aberowl: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: required example: present homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: present search: true synonyms: missing version: present bibtex: Hoehndorf2015 contact: email: ali.syed@kaust.edu.sa github: aliraza995 name: Ali Syed orcid: 0000-0002-5103-9058 description: AberOWL is a framework for ontology-based access to biological data. It consists of a repository of bio-ontologies, a set of webservices which provide access to OWL(-EL) reasoning over the ontologies, and several frontends which utilise the ontology repository and reasoning services to provide access to specific biological datasets. download: http://aber-owl.net/api/ontology/?format=json example: CHEBI governance: accepts_external_contributions: false code_repository: null comments: null curates: false curation: import data_repository: null imports: true issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: bio-ontologies status: active homepage: http://aber-owl.net license: See https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues/339 logo_url: http://aber-owl.net/static/images/logo-owl-small.33629e604a66.png name: AberOWL prefix: aberowl provider_uri_format: http://aber-owl.net/ontology/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup resolver_uri_format: http://aber-owl.net/ontology/$1/#/Browse/ search_uri_format: http://aber-owl.net/#/$1/Ontologies agroportal: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: present description: required example: present homepage: required license: present name: required pattern: missing provider: required search: true synonyms: missing version: present bibtex: Jonquet2018 contact: email: clement.jonquet@inrae.fr github: jonquet name: Clement Jonquet orcid: 0000-0002-2404-1582 description: A vocabulary and ontology repository for agronomy and related domains. example: ENVO governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/agroportal/project-management/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: private scope: agro-ontologies status: active homepage: http://agroportal.lirmm.fr license: See https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues/336 logo_url: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/16088111 name: AgroPortal prefix: agroportal provider_uri_format: http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/ontologies/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: false no_authentication: false structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup bartoc: availability: alternate_providers: present contact: present description: present example: missing homepage: present license: present name: required pattern: present provider: missing search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bioregistry_prefix: bartoc contact: email: andreas.ledl1@fhnw.ch github: nichtich name: Andreas Ledl orcid: 0000-0002-0629-0446 description: 'The Basic Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC) is a database of Knowledge Organization Systems and KOS related registries.\nThe main goal of BARTOC is to list as many Knowledge Organization Systems as possible at one place in order to achieve greater visibility, highlight their features, make them searchable and comparable, and foster knowledge sharing. BARTOC includes any kind of KOS from any subject area, in any language, any publication format, and any form of accessibility. BARTOC’s search interface is available in 20 European languages and provides two search options: Basic Search by keywords, and Advanced Search by taxonomy terms. A circle of editors has gathered around BARTOC from all across Europe and BARTOC has been approved by the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO).' download: https://bartoc.org/data/dumps/latest.ndjson example: '181' governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/gbv/bartoc.org comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/gbv/bartoc.org/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: public scope: general status: active homepage: https://bartoc.org/ license: PDDL 1.0 logo_url: https://bartoc.org/img/bartoc-logo.svg name: Basic Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications prefix: bartoc provider_uri_format: https://bartoc.org/en/node/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: BARTOC biocontext: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: missing license: missing name: missing pattern: missing provider: present search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: biocontext contact: email: cjmungall@lbl.gov github: cmungall name: Chris Mungall orcid: 0000-0002-6601-2165 description: BioContext contains modular JSON-LD contexts for bioinformatics data. download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prefixcommons/biocontext/master/registry/commons_context.jsonld example: CHEBI governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/prefixcommons/biocontext comments: null curates: true curation: open-review data_repository: https://github.com/prefixcommons/biocontext imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/prefixcommons/biocontext/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: inferrable scope: internal status: active homepage: https://github.com/prefixcommons/biocontext license: missing name: BioContext prefix: biocontext provider_uri_format: https://bioregistry.io/metaregistry/biocontext/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true biolink: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: missing license: present name: required pattern: missing provider: required search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Unni2022 bioregistry_prefix: biolink contact: email: deepak.unni3@lbl.gov github: deepakunni3 name: Deepak Unni orcid: 0000-0002-3583-7340 description: A modeling paradigm-specific registry of prefixes and their URL expansions download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biolink/biolink-model/master/biolink-model.yaml example: doi governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/biolink/biolink-model comments: null curates: true curation: open-review data_repository: https://github.com/biolink/biolink-model imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/biolink/biolink-model/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: inferrable scope: internal status: active homepage: https://github.com/biolink/biolink-model license: Apache 2.0 logo_url: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/25489141 name: Biolink Model Registry prefix: biolink qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: Biolink bioportal: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: present description: required example: present homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: required search: true synonyms: missing version: required bibtex: Whetzel2011 bioregistry_prefix: bioportal contact: email: jgraybeal@stanford.edu github: graybeal name: John Graybeal orcid: 0000-0001-6875-5360 description: The BioPortal is a less stringent registry of biomedical ontologies than the OBO Foundry example: CHEBI governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/ncbo/bioportal-project/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: private scope: bio-ontologies status: active homepage: https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ license: See https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues/337 logo_url: https://ontoportal.org/images/alliance_member_logos/bioportal.png name: BioPortal Prefixes prefix: bioportal provider_uri_format: https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: false no_authentication: false structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup short_name: BioPortal bioregistry: availability: alternate_providers: present contact: present description: required example: required homepage: required license: present name: required pattern: present provider: present search: true synonyms: present version: present bibtex: Hoyt2022 bioregistry_prefix: bioregistry contact: email: cthoyt@gmail.com github: cthoyt name: Charles Tapley Hoyt orcid: 0000-0003-4423-4370 description: The Bioregistry is integrative meta-registry of biological databases, ontologies, and nomenclatures that is backed by an open database. download: https://bioregistry.io/api/registry/ example: chebi governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry comments: null curates: true curation: open-review data_repository: https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry imports: true issue_tracker: https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: public scope: life sciences status: active homepage: https://bioregistry.io license: CC0 logo_url: https://bioregistry.io/static/logo.svg name: Bioregistry prefix: bioregistry provider_uri_format: https://bioregistry.io/registry/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: resolver resolver_uri_format: https://bioregistry.io/$1:$2 cellosaurus: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: required search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Bairoch2018 bioregistry_prefix: cellosaurus.resource contact: email: Amos.Bairoch@sib.swiss github: AmosBairoch name: Amos Bairoch orcid: 0000-0003-2826-6444 description: The set of prefixes used in the Cellosaurus resource example: 4DN governance: accepts_external_contributions: false code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: private data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: internal status: active homepage: https://web.expasy.org/cellosaurus/ license: CC BY 4.0 logo_url: https://www.cellosaurus.org/images/cellosaurus/cellosaurus.png name: Cellosaurus Registry prefix: cellosaurus qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: Cellosaurus cheminf: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: missing license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Hastings2011 bioregistry_prefix: cheminf contact: email: egon.willighagen@gmail.com github: egonw name: Egon Willighagen orcid: 0000-0001-7542-0286 description: Contains entries for various database identifiers example: '000140' governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/semanticchemistry/semanticchemistry comments: null curates: true curation: open-review data_repository: https://github.com/semanticchemistry/semanticchemistry imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/semanticchemistry/semanticchemistry/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: inferrable scope: chemistry status: unresponsive homepage: https://github.com/semanticchemistry/semanticchemistry license: CC BY 3.0 name: Chemical Information Ontology prefix: cheminf provider_uri_format: https://semanticscience.org/resource/CHEMINF_$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup short_name: CHEMINF cropoct: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: present homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: required search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Arnaud2020 contact: email: e.arnaud@cgiar.org github: elizabetharnaud name: Elizabeth Arnaud