{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Access ClinVar Data from MyVariant.info Services" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "[ClinVar](http://www.clinvar.com/) is a freely accessible, public archive of reports of the relationships among human variations and phenotypes, with supporting evidence. It is commonly used in genomics research and is also a very important data source included in [MyVariant.info](http://myvariant.info).\n", "\n", "[myvariant.py](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/myvariant) is an easy-to-use Python wrapper to access MyVariant.Info services. By utilizing myvariant.py, you can easily access ClinVar data with only a few lines of code. \n", "\n", "In this demo, we will show you how to use myvariant.py to query for ClinVar data by a few use cases." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Install myvariant.py\n", "Install myvariant.py is easy, as pip is your friend:\n", "\n", " pip install myvariant\n", "You can find more usage examples from [MyVariant.py PyPI page](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/myvariant). The detailed API documentation can be found at http://myvariant-py.readthedocs.org ." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Now you just need to import it and instantiate **MyVariantInfo** class:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import myvariant\n", "mv = myvariant.MyVariantInfo()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "source": [ "### Retrieve ClinVar data of a variant or variants\n", "myvariant.py allows you to query for annotation information of a given variant or variants by calling **getvariant** or **getvariants** method. You can also customize the output by passing specific field name or names as parameters. For more information about field names available in MyVariant.info, please check [the detailed documentation](http://docs.myvariant.info/en/latest/doc/data.html#available-fields).\n", "\n", "* If you want to get available ClinVar annotation of a variant, you can pass an *hgvs id* and *'clinvar'* as the ***fields*** parameter to the **getvariant** method. Without ***fields*** parameter, you will get back all annotations available for the passed variant, including ClinVar." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{u'_id': u'chr17:g.7578532A>G',\n", " u'_version': 1,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 27396,\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17p13.1',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'7157', u'symbol': u'TP53'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 7578532, u'start': 7578532},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 7675214, u'start': 7675214},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_321t8:c.281T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t5:c.2T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t6:c.2T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t7:c.2T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t1:c.398T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t2:c.398T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t3:c.398T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t4:c.398T>C',\n", " u'NM_001276697.1:c.-80T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126118.1:c.281T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126115.1:c.2T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126116.1:c.2T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126117.1:c.2T>C',\n", " u'NM_000546.5:c.398T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126112.2:c.398T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126113.2:c.398T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126114.2:c.398T>C'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_321:g.17337T>C',\n", " u'NG_017013.2:g.17337T>C',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.7675214A>G',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.7578532A>G']},\n", " u'omim': u'191170.0011',\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000013151',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C1835398',\n", " u'omim': u'151623',\n", " u'orphanet': u'524'},\n", " u'name': u'Li-Fraumeni syndrome 1 (LFS1)'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'1999-01-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000546.5(TP53):c.398T>C (p.Met133Thr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs28934873',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 12357}}" ] }, "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "mv.getvariant('chr17:g.7578532A>G', fields = 'clinvar')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* Suppose you want to retrieve the *clinvar variant id* of a variant, you can pass hgvs id and the speicific field name to the **getvariant** method." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{u'_id': u'chr17:g.7578532A>G',\n", " u'_version': 1,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'variant_id': 12357}}" ] }, "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "mv.getvariant('chr17:g.7578532A>G', fields = 'clinvar.variant_id')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* You can also retreive annotation information of multiple fields for the same variant by calling the **getvariant** method. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "out = mv.getvariant('chr17:g.7578532A>G', fields = ['clinvar.variant_id','clinvar.rcv.accession'])" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " In this case, your output is clinvar *variant id* and *rcv accession number* of the variant." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{u'_id': u'chr17:g.7578532A>G',\n", " u'_version': 1,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000013151'}, u'variant_id': 12357}}" ] }, "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "out" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* One major advantage using MyVariant.info is that you can query fields from different data sources." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "out = mv.getvariant('chr6:g.26093141G>A', fields = ['clinvar.rcv.accession', 'exac.af', 'dbnsfp.sift.converted_rankscore'])" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " Here, you get the *rcv accession number* from ClinVar, *allele frequency* information from EXAC and *sift converted_rankscore* from dbnsfp for your target variant as the output." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{u'_id': u'chr6:g.26093141G>A',\n", " u'_version': 1,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000000019'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000020'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000021'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000022'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000023'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000024'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000025'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000117222'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000178096'}]},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'sift': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.91219}},\n", " u'exac': {u'af': 0.032}}" ] }, "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "out" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* To retrieve annotation objects for a list of hgvs ids, you can call the **getvariants** methods." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "querying 1-2...done.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "out = mv.getvariants(['chr6:g.26093141G>A', 'chr11:g.118896012A>G'], fields = 'clinvar.gene.symbol')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " Here, your output is the *gene symbol* of both variants." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[{u'_id': u'chr6:g.26093141G>A',\n", " u'_score': 1.0,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'gene': {u'symbol': u'HFE'}},\n", " u'query': u'chr6:g.26093141G>A'},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr11:g.118896012A>G',\n", " u'_score': 1.0,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'gene': {u'symbol': u'SLC37A4'}},\n", " u'query': u'chr11:g.118896012A>G'}]" ] }, "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "out" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Make queries based on a specific ClinVar field or fields\n", "myvariant.py also allows you to query for a specific field or fields in MyVariant.info.\n", "\n", "* You can make query based on a single RCV accession number." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{u'hits': [{u'_id': u'chr17:g.7578532A>G',\n", " u'_score': 16.53367,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'anc': u'A',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 473,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.008,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.008,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.819,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.11,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.055},\n", " u'chrom': 17,\n", " u'consdetail': u'missense',\n", " u'consequence': u'NON_SYNONYMOUS',\n", " u'consscore': 7,\n", " u'cpg': 0.07,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 0.01, u'mgw': 0.24, u'prot': 4.04, u'roll': 1.29},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 1100.13,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 6.2,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 16.04,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 3.08,\n", " u'nucleo': 1.8},\n", " u'exon': u'5/11',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.726386,\n", " u'gc': 0.58,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11118.1',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 588,\n", " u'cds_pos': 398,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.23,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.34},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000269305',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000141510',\n", " u'genename': u'TP53',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain', u'protpos': 133, u'rel_prot_pos': 0.34}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.48, u'rs': 367.5, u'rs_pval': 1.53237e-26, u's': 5.48},\n", " u'grantham': 81,\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 16,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 95,\n", " u'mutindex': 34,\n", " u'naa': u'T',\n", " u'oaa': u'M',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.998,\n", " u'primate': 0.809,\n", " u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 23.5,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.204, u'primate': 0.53, u'vertebrate': 4.641},\n", " u'polyphen': {u'cat': u'benign', u'val': 0.237},\n", " u'pos': 7578532,\n", " u'rawscore': 3.913993,\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'segway': u'TF2',\n", " u'sift': {u'cat': u'deleterious', u'val': 0},\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 27396,\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17p13.1',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'7157', u'symbol': u'TP53'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 7578532, u'start': 7578532},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 7675214, u'start': 7675214},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_321t8:c.281T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t5:c.2T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t6:c.2T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t7:c.2T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t1:c.398T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t2:c.398T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t3:c.398T>C',\n", " u'LRG_321t4:c.398T>C',\n", " u'NM_001276697.1:c.-80T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126118.1:c.281T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126115.1:c.2T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126116.1:c.2T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126117.1:c.2T>C',\n", " u'NM_000546.5:c.398T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126112.2:c.398T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126113.2:c.398T>C',\n", " u'NM_001126114.2:c.398T>C'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_321:g.17337T>C',\n", " u'NG_017013.2:g.17337T>C',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.7675214A>G',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.7578532A>G']},\n", " u'omim': u'191170.0011',\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000013151',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C1835398',\n", " u'omim': u'151623',\n", " u'orphanet': u'524'},\n", " u'name': u'Li-Fraumeni syndrome 1 (LFS1)'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'1999-01-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000546.5(TP53):c.398T>C (p.Met133Thr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs28934873',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 12357},\n", " u'cosmic': {u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cosmic_id': u'COSM43723',\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 7578532, u'start': 7578532},\n", " u'mut_freq': 0.03,\n", " u'mut_nt': u'T>C',\n", " u'ref': u'T',\n", " u'tumor_site': u'stomach'},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'codonpos': 2,\n", " u'pos': [u'133',\n", " u'133',\n", " u'1',\n", " u'1',\n", " u'1',\n", " u'94',\n", " u'133',\n", " u'94',\n", " u'133',\n", " u'133',\n", " u'133',\n", " u'94',\n", " u'94',\n", " u'133',\n", " u'94',\n", " u'122',\n", " u'1',\n", " u'40',\n", " u'133',\n", " u'126'],\n", " u'ref': u'M',\n", " u'refcodon': u'ATG'},\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'A',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 5,\n", " u'rs': u'rs28934873',\n", " u'trait': u'Li-Fraumeni_syndrome_1'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000141510',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000410739',\n", " u'ENSP00000352610',\n", " u'ENSP00000484409',\n", " u'ENSP00000478499',\n", " u'ENSP00000481179',\n", " u'ENSP00000478219',\n", " u'ENSP00000269305',\n", " u'ENSP00000481638',\n", " u'ENSP00000482258',\n", " u'ENSP00000398846',\n", " u'ENSP00000391127',\n", " u'ENSP00000482222',\n", " u'ENSP00000480868',\n", " u'ENSP00000391478',\n", " u'ENSP00000482537',\n", " u'ENSP00000482903',\n", " u'ENSP00000425104',\n", " u'ENSP00000423862',\n", " u'ENSP00000424104',\n", " u'ENSP00000473895'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000413465',\n", " u'ENST00000359597',\n", " u'ENST00000504290',\n", " u'ENST00000510385',\n", " u'ENST00000504937',\n", " u'ENST00000610292',\n", " u'ENST00000269305',\n", " u'ENST00000620739',\n", " u'ENST00000617185',\n", " u'ENST00000455263',\n", " u'ENST00000420246',\n", " u'ENST00000622645',\n", " u'ENST00000610538',\n", " u'ENST00000445888',\n", " u'ENST00000619485',\n", " u'ENST00000615910',\n", " u'ENST00000509690',\n", " u'ENST00000514944',\n", " u'ENST00000508793',\n", " u'ENST00000604348']},\n", " u'fathmm': {u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.99768,\n", " u'score': [-6.7,\n", " -6.7,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " -6.7,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " -6.7,\n", " -6.7,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " -6.7,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " -6.7,\n", " -6.7,\n", " -6.7,\n", " None]},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFDGBHI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.99134,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.99744},\n", " u'genename': u'TP53',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.48, u'rs': 5.48, u'rs_rankscore': 0.80555},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.74317,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.702456},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.64003,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.697927},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 7519257, u'start': 7519257},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 7578532, u'start': 7578532},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 7675214, u'start': 7675214},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.98419,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.735409},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.85317,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.722319},\n", " u'interpro_domain': [u'p53, DNA-binding domain',\n", " u'p53-like transcription factor, DNA-binding',\n", " u'p53/RUNT-type transcription factor, DNA-binding domain'],\n", " u'lrt': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.55863,\n", " u'omega': 0.072317,\n", " u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'score': 3.6e-05},\n", " u'metalr': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.99123, u'score': 0.972},\n", " u'metasvm': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.99543, u'score': 1.0972},\n", " u'mutationassessor': {u'pred': u'N', u'rankscore': 0.08161, u'score': 0},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': u'M133T',\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.38995,\n", " u'model': u'simple_aae',\n", " u'pred': u'A',\n", " u'score': 0.973129},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.996,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.62353},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.989, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.5315}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 1.199,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.95998},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 1.062, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.92612}},\n", " u'polyphen2': {u'hdiv': {u'pred': [u'P',\n", " u'B',\n", " u'B',\n", " u'B',\n", " u'B',\n", " u'B',\n", " u'P'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.39305,\n", " u'score': [0.551, 0.002, 0.004, 0.044, 0.001, 0.003, 0.674]},\n", " u'hvar': {u'pred': [u'P', u'B', u'B', u'P', u'B', u'B', u'P'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.59325,\n", " u'score': [0.804, 0.11, 0.062, 0.684, 0.113, 0.176, 0.858]}},\n", " u'provean': {u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.62478,\n", " u'score': [-2.93,\n", " -2.92,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " -3.01,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " -2.92,\n", " -2.92,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " -3.01,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " -2.76,\n", " -2.92,\n", " -2.96,\n", " None]},\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'reliability_index': 9,\n", " u'rsid': u'rs28934873',\n", " u'sift': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.91219,\n", " u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'.'],\n", " u'score': [0.0,\n", " 0.0,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " 0.0,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " 0.0,\n", " 0.0,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " 0.0,\n", " None,\n", " None,\n", " 0.0,\n", " 0.0,\n", " 0.001,\n", " None]},\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 13.8301,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.62644,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 1.0, u'c': 0.0, u'g': 0.0, u't': 0.0}},\n", " u'uniprot': [{u'acc': u'B4E095', u'pos': u'94'},\n", " {u'acc': u'P04637-2', u'pos': u'133'},\n", " {u'acc': u'P04637-3', u'pos': u'133'},\n", " {u'acc': u'E9PFT5', u'pos': u'40'},\n", " {u'acc': u'P04637', u'pos': u'133'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q1MSW8', u'pos': u'133'},\n", " {u'acc': u'E7EQX7', u'pos': u'133'}]},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'germline',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'A'}, {u'allele': u'G'}],\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 133,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP',\n", " u'LSD',\n", " u'NSM',\n", " u'PM',\n", " u'PMC',\n", " u'REF',\n", " u'RV',\n", " u'S3D',\n", " u'U5'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'7157', u'symbol': u'TP53'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 7578533, u'start': 7578532},\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs28934873',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'ts',\n", " u'vartype': u'snp'},\n", " u'mutdb': {u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cosmic_id': u'43723',\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 7578532, u'start': 7578532},\n", " u'mutpred_score': 0.74,\n", " u'ref': u'T',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs28934873',\n", " u'strand': u'm'},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'cdna': {u'length': u'2271', u'position': u'280'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'786', u'position': u'2'},\n", " u'effect': u'start_lost',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001126115.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " 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u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.2T>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Met1?',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'214', u'position': u'1'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'1',\n", " u'total': u'8',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2591', u'position': u'600'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1182', u'position': u'398'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_000546.5',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.398T>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Met133Thr',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'393', u'position': u'133'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'5',\n", " u'total': u'11',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2588', u'position': u'597'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1182', u'position': u'398'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001126112.2',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.398T>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Met133Thr',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'393', u'position': u'133'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'5',\n", " u'total': u'11',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2651', u'position': u'600'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1041', u'position': u'398'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001126113.2',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.398T>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Met133Thr',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'346', u'position': u'133'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'5',\n", " u'total': u'12',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2724', u'position': u'600'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1026', u'position': u'398'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001126114.2',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.398T>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Met133Thr',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'341', u'position': u'133'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'5',\n", " u'total': u'12',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2708', u'position': u'717'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1065', u'position': u'281'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001126118.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.281T>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Met94Thr',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'354', u'position': u'94'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'4',\n", " u'total': u'10',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2651', u'position': u'600'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'924', u'position': u'281'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001276695.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.281T>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Met94Thr',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'307', u'position': u'94'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'5',\n", " u'total': u'12',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2724', u'position': u'600'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'909', u'position': u'281'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001276696.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.281T>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Met94Thr',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'302', u'position': u'94'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " 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u'position': u'94'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'5',\n", " u'total': u'11',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'80',\n", " u'effect': u'5_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001276697.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.