. . . . "The Identifiers.org registry contains registered namespace and provider prefixes with associated access URIs for a large number of high quality data collections. These prefixes are used in web resolution of compact identifiers of the form “PREFIX:ACCESSION” or \"PROVIDER/PREFIX:ACCESSION” commonly used to specify bioinformatics and other data resources."^^ . "flowrepository" . "animal physiology" . . . . "OrthoDB" . . . . . . . "TAO_RETIRED" . . "A collection of ontologies relevant for chemistry.\n\nThe NFDI program deploys a [custom instance](https://terminology.tib.eu/ts/ontologies?collection=NFDI4CAT&and=false&page=1) of the Ontology Lookup Service (OLS) that provides the ontologies in this list.\n\nA further analysis of the metadata landscape of the ontologies in this list can be found [here](https://github.com/nfdi4cat/Ontology-Overview-of-NFDI4Cat).\n\nOntoCompChem and OntoKin appear on the NFDI4Cat list but have not yet been registered in the Bioregistry because the resources are missing/incomplete such that they do not meet minimum Bioregistry metadata standards. These might be added in the future if additional metadata can be found." . . . "meteorology" . . "skm" . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "gene" . "GO Rules are a way of documenting the set of filters and reports that should apply to GAF annotation data. Some rules are expressed as SPARQL on a triplestore, some are code in the GAF parsing software, ontobio."^^ . . "immunology" . "nlx.mol" . . . . . "hsa-let-7a"^^ . . . . . . "d1id" . "wormmart" . "wikipathways.vocab" . . . "Oryzabase Strain" . "people" . . "DATF contains known and predicted Arabidopsis transcription factors (1827 genes in 56 families) with the unique information of 1177 cloned sequences and many other features including 3D structure templates, EST expression information, transcription factor binding sites and nuclear location signals."^^ . "2701"^^ . . "NLXANAT covers anatomy terms. Almost all terms are also in Uberon."^^ . . . . . . "variant" . . . . . . "false"^^ . "https://togoid.dbcls.jp/#"^^ . . "assay" . . . "^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$"^^ . "image" . . "false"^^ . . . . . "FoodOn is a comprehensive and easily accessible global farm-to-fork ontology about food that accurately and consistently describes foods commonly known in cultures from around the world. It is a consortium-driven project built to interoperate with the The Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology Foundry library of ontologies."^^ . "small molecule" . . "European Medicines Evaluation Agency" . . . "https://www.fao.org/fishery/en/species/"^^ . . "http://www.protonet.cs.huji.ac.il/requested/protein_card.php?protein_id=$1"^^ . . . . . . . "The Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) is a collection of annotated gene sets for use with GSEA software. From this web site, you can"^^ . . "https://stemcells.nindsgenetics.org?line="^^ . "life sciences" . . . . . . . "0000001"^^ . . . . "0376"^^ . "pubchem.assay" . . . . "events" . . . . "Minoru Kanehisa" . . "katy@indiana.edu" . "Nicolas Terrapon" . "http://ecoliwiki.net/colipedia/index.php/$1:Gene"^^ . . . "ontology" . . . . . . "^\\w+$"^^ . "http://www.begdb.com/index.php?action=oneMolecule&state=show&id="^^ . . . . "biomedical science" . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MSIO_$1"^^ . "2639"^^ . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . "neuroscience" . "http://www.kegg.jp/entry/$1"^^ . . . "610"^^ . . "Ensembl" . . "help-swissmodel@unibas.ch" . "Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals" . "genetic engineering" . . "http://genecards.weizmann.ac.il/geneloc-bin/marker_cards.pl?id="^^ . "8"^^ . . . . "patient care" . . . "http://mycobrowser.epfl.ch/marinosearch.php?gene+name="^^ . . . "GiardiaDB" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PHIPO_"^^ . "https://www.kazusa.or.jp/rouge/gfpage/$1"^^ . . . . . "Aspergillus Genome Database" . . "qafeQTWIWmcC"^^ . . "https://www.uniprot.org/database/" . . . . "biomedical science" . "false"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . . "lncipedia" . . . . . "RETIRED_EHDAA2" . "1"^^ . . . "Represent chemical entities having particular CHEBI roles"^^ . "earth science" . . . . "catalog" . "The Basic Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC) is a database of Knowledge Organization Systems and KOS related registries.\\nThe main goal of BARTOC is to list as many Knowledge Organization Systems as possible at one place in order to achieve greater visibility, highlight their features, make them searchable and comparable, and foster knowledge sharing. BARTOC includes any kind of KOS from any subject area, in any language, any publication format, and any form of accessibility. BARTOC’s search interface is available in 20 European languages and provides two search options: Basic Search by keywords, and Advanced Search by taxonomy terms. A circle of editors has gathered around BARTOC from all across Europe and BARTOC has been approved by the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)." . . . "http://www.begdb.com/index.php?action=oneMolecule&state=show&id=$1"^^ . . . . "http://purl.dataone.org/odo/SENSO_$1"^^ . . . . . "bind" . "Alberto Traverso" . . "Sri Lanka Clinical Trials Registry" . . . "SPCC13B11.01"^^ . "relationships" . "Alliance of Genome Resources Knowledge Base" . . . . . "Cellosaurus Publication" . . . "http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/$1"^^ . "https://www.dsmz.de/collection/catalogue/details/culture/"^^ . . . . "dna" . . "genome" . . . . . . . "MycoBrowser marinum" . "biology" . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . "Pierre Cosson" . . "stweedie@ebi.ac.uk" . "developmental biology" . "An ontology based on PRO for describing the contributions that may be made, and the roles that may be held by a person with respect to a journal article or other publication (e.g. the role of article guarantor or illustrator)."^^ . "Publons Researcher" . . . "^\\d{8}$"^^ . "false"^^ . . . "10595"^^ . . . "The UniProt Tissue List is a controlled vocabulary of terms used to annotate biological tissues. It also contains cross-references to other ontologies where tissue types are specified."^^ . . . "Next Generation Biobanking Ontology (NGBO) is an open application ontology representing contextual data about omics digital assets in biobank. The ontology focuses on capturing the information about three main activities: wet bench analysis used to generate omics data, bioinformatics analysis used to analyze and interpret data, and data management."^^ . . "sssom" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OAE_$1"^^ . "seed.compound" . . "https://prefix.zazuko.com/prefix/$1:" . . "false"^^ . "false"^^ . . . "http://www.mypresto5.com/ligandbox/cgi-bin/liginf.cgi?id=$1"^^ . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/STATO_"^^ . "Radiation Biology Ontology" . . . _:Nd30c04ba8be94e458daf21a929cc8930 . "Yeast Phenotype Ontology" . . . "Maxwell L. Neal" . "false"^^ . . . "NEMBASE is a comprehensive Nematode Transcriptome Database. NEMBASE4 includes robust protein predictions (NemPep4), and protein families for 63 nematode species, over 600,000 ESTs and over 250,000 proteins."^^ . . . . . . . . "86"^^ . "ontology" . . . "identifier for a researcher in a system for scientific authors, redirects to a Web of Science ID, along with P3829"^^ . . "LOC_Os02g13300"^^ . "https://webchem.ncbr.muni.cz/Platform/ValidatorDb/ByStructure/$1"^^ . "interaction" . "ontology" . . . "http://gmd.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/Metabolites/$1.aspx"^^ . . . . . . . "http://psb.kobic.re.kr/STAP/refinement1/result.php?search="^^ . . . . "Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia Cells" . . "3966782"^^ . "jorvis@gmail.com" . . . . "bigg.metabolite" . . "https://biocomputeobject.org/BCO_"^^ . "RiceNetDB is currently the most comprehensive regulatory database on Oryza Sativa based on genome annotation. It was displayed in three levels: GEM, PPIs and GRNs to facilitate biomolecular regulatory analysis and gene-metabolite mapping."^^ . . . . . . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ega/studies/"^^ . "A formal represention for drug-drug interactions knowledge."^^ . "biochemistry" . . "false"^^ . "cell" . . . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "disease" . . "Antibiotic Resistance Ontology" . "false"^^ . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FBcv_"^^ . . . "elements" . "reaction data" . "pancreas" . "structure" . . . . "obo" . . . "druzinsk@uic.edu" . . . . "The GPCR NaVa database describes sequence variants within the family of human G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs). GPCRs regulate many physiological functions and are the targets for most of today's medicines. The acronym NaVa stands for Natural Variant, which means any (non-artificial) variant that occurs in humans."^^ . . . . . "1000001"^^ . "LipidBank" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "genome" . . "tngb" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OMRSE_$1"^^ . "medicine" . . "identifier of a compound in the UniChem database"^^ . . "https://biopragmatics.github.io/providers/pba/"^^ . "The Plant TF database (PlantTFDB) systematically identifies transcription factors for plant species. It includes annotation for identified TFs, including information on expression, regulation, interaction, conserved elements, phenotype information. It also provides curated descriptions and cross-references to other life science databases, as well as identifying evolutionary relationship among identified factors."^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . . "nbrc" . "gene" . . . . . . . . . "GE Healthcare/Amersham Biosciences CodeLink? Human Whole Genome Bioarray targets most of the known and predictive genes of the human genome as it is described today in the public domain. It is comprised of approximately 55,000 30-mer probes designed to conserved exons across the transcripts of targeted genes. These 55,000 probes represent well annotated, full length, and partial human gene sequences from major public databases. GE Healthcare/Amersham Biosciences CodeLink? Human Whole Genome Bioarray probe sequences were selected from the NCBI UniGene build #165, RefSeq database (January 5, 2004 release) and dbEST database (January 8, 2004 release)."^^ . . . "phylogeny" . . . . "anatomy" . . . . "obo" . . . . . "unpd" . . "Human Genome Variation Society Nomenclature" . . . . . . . . . . "behavior" . . . . "ontology" . . . "OSD-678"^^ . . . . . . . "life science" . . . . . . "andreas.ruepp@helmholtz-muenchen.de" . . . . . . "structure" . . . . . "aaindex" . . "^A\\d{6}$"^^ . . . "true"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . "loop" . "co_331" . "The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) maintains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The name of a Locus is unique and used by TAIR, TIGR, and MIPS."^^ . . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MFOEM_$1"^^ . . . . . _:N112a165a65284eacbe40f98b5d453123 "custserv@nlm.nih.gov" . "The NCBI BioSystems database centralizes and cross-links existing biological systems databases, increasing their utility and target audience by integrating their pathways and systems into NCBI resources."^^ . . . "VFDB Genus" . . . . . . . "catalogs" . . "research" . . . . . . . . . . "The allele registry provides and maintains identifiers for genetic variants"^^ . . "genome" . "bioinformatics" . . "dna" . "life science" . . "grassbase" . "https://dos-gdc.ucsc-cgp-dev.org/ga4gh/dos/v1/dataobjects/$1"^^ . "International repository of Adverse Outcome Pathways."^^ . . . "drugbank.category" . "Tuan Amith" . . . . . "careerPrizeMoney"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . . "Arabidopsis Small RNA Project is a repository of data on Arabidopsis small RNA genes."^^ . "false"^^ . . "natural science" . . . . . "mi" . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . . "hom" . "Space Life Sciences Ontology" . . . . "http://www.metabolomicsworkbench.org/data/DRCCMetadata.php?Mode=Study&StudyID="^^ . . . "fd8d0743-344a-4758-bb97-f8ad84a37357"^^ . . "https://www.semion.io/Author/$1"^^ . "false"^^ . . "funcbase.fly" . . "false"^^ . . "0000001"^^ . . "true"^^ . "nucleotide" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "Guy Perrière" . . "9606"^^ . "https://www.flymine.org/come/entry?gn="^^ . "classification" . . . . . . "DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web"^^ . . . "false"^^ . "PSI-MI" . "https://www.signalingpathways.org/datasets/dataset.jsf?doi=$1"^^ . "An application ontology for use with miRNA databases."^^ . "ontology" . . "Pathguide contains information about 702 biological pathway related resources and molecular interaction related resources. Click on a link to go to the resource home page or 'Details' for a description page. Databases that are free and those supporting BioPAX, CellML, PSI-MI or SBML standards are respectively indicated. (from homepage)" . . "Information system with taxonomic data on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world."^^ . "genome" . "structure" . _:N40d60b3a6f8b41ecab338c4c305e9f05 "edd@usefulinc.com" . "false"^^ . . "van_slyke@zfin.org" . . . . . "genetics" . "ontology" . . . "dg5b0d" . "pazar" . "Genomes Online Database" . "chemical" . "322"^^ . "https://bioregistry.io/p3db.protein:"^^ . . . . "ABE-0009634"^^ . . . "chemical" . "epigenomics" . . . "C063233"^^ . . "interpro" . . . "life science" . . . "interaction" . . "^\\w{2,4}\\d{5}$"^^ . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "grant application" . . . . . "true"^^ . . "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/linguist/master/lib/linguist/languages.yml#$1"^^ . . . "genomics" . "protein" . . . . . . "http://www.pantree.org/node/annotationNode.jsp?id=$1"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . . . "biomedical science" . "biomedical science" . . . . "^[1-9][0-9]*$"^^ . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "https://bioregistry.io/iceberg.cime:"^^ . . "http://sabiork.h-its.org/newSearch?q="^^ . "genome" . "Core Vocabulary defines the OSLC Core RDF vocabulary terms and resources, that have broad applicability across various domains."^^ . . "PM0012345"^^ . . . "ADA"^^ . . . . . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/merops/cgi-bin/famsum?family="^^ . _:N71ea7860d4074a5f9494fd4f9220c55e "helpdesk@cropontology-curationtool.org" . . _:Necfb5c794d8d4ecc9f79854bf736d287 . . . "https://cbcb.cdutcm.edu.cn/AGD/genome/details/?id=$1"^^ . . . "systems biology" . . . . "Egon Willighagen" . "^\\d+[a-d]?$"^^ . . . . . . "^MDB\\d{8}$"^^ . "functional genomics" . . "genetics" . . _:Nd37299dd7b284e14957031b587f7b2b5 "Allen Institute for Brain Science" . "dcelem" . . . . . . . . . . . "https://matrixdb.univ-lyon1.fr/association/"^^ . . . "hcvdb" . . . . . . . "https://www.storedb.org/?"^^ . . _:N2d43afaf6f704453ad2bd2a9188ad1fa "helpdesk@cropontology-curationtool.org" . . . . "Stephen R. Heller" . "kcris" . "alayne.cuzick@rothamsted.ac.uk" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/EUPATH_$1"^^ . "BioStudies database" . . . "Medical Subject Headings vocabulary is the set of predicates used in the MeSH RDF dump"^^ . . "false"^^ . "MJoachimiak@lbl.gov" . . . . . "false"^^ . "Genetic Testing Registry" . "http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/HCPCS/"^^ . "HOSO is an ontology of informational entities and processes related to healthcare organizations and services."^^ . . . _:Nc61e7568cc764d0188634565d945f470 . . . . . . . . "NXPFA" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . "https://permalink.obvsg.at/$1"^^ . . . . "https://www.uniprot.org/diseases/"^^ . . "ontology" . "false"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . . . "Akhilesh Pandey" . "GlyTouCan" . . . . "Andy Deans" . . . "anatomy" . . . . . "0007807"^^ . . . "https://metabolicatlas.org/identifier/MetabolicAtlas/"^^ . . . "true"^^ . "nmr" . "genome" . . . . . . . . . "http://edamontology.org/data_"^^ . . "Todd W Harris" . "KEGG Genome is a collection of organisms whose genomes have been completely sequenced."^^ . "CCLE_867"^^ . . . . . "Bioregistry Collections" . "https://bioregistry.io/bacmap.map:"^^ . . . . "A GO annotation is a statement about the function of a particular gene. Each annotation includes an evidence code to indicate how the annotation to a particular term is supported."^^ . "https://hdl.handle.net/hdl:20.500.12582/$1"^^ . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "wos" . . "hms.lincs.cell" . . "false"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . . "Synthetic Binding Proteins Binding Target" . . . "ECU03_0820i"^^ . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/EPO_$1"^^ . . . "microarray" . . "rat" . . . . "false"^^ . "http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/oen_"^^ . . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "fplx" . "The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database (UM-BBD) contains information on microbial biocatalytic reactions and biodegradation pathways for primarily xenobiotic, chemical compounds. The goal of the UM-BBD is to provide information on microbial enzyme-catalyzed reactions that are important for biotechnology. This collection refers to reaction information."