orcid: 0000-0002-6020-5919 description: The Crop Ontology (CO) current objective is to compile validated concepts along with their inter-relationships on anatomy, structure and phenotype of Crops, on trait measurement and methods as well as on Germplasm with the multi-crop passport terms download: https://cropontology.org/metadata example: CO_325 governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/EBISPOT/OLS/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: public scope: agro-ontologies status: active homepage: https://www.cropontology.org license: CC BY 4.0 logo_url: https://cropontology.org/cropontology_static/crop_ontology_logo_2.png name: Crop Ontology Curation Tool prefix: cropoct provider_uri_format: https://cropontology.org/ontology/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup resolver_uri_format: https://cropontology.org/term/$1:$2 short_name: CropOCT ecoportal: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: present description: required example: present homepage: present license: present name: required pattern: missing provider: present search: true synonyms: missing version: present bibtex: Kechagioglou2021 contact: email: xeni.kechagioglou@lifewatch.eu github: xeniacs name: Xeni Kechagioglou orcid: 0000-0003-4494-839X description: The LifeWatch ERIC repository of semantic resources for the ecological domain. example: AGROVOC governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: private scope: eco-ontologies status: active homepage: http://ecoportal.lifewatch.eu license: See https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues/338 logo_url: https://metadatacatalogue.lifewatch.eu/srv/api/records/95a44a9c-6f70-454f-9d3e-5e9d5684bb51/attachments/EcoPortal%20Positivo2.png name: EcoPortal prefix: ecoportal provider_uri_format: http://ecoportal.lifewatch.eu/ontologies/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: false no_authentication: false structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup edam: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: missing license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Ison2013 bioregistry_prefix: edam.data contact: email: matus.kalas@uib.no github: matuskalas name: Matúš Kalaš orcid: 0000-0002-1509-4981 description: EDAM is a comprehensive ontology of well-established, familiar concepts that are prevalent within computational biology, bioinformatics, and bioimage informatics. EDAM includes types of data and data identifiers, data formats, operations, and topics related to data analysis in life sciences. EDAM provides a set of concepts with preferred terms and synonyms, related terms, definitions, and other information - organised into a simple and intuitive hierarchy for convenient use. download: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl example: '1004' governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/edamontology/edamontology comments: null curates: true curation: community data_repository: https://github.com/edamontology/edamontology imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/edamontology/edamontology/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: inferrable scope: Life Sciences status: active homepage: ' http://edamontology.org' license: CC BY-SA 4.0 logo_url: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/7922809 name: EDAM Ontology prefix: edam provider_uri_format: http://edamontology.org/data_$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: EDAM fairsharing: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: required description: required example: missing homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Sansone2019 bioregistry_prefix: fairsharing contact: email: allyson.lister@oerc.ox.ac.uk github: allysonlister name: Allyson Lister orcid: 0000-0002-7702-4495 description: A curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies. example: FAIRsharing.62qk8w governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: private scope: life sciences status: active homepage: https://fairsharing.org/ license: CC BY-SA 4.0 logo_url: https://api.fairsharing.org/img/fairsharing-attribution.svg name: FAIRSharing prefix: fairsharing provider_uri_format: https://fairsharing.org/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: false no_authentication: false structured_data: true go: availability: alternate_providers: present contact: missing description: present example: present homepage: present license: missing name: required pattern: present provider: present search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: TheGeneOntologyConsortium2019 bioregistry_prefix: go.resource contact: email: cjmungall@lbl.gov github: cmungall name: Chris Mungall orcid: 0000-0002-6601-2165 description: A database-specific registry supporting curation in the Gene Ontology download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geneontology/go-site/master/metadata/db-xrefs.yaml example: CHEBI governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/geneontology/go-site comments: null curates: true curation: open-review data_repository: https://github.com/geneontology/go-site imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/geneontology/go-site/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: inferrable scope: internal status: inactive homepage: http://geneontology.org/ license: CC BY 4.0 logo_url: http://geneontology.org/assets/go-logo.large.png name: Gene Ontology Registry prefix: go qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: GO hl7: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: present description: present example: missing homepage: present license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Bender2013 bioregistry_prefix: oid contact: email: hq@HL7.org github: null name: HL7 Support orcid: null description: HL7 External Code Systems are stored within the greater OID system example: 2.16.840.1.113883.6.88 governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: general status: active homepage: http://www.oid-info.com/get/2.16.840.1.113883.6 license: See https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues/586 logo_url: https://comjoodoc.