:TS-1315 Cavity in which food is initially ingested and generally contains teeth, tongue and glands.[AAO] EFO:0000825 EHDAA2:0001326 EHDAA:542 EMAPA:16262 FBbt:00003126 FMA:49184 GAID:75 MA:0000341 MA:0002474 MAT:0000038 MESH:D009055 MIAA:0000038 Molecular and developmental cell lineage data suggest that the acoel mouth opening is homologous to the mouth of protostomes and deuterostomes and that the last common ancestor of the Bilateria (the 'urbilaterian') had only this single digestive opening.[well established][VHOG] OpenCyc:Mx4rvVidh5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TADS:0000040 TAO:0000547 TAO:0000590 TGMA:0000131 The proximal portion of the digestive tract, containing the oral cavity and bounded by the oral opening. In vertebrates, this extends to the pharynx and includes gums, lips, tongue and parts of the palate. Typically also includes the teeth, except where these occur elsewhere (e.g. pharyngeal jaws) or protrude from the mouth (tusks). UBERON:0000165 VHOG:0000280 VHOG:0000812 XAO:0003029 ZFA:0000547 ZFA:0000590 adult mouth cavital oralis cavitas oris cavum oris galen:Mouth in FMA, the tongue, palate etc are part of the mouth which is itself a subdivision of the face. ZFA includes a separate class 'oral region' which is part of the mouth, but excludes tongue and lips mouth cavity oral oral region oral vestibule regio oralis rima oris some AOs place this as developing from the stomodeum but we weaken this to developmental contribution, as the mouth includes non-ectodermal derivatives stoma stomatodaeum trophic apparatus uberon vestibule of mouth vestibulum oris excreta A portion of organism substance that is the product of an excretion process that will be eliminated from the body. An excretion process is elimination by an organism of the waste products that arise as a result of metabolic activity AEO:0000184 BTO:0000491 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003184 ENVO:02000022 FMA:9674 UBERON:0000174 UBERON:0000324 UBERON:0007550 excreted substance excretion galen:Excretion portion of excreted substance uberon waste substance blood A complex mixture of cells suspended in a liquid matrix that delivers nutrients to cells and removes wastes. (Source: BioGlossary, www.Biology-Text.com)[TAO] A fluid that is composed of blood plasma and erythrocytes. AAO:0000046 BTO:0000089 CALOHA:TS-0079 EFO:0000296 EHDAA2:0000176 EHDAA:418 EMAPA:16332 ENVO:02000027 EV:0100047 FMA:9670 GAID:965 Highly specialized circulating tissue consisting of several types of cells suspended in a fluid medium known as plasma.[AAO] MA:0000059 MESH:D001769 MIAA:0000315 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjI8JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Recent findings strongly suggest that the molecular pathways involved in the development and function of blood cells are highly conserved among vertebrates and various invertebrates phyla. (...) There is now good reason to believe that, in vertebrates and invertebrates alike, blood cell lineages diverge from a common type of progenitor cell, the hemocytoblast.[well established][VHOG] TAO:0000007 This class excludes blood analogues, such as the insect analog of blood. See UBERON:0000179 haemolymphatic fluid. UBERON:0000178 UMLS:C0005767 VHOG:0000224 XAO:0000124 ZFA:0000007 galen:Blood portion of blood relationship loss: subclass specialized connective tissue (AAO:0000571)[AAO] uberon vertebrate blood whole blood haemolymphatic fluid 2009-04-08T04:38:19Z CARO:0000081 Circulating fluid that is part of the hemolymphoid system. Blood, lymph, interstitial fluid or its analogs. UBERON:0000179 blood or blood analog circulating fluid cjm uberon blastula BILA:0000059 BTO:0000128 GAID:1294 MESH:A16.254.270.274 OGEM:000006 OpenCyc:Mx4rEetFnKP2EdqAAAACs4vPlg Organism at the blastula stage - an early stage of embryonic development in animals. It is produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum and consists of a spherical layer of around 128 cells surrounding a central fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel. The blastula follows the morula and precedes the gastrula in the developmental sequence. TODO - check relationship with epiblast. Note in FMA this is not a subclass of embryo, but in uberon embryo is the whole organism from zygote onwards and thus includes the blastula UBERON:0000307 UBERON:0007011 blastosphere blastula embryo uberon breast BTO:0000149 CALOHA:TS-2083 EV:0100124 FMA:9601 GAID:33 MESH:D001940 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjV7ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The breasts of a female primate's body contain the mammary glands, which secrete milk used to feed infants. Both men and women develop breasts from the same embryological tissues. However, at puberty female sex hormones, mainly estrogens, promote breast development, which does not happen with men. As a result women's breasts become more prominent than men's. The upper ventral region of an animal's torso. UBERON:0000310 UMLS:C0006141 galen:Breast mamma mammary part of chest mammary region uberon duodenal mucosa A mucosa that is part of a duodenum [Automatically generated definition]. BTO:0000367 CALOHA:TS-0213 Doudenal mucosa Duodenal mucous membrane EMAPA:27235 FMA:14942 MA:0003207 UBERON:0000320 UBERON:0003348 duodenum mucosa mucosa of duodenum mucous membrane of duodenum uberon gastric gland BTO:0000503 EMAPA:27181 FMA:14919 The branched tubular glands found in the mucosa of the fundus and body of the stomach which contain parietal cells that secrete hydrochloric acid and zymogenic cells that produce pepsin. UBERON:0000325 uberon gut wall BTO:0000547 FMA:45653 The wall of the digestive tract. This encompasses all parts of the digestive tract with the exception of the lumen (cavity). UBERON:0000328 We model the digestive tract as consisting of two parts: the wall and the lumen. digestive tract wall uberon wall of alimentary tract wall of digestive tract wall of gut mucosa A lining of mostly endodermal origin, covered in epithelium, which is involved in absorption and secretion. They line various body cavities that are exposed to the external environment and internal organs. It is at several places continuous with skin: at the nostrils, the lips, the ears, the genital area, and the anus. The sticky, thick fluid secreted by the mucous membranes and gland is termed mucus. The term mucous membrane refers to where they are found in the body and not every mucous membrane secretes mucus[WP] AEO:0000199 BTO:0000886 CALOHA:TS-2031 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003234 EV:0100382 FMA has mucosa vs region of mucosa; these are subtypes of Mucosa: Mucosa of gallbladder, tongue, .... The following are subtypes of Region of mucosa: Mucosa of zone of stomach, trachea, bronchus, dorsum of tongue.... Depends on whether the covered area is an organ or organ component. Uberon does not regard organ vs organ component as crucial distinction and thus collapses these into a single class deliberately FMA:85355 FMA:85358 GAID:297 MESH:D009092 OpenCyc:Mx4rvmKNOpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0000344 UMLS:C0026724 galen:Mucosa mucosa of organ mucosa of organ part mucosal mucosal region mucous membrane organ mucosa region of mucosa tunica mucosa uberon parenchyma EHDAA:3015 EHDAA:3905 EHDAA:3999 EHDAA:4005 EHDAA:6899 EHDAA:6903 EHDAA:6994 EHDAA:8086 EHDAA:9182 EHDAA:9190 EHDAA:9196 EHDAA:9202 Early in development the mammalian embryo has three distinct layers: ectoderm (external layer), endoderm (internal layer) and in between those two layers the middle layer or mesoderm. The parenchyma of most organs is of ectodermal (brain, skin) or endodermal origin (lungs, gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas). The parenchyma of a few organs (spleen, kidneys, heart) is of mesodermal origin. The stroma of all organs is of mesodermal origin FMA:45732 UBERON:0000353 UMLS:C0933845 functional part of an organ in the body. This is in contrast to the stroma, which refers to the structural tissue of organs, being exactly, connective tissues. parenchymal the FMA definition is more restrictive, and limits this to solid organs. This would seem to cause problems for the lung parenchyma, except FMA classifies Lung as solid rather than cavitated uberon musculature of body AAO:0000307 Anatomical system that consists of the muscles of the body.[VSAO] BILA:0000088 BTO:0001369 BTO:0001485 EFO:0000801 EMAPA:35578 FBbt:00005069 FMA:72954 MA:0002888 MAT:0000025 MIAA:0000025 The subdivision of the musculoskeletal system that consists of all the muscles of the body[VSAO, modified]. UBERON:0000383 VSAO:0000033 XAO:0004042 consider whether this should be restricted to skeletal musculature. See https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/77 muscle system muscle system of body muscular system musculature system muskelsystem set of all muscles set of muscles of body uberon vertebrate muscular system we place the MA term musculature here, rather than under uberon:musculature, as this seems more appropriate given the structure of MA serous gland A gland in which the principal secretory cells are serous secreting cells. BTO:0001837 FMA:62889 UBERON:0000409 glands that secrete watery albuminous material that often contains enzymes[MP:0008052]. uberon mucous gland A gland in which the principal secretory cells are mucus secreting cells. AAO:0010601 BTO:0001979 FMA:62888 In frogs and salamanders, this is the smaller of the two types of gland, the other being the granular (poison) gland. In these species the mucous gland is a cluster of cells that release secretion into a common duct[Kardong] UBERON:0000414 glandula mucosa muciparous gland mucous secreting gland mucus gland mucus-secreting gland uberon bodily secretion A portion of organism substance that is produced by exocrine glands. AEO:0001005 BTO has two distunct classes, with exocrine glandular secretion a subtype of secretion - however, all examples in BTO directly under secretion appear to be exocrine gland secretions BTO:0002977 BTO:0002979 EMAPA:36535 FMA:9675 MA:0002504 MESH:D012634 UBERON:0000456 UBERON:0006540 UMLS:C1516992 exocrine gland fluid exocrine gland fluid or secretion exocrine gland fluid/secretion exocrine gland secretion external secretion galen:Secretion secreted substance secretion uberon organism substance AAO:0010839 AEO:0000004 BILA:0000004 CALOHA:TS-2101 CARO:0000004 EHDAA2:0003004 EMAPA:35178 FBbt:00007019 FMA:9669 HAO:0000004 MA:0002450 Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body. SPD:0000008 TAO:0001487 TGMA:0001824 UBERON:0000463 VHOG:0001726 XAO:0004001 ZFA:0001487 body fluid or substance body substance galen:BodySubstance organism substance portion of body substance portion of organism substance uberon anatomical space AAO:0010110 AEO:0000005 BILA:0000005 CARO:0000005 EHDAA2:0003005 FBbt:00007017 FMA:5897 HAO:0000005 Non-material anatomical entity of three dimensions, that is generated by morphogenetic or other physiologic processes; is surrounded by one or more anatomical structures; contains one or more organism substances or anatomical structures. TAO:0001668 TGMA:0001825 UBERON:0000464 UMLS:C0524461 VHOG:0001728 XAO:0003190 ZFA:0001643 anatomical spaces lumen lumen space space uberon material anatomical entity AAO:0010264 AEO:0000006 Anatomical entity that has mass. BILA:0000006 CARO:0000006 EHDAA2:0003006 FBbt:00007016 FMA:67165 HAO:0000006 TAO:0001836 TGMA:0001826 UBERON:0000465 VHOG:0001721 uberon immaterial anatomical entity AAO:0010265 AEO:0000007 Anatomical entity that has no mass. BILA:0000007 CARO:0000007 EHDAA2:0003007 FBbt:00007015 FMA:67112 HAO:0000007 TAO:0001835 TGMA:0001827 UBERON:0000466 VHOG:0001727 immaterial physical anatomical entity uberon anatomical system AAO:0000007 AEO:0000011 BILA:0000011 BSA:0000049 CALOHA:TS-2088 CARO:0000011 EHDAA2:0003011 EHDAA:392 EMAPA:16103 EV:0100000 FBbt:00004856 FMA:7149 HAO:0000011 MA:0000003 Multicellular, connected anatomical structure that has multiple organs as parts and whose parts work together to achieve some shared function. OpenCyc:Mx4rCWM0QCtDEdyAAADggVbxzQ TAO:0001439 TGMA:0001831 UBERON:0000467 UMLS:C0460002 VHOG:0001725 WBbt:0005746 WBbt:0005763 XAO:0003002 ZFA:0001439 anatomical systems body system connected anatomical system galen:AnatomicalSystem organ system system uberon multicellular organism AAO:0010026 AEO:0000191 Anatomical structure that is an individual member of a species and consists of more than one cell. BILA:0000012 BSA:0000038 BTO:0000042 CARO:0000012 EFO:0002906 EHDAA2:0003103 EHDAA2:0003191 EHDAA:1 EHDAA:9178 EMAPA:25765 EV:0100016 FBbt:00000001 FMA:256135 HAO:0000012 Koerper TADS:0000001 TAO:0001094 TGMA:0001832 TODO - split body and mc organism? body continues after death stage UBERON:0000468 VHOG:0000671 WBbt:0007833 XAO:0003004 ZFA:0001094 animal body galen:Organism multi-cellular organism ncithesaurus:Whole_Organism organism organismal uberon whole body whole organism compound organ component AAO:0010017 AEO:0000019 BILA:0000019 CARO:0000019 EHDAA2:0003019 HAO:0000019 Multi-tissue structure that is part of a compound organ. TAO:0001489 TGMA:0001835 UBERON:0000471 XAO:0003039 ZFA:0001489 compound organ components this class was introduced for consistency with CARO, however, it has yet to be used in this or other ontologies. It may be retired in the future uberon female reproductive system BTO:0000083 By far, sexual reproduction is the more common pattern among living vertebrate forms and its widespread occurrence suggests that it is the plesiomorphic, or primitive, reproductive mode among the vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] CALOHA:TS-1303 EFO:0000969 EHDAA2:0000506 EHDAA:8116 EMAPA:17959 EV:0100110 FBbt:00004864 FMA:45663 GAID:364 HAO:0000324 MA:0000381 MESH:D005836 MIAA:0000028 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVipTZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TGMA:0000635 The organs and associated structures associated with bearing offspring in a female animal. UBERON:0000474 UMLS:C0700038 VHOG:0000726 WBbt:0006748 WikipediaCategory:Female_reproductive_system XAO:0000156 female genital system female genital tract female genitalia female genitals female organism genitalia female organism reproductive system female reproductive tract genitalia of female organism gynaecological tissue reproductive system of female organism systema genitale femininum uberon organism subdivision AAO:0010053 AEO:0000032 Anatomical structure which is a subdivision of a whole organism, consisting of components of multiple anatomical systems, largely surrounded by a contiguous region of integument. BILA:0000032 CALOHA:TS-2084 CARO:0000032 EFO:0000808 EHDAA2:0003032 EMAPA:36031 FBbt:00007009 FMA:7153 HAO:0000032 MA:0002433 MAT:0000293 MESH:D001829 MIAA:0000293 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViAHJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Reflects CARO2. todo - check the inclusion of FMA 'cardinal body part here', and check child terms for consistency TAO:0001308 TGMA:0001840 UBERON:0000475 UMLS:C0229962 VHOG:0001758 XAO:0003013 ZFA:0001308 anatomic region body part body region cardinal body part galen:BodyPart uberon acellular anatomical structure AAO:0010268 AEO:0000040 Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue. BILA:0000040 CARO:0000040 EHDAA2:0003040 FBbt:00007013 FMA:63863 HAO:0000040 TAO:0000382 TGMA:0001841 UBERON:0000476 XAO:0003162 ZFA:0000382 acellular anatomical structures uberon anatomical cluster AAO:0010009 AEO:0000041 Anatomical group that has its parts adjacent to one another. BILA:0000041 CARO:0000041 EHDAA2:0003041 FBbt:00007277 FMA:49443 HAO:0000041 TADS:0000605 TAO:0001478 TGMA:0001842 UBERON:0000477 VHOG:0001737 Will be obsoleted in CARO v2 [https://github.com/obophenotype/caro/issues/3] XAO:0003160 ZFA:0001478 uberon tissue AAO:0000607 AAO:0010054 AEO:0000043 BILA:0000043 CALOHA:TS-2090 CARO:0000043 EHDAA2:0003043 EMAPA:35868 FBbt:00007003 FMA:9637 HAO:0000043 MA:0003002 MESH:D014024 Multicellular anatomical structure that consists of many cells of one or a few types, arranged in an extracellular matrix such that their long-range organisation is at least partly a repetition of their short-range organisation. TAO:0001477 TGMA:0001844 UBERON:0000479 UMLS:C0040300 VHOG:0001757 WBbt:0005729 XAO:0003040 ZFA:0001477 changed label and definition to reflect CARO2 galen:Tissue portion of tissue simple tissue tissue portion uberon multi-tissue structure AAO:0010048 AEO:0000055 Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more portions of tissue of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona-fide boundaries from other distinct structural units of different types. BILA:0000055 CARO:0000055 EHDAA2:0003055 FBbt:00007010 HAO:0000055 TAO:0001488 TGMA:0001847 UBERON:0000481 VHOG:0001762 XAO:0003037 ZFA:0001488 multi-tissue structures uberon epithelium AAO:0000144 AAO:0010055 AEO:0000066 BILA:0000066 BTO:0000416 CALOHA:TS-0288 CARO:0000066 EHDAA2:0003066 EMAPA:32738 FBbt:00007005 FMA:9639 GAID:402 HAO:0000066 MA:0003060 MESH:D004848 Portion of tissue, that consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells connected to each other by cell junctions and which is underlain by a basal lamina. Examples: simple squamous epithelium, glandular cuboidal epithelium, transitional epithelium, myoepithelium[CARO]. TAO:0001486 The two basic types of metazoan tissue are epithelial and connective. The simplest metazoans, and developmental stages of many primitive invertebrates, consist solely of these two layers. Thus, epithelial and connective tissues may be the primary (original) tissues of metazoans, and both are important in the functional organization of animals.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000483 UMLS:C0014609 VHOG:0000387 XAO:0003045 ZFA:0001486 epithelial epithelial tissue portion of epithelium uberon simple columnar epithelium AAO:0010063 AEO:0000068 BILA:0000068 CARO:0000068 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003068 FBbt:00007027 FMA:45567 HAO:0000068 TAO:0001496 UBERON:0000485 UMLS:C0836135 Unilaminar epithelium, which consists of a single layer of columnar cells. Examples: ciliated columnar epithelium, gastric epithelium, microvillus columnar epithelium.[FMA] XAO:0004008 ZFA:0001496 columnar epithelium columnar epithlium epithelium simplex columnare simple columnar epithelia simple columnar epithelium uberon multilaminar epithelium AAO:0010059 AEO:0000069 BILA:0000069 BTO:0002074 CARO:0000069 EHDAA2:0003069 Epithelium that consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells.[CARO] Epithelium which consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells that may or may not be in contact with a basement membrane. Examples: keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, ciliated stratified columnar epithelium.[FMA] FMA:45562 HAO:0000069 TAO:0001494 UBERON:0000486 UMLS:C0682575 XAO:0004006 ZFA:0001494 laminated epithelium stratified epithelium uberon simple squamous epithelium AAO:0010066 AEO:0000070 BILA:0000070 BTO:0002073 CARO:0000070 EHDAA2:0003070 FMA:45565 HAO:0000070 TAO:0001498 UBERON:0000487 UMLS:C0836133 Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of squamous cells.[CARO] Unilaminar epithelium which consists of a single layer of squamous cells. Examples: pulmonary alveolar epithelium, endothelium.[FMA] XAO:0004010 ZFA:0001498 epithelium simplex squamosum simple squamous epithelia uberon cavitated compound organ AAO:0010016 AEO:0000072 BILA:0000072 CARO:0000072 Compound organ that contains one or more macroscopic anatomical spaces. EHDAA2:0003072 FMA:55671 HAO:0000072 TAO:0001490 TGMA:0001857 UBERON:0000489 VHOG:0001730 XAO:0003165 ZFA:0001490 cavitated compound organs cavitated organ this class was introduced for consistency with CARO, however, it has yet to be used in this or other ontologies. It may be retired in the future uberon unilaminar epithelium AAO:0010062 AEO:0000073 BILA:0000073 BTO:0002073 CARO:0000073 EHDAA2:0003073 Epithelium that consists of a single layer of epithelial cells.[CARO] Epithelium which consists of a single layer of epithelial cells. Examples: endothelium, mesothelium, glandular squamous epithelium.[FMA] FMA:45561 HAO:0000073 TAO:0001495 UBERON:0000490 UMLS:C0682574 XAO:0004007 ZFA:0001495 consider adding disjointness axiom between unilaminar and multilaminar - but note that this will render EHDAA2:0003244 (chorionic trophoblast) unsatisfiable simple epithelium uberon unilaminar epithelia mucus CALOHA:TS-2144 ENVO:02000040 FMA:66938 GAID:1164 MESH:D009093 Mucus is a bodily fluid consisting of a slippery secretion of the lining of the mucous membranes in the body. It is a viscous colloid containing antiseptic enzymes (such as lysozyme) and immunoglobulins. Mucus is produced by goblet cells in the mucous membranes that cover the surfaces of the membranes. It is made up of mucins and inorganic salts suspended in water. OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjHq5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0000912 UMLS:C0026727 galen:Mucus mucoid mucous uberon thoracic segment of trunk EMAPA:35862 FMA:259209 MA:0000022 Subdivision of trunk that lies between the head and the abdomen. UBERON:0000915 anterior subdivision of trunk note that we use the slightly verbose term 'thoracic segment of trunk' to avoid confusuon with insect thorax. todo - taxonomic constraints. Also, in FMA 'thorax' is a synonym for chest thorax uberon upper body upper trunk abdomen BTO:0000020 CALOHA:TS-0001 EFO:0000968 EMAPA:35102 EV:0100011 FMA:9577 GAID:16 MA:0000029 MAT:0000298 MESH:A01.047 MIAA:0000298 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjgyZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The subdivision of the vertebrate body between the thorax and pelvis. The ventral part of the abdomen contains the abdominal cavity and visceral organs. The dorsal part includes the abdominal section of the vertebral column. UBERON:0000916 Vertebrate specific. In arthropods 'abdomen' is the most distal section of the body which lies behind the thorax or cephalothorax. If need be we can introduce some grouping class abdominal abdominopelvic region abdominopelvis adult abdomen belly celiac celiac region galen:Abdomen uberon embryo AAO:0011035 AEO:0000169 Anatomical entity that comprises the organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems. For example, for mammals, the process would begin with zygote formation and end with birth. For insects, the process would begin at zygote formation and end with larval hatching. For plant zygotic embryos, this would be from zygote formation to the end of seed dormancy. For plant vegetative embryos, this would be from the initial determination of the cell or group of cells to form an embryo until the point when the embryo becomes independent of the parent plant. BILA:0000056 BSA:0000039 BTO:0000379 CALOHA:TS-0229 EFO:0001367 EHDAA2:0000002 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003236 EHDAA:38 EMAPA:16039 FBbt:00000052 FMA:69068 GAID:963 MAT:0000226 MESH:D004622 MIAA:0000019 OGEM:000001 Obsoleted in ZFA. Note that embryo is not classified as an embryonic structure - an embryonic structure is only the parts of an embryo OpenCyc:Mx4rwP1ceZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0000922 UMLS:C0013935 VHOG:0001766 XAO:0000113 ZFA:0000103 developing organism developmental tissue embryonic embryonic organism uberon germ layer A layer of cells produced during the process of gastrulation during the early development of the animal embryo, which is distinct from other such layers of cells, as an early step of cell differentiation. The three types of germ layers are the endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm. AAO:0000480 BILA:0000035 BTO:0000556 Classically the germ layers are ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Alternatively: primary = ectoderm, endoderm; secondary=mesoderm; tertiary=dorsal mesoderm, NC[https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest] EMAPA:36033 FBbt:00000110 FMA:69069 GAID:1303 MESH:A16.254.425 TAO:0001122 The Bilateria are triploblastic (with true endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) (...).[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000923 UMLS:C0920502 UMLS:C1708239 VHOG:0001223 XAO:0003011 ZFA:0001122 embryonic germ layer embryonic germ layers embryonic tissue germinal layer primary germ layer uberon ectoderm AAO:0000137 BILA:0000036 BTO:0000315 CALOHA:TS-0216 EFO:0000414 EHDAA2:0000428 EMAPA:16069 EV:0100003 FBbt:00000111 FMA:69070 GAID:1304 MAT:0000155 MAT:0000173 MESH:A16.254.425.273 MIAA:0000173 Primary germ layer that is the outer of the embryo's three germ layers and gives rise to epidermis and neural tissue. Primary germ layer that is the outer of the embryonic germ layers and gives rise to epidermis and neural tissue.[AAO] TAO:0000016 The Bilateria are triploblastic (with true endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) (...).[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000924 UMLS:C0013574 VHOG:0000153 XAO:0000001 ZFA:0000016 ectodermal embryonic ectoderm uberon endoderm AAO:0000139 BILA:0000038 BTO:0000800 CALOHA:TS-0273 EFO:0002545 EHDAA2:0000436 EMAPA:16062 EV:0100005 FBbt:00000125 FMA:69071 GAID:1305 MAT:0000175 MESH:A16.254.425.407 MIAA:0000175 Primary germ layer that lies remote from the surface of the embryo and gives rise to internal tissues such as gut. TAO:0000017 The Bilateria are triploblastic (with true endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) (...).[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0000925 UMLS:C0014144 VHOG:0000154 XAO:0000090 ZFA:0000017 endodermal entoderm uberon mesoderm AAO:0000304 BILA:0000037 BTO:0000839 CALOHA:TS-0623 EFO:0001981 EHDAA2:0001128 EHDAA:124 EHDAA:160 EHDAA:168 EHDAA:183 EMAPA:16083 EV:0100006 FBbt:00000126 FMA:69072 GAID:522 MAT:0000174 MESH:A16.254.425.660 MIAA:0000174 Primary germ layer that is the middle of the embryonic germ layers.[AAO] TAO:0000041 The Bilateria are triploblastic (with true endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) (...).[well established][VHOG] The middle germ layer of the embryo, between the endoderm and ectoderm. UBERON:0000926 UBERON:0003263 UMLS:C0025485 VHOG:0000152 XAO:0000050 ZFA:0000041 embryonic mesoderm entire mesoderm mesodermal mesodermal mantle sponges do not seem to have a mesoderm and accordingly Amphimedon lacks transcription factors involved in mesoderm development (Fkh, Gsc, Twist, Snail)[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v466/n7307/full/nature09201.html]. Mesoderm may not be homologous across verteberates uberon stomodeum Anterior part of the embryonic alimentary canal formed as an invagination of the ectoderm; the future mouth.[TAO] Anterior part of the embryonic digestive tract that develops into a mouth. The stomodeum includes as parts an invagination of the ectoderm and the stomodeal cavity. BTO:0004224 EHDAA2:0001929 EMAPA:16263 FBbt:00000439 FMA:295846 TAO:0001290 TGMA:0000135 This class groups together disparate structures as all being the anterior part of the early metazoan digestive tract and precursor of the mouth. However, the developmental processes vary, so this class may be split in future. E.g. in mammals it is a rostral depression surrounded by prominences. Outgrowth of the prominences produces a stomodeal cavity. UBERON:0000930 UMLS:C1514977 XAO:0000269 ZFA:0001290 consider indicating location. e.g. anterior. Note some AOs place this as part of oral opening, but it's not clear when this structure comes into existence mouth pit mouth primordium oral ectoderm oral pit primitive oral cavity stomatodeum stomodaeum stomodeal stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium the primordial mouth region of the developing head, initially a midline ectodermal depression between the forebrain bulge (cranially) and the heart bulge (caudally) and between the maxillary and mandibular components of the first pharyngeal arch; the stomodeum is separated from the anterior end of the foregut by the buccopharyngeal membrane; the mouth is developed partly from the stomodeum, and partly from the floor of the anterior portion of the foregut; the lips, teeth, and gums are formed from the walls of the stomodeum, but the tongue is developed in the floor of the pharynx uberon proctodeum AAO:0011087 An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage.[TAO] EHDAA2:0000121 EMAPA:25038 FBbt:00000123 Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into an ectodermal terminal part of the digestive tract. Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage.[AAO] TAO:0000066 UBERON:0000931 UMLS:C0231054 VHOG:0000139 XAO:0001019 ZFA:0000066 amnioproctodeal invagination anal pit anus porus embryonic proctodaeum proctodaeum proctodeal removed WBbt:0006795 'proctodeum' - junction between the alimentary and genital tracts in the male. uberon stomach AAO:0000579 ANISEED:1235297 An expanded region of the vertebrate alimentary tract that serves as a food storage compartment and digestive organ. A stomach is lined, in whole or in part by a glandular epithelium. BTO:0001307 CALOHA:TS-0980 EFO:0000837 EHDAA2:0001915 EHDAA:2993 EMAPA:17021 EV:0100070 FMA:7148 GAID:293 It appears that the stomach has an ancient origin. The stomach first appears in the fish lineage. The prevertebrate chordates do not have a true stomach, whereas the cartilaginous and bony fish do. Although most fish do have a true stomach, some fish species appear to have lost the stomach secondarily. The remaining vertebrate lineages do have a true stomach (at least in the adult animal), although there is great variation in the size and shape of the stomach.[well established][VHOG] MA:0000353 MAT:0000051 MESH:A03.492.766 MIAA:0000051 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlqpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Portion of alimentary canal with increased circular and longitudinal smooth muscle. Bounded posteriorly by the pyloric sphincter. Mucosal lining has increased folding.[AAO] TAO:0002121 UBERON:0000945 UMLS:C0038351 VHOG:0000408 Ventricular We restrict this to the vertebrate specific structure - see the grouping class 'food storage organ' for analogous structures in other species. Teleosts: Zebrafish is functionally stomach-less, but may retain ontogenic footprint. Although the precise shape and size of the stomach varies widely among different vertebrates, the relative positions of the oesophageal and duodenal openings remain relatively constant. As a result, the organ always curves somewhat to the left before curving back to meet the pyloric sphincter. However, lampreys, hagfishes, chimaeras, lungfishes, and some teleost fish have no stomach at all, with the oesophagus opening directly into the intestine. The gastric lining is usually divided into two regions, an anterior portion lined by fundic glands, and a posterior with pyloric glands. Cardiac glands are unique to mammals, and even then are absent in a number of species. The distributions of these glands vary between species, and do not always correspond with the same regions as in man. Furthermore, in many non-human mammals, a portion of the stomach anterior to the cardiac glands is lined with epithelium essentially identical to that of the oesophagus. Ruminants, in particular, have a complex stomach, the first three chambers of which are all lined with oesophageal mucosa XAO:0000128 anterior intestine galen:Stomach gaster mesenteron stomach chamber uberon ventriculus heart A myogenic muscular circulatory organ found in the vertebrate cardiovascular system composed of chambers of cardiac muscle. It is the primary circulatory organ. AAO:0010210 As noted, the hearts of birds and mammals have four chambers that arises from the two chambers (atrium and ventricle) of the fish heart.[well established][VHOG] BILA:0000020 BTO:0000562 Blood pumping organ composed of four chambers: sinus venosus, atrium, cardiac ventricle and bulbus arteriosus.[TAO] CALOHA:TS-0445 EFO:0000815 EHDAA2:0000738 EHDAA:420 EMAPA:16105 EV:0100018 FMA:7088 GAID:174 Herz@de MA:0000072 MAT:0000036 MESH:D006321 MIAA:0000036 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjvDpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Part of the circulatory system responsible for pumping blood; composed of three chambers--two atria and one ventricle.[AAO] TAO:0000114 Taxon notes:" the ascidian tube-like heart lacks chambers....The ascidian heart is formed after metamorphosis as a simple tube-like structure with a single-layered myoepithelium that is continuous with a single-layered pericar- dial wall. It lacks chambers and endocardium.... The innovation of the chambered heart was a key event in vertebrate evolution, because the chambered heart generates one-way blood flow with high pressure, a critical requirement for the efficient blood supply of large-body vertebrates... all extant vertebrates have hearts with two or more chambers (Moorman and Christoffels 2003)" http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gad.1485706 UBERON:0000948 UMLS:C0018787 VHOG:0000276 XAO:0000064 ZFA:0000114 branchial heart cardiac cardium chambered heart galen:Heart relationship type change: differentiates_from lateral plate mesoderm (AAO:0010574) CHANGED TO: develops_from lateral plate mesoderm (UBERON:0003081)[AAO] uberon vertebrate heart endocrine system AAO:0010279 Anatomical system containing glands which regulates bodily functions though the secretion of hormones.[AAO] Anatomical system that consists of the glands and parts of glands that produce endocrine secretions and help to integrate and control bodily metabolic activity. CALOHA:TS-1301 EFO:0002969 EHDAA2:0002224 EMAPA:35306 EV:0100128 FBbt:00005068 FMA:9668 GAID:439 MA:0000012 MESH:D004703 Multicellular organisms have complex endocrine systems, allowing responses to environmental stimuli, regulation of development, reproduction, and homeostasis. Nuclear receptors (NRs), a metazoan-specific family of ligand-activated transcription factors, play central roles in endocrine responses, as intermediates between signaling molecules and target genes. The NR family includes ligand-bound and orphan receptors, that is, receptors with no known ligand or for which there is no ligand Pocket. Understanding NR evolution has been further improved by comparison of several completed genomes, particularly those of deuterostomes and ecdysozoans. In contrast, evolution of NR ligands is still much debated. One hypothesis proposes that several independent gains and losses of ligand-binding ability in NRs occurred in protostomes and deuterostomes. A second hypothesis, pertaining to the NR3 subfamily (vertebrate steroid hormone receptors and estrogen related receptor), proposes that before the divergence of protostomes and deuterostomes, there was an ancestral steroid receptor (AncSR) that was ligand-activated and that orphan receptors secondarily lost the ability to bind a ligand. (...) Our analysis reveals that steroidogenesis has been independently elaborated in the 3 main bilaterian lineages (...).[well established][VHOG] TAO:0001158 UBERON:0000949 UMLS:C0014136 VHOG:0000098 XAO:0000158 ZFA:0001158 endocrine endocrine glandular system endocrine system systema endocrinum uberon brain (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...) (reference 1); The neural tube is destined to differentiate into the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010478 ABA:Brain BAMS:Br BAMS:Brain BILA:0000135 BTO:0000142 CALOHA:TS-0095 Cavitated compound organ which is comprised of gray and white matter and surrounds the cerebral ventricular system.[TAO] DHBA:10155 EFO:0000302 EHDAA2:0000183 EHDAA:2641 EHDAA:6485 EMAPA:16894 EV:0100164 FBbt:00005095 FMA:50801 GAID:571 HBA:4005 MA:0000168 MAT:0000098 MESH:D001921 MIAA:0000098 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjT65wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA PBA:3999 Part of the central nervous system situated within the cranium and composed of both nerve cell bodies and nerve fibers.[AAO] TAO:0000008 The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate, and most invertebrate, animals. Some primitive animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system at all. In vertebrates, the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell[WP]. The part of the central nervous system contained within the cranium, comprising the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and metencephalon. It is derived from the anterior part of the embryonic neural tube (or the encephalon). Does not include retina. (CUMBO) UBERON:0000955 UMLS:C0006104 UMLS:C1269537 VHOG:0000157 XAO:0000010 ZFA:0000008 encephalon galen:Brain http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=21 requires review for applicability to invertebrate structures, e.g. synganglion suprasegmental levels of nervous system suprasegmental structures synganglion the brain uberon cornea AAO:0010344 BTO:0000286 CALOHA:TS-0171 Compared to terrestial animals, the cornea of zebrafish is relatively flat. It consists of nonpigmented, stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelial cells, attached to a thick basement membrane that is considered to be analogous to the Bowman's membrane in mammals. In fish, and aquatic vertebrates in general, the cornea plays no role in focusing light, since it has virtually the same refractive index as water EFO:0000377 EHDAA2:0000316 EHDAA:10199 EMAPA:17161 EV:0100341 FMA:58238 GAID:892 MA:0000266 MESH:D003315 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViBa5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000640 UBERON:0000964 UMLS:C0010031 VHOG:0000164 XAO:0000180 ZFA:0000640 cornea of camera-type eye corneal corneas the transparent anterior portion of the fibrous coat of the eye that serves as the chief refractory structure tunica cornea uberon lens of camera-type eye AAO:0010348 BTO:0000723 CALOHA:TS-0545 EHDAA:9057 EMAPA:17838 EV:0100343 FMA:58241 MA:0000275 MAT:0000141 MESH:A09.371.509 MIAA:0000141 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVj0fZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA RETIRED_EHDAA2:0000975 TAO:0000035 The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] The lens is avascular and nourished by diffusion from the aqueous and vitreous This class excludes compound eye corneal lenses. Transparent part of camera-type eye that helps to refract light to be focused on the retina. UBERON:0000965 UMLS:C0023317 VHOG:0000169 XAO:0000008 ZFA:0000035 camera-type eye lens crystalline lens eye lens lens lens crystallina lenses ocular lens uberon retina AAO:0010352 BAMS:R BTO:0001175 CALOHA:TS-0865 Currently this class encompasses only verteberate AOs but could in theory also include cephalopod - we may want to make a more specific class for vertebrate retina. note that this class excludes ommatidial retinas, as the retina must be part of an eyeball. Use the parent class photoreceptor array / light-sensitive tissue for arthropods EFO:0000832 EHDAA2:0001627 EHDAA:4757 EMAPA:17168 EV:0100348 FMA:58301 GAID:755 MA:0000276 MAT:0000142 MBA:304325711 MESH:D012160 MIAA:0000142 NIFSTD_RETIRED:birnlex_1156 Netzhaut OpenCyc:Mx4rvViTfpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000152 The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] The portion of the eye developing from the optic primordium and including the neural retina and the retinal pigment layer. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] The retina is the innermost layer or coating at the back of the eyeball, which is sensitive to light and in which the optic nerve terminates. UBERON:0000966 UMLS:C0035298 UMLS:C1278894 VHOG:0000229 XAO:0000009 ZFA:0000152 inner layer of eyeball retina of camera-type eye retinal retinas tunica interna of eyeball uberon eye An organ that detects light. BILA:0000017 BTO:0000439 CALOHA:TS-0309 EFO:0000827 EV:0100336 FBbt:00005162 GAID:69 MAT:0000140 MESH:D005123 MIAA:0000140 Note that whilst this is classified as an organ, it is in fact more of a unit composed of different structures: in Drosophila, it includes the interommatidial bristle as a part; we consider here the vertebrate eye to include the eyeball/eye proper as a part, with the eye having as parts (when present): eyelids, conjuctiva, OpenCyc:Mx4rvViTvpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA This class encompasses a variety of light-detecting structures from different phyla with no implication of homology, from the compound insect eye to the vertebrate camera-type eye (distinct classes are provided for each) UBERON:0000970 light-detecting organ ocular optic uberon visual apparatus skeletal joint AEO:0000182 Anatomical cluster that consists of two or more adjacent bones or cartilages, which may be interconnected by various types of tissue.[VSAO] Anatomical cluster that consists of two or more adjacent skeletal structures, which may be interconnected by various types of tissue[VSAO]. Anatomical cluster which consists of two or more adjacent bones or cartilages, which may be interconnected by various types of tissue.[TAO] BTO:0001686 CALOHA:TS-2023 EFO:0000948 EMAPA:35456 FMA:7490 GAID:102 MA:0000319 MAT:0000188 MESH:D007596 MIAA:0000188 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjjdpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA RETIRED_EHDAA2:0003182 TAO:0000367 UBERON:0000982 UMLS:C0022417 VHOG:0001276 VSAO:0000101 XAO:0000171 ZFA:0001596 articular joint articulation galen:Joint joint joints uberon reproductive system AAO:0010258 Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with reproduction. Anatomical system which consists of organs and tissues associated with sexual reproduction of the organism.[AAO] Arguably, one of the most important aspects of urbilaterian organogenesis would have been gonadogenesis, since Urbilateria must have successfully generated gametes and developed a strategy for extrusion and fertilization, in order to be the ancestor of all living Bilateria.[well established][VHOG] BILA:0000103 BTO:0000081 CALOHA:TS-1318 EFO:0000809 EHDAA2:0001603 EHDAA:5923 EMAPA:17381 EV:0100100 FBbt:00004857 FMA:7160 GAID:363 Geschlechtsorgan HAO:0000374 HAO:0000895 MA:0000326 MIAA:0000305 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVja4ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000632 UBERON:0000990 UMLS:C1261210 VHOG:0000182 WBbt:0005747 XAO:0000142 ZFA:0000632 animal reproductive system consider splitting genitalia from reproductive system genital system genital tract genitalia organa genitalia reproductive tissue reproductive tract systemata genitalia uberon gonad AAO:0000213 Anatomical structure which produces gametes as well as certain sex hormones controlled by the pituitary gonadotropins.[AAO] BILA:0000123 BSA:0000079 BTO:0000534 EMAPA:16857 EMAPA:17383 Examination of different vertebrate species shows that the adult gonad is remarkably similar in its morphology across different phylogenetic classes. Surprisingly, however, the cellular and molecular programs employed to create similar organs are not evolutionarily conserved.[uncertain][VHOG] FBbt:00004858 FMA xref is a 'general anatomical term' FMA:18250 GAID:368 HAO:0000379 MA:0002420 MESH:D006066 OpenCyc:Mx4rwQvdiZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Reproductive organ that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis). TAO:0000413 The part of the reproductive system that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis).[TAO] UBERON:0000991 UMLS:C0018067 VHOG:0000397 WBbt:0005175 XAO:0003146 ZFA:0000413 gonada gonadal gonads uberon female gonad (...) while it is likely that Urbilateria lacked a complex somatic reproductive system, it is at present impossible to speculate on whether or not it possessed a true gonad, let alone any other somatic adaptations for reproduction (reference 1); Examination of different vertebrate species shows that the adult gonad is remarkably similar in its morphology across different phylogenetic classes. Surprisingly, however, the cellular and molecular programs employed to create similar organs are not evolutionarily conserved (reference 2).[uncertain][VHOG] AAO:0000371 BILA:0000125 BSA:0000080 BTO:0000975 CALOHA:TS-0730 EFO:0000973 EHDAA2:0001360 EHDAA:8124 EMAPA:17962 EV:0100111 Either of paired female reproductive organs involved in production of ova and female sex hormones.[AAO] FBbt:00004865 FMA:7209 Female reproductive organ.[TAO] GAID:367 MA:0000384 MESH:D010053 MIAA:0000125 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi9QJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Ovaries of some kind are found in the female reproductive system of many animals that employ sexual reproduction, including invertebrates. However, they develop in a very different way in most invertebrates than they do in vertebrates, and are not truly homologous. Many of the features found in human ovaries are common to all vertebrates, including the presence of follicular cells, tunica albuginea, and so on. However, many species produce a far greater number of eggs during their lifetime than do humans, so that, in fish and amphibians, there may be hundreds, or even millions of fertile eggs present in the ovary at any given time. In these species, fresh eggs may be developing from the germinal epithelium throughout life. Corpora lutea are found only in mammals, and in some elasmobranch fish; in other species, the remnants of the follicle are quickly resorbed by the ovary. In birds, reptiles, and monotremes, the egg is relatively large, filling the follicle, and distorting the shape of the ovary at maturity. Amphibians and reptiles have no ovarian medulla; the central part of the ovary is a hollow, lymph-filled space. The ovary of teleosts is also often hollow, but in this case, the eggs are shed into the cavity, which opens into the oviduct. Although most normal female vertebrates have two ovaries, this is not the case in all species. In birds and platypuses, the right ovary never matures, so that only the left is functional. In some elasmobranchs, the reverse is true, with only the right ovary fully developing. In the primitive jawless fish, and some teleosts, there is only one ovary, formed by the fusion of the paired organs in the embryo TAO:0000403 UBERON:0000992 UMLS:C0029939 VHOG:0000251 XAO:0000258 ZFA:0000403 female organism genitalia gonad female organism genitalia gonada female organism reproductive system gonad female organism reproductive system gonada female reproductive system gonad female reproductive system gonada genitalia of female organism gonad genitalia of female organism gonada gonad of female organism genitalia gonad of female organism reproductive system gonad of female reproductive system gonad of genitalia of female organism gonad of reproductive system of female organism gonada of female organism genitalia gonada of female organism reproductive system gonada of female reproductive system gonada of genitalia of female organism gonada of reproductive system of female organism ovarian ovaries ovarium ovary ovum-producing ovary reproductive system of female organism gonad reproductive system of female organism gonada the gonad of a female organism which contains germ cells uberon oviduct A passage through which ova leave the maternal body or pass to an organ communicating with the exterior of the body. [TFD][VHOG] A tube or collection of tubes in an animal from the ovaries to the outside of the body. AAO:0010533 BSA:0000083 BTO:0000980 EFO:0000974 EMAPA:18984 GAID:366 In all remaining vertebrates (i.e., coelacanths, lungfishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals), the oviduct arises in ontogeny as a longitudinal, groovelike invagination of the coelomic epithelium on the lateral surface of the mesonephros.