^^ . . "https://bioregistry.io/pocketome:"^^ . "https://resolver.api.identifiers.org/resolveMirId/$1"^^ . . . "0002902"^^ . "^[0-9]+$"^^ . . "ontology" . "http://www.obofoundry.org/" . "medicine" . . "The Food Ontology" . . . "http://hawaii.eagle-i.net/i/"^^ . "gmd.analyte" . . . "true"^^ . "^Q[A-Z0-9]+$"^^ . "VEuPathDB ontology" . . "loinc" . . "Proteomic Data Commons" . . . "http://pharminfo.pharm.kyoto-u.ac.jp/services/glida/gpcr_information.php?id="^^ . . "Alan Rubin" . . "^MMP\\d+.\\d+$"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "dcat" . . "The primary purpose of ISO 15926 is to provide a foundation ontology to support the integration and sharing of data related to the lifecycle of a process plant in such a way that it is consistent, unambiguous, and minimizing the number of ways something could be expressed. Further purpose of ISO 15926-14 is to meet needs for OWL 2 ontologies that are based on ISO 15926-2, that enable efficient reasoning and that capture lifecycle information. A specific purpose is to demonstrate lifecycle modelling through a representation of the lifecycle model of ISO/IEC 81346-1. Another specific purpose is to exemplify how this standard can be used to develop industrial ontologies through various real-world use cases from industry. (from https://nfdi4cat.org/services/ontologie-sammlung/)"^^ . "mcarthua@mcmaster.ca" . . "11303"^^ . . "false"^^ . "https://cropontology.org/rdf/CO_346:"^^ . . "biolegend" . "gene" . . "ontology" . . . . "literature curation" . "false"^^ . . . . . "Identifiers for space-related data from studies that investigate biological and health responses of terrestrial life to spaceflight"^^ . "environmental science" . . . "fish" . . . . . "Resources mentioned in \"Sharing biological data: why, when, and how\"" . . . . "forest management" . . . "^[A-Z-_0-9]+$"^^ . . . . . . . "154022"^^ . . "This resource organizes information on genomes including sequences, maps, chromosomes, assemblies, and annotations."^^ . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OGI_$1"^^ . "hannele.laivuori@helsinki.fi" . . "fideo" . "false"^^ . . . . "SKIP is aiming to promote the exchange of information and joint research between researchers by aggregating various information of stem cells (iPS cells, iPS cells derived from patients, etc.) to stimulate research on disease and regenerative medicine."^^ . . . "xml" . "pso" . "Wojciech M. Karlowski" . . "http://riodb01.ibase.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/cre_frame_disp.cgi?sdbsno=$1"^^ . "protein" . "^\\d{4,}$"^^ . . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "Drug Target Ontology" . "https://bioregistry.io/dragondb.protein:"^^ . . . "http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect2=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=/netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&d=PALL&RefSrch=yes&Query=PN/$1"^^ . . "AICARTRANSIMPCYCLO-CPLX"^^ . "false"^^ . . . "^ChiCTR(-[A-Z]+-)?\\d+$"^^ . "rdf" . . "genetic material" . . . . . . . . "tissue" . "obo" . . . . . "https://www.genenames.org/data/gene-symbol-report/#!/hgnc_id/$1"^^ . "Annika Jahnke-Bornemann" . . "MLCommons Association artifacts, including benchmark results, datasets, and saved models."^^ . . . "false"^^ . "http://unite.ut.ee/bl_forw.php?nimi=$1"^^ . . . "gene" . "false"^^ . "false"^^ . "https://chemkg.github.io/chemrof/"^^ . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/intact/imex/main.xhtml?query=IM-"^^ . "https://proteininformationresource.org/cgi-bin/resid?id="^^ . . "assay" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/VIDO_"^^ . . . . "University hospital Medical Information Network Clinical Trial Registry" . "DataCollection"^^ . . . "88"^^ . "chemistry" . "https://www.aapc.com/codes/cpt-codes/$1"^^ . . . "https://bioregistry.io/mirex:"^^ . . "General Enquiries" . . . . "^rxn\\d+$"^^ . . "https://morpheus.gitlab.io/models/"^^ . . . "ontology" . "http://agroportal.lirmm.fr" . . . . "Provenance, Authoring, and Versioning Vocabulary" . . . . . . . . . . . "http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/HOIP/HOIP_"^^ . "life science" . "LCCN Permalinks are persistent URLs for bibliographic records in the LC Catalog and authority records in LC Authorities. These links are constructed using the record's LCCN (or Library of Congress Control Number), an identifier assigned by the Library of Congress to bibliographic and authority records. LCCN Permalinks are also available for citation records in the Handbook for Latin American Studies (HLAS). [from homepage]"^^ . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PW_$1"^^ . . . . . . "life science" . . "CIViC variant" . "evolution" . . "The Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (the CDT Code) assures consistency in documenting dental treatment.\n\nNote that CDT codes should look like D2150 but for some reason the ontology conversion that is reused across OBO rewrites them as CPT_000 + the four numbers without the leading D."^^ . . "https://www.disprot.org/idpo/IDPO:"^^ . . "small molecules" . . . . . . . . . . . . . _:Nc8e4c9cce46448639b2b0f1777af1824 . "The coding sequence or protein identifiers as maintained in INSDC."^^ . . . "4DN" . "obo" . . . "genomics" . . . . "UM-BBD_enzymeID" . . . "http://sideeffects.embl.de/drugs/"^^ . "pirsf" . . "A repository of software packages written in PHP."^^ . . "false"^^ . "BLL"^^ . . . . . "false"^^ . . . . "dna" . . "https://go.drugbank.com/bio_entities/"^^ . "embryonic stem cell line" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_"^^ . "Properties and classes used for protein annotation"^^ . "Jim Balhoff" . "GO Relations" . . "The GPCR-LIgand DAtabase (GLIDA) is a GPCR-related chemical genomic database that is primarily focused on the correlation of information between GPCRs and their ligands. It provides correlation data between GPCRs and their ligands, along with chemical information on the ligands. This collection references ligands."^^ . "The MDM (Medical Data Models) Portal is a meta-data registry for creating, analysing, sharing and reusing medical forms. Electronic forms are central in numerous processes involving data, including the collection of data through electronic health records (EHRs), Electronic Data Capture (EDC), and as case report forms (CRFs) for clinical trials. The MDM Portal provides medical forms in numerous export formats, facilitating the sharing and reuse of medical data models and exchange between information systems."^^ . "ark" . . "false"^^ . "elm" . "natural language processing" . . . . . "WBPhenotype" . "transcriptomics" . . "true"^^ . . . . "addiehl@buffalo.edu" . "These resources were listed in [Sharing biological data: why, when, and how](https://doi.org/10.1002/1873-3468.14067), which prompted further novel curation of the Bioregistry which included the addition of GenBank, Panorama Public, EMPIAR, and SSBD. It also prompted the curation of mappings to FAIRSharing when possible." . . . "https://www.uniprot.org/proteomes/"^^ . "^(ZINC)?\\d+$"^^ . . . "http://www.maizegdb.org/cgi-bin/displaylocusrecord.cgi?id="^^ . . . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "peff" . "false"^^ . . . "reactions" . . . . "AphidBase is a centralized bioinformatic resource that was developed to facilitate community annotation of the pea aphid genome by the International Aphid Genomics Consortium (IAGC). The AphidBase Information System was designed to organize and distribute genomic data and annotations for a large international community. This collection references the transcript report, which describes genomic location, sequence and exon information."^^ . . . "biomaterial supply resource" . . . . . "annethessen@gmail.com" . . . . . . . . . . "^\\d{2,7}-\\d{2}-\\d|DTXSID\\d{7,9}|[A-Z]{14}-[A-Z]{8}[SN][A-Z]-[A-Z]$"^^ . "neurovault.collection" . "false"^^ . "monitoring" . . "ontology" . "ASPL0000349247"^^ . . . . . . "090201"^^ . . . "ontology" . . . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . "MMAR_2462"^^ . . "0004"^^ . . . . . "human" . . "station.6051b2f8b9142a5b8c676342"^^ . . "Oryzabase provides a view of rice (Oryza sativa) as a model monocot plant by integrating biological data with molecular genomic information. It contains information about rice development and anatomy, rice mutants, and genetic resources, especially for wild varieties of rice. Developmental and anatomical descriptions include in situ gene expression data serving as stage and tissue markers. This collection references wild strain information."^^ . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . "bhalla@ncbs.res.in" . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . "^\\w+$"^^ . . . . "archaeology" . . . . "^[0-9]+$"^^ . "https://scicrunch.org/scicrunch/interlex/view/ilx_"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/"^^ . "https://drks.de/search/en/trial/"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . . . "The Global Proteome Machine Database was constructed to utilize the information obtained by GPM servers to aid in the difficult process of validating peptide MS/MS spectra as well as protein coverage patterns."^^ . . "https://bioinfo-mml.sjtu.edu.cn/ICEberg2/feature_page.php?ice_id="^^ . . . . . . "http://www.grenoble.prabi.fr/obiwarehouse/unipathway/upc?upid="^^ . . "pain medicine" . "Common Core Ontologies" . . "mirbase" . . . . . "rna" . "0000019"^^ . . . . "WWF ecoregions are large unit of land or water containing a geographically distinct assemblage of species, natural communities, and environmental conditions."^^ . . "ChemSpiderID" . . "lars.eisen@colostate.edu" . "true"^^ . "^A\\d+$"^^ . . "https://www.pesticideinfo.org/chemical/$1"^^ . . "structural biology" . "Health Procedure Ontology" . "oecd.template" . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . . . "icd11.foundation" . . "Benjamin M. Gyori" . "Charles Ettensohn" . . . . . "ENSFM00500000270089"^^ . . "linkedin" . . . . . "false"^^ . "disease" . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . . "ontology" . . . . . . "assay" . . . "kaggle" . "ProbOnto, is an ontology-based knowledge base of probability distributions, featuring uni- and multivariate distributions with their defining functions, characteristics, relationships and reparameterisation formulae. It can be used for annotation of models, facilitating the encoding of distribution-based models, related functions and quantities."^^ . . . _:N0823e1b2a8ad41aeb807cd1faacf8ae4 . "https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:"^^ . "https://plants.ensembl.org/id/"^^ . "https://w3id.org/scholarlydata/ontology/conference-ontology.owl#"^^ . . "epigenetics" . . . "false"^^ . . "http://www.receptors.org/nucleardb/proteins/$1"^^ . . . . "informatics" . . "http://plasmodb.org/plasmo/showRecord.do?name=GeneRecordClasses.GeneRecordClass&source_id=$1"^^ . "post-transcriptional modification" . "genome" . . . . . "Troy Pells" . . . . "https://www.affymetrix.com/LinkServlet?probeset="^^ . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PCL_$1"^^ . "The HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee) provides an approved gene name and symbol (short-form abbreviation) for each known human gene. All approved symbols are stored in the HGNC database, and each symbol is unique. In addition, HGNC also provides a unique numerical ID to identify gene families, providing a display of curated hierarchical relationships between families."^^ . "Clinical Trial Registries" . . . . . . . "absd" . . "LSM-6306"^^ . "https://www.arraymap.org/pgx:"^^ . . "genomics" . . . "https://uniresolver.io/#did:"^^ . . . . . "FlyBase Gene" . "^\\w+$"^^ . "LOC_Os02g13300"^^ . "The new national clinical trials registry of the Netherlands"^^ . . "gene" . _:N6e94a5f86d454b3786d5337efa314c97 "Chebi Administrators" . "The GeneCards human gene database stores gene related transcriptomic, genetic, proteomic, functional and disease information. It uses standard nomenclature and approved gene symbols. GeneCards presents a complete summary for each human gene."^^ . "http://ligand-depot.rutgers.edu/pyapps/ldHandler.py?formid=cc-index-search&target=$1&operation=ccid"^^ . . "false"^^ . . "Shorthand representations of languages and their subtypes"^^ . . "https://data.bloodpac.org/ga4gh/drs/v1/objects/"^^ . "EcoCyc" . . . . "LOTUS Initiative for Open Natural Products Research" . . . "animal genetics" . "false"^^ . "false"^^ . . . . . . "http://www.wikigenes.org/e/gene/e/$1.html"^^ . . . "dragondb.dna" . . "tetrahymena thermophila" . . . . "D00001"^^ . . . . "uniprot.proteome" . . . . "Taxonomic rank vocabulary" . "false"^^ . "wikipedia.en" . . "Draft version"^^ . . . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels/"^^ . . . . "0000404"^^ . "ohmi" . . . "affy.probeset" . "rscheuermann@jcvi.org" . "food" . "clinicaltrial" . "^TF\\w+$"^^ . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CMO_$1"^^ . . "2224"^^ . "https://lincs.hms.harvard.edu/db/sm/$1"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Assembly" . "^\\d{8}$"^^ . "MetaboLights is a database for Metabolomics experiments and derived information. The database is cross-species, cross-technique and covers metabolite structures and their reference spectra as well as their biological roles, locations and concentrations, and experimental data from metabolic experiments. This collection references individual metabolomics studies."^^ . . "cancer" . "phenotype" . "https://omia.org/phene/omia:$1"^^ . "https://mednet-communities.net/inn/db/ViewINN.aspx?i=$1"^^ . . "PRJDB3"^^ . . "https://packagist.org/packages/"^^ . "https://www.cancerrxgene.org/translation/Drug/$1"^^ . "false"^^ . . "mmp.db" . . . . . . . "PWY-1042"^^ . . "https://biopragmatics.github.io/providers/dmba/$1"^^ . . . . _:N6021ecb627474c669a635dbae01ce898 "loinc@regenstrief.org" . . "pmap.substratedb" . . . "false"^^ . "6038"^^ . . . . . "drugs" . "false"^^ . . . . "Infectious Disease Ontology" . "An international LGBTQ+ linked data vocabulary"^^ . "marker" . . "Jessica Kissinger" . . . "CHEBIID" . . . "void" . . "abcam" . . . . . . . "http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/GRAC/ObjectDisplayForward?objectId="^^ . "^UPI[A-F0-9]{10}$"^^ . . "ontology" . . "false"^^ . "obo" . . "https://www.webelements.com/$1"^^ . . . . . "265"^^ . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . . "anatomy" . . . "^[A-Z0-9]+$"^^ . "http://www.genomesonline.org/cgi-bin/GOLD/GOLDCards.cgi?goldstamp=$1"^^ . . "e-yasugi@umin.ac.jp" . "life science" . . . "false"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . "Maude Pupin" . . "qualities" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/EMAPA_"^^ . "ordb" . "anatomy" . . . . . "SR0000178"^^ . . . . . . "^LTS\\d{7}$"^^ . "anatomy" . . . "obi" . . . . . "OHMI is a biomedical ontology that represents the entities and relations in the domain of host-microbiome interactions."^^ . "mirTarBase" . . . . . "TTDS00056"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "1000001"^^ . . "http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/core#$1"^^ . . . . . . . "ontology" . "0000390"^^ . . "obo" . "Thorsten Henrich" . "false"^^ . . . "ontology" . "flymine.chromosome" . "false"^^ . . . "http://www.bootstrep.eu/ontology/GRO#$1"^^ . . . "Zebrafish anatomy and development ontology" . "The Genomic Epidemiology Ontology (GenEpiO) covers vocabulary necessary to identify, document and research foodborne pathogens and associated outbreaks."^^ . . . . . "binding site" . "Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life - Category" . . . . "archdb" . . . . . . . "false"^^ . "hospital" . . . . . _:N43e882bb2d824b349186eb10cc03ef28 . "false"^^ . "epidemiology" . . . "false"^^ . . . "The MMRRC database is a repository of available mouse stocks and embryonic stem cell line collections."^^ . . . "The RNA Virus Database is a database and web application describing the genome organization and providing analytical tools for the 938 known species of RNA virus. It can identify submitted nucleotide sequences, can place them into multiple whole-genome alignments and contains translated genome sequences for all species."^^ . . . . . "environmental material" . . . "^\\w{5}\\.\\d{2}\\..*$"^^ . . "^(\\w+)?\\d+$"^^ . . . "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_$1"^^ . "molecular biology" . "Transcription Factor Database" . . . . . "dbSNP Reference SNP number" . "obo" . . "https://mediadive.dsmz.de/medium/$1"^^ . "Brachiaria (forages) ontology TD v5 - Version Oct 2016"^^ . "Bambara groundnut ontology" . . "^VB\\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]\\..*$"^^ . "http://biomeddb.org/Disease/Details?DISEASEID="^^ . . "microbial" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/XCO_"^^ . . . "gnomad" . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "The Mammalian Phenotype Ontology (MP) classifies and organises phenotypic information related to the mouse and other mammalian species. This ontology has been applied to mouse phenotype descriptions in various databases allowing comparisons of data from diverse mammalian sources. It can facilitate in the identification of appropriate experimental disease models, and aid in the discovery of candidate disease genes and molecular signaling pathways."^^ . "Lindsay.Cowell@utsouthwestern.edu" . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "https://w3id.org/reproduceme#$1"^^ . "4dn.replicate" . "bioportal" . "https://mobidb.org/"^^ . . . . "Blue Brain Project Topological sampling Knowledge Graph" . "obo" . "michel.dumontier@gmail.com" . . "false"^^ . . . . "NAD%20biosynthesis"^^ . "interaction" . . . . "A database-specific registry supporting curation in the Gene Ontology"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . . . . . . "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dbfetch?db=IPI&id=$1&format=default"^^ . "false"^^ . . "^[0-9A-Z]{4}[0-9A-Z]{14}[0-9A-Z]{2}$"^^ . . "biomedical science" . "false"^^ . . . "Ontobee is aimed to facilitate ontology data sharing, visualization, query, integration, and analysis." . "lbo" . "dr.shorthair@pm.me" . "natural producs" . . "innatedb" . . . "VegBank" . . . . . . "ontology" . . . "environmental science" . . "ovarian" . . "COL3A1"^^ . . . "Mammalia Polymorphism Database" . "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=proteinclusters&Cmd=DetailsSearch&Term=$1"^^ . . . "Sweet Potato Trait Dictionary in template v5 - CIP - November 2019"^^ . . . . "creativebiolabs.protein" . "http://eggnog.embl.de/version_3.0/cgi/search.py?search_term_0="^^ . . . "life science" . . "reagent" . . . "OMOP" . "http://ontologies.dbmi.pitt.edu/edda/StudyDesigns.owl#"^^ . . "swiss-model" . "1915"^^ . "^PDC\\d+$"^^ . . . "tdwg.taxonrank" . "false"^^ . . . . . "false"^^ . . . "cognitive neuroscience" . "pathogen" . . "ccle.cell" . "ontology" . . . "ontology" . . . . . . . . "model organism" . . "ENCSR163RYW"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . "erm" . . "The ENCODE Consortium is integrating multiple technologies and approaches in a collective effort to discover and define the functional elements encoded in the human genome, including genes, transcripts, and transcriptional regulatory regions, together with their attendant chromatin states and DNA methylation patterns."^^ . . . . . "Cell line databases/resources"^^ . . . . "The dbEST contains sequence data and other information on \"single-pass\" cDNA sequences, or \"Expressed Sequence Tags\", from a number of organisms."^^ . . . "Yvonne Bradford" . . . . . "false"^^ . "botany" . . . . "mirEX" . . "Statistical Torsional Angles Potentials" . . . . . . . "life science" . . "Identifiers.org Ontology"^^ . . "53367"^^ . . "SCOP(e) concise classification string" . "^\\d{3}$"^^ . . . "pandura@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk" . . . "https://www.iedb.org/assay/"^^ . . . . "Molecular Design Limited Hash" . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . "NAPP (Nucleic Acids Phylogenetic Profiling is a clustering method based on conserved noncoding RNA (ncRNA) elements in a bacterial genomes. Short intergenic regions from a reference genome are compared with other genomes to identify RNA rich clusters."^^ . "http://genomics.senescence.info/diet/details.php?id=$1"^^ . . . . . . . "ontology" . "NLXRES" . "Database that provides a central location for scientists to browse uniquely observed proteoforms and to contribute their own datasets."^^ . . . . . . . . "Orphanet" . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . "http://ensembl.org/glossary/ENSGLOSSARY_$1"^^ . . . . . . . "PubMed Central" . . . . . . "false"^^ . "https://omim.org/MIM:$1"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . "https://vertebrate.genenames.org/data/gene-symbol-report/#!/vgnc_id/$1"^^ . "Wikidata Property" . . . . "CIViC Assertion" . . . "RDF Schema provides a data-modelling vocabulary for RDF data. RDF Schema is an extension of the basic RDF vocabulary."^^ . . "^[0-9]+$"^^ . . "Stemcell Knowledge and Information Portal" . . . "Glenn King" . . . "report" . . . "^\\d{3}\\.\\d{2}$"^^ . . _:N2d43afaf6f704453ad2bd2a9188ad1fa "Crop Ontology Helpdesk" . . . . . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . "protein" . "false"^^ . . . . . . . . _:N4541852d45cd4b289883e7d3beea2c3c . . . "Golm Metabolome Database Profile" . "http://icd9cm.chrisendres.com/index.php?action=search&srchtext="^^ . . . . . "Amelanchier laevis"^^ . . "21723"^^ . . "GeneLoc presents an integrated map for each human chromosome, based on data integrated by the GeneLoc algorithm. GeneLoc includes further links to GeneCards, NCBI's Human Genome Sequencing, UniGene, and mapping resources"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . "0000001"^^ . . . . . . . "life science" . . "sabiork.kineticrecord" . "oboinowl" . . . . "EBI-2307691"^^ . . _:Nde2cd058ca8745c3ba79099a6c53f4d3 "hq@HL7.org" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . "cell_biolabs" . . . "ontology" . "interoperability" . "toni.gabaldon@crg.eu" . . "ontology" . "enzymatic reaction" . . "ontology" . . . "dna" . "https://hpscreg.eu/cell-line/"^^ . "https://sitem.herts.ac.uk/aeru/ppdb/en/Reports/$1.htm"^^ . "https://biopragmatics.github.io/providers/cvx/$1"^^ . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "http://europepmc.org/articles/$1"^^ . . . . . "embryonic stem cell line" . "icd10pcs" . "gmd" . "http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/nlx_func_"^^ . "phylogenomics" . . . "^\\b[0-9a-f]{8}\\b-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-\\b[0-9a-f]{12}\\b$"^^ . "Sharkipedia is an open source research initiative to make all published biological traits and population trends on sharks, rays, and chimaeras accessible to everyone."^^ . . . . . . . "0061106995455595"^^ . "false"^^ . . . . "general & upper" . . . "00077f1c-c45a-47ba-8e6c-1bf6b6b43fce"^^ . "https://www.yeastgenome.org/locus/"^^ . . . "Vaccine Ontology" . . "http://igsn.org/"^^ . "Cowpea Trait Dictionary in template v5 - IITA - August 2015"^^ . . "drug discovery" . . . . . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "genome" . . . "^([a-z]{3,5}_)?M\\d{5}$"^^ . "true"^^ . . . . . . . . "rnao" . "ontology" . "statistics" . . "medicine" . "damion_dooley@sfu.ca" . "false"^^ . "relationships" . "KIAA0001"^^ . . . "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/biosystems/"^^ . . . . . . "http://sabiork.h-its.org/kineticLawEntry.jsp?viewData=true&kinlawid="^^ . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/TO_"^^ . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/VSMO_$1"^^ . "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/$1"^^ . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . . "uniprot.ptm" . . . "Aromatic"^^ . "genome" . "https://browser.planteome.org/amigo/term/PECO:"^^ . . . . . . . "genomics" . "12"^^ . "^[A-Z]{2}\\d+$"^^ . . "preclinical studies" . . . "http://www.oid-info.com/get/2.16.840.1.113883.6" . . . . . "A0001"^^ . "http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/IDODEN_$1"^^ . . "The Pseudomonas Genome Database is a resource for peer-reviewed, continually updated annotation for all Pseudomonas species. It includes gene and protein sequence information, as well as regulation and predicted function and annotation."^^ . . . . "https://www.wormbase.org/species/c_elegans/rnai/"^^ . . "The Antibody Registry provides identifiers for antibodies used in publications. It lists commercial antibodies from numerous vendors, each assigned with a unique identifier. Unlisted antibodies can be submitted by providing the catalog number and vendor information."^^ . . "mcmelek@msn.com" . . . . . "ontology" . "false"^^ . . . . "cell lines" . . "obo" . . "LG Chemical Entity Detection Dataset (LGCEDe)" . . "systems biology" . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ECO_$1"^^ . "^C\\d+$"^^ . . . . . "Pavel Hobza" . . "glottolog" . "https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=$1"^^ . . "http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/HCPCS/$1"^^ . "^\\d{4}$"^^ . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . "dna" . . "false"^^ . . . "ptm site prediction" . "18466622"^^ . . . . . "https://n2t.net" . . . . "ontology" . . "http://purl.jp/bio/4/id/"^^ . . . "https://www.biolegend.com/Default.aspx?ID=6664&productid="^^ . . . . "evidence" . . . . . . . . "iclc" . . . . "4D Nucleome Data Portal Biosource" . "human" . . . . . "XAO represents the anatomy and development of the African frogs Xenopus laevis and tropicalis."^^ . . "31623"^^ . . . . "^\\w{1,2}\\d+$"^^ . "web of things" . "true"^^ . . . "false"^^ . "0000586"^^ . . . . . "false"^^ . . "GO Chemicals" . "true"^^ . "http://bgee.unil.ch/bgee/bgee?page=anatomy&action=organ_details&organ_children=on&organ_id=$1"^^ . "true"^^ . . "The BioAssay Ontology (BAO) describes chemical biology screening assays and their results including high-throughput screening (HTS) data for the purpose of categorizing assays and data analysis."^^ . . "stap" . "fish" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "genomics" . . . "Pigeonpea Trait Dictionary in template v5 - ICRISAT - July 2015"^^ . . . . "Shuichi Onami" . . "https://alfred.med.yale.edu/alfred/recordinfo.asp?UNID=$1"^^ . "ontology" . "disease" . . . "http://www.proteinmodelportal.org/query/uniprot/"^^ . "fcb" . . . . . . . . "1001"^^ . "http://www.fao.org/gsfaonline/additives/details.html?id="^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "2gc4"^^ . . "anatomy" . "https://bioregistry.io/wicell:"^^ . "crossref.funder" . "https://aopwiki.org/events/"^^ . . . "3G6A5W338E"^^ . "http://yetfasco.ccbr.utoronto.ca/showPFM.php?mot="^^ . . . _:Nd3e5058bbd5148be9d6c927abcc8a874 . . . . . . "pdbsum" . . "85163"^^ . . . "BioKC (Biological Knowledge Curation), is a web-based collaborative platform for the curation and annotation of biomedical knowledge following the standard data model from Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML)."^^ . . . "The GDC Data Portal is a robust data-driven platform that allows cancer researchers and bioinformaticians to search and download cancer data for analysis."^^ . "^ERM[0-9]{8}$"^^ . . . . . . . "FooDB Food" . . "https://flowrepository.org/id/$1"^^ . . "https://www.facebase.org/data/record/#1/isa:dataset/accession=$1"^^ . _:N52119ed0842b41c095b57511ccbd3173 "helpdesk@cropontology-curationtool.org" . . "g__Prochlorococcus_A"^^ . "fig|306254.1.peg.183"^^ . "130502"^^ . "obo" . "Every entity in OpenCitations Meta (https://opencitations.net/meta) is assigned persistent internal identifier called OpenCitations Meta Identifier (OMID). The OMID has structure [[entity_type_abbreviation]]/[[supplier_prefix]][[sequential_number]]. For example, the first journal article ever processed has OMID br/0601 (the full URI is https://w3id.org/oc/meta/br/0601), where br is the abbreviation of bibliographic resource, and 060 corresponds to the supplier prefix, helpful in recognising at a glance the index it belongs to (i.e., OpenCitations Meta). Finally, 1 indicates that this is the index's first bibliographic resource ever minted."^^ . "GlycomeDB" . . . . "aging" . "data management" . "1667659"^^ . "http://www.soybase.org/sbt/search/search_results.php?category=SNP&search_term=$1"^^ . . "Tissue List" . . "biodiversity" . . "life science" . "^\\d+$"^^ . "^D\\d+$"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . "MarFun" . . "4900"^^ . "http://www.bioassayontology.org/bao#BAO_$1"^^ . . . "sharkipedia.trait" . "ontology" . "Terry.Hayamizu@jax.org" . . "modeling and simulation" . . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "kegg.brite" . . . . "SNR17A"^^ . "curated information" . . . "A comprehensive listing of post-transcriptionally modified nucleosides from RNA -"^^ . "PXD000500"^^ . "false"^^ . "false"^^ . "12969"^^ . . "^.{2,}$"^^ . . . . . . . . . "gene" . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ATO_$1"^^ . . . . "gene" . "false"^^ . . . . "Developmental stages of the Zebrafish"^^ . . . . "2.16.840.1.113883.6.88" . . "^InChI\\=1S?\\/[A-Za-z0-9\\.]+(\\+[0-9]+)?(\\/[cnpqbtmsih][A-Za-z0-9\\-\\+\\(\\)\\,\\/\\?\\;\\.]+)*$"^^ . "obo" . "protein" . . . "0000519"^^ . "https://n2t.net/$1:"^^ . "Repeated CRISPR (\"clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats\") elements found in archaebacteria and eubacteria are believed to defend against viral infection, potentially targeting invading DNA for degradation. CRISPRdb is a database that stores information on CRISPRs that are automatically extracted from newly released genome sequence data."^^ . "biosimulators" . . "ACLAME is a database dedicated to the collection and classification of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) from various sources, comprising all known phage genomes, plasmids and transposons."^^ . . . "Gramene QTL" . "false"^^ . . "4685"^^ . . "MGnify Analysis" . "https://rapdb.dna.affrc.go.jp/viewer/gbrowse_details/irgsp1?name=$1"^^ . . . "study design" . "nucleardb" . . . . "^([0-9a-fA-F]){8}(-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}){3}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}$"^^ . . "^[-0-9a-zA-Z]+(@[-0-9a-zA-Z]+)?$"^^ . . "Cell line databases/resources"^^ . "https://gtdb.ecogenomic.org/tree?r=$1"^^ . "4544"^^ . "biodolphin" . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RXNO_"^^ . "single cell rna-seq" . . . "jaxmice" . . "plant phenotypes and traits" . "life cycle" . "https://bioregistry.io/chemspider:"^^ . . . . "ena.embl" . "SABIO-RK Compound" . . . "whimar@ohsu.edu" . . "ontology" . "measurement" . "gramene.ref" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "^\\w{2,3}(-\\w+)?$"^^ . . . "ontology" . . . . . . . . . "MU9_3181"^^ . . . . "funcbase.human" . "^\\d{4}$"^^ . . "genome" . . "243002_at"^^ . "false"^^ . . . . "norine" . . . . "protein interaction" . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "false"^^ . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "https://www.biocatalogue.org/services/$1"^^ . "27223"^^ . . . . . "false"^^ . "^\\d+$"^^ . "false"^^ . "PubMed ID" . "The Chromosome Ontology is an automatically derived ontology of chromosomes and chromosome parts."^^ . . . . "https://cropontology.org/rdf/CO_359:$1"^^ . . . . "CAMEO Chemicals is a database of hazardous chemical datasheets that emergency responders and planners can use to get response recommendations and predict hazards—such as explosions or toxic fumes."^^ . "recombinant host" . . . "dideo" . "ecology" . "false"^^ . . . "https://urgi.versailles.inra.fr/Genefarm/Gene/display_gene.htpl?GENE_ID="^^ . . . . . "PubChem Element gives information on chemical elements like Hydrogen, with the local identifier corresponding to the atomic number."^^ . . "hrehm@mgh.harvard.edu" . . . . _:N86bf35b8eaff4bdda048317563539385 "Vladimir Mironov" . "Metabolites in the Xenobiotics Metabolism Database."^^ . . . . . . . . . "structure" . . . "biokc" . . "Influenza Ontology" . "Agronomy Ontology" . . . "SchemaDefinition"^^ . . "human disease" . "Daniel.Kahn@toulouse.inra.fr" . . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . "http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/oen_$1"^^ . "^[SCTAGMNUIX]{1,2}\\d{2}\\.([AB]\\d{2}|\\d{3})$"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . . "vmc" . "0000121"^^ . . . . . . . . "https://www.datanator.info/metabolite/$1"^^ . . . . "Jörg Overmann" . . . "https://bioregistry.io/nsrrc:"^^ . . . . "protein" . . "http://vega.sanger.ac.uk/[?species_name]/Gene/Summary?g=$1"^^ . . "DataONE ontology of Carbon Flux measurements for MsTMIP and LTER Use Cases"^^ . . . . . "http://www.candidagenome.org/cgi-bin/locus.pl?dbid="^^ . . . . . . "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=proteinclusters&Cmd=DetailsSearch&Term="^^ . . . "genetics" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . "reaxys" . "gene" . "https://ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/rg/"^^ . . . . . . . "FxnI151FMs"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "protein" . "https://uts.nlm.nih.gov/uts/umls/semantic-network/"^^ . "an ontology for vector surveillance and management, focusing on arthropod vectors and vector-borne pathogens with relevance to humans or domestic animals, and with special emphasis on content to support operational activities through inclusion in databases, data management systems, or decision support systems."^^ . "Cell line collections (Providers)"^^ . . "cath.domain" . "false"^^ . "guiderdoni@cirad.fr" . . "https://civicdb.org/links/diseases/"^^ . "false"^^ . "https://envipath.org/package/"^^ . . "protein" . "false"^^ . "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/$1"^^ . "false"^^ . "The Yeast Metabolome Database (YMDB) is a manually curated database of small molecule metabolites found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae (also known as Baker’s yeast and Brewer’s yeast)."^^ . . . . "^(\\d{1,7}\\-\\d{2}\\-\\d)|([A-Za-z0-9\\+\\-\\_]+)$"^^ . "functional genomics" . . . . . "The first number is the chapter then the remainder are subsections."^^ . . "Identifiers for subjects of experiments that investigate biological and health responses of terrestrial life to spaceflight"^^ . "life science" . "chembl" . "The Protein database is a collection of sequences from several sources, including translations from annotated coding regions in GenBank, RefSeq and TPA, as well as records from SwissProt, PIR, PRF, and PDB."^^ . "structure" . . "https://mamoura.eci.ufmg.br/tematres/vocab/index.php?tema="^^ . . "^[A-Z]{1,3}-\\d{4}-(19|20)\\d\\d$"^^ . "pathway" . "food" . . . . . . "ontology" . . . . "sgn" . "http://www.knapsackfamily.com/knapsack_core/information.php?word=$1"^^ . . . . "Brendan MacLean" . "http://www.peptideatlas.org/PASS/"^^ . . . "phylogenetics" . "scop.sun" . . . . . "marine environment" . . . "protein" . . . . . . . . "subject agnostic" . . . "ncbiprotein" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/XCO_$1"^^ . . . "http://compbio.cs.queensu.ca/cgi-bin/compbio/search/main.cgi?search_mode=id&id_type=snp_id&id_val=$1"^^ . "false"^^ . . . "ontology" . . "21692"^^ . "genomics" . . . . . . . "cell" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . "life science" . "Oat trait dictionary started by Oat Global (http://oatglobal.org/) and improved by NIAB and PepsiCo"^^ . "APID Interactomes" . . . "false"^^ . "http://biohackathon.org/resource/hco#$1"^^ . . . "P683" . . . . . . "BeAn 70563"^^ . . . . "nucc.characteristic" . . "00073"^^ . . . "earth science" . . "SIGNOR-252737"^^ . "00000001"^^ . "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/variation/"^^ . . . . "https://thebiogrid.org/interaction/$1"^^ . "tumor" . . "BRIP1"^^ . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "1004" . "oryzabase.gene" . . "https://reg.clinicalgenome.org/redmine/projects/registry/genboree_registry/by_caid?caid=$1"^^ . . "MESHCS" . "0002058"^^ . "false"^^ . "Golm Metabolome Database (GMD) provides public access to custom mass spectral libraries, metabolite profiling experiments as well as additional information and tools. This collection references metabolite information, relating the biologically active substance to metabolic pathways or signalling phenomena."^^ . . . . "false"^^ . . . "Standards and Ontologies for Functional Genomics (SOFG) Anatomy Entry List" . . . . . . . . . "Eric W. Deutsch" . "https://sumlineknowledgebase.com/?page_id=$1"^^ . "true"^^ . "bibliometrics" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/TAHH_$1"^^ . "http://www.genomesize.com/result_species.php?id=$1"^^ . "registry" . . . . . . "scopus.eid" . . . . "http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/npo#NPO_$1"^^ . "food" . . . "phylomedb" . . "Chinese Biological Abstracts" . . . "protein" . "co_359" . . . . "false"^^ . . . . "max@soe.ucsc.edu" . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "Rfam database of RNA families" . "An ontology of physico-chemical processes, i.e. physico-chemical changes occurring in course of time."^^ . "organic chemistry" . "fisheries science" . . . . . . "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$"^^ . . "AB" . "John Wieczorek" . . . . . . "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/linguist/master/lib/linguist/languages.yml#"^^ . "adrien.coulet@loria.fr" . . "Richard H. Scheuermann" . . "Agilent Probe" . "Rat Genome Database seeks to collect, consolidate, and integrate rat genomic and genetic data with curated functional and physiological data and make these data widely available to the scientific community. This collection references strain reports, which include a description of strain origin, disease, phenotype, genetics and immunology."^^ . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RBO_$1"^^ . "ModelSEED is a platform for creating genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions for microbes and plants. As part of the platform, a biochemistry database is managed that contains reactions unique to ModelSEED as well as reactions aggregated from other databases or from manually-curated genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions."^^ . . "th" . . "hms.lincs.compound" . "A web-based catalog of recommended measurement protocols selected by experts to include in studies with human participants."^^ . "617102"^^ . . . . . "^c|cm|cx|e|f|g|h|i|im|l|m|mm|n|p|r|s|u|um|v|w|x|y$"^^ . . "https://bioregistry.io/genpept:"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . "The Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology is a structured controlled vocabulary to provide a representation of the data from electronic health records (EHRs) involved in the care of the pregnant woman, and of her baby."^^ . . "epidemiology" . . "arxiv" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CVDO_$1"^^ . "Marc_Ciriello@hms.harvard.edu" . "CRISP is a terminology used for indexing biomedical information. CRISP contains over 8,000 preferred terms that are grouped hierarchically into 11 domains. Note that while still available and included in Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), it has not been updated since 2006."^^ . . . "obo" . "http://ctdbase.org/detail.go?type=disease&db=MESH&acc=$1"^^ . . "LINCS Cell" . "neurophysiology" . . "HIX0004394"^^ . "0000011"^^ . . . . . "life science" . "infection" . . . "sabiork.ec" . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . "nando" . . "MatrixDB is a freely available database focused on interactions established by extracellular matrix proteins, proteoglycans and polysaccharides"^^ . . . "storedb.dataset" . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_"^^ . . . . . . "alignment" . . . . . "false"^^ . "tsc" . . "Traits and phenotypes of flowering plants occurring in digitized Floras"^^ . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MPIO_"^^ . . . . . . . "gene expression" . . . "https://rpcec.sld.cu/en/trials/"^^ . . . "Theoretical explanation of a purely spatial ontology supporting snapshot views of the world at successive instants of time, as part of a modular ontology of the dynamic features of reality."^^ . . "https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/study/"^^ . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PAO_"^^ . "^0[a-hj-km-np-tv-z|0-9]{6}[0-9]{2}$"^^ . . . . "Thomas Lütteke" . "Method"^^ . "tol.webproj" . . . "The 'COmputational Modeling in BIology' NEtwork (COMBINE) is an initiative to coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats for computational models, initially in Systems Biology and related fields. This collection pertains to specifications of the standard formats developed by the Computational Modeling in Biology Network."^^ . "W2741809807"^^ . "false"^^ . "https://data.bloodpac.org/ga4gh/drs/v1/objects/$1"^^ . . . . . "Mycobrowser is a resource that provides both in silico generated and manually reviewed information within databases dedicated to the complete genomes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, Mycobacterium marinum and Mycobacterium smegmatis. This collection references Mycobacteria tuberculosis information."^^ . . . . . "SNOMEDCTCT_2018_03_01" . . "pathway" . "mfo" . . "0000031"^^ . . . . . "biomedical science" . "umbbd.pathway" . . "protein" . "Multiplexed Assays of Variant Effect Database" . "ontology" . "comparative genomics" . . "NCBI_Taxon_ID" . "false"^^ . . . "uniparc" . . . "pathway" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BCO_"^^ . . "http://www.bindingdb.org/compact/$1"^^ . . . . "A type for entries in the Bioregistry's metaregistry." . . . . . "Zhang Zhang" . . . . . "Q-2958"^^ . "zhu@iastate.edu" . . "interaction" . "moid" . . "Maize gross anatomy" . . . "protein" . "SM_UB-81"^^ . "PTPN1"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . "^[0-9]+$"^^ . . . "968"^^ . . . "9001411"^^ . "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homologene/"^^ . "bioinformatics" . "chemistry" . _:Na9c0b385f3b24e96b23ec9744224c35a "helpdesk@eionet.europa.eu" . . "The [Alliance of Genome Resources](https://www.alliancegenome.org/about-us) creates identifiers for several biological entity types including genes, other sequence features, constructs, morpholinos, TALENs, CRISPRs, variants, alleles, genotypes, strains, environments and experiments, phenotype annotations, expression annotations, disease annotations, interactions, and variant annotations.\n\nThe Alliance of Genome Resources was founded by the following Model Organism databases and the Gene Ontology Consortium and distributes high-quality, curated knowledge about several model organisms in a single, unified location:\n\n- [ZFIN](https://zfin.org) - Zebrafish Information Network\n- [WormBase](https://wormbase.org)\n- [MGI](https://www.mgi.org) - Mouse Genome Informatics\n- [RGD](https://rgd.mcw.edu) - Rat Genome Database\n- [SGD](https://www.yeastgenome.org) - Saccharomyces Genome Database\n- [FlyBase](https://flybase.org)\n- [Xenbase](https://www.xenbase.org)"^^ . . "obo" . "https://osdr.nasa.gov/bio/repo/data/subjects/$1"^^ . . . . . . . . "j.a.moore@dundee.ac.uk" . . "biology" . . . . . . . "AberOWL" . . . "Identifiers for specific experimental assays that serve as evidence for immune-related studies."^^ . . . . "noncodev4.rna" . "gene expression" . "FAIRSharing" . . . . "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#"^^ . "Functional Genome Annotations with Transcriptional Activities" . "0000485"^^ . . "2381/12775"^^ . "FCHS_301358"^^ . . . . . . "https://www.internationalgenome.org/data-portal/sample/$1"^^ . "^\\d{11}$"^^ . . "The PANTHER (Protein ANalysis THrough Evolutionary Relationships) Classification System is a resource that classifies genes by their functions, using published scientific experimental evidence and evolutionary relationships to predict function even in the absence of direct experimental evidence. This collection references groups of genes that have been organised as families."^^ . "d.craik@imb.uq.edu.au" . . "MC" . . . . . "electronic health record" . . . "Georgeta Bordea" . "Simple Knowledge Organization System eXtension for Labels" . . . "centrally registered identifier" . . . "diagnosis" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/SOPHARM_$1"^^ . . "0000041"^^ . "0000001"^^ . . "https://www.uniprot.org/uniref/$1"^^ . . . . . . "The Gene Expression Atlas (GXA) is a semantically enriched database of meta-analysis based summary statistics over a curated subset of ArrayExpress Archive, servicing queries for condition-specific gene expression patterns as well as broader exploratory searches for biologically interesting genes/samples. This collection references genes."^^ . . . "Library of Congress Control Number" . . "Bgee family" . . "https://jcoin.datacommons.io/ga4gh/drs/v1/objects/$1"^^ . "^C?\\d+$"^^ . "dsonensh@odu.edu" . . . "^\\d{1,5}$"^^ . . . "^\\d+(-\\d+)?$"^^ . . . "protocol" . . . "^\\d{4,6}$"^^ . . . . . . . . . "pharmacology" . . "http://stitch.embl.de/interactions/$1"^^ . "One of the many goals of the BCBC was to develop and maintain databases of useful research resources. A total of 813 different scientific resources were generated and submitted by BCBC investigators over the 14 years it existed. Information pertaining to 495 selected resources, judged to be the most scientifically-useful, has been converted into a static catalog, as shown below. In addition, the metadata for these 495 resources have been transferred to dkNET in the form of RDF descriptors, and all genomics data have been deposited to either ArrayExpress or GEO. [from homepage]"^^ . . . . "http://lincsportal.ccs.miami.edu/cells/#/view/"^^ . "Confident makes descriptive metadata on conferences and other formats of scientific events permanently accessible in a high quality through automated processes and scientific data curating."^^ . . . . . "NIF Standard Ontology: Chemical" . . . . "Lipid Ontology" . "pigqtldb" . . "false"^^ . . . "^[0-9][A-Za-z0-9]{3}$"^^ . . "http://reg.clinicalgenome.org/allele?hgvs=$1"^^ . . . "^[0-9a-z_-]+$"^^ . "Creative Biolabs" . . . . . . . . . . . "structure" . "omics" . "humap3" . . "dna" . "100000001"^^ . "https://cgap.nci.nih.gov/Pathways/BioCarta/"^^ . . . . . "rhyam@rbge.org.uk" . . "http://www.cathdb.info/domain/"^^ . . . . "^[A-Z]+$"^^ . . . . . "https://uniresolver.io/#did:$1"^^ . . "MetaCyc Reaction" . . . "siqian.he@nih.gov" . . "protein" . . . . . . . "^[\\w^_]{8}-[\\w^_]{4}-[\\w^_]{4}-[\\w^_]{4}-[\\w^_]{12}\\/[\\w-]+\\/[\\w^_]{8}-[\\w^_]{4}-[\\w^_]{4}-[\\w^_]{4}-[\\w^_]{12}$"^^ . . "bioinformatics" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/EHDAA2_$1"^^ . "vegbank" . "^[A-Za-z0-9]+$"^^ . "0000001"^^ . "cdno" . . "BDGP gene disruption collection provides a public resource of gene disruptions of Drosophila genes using a single transposable element."^^ . . . . "f665230-5267"^^ . . . . . "GitLab" . . "https://www.osti.gov/biblio/"^^ . "https://licebase.org/?q=$1"^^ . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "0020"^^ . "Silvio Peroni" . . . . . . . "75"^^ . . . . . "Carnegie Stage" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_$1"^^ . . "edda" . "NeXtProt is a comprehensive human-centric discovery platform, offering its users a seamless integration of and navigation through protein-related data. \n(Developed by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)"^^ . "ChEMBL-Cells" . "disease" . . _:N6b50808b45284441a1112b35e32aad39 "takatter@dbcls.rois.ac.jp" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/WBbt_"^^ . "publication" . . "http://www2.idac.tohoku.ac.jp/dep/ccr/TKGdate/TKGvol08/$1.html"^^ . . . . "https://bioregistry.io/ukprn:"^^ . "doi" . "^KCT\\d+$"^^ . "has local unique identifier example" . . . . "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$"^^ . . "idog" . . . "GR_QTL" . . . . . "https://cropontology.org/rdf/CO_360:"^^ . . "adverse reaction" . . . "https://sumlineknowledgebase.com/?page_id="^^ . "life science" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "thesaurus" . . . . . "post-translational modification" . "ontology" . . "citation" . . . . . "https://repo-prod.prod.sagebase.org/ga4gh/drs/v1/objects/syn$1"^^ . . . . . . . "ORPHA" . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/XAO_$1"^^ . . "person" . . . "false"^^ . "fbrf" . . "The Paleobiology Database seeks to provide researchers and the public with information about the entire fossil record. It stores global, collection-based occurrence and taxonomic data for marine and terrestrial animals and plants of any geological age, as well as web-based software for statistical analysis of the data."^^ . "http://biobanknetwork.telethon.it/Sample/View?sampleId=$1"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . "false"^^ . "https://uts.nlm.nih.gov/uts/umls/concept/"^^ . "Rolf Apweiler" . "Jeff Beck" . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . "computer science" . . . "false"^^ . _:Nd3e5058bbd5148be9d6c927abcc8a874 "subjectareas@plos.org" . "developmental biology" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CTENO_"^^ . . "00103"^^ . "P53350"^^ . . . "0000055"^^ . . . . "ontology" . . . . "UR000124451"^^ . . "genetic resource" . . "http://purl.org/spar/pwo/"^^ . "https://easychair.org/cfp/topic.cgi?tid=$1"^^ . "thesaurus" . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "Chris Stoeckert" . . "deletion" . . . . "Jason E. Stajich" . . . "obo" . "biology" . "Don Gilbert" . "AU124"^^ . . "Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology " . "biomedical science" . . "HomologyRelation"^^ . . . . . . "BioPortal" . "false"^^ . "https://ssrn.com/author="^^ . . "post-translational modification" . "ontology" . "lam87@cornell.edu" . . . . . . "false"^^ . "00573"^^ . . "biomedical science" . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_$1"^^ . . . . . . . "CHEBI" . "Wei Chen" . "http://www.iresite.org/IRESite_web.php?page=view&entry_id=$1"^^ . . "P00024"^^ . "https://mamoura.eci.ufmg.br/tematres/vocab/index.php?tema=$1"^^ . . . . . "cmpo" . . . . . "FBcv" . "3hB06"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "MarkerDB is a freely available electronic database that attempts to consolidate information on all known clinical and pre-clinical biomarkers into a single resource. It provides identifiers for known clinical and pre-clinical biomarkers. Each entry provides detailed annotations, including biomarker descriptions, associated conditions, specificity, sensitivity, molecular structures, chromosomal locations, and clinical approval status."^^ . "https://bioregistry.io/kyinno:"^^ . "orthology assignment" . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "https://transyt.bio.di.uminho.pt/reactions/"^^ . . . . . . . . "obo" . . . "ATL98012"^^ . . . "IID00001"^^ . . "The Chemistry Dashboard is a part of a suite of databases and web applications developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency's Chemical Safety for Sustainability Research Program. These databases and apps support EPA's computational toxicology research efforts to develop innovative methods to change how chemicals are currently evaluated for potential health risks."^^ . "A biological ontology to standardize and integrate Integrative and Conjugative Element (ICE) information and to support computer-assisted reasoning."^^ . . . . . _:N89e4f7613987491294df61fd9a11e847 "The World Health Organization" . . "The COVID-19 Infectious Disease Ontology" . "cell culture" . "ontology" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLYH_$1"^^ . "Uber-anatomy ontology" . . "Protein Alignment organised as Structural Superfamily" . "ontology" . . "http://purl.org/cerif/frapo/$1"^^ . . . "protocol" . "expression data" . . . . . . "C138986"^^ . "http://cegg.unige.ch/orthodb/results?searchtext=$1"^^ . "subject agnostic" . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "http://purl.dataone.org/odo/SENSO_"^^ . . "Degradome Database" . . "transcript" . . "atcc" . "Database of validation results for ligands and non-standard residues in the Protein Data Bank."^^ . . . . . . . "ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/"^^ . . . "biology" . "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/UniGene/clust.cgi?UGID="^^ . . . . . . "Apple Ontology" . . . _:Nf59912c1847148ee86c950c849c597ab "helpdesk@cropontology-curationtool.org" . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/REO_$11"^^ . "false"^^ . . "A genetic correlation is the proportion of shared variance between two traits that is due to genetic causes; a phenotypic correlation is the degree to which two traits co-vary among individuals in a population. In the genomics era, while gene expression, genetic association, and network analysis provide unprecedented means to decode the genetic basis of complex phenotypes, it is important to recognize the possible effects genetic progress in one trait can have on other traits. This database is designed to collect all published livestock genetic/phenotypic trait correlation data, aimed at facilitating genetic network analysis or systems biology studies."