-80T>C',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'1',\n", " u'total': u'7',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'80',\n", " u'effect': u'5_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001276698.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.-80T>C',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'1',\n", " u'total': u'8',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'80',\n", " u'effect': u'5_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001276699.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.-80T>C',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'1',\n", " u'total': u'8',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'}],\n", " u'lof': {u'gene_id': u'TP53',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TP53',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'15',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'0.20'}},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'G', u'position': u'7578532', u'ref': u'A'}}],\n", " u'max_score': 16.53367,\n", " u'took': 21,\n", " u'total': 1}" ] }, "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "mv.query('clinvar.rcv.accession:RCV000013151')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* Now, let's assume you are working on cancer genomics and BRCA1 is your target gene. If you want to get all annotation information of variants located on BRCA1 and recorded in ClinVar, you can pass *clinvar gene symbol* parameter to the **query** method." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "out = mv.query('clinvar.gene.symbol:BRCA1')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " By default, the output lists the top 10 hits among 3532 unique variants recorded in ClinVar related to BRCA1. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{u'hits': [{u'_id': u'NM_007294.3:c.4358-?_5277+?del',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 94606,\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'coding_hgvs_only': True,\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.4358-?_5277+?del',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.4358-?_5277+?del'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.(?_141370_160932_?)del',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.(?_43057052)_(43076614_?)del',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.(?_41209069)_(41228631_?)del']},\n", " u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000119187',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0677776'},\n", " u'name': u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'q', u'Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2014-03-27',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.4358-?_5277+?del',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000074593',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0346153',\n", " u'omim': u'114480'},\n", " u'name': u'Familial cancer of breast',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'CHEK2-Related Breast Cancer',\n", " u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer']},\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.4358-?_5277+?del',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'}],\n", " u'type': u'Deletion',\n", " u'variant_id': 89063}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41197590_41197593del',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 102794,\n", " u'alt': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197593, u'start': 41197590},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045576, u'start': 43045573},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.*102_*105delCTGT'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.172408_172411delCTGT',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.172408_172411delCTGT',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43045573_43045576delACAG',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41197590_41197593delACAG']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000083012',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2011-10-17',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'ACAG',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs431825382',\n", " u'type': u'Deletion',\n", " u'variant_id': 96891},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'24',\n", " u'total': u'24',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'208',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*208_*211delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5830_5833delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'G', u'position': u'41197589', u'ref': u'GACAG'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41197737C>G',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'anc': u'C',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 116,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.008,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.299,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.205,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.48,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 17,\n", " u'consdetail': u'synonymous',\n", " u'consequence': u'SYNONYMOUS',\n", " u'consscore': 5,\n", " u'cpg': 0.01,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 1.78, u'mgw': 0.48, u'prot': -0.7, u'roll': -0.17},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 371.32,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 12.76,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 3.0,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 3.0,\n", " u'nucleo': 1.3},\n", " u'exon': u'24/24',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.723164,\n", " u'gc': 0.6,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11456.2',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 5845,\n", " u'cds_pos': 5613,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.98,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.99},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain',\n", " u'protpos': 1871,\n", " u'rel_prot_pos': 0.99}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.32, u'rs': 844.9, u'rs_pval': 8.78912e-51, u's': 4.33},\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'TRUE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 0.5, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 42,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 78396,\n", " u'mirsvr': {u'aln': 148, u'e': -24.01, u'score': -0.2148},\n", " u'mutindex': 8,\n", " u'naa': u'L',\n", " u'oaa': u'L',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 1.0, u'primate': 0.997, u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 12.85,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.766, u'primate': 0.559, u'vertebrate': 1.674},\n", " u'pos': 41197737,\n", " u'rawscore': 1.4117,\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'segway': u'TF2',\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 184867,\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197737, u'start': 41197737},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045720, u'start': 43045720},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.5550G>C',\n", " u'NM_007299.3:c.*64G>C',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.5550G>C'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.172264G>C',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.172264G>C',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43045720C>G',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41197737C>G']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000163767',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Likely benign',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0027672'},\n", " u'name': u'Hereditary cancer-predisposing syndrome',\n", " u'synonyms': u'Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2013-12-19',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5550G>C (p.Leu1850=)',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs786201502',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide 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u'position': u'746'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'LOW',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7115', u'position': u'5690'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5451', u'position': u'5409'},\n", " u'effect': u'synonymous_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5409G>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Leu1803Leu',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1816', u'position': u'1803'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'LOW',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7207', u'position': u'5782'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5592', u'position': u'5550'},\n", " u'effect': u'synonymous_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5550G>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Leu1850Leu',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'1850'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'LOW',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'64',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*64G>C',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5686G>C',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'G', u'position': u'41197737', u'ref': u'C'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41197776C>T',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'anc': u'C',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 116,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.008,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.299,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.205,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.48,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 17,\n", " u'consdetail': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'consequence': u'STOP_GAINED',\n", " u'consscore': 8,\n", " u'cpg': 0.01,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 1.68, u'mgw': 0.28, u'prot': -2.32, u'roll': 0.2},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 383.33,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 11.52,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 4.0,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 2.56,\n", " u'nucleo': 3.3},\n", " u'exon': u'24/24',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.723164,\n", " u'gc': 0.56,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11456.2',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 5806,\n", " u'cds_pos': 5574,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.98,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.99},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain',\n", " u'protpos': 1858,\n", " u'rel_prot_pos': 0.99}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.32, u'rs': 844.9, u'rs_pval': 8.78912e-51, u's': 5.32},\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 81,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 78357,\n", " u'mirsvr': {u'aln': 127, u'e': -21.58, u'score': -0.1772},\n", " u'mutindex': 41,\n", " u'naa': u'*',\n", " u'oaa': u'W',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 1.0, u'primate': 0.997, u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 49,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.766, u'primate': 0.559, u'vertebrate': 3.085},\n", " u'pos': 41197776,\n", " u'rawscore': 15.183713,\n", " 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u'2013-02-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5511G>A (p.Trp1837Ter)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000112692',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2006-07-19',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5511G>A (p.Trp1837Ter)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'}],\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80356914',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 55609},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'alt': u'X',\n", " u'codonpos': 3,\n", " u'pos': [u'1837',\n", " u'695',\n", " u'147',\n", " u'328',\n", " u'70',\n", " u'1790',\n", " u'1858',\n", " u'733'],\n", " u'ref': u'W',\n", " u'refcodon': u'TGG'},\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'C',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 5,\n", " u'rs': u'rs80356914',\n", " u'trait': u'Breast-ovarian_cancer\\\\x2c_familial_1'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000350283',\n", " u'ENSP00000312236',\n", " u'ENSP00000465818',\n", " u'ENSP00000467329',\n", " u'ENSP00000465347',\n", " u'ENSP00000418775',\n", " u'ENSP00000418960',\n", " u'ENSP00000420705'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000357654',\n", " u'ENST00000352993',\n", " u'ENST00000586385',\n", " u'ENST00000591534',\n", " u'ENST00000591849',\n", " u'ENST00000493795',\n", " u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'ENST00000491747']},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.52871,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.91246},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.32, u'rs': 5.32, u'rs_rankscore': 0.75224},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.96044,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.743671},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38451302, u'start': 38451302},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197776, u'start': 41197776},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045759, u'start': 43045759},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.83205,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.714379},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.92359,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.732398},\n", " u'interpro_domain': u'BRCT domain',\n", " u'lrt': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.49118,\n", " u'omega': 0.0,\n", " u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'score': 0.000149},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'W695*',\n", " u'W1598*',\n", " u'W654*',\n", " u'W686*',\n", " u'W1541*',\n", " u'W1837*',\n", " u'W147*',\n", " u'W328*',\n", " u'W70*',\n", " u'W1790*',\n", " u'W1858*',\n", " u'W733*',\n", " u'W1572*',\n", " u'.'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': [u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'without_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D'],\n", " u'score': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.994,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.58582},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.997, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.67089}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 0.935,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.48811},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.871, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.44667}},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80356914',\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 14.3724,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.66207,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 1.0, u'g': 0.0, u't': 0.0}}},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'A'}, {u'allele': u'T'}],\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 132,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP',\n", " u'LSD',\n", " u'NSM',\n", " u'NSN',\n", " u'PM',\n", " u'REF',\n", " u'RV',\n", " u'S3D',\n", " u'SLO',\n", " u'U3'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " 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u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.2199G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Trp733*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'759', u'position': u'733'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7115', u'position': u'5651'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5451', u'position': u'5370'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5370G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Trp1790*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1816', u'position': u'1790'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7207', u'position': u'5743'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5592', u'position': u'5511'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5511G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Trp1837*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'1837'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'25',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*25G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5647G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'T', u'position': u'41197776', u'ref': u'C'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41197790C>T',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'anc': u'C',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 116,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.008,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.299,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.205,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.48,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 17,\n", " u'consdetail': u'missense',\n", " u'consequence': u'NON_SYNONYMOUS',\n", " u'consscore': 7,\n", " u'cpg': 0.01,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 2.28, u'mgw': 0.13, u'prot': -3.43, u'roll': 0.29},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 327.44,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 11.52,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 4.0,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 2.56,\n", " u'nucleo': 4.2},\n", " u'exon': u'24/24',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.723164,\n", " u'gc': 0.53,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11456.2',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 5792,\n", " u'cds_pos': 5560,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.98,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.98},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain',\n", " u'protpos': 1854,\n", " u'rel_prot_pos': 0.98}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.32, u'rs': 844.9, u'rs_pval': 8.78912e-51, u's': 5.32},\n", " u'grantham': 21,\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 95,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 78343,\n", " u'mirsvr': {u'aln': 145, u'e': -17.34, u'score': -0.0965},\n", " u'mutindex': 37,\n", " u'naa': u'M',\n", " u'oaa': u'V',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.998,\n", " u'primate': 0.975,\n", " u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 33,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.766, u'primate': 0.559, u'vertebrate': 3.085},\n", " u'polyphen': {u'cat': u'probably_damaging', u'val': 0.957},\n", " u'pos': 41197790,\n", " u'rawscore': 6.842841,\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'segway': u'TF2',\n", " u'sift': {u'cat': u'deleterious', u'val': 0},\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 70265,\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197790, u'start': 41197790},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045773, u'start': 43045773},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.5497G>A',\n", " u'NM_007299.3:c.*11G>A',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.5497G>A'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.172211G>A',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.172211G>A',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43045773C>T',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41197790C>T']},\n", " u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000049017',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'not provided',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0346153',\n", " u'omim': u'114480'},\n", " u'name': u'Familial cancer of breast',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'CHEK2-Related Breast Cancer',\n", " u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2013-02-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5497G>A (p.Val1833Met)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000077626',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Conflicting interpretations of pathogenicity',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2012-10-15',\n", " u'number_submitters': 2,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5497G>A (p.Val1833Met)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000132307',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Likely pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0027672'},\n", " u'name': u'Hereditary cancer-predisposing syndrome',\n", " u'synonyms': u'Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2014-05-02',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5497G>A (p.Val1833Met)',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'}],\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 55598},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'alt': u'M',\n", " u'codonpos': 1,\n", " u'pos': [u'1833',\n", " u'691',\n", " u'143',\n", " u'324',\n", " u'66',\n", " u'1786',\n", " u'1854',\n", " u'729'],\n", " u'ref': u'V',\n", " u'refcodon': u'GTG'},\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'C',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 4,\n", " u'rs': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'trait': u'Hereditary_cancer-predisposing_syndrome'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000350283',\n", " u'ENSP00000312236',\n", " u'ENSP00000465818',\n", " u'ENSP00000467329',\n", " u'ENSP00000465347',\n", " u'ENSP00000418775',\n", " u'ENSP00000418960',\n", " u'ENSP00000420705'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000357654',\n", " u'ENST00000352993',\n", " u'ENST00000586385',\n", " u'ENST00000591534',\n", " u'ENST00000591849',\n", " u'ENST00000493795',\n", " u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'ENST00000491747']},\n", " u'fathmm': {u'pred': [u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.95286,\n", " u'score': [-3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68]},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.52871,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.91246},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.32, u'rs': 5.32, u'rs_rankscore': 0.75224},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.96044,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.743671},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38451316, u'start': 38451316},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197790, u'start': 41197790},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045773, u'start': 43045773},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.52682,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.635551},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.92359,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.732398},\n", " u'interpro_domain': u'BRCT domain',\n", " u'lrt': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.47273,\n", " u'omega': 0.0,\n", " u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'score': 0.000226},\n", " u'metalr': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.96404, u'score': 0.8916},\n", " u'metasvm': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.96424, u'score': 0.9519},\n", " u'mutationassessor': {u'pred': u'M',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.72894,\n", " u'score': 2.215},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'V1833M',\n", " u'V143M',\n", " u'V324M',\n", " u'V66M',\n", " u'V1786M',\n", " u'V1854M',\n", " u'V729M',\n", " u'V691M',\n", " u'V650M',\n", " u'V682M',\n", " u'V1537M',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'V1568M',\n", " u'V1594M'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': [u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'without_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N'],\n", " u'score': [0.999688,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999768,\n", " 0.99859,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.99766,\n", " 1,\n", " 0.897669,\n", " 0.897669]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.86,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.35735},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.976, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.4664}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 0.935,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.48811},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.871, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.44667}},\n", " u'polyphen2': {u'hdiv': {u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.89865,\n", " u'score': 1.0},\n", " u'hvar': {u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.91584,\n", " u'score': [0.999, 0.998, 0.999, 0.999, 0.999, 0.999]}},\n", " u'provean': {u'pred': [u'N', u'N', u'.', u'.', u'.', u'N', u'N', u'N'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.53216,\n", " u'score': [-0.55, -2.43, None, None, None, -0.54, -0.49, -2.43]},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'reliability_index': 