[well established][VHOG] MAT:0000126 MESH:D010057 MIAA:0000126 TAO:0000560 The only female vertebrates to lack oviducts are the jawless fishes. In these species, the single fused ovary releases eggs directly into the body cavity. The fish eventually extrudes the eggs through small genital pores towards the rear of the body[WP] UBERON:0000993 UMLS:C0029954 VHOG:0001136 XAO:0003052 ZFA:0000560 female reproductive tracts in birds divided into infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus, and vagina ovarian duct ovarian tube oviducts sometimes oviduct is used interchangeably with follaopian tube. Here they are different - the oviduct connects the gonad to the outside in a variety of animals. The mammal-class fallopian tube is derived from the mullerian duct and connects the gonads/infubdibulum to the uterus tuba uterina tuba uterinae tubular parts of female reproductive system uberon uterine tube uterus An infundibulum, uterine tube, uterus, and vagina also differentiate along the oviducts of eutherian mammals.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0001424 CALOHA:TS-1102 EFO:0000975 EMAPA:29915 EV:0100113 FMA:17558 GAID:172 MA:0000389 MAT:0000127 MESH:D014599 MIAA:0000127 Most animals that lay eggs, such as birds and reptiles, have an oviduct instead of a uterus. In monotremes, mammals which lay eggs and include the platypus, either the term uterus or oviduct is used to describe the same organ, but the egg does not develop a placenta within the mother and thus does not receive further nourishment after formation and fertilization. Marsupials have two uteruses, each of which connect to a lateral vagina and which both use a third, middle 'vagina' which functions as the birth canal. Marsupial embryos form a choriovitelline 'placenta' (which can be thought of as something between a monotreme egg and a 'true' placenta), in which the egg's yolk sac supplies a large part of the embryo's nutrition but also attaches to the uterine wall and takes nutrients from the mother's bloodstream. OpenCyc:Mx4rvViojJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The hollow muscular organ in female mammals in which the blastocyst normally becomes embedded and in which the developing embryo and fetus is nourished. Its cavity opens into the vagina below and into a uterine tube on either side. [TFD][VHOG] Two uteruses usually form initially in a female fetus, and in placental mammals they may partially or completely fuse into a single uterus depending on the species. In many species with two uteruses, only one is functional. Humans and other higher primates such as chimpanzees, along with horses, usually have a single completely fused uterus, although in some individuals the uteruses may not have completely fused [Wikipedia:Uterus] UBERON:0000995 UMLS:C0042149 VHOG:0001137 galen:Uterus the female muscular organ of gestation in which the developing embryo or fetus is nourished until birth uberon uterine skin epidermis (...) outer epithelia in all metazoan animals are homologous. (...) The ancestor of all metazoans likely had an epidermis with a basal extracellular matrix (ECM), an apical extracellular glycocalyx, and one cilium with a striated rootlet per cell.[well established][VHOG] A cellular, multilayered epithelium derived from the ectoderm. Zebrafish epidermis consists only of living cells unlike terrestrial vertebrates in which dead, keratinized cells are present. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] AAO:0000143 BTO:0000404 CALOHA:TS-0283 EFO:0000954 EMAPA:17528 EV:0100153 FMA:70596 GAID:932 MA:0000153 MAT:0000154 MESH:D004817 MIAA:0000154 TAO:0000105 The outer epithelial layer of the external integument of the body that is derived from the embryonic epiblast.[AAO] The outer epithelial layer of the skin that is superficial to the dermis. UBERON:0001003 UMLS:C0014520 VHOG:0000077 XAO:0000028 ZFA:0000105 Zebrafish epidermis consists only of living cells unlike terrestrial vertebrates in which dead, keratinized cells are present. In terrestrial vertebrates the epidermis often forms an outer keratinized or cornified layer, the stratum corneum. Interaction between the epideris and dermis gives rise to feathers (birds), hair and mammary glands (mammals), teeth and scales (placoid: chondrichthyans; cosmoids, ganoid, cycloid in bony fishes). epidermal epidermis relationship loss: subclass external integument structures (AAO:0000961)[AAO] skin uberon vertebrate epidermis respiratory system AAO:0000541 Atmungssystem BTO:0000203 CALOHA:TS-1319 EFO:0000804 EHDAA2:0001604 EHDAA:2203 EMAPA:16727 EV:0100036 FMA:7158 Functional system which consists of structures involved in respiration. GAID:78 MA:0000327 MAT:0000030 MESH:D012137 MIAA:0000030 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjzFJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000272 The anatomical system in which the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the organism and its environment.[AAO] There is no doubt that the primitive pattern of vertebrate air-breathing is the buccal pulse pump found in actinopterygian fishes.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001004 UMLS:C0035237 VHOG:0000202 XAO:0000117 ZFA:0000272 apparatus respiratorius apparatus respiratorius respiratory system systema respiratorium uberon digestive system AAO:0000129 An anatomical system consisting of the alimentary canal and digestive glands responsible for intake, absorption, digestion and excretion of food.[AAO] Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs devoted to the ingestion, digestion, and assimilation of food and the discharge of residual wastes. BILA:0000082 BTO:0000058 CALOHA:TS-1293 EFO:0000793 EV:0100056 FBbt:00005055 FMA:7152 GAID:278 MA:0002431 MAT:0000018 MESH:D004064 MIAA:0000018 TADS:0000170 TAO:0000339 UBERON:0001007 WBbt:0005748 XAO:0000125 ZFA:0000339 alimentary system alimentary tract digestive galen:DigestiveSystem gastrointestinal system gut many anatomy ontologies consider gastrointestinal system synonymous with digestive system. here we follow MA in dividing digestive system into gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary. hepatobiliary includes the liver and biliary tract. species-specific AO classes are categorized according to whether liver is included. For example, XAO includes liver as part of XAO:0000125 alimentary system, so we assume this class is the more generic class ncithesaurus:Digestive_System uberon renal system AAO:0010257 An anatomical system which consists of organs and tissues which produce, store, and excrete urine.[AAO] BILA:0000015 BTO:0001244 BTO:0003092 CALOHA:TS-1323 EFO:0000803 EHDAA2:0001601 EHDAA:5901 EMAPA:17366 EV:0100095 Evolution of vertebrate renal anatomy appears quite conservative when compared, for example, to evolution of respiratory and cardiovascular systems in vertebrates. Major anatomical changes in vertebrates kidneys separate those of birds and mammals from kidneys of lower vertebrates. General increase in animal size from fish to mammals is reflected by an increase in total number of nephrons per kidney, rather than by constant change in tubular dimensions.[well established][VHOG] FBbt:00005056 FMA:7159 GAID:391 In humans, the renal system comprises a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, sphincter muscle and associated blood vessels In various sources such as Encyclopedia Britannica, the excretory and urinary systems are indeed the same system (see wikipedia talk page); we merge two BTO classes here MA:0000325 MAT:0000027 MESH:D014551 MIAA:0000027 TADS:0000162 TAO:0000163 The renal system in an anatomical system that maintains fluid balance and contributes to electrolyte balance, acid/base balance, and disposal of nitrogenous waste products.. This definition is inclusive of the organs of the vertebrate renal system, as well as the Malpighian tubules of insects, and allows for future incorporation of structures such as the antennal glands of crustaceans UBERON:0001008 UMLS:C1508753 VHOG:0000723 WBbt:0005736 XAO:0000143 ZFA:0000163 excretory system galen:UrinaryTract renal or urinary system renal system renal/urinary system systema urinaria systema urinarium uberon urinary system urinary tract circulatory system AAO:0000959 Anatomical system of ion binding, a pumping mechanism, and an efficient vascular system; consisting of the blood, heart, and blood and lymph vessels, respectively.[AAO] CALOHA:TS-2103 FBbt:00005057 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjzG5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0001009 VHOG:0001248 We should divest ourselves of the view that earlier vertebrate groups were 'on their way' to becoming mammals, as clearly they were not such visionaries. Neither were their systems 'imperfect' as earlier anatomists thought. Instead, their circulatory systems served them well to address the ecological demands arising from their lifestyles.[well established][VHOG] organ system that passes nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), gases, hormones, blood cells, etc. to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases and help stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis[WP]. systema cardiovasculare the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system are parts of the circulatory system uberon adipose tissue AAO:0000001 AEO:000020 Adipose tissue is unique to vertebrates. It is found in mostmammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and a variety is found in some species of fish. Furthermore, in insects the fat body found in larvae as well as in adults shares some homology with adipose tissue.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0001487 CALOHA:TS-0013 Connective tissue in which fat is stored.[TAO] EFO:0000790 EHDAA2:0003120 EMAPA:35112 EV:0100381 FMA:20110 GAID:920 In humans, adipose tissue is located beneath the skin (subcutaneous fat), around internal organs (visceral fat), in bone marrow (yellow bone marrow) and in breast tissue. Adipose tissue is found in specific locations, which are referred to as adipose depots. Adipose tissue contains several cell types, with the highest percentage of cells being adipocytes, which contain fat droplets. Other cell types include fibroblasts, macrophages, and endothelial cells. Adipose tissue contains many small blood vessels.; Mice have eight major adipose depots, four of which are within the abdominal cavity. The paired gonadal depots are attached to the uterus and ovaries in females and the epididymis and testes in males; the paired retroperitoneal depots are found along the dorsal wall of the abdomen, surrounding the kidney, and, when massive, extend into the pelvis. The mesenteric depot forms a glue-like web that supports the intestines, and the omental depot, which originates near the stomach and spleen, and, when massive, extends into the ventral abdomen. MA:0000009 MAT:0000015 MESH:D000273 MIAA:0000015 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjc_ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Portion of connective tissue composed of adipocytes enmeshed in areolar tissue TAO:0002134 Tissue that contains adipocytes, used for cushioning, thermal insulation, lubrication (primarily in the pericardium) and energy storage.[AAO] UBERON:0001013 UMLS:C0001527 VHOG:0001284 XAO:0003049 ZFA:0005345 adipose adipose bodyfat fat fat tissue fatty depot fatty tissue galen:FattyTissue in FMA this is dense irregular connective tissue relationship loss: subclass connective tissue proper (AAO:0000099)[AAO] uberon musculature A subdivision of the muscular system corresponding to a subdisivision of an organism. AAO:0011066 BTO:0000887 EFO:0001949 EMAPA:32715 EMAPA:35577 FMA:32558 In FMA this is classified as a set of organs. ZFA musculature system has subtypes, so it is classified here. WBbt muscular system has subtypes so it goes here. Note that we use the MA term set of skeletal muscles here as it seems most appropriate (*not* MA:musculature). AAO is generally confused here. MA:0000165 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjmr5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000548 UBERON:0001015 UMLS:C0026845 VSAO:0005038 WBbt:0005737 ZFA:0000548 muscle group muscle system muscles muscles set musculature musculature system musculi set of muscles set of skeletal muscles uberon nervous system A regulatory system of the body that consists of neurons and neuroglial cells. The nervous system is divided into two parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). (Source: BioGlossary, www.Biology-Text.com)[TAO] AAO:0000324 Anatomical system consisting of nerve bodies and nerve fibers which regulate the response of the body to external and internal stimuli.[AAO] BILA:0000079 BTO:0001484 CALOHA:TS-1313 EFO:0000802 EHDAA2:0001246 EHDAA:826 EMAPA:16469 EV:0100162 FBbt:00005093 FMA:7157 GAID:466 MA:0000016 MAT:0000026 MESH:D009420 MIAA:0000026 Nervous systems evolved in the ancestor of Eumetazoa.[well established][VHOG] OpenCyc:Mx4rvViT_pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000396 The nervous system is an organ system containing predominantly neuron and glial cells. In bilaterally symmetrical organism, it is arranged in a network of tree-like structures connected to a central body. The main functions of the nervous system are to regulate and control body functions, and to receive sensory input, process this information, and generate behavior [CUMBO]. UBERON:0001016 UMLS:C0027763 VHOG:0000402 WBbt:0005735 XAO:0000177 ZFA:0000396 nerve net nervous neural neurological system systema nervosum uberon central nervous system (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...) (reference 1); The neural tube is destined to differentiate into the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) (reference 2); Taken together, our data make a very strong case that the complex molecular mediolateral architecture of the developing trunk CNS (central nervous system), as shared between Platynereis and vertebrates, was already present in their last common ancestor, Urbilateria. The concept of bilaterian nervous system centralization implies that neuron types concentrate on one side of the trunk, as is the case in vertebrates and many invertebrates including Platynereis, where they segregate and become spatially organized (as opposed to a diffuse nerve net). Our data reveal that a large part of the spatial organization of the annelid and vertebrate CNS was already present in their last common ancestor, which implies that Urbilateria had already possessed a CNS (reference 3).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0000090 BAMS:CNS BILA:0000080 BTO:0000227 CALOHA:TS-0150 CNS EFO:0000908 EHDAA2:0000225 EHDAA:828 EMAPA:16470 EMAPA:16754 EV:0100163 FBbt:00005094 FMA:55675 GAID:570 MA:0000167 MAT:0000457 MESH:D002490 OpenCyc:Mx4rvzYt3pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Part of the nervous system which includes the brain and spinal cord.[AAO] TAO:0000012 The brain and spinal cord. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] The central nervous system (CNS) is the part of the nervous system which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerve cell layer of the retina (CUMBO). The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the neural tube derivatives: the brain and spinal cord. In invertebrates it includes central ganglia plus nerve cord. UBERON:0001017 UMLS:C0927232 VHOG:0000293 XAO:0000215 ZFA:0000012 cerebrospinal axis neuraxis systema nervosum centrale uberon nerve A portion of tissue which is a fasiculated group of axons.[TAO] AAO:0011070 AEO:0000137 An enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons in the peripheral nervous system originating in a nerve root in the central nervous system (or a condensed nervous structure) connecting with peripheral structures. BAMS:n BSA:0000098 BTO:0000925 BTO:0001027 CALOHA:TS-0772 EHDAA2:0003137 EHDAA:2851 EHDAA:3776 EHDAA:4657 EMAPA:32808 EMAPA:32815 EV:0100371 FBbt:00005105 FMA:65132 FMA:65239 GAID:747 GAID:758 MA:0000217 MA:0000228 MESH:D010525 OpenCyc:Mx4rwP3lkpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0007009 UBERON:0001021 UMLS:C0027740 UMLS:C0031119 VHOG:0000901 XAO:0000204 XAO:0003047 ZFA:0007009 galen:Nerve nerves nervous neural subtree peripheral nerve uberon sensory system AAO:0000555 An early step in the evolution of neural crest, therefore, may have been the origin of a specific dorsal neural cell population contributing to sensory processing; this would predate the divergence of the amphioxus and vertebrate lineages.[well established][VHOG] Anatomical system that overlaps the nervous system and is responsible for receiving and processing sensory information. BAMS:SEN BILA:0000099 EFO:0000805 EHDAA2:0003094 EMAPA:16192 FBbt:00005827 FMA:75259 MA:0002442 MAT:0000031 MIAA:0000031 TAO:0000282 UBERON:0001032 VHOG:0001674 XAO:0003194 ZFA:0000282 note the distinct between entire sensory system and individual system. this reconciles is_a and part_of distinctions between ssAOs organa sensuum organa sensuum sense organ subsystem sense organs sense organs set sensory organ system sensory subsystem sensory systems set of sense organs uberon gustatory system AAO:0010577 BILA:0000143 EFO:0000830 FMA:7194 MA:0002446 MAT:0000275 MIAA:0000275 TAO:0001101 The sensory system for the sense of taste. The sensory system for the sense of taste[NIFSTD:nlx_anat_090803]. The sensory system used for the sense of taste.[AAO] UBERON:0001033 XAO:0003197 ZFA:0001101 gustatory gustatory organ system in ZFA and MA this is a subtype of sensory system. we should change sensory system to disambiguate parts and wholes taste system uberon foregut AAO:0011042 Anterior subdivision of a digestive tract. BILA:0000085 BTO:0000507 EHDAA2:0000557 EHDAA:520 EMAPA:16548 FBbt:00005379 FMA:45616 MA:0001526 Note we define this generically to include invertebrates (partly for consistency with GO), but the class may be split in future. In vertebrates the term may refer to a developmental structure TGMA:0001014 The anterior portion of the primitive digestive tube of the embryo that lies cephalic to the junction of the yolk stalk, consists of endodermal tissue, and gives rise to the the pharynx, lower respiratory system, esophagus, stomach, duodenum proximal to the biliary tract, liver, pancreas, biliary tract, and gall bladder. The bilaterian gut is typically a complete tube that opens to the exterior at both ends. It consists of mouth, foregut, midgut, hindgut, and anus (reference 1); Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001041 UMLS:C0231051 VHOG:0000285 XAO:0000232 praeenteron proenteron uberon midgut BILA:0000086 BTO:0000863 EFO:0001950 EHDAA2:0001185 EHDAA:983 EMAPA:16255 FBbt:00005383 FMA:45617 In humans: originates from the foregut at the opening of the bile duct into the duodenum and continues through the small intestine and much of the large intestine until the transition to the hindgut about two-thirds of the way through the transverse colon MA:0001564 Middle subdivision of a digestive tract[CJM]. In vertebrates: The middle part of the alimentary canal from the stomach, or entrance of the bile duct, to, or including, the large intestine[GO]. Note we define this generically to include invertebrates (partly for consistency with GO), but the class may be split in future. We may explicitly make this a developmental class TGMA:0001036 The bilaterian gut is typically a complete tube that opens to the exterior at both ends. It consists of mouth, foregut, midgut, hindgut, and anus (reference 1); Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001045 UMLS:C0231052 VHOG:0000290 XAO:0000103 in FMA this represents an embryonic region. mesenteron uberon hindgut AAO:0011052 BILA:0000087 BTO:0000510 EHDAA2:0000779 EHDAA:975 EMAPA:16715 FBbt:00005384 FMA:45618 MA:0001527 Note we define this generically to include invertebrates (partly for consistency with GO), but the class may be split in future (vertebrates have some contribution from NC - https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest). We may explicitly make this a developmental class TGMA:0001020 The bilaterian gut is typically a complete tube that opens to the exterior at both ends. It consists of mouth, foregut, midgut, hindgut, and anus (reference 1); Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] The caudalmost subdivision of a digestive tract. UBERON:0001046 UMLS:C0231053 VHOG:0000459 XAO:0000104 in FMA this class has no children. In MA it has a single child hindgut epithelium metenteron the caudal portion of the primitive digestive tube of the embryo uberon primordium AEO:0000171 BTO:0001886 EFO:0001652 EHDAA2:0003171 FBbt:00005495 FMA:86589 MAT:0000482 Primordia are populations of contiguous cells that are morphologically distinct and already correspond in extent to a later organ/tissue[FBbt, Hartenstein, V. (2004)]. UBERON:0001048 UMLS:C0678727 XAO:0003043 bud future organ placode primordia rudiment uberon neural tube (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010617 BTO:0001057 CALOHA:TS-2371 DHBA:10154 EHDAA2:0001254 EHDAA:2869 EHDAA:908 EMAPA:16164 EMAPA:16530 EMAPA:16757 FMA:293882 Hollow epithelial tube on dorsal side of the embryo that develops into the central nervous system.[AAO] In the developing vertebrate, the neural tube is the embryo's precursor to the central nervous system, which comprises the brain and spinal cord. The neural groove gradually deepens as the neural folds become elevated, and ultimately the folds meet and coalesce in the middle line and convert the groove into a closed tube, the neural tube or neural canal (which strictly speaking is the center of the neural tube), the ectodermal wall of which forms the rudiment of the nervous system. [WP,unvetted]. MAT:0000069 MIAA:0000069 TAO:0001135 The dorsal tubular structure in the vertebrate embryo that develops into the brain and spinal cord. [TFD][VHOG] The mature structure of the neural tube exists when the tube has been segmented into the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord regions. In addition neural crest has budded away from the epithelium UBERON:0001049 UMLS:C0231024 VHOG:0000307 XAO:0003204 ZFA:0001135 neural primordium presumptive central nervous system tubus neuralis uberon anatomical entity AAO:0010841 AEO:0000000 BILA:0000000 Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species. CARO:0000000 EHDAA2:0002229 FBbt:10000000 FBbt_root:00000000 FMA:62955 HAO:0000000 MA:0000001 TAO:0100000 TGMA:0001822 UBERON:0001062 UMLS:C1515976 XAO:0000000 ZFA:0100000 uberon ventral pancreatic duct A duct joining the pancreas to the common bile duct to supply pancreatic juices which aid in digestion provided by the exocrine pancreas. The pancreatic duct joins the common bile duct just prior to the ampulla of Vater, after which both ducts perforate the medial side of the second portion of the duodenum at the major duodenal papilla. BTO:0002362 EHDAA2:0001396 EHDAA:6905 EMAPA:17510 FMA:16003 GAID:337 MA:0000126 MESH:D010183 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0002177 These data show that ducts within the zebrafish pancreas originally arise in situ from isolated progenitor cells rather than arising from reiterative branching of the pancreatic epithelium. This process of pancreatic duct formation in zebrafish may be analogous to the mechanism of duct formation in the mammalian mammary and salivary glands. (...) A related mechanism of duct formation has also been proposed to occur within the mammalian pancreatic epithelium.[uncertain][VHOG] UBERON:0001064 UBERON:0005627 UMLS:C0030288 Upon reaching its final destination, the ventral pancreatic bud fuses with the much larger dorsal pancreatic bud. At this point of fusion, the main ducts of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds fuse, forming the duct of Wirsung, the main pancreatic duct. VHOG:0000256 canal of Wirsung chief pancreatic duct duct of Wirsung ductus pancreatis ventralis hepaticopancreatic duct in EHDAA2 this is an epithelium, in FMA the wall consists of epithelium and connective tissue main pancreatic duct pancreatic duct uberon urine BTO:0001419 CALOHA:TS-1092 EFO:0001939 EMAPA:36554 ENVO:00002047 Excretion that is the output of a kidney FMA:12274 GAID:1189 MA:0002545 MAT:0000058 MESH:D014556 MIAA:0000058 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjGppwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0001088 UMLS:C0042036 galen:Urine kidney excreta from some taxa (e.g. in aves) may not be liquid uberon synovial fluid BTO:0001339 CALOHA:TS-0996 ENVO:02000039 FMA:12277 GAID:265 MA:0002544 MESH:D013582 Portion of organism substance that is a clear fluid that occupies the space in synovial joints.[TAO] TAO:0005154 Transudate contained in the synovial cavity of joints, and in the cavity of tendon sheaths and bursae. UBERON:0001090 UMLS:C0039097 ZFA:0005154 galen:SynovialFluid joint fluid uberon lobe of liver EMAPA:18306 FMA:13361 MA:0000360 Traditional gross anatomy divided the liver into four lobes based on surface features. The falciform ligament is visible on the front (anterior side) of the liver. This divides the liver into a left anatomical lobe, and a right anatomical lobe. UBERON:0001113 UMLS:C0447541 hepatic lobe liver lobe lobus hepatis some work needs to be done to ensure the child terms of this class have correct isa/partof placement. in MA they are subclasses, in FMA they are parts uberon right lobe of liver 2nd lobe EHDAA2:0001008 EHDAA:4001 EMAPA:18311 FMA:13362 MA:0000363 Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's right side adjacent to the gall bladder.[TAO] TAO:0005173 The right lobe is much larger than the left; the proportion between them being as six to one. It occupies the right hypochondrium, and is separated from the left lobe on its upper surface by the falciform ligament; on its under and posterior surfaces by the left sagittal fossa; and in front by the umbilical notch. It is of a somewhat quadrilateral form, its under and posterior surfaces being marked by three fossæ: the porta and the fossæ for the gall-bladder and inferior vena cava, which separate its left part into two smaller lobes; the quadrate and caudate lobes. [WP,unvetted]. This class was created automatically from a combination of ontologies UBERON:0001114 UMLS:C0227481 VHOG:0001424 ZFA:0005173 gall bladder lobe liver right lobe lobus hepaticus dexter lobus hepatis dexter right hepatic lobe right liver lobe second lobe uberon left lobe of liver EHDAA2:0001000 EHDAA:3995 EMAPA:18307 FMA:13363 MA:0000361 Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's left side.[TAO] TAO:0005172 The left lobe is smaller and more flattened than the right. It is situated in the epigastric and left hypochondriac regions. Its upper surface is slightly convex and is moulded on to the diaphragm; its under surface presents the gastric impression and omental tuberosity. [WP,unvetted]. This class was created automatically from a combination of ontologies UBERON:0001115 UMLS:C0227486 VHOG:0001423 ZFA:0005172 left hepatic lobe left liver lobe liver left lobe lobus hepaticus sinister lobus hepatis sinister uberon skeletal muscle tissue EMAPA:32716 FMA:14069 MA:0002439 Muscle tissue that consists primarily of skeletal muscle fibers. Muscle, composed of long cylindrical, multinucleated cells that attaches to the skeleton via tendons.[TAO] TODO - add skeletal muscle organ? See GO:0060538 skeletal muscle organ development. Todo - group FBbt:00005073 - somatic muscle. This result implies the following views in terms of evolutionary differentiation: (1) Arthropod striated muscle and vertebrate skeletal and cardiac muscles share a common ancestor. In other words, they did not evolve independently (...) (5) The divergence of vertebrate skeletal and cardiac muscles/vertebrate smooth muscle and nonmuscle is at least before that of vertebrates/arthropods. In other words, emergence of skeletal and cardiac musle type tissues preceded the vertebrate/arthropod divergence (ca. 700 MYA).[well established][VHOG] Tissue which consists of skeletal muscle fibers surrounded by endomysium. Examples: Skeletal muscle tissue of biceps, Skeletal muscle tissue of diaphragm[FMA] UBERON:0001134 UMLS:C0242692 skeletal muscle skeletal muscle system somatic muscle uberon smooth muscle tissue (...) the first bilateral animals possessed only smooth muscles with the molecular repertoire necessary to build a striated muscle. (...) it is more parsimonious to regard striated muscle cells as a sister cell type to the smooth muscle cells. In this scenario, striated and smooth muscles would have arisen in the stem lineage that led to the Nephrozoa (i.e. all Bilateria exclusive the acoelomorphs) (Hejnol et al., 2009), from an 'acoel-like' smooth muscle, by segregation and divergence of functions and through differential recruitment of additional genes[well established][VHOG] A non-striated muscle that is composed of spindle-shaped cells. Smooth muscle usually is organized into sheets that line cavitated organs.[TAO] AAO:0010244 AEO:0000141 BTO:0001260 CALOHA:TS-0943 EFO:0000889 EHDAA2:0003141 EMAPA:32717 EV:0100378 FBbt:00003525 FMA:14070 GAID:167 GO uses visceral and smooth interchangeably. However visceral can also be used in the sense of the viscera. Many fly annotations to smooth muscle terms. If we want to be inclusive of insects have to have a general definition of tissue that includes cells. Involuntary muscle tissue consisting of uninucleate spindle-shaped fibers.[AAO] MA:0000166 MAT:0000303 MESH:D009130 MIAA:0000303 Muscle tissue which is unstriated, composed primarily of smooth muscle fibers surrounded by a reticulum of collagen and elastic fibers. Smooth muscle differs from striated muscle in the much higher actin/myosin ratio, the absence of conspicuous sarcomeres and the ability to contract to a much smaller fraction of its resting length[GO]. OpenCyc:Mx4rvvSS3pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005274 UBERON:0001135 UMLS:C1267092 VHOG:0001246 WBbt:0005781 XAO:0000175 ZFA:0005274 galen:SmoothMuscle galen:SmoothMuscleTissue involuntary muscle non-striated muscle smooth muscle textus muscularis levis; textus muscularis nonstriatus textus muscularis nonstriatus uberon visceral muscle visceral muscle tissue mesothelium AEO:0000111 BTO:0002422 CALOHA:TS-1183 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003111 EHDAA:2331 EHDAA:2349 EHDAA:295 EHDAA:6073 EHDAA:640 EHDAA:646 EMAPA:32856 FMA:14074 MA:0000565 Simple squamous epithelium of mesodermal origin which lines serous membranes. Examples: mesothelium of pleura, mesothelium of peritoneum[FMA]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ The mesothelium is a membrane that forms the lining of several body cavities: the pleura (thoracal cavity), peritoneum (abdominal cavity including the mesentery) and pericardium (heart sac). Mesothelial tissue also surrounds the male internal reproductive organs (the tunica vaginalis testis) and covers the internal reproductive organs of women (the tunica serosa uteri). UBERON:0001136 UMLS:C0086610 uberon dorsum A major subdivision of an organism that is the entire part of the organism dorsal to a horizontal plane and bounded on one side by the same transverse plane. In vertebrares this includes the vertebral column.. BTO:0001713 CALOHA:TS-2223 EFO:0001405 FMA:14181 GAID:30 In humans, called the back, a large posterior area of the human body, rising from the top of the buttocks to the back of the neck and the shoulders. It is the surface opposite to the chest, its height being defined by the vertebral column (commonly referred to as the spine or backbone) and its breadth being supported by the ribcage and shoulders. The spinal canal runs through the spine and provides nerves to the rest of the body MESH:A01.176 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkEU5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0001137 UMLS:C0004600 back back of body proper dorsal dorsal part of organism galen:Back uberon cystic duct Duct that connects the gall bladder and the common bile duct.[TAO] EHDAA2:0000333 EHDAA:3045 EMAPA:16841 FMA:14539 GAID:290 MA:0000355 MESH:A03.159.183.419 OpenCyc:Mx4rveBeC5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005166 The duct of the gallbladder which joins the common hepatic duct, thus forming the common biliary duct. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] UBERON:0001152 UMLS:C0010672 VHOG:0000213 ZFA:0005166 ductus cysticus galen:CysticDuct the tubular structure that conducts gall bladder contents from the gall bladder to the common bile duct uberon body of stomach BTO:0000505 EMAPA:35810 FMA:14560 MA:0002559 The body of stomach is the part of the stomach that lies between the fundus above and the pyloric antrum below; its boundaries are poorly defined[GO]. UBERON:0001161 UMLS:C0227230 corpus gastricum corpus gastricum (ventriculare) corpus ventriculare corpus ventriculi galen:GastricCorpus gastric body gastric corpus stomach body uberon we include this as zone of stomach even though it is not distinguished by gland type pyloric antrum BTO:0001732 EFO:0002555 EMAPA:17891 FMA:14579 GAID:332 MA:0001624 MESH:A03.492.766.716 UBERON:0001165 UMLS:C0034193 antrum antrum of Willis antrum of stomach antrum pylori antrum pyloricum galen:PyloricAntrum gastric antrum stomach antrum stomach pyloric antrum the area at the bottom of the stomach on the caudal side of the pyloric canal that contains gastrin-producing G cells, which stimulate acid production, and the luminal pH-sensitive population of somatostatin-producing D cells uberon pylorus Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut.[uncertain][VHOG] BTO:0001146 EHDAA2:0001580 EHDAA:4860 EMAPA:17631 FMA:14581 GAID:333 MA:0002560 MESH:A03.492.766.799 The orifice which allows the passage from the stomach into the intestine. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] UBERON:0001166 UMLS:C0034196 VHOG:0000420 We follow Kardong in defining stomach regions by glands galen:Pylorus pars pylorica pars pylorica gastricae pyloric pyloric part of stomach pyloric region stomach pyloric region the stomach tissue region surrounding and controlling the distal outlet of the stomach, which opens into the duodenum uberon valvula pylori wall of stomach EMAPA:35826 FMA:14582 MA:0002692 UBERON:0001167 anatomical wall of stomach anatomical wall of ventriculus galen:WallOfStomach gastric wall stomach anatomical wall stomach wall the layered structure that makes up the stomach, typiclly consists of a serous coat, a muscular coat, a mucous membrane, and other tissue layers in between uberon ventriculus anatomical wall ventriculus wall wall of ventriculus wall of small intestine An anatomical wall that is part of a small intestine [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35785 FMA:14615 MA:0002696 UBERON:0001168 UMLS:C1519375 anatomical wall of small bowel anatomical wall of small intestine small bowel anatomical wall small bowel wall small intestinal wall small intestine anatomical wall small intestine wall uberon wall of small bowel portal lobule FMA:14653 MA:0002498 The triangular region on the periphery of the liver lobules that contain a bile duct and a terminal branch of the hepatic artery and portal vein, and may also include a lymphatic vessel. UBERON:0001171 UMLS:C0682620 uberon hepatic acinus EMAPA:35497 FMA:14654 MA:0002496 The functional unit of the liver, consisting of a mass of hepatocytes from adjacent liver lobules aligned around the hepatic arterioles and portal venules just as they anastomose into sinusoids. UBERON:0001172 UMLS:C0227519 liver acinus portal acinus uberon biliary tree A complex network of conduits that begins with the canals of Hering (intralobar bile duct) and progressively merges into a system of interlobular, septal, and major ducts which then coalesce to form the extrahepatic bile ducts, which finally deliver bile to the intestine, and in some species to the gallbladder. AAO:0011020 EMAPA:35172 FMA:14665 Hollow tree organ, the organ parts of which consist of the bile ducts.[AAO] The path in many species is as follows: Bile canaliculi -> Canals of Hering (intralobar bile duct) -> interlobular bile ducts -> intrahepatic bile ducts -> left and right hepatic ducts merge to form -> common hepatic duct *exits liver* and joins -> cystic duct (from gall bladder) forming -> common bile duct -> joins with pancreatic duct -> forming ampulla of Vater -> enters duodenum [WP] UBERON:0001173 UMLS:C0005423 XAO:0000455 biliary tract uberon common bile duct Digestive system duct that collects bile from the hepatic bile duct and the cystic duct.[TAO] EHDAA2:0000303 EHDAA:3981 EMAPA:17201 FMA:14667 GAID:282 MA:0001631 MESH:D003135 TAO:0005165 The duct formed by the union of the common hepatic and cystic ducts. [Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier, adapted_from_Dorian_AF][VHOG] UBERON:0001174 UMLS:C0009437 VHOG:0000214 ZFA:0005165 ductus choledochus ductus choledochus (biliaris) galen:CommonBileDuct the part of the biliary tree formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct uberon common hepatic duct EMAPA:19101 FMA:14668 GAID:286 MA:0002660 MESH:D006500 Predominantly extrahepatic bile duct which is formed by the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts, which are predominantly intrahepatic, and, in turn, joins the cystic duct to form the common bile duct[GAID]. The common hepatic duct is the duct formed by the convergence of the right hepatic duct (which drains bile from the right functional lobe of the liver) and the left hepatic duct (which drains bile from the left functional lobe of the liver). The common hepatic duct then joins the cystic duct coming from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct[WP]. TODO - MA distinguishes between bile duct, hepatic duct, common bile duct and common hepatic duct. in FMA hepatic duct and common hepatic duct are the same. Common is part of extra-hepatic part The duct which conveys the bile from the liver and unites with the cystic duct to form the common bile duct. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] UBERON:0001175 UMLS:C0019149 VHOG:0000220 ductus hepaticus communis hepatic duct uberon right hepatic duct EHDAA2:0001727 EHDAA:3992 EMAPA:32797 FMA:14669 MA:0001639 The duct that drains bile from the right half of the liver and joins the left hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. The duct which drains bile from the right half of the liver and unites with the left hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. [adapted_from_http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=26032][VHOG] UBERON:0001176 UMLS:C0227557 VHOG:0000217 ductus hepaticus dexter uberon left hepatic duct EHDAA2:0000941 EHDAA:3990 EMAPA:32795 FMA:14670 MA:0001638 The duct that drains bile from the left half of the liver and joins the right hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. The duct which drains bile from the left half of the liver and unites with the right hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. [adapted_from_http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=26032][VHOG] UBERON:0001177 UMLS:C0227560 VHOG:0000218 ductus hepaticus sinister uberon hepatic artery An artery that supplies the liver. Artery that supplies blood to the liver.[TAO] BTO:0004307 EMAPA:17859 FMA:14769 GAID:496 MA:0001963 MESH:D006499 OpenCyc:Mx4rvzKtFpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005161 UBERON:0001193 UMLS:C0019145 ZFA:0005161 arteria hepatica arteria hepatica propria currently defined in a generic fashion. galen:HepaticArtery uberon mucosa of stomach BTO:0001308 CALOHA:TS-0404 EMAPA:35817 FMA:14907 GAID:321 MA:0002683 MESH:A03.492.766.440 Magenschleimhaut OpenCyc:Mx8NhB4rvcD6KJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvmKNOpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVj5FpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVjlqpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The gastric mucosa is the mucous membrane layer of the stomach which contains the glands and the gastric pits. In men it is about 1 mm thick and its surface is smooth, soft, and velvety. It consists of epithelium, lamina propria, and the muscularis mucosae. In its fresh state, it is of a pinkish tinge at the pyloric end and of a red or reddish-brown color over the rest of its surface. In infancy it is of a brighter hue, the vascular redness being more marked. It is thin at the cardiac extremity, but thicker toward the pylorus. During the contracted state of the organ it is thrown into numerous plaits or rugae, which, for the most part, have a longitudinal direction, and are most marked toward the pyloric end of the stomach, and along the greater curvature. These folds are entirely obliterated when the organ becomes distended. When examined with a lens, the inner surface of the mucous membrane presents a peculiar honeycomb appearance from being covered with funnel-like depressions or foveolae of a polygonal or hexagonal form, which vary from 0.12 to 0.25 mm. in diameter. These are the ducts of the gastric glands, and at the bottom of each may be seen one or more minute orifices, the openings of the gland tubes. Gastric glands are simple or branched tubular glands that emerge on the deeper part of the gastric foveola, inside the gastric areas and outlined by the folds of the mucosa. There are three types of glands: cardiac glands (in the proximal part of the stomach), oxyntic glands (the dominating type of gland), and pyloric glands. The cardiac glands mainly contain mucus producing cells. The bottom part of the oxyntic glands is dominated by zymogen (chief) cells that produce pepsinogen (an inactive precursor of the pepsin enzyme). Parietal cells, which secrete hydrochloric acid are scattered in the glands, with most of them in the middle part. The upper part of the glands consist of mucous neck cells; in this part the dividing cells are seen. The pyloric glands contain mucus-secreting cells. Several types of endocrine cells are found in all regions of the gastric mucosa. In the pyloric glands contain gastrin producing cells (G cells); this hormone stimulates acid production from the parietal cells. ECL (enterochromaffine-like) cells, found in the oxyntic glands release histamine, which also is a powerful stimulant of the acid secretion. The A cells produce glucagon, which mobilizes the hepatic glycogen, and the enterochromaffin cells that produce serotonin, which stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscles. The surface of the mucous membrane is covered by a single layer of columnar epithelium . This epithelium commences very abruptly at the cardiac orifice, where there is a sudden transition from the stratified epithelium of the esophagus. The epithelial lining of the gland ducts is of the same character and is continuous with the general lining of the stomach. [WP,unvetted][Wikipedia:Gastric_mucosa]. The mucosal layer that lines the stomach. UBERON:0001199 UMLS:C0017136 galen:GastricMucosa gastric mucosa gastric mucous membrane mucosa of organ of stomach mucosa of organ of ventriculus mucosa of ventriculus mucous membrane of stomach mucous membrane of ventriculus organ mucosa of stomach organ mucosa of ventriculus stomach mucosa stomach mucosa of organ stomach mucous membrane stomach organ mucosa tunica mucosa (gaster) tunica mucosa gastricae tunica mucosa gastris uberon ventriculus mucosa ventriculus mucosa of organ ventriculus mucous membrane ventriculus organ mucosa pyloric sphincter (...) the adult Xenopus stomach exhibits both glandular and aglandular regions and a distinct pyloric sphincter similar to that of the amniotic vertebrates (...).[uncertain][VHOG] A strong ring of smooth muscle at the end of the pyloric canal which lets food pass from the stomach to the duodenum. It receives sympathetic innervation from the celiac ganglion[WP]. AAO:0011093 EMAPA:19251 FMA:14916 MA:0002952 OpenCyc:Mx4rvly2ZZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0001202 UMLS:C0227238 VHOG:0001466 XAO:0000457 pyloric valve uberon mucosa of small intestine A mucosa that is part of a small intestine [Automatically generated definition]. BTO:0001259 CALOHA:TS-0941 EMAPA:35780 FMA:14933 MA:0002686 UBERON:0001204 UMLS:C0227261 mucosa of organ of small bowel mucosa of organ of small intestine mucosa of small bowel mucous membrane of small bowel mucous membrane of small intestine organ mucosa of small bowel organ mucosa of small intestine small bowel mucosa small bowel mucosa of organ small bowel mucous membrane small bowel organ mucosa small intestinal mucosa small intestine mucosa small intestine mucosa of organ small intestine mucous membrane small intestine organ mucosa tunica mucosa (intestinum tenue) tunica mucosa intestini tenuis uberon renal pelvis A funnel shaped proximal portion of the ureter that is formed by convergence of the major calices [MP]. CALOHA:TS-2230 EMAPA:17948 FMA:15575 GAID:426 In this ontology, the renal pelvis is represented as the area of part-overlap between the kidney and the ureter MA:0000374 MESH:D007682 UBERON:0001224 UMLS:C0227666 galen:RenalPelvis kidney pelvis p. renallis pelvis of ureter pyelum uberon intestinal mucosa BTO:0000642 EMAPA:35440 FMA:15695 GAID:296 MA:0001537 MESH:A03.492.411.369 The innermost membrane of the four coats of the intestinal wall, the other three being the submucosa, muscular layers, and serosa. (Berk et al., Gastroenterology, 4th ed, v.3, p1479) UBERON:0001242 UMLS:C0021839 bowel mucosa bowel mucosa of organ bowel mucous membrane bowel organ mucosa intestine mucosa intestine mucosa of organ intestine mucous membrane intestine organ mucosa mucosa of bowel mucosa of intestine mucosa of organ of bowel mucosa of organ of intestine mucous membrane of bowel mucous membrane of intestine organ mucosa of bowel organ mucosa of intestine tunica mucosa intestini uberon anus BTO:0001680 CALOHA:TS-2005 EV:0100082 FBbt:00003148 FMA:15711 GAID:312 In the lungfish, sharks and rays the rectum opens into the cloaca which also receives wastes (urine) from the kidneys and material from the reproductive organs. In bony fish the rectum reaches the outside environment through the anus, which is normally situated just in front the urinary and reproductive openings. However in some fish the digestive tract may be curled back on itself, and in the Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) the anus is situated in the fish's throat. -- http://www.earthlife.net/fish/digestion.html MA:0000331 MESH:A03.492.411.495.767.288 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjaEZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Orifice at the opposite end of an animal's digestive tract from the mouth. Its function is to expel feces, unwanted semi-solid matter produced during digestion, which, depending on the type of animal, may be one or more of: matter which the animal cannot digest, such as bones; food material after all the nutrients have been extracted, for example cellulose or lignin; ingested matter which would be toxic if it remained in the digestive tract; and dead or excess gut bacteria and other endosymbionts. TADS:0000066 TGMA:0001279 UBERON:0001245 UMLS:C0003461 WBbt:0005364 anal anal opening anal orifice galen:Anus opening of terminal part of digestive tract proctodeum uberon interlobular bile duct FMA:15767 MA:0002668 The canals that carry bile in the liver between the intralobular ducts and the biliary ductules; interlobular bile ducts are part of the interlobular portal triad. UBERON:0001246 UMLS:C0227515 interlobular ductule uberon urinary bladder A saccular organ in which urine accumulates before discharge from the body. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-29, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] AAO:0000623 Anatomical structure which consists of a membranous sac used to temporarily store urine until it is excreted from the body.[AAO] BTO:0001418 CALOHA:TS-1090 EFO:0000290 EHDAA2:0000174 EHDAA:9328 EMAPA:18321 EV:0100098 FMA:15900 GAID:0000004 In tetrapods, the urinary bladder arises as an outpocketing of the cloaca. (...) The tetrapod urinary bladder appears first among amphibians and is present in Sphenodon, turtles, most lizards, ostriches among birds, and all mammals.