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/blog_comjoodoc_hl7fhir-1200x800.png name: HL7 External Code Systems prefix: hl7 provider_uri_format: http://oid-info.com/get/$1 qualities: automatable_download: false bulk_data: false no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: HL7 integbio: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: required example: missing homepage: present license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bioregistry_prefix: integbio contact: email: kwsm@dbcls.rois.ac.jp github: skwsm name: Shuichi Kawashima orcid: 0000-0001-7883-3756 description: 'Integbio Database Catalog provides whereabouts information (URL), database description, biological species and other attributes (metadata) of Japanese and international life science databases to make it easier for users to find databases they need. This catalog has been developed as a part of the integration of life science databases promoted by four ministries in Japan: the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF), and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan (METI). (from https://integbio.jp/dbcatalog/en/about)' download: https://integbio.jp/dbcatalog/files/zip/en_integbio_dbcatalog_cc0_20240112_utf8.csv.zip example: nbdc01071 governance: accepts_external_contributions: false code_repository: null comments: null curates: false curation: import data_repository: null imports: true issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: bio-ontologies status: active homepage: https://integbio.jp/en/ license: CC0 logo_url: https://integbio.jp/templates/integbio/images/logo/logo.png name: Integbio prefix: integbio provider_uri_format: https://integbio.jp/dbcatalog/en/record/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true search_uri_format: https://integbio.jp/dbcatalog/dbsearch-en?cck=database_catalog&order_en=1&dbcat_search_all_en=$1&tag2_en=&tag3_en=&inst_country_en=&inst_country_others_en=&dbarchive_en=&togotv_en=&data_downloadable_en=&biosharing_en=&record_creation_en=&status_en=&dbcat_ministry=&taxonomy=&lang=en&search=database_catalog_search_en&task=search lov: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: present example: missing homepage: present license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: present search: true synonyms: missing version: missing contact: email: py.vandenbussche@gmail.com github: pyvandenbussche name: Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche orcid: 0000-0003-0591-6109 description: A vocabulary in LOV gathers definitions of a set of classes and properties (together simply called terms of the vocabulary), useful to describe specific types of things, or things in a given domain or industry, or things at large but for a specific usage. Terms of vocabularies also provide the links in linked data, in the above case between a Person and a City. The definitions of terms provided by the vocabularies bring clear semantics to descriptions and links, thanks to the formal language they use (some dialect of RDF such as RDFS or OWL). In short, vocabularies provide the semantic glue enabling Data to become meaningful Data. [from https://lov.linkeddata.es/dataset/lov/about] download: https://lov.linkeddata.es/lov.n3.gz example: m4i governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/pyvandenbussche/lov comments: null curates: true curation: import data_repository: null imports: true issue_tracker: https://github.com/pyvandenbussche/lov/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: semantic web status: active homepage: https://lov.linkeddata.es license: CC BY 4.0 logo_url: https://lov.linkeddata.es/img/icon-LOV.png name: Linked Open Vocabularies prefix: lov provider_uri_format: https://lov.linkeddata.es/dataset/lov/vocabs/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true search_uri_format: https://lov.linkeddata.es/dataset/lov/vocabs?q=$1 short_name: LOV miriam: availability: alternate_providers: present contact: missing description: required example: required homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: required provider: required search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Juty2012 bioregistry_prefix: miriam contact: email: hhe@ebi.ac.uk github: hHermjakob name: Henning Hermjakob orcid: 0000-0001-8479-0262 description: The Identifiers.org Resolution Service provides consistent access to life science data using Compact Identifiers. Compact Identifiers consist of an assigned unique prefix and a local provider designated accession number (prefix:accession). download: https://registry.api.identifiers.org/resolutionApi/getResolverDataset example: chebi governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/identifiers-org/cloud-satellite-web-spa comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/identifiers-org/identifiers-org.github.io/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: private scope: life sciences status: unresponsive homepage: https://identifiers.org license: CC BY 4.0 