10,\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'sift': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.91219,\n", " u'pred': [u'D', u'D', u'.', u'.', u'.', u'D', u'D', u'D'],\n", " u'score': [0.0, 0.001, None, None, None, 0.0, 0.002, 0.001]},\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 14.3724,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.66207,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 1.0, u'g': 0.0, u't': 0.0}},\n", " u'uniprot': [{u'acc': u'B4DES0', u'pos': u'682'},\n", " {u'acc': u'C6YB45', u'pos': u'143'},\n", " {u'acc': u'E7ETR2', u'pos': u'728'},\n", " {u'acc': u'E9PFC7', u'pos': u'1855'},\n", " {u'acc': u'P38398', u'pos': u'1833'},\n", " {u'acc': u'P38398-2', u'pos': u'1833'}]},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'T'}],\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 132,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP',\n", " u'LSD',\n", " u'NSM',\n", " u'PM',\n", " u'REF',\n", " u'RV',\n", " u'S3D',\n", " u'SLO',\n", " u'U3'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197791, u'start': 41197790},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'ts',\n", " u'vartype': u'snp'},\n", " u'mutdb': {u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197790, u'start': 41197790},\n", " u'mutpred_score': 0.585,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'strand': u'm'},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'cdna': {u'length': u'7270', u'position': u'5792'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5655', u'position': u'5560'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5560G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': 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0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.157,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.543,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 17,\n", " u'consdetail': u'missense,splice',\n", " u'consequence': u'NON_SYNONYMOUS',\n", " u'consscore': 7,\n", " u'cpg': 0.03,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': -3.95, u'mgw': 0.4, u'prot': 3.15, u'roll': 1.88},\n", " u'dst2splice': 3,\n", " u'dst2spltype': u'ACCEPTOR',\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 213.6,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 12.0,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 4.0,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 2.0,\n", " u'nucleo': 3.0},\n", " u'exon': u'24/24',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.701516,\n", " u'gc': 0.52,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11456.2',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 5765,\n", " u'cds_pos': 5533,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.97,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.98},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain',\n", " u'protpos': 1845,\n", " u'rel_prot_pos': 0.98}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.32, u'rs': 844.9, u'rs_pval': 8.78912e-51, u's': 4.22},\n", " u'grantham': 29,\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 122,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 78316,\n", " u'mutindex': 13,\n", " u'naa': u'V',\n", " u'oaa': u'I',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.279,\n", " u'primate': 0.975,\n", " u'vertebrate': 0.311},\n", " u'phred': 21.5,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 1.004, u'primate': 0.457, u'vertebrate': 1.31},\n", " u'polyphen': {u'cat': u'benign', u'val': 0.32},\n", " u'pos': 41197817,\n", " u'rawscore': 2.821365,\n", " u'ref': u'T',\n", " u'segway': u'TF2',\n", " u'sift': {u'cat': u'deleterious', u'val': 0},\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 151518,\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197817, u'start': 41197817},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045800, u'start': 43045800},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.5470A>G', u'NM_007294.3:c.5470A>G'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.172184A>G',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.172184A>G',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43045800T>C',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41197817T>C']},\n", " u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000130459',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Uncertain significance',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0027672'},\n", " u'name': u'Hereditary cancer-predisposing syndrome',\n", " u'synonyms': u'Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2013-10-15',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5470A>G (p.Ile1824Val)',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000168345',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Uncertain significance',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0677776'},\n", " u'name': u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'q', u'Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2014-12-18',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5470A>G (p.Ile1824Val)',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'}],\n", " u'ref': u'T',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs587782026',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 141804},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': [{u'alt': u'V',\n", " u'codonpos': 1,\n", " u'pos': [u'1824',\n", " u'682',\n", " u'134',\n", " u'315',\n", " u'57',\n", " u'1777',\n", " u'1845',\n", " u'720'],\n", " u'ref': u'I',\n", " u'refcodon': u'ATT'},\n", " {u'alt': u'S',\n", " u'codonpos': 2,\n", " u'pos': 695,\n", " u'ref': u'N',\n", " u'refcodon': u'AAT'}],\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'T',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " 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0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.46543,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.643519},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38451343, u'start': 38451343},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197817, u'start': 41197817},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045800, u'start': 43045800},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.67122,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.683762},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.72903,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.706548},\n", " u'interpro_domain': u'BRCT domain',\n", " u'lrt': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.37985,\n", " u'omega': 0.118206,\n", " u'pred': u'N',\n", " u'score': 0.001796},\n", " u'metalr': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.81307, u'score': 0.504},\n", " u'metasvm': {u'pred': u'T', u'rankscore': 0.73221, u'score': -0.3621},\n", " u'mutationassessor': {u'pred': u'L', u'rankscore': 0.54432, u'score': 1.7},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'I1824V',\n", " u'N695S',\n", " u'I134V',\n", " u'I315V',\n", " u'I57V',\n", " u'I1777V',\n", " u'I1845V',\n", " u'I720V',\n", " u'I1559V',\n", " u'I682V',\n", " u'I1585V',\n", " u'I641V',\n", " u'I673V',\n", " u'I1528V'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.20894,\n", " u'model': [u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N'],\n", " u'score': [0.999973,\n", " 1,\n", " 0.999834,\n", " 0.999834,\n", " 0.999593,\n", " 0.999833,\n", " 0.999973,\n", " 0.999834,\n", " 1,\n", " 0.999834,\n", " 1,\n", " 0.999834,\n", " 0.999834,\n", " 0.999983]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.995,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.60234},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.958, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.42521}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 1.061,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.80647},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.991, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.76621}},\n", " u'polyphen2': {u'hdiv': {u'pred': [u'P', u'B', u'P', u'P', u'P', u'P'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.49299,\n", " u'score': [0.924, 0.021, 0.653, 0.884, 0.884, 0.75]},\n", " u'hvar': {u'pred': [u'D', u'B', u'P', u'P', u'P', u'B'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.68618,\n", " u'score': [0.96, 0.015, 0.452, 0.606, 0.606, 0.323]}},\n", " u'provean': {u'pred': [u'N', u'N', u'.', u'.', u'.', u'N', u'.', u'N'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.19305,\n", " u'score': [-0.18, -0.67, None, None, None, -0.18, None, -0.66]},\n", " u'ref': u'T',\n", " u'reliability_index': 10,\n", " u'rsid': u'rs587782026',\n", " u'sift': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.72092,\n", " u'pred': [u'D', u'T', u'.', u'.', u'.', u'D', u'.', u'D'],\n", " u'score': [0.002, 0.059, None, None, None, 0.002, None, 0.05]},\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 9.0637,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.35344,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 0.0, u'g': 0.1856, u't': 0.8144}},\n", " u'uniprot': [{u'acc': u'B4DES0', u'pos': u'673'},\n", " {u'acc': u'C6YB45', u'pos': u'134'},\n", " {u'acc': u'E7ETR2', u'pos': u'719'},\n", " {u'acc': u'E9PFC7', u'pos': u'1846'},\n", " {u'acc': u'P38398', u'pos': u'1824'},\n", " {u'acc': u'P38398-2', u'pos': u'1824'}]},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'T'}, {u'allele': u'C'}],\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 142,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP', u'LSD', u'NSM', u'PM', u'REF', u'RV'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197818, u'start': 41197817},\n", " u'ref': u'T',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs587782026',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'ts',\n", " u'vartype': 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" u'primate': 0.972,\n", " u'vertebrate': 0.994},\n", " u'phred': 42,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 1.291, u'primate': 0.457, u'vertebrate': 1.579},\n", " u'pos': 41199696,\n", " u'rawscore': 13.523835,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'segway': u'GE1',\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 70244,\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41199696, u'start': 41199696},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43047679, u'start': 43047679},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.5431C>T',\n", " u'NM_007299.3:c.2045C>T',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.5431C>T'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.170305C>T',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.170305C>T',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43047679G>A',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41199696G>A']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000048992',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'not provided',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0346153',\n", " u'omim': 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{u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': u'ENSP00000417148',\n", " u'transcriptid': u'ENST00000468300'},\n", " u'fathmm': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.86976, u'score': -2.21},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.40267,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.81078},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 4.98, u'rs': 4.0, u'rs_rankscore': 0.45405},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.87815,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38453222, u'start': 38453222},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41199696, u'start': 41199696},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43047679, u'start': 43047679},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.83205,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.714379},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.72903,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.706548},\n", " u'metalr': {u'pred': u'T', u'rankscore': 0.6989, u'score': 0.331},\n", " u'metasvm': {u'pred': u'T', u'rankscore': 0.73054, u'score': -0.3676},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'Q1811*',\n", " u'Q121*',\n", " u'Q302*',\n", " u'Q44*',\n", " u'Q1764*',\n", " u'Q1832*',\n", " u'Q707*',\n", " u'Q1546*',\n", " u'Q669*',\n", " u'Q1572*',\n", " u'Q628*',\n", " u'Q660*',\n", " u'Q1515*',\n", " u'A682V'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': [u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'N'],\n", " u'score': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.998828]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.979,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.48478},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.738, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.30575}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 0.949,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.53485},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.917, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.60462}},\n", " u'polyphen2': {u'hdiv': {u'pred': u'P',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.42763,\n", " u'score': 0.793},\n", " u'hvar': {u'pred': u'B', u'rankscore': 0.37443, u'score': 0.254}},\n", " u'provean': {u'pred': u'N', u'rankscore': 0.12864, u'score': -0.35},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'reliability_index': 8,\n", " u'rsid': u'rs397509283',\n", " u'sift': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.91219, u'pred': u'D', u'score': 0.0},\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 11.2065,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.47739,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 0.185, u'g': 0.815, u't': 0.0}},\n", " u'uniprot': {u'acc': 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u'T',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'C',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': u'ENSP00000417148',\n", " u'transcriptid': u'ENST00000468300'},\n", " u'fathmm': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.87129, u'score': -2.23},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.30819,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.60024},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 4.98, u'rs': 1.94, u'rs_rankscore': 0.24838},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.87815,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38453223, u'start': 38453223},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41199697, u'start': 41199697},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43047680, u'start': 43047680},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " 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u'rankscore': 0.18147, u'score': 0.021}},\n", " u'provean': {u'pred': u'N', u'rankscore': 0.0439, u'score': 0.26},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'reliability_index': 8,\n", " u'sift': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.91219, u'pred': u'D', u'score': 0.0},\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 6.8927,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.23194,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 0.7216, u'g': 0.0, u't': 0.2784}},\n", " u'uniprot': {u'acc': u'Q6IN79', u'pos': u'682'}},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'cdna': {u'length': u'3783', u'position': u'2238'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'2100', u'position': u'2044'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.2044G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Ala682Thr',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'699', u'position': u'682'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'21',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': 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[u'LRG_292t1:c.5425_5430delGTTGTG',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.5425_5430delGTTGTG'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.170299_170304delGTTGTG',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.170299_170304delGTTGTG',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43047680_43047685delCACAAC',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41199697_41199702delCACAAC']},\n", " u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000048989',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'not provided',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0346153',\n", " u'omim': u'114480'},\n", " u'name': u'Familial cancer of breast',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'CHEK2-Related Breast Cancer',\n", " u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2013-02-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5425_5430delGTTGTG (p.Val1809_Val1810del)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000112652',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Uncertain significance',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'1999-04-06',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5425_5430delGTTGTG (p.Val1809_Val1810del)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'}],\n", " u'ref': u'CACAAC',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80358348',\n", " u'type': u'Deletion',\n", " u'variant_id': 55574},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'GCACAAC'}, {u'allele': u'G'}],\n", " 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" u'quies': 0.276,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.213,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.512,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 17,\n", " u'consdetail': u'missense',\n", " u'consequence': u'NON_SYNONYMOUS',\n", " u'consscore': 7,\n", " u'cpg': 0.0,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 0.87, u'mgw': -0.33, u'prot': -5.48, u'roll': -1.99},\n", " u'dst2splice': 19,\n", " u'dst2spltype': u'ACCEPTOR',\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 244.65,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 5.0,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 3.0,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 6.0,\n", " u'nucleo': 2.4},\n", " u'exon': u'23/24',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.701516,\n", " u'gc': 0.52,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11456.2',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 5720,\n", " u'cds_pos': 5488,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.96,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.97},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain',\n", " u'protpos': 1830,\n", " u'rel_prot_pos': 0.97}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 4.98, u'rs': 137.8, u'rs_pval': 2.45126e-14, u's': 2.97},\n", " u'grantham': 50,\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'TRUE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 2007,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 76431,\n", " u'mutindex': 32,\n", " u'naa': u'F',\n", " u'oaa': u'V',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.983,\n", " u'primate': 0.882,\n", " u'vertebrate': 0.991},\n", " u'phred': 32,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 0.675, u'primate': 0.457, u'vertebrate': 0.903},\n", " u'polyphen': {u'cat': u'probably_damaging', u'val': 0.97},\n", " u'pos': 41199702,\n", " u'rawscore': 6.745557,\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'segway': u'GE1',\n", " u'sift': {u'cat': u'deleterious', u'val': 0},\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 70240,\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41199702, u'start': 41199702},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43047685, u'start': 43047685},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.5425G>T', u'NM_007294.3:c.5425G>T'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.170299G>T',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.170299G>T',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43047685C>A',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41199702C>A']},\n", " u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000048988',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'not provided',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0346153',\n", " u'omim': u'114480'},\n", " u'name': u'Familial cancer of breast',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'CHEK2-Related Breast Cancer',\n", " u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2013-02-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5425G>T (p.Val1809Phe)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000112651',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Uncertain significance',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2002-05-29',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5425G>T (p.Val1809Phe)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'}],\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs28897698',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 55573},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': [{u'alt': u'V',\n", " u'codonpos': 2,\n", " u'pos': 680,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'refcodon': u'GGT'},\n", " {u'alt': u'F',\n", " u'codonpos': 1,\n", " u'pos': [u'1809',\n", " u'667',\n", " u'119',\n", " u'300',\n", " u'42',\n", " u'1762',\n", " u'1830',\n", " u'705'],\n", " u'ref': u'V',\n", " u'refcodon': u'GTT'}],\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'C',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': u'ENSP00000417148',\n", " u'transcriptid': u'ENST00000468300'},\n", " u'fathmm': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.87685, u'score': -2.3},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.32918,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.66752},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 4.98, u'rs': 2.97, u'rs_rankscore': 0.33223},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.87815,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38453228, u'start': 38453228},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41199702, u'start': 41199702},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43047685, u'start': 43047685},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.83205,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.714379},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.72903,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.706548},\n", " u'metalr': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.93339, u'score': 0.803},\n", " u'metasvm': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.86381, u'score': 0.2276},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'G680V',\n", " u'V1809F',\n", " u'V119F',\n", " u'V300F',\n", " u'V42F',\n", " u'V1762F',\n", " u'V1830F',\n", " u'V705F',\n", " u'V1544F',\n", " u'V667F',\n", " u'V1570F',\n", " u'V626F',\n", " u'V658F',\n", " u'V1513F'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.39483,\n", " u'model': [u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N'],\n", " u'score': [0.978687,\n", " 0.64294,\n", " 0.574257,\n", " 0.574257,\n", " 0.713266,\n", " 0.617361,\n", " 0.64294,\n", " 0.574257,\n", " 0.995933,\n", " 0.574257,\n", " 0.995933,\n", " 0.574257,\n", " 0.574257,\n", " 0.931237]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.615,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.2897},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.244, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.21102}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 0.022,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.14435},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': -0.621, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.03621}},\n", " u'polyphen2': {u'hdiv': {u'pred': u'P',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.50293,\n", " u'score': 0.935},\n", " u'hvar': {u'pred': u'P', u'rankscore': 0.45284, u'score': 0.481}},\n", " u'provean': {u'pred': u'N', u'rankscore': 0.0336, u'score': 0.42},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'reliability_index': 9,\n", " u'rsid': u'rs28897698',\n", " u'sift': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.91219, u'pred': u'D', u'score': 0.0},\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 6.5492,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.21406,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 0.7208, u'g': 0.1826, u't': 0.0966}},\n", " u'uniprot': {u'acc': u'Q6IN79', u'pos': u'680'}},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'A'}],\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 125,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP',\n", " u'HD',\n", " u'LSD',\n", " u'NSM',\n", " u'PM',\n", " u'REF',\n", " u'RV',\n", " u'S3D',\n", " u'SLO'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41199703, u'start': 41199702},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs28897698',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'tv',\n", " u'vartype': u'snp'},\n", " u'mutdb': {u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41199702, u'start': 41199702},\n", " u'mutpred_score': 0.797,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs28897698',\n", " u'strand': u'm'},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'cdna': {u'length': u'7270', u'position': u'5720'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5655', u'position': u'5488'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5488G>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Val1830Phe',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1884', u'position': u'1830'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'24',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'3682', u'position': u'2132'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'2280', u'position': u'2113'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.2113G>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Val705Phe',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'759', u'position': u'705'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'21',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7115', u'position': u'5565'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5451', u'position': u'5284'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5284G>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Val1762Phe',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1816', u'position': u'1762'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'21',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'3783', u'position': u'2233'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'2100', u'position': u'2039'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.2039G>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Gly680Val',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'699', u'position': u'680'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'21',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7207', u'position': u'5657'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5592', u'position': u'5425'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5425G>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Val1809Phe',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'1809'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5561G>T',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'A', u'position': u'41199702', u'ref': u'C'}}],\n", " u'max_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'took': 17,\n", " u'total': 3532}" ] }, "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "out" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* You can also set the output size to numbers other than 10. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{u'hits': [{u'_id': u'NM_007294.3:c.4358-?_5277+?del',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 94606,\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'coding_hgvs_only': True,\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.4358-?_5277+?del',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.4358-?_5277+?del'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.(?_141370_160932_?)del',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.(?_43057052)_(43076614_?)del',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.(?_41209069)_(41228631_?)del']},\n", " u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000119187',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0677776'},\n", " u'name': u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'q', u'Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2014-03-27',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.4358-?_5277+?del',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000074593',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0346153',\n", " u'omim': u'114480'},\n", " u'name': u'Familial cancer of breast',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'CHEK2-Related Breast Cancer',\n", " u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer']},\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.4358-?_5277+?del',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'}],\n", " u'type': u'Deletion',\n", " u'variant_id': 89063}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41197590_41197593del',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 102794,\n", " u'alt': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197593, u'start': 41197590},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045576, u'start': 43045573},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.*102_*105delCTGT'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.172408_172411delCTGT',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.172408_172411delCTGT',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43045573_43045576delACAG',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41197590_41197593delACAG']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000083012',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2011-10-17',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'ACAG',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs431825382',\n", " u'type': u'Deletion',\n", " u'variant_id': 96891},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'24',\n", " u'total': u'24',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'208',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*208_*211delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5830_5833delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'G', u'position': u'41197589', u'ref': u'GACAG'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41197737C>G',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'anc': u'C',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 116,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.008,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.299,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.205,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.48,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 17,\n", " u'consdetail': u'synonymous',\n", " u'consequence': u'SYNONYMOUS',\n", " u'consscore': 5,\n", " u'cpg': 0.01,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 1.78, u'mgw': 0.48, u'prot': -0.7, u'roll': -0.17},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 371.32,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 12.76,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 3.0,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 3.0,\n", " u'nucleo': 1.3},\n", " u'exon': u'24/24',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.723164,\n", " u'gc': 0.6,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11456.2',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 5845,\n", " u'cds_pos': 5613,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.98,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.99},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain',\n", " u'protpos': 1871,\n", " u'rel_prot_pos': 0.99}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.32, u'rs': 844.9, u'rs_pval': 8.78912e-51, u's': 4.33},\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'TRUE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 0.5, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 42,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 78396,\n", " u'mirsvr': {u'aln': 148, u'e': -24.01, u'score': -0.2148},\n", " u'mutindex': 8,\n", " u'naa': u'L',\n", " u'oaa': u'L',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 1.0, u'primate': 0.997, u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 12.85,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.766, u'primate': 0.559, u'vertebrate': 1.674},\n", " u'pos': 41197737,\n", " u'rawscore': 1.4117,\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'segway': u'TF2',\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 184867,\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197737, u'start': 41197737},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045720, u'start': 43045720},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.5550G>C',\n", " u'NM_007299.3:c.*64G>C',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.5550G>C'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.172264G>C',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.172264G>C',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43045720C>G',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41197737C>G']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000163767',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Likely benign',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0027672'},\n", " u'name': u'Hereditary cancer-predisposing syndrome',\n", " u'synonyms': u'Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2013-12-19',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5550G>C (p.Leu1850=)',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs786201502',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide 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u'position': u'746'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'LOW',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7115', u'position': u'5690'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5451', u'position': u'5409'},\n", " u'effect': u'synonymous_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5409G>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Leu1803Leu',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1816', u'position': u'1803'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'LOW',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7207', u'position': u'5782'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5592', u'position': u'5550'},\n", " u'effect': u'synonymous_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5550G>C',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Leu1850Leu',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'1850'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'LOW',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'64',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*64G>C',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5686G>C',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'G', u'position': u'41197737', u'ref': u'C'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41197776C>T',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'anc': u'C',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 116,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.008,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.299,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.205,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.48,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 17,\n", " u'consdetail': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'consequence': u'STOP_GAINED',\n", " u'consscore': 8,\n", " u'cpg': 0.01,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 1.68, u'mgw': 0.28, u'prot': -2.32, u'roll': 0.2},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 383.33,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 11.52,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 4.0,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 2.56,\n", " u'nucleo': 3.3},\n", " u'exon': u'24/24',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.723164,\n", " u'gc': 0.56,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11456.2',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 5806,\n", " u'cds_pos': 5574,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.98,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.99},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain',\n", " u'protpos': 1858,\n", " u'rel_prot_pos': 0.99}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.32, u'rs': 844.9, u'rs_pval': 8.78912e-51, u's': 5.32},\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 81,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 78357,\n", " u'mirsvr': {u'aln': 127, u'e': -21.58, u'score': -0.1772},\n", " u'mutindex': 41,\n", " u'naa': u'*',\n", " u'oaa': u'W',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 1.0, u'primate': 0.997, u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 49,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.766, u'primate': 0.559, u'vertebrate': 3.085},\n", " u'pos': 41197776,\n", " u'rawscore': 15.183713,\n", " 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u'2013-02-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5511G>A (p.Trp1837Ter)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000112692',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2006-07-19',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5511G>A (p.Trp1837Ter)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'}],\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80356914',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 55609},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'alt': u'X',\n", " u'codonpos': 3,\n", " u'pos': [u'1837',\n", " u'695',\n", " u'147',\n", " u'328',\n", " u'70',\n", " u'1790',\n", " u'1858',\n", " u'733'],\n", " u'ref': u'W',\n", " u'refcodon': u'TGG'},\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'C',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 5,\n", " u'rs': u'rs80356914',\n", " u'trait': u'Breast-ovarian_cancer\\\\x2c_familial_1'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000350283',\n", " u'ENSP00000312236',\n", " u'ENSP00000465818',\n", " u'ENSP00000467329',\n", " u'ENSP00000465347',\n", " u'ENSP00000418775',\n", " u'ENSP00000418960',\n", " u'ENSP00000420705'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000357654',\n", " u'ENST00000352993',\n", " u'ENST00000586385',\n", " u'ENST00000591534',\n", " u'ENST00000591849',\n", " u'ENST00000493795',\n", " u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'ENST00000491747']},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.52871,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.91246},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.32, u'rs': 5.32, u'rs_rankscore': 0.75224},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.96044,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.743671},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38451302, u'start': 38451302},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197776, u'start': 41197776},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045759, u'start': 43045759},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.83205,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.714379},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.92359,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.732398},\n", " u'interpro_domain': u'BRCT domain',\n", " u'lrt': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.49118,\n", " u'omega': 0.0,\n", " u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'score': 0.000149},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'W695*',\n", " u'W1598*',\n", " u'W654*',\n", " u'W686*',\n", " u'W1541*',\n", " u'W1837*',\n", " u'W147*',\n", " u'W328*',\n", " u'W70*',\n", " u'W1790*',\n", " u'W1858*',\n", " u'W733*',\n", " u'W1572*',\n", " u'.'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': [u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'without_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D'],\n", " u'score': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.994,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.58582},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.997, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.67089}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 0.935,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.48811},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.871, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.44667}},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80356914',\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 14.3724,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.66207,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 1.0, u'g': 0.0, u't': 0.0}}},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'A'}, {u'allele': u'T'}],\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 132,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP',\n", " u'LSD',\n", " u'NSM',\n", " u'NSN',\n", " u'PM',\n", " u'REF',\n", " u'RV',\n", " u'S3D',\n", " u'SLO',\n", " u'U3'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " 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u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.2199G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Trp733*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'759', u'position': u'733'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7115', u'position': u'5651'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5451', u'position': u'5370'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5370G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Trp1790*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1816', u'position': u'1790'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7207', u'position': u'5743'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5592', u'position': u'5511'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5511G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Trp1837*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'1837'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'25',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*25G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5647G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'T', u'position': u'41197776', u'ref': u'C'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41197790C>T',\n", " u'_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'anc': u'C',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 116,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.008,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.299,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.205,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.48,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 17,\n", " u'consdetail': u'missense',\n", " u'consequence': u'NON_SYNONYMOUS',\n", " u'consscore': 7,\n", " u'cpg': 0.01,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 2.28, u'mgw': 0.13, u'prot': -3.43, u'roll': 0.29},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 327.44,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 11.52,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 4.0,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 2.56,\n", " u'nucleo': 4.2},\n", " u'exon': u'24/24',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.723164,\n", " u'gc': 0.53,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11456.2',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 5792,\n", " u'cds_pos': 5560,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.98,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.98},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain',\n", " u'protpos': 1854,\n", " u'rel_prot_pos': 0.98}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.32, u'rs': 844.9, u'rs_pval': 8.78912e-51, u's': 5.32},\n", " u'grantham': 21,\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 95,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 78343,\n", " u'mirsvr': {u'aln': 145, u'e': -17.34, u'score': -0.0965},\n", " u'mutindex': 37,\n", " u'naa': u'M',\n", " u'oaa': u'V',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.998,\n", " u'primate': 0.975,\n", " u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 33,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.766, u'primate': 0.559, u'vertebrate': 3.085},\n", " u'polyphen': {u'cat': u'probably_damaging', u'val': 0.957},\n", " u'pos': 41197790,\n", " u'rawscore': 6.842841,\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'segway': u'TF2',\n", " u'sift': {u'cat': u'deleterious', u'val': 0},\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 70265,\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197790, u'start': 41197790},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045773, u'start': 43045773},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.5497G>A',\n", " u'NM_007299.3:c.*11G>A',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.5497G>A'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.172211G>A',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.172211G>A',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43045773C>T',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41197790C>T']},\n", " u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000049017',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'not provided',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0346153',\n", " u'omim': u'114480'},\n", " u'name': u'Familial cancer of breast',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'CHEK2-Related Breast Cancer',\n", " u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2013-02-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5497G>A (p.Val1833Met)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000077626',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Conflicting interpretations of pathogenicity',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2012-10-15',\n", " u'number_submitters': 2,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5497G>A (p.Val1833Met)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000132307',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Likely pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0027672'},\n", " u'name': u'Hereditary cancer-predisposing syndrome',\n", " u'synonyms': u'Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2014-05-02',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5497G>A (p.Val1833Met)',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'}],\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 55598},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'alt': u'M',\n", " u'codonpos': 1,\n", " u'pos': [u'1833',\n", " u'691',\n", " u'143',\n", " u'324',\n", " u'66',\n", " u'1786',\n", " u'1854',\n", " u'729'],\n", " u'ref': u'V',\n", " u'refcodon': u'GTG'},\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'C',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 4,\n", " u'rs': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'trait': u'Hereditary_cancer-predisposing_syndrome'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000350283',\n", " u'ENSP00000312236',\n", " u'ENSP00000465818',\n", " u'ENSP00000467329',\n", " u'ENSP00000465347',\n", " u'ENSP00000418775',\n", " u'ENSP00000418960',\n", " u'ENSP00000420705'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000357654',\n", " u'ENST00000352993',\n", " u'ENST00000586385',\n", " u'ENST00000591534',\n", " u'ENST00000591849',\n", " u'ENST00000493795',\n", " u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'ENST00000491747']},\n", " u'fathmm': {u'pred': [u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.95286,\n", " u'score': [-3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68, -3.68]},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.52871,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.91246},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.32, u'rs': 5.32, u'rs_rankscore': 0.75224},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.96044,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.743671},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38451316, u'start': 38451316},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197790, u'start': 41197790},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045773, u'start': 43045773},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.52682,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.635551},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.92359,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.732398},\n", " u'interpro_domain': u'BRCT domain',\n", " u'lrt': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.47273,\n", " u'omega': 0.0,\n", " u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'score': 0.000226},\n", " u'metalr': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.96404, u'score': 0.8916},\n", " u'metasvm': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.96424, u'score': 0.9519},\n", " u'mutationassessor': {u'pred': u'M',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.72894,\n", " u'score': 2.215},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'V1833M',\n", " u'V143M',\n", " u'V324M',\n", " u'V66M',\n", " u'V1786M',\n", " u'V1854M',\n", " u'V729M',\n", " u'V691M',\n", " u'V650M',\n", " u'V682M',\n", " u'V1537M',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'V1568M',\n", " u'V1594M'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': [u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'without_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N'],\n", " u'score': [0.999688,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999768,\n", " 0.99859,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.999766,\n", " 0.99766,\n", " 1,\n", " 0.897669,\n", " 0.897669]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.86,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.35735},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.976, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.4664}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 