^^ . . "UM-BBD compound" . "^\\d+$"^^ . "0000029"^^ . "http://reg.clinicalgenome.org/allele?hgvs="^^ . . . . "GlycomeDB is the result of a systematic data integration effort, and provides an overview of all carbohydrate structures available in public databases, as well as cross-links."^^ . . "https://w3id.org/reproduceme#"^^ . . . . . . . . "genome" . . . . "0000003"^^ . "enrique.blanco@crg.eu" . . "Describes typical Computational Chemistry experiments, including Molecular Publications, Molecular Systems, Molecular Calculations"^^ . . . . . "Surjeet Kumar Arya" . "false"^^ . . . . "vario" . . "Medical Data Models" . . . . . "false"^^ . . . . "life science" . "ricegap" . . . . "mathematics" . . . "ontology" . "model organism database" . . "http://kinase.bioinformatics.tw/showall.jsp?type=Kinase&info=Gene&name=$1&drawing=0&sorting=0&kinome=1"^^ . . . . . "true"^^ . . . . . "0000013"^^ . . . "person" . . . "Philip.Stroemert@tib.eu" . "nb2018006591"^^ . "https://www.devtox.org/nomenclature/ml_manus.php?mno="^^ . "imaging" . . "https://prosite.expasy.org/$1"^^ . . . . . . "matrixdb.association" . "0000001"^^ . "computational biology" . . . "https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/$1"^^ . . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "The Sequencing Initiative Suomi (SISu) project is an international collaboration to harmonize and aggregate whole genome and exome sequence data from Finnish samples, providing data for researchers and clinicians. The SISu project allows for the search of variants to determine their attributes and occurrence in Finnish cohorts, and provides summary data on single nucleotide variants and indels from exomes, sequenced in disease-specific and population genetic studies."^^ . . . . "health science" . . . . . . "EMPIAR, the Electron Microscopy Public Image Archive, is a public resource for raw, 2D electron microscopy images. Here, you can browse, upload and download the raw images used to build a 3D structure"^^ . "joanne.kamens@addgene.org" . "Gert Vriend" . . . "Christophe Dunand" . . "http://caps.ncbs.res.in/cgi-bin/mini/databases/SSTOSS/sstoss.cgi?code="^^ . . . "metabolomics" . "openwemi" . . . "cgd7_230"^^ . . . . "taxon" . . . . "cultured cell line" . "https://lotus.naturalproducts.net/compound/lotus_id/$1"^^ . "http://bidd.nus.edu.sg/group/TTD/ZFTTDDRUG.asp?ID="^^ . . "^\\w{4}\\d{8}$"^^ . "mmrrc" . "0000000"^^ . . "Database of Spatially Interacting Motifs in Proteins" . . "false"^^ . . . . "ls-c35719-120"^^ . "https://www.jax.org/strain/$1"^^ . . . . "182"^^ . . . . "MOL000160"^^ . . "life cycle stage" . . . . . "ecosystem" . . . . . . "Open Science Framework ID" . . "biomedical science" . . . . . "gfo" . . . . . "m.naguthana@hotmail.com" . "false"^^ . . . . "http://purl.org/spar/biro/$1"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . . . "small molecule" . . . . . "http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?origin=inward&eid="^^ . . . . . . "report" . "Ontology for Chemical Kinetic Reaction Mechanisms" . "Mauno Vihinen" . "organ" . . . . . . "structure" . "Q-2958"^^ . "^casent\\d+(\\-D\\d+)?$"^^ . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "https://licebase.org/?q="^^ . . . . . . . "http://lincsportal.ccs.miami.edu/datasets/#/view/"^^ . . "^ENST\\d{11}$"^^ . _:Ne6aee621446048d6b5241411f2a7a809 . . "https://cropontology.org/rdf/CO_336:"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . . "https://gpcrdb.org/protein/"^^ . "false"^^ . "carnegie.stage" . . . "The CDC's National Center of Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) developed and maintains the CVX (vaccine administered) code set. The table below has the most up to date values. It includes both active and inactive vaccines available in the US. CVX codes for inactive vaccines allow transmission of historical immunization records."^^ . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "false"^^ . . "https://cropontology.org/rdf/CO_338:"^^ . . "Daniel Schober" . "reaction" . . . . . "https://zenodo.org/record/$1"^^ . . . "http://vita.mbc.nctu.edu.tw/search.php?acc=$1"^^ . . . . . "natural science" . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/AEON_$1"^^ . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OOSTT_"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . . "NCIThesaurus" . . . . "CALIPHO Group Ontology of Human Anatomy" . . "worldavatar.compchem" . . . "longevity" . "National Uniform Claim Committee Taxonomy" . . . . . "Decentralized Identifier" . "false"^^ . . "EJH014"^^ . "false"^^ . . . "004435"^^ . . . "microbial" . "gene expression" . . . "http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/ontologies/$1" . "ecto" . "OIDs provide a persistent identification of objects based on a hierarchical structure of Registration Authorities (RA), where each parent has an object identifier and allocates object identifiers to child nodes."^^ . . "smpdb" . "589462"^^ . . "https://bioregistry.io/registry/$1" . . "health science" . "mark@gersteinlab.org" . . . "Application ontology for human cell types, anatomy and development stages for the Human Cell Atlas."^^ . . . . . . "http://www.shigen.nig.ac.jp/rice/oryzabaseV4/devstageineachorgan/detail/"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . "pesticides" . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "http://fossilworks.org/?a=taxonInfo&taxon_no="^^ . . . . "^HBG\\d+$"^^ . "false"^^ . . "^\\w{4}$"^^ . . . . "UMLS" . . . . . "dna" . . . "false"^^ . "zazuko" . . . "ontology" . "https://senselab.med.yale.edu/ModelDB/ModelList?id=$1"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . "https://dblp.org/pid/"^^ . . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/cco/terms?obo_id=CCO:"^^ . "https://gnss-metadata.eu/MOID/$1"^^ . "KEGG DRUG" . . "^[1-9]\\d{0,6}$"^^ . . . . . . . "Web-application assembling the largest in vitro drug screens in a single database, and allowing users to easily query the union of studies released to date. Query by tissue."^^ . "RNA Modification Database" . . . . . . "PXD000440"^^ . "structural biology" . . . . . . "true"^^ . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OlatDv_"^^ . "Ligandbook is a public repository for force field parameters with a special emphasis on small molecules and known ligands of proteins. It acts as a warehouse for parameter files that are supplied by the community."^^ . "GPM32310002988"^^ . "ontology" . . . "HMS LINCS Cell" . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ERO_$1"^^ . . "life science" . . "https://www.worldwildlife.org/ecoregions/$1"^^ . . "metadata" . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/INO_$1"^^ . . "http://www.kegg.jp/entry/$1"^^ . "National Experimental Cell Resource Sharing Platform" . "dg.4503/01b048d0-e128-4cb0-94e9-b2d2cab7563d"^^ . . . "mcro" . "disease process modeling" . . . . . "1200"^^ . . . "botany" . . . . "beta cell" . . "cognitive neuroscience" . "frbr" . "NBK331"^^ . . . . "0000093"^^ . . . . "data model" . . "Role Ontology" . "https://pathbank.org/view/"^^ . . . . . "MAMpol005339"^^ . . "genotype" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PdumDv_$1"^^ . . "life science" . . . . . . . "mex" . . . . . . . . . . "http://aclame.ulb.ac.be/perl/Aclame/Genomes/mge_view.cgi?view=info&id=mge:$1"^^ . . "ontology" . . . . . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/intenz/query?cmd=SearchEC&ec=$1"^^ . "NeuroLex Anatomy" . . . . "The gEAR portal is a website for visualization and analysis of multi-omic data both in public and private domains."^^ . . . . . . "bioinformatics" . "Christopher Mull" . "protein" . . "hammer"^^ . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "20003"^^ . "drug" . "PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s."^^ . . "Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool" . "false"^^ . "^ACTRN\\d+$"^^ . . . . _:N60193d4192544adbadc9274357aa99db . "^[A-Za-z]{2,4}[A-Za-z0-9.-]{1,71}$"^^ . . . . "antibiotic resistance" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/AfPO_"^^ . "^[A-Za-z0-9+_.%-:]+$"^^ . . . . . "SABIO-RK" . "WikiPathways" . "computer science" . . . . "^\\d{8}$"^^ . . "Bill Duncan" . . "OMIMPS" . . "^SAM[NED](\\w)?\\d+$"^^ . . . . "UniGene" . . . . "Dublin Core Elements (1.1)" . . . . . . . "ICD" . . . "hesa" . . . . . "SO-Pharm (Suggested Ontology for Pharmacogenomics) is a domain ontology implemented in OWL-DL, which proposes a formal description of pharmacogenomic knowledge. SO-Pharm articulates different ontologies that represent complementary sub-domains of pharmacogenomics, i.e. related to genotype, phenotype, drugs, and clinical trials. SO-Pharm enables to represent pharmacogenomic relationships between a drug, a genomic variation and a phenotype trait. In addition, it enables to represent patient and more largely panel included in trials, and populations. SO-Pharm enables the representation of measured items on this patients such as results from the observation of a phenotype trait or of genomic variations. SO-Pharm supports knowledge about pharmacogenomic hypothesis, case study, and investigations in pharmacogenomics. SO-Pharm is designed to facilitate data integration and knowledge discovery in pharmacogenomics. In addition it provides a consistent articulation of ontologies of pharmacogenomic sub-domains."^^ . . . . "pencehe@oneonta.edu" . . . . . "cardiology" . "https://www.vmh.life/#reaction/"^^ . . "false"^^ . "NCI Metathesaurus (NCIm) is a wide-ranging biomedical terminology database that covers most terminologies used by NCI for clinical care, translational and basic research, and public information and administrative activities. It integrates terms and definitions from different terminologies, including NCI Thesaurus, however the representation is not identical."^^ . "^\\w+$"^^ . "dsm4" . . "Yongqun Oliver He" . "rs17852708"^^ . . "cst" . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . "biology" . . "http://www.protonet.cs.huji.ac.il/requested/cluster_card.php?cluster="^^ . . . "61467"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . "study design" . "report" . "^ARBA\\d+$"^^ . . "kisao" . "https://www.kegg.jp/entry/$1"^^ . . "1915"^^ . . . . "gene" . . . "diagnosis" . "https://skip.stemcellinformatics.org/SKIPSearch/cell_line_detail?accession="^^ . . . . . "Cancer cell LInes GEne fusions portAl" . . . . . . . . . . . . "FOAF is a project devoted to linking people and information using the Web. Regardless of whether information is in people's heads, in physical or digital documents, or in the form of factual data, it can be linked. FOAF integrates three kinds of network: social networks of human collaboration, friendship and association; representational networks that describe a simplified view of a cartoon universe in factual terms, and information networks that use Web-based linking to share independently published descriptions of this inter-connected world."^^ . . . . . "0000080"^^ . "blast" . . . "Gianni Cesareni" . "obo" . . "https://integbio.jp/dbcatalog/en/record/"^^ . "https://www.iedb.org/mhc/$1"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . "jcottrell@matrixscience.com" . . "http://w3id.org/nfdi4ing/metadata4ing#$1"^^ . "robert.hoehndorf@kaust.edu.sa" . "MCDS_C_0000000001"^^ . "false"^^ . . "bcbc" . . "Topology Data Bank of Transmembrane Proteins" . "^([A-N,R-Z][0-9][A-Z][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9])|([O,P,Q][0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9])|([0-9][A-Za-z0-9]{3})$"^^ . "https://proteinensemble.org/$1"^^ . . "51"^^ . "genome" . . "NeuroVault Collection" . . "neurology" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OHPI_$1"^^ . . . "ama-cpt" . . . . . "https://www.langual.org/langual_thesaurus.asp?termid=$1"^^ . "ornaseq" . . . . . . . "tctr" . "GenBank ® is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences (Nucleic Acids Research, 2013 Jan;41(D1):D36-42)."^^ . . "citlalli.mejiaalmonte@gmail.com" . . "metabolites" . "nanotechnology" . . "Cassava Trait Dictionary in template 5 - IITA - July 2015, updated in February 2016"^^ . . "030719"^^ . . . . . "transport and kinetic data" . "Hugh.Shanahan@rhul.ac.uk" . "1829126"^^ . . "protein" . "http://biohackathon.org/resource/faldo#$1"^^ . . . "https://biopragmatics.github.io/providers/cemo/$1"^^ . "sequence" . . "^\\w+(\\.\\d+)?(\\.\\d+)?$"^^ . "https://www.checklistbank.org/dataset/3LR/taxon/$1"^^ . . "cdpd" . "false"^^ . . "FR-FCM-ZYGW"^^ . "life science" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OPL_"^^ . "tgv139393198"^^ . . . "^[1-9]\\d*$"^^ . . . "ontology" . "false"^^ . "^[A-Z0-9]+$"^^ . "http://www.shigen.nig.ac.jp/rice/oryzabaseV4/strain/inducedMutationLine/detail/$1"^^ . . . . . "metascience" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PAO_$1"^^ . . "genome" . . . "Haruki Nakamura" . "BacMap Biography" . . . . . "https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=$1"^^ . . . "nucleotide" . "https://bioregistry.io/dashr.expression:"^^ . . . . . . _:Nee20d5e72f014d02bebf57c849d19112 . . . "Christine Orengo" . "genome" . "Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Terms" . . . . "true"^^ . . "BioTools" . "Human Brain Atlas" . . "obo" . . . . "molecular" . "cl" . "1119"^^ . "https://covid19.sfb.uit.no/api/records/"^^ . . "provenance"^^ . . "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/$1" . . "myco.smeg" . . . . . "A nomenclatural ontology for biological names" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/XLMOD_$1"^^ . . . "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#$1"^^ . . . . "The Diseases Database is a cross-referenced index of human disease, medications, symptoms, signs, abnormal investigation findings etc. This site provides a medical textbook-like index and search portal covering areas including: internal medical disorders, symptoms and signs, congenital and inherited disorders, infectious diseases and organisms, drugs and medications, common haematology and biochemistry investigation abnormalities."^^ . "Marc Ciriello" . . . "dna" . . "Potato ontology" . . "https://vac.niaid.nih.gov/view?id=$1"^^ . . . "rna" . . . . . . . . . "version Dec 2019"^^ . "life science" . "https://resolver.api.identifiers.org/resolveMirId/"^^ . . . "https://metabolicatlas.org/identifier/MetabolicAtlas/"^^ . . "4623"^^ . . . "life science" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HOM_$1"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . "Vital Sign Ontology" . "false"^^ . "http://www.t3db.org/toxins/"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "https://icd.who.int/browse10/2019/en#/$1"^^ . . "isbn" . . . "ipi" . . . . "genetics" . . . . . "http://purl.uniprot.org/annotation/VAR_$1"^^ . "hoganwr@gmail.com" . "^001\\d{5}$"^^ . . . . . "Catalogue of Life in Taiwan" . "phs000768.v2.p1"^^ . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/SOPHARM_"^^ . . . . . . . "Dr Paul Schofield" . . . . . "vdrc" . "The DrugBank database is a bioinformatics and chemoinformatics resource that combines detailed drug (i.e. chemical, pharmacological and pharmaceutical) data with comprehensive drug target (i.e. sequence, structure, and pathway) information. This collection references target information from version 4 of the database."^^ . . "Digital archive of scholarly articles" . "Raimond Winslow" . . . . . . "life science" . . . . "saddan"^^ . . . "Nematode & Neglected Genomics" . "^([A-H,Y]|[A-H, Y]\\d{2}|[A-H, Y]\\d{2}[A-Z]|[A-H, Y]\\d{2}[A-Z]\\d{1,3}|[A-H, Y]\\d{2}[A-Z]\\d{1,3}(\\/)?\\d{2,})$"^^ . "https://gpcrdb.org/protein/$1"^^ . "https://pb.apf.edu.au/phenbank/strain.html?id=$1"^^ . "Simplified molecular-input line-entry system" . . . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLAO_"^^ . . . . . . . . "Use this database to browse the CMECS classification and to get definitions for individual CMECS Units. This database contains the units that were published in the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard."^^ . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "COSMIC Gene" . . "protein" . "^PF\\d{5}$"^^ . . . "nasc" . . "DSSTox substance" . "false"^^ . "Synthetic Binding Protein Protein Scaffold" . . "biology" . . "https://www.sharkipedia.org/traits/$1"^^ . . "rnaloops" . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . "egon.willighagen@gmail.com" . "Sebastien Moretti" . . "academy" . . "Nathan Baker" . . . . . "Robert Court" . . "Curated Drug-Drug Interactions Database - Drug" . . . . "authoredBy"^^ . . . . . "citation" . . . "biomedical science" . . "molmedb" . "false"^^ . . . "IPD-IMGT/HLA" . . . . . . . . . . . "http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/resource/om-2/$1"^^ . "life science" . "parasitology" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "gaog@mail.cbi.pku.edu.cn" . . "sigmaaldrich" . _:N04244c3830be4b01b4b01952c7c57491 . "software"^^ . . . . "MMSL_CODE" . . . . "688"^^ . "http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/smart/do_annotation.pl?DOMAIN=$1"^^ . "protein" . . . . "ontology" . "^[1-9]\\d{0,5}$"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . . . "Liver Cancer Model Repository" . . "Bactibase is a database describing the physical and chemical properties of bacteriocins from gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria."^^ . . "MatrixDB stores experimentally determined interactions involving at least one extracellular biomolecule. It includes mostly protein-protein and protein-glycosaminoglycan interactions, as well as interactions with lipids and cations."