logo_url: https://identifiers.org/identifiers_logo.f6737b08.png name: Identifiers.org prefix: miriam provider_uri_format: https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: resolver resolver_uri_format: https://identifiers.org/$1:$2 n2t: availability: alternate_providers: present contact: missing description: required example: required homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: required provider: required search: false synonyms: present version: missing bibtex: Wimalaratne2018 bioregistry_prefix: n2t contact: email: jak@ucop.edu github: jkunze name: John Kunze orcid: 0000-0001-7604-8041 description: An ARK resolver as well as resolver built with common prefixes as in Identifiers.org download: https://n2t.net/e/n2t_full_prefixes.yaml example: chebi governance: accepts_external_contributions: false code_repository: null comments: null curates: false curation: import data_repository: null imports: true issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: life sciences status: active homepage: https://n2t.net license: CC0 logo_url: https://n2t.net/e/images/n2t_net_logo.png name: Name-to-Thing prefix: n2t provider_uri_format: 'https://n2t.net/$1:' qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: resolver resolver_uri_format: https://n2t.net/$1:$2 short_name: N2T ncbi: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: required homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Clark2016 bioregistry_prefix: ncbi.resource contact: email: gb-admin@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov github: null name: GenBank Support orcid: null description: A database-specific registry supporting curation in the NCBI GenBank and related NCBI resources example: ECOCYC governance: accepts_external_contributions: false code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: private data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: internal status: inactive homepage: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/collab/db_xref/ license: See https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues/342 logo_url: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/US-NLM-NCBI-Logo.svg name: National Center for Biotechnology Information Registry prefix: ncbi qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: false short_name: NCBI obofoundry: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: required description: required example: missing homepage: required license: required name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Jackson2021 contact: email: cjmungall@lbl.gov github: cmungall name: Chris Mungall orcid: 0000-0002-6601-2165 description: The mission of the OBO Foundry is to develop a family of interoperable ontologies that are both logically well-formed and scientifically accurate. download: http://www.obofoundry.org/registry/ontologies.yml example: CHEBI governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io comments: null curates: true curation: open-review data_repository: https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: public scope: bio-ontologies status: active homepage: http://www.obofoundry.org/ license: CC0 logo_url: https://obofoundry.org/images/foundrylogo.png name: OBO Foundry prefix: obofoundry provider_uri_format: https://www.obofoundry.org/ontology/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: resolver resolver_uri_format: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/$1_$2 ols: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: present description: required example: present homepage: present license: required name: required pattern: missing provider: present search: true synonyms: missing version: present bibtex: Cote2006a contact: email: henriette007@ebi.ac.uk github: henrietteharmse name: Henriette Harmse orcid: 0000-0001-7251-9504 description: 'The Ontology Lookup Service (OLS) is a repository for biomedical ontologies that aims to provide a single point of access to the latest ontology versions. ' example: chebi governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/EBISPOT/ols4 comments: Accepts suggestions through the OLS issue tracker at https://github.com/EBISPOT/ols4/issues curates: false curation: import data_repository: https://github.com/EBISPOT/OLS imports: true issue_tracker: https://github.com/EBISPOT/ols4/issues/ public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: inferrable scope: bio-ontologies status: active homepage: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4 license: See https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues/340 logo_url: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/logo.png name: Ontology Lookup Service prefix: ols provider_uri_format: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup short_name: OLS ontobee: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: required description: required example: present homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: present search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Ong2017 contact: email: yongqunh@med.umich.edu github: yongqunh name: Yongqun Oliver He orcid: 0000-0001-9189-9661 description: Ontobee is aimed to facilitate ontology data sharing, visualization, query, integration, and analysis. example: AGRO governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: false curation: import data_repository: null imports: true issue_tracker: https://github.com/OntoZoo/ontobee/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: bio-ontologies status: active homepage: http://www.ontobee.org/ license: See