0.935,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.48811},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.871, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.44667}},\n", " u'polyphen2': {u'hdiv': {u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.89865,\n", " u'score': 1.0},\n", " u'hvar': {u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.91584,\n", " u'score': [0.999, 0.998, 0.999, 0.999, 0.999, 0.999]}},\n", " u'provean': {u'pred': [u'N', u'N', u'.', u'.', u'.', u'N', u'N', u'N'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.53216,\n", " u'score': [-0.55, -2.43, None, None, None, -0.54, -0.49, -2.43]},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'reliability_index': 10,\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'sift': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.91219,\n", " u'pred': [u'D', u'D', u'.', u'.', u'.', u'D', u'D', u'D'],\n", " u'score': [0.0, 0.001, None, None, None, 0.0, 0.002, 0.001]},\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 14.3724,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.66207,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 1.0, u'g': 0.0, u't': 0.0}},\n", " u'uniprot': [{u'acc': u'B4DES0', u'pos': u'682'},\n", " {u'acc': u'C6YB45', u'pos': u'143'},\n", " {u'acc': u'E7ETR2', u'pos': u'728'},\n", " {u'acc': u'E9PFC7', u'pos': u'1855'},\n", " {u'acc': u'P38398', u'pos': u'1833'},\n", " {u'acc': u'P38398-2', u'pos': u'1833'}]},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'T'}],\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 132,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP',\n", " u'LSD',\n", " u'NSM',\n", " u'PM',\n", " u'REF',\n", " u'RV',\n", " u'S3D',\n", " u'SLO',\n", " u'U3'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197791, u'start': 41197790},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'ts',\n", " u'vartype': u'snp'},\n", " u'mutdb': {u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197790, u'start': 41197790},\n", " u'mutpred_score': 0.585,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357268',\n", " u'strand': u'm'},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'cdna': {u'length': u'7270', u'position': u'5792'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5655', u'position': u'5560'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5560G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Val1854Met',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1884', u'position': u'1854'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'24',\n", " u'total': u'24',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'3682', u'position': u'2204'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'2280', u'position': u'2185'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.2185G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Val729Met',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'759', u'position': u'729'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7115', u'position': u'5637'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5451', u'position': u'5356'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5356G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Val1786Met',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1816', u'position': u'1786'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7207', u'position': u'5729'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5592', u'position': u'5497'},\n", " u'effect': u'missense_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5497G>A',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Val1833Met',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'1833'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODERATE',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'11',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*11G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5633G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'T', u'position': u'41197790', u'ref': u'C'}}],\n", " u'max_score': 12.69064,\n", " u'took': 4,\n", " u'total': 3532}" ] }, "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "mv.query('clinvar.gene.symbol:BRCA1', size=5)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* Otherwise, you can also choose to return a [generator](https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/stdtypes.html#generator-types) to retrieve all the query results." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "mv.query('clinvar.gene.symbol:BRCA1',fetch_all=True)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* If you want to filter for all BRCA1 related variants that are defined as pathogenic in ClinVar, you can pass *gene symbol* and *clinical significance* parameters to the **query** method. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "out = mv.query('clinvar.gene.symbol:BRCA1 AND clinvar.rcv.clinical_significance:pathogenic')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " Now, only 1126 variants are left matching these two criteria." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{u'hits': [{u'_id': u'chr17:g.41197590_41197593del',\n", " u'_score': 15.629933,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 102794,\n", " u'alt': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41197593, u'start': 41197590},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43045576, u'start': 43045573},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.*102_*105delCTGT'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.172408_172411delCTGT',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.172408_172411delCTGT',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43045573_43045576delACAG',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41197590_41197593delACAG']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000083012',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2011-10-17',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'ACAG',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs431825382',\n", " u'type': u'Deletion',\n", " u'variant_id': 96891},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'24',\n", " u'total': u'24',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'208',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*208_*211delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'22',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'distance_to_feature': u'102',\n", " u'effect': u'3_prime_UTR_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*102_*105delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5830_5833delCTGT',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'23',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'G', u'position': u'41197589', u'ref': u'GACAG'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41203078A>C',\n", " u'_score': 15.629933,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 180821,\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41203078, u'start': 41203078},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43051061, u'start': 43051061},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.5332+2T>G',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.5332+2T>G'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.166923T>G',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.166923T>G',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43051061A>C',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41203078A>C']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000160004',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0346153',\n", " u'omim': u'114480'},\n", " u'name': u'Familial cancer of breast',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'CHEK2-Related Breast Cancer',\n", " u'BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2014-08-20',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.5332+2T>G',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'},\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80358182',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 182168},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'pos': -1},\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'A',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 5,\n", " u'rs': u'rs80358182',\n", " u'trait': u'Familial_cancer_of_breast'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000350283',\n", " u'ENSP00000312236',\n", " u'ENSP00000417148',\n", " u'ENSP00000465818',\n", " u'ENSP00000467329',\n", " u'ENSP00000418775',\n", " u'ENSP00000418960',\n", " u'ENSP00000420705'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000357654',\n", " u'ENST00000352993',\n", " u'ENST00000468300',\n", " u'ENST00000586385',\n", " u'ENST00000591534',\n", " u'ENST00000493795',\n", " u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'ENST00000491747']},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.72135,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.97037},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.21, u'rs': 5.21, u'rs_rankscore': 0.71834},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.04603,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.30413},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.03107,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.137589},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38456604, u'start': 38456604},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41203078, u'start': 41203078},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43051061, u'start': 43051061},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.02674,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.109871},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.0442,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.295142},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': u'without_aae',\n", " u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'score': 1},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.989,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.53465},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.996, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.63571}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 1.199,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.95998},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 1.062, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.92612}},\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 11.6541,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.50308,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 1.0, u'c': 0.0, u'g': 0.0, u't': 0.0}}},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'A'}, {u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'T'}],\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 132,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP', u'DSS', u'LSD', u'PM', u'RV', u'SLO'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41203079, u'start': 41203078},\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80358182',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'unknown',\n", " u'vartype': u'snp'},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5395+2T>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'21',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.2020+2T>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'19',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.5468+2T>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'20',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5191+2T>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'19',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.2020+2T>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'20',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.5332+2T>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'20',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'}],\n", " u'lof': {u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'6',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'0.83'}},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'C', u'position': u'41203078', u'ref': u'A'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41226347C>A',\n", " u'_score': 15.629933,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 184911,\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41226347, u'start': 41226347},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43074330, u'start': 43074330},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.4675+1G>T',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.4675+1G>T'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.143654G>T',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.143654G>T',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43074330C>A',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41226347C>A']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000164823',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0027672'},\n", " u'name': u'Hereditary cancer-predisposing syndrome',\n", " u'synonyms': u'Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2014-06-12',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.4675+1G>T',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single 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u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.4738+1G>T',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'15',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.1363+1G>T',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'13',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.4811+1G>T',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'14',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.4534+1G>T',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'13',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.1363+1G>T',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'14',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.4675+1G>T',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " 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" u'dna': {u'helt': -1.31, u'mgw': 0.61, u'prot': -2.21, u'roll': 5.92},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 169.31,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 5.0,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 2.24,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 4.68,\n", " u'nucleo': 1.5},\n", " u'exon': u'14/24',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.723164,\n", " u'gc': 0.36,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS11456.2',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 4684,\n", " u'cds_pos': 4452,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.79,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.79},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain',\n", " u'protpos': 1484,\n", " u'rel_prot_pos': 0.79}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 4.97, u'rs': 545.1, u'rs_pval': 1.49133e-29, u's': 2.76},\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'TRUE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 46,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 15242,\n", " u'mutindex': 60,\n", " u'naa': u'*',\n", " u'oaa': u'Y',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.012,\n", " u'primate': 0.625,\n", " u'vertebrate': 0.009},\n", " u'phred': 36,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 0.391, u'primate': -0.348, u'vertebrate': 0.626},\n", " u'pos': 41228600,\n", " u'rawscore': 9.620885,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'segway': u'TF1',\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 152550,\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41228600, u'start': 41228600},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43076583, u'start': 43076583},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.4389C>G', u'NM_007294.3:c.4389C>G'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.141401C>G',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.141401C>G',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43076583G>C',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41228600G>C']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000132271',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0027672'},\n", " u'name': 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u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.4389C>G',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Tyr1463*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'1463'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'13',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.4525C>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'13',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}],\n", " u'lof': {u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'6',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'0.83'},\n", " u'nmd': {u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " 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u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2002-05-29',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.4167_4168insAG (p.Asp1390Argfs)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'-',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357847',\n", " u'type': u'Insertion',\n", " u'variant_id': 125683},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'CCT'}],\n", " u'alt': u'CCT',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'DIV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 132,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP', u'LSD', u'NSF', u'PM', u'REF', u'RV', u'SLO'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41242979, u'start': 41242978},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357847',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'ins',\n", " u'vartype': u'indel'},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'cdna': {u'length': u'7270', u'position': u'4399'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5655', u'position': u'4167'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.4167_4168insAG',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Asp1390fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1884', u'position': u'1389'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'11',\n", " u'total': u'24',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'3682', u'position': u'877'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'2280', u'position': u'858'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.858_859insAG',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Asp287fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'759', u'position': u'286'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7115', u'position': u'4307'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5451', u'position': u'4026'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.4026_4027insAG',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Asp1343fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1816', u'position': u'1342'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'3783', u'position': u'1052'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'2100', u'position': u'858'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.858_859insAG',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Asp287fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'699', u'position': u'286'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'11',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7207', u'position': u'4399'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5592', u'position': u'4167'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.4167_4168insAG',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Asp1390fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'1389'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'11',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.4303_4304insAG',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'11',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}],\n", " u'lof': {u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'6',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'0.83'}},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'CCT', u'position': u'41242978', u'ref': u'C'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41243718_41243718dupG',\n", " u'_score': 15.629933,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 131193,\n", " u'alt': u'GG',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41243718, u'start': 41243718},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43091701, u'start': 43091701},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'NM_007294.3:c.3830_3831insC',\n", " u'LRG_292t1:c.3830dupC',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.3830dupC'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'NG_005905.2:g.126283_126284insC',\n", " u'LRG_292:g.126283dupC',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.126283dupC',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43091701dupG',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41243718dupG']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000112193',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2002-06-20',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.3830dupC (p.Ala1279Glyfs)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357878',\n", " u'type': u'Duplication',\n", " u'variant_id': 125655}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41244224_41244225del',\n", " u'_score': 15.629933,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 184975,\n", " u'alt': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41244225, u'start': 41244224},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43092208, u'start': 43092207},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.3323_3324delTA',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.3323_3324delTA',\n", " u'NM_007298.3:c.788-1176_788-1175del'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.125776_125777delTA',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.125776_125777delTA',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43092207_43092208delTA',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41244224_41244225delTA']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000165779',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0027672'},\n", " u'name': u'Hereditary cancer-predisposing syndrome',\n", " u'synonyms': u'Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2014-08-26',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.3323_3324delTA (p.Ile1108Lysfs)',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'},\n", " u'ref': u'TA',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs786202791',\n", " u'type': u'Deletion',\n", " u'variant_id': 186225},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'cdna': {u'length': u'7270', u'position': u'3556'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5655', u'position': u'3323'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " 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u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.3323_3324delTA',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Ile1108fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'1108'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.788-1176_788-1175delTA',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'9',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.788-1176_788-1175delTA',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " 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1.16396e-156, u's': 0.321},\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'TRUE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 147,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 1550,\n", " u'mutindex': 0,\n", " u'naa': u'*',\n", " u'oaa': u'S',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.014,\n", " u'primate': 0.131,\n", " u'vertebrate': 0.019},\n", " u'phred': 26.6,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 0.334, u'primate': 0.651, u'vertebrate': 0.224},\n", " u'pos': 41246334,\n", " u'rawscore': 5.617398,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'segway': u'GE1',\n", " u'tf': {u'bs': 1, u'bs_peaks': 1, u'bs_peaks_max': 25.8913},\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 102799,\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41246334, u'start': 41246334},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43094317, u'start': 43094317},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.1214C>G',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.1214C>G',\n", " u'NM_007298.3:c.787+427C>G'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.123667C>G',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.123667C>G',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43094317G>C',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41246334G>C']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000083017',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2012-05-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.1214C>G (p.Ser405Ter)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357481',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 96896},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'alt': u'X',\n", " u'codonpos': 2,\n", " u'pos': [u'405', u'358', u'405', u'405', u'405', u'379', u'109', u'405'],\n", " u'ref': u'S',\n", " u'refcodon': u'TCA'},\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'G',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 5,\n", " u'rs': u'rs80357481',\n", " u'trait': u'Breast-ovarian_cancer\\\\x2c_familial_1'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000350283',\n", " u'ENSP00000418775',\n", " u'ENSP00000418960',\n", " u'ENSP00000326002',\n", " u'ENSP00000419274',\n", " u'ENSP00000419988',\n", " u'ENSP00000418986',\n", " u'ENSP00000419103'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000357654',\n", " u'ENST00000493795',\n", " u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'ENST00000354071',\n", " u'ENST00000470026',\n", " u'ENST00000477152',\n", " u'ENST00000497488',\n", " u'ENST00000494123']},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFDGBIJ',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'N',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.21311,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.21788},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 4.81, u'rs': 0.321, u'rs_rankscore': 0.14999},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.39377,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.608884},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38499860, u'start': 38499860},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41246334, u'start': 41246334},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43094317, u'start': 43094317},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.83205,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.714379},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.72903,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.706548},\n", " u'interpro_domain': u'BRCA1, serine-rich domain',\n", " u'lrt': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.13357,\n", " u'omega': 0.65704,\n", " u'pred': u'N',\n", " u'score': 0.382778},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'S109*',\n", " u'S405*',\n", " u'S405*',\n", " u'S405*',\n", " u'S358*',\n", " u'S405*',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.',\n", " u'.'