[well established][VHOG] MA:0000380 MAT:0000122 MESH:A05.810.161 MIAA:0000122 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjMmZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The urinary bladder evolved in tetrapods. Birds to not possess a true urinary bladder, although Palaeognathae have an undifferentiated cloacal outpocketing that serves a similar function[https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/454] UBERON:0001255 UMLS:C0005682 VHOG:0000740 XAO:0000154 bladder distensible musculomembranous organ situated in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity in which urine collects before excretion[MP]. galen:UrinaryBladder uberon urocyst vesica vesica urinaria vesical wall of intestine An anatomical wall that is part of a intestine [Automatically generated definition]. BTO:0000647 EMAPA:35181 EMAPA:35444 FMA:15949 MA:0001525 MA:0002693 UBERON:0001262 UMLS:C1708548 anatomical wall of bowel anatomical wall of intestine bowel anatomical wall bowel wall bowel wall intestinal wall intestine anatomical wall intestine wall uberon wall of bowel we place two MA classes here due to the official ncit2ma mapping to intestinal wall tissue; not clear how bowel and intestine are different pancreatic acinus EMAPA:35651 FMA:16011 MA:0002417 The secretory units of the exocrine pancreas, where fluid containing digestive enzymes is produced; consists of a group of secretory cells surrounding a luminal space that connects to the pancreatic duct. UBERON:0001263 UMLS:C0227578 acinus pancreaticus pancreas acinus pancreatic acinar pancreatic acini uberon pancreas AAO:0010112 An endoderm derived structure that produces precursors of digestive enzymes and blood glucose regulating enzymes[GO]. As a secretory organ serving exocrine and endocrine functions, the pancreas is specific to the vertebrates[PMID:16417468] Hagfishes and lampreys are unique in the complete separation of their endocrine pancreas (islet or- gan) and their exocrine pancreas (50). The endocrine and exocrine pancreas are coassociated in crown gnathostomes (50). In Branchiostoma and Ciona, there is no diverticulum as there is in hagfishes, lampreys, and gnathostomes, only dispersed insulin-secreting cells in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract (51, 52) BTO:0000988 CALOHA:TS-0736 EFO:0000855 EHDAA2:0001367 EHDAA:6893 EMAPA:17503 EV:0100092 FMA:7198 GAID:334 In the hagfish and lampreys (our most primitive vertebrate species of today), the first sign of 'a new organ' is found as collections of endocrine cells around the area of the bile duct connection with the duodenum. These endocrine organs are composed of 99% beta cells and 1% somatostatin-producing delta cells. Compared to the more primitive protochordates (e.g. amphioxus), this represents a stage where all previously scattered insulin-producing cells of the intestinal tissue have now quantitatively migrated to found a new organ involved in sensing blood glucose rather than gut glucose. Only later in evolution, the beta cells are joined by exocrine tissue and alpha cells (exemplified by the rat-, rabbit- and elephant-fishes). Finally, from sharks and onwards in evolution, we have the islet PP-cell entering to complete the pancreas.[well established][VHOG] MA:0000120 MAT:0000075 MESH:D010179 MIAA:0000075 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVimZZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organ which secretes a fluid containing enzymes that aid in the digestion of food.[AAO] TAO:0000140 The mature pancreas of higher vertebrates and mammals comprises two major functional units: the exocrine pancreas, which is responsible for the production of digestive enzymes to be secreted into the gut lumen, and the endocrine pancreas, which has its role in the synthesis of several hormones with key regulatory functions in food uptake and metabolism. The exocrine portion constitutes the majority of the mass of the pancreas, and contains only two different cell types, the secretory acinar cells and the ductular cells. The endocrine portion, which comprises only 1-2% of the total mass, contains five different cell types, which are organized into mixed functional assemblies referred to as the islets of Langerhans The zebrafish does not have a discrete pancreas. Exocrine pancreatic tissue can be found scattered along the intestinal tract. The acinar structure of the exocrine pancreas is very similar to that of mammals and comprises cells with a very dark, basophilic cytoplasm UBERON:0001264 UMLS:C0030274 VHOG:0000050 XAO:0000136 ZFA:0000140 galen:Pancreas pancreatic uberon pelvic girdle region FMA:16581 Subdivision of lower limb or fin which links the limb/fin to the body[FMA,modified]. There is only one instance of the pelvic girdle region per organism.[VSAO] The organism subdivision that includes the pelvic girdle skeleton and associated soft tissue. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). Examples: There are only two instances in an organism, right and left pectoral girdle regions. UBERON:0001271 UMLS:C0684083 VSAO:0000304 girdle - pelvic pelvic girdle this class describes the subdivision of the limb/fin, NOT the skeleton within. See also: skeleton of pectoral girdle (UBERON:0007831). See also comments on obo-anatomy mail list. Note that even though the class includes soft tissue it is more restrictive than 'pelvis' which also includes structures in cavities etc. TODO this needs to be better documented uberon epithelium of stomach BTO:0000500 CALOHA:TS-2068 EHDAA2:0001918 EMAPA:17023 FMA:17091 MA:0001610 The epithelial layer of the stomach . UBERON:0001276 VHOG:0001433 epithelial tissue of stomach epithelial tissue of ventriculus epithelium of ventriculus gastric epithelium in FMA this is classified as simple columnar, MA divides this into squamous and glandular stomach epithelial tissue stomach epithelium uberon ventriculus epithelial tissue ventriculus epithelium portal triad A multi-organ-part structure that consists of three vessels of the portal lobule including the bile duct, a terminal branch of the hepatic artery and portal vein, and may also include a lymphatic vessel FMA:17523 MA:0002499 The misnomer 'portal triad' traditionally has included only the first three structures, and was named before lymphatic vessels were discovered in the structure. It can refer both to the largest branch of each of these vessels running inside the hepatoduodenal ligament, and to the smaller branches of these vessels inside the liver. UBERON:0001279 UMLS:C0227514 trias hepatica trias hepatica uberon liver parenchyma AAO:0010405 EHDAA2:0001004 EHDAA:2201 EMAPA:17203 FMA:17540 MA:0000366 The functional units of the liver including the lobules. UBERON:0001280 UBERON:0003223 VHOG:0000539 XAO:0000454 hepatic parenchyma hepatic parenchyme liver parenchyme parenchyma of liver the (liver) tubular structure (dual layered parenchyma) appears to be conserved among all embryonic vertebrates (...) it is not unlikely that all vertebrate livers share the same fundamental functional unit.[well established][VHOG] uberon intralobular bile duct FMA:17545 MA:0002669 Note that this is part of the intrahepatic bile duct in MA, as this class is more alike the tree in FMA. Note also that SCT has canal of Hering and Entire IBduct as the only sibling terms under 'Structure of intralobular bile duct' (i.e. the CoH is the only part of the entire IBduct) UBERON:0001282 UMLS:C0227517 canal of Hering canal of Herring canals of Hering cholangiole duct of Herring ductus interlobularis bilifer intrahepatic bile ductule the tubules located between the bile canaliculi and interlobular bile ducts near the outer edge of a classic liver lobule uberon anal region Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut.[uncertain][VHOG] EFO:0000847 EHDAA2:0000122 EHDAA:2931 EMAPA:16831 MA:0000329 MAT:0000042 MIAA:0000042 The anus and surrounding regions. Encompasses both internal and external regions, where present UBERON:0001353 UMLS:C0230120 VHOG:0000395 WBbt:0006919 posterior posterior end of organism uberon skeletal system AAO:0000566 Anatomical system consisting of multiple elements and tissues that provides physical support.[TAO] Anatomical system that is a multi-element, multi-tissue anatomical cluster that consists of the skeleton and the articular system. Anatomical system that is a multi-element, multi-tissue anatomical cluster that consists of the skeleton and the articular system.[VSAO] BTO:0001486 By taking a holistic approach, integration of the evidence from molecular and developmental features of model organisms, the phylogenetic distribution in the 'new animal phylogeny' and the earliest fossilized remains of mineralized animal skeletons suggests independent origins of the skeleton at the phylum level.[debated][VHOG] CALOHA:TS-1320 EFO:0000806 EHDAA2:0003168 EMAPA:35773 FMA:23881 GO defines skeletal system very generically: The skeleton is the bony framework of the body in vertebrates (endoskeleton) or the hard outer envelope of insects (exoskeleton or dermoskeleton) GO:0001501; however, all annotations are to vertebrates MA:0000018 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi1rpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Skelettsystem System that provides physical support to the organism.[AAO] TAO:0000434 UBERON:0001434 UMLS:C0037253 VHOG:0001254 VSAO:0000027 XAO:0003060 ZFA:0000434 https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-skeletal-system set of all bones and joints skeletal skeleton system uberon chest BTO:0001368 CALOHA:TS-1039 EFO:0000965 EV:0100010 FMA:24216 present in FMA1, but gone in subsequent versions FMA:9576 GAID:91 MA:0000031 MAT:0000295 MESH:A01.911 MIAA:0000295 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVikFZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Subdivision of trunk proper, which is demarcated from the neck by the plane of the superior thoracic aperture and from the abdomen internally by the inferior surface of the diaphragm and externally by the costal margin and associated with the thoracic vertebral column and ribcage and from the back of the thorax by the external surface of the posterolateral part of the rib cage, the anterior surface of the thoracic vertebral column and the posterior axillary lines; together with the abdomen and the perineum, it constitutes the trunk proper[FMA]. UBERON:0001443 UMLS:C0817096 UMLS:C1527391 anterolateral part of thorax front of thorax galen:Chest galen:Thorax pectoral pectus thoracic thoracic body wall thorax uberon ventral part of thoracic region subdivision of head FMA:24218 UBERON:0001444 XAO:0000040 head region head subdivision region of head uberon face A subdivision of the head that has as parts the layers deep to the surface of the anterior surface, including the mouth, eyes, and nose (when present). In vertebrates, this includes the facial skeleton and structures superficial to the facial skeleton (cheeks, mouth, eyeballs, skin of face, etc). BTO:0003369 CALOHA:TS-2216 EMAPA:32763 FMA:24728 GAID:64 HAO:0000316 MA:0002473 MESH:D005145 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi5GZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Subdivision of head which consists of the viscerocranium and all layers superficial to it. Examples: There is only one face. The area that extends from the median ocellus to the oral foramen[HAO]. The face develops from outward growth of tissue located rostral to the cranium & pharynx. The lower jaw and most of the upper jaw are formed by growth of the first pharyngeal (branchial) arch. The upper incisor region and the nose and forehead (frontal region) are formed from tissue located rostral to the neural tube (frontonasal prominence) UBERON:0001456 UMLS:C0015450 facia/facies facial galen:Face uberon visage bone element AAO:0000047 AEO:0000082 Also called osseous tissue, (Latin: os). Is a type of hard endoskeletal connective tissue found in many vertebrate animals. Bone is the main tissue of body organs that support body structures, protect internal organs, (in conjunction with muscles) facilitate movement; and are involved with cell formation, calcium metabolism, and mineral storage.[AAO] BTO:0000140 CALOHA:TS-0088 EFO:0000298 EHDAA2:0003082 EMAPA:32782 ENVO:00002039 EV:0100140 FMA:30317 FMA:5018 GAID:92 MA:0001459 MAT:0000299 MIAA:0000299 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViDlpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkCG5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Portion of tissue which is calcified connective tissue making up the structural elements of the skeletal system.[TAO] Skeletal element that is composed of bone tissue. Skeletal element that is composed of bone tissue.[VSAO] TAO:0001514 The 'new animal phylogeny' reveals that many of the groups known to biomineralize sit among close relatives that do not, and it favours an interpretation of convergent or parallel evolution for biomineralization in animals. (...) Whether this 'biomineralization toolkit'of genes reflects a parallel co-option of a common suite of genes or the inheritance of a skeletogenic gene regulatory network from a biomineralizing common ancestor remains an open debate.[debated][VHOG] UBERON:0001474 UMLS:C0262950 VHOG:0001190 VSAO:0000057 XAO:0000169 ZFA:0001514 bone bone element bone organ bones galen:Bone relationship loss: subclass specialized connective tissue (AAO:0000571)[AAO] uberon articular capsule An articular capsule (or joint capsule) is an envelope surrounding a synovial joint. [WP,unvetted]. FMA:34836 GAID:263 MA:0001519 MESH:D017746 UBERON:0001484 UMLS:C0206207 capsula articularis capsulae articulares check ncita fibrous capsule of joint galen:JointCapsule joint capsule joint fibrous capsule uberon digestive tract A tube extending from the mouth to the anus. AAO:0010023 BILA:0000083 BTO:0000511 BTO:0000545 EHDAA2:0000726 EHDAA:518 EMAPA:16247 FBbt:00003125 FMA also has a term 'gastrointestinal tract', but this includes the liver. FMA:45615 MA:0000917 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi0GpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000112 TGMA:0001819 The alimentary or digestive tract, and associated organs.[TAO] The bilaterian gut is typically a complete tube that opens to the exterior at both ends. It consists of mouth, foregut, midgut, hindgut, and anus (reference 1); Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001555 UMLS:C0017189 VHOG:0000309 WBbt:0005743 ZFA:0000112 alimentary canal alimentary tract digestive canal digestive tube enteric tract galen:AlimentaryTract gut gut tube uberon we following Kardong in naming the entire tube from mouth to anus the alimentary canal. Kardong calls the portion of this tract that excludes buccal cavity and pharynx the 'alimentary canal', consider adding an extra class for this we place the MA and EMAPA class here, although the intent is probably a smaller region. See https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/509 lower urinary tract FMA:45659 MA:0002636 Subdivision of urinary system which consists of the urinary bladder and the urethra. UBERON:0001556 galen:LowerUrinaryTract uberon ciliary muscle BTO:0000654 Bowman`s muscles EMAPA:35240 FMA:49151 MA:0001269 The ciliary muscle is a ring of smooth muscle in the middle layer of the eye that controls the eye's accommodation for viewing objects at varying distances and regulates the flow of aqueous humour through Schlemm's canal. [WP,unvetted]. UBERON:0001605 UMLS:C0559230 ciliaris musculus ciliaris musculus ciliarus uberon muscle organ AAO:0011066 EMAPA:32715 EV:0100146 FMA:5022 GAID:131 It seems clear that the metazoan ancestor inherited from its unicellular descendants an actin cytoskeleton and motor-proteins of the myosin superfamily. Within metazoans, these two molecules were arranged into effective contractile units, the muscles. The basic trends for muscle evolution are already expressed in the diploblastic taxa.[well established][VHOG] MA:0000015 OpenCyc:Mx4rv2kf-5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organ consisting of a tissue made up of various elongated cells that are specialized to contract and thus to produce movement and mechanical work[GO]. Portion of tissue composed of contractile fibers.[TAO] TAO:0005145 UBERON:0001630 VHOG:0001245 XAO:0000172 ZFA:0005145 galen:Muscle muscle muscular uberon artery AAO:0010211 AEO:0000208 An epithelial tube or tree of tibes that transports blood away from the heart[modified from AEO definition]. BTO:0000573 CALOHA:TS-0054 EFO:0000814 EHDAA2:0000143 EHDAA2:0003253 EMAPA:35147 EV:0100026 FMA:50720 GAID:468 MA:0000064 MAT:0000034 MESH:D001158 MIAA:0000034 Note that in FMA an artery is a tree, whereas AEO/JB defines it as a tube; FMA includes a separate class for what it calls the trunk. Classification in this ontology may currently (Jan 2012) represent a mix of both schemes, although we are gradually revising in the direction of the AEO scheme. OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjknZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Part of the circulatory system composed of blood vessels which carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.[AAO] TAO:0000005 The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001637 UMLS:C0003842 VHOG:0001251 XAO:0000114 ZFA:0000005 arterial arterial subtree arterial system arterial tree organ part arterial vessel arteries galen:Artery uberon vein AAO:0010212 AEO:0000209 Any of the tubular branching vessels that carry blood from the capillaries toward the heart. BTO:0000234 CALOHA:TS-1108 EFO:0000816 EHDAA2:0003254 EMAPA:35906 EV:0100031 FMA:50723 GAID:492 MA:0000067 MAT:0000037 MESH:D014680 MIAA:0000037 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjkWpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Part of the circulatory system composed of blood vessels which carry blood from other organs, tissues, and cells to the heart.[AAO] TAO:0000082 TODO - check with MA - vein vs venous blood vessel The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001638 UMLS:C0042449 VHOG:0001743 XAO:0000115 ZFA:0000082 galen:Vein uberon vascular element vena venae venous subtree venous tree organ part venous vessel ear AAO:0011014 BTO:0000368 Both vertebrate and invertebrate auditory organs are thought to have evolved from primitive mechanosensors, but the nature of the ancestral structure and the evolutionary trajectories followed in distinct animal lineages remain unknown. In particular, we do not know how many types of mechanosensor existed in the protostome-deuterostome ancestor from which insects and vertebrates evolved or whether the PDA had an auditory organ.[well established][VHOG] CALOHA:TS-1165 EFO:0000826 EHDAA2:0000423 EHDAA:502 EMAPA:16193 EV:0100353 FMA:52780 GAID:62 MA:0000236 MAT:0000138 MESH:D004423 MIAA:0000138 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViXS5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjL05wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Sense organ in vertebrates that is specialized for the detection of sound, and the maintenance of balance. Includes the outer ear and middle ear, which collect and transmit sound waves; and the inner ear, which contains the organs of balance and (except in fish) hearing. Also includes the pinna, the visible part of the outer ear, present in some mammals. The organ of hearing and of equilibrium. [TFD][VHOG] UBERON:0001690 UMLS:C0013443 UMLS:C0521421 VHOG:0000330 XAO:0000189 auditory apparatus auricular auris galen:Ear uberon nail A horn-like keratin structure covering the dorsal aspect of the terminal phalanges of fingers and toes[WP]. A primate's nail consists of the unguis alone; the subunguis has disappeared BTO:0001719 CALOHA:TS-2034 EFO:0000956 EMAPA:35580 EV:0100159 FMA:54326 GAID:1320 MA:0002703 MAT:0000158 MESH:D009262 MIAA:0000158 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjJv5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The nails of humans and the claws are moth are highly similar. Both species have a proximal nail fold, cuticle, nail matrix, nail bed, nail plate, and hyponychium. Distinguishing features are the shape of the nail and the presence of an extended hyponychium in the mouse [PMC3579226] UBERON:0001705 UMLS:C0027342 Use this class for both the nails of primates and the homologous claws of mammals such as mouse. VHOG:0001361 XAO:0003103 claw galen:Nail nail/claw talon uberon eyelid A fold of skin that covers and protects part of the eyeball. Examples: upper eyelid, lower eyelid, nictitating membrane BTO:0002241 Consider adding 'eye surface', like MA EHDAA2:0000487 EHDAA:9037 EMAPA:17829 EV:0100338 FMA divides this into skin, fascia, conjunctiva FMA:54437 GAID:72 In humans the upper and lower eyelid consists of the following layers, starting anteriorly: (1) skin, (2) a layer of subcutaneous connective tissue, (3) a layer of striated muscle fibres of the orbicularis muscle, (4) a layer of submuscular connective tissue, (5) a fibrous layer, including the tarsal plates, (6) a layer of smooth muscle, (7) the palpebral conjunctiva. MA:0000268 MESH:D005143 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi4m5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0001711 UMLS:C0015426 VHOG:0000016 blephara blepharic blepharon eye lid palpebra palpebrae palpebral uberon uvea CALOHA:TS-2228 EMAPA:35901 FMA:58103 GAID:912 MA:0002480 MESH:D014602 TODO - check child terms, isa vs partof. See also MA:0001284 ! tunica vasculosa plexus UBERON:0001768 UMLS:C0042160 pars iridica retinae the pigmented middle of the three concentric layers that make up an eye, consisting of the iris, ciliary body and choroid[WP,edited]. tunica vasculatis oculi tunica vasculosa bulbi tunica vasculosa of eyeball uberon uvea uveal uveal tract vascular layer of eyeball iris AAO:0010347 BTO:0000653 CALOHA:TS-0491 EFO:0004245 EMAPA:19154 EV:0100345 FMA:58235 GAID:917 MA:0000273 MESH:D007498 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjbppwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0001238 The avian iris and ciliary body undergoes a transition from smooth-to-striated muscle during embryonic development [doi:dx.doi.org/10.1006/dbio.1998.9019] The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] The opaque muscular contractile diaphragm suspended in the aqueous humour in front of the lens of the eye. The organ is perforated by the pupil and continues peripherally with the ciliary body. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] UBERON:0001769 UMLS:C0022077 VHOG:0000101 XAO:0000185 ZFA:0001238 anterior uvea irides iridial irises the adjustable membrane, composed of the stroma and pigmented epithelium, located just in front of the crystalline lens within the eye uberon corneal epithelium BTO:0000287 CALOHA:TS-0173 EFO:0001917 EHDAA2:0000319 EMAPA:17162 FMA:58263 GAID:895 In Humans: It consists of several layers of cells. The cells of the deepest layer are columnar; then follow two or three layers of polyhedral cells, the majority of which are prickle cells similar to those found in the stratum mucosum of the cuticle. Lastly, there are three or four layers of squamous cells, with flattened nuclei In zebrafish: nonpigmented, stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelial cells, attached to a thick basement membrane that is considered to be analogous to the Bowman's membrane in mammals MA:0001243 MESH:D019573 Portion of tissue comprised of four to six layers of nonkeratinized, stratified squamous cells and represents approximately 60% of the thickness of the cornea.[TAO] TAO:0002187 UBERON:0001772 UMLS:C0459875 ZFA:0001683 anterior corneal epithelium anterior endothelium of cornea cornea epithelial tissue cornea epithelium e. anterius corneae endothelium anterius corneae endothelium camerae anterioris bulbi endothelium corneale epithelial tissue of cornea epithelium anterius (cornea) epithelium anterius corneae epithelium corneæ anterior layer epithelium of cornea epithelium posterius corneae external epithelium of cornea the smooth stratified squamous epithelium that covers the outer surface of the cornea uberon sclera AAO:0010354 BTO:0001606 Disease notes: implicated in rheumatoid arthritis. EMAPA:19027 EV:0100342 FMA:58269 GAID:911 MA:0000280 MESH:D012590 Majority derives from NC that surrounds optic cup of neurectoderm; a small temporal portion develops from the mesoderm that contributes to striated extra-ocular muscles and vascular endothelia[Rada&Johnson]. Opaque fibrous outer layer of the eyeball[ZFA,Kardong,WP]. OpenCyc:Mx4rv7yR55wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Seko et al demonstrate chondrogenic potential and identify this as connective tissue[doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003709]. The sclera, also known as the white part of the eye, is the opaque (usually white, though certain animals, such as horses and lizards, can have black sclera), fibrous, protective, outer layer of the eye containing collagen and elastic fiber. It is derived from the neural crest. In children, it is thinner and shows some of the underlying pigment, appearing slightly blue. In the elderly, however, fatty deposits on the sclera can make it appear slightly yellow. The sclera forms the posterior five sixths of the connective tissue coat of the globe. It is continuous with the dura mater and the cornea, and maintains the shape of the globe, offering resistance to internal and external forces, and provides an attachment for the extraocular muscle insertions. The sclera is perforated by plenty of nerves and vessels passing through the posterior scleral foramen, the hole that is formed by the optic nerve. At the optic disk the outer two-thirds of the sclera continues with the dura mater (outer coat of the brain) via the dural sheath of the optic nerve. The inner third joins with some choroidal tissue to form a plate (lamina cribrosa) across the optic nerve with perforations through which the optic fibers (fasciculi). The thickness of the sclera varies from 1mm at the posterior pole to 0.3 mm just behind the rectus muscle insertions. The sclera's blood vessels are mainly on the surface, and together with the conjunctiva (which lies on top) This is a thin layer covering the sclera. Along with the vessels of the conjunctiva, those of the sclera renders the inflamed eye bright red. [WP,unvetted][Wikipedia:Sclera]. The tough, usually white, outer coat of the eyeball, covering all the posterior surface and continuous anteriorly with the cornea. [TFD][VHOG] UBERON:0001773 UMLS:C0036410 VHOG:0001274 XAO:0000183 ZFA:0005563 continuous with the dura mater and the cornea; The sclera forms the posterior five-sixths of the connective tissue coat of the globe. in fish, reptiles and monotremes the connective tissue of the sclera is skeletal scleral scleral capsule uberon ciliary body AAO:0010341 BTO:0000260 CALOHA:TS-0694 EMAPA:19065 EV:0100346 FMA:58295 GAID:916 MA:0000264 MESH:D002924 The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001775 UMLS:C0008779 VHOG:0000102 XAO:0000186 anterior uvea ciliary bodies corpus ciliare ocular ciliary body the thickened portion of the vascular tunic, which lies between the choroid and the iris, composed of ciliary muscle and ciliary processes uberon optic choroid BTO:0001829 CALOHA:TS-2054 EMAPA:19077 EV:0100347 FMA:58298 GAID:913 MA:0000263 MESH:D002829 MP treats posterior uvea and optic choroid as distinct TAO:0005229 UBERON:0001776 UMLS:C0008520 VHOG:0001568 ZFA:0005229 check choroid vs choroid layer; check ZFA/TAO placement - no homology assertion in VHOG. Note this is entirely in the posterior region of eyeball in ZFA chorioid choroid choroid coat choroidal choroidea choroidea eye choroid optic choroid posterior uvea uberon vascular layer containing connective tissue, of the eye lying between the retina and the sclera. The choroid provides oxygen and nourishment to the outer layers of the retina. Along with the ciliary body and iris, the choroid forms the uveal tract[WP]. layer of retina AAO:0010353 Any of the layers that make up the retina[MP]. EMAPA:35742 FMA:58617 MA does not treat internal/external limiting memranes as layers - these are classified as laminae. Here we follow other ontologies in grouping with other layers. MA also treats retinal pigment epithelium and neural retina epithelium as distinct from the layers. We follow ontologies such as FMA and ZFA in first dividing into pigmented and neural layers - these are also classified as layers, giving us over the usual 10 layers MA:0001319 UBERON:0001781 UMLS:C0459649 XAO:0000266 retina layer retina neuronal layer retinal layer retinal neuronal layer uberon anterior segment of eyeball EMAPA:36594 FMA:58865 MA:0002484 MESH:D000869 UBERON:0001801 UMLS:C0003153 ZFA:0005566 anterior eye segment anterior segment eye anterior segment of eye anterior segment of the eye any of the parts of the eye that lie in front of, or ventral to, the lens (inclusive) eye anterior segment segmentum anterius (bulbus oculi) segmentum anterius bulbi oculi uberon posterior segment of eyeball EMAPA:36595 FMA:58868 MA:0002485 UBERON:0001802 UMLS:C0278450 ZFA:0005567 any of the parts of the eye that lie in back of, or dorsal to, the lens (but not inclusive) eye posterior segment posterior eye segment posterior segment eye posterior segment of eye posterior segment of the eye segmentum posterius (bulbus oculi) segmentum posterius bulbi oculi uberon forebrain AAO:0010147 BAMS:FB BAMS:Forebrain BTO:0000478 CALOHA:TS-0380 DHBA:10156 DMBA:15566 EFO:0000909 EHDAA2:0000556 EHDAA:3470 EMAPA:16895 FB FMA:61992 In craniate embryos, neural expression of Distal-less-related genes is exclusively in the forebrain (...). Because the major neural expression domain of amphioxus AmphiDll is in the anterior three-fourths of the cerebral vesicle, we suggest that this region of the neural tube is homologous to parts of the craniate forebrain. This conclusion is strongly supported by three-dimensional, computer-assisted reconstruction of the neural tube of amphioxus based on serial transmission electron microscopy. At the neuroanatomical level, a number of detailed homologies are indicated between the anterior three-fourths of the amphioxus cerebral vesicle and the diencephalic region of the craniate forebrain. If one assumes that the amphioxus condition fairly represents the nervous system of the proximate ancestor of the craniates, one can suggest that they evolved from a creature that had the beginnings of a forebrain.[well established][VHOG] MA:0000170 MAT:0000105 MESH:D016548 MIAA:0000105 Most anterior of the three regions of the brain consisting of the telencephalon and diencephalon.[AAO] TAO:0000109 The most anterior region the brain including both the telencephalon and diencephalon. The most anterior region the brain including both the telencephalon and diencephalon. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] UBERON:0001890 UMLS:C0085140 VHOG:0000383 XAO:0000011 ZFA:0000109 http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=27 prosencephalic prosencephalon relationship loss: develops_from forebrain neural tube (TAO:0007041)[TAO] uberon midbrain AAO:0010149 BAMS:MES BM:MB BTO:0000138 CALOHA:TS-0630 DHBA:10648 DMBA:16649 EFO:0000919 EHDAA2:0001162 EHDAA:3694 EMAPA:16974 EV:0100242 FMA:61993 Fine structural, computerized three-dimensional (3D) mapping of cell connectivity in the amphioxus nervous system and comparative molecular genetic studies of amphioxus and tunicates have provided recent insights into the phylogenetic origin of the vertebrate nervous system. The results suggest that several of the genetic mechanisms for establishing and patterning the vertebrate nervous system already operated in the ancestral chordate and that the nerve cord of the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates included a diencephalon, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord.[well established][VHOG] HBA:9001 MA:0000207 MAT:0000106 MB MBA:313 MESH:D008636 MIAA:0000106 Middle part of the brain composed of the optic tectum and penducular region.[AAO] OpenCyc:Mx4rvsBUqpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001104 TAO:0000128 The brain region between the forebrain anteriorly and the hindbrain posteriorly, including the tectum dorsally and the midbrain tegmentum ventrally. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] The midbrain is the middle division of the three primary divisions of the developing chordate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain (in vertebrates, includes a ventral part containing the cerebral peduncles and a dorsal tectum containing the corpora quadrigemina and that surrounds the aqueduct of Sylvius connecting the third and fourth ventricles)[GO]. UBERON:0001891 UMLS:C0025462 VHOG:0000069 XAO:0000014 ZFA:0000128 developmental relationships need revised http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=462 mesencephalic mesencephalon part of brainstem in ABA - we reject this in favor of ISBN10:0471888893 which has an implicit overlaps relationships uberon telencephalon AAO:0010479 BAMS:CB BAMS:CH BAMS:IV BAMS:Tel BM:Tel BTO:0000239 CALOHA:TS-1018 DHBA:10158 EFO:0000912 EHDAA2:0001982 EMAPA:16652 EMAPA:16910 EV:0100165 FMA:62000 From an evolutionary standpoint, the telencephalon is the most recent brain structure: the amphioxus does not have this structure as a morphological entity. Overt telencephalon is present in the hagfish and lamprey to receive numerous input fibers from various parts of the CNS, similar to gnathostomes.[well established][VHOG] GAID:621 HBA:4007 In mammals the cortex covers almost the whole of the cerebral hemispheres. In ray-finned fishes the inner surfaces of the lateral and ventral regions of the cerebrum bulge up into the ventricles. In the amniotes, the cerebrum becomes increasingly large and complex. In reptiles, the paleopallium is much larger than in amphibians, and its growth has pushed the basal nuclei into the central regions of the cerebrum. In the most primitive living vertebrates, the hagfishes and lampreys, the cerebrum is a relatively simple structure receiving nerve impulses from the olfactory bulb. MA:0000183 MAT:0000421 MBA:567 MESH:D013687 MIAA:0000421 Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the cerebral cortex, cerebral white matter, basal ganglia, septum and fornix, as well as subcortical gray and white matter structures[FMA:62000]. PBA:128011350 Part of the forebrain consisting of paired olfactory bulbs and cerebral hemispheres. Part of the forebrain consisting of paired olfactory bulbs and cerebral hemispheres.[AAO] TAO:0000079 The anterior and dorsal forebrain neuromere, includes the olfactory bulb. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] The cerebrum of birds has evolved along different lines to that of mammals, although they are similarly enlarged, by comparison with reptiles. However, this enlargement is largely due to the basal ganglia, with the other areas remaining relatively primitive in structure. UBERON:0001893 UMLS:C0039452 VHOG:0000283 XAO:0000012 ZFA:0000079 cerebral cerebrum dolphins are the only species (other than humans) to have cerebra accounting for as much as 2 percent of their body weight. endbrain http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=31 relationship loss: develops_from presumptive telencephalon (TAO:0000571)[TAO] supratentorial region telenencephalic uberon metencephalon Anterior part of the hindbrain ventral to the cerebellum[NIFSTD:birnlex_965]. BAMS:Met BTO:0000673 CALOHA:TS-2029 DHBA:10655 EHDAA2:0001149 EHDAA:5498 EMAPA:17071 FMA:62003 GAID:594 HBA:4833 MA:0000197 MESH:D020540 Rostral segment of the hindbrain that has as its parts the pons (where present) and the cerebellum[WP,modified]. The anterior of two brain vesicles formed by specialization of the rhombencephalon in the developing embryo. It gives rise to cerebellum and pons. [TFD][VHOG] The early development of most vertebrate brains is similar (...). The zebrafish neural tube follows the same basic differentiation pattern as the mammalian neural tube (reference 1); The brain develops from three embryonic enlargements of the neural tube, which later differentiate into five regions. A forebrain differentiates into telencephalon and diencephalon. The midbrain, or mesencephalon, remains undivided. The hindbrain divides into the metencephalon and myelencephalon. Cavities within the brain enlarge to form a series of interconnected ventricles (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001895 UMLS:C0376353 UMLS:C1516904 VHOG:0000741 epencephalon epencephalon-2 http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=543 the terms metencephalon and myelencephalon are only meaningful in mammals and birds[Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain]. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished in ZFA[ZFA]. uberon medulla oblongata AAO:0010486 BAMS:MY BAMS:Md BM:Me BTO:0000041 CALOHA:TS-0607 Classical anatomical studies subdivided the vertebrate rhombencephalon into pons and medulla oblongata. (...) The medulla oblongata appears therefore as a tagma, that is, a group of segmental units (pseudorhombomeres, in this case) sharing some morphological and molecular characteristics, and in some aspects different from the segmental units present in adjoining brain regions, pons and spinal cord.[well established][VHOG] DMBA:17352 EFO:0000924 EHDAA2:0001088 EHDAA:7588 EMAPA:17550 EV:0100275 FMA:62004 GAID:590 MA:0000206 MAT:0000111 MAT:0000367 MBA:354 MESH:D008526 MIAA:0000111 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjxSJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rwCqnXJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the medullary reticular formation, inferior olivary complex and cochlear nuclear complex, among other structures[FMA]. The medulla oblongata lies directly above the spinal cord and controls vital autonomic functions such as digestion, breathing and the control of heart rate[GO]. Posterior portion of the hindbrain which controls respiration, heartbeat, digestion, and swallowing as well as some locomotor responses.[AAO] TAO:0000545 The posterior region of the brain that is continuous with the spinal cord. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-17, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] UBERON:0001896 UMLS:C0025148 UMLS:C1269575 VHOG:0000181 XAO:0003100 ZFA:0000545 bulb bulbus http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=698 medulla medulla oblonzata metepencephalon uberon midbrain tegmentum 'tegmentum' is used generically for the ventral part of the brainstem (ISBN10:0471888893). We use the label 'midbrain tegmentum' to denote the midbrain structure. In NIFSTD tegmentum is a composite structure and there is a separate class for midbrain tegmentum and pontine tegmentum BAMS:MTg BTO:0003388 DHBA:12195 EFO:0000921 EHDAA2:0004475 EMAPA:18215 FMA:62393 HBA:9002 MA:0000212 MAT:0000452 MTg TAO:0000160 Together, our results reveal a shared basic organization in the tegmental domains of the diencephalon and midbrain of developing lamprey, indicating early appearance of the domain in vertebrate phylogeny.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001943 UMLS:C0039441 VHOG:0001367 Ventral part of the midbrain, separated from the hindbrain by the isthmus[ISBN10:0471888893]. Subdivision of the midbrain lying anterior to the tectum and posterior to the substantia nigra and cerebral peduncle[FMA] The part of the midbrain extending from the substantia nigra to the cerebral aqueduct in a horizontal section of the midbrain. It forms the floor of the midbrain that surrounds the cerebral aqueduct[WP]. XAO:0004271 ZFA:0000160 http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=491 mesencephalic tegmentum tegmentum tegmentum mesencephali tegmentum mesencephalicum tegmentum of midbrain uberon blood plasma BTO:0000131 CALOHA:TS-0800 EFO:0001905 EMAPA:35690 FMA:62970 GAID:1178 MA:0002501 MAT:0000052 MESH:D010949 MIAA:0000052 OpenCyc:Mx4rEg4ZYrIbEduAAAAOpmP6tw The liquid component of blood, in which erythrocytes are suspended. UBERON:0001969 UMLS:C0032105 blood plasm plasma portion of blood plasma portion of plasma uberon bile BTO:0000121 CALOHA:TS-1172 ENVO:02000023 FMA:62971 GAID:1157 In many species, bile is stored in the gallbladder and upon eating is discharged into the duodenum. MA:0002513 MESH:D001646 UBERON:0001970 UMLS:C0005388 aids the process of digestion of lipids in the small intestine bile salts function to emulsify dietary fats and facilitate their intestinal absorption elimination of cholesterol fel galen:Bile gall major excretory route for potentially harmful exogenous lipophilic substances many hormones and pheromones are excreted in bile, and contribute to growth and development of the intestine in some species and provide attractants for the weaning of non-human vertebrates protects the organism from enteric infections by excreting immune globulin A (IgA), inflammatory cytokines, and stimulating the innate immune system in the intestine uberon vital aqueous secretion of the liver that is formed by hepatocytes and modified down stream by absorptive and secretory properties of the bile duct epithelium. venule BTO:0002626 EMAPA:35917 FMA:63130 MA:0000071 MESH:A07.231.432.952 Multi-tissue structure part of the blood vasculature formed by the anastomosis of capillaries. Venules carry blood toward the heart.[TAO] One of the minute vessels that collect deoxygenated blood from the capillary plexuses returns it to the veins TAO:0005315 UBERON:0001979 UMLS:C0042520 VHOG:0001765 ZFA:0005315 uberon venula arteriole AAO:0010253 BTO:0001997 EMAPA:35146 FMA:63182 MA:0000063 MESH:D001160 Multi-tissue structure part of the blood vasculature, feeds into capillaries. Arterioles carry blood away from the heart.[TAO] Small, terminal branch of an artery which generally connects to capillaries.[AAO] TAO:0002138 The smallest division of the artery located between the muscular arteries and the capillaries[GO]. UBERON:0001980 UMLS:C0003847 VHOG:0001763 ZFA:0005255 arteriola uberon blood vessel A vessel through which blood circulates in the body. AAO:0011004 AEO:0000207 Any of the vessels through which blood circulates in the body. [XAO:0001011_][VHOG] Any of the vessels through which blood circulates in the body.[AAO] BTO:0001102 CALOHA:TS-0080 EFO:0000817 EHDAA2:0003252 EHDAA:240 EMAPA:32743 EMAPA:35993 FMA:50722 FMA:63183 FMA:63183 Blood vessel is categorized as 'general anatomical term'. Suggestion to map to region of vascular tree from Terry H at JAX GAID:169 MA:0000060 MAT:0000393 MESH:D001808 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjxlpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0002137 The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001981 UMLS:C0005847 VHOG:0001250 XAO:0001011 ZFA:0005314 annelids have blood vessels, but this class is not applicable to annelids. consider adopting the EMAPA superclass 'vascular element', which includes microvasculature (e.g. capillaries), vascular plexus region of vascular tree organ uberon vas sanguineum vascular element vascular tree organ region capillary AAO:0010252 Any of the smallest blood vessels connecting arterioles with venules. Any of the tiny blood vessels connecting the arterioles to the venules.[AAO] BTO:0002045 CALOHA:TS-2006 EFO:0001906 EMAPA:35198 EV:0100035 FMA:63194 MA:0000065 MESH:A07.231.432.410 OpenCyc:Mx4rvWEU-5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005250 The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0001982 UMLS:C0935624 VHOG:0001253 XAO:0000116 ZFA:0005250 blood capillary capillaries lack tunica media and tunica adventitia; only the endothelial wall of the tunica intima belongs capillary vessel not all sources agree capillary is a blood vessel - consider adopting EMAPA superclass of vascular element uberon feces BTO:0000440 CALOHA:TS-2345 ENVO:00002003 Excretion in semisolid state processed by the intestine.[FMA] FMA:64183 GAID:1199 MA:0002509 MAT:0000053 MESH:D005243 MIAA:0000053 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjJMZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Portion of semisolid bodily waste discharged through the anus[MW,modified] UBERON:0001988 UMLS:C0015733 cow dung cow pat droppings dung excrement excreta faeces fecal fecal material fecal matter fewmet frass galen:Feces guano matières fécales@fr merde@fr ordure partie de la merde@fr piece of shit porción de mierda@es portion of dung portion of excrement portion of faeces portion of fecal material portion of fecal matter portion of feces portion of guano portion of scat portionem cacas scat spoor spraint stool teil der fäkalien@de uberon portal vein A vein that conducts blood from the digestive organs, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder to the liver[BTO]. BTO:0001792 CALOHA:TS-0814 EHDAA2:0001485 EHDAA:6510 EMAPA:17349 FMA:66645 GAID:540 MA:0002198 MESH:D011169 OpenCyc:Mx4rv_bem5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0002017 UMLS:C0032718 VHOG:0000656 XAO:0000392 galen:PortalVein portal venous tree organ part uberon gray matter A nervous system structure composed primarily of nerve cell bodies (somas). May also include dendrites and the initial unmyelinated portion of axons. AEO:0001012 EHDAA2:0003136 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0004658 FMA:67242 HBA:4006 MA:0001112 Multi-tissue comprised of neurons, dendrites, axon terminals, glial cells, and capillaries.[TAO] OpenCyc:Mx4rwDdKMpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0002197 UBERON:0002020 UMLS:C0018220 VHOG:0001768 ZFA:0001681 gray mater gray matter gray matter of neuraxis grey matter grey matter of neuraxis grey substance grisea neuronal grey matter substantia grisea uberon hindbrain AAO:0010150 BAMS:HB BTO:0000672 CALOHA:TS-0457 DHBA:10653 DMBA:16808 EFO:0000923 EHDAA2:0000746 EHDAA:3514 EHDAA:6487 EMAPA:16916 FMA:67687 Fine structural, computerized three-dimensional (3D) mapping of cell connectivity in the amphioxus nervous system and comparative molecular genetic studies of amphioxus and tunicates have provided recent insights into the phylogenetic origin of the vertebrate nervous system. The results suggest that several of the genetic mechanisms for establishing and patterning the vertebrate nervous system already operated in the ancestral chordate and that the nerve cord of the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates included a diencephalon, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord.[well established][VHOG] MA:0000195 MAT:0000107 MBA:1065 MESH:D012249 MIAA:0000107 Posterior part of the brain consisting of the cerebellum and medulla oblongata.[AAO] TAO:0000029 The most posterior of the three principal regions of the brain, forming the rhombencephalon and all or most of the metencephalon. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] The most posterior of the three principal regions of the brain. In mammals and birds the hindbrain is divided into a rostral metencephalon and a caudal myelencephalon. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata (From: Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain)[ZFA]. Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the pons, cerebellum and medulla oblongata[FMA]. UBERON:0002028 UMLS:C0035507 UMLS:C1522180 VHOG:0000070 XAO:0000015 ZFA:0000029 http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=540 in MA, brainstem and hindbrain and part-of siblings under brain, consistent with FMA and NIF. See also notes for cerebellum. We weaken the relation in ABA to overlaps relationship loss: develops_from hindbrain neural tube (TAO:0007043)[TAO] rhombencephalic rhombencephalon uberon striated muscle tissue AAO:0010762 AEO:0000140 CALOHA:TS-2047 EHDAA2:0003140 EMAPA:36390 FMA:67905 MA:0002438 Muscle tissue that contains fibers that are divided by transverse bands into striations. OpenCyc:Mx4rwAoze5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0002036 UMLS:C1331262 Voluntary muscle tissue arranged in bundles of fibers.