^^ . . . . . . "caro" . "false"^^ . "life science" . "Stress Knowledge Map" . . "MNXM1723"^^ . . . "chemical entity" . . . . "https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=$1"^^ . . . "depod" . . . . . "false"^^ . . "https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/$1" . . . "plos" . . "Costal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard" . "https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/cell/"^^ . "https://cropontology.org/rdf/CO_340:$1"^^ . . . . . . "^ST[0-9]{6}$"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . "^[A-Z]+[0-9]+$"^^ . "http://flypush.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu/pscreen/details.php?line="^^ . . "Genomic Data Commons Data Portal" . "https://bioinfo-mml.sjtu.edu.cn/ICEberg2/browse_result.php?type=fam&fam_id=$1"^^ . . "The Animal Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) database (Animal QTLdb) is designed to house publicly all available QTL and single-nucleotide polymorphism/gene association data on livestock animal species. This collection references sheep QTLs."^^ . . . . "dna" . "life science" . "Japan Collection of Microorganisms" . "disease" . "The PeptideAtlas Project provides a publicly accessible database of peptides identified in tandem mass spectrometry proteomics studies and software tools."^^ . "transcriptomics" . . . "anatomy" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . "^[A-Z_]{3}[0-9]{4,}$"^^ . . "seed.subsystem" . "^e\\d+$"^^ . . . . "1046"^^ . . . . "protein" . . . . "Genetic code, mitochontrial genetic code, and other linked information to NCBI taxonomy entries."^^ . . . "^\\w+$"^^ . . . . "genbank" . . _:N29fad01eadae471eba8fea6cea4b873b . "doap" . . "drosophilidae" . _:Nf59912c1847148ee86c950c849c597ab "Crop Ontology Helpdesk" . . "person" . "protein" . "LBCTR2023015204"^^ . . "^[A-Z][a-z][0-9]+$"^^ . . . . "Internet Engineering Task Force Language Tag" . . . . . "https://hl7.org/fhir/us/"^^ . "https://bioregistry.io/ligandexpo:"^^ . . . "ajacobs@cas.org" . "Maria Taboada" . "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/"^^ . . . "http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/apps/homeodomain/web/index.cgi?mode=view&view=proteins&id="^^ . . . . "biological sample annotation" . . . . . . . . "nawrocke@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" . "MMsINC" . "Discourse Elements Ontology" . "genome" . . "Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology" . . . "DB-0174"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . "asap" . "emmo.cif" . . . . . "Nicolas Le Novère" . . "http://dictybase.org/gene/$1"^^ . . . "FlyMine is an integrated database of genomic, expression and protein data for Drosophila, Anopheles and C. elegans. Integrating data makes it possible to run sophisticated data mining queries that span domains of biological knowledge."^^ . "true"^^ . _:N8efdec4e0cc44a289f0b4a520688c179 "Rafael Gonçalves" . . "Immune Epitope Database Epitopes" . "http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/nlx_dys_$1"^^ . "lter" . . "0000449"^^ . . "The AGD is an integrated database resource dedicated to collecting the genomic-related data of the Asteraceae family. This collections refers to the broader phenotypic and genetic resources of Asteraceae plants."^^ . "CHEMBL3467"^^ . "Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names" . "David Craik" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FBcv_$1"^^ . . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/APO_"^^ . . "biomedical science" . . . . . "phylogenomics" . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "https://www.drugbank.ca/categories/$1"^^ . . . "ontology" . . . . . . "systems biology" . "InnateDB has been developed to facilitate systems level investigations of the mammalian (human, mouse and bovine) innate immune response. Its goal is to provide a manually-curated knowledgebase of the genes, proteins, and particularly, the interactions and signaling responses involved in mammalian innate immunity. InnateDB incorporates information of the whole human, mouse and bovine interactomes by integrating interaction and pathway information from several of the major publicly available databases but aims to capture an improved coverage of the innate immunity interactome through manual curation."^^ . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ONS_"^^ . "pubchem.compound" . "BIND accession number" . . . "The RNA modification database provides a comprehensive listing of post-transcriptionally modified nucleosides from RNA. The database consists of all RNA-derived ribonucleosides of known structure, including those from established sequence positions, as well as those detected or characterized from hydrolysates of RNA."^^ . . "false"^^ . . . "true"^^ . "ArrayExpress is a public repository for microarray data, which is aimed at storing MIAME-compliant data in accordance with Microarray Gene Expression Data (MGED) recommendations."^^ . . _:N12563f42fc64492d958588bf78843426 "takeya.kasukawa@riken.jp" . . . . . . . . . . . . "biology" . "http://tritrypdb.org/tritrypdb/showRecord.do?name=GeneRecordClasses.GeneRecordClass&source_id="^^ . . "http://legacy.chemspider.com/inchikey=$1"^^ . . . "voc4cat" . . "subject agnostic" . "false"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . "http://dictybase.org/db/cgi-bin/feature_page.pl?primary_id="^^ . "VHOG_RETIRED" . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "arXiv" . . "biozil" . . "genome" . . . "runbiosimulations" . "TAIR Protein" . "117"^^ . . "obo" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FBSP_"^^ . . "Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders."^^ . "gene expression" . "structure" . . "A0014"^^ . . . . . "translational medicine" . "Amphibian gross anatomy" . "19-T4"^^ . . . . . "genetic disorder" . "nextProt" . . "orthologous" . "OBO Foundry" . . . "life science" . . . "Food Classification and Description System (from FSA Food Type identifiers)" . "botany" . . . . . "MTBLS1"^^ . "http://compluyeast2dpage.dacya.ucm.es/cgi-bin/2d/2d.cgi?ac="^^ . "gene" . "https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/classification/#hid=$1"^^ . "tm.shah@cgiar.org" . . . "Project"^^ . "drug" . "MarkerDB" . . . . . . "ICDO" . "gorel" . "Fernanda Farinelli" . "ino" . . . "false"^^ . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . "ncithesaurus" . . . . . . "Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology" . "life science" . . . "natural language processing" . . . . "false"^^ . . "Data Science Ontology" . "http://www.kegg.jp/entry/"^^ . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PDRO_$1"^^ . . . . . "The European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures (ECACC) is one of four Culture Collections of Public Health England. We supply authenticated and quality controlled cell lines, nucleic acids and induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)."^^ . . . "false"^^ . . . . "https://coconut.naturalproducts.net/compound/coconut_id/"^^ . . . . . "bioinformatics" . "obo" . "An ontology of phenotypes covering microbes"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Karel Berka" . . . "http://mampol.uab.es/cgi-bin/MamPol_s2.pl?Accession="^^ . . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OARCS_$1"^^ . . . . "https://www.merckmillipore.com/catalogue/item/$1"^^ . . . "The IMGT/PRIMER-DB database provides standardized information on oligonucleotides or primers of the immunoglobulins (IG) and T cell receptors (TR)."^^ . . "ISED catalogues the influenza sequence and epitope information obtained in countries worldwide and currently hosts a total of 49368 influenza A and 4761 influenza B virus sequence data including pandemic A/H1N1 2009 virus sequences collected in 42 countries, and a total of 545 amantadine-resistant influenza virus sequences collected in Korea."^^ . "https://apps.usgs.gov/thesaurus/term-simple.php?thcode=3&code=$1"^^ . . . "SNOMEDCT_US_2015_03_01" . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . "Roman Laskowski" . "Ribocentre" . "ontology" . . . . "https://www.merckmillipore.com/catalogue/item/"^^ . "An alternative or synonymous prefix" . . . . "Frédéric Bastian" . "false"^^ . . "obo" . "lonza" . "organ" . . . . "http://microsporidiadb.org/micro/showRecord.do?name=GeneRecordClasses.GeneRecordClass&source_id="^^ . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . "neurobiology" . . . . . "ShareLoc defines terms to annotate data sets from single molecule localization microscopy, including but not limited to: imaging technique, biological structures or molecules of interest, cell types, experimental condition, labeling method, fixation protocol, etc."^^ . . . . . . "Human Protein Atlas tissue profile information" . . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels/$1"^^ . . . . . . "false"^^ . . . . "ontology" . . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "nasaosdr.payload" . . . "nlx.chem" . "ProtoNet Cluster" . . "SNR17A"^^ . "disease process modeling" . "In CIViC, each Evidence Item must be associated with a Source Type and Source ID, which link the Evidence Item to the original source of information supporting clinical claims. Currently, CIViC accepts publications indexed on PubMed OR abstracts published through the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Each such source entered into CIViC is assigned a unique identifier and expert curators can curate guidance that assists future curators in the interpretation of information from this source."^^ . "CLAO is an ontology of anatomical terms employed in morphological descriptions for the Class Collembola (Arthropoda: Hexapoda)."^^ . . "ontology" . "biology" . "ST000900"^^ . . . . . "Cell line databases/resources"^^ . "experimental measurement" . "10142"^^ . . "false"^^ . "uniprot.taxonomy" . "https://biopragmatics.github.io/providers/scomp/$1"^^ . "defaultLanguage"^^ . . "https://w3id.org/sssom/$1"^^ . "obo" . "false"^^ . . . "j.harry.caufield@gmail.com" . . . . . . "huanglin36@mail.sysu.edu.cn" . "SPAR Ontologies" . . "^RF\\d{5}$"^^ . . . . . "vmhgene" . "Sandra Orchard" . "MEDIGUE Claudine" . "https://fairsharing.org/"^^ . . "false"^^ . "UP000005640"^^ . . . _:N6b50808b45284441a1112b35e32aad39 . . "rna" . "NLXCHEM" . . "flopo" . "David Osumi-Sutherland" . "clyh" . . . . . "http://greengenes.lbl.gov/cgi-bin/show_one_record_v2.pl?prokMSA_id="^^ . . . "false"^^ . "1000003"^^ . . "obo" . . . "Philippe Le Mercier" . . . . "Tb927.8.620"^^ . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano" . "seo" . . . . "Japan Chemical Substance Dictionary" . . "ido" . "http://www.kegg.jp/entry/"^^ . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/$1_$2" . . "http://research.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/informall/allergenic-food/?FoodId=$1"^^ . "dna" . . . . . . . "mgi" . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "Darwin Core Terms" . "TubercuList knowledge base" . . . "http://func.mshri.on.ca/mouse/genes/list_functional_scores/"^^ . "dev.ga4ghdos" . . . . . . . . "The IRESite database presents information about experimentally studied IRES (Internal Ribosome Entry Site) segments. IRES regions are known to attract the eukaryotic ribosomal translation initiation complex and thus promote translation initiation independently of the presence of the commonly utilized 5'-terminal 7mG cap structure."^^ . . . "hoso" . "http://tumor.informatics.jax.org/mtbwi/strainDetails.do?key=$1"^^ . . . . "ecology" . . "false"^^ . . . "http://www.bioinfo.org/NONCODEv4/show_rna.php?id="^^ . "https://www.inaturalist.org/users/"^^ . "pubchem_id" . "false"^^ . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PD_ST_"^^ . "pathway" . "lars.holm.nielsen@cern.ch" . . . "^\\w+\\_\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$"^^ . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CIO_$1"^^ . _:N04a66cb0e09a4a3f9e3679457446401d . . . . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . . "NOMEN is a nomenclatural ontology for biological names (not concepts). It encodes the goverened rules of nomenclature."^^ . . . "Xenbase is the model organism database for Xenopus laevis and X. (Silurana) tropicalis. It contains genomic, development data and community information for Xenopus research. it includes gene expression patterns that incorporates image data from the literature, large scale screens and community submissions."^^ . "mihail.anton@chalmers.se" . . . "FaBiO, the FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology" . "multicellds" . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/VSMO_"^^ . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHIRO_"^^ . . "nsc" . . "^[1-9][0-9]{14}$"^^ . . "https://bioregistry.io/chemicalbook:"^^ . . . . . _:N133a51bac56048f0b55e0450ef02d2fd . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RoleO_"^^ . . . "odc.sci" . . . . . . . . "policy" . "computational biology" . "ECCODE" . "nucc.taxonomy" . . . . "https://nrid.nii.ac.jp/ja/nrid/10000$1"^^ . "RiceCyc is a catalog of known and/or predicted biochemical pathways from rice (Oryza sativa). Pathways and genes presented in this catalog are primarily based on the annotations carried out by Gramene database project"^^ . "Ontology Lookup Service" . . . "ndf-rt" . "^\\d{1,2}(((\\.\\d{1,3}){1,3})|(\\.\\d+){2}\\.[nB]\\d{1,3})?$"^^ . . . "sperm" . . . "geogeo" . . "The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology" . . . . . "VirGen" . . . . "Ilene Karsch-Mizrachi" . "Dengue Fever Ontology" . . . "The mission of MediaDive is to transform poorly structured media recipes into a standardized database. The contents of the database include mined thousands of PDF and HTML documents. To ensure the quality of the media and continous improvement of the database, we developed an internal editor interface. Experts at the DSMZ are creating new media and curating the existing media using this interface. [adapted from https://mediadive.dsmz.de/about]"^^ . "data model" . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "bioinformatics" . "false"^^ . . "pathway" . . . . . . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PCO_$1"^^ . . . "Global LEI Index" . . . . "ISBN-10" . "Meghan Balk" . "genome" . . . "^[EL]D[SG]-\\d+$"^^ . "traits" . "https://github.com/geneontology/go-site/blob/master/metadata/rules/gorule-$1.md"^^ . "Dimension"^^ . . . . . . . _:N1fb7d9bd3571447ebb8a9d771456ad33 "Stephan Schurer" . "https://www.echinobase.org/entry/gene/showgene.do?method=display&geneId=$1"^^ . . . . "false"^^ . . . . "DDB0191090"^^ . . . "Sensitive Data Ontology" . . "Identifier for a species on the noaa fisheries website"^^ . . . . . . "^PTN\\d{9}$"^^ . "ND50028"^^ . . "Inge Jonassen" . "true"^^ . . . "agriculture" . . "structure" . . "obo" . . . . . . "cheminformatics" . "registry" . . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . . "Leafsnap" . "false"^^ . . . . . . . "life cycle" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PSO_"^^ . . "annotation" . . . . "life science" . . . _:Ndf240156173644feb2a8e890d7259338 "davem@umn.edu" . . "gene ontology enrichment" . . . . "datacommons" . . "https://pharmacome.github.io/conso/"^^ . . . . . "Geographical Entity Ontology" . "atmospheric science" . "https://www.hivreagentprogram.org/Catalog/HRPCellLines/$1.aspx"^^ . "NASA Open Science Data Repository Payload" . "Brian Aevermann" . . "ontology" . . . "life science" . "metascience" . . . . . . "strain" . "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/"^^ . . . . . . . . "MmusDv" . . . . . . . . . . "dragondb.protein" . . . . "http://4dx.embl.de/4DXpress/reg/all/cview/gene.do?geneID="^^ . "https://data.oncomx.org/OMX_"^^ . "An ontology representing the gross anatomy of Drosophila melanogaster."^^ . . . "quality" . . . . . . . . "C. Robin Buell" . "systems biology" . "https://rfam.org/family/$1"^^ . . . "https://spdx.org/licenses/$1"^^ . . . "rapdb.locus" . "The conference-ontology is a new self-contained ontology for modelleing knowledge about conferences. The conference-ontology adopts best ontology design practices (e.g., Ontology Design Patterns, ontology reuse and interlinking) and guarantees interoperability with SWC ontology and all other pertinent vocabularies. (from homepage)"^^ . . "false"^^ . "http://www.bioguo.org/AnimalTFDB/family.php?fam=$1"^^ . "false"^^ . "http://arabidopsis.org/servlets/TairObject?accession=Gene:"^^ . "http://rulai.cshl.edu/cgi-bin/TRED/tred.cgi?process=geneInfo&gid=$1"^^ . "https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/portal/lookup?keyName=proposalId&groupOnly=1&app=Info&keyValue="^^ . . "http://rna.igmors.u-psud.fr/NAPP/Niveau2.php?specie="^^ . . . "^[A-Za-z0-9_]+([A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+[A-Za-z0-9_]+)?@[\\d\\w\\.\\-]+[0-9a-z]+$"^^ . "AGRICOLA_ID" . . . . . "experimental condition" . "miRNEST is a database of animal, plant and virus microRNAs, containing miRNA predictions conducted on Expressed Sequence Tags of animal and plant species."^^ . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/T4FS_$1"^^ . . . . . "http://www.jstor.org/stable/"^^ . . . . . . . "Zach Landis-Lewis" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BSPO_"^^ . . "http://pharminfo.pharm.kyoto-u.ac.jp/services/glida/ligand_information.php?id="^^ . "true"^^ . . . . "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$"^^ . . . . . . "LTS0004651"^^ . . . "yeastintron" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "240-17-488-3-4-12"^^ . "CHEBI" . "Horizon Discovery cell line collection" . . "cryopreserved" . . . "civic.mpid" . "The KEGG Metagenome Database collection information on environmental samples (ecosystems) of genome sequences for multiple species."