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': [u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'without_aae',\n", " u'without_aae',\n", " u'without_aae',\n", " u'without_aae',\n", " u'without_aae',\n", " u'without_aae',\n", " u'without_aae',\n", " u'without_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N',\n", " u'N'],\n", " u'score': [1,\n", " 1,\n", " 1,\n", " 1,\n", " 1,\n", " 1,\n", " 0.999999,\n", " 0.999999,\n", " 0.999999,\n", " 0.999999,\n", " 0.999999,\n", " 0.999999,\n", " 0.999999,\n", " 0.999999]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.19,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.21332},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.003, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.04807}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 0.067,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.17326},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': -0.595, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.03875}},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357481',\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 5.1885,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.14366,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.245, u'c': 0.0, u'g': 0.6114, u't': 0.1436}}},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'G'}, {u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'T'}],\n", " u'alt': u'C',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 132,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP', u'INT', u'LSD', u'NSN', u'PM', u'REF', u'RV', u'SLO'],\n", " 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u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.1073C>G',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Ser358*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1816', u'position': u'358'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'9',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7207', u'position': u'1446'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5592', u'position': u'1214'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.1214C>G',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Ser405*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'405'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.787+427C>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'9',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.787+427C>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.1350C>G',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}],\n", " u'lof': {u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'6',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'0.50'},\n", " u'nmd': {u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'6',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'0.50'}},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'C', u'position': u'41246334', u'ref': u'G'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41246563_41246564insG',\n", " u'_score': 15.629933,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 131019,\n", " u'alt': u'G',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41246564, u'start': 41246563},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43094547, u'start': 43094546},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.984_985insC',\n", " u'NM_007298.3:c.787+197_787+198insC',\n", " u'NM_007294.3:c.984_985insC'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.123437_123438insC',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.123437_123438insC',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43094546_43094547insG',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41246563_41246564insG']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000111522',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'1997-11-14',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.984_985insC (p.Asn329Glnfs)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'-',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357775',\n", " u'type': u'Insertion',\n", " u'variant_id': 125481},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'T'}, {u'allele': u'TG'}],\n", " u'alt': u'TG',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'DIV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 132,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP', u'INT', u'LSD', u'NSF', u'PM', u'REF', u'RV', u'SLO'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41246564, u'start': 41246563},\n", " u'ref': u'T',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80357775',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'ins',\n", " u'vartype': u'indel'},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'cdna': {u'length': u'7270', u'position': u'1216'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5655', u'position': u'984'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.984_985insC',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Asn329fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1884', u'position': u'328'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'24',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7115', u'position': u'1124'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5451', u'position': u'843'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.843_844insC',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Asn282fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1816', u'position': u'281'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'9',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'7207', u'position': u'1216'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'5592', u'position': u'984'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.984_985insC',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Asn329fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1863', u'position': u'328'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.787+197_787+198insC',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'9',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.787+197_787+198insC',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'non_coding_exon_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.1120_1121insC',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'10',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}],\n", " u'lof': {u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'6',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'0.50'}},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'TG', u'position': u'41246563', u'ref': u'T'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr17:g.41251791C>T',\n", " u'_score': 15.629933,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 131419,\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'17q21.31',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41251791, u'start': 41251791},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43099774, u'start': 43099774},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_292t1:c.547+1G>A', u'NM_007294.3:c.547+1G>A'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_292:g.118210G>A',\n", " u'NG_005905.2:g.118210G>A',\n", " u'NC_000017.11:g.43099774C>T',\n", " u'NC_000017.10:g.41251791C>T']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000112729',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'All ages',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2676676',\n", " u'omim': u'604370',\n", " u'orphanet': u'145'},\n", " u'name': u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 (BROVCA1)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1',\n", " u'Breast cancer, familial 1',\n", " u'hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, BROVCA1',\n", " u'Breast-ovarian cancer, familial, 1']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2003-12-23',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_007294.3(BRCA1):c.547+1G>A',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80358030',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 125881},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'pos': -1},\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'C',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 5,\n", " u'rs': u'rs80358030',\n", " u'trait': u'Breast-ovarian_cancer\\\\x2c_familial_1'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000012048',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000350283',\n", " u'ENSP00000312236',\n", " u'ENSP00000417148',\n", " u'ENSP00000418775',\n", " u'ENSP00000418960',\n", " u'ENSP00000420705',\n", " u'ENSP00000419481',\n", " u'ENSP00000420412',\n", " u'ENSP00000418819',\n", " u'ENSP00000418212',\n", " u'ENSP00000326002',\n", " u'ENSP00000419274',\n", " u'ENSP00000419988',\n", " u'ENSP00000419103',\n", " u'ENSP00000417554'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000357654',\n", " u'ENST00000352993',\n", " u'ENST00000468300',\n", " u'ENST00000493795',\n", " u'ENST00000471181',\n", " u'ENST00000491747',\n", " u'ENST00000484087',\n", " u'ENST00000478531',\n", " u'ENST00000493919',\n", " u'ENST00000487825',\n", " u'ENST00000354071',\n", " u'ENST00000470026',\n", " u'ENST00000477152',\n", " u'ENST00000494123',\n", " u'ENST00000476777']},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.45601,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.86583},\n", " u'genename': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.16, u'rs': 5.16, u'rs_rankscore': 0.70385},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.02865,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.156173},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.02788,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.125526},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 38505317, u'start': 38505317},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41251791, u'start': 41251791},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 43099774, u'start': 43099774},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.02238,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.092715},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.02649,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.156188},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': u'without_aae',\n", " u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'score': 1},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.898,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.37771},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.559, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.26867}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 0.892,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.4006},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.871, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.44667}},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80358030',\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 14.3275,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.6588,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 1.0, u'g': 0.0, u't': 0.0}}},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'A'}, {u'allele': u'T'}],\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'17',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 132,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP', u'DSS', u'LSD', u'PM', u'RV', u'SLO'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'672', u'symbol': u'BRCA1'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 41251792, u'start': 41251791},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80358030',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'unknown',\n", " u'vartype': u'snp'},\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007300.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.547+1G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'7',\n", " u'total': u'23',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007298.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.547+1G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'6',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_027676.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.683+1G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'7',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007297.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.406+1G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'6',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007299.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.547+1G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'7',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_007294.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.547+1G>A',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'7',\n", " u'total': u'22',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'}],\n", " u'lof': {u'gene_id': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'gene_name': u'BRCA1',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'6',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'0.83'}},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'T', u'position': u'41251791', u'ref': u'C'}}],\n", " u'max_score': 15.629933,\n", " u'took': 72,\n", " u'total': 1126}" ] }, "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "out" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* You can also query for multiple terms. For example, if you want to query for annotation data related to multiple RCV accession numbers, you can do so by calling the **querymany** method." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " Here is a list of *RCV accession numbers* you might want to query." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "xli = ['RCV000059118',\n", " 'RCV000059119',\n", " 'RCV000057234',\n", " 'RCV000037456',\n", " 'RCV000000019',\n", " 'RCV000000134']" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "querying 1-6...done.\n", "Finished.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "out = mv.querymany(xli, scopes='clinvar.rcv.accession')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " Here is the output of all annotation records related to these *RCV accession numbers* in xli in MyVariant.info." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 19, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[{u'_id': u'chr11:g.118895925C>T',\n", " u'_score': 10.333494,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'anc': u'C',\n", " u'annotype': [u'CodingTranscript', u'Intergenic'],\n", " u'bstatistic': 476,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.197,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.622,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.055,\n", " u'txwk': 0.11,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 11,\n", " u'consdetail': [u'missense', u'downstream'],\n", " u'consequence': [u'NON_SYNONYMOUS', u'DOWNSTREAM'],\n", " u'consscore': [7, 1],\n", " u'cpg': 0.04,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 2.03, u'mgw': 0.26, u'prot': -2.64, u'roll': -0.64},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 136.25,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 13.84,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 33.84,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 6.4,\n", " u'nucleo': 2.7,\n", " u'occ': 2,\n", " u'p_val': {u'comb': 0.95,\n", " u'ctcf': 0.0,\n", " u'dnas': 1.62,\n", " u'faire': 0.0,\n", " u'mycp': 0.0,\n", " u'polii': 0.0},\n", " u'sig': {u'ctcf': 0.03,\n", " u'dnase': 0.04,\n", " u'faire': 0.01,\n", " u'myc': 0.0,\n", " u'polii': 0.0}},\n", " u'exon': u'11/12',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.2838,\n", " u'gc': 0.55,\n", " u'gene': [{u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 1606,\n", " u'cds_pos': 1165,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.68,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.86},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000357590',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000137700',\n", " u'genename': u'SLC37A4',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'tmhmm', u'protpos': 389, u'rel_prot_pos': 0.86}},\n", " {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS8407.1',\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000533632',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000196655',\n", " u'genename': u'TRAPPC4'}],\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.12, u'rs': 2485.2, u'rs_pval': 2.73146e-114, u's': 5.12},\n", " u'grantham': 58,\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 63,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 3820,\n", " u'mutindex': 109,\n", " u'naa': u'T',\n", " u'oaa': u'A',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.999, u'primate': 0.987, u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 34,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.677, u'primate': 0.557, u'vertebrate': 5.851},\n", " u'polyphen': {u'cat': u'possibly_damaging', u'val': 0.861},\n", " u'pos': 118895925,\n", " u'rawscore': 7.48625,\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'segway': u'GM1',\n", " u'sift': {u'cat': u'deleterious', u'val': 0.04},\n", " u'tf': {u'bs': 1, u'bs_peaks': 1, u'bs_peaks_max': 28.018},\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 34150,\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'11',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'11q23.3',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'2542', u'symbol': u'SLC37A4'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 118895925, u'start': 118895925},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 119025215, u'start': 119025215},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_187t1:c.1099G>A',\n", " u'NM_001164277.1:c.1099G>A',\n", " u'NM_001467.5:c.1099G>A'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_187:g.10691G>A',\n", " u'NG_013331.1:g.10691G>A',\n", " u'NC_000011.10:g.119025215C>T',\n", " u'NC_000011.9:g.118895925C>T']},\n", " u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000020461',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'Neonatal',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0268146',\n", " u'omim': u'232220',\n", " u'orphanet': u'79259'},\n", " u'name': u'Glucose-6-phosphate transport defect (GSD1B)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE Ib', u'GSD Ib']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2010-12-23',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'not provided',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_001164277.1(SLC37A4):c.1099G>A (p.Ala367Thr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000059118',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'not provided',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'CN221809'},\n", " u'name': u'not provided'},\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'not provided',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_001164277.1(SLC37A4):c.1099G>A (p.Ala367Thr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion provided'}],\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80356492',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'uniprot': u'VAR_025602',\n", " u'variant_id': 21298},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'codonpos': 1,\n", " u'pos': [u'389', u'294', u'367', u'367'],\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'refcodon': u'GCC'},\n", " u'alspac': {u'ac': 2, u'af': 0.0005189413596263622},\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'C',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'11',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 5,\n", " u'rs': u'rs80356492',\n", " u'trait': u'Glucose-6-phosphate_transport_defect'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000137700',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000476176',\n", " u'ENSP00000475991',\n", " u'ENSP00000475241',\n", " u'ENSP00000476242'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000357590',\n", " u'ENST00000538950',\n", " u'ENST00000545985',\n", " u'ENST00000330775']},\n", " u'exac': {u'ac': 6,\n", " u'adj_ac': 6,\n", " u'adj_af': 5.226e-05,\n", " u'af': 4.961e-05,\n", " u'afr_ac': 0,\n", " u'afr_af': 0,\n", " u'amr_ac': 0,\n", " u'amr_af': 0,\n", " u'eas_ac': 0,\n", " u'eas_af': 0,\n", " u'fin_ac': 0,\n", " u'fin_af': 0,\n", " u'nfe_ac': 4,\n", " u'nfe_af': 6.276e-05,\n", " u'sas_ac': 2,\n", " u'sas_af': 0.0001281},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFDBCIJ',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.73687,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.97297},\n", " u'genename': u'SLC37A4',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.12, u'rs': 5.12, u'rs_rankscore': 0.69274},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.04325,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.278934},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.04794,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.299256},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 118401135, u'start': 118401135},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 118895925, u'start': 118895925},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 119025215, u'start': 119025215},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.03188,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.119812},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.04139,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.283894},\n", " u'interpro_domain': u'Major facilitator superfamily domain',\n", " u'mutationassessor': {u'pred': u'M', u'rankscore': 0.79762, u'score': 2.47},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': u'without_aae',\n", " u'pred': u'A',\n", " u'score': 1},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.971,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.46156},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.996, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.63571}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 0.935,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.48811},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.871, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.44667}},\n", " u'polyphen2': {u'hdiv': {u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.76378,\n", " u'score': [0.997, 0.998, 0.999, 0.998]},\n", " u'hvar': {u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.69333,\n", " u'score': [0.932, 0.932, 0.964, 0.932]}},\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs80356492',\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 18.3397,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.90175,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 1.0, u'g': 0.0, u't': 0.0}},\n", " u'twinsuk': {u'ac': 0, u'af': 