[AAO] WBbt:0005779 galen:StriatedMuscle striated muscle uberon cerebellum AAO:0010485 BAMS:CB BAMS:Cb BM:CB BTO:0000232 CALOHA:TS-0125 DHBA:10656 Dorsal part of the hindbrain that coordinates muscle movement, posture, and balance.[AAO] EFO:0000327 EHDAA2:0000232 EMAPA:17787 EV:0100293 FMA:67944 GAID:595 HBA:4696 However, although the lamprey possesses a region comparable to the cerebellum and display expression of LjFgf8/17 at the MHB (midbrain hindbrain boundary), it does not have Purkinje cells and cerebellar nuclei, as well as components of the rhombic lip-derived cerebellar and pre-cerebellar systems. It is noteworthy that the latter structures require specific expression of Pax6 in the rhombic lip of the gnathostome hindbrain. Interestingly, the lamprey rhombic lip does not express Pax6. Thus, it is tempting to speculate that in vertebrate evolution the rostral hindbrain is incapable of differentiating into the cerebellum before the co-option of Pax6 in that region. In other words, cerebellum has been brought about as an evolutionary innovation in gnathostomes, based on exaptation of MHB, rhombic lip, and some regulatory gene expression already present in the vertebrate common ancestor.[well established][VHOG] MA:0000198 MAT:0000110 MBA:512 MESH:D002531 MIAA:0000110 OpenCyc:Mx4rvl1eipwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Part of the metencephalon that lies in the posterior cranial fossa behind the brain stem. It is concerned with the coordination of movement[MESH]. A large dorsally projecting part of the brain concerned especially with the coordination of muscles and the maintenance of bodily equilibrium, situated between the brain stem and the back of the cerebrum , and formed in humans of two lateral lobes and a median lobe[BTO]. Brain structure derived from the anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain. The cerebellum plays a role in somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone, and balance[ZFA]. Specialized brain region derived from the dorsal metencephalon (anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain) and becoming distinctive late in the segmentation period. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] TAO:0000100 The absence of a cerebellum in hagfishes and lampreys appears to be the only exception [to the rule that vertebrates possess the same number of brain divisions]. Both hagfishes and lampreys do possess a thin band of cells located medial to the lateral line centers of the medulla (Ronan and Northcutt, 1998), which has been interpreted as a primitive cerebellum (Larsell, 1967), but more recent experimental studies (Kishida et al., 1987; Weigle and Northcutt, 1998) fail to support Larsell's claim[http://icb.oxfordjournals.org/content/42/4/743.full] UBERON:0002037 UMLS:C0007765 UMLS:C1268981 VHOG:0000024 XAO:0003098 ZFA:0000100 almost all AOs agree that the cerebellum is part of the hindbrain (sometimes specifically part of the metencephalon, which, when present, is part of the hindbrain). However, ABA has cerebellum and brain stem as partof siblings, with the hindbrain part of the brainstem cerebellar corpus cerebelli epencephalon-1 http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=643 infratentorial region parencephalon uberon vasculature An interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure contains fluid that is actively transported around the organism[ZFA]. Examples: vasculature of lung, vasculature of face. BTO:0003718 FMA:69050 TAO:0005249 UBERON:0002049 ZFA:0005249 see also: vascular system. Consider merging? uberon vascular vascular network embryonic structure AAO:0000138 Anatomical structure that is part of an embryo. Anatomical structure that is part of the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells.[AAO] Anatomical structure that is part of the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells.[TAO] Anatomical structure that is part of the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells.[VSAO] BILA:0000034 BTO:0000174 CALOHA:TS-2110 EFO:0000461 FBbt:00004208 FMA:69067 GAID:407 MESH:D004628 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0003169 TAO:0001105 UBERON:0002050 UMLS:C0013948 VSAO:0000178 XAO:0003042 ZFA:0001105 developing embryonic structure developing structure embryonale Struktur embryonic anatomical structure embryonic structures in FMA embryo is_a embryonic structure uberon dermis A collagenous layer of the skin subjacent to the epidermis and covering the hypodermis. It contains various types of cells (e.g. fibroblasts, pigment cells, nerve, blood vessels and scales. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] AAO:0000128 BTO:0000294 CALOHA:TS-2076 Consider adding a layer-of-skin grouping class for all skin layers EFO:0000953 EMAPA:17527 EV:0100154 FMA:70323 GAID:1321 MA:0000152 MAT:0000153 MESH:D020405 MIAA:0000153 TAO:0001119 The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the skin) and subcutaneous tissues, and is composed of two layers, the papillary and reticular dermis[WP]. UBERON:0002067 UMLS:C0011646 VHOG:0000108 When approaching controversies surrounding skin evolution, we need to remember that the skin consists of two layers, an epidermis and a dermis, not a single evolving structure. (...) It is little wonder that controversies about homology exist. If we think of the epidermis, the dermis, and their interactions as an evolving unit, then their specialized products (hair, feathers, and reptilian scales) are broadly homologous.[well established][VHOG] XAO:0000217 ZFA:0001119 corium cutis dermal uberon vertebrate dermis hypodermis A layer separating the inner face of the dermis from the subjacent muscle cells. It is covered on both sides by a basement membrane. It contains pigment cells. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] A layer separating the inner face of the dermis from the subjacent muscle cells. It is covered on both sides by a basement membrane. It contains pigment cells[FMA:70544]. BTO has 'subcutis', as part of dermis. We follow FMA in having distinct classes for hypodermis and superficial fascia, and including these as part of the non-skin intgeument. BTO:0001314 CALOHA:TS-2366 FMA:70544 Lowermost layer of the integumentary system in vertebrates. Types of cells that are found in the hypodermis are fibroblasts, adipose cells, and macrophages. It is derived from the mesoderm, but unlike the dermis, it is not derived from the dermatome region of the mesoderm. The hypodermis is used mainly for fat storage[WP]. TAO:0001136 UBERON:0002072 UMLS:C0278403 ZFA:0001136 hypoderm hypodermal sub-tegumental tissue subcutaneous subcutaneous tissue subcutaneus subcutis subtegumental tissue superficial fascia tela subcutanea uberon vertebrate hypodermis viscus AAO:0010386 An internal organ of the body; especially: one (as the heart, liver, or intestine) located in the great cavity of the trunk proper.[AAO] An organ that is located within the body cavity (or in its extension, in the scrotum); it consists of organ parts that are embryologically derived from endoderm, splanchnic mesoderm or intermediate mesoderm; together with other organs, the viscus constitutes the respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, reproductive and immune systems, or is the central organ of the cardiovascular system. Examples: heart, lung, esophagus, kidney, ovary, spleen. BTO:0001491 EHDAA:512 EMAPA:16245 FMA:7085 MA:0000019 MESH:D014781 Organsystem@ge RETIRED_EHDAA2:0002201 UBERON:0002075 UMLS:C0042779 XAO:0003034 general anatomical term in FMA. Note that we place the MA class here temporarily, although properly systems should be distinguished from organs. splanchnic tissue uberon viscera visceral organ visceral organ system visceral tissue postcranial axial skeleton AAO:0000034 EFO:0000942 EHDAA2:0000161 EHDAA:5049 EMAPA:17214 FMA:71221 MA:0002986 MAT:0000148 MIAA:0000148 Skeletal subdivision of the central body axis including vertebrae, notochord, ribs, and sternum.[VSAO] TAO:0000317 The axial musculoskeletal system represents the plesiomorphic locomotor engine of the vertebrate body, playing a central role in locomotion. In craniates, the evolution of the postcranial skeleton is characterized by two major transformations. First, the axial skeleton became increasingly functionally and morphologically regionalized. Second, the axial-based locomotion plesiomorphic for craniates became progressively appendage-based with the evolution of extremities in tetrapods.[well established][VHOG] The axial skeleton is formed by the vertebral column, a metameric, semi-flexible, arched bar located in the dorsal part of the trunk, and is formed by a series of cartilaginous or bony vertebrae. It provides suspension for the appendicular skeleton and protection for the spinal nerve cord.[AAO] The post-cranial structural components forming the long axis of the vertebrate body; usually consists of the notochord, vertebrae, ribs, supraneurals, intermuscular bones, and unpaired median fins.[TAO] The post-cranial subdivision of skeleton structural components forming the long axis of the vertebrate body; in Danio, consisting of the notochord, vertebrae, ribs, supraneurals, intermuscular bones, and unpaired median fins; in human consists of the bones of the vertebral column, the thoracic cage and the pelvis[ZFA+FMA]. UBERON:0002090 VHOG:0000317 VSAO:0000093 XAO:0003073 ZFA:0000317 axial skeleton http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/docs/The-axial-skeleton post-cranial axial skeleton previous some AOs had used the term 'axial skeleton' to include the skull. This is being resolved (see tracker items above). Status: MA - fixed. uberon appendicular skeleton AAO:0000747 EFO:0000951 EMAPA:32729 FMA:71222 MA:0000290 MAT:0000278 MIAA:0000278 Skeletal subdivision consisting of all the skeletal elements in the pectoral and pelvic appendage complexes.[VSAO] Skeletal system that consists of the paired fins (pectoral or pelvic fins).[TAO] Subdivision of skeleton which which consists of all the skeletal elements in in the pectoral and pelvic appendage complexes[cjm]. The pectoral and pelvic girdles, which articulate with the axial skeleton, together with their associated limbs, the forelimbs and hind limbs, form the appendicular skeleton.[AAO] UBERON:0002091 UMLS:C0222646 VHOG:0001666 VSAO:0000076 XAO:0003166 appendicular skeleton entire appendicular skeleton https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Appendages-and-the-appendicular-skeleton ontologies differ in whether they treat the term appendicular skeleton as being the entire set of bones in the limbs, or whether the fore and hind limbs/fins are treated as seperate appendicular skeletons. Here we follow FMA, and treat the appendicular skeleton as the sum total of skeletal elements in the organism (this is evidenced by the fact that in FMA, skeleton of left/right upper/lower limb is part_of a appendicular skeleton, and subtypes of 'subdivision of appendicular skeleton'). We have separate classes such as 'skeleton of limb', and 'skeleton of hindlimb' for the 4 parts of the appendicular skeleton. In future the ZFA/TAO classes may be moved. paired fin skeleton skeleton appendiculare uberon skin of body BTO:0001253 CALOHA:TS-0934 EFO:0000962 EHDAA2:0001844 EMAPA:17525 FMA:7163 MA uses the term skin to refer to what is called here: zone of skin MESH:D012867 MFMO:0000099 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjX3ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The organ covering the body that consists of the dermis and epidermis. UBERON:0002097 UMLS:C1123023 XAO:0000023 consider 'integumentary system' for invertebrates entire integument entire skin galen:Skin integument integumental organ pelt skin skin organ uberon trunk AAO:0010339 BILA:0000116 BTO:0001493 CALOHA:TS-1071 EFO:0000966 EMAPA:31857 FMA:7181 MA:0000004 MAT:0000296 MIAA:0000296 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkJjpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organism subdivision that is the part of the body posterior to the head and anterior to the tail.[AAO] Organism subdivision which is the part of the body posterior to the cervical region (or head, when cervical region not present) and anterior to the caudal region. Includes the sacrum when present. Organism subdivision which is the part of the body posterior to the head and anterior to the tail.[TAO] Rumpf TAO:0001115 UBERON:0002100 UMLS:C0460005 XAO:0000054 XAO:0003025 ZFA:0001115 galen:Trunk thoracolumbar region torso trunk region uberon limb A paired appendage that is evolved from a paired fin. The extent of this structure includes autopod, stylopod and zeugopod regions when present, but excludes the girdle and its parts. AAO:0010336 AEO:0000172 CALOHA:TS-0552 EFO:0000876 EHDAA2:0003172 EHDAA:1697 EHDAA:8273 EMAPA:16405 FMA:24875 GAID:36 MA:0000007 MAT:0000090 MIAA:0000090 Most anatomists now agree that the three proximal bones of the tetrapod limbs are homologous to the two or three proximal elements of the paired fin skeleton of other sarcopterygians, that is the humerus-femur, radius-tibia, and ulna-fibula.[well established][VHOG] OpenCyc:Mx4rvn1uSZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organism subdivision that has as its parts the jointed appendages used for locomotion and manipulation.[AAO] UBERON:0002101 UMLS:C0015385 VHOG:0000336 VSAO:0000121 XAO:0003027 extremities extremity flipper free limb galen:Extremity limb sensu vertebrata pentadactyl limb tetrapod limb uberon visual system AAO:0000632 BILA:0000140 EMAPA:36003 FMA:7191 MA:0002444 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViCtpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0001127 The sensory system subserving the sense of vision. The sensory system used for sight.[AAO] UBERON:0002104 UBERON:0007036 UMLS:C0587900 XAO:0003198 ZFA:0001127 photosensory system uberon visual organ system vestibulo-auditory system AAO:0000631 EMAPA:36002 FMA:78500 Sensory system responsible for the perception of spatial orientation and auditory stimuli. TAO:0001138 The sensory system used for balance and hearing.[AAO] UBERON:0002105 XAO:0003195 ZFA:0001138 auditory organ system auditory system auditory/vestibular system uberon vestibuloauditory system vestibuloauditory system liver AAO:0010111 All vertebrates possess a liver (reference 1); Later in craniate evolution, an anterior gill arch was transformed into jaws, and many new types of feeding subsequently evolved.(...) A liver evolved that, among its many functions, stores considerable energy as glycogen or lipid (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] An exocrine gland which secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat, synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood, synthesizes vitamin A, detoxifies poisonous substances, stores glycogen, and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes[GO]. An organ sometimes referred to as a liver is found associated with the digestive tract of the primitive chordate Amphioxus. However, this is an enzyme secreting gland, not a metabolic organ, and it is unclear how truly homologous it is to the vertebrate liver. The zebrafish liver differs from the mammalian liver in that the hepatocytes are not clearly organized in cords or lobules and the typical portal triads are not apparent. In addition, the zebrafish liver does not have Kuppfer cells. Furthermore, a clear distinction can be made between the male and female liver in the adult zebrafish. The female hepatocytes are very basophilic (Figure 15c) as a result of the production of vitellogenin (Van der Ven et al. 2003). BTO:0000759 CALOHA:TS-0564 EFO:0000887 EHDAA2:0000997 EHDAA:2197 EMAPA:16846 EV:0100089 FMA:7197 GAID:288 MA:0000358 MAT:0000097 MESH:D008099 MIAA:0000097 Only ZFA considers this part_of immune system - we weaken this to an overlaps relation, as in general it's only a subset of cells that have clear immune function. OpenCyc:Mx4rvVimppwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organ which secretes bile and participates in formation of certain blood proteins.[AAO] TAO:0000123 The liver is found in all vertebrates, and is typically the largest visceral organ. Its form varies considerably in different species, and is largely determined by the shape and arrangement of the surrounding organs. Nonetheless, in most species it is divided into right and left lobes; exceptions to this general rule include snakes, where the shape of the body necessitates a simple cigar-like form. The internal structure of the liver is broadly similar in all vertebrates. UBERON:0002107 UMLS:C0023884 VHOG:0000257 XAO:0000133 ZFA:0000123 galen:Liver hepatic iecur jecur relationship type change: differentiates_from endoderm (AAO:0000139) CHANGED TO: develops_from endoderm (UBERON:0000925)[AAO] secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat, synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood, synthesizes vitamin A, detoxifies poisonous substances, stores glycogen, and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes[GO]. uberon small intestine AAO:0010397 BTO:0000651 CALOHA:TS-0942 EFO:0000841 EMAPA:32834 EV:0100072 FMA:7200 GAID:313 Intestinal surface area also is increased in amphibians and reptiles by internal folds and occasionally by a few villi. The intestine can be divided into a small intestine and a slightly wider large intestine.[well established][VHOG] MA:0000337 MAT:0000047 MESH:A03.492.411.620 MIAA:0000047 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlIJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Subdivision of digestive tract that connects the stomach to the large intestine and is where much of the digestion and absorption of food takes place (with the exception of ruminants). The mammalian small intestine is long and coiled and can be differentiated histologically into: duodenum, jejunem, ileum[WP,cjm,Kardong]. TAO:0001323 The terminal region of the mid intestine is comprised of specialized enterocytes that appear to play a role in mucosal immunity. Wallace et al, 2005.[TAO] UBERON:0002108 UMLS:C0021852 VHOG:0000055 XAO:0000130 ZFA:0001323 anterior intestine galen:SmallIntestine intestinum tenue mid intestine small bowel small intestine uberon gall bladder AAO:0010114 An organ that aids digestion and stores bile produced by the liver[WP]. BTO:0000493 CALOHA:TS-0394 EFO:0000853 EHDAA2:0000699 EHDAA:8062 EMAPA:17202 EV:0100090 FMA:7202 MA:0000356 MAT:0000072 MESH:D005704 MIAA:0000072 Membranous muscular sac in which the bile from the liver remains stored until it is required. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkGr5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Organ attached to the liver which stores bile and empties into the duodenum via the bile duct as needed for digestion.[AAO] Rats do not have a gallbladder, but produce bile. The bile flows directly from the liver through the (hepatic) bile duct into the small intestine (Hebel and Stromberg, 1988) TAO:0000208 The presence of a gallbladder appears to be a primitive trait. It is found in most fish and all adult reptiles and amphibians and has been well conserved in mammals, for the most part.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0002110 UMLS:C0016976 VHOG:0000221 XAO:0000135 ZFA:0000208 galen:Gallbladder gall bladder gallbladder relationship type change: differentiates_from endoderm (AAO:0000139) CHANGED TO: develops_from endoderm (UBERON:0000925)[AAO] uberon vesica biliaris vesica fellea kidney A paired organ of the urinary tract which has the production of urine as its primary function. AAO:0000250 BTO:0000671 CALOHA:TS-0510 EFO:0000929 EMAPA:17373 EV:0100096 FMA:7203 GAID:423 MA:0000368 MAT:0000119 MESH:D007668 MIAA:0000119 One of either of a pair of structures lying on either side of the dorsal aorta in which fluid balance is regulated and waste is excreted out in the form of urine.[AAO] OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlYpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0002113 UMLS:C0022646 XAO:0003267 galen:Kidney renal reniculate kidney uberon duodenum AAO:0010402 BTO:0000365 CALOHA:TS-0214 EFO:0000851 EMAPA:18852 EV:0100073 FMA:7206 GAID:284 In fish, the divisions of the small intestine are not as clear, and the terms anterior intestine or proximal intestine may be used instead of duodenum. In humans, the duodenum is a hollow jointed tube about 10-15 inches (25-38 centimetres) long connecting the stomach to the jejunum. It begins with the duodenal bulb and ends at the ligament of Treitz. MA:0000338 MAT:0000044 MESH:A03.492.411.620.270 MIAA:0000044 OpenCyc:Mx4rv4LJDpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The first part of the small intestine. At the junction of the stomach and the duodenum the alimentary canal is inflected. The duodenum first goes anteriorly for a short distance, turns dorsally, and eventually caudally, thus it is a U-shaped structure with two horizontal sections (a ventral and a dorsal one). The fixed portion of the small intestine deeply lodged in the posterior wall of the abdomen and extending from the pylorus to the beginning of the jejunum. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] UBERON:0002114 UMLS:C0013303 VHOG:0000052 XAO:0000236 duodenal galen:Duodenum proximal intestine uberon upper intestine pronephros A kidney formed of nephric tubules arising in the anterior region of the nephric ridge; forms only as a transient embryonic structure. [Evolution, Fourth_Edition_(2006)_McGraw-Hill, Function, Kardong_KV, Vertebrates:_Comparative_Anatomy, p.748][VHOG] AAO:0011089 BTO:0001541 EFO:0000927 EHDAA2:0001570 EHDAA:1017 EMAPA:16579 FMA:72170 In all vertebrate embryos, the kidney begins with the differentiation of a few renal tubules from the anterior end of the nephric ridge overlying the pericardial cavity. (...) This early-developing embryonic kidney is called the pronephros.[well established][VHOG] In mammals, the pronephros is the first of the three embryonic kidneys to be established and exists only transiently. In lower vertebrates such as fish and amphibia, the pronephros is the fully functional embryonic kidney and is indispensible for larval life[GO]. MAT:0000117 MIAA:0000117 Once the more complex mesonephros forms the pronephros undergoes apoptosis in amphibians. In fishes the nephron degenerates but the organ remains and becomes a component of the immune system[Wikipedia:Pronephros]. // TODO - check developmental relationships. Note that we previously include the ZFA/XAO terms under the more specific 'pronephric kidney', but these are now merged. TODO GCI: relationship: capable_of GO:0030104 Organ that serves as a transient kidney, providing osmoregulation during early developmental stages and then degenerating during metamorphosis.[AAO] TAO:0000151 The embryonic kidney, present at the level of the third somite, is composed of two glomeruli fused at the midline, two pronephric tubules, and paired bilateral pronephric ducts that modify the composition of the blood filtrate before delivering it to the cloaca for excretion.Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] UBERON:0002120 UBERON:0005794 UMLS:C0231048 VHOG:0000037 XAO:0002000 ZFA:0000151 archinephron embryonic kidney pronephric pronephric kidney pronephron uberon hemolymphoid system Anatomical cluster consisting of the hematopoietic system and the lymphoid system, or its analogs. CALOHA:TS-2018 EHDAA2:0004615 EMAPA:18765 FMA:74562 MA:0000013 UBERON:0002193 haemolymphoid system hematolymphoid system lymphomyeloid complex uberon integument AAO:0000239 Anatomical system that protects the body from damage, comprising the skin and its appendages.[AAO] BTO:0000634 FMA:74657 Hautsystem@de Surface structure that is the outer protective covering of the body.[VSAO] TAO:0000368 The dermis, epidermis and hypodermis. The outer protective barrier that separates the animal from its aquatic environment. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] UBERON:0002199 VSAO:0000029 ZFA:0000368 dermal system dermis plus epidermis plus hypodermis dermoid system galen:Integument in FMA intergument = skin+superficial fascia(hypodermis), skin=dermis+epidermis+hair_nail. Note that the definition provided here excludes the more general sense of the term 'integument' used in invertebrates; consider 'integumental system'. Note that the VSAO class appears to include adnexa by its definition. integumental integumentary integumentum commune skin skin and subcutaneous tissue skin plus hypodermis tegument the integument uberon vertebrate integument vasculature of head EFO:0003656 FMA:74710 TAO:0001267 UBERON:0002200 Vasculature that is part of a head [Automatically generated definition]. XAO:0004152 ZFA:0001267 adult head vascular network adult head vasculature cranial vasculature head vascular network head vasculature uberon vascular network of adult head vascular network of head vasculature of adult head vasculature of eye FMA:74743 TAO:0007057 UBERON:0002203 Vasculature that is part of the eye region. ZFA:0007057 eye vascular network eye vasculature not part of the eye in ZFA. Note this changed to a blood vessel in ZFA ocular blood vessel ocular vasculature optic vasculature uberon vascular network of eye musculoskeletal system AAO:0010546 Anatomical system that consists of the muscular and skeletal systems. Anatomical system that provides locomotion and physical support to the organism.[AAO] CALOHA:TS-1311 EMAPA:32714 EV:0100139 FMA:7482 GAID:98 MA:0002418 MESH:D009141 OpenCyc:Mx4rQRpVNgAKEdyHxgDggVfs8g There are more than 50,000 extant vertebrate species, representing over 500 million years of evolution. During that time, the vertebrate musculoskeletal systems have adapted to aquatic, terrestrial, fossorial, and arboreal lifestyles, while simultaneously retaining functionally integrated axial and appendicular skeletal systems.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0002204 UMLS:C0026860 VHOG:0001275 VSAO:0000031 XAO:0000168 musculo-skeletal system musculoskeletal uberon synovial joint AEO:0000183 CALOHA:TS-2138 EHDAA2:0003183 FMA:7501 Is a joint that is located at the point of contact of articulating bones allowing movement. The joint has a capsule containing synovial fluid surrounding the articulating bone surfaces.[TAO] Joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by an articular capsule which encloses a synovial membrane and a synovial cavity. Examples: Temporomandibular joint, knee joint.[FMA] MA:0000322 OpenCyc:Mx4rv2bBV5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005153 UBERON:0002217 ZFA:0005153 articulatio synoviale diarthrodial joints diarthroses diarthrosis diarthrosis joint galen:SynovialJoint uberon thoracic cavity EMAPA:36497 FMA:7565 GAID:93 In many species, the diaphragm separates thoracic and abdominal cavities MA:0000032 MESH:A01.911.800 OpenCyc:Mx4rmvyleLfEEduAAAACs6hRXg OpenCyc:Mx4rvhU_TpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The part of the coelemic cavity lumen that is enclosed by the walls of the thorax. UBERON:0002224 UMLS:C0230139 cavitas thoracis cavity of chest cavity of thorax chest cavity pectoral cavity space of thoracic compartment thoracic lumen uberon spinal cord (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...) (reference 1); The neural tube is destined to differentiate into the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010151 BAMS:SP BAMS:Spinal BM:SpC BTO:0001279 CALOHA:TS-0953 DHBA:12890 DMBA:17651 EFO:0000110 EHDAA2:0001255 EHDAA:2863 EMAPA:17577 EV:0100316 FMA:7647 GAID:695 MA:0000216 MAT:0000183 MESH:D013116 MIAA:0000183 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjjk5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Part of the central nervous system located in the vertebral canal continuous with and caudal to the brain; demarcated from brain by plane of foramen magnum. It is composed of an inner core of gray matter in which nerve cells predominate, and an outer layer of white matter in which myelinated nerve fibers predominate, and surrounds the central canal. (CUMBO) Part of the central nervous system which descends from the hindbrain within the vertebral column.[AAO] SpC TAO:0000075 TODO - add superclass to unify with VNC? UBERON:0002240 UMLS:C0037925 VHOG:0000601 XAO:0000020 ZFA:0000075 cerebro-cerebellar fissure cerebrocerebellar fissure fissura cerebro-cerebellaris fissura cerebrocerebellaris http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=22 medulla spinalis spinal cord structure spinal medulla uberon biliary system FMA:79646 GAID:279 MA:0001273 MESH:D001659 Organ system subdivision that consists of the organs and ducts that are involved in the production and transportation of bile. In most species this is the gallbladder and the bile ducts (biliary tree). UBERON:0002294 biliary apparatus biliary tract uberon brainstem 'brainstem' is a loose term that sometimes refers to the ventral parts o the brain except for any part of the telencephalon - sometimes it includes the diencephalon or subpallial telencephalon structures (ISBN10:0471888893). Here we use it in a more restriced sense, to include only the medulla oblongata, pons (when present) and the midbrain tegmentum (following the ZFA definitions). BAMS:BS BTO:0000146 CALOHA:TS-0093 EFO:0001962 EMAPA:32678 EV:0100241 FMA:79876 MA:0000169 MBA:343 MESH:D001933 Multi-tissue structure that has as its parts the medulla oblongata of the hindbrain and the tegmentum of the midbrain.[TAO] Multi-tissue structure that has as its parts the medulla oblongata of the hindbrain and the tegmentum of the midbrain[ZFA,adopted][ZFA:0001707]. Stalk-like part of the brain that includes amongst its parts the medulla oblongata of the hindbrain and the tegmentum of the midbrain[ZFA,MP,generalized]. TAO:0002156 UBERON:0002298 UMLS:C0006121 VHOG:0001457 ZFA:0001707 accessory medullary lamina of pallidum brain stem http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=236 lamella pallidi incompleta lamina medullaris accessoria lamina medullaris incompleta pallidi lamina pallidi incompleta the stalk-like part of the brain that comprises the midbrain (aka mesencephalon), the pons (aka pons Varolii), and the medulla oblongata, and connects the cerebral hemispheres with the cervical spinal cord[MP] truncus encephali truncus encephalicus uberon coelemic cavity lumen AEO:0000186 Anatomical space, part of the trunk that contains the pericardial and pleuroperitoneal cavities[ZFA]. BTO:0001707 EHDAA2:0000267 FBbt:00005060 FMA:85006 In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities RETIRED_EHDAA2:0003186 TAO:0001438 The cavity within the body of all animals higher than the coelenterates and certain primitive worms, formed by the splitting of the embryonic mesoderm into two layers. In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities. The cavity within the body of all animals higher than the coelenterates and certain primitive worms, formed by the splitting of the embryonic mesoderm into two layers. In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities[BTO]. UBERON:0000169 UBERON:0002323 UMLS:C0333343 ZFA:0001438 body cavity celom check the FMA placement here; ncit placement of body cavity here probably not correct coelom coelome coelomic cavity coelomic cavity lumen galen:BodyCavity hemocoel main body cavity space of body compartment uberon ventral body cavity notochord (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (3) a stiff, longitudinal rod of turgid cells along the dorsal part of the body that is called a notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] A flexible rod-shaped body found in embryos of all chordates. It is composed of cells derived from the mesoderm and defines the primitive axis of the embryo. In some chordates, it persists throughout life as the main axial support of the body, while in most vertebrates it becomes the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc. The notochord is found ventral to the neural tube. AAO:0000327 Avascular multi-tissue structure composed of large vacuolated epithelial cells (chordablasts) and perichordal fibrous tissue.[VSAO] BTO:0001768 CALOHA:TS-0690 EHDAA2:0001277 EHDAA:1241 EHDAA:6021 EMAPA:16191 EV:0100002 FMA:85521 GAID:1311 In between vertebra the notochord becomes the nucleus pulposus, under it degenerates, and at anterior end in some species its tissue merges with some of the cranial bones.. Some organisms retain a post-embryonic notochord. MAT:0000281 MESH:A16.254.610 Rod-like principal supportive element of the embryo and larva, present in the midline just ventral to the neural tube, and differentiating during the segmentation period to form large vacuolated epithelial cells and a surrounding a sheath of fibrous and elastic layers. Layering of the sheath may differ in structure, thickness and development among groups; in cypriniforms there are actually three very thin layers to the sheath. A functional, well developed notochord is present throughout life in certain basal fish groups but not in cypriniforms. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Slender rod of fibrous connective tissue surrounding a core of fluid-filled cells of mesodermal origin; it lies above the gut and directly beneath the spinal cord. The notochord is present during early development and in a few cases it is retained through life; however, usually the notochord is replaced by the vertebral column.[AAO] TAO:0000135 The notochord appears early in embryogeny and plays an important role in promoting or organizing the embryonic development of nearby structures. In most adult chordates the notochord disappears or becomes highly modified. In some non-vertebrate chordates and fishes the notochord persists as a laterally flexible but incompressible skeletal rod that prevents telescopic collapse of the body during swimming[TOLWEB] UBERON:0002328 UMLS:C0028439 VHOG:0000199 VSAO:0000032 XAO:0000055 ZFA:0000135 embryonic notocord notochorda notochordal notocord relationship type change: differentiates_from mesoderm (AAO:0000304) CHANGED TO: develops_from mesoderm (UBERON:0000926)[AAO] uberon somite (...) cephalocordates and craniates belong to a group known as Somitichordata. Somitichordate synapomorphies include (1) somites (...) (reference 1); The idea that the last common ancestor of bilaterian animals (Urbilateria) was segmented has been raised recently on evidence coming from comparative molecular embryology (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010569 AEO:0001015 BTO:0001558 EHDAA2:0003436 EHDAA:366 EHDAA:699 EMAPA:31169 FMA:85522 GAID:1306 MAT:0000068 MESH:A16.254.425.660.750 MIAA:0000068 Post-cranial axial segments which form sclerotome and dermomyotome.[AAO] Somites are spheres of epithelial cells that form sequentially along the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo through mesenchymal to epithelial transition of the presomitic mesoderm. TAO:0000155 UBERON:0002329 UMLS:C0376449 Undifferentiated mesodermal components of early trunk or tail segments or metameres, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms myotomes, sclerotomes and perhaps dermatomes. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] VHOG:0000191 When the somite becomes segmented from the segmental plate, it is composed of an epithelial sac enclosing mesenchymal somitocoel cells. Thereafter the somite differentiates into two parts, the ventro-medial mesenchymal sclerotome and the dorso-lateral epithelial dermomyotome. This change in the epithelial somite depends on surrounding tissue [PMID:15906248] XAO:0000058 ZFA:0000155 currently classified as an epithelial vesicle, consistent with EHDAA2 and https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest. Consider making 'somitic mesoderm' a separate term and correlate with regionalization processes. Consider moving ZFA term to 'trunk somite' as it is part of the trunk epimere epimere mesoderm epithelial somite mesodermal cluster relationship loss: develops_from paraxial mesenchyme (TAO:0000942)[TAO] relationship type change: OBO_REL:part_of trunk (TAO:0001115) CHANGED TO: develops_from trunk (UBERON:0002100)[TAO] relationship type change: part_of paraxial mesoderm (AAO:0010568) CHANGED TO: develops_from paraxial mesoderm (UBERON:0003077)[AAO] somites somitic somitic mesoderm somitus uberon exocrine system Anatomical system that consists of the glands and parts of glands that produce exocrine secretions and help to integrate and control bodily metabolic activity. Exocrine glands are glands that secrete their products (hormones) into ducts (duct glands). They are the counterparts to endocrine glands, which secrete their products (hormones) directly into the bloodstream (ductless glands) or release hormones (paracrines) that affect only target cells nearby the release site. [Wikipedia]. CALOHA:TS-2057 EHDAA2:0002225 EMAPA:35329 FMA:85539 MA:0002411 UBERON:0002330 UMLS:C1516995 WikipediaCategory:Exocrine_system exocrine glandular system uberon neural crest A cell population arising from the dorsolateral aspect of the central nervous system primordium during the segmentation period, and later migrating along stereotyped pathways to give rise to a diverse and well-defined set of cell types including pigment cells, peripheral neurons and glia, and head cartilage. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] A specialized region of ectoderm found between the neural ectoderm (neural plate) and non-neural ectoderm and composed of highly migratory pluripotent cells that delaminate in early embryonic development from the dorsal neural tube and give rise to an astounding variety of differentiated cell types[MP]. A well developed neural crest population is present in lampreys (Horigome et al. 1999 ; Tomsa & Langeland, 1999) and gnathostomes. chordate fossils from the early Cambrian (Yunnanozoan and Haikouella) with apparent neural-crest derived structures (pharyngeal denticles and pharyngeal skeletons resembling the striped mucocartilage of the branchial bars in lamprey ammocoete larvae), suggests that neural crest arose very early in vertebrate evolution (Chen et al. 1999; Holland & Chen, 2001). The invertebrate chordates apparently lack defini- tive neural crest. One marker of migrating neural crest in some vertebrates, the antibody HNK1, does not recognize any cells in amphioxus embryos (Holland, unpublished). Even so, in both amphioxus and tunicates, cells at the edges of the neural plate and adjacent nonneural ectoderm share some properties of neural crest[PMID:11523831] AAO:0010578 BTO:0001764 CALOHA:TS-0676 EHDAA2:0004419 EMAPA:32737 FMA:86666 GAID:1310 Gene notes: Many factors and genes, such as Pax3 (Tremblay et al., 1995), slug (Nieto et al., 1994), AP-2 (Zhang et al., 1996; Schorle et al., 1996), and Wnt-1/3a (Ikeya et al., 1997) are expressed in the dorsal most region of the neural tube, and have been shown to be involved in the generation of neural crest cells. MAT:0000066 MESH:A16.254.600 MIAA:0000066 Migratory cell population which delaminates from neural tube, borders surface ectoderm and neural ectoderm, and gives rise to many different tissue types.[AAO] NC TAO:0000045 UBERON:0002342 UMLS:C0027789 VHOG:0000057 We conclude that the neural crest is a vertebrate novelty, but that neural crest cells and their derivatives evolved and diversified in a step-wise fashion - first by elaboration of neural plate border cells, then by the innovation or co-option of new or ancient metazoan cell fates.[well established][VHOG] XAO:0000048 ZFA:0000045 consider including subclasses for pre- and post- migratory (e.g. sheets/paths/streams). crista neuralis neural crest material uberon neurectoderm (...) the ability of ectoderm to produce neuronal cells is a general metazoan feature.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011074 BILA:0000039 CALOHA:TS-1212 EHDAA2:0001248 EHDAA:1498 EHDAA:255 EMAPA:16073 EV:0100004 Embryonic ectoderm that gives rise to nervous tissue. FBbt:00001061 FMA:87657 MAT:0000176 MIAA:0000176 TAO:0001120 UBERON:0002346 UMLS:C1518271 VHOG:0000150 XAO:0000042 ZFA:0001120 epithelium tubi neuralis; neuroectoderma neuaral ectoderm neural ectoderm neurectodermal neuroectoderm presumptive central nervous system uberon ventral neurogenic region we prefer neurectoderm to neural ectoderm since placodal ectoderm is not classified here pelvic region of trunk BTO:0001006 CALOHA:TS-2227 EFO:0002805 EMAPA:35931 EV:0100012 FMA:9578 GAID:87 MA and FMA differ in what they consider to be parts of the pelvis. MA includes ureter, urethra, urinary bladder, reproductive organs MA:0000030 MESH:A01.673 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjiTJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA The lower segment of the trunk, inferioposterior to the abdomen proper, in the transition area between the trunk and the lower limbs. UBERON:0002355 UMLS:C0030797 galen:Pelvis lesser pelvis pelvic pelvic region pelvis pelvis region true pelvis uberon exocrine gland A gland that secretes products (excluding hormones and other chemical messengers) into ducts (duct glands) which lead directly into the external environment[WP]. Typical exocrine glands include sweat glands, salivary glands, mammary glands, stomach, liver, pancreas AEO:0000097 BTO:0000765 CALOHA:TS-2012 Currently this is logically defined by the system it belongs to, but a better system may be base this on presence/absence of ducts. However, the dual nature of the liver should be taken into consideration here. Consider adding subclasses EHDAA2:0003097 EMAPA:35327 FMA:9596 GAID:34 MA:0002564 MESH:D005088 UBERON:0002365 UMLS:C0015282 ducted gland glandula exocrina uberon endocrine gland AEO:0000098 BTO:0001488 CALOHA:TS-1300 EHDAA2:0003098 EMAPA:35999 Endocrine glands are glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products directly into the circulatory system rather than through a duct.[WP, modified]. FMA:9602 GAID:335 MA:0002563 MESH:D004702 OpenCyc:Mx4rvbkiRZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0002368 UMLS:C0014133 ductless gland ductless gland glandula endocrina glandulae endocrinae uberon bone marrow AAO:0011007 BTO:0000141 BTO:0000829 CALOHA:TS-0087 EFO:0000868 EMAPA:32760 EV:0100046 FMA:9608 GAID:1287 In adults, marrow in large bones produces new blood cells[Wikipedia:Bone_marrow] MA:0000134 MAT:0000084 MESH:D001853 MIAA:0000084 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVm-FpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TODO - create superclass for bone marrow / head kidney. both are portions of tissue in the hematopoetic system. also consider adding as subclass of zone of bone organ for consistency with FMA. See also: Leydig and epigonal organs The bone marrow is the hematopoietic organ in all vertebrates but fishes, in which hematopoiesis occurs in the kidney.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0002371 UMLS:C0005953 VHOG:0001218 XAO:0000123 galen:BoneMarrow medulla of bone medulla ossea medulla ossium the soft tissue that fills the cavities of bones uberon connective tissue AAO:0000098 BTO:0000421 Bindegewebe CALOHA:TS-2009 EFO:0000952 EMAPA:35251 FMA:9640 GAID:100 MA also has set of connective tissues MA:0000011 MAT:0000301 MESH:D003238 MIAA:0000301 One of the four types of tissue in traditional classifications. It is largely a category of exclusion rather than one with a precise definition, but there are certain characteristics shared by all or most tissues in this category, such as involvement in structure and support, derived from mesoderm, and characterized largely by the traits of non-living tissue.[AAO] OpenCyc:Mx4rv-aBgZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Portion of tissue that consists of mesodermally derived cells and intercellular matrix comprised of protein fibers and carbohydrates, which supports, ensheathes and binds together other tissues.[TAO] TAO:0001641 Tissue with cells that deposit non-polarized extracellular matrix including connective tissue fibers and ground substance. Tissue with cells that deposit non-polarized extracellular matrix including connective tissue fibers and ground substance.[VSAO] UBERON:0002384 UMLS:C0009780 VSAO:0000017 XAO:0001017 ZFA:0001632 galen:ConnectiveTissue portion of connective tissue textus connectivus uberon muscle tissue AAO:0000306 AEO:0000122 CALOHA:TS-0642 EHDAA2:0003122 EMAPA:32715 FMA:9641 MA:0002437 MESH:D009132 Muscle tissue is a contractile tissue made up of actin and myosin fibers[GO]. One of the four types of tissue in traditional classifications. Tissue that contains cells with contractile filaments that move past each other and change the size of the cell. Muscle tissue also is separated into three distinct categories.[AAO] UBERON:0002385 UMLS:C2328219 Vertebrate muscle is categorized into three major muscle types defined by their structural and functional properties: skeletal, cardiac and smooth. In Dmel the counterparts are somatic, heart/cardiac and visceral. Here we take a cell type based approach. galen:MuscleTissue muscular tissue portion of muscle tissue textus muscularis uberon hematopoietic system AAO:0011002 Anatomical system that consists of the blood and blood forming tissues.[AAO] Anatomical system that is involved in the production of hematopoietic cells. BTO:0000570 Blutbildungssystem CALOHA:TS-0449 EFO:0000798 EMAPA:35402 EV:0100045 FMA:9667 GAID:1008 In humans this is primarily the bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes MA:0002434 MAT:0000022 MESH:D006413 MIAA:0000022 TAO:0005023 UBERON:0002390 UMLS:C0018957 VHOG:0001624 XAO:0000122 ZFA:0005023 Zebrafish developmental hematopoiesis shows close correspondence to the development of the mammalian hematopoietic system and is regulated by conserved molecular pathways.[well established][VHOG] haematological system haematopoietic system haemopoietic system hematological system hematolymphoid system hematopoietic hemopoietic system organa haemopoietica uberon bile duct (...) the amphibian liver has characteristics in common with both fish and terrestrial vertebrates. (...) The histological structure of the liver is similar to that in other vertebrates, with hepatocytes arranged in clusters and cords separated by a meshwork of sinusoids and the presence of the traditional triad of portal venule, hepatic arteriole, and bile duct.[well established][VHOG] A duct that carries bile from the liver to the intestine. AAO:0011019 Any of the ducts that form the biliary tree, carrying bile from the liver to the small intestine. Any of the excretory ducts in the liver that convey bile between the liver and the intestine. [TFD][VHOG] BTO:0000122 CALOHA:TS-0075 EHDAA2:0000741 EMAPA:35171 EV:0100091 FMA:9706 GAID:280 MA:0000354 MESH:D001652 OpenCyc:Mx4rvdCds5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0001100 UBERON:0002394 UMLS:C0005400 VHOG:0000212 XAO:0000134 ZFA:0001100 bile tube biliary duct gall duct hepatic duct uberon we place the ZFA class here as this fits its textual definition and child nodes. We may recommend a label change for ZFA immune system AAO:0011003 Anatomical system that protects the body from foreign substances, cells, and tissues by producing the immune response and that includes especially the thymus, spleen, lymphoid tissue, lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells, and antibodies. BILA:0000104 FMA:9825 GAID:328 MA:0002711 MESH:D007107 OpenCyc:Mx4rvWNkm5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0001159 The antibody-based immune system defined by the presence of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), T cell receptor (TCR), B cell receptor (BCR) or recombination activating genes (RAGs) is known beginning from jawed fishes.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0002405 UMLS:C0020962 VHOG:0001247 XAO:0003152 ZFA:0001159 uberon integumental system (...) the integument of many tetrapods is reinforced by a morphologically and structurally diverse assemblage of skeletal elements. These elements are widely understood to be derivatives of the once all-encompassing dermal skeleton of stem-gnathostomes (...).