^^ . . . "https://health-products.canada.ca/ctdb-bdec/brand/?submissionNo=$1"^^ . . . . "brain" . "false"^^ . . . "ontology" . "lipro" . "TAIR Gene" . . "ArrayExpress Platform" . . . "geography" . . "Omar S. Harb" . . "false"^^ . "^((S\\d+$)|(Y[A-Z]{2}\\d{3}[a-zA-Z](\\-[A-Z])?))$"^^ . . . . . . "IUPHAR family" . . "^[0-9]+$"^^ . . "epigenetics" . . "fungi" . "disease" . . . "gene functional annotation" . "Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology" . . . "false"^^ . . . . . . _:N89959e66c07a42c2987a93163efc9f74 . . . . "https://w3id.org/mixs/"^^ . "false"^^ . . "Golm Metabolome Database Reference Substance" . . . "small molecule" . . . "53504"^^ . . . "The General Formal Ontology is a top-level ontology for conceptual modeling, which is being constantly further developed by Onto-Med. It includes elaborations of categories like objects, processes, time and space, properties, relations, roles, functions, facts, and situations. Moreover, we are working on an integration with the notion of levels of reality in order to more appropriately capture entities in the material, mental, and social areas."^^ . . "AB016785"^^ . . "A Locus Reference Genomic (LRG) is a manually curated record that contains stable genomic, transcript and protein reference sequences for reporting clinically relevant sequence variants. All LRGs are generated and maintained by the NCBI and EMBL-EBI."^^ . . "gtr" . . . . . . "glycomedb" . "http://www.glycosciences.de/database/start.php?action=explore_linucsid&linucsid="^^ . . . . . _:Nc70270856b2a48eda2da73fe21175e5c "helpdesk@cropontology-curationtool.org" . . "cheminf" . . . . "sensor data" . . . "rateRule"^^ . "nlx" . . "The Intelligence Task Ontology (ITO) provides a comprehensive map of machine intelligence tasks, as well as broader human intelligence or hybrid human/machine intelligence tasks."^^ . "http://tuberculist.epfl.ch/quicksearch.php?gene+name="^^ . "The number of known protein sequences exceeds those of experimentally solved protein structures. Homology (or comparative) modeling methods make use of experimental protein structures to build models for evolutionary related proteins. The Protein Model Portal (PMP) provides a single portal to access these models, which are accessed through their UniProt identifiers."^^ . "behavior" . . "https://prosite.expasy.org/"^^ . . "http://purl.org/dc/terms/$1"^^ . . "reaction" . . . "M1"^^ . "ModelDB" . "exposure" . "0000288"^^ . . "FamPlex is a collection of resources for grounding biological entities from text and describing their hierarchical relationships."^^ . . . . . . . "Norine is a database dedicated to nonribosomal peptides (NRPs). In bacteria and fungi, in addition to the traditional ribosomal proteic biosynthesis, an alternative ribosome-independent pathway called NRP synthesis allows peptide production. The molecules synthesized by NRPS contain a high proportion of nonproteogenic amino acids whose primary structure is not always linear, often being more complex and containing cycles and branchings."^^ . . . "thielerstage" . "000000001"^^ . . "Conserved Domain Database at NCBI" . "^PACTR\\d+$"^^ . "The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) develops and maintains the Cambridge Stuctural Database, the world's most comprehensive archive of small-molecule crystal structure data. A CCDC Number is a unique identifier assigned to a dataset deposited with the CCDC."^^ . . . . "Phy000CLXM_RAT"^^ . "hoelzel" . . "go.chemicals" . . . "Continuous Automated Model Evaluation" . . . . "plant phenotypes and traits" . . "false"^^ . . "http://scicrunch.org/resolver/SCR_$1"^^ . "Michael Szcześniak" . . . . "Lindsey N. Anderson" . . "The LifeWatch ERIC repository of semantic resources for the ecological domain." . . "0000254"^^ . "false"^^ . "molecular dynamics" . . . "^(VT)?\\d{7}$"^^ . "Terminologia Embryologica" . . . . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/entry/InterPro/$1"^^ . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/EPIO_$1"^^ . . "oryzabase.mutant" . . "ECTO describes exposures to experimental treatments of plants and model organisms (e.g. exposures to modification of diet, lighting levels, temperature); exposures of humans or any other organisms to stressors through a variety of routes, for purposes of public health, environmental monitoring etc, stimuli, natural and experimental, any kind of environmental condition or change in condition that can be experienced by an organism or population of organisms on earth. The scope is very general and can include for example plant treatment regimens, as well as human clinical exposures (although these may better be handled by a more specialized ontology)."^^ . "MobiDB" . "false"^^ . . . "encode" . "owl" . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . "An open, community-curated knowledgebase that contains several properties corresponding to resources listed in other biomedical registries." . "drug" . . . "UniProtKB_VAR" . . . . "phenotype" . ""^^ . "obo" . "genetics" . . "(Re)Building a Kidney is an NIDDK-funded consortium of research projects working to optimize approaches for the isolation, expansion, and differentiation of appropriate kidney cell types and their integration into complex structures that replicate human kidney function."^^ . . "http://isbndb.com/search-all.html?kw="^^ . . . "D.Schomburg@tu-braunschweig.de" . . . "liumeng94@sjtu.edu.cn" . . "pharmacodb.tissue" . . . "joel.richardson@jax.org" . "IDEAL provides a collection of knowledge on experimentally verified intrinsically disordered proteins. It contains manual annotations by curators on intrinsically disordered regions, interaction regions to other molecules, post-translational modification sites, references and structural domain assignments."^^ . . . . "plant phenotypes and traits" . "inchi" . . . . . . "genome" . "statistics" . . . . . "false"^^ . . . "gene" . . "https://metacyc.org/META/NEW-IMAGE?type=REACTION&object=$1"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . "obo" . . . "mir" . . "MFCD00011659"^^ . . . . . . "false"^^ . . . . "HMS LINCS Compound" . "false"^^ . . "ontology" . . "A database to support glycobiology and glycomics research. Its main focus is on 3D structures, including 3D structure models as well as references to PDB entries that feature carbohydrates."^^ . "http://neuromorpho.org/neuron_info.jsp?neuron_name=$1"^^ . "disease" . _:Nc494d4c9cbfd4d8d8cf94b84d81ff111 "bgee@isb-sib.ch" . . . "ontology" . . . . . "epidemiology" . . . "cordis.article" . "glycomics" . "^\\w+$"^^ . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "http://pepbank.mgh.harvard.edu/interactions/details/$1"^^ . "false"^^ . "The pattern for expanded URIs in the given resource" . "http://bis.zju.edu.cn/ricenetdb/genedetails.php?ID=$1"^^ . . . "The pattern for identifiers in the given resource" . . "^(ACC|DSM|NC|PC|RT|AS|PV)-\\d+$"^^ . . . . . "https://www.hoelzel-biotech.com/de/catalogsearch/result/?q=$1"^^ . . . . "ohpi" . "dg.6vts" . . . "research" . . "life science" . "3dmet" . . "^\\d{6}$"^^ . "The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) maintains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. This is the reference gene model for a given locus."^^ . "comparative genomics" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MmusDv_$1"^^ . "https://civicdb.org/links/gene/$1"^^ . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/merops/cgi-bin/clansum?clan=$1"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . "Ontology of standardized units"^^ . "http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~spike/maps/$1.html"^^ . "Provides structured controlled vocabularies for the annotation of expressed sequences with respect to anatomical system, cell type, developmental stage, experimental technique, microarray platform, pathology, pooling, tissue preparation and treatment."^^ . . . "Identifiers for epitopes, which are the specific parts of antigens recognized by the immune system."^^ . . . "protein" . . . "vivo" . . . . . "ECGOntology" . . . "http://geneontology.org/" . "biomedical science" . "genetics" . . . "datanator.reaction" . . . "http://cgsc.biology.yale.edu/Site.php?ID="^^ . . . . "ProteomeXchange" . "http://localhost/plosthes.2017-1#"^^ . "resource metadata" . . . . "MMs00000001"^^ . . . . "https://hub.docker.com/u/$1"^^ . "ontology" . . "OpenAlex is a fully open catalog of the global research system that describes scholarly entities and how those entities are connected to each other."^^ . . . . "subject agnostic" . . "fhir.implementation" . "http://homosaurus.org/terms/$1"^^ . . "IntAct Molecule" . "cropping systems" . . . . . "clement.jonquet@inrae.fr" . "rbk" . . . "The SNCTP (Swiss National Clinical Trials Portal) is the portal where clinical trials in Switzerland are published. It contains data from two sources: from BASEC, the national platform for submitting applications for research projects to ethics committees, and from the ICTRP (the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform), which covers the 17 primary registries worldwide. The ICTRP clinical trials shown on the SNCTP are limited to those conducted in Switzerland; there is also an option to display trials conducted in one of Switzerland's neighbouring countries. [from homepage]"^^ . "UniProtKB entries are tagged with keywords that can be used to retrieve particular subsets of entries."^^ . "ontology" . . . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . "registry" . "Jennifer C. Giron" . . "bioinformatics" . "https://locate.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ga4gh/drs/v1/objects/$1"^^ . . . . . "protein" . "bernd.mueller@zbmed.de" . . "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#$1"^^ . . "mcourtot@gmail.com" . "CIÊNCIAVITAE ID" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/kestrelo_$1"^^ . "Franziska B. Grieder" . "Global Research Identifier Database" . "Literature references in the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology Portal"^^ . "^([A-Z]\\d{5}|[A-Z]{2}\\d{6}|[A-Z]{4}\\d{8}|[A-J][A-Z]{2}\\d{5})(\\.\\d+)?$"^^ . "^(conceptualization|data-curation|formal-analysis|funding-acquisition|investigation|methodology|project-administration|resources|software|supervision|validation|visualization|writing-original-draft|writing-review-editing)$"^^ . "SNOWMEDCT_US" . . . . . . "FDB002100"^^ . . . . "subject agnostic" . . . "^([A-Z]\\d{5}|[A-Z]{2}\\d{6}|[A-Z]{4,6}\\d{8,10}|[A-J][A-Z]{2}\\d{5})(\\.\\d+)?$"^^ . . "frederic.bastian@unil.ch" . . . "vz" . . . "Hilmar Lapp" . . . . "C. elegans development ontology" . . . "AGROVOC is a multilingual and controlled vocabulary designed to cover concepts and terminology under FAO's areas of interest. It is the largest Linked Open Data set about agriculture available for public use and its greatest impact is through providing the access and visibility of data across domains and languages."^^ . . "https://biopragmatics.github.io/providers/hog/"^^ . . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . . . "http://www.interfil.org/details.php?id=$1"^^ . . . . "Database of RNA Junctions and Kissing loop Structures" . . "ontology" . "Selventa legacy complex namespace used with the Biological Expression Language"^^ . . "ElementNumber"^^ . "phenotype" . . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . "frim1"^^ . "dna" . "life science" . . "false"^^ . "bioresource" . . . . . . "environmental science" . . . . "false"^^ . . . . "worldavatar.kin" . . "true"^^ . . "2-s2.0-0030770923"^^ . "biomedical science" . "https://w3id.org/sssom/"^^ . . . "https://anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?ACTRN=$1"^^ . "0000001"^^ . "ontology" . . "This database is a collection of protein-protein homo- and hetero-complexes as well as domain-domain structures. This issue of the database contains 17.024 entries (as of October 2007) of which 1350 are two-chain protein hetero-complexes, 7773 homodimers and 1589 are one-chain proteins parsed into two domains (domain structures)."^^ . . . . "xenopus" . . "General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus" . . "sbp000002"^^ . . . . . "false"^^ . . . . . "Peter D'Eustachio" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/WBls_$1"^^ . "true"^^ . . "false"^^ . "20"^^ . . "Matt Yoder" . . "false"^^ . "https://dos-gdc.ucsc-cgp-dev.org/ga4gh/dos/v1/dataobjects/"^^ . "The Ontology of Coronavirus Infectious Disease (CIDO) is a community-driven open-source biomedical ontology in the area of coronavirus infectious disease. The CIDO is developed to provide standardized human- and computer-interpretable annotation and representation of various coronavirus infectious diseases, including their etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment."^^ . . . . "receptome.family" . "dctypes" . "http://www.w3.org/ns/shex#$1"^^ . . . "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.[a-f0-9]{24}$"^^ . "life science" . . "Interlinking Ontology for Biological Concepts" . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "TransportDB" . . . "dc.elements" . . . "Robert Druzinsky" . . . "false"^^ . "http://pathway.yeastgenome.org/YEAST/new-image?type=PATHWAY&object="^^ . . "MEROPS Entry" . "FlyBase is the database of the Drosophila Genome Projects and of associated literature."^^ . . "https://hub.docker.com/u/"^^ . "https://webchem.ncbr.muni.cz/Platform/ValidatorDb/ByStructure/"^^ . . "https://lincs.hms.harvard.edu/db/proteins/$1"^^ . . "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . "environmental science" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_$1"^^ . . . "Ruben Abagyan" . "M58335"^^ . . . "gene" . "MHC Restriction Ontology" . . . . . "mmusdv" . "http://classyfire.wishartlab.com/tax_nodes/C$1"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "ontology" . . . "ftp://ftp.embl-heidelberg.de/pub/databases/protein_extras/hssp/$1.hssp.bz2"^^ . . "00007294"^^ . "Fossilworks Journal" . . "Population and Community Ontology" . . . . "Radiomics Ontology" . "Plant Stress Ontology" . "mutant strain" . . . "http://swissregulon.unibas.ch/query/$1"^^ . . . . "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/"^^ . . . . . "Monique Zahn" . . "^TA\\d+$"^^ . _:Nb28177bf1eba407f9b92d7957f8f50cc "pierre.sprumont@unifr.ch" . "virology" . . "false"^^ . . . "bioinformatics" . . . . . "insdc.cds" . . "miriam.resource" . "ChEMBL is a database of bioactive compounds, their quantitative properties and bioactivities (binding constants, pharmacology and ADMET, etc). The data is abstracted and curated from the primary scientific literature."^^ . . "ACHN"^^ . . "false"^^ . . "GFAM" . "nutritional science" . . . "false"^^ . . "A public repository, standards compliant, for proteomics image data published in the literature. This repository currently contains data from 16 published articles, putting together 22 reference maps for 15 species, totalizing nearly 4'400 identified spots."^^ . . . . . "false"^^ . . "Metadata4Ing" . "Microarray experimental conditions" . . . . "true"^^ . "http://www.ubio.org/browser/details.php?namebankID="^^ . . . . . . "false"^^ . "false"^^ . "morphology" . . . . . . "atsushi.yoshiki@riken.jp" . "The post-translational modifications used in the UniProt knowledgebase (Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL). The definition of the post-translational modifications usage as well as other information is provided in the following format"^^ . "Epilepsy and Seizure Ontology" . . . . . "zfa" . . . . "dna" . . "http://tables.pseudogene.org/[?species_name]/"^^ . . "0000022"^^ . . . . . "International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) Run" . . "false"^^ . . "http://www.pathguide.org/fullrecord.php?organisms=all&availability=all&standards=all&order=alphabetic&DBID=$1" . . . "http://metlin.scripps.edu/metabo_info.php?molid="^^ . . . "Reaxys" . "wicell" . . "false"^^ . "992"^^ . . "false"^^ . . "environmental science" . . "https://medical-data-models.org/forms/$1"^^ . "Chris P. Ponting" . . "Compluyeast-2D-DB" . . . . . "^MCDS_C_[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,10}$"^^ . . "phosphosite.residue" . "phenotype" . . "identifier for a document in IEEE Xplore"^^ . "Gramene Reference" . . . . . "Cell Lines Service" . "Cu.me.I1"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . "http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#$1"^^ . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "http://scop.berkeley.edu/sid=$1"^^ . "life science" . . "^\\w+(\\_)?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$"^^ . . . "report" . "Stages 1-28 of mouse embryo development"^^ . . "Allotrope Merged Ontology Suite" . _:N43e882bb2d824b349186eb10cc03ef28 "helpdesk@cropontology-curationtool.org" . "false"^^ . . . . "The Genetic Testing Registry (GTR®) provides a central location for voluntary submission of genetic test information by providers. The scope includes the test's purpose, methodology, validity, evidence of the test's usefulness, and laboratory contacts and credentials. The overarching goal of the GTR is to advance the public health and research into the genetic basis of health and disease"^^ . . . "Abcam" . "ontology" . "biosample" . . "^(\\d{4}\\.\\d{2}\\.\\d{2}\\.)?\\d{6,8}(v\\d{1,3})?$"^^ . . "Cryo Electron Microscopy ontology" . . . . . . "ontology" . . . "life science" . . "http://biohackathon.org/resource/faldo#"^^ . . "This ontology lists all variables used for woody plant observations. Terms are collected from various sources (past and ongoing projects at national and international levels). Curators: Celia Michotey (INRAE) & Ines Chaves (IBET) - Version 2 submitted on Jun 2020 by INRAE."^^ . "life science" . "https://www.hipsci.org/lines/#/lines/$1"^^ . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NIF_CELL_$1"^^ . . . . . "Daniel N. Wilson" . . "ktym@dbcls.jp" . . "Pocketome" . . . . . . . . "A structured controlled vocabulary of the anatomy and development of the Japanese medaka fish, Oryzias latipes."^^ . "omia" . . . "http://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#"^^ . . . "Richard John Roberts" . "http://ratmap.org/Showgene.php?gene_stable_id=$1"^^ . . . . "^TTHERM\\_\\d+$"^^ . "false"^^ . . "natural science" . "Alexey M. Eroshkin" . . . "http://purl.unep.org/sdg/SDGIO_"^^ . "http://www.molbase.com/en/index.php?app=search&search_keyword=$1"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . . . "The Virus Infectious Disease Ontology" . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/TTO_"^^ . "fair" . . . . . "false"^^ . . "epigenetics" . "The [Global Biodata Coalition](https://globalbiodata.org) released a [curated list](https://globalbiodata.org/scientific-activities/global-core-biodata-resources/) of 37 life sciences databases in December 2022 that they consider as having significant importance (see criteria [here](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5845116)). While it's not a primary goal of the Bioregistry to cover life science databases (other resources like Wikidata and [FAIRsharing](https://fairsharing.org) already do an excellent job of this), many notable databases induce one or more semantic spaces that are relevant for curation and prefix assignment in the Bioregistry. Therefore, a large number of the resources in this list correspond 1-to-1 with prefixes in the Bioregistry, a small number (e.g., Orphanet, CIViC, PharmGKB) correspond to multiple prefixes, some have a complicated relationship with many-to-1 relationships to prefixes (DNA Data Bank of Japan, European Nucleotide Archive), and some constitute databases that simply reuse other key vocabularies (e.g., STRING reuses UniProt, GWAS Catalog reuses dbSNP and EFO). Among the databases that don't induce semantic spaces or have simple relationships to prefixes are:\n\n- [Clinical Genome Resource](https://www.clinicalgenome.org/) (uses HGNC, MONDO, PharmGKB, etc.)\n- [DNA Data Bank of Japan](https://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/) (uses INSDC)\n- [GENCODE](https://www.gencodegenes.org/) (uses GenBank)\n- [GWAS Catalog](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/) (uses dbSNP, EFO, etc)\n- [STRING](https://string-db.org/) (uses UniProt)" . . . "tRNA Gene Database" . . "http://www.scancerrna.com/toDetail?id="^^ . . "19803"^^ . . . . "42840"^^ . . "false"^^ . "ontology" . . . "false"^^ . "^P\\d+$"^^ . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "^([A-N,R-Z][0-9][A-Z][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9])|([O,P,Q][0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9])$"^^ . . . . . . . "https://datalab.rwth-aachen.de/MINDER/resource/"^^ . "The mission of the Clinical Trials Registry-India (CTRI) is to ensure that all clinical trials conducted in India are prospectively registered, i.e. before the enrolment of the first participant. Additionally, post-marketing surveillance studies, BA/BE studies as well as clinical studies as part of PG thesis are also expected to be registered in the CTRI. (from homepage)\n\nNote that the identifier in this semantic space is not the one used in the webpages"^^ . . . . "genome" . . . "Coconut ontology" . . . . "yid" . "extraction_set"^^ . . "numerical identifier for an author in SciProfiles by MDPI"^^ . . . . "ontology" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems" . . . "Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center" . . . "genome" . . . "gramene.gene" . "umls.sty" . "^(\\w+)?\\d+$"^^ . . "string" . "gallont" . . . . "obo" . . . "1664"^^ . "researcher" . . . "https://github.com/semanticchemistry/semanticchemistry" . "life science" . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . "false"^^ . "https://dip.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/dip/DIPview.cgi?ID=$1"^^ . . . . . . "https://www.ribocentre.org/docs/$1"^^ . "MassIVE is a community resource developed by the NIH-funded Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry to promote the global, free exchange of mass spectrometry data."^^ . . . _:N6b3f248a25794ff49ccc7d034022b703 "WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology" . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "bacmap.map" . "ontology" . . . "toxoplasma" . . . . . "NA06985"^^ . . . . . . . "http://ecoportal.lifewatch.eu/ontologies/$1" . "https://hdl.handle.net/hdl:20.500.12633/"^^ . . "depod@embl.de" . . . "Inge.Jonassen@uib.no" . . . . "false"^^ . "life science" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . . . "nucleotide" . "false"^^ . "KEGG COMPOUND" . . . . "pubchem.cell" . "conferences" . . . "dggr" . "^\\d+$"^^ . "obo" . . . "protein" . "drug target" . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HABRONATTUS_"^^ . . . . . "hsapdv" . "interaction" . . "uniprot.chain" . . "unit" . "d.e.starns@liv.ac.uk" . . . "false"^^ . . "classification" . "false"^^ . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . "https://www.e-cyanobacterium.org/experiments-repository/?action=detail&id=$1"^^ . "http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/centraldirectory.aspx?ID=$1"^^ . "Pol Castellano Escuder" . . . "http://www.w3.org/2008/05/skos-xl#"^^ . . . "Interaction Network Ontology" . . "Merck Millipore (EMD Millipore)" . . "rliningt@sfu.ca" . . . . . "genomics" . "matus.kalas@uib.no" . "The Morpheus model repository is an open-access data resource to store, search and retrieve unpublished and published computational models of spatio-temporal and multicellular biological systems, encoded in the MorpheusML language and readily executable with the Morpheus software.\n"^^ . "http://caps.ncbs.res.in/cgi-bin/mini/databases/imotdb/imotdb.cgi?sfcode=$1"^^ . "mod" . "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/merops/cgi-bin/pepsum?id=$1"^^ . . "https://biofactoid.org/document/$1"^^ . "systemic neuroscience" . . "true"^^ . . "ev:E00032"^^ . "Identifiers for immune receptors, representing receptor complexes or groups studied for their interactions with antigens or epitopes."^^ . "Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology" . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . . "^[A-Za-z0-9\\/]+$"^^ . "Cell Cycle Database is a collection of genes and proteins involved in human and yeast cell cycle"^^ . "ontology" . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/EO_$1"^^ . . "omia.variant" . "https://repeatsdb.org/structure/$1"^^ . . "false"^^ . . "Gavin H. Thomas" . . "^(\\d\\d\\d|V\\d\\d|E[8-9]\\d\\d)(\\.\\d{1,2})?$"^^ . . . . "SoyBase" . "organic chemistry" . . "The Oryzabase is a comprehensive rice science database established in 2000 by rice researcher's committee in Japan."^^ . "CO_325" . "false"^^ . "hgnc.symbol" . "Identifier for an animal, plant, or microorganism from the fossilworks website"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "false"^^ . . . . "https://mediadive.dsmz.de/ingredients/"^^ . . . "genomics" . . . . "shoshana@sickkids.ca" . "An ontology for describing the steps in the workflow associated with the publication of a document or other publication entity."^^ . . "BE0000048"^^ . "56586"^^ . "false"^^ . . . "https://www.ukrlp.co.uk/ukrlp/ukrlp_provider.page_pls_provDetails?x=&pn_p_id=$1&pv_status=VERIFIED&pv_vis_code=L"^^ . "http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/GRAC/LigandDisplayForward?ligandId=$1"^^ . "structure" . . "FlyBase Qualifiers" . . "The Drug Ontology" . . . . . . . . . . "Luis González-Montaña" . . . . "jens.klump@csiro.au" . "chebi" . "Higher order grouping of Pfam families"^^ . . "bugbase.protocol" . "European Paediatric Cardiac Codes" . . . . "device" . . "regulation" . . . . . . . "0000041"^^ . "report" . . "^\\d+$"^^ . "r.huntley@ucl.ac.uk" . "PATO is an ontology of phenotypic qualities, intended for use in a number of applications, primarily defining composite phenotypes and phenotype annotation."^^ . . . "inhand" . . . "false"^^ . . "Publisher short codes appearin in the NLM Catalog."^^ . . . . . . . . "^[A-Za-z_0-9]+$"^^ . . . "ppdb@gifu-u.ac.jp" . "mint" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RoleO_$1"^^ . "biomedical science" . . . . . . . "Rice annotation Project database" . "^DP\\d{5}r\\d{3}$"^^ . "This document describes the XML Schema namespace. It also contains a directory of links to these related resources, using Resource Directory Description Language."^^ . . "https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/"^^ . . . . "90000018"^^ . "438782"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . . . . . "http://senselab.med.yale.edu/ORDB/Data/$1"^^ . . . . . "ksdrew@uic.edu" . . "http://www.pathwaycommons.org/pc/record2.do?id="^^ . . "nlfff" . "ProteomicsDB is an effort dedicated to expedite the identification of the human proteome and its use across the scientific community. This human proteome data is assembled primarily using information from liquid chromatography tandem-mass-spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) experiments involving human tissues, cell lines and body fluids. Information is accessible for individual proteins, or on the basis of protein coverage on the encoding chromosome, and for peptide components of a protein. This collection provides access to individual proteins."^^ . . "Website with general information about Arabidopsis and functionalities such as a genomic viewer"^^ . . . . "Ontology for Biomedical Investigations" . . . . "Proteoform Atlas" . "https://www.gtexportal.org/home/gene/$1"^^ . "berman@rcsb.rutgers.edu" . "bfo11span" . . . . "Andreas Ruepp" . . . . _:Nc70270856b2a48eda2da73fe21175e5c "Crop Ontology Helpdesk" . . . "http://pombe.oridb.org/details.php?id=$1"^^ . . . "datf" . . "false"^^ . "wikidata" . . . "genomics" . "0000095"^^ . . "GT10"^^ . . . . . "http://snp500cancer.nci.nih.gov/snp.cfm?both_snp_id="^^ . . "http://www.kegg.jp/entry/"^^ . . "http://www.iclc.it/details/det_list.php?line_id=$1"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . "2966"^^ . . . . "DrugBank Metabolite" . . "civic.vid" . . . "Pfam Clans" . . . "1455"^^ . "^EG\\d+$"^^ . . . "http://bis.zju.edu.cn/ricenetdb/miRNAdetails.php?ID=$1"^^ . . . . . . . . "http://bis.zju.edu.cn/ricenetdb/proteindetails.php?ID=$1"^^ . "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/$1"^^ . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/SBO_"^^ . . . . . . . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . . . . "false"^^ . "http://globin.bx.psu.edu/cgi-bin/hbvar/query_vars3?mode=output&display_format=page&i="^^ . "http://biocyc.org/getid?id=$1"^^ . "scopus.publication" . . . "20090602"^^ . . "planp" . . . . "Cell line databases/resources"^^ . . . "LinkML" . "false"^^ . . "occo" . "molecular structure" . . . "estdab" . "biomedical science" . . "plant phenotypes and traits" . . . . . . "http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/id/$1"^^ . . . . . "http://w3id.org/nkos/$1"^^ . "The Japan Chemical Substance Dictionary is an organic compound dictionary database prepared by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)."^^ . . "http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/publications/publications.htm?seq_no_115="^^ . . . "cell line" . . . . . . . . . "SNOMEDCTCT_2019_03_01" . "false"^^ . "chebi" . . _:N0823e1b2a8ad41aeb807cd1faacf8ae4 "more.info@allotrope.org" . . . "The purpose of the joint FDA/USP Substance Registration System (SRS) is to support health information technology initiatives by generating unique ingredient identifiers (UNIIs) for substances in drugs, biologics, foods, and devices. The UNII is a non- proprietary, free, unique, unambiguous, non semantic, alphanumeric identifier based on a substance’s molecular structure and/or descriptive information."^^ . "electronic health record" . "BRENDA Tissue Ontology" . "^[A-Za-z0-9]+$"^^ . "expression data" . . . "false"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "small molecule" . . . . "0000139"^^ . . . . "https://biopragmatics.github.io/providers/pba/$1"^^ . . "The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) collates data on germ-line mutations in nuclear genes associated with human inherited disease. It includes information on single base-pair substitutions in coding, regulatory and splicing-relevant regions; micro-deletions and micro-insertions; indels; triplet repeat expansions as well as gross deletions; insertions; duplications; and complex rearrangements. Each mutation entry is unique, and includes cDNA reference sequences for most genes, splice junction sequences, disease-associated and functional polymorphisms, as well as links to data present in publicly available online locus-specific mutation databases."^^ . . . . . . "cath" . "obo" . . . . . . . . . . . "AcknowledgementCondition"^^ . "US4145692"^^ . "RCV000033555.3"^^ . . . . . . . "false"^^ . "false"^^ . "taxonomy" . "Vertebrate Homologous Organ Group Ontology" . . "vw253@cam.ac.uk" . . . "http://n2t.net/ark:"^^ . "ken.sd.hsu@gmail.com" . "false"^^ . . "hpiwowar@gmail.com" . "false"^^ . . . "David Brodbelt" . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PSDO_$1"^^ . . . . "life science" . " Hendrik Borgelt" . . . "Andrew G. McArthur" . . "https://www.kegg.jp/entry/"^^ . . "0000021"^^ . . "http://mampol.uab.es/cgi-bin/MamPol_s2.pl?Accession=$1"^^ . . . "taxid" . . . . . . "dna" . . . . "https://alfred.med.yale.edu/alfred/recordinfo.asp?UNID="^^ . . . . "obo" . . . . . "Brassica ontology" . . "pmp" . "pathway" . "ontology" . . "https://reaxys.emolecules.com/cgi-bin/more?vid="^^ . "Within the CIViC database, the disease should be the cancer or cancer subtype that is a result of the described variant. The disease selected should be as specific as possible should reflect the disease type used in the source that supports the evidence statement."^^ . . . "hoip" . "false"^^ . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GEO_$1"^^ . . "Pathguide" . . . . "Veterans Administration National Drug File" . . . "false"^^ . . . . . "Identifiers for relationships between proteins and complexes, along with their type and provenance"^^ . "ricecyc" . . . "10007835"^^ . . "Bgee stage" . "rat model" . . . . "gnpis" . . . . "Michael Riffle" . . . . "phylogenetics" . . . . . . "The covid-19 epidemiology and monitoring ontology (cemo) provides a common ontological model to make epidemiological quantitative data for monitoring the covid-19 outbreak machine-readable and interoperable to facilitate its exchange, integration and analysis, to eventually support evidence-based rapid response."^^ . . . . "false"^^ . "ProtoNet ProteinCard" . "false"^^ . "The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, known more commonly as ICF, is a classification of health and health-related domains. As the functioning and disability of an individual occurs in a context, ICF also includes a list of environmental factors. ICF is the WHO framework for measuring health and disability at both individual and population levels."^^ . . . "linguistics" . "life science" . . . "gene" . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ECO_"^^ . . . . "https://hub.docker.com/r/"^^ . . . "http://yeastrc.org/pdr/viewProtein.do?id="^^ . . . "false"^^ . "image collection" . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . . . "protein" . . . . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . "false"^^ . . . "ontology" . . . . "https://www.flymine.org/come/entry?gn=$1"^^ . . "co_348" . . "Collection" . . . . "lccn" . . "10153"^^ . "Encyclopedia of Life" . . "false"^^ . . . . . . "PubMed" . "Electrocardiogram Ontology" . . "^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-:#/\\.]+$"^^ . . . . . "mao" . . . "cell" . . "https://pb.apf.edu.au/phenbank/strain.html?id="^^ . . _:Nca200d916ace4fb88babff298fb42307 . "false"^^ . "data integration" . "http://metlin.scripps.edu/metabo_info.php?molid=$1"^^ . "^\\d{8}$"^^ . . "spider" . . "dbg2introns" . . . "qualityOfObservation"^^ . "genepio" . "https://scicrunch.org/resolver/RRID:"^^ . . . . "An ontology that permits the number of in-text citations of a cited source to be recorded, together with their textual citation contexts, along with the number of citations a cited entity has received globally on a particular date."^^ . "nasaosdr.biospecimen" . . . "Molbase" . . . "http://w3id.org/owlstar/$1"^^ . "https://registry.healthresearch.ph/index.php/registry?view=research&layout=details&cid="^^ . . . "^\\d{7}$"^^ . . . . . . "2170610"^^ . _:N755374faac0b45d0b3e7f03aa3104e49 "Plant Ontology Administrators" . "food" . "false"^^ . "neurobiology" . "http://www.depod.bioss.uni-freiburg.de/showp.php?gene="^^ . . "https://cropontology.org/rdf/CO_360:$1"^^ . . . "Models developed with the Virtual Cell (VCell) software prorgam."^^ . "http://purl.org/gc/"^^ . . . . "http://europepmc.org/articles/"^^ . . . . "protein" . . . . . . . . . "ModelDB is a curated, searchable database of published models in the computational neuroscience domain. It accommodates models expressed in textual form, including procedural or declarative languages (e.g. C++, XML dialects) and source code written for any simulation environment."^^ . . . . . . "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FIX_"^^ . . . . . "has provider formatter" . . . "adcad" . "http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/$1"^^ . "biotop" . 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"ontology" . . "proteomics" . "NASA Open Science Data Repository Subject" . . . . "^\\d+$"^^ . . . .