0.0},\n", " u'uniprot': [{u'acc': u'B4DPL8', u'pos': u'351'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q6IBR9', u'pos': u'367'},\n", " {u'acc': u'O43826-2', u'pos': u'389'},\n", " {u'acc': u'O43826', u'pos': u'367'}]},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'germline',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'C'}, {u'allele': u'T'}],\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'11',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 131,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP',\n", " u'LSD',\n", " u'NSM',\n", " u'PM',\n", " u'PMC',\n", " 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u'118895925', u'ref': u'C'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr11:g.118895906G>T',\n", " u'_score': 16.533304,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'anc': u'G',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 476,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.197,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.622,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.055,\n", " u'txwk': 0.11,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 11,\n", " u'consdetail': u'missense',\n", " u'consequence': u'NON_SYNONYMOUS',\n", " u'consscore': 7,\n", " u'cpg': 0.03,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': 1.31, u'mgw': 0.37, u'prot': -0.6, u'roll': 5.46},\n", " u'dst2splice': 6,\n", " u'dst2spltype': u'DONOR',\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 125.32,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 13.84,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 33.84,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 6.4,\n", " u'nucleo': 2.1,\n", " u'occ': 2,\n", " 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u'oaa': u'A',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 1.0, u'primate': 0.989, u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 33,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.754, u'primate': 0.557, u'vertebrate': 5.928},\n", " u'polyphen': {u'cat': u'probably_damaging', u'val': 0.956},\n", " u'pos': 118895906,\n", " u'rawscore': 6.879844,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'segway': u'GM1',\n", " u'sift': {u'cat': u'deleterious', u'val': 0},\n", " u'tf': {u'bs': 1, u'bs_peaks': 1, u'bs_peaks_max': 28.018},\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 79160,\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'chrom': u'11',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'11q23.3',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'2542', u'symbol': u'SLC37A4'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 118895906, u'start': 118895906},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 119025196, u'start': 119025196},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_187t1:c.1118C>A', u'NM_001164277.1:c.1118C>A'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_187:g.10710C>A',\n", " u'NG_013331.1:g.10710C>A',\n", " u'NC_000011.10:g.119025196G>T',\n", " u'NC_000011.9:g.118895906G>T']},\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000059119',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'not provided',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'CN221809'},\n", " u'name': u'not provided'},\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'not provided',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_001164277.1(SLC37A4):c.1118C>A (p.Ala373Asp)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs193302901',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'uniprot': u'VAR_025603',\n", " u'variant_id': 68269},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'alt': u'D',\n", " u'codonpos': 2,\n", " u'pos': [u'395', u'300', u'373', u'373'],\n", " u'ref': u'A',\n", " u'refcodon': u'GCC'},\n", " u'alt': u'T',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'G',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'11',\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000137700',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000476176',\n", " u'ENSP00000475991',\n", " u'ENSP00000475241',\n", " 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u'downstream_gene_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_016146.4',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'TRAPPC4',\n", " u'gene_name': u'TRAPPC4',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.*925G>T',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'}]},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'T', u'position': u'118895906', u'ref': u'G'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr1:g.156105869_156105869del',\n", " u'_score': 16.53367,\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 77674,\n", " u'alt': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'1',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'1q22',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'4000', u'symbol': u'LMNA'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 156105869, u'start': 156105869},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 156136078, u'start': 156136078},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_254t1:c.1114delG',\n", " u'NM_005572.3:c.1114delG',\n", " u'NM_170707.3:c.1114delG',\n", " u'NM_170708.3:c.1114delG'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_254:g.58506delG',\n", " u'NG_008692.2:g.58506delG',\n", " u'NC_000001.11:g.156136078delG',\n", " 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u'p.Glu372fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'572', u'position': u'372'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'6',\n", " u'total': u'10',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'3077', u'position': u'1363'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1845', u'position': u'1114'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001282626.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'LMNA',\n", " u'gene_name': u'LMNA',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.1114delG',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Glu372fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'614', u'position': u'372'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'6',\n", " u'total': u'12',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'3137', u'position': u'1363'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1905', u'position': u'1114'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_170708.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'LMNA',\n", " u'gene_name': u'LMNA',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.1114delG',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Glu372fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'634', u'position': u'372'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'6',\n", " u'total': u'11',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'1752', u'position': u'1045'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1476', u'position': u'871'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001282624.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'LMNA',\n", " u'gene_name': u'LMNA',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.871delG',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Glu291fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'491', u'position': u'291'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'7',\n", " u'total': u'11',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2062', u'position': u'865'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1725', u'position': u'778'},\n", " u'effect': u'frameshift_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001257374.2',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'LMNA',\n", " u'gene_name': u'LMNA',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.778delG',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Glu260fs',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'574', u'position': u'260'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'6',\n", " u'total': u'13',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'effect': u'intron_variant',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NR_107005.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'MIR7851',\n", " u'gene_name': u'MIR7851',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'n.43+23752delC',\n", " u'putative_impact': u'MODIFIER',\n", " u'rank': u'3',\n", " u'total': u'4',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Noncoding'}],\n", " u'lof': {u'gene_id': u'LMNA',\n", " u'gene_name': u'LMNA',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'7',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'1.00'}},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'G', u'position': u'156105868', u'ref': u'GG'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr14:g.23874929G>A',\n", " u'_score': 16.533554,\n", " u'cadd': 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0.07,\n", " u'faire': 0.01,\n", " u'myc': 0.0,\n", " u'polii': 0.0}},\n", " u'exon': u'4/39',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.527649,\n", " u'gc': 0.59,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS9600.1',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 323,\n", " u'cds_pos': 252,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.05,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.04},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000405093',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000197616',\n", " u'genename': u'MYH6',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain', u'protpos': 84, u'rel_prot_pos': 0.04}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 3.91, u'rs': 442.1, u'rs_pval': 2.08598e-40, u's': 3.91},\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 0.5, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 6008,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 1873,\n", " u'mutindex': 76,\n", " u'naa': u'F',\n", " u'oaa': u'F',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 1.0, u'primate': 0.997, u'vertebrate': 1.0},\n", " u'phred': 15.44,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.146, u'primate': 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u'NM_002471.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'MYH6',\n", " u'gene_name': u'MYH6',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.252C>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Phe84Phe',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'1939', u'position': u'84'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'LOW',\n", " u'rank': u'4',\n", " u'total': u'39',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'}},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'A', u'position': u'23874929', u'ref': u'G'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr6:g.26093141G>A',\n", " u'_score': 5.166686,\n", " u'cadd': {u'1000g': {u'af': 0.02, u'afr': 0.004, u'amr': 0.02, u'eur': 0.05},\n", " u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'anc': u'G',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 495,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.008,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.528,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.024,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.008,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.063,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.315,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.008},\n", " u'chrom': 6,\n", " u'consdetail': u'missense',\n", " u'consequence': u'NON_SYNONYMOUS',\n", " u'consscore': 7,\n", " u'cpg': 0.01,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': -2.27, u'mgw': -0.1, u'prot': 1.4, u'roll': -0.45},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 72.66,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 4.88,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 7.52,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 4.56,\n", " u'nucleo': 3.9},\n", " u'esp': {u'af': 0.048, u'afr': 0.015, u'eur': 0.064},\n", " u'exon': u'4/6',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.648707,\n", " u'gc': 0.59,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS4578.1',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 967,\n", " u'cds_pos': 845,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.18,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.81},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000357618',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000010704',\n", " u'genename': u'HFE',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain', u'protpos': 282, u'rel_prot_pos': 0.81}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.35, u'rs': 431.1, u'rs_pval': 3.05598e-45, u's': 5.35},\n", " u'grantham': 194,\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'TRUE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 70,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 36,\n", " u'mutindex': 3,\n", " u'naa': u'Y',\n", " u'oaa': u'C',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.993,\n", " u'primate': 0.364,\n", " u'vertebrate': 0.999},\n", " u'phred': 25.7,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 2.938, u'primate': 0.651, u'vertebrate': 3.775},\n", " u'polyphen': {u'cat': u'probably_damaging', u'val': 0.915},\n", " u'pos': 26093141,\n", " u'rawscore': 5.269899,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'segway': u'GM1',\n", " u'sift': {u'cat': u'deleterious', u'val': 0.03},\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 15048,\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'6',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'6p22.2',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'3077', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 26093141, u'start': 26093141},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 26092913, u'start': 26092913},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'LRG_748t1:c.845G>A',\n", " u'NM_139011.2:c.77-206G>A',\n", " u'NM_000410.3:c.845G>A'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'LRG_748:g.10633G>A',\n", " u'NG_008720.2:g.10633G>A',\n", " u'NC_000006.12:g.26092913G>A',\n", " u'NC_000006.11:g.26093141G>A']},\n", " u'omim': u'613609.0001',\n", " u'rcv': [{u'accession': u'RCV000000019',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C0392514',\n", " u'omim': u'235200'},\n", " u'name': u'Hemochromatosis type 1 (HFE1)'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2015-09-17',\n", " u'number_submitters': 6,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000410.3(HFE):c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, multiple submitters, no conflicts'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000020',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'risk factor',\n", " u'conditions': {u'name': u'Porphyria cutanea tarda, susceptibility to'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2009-01-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000410.3(HFE):c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000021',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'risk factor',\n", " u'conditions': {u'name': u'Porphyria variegata, susceptibility to'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2009-01-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000410.3(HFE):c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000022',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'name': u'Hemochromatosis, juvenile, digenic'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2009-01-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000410.3(HFE):c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000023',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'risk factor',\n", " u'conditions': {u'name': u'Alzheimer disease, susceptibility to'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2009-01-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000410.3(HFE):c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000024',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'association',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C3280096',\n", " u'omim': u'614193'},\n", " u'name': u'Transferrin serum level quantitative trait locus 2 (TFQTL2)'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2009-01-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000410.3(HFE):c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000000025',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'risk factor',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C2673520',\n", " u'omim': u'612635'},\n", " u'name': u'Microvascular complications of diabetes 7 (MVCD7)',\n", " u'synonyms': [u'MICROVASCULAR COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 7',\n", " u'NEPHROPATHY, DIABETIC, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'NONPROLIFERATIVE RETINOPATHY, DIABETIC, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO',\n", " u'PROLIFERATIVE RETINOPATHY, DIABETIC, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO']},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2009-01-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000410.3(HFE):c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000117222',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Benign',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'CN169374'},\n", " u'name': u'not specified',\n", " u'synonyms': u'AllHighlyPenetrant'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2013-11-04',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000410.3(HFE):c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'criteria provided, single submitter'},\n", " {u'accession': u'RCV000178096',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'not provided',\n", " u'conditions': {u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'CN221809'},\n", " u'name': u'not provided'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2014-10-13',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_000410.3(HFE):c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion provided'}],\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 9},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'1000gp3': {u'ac': 63,\n", " u'af': 0.012579872204472844,\n", " u'afr_ac': 3,\n", " u'afr_af': 0.0022692889561270802,\n", " u'amr_ac': 15,\n", " u'amr_af': 0.021613832853025938,\n", " u'eas_ac': 0,\n", " u'eas_af': 0.0,\n", " u'eur_ac': 43,\n", " u'eur_af': 0.042743538767395624,\n", " u'sas_ac': 2,\n", " u'sas_af': 0.002044989775051125},\n", " u'aa': {u'alt': u'Y',\n", " u'codonpos': 2,\n", " u'pos': [u'259',\n", " u'102',\n", " u'194',\n", " u'190',\n", " u'282',\n", " u'279',\n", " u'176',\n", " u'268',\n", " u'180',\n", " u'282'],\n", " u'ref': u'C',\n", " u'refcodon': u'TGC'},\n", " u'alspac': {u'ac': 306, u'af': 0.07939802802283343},\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'G',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'+',\n", " u'chrom': u'6',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 5,\n", " u'rs': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'trait': u'Hereditary_hemochromatosis|Hemochromatosis\\\\x2c_juvenile\\\\x2c_digenic|not_specified'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000010704',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000380217',\n", " u'ENSP00000312342',\n", " u'ENSP00000259699',\n", " u'ENSP00000313776',\n", " u'ENSP00000417404',\n", " u'ENSP00000419725',\n", " u'ENSP00000337819',\n", " u'ENSP00000420802',\n", " u'ENSP00000420559',\n", " u'ENSP00000311698'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000397022',\n", " u'ENST00000353147',\n", " u'ENST00000349999',\n", " u'ENST00000317896',\n", " u'ENST00000357618',\n", " u'ENST00000470149',\n", " u'ENST00000336625',\n", " u'ENST00000461397',\n", " u'ENST00000488199',\n", " u'ENST00000309234']},\n", " u'esp6500': {u'aa_ac': 67,\n", " u'aa_af': 0.015206536541080345,\n", " u'ea_ac': 551,\n", " u'ea_af': 0.06406976744186046},\n", " u'exac': {u'ac': 3937,\n", " u'adj_ac': 3937,\n", " u'adj_af': 0.03243,\n", " u'af': 0.03243,\n", " u'afr_ac': 105,\n", " u'afr_af': 0.01009,\n", " u'amr_ac': 133,\n", " u'amr_af': 0.01149,\n", " u'eas_ac': 1,\n", " u'eas_af': 0.0001156,\n", " u'fin_ac': 213,\n", " u'fin_af': 0.03223,\n", " u'nfe_ac': 3427,\n", " u'nfe_af': 0.05135,\n", " u'sas_ac': 38,\n", " u'sas_af': 0.002301},\n", " u'fathmm': {u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.95286,\n", " u'score': [-3.68,\n", " -3.68,\n", " -3.68,\n", " -3.68,\n", " -3.68,\n", " -3.68,\n", " -3.68,\n", " -3.68,\n", " -3.68,\n", " -3.68]},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFDBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.62664,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.94952},\n", " u'genename': u'HFE',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.35, u'rs': 5.35, u'rs_rankscore': 0.76149},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.5301,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.624146},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.34075,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.602189},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 26201120, u'start': 26201120},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 26093141, u'start': 26093141},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 26092913, u'start': 26092913},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.34512,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.579976},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.39376,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.623552},\n", " u'interpro_domain': [u'Immunoglobulin C1-set',\n", " u'Immunoglobulin-like domain',\n", " u'Immunoglobulin-like fold',\n", " u'Immunoglobulin/major histocompatibility complex, conserved site',\n", " u'MHC class I alpha chain, alpha1 alpha2 domains',\n", " u'MHC class I-like antigen recognition',\n", " u'MHC classes I/II-like antigen recognition protein'],\n", " u'lrt': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.62918,\n", " u'omega': 0.0,\n", " u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'score': 3e-06},\n", " u'metalr': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.98433, u'score': 0.9518},\n", " u'metasvm': {u'pred': u'D', u'rankscore': 0.98682, u'score': 1.0733},\n", " u'mutationassessor': {u'pred': u'H',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.99134,\n", " u'score': 4.445},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'C180Y',\n", " u'C194Y',\n", " u'C102Y',\n", " u'C268Y',\n", " u'C190Y',\n", " u'C259Y',\n", " u'C176Y',\n", " u'C282Y',\n", " u'C279Y',\n", " u'C282Y',\n", " u'.'