[well established][VHOG] AEO:0000154 BILA:0000118 CALOHA:TS-1299 CARO:0002001 Connected anatomical system that forms a barrier between an animal and its environment. In vertebrates, the integumental system consists of the epidermis, dermis plus associated glands and adnexa such as hair and scales. In invertebrates, the integumental system may include cuticle. EFO:0000807 EHDAA2:0000836 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003154 EHDAA:6520 EMAPA:17524 EV:0100151 FBbt:00004969 FMA:72979 HAO:0000421 MA:0000014 MAT:0000033 MESH:D034582 MIAA:0000033 TADS:0000108 UBERON:0002416 UBERON:0007029 UMLS:C0037267 VHOG:0000403 XAO:0000176 body surface dermal system external covering of organism galen:Surface integumentary system integumentum commune organism surface surface uberon abdominal segment of trunk EMAPA:35104 FMA:259211 MA:0000021 The abdominal segment of the torso. UBERON:0002417 abdomen/pelvis/perineum lower body lower trunk lumbar region uberon cartilage tissue A type of dense connective tissue. It is composed of cells called chondrocytes which are dispersed in a firm gel-like ground substance, called the matrix. Cartilage is avascular (contains no blood vessels) and nutrients are diffused through the matrix. Cartilage is found in the joints, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, in the throat and between intervertebral disks. It makes up virtually the entire skeleton in chondrichthyes.[AAO] AAO:0000060 AEO:0000087 BTO:0000206 EFO:0000949 EHDAA2:0003087 EMAPA:32730 EV:0100141 FMA:37377 GAID:99 MA:0000104 MAT:0000189 MESH:D002356 MIAA:0000189 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjeOZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Phylogenetic analysis suggests that cartilage arose independently in cnidarians, hemichordates, vertebrates, arthropods, annelids, brachiopods, and molluscs - or a common ancestor of brachiopods and molluscs (...). Analyses of cartilage as a tissue and of the development of invertebrate cartilages are consistent with homology between invertebrate and vertebrate cartilage. From the discussion above, it will be clear that understanding genetic changes underlying cartilage evolution is key to determining whether the multiple origins of cartilage represent parallel evolution.[well established][VHOG] Portion of tissue which is connective tissue composed of collagen and/or elastin fibers and chondrocytes. Cartilage is avascular and provides both skeletal functions and a framework upon which bone is deposited.[TAO] Previous: "A portion of connective tissue dominated by extracellular matrix containing collagen type II and large amounts of proteoglycan, particularly chondroitin sulfate[GO]. Regular connective tissue, which consists of chondrocytes and related cells, the intercellular matrix of which is chondrified. Examples: hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage[FMA]. an avascular supporting and articular skeletal tissue. It also functions as the primary endoskeletal support in vertebrate embryos. Cartilage is deposited by and is composed of chondroblasts and chondrocytes separated by an extracellular matrix, which may or may not mineralize depending on cartilage type, age, or taxon[Hall and Witten]." See also FMA:71500 Set of cartilages, FMA:55107 Cartilage organ, FMA:12264 Articular cartilage. // elements made from cartilage, cartilage-like, or chondroid tissues evolved in invertebrates[H&W] Skeletal tissue that is avascular, rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and typically includes chondrocytes within isolated lacunae. Cartilage tissue is deposited by chondroblasts. Skeletal tissue that is avascular, rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and typically includes chondrocytes within isolated lacunae. Cartilage tissue is deposited by chondroblasts.[VSAO] TAO:0001501 UBERON:0002418 UMLS:C0007301 VHOG:0001207 VSAO:0000040 XAO:0000170 ZFA:0005622 cartilage cartilage tissue cartilages cartilaginous tissue chondrogenic tissue galen:Cartilage portion of cartilage tissue relationship loss: subclass specialized connective tissue (AAO:0000571)[AAO] uberon hepatobiliary system AAO:0011056 CALOHA:TS-1308 EFO:0000800 EHDAA2:0000998 EHDAA:2189 EMAPA:16840 EV:0100088 MA:0000324 MAT:0000024 MIAA:0000024 System responsible for the production and movement of bile[ZFIN:curator]. TAO:0000036 The hepaticobiliary system is responsible for metabolic and catabolic processing of small molecules absorbed from the blood or gut, hormones and serum proteins, detoxification, storage of glycogen, triglycerides, metals and lipid soluble vitamins and excretion of bile. Included are the synthesis of albumin, blood coagulation factors, complement, and specific binding proteins. The parts are: liver, bile duct, gall bladder and hepatic duct [GO:0061008] The part of the digestive system that contains the liver and the biliary system UBERON:0002423 UMLS:C1711359 VHOG:0000294 XAO:0000132 ZFA:0000036 hepaticobiliary system liver and biliary system liver/biliary system uberon limb bone A bone that is part of a limb [Automatically generated definition]. EFO:0000945 MAT:0000151 MIAA:0000151 NCITA includes clavicle. MA:'limb bone' is actually a bone of limb or girdle UBERON:0002428 UMLS:C0582791 bone of extremity bone of limb free limb bone the formal definition is very inclusive, and includes sesamoids uberon autopod region BTO:0004359 EFO:0000877 EMAPA:32722 FMA:83015 MA:0002714 MAT:0000091 MIAA:0000091 Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group; note that this refers to the limb segment, not just the skeleton. Terminal segment of free limb, immediately distal to the zeugopod region. The fully developed autopod consists of the autopod skeleton plus associated structures such as integument, muscle tissue, vasculature etc. The autopod is divided into mesopodial, metapodiual, and acropodial segments. Examples: human hand, mouse paw, human foot UBERON:0002470 UMLS:C0687080 autopod autopodial element autopodial limb segment autopodial segment autopodium autopodium region distal free limb segment distal segment of free limb distal segment of limb manus/pes paw paw/hand/foot/hoof pod uberon zeugopod EFO:0000878 FMA:83016 MA:0002716 MAT:0000092 MIAA:0000092 The middle free limb segment, between the autopod and stylopod segments. Includes as parts the zeugopodial skeleton. Examples: There are two types of zeugopod: forelimb zeugopod (aka forearm), hindlimb zeugopod (aka crus). There exists some controversy about which podial segments are present in some fishes, e.g. if the autopod is not newly evolved in tetrapods, there is a question as to which segments are actually present in basal vertebrate taxa.[PHENOSCAPE:curators] UBERON:0002471 epipodium middle free limb segment middle limb segment middle part of limb middle segment of free limb uberon zeugopod limb segment zeugopodial zeugopodial limb segment zeugopodium zygopod zygopodium stylopod EFO:0000879 FMA:83014 MA:0002717 MAT:0000093 MIAA:0000093 Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group The proximal free limb segment. Includes as parts the stylopod skeleton. UBERON:0002472 propodium proximal free limb segment proximal part of limb proximal segment of free limb stylopodial stylopodial limb segment stylopodium uberon bone tissue CALOHA:TS-2011 EMAPA:35179 FMA:224804 MA:0002780 MESH:D001842 Skeletal tissue with a collagen-rich extracellular matrix vascularized, mineralized with hydroxyapatite and typically including osteocytes located in lacunae that communicate with one another by cell processes (in canaliculi). Bone is deposited by osteoblasts. Skeletal tissue with a collagen-rich extracellular matrix vascularized, mineralized with hydroxyapatite and typically including osteocytes located in lacunae that communicate with one another by cell processes (in canaliculi). Bone is deposited by osteoblasts.[VSAO] UBERON:0002481 UMLS:C0391978 VSAO:0000047 XAO:0004040 ZFA:0005621 bone calcium tissue galen:BoneTissue mineralized bone tissue osseous tissue osteogenic tissue portion of bone tissue see https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/27 uberon long bone BTO:0004256 EMAPA:35503 Endochondral_ossification is an essential process during the rudimentary formation of long bones, with the exception of the clavicle[Wikipedia:Endochondral_ossification]. The medial and and lateral ends undergo EO, the mid-portion is formed by a process with features of EO & IO (the process is shared by the mandible)[ISBN:9780397517251] FMA:7474 Long bone is a limb bone that is subcylindrical and has a shaft with periosteum separating the ends of the bones. Long bones are present only in the limbs[VSAO:wd]. MA:0002802 OpenCyc:Mx4rv6axr5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0002495 UMLS:C0222647 galen:LongBone os longum uberon endochondral bone AAO:0010776 AEO:0000083 BTO:0002157 EHDAA2:0003083 FMA:24321 Replacement bone that forms within cartilage. Replacement bone that forms within cartilage.[VSAO] TAO:0001591 UBERON:0002513 VSAO:0000145 XAO:0004018 ZFA:0001591 cartilaginous bone endochondral bones https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Modeling-endochondral-elements-Design-Pattern ossified chondrogenic bone placement in this class to be inferred some structures, e.g. in ZFA are both intramembrane and endochondral uberon limb segment A major subdivision of a mature or developing limb, including both skeletal elements (or the mesenchyme that gives rise to the skeletal elements) and associated tissues, such as muscle, connective tissue, integument. Examples: autopod region, zeugopod region, stylopod region, metapodial region, arm region. Excludes the limb girdles. FMA has both limb segment and free limb segment, the former includes the girdles. Note that MA uses the term more generally and includes A,S,Z,S+Z(arm/leg), whereas FMA is just A,S,Z FMA:241863 MA:0002889 TODO - align this with the CARO2 class 'appendage segment'; note the FMA class does not appear to require repetition UBERON:0002529 UMLS:C1268195 extremity part free limb segment limb region region of limb segment of limb subdivision of limb uberon gland AAO:0000212 AEO:0000096 BTO:0000522 Druese EFO:0000797 EHDAA2:0003096 EHDAA:2161 EHDAA:4475 EHDAA:6522 EMAPA:18425 FBbt:00100317 FMA:7146 FMA:86294 HAO:0000375 MA:0003038 MAT:0000021 MIAA:0000021 OpenCyc:Mx4rwP3vyJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0002530 UBERON:MIAA_0000021 UMLS:C1285092 WikipediaCategory:Glands an organ that functions as a secretory or excretory organ galen:Gland glandula glandular glandular organ uberon paired fin bud An outgrowth on the lateral trunk of the embryo that develops into a paired fin. The fin bud is divided into ectoderm and mesenchyme[cjm, modified from MP]. EFO:0003468 Embryonic surface structure that develops into a paired fin.[ZFA] MAT:0000062 MIAA:0000062 TAO:0001383 UBERON:0002531 VSAO:0000179 ZFA:0001383 fin bud fin buds uberon epiblast (generic) BTO:0004593 FMA:296704 In amniote animal embryology, the epiblast is a tissue type derived either from the inner cell mass in mammals or the blastodisc in birds and reptiles. It lies above the hypoblast. In mammalian embryogenesis, the columnar cells of the epiblast are adjacent to the trophoblast, while the cuboidal cells of the hypoblast are closer to the blastocoele. The epiblast, whilst referred to as the primary ectoderm, differentiates to form all three layers of the trilaminar germ disc in a process called gastrulation[WP]. The outer of the two layers of the blastoderm that form during gastrulation, corresponding to primitive ectoderm during gastrulation and to the definitive ectoderm after gastrulation[ZFA] In pregastrula zebrafish embryos, the epiblast is an inverted cup of cells that sits on top of a large yolk cell. (...) In amniote embryos (mammals and birds), gastrulation initiates in an epithelial layer called the epiblast. Cells in the epiblast undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), migrate through the primitive streak (PS), and incorporate in the middle (mesoderm) or outer (endoderm) layer. The presumptive definitive endoderm (DE) cells invade and displace an outer layer of extraembryonic tissue cells, the hypoblast in chick and the visceral endoderm (VE) in mouse, which form supporting structures such as the yolk sac.[uncertain][VHOG] MAT:0000067 MIAA:0000067 MP says - tissue that gives rise to the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm of the embryo proper. In HOG, epiblast is part of primitive streak/blastpore, which is inconsistent with the MP definition of primitive streak as a ridge of the epiblast. Note that these terms, epiblast and hypoblast, are also used to describe layers of the avian embryonic blastoderm, but the layers so-named seem to be altogether different in these two kinds of vertebrate embryos(CVS). Consider obsoleting this as a grouping class UBERON:0002532 VHOG:0000243 blastocyst ectoblast epiblast epiblastus primitive ectoderm uberon paired fin Fin that is one of a pair located ventrally on the organism. TAO:0002278 UBERON:0002534 VSAO:0000111 ZFA:0005596 artioptérygie@fr nageoire paire@fr pelvic/pectoral fin uberon digit A subdivision of the autopod that has as part a series of phalanges together with associated vasculature, musculature, integument and nerves. It is continuous with the metapodial subdivision of the autopod, but does not include the metapodials. In species such as humans, fully formed digits are distinct, whereas in other species the digits may be connected by interdigital webbing, or may be completely unseparated (for example, in cetaceans). AAO:0011126 EFO:0000881 EMAPA:32725 FMA:85518 MA:0000690 MAT:0000285 MIAA:0000285 OpenCyc:Mx4rvzLD_ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Our reinterpretation of the distal fin endoskeleton of Panderichthys removes the final piece of evidence supporting the formerly popular hypothesis that tetrapod digits are wholly new structures without homologues in sarcopterygian fish fins. This hypothesis, which was based partly on the complete absence of plausible digit homologues in Panderichthys (then the closest known relative of tetrapods), has already been called into question by the discovery of digit-like radials in Tiktaalik and the fact that Hox gene expression patterns closely resembling those associated with digit formation in tetrapods occur in the distal fin skeletons of paddlefish and Australian lungfish. Our new data show that Panderichthys is not an anomaly: like Tiktaalik and other fish members of the Tetrapodomorpha, it has distal radials that can be interpreted as digit homologues.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0002544 UMLS:C0582802 VHOG:0000944 XAO:0003032 acropodial unit digit (phalangeal portion) plus soft tissue digital galen:Digit limb digit this class represents the entire organism subdivision encompassing soft tissue as well as the underlying skeletal framework. The class represents the phalangeal part only - historically the term 'digit' has also been used to represent the unit consisting of a series of phalanges together with a metapodial bone. We may in future relabel this class to avoid confusion with this concept, but the class will continue to represent the phalangeal portion uberon cranial placode AAO:0010466 Comparisons of developmental gene expression suggest that the anterior ectoderm in amphioxus may be homologous to the vertebrate olfactory placode, the only vertebrate placode with primary, not secondary, neurons EFO:0001650 Ectodermal placode that develops in the head into a part of the sensory nervous system. With a few exceptions (lens, adenohypophyseal), cranial placodes are neurogenic. MAT:0000369 MIAA:0000369 The term placode or placodes also applies to developing organs such as teeth, mammary glands, hair follicles, feathers and scales. We include a separate parent class for this. UBERON:0002546 XAO:0000305 cranial placodes placode to avoid confusion, we include neurogenic placode as a subclass. Do not merge. uberon anatomical cavity Anatomical space which contains portions of one or more body substances and is bounded by the internal surface of one maximally connected anatomical structure. Examples: cranial cavity, pharyngeal recess space, nasal cavity, tooth socket, cavity of serous sac, lumen of stomach, lumen of artery, fornix of vagina. FMA:67552 MA:0002447 UBERON:0002553 cavity galen:Cavity uberon regional part of brain Anatomical divisons of the brain according to one or more criteria, e.g. cytoarchitectural, gross anatomy. Parts may be contiguous in 3D or not, e.g., basal ganglia. FMA:55676 UBERON:0002616 UMLS:C0445620 anatomical structure of brain biological structure of brain brain anatomical structure brain biological structure brain part neuraxis segment neuroanatomical region segment of brain uberon midbrain-hindbrain boundary AAO:0011064 DMBA:16810 EHDAA2:0004395 EHDAA:5789 EMAPA:32857 Lampreys also have an MHB [midbrain hindbrain boundary], expressing a similar repertoire of regulatory gene cognates as in gnathostomes.[well established][VHOG] MHB TAO:0000042 The part of the brain that is the morphological boundary between the midbrain and hindbrain and that is the location of an organizing center which patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate. UBERON:0003052 VHOG:0000649 XAO:0000016 ZFA:0000042 consider adding class for organizer. Consider adding separate class for isthmus as a structure isthmic organizer territory isthmo-cerebellar region isthmus isthmus/MHB mid-hindbrain boundary mid-hindbrain junction midbrain hindbrain boundary uberon periderm A temporary epithelium that derives from the outer layer of the ectdoerm and is shed once the inner layer differentiates to form a true epidermis. EHDAA2:0001846 EHDAA:6538 EVL FMA:295662 In mice, the first non-basal layer formed at ~E9.5; it is a temporary structure composed of simple squamous epithelium that serves as the first barrier to the embryo's physical environment, exists throughout the entire keratinocyte stratification process, and sheds off at ~E17, when it is replaced by corneocytes[MP] In some mammals, Eyelid Fusion is thought to be driven by a population of cells which are derived from the periderm, the outermost layer of the developing epidermis Originally the epidermis is one layer thick, in most vertebrates it soon becomes a two-layered structure. The outer layer gives rise to the periderm. The periderm goes through distinct developmental phases and is ultimately sloughed into the amniotic fluid when differentiation of the underlying epidermal layers is complete. The function of the periderm is not known, but is thought to be related to transport/exchange between the fetus and the amniotic fluid (http://courses.washington.edu/hubio567/devbio/periderm.html) TAO:0001185 The outermost epidermal layer covering the fish at embryonic stages; derived from the EVL and thought to eventually be replaced by the superficial stratum of the epidermis. Sometimes used synonymously with EVL. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] UBERON:0003055 UMLS:C1518973 VHOG:0001680 XAO:0000029 ZFA:0001185 epidermis epithelial layer epidermis outer layer epitrichium periderm relationship type change: OBO_REL:part_of ectoderm (TAO:0000016) CHANGED TO: develops_from ectoderm (UBERON:0000924)[TAO] skin periderm uberon pre-chordal neural plate (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011084 TAO:0007016 The portion of neural plate anterior to the mid-hindbrain junction. UBERON:0003056 VHOG:0001200 XAO:0000045 ZFA:0007016 anterior neural plate uberon chordal neural plate (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] TAO:0007017 The portion of neural plate posterior to the mid-hindbrain junction. UBERON:0003057 VHOG:0001201 XAO:0000046 ZFA:0007017 posterior neural plate uberon presomitic mesoderm AAO:0011086 EFO:0001982 EMAPA:16189 EMAPA:16752 It is reasonable to assume that the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates had an amphioxus-like tail bud in its larval stage. This archetypal tail bud would have (...) (3) lacked any component of mesenchyme cells, (4) budded off new mesodermal segments directly, without any intervening zone of presomitic mesoderm (...). Then, early in vertebrate evolution, epithelium-to-mesenchyme interconversions (and the gene networks for effecting them) became prominent features of development. (...) In any case, conspicuous mesenchymal components tended to be added to the vertebrate tail bud itself. In addition, a mesenchymatous presomitic mesoderm (not a part of the tail bud proper) came to intervene between the tail bud and the forming somites.[well established][VHOG] PSM TAO:0000279 UBERON:0003059 Unsegmented field of paraxial mesoderm present posterior to the most recently formed somite pair, from which somites will form. Unsegmented field of paraxial mesoderm present posterior to the most recently formed somite pair, from which somites will form. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] VHOG:0000559 XAO:0000057 ZFA:0000279 presumptive somite mesoderm segmental plate somitogenic mesoderm somitomeric mesoderm uberon unsegmented mesenchyme unsegmented paraxial mesoderm pronephric duct (...) in all craniates, the archinephric duct develops in embryogeny.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011088 Duct of the embryonic kidney, present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the anal region where it empties separately from, and just posterior to the anus. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] In mammals, the pronephric duct is the predecessor of the Wolffian duct[WP]. TAO:0000150 The first-formed kidney duct, which drains the kidney of most anamniotes and becomes the ductus deferens of male amniotes. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-3, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] The pronephric duct collects the filtrate from the pronephric tubules and opens to the exterior of the pronephric kidney[GOC:mtg_kidney_jan10, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15647339, XAO:0000063, ZFA:0000150] UBERON:0003060 UMLS:C1283945 VHOG:0000082 XAO:0000063 ZFA:0000150 archinephric duct ductus pronephricus pronephric ducts uberon blood island AAO:0011006 Blood islands are structures in the developing embryo which lead to many different parts of the circulatory system. They primarily derive from plexuses formed from angioblasts. Within them, vacuoles appear through liquefaction of the central part of the syncytium into plasma. The lumen of the blood vessels thus formed is probably intracellular. The flattened cells at the periphery form the endothelium. The nucleated red blood corpuscles develop either from small masses of the original angioblast left attached to the inner wall of the lumen or directly from the flat endothelial cells. In either case the syncytial mass thus formed projects from and is attached to the wall of the vessel. Such a mass is known as a blood island and hemoglobin gradually accumulates within it. Later the cells on the surface round up, giving the mass a mulberry-like appearance. Then the red blood cells break loose and are carried away in the plasma. Such free blood cells continue to divide. Blood islands have been seen in the area vasculosa in the omphalomesenteric vein and arteries, and in the dorsal aorta[WP, unvetted]. EFO:0003489 EHDAA2 distinguishes 3 types, but does not have a superclass. The VHOG class may refer to yolk sac EHDAA:207 Nests of developing blood cells arising late in the segmentation period from the intermediate mass, and located in the anterior-ventral tail, just posterior to the yolk extension. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Region located on the ventral surface of the developing embryo that is a site of hematopoiesis and that is analogous to the yolk sac blood islands of higher vertebrates.[AAO] Small clusters of mesodermal cells called blood islands mark the embryonic debut of the cardiovascular system (in vertebrates) (reference 1); In birds and mammals, primitive hemangioblasts are extraembryonic, populating the yolk sac as the so-called blood islands (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] TAO:0000094 TE:E5. UBERON:0003061 UMLS:C1511224 VBI VHOG:0000085 XAO:0000067 ZFA:0000094 blood islands caudal hematopoietic tissue posterior ICM posterior blood island relationship loss: part_of intermediate cell mass of mesoderm (TAO:0000033)[TAO] uberon ventral blood island ventral lateral plate mesoderm intermediate mesoderm (...)the mesoderm of a developing vertebrate transitionally differentiates into the following sub-types: Chordamesoderm (also known as axial mesoderm) which later on gives rise to notochord in all chordates, Paraxial mesoderm, Intermediate mesoderm, Lateral plate mesoderm (reference 1); The mesoderm is present in Bilateria, therefore they are sometimes called triploblasts. Ectoderm and endoderm are usually organized as epithelial layers, while mesoderm can be epithelial or a compact, three-dimensional tissue.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010575 EMAPA:16056 EMAPA:16178 FMA:293147 IM Mesoderm between somite and lateral plate. Traditionally thought to give rise to the urogenital system.[AAO] TAO:0001206 The intermediate mesoderm is located between the lateral mesoderm and the paraxial mesoderm. It develops into the kidney and gonads. UBERON:0003064 UMLS:C1284010 VHOG:0000087 XAO:0000085 ZFA:0001206 all AOs differ in the relationship between this structure and the mesoderm; in ZFA it is a subclass (and this is implied by the GO definition and GO relationships), in AAO it is part of, and in EHDAA2 it develops from the mesoderm (but in EHDAA2 the naming convention is to use 'paraxial mesenchyme', rather than 'paraxial mesoderm'). intermediate mesenchyme intermediate plate intermediate plate mesoderm mesenchyma intermedium uberon axial mesoderm AAO:0011017 EFO:0003647 TAO:0001204 The axial mesoderm includes the prechordal mesoderm and the chordamesoderm. It gives rise to the prechordal plate and to the notochord. The portion of the mesoderm underlying the midline of the embryo. [Gastrulation:_From_cells_to_embryo_(2004)_Cold_Spring_Harbor, Glossary_XV, New_York:_Cold_Spring_Harbor_Laboratory_Press, Stern_CD][VHOG] UBERON:0003068 VHOG:0000107 XAO:0000205 ZFA:0001204 chordamesoderm uberon eye primordium AAO:0011038 EFO:0003541 EHDAA2:0004431 Portion of tissue that is part of the anterior neural keel and will form the optic vesicle[ZFA]. A paired ectodermal placode that becomes invaginated to form the embryonic lens vesicles. TAO:0000570 TODO - check that GO's optic placode is the same as ZFA's eye primordium; we may want to have separate term for ocular primordium precursor. XAO has both optic field and eye primordium. UBERON:0003071 UBERON:0005060 XAO:0000227 XAO:0004090 ZFA:0000570 eye anlage eye field eye placode occular primordium ocular primordium optic field optic placode optic placode of camera-type eye optic placodes optic primordium uberon optic cup (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0005351 EHDAA2:0001303 EHDAA:2912 EMAPA:16674 Multi-tissue structure that is comprised of neural and non-neural epithelial layers which will form the retina and retinal pigmented epithelium of the mature eye[ZFA]. double walled structured formed by expansion and invagination of the distal end of the optic vesicle that develops into the pigmented and sensory layers of the retina while the mouth of the optic cup eventually forms the pupil of the eye[MP]. TAO:0001202 UBERON:0003072 UMLS:C0231109 VHOG:0000167 ZFA:0001202 eye cup eyecup ocular cup ophtalmic cup uberon lens placode (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup. (...) The optic cup induces the overlying surface ectoderm first to thicken as a lens placode and then to invaginate and form a lens vesicle that differentiates into the lens.[well established][VHOG] A thickened portion of ectoderm which serves as the precursor to the lens. SOX2 and Pou2f1 are involved in its development[WP]. AAO:0011055 Classical transplantation experiments using amphibian embryos suggested that the optic vesicle is the source of lens-inducing signals sufficient to generate lens tissues in competent ectoderm (reviewed in Grainger et al., 1996). More recent findings suggest a multistep model for lens induction. There is now good evidence that lens specification occurs at the neurula stage, before the optic vesicle contact the surface ectoderm, and that neural crest cell migration in the frontonasal region is required to restrict the position of the lens placode (Bailey et al., 2006) EFO:0003494 EHDAA2:0000982 EHDAA:2908 EMAPA:16672 Ectodermal primordium of the lens of the eye. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] FMA:296767 TAO:0000122 UBERON:0003073 UMLS:C1517770 VHOG:0000166 XAO:0000240 ZFA:0000122 lens placodes placoda lentis uberon mesonephric duct (...) in all craniates, the archinephric duct develops in embryogeny.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0000637 Anatomical structure consisting of either of a pair of longitudinal ducts which carry urine and in males, sperm, to the cloaca.[AAO] Consider adding subclasses for male and female specific variants EHDAA2:0001243 EHDAA:1590 EMAPA:16577 GAID:1315 In the male the Wolffian duct persists, and forms for example the epididymis, the ductus deferens, the ejaculatory duct, seminal vesicle and efferent ducts. Leydig's duct MESH:A16.254.940 Paired organ that connects the primitive kidney Wolffian body (or mesonephros) to the cloaca and serves as the anlage for certain male reproductive organs. the Wolffian duct is what remains of the pronephric duct after the atrophy of the pronephros[WP]. In Zebrafish: Duct of the adult kidney (mesonephros), present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber[ZFA]. TAO:0000546 TODO - mesonephric portion of the nephric duct The first-formed kidney duct, which drains the kidney of most anamniotes and becomes the ductus deferens of male amniotes. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-3, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] UBERON:0003074 UMLS:C0043204 VHOG:0000082 Wolffian duct XAO:0000242 ZFA:0000546 archinephric duct ductus mesonephricus; ductus Wolffi renal duct uberon neural plate (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] A region of embryonic ectodermal cells that lie directly above the notochord. During neurulation, they change shape and produce an infolding of the neural plate (the neural fold) that then seals to form the neural tube[XAO]. The earliest recognizable dorsal ectodermal primordium of the central nervous system present near the end of gastrulation before infolding to form the neural keel; consists of a thickened pseudostratified epithelium[ZFA] AAO:0011072 BTO:0001765 DHBA:10153 DMBA:15565 EHDAA:346 EHDAA:902 EMAPA:35593 FMA:293879 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001252 TAO:0000132 The earliest recognizable dorsal ectodermal primordium of the central nervous system present near the end of gastrulation before infolding to form the neural keel; consists of a thickened pseudostratified epithelium. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] UBERON:0003075 UMLS:C0920623 VHOG:0000068 XAO:0000249 ZFA:0000132 lamina neuralis presumptive central nervous system uberon posterior neural tube (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011082 TAO:0007037 UBERON:0003076 VHOG:0001383 XAO:0000250 ZFA:0007037 uberon paraxial mesoderm AAO:0010568 EFO:0003515 EMAPA:16183 EMAPA:16751 FMA:293145 Mesoderm lateral to the neural tube and notochord that is divided into cranial and post-cranial portions. The trunk portions further segment into somites.[AAO] Presently, Cephalochordata, Urochordata, and Vertebrata are placed as subphyla of the phylum Chordata, in which the overall organization of embryonic tissues (dorsal hollow nerve cord, ventral digestive tract, axial notochord, and bilateral paraxial mesoderm) is largely conserved. In contrast, the echinoderms and hemichordates are sister groups of the chordates and they lack the notochord and paraxial mesoderm. Thus, the basic mesodermal organization of vertebrates must have appeared first in the common ancestor of the chordates.[well established][VHOG] TAO:0000255 The paraxial mesoderm is the mesoderm located bilaterally adjacent to the notochord and neural tube[GO] UBERON:0003077 UMLS:C1284009 VHOG:0000114 XAO:0000259 ZFA:0000255 mesoderma paraxiale note that all AOs differ in the relationship between this structure and the mesoderm; in ZFA it is a subclass (and this is implied by the GO definition and GO relationships), in AAO it is part of, and in EHDAA2 it develops from the mesoderm (but in EHDAA2 the naming convention is to use 'paraxial mesenchyme', rather than 'paraxial mesoderm'). Also in ZFA it is part of the trunk whereas this conflicts with the division into head and trunk in ehdaa2 (which we follow here) paraxial mesenchyme somitic mesoderm uberon anterior neural tube (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011012 TAO:0007038 TODO - add grouping class for the anterior end of the neural tube at all stages UBERON:0003080 VHOG:0001384 XAO:0000307 ZFA:0007038 uberon lateral plate mesoderm A ventrolateral zone of amphioxus mesoderm grows down to surround the gut. Homology of this zone to the lateral plate mesoderm of vertebrates is supported by site of origin and fate.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010574 EHDAA2:0000919 EHDAA:379 EMAPA:16179 FMA:293149 LPM Portion of mesoderm traditionally thought to give rise to limb bones and parts of the girdles.[AAO] Portion of the middle of the three primary germ layers of the embryo that resides on the periphery of the embryo, is continuous with the extra-embryonic mesoderm, splits into two layers enclosing the intra-embryonic coelom, and gives rise to body wall structures[MP]. TAO:0000121 The portion of the mesoderm of the trunk of vertebrate embryos lying lateral to the intermediate mesoderm. [...] [It] subdivides into two plates: one dorsal, called the somatopleure, and one ventral, called the splanchnopleure. [Gastrulation:_From_cells_to_embryo_(2004)_Cold_Spring_Harbor, Glossary_XV, New_York:_Cold_Spring_Harbor_Laboratory_Press, Stern_CD][VHOG] UBERON:0003081 UBERON:0006258 UMLS:C1517749 VHOG:0000118 XAO:0000311 ZFA:0000121 lateral mesoderm lateral plate lateral plate mesenchyme mesoderma laminae lateralis subclass of mesoderm in ZFA. uberon myotome A transitional population of migrating mesenchymal cells that derive from somites and that will become muscle cells. AAO:0011067 AEO:0001018 BTO:0000742 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003431 EHDAA:1721 EHDAA:1727 EHDAA:1733 EHDAA:1739 EMAPA:32841 FMA:295658 In all vertebrates, the skeletal muscle of the body axis is chiefly derived from an early embryonic compartment, known as the myotome.[well established][VHOG] Portion of the somites giving rise to body wall muscle masses. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] TAO:0001056 The term 'myotome' is also used to describe the muscles served by a single nerve root / spinal segment - consider adding new class, myomere. UBERON:0003082 UMLS:C1513802 VHOG:0001244 XAO:0000315 ZFA:0001056 muscle plate myomere myomeres myotome region myotomes myotomus uberon heart primordium AAO:0011044 BTO:0001887 Bilateral groups of cells consisting of three rows: one row of endocardial precursors medially and two rows of myocardical precursors laterally. The two populations fuse at the midline between 21 and 26 somites to form the heart rudiment or cone. Stainier 2001.[TAO] Bilateral groups of cells consisting of three rows: one row of endocardial precursors medially and two rows of myocardical precursors laterally. The two populations fuse at the midline to form the heart rudiment or cone. TAO:0000028 The fused aspects of ventral mesoderm, which have migrated from either side of the prechordal plate, and fused ventrally, just behind the cement gland. They will give rise to the endocardium at NF stage 27&28.[AAO] UBERON:0003084 UMLS:C1514450 XAO:0000336 ZFA:0000028 cardiac field fused heart primordium relationship loss: develops_from lateral mesoderm (TAO:0001065)[TAO] should probably be merged with heart rudiment. uberon sclerotome AAO:0010571 AEO:0000212 EHDAA2:0003439 EMAPA:31159 FMA:295652 Skeletogenic portion of somites.[AAO] TAO:0001080 The vertebrate sclerotome has no equivalent in amphioxus and is a novelty linked with the evolution of the axial skeleton.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0003089 UMLS:C0183176 VHOG:0000680 Ventral somitic compartment that is a precursor of the axial skeleton[XAO]. Sclerotomes eventually differentiate into the vertebrae and most of the skull. The caudal (posterior) half of one sclerotome fuses with the rostral (anterior) half of the adjacent one to form each vertebra. From their initial location within the somite, the sclerotome cells migrate medially towards the notochord. These cells meet the sclerotome cells from the other side to form the vertebral body. From this vertebral body, sclerotome cells move dorsally and surround the developing spinal cord, forming the vertebral arch[WP]. XAO:0000397 ZFA:0001080 part_of somite in XAO sclerotomes sclerotomus uberon cranial neural crest AAO:0010580 Anterior most portion of the neural crest. Migrates in three highly conserved streams: mandibular, hyoid and branchial.[AAO] CNC EFO:0003645 EHDAA2:0004420 EMAPA:16091 Neural crest that is part of the head.[TAO] TAO:0001194 UBERON:0003099 VHOG:0000063 We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] XAO:0001001 ZFA:0001194 cephalic neural crest cranial NCC population crista neuralis cranialis head NCC population head crest head neural crest neural crest cells (NCCs) originating in the anterior part of the developing embryo and residing between the mid-diencephalon and the forming hindbrain; cranial NCCs migrate dorsolaterally to form the craniofacial mesenchyme that differentiates into various craniofacial cartilages and bones, cranial neurons, glia, and connective tissues of the face; these cells enter the pharyngeal pouches and arches where they give rise to thymic cells, bones of the middle ear and jaw (mandible), and the odontoblasts of the tooth primordia; like their counterparts in the trunk, cranial NCCs also contribute to the developing peripheral nervous system, along with the pigmented cell (i.e. melanocyte) lineage. uberon female organism AAO:0010030 BILA:0000028 CARO:0000028 FBbt:00007011 FMA:67812 Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes. HAO:0000028 TAO:0000303 TGMA:0001839 UBERON:0003100 XAO:0003005 ZFA:0000303 female female human body uberon male organism AAO:0010033 BILA:0000027 CARO:0000027 FBbt:00007004 FMA:67811 Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes. HAO:0000027 TAO:0000242 TGMA:0001838 UBERON:0003101 WBbt:0007850 XAO:0003006 ZFA:0000242 male male human body uberon surface structure AAO:0010337 AEO_RETIRED:0000010 Anatomical structure that overlaps the outer epithelial layer and is adjacent to the space surrounding the organism. EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003010 Organism subdivision which is the collection of anatomical structures on the body surface.[ZFA] TAO:0000292 UBERON:0003102 VSAO:0000001 XAO:0003028 ZFA:0000292 anatomical surface feature galen:SurfaceRegion surface feature surface region surface structures uberon compound organ AAO:0010015 AEO:0000024 Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more multi-tissue structures of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona fide boundaries from other distinct anatomical structures of different types. BILA:0000024 CARO:0000024 EHDAA2:0003024 HAO:0000024 TADS:0000598 TAO:0000496 TGMA:0001837 UBERON:0003103 VHOG:0001723 XAO:0003041 ZFA:0000496 organ this class was introduced for consistency with CARO. However, in this ontology we typically classify organs directly under 'organ' rather than subdividing into compound and simple organs uberon mesenchyme A mesh-like cell arrangement, less compact than an epithelium. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] AAO:0010427 AEO:0000145 BTO:0001393 CALOHA:TS-0620 EHDAA2:0003145 EV:0100007 Portion of tissue consisting of loosely organized undifferentiated mesodermal cells that give rise to such structures as connective tissues, blood, lymphatics, bone, and cartilage.[AAO] Portion of tissue consisting of loosely organized undifferentiated mesodermal cells that give rise to such structures as connective tissues, blood, lymphatics, bone, and cartilage[XAO]. A mesh-like cell arrangement, less compact than an epithelium[ZFA]. The part of the embryonic mesoderm, consisting of loosely packed, unspecialized cells set in a gelatinous ground substance, from which connective tissue, bone, cartilage, and the circulatory and lymphatic systems develop[BTO]. TAO:0000393 UBERON:0003104 UMLS:C0162415 VHOG:0000170 XAO:0003046 ZFA:0000393 mesenchyma mesenchymal mesenchymal tissue mesenchyme tissue portion of mesenchymal tissue portion of mesenchyme tissue the relationship to mesoderm is weaker than develops_from in order to have classes such as 'head mesenchyme from mesoderm' make sense uberon reproductive organ An organ involved in reproduction EMAPA:17381 GO uses genitalia for the singular organ MA:0001752 MESH:D005835 OpenCyc:Mx4rwO39aJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TGMA:0000591 UBERON:0003133 UMLS:C0017420 WBbt:0008422 genital organ genitalia reproductive system organ sex organ uberon female reproductive organ A female organ involved in reproduction EMAPA:28540 MA:0000544 UBERON:0003134 female organism reproductive organ female organism reproductive structure female organism reproductive system organ female organism sex organ female reproductive gland/organ female reproductive system organ female sex organ reproductive organ of female organism reproductive structure of female organism reproductive system organ of female organism sex organ of female organism uberon metanephric mesenchyme A mass of intermediate mesodermal cells around the distal end of the ureteric bud that gives rise to nephrons in the metanephric kidney. [TFD][VHOG] EHDAA2:0004062 EHDAA:4041 EHDAA:5021 EHDAA:5915 EMAPA:17208 EMAPA:17375 EMAPA:29990 Genes: The positional specification of the metanephrogenic mesenchyme is negatively regulated by Foxc1 and Foxc2. Next the permanent kidney forming metanephrogenic mesenchyme is specified by Hox11 genes. The competence to respond to ureteric bud inducers is regulated by WT1. GDNF secretion restricted to posterior region by Robo2 and Sprouty1. The receptors for GDNF are synthesized in the nephric ducts and later in ureteric buds [ISBN:9780878932504 "Developmental Biology"] UBERON:0003220 VHOG:0000540 When the ureteric buds emerge from the nephric duct, they enter the metanephrogenic mesenchyme. The ureteric buds induce this mesenchymal tissue to condense around them and differentiate into the nephrons of the mammalian kidney. As this mesenchyme differentiates, it tells the ureteric bud to branch and grow.[well established][VHOG] metanephric blastema metanephric mesoderm metanephrogenic mesenchyme metanephros associated mesenchyme one of the two embryological structures that give rise to the kidney (the other is the ureteric bud). The metanephric blastema mostly develops into nephrons, but can also form parts of the collecting duct system.[WP]. Metanephric mesenchyme is the tissue made up of loosely connected mesenchymal cells in the metanephros[GO] uberon phalanx CALOHA:TS-2211 EMAPA:32614 Endochondral bones that are often elongate and arranged in rows of articulating elements, and form the visible part of the digits. FMA:321661 In primates such as humans and monkeys, the thumb and big toe have two phalanges, while the other fingers and toes consist of three MA:0000304 OpenCyc:Mx4rvolPZpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0003221 UMLS:C0222682 VSAO:0000199 digit long bone galen:Phalanx long bone of digit phalange phalangeal phalanges phalanx bone uberon gland of foregut A gland that is part of a foregut [Automatically generated definition]. EHDAA2:0000567 EHDAA:950 EMAPA:16557 UBERON:0003294 VHOG:0000650 foregut gland uberon eye mesenchyme EHDAA2:0000485 EHDAA:2910 EMAPA:16673 Mesenchyme that is part of a developing camera-type eye. TODO - change mesenchyme relationships to precursor_of UBERON:0003314 VHOG:0001084 mesenchyme of eye uberon epithelium of mucosa A layer of epithelial cells on the surface of the mucosa. BTO:0003752 UBERON:0003350 lamina epithelialis mucosa lamina epithelialis mucosae lies on top of lamina propria uberon smooth muscle of eye EMAPA:18807 MA:0001268 Not clear if we need this and intra-ocular muscle. See issue #331. MA includes ciliary and iris smooth muscle UBERON:0003386 any of the striated muscles that move the eye and include: superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, superior oblique, inferior oblique, retractor bulbi ocular smooth muscle uberon gland of gut A gland that is part of a digestive tract [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:18815 MA:0003202 UBERON:0003408 digestive tract gland gland of digestive tract gland of lower gastrointestinal tract gut gland lower gastrointestinal tract gland uberon arterial blood vessel A blood vessel that is part of the arterial system. Includes artery, arteriole and aorta. EMAPA:35144 MA:0000061 UBERON:0003509 only in MA - supertype of artery, arteriole, aorta. uberon limb long bone A long bone that is part of a limb [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35495 MA:0000298 UBERON:0003606 long bone of limb uberon limb joint Any joint that is part of a (free) limb. EMAPA:36501 FMA:321558 MA:0000691 Most limb joints are synovial, but a few such as the tibiofibular joints are syndesmoses UBERON:0003657 galen:LimbJoint joint of limb joint of limb skeletal system skeletal limb joint uberon extrahepatic bile duct FMA:14678 GAID:281 MA:0002659 MESH:D017734 Passages external to the liver for the conveyance of bile. These include the common bile duct and the common hepatic duct. UBERON:0003703 UMLS:C0206187 bile duct extrahepatic part extrahepatic biliary system includes all the cystic duct, all the common bile duct and the extrahapetic part of the hepatic duct uberon intrahepatic bile duct Duct that collects bile from the bile ductules and connects to the extrahepatic bile duct.[TAO] FMA:15766 GAID:287 MA:0001630 MESH:D001653 Passages within the liver for the conveyance of bile. Includes right and left hepatic ducts even though these may join outside the liver to form the common hepatic duct. TAO:0005169 UBERON:0003704 UMLS:C0005401 ZFA:0005169 bile duct intrahepatic part includes the hepatic duct of the caudate lobe, and the intra- and inter- lobar bile ducts intrahepatic biliary system uberon neural tissue AAO:0000325 AEO:0000123 EHDAA2:0003123 FMA definition includes vasculature FMA:9642 GAID:609 MESH:D009417 One of the four types of tissue in traditional classifications. Cells forming the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.