https://github.com/biopragmatics/bioregistry/issues/341 logo_url: https://ontobee.org/public/images/logo.gif name: OntoBee prefix: ontobee provider_uri_format: http://www.ontobee.org/ontology/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: false resolver_type: lookup resolver_uri_format: http://www.ontobee.org/ontology/$1?iri=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/$1_$2 pathguide: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: present example: missing homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bioregistry_prefix: pathguide contact: email: gary.bader@utoronto.ca github: gbader name: Gary Bader orcid: 0000-0003-0185-8861 description: Pathguide contains information about 702 biological pathway related resources and molecular interaction related resources. Click on a link to go to the resource home page or 'Details' for a description page. Databases that are free and those supporting BioPAX, CellML, PSI-MI or SBML standards are respectively indicated. (from homepage) example: '235' governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: bio-ontologies status: active homepage: http://pathguide.org license: Unknown logo_url: http://pathguide.org/images/logo.gif name: Pathguide prefix: pathguide provider_uri_format: http://www.pathguide.org/fullrecord.php?organisms=all&availability=all&standards=all&order=alphabetic&DBID=$1 qualities: automatable_download: false bulk_data: false no_authentication: true structured_data: false prefixcc: availability: alternate_providers: present contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: missing license: missing name: missing pattern: missing provider: required search: false synonyms: missing version: missing contact: email: richard@cyganiak.de github: cygri name: Richard Cyganiak orcid: 0000-0001-9950-5209 description: A web-developer centric archive of prefixes and URI prefixes download: https://prefix.cc/context.jsonld example: foaf governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/cygri/prefix.cc/ comments: null curates: true curation: community data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: https://github.com/cygri/prefix.cc/issues public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: democratic scope: general status: active homepage: https://prefix.cc/ license: CC0 name: Prefix.cc prefix: prefixcc provider_uri_format: https://prefix.cc/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true prefixcommons: availability: alternate_providers: present contact: missing description: present example: present homepage: present license: missing name: required pattern: present provider: present search: true synonyms: present version: missing bibtex: prefixcommons bioregistry_prefix: prefixcommons contact: email: michel.dumontier@gmail.com github: micheldumontier name: Michel Dumontier orcid: 0000-0003-4727-9435 description: A registry of commonly used prefixes in the life sciences and linked data. The source data for this registry is a spreadsheet on Google called the Life Science Registry. This registry was previously known as Prefix Commons and was available at https://prefixcommons.org. download: http://tinyurl.com/lsregistry example: doi governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: community data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: public scope: life sciences status: active homepage: https://registry.bio2kg.org license: CC0 logo_url: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/15466415 name: Prefix Commons prefix: prefixcommons provider_uri_format: https://registry.bio2kg.org/resource/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true re3data: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: present description: required example: missing homepage: required license: present name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Pampel2013 bioregistry_prefix: re3data contact: email: mwitt@purdue.edu github: mwittin name: Michael Witt orcid: 0000-0003-4221-7956 description: Re3data is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. example: r3d100014165 governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: private scope: general status: active homepage: https://www.re3data.org license: CC0 logo_url: https://www.re3data.org/bundles/kitlibraryre3dataapp/img/re3datalogo_black.png name: Registry of Research Data Repositories prefix: re3data provider_uri_format: https://www.re3data.org/repository/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: false no_authentication: true structured_data: false short_name: re3data rrid: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: present description: missing example: missing homepage: required license: present name: required pattern: missing provider: missing search: true synonyms: present version: missing bioregistry_prefix: rrid contact: email: bandrow@gmail.com github: bandrow name: Anita Bandrowski orcid: 0000-0002-5497-0243 description: 'The Research Resource Identification Initiative provides RRIDs to 4 main classes of resources: Antibodies, Cell Lines, Model Organisms, and Databases / Software tools' download: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BEPZXZsENhK7592AR83xUwbPbR2J-GVQ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107737386203376389514&rtpof=true&sd=true example: AB governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: opaque-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: private scope: life sciences status: active homepage: https://rrid.site license: CC BY 4.0 logo_url: https://scicrunch.org/upload/community-logo/rin-resources_69984.png name: Research Resource Identifiers prefix: rrid qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup resolver_uri_format: https://scicrunch.org/resolver/RRID:$1_$2 short_name: RRID togoid: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: required homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: required provider: required search: false synonyms: missing version: missing bioregistry_prefix: togoid contact: email: ktym@dbcls.jp github: ktym name: Toshiaki Katayama orcid: 0000-0003-2391-0384 description: TogoID is an ID conversion service implementing unique features with an intuitive web interface and an API for programmatic access. TogoID supports datasets from various biological categories such as gene, protein, chemical compound, pathway, disease, etc. TogoID users can perform exploratory multistep conversions to find a path among IDs. To guide the interpretation of biological meanings in the conversions, we crafted an ontology that defines the semantics of the dataset relations. (from https://togoid.dbcls.jp/) download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/togoid/togoid-config/main/ontology/togoid-ontology.ttl example: AffyProbeset governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/togoid/togoid-config comments: null curates: false curation: import data_repository: https://github.com/togoid/togoid-config imports: true issue_tracker: https://github.com/togoid/togoid-config/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: inferrable scope: bio-ontologies status: active homepage: https://togoid.dbcls.jp/ license: CC BY 4.0 name: TogoID prefix: togoid provider_uri_format: https://togoid.dbcls.jp/#$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true uniprot: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: required license: missing name: required pattern: missing provider: required search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bibtex: Bateman2021 bioregistry_prefix: uniprot.resource contact: email: agb@ebi.ac.uk github: bateman-research name: Alex Bateman orcid: 0000-0002-6982-4660 description: The cross-references section of UniProtKB entries displays explicit and implicit links to databases such as nucleotide sequence databases, model organism databases and genomics and proteomics resources. download: https://www.uniprot.org/database/?format=rdf example: DB-0174 governance: accepts_external_contributions: false code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: private data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: n/a scope: internal status: active homepage: https://www.uniprot.org/database/ license: CC BY 4.0 logo_url: https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot-logo.img.0df091.svg name: UniProt Cross-ref database prefix: uniprot provider_uri_format: https://www.uniprot.org/database/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: UniProt wikidata: availability: alternate_providers: present contact: present description: required example: present homepage: present license: present name: required pattern: present provider: present search: true synonyms: missing version: present bibtex: Waagmeester2020 bioregistry_prefix: wikidata contact: email: info@wikidata.org github: null name: WikiData Support orcid: null description: An open, community-curated knowledgebase that contains several properties corresponding to resources listed in other biomedical registries. example: P683 governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: null comments: null curates: true curation: open-review data_repository: null imports: false issue_tracker: null public_version_controlled_data: false review_team: inferrable scope: general status: active homepage: https://www.wikidata.org license: CC0 logo_url: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Wikidata-logo-en.svg name: Wikidata Property prefix: wikidata provider_uri_format: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/$1 qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true short_name: Wikidata zazuko: availability: alternate_providers: missing contact: missing description: missing example: missing homepage: missing license: missing name: missing pattern: missing provider: present search: true synonyms: missing version: missing bioregistry_prefix: zazuko contact: email: ktk@netlabs.org github: ktk name: Adrian Gschwend orcid: 0000-0002-2079-9636 description: This service fills a gap between services like prefix.cc and LOV or looking up the original vocabulary specification. Not all vocabularies (or schema or ontology, whatever you want to call them) provide an HTML view. If you resolve some of the common prefixes all you get back is some RDF serialization which is not ideal. (from ) download: https://prefix.zazuko.com/api/v1/prefixes example: frbr governance: accepts_external_contributions: true code_repository: https://github.com/zazuko/prefix-server comments: null curates: true curation: open-review data_repository: https://github.com/zazuko/rdf-vocabularies imports: true issue_tracker: https://github.com/zazuko/rdf-vocabularies/issues public_version_controlled_data: true review_team: inferrable scope: semantic web status: active homepage: https://prefix.zazuko.com/ license: MIT logo_url: https://prefix.zazuko.com/_nuxt/img/zazuko-logo.2dc686c.svg name: Zazuko Prefix Server prefix: zazuko provider_uri_format: 'https://prefix.zazuko.com/prefix/$1:' qualities: automatable_download: true bulk_data: true no_authentication: true structured_data: true resolver_type: lookup resolver_uri_format: https://prefix.zazuko.com/$1:$2 short_name: Zazuko