[AAO] OpenCyc:Mx4rVmfYCsQ_QdeM_bFAeS8NRQ Portion of tissue in the nervous system which consists of neurons and glial cells, and may also contain parts of the vasculature. UBERON:0003714 UMLS:C0027757 nerve tissue nervous tissue portion of neural tissue uberon metapodium bone A bone of the metapodial skeleton MA:0000301 UBERON:0003821 metacarpal or metatarsal bone metacarpal/metatarsal metacarpal/metatarsal bone metapodi bone metapodial bone metapodium bone uberon autopod joint A limb joint that is part of an autopod [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35160 MA:0002715 UBERON:0003841 autopod joint of limb autopod limb joint distal free limb segment joint of limb distal free limb segment limb joint joint of limb of autopod joint of limb of distal free limb segment limb joint of autopod limb joint of distal free limb segment paw joint uberon neural tube lumen (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011073 An anatomical space that surrounded_by a neural tube. EHDAA2:0001269 EHDAA:2889 EHDAA:914 EMAPA:16167 EMAPA:16533 UBERON:0003842 UBERON:0005713 VHOG:0001119 XAO:0000252 cavity of neural tube central lumen lumen of neural tube neural lumen neural tube neural lumen neurocoel prosencoel uberon mesencephalic neural crest A neural crest that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a midbrain. EFO:0003591 EHDAA2:0001101 EHDAA:360 TAO:0000935 UBERON:0003849 VHOG:0000796 We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] ZFA:0000935 mesencephalic neural crest neural crest midbrain uberon telencephalon neural crest A neural crest that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a telencephalon. Cranial neural crest that is part of the telencephalon.[TAO] EFO:0003574 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001991 TAO:0000812 UBERON:0003850 VHOG:0000799 We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] ZFA:0000812 neural crest telencephalon uberon rhombencephalon neural crest A neural crest that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a hindbrain. Cranial neural crest that is part of the hindbrain.[TAO] EHDAA2:0001628 EHDAA:362 EMAPA:35747 TAO:0007063 UBERON:0003852 VHOG:0001210 We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] ZFA:0007063 neural crest hindbrain rhombencephalic neural crest rhombomere neural crest uberon spinal cord neural crest A neural crest that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a spinal cord. EHDAA:696 EMAPA:16163 EMAPA:16529 EMAPA:16881 UBERON:0003853 VHOG:0001006 We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...)[well established][VHOG] neural crest spinal cord spinal neural crest uberon future coelemic cavity lumen An anatomical cavity that has the potential to develop into a coelemic cavity lumen. UBERON:0003886 body cavity precursor uberon intraembryonic coelom (...) I regard it unlikely that coeloms of all bilaterian animals are comparable and evolved very early. Considering all these questions, few convincing characters concerning the evolution of body cavities remain to be named. (...) A segmental coelom appears to have evolved at least two times, in Annelida and in Myomerata (Acrania and Craniota).[well established][VHOG] EHDAA:251 EMAPA:16088 The part of the coelom in the embryo between the somatopleuric and splanchnopleuric mesoderm; the principal body cavities of the trunk (thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic) arise from this embryonic part of the coelom UBERON:0003887 UMLS:C1512940 VHOG:0000316 consider merging with coelom. TODO - add spatial relationships to halves of LPM. Note the OG places XAO and ZFA coelem terms here. editor note: TODO check ZFA, which appears to be a structure present in adults somatic coelom uberon liver primordium A small endodermal thickening in the foregut adjacent to the transverse septum. Invaginates forming the hepatic diverticulum. AAO:0011058 BTO:0003391 EFO:0002577 EFO:0003428 EHDAA2:0000744 EHDAA:973 EMAPA:16847 TAO:0000124 UBERON:0003894 UMLS:C0734013 UMLS:C1514451 XAO:0003266 ZFA:0000124 consider adding further subdivisions of the endoderm, e.g. ventral foregut. Note we place two EFO classes here, it's not clear how they differ embryological hepatic plate hepatic plate liver bud liver endoderm primordium of the liver uberon retinal neural layer (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup. (...) The outer layer of the optic cup becomes the pigment layer of the retina, whereas the inner layer differentiates into the photoreceptive cells and neuronal layers of the retina.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011095 BTO:0000929 CALOHA:TS-0685 EHDAA2:0001253 EHDAA:4763 EMAPA:17171 EMAPA:18590 FMA:58628 MA:0000277 TAO:0000046 The part of the retina that contains neurons and photoreceptor cells[GO]. UBERON:0003902 UMLS:C1518263 VHOG:0000535 XAO:0003216 ZFA:0000046 neural layer of retina neural retina neural retinal epithelium neuroretina stratum nervosum (retina) stratum nervosum retinae uberon epithelial tube AEO:0000114 EHDAA2:0003114 Epithelial tubes transport gases, liquids and cells from one site to another and form the basic structure of many organs and tissues, with tube shape and organization varying from the single-celled excretory organ in Caenorhabditis elegans to the branching trees of the mammalian kidney and insect tracheal system. FBbt:00007474 UBERON:0003914 contrast with a multi-tissue tube, which has as parts both epithelium, connective tissue, possibly muscle layers epithelial or endothelial tube uberon kidney mesenchyme Kidney mesenchyme is the tissue made up of loosely connected mesenchymal cells in the kidney[GO]. UBERON:0003918 check this mesenchyme of kidney uberon venous blood vessel A blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart Compare to: vein EMAPA:35932 FMA:86188 MA:0000066 UBERON:0003920 segment of venous tree organ uberon venous tree organ segment pancreas primordium EFO:0002579 EFO:0003434 EHDAA2:0001382 EHDAA:2163 EMAPA:17066 FMA:79792 TAO:0000254 UBERON:0003921 XAO:0001101 ZFA:0000254 embryonic structure that develops into pancreatic bud. in EHDAA2 this has dorsal and ventral primordia as parts. the buds are part of the primordium, with the ducts developing from the buds; only parenchyma and ducts have contribution from buds pancreatic anlage pancreatic endoderm pancreatic primordium primordial pancreas revisit after standardizing terms 'primordium', 'anlagen', 'bud' uberon pancreatic epithelial bud EFO:0003470 EMAPA:35645 TAO:0001390 The embryonic pancreas develops from two separate anlagen in the foregut epithelium, one dorsal and two ventral pancreatic buds[PMID]. UBERON:0003922 UMLS:C1283285 ZFA:0001390 pancreas epithelium pancreatic anlage pancreatic bud pancreatic buds uberon dorsal pancreatic bud AAO:0011031 EFO:0003465 EHDAA2:0001385 EMAPA:17067 In chick, Xenopus laevis, and the teleost fish Medaka, the pancreas develops from three buds that emerge from the gut tube, two from its ventral aspect, and one from its dorsal aspect. In mouse, although there are initially three buds that arise from the gut tube at the point of contact between the endoderm and the vasculature, the pancreas develops from only two of these buds, one dorsal and one ventral. (...) In this study, we use a transgenic zebrafish line (...). We provide evidence for the existence of two distinct pancreatic anlagen - a ventral anterior bud and a dorsal posterior bud - that join to form the definitive pancreas (reference 1); The pancreas develops from the fusion of distinct endoderm-derived dorsal and ventral diverticula. In humans, by day 35 of development, the ventral pancreatic bud begins to migrate backwards and comes into contact and eventually fuses with the dorsal pancreatic bud during the sixth week of development (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] TAO:0001370 The pancreatic bud that gives rise to the accessory pancreatic duct.[AAO] UBERON:0003923 VHOG:0001428 XAO:0000467 ZFA:0001370 dorsal pancreas anlage dorsal pancreatic anlage pancreas dorsal primordium duct bud pancreas primordium dorsal bud pancreatic bud that gives rise to the accessory pancreatic duct. posterior pancreatic anlage posterior pancreatic bud primary pancreatic bud uberon ventral pancreatic bud AAO:0011111 EFO:0003464 EHDAA2:0001389 EMAPA:17256 In chick, Xenopus laevis, and the teleost fish Medaka, the pancreas develops from three buds that emerge from the gut tube, two from its ventral aspect, and one from its dorsal aspect. In mouse, although there are initially three buds that arise from the gut tube at the point of contact between the endoderm and the vasculature, the pancreas develops from only two of these buds, one dorsal and one ventral. (...) In this study, we use a transgenic zebrafish line (...). We provide evidence for the existence of two distinct pancreatic anlagen - a ventral anterior bud and a dorsal posterior bud - that join to form the definitive pancreas (reference 1); The pancreas develops from the fusion of distinct endoderm-derived dorsal and ventral diverticula. In humans, by day 35 of development, the ventral pancreatic bud begins to migrate backwards and comes into contact and eventually fuses with the dorsal pancreatic bud during the sixth week of development (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] TAO:0001369 The ventral pancreatic bud becomes the head and uncinate process, and comes from the hepatic diverticulum[WP] UBERON:0003924 VHOG:0001429 XAO:0001103 ZFA:0001369 anterior pancreatic anlage anterior pancreatic bud pancreas primordium ventral bud pancreas ventral primordium duct bud pancreatic bud that gives rise to the major pancreatic duct. the ventral pancreas and liver are derived from a common precursor cell population[PMID:16417468]. TODO - add this relationship. uberon ventral pancreas anlage ventral pancreatic anlage digestive system duct A duct that is part of a digestive system [Automatically generated definition]. TAO:0005162 UBERON:0003928 ZFA:0005162 duct of digestive system duct of gastrointestinal system gastrointestinal system duct uberon digestive tract epithelium An epithelium that lines the lumen of the digestive tract. BTO:0000956 EHDAA2:0004567 EMAPA:32928 Epithelium lining the lumen of the gut.[TAO] MA:0003201 TAO:0005123 UBERON:0003929 UMLS:C0836205 XAO:0003200 ZFA:0005123 alimentary tract epithelium digestive tract epithelial tissue epithelial tissue of digestive tract epithelial tissue of gut epithelium of digestive tract epithelium of gut gastrodermis gut epithelial tissue gut epithelium uberon dermatome A transitional population of migrating mesenchymal cells that derive from somites and that will become dermal cells. AAO:0011028 AEO:0001017 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003428 EHDAA:1719 EHDAA:1725 EHDAA:1731 EHDAA:1737 EMAPA:32838 FMA:295656 Not to be confused with 'dermatome segment of skin'. UBERON:0004016 UMLS:C0180383 XAO:0000220 cutis plate dermatomal mesenchyme epimere mesoderm mesenchyma dermatomiale uberon germinal neuroepithelium As the cells adjacent to the lumen continue to divide, the migrating cells form a second layer around the original neural tube. This layer becomes progressively thicker as more cells are added to it from the germinal neuroepithelium. This new layer is called the mantle (or intermediate) zone, and the germinal epithelium is now called the ventricular zone (and, later, the ependyma)[NCBIBook:NBK10047] The single layer of epithelial cells that lines the early neural tube and develops into the nervous system and into the neural crest cells UBERON:0004022 germinal neuroepithelial layer germinal neuroepithelium original neural tube uberon biliary ductule BTO:0002840 In ZFA, Digestive system duct that collects bile from the canaliculus and transports bile through the liver -- (check if the same) // The smallest and the most peripheral branches of the biliary tree consist of a portal part (portal ductule) and an intralobular part (intralobular ductule) One of the fine terminal elements of the bile duct system, leaving the portal canal, and pursuing a course at the periphery of a lobule of the liver[BTO]. the excretory ducts of the liver that connect the interlobular ductules to the right or left hepatic duct[MP] TAO:0005164 UBERON:0004058 ZFA:0005164 bile capillary bile ductule biliary ductule biliary ductule cholangiole ductuli biliferi terminal cholangiole uberon neural tube ventricular layer EMAPA:17152 EMAPA:35362 EMAPA_RETIRED:16783 MA:0003193 The layer of undifferentiated, proliferating cells that line the neural tube lumen The layer of undifferentiated, proliferating cells that line the neural tube lumen that is the immediate transformation of the germinal neuroepithelium UBERON:0004060 consider merging with 'ventricular zone'; note that the MA class probably does not belong here, as this is an embryonic structure ependymal layer neural tube ependymal layer neural tube ependymal zone neural tube ventricular germinal zone neural tube ventricular zone uberon neural tube mantle layer EMAPA:17148 EMAPA:35360 The layer of glia and differentiating neurons that forms as a second layer around the germinal neuroepithium; as this develops it comes to lie between the ventricular and marginal layers and includes the basal and alar plates. Develops into neurons and glia forming a gray matter layer. UBERON:0004061 future brain marginal layer neural tube intermediate zone uberon neural tube marginal layer EMAPA:17151 The outermost layer of the neural tube that consists of axons from the developing mantle layer and will form the white matter UBERON:0004062 brain marginal zone neural tube marginal zone uberon orbital region FMA:260119 The subdivision of the face that includes the eye (eyeball plus adnexa such as eyelids) and the orbit of the skull and associated parts of the face such as the eyebrows, if present UBERON:0004088 content of orbital part of eye eye region in HP covers eyelid, eyebrow. note the FMA class is more narrow though, and is more like eye + muscles + vasculature. The FMA also has FMA:72951 orbital part of eye ocular and peri-ocular region ocular region orbital content orbital part of eye orbital part of face uberon anatomical conduit 2 2 AEO:0000080 Any tube, opening or passage that connects two distinct anatomical spaces. EHDAA2:0003080 FMA has both conduit and conduit space. In EHDAA2 this is a surface feature FMA:242873 UBERON:0004111 foramen foramina opening ostia ostium uberon endoderm-derived structure An anatomical structure that develops (entirely or partially) from the endoderm. Grouping term for query purposes UBERON:0004119 uberon mesoderm-derived structure An anatomical structure that develops (entirely or partially) from the mesoderm. Grouping term for query purposes UBERON:0004120 uberon ectoderm-derived structure An anatomical structure that develops (entirely or partially) from the ectoderm. Grouping term for query purposes UBERON:0004121 uberon genitourinary system AAO:0000624 Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with the production and excretion of urine and those concerned with reproduction. Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with the production and excretion of urine and those concerned with reproduction.[AAO] BILA:0000122 BTO:0003091 EFO:0003864 EHDAA:1013 EMAPA:16367 EV:0100094 FMA:280610 GAID:362 GU tract Kidneys and gonads (of vertebrates) develop from adjacent tissues, and after the excretory or urinary ducts have developed, the reproductive system usually taps into them or their derivatives.[well established][VHOG] MESH:D014566 OpenCyc:Mx4rQRpVMgAKEdyHxgDggVfs8g UBERON:0004122 UG tract UMLS:C0042066 Urogenitalsystem VHOG:0000286 XAO:0000140 galen:GenitoUrinarySystem genito-urinary system genitourinary genitourinary tract relationship type change: differentiates_from intermediate mesoderm (AAO:0010575) CHANGED TO: develops_from intermediate mesoderm (UBERON:0003064)[AAO] uberon urogenital urogenital system urogenital tract optic vesicle (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011039 EHDAA2:0001320 EMAPA:16540 FMA:293357 Genes: Six3, Pax6, Rx1 are expressed together in the tip of the neural plate [ISBN:9780878932504 "Developmental Biology"]. Development notes: During subsequent develop- ment, the optic vesicle invaginates and becomes a two-layered structure with an inner neural retina and outer retinal pigment epithelium. As soon as the developing optic vesicle makes contact with the overlying ectoderm, it induces the ectoderm to thicken and form the lens placode [PMID:16496288] TAO:0000050 The optic vesicle is the evagination of neurectoderm that precedes formation of the optic cup[GO]. Portion of tissue that is comprised of neuroepitheium which has pinched off from the anterior neural keel and will form the optic cup[ZFA]. UBERON:0004128 UMLS:C0231106 VHOG:0000165 XAO:0000228 ZFA:0000050 evagination eye vesicle ocular vesicle optic vesicles uberon cardiogenic plate (In vertebrates) The embryonic mesoderm is the source of both the cardiogenic plate, giving rise to the future myocardium as well as the endocardium that will line the system on the inner side.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000215 EMAPA:16106 TODO - check plate vs rudiment vs primordium vs endocardial tube. See XAO The first recognizable structure derived from the heart field UBERON:0004139 VHOG:0000975 cardiac crescent cardiogenic crescent heart rudiment myocardial plate uberon primary heart field A specific region of the lateral mesoderm that will form the primary beating heart tube. In mammals the primary heart field gives rise to the left ventricle. FHF PHF UBERON:0004140 XAO:0004185 first heart field heart field primary heart field this term denotes the primary heart field; GO:0003128 denotes the superclass of primary and secondary: specific region of the lateral mesoderm into the area which will form the primary beating heart tube[GO:0003138] uberon heart tube AAO:0010411 An epithelial tube that will give rise to the mature heart. EFO:0003526 EMAPA:32685 TAO:0000360 UBERON:0004141 XAO:0000337 ZFA:0000360 embryonic heart tube endocardial heart tube endocardial tube the paired, longitudinal, endothelial-lined channels formed from the cardiogenic mesoderm in embryonic development; angiogenic cell clusters (aka angioblastic cords) located in a horse-shoe shape configuration in the cardiogenic plate coalesce to form the right and left endocardial heart tubes which then fuse in cephalo-caudal direction to form a single primitive heart tube. uberon cardiac chamber A cardiac chamber surrounds an enclosed cavity within the heart FMA:7095 OpenCyc:Mx4rmexpjPdAEduAAAAOpmP6tw UBERON:0004151 chamber of heart generic enough to cover FBbt:00003156 heart chamber but this is a cavity. GO defines it as the cavity. TODO - move subclasses. Note this also includes sinus venosus heart chamber uberon septum transversum A thick plate of mesodermal tissue that occupies the space between the thoracic cavity and yolk stalk in the early embryo, forming a transverse partition partially separating the coelomic cavity into thoracic and abdominal portions. It gives rise to the central tendon of the diaphragm. [TFD][VHOG] A thick plate of mesodermal tissue that occupies the space between the thoracic cavity and yolk stalk in the early embryo, forming a transverse partition partially separating the coelomic cavity into thoracic and abdominal portions. It gives rise to the central tendon of the diaphragm[VHOG]. EHDAA2:0001829 EHDAA:736 EMAPA:16318 FMA:295593 In hagfishes a transverse septum extends upward from the ventral body wall posterior to the heart, partly separating an anterior pericardial cavity from a larger peritoneal cavity. (...) These basic relationships have not been modified by urodeles. The small pericardial cavity remains far forward where it is separated by a transverse septum from the principal coelom, which may now be called a pleuroperitoneal cavity because slender lungs are present. (...) The heart (of other tetrapods) is separated from the lungs (and liver if present) by more or less horizontal partitions that have their origin in the embryo as folds on the serous membrane of the right and left lateral body walls. These grow out to join in the midline of the body. They are called lateral mesocardia (birds) or pleuropericardial membranes. Posteriorly they join the transverse septum to form the adult pericardial membrane, or pericardium. (...) In their partitioning of their coelom, embryonic mammals resemble first early fishes (incomplete partition, posterior to heart, consisting of the transverse septum) and then reptiles (pericardium derived from transverse septum and pleuropericardial membranes) Mammals then separate paired pleural cavities from the peritoneal cavity by a diaphragm. The ventral portion of this organ comes from the transverse septum. The dorsal portion is derived from the dorsal mesentery and from still another pair of outgrowths from the lateral body wall, the pleuroperitoneal membranes.[well established][VHOG] The cranial part of the septum transversum gives rise to the central tendon of the diaphragm and is the origin of the myoblasts that invade the pleuroperitoneal folds resulting in the formation of the muscular diaphragm. The caudal part of the septum transversum is invaded by the hepatic diverticulum which divides within it to form the liver and thus gives rise to the ventral mesentery of the foregut. UBERON:0004161 UMLS:C0231004 VHOG:0000019 in EHDAA2 this is divided into mesenchymal portion and hepatic diverticulum transverse septum uberon internal genitalia FMA:45652 TODO: make a subdivision of reproductive system. Relabel. See https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/547 The internal genitalia are the internal sex organs such as the uterine tube, the uterus and the vagina in female mammals, and the testis, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct and prostate in male mammals UBERON:0004175 internal genitalia internal genitals internal reproductive organ internal sex organ uberon external genitalia FMA:45643 TODO: make a subdivision of reproductive system. Relabel. See https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/547 The external genitalia are the outer sex organs, such as the penis or vulva in mammals UBERON:0004176 external genitalia external reproductive organ external sex organ uberon endodermal part of digestive tract A portions of the gut that is derived from endoderm. EMAPA:32930 UBERON:0004185 endodermal gut gut endoderm uberon eye muscle A muscle that is part of the eye region. AAO:0000156 EMAPA:35335 MA:0000271 OpenCyc:Mx8Ngx4rwKSh9pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvViTvpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvYA8cJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0004277 uberon skeleton AEO:0000168 Anatomical cluster that consists of all the skeletal elements (eg., bone, cartilage, and teeth) of the body. Anatomical cluster that consists of all the skeletal elements (eg., bone, cartilage, and teeth) of the body.[VSAO] EHDAA2:0001843 EHDAA:5047 EMAPA:17213 FMA:23875 GAID:177 MA:0003006 MAT:0000032 MESH:D012863 MIAA:0000032 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi1rpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UBERON:0004288 VSAO:0000026 XAO:0004053 galen:Skeleton https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-skeletal-system set of all bones set of bones of body skeletal uberon dermomyotome AAO:0010572 AEO:0000214 EHDAA2:0003259 EMAPA:31109 Epithelial sheet on the external surface of the somite that gives rise to trunk, muscle and dermis. Within the dermomyotome there is also a medio-lateral difference. The central region makes dermis, the mesenchymal connective tissue of the back skin. The medial region (closest to neural tube) makes epaxial muscle, and the lateral region (furthest from neural tube) makes hypaxial muscle[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=eurekah&part=A66768]. Epithelial sheet on the external surface of the somite that gives rise to trunk, muscle and dermis.[TAO] FMA:295654 Portion of somites that gives rise to dermis and muscles.[AAO] TAO:0001513 The bilaminar epithelium formed from the myotome and dermatome. Thus, representatives of the agnathan vertebrates, chondrichthyans, and sarcopterygians all have a layer of undifferentiated cells external to the embryonic myotome. In the amniotes, this external cell layer is the dermomyotome. The simplest interpretation of the similar position, morphology, and lack of myosin labeling is that a dermomyotome epithelium is a shared, ancestral vertebrate characteristic.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0004290 UMLS:C1511786 VHOG:0000676 ZFA:0001513 all but the sclerotome of a mesodermal somite; the primordium of skeletal muscle and, perhaps, of the dermis. dermamyotome dermomyotomes uberon heart rudiment A cone-like structure that is formed when myocardial progenitor cells of the heart field fuse at the midline. The heart rudiment is the first structure of the heart tube. TAO:0000115 The migrating myocardial precursors of the heart rudiment form a cone like structure between 19.5hpf and 22hpf, and eventually telescope out into the primitive heart tube at 24hpf. Stainier 2001.[TAO] UBERON:0004291 ZFA:0000115 heart cone rudimentary heart uberon distal phalanx AAO:0010676 Distal-most phalanx within a digit. EMAPA:35287 In human anatomy, the distal phalanges of the four fingers and toes articulate proximally with the intermediate phalanges at the distal interphalangeal joints (DIP); in the thumb and big toe, with only two phalanges, the distal phalanges articulate proximally with the proximal phalanges. The distal phalanges carry and shape nails and claws and are therefore occasionally referred to as the ungual phalanges. The distal phalanges are cone-shaped in most mammals, including most primates, but relatively wide and flat in humans. MA:0002914 UBERON:0004300 phalanx distalis phalanx distalis terminal phalanx uberon ungual phalanx middle phalanx A phalanx located between proximal and distal phalanges. AAO:0010677 EMAPA:35572 Intermediate phalanges are bones found in the limbs of most vertebrates. In humans, they are the bones of the finger and toe which lie in the middle, between the two wrinkly joints. The thumb and big toe do not have intermediate phalanges. In most other vertebrates, they have a corresponding place in their limbs, whether they be paw, wing, hoof or fin MA:0002915 UBERON:0004301 consider using numbering system, and axioms to the effect that there is a single middle phalanx per finger in humans. This should perhaps be renamed 'intermediate phalanx', leaving the term middle phalanx open for the specific intermediate phalanx of a 3-phalanx digit in some groups such as whales, there are multiple intermediate phalanges intermediate phalanx medial phalanx penultimate phalanx phalanx 2 phalanx II uberon proximal phalanx 1 AAO:0010680 EMAPA:35716 MA:0002916 Proximal phalanges are bones found in the limbs of most vertebrates. In humans, they are the bones at the base of a toe or finger, the prominent, knobby ends of which are often called the knuckles. In other vertebrates, proximal phalanges have a similar placement in the corresponding limbs, be they paw, wing or fin. In many species, they are the longest and thickest phalanx ('finger' bone) Proximal-most phalanx within a digit. UBERON:0004302 phalanx 1 phalanx I proximal-most phalanx uberon primitive streak (...) the blastopore equivalent of chordates (germ ring in fish, marginal zone/blastopore lip in frog and node/primitive streak in chick and mouse) (...) (reference 1); Indeed, the primitive streak has been considered the homologue of the blastopore since the 1870s (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0001525 EHDAA:185 EMAPA:16072 FMA:293110 The primitive streak is a structure that forms during the early stages of avian, reptilian and mammalian embryonic development[WP]. the midline ridge of the embryonic epiblast that later develops into mesoderm and endoderm[MP] UBERON:0004341 UMLS:C0033153 VHOG includes a very broad grouping here based on http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9609826 VHOG:0001202 primitive streak - blastopore - germ ring uberon limb bud AAO:0010375 An outgrowth on the lateral trunk of the embryo that develops into a limb. The limb bud is divided into ectoderm and mesenchyme[cjm, modified from MP]. BTO:0001640 EMAPA:35944 Early outgrowth of presumptive limb.[AAO] FMA:296780 GAID:1307 MESH:A16.254.462 UBERON:0004347 UMLS:C0282505 XAO:0003161 developmentally_induced_by Fgf10, capable of initiating limb forming interactions between endoderm and mesoderm gemmae membrorum limb buds limbbud uberon optic eminence EHDAA:938 EMAPA:16322 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001308 The embryonic structure that gives rise to the corneal ectoderm UBERON:0004348 VHOG:0001296 uberon apical ectodermal ridge AAO:0010760 AER Distal ectodermal thickening which forms along the anterior-posterior limb axis. Signaling from this region influences proximal-distal patterning of the limb. Structure is missing in some lineages (salamanders, Eleutherodactylus coqui) however morphologically their indistinct distal ectoderm may still be involved in signaling.[AAO] EMAPA:32744 Proliferative region that is part of the developing fin fold or fin.[TAO] TAO:0002146 The AER of tetrapods regresses after specification of skeletal progenitors, the AER of teleosts form an elongating fin fold UBERON:0004356 UMLS:C1516037 XAO:0004121 ZFA:0001702 apical epidermal ridge crista ectodermalis apicalis maintaining mesenchyme in plastic proliferating state; maintaining expression of A-P axis genes; interacting with D-V proteins. Genes: AER induced by Fgf10 in mesenchyme. AER secretes Fgf8, which stimulates mitosis in the mesenchyme causing Fgf10 production - positive feedback loop multilayered ectodermal region at the distal tip of a limb or fin bud necessary for the proper development of the underlying mesenchyme[MP,modified]. Along with the zone of polarizing activity, it is a crucial organizing region during limb development[WP]. note that media, dorsal fins etc have AERs. relationship loss: subclass proliferative region (TAO:0000098)[TAO] uberon paired limb/fin bud An outgrowth on the lateral trunk of the embryo that develops into a limb or paired fin. The limb/fin bud is divided into ectoderm and mesenchyme[cjm, modified from MP]. Genes: In limb buds of chick and mouse, Shh expression is activated as soon as there is a morphological bud, whereas in S. canicula fin buds, consistent with reported data in other cartilaginous fishes, Shh is transcribed late in fin development[PMID:17187056] The tetrapod limb is derived from a posterior part of the fin endoskeleton of elasmobranchs and basal bony fish, the so-called metapterygium, a series of endoskeletal elements that is the first to form in the developing paired fins. (...) In addition, there is an independent endoskeletal element called the protopterygium that develops anterior to the metapterygium in many basal fishes (e.g., the bichir and sturgeon). Teleosts have lost the metapterygium whereas the sarcopterygians, on the other hand, have lost the protopterygium. Sarcopterygians thus develop all their endoskeletal structures from the metapterygium and consequently the tetrapod limb skeleton is derived from the metapterygium.[uncertain][VHOG] UBERON:0004357 VHOG:0001258 limb - fin bud paired appendage bud paired limb/fin bud uberon anterior limiting lamina of cornea A transparent homogeneous acellular layer, 6 to 9 um thick, lying between the basal lamina of the outer layer of stratified epithelium and the substantia propria of the cornea; it is considered to be a basement membrane. Acellular anatomical structure that is the zone of collagen fibers adjacent the basement membrane of the corneal epithelium.[TAO] Bowman's anterior elastic lamina Bowman's layer Bowman's membrane Compared to terrestial animals, the cornea of zebrafish is relatively flat. It consists of nonpigmented, stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelial cells, attached to a thick basement membrane that is considered to be analogous to the Bowman's membrane in mammals FMA:58273 MA:0001240 Reichert's membrane TAO:0002155 UBERON:0004370 UMLS:C0229127 ZFA:0001684 anterior elastic lamina anterior limiting lamina anterior limiting lamina of cornea anterior limiting membrane lamina limitans anterior (cornea) lamina limitans anterior corneae uberon bone of free limb or fin A bone that is part of an appendage [Automatically generated definition]. UBERON:0004375 appendage bone bone of appendage bone of free segment of appendicular skeleton uberon skeleton of limb EHDAA2 considers hip and shoulder joints part of limb skeleton. EHDAA2:0002221 EMAPA:32702 Skeletal subdivision that is part of the limb.[VSAO] The collection of all skeletal elements in an individual limb. UBERON:0004381 VSAO:0000300 free limb skeleton limb skeleton set of bones of limb uberon entire sense organ system FMA:78499 Sum of all sensory systems in an organism. UBERON:0004456 note the distinct between entire sensory system and individual system. this reconciles is_a and part_of distinctions between ssAOs sense organ system uberon anatomical projection A projection or outgrowth of tissue from a larger body or organ. AAO:0010278 Anatomical structure that is a natural outgrowth, projection, or appendage. A process can be part of a bone, cartilage, or tissue.[AAO] Anatomical structure that is a natural outgrowth, projection, or appendage. A process can be part of a bone, cartilage, tissue, fin, scale, etc.[TAO] Anatomical structure that is a natural outgrowth, projection, or appendage. A process can be part of a bone, cartilage, tissue, fin, scale, etc.[VSAO] FMA:67601 HAO:0000822 TAO:0001834 UBERON:0004529 VSAO:0000180 XAO:0004020 anatomical process anatomical protrusion flange flanges galen:Ridge lamella lamellae lamina laminae organ process papilla process process of organ processes processus projection projection projections protrusion ridge ridges shelf shelves should be declared disjoint from organ, but in some ontologies (e.g. ZFA), structures such as neural spines are classified as bones (and hence organs) spine uberon cardiovascular system AAO:0011001 Anatomical system that has as its parts the heart and blood vessels. BILA:0000016 BTO:0000088 CALOHA:TS-1297 CV system EFO:0000791 EHDAA2:0000216 EHDAA:394 EMAPA:16104 EMAPA:16370 EV:0100017 FMA:7161 GAID:467 Herz und Gefaesssystem MA:0000010 MAT:0000016 MESH:D002319 MIAA:0000016 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjzG5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000010 The vessels of the cardiovascular system are as varied as the diverse organs they supply. However, these variations are based on modifications of a fundamental plan of organization common to vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0004535 UMLS:C0007226 VHOG:0000302 WikipediaCategory:Cardiovascular_system XAO:0000100 XAO:0001010 ZFA:0000010 uberon we treat cardiovascular as part of circulatory system, with the latter including other kinds of circulation, including lymph. blood vasculature A vascular network consisting of blood vessels. TAO:0001079 UBERON:0004537 ZFA:0001079 blood system blood vascular network blood vessel system blood vessels set of blood vessels uberon arterial system BTO:0004690 EHDAA2:0000143 EHDAA:396 EMAPA:16201 EMAPA:16371 MA:0002719 The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] The part of the cardiovascular system consisting of all arteries. UBERON:0004572 VHOG:0000273 uberon venous system BTO:0004692 EHDAA2:0002171 EHDAA:486 EMAPA:16240 MA:0002720 The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] The part of the cardiovascular system consisting of all venous vessels. In vertebrates with a double circulation, this can be divided into systemic and pulmonary portions. UBERON:0004582 UMLS:C1267406 VHOG:0000277 uberon vein system sphincter muscle A structure, usually a circular muscle, that normally maintains constriction of a natural body passage or orifice and which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning. FMA class is not a subtype of muscle FMA:75004 UBERON:0004590 UMLS:C1409894 circular muscle sphincter uberon liver lobule EMAPA:35499 FMA:14471 MA:0002494 UBERON:0004647 UMLS:C0227518 hepatic lobule lobules of liver lobuli hepatici lobuli hepatis lobulus hepaticus should not be confused with the anatomic lobes of the liver (caudate lobe, quadrate lobe, left lobe, and right lobe), or any of the functional lobe classification systems.[WP] the polygonal structure of the liver that consists of hepatocytes radiating outward from a hepatic vein uberon paired limb/fin An appendage that is part of a appendage girdle complex. UBERON:0004708 UBERON:0009872 VSAO:0000067 girdle-associated appendage jointed paired lateral appendage limb or fin limb/fin paired appendage pectoral or pelvic appendage pelvic/pectoral appendage this class is the union of the classes limb, pectoral fin and pelvic fin. uberon conceptus AEO:0000194 BTO:0003834 EHDAA2 places this as a subtype of organism. This leads to the inference that a conceptus is an embryo (if an embryo is defined as an organism at embryo stage), which eliminates the embryonic + extra-embryonic = conceptus EHDAA2:0000001 EHDAA2:0003235 EMAPA:36040 The embryo and its adnexa (appendages or adjunct parts) or associated membranes (i.e. the products of conception) The conceptus includes all structures that develop from the zygote, both embryonic and extraembryonic. It includes the embryo as well as the embryonic part of the placenta and its associated membranes - amnion, chorion (gestational sac), and yolk sac[WP]. UBERON:0004716 UMLS:C1516779 embryo plus adnexa uberon segmental subdivision of nervous system Any segmental subdivision of a nervous system. Includes metameric developmental segments, such as vertebrates neuromeres. FBbt:00005140 UBERON:0004732 neuromere revisit this after CARO is revised and/or we have defined metameric segment; note that with the additional of an A/P axis constraint this corresponds to what Richter at al call a neuromere (PMID:21062451) uberon segmental subdivision of hindbrain An organ subunit that is part of a hindbrain [Automatically generated definition]. FMA:61998 UBERON:0004733 hindbrain segment segment of hindbrain uberon gastrula BILA:0000060 BTO:0001403 FBbt:00005317 FMA:293108 GAID:1302 MESH:A16.254.412 MIAA:0000179 Organism at the gastrula stage. UBERON:0004734 UBERON:0007012 UMLS:C0017199 UMLS:C1284022 We explicitly merge the NCITA terms here blastocystis trilaminaris gastrula embryo tri-laminar disc tri-laminar disk trilaminar blastocyst trilaminar blastoderm trilaminar disc trilaminar disk trilaminar germ uberon skeletal tissue A specialized form of connective tissue in which the extracellular matrix is firm, providing the tissue with resilience, and/or mineralized and that functions in mechanical and structural support.[VSAO] A specialized form of connective tissue in which the extracellular matrix is firm, providing the tissue with resilience, and/or mineralized and that functions in mechanical and structural support.[VSAO] Four classes of mineralized tissues are found in vertebrates: bone, cartilage, dentine, and enamel. We think of cartilage and bone as skeletal tissues and of enamel and dentine as dental tissues, but enamel and dentine arose evolutionarily together with bone as skeletal tissues in the dermal skeleton (exoskeleton) of early vertebrates. Scales and teeth of sharks are examples of dermal skeletal elements that are still composed of the three ancient components-enamel, dentine, and bone. Cartilage, on the other hand, provided the basis for the second vertebrate skeletal system, the endoskeleton (Smith and Hall, 1990; Hall, 1998a,b). some invertebrate skeletal tissues have surprisingly bone-like features. Examples include chondrocytes interconnected by cell processes in cephalopod cartilages (Cole and Hall, 2004a,b), and the calcium phosphate layer in the shells of brachiopods (Rodland et al., 2003). However, neither bone nor mineralized cartilage have been found in invertebrates. Editors notes: TODO - develops_from MA:0003047 UBERON:0004755 VSAO:0000015 XAO:0004038 ZFA:0005619 uberon skeletal element AAO:0011129 Organ consisting of skeletal tissue. Encompasses whole bones, fused bones, cartilaginious elements, teeth, dermal denticles. Organ entity that is typically involved in mechanical support and may have different skeletal tissue compositions at different stages.[VSAO] Organ entity that may have different tissue compositions at different stages and is typically involved in mechanical support.[TAO] TAO:0001890 UBERON:0004765 VSAO:0000128 XAO:0004012 ZFA:0005494 galen:SkeletalStructure uberon articular system Anatomical system that consists of all the joints of the body. EMAPA:35150 FMA:23878 MA:0003007 UBERON:0004770 VSAO:0000181 joint system set of all joints set of all joints of body set of joints of body uberon gastrointestinal system mucosa A mucosa that is part of a gastrointestinal system. BTO:0000546 BTO:0005568 EMAPA:36591 MA:0001521 The gut mucosa of amphioxus has insulin-secreting cells. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16417468 UBERON:0004786 digestive tract mucosa gut mucosa gut mucuous membrane mucosa of gut uberon gastrointestinal system epithelium An epithelium that is part of a digestive system [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:32683 MA:0001520 UBERON:0004808 digestive system epithelial tissue digestive system epithelium epithelial tissue of digestive system epithelial tissue of gastrointestinal system epithelium of digestive system epithelium of gastrointestinal system gastrointestinal system epithelial tissue uberon kidney epithelium BTO:0000059 CALOHA:TS-0505 EMAPA:35457 MA:0002846 UBERON:0004819 epithelial tissue of kidney epithelium of kidney kidney epithelial tissue renal epithelium the cellular avascular layer of the kidney luminar surfaces uberon splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm AAO:0011102 BILA:0000044 FMA:295568 Layer of lateral plate mesoderm that forms the circulatory system and future gut wall - overlies endoderm[WP]. UBERON:0004872 We group the BILA class here. Considering adding more general class for metazoa grouping cardiogenic successors XAO:0000276 inner layer of lateral plate mesoderm splanchnic mesoderm uberon visceral mesoderm somatopleure A structure created during embryogenesis when the lateral mesoderm splits into two layers - the outer (or somatic) layer becomes applied to the inner surface of the ectoderm, and with it forms the somatopleure.[WP]. EHDAA2:0001847 EHDAA:381 EMAPA:16180 FMA:295566 Gives rise to the paired appendages in jawed vertebrates. a persistent somatopleure through the redistribution and expansion of the lateral plate mesoderm is a synapomorphy for gnathostomes and a critical step in generating a novel developmental module with dramatic evolutionary potentia (Tulenko et al. 2012) http://burkelab.research.wesleyan.edu/current-projects/lamprey/ UBERON:0004874 UMLS:C1519423 VHOG:0000557 sources differ as to whether this is part-of or develops-from the LPM uberon nephrogenic cord A portion of the urogenital ridge which is the source of much of the urinary system[WP]. FMA:72168 UBERON:0004875 UMLS:C1283944 chorda nephrogenica part_of or develops_from urogenital ridge? uberon urogenital fold EHDAA2:0004022 EMAPA:30888 FMA:321919 Less commonly, urogenital fold refers to the fold in the mesonephros which is the precursor of e.g. the suspensory ligament of the ovary. This is the case in older versions of Gray's anatomy[WP] One of of the pair of folds derived from the cloacal folds which give rise to a portion of the external genitalia; in male embryos they close over the urethral plate and fuse to form the spongy (penile) urethra and ventral aspect of the penis, not including the glans; failure of fusion of the urethral folds leads to hypospadias; in female embryos they fuse only anterior to the anus and form the labia minora[MP]. UBERON:0004876 uberon urethral fold urogenital fold urogenital ridge chordamesoderm AAO:0000478 EFO:0003426 Notochord rudiment[ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]. TAO:0000091 The central region of trunk mesoderm. This tissue forms the notochord UBERON:0004880 WP treats this as synonym of axial mesoderm. Induces neural tube. Gilbert: contains an anterior head process and the notochord. ZFA:0000091 axial chorda mesoderm chorda mesoderm dorsal mesoderm presumptive notochord uberon articulation Anatomical cluster that connects two or more adjacent skeletal elements or hardened body parts. FBbt:00005811 UBERON:0004905 joint uberon biliary bud EHDAA2:0000171 EMAPA:16561 EMAPA_RETIRED:16565 UBERON:0004912 VHOG:0001351 hepatic diverticulum uberon hepatopancreatic ampulla A dilation of the duodenal papilla that is the opening of the juncture of the common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct. Ampulla formed by the union of the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct where they enter the intestine.[TAO] CALOHA:TS-2348 FMA:15076 GAID:283 MESH:A03. TAO:0005167 UBERON:0004913 UMLS:C0042425 Vater's ampulla ZFA:0005167 ampulla Vaterii ampulla biliaropancreatica ampulla hepatopancreatica ampulla of Vater ampulla of bile duct biliaropancreatic ampulla galen:AmpullaOfVater papilla Vateri papilla duodeni major uberon duodenal papilla EMAPA:18662 FMA:15953 MA:0003107 One of the two small elevations on the mucosa of the duodenum, the major at the entrance of the conjoined pancreatic and common bile ducts and the minor at the entrance of the accessory pancreatic duct. UBERON:0004914 papilla duodenalis papilla duodeni papilla of duodenum uberon subdivision of digestive tract A proximal-distal subdivision of the digestive tract. FBbt:00100315 FMA:71131 UBERON:0004921 alimentary system subdivision intended to denote both embryonic and adult structures. Note the FMA grouping here is not quite correct. intestinal tract segment of intestinal tract subdivision of alimentary system uberon organ component layer A part of a wall of an organ that forms a layer. FMA:82485 UBERON:0004923 uberon mucosa of pylorus A mucosa that is part of a pylorus [Automatically generated definition]. BTO:0004110 EMAPA:27199 FMA:17461 UBERON:0004998 antropyloric mucosa mucosa of organ of pyloric part of stomach mucosa of organ of pylorus mucosa of organ of stomach pyloric region mucosa of pyloric part of stomach mucosa of stomach pyloric region mucous membrane of pyloric part of stomach mucous membrane of pylorus mucous membrane of stomach pyloric region organ mucosa of pyloric part of stomach organ mucosa of pylorus organ mucosa of stomach pyloric region pyloric part of stomach mucosa pyloric part of stomach mucosa of organ pyloric part of stomach mucous membrane pyloric part of stomach organ mucosa pylorus mucosa pylorus mucosa of organ pylorus mucous membrane pylorus organ mucosa stomach pyloric region mucosa stomach pyloric region mucosa of organ stomach pyloric region mucous membrane stomach pyloric region organ mucosa uberon neural groove AAO:0011071 EMAPA:35594 FMA:295624 The median dorsal longitudinal groove formed in the embryo by the neural plate after the appearance of the neural folds. The neural groove is a shallow median groove between the neural folds of an embryo. The neural folds are two longitudinal ridges that are caused by a folding up of the ectoderm in front of the primitive streak of the developing embryo. The groove gradually deepens as the neural folds become elevated, and ultimately the folds meet and coalesce in the middle line and convert the groove into a closed tube, the neural tube or canal, the ectodermal wall of which forms the rudiment of the nervous system. After the coalescence of the neural folds over the anterior end of the primitive streak, the blastopore no longer opens on the surface but into the closed canal of the neural tube, and thus a transitory communication, the neurenteric canal, is established between the neural tube and the primitive digestive tube. The coalescence of the neural folds occurs first in the region of the hind-brain, and from there extends forward and backward; toward the end of the third week the front opening (anterior neuropore) of the tube finally closes at the anterior end of the future brain, and forms a recess which is in contact, for a time, with the overlying ectoderm; the hinder part of the neural groove presents for a time a rhomboidal shape, and to this expanded portion the term sinus rhomboidalis has been applied. Before the neural groove is closed a ridge of ectodermal cells appears along the prominent margin of each neural fold; this is termed the neural crest or ganglion ridge, and from it the spinal and cranial nerve ganglia and the ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system are developed. By the upward growth of the mesoderm the neural tube is ultimately separated from the overlying ectoderm. The cephalic end of the neural groove exhibits several dilatations, which, when the tube is closed, assume the form of three vesicles; these constitute the three primary cerebral vesicles, and correspond respectively to the future fore-brain (prosencephalon), mid-brain (mesencephalon), and hind-brain (rhombencephalon). The walls of the vesicles are developed into the nervous tissue and neuroglia of the brain, and their cavities are modified to form its ventricles. The remainder of the tube forms the medulla spinalis or spinal cord; from its ectodermal wall the nervous and neuroglial elements of the medulla spinalis are developed while the cavity persists as the central canal[Wikipedia:Neural_groove]. UBERON:0005061 UMLS:C0814992 XAO:0000248 uberon neural fold EHDAA2:0001249 EMAPA:16142 EMAPA:16146 EMAPA:16151 EMAPA:16155 EMAPA:16159 EMAPA:16162 EMAPA:16288 EMAPA:16292 EMAPA:16295 EMAPA:16299 EMAPA:16303 EMAPA:16307 EMAPA:16528 FMA:295618 In front of the primitive streak two longitudinal ridges, caused by a folding up of the ectoderm, make their appearance, one on either side of the middle line. These are named the neural folds; they commence some little distance behind the anterior end of the embryonic disk, where they are continuous with each other, and from there gradually extend backward, one on either side of the anterior end of the primitive streak. Also, after differentiation it turns into the neural tubes[Wikipedia:Neural_fold]. One of the two elevated edges of the neural groove[GO,MP]. UBERON:0005062 UMLS:C0814993 XAO:0004087 medullary fold uberon neural rod A solid rod of neurectoderm derived from the neural keel. The neural rod is roughly circular in cross section. Neural rod formation occurs during primary neurulation in teleosts[GO]. An intermediate stage in the development of the central nervous system present during the segmentation period; the neural rod is roughly cylindrical in shape, forms from the neural keel, and is not yet hollowed out into the neural tube[ZFIN]. An intermediate stage in the development of the central nervous system present during the segmentation period; the neural rod is roughly cylindrical in shape, forms from the neural keel, and is not yet hollowed out into the neural tube. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] EFO:0003498 TAO:0000133 UBERON:0005068 ZFA:0000133 neural tube rod uberon metanephric ureteric bud The portion of the ureteric bud tube that contributes to the morphogenesis of the metanephros[GO]. UBERON:0005080 uberon ureter ureteric bud The portion of the ureteric bud that contributes to the morphogenesis of the ureter. The ureter ureteric bud is the initial structure that forms the ureter[GO]. UBERON:0005081 uberon ectodermal placode AEO:0000218 An ectodermal placode is a thickening of the ectoderm that is the primordium of many structures derived from the ectoderm[GO] FMA:293966 UBERON:0005085 With the exception of the adenohypophysis, homologues of the nonneurogenic placodes (e.g. placodes giving rise to the teeth, hair follicles and lens), appear to be lacking in invertebrate chordates. consder adding placodal ectoderm as a distinct class? Also place placodal ectoderm as develops_from ectoderm; need to check taxon-appropriateness epithelial placode in GO, covers optic, otic, olfactory, mammary, hair, tooth, sebaceous. uberon muscle structure EMAPA:32715 FBbt:00005073 FMA:30316 Muscle structures are contractile cells, tissues or organs that are found in multicellular organisms[GO]. UBERON:0005090 in some organisms such as drosophila, muscles can be single cells. This class groups together all discrete muscle elements, from multicellular muscle organs in vertebrates, to individual single-cell muscles in drisophila muscle muscle element musculus uberon kidney rudiment . UBERON:0005095 class added for consistency with GO - consider merging with kidney mesenchyme. kidney anlage uberon mesonephric epithelium An epithelium that is part of a mesonephros [Automatically generated definition]. UBERON:0005103 uberon reproductive structure Any anatomical structure that is part of the reproductive system. UBERON:0005156 reproductive system element reproductive system structure uberon epithelial fold An epithelial sheet bent on a linear axis. UBERON:0005157 uberon multi cell part structure A structure consisting of multiple cell components but which is not itself a cell and does not have (complete) cells as a part. AAO:0011000 CARO:0001000 FBbt:00007060 FMA:83115 UBERON:0005162 cell part cluster multi-cell-component structure multi-cell-part structure uberon we go with the FMA classification rather than the CARO one. FMA def: 'Anatomical cluster which has as direct parts cell parts from two or more cells.' hepatic duct A duct that carries bile from the liver to the small intestine.[TAO] A duct that carries bile from the liver to the small intestine[ZFA]. Any portion of the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the common bile duct. This may include both intrahapetic components (parts of left and right hepatic ducts) and extrahapetic components (common hepatic duct, plus hilar portion). EHDAA2:0000741 EHDAA:3049 EMAPA:16843 FMA:71891 MA:0000357 OpenCyc:Mx4rvWo8WJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TODO - MA distinguishes between bile duct, hepatic duct, common bile duct and common hepatic duct. in FMA hepatic duct and common hepatic duct are the same The excretory duct of the liver or one of its branches in the lobes of the liver. [TFD][VHOG] The hepatic duct is the duct that leads from the liver to the bile duct[GO]. UBERON:0005171 UMLS:C0917710 VHOG:0000219 galen:HepaticDuct uberon abdomen element An organ or element that is in the abdomen. Examples: spleen, intestine, kidney, abdominal mammary gland. MA:0000522 UBERON:0005172 abdomen organ uberon abdominal segment element An organ or element that is part of the adbominal segment of the organism. This region can be further subdivided into the abdominal cavity and the pelvic region. MA:0000529 UBERON:0005173 abdominal segment organ uberon dorsal region element An organ or element that part of the dorsum of the organism. Examples: spinal cord, vertebrae, muscles of back. MA:0001901 UBERON:0005174 back organ dorsal region organ uberon trunk region element An organ or element that part of the trunk region. The trunk region can be further subdividied into thoracic (including chest and thoracic cavity) and abdominal (including abdomen and pelbis) regions. MA:0000516 UBERON:0005177 trunk organ uberon thoracic cavity element An organ or element that is in the thoracic cavity. Examples: lung, heart, longus colli. MA:0000557 UBERON:0005178 thoracic cavity organ uberon pelvic region element An organ or element that is part of the pelvic region. Examples: reproductive organs (in some organisms), urinary bladder, bones of the pelvis. MA:0000543 UBERON:0005179 pelvic element pelvis organ pelvis region organ uberon thoracic segment organ An organ that part of the thoracic segment region. This region can be further subdividied chest and thoracic cavity regions. MA:0000563 UBERON:0005181 uberon upper body organ head mesenchyme EFO:0003492 EHDAA2:0000732 EHDAA:179 EMAPA:16098 EMAPA_RETIRED:16269 FMA:76622 Mesoderm that will give rise, along with cranial neural crest cells, to connective tissue, bone and musculature in the head. (Source: BioGlossary, www.Biology-Text.com)[TAO] Portion of primordial embryonic connective tissue of the developing head, consisting of mesenchymal cells supported in interlaminar jelly, that derive mostly from the mesoderm and contribute to head connective tissue, bone and musculature in conjunction with cranial neural crest cells. TAO:0000113 UBERON:0005253 VHOG:0000332 ZFA:0000113 cephalic mesenchyme cranial mesenchyme desmocranium uberon trunk mesenchyme EFO:0003485 EHDAA2:0002092 EHDAA:377 EMAPA:16177 Mesenchyme that is part of a developing trunk. TAO:0000081 UBERON:0005256 VHOG:0000281 ZFA:0000081 trunk and cervical mesenchyme uberon myelencephalon BTO:0000758 CALOHA:TS-0607 CALOHA:TS-2365 DHBA:10662 EHDAA2:0001207 EHDAA:5526 EMAPA:17082 HBA:9512 MA:0000205 The early development of most vertebrate brains is similar (...). The zebrafish neural tube follows the same basic differentiation pattern as the mammalian neural tube (reference 1); The brain develops from three embryonic enlargements of the neural tube, which later differentiate into five regions. A forebrain differentiates into telencephalon and diencephalon. The midbrain, or mesencephalon, remains undivided. The hindbrain divides into the metencephalon and myelencephalon. Cavities within the brain enlarge to form a series of interconnected ventricles (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] The posterior of the two brain vesicles formed by specialization of the rhombencephalon in the developing embryo, it comprises the medulla oblongata. [TFD][VHOG] The posterior part of the developing vertebrate hindbrain or the corresponding part of the adult brain composed of the medulla oblongata and a portion of the fourth ventricle; as well as the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), vagus nerve (CN X), accessory nerve (CN XI), hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), and a portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII).[BTO,WP]. UBERON:0005290 VHOG:0000456 myelencephalon (medulla oblongata) the terms metencephalon and myelencephalon are only meaningful in mammals and birds - Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. Note that its not clear if this refers to the developing medulla oblongata - MA (adult) has two distinct classes uberon embryonic tissue A portion of tissue that is part of an embryo. CALOHA:TS-2100 UBERON:0005291 developing tissue portion of embryonic tissue uberon photoreceptor array An array of photoreceptors and any supporting cells found in an eye. FBbt:00004200 UBERON:0005388 light-sensitive tissue uberon transparent eye structure A transparent structure that is part of a visual sense organ, the function of which is to direct or focus light onto a photoreceptor array. UBERON:0005389 directing or focusing light onto light receptors lens uberon alimentary part of gastrointestinal system All metazoans (with degenerate exceptions) have some sort of digestive cavity with a means of entrance to and exit from it.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0000058 CALOHA:TS-0407 EHDAA2:0000110 EHDAA:514 EMAPA:16246 EV:0100056 FMA:71132 GAID:294 GI tract MA:0000323 MESH:A03.492 The part of the digestive system that excludes the hepatobiliary system. The system that includes the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, anus, liver, biliary tract, and pancreas[ncithesaurus:Gastrointestinal_System]. UBERON:0005409 UMLS:C0012240 VHOG:0000412 alimentary system alimentary tract galen:GastrointestinalTract gastro-intestinal system gastrointestinal (GI) tract gastrointestinal system gastrointestinal tract that many anatomy ontologies consider this synonymous with digestive system. here we follow MA in dividing digestive system into gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary. hepatobiliary includes the liver and biliary tract. species-specific AO classes are categorized according to whether liver is included. For example, XAO includes liver as part of XAO:0000125 alimentary system, so we assume this class is the more generic class. We have one entity that is part of both gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary systems: hepatopancreatic ampulla. the decision to split digestive and gastrointestinal in this way may be revisited. As it currently stands, this class more closely aligns what MA calls the alimentary system uberon developing anatomical structure AEO:0000125 CALOHA:TS-2122 EHDAA2:0003125 FBbt:00007006 FMA:292313 MIAA:0000019 UBERON:0005423 developing structure developmental structure developmental tissue uberon presumptive neural retina (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup. (...) The outer layer of the optic cup becomes the pigment layer of the retina, whereas the inner layer differentiates into the photoreceptive cells and neuronal layers of the retina.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0001304 EMAPA:16675 Portion of tissue that is the inner layer of the optic cup and will become the neural retina. TAO:0001071 UBERON:0005425 VHOG:0000490 ZFA:0001071 future NR future neural epithelium future neural layer future neural retina future retinal neural layer inner layer optic cup optic cup inner layer presumptive retina presumptive retinas uberon lens vesicle (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup. (...) The optic cup induces the overlying surface ectoderm first to thicken as a lens placode and then to invaginate and form a lens vesicle that differentiates into the lens.[well established][VHOG] A vesicle formed from the lens pit of the embryo, developing into the crystalline lens. [TFD][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000983 EHDAA:4737 EMAPA:17163 Portion of tissue that gives rise to the lens. TAO:0002205 UBERON:0005426 VHOG:0001163 ZFA:0001679 hollow lens vesicle immature lens lens mass presumptive lens solid lens vesicle the lens of zebrafish (and other teleosts) forms from delamination of cells from the lens placode; thus, there is no formation of a hollow lens vesicle, in contrast to the situation in mammals and birds (Glass and Dahm, 2004) [PMID:16496288] The lens of the zebrafish forms by delamination of lens placodal cells and not through invagination. This results in a solid spherical mass as opposed to a hollow lens vesicle. Detachment of the solid lens vesicle of zebrafish at 24b26 hpf is accomplished in part by apoptosis, similar to mammals uberon corneal primordium Portion of tissue that is part of the eye and gives rise to the mature, fully layered cornea. TAO:0002188 UBERON:0005427 ZFA:0001688 uberon primitive heart tube EHDAA2:0001512 EHDAA:424 EHDAA:436 EMAPA:16208 EMAPA:16215 FMA:321916 Multi-tissue structure that arises from the heart rudiment and will become the heart tube. TAO:0000149 UBERON:0005498 ZFA:0000149 early primitive heart tube primitive heart tube uberon gonad primordium EFO:0003651 EHDAA:5927 EMAPA:17204 Immature reproductive tissue that has not undergone final maturation into either testis or ovary.[TAO] Portion of tissue that gives rise to the immature gonad. RETIRED_EHDAA2:0002148 TAO:0001262 UBERON:0005564 WBbt:0008366 ZFA:0001262 future gonad gonadal primordium immature gonad primitive gonad this is a very broad grouping class uberon undifferentiated gonad extrahepatic part of hepatic duct EMAPA:16844 MA:0001636 UBERON:0005604 VHOG:0000215 extrahepatic part of the hepatic duct hepatic duct extrahepatic part uberon pronephric mesoderm A mesoderm that has the potential to develop into a pronephros. AAO:0011090 EFO:0003479 Portion of tissue that consists of the mesenchymal precursor to the pronephric kidney and that begins to separate from the intermediate mesoderm at NF stage 21 and epithelializes by NF stage 30.[AAO] TAO:0000067 UBERON:0005721 VHOG:0001239 XAO:0000264 ZFA:0000067 pronephric anlage pronephric bulge pronephric mesenchyme pronephric primordium the intermediate mesoderm of the chick embryo acquires its ability to form kidneys through its interactions with the paraxial mesoderm [ISBN:9780878932504 "Developmental Biology", http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10720431 "Signals from trunk paraxial mesoderm induce pronephros formation in chick intermediate mesoderm"]. These interactions induce the expression of TFs including Lim1, Pax2 and Pax6 that cause the intermediate mesoderm to form the kidney uberon fin field A limb/fin field that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a paired fin bud. UBERON:0005731 fin field of lateral plate mesoderm uberon paired limb/fin field A ring of cells capable of forming a limb or paired fin[Gilbert,modified]. UBERON:0005732 limb/fin field of lateral plate mesoderm paired limb/fin field uberon we represent the field as being a part of the LPM (consistent with ZFA, Gilbert). As a consequence, the relationship between limb bud (with is ectoderm+mesenchyme) stands in a weaker has_developmental_contribution_from relation to the field - TODO implement this. limb field A ring of cells capable of forming a limb. UBERON:0005733 limb field of lateral plate mesoderm the central portion of the limb field gives rise to the limb proper. mesenchyme cells proliferate from from the somatic layer of limb field lateral plate mesoderm (limb skeletal precursors) and from the somites (limb muscle precursors) . these mesenchymal cells accumulate under the ectedermal tissue to make a limb bud. // The lateral plate mesoderm in the limb field is also special in that it will induce myoblasts to migrate out from the somites and enter the limb bud. No other region of the lateral plate mesoderm will do that (Hayashi and Ozawa 1995) uberon caudal part of nephrogenic cord The metanephros develops from the most caudal part of the nephrogenic cord that is itself derived from the intermediate plate mesoderm. UBERON:0005753 caudal portion of nephrogenic cord caudal region of nephrogenic cord rear part of nephrogenic cord rear portion of nephrogenic cord uberon rostral part of nephrogenic cord The initial renal anlage that develops from the most rostral part of the nephrogenic cord is termed the pronephros. UBERON:0005754 uberon acellular membrane A acellular anatomical structure that is the bounding layer of a anatomical structure. FMA:63871 UBERON:0005764 uberon basement membrane of epithelium AAO:0010596 An acellular membrane that is part of the epithelium, lies adjacent to the epithelial cells, and is the fusion of the the basal lamina and the reticular lamina. FMA:63872 GAID:915 UBERON:0005769 UMLS:C0004799 basement membrane basement membrane of connective tissue membrana basalis this class represents a continuous sheet of basement membrane which can underlie multiple epithelial cells over large regions. In contrast, the GO class 'basal membrane' represents a portion of substance on the scale of a single cell. uberon nephric ridge EHDAA2:0001242 EHDAA:1015 EMAPA:16368 Nephric tubules (nephrons) form embryonically along the nephric ridge. The ridge comprises three regions; anterior, middle and posterior. The functional kidney uses nephrons from only one or two regions of the ridge. A pronephric kidney uses only the nephrons from the anterior region of the ridge. A mesonephric kidney uses only the middle region, a metanephric kidney uses only the posterior region and an opisthonephric kidney uses the middle and posterior regions. TODO - check ridge vs cord vs nephrogenic cord vs blastema UBERON:0005792 VHOG:0001240 nephric cord uberon embryonic uterus FMA:72173 UBERON:0005795 fetal uterus uberon portal system FMA:45628 In the circulatory system of animals, a portal venous system occurs when a capillary bed drains into another capillary bed through veins, without first going through the heart. Both capillary beds and the blood vessels that connect them are considered part of the portal venous system. They are relatively uncommon as the majority of capillary beds drain into veins which then drain into the heart, not into another capillary bed. Portal venous systems are considered venous because the blood vessels that join the two capillary beds are either veins or venules. Examples of such systems include the hepatic portal system and the hypophyseal portal system. Unqualified, 'portal venous system' often refers to the hepatic portal system. For this reason, 'portal vein' most commonly refers to the hepatic portal vein[WP]. MESH:D011168 UBERON:0005806 UMLS:C0226727 portal venous system uberon developing mesenchymal condensation A delimited region of dense mesenchyme within looser mesenchyme. AEO:0000148 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003148 EHDAA:8979 UBERON:0005856 mesenchyme condensation uberon cartilaginous condensation AEO:0000147 Cell condensation that is an aggregation of mesenchymal cells that are committed to differentiate into chondroblasts and chondrocytes. EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003147 EMAPA:32731 UBERON:0005863 VSAO:0000092 XAO:0004022 cartilage condensation cartilagenous condensation chondrogenic condensation isa cell condensation in VSAO; has_part chondroblast in AEO uberon pre-cartilage condensation A closely packed aggregation of mesenchymal cells just prior to their differentiation into embryonic cartilage. A delimited region of dense mesenchyme within looser mesenchyme whose cells are committed to become chondroblasts. AEO:0000150 EHDAA2:0003150 EMAPA:32736 UBERON:0005866 pre-chondrogenic condensation precartilage condensation precartilagenous condensation prechondrogenic condensation uberon autopodial extension A subdivision of the autopod that corresponds to one or more bones arranged in series branching from the main limb axis. UBERON:0005881 digit or predigit encompasses digits and prepollex. requires review limb outgrowth uberon serous sac EMAPA:16060 FMA:9689 MA:0000005 Organ with organ cavity, which has as parts a serous membrane and a serous cavity . Examples: pleural sac, pericardial sac, tendon sheath, bursa.[FMA] See notes for serous membrane UBERON:0005906 uberon endo-epithelium Epithelium that derives from the endoderm. Examples: urothelium, transitional epithelium of ureter, epithelium of prostatic gland.[FMA] FMA:69065 UBERON:0005911 endoderm-derived epithelium endoepithelium uberon axial skeleton plus cranial skeleton AAO:0000963 EMAPA:17214 EMAPA:18043 MA:0000308 Skeletal subdivision of the central body axis including the cranium, vertebrae, notochord, ribs, and sternum.[VSAO] Subdivision of skeleton which consists of cranial skeleton, set of all vertebrae, set of all ribs and sternum[FMA, modified]. UBERON:0005944 UMLS:C0222645 VSAO:0000056 XAO:0004011 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/docs/The-axial-skeleton skeleton axiale uberon integumentary adnexa Anatomical structure embedded in or located in the integument that is part of the integumental system. Examples: hair, follicles, skin glands, claws, nails, feathers. UBERON:0006003 add subclasses based on resolution of CARO tracker item. Also check: adnexal gland. Note that MP implicitly includes hypodermis. adnexae cutis body hair or bristle skin adnexa skin adnexal structure skin appendage the tissue or structures associated with or embedded in the skin such as hair and hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and claws or nails[MP:0010678] uberon rhombic lip DHBA:10664 EHDAA2:0000231 EMAPA:17074 TAO:0001440 The interface between the dorsal neuroepithelium and the roofplate of the fourth ventricle. The source of a number of migratory neuron populations of the hindbrain.[TAO] UBERON:0006215 UBERON:0013163 XAO:0004135 ZFA:0001440 cerebellar anlage cerebellar primordium cerebellum primordium dorsal part of alar plate of metencephalon future cerebellum presumptive cerebellum rostral rhombic lip the posterior section of the developing metencephalon recognized transiently within the vertebrate embryo; the rhombic lip extends posteriorly from the roof of the fourth ventricle to dorsal neuroepithelial cell and can be divided into eight structural units based on rhombomeres 1-8 (r1-r8), recognized at early stages of hindbrain development; producing granule cells and five brainstem nuclei, the rhombic lip plays an important role in developing a complex cerebellar neural system uberon cloacal membrane A membrane that separates the proctodeum and the hindgut in the early embryo. [Evolution, Fourth_Edition_(2006)_McGraw-Hill, Function, Vertebrates:_Comparative_Anatomy, p.497, see_Kardong_KV][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000257 EHDAA:214 EHDAA:2933 EMAPA:16832 FMA:295525 In mammals, the cloaca exists as an embryonic structure that undergoes septation to become distinct urethral, anal, and genital orifices.[well established][VHOG] The membrane that covers the embryonic cloaca, formed by the union of proctodeal (anal pit) ectoderm and cloacal endoderm, with no intervening mesoderm; the urorectal septum joins the cloacal membrane and divides it into an anal membrane and a urogenital membrane; the point where the urorectal septum intersects the cloacal membrane is the future site of the perineal body; proliferation of mesoderm and ectoderm around the cloacal membrane produces primordial tissues of the external genitalia in both sexes: the genital tubercle, genital folds, and genital swellings. UBERON:0006217 UMLS:C0231056 VHOG:0001198 embryonic cloacal membrane membrana cloacalis uberon foregut-midgut junction Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut.[well established][VHOG] An anatomical junctions that overlaps the foregut and midgut. EHDAA2:0000569 EHDAA:526 EMAPA:16363 UBERON:0006235 VHOG:0000291 uberon future brain BAMS:Enc BTO:0004726 EFO:0003431 EHDAA:300 EHDAA:830 EMAPA:16089 EMAPA:16471 FMA:312967 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0000591 TAO:0000146 The embryonic precursor of the brain and the set of mature brain structures that derive from it (CUMBO) The embryonic precursor of the brain. UBERON:0006238 ZFA:0000146 brain rudiment embryonic brain encephalon presumptive brain uberon future forebrain A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a forebrain. BAMS:Pros EFO:0003423 EHDAA2:0000661 EHDAA:2643 EMAPA:16640 TAO:0000062 TODO. Add relationships to neural plate (both ZFA and EMAPA time this with the neural plate) UBERON:0006240 ZFA:0000062 future prosencephalon presumptive forebrain presumptive prosencephalon prosencephalon uberon future spinal cord EFO:0003438 EHDAA2:0000674 EHDAA:898 EMAPA:16092 EMAPA:16525 EMAPA:16755 TAO:0000417 UBERON:0006241 ZFA:0000417 presumptive spinal cord presumptive spinal cord neural keel presumptive spinal cord neural plate presumptive spinal cord neural rod uberon gall bladder primordium A sac-like cavity ventral to the liver, lying in the sub-mesodermal space and closed by a thin sheet of ectodermal cells, from which the future gall bladder develops. EHDAA2:0000700 EHDAA:3047 EMAPA:16713 UBERON:0006242 XAO:0004205 uberon notochordal plate EHDAA2:0001278 EHDAA:264 EMAPA:16101 TODO - check ordering; awaiting confirmation from JB The notochordal plate is the dorsal part of the notochordal process when the ventral portion breaks down. It is continuous laterally with the endoderm that composes the roof of the primitive foregut and is in contact dorsally with the neural tube. The folding off of the notochordal plate gives rise to the notochord. The notochordal plate is the dorsal part of the notochordal process when the ventral portion breaks down. It is continuous laterally with the endoderm that composes the roof of the primitive foregut and is in contact dorsally with the neural tube. The folding off of the notochordal plate gives rise to the notochord. [Carson_JL, Dehart_DB, Developmental_Dynamics_(1994)_201:_260-278, Gesteland_K_and_Schoenwolf_GC, Inagaki_T, Morphogenesis_of_the_murine_node_and_notochordal_plate, The_prechordal_plate, Vrablic_T, see_Mueller_F_and_O'Rahilly_R, the_rostral_end_of_the_notochord_and_nearby_median_features_in_staged_human_embryos._Cells_Tissues_Organs_(2003)_173:_1-20_and_Sulik_K][VHOG] UBERON:0006267 UMLS:C1518429 VHOG:0001212 uberon notochordal process A midline cellular cord formed from the migration of mesenchymal cells from the primitive knot EHDAA2:0001279 EHDAA:224 EMAPA:16102 FMA:293135 The notochordal process grows cranially until it reaches the prechordal plate, the future site of the mouth. In this area the ectoderm is attached directly to the endoderm without intervening mesoderm. This area is known as the oropharyngeal membrane, and it will break down to become the mouth. At the other end of the primitive streak the ectoderm is also fused directly to the endoderm; this is known as the cloacal membrane (proctodeum), or primordial anus. UBERON:0006268 UMLS:C1518430 VHOG:0001213 chordamesoderm presumptive notochord uberon bodily fluid FMA:280556 GAID:266 Liquid components of living organisms. includes fluids that are excreted or secreted from the body as well as body water that normally is not. MESH:D001826 UBERON:0006314 body fluid fluid galen:BodyFluid uberon renal duct A tube in the kidney that collect and transport urine. TAO:0005289 UBERON:0006553 ZFA:0005289 in ZFA this is defined as part of mesonephros uberon excretory tube A tube that is part of a excretory system. UBERON:0006555 uberon pharynx FBbt:00005380 MAT:0000049 MIAA:0000049 The pharynx is the part of the digestive system immediately posterior to the mouth[GO]. UBERON:0006562 anterior part of foregut branchial currently this is an extremely generic class, encompassing both protostomes and deuterostomes. pharyngeal pharyngeal tube uberon presumptive endoderm AAO:0000471 EFO:0003437 Presumptive structure of the blastula that will develop into endoderm. TAO:0000416 UBERON:0006595 ZFA:0000416 uberon presumptive blood AAO:0000468 EFO:0003439 TAO:0000568 UBERON:0006596 ZFA:0000568 future blood uberon presumptive structure AAO:0000479 Consider merging with anlage Portion of embryonic tissue determined by fate mapping to become a structure. TAO:0001116 UBERON:0006598 ZFA:0001116 future structure presumptive structures uberon presumptive ectoderm AAO:0000470 EFO:0003466 Presumptive structure of the blastula that will develop into ectoderm. TAO:0001376 UBERON:0006601 XAO:0004132 ZFA:0001376 presumptive epidermis uberon presumptive mesoderm AAO:0000476 EFO:0003467 Presumptive structure of the blastula that will develop into mesoderm. TAO:0001377 UBERON:0006603 ZFA:0001377 uberon interphalangeal joint 2 2 A joint that connects one phalanx to another along a proximodistal axis. FMA:42765 Hinge joints between the phalanges of the hand or foot[ncithesaurus:Interphalangeal_Joint]. UBERON:0006658 galen:InterphalangealJoint inter-phalangeal joint inter-phalanx joint uberon mesopodium region Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group The third segment of the limb, including either the wrist segment (carpus) or the ankle segment (tarsus) UBERON:0006716 carpus/tarsus mesopod mesopodial limb segment mesopodial segment uberon autopodial skeleton Distal section of the limb skeleton, consisting of the anterior autopodium or posterior autopodium.[VSAO] Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group The collection of all skeletal elements in an autopodium region. UBERON:0006717 VSAO:0005019 autopod skeleton autopodial skeleton autopodium skeletal parts of autopod skeleton of autopod uberon glandular epithelium An epithelium that is composed primarily of secretory cells. BTO:0002991 UBERON:0006799 UMLS:C0682578 UMLS:C1708242 consider splitting epithelium from epithelial tissue uberon terminal part of digestive tract FBbt:00005756 The distalmost portion of the digestive tract, derived from the hindgut, and terminating with the anus. UBERON:0006866 WBbt:0005773 rectal part of digestive tract rectum terminal section of digestive tract this class is the superclass of 'rectum', which is currently reserved for the vertebrate structure. May be merged in future. uberon vasculature of organ A vasculature that is part of a organ. FMA:74612 UBERON:0006876 organ vasculature set of blood vessels of organ uberon lumen of digestive tract An anatomical space that surrounded_by a digestive tract. BTO:0000349 EMAPA:32908 FMA:45677 UBERON:0006909 digestive tract lumen gut cavity gut lumen lumen of alimentary tract lumen of digestive tract lumen of gut uberon squamous epithelium An epithelium characterised by its most superficial layer consisting of squamous epithelial cells. BTO:0002072 FBbt:00007028 (squamous epithelium) A type of epithelium that is made up of flattened cells which are arranged with their long axes in the plane of the epithelium UBERON:0006914 UMLS:C0221909 uberon stomach glandular epithelium A glandular epithelium that lines the stomach. The stomach's glandular epithelium is characterized by the presence of gastric glands. EMAPA:17623 EMAPA:35814 FMA:63458 MA:0002784 UBERON:0006924 epithelium of gastric gland gastric gland epithelium uberon we follow Kardong in treating the glandular epithelium as a distinct entity, and thus as an epithelium which has glands; FMA has 'epithelium of gastric gland', which is part of the gastric gland. digestive gland A gland, such as the liver or pancreas, that secretes into the alimentary canal substances necessary for digestion. AAO:0000130 BTO:0000345 UBERON:0006925 digestive system gland uberon glandular columnar epithelium FMA:64800 Simple columnar epithelium that constitutes the secretory part of a gland. Examples: epithelium of stomach, luminal epithelium of lactiferous duct.[FMA] UBERON:0006929 UMLS:C0225337 uberon stomach glandular region mucosa EMAPA:27167 MA:0001614 UBERON:0006931 stomach glandular region glandular mucous membrane stomach mucosa that is lined with glandular epithelium and part of a stomach glandular region. uberon vascular cord EFO:0003709 TAO:0005077 The vascular cord is the primordial vasculature that will develop into blood vessels by the process of tubulogenesis[GO]. The vascular cord is composed of angioblast or vascular endothelial cells in a solid linear mass called a cord. The cord then undergoes tubulogenesis to form the lumen of the vessels[ZFA]. UBERON:0006965 ZFA:0005077 uberon anatomical surface A two dimensional anatomical structure that is the boundary between an anatomical structure and an anatomical substance, an anatomical space or the organism's environment. Examples include the surface of your skin, the surface of the lining of your gut; the surface of the endothelium of you aorta that is in contact with blood.n AAO:0010270 BILA:0000010 CARO:0001002 EHDAA2:0003192 FMA:24137 ID:0000000 Old definition: 'Non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions, that is demarcated by anatomical lines or points on the external or internal surfaces of anatomical structures.' Note, in the new definition, the space referred to is not necessarily an anatomical space. It may be the outside of an organism. UBERON:0006984 UMLS:C1515977 ZFA:0005594 uberon cardiac mesoderm AAO:0011021 BILA:0000051 EFO:0000315 EHDAA2:0000214 EHDAA:385 FMA:293143 The splanchnic mesoderm in the cardiogenic region where the heart develops; it gives rise to endocardial heart tubes that fuse to form the primordial cardiac tube, the heart primordium[web]. Two migratory heart primordia that move ventrally during the course of neurulation, and then fuse[XAO]. UBERON:0007005 VHOG:0001641 XAO:0000235 cardiogenic mesoderm cardiogenic region consider FBbt:00005541 ! cardiogenic mesoderm heart primordia review EHDAA2 placement uberon cleaving embryo BILA:0000058 Organism at the cleavage stage. UBERON:0007010 uberon presumptive gut BILA:0000084 The endodermal cells generate only the lining of the digestive tube and its glands; mesodermal mesenchyme cells will surround this tube to provide the muscles for peristalsis UBERON:0007026 UMLS:C1514442 embryonic digestive tube future digestive tract future digestive tube future gut primitive gut primordial digestive tube primordial gut uberon primary circulatory organ A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood or analogs[GO,modified]. FBbt:00003154 Gene notes: Bmp, Nkx, Gata SPD:0000130 TADS:0000147 UBERON:0007100 adult heart dorsal tube heart note we reserve the subclass 'heart' from the vertebrate multi-chambered heart. 'The first heart-like organ is believed to have appeared 500my ago in an ancestral bilaterian'. Amniotes: four-chambered heart. Amphibians: two atria, one ventricle, pulmonary; fish: single atrium and ventricle; amphioxus: tubular, non-striated, closed, unidirectional; ascidians: tubular, striated, open, bidirectional; arthropods: tubular, open; C elegans: contractile pharynx; Cnideria: striated muscle cells associated with gastrodermis uberon neural keel An intermediate stage (between the neural plate and neural rod) during the early segmentation period in the morphogenesis of the central nervous system primordium; the keel is roughly triangular shaped in cross section. An intermediate stage (between the neural plate and neural rod) during the early segmentation period in the morphogenesis of the central nervous system primordium; the keel is roughly triangular shaped in cross section. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] EFO:0003497 TAO:0000131 UBERON:0007135 ZFA:0000131 presumptive central nervous system uberon mesenchyme derived from head neural crest EFO:0003572 EHDAA2:0000735 EMAPA:16169 EMAPA:16271 EMAPA_RETIRED:16271 Mesenchyme that develops_from a cranial neural crest. TAO:0000787 UBERON:0007213 ZFA:0000787 head mesenchyme from cranial neural crest head mesenchyme from neural crest head neural crest derived mesenchyme uberon presumptive hindbrain BAMS:HB CALOHA:TS-2118 EFO:0003440 EHDAA2:0001630 FMA:295640 TAO:0000569 TODO - unify naming conventions The embryonic rhombencephalon can be subdivided in a variable number of transversal swellings called rhombomeres. Rhombomeres Rh7-Rh4 form the myelencephalon that will give the medulla oblongata. Rhombomeres Rh3-Rh1 form the metencephalon that will form the pons and the cerebellum[NPX:PDR]. The rhombencephalon (or hindbrain) is a developmental categorization of portions of the central nervous system in vertebrates. The rhombencephalon can be subdivided in a variable number of transversal swellings called rhombomeres. In the human embryo eight rhombomeres can be distinguished, from caudal to rostral: Rh7-Rh1 and the isthmus (the most rostral rhombomere). A rare disease of the rhombencephalon, 'rhombencephalosynapsis' is characterized by a missing vermis resulting in a fused cerebellum. Patients generally present with cerebellar ataxia. The caudal rhombencephalon has been generally considered as the initiation site for neural tube closure. UBERON:0007277 ZFA:0000569 embryonic rhombencephalon future hindbrain presumptive rhombencephalon rhombencephalon uberon presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary EFO:0003446 Embryonic structure that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary. TAO:0001187 UBERON:0007281 XAO:0004086 ZFA:0001187 presumptive MHB presumptive midbrain-hindbrain boundary uberon presumptive segmental plate A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a presomitic mesoderm. EFO:0003421 TAO:0000053 UBERON:0007282 ZFA:0000053 presumptive segmental plates uberon presumptive neural plate A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a neural plate. EFO:0003424 Region of the gastrula which gives rise to the neural plate.[TAO] TAO:0000063 UBERON:0007284 ZFA:0000063 consider merging prospective neuroectoderm prospective vegetal ectoderm uberon presumptive paraxial mesoderm A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a paraxial mesoderm. EFO:0003443 TAO:0000591 UBERON:0007285 XAO:0004134 ZFA:0000591 future paraxial mesoderm uberon presumptive pronephric mesoderm A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a pronephric mesoderm. EFO:0003619 TAO:0001070 UBERON:0007297 ZFA:0001070 nephron primordium uberon pancreatic lobule A dense accumulation of exocrine glands in the pancreas often surrounding islets of Langerhans. FMA:16012 In mice many lobules lack islets, in contrast to other mammals including humans MA:0000721 TODO - check UBERON:0007324 lobulus pancreaticus pancreas lobe pancreatic lobule uberon pancreatic duct A duct that is part of the pancreas and connected to the duodenum. Duct connecting the pancreas with the intestine. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] EHDAA:9194 EMAPA:32952 FMA:10419 MA:0000124 TAO:0001372 These data show that ducts within the zebrafish pancreas originally arise in situ from isolated progenitor cells rather than arising from reiterative branching of the pancreatic epithelium. This process of pancreatic duct formation in zebrafish may be analogous to the mechanism of duct formation in the mammalian mammary and salivary glands. (...) A related mechanism of duct formation has also been proposed to occur within the mammalian pancreatic epithelium.[uncertain][VHOG] UBERON:0007329 VHOG:0000254 ZFA:0001372 duct of pancreas ductus pancreaticus in EHDAA2, the dorsal and ventral ducts are classified as epithelial sacs - review after overhaul of duct/epithelia terms pancreas duct this class groups together accessory (dorsal) and main (ventral) pancreatic ducts uberon outer epithelium BSA:0000073 BTO:0000313 FBbt:00004993 HAO:0000298 TADS:0000109 The epidermis is the entire outer epithelial layer of an animal, it may be a single layer that produces an extracellular material (e.g. the cuticle of arthropods) or a complex stratified squamous epithelium, as in the case of many vertebrate species[GO]. UBERON:0007376 WBbt:0005733 epidermis epidermis (sensu Metazoa) hypoderm hypodermis outer epidermal layer outer epithelial layer this grouping class exists primarily to align with GO - see GO:0008544. uberon stratum compactum AAO:0010600 Portion of the dermis characterized by a well-arranged, plywood-like, collagenous network. Portion of the dermis characterized by a well-arranged, plywood-like, collagenous network. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] TAO:0001182 UBERON:0007377 ZFA:0001182 connective tissue in the skin is usually diffuse and irregular, although in some species collagen bundles are arranged in a distinct ordered layer in the dermis dermal deep region relationship loss: develops_from collagenous dermal stroma (TAO:0001186)[TAO] uberon enveloping layer of ectoderm EFO:0003425 EVL Originally this tissue is one cell layer thick but in most vertebrates it soon becomes a two layered structure. The outer layer gives rise to the periderm. Outermost layer of cells surrounding the embryo. Outermost monolayer of cells surrounding the embryo that become very flattened in the blastula and give rise to the periderm. Sometimes used synonymously with periderm. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] TAO:0000086 UBERON:0007383 ZFA:0000086 enveloping layer relationship loss: develops_from superficial blastomere (TAO:0001484)[TAO] uberon epithelial sac AEO:0000115 An epithelial tube that is open at one end only. EHDAA2:0003115 UBERON:0007499 uberon epithelial tube open at both ends AEO_RETIRED:0000116 An epithelial tube open at both ends that allows fluid flow. RETIRED_EHDAA2:0003116 UBERON:0007500 uberon epithelial vesicle A closed epithelium with a lumen. AEO:0000119 EHDAA2:0003119 EHDAA2:0003119 UBERON:0007503 uberon dense mesenchyme tissue AEO:0000146 EHDAA2:0003146 EHDAA2:0003146 Mesenchyme with little extracellular matrix. UBERON:0007524 uberon migrating mesenchyme population AEO:0000152 EHDAA2:0003152 EHDAA2:0003152 Mesenchymal cells that are migrating. UBERON:0007530 this class will be an important part of the NC reorganization uberon layer of synovial tissue A thin, loose vascular connective tissue that makes up the membranes surrounding joints and the sheaths protecting tendons (particularly flexor tendons in the hands and feet) where they pass over bony prominences. Synovial tissue contains synovial cells, which secrete a viscous liquid called synovial fluid; this liquid contains protein and hyaluronic acid and serves as a lubricant and nutrient for the joint cartilage surfaces[BTO]. Synovial tissue can be found in tendons (tissues that connect muscle to bone), bursae (fluid-filled, cushioning sacs found in spaces between tendons, ligaments, and bones), and the cavity (hollow enclosed area) that separates the bones of a freely movable joint, such as the knee or elbow[BTO]. BTO:0001338 CALOHA:TS-0998 FMA:66762 UBERON:0007616 stratum synoviale synovial layer synovial membrane synovial tissue synovium uberon synovial cavity of joint An anatomical cavity that surrounded_by a synovial joint. FMA:11356 UBERON:0007617 articular cavity (synovial joint) cavitas articularis (junctura synovialis) cavity of synovial joint joint cavity synovial cavity uberon pigment epithelium of eye GAID:907 MESH:D010857 UBERON:0007625 epithelial layer of the retina, ciliary body, or iris composed of cells containing pigment granules. eye pigment epithelium uberon anatomical junction 2 An anatomical structure that connects two structures FMA:5898 UBERON:0007651 anatomical junction junction uberon kidney field UBERON:0007687 kidney anlage region of the embryo into the area in which the kidney rudiment will develop. uberon anlage AEO:0000170 Anlagen are populations of contiguous cells, typically arranged in one plane, that are morphologically indistinct, but that already correspond in extent to a later organ/tissue. EFO:0001649 EHDAA2:0003170 FBbt:00005426 UBERON:0007688 developmental field field future organ organ field uberon serous fluid Any fluid produced by a serous gland. FMA:20932 UBERON:0007794 serous gland fluid the FMA def is Transudate contained in a serous sac uberon vascular system Anatomical system that consists of all blood and lymph vessels. BTO:0001085 CALOHA:TS-2053 EHDAA2:0004520 EMAPA:35905 Gefaesssystem@ge MA:0002718 The cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, collectively[ncithesaurus:Vascular_System]. UBERON:0007798 UMLS:C0489903 consider merging with vasculature in both MA and BTO, the arterial system and venous sytem are subtypes of the vascular system uberon craniocervical region CALOHA:TS-2356 EV:0100009 FMA:280881 MA:0000006 The anteriormost subdivision of the body that includes the head, jaws, pharyngeal region and the neck (if present). In vertebrates this is the subdivision that includes the cervical vertebrae. UBERON:0007811 UMLS:C0460004 WikipediaCategory:Head_and_neck cephalic area cephalic part of animal cephalic region galen:HeadAndNeck head and neck head or neck uberon appendage girdle region An organism subdivision that encompasses the region containing the pectoral or pelvic girdle. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). An organism subdivision that encompasses the region containing the pectoral or pelvic girdle. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). There are only two instances of appendage girdle regions per organism.[VSAO] FMA:24874 UBERON:0007823 UBERON:0007824 VSAO:0000303 fin girdle fin girdle region girdle girdle region limb girdle limb girdle region this encompasses non-skeletal tissue uberon pelvic girdle skeleton AAO:0000426 AAO:0000768 Anatomical cluster by which the hind limbs are supported and attached to the vertebral column.[AAO] Anatomical cluster that consists of the paired basipterygia which support the pelvic fin.[TAO] EFO:0000947 EHDAA2:0001426 EHDAA:7149 EHDAA:8324 EMAPA:18028 FMA:87592 Girdle skeleton consisting of a set of bones linking the axial series to the hindlimb/fin skeleton and offering anchoring areas for hindlimb/fin and caudal musculature.[VSAO] MAT:0000182 MIAA:0000182 Note that the VSAO and many ontologies use the label 'pelvic girdle' to denote the skeletal region specifically. We place the EHDAA2 class here, note that this includes the pre-cartilage condensation as parts Skeletal subdivision consisting of a set of bones linking the axial series to the hindlimb zeugopodium and offering anchoring areas for hindlimb and caudal musculature. TAO:0000565 The pelvic girdle is never joined by contributions of dermal bone. From its first appearance in placoderms, the pelvic girdle is exclusively endoskeletal. It arose from pterygiophores, perhaps several times, in support of the fin.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0007832 VHOG:0000305 VSAO:0000155 XAO:0003064 ZFA:0000565 galen:PelvicGirdle need to resolve whether this is a paired structure or a single belt (Paired in FMA - implicitly paired in VSAO) pelvic girdle pelvic girdle skeleton skeletal parts of pelvic girdle skeleton of pelvic girdle uberon cartilage element AAO:0011130 CALOHA:TS-0118 EMAPA:32730 FMA:55107 Skeletal element that is composed of cartilage tissue and may be permanent or transient. TAO still mixes tissue and element UBERON:0007844 VSAO:0000000 XAO:0004013 ZFA:0001501 cartilage cartilage organ cartilaginous element chondrogenic element uberon regular connective tissue Connective tissue, which consists of fibroblasts, the intercellular matrix of which contains a regular network of collagen and elastic fiber bundles. Examples: bone (tissue), cartilage (tissue), dense regular connective tissue. FMA:20103 UBERON:0007845 the connective tissue hierarchy largely follows FMA with definitions from VSAO. Note that in FMA, loose-CT is irregular-CT. This means regular-CT is necessarily equivalent to dense-regular-CT (assuming a JEPD classification). uberon dense regular connective tissue Connective tissue that is dominated by collagen fibres organized into a definitive pattern (e.g., parallel to one another), with comparatively fewer cells (mostly fibroblasts). Connective tissue that is dominated by collagen fibres organized into a definitive pattern (e.g., parallel to one another), with comparatively fewer cells (mostly fibroblasts).[VSAO] FMA:64781 Regular connective tissue, the intercellular matrix of which consists predominantly of collagen fiber bundles arranged in parallel arrays.[FMA] UBERON:0007846 UMLS:C0225333 VSAO:0000050 XAO:0004030 dense fibrous connective tissue dense regular collagenous connective tissue dense regular collagenous tissue regular dense connective tissue typus regularis (textus connectivus collagenosus compactus) uberon hepatic diverticulum AAO:0011057 An out-pocket of thickened ventral foregut epithelium adjacent to the developing heart. Constitutes the first morphological sign of the embryonic liver. The anterior portion of the hepatic diverticulum gives rise to the liver and intrahepatic biliary tree, while the posterior portion forms the gall bladder and extrahepatic bile ducts. EHDAA2:0000740 EHDAA:1530 The caudal part of the septum transversum is invaded by the hepatic diverticulum which divides within it to form the liver and thus gives rise to the ventral mesentery of the foregut. UBERON:0008835 UMLS:C1512407 XAO:0000101 diverticulum hepaticum in mice, the hepatic diverticulum forms by E9 and expands into an obvious liver bud by E10 liver diverticulum uberon liver bud BTO:0001642 UBERON:0008836 uberon pyloric canal FMA:14580 The short narrow part of the stomach extending from the pyloric antrum to the pyloric sphincter UBERON:0008858 canalis pyloricus canalis pyloricus uberon pyloric gastric gland EMAPA:27211 FMA:14922 The gastric glands in the pyloric region of the stomach; the pyloric glands secrete mucin, which coats the stomach and protects it, and hormones such as gastrin and enkephalin[MP]. UBERON:0008861 UMLS:C0227239 check relationship to pylorus vs antrum glandula pylorica pyloric antrum gland pyloric gland pyloric mucuous gland uberon fin AAO:0010374 AEO:0001004 An external projection of an aquatic animal as a fish used in propelling or guiding the body[BTO]. BTO:0004649 EFO:0000875 MAT:0000087 MESH:D058500 MIAA:0000087 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjcBZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Surface structure involved in locomotion.[TAO] Surface structure involved in locomotion.[VSAO] TAO:0000108 This class groups together various structures that may have arisen through convergent evolution, including, for example, the dorsal fin of a cetacean UBERON:0008897 VSAO:0000099 XAO:0000002 ZFA:0000108 fins uberon stomach region An organ part that is part of a stomach. EMAPA:35821 MA:0002561 UBERON:0009034 uberon indifferent gonad A gonad prior to differentiating into a definitive testis or ovary. EHDAA2:0000716 UBERON:0009117 UMLS:C1512703 gonad rudiment typically part of the embryo - however, in male tammar wallabies the gonads are indifferent at the neonatal stage[8827321] uberon entire embryonic mesenchyme EHDAA2:0001113 EHDAA:177 EMAPA:16097 Sum total of mesenchyme in the embryo. UBERON:0003313 UBERON:0009142 consider adding new class (EMAPA:16097) for mesenchyme of embryo (some mesenchyme is extraembryonic - e.g. amnion mesoderm) uberon indifferent external genitalia EHDAA2:0004021 UBERON:0009196 uberon nephric duct A nephric duct is a tube that drains a primitive kidney[GO]. EMAPA:28425 EMAPA:28429 UBERON:0009201 pronephric duct or mesonephric duct uberon epithelium of foregut-midgut junction An epithelium that is part of a foregut-midgut junction. EHDAA2:0000573 EMAPA:16564 UBERON:0009497 uberon endoderm of foregut-midgut junction An endoderm that is part of a foregut-midgut junction. EHDAA2:0000572 EMAPA:18403 UBERON:0009550 uberon distal segment of digit A segment of a digit containing the distal phalanx, and overlapping the distal interphalangeal joint[CJM]. The digit tip is derived from multiple and distinct embryonic origins, and includes the distal bone with associated marrow cavity and haematopoietic cells, ventral (flexor) and dorsal (extensor) tendons, sweat glands with myoepithelial and luminal secreting cells and associated neurons for innervation, dermis with resident melanocytes and dendritic cells, mesenchyme with resident fibroblasts, skin epidermis with hair follicles, a nail organ composed of six specific parts (the root, nail bed, nail plate, eponychium (cuticle), perionychium and hyponychium). Newborn and adult mice are able to regrow forelimb (finger) and hindlimb (toe) digit tips after their amputation through the distal interphalangeal joint. Regeneration of the digit tip involves the integrated regrowth of multiple tissues within 2-3 months, reaching an external morphology that is cosmetically and functionally similar to normal digits. Most importantly, regeneration of the mouse distal digit shares morphological similarities with clinical cases documenting regrowth of missing distal portions of fingers in both children and adults UBERON:0009551 digit tip distal digit segment tip of digit uberon distal limb integumentary appendage A nail, hoof or claw. MESH:D006724 UBERON:0009564 hoof or claw hoof, claw or nail keratin plate keratin sheath uberon unguis subdivision of trunk FMA:25054 UBERON:0009569 region of trunk trunk subdivision uberon midbrain mantle layer EHDAA2:0001172 EMAPA:16977 UBERON:0009581 VHOG:0000910 mantle layer lateral wall mesencephalon mantle layer lateral wall midbrain midbrain lateral wall mantle layer uberon midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate MHB neural plate TAO:0007044 TODO - developmental relationships for lines UBERON:0009615 ZFA:0007044 midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural plate uberon presumptive midbrain A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a midbrain. BAMS:MES EFO:0003432 EHDAA2:0000615 EMAPA:16140 EMAPA:16472 TAO:0000148 TODO - unify naming conventions UBERON:0009616 ZFA:0000148 early midbrain future midbrain mesencephalon presumptive mesencephalon uberon trunk paraxial mesoderm EHDAA2:0002094 UBERON:0009618 trunk and cervical paraxial mesenchyme trunk paraxial mesenchyme uberon dorsal pancreas EHDAA2:0001371 UBERON:0009708 pancreatis dorsalis uberon ventral pancreas EHDAA2:0001393 UBERON:0009709 pancreatis ventralis uberon limb mesenchyme EMAPA mapping from TH EMAPA:32705 The primordial embryonic connective tissue of the developing limbs, autopods and digits, consisting of mesenchymal cells supported in interlaminar jelly, that derive mostly from the mesoderm and contribute to limb connective tissue, bone and musculature in conjunction with myotome cells. UBERON:0009749 limb mesoderm uberon distal interphalangeal joint An inter-phalangeal joint that connects a distal phalanx to either a medial or proximal phalanx. DIJ joint DIP joint FMA:65024 UBERON:0009768 uberon glandular acinus FMA:55588 The many-lobed berry cluster of cells that is the terminous of a gland where the secretion is produced is acinar in form. UBERON:0009842 acinar acini acinus uberon digestive tract diverticulum Branch or outpocketing of the digestive tract. FBbt:00100316 UBERON:0009854 diverticulum of gut intestinal pouch uberon sac UBERON:0009856 diverticulum galen:Diverticulum pouch uberon zone of stomach A division of the stomach. The stomach can be divided based on mucosal histology (glandular epithelium and gastric glands) and the relative position and type of gastric gland. FMA:14558 UBERON:0009870 We follow Kardong in defining stomach regions by gland, but we also include 'body of stomach'. In future we may want to have different partitions of the stomach gastric zone region of stomach section of stomach uberon metapodium region Intermediate segment of the autopod, between the mesopodial region and and acropodial region. Examples: metacarpal region, metatarsal region Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group UBERON:0009877 cannon region considering adding 'acropodial region' equine cannon region metacarpal or metatarsal part of limb metacarpus/metatarsus metacarpus/metatarsus region metapodial segment metapodium uberon mesopodial skeleton Limb skeleton subdivision consisting of endochondral bones increasing the freedom of movement of the autopodia, and located between zeugopodia and autopodia.[VSAO] The collection of all skeletal elements in a mesopodium. Examples: the tarsal skeleton, the carpal skeleton UBERON:0009878 VSAO:0005022 basipodium basipodium skeleton carpal/tarsal skeleton mesopodial skeleton mesopodium mesopodium skeleton relationship type change: subclass skeletal subdivision (VSAO:0000042) CHANGED TO: distally_connected_to subdivision of skeleton (UBERON:0010912)[VSAO] skeletal parts of mesopodium uberon anterior lateral plate mesoderm ALPM EFO:0003704 TAO:0005041 UBERON:0009881 ZFA:0005041 uberon facial mesenchyme EMAPA:35337 FMA:302884 Mesenchyme that is part of a developing face. UBERON:0009891 face mesenchyme mesenchyme of face uberon lobule FMA:45737 UBERON:0009911 UMLS:C0921005 lobulus todo - provide definition. Clearly distinguish between lobules, lobes and acinar parts of glands (see for example lobule of mammary gland) uberon optic neural crest EHDAA2:0001315 EHDAA:1122 UBERON:0009920 uberon multicellular anatomical structure An anatomical structure that has more than one cell as a part. CARO:0010000 FBbt:00100313 UBERON:0010000 multicellular structure uberon food storage organ An organ of the digestive tract that is capable of retaining and storing food BSA:0000123 TADS:0000172 TGMA:0001041 This is a very broad functionally defined grouping class that collects disparate structures from insects to vertebrates UBERON:0010039 uberon future common hepatic duct An extrahepatic bile duct that has the potential to develop into a common hepatic duct. EHDAA2:0000595 UBERON:0010081 uberon future dermis EHDAA2:0000598 Mesenchyme that has the potential to develop into a dermis. UBERON:0010083 check development uberon future metencephalon A developing anatomical structure that has the potential to develop into a metencephalon. EHDAA2:0000623 UBERON:0010092 uberon future myelencephalon A developing anatomical structure that has the potential to develop into a myelencephalon. EHDAA2:0000640 UBERON:0010096 uberon autopod plate The distal elements of the developing limb of vertebrates that will give rise to the pedal appendages (e.g. manus, pes, paw) UBERON:0010130 limb plate uberon eyeball of camera-type eye FMA:12513 MIAA:0000283 See notes for camera-type eye The core globe-shaped component of the camera-type eye. UBERON:0010230 VHOG:0001616 bulbus oculi eye eye globe eyeball globe uberon midbrain basal plate DHBA:12322 EFO:0003567 EHDAA2:0004375 Portion of tissue that is dorsolateral to the floor plate and part of the midbrain. TAO:0000761 UBERON:0010285 ZFA:0000761 basal plate midbrain basal plate midbrain region uberon midbrain neural tube Portion of neural tube that gives rise to the midbrain. TAO:0007039 UBERON:0010286 ZFA:0007039 uberon we follow ZFA in temporally dividing midbrain NT from presumptive midbrain, but in future this may be collapsed immature eye Developing anatomical structure that develops into the eyeball and associated structures. Multi-tissue structure that consists of the structures that develop into the retina and lens.[TAO] TAO:0002201 UBERON:0010312 ZFA:0001678 future eye uberon neural crest-derived structure An anatomical structure that develops from the neural crest. Grouping term for query purposes UBERON:0010313 uberon structure with developmental contribution from neural crest An anatomical structure that has some part that develops from the neural crest. Grouping term for query purposes UBERON:0010314 uberon germ layer / neural crest UBERON:0010316 uberon endochondral element A skeletal element that has the potential to participate in endochondral ossification, and may participate in intramembranous ossification. UBERON:0010363 VSAO:0000139 XAO:0004017 ZFA:0005620 endochondral replacement element https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Modeling-endochondral-elements-Design-Pattern uberon ecto-epithelium Epithelium composed of cells that develops from the ectoderm[FMA,modified]. FMA:69064 UBERON:0010371 ectoderm-derived epithelium uberon pancreas dorsal primordium EHDAA2:0001384 FMA:79793 UBERON:0010375 consider merging with dorsal pancreatic bud. Starts at CS12 in human (EHDAA2, embryology.ch 'bud anlagen') dorsal pancreas uberon pancreas ventral primordium EHDAA2:0001387 FMA:79794 Starts at CS14 in human (EHDAA2) or CS13-14 (embryology.ch 'bud anlagen') UBERON:0010376 uberon ventral pancreas mesenchyme from somatopleure EHDAA2:0001120 Mesenchyme that develops_from a somatopleure. UBERON:0010377 the way this class is defined also includes extraembryonic mesenchyme such as the amniotic mesenchyme; in future this may be restricted to embryonic derivatives uberon ocular surface region EMAPA:35336 MA:0002486 The integrated unit (of the eye) that consists of the conjunctiva, the corneal surface, and the ocular mucosal adnexa including the lid margins and the meibomian gland openings, the lacrimal glands and the lacrimal drainage system, all which are critical to maintain ocular surface integrity and provide protection from external antigens and pathogenic microorganisms. UBERON:0010409 eye surface eye surface region ocular surface uberon ciliary processes FMA:76551 The ciliary processes are formed by the inward folding of the various layers of the choroid, i.e. , the choroid proper and the lamina basalis, and are received between corresponding foldings of the suspensory ligament of the lens. UBERON:0010427 ciliary process ciliary processes ciliary processes set processus ciliares processus ciliares set of ciliary processes uberon microcirculatory vessel A vessel of the microcirculature, lying between the arterioles and venules; includes capillaries (blood and lymphatic), metarterioles and arteriovenous anastomoses. MESH:A07.231.432 TAO:0005251 UBERON:0010523 ZFA:0005251 microcirculatory vessels uberon paired limb/fin segment An appendage segment that is part of a limb/fin. UBERON:0010538 limb/fin segment uberon acropodial skeleton FMA:231315 The subdivision of the skeleton that consists of all the skeletal elements at the distalmost end of the autopodium - i.e. the bones of the digits or their cartilaginous precursors[VSAO,modified]. UBERON:0010543 VSAO:0005028 acropodial skeleton acropodium acropodium skeleton digital skeleton digits skeleton phalangeal skeleton set of phalanges skeletal parts of acropodial region skeletal parts of acropodium skeleton of digits uberon metapodial skeleton Endochondral bone complex located between the mesopodium and the acropodium and consisting of the metacarpals or metatarsals.[VSAO] Subdivision of skeleton that corresponds to metapodium region, between acropodial skeleton and mesopdoial skeleton. UBERON:0010546 VSAO:0005025 metacarpal/metatarsal skeleton metapodial skeleton metapodium metapodium skeleton relationship type change: subclass skeletal subdivision (VSAO:0000042) CHANGED TO: connected_to subdivision of skeleton (UBERON:0010912)[VSAO] relationship type change: subclass skeletal subdivision (VSAO:0000042) CHANGED TO: distally_connected_to subdivision of skeleton (UBERON:0010912)[VSAO] skeletal parts of metapodium skeleton of metapodium uberon phalanx pre-cartilage condensation EMAPA:32720 UBERON:0010700 uberon phalanx cartilage element EMAPA:32721 UBERON:0010701 uberon digit mesenchyme EMAPA:32719 Mesenchyme of the digit region. UBERON:0010702 digital ray uberon appendage girdle complex 2012-04-23T10:46:51Z An organism subdivision that includes both an appendage and its accociated girdle region. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). Anatomical group that consists of the soft and skeletal tissues of the appendicular region of the body and the appendage proper.[VSAO] FMA:7182 It is still called a complex when one of the two parts is missing (?) There are fossil fishes with only an outgrowth (no record of a girdle), including thelodonts (which have a suprabranchial fin) as well as some anaspids which have a distinctive 'paired fin' (with differing published assertions on whether it's homologous to a pec fin or pelvic fin or both or neither). There are many fishes and other vertebrates with only a girdle and no outgrowth.[VSAO] It is still called a complex when one of the two parts is missing (?) There are fossil fishes with only an outgrowth (no record of a girdle), including thelodonts (which have a suprabranchial fin) as well as some anaspids which have a distinctive 'paired fin' (with differing published assertions on whether it's homologous to a pec fin or pelvic fin or both or neither). There are many fishes and other vertebrates with only a girdle and no outgrowth.[VSAO] UBERON:0010707 VSAO:0000214 appendage complex appendage-girdle complex appendage/girdle complex girdle plus limb or fin haendel limb note that the FMA uses the term 'limb' to refer to the entire appendage complex (free limb plus girdle region) uberon pelvic complex Appendage girdle complex that when present, encompasses the pelvic appendage and the pelvic girdle.[VSAO] Appendage girdle complex that when present, encompasses the pelvic appendicular skeleton and the pelvic girdle. FMA:7184 UBERON:0010709 VSAO:0000215 lower limb lower limb and pelvic girdle lower limb and pelvis note that the FMA uses the terms 'upper limb' and 'lower limb' to refer to the entire appendage complex (free limb plus girdle region). Note the MA class 'hindlimb' may also belong here pelvic appendage/girdle complex pelvic girdle plus pelvic limb or fin pelvic girdle plus posterior limb or fin uberon limb skeleton subdivision Skeletal subdivision that is a segment of the limb skeleton. UBERON:0010712 VSAO:0005018 note the distinction between this and skeleton of limb uberon paired fin skeleton Skeletal system that consists of the paired fins (pectoral or pelvic fins).[TAO] Skeletal system that consists of the paired fins (pectoral or pelvic fins).[VSAO] TAO:0000027 The collection of all skeletal elements in a single paired fin. UBERON:0010713 VSAO:0000169 ZFA:0000027 uberon girdle skeleton AAO:0010686 Skeletal subdivision that is part of the appendage girdle region.[VSAO] The subdivision of the skeleton of either the pectoral or pelvic girdle. UBERON:0010719 VSAO:0000302 relationship type change: subclass skeletal subdivision (VSAO:0000042) CHANGED TO: part_of subdivision of skeleton (UBERON:0010912)[VSAO] relationship type change: subclass skeletal subdivision (VSAO:0000042) CHANGED TO: proximally_connected_to subdivision of skeleton (UBERON:0010912)[VSAO] skeleton of girdle uberon bone of appendage girdle complex A bone that is part of an appendage girdle complex (i.e. any bone in a limb, fin or girdle). EMAPA:35494 MA:0000688 UBERON:0010740 bone of extended limb/fin region limb bone uberon subdivision of organism along appendicular axis A major subdivision of an organism that divides an organism along an axis perpedicular to the main body anterior-posterior axis. In vertebrates, this is typically a fin or limb segment. In insects, this includes segments of appendages such as antennae, as well as segments of the insect leg. FBbt:00007018 UBERON:0010758 appendage segment appendicular segment uberon limb cartilage element A skeletal element that is part of a limb and composed of cartilage tissue. UBERON:0010881 uberon limb bone pre-cartilage condensation A skeletal element that is part of a limb and composed of pre-cartilage tissue. UBERON:0010882 uberon subdivision of skeleton Anatomical cluster consisting of the skeletal elements (i.e. bone elements, cartilage elements, cartilage condensations) that are part of an individual subdivision of the organism. Excludes joints. Anatomical cluster consisting of the skeletal elements that are part of the skeleton.[VSAO] FMA:23879 UBERON:0010912 VSAO:0000042 skeletal subdivision subdivision of skeleton (in vivo) uberon nonsynovial joint FMA:7491 Joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by ligaments or fibrocartilage without an intervening synovial cavity. Examples: sagittal suture, inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis, costochondral joint, pubic symphysis. UBERON:0011134 solid joint uberon axial skeletal system FMA:7483 Subdivision of the skeletal system which consists of the axial skeleton plus associated joints. UBERON:0011137 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/docs/The-axial-skeleton uberon post-cranial axial skeletal system FMA:302077 Subdivision of the skeletal system which consists of the post-cranial axial skeleton plus associated joints. UBERON:0011138 axial skeletal system http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/docs/The-axial-skeleton uberon synovial limb joint Any synovial joint that is part of a (free) limb. FMA:258776 Most limb joints are synovial, but a few such as the tibiofibular joints are syndesmoses. UBERON:0011139 synovial joint of free limb segment uberon upper urinary tract FMA:45658 Subdivision of urinary system which consists of the kidney and the ureters. UBERON:0011143 galen:UpperUrinaryTract uberon gastrointestinal sphincter A sphincter muscle that is part of the gastrointestinal system UBERON:0011185 UMLS:C1517464 uberon central nervous system cell part cluster A multi cell part structure that is part of a central nervous system. FMA:83143 UBERON:0011215 cell part cluster of neuraxis neuraxis layer uberon organ system subdivision A subdivision of an anatomical system. FBbt:00007330 FMA:67509 UBERON:0011216 uberon intra-ocular muscle AAO:0010038 EMAPA:18808 FMA:49150 Muscles within the eye (bulbus oculi).[AAO] UBERON:0011222 intrinsic muscle of eyeball intrinsic ocular muscle uberon appendicular skeletal system FMA:7484 Skeletal system which consists of the appendicular skeleton plus associated joints.[VSAO] Subdivision of the skeletal system which consists of the appendicular skeleton plus associated joints. UBERON:0011249 VHOG:0001666 VSAO:0000306 https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Appendages-and-the-appendicular-skeleton uberon autopod bone A bone that is part of a autopod region. Note that this incudes the carpal and tarsal bones. UBERON:0011250 https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Skeleton-partonomy-Design-Pattern uberon embryonic skin basal layer EHDAA2:0001845 UBERON:0011272 basal cell layer of skin compare with 'stratum basale of epidermis'. This class is the source for many adult structures - see WP2062. See also: 'enveloping layer of ectoderm' outer epithelium of body uberon paired limb/fin skeleton Skeletal subdivision that is part of the paired limb/fin.[VSAO] The collection of all skeletal elements in an individual limb or fin. UBERON:0011582 VSAO:0000301 limb/fin skeleton skeletal parts of limb/fin skeleton of limb/fin uberon stylopodial skeleton Proximal element of a free limb skeleton consisting of the femur and humerus in the forelimb stylopodium and hindlimb stylopodium respectively[VSAO, modified]. Proximal element of the limb skeleton consisting of the femur and humerus in the forelimb stylopodium and hindlimb stylopodium respectively.[VSAO] UBERON:0011583 VSAO:0005007 mesomere 1 propodial propodial skeleton propodium proximal metapterygial mesomere stylopod stylopodial stylopodium stylopodium skeleton uberon zeugopodial skeleton Section of the forelimb skeleton located between the stylopodium and the autopodium. UBERON:0011584 VSAO:0005010 epipodial skeleton epipodium mesomere 2 mesomere 2 skeleton skeleton of zeugopod uberon zeugopod skeleton zeugopodial zygopodial zygopodium cell condensation Anatomical structure that is an aggregation of similar cells from which cartilages and bones form, and from which chondrogenesis and osteogenesis are initiated during repair and/or regeneration. (Hall and Miyake 1995). UBERON:0011585 VSAO:0000006 XAO:0004021 consider obsoleting, coordinate with VSAO uberon subdivision of organism along main body axis A major subdivision of an organism that divides an organism along its main body axis (typically anterio-posterior axis). In vertebrates, this is based on the vertebral column. Ideally this would be disjoint with analagous class for appendicular axes, but currently 'appendages' like antennae, horns cause a problem UBERON:0011676 axial subdivision of organism body segment main body segment uberon embryonic cardiovascular system A cardiovascular system that is part of a conceptus. EHDAA2:0000216 FMA:305965 UBERON:0011695 conceptus cardiovascular system embryonic circulatory system fetal circulatory system uberon non-neurogenic ectodermal placode Ectodermal placode that does not develop into a component of the nervous system. UBERON:0011814 uberon irregular connective tissue Connective tissue, which consists of a population of connective tissue cells, the intercellular matrix of which contains an irregular network of collagen and elastic fiber bundles. Examples: areolar tissue, mucoid tissue, connective tissue of peritoneum, connective tissue of fibrous pericardium. FMA:20107 UBERON:0011821 uberon dense irregular connective tissue FMA:20109 Irregular connective tissue is an irregular connective tissue, the intercellular matrix of which contains a dense irregular network of collagen and elastic fiber bundles. Examples: connective tissue of peritoneum, connective tissue of fibrous pericardium. Tissue characterized by a thick, random arrangement of collagen and elastin fibers with very few cells. The majority of the cells are fibroblasts, but mast cells and macrophages may also be seen. It is found in the dermis, periosteum, perichondrium, capsules of organs and sheaths of nerves and muscles[NCIT] UBERON:0011822 UMLS:C0738366 irregular dense connective tissue typus irregularis (textus connectivus collagenosus compactus) uberon dense connective tissue AAO:0000121 Connective tissue in which the fibrous component predominates. The cells, ground substance, and tissue fluid represent a minor component[NCIT] Dense connective tissue is mainly composed of collagen type I. Crowded between the collagen fibers are rows of fibroblasts, fiber-forming cells, that manufacture the fibers. Dense connective tissue forms strong, rope-like structures such as tendons and ligaments. Tendons attach skeletal muscles to bones; ligaments connect bones to bones at joints. Ligaments are more stretchy and contain more elastic fibers than tendons. Dense connective tissue also make up the lower layers of the skin (dermis), where it is arranged in sheets UBERON:0011823 UMLS:C1511770 our OWL definition states that this is differentiated from other connective tissue types by virtue of the fact that the collage fiber component predominates, as opposed to cells and fluid. uberon loose connective tissue FMA:19783 Irregular connective tissue, the intercellular matrix of which contains a sparse irregular network of collagen and elastic fiber bundles. Examples: areolar tissue, neuroglial tissue, mucoid tissue. UBERON:0011825 UMLS:C1253917 textus connectivus collagenosus laxus textus connectivus laxus uberon acinus of exocrine gland An acinus that is part of a exocrine gland. UBERON:0011858 exocrine gland acinus uberon collection of collagen fibrils FMA:63212 MESH:D024022 NIF_Subcellular:sao7547390221 UBERON:0011860 the FMA class specifically refers to ureter uberon anterior uvea Front (ventral) portion of the vascular, pigmentary, or middle coat of the eye, including the ciliary body and the iris. Haller tunica vascula UBERON:0011892 anterior part of uveal tract anterior uveal tract anterior vascular layer of the eyeball anterior vascular tunic of the eye ciliary body and iris tunica vasculosa bulbosa uberon vasculosa oculi ventral uveal tract epimysium Epimysium is a layer of connective tissue which ensheaths the entire muscle. It is composed of dense irregular connective tissue. It is continuous with fascia and other connective tissue wrappings of muscle including the endomysium, and perimysium. It is also continuous with tendons where it becomes thicker and collagenous. FMA:9726 The Epimysium also protects muscles from friction against other muscles and bones UBERON:0011899 UMLS:C0504096 epimysia fascia of muscle organ uberon stomach glandular region A region of the stomach that is lined with glandular epithelium. EMAPA:17623 MA:0001613 UBERON:0011953 UMLS:C0227197 as currently defined, this would include the cardiac antrum; however, the intent may be to exclude the cardiac glands and in mice for this to be part of the region distal to the margo plicatus glandular stomach uberon coelom EHDAA2 distingsuishes between the lumen, the lining, and the 'coelomic cavity', which despire it's name, is not a space - it is the aggregate of space plus lining. EHDAA2:0004731 The aggregate of the coelemic cavity lumen plus the membranes that line the lumen. UBERON:0011997 coelem coelomic coelomic cavity enterocoelom haemocoelom schizocoelom uberon segment of autopod UBERON:0012139 uberon digitopodium region A segment of the autopod consisting of both acropodial region and metapodial region, but excluding the mesopodial/basopodial region. UBERON:0012140 acropodium (Wagner) https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Subdivisions-of-the-autopod some sources call this the acropodium. see https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Subdivisions-of-the-autopod uberon skeleton of digitopodium A subdivision of the autopod skeleton consisting of both acropodial skeleon and metapodial skeleton, but excluding the mesopodial/basopodial skeleton. UBERON:0012150 digitopodium https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Subdivisions-of-the-autopod skeleton of digits some sources call this the acropodium. see https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/Subdivisions-of-the-autopod uberon columnar epithelium An epithelium that consists of columnar epithelial cells. Columnar epithelia are epithelial cells whose heights are at least four times their width. Columnar epithelia are divided into simple (or unilayered), and the rarer stratified (or multi-layered).[WP, modified] UBERON:0012274 uberon meso-epithelium Epithelium that derives from the mesoderm. [Automatically generated definition]. FMA:86452 UBERON:0012275 mesoderm-derived epithelium mesoepithelium uberon embryonic cloacal fold EHDAA2:0004009 One of the pair of mesenchymal swellings (folds) located on either side of the cloacal membrane during the indifferent stage of embryonic development; cranial to the cloacal membrane the folds unite to form the genital tubercle; caudally the folds are subdivided into urogenital folds anteriorly and anal folds posteriorly UBERON:0012292 We presume this is distinct from AAO:0001003, an external integumentary structure - check with amphibian anatomy ontology developers. AO notes: the text def states mesenchymal swelling, EHDAA2 splits into mesenchymal and epithelial parts cloacal fold uberon fin skeleton Skeletal subdivision consisting of all the skeletal elements in a single fin. UBERON:0012353 skeleton of fin uberon acropodium region The segment of the autopod that is distal to the metapodial region and consists of the digits. UBERON:0012354 acropodial limb segment acropodial region acropodial segment of autopod class refers to an entire limb segment, not just the bones set of digits uberon digitopodium bone A bone that is part of a the digitopodium skeleton - i.e. the acropodial skeleton or the metapodial skeleton. UBERON:0012357 digit bone uberon internal anal region EHDAA2:0004588 UBERON:0012361 uberon hemopoietic tissue Blood-forming tissue, consisting of reticular fibers and cells. Also known as hemopoietic tissue Bone marrow in humans, kidney interstitium in Danio, within a stroma of reticuloendothelial tissue CALOHA:TS-2142 FMA:14073 UBERON:0012429 UMLS:C0229619 bone marrow tissue haemopoietic tissue hematopoietic tissue textus haemopoieticus uberon tunica fibrosa of eyeball FMA:58102 The sclera and cornea form the fibrous tunic of the bulb of the eye; the sclera is opaque, and constitutes the posterior five-sixths of the tunic; the cornea is transparent, and forms the anterior sixth. UBERON:0012430 corneosclera fibrous layer of eyeball fibrous tunic tunica fibrosa uberon external anal region EHDAA2:0004589 UBERON:0012469 uberon skeleton of pelvic complex FMA:24140 The collection of all skeletal elements in a pelvic complex - i.e. the combination of free limb or fin plus pelvic girdle. UBERON:0012476 bones of lower limb lower limb skeleton ossa membri inferioris pelvic complex skeleton set of bones of lower limb skeleton of posterior limb/fin and girdle uberon serous acinus FMA:86279 The secretory unit of a serous gland. The acinar portion is composed of serous secreting cells. UBERON:0013232 acinus of serous gland uberon embryonic urethral groove In humans, the urethral groove is a temporary linear indentation on the underside (ventral side) of the male penis during embryonic development. It typically appears around 8 weeks of gestation and becomes closed into a normal male urethra by the 12th week The precursor of the urethra UBERON:0013241 sulcus urethralis primarius uberon urethral groove urethral sulcus space surrounding organism The space that surrounds an organism. UBERON:0013514 external to organism outside of body uberon subdivision of oviduct A section through the tube or network of tubes that connects the ovaries to the outside of the body. FMA class may only represent the uterine portion FMA:18302 UBERON:0013515 subdivision of fallopian tube subdivision of oviduct subdivision of uterine tube uberon uterine tube zone zone of uterine tube subdivision of tube UBERON:0013522 uberon anatomical conduit space 2 2 An anatomical space which is the lumen of some anatomical conduit and connects two or more spaces together[FMA,modified]. FMA:9338 UBERON:0013686 foramen space uberon main body axis A principle subdivision of an organism that includes all structures along the primary axis, typically the anterior-posterior axis, from head to tail, including structures of the body proper where present (for example, ribs), but excluding appendages. UBERON:0013701 uberon body proper AEO:0000103 BTO:0001489 Cardinal body part, which consists of a maximal set of diverse subclasses of organ and organ part spatially associated with the vertebral column and ribcage. Examples: There is only one body proper[FMA:231424]. EMAPA:36031 FMA:231424 The region of the organism associated with the visceral organs. UBERON:0013702 body uberon whole body integumentary projection Anatomical projection that is part of the integumentl system. UBERON:0013703 skin projection uberon integumentary system layer A organ component layer that is part of a integumental system. UBERON:0013754 layer of skin skin layer uberon venous blood A blood that is part of a vein. FMA:83067 UBERON:0013756 blood in vein portion of venous blood uberon venous blood digestive system element Any of the organs or elements that are part of the digestive system. Examples: tongue, esophagus, spleen, crop, lunge feeding organ, tooth elements. UBERON:0013765 digestive organ digestive system organ uberon future telencephalon EHDAA2:0004424 EMAPA:36024 Embryonic structure that gives rise to the telencephalon. TAO:0000571 UBERON:0014371 ZFA:0000571 paired anteriolateral division of the embryonic prosencephalon plus the lamina terminalis from which the olfactory lobes, cerebral cortex, and subcortical nuclei are derived[MP] presumptive telencephalon uberon mesenchyme derived from neural crest EMAPA:32735 FMA:293883 Mesenchyme that develops_from the neural crest[Automatically generated definition]. UBERON:0014387 mesenchyme from neural crest neural crest derived mesenchyme neural crest mesenchyme uberon thoracic skeleton EHDAA2:0002013 FMA:77169 Subdivision of skeletal system that consists of all skeletal elements in the thoracic region of the trunk. In most vertebrates this is the rib cage and sternum. UBERON:0014477 skeleton of thorax thoracic part of axial skeleton thoracic skeleton uberon interlobular duct A duct that is located between lobules, within the thin connective tissue septa that separate lobules. All interlobular ducts are excretory. UBERON:0014716 uberon intralobular duct A duct that is located within a lobule, with no more connective tissue intervening between ducts and secretory units (i.e., acini or tubules) than between adjacent secretory units. Intercalated and striated ducts are intralobular UBERON:0014719 intralobular ductule uberon skeletal muscle organ A muscle organ that consists of skeletal muscle tissue ensheathed in epimysium, that develops from myotome and that is innervated by some somatic motor neuron. Skeletal muscles are typically attached (via a tendon) to a bone but there are exceptions (e.g. intrinsic tongue muscles). AAO:0011099 BTO:0001103 CALOHA:TS-0933 EFO:0000888 EHDAA:5035 EHDAA:5043 EHDAA:5978 EHDAA:5984 EMAPA:35988 EV:0100377 GAID:141 MA:0003148 MAT:0000302 MESH:D018482 MIAA:0000302 OpenCyc:Mx4rv2kf-5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005277 UBERON:0014892 VHOG:0000319 XAO:0000174 ZFA:0005277 skeletal muscle uberon primordial vasculature A portion of tissue that will develop into vasculature. EFO:0003708 TAO:0005076 UBERON:0014903 ZFA:0005076 uberon phalanx endochondral element A phalanx bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. UBERON:0015023 phalanx element phalanx skeletal element uberon limb endochondral element A limb bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. UBERON:0015061 limb bone endochondral element limb bone skeletal element uberon autopod endochondral element A endochondral element that is part of a autopod region. UBERON:0015063 uberon autopod cartilage A autopod endochondral element that is composed primarily of a cartilage tissue. UBERON:0015064 uberon lateral structure Any structure that is placed on one side of the left-right axis of a bilaterian. This class is primarily to implement taxon constraints. It may be removed in the future. UBERON:0015212 uberon circulatory organ A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, contributes to the circulation of lymph, blood or analogs. Examples: a chambered vertebrate heart; the tubular peristaltic heart of ascidians; the dorsal vessel of an insect; the lymoh heart of a reptile. SPD:0000130 UBERON:0015228 cardiac pump cardiac structure circulatory vessel heart heart or heart like organ uberon heart plus pericardium MA:0002449 UBERON:0015410 heart/pericardium uberon heterogeneous tissue FMA:62798 UBERON:0015757 portion of heterogeneous tissue uberon eye epithelium A epithelium that is part of a camera-type eye. EMAPA:35957 MA:0003162 UBERON:0015808 uberon foregut epithelium A epithelium that is part of a foregut. EMAPA:32922 MA:0003204 UBERON:0015833 uberon pit AEO:0000204 An roughly circular indentation in a surface. UBERON:0016566 uberon future central nervous system Primordium that develops into the central nervous system UBERON:0016879 UBERON:3000469 future CNS presumptive central nervous system uberon future nervous system AAO:0000477 Primordium that develops into the nervous system UBERON:0016880 UBERON:3000477 presumptive nervous system uberon entire extraembryonic component AEO:0000195 EHDAA2:0000003 EMAPA:16042 The part of the conceptus that may be lost before birth or will be discarded at birth, or when the embryo becomes an independent organism. UBERON:0016887 extra-embryonic component extraembryonic component uberon transitional anatomical structure AEO:0000132 An embryonic anatomical entity that will turn into one or more other anatomical entities, perhaps with other anatomical entities, later in development. UBERON:0016888 uberon developing mesenchymal structure A mesenchyme-derived anatomical entity undergoing a transtion to become another structure. AEO:0001016 UBERON:0017650 uberon abdominal viscera A viscus that is part of a abdomen. FMA:32413 FMA:67355 UBERON:0017672 abdominal viscera abdominal viscera set set of abdominal viscera uberon skeletal musculature Added for consistency with MA EMAPA and EHDAA2. See https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/104 EHDAA2:0001842 EMAPA:35578 MA:0000165 UBERON:0018254 uberon bladder organ A membranous sac in animals that serves as the receptacle of a liquid or contains gas. BTO:0000123 UBERON:0018707 bladder uberon chorioretinal region The part of the eye that consists of both the retina and the optic choroid UBERON:0019207 chorioretina choroid and retina retinachoroid retinachoroidal region uberon sensory organ epithelium EMAPA:35952 MA:0003174 UBERON:0019304 uberon surface of eyeball FMA:58315 UBERON:0022288 surface of region of wall of eyeball uberon nervous system cell part layer Single layer of a laminar structure, identified by different density, arrangement or size of cells and processes arranged in flattened layers or lamina[CUMBO]. UBERON:0022303 lamina layer this is currently used to group some cellular layers that may not strictly conform to the CARO definition of cell-part layer. Consider genericisizing and introducing subtypes for cellular layer, fibrous layer and cell soma layer uberon developing neuroepithelium AEO:0001008 An embryonic or larval epithelium that is committed to form part of the nervous system. BTO:0000314 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0004654 FMA:64807 UBERON:0034705 embryonic neuroepithelium neurepithelium neuroepithelium uberon proliferating neuroepithelium AEO:0001009 An epithelium that is undergoing proliferation to provide large numbers of neuronal cells. UBERON:0034706 uberon differentiating neuroepithelium A neuroepithelium some of whose cells are undergoing terminal differentiation to become neuronal cells. AEO:0001010 UBERON:0034707 uberon morphological feature A part of an organism or organ that is continuous with its surroundings and distinguished from its surroundings based on morphology. UBERON:0034768 uberon lymphomyeloid tissue FMA:79770 UBERON:0034769 uberon multi organ part structure An multicellular anatomical structure that has subparts of multiple organs as a part. CARO:0020001 UBERON:0034921 anatomical cluster uberon cell cluster A cluster of cells, largely surrounded by a morphological boundary. CARO:0020002 FMA:62807 UBERON:0034922 uberon anatomical collection A collection of anatomical structures that are alike in terms of their morphology or developmental origin. UBERON:0034925 resolve if this should be a subclass of disconnected anatomical group. Some collections (e.g. the skeleton or skull) are arguably connected uberon external soft tissue zone A region or zone on the surface of an organism that encompasses skin and any adnexa, down through muscles and bounded by underlying skeletal support structures. UBERON:0034929 uberon epithelium of biliary system BTO:0001513 The epithelial layer covering the biliary system. This includes the epithelium of the gallbladder (when present) as well as the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts. UBERON:0034932 biliary epithelium biliary system epithelium biliary tract epithelium uberon zone of organ FMA:55268 UBERON:0034944 organ region with floating fiat boundary organ sector organ zonal region organ zone uberon epithelial layer of duct UBERON:0034969 duct epithelium ductal epithelium uberon excretory duct UBERON:0035050 uberon future mouth FMA:293105 The primordial mouth region of the developing head. UBERON:0035804 primitive mouth primordial mouth uberon external integument structure Structures of the dermis, epidermis, glands and pigment cells recognizable on the external surfaces of the integument. This class was sourced from an external ontology (amphibian_anatomy). Its definitions, naming conventions and relationships may need to be checked for compatibility with uberon amphibian_anatomy_curators uberon/phenoscape-anatomy digit plus metapodial segment A subdivision of the autopod consisting of digit plus the region incorporating a single metapodial element. These segments are typically repeated along the pre-axiom to post-axial axis. UBERON:5002544 digit digit ( phalanges plus metapodial) plus soft tissue digit digitopodial subdivision digit ray this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. uberon individual digit of digitopodial skeleton A subdivision of the skeleton of the autopod consisting of the phalanges of a single digit plus the associated metapodial element. UBERON:5102544 digit digit skeleton this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element. In comparative anatomy terminology we would call this a 'digit', but the label 'digit' is sometimes used to exclude metapodials and to include soft tissue. This series of elements is hypothesized to be homologous to radials. uberon example to be eventually removed metadata complete Class has all its metadata, but is either not guaranteed to be in its final location in the asserted IS_A hierarchy or refers to another class that is not complete. organizational term term created to ease viewing/sort terms for development purpose, and will not be included in a release ready for release Class has undergone final review, is ready for use, and will be included in the next release. Any class lacking "ready_for_release" should be considered likely to change place in hierarchy, have its definition refined, or be obsoleted in the next release. Those classes deemed "ready_for_release" will also derived from a chain of ancestor classes that are also "ready_for_release." metadata incomplete Class is being worked on; however, the metadata (including definition) are not complete or sufficiently clear to the branch editors. uncurated Nothing done yet beyond assigning a unique class ID and proposing a preferred term. pending final vetting All definitions, placement in the asserted IS_A hierarchy and required minimal metadata are complete. The class is awaiting a final review by someone other than the term editor. to be replaced with external ontology term Alan Ruttenberg Terms with this status should eventually replaced with a term from another ontology. group:OBI requires discussion A term that is metadata complete, has been reviewed, and problems have been identified that require discussion before release. Such a term requires editor note(s) to identify the outstanding issues. Alan Ruttenberg group:OBI axiom holds for all times