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': [u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'simple_aae',\n", " u'without_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A',\n", " u'A'],\n", " u'score': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.895,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.37584},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.669, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.28987}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 1.048,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.71188},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.917, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.60462}},\n", " u'polyphen2': {u'hdiv': {u'pred': [u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'P',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D',\n", " u'D'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.89865,\n", " u'score': [0.982, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.951, 0.996, 0.993, 0.961]},\n", " u'hvar': {u'pred': [u'P', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'D', u'P', u'P', u'D', u'P'],\n", " u'rankscore': 0.91584,\n", " u'score': [0.756,\n", " 0.999,\n", " 0.999,\n", " 0.999,\n", " 0.999,\n", " 0.56,\n", " 0.826,\n", " 0.917,\n", " 0.667]}},\n", " u'provean': {u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'rankscore': 0.9914,\n", " u'score': [-8.93,\n", " -10.67,\n", " -9.03,\n", " -8.48,\n", " -8.33,\n", " -8.88,\n", " -8.23,\n", " -8.64,\n", " -9.14,\n", " -8.41]},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'reliability_index': 9,\n", " u'rsid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'sift': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.91219, u'pred': u'D', u'score': 0.0},\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 14.7506,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.68948,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 0.0, u'g': 1.0, u't': 0.0}},\n", " u'twinsuk': {u'ac': 256, u'af': 0.06903991370010787},\n", " u'uniprot': [{u'acc': u'Q6B0J5', u'pos': u'279'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q30201-6', u'pos': u'102'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q30201-4', u'pos': u'180'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q30201-7', u'pos': u'190'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q30201-10', u'pos': u'176'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q30201-3', u'pos': u'268'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q30201-2', u'pos': u'194'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q30201-5', u'pos': u'259'},\n", " {u'acc': u'Q30201', u'pos': u'282'}]},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'germline',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'G', u'freq': 0.9874},\n", " {u'allele': u'A', u'freq': 0.01258}],\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'6',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 89,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP',\n", " u'G5',\n", " u'GNO',\n", " u'HD',\n", " u'INT',\n", " u'KGPhase1',\n", " u'KGPhase3',\n", " u'LSD',\n", " u'MTP',\n", " u'NSM',\n", " u'PM',\n", " u'PMC',\n", " u'REF',\n", " u'S3D',\n", " u'SLO'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'3077', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " u'gmaf': 0.01258,\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 26093142, u'start': 26093141},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'validated': True,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'ts',\n", " u'vartype': u'snp'},\n", " u'evs': {u'allele_count': {u'african_american': {u'A': 67, u'G': 4339},\n", " u'all': {u'A': 618, u'G': 12388},\n", " u'european_american': {u'A': 551, u'G': 8049}},\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'avg_sample_read': 82,\n", " u'chimp_allele': u'G',\n", " u'chrom': 6,\n", " u'clinical_info': u'http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/varvu?gene=3077&rs=1800562|http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim/235200,235200|http://omim.org/entry/613609#0001|http://omim.org/entry/235200#0001|http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=19084217,19820697,19820699,19862010,20686565,20858683,20927387,21665994,21785125,21943158,23263863',\n", " u'coding_dna_size': [231, 507, 978, 741, 783, 1005, 771, 729, 1047],\n", " u'conservation': {u'gerp': 5.3, u'phast_cons': 1.0},\n", " u'dbsnp_version': 89,\n", " u'filter_status': u'PASS',\n", " u'function_gvs': [u'intron',\n", " u'missense',\n", " u'missense',\n", " u'missense',\n", " u'missense',\n", " u'missense',\n", " u'missense',\n", " u'missense',\n", " u'missense'],\n", " u'gene': [{u'accession': u'NM_139011.2', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " {u'accession': u'NM_139010.2', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " {u'accession': u'NM_139009.2', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " {u'accession': u'NM_139008.2', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " {u'accession': u'NM_139007.2', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " {u'accession': u'NM_139006.2', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " {u'accession': u'NM_139004.2', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " {u'accession': u'NM_139003.2', u'symbol': u'HFE'},\n", " {u'accession': u'NM_000410.3', u'symbol': u'HFE'}],\n", " u'genotype_count': {u'african_american': {u'AA': 1, u'AG': 65, u'GG': 2137},\n", " u'all_genotype': {u'AA': 19, u'AG': 580, u'GG': 5904},\n", " u'european_american': {u'AA': 18, u'AG': 515, u'GG': 3767}},\n", " u'gwas_pubmed_info': u'http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=19084217,19820697,19820699,19862010,20686565,20858683,20927387,21483845,21665994,21785125,21943158,23263863',\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 26093141, u'start': 26093141},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 26092913, u'start': 26092913},\n", " u'hgvs': [{u'coding': u'c.77-206G>A'},\n", " {u'coding': u'c.305G>A', u'protein': u'p.(C102Y)'},\n", " {u'coding': u'c.776G>A', u'protein': u'p.(C259Y)'},\n", " {u'coding': u'c.539G>A', u'protein': u'p.(C180Y)'},\n", " {u'coding': u'c.581G>A', u'protein': u'p.(C194Y)'},\n", " {u'coding': u'c.803G>A', u'protein': u'p.(C268Y)'},\n", " {u'coding': u'c.569G>A', u'protein': u'p.(C190Y)'},\n", " {u'coding': u'c.527G>A', u'protein': u'p.(C176Y)'},\n", " {u'coding': u'c.845G>A', u'protein': u'p.(C282Y)'}],\n", " u'ma_fin_percent': {u'african_american': 1.5207,\n", " u'all': 4.7517,\n", " u'european_american': 6.407},\n", " u'on_illumina_human_exome_chip': u'yes',\n", " u'polyphen2': [{u'class': u'u', u'score': u'n'},\n", " {u'class': u'p', u'score': u'r'},\n", " {u'class': u'p', u'score': u'r'},\n", " {u'class': u'p', u'score': u'r'},\n", " {u'class': u'p', u'score': u'r'},\n", " {u'class': u'p', u'score': u'r'},\n", " {u'class': u'p', u'score': u'r'},\n", " {u'class': u'p', u'score': u'r'},\n", " {u'class': u'p', u'score': u'r'}],\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'ref_base_ncbi': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs1800562'},\n", " u'exac': {u'ac': {u'ac': 3937,\n", " u'ac_adj': 3937,\n", " u'ac_afr': 105,\n", " u'ac_amr': 133,\n", " u'ac_eas': 1,\n", " u'ac_fin': 213,\n", " u'ac_nfe': 3427,\n", " u'ac_oth': 20,\n", " u'ac_sas': 38},\n", " u'af': 0.032,\n", " u'alleles': u'A',\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'an': {u'an': 121412,\n", " u'an_adj': 121394,\n", " u'an_afr': 10406,\n", " u'an_amr': 11572,\n", " u'an_eas': 8654,\n", " u'an_fin': 6608,\n", " u'an_nfe': 66734,\n", " u'an_oth': 908,\n", " u'an_sas': 16512},\n", " u'baseqranksum': -3.408,\n", " u'chrom': u'6',\n", " u'clippingranksum': -0.301,\n", " u'culprit': u'FS',\n", " u'dp': 1947210,\n", " u'fs': 0.0,\n", " u'het': {u'ac_het': 3697,\n", " u'het_afr': 103,\n", " u'het_amr': 129,\n", " u'het_eas': 1,\n", " u'het_fin': 199,\n", " u'het_nfe': 3209,\n", " u'het_oth': 18,\n", " u'het_sas': 38},\n", " u'hom': {u'ac_hom': 120,\n", " u'hom_afr': 1,\n", " u'hom_amr': 2,\n", " u'hom_eas': 0,\n", " u'hom_fin': 7,\n", " u'hom_nfe': 109,\n", " u'hom_oth': 1,\n", " u'hom_sas': 0},\n", " u'inbreedingcoeff': 0.0198,\n", " u'mq': {u'mq': 59.63, u'mq0': 0, u'mqranksum': 0.137},\n", " u'ncc': 1,\n", " u'pos': 26093141,\n", " u'qd': 12.8,\n", " u'qual': 6196720.01,\n", " u'readposranksum': 0.46,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'type': u'snp',\n", " u'vqslod': 6.81},\n", " u'grasp': {u'creation_date': u'8/17/12',\n", " u'discovery': [{u'european': 19840, u'total_samples': 19840},\n", " {u'european': 459, u'total_samples': 459},\n", " {u'european': 459, u'total_samples': 459},\n", " {u'european': 459, u'total_samples': 459},\n", " {u'european': 459, u'total_samples': 459},\n", " {u'european': 4627, u'total_samples': 4627},\n", " {u'european': 4627, u'total_samples': 4627},\n", " {u'european': 4627, u'total_samples': 4627},\n", " {u'european': 4627, u'total_samples': 4627},\n", " {u'european': 4627, u'total_samples': 4627},\n", " {u'european': 4818, u'total_samples': 4818},\n", " {u'european': 4818, u'total_samples': 4818},\n", " {u'european': 4818, u'total_samples': 4818},\n", " {u'european': 4818, u'total_samples': 4818},\n", " {u'european': 4818, u'total_samples': 4818},\n", " {u'european': 4818, u'total_samples': 4818},\n", " {u'european': 24167, u'total_samples': 24167},\n", " {u'european': 24167, u'total_samples': 24167},\n", " {u'european': 24167, u'total_samples': 24167},\n", " {u'european': 24167, u'total_samples': 24167},\n", " {u'european': 24167, u'total_samples': 24167},\n", " {u'european': 67093, u'total_samples': 67093},\n", " {u'european': 100184, u'total_samples': 100184},\n", " {u'european': 100184, u'total_samples': 100184},\n", " {u'european': 46368, u'total_samples': 46368},\n", " {u'european': 46368, u'total_samples': 46368},\n", " {u'european': 46368, u'total_samples': 46368},\n", " {u'european': 46368, u'total_samples': 46368},\n", " {u'european': 46368, u'total_samples': 46368},\n", " {u'european': 46368, u'total_samples': 46368},\n", " {u'european': 133653, u'total_samples': 133653},\n", " {u'european': 3012, u'total_samples': 3012},\n", " {u'european': 3012, u'total_samples': 3012},\n", " {u'european': 6616, u'total_samples': 6616},\n", " {u'european': 6616, u'total_samples': 6616},\n", " {u'african': 7112, u'european': 23439, u'total_samples': 30551},\n", " {u'african': 7112, u'european': 23439, u'total_samples': 30551},\n", " {u'african': 7112, u'european': 23439, u'total_samples': 30551},\n", " {u'european': 2073, u'total_samples': 2073},\n", " {u'european': 679, u'total_samples': 679},\n", " {u'european': 679, u'total_samples': 679},\n", " {u'european': 679, u'total_samples': 679},\n", " {u'european': 679, u'total_samples': 679},\n", " {u'european': 679, u'total_samples': 679},\n", " {u'european': 679, u'total_samples': 679},\n", " {u'european': 679, u'total_samples': 679},\n", " {u'european': 5181, u'total_samples': 5181},\n", " {u'european': 1657, u'total_samples': 1657},\n", " {u'european': 1657, u'total_samples': 1657},\n", " {u'european': 1657, u'total_samples': 1657},\n", " {u'european': 1657, u'total_samples': 1657},\n", " {u'european': 1657, u'total_samples': 1657},\n", " {u'european': 1657, u'total_samples': 1657},\n", " {u'european': 1657, u'total_samples': 1657},\n", " {u'european': 1657, u'total_samples': 1657},\n", " {u'european': 1657, u'total_samples': 1657},\n", " {u'european': 1469, u'total_samples': 1469},\n", " {u'european': 1469, u'total_samples': 1469},\n", " {u'european': 1469, u'total_samples': 1469},\n", " {u'european': 69395, u'total_samples': 69395},\n", " {u'european': 69395, u'total_samples': 69395},\n", " {u'european': 11683, u'total_samples': 11683},\n", " {u'european': 11683, u'total_samples': 11683},\n", " {u'european': 874, u'total_samples': 874},\n", " {u'european': 707, u'total_samples': 707}],\n", " u'exclusively_male_female': u'n',\n", " u'gwas_ancestry_description': [u'European',\n", " u'Mixed',\n", " u'Mixed',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'Mixed',\n", " u'Mixed',\n", " u'Mixed',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European',\n", " u'European'],\n", " u'hg19': {u'chr': 6, u'pos': 26093141},\n", " u'hupfield': u'Jan2014',\n", " u'in_gene': u'(HFE)',\n", " u'in_mirna_bs': u'(rs1800562(miR-564);(AF150664);(disrupts non-conserved site);GUWobble)',\n", " u'includes_male_female_only_analyses': u'n',\n", " u'initial_sample_description': [u'19840 EA individuals',\n", " u'459 EA twin pairs',\n", " u'459 EA twin pairs',\n", " u'459 EA twin pairs',\n", " u'459 EA twin pairs',\n", " u'4627 European individuals',\n", " u'4627 European individuals',\n", " u'4627 European individuals',\n", " u'4627 European individuals',\n", " u'4627 European individuals',\n", " u'4818 Australian siblings',\n", " u'4818 Australian siblings',\n", " u'4818 Australian siblings',\n", " u'4818 Australian siblings',\n", " u'4818 Australian siblings',\n", " u'4818 Australian siblings',\n", " u'24167 EA individuals',\n", " u'24167 EA individuals',\n", " u'24167 EA individuals',\n", " u'24167 EA individuals',\n", " u'24167 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 67093 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 100184 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 100184 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 46368 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 46368 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 46368 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 46368 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 46368 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 46368 EA individuals',\n", " u'133653 EA individuals',\n", " u'3012 EA individuals',\n", " u'3012 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 6616 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 6616 EA individuals',\n", " [u'23439 EA', u' 7112 AA'],\n", " [u'23439 EA', u' 7112 AA'],\n", " [u'23439 EA', u' 7112 AA'],\n", " [u'403 EA unrelated nonagenarians', u' 1670 controls'],\n", " [u'336 EA cases', u' 343 EA controls'],\n", " [u'336 EA cases', u' 343 EA controls'],\n", " [u'336 EA cases', u' 343 EA controls'],\n", " [u'336 EA cases', u' 343 EA controls'],\n", " [u'336 EA cases', u' 343 EA controls'],\n", " [u'336 EA cases', u' 343 EA controls'],\n", " [u'336 EA cases', u' 343 EA controls'],\n", " u'5181 Swiss individuals',\n", " u'1657 Italian individuals',\n", " u'1657 Italian individuals',\n", " u'1657 Italian individuals',\n", " u'1657 Italian individuals',\n", " u'1657 Italian individuals',\n", " u'1657 Italian individuals',\n", " u'1657 Italian individuals',\n", " u'1657 Italian individuals',\n", " u'1657 Italian individuals',\n", " [u'1469 unrelated European whole blood samples (473 healthy controls',\n", " u' 453 COPD patients',\n", " u' 383 ALS patients',\n", " u' 111 celiac patients',\n", " u' 49 ulcerative colitis patients)'],\n", " [u'1469 unrelated European whole blood samples (473 healthy controls',\n", " u' 453 COPD patients',\n", " u' 383 ALS patients',\n", " u' 111 celiac patients',\n", " u' 49 ulcerative colitis patients)'],\n", " [u'1469 unrelated European whole blood samples (473 healthy controls',\n", " u' 453 COPD patients',\n", " u' 383 ALS patients',\n", " u' 111 celiac patients',\n", " u' 49 ulcerative colitis patients)'],\n", " u'69395 EA individuals',\n", " u'69395 EA individuals',\n", " u'11683 Australian individuals',\n", " u'11683 Australian individuals',\n", " [u'467 EA cases', u' 407 EA controls'],\n", " u'707 EA cases'],\n", " u'last_curation_date': u'8/17/12',\n", " u'ls_snp': [u'(rs1800562;(1a6z',\n", " u'1de4);(A',\n", " u'A);(260',\n", " u'260);(C',\n", " u'C);(Y',\n", " u'Y);(+',\n", " u'+);(E',\n", " u'E);(0',\n", " u'0);(',\n", " u');(0.146057',\n", " u'0.133843);(0;0)))'],\n", " u'platform_snps_passing_qc': [u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2600000] (imputed)',\n", " u'Illumina [315887]',\n", " u'Illumina [315887]',\n", " u'Illumina [315887]',\n", " u'Illumina [315887]',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.11 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.11 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.11 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.11 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.11 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Illumina & Perlegen [427037]',\n", " u'Illumina & Perlegen [427037]',\n", " u'Illumina & Perlegen [427037]',\n", " u'Illumina & Perlegen [427037]',\n", " u'Illumina & Perlegen [427037]',\n", " u'Illumina & Perlegen [427037]',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " [u'Affymetrix', u' Illumina & Perlegen [~2.6 million] (imputed)'],\n", " [u'Affymetrix', u' Illumina & Perlegen [~2.6 million] (imputed)'],\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " [u'Affymetrix', u' Illumina & Perlegen [2834208] (imputed)'],\n", " u'Illumina [489421]',\n", " u'Illumina [489421]',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Affymetrix & Illumina [~2.5 million] (imputed)',\n", " u'Illumina [175000] (imputed)',\n", " u'Illumina [175000] (imputed)',\n", " u'Illumina [175000] (imputed)',\n", " u'Illumina [516721]',\n", " u'Illumina [331060]',\n", " u'Illumina [331060]',\n", " u'Illumina [331060]',\n", " u'Illumina [331060]',\n", " u'Illumina [331060]',\n", " u'Illumina [331060]',\n", " u'Illumina [331060]',\n", " u'Affymetrix [390631] (imputed)',\n", " u'Illumina [343866]',\n", " u'Illumina [343866]',\n", " u'Illumina [343866]',\n", " u'Illumina [343866]',\n", " u'Illumina [343866]',\n", " u'Illumina [343866]',\n", " u'Illumina [343866]',\n", " u'Illumina [343866]',\n", " u'Illumina [343866]',\n", " u'Illumina [289044]',\n", " u'Illumina [289044]',\n", " u'Illumina [289044]',\n", " [u'Affymetrix', u' Illumina & Perlegen [~2.5 million] (imputed)'],\n", " [u'Affymetrix', u' Illumina & Perlegen [~2.5 million] (imputed)'],\n", " [u'Illumina [610000] (imputed', u' unspecified)'],\n", " [u'Illumina [610000] (imputed', u' unspecified)'],\n", " u'Illumina [876476]',\n", " u'Illumina [500000] (unspecified)'],\n", " u'polyphen2': u'Q30201:C282Y;G>A;probablydamaging;1;0;0',\n", " u'publication': [{u'date_pub': u'12/7/2008',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'FullScan',\n", " u'p_value': 0.0002503,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'CVD risk factor (CVD RF);Lipids',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Lipid level measurements',\n", " u'phenotype': u'LDL cholesterol',\n", " u'pmid': 19060906,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants at 30 loci contribute to polygenic dyslipidemia.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'12/17/2008',\n", " u'journal': u'Am J Hum Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 3.5e-11,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Ferritin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Serum iron',\n", " u'pmid': 19084217,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Variants in TF and HFE explain approximately 40% of genetic variation in serum-transferrin levels.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'12/17/2008',\n", " u'journal': u'Am J Hum Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 4.3e-15,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Ferritin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Transferrin saturation',\n", " u'pmid': 19084217,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Variants in TF and HFE explain approximately 40% of genetic variation in serum-transferrin levels.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'12/17/2008',\n", " u'journal': u'Am J Hum Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 4.5e-05,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Ferritin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Serum ferritin',\n", " u'pmid': 19084217,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Variants in TF and HFE explain approximately 40% of genetic variation in serum-transferrin levels.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'12/17/2008',\n", " u'journal': u'Am J Hum Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S4',\n", " u'p_value': 1.09e-10,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Ferritin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Serum transferrin',\n", " u'pmid': 19084217,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Variants in TF and HFE explain approximately 40% of genetic variation in serum-transferrin levels.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 1',\n", " u'p_value': 1.4e-23,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Platelet',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red and white blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)',\n", " u'pmid': 19820697,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 22 loci associated with eight hematological parameters in the HaemGen consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS4',\n", " u'p_value': 0.002,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Platelet',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red and white blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) (g/dl)',\n", " u'pmid': 19820697,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 22 loci associated with eight hematological parameters in the HaemGen consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS4',\n", " u'p_value': 0.00016,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Platelet',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red and white blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Hemoglobin (Hb) (g/dl)',\n", " u'pmid': 19820697,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 22 loci associated with eight hematological parameters in the HaemGen consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS4',\n", " u'p_value': 0.00022,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Platelet',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red and white blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': [u'Red blood cell count (RBC) (10^12/l', u' log)'],\n", " u'pmid': 19820697,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 22 loci associated with eight hematological parameters in the HaemGen consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS4',\n", " u'p_value': 4.3e-22,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Platelet',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red and white blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) (pg)',\n", " u'pmid': 19820697,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 22 loci associated with eight hematological parameters in the HaemGen consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 1',\n", " u'p_value': 1.5e-08,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)',\n", " u'pmid': 19820699,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants in TMPRSS6 are associated with iron status and erythrocyte volume.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 1',\n", " u'p_value': 2.2e-53,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Transferrin',\n", " u'pmid': 19820699,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants in TMPRSS6 are associated with iron status and erythrocyte volume.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 1',\n", " u'p_value': 0.00034,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Ferritin (log10)',\n", " u'pmid': 19820699,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants in TMPRSS6 are associated with iron status and erythrocyte volume.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 1',\n", " u'p_value': 5.1e-07,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Blood hemoglobin',\n", " u'pmid': 19820699,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants in TMPRSS6 are associated with iron status and erythrocyte volume.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 1',\n", " u'p_value': 8.2e-19,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron',\n", " u'pmid': 19820699,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants in TMPRSS6 are associated with iron status and erythrocyte volume.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 1',\n", " u'p_value': 8.5e-50,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Transferrin saturation with iron',\n", " u'pmid': 19820699,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants in TMPRSS6 are associated with iron status and erythrocyte volume.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 1.01e-46,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)',\n", " u'pmid': 19862010,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Multiple loci influence erythrocyte phenotypes in the CHARGE Consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 5.74e-19,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Hemoglobin (Hb)',\n", " u'pmid': 19862010,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Multiple loci influence erythrocyte phenotypes in the CHARGE Consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 7.2e-10,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Hematocrit (Hct)',\n", " u'pmid': 19862010,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Multiple loci influence erythrocyte phenotypes in the CHARGE Consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S3',\n", " u'p_value': 9.9e-16,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)',\n", " u'pmid': 19862010,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Multiple loci influence erythrocyte phenotypes in the CHARGE Consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'10/11/2009',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S5A',\n", " u'p_value': 0.0274,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Diastolic blood pressure (DBP)',\n", " u'pmid': 19862010,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Multiple loci influence erythrocyte phenotypes in the CHARGE Consortium.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'4/11/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Nat Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Full Scan',\n", " u'p_value': 0.0063,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Renal;Chronic kidney disease;Quantitative trait(s)',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and renal traits',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Serum creatinine',\n", " u'pmid': 20383146,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'8/5/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Nature',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S19',\n", " u'p_value': 1.1e-08,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'CVD risk factor (CVD RF);Lipids',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Lipid level measurements',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Total cholesterol',\n", " u'pmid': 20686565,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': [u'Biological',\n", " u' clinical and population relevance of 95 loci for blood lipids.']},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'8/5/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Nature',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S19',\n", " u'p_value': 2.7e-10,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'CVD risk factor (CVD RF);Lipids',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Lipid level measurements',\n", " u'phenotype': u'LDL cholesterol',\n", " u'pmid': 20686565,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': [u'Biological',\n", " u' clinical and population relevance of 95 loci for blood lipids.']},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/21/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Diabetes',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 2',\n", " u'p_value': 2.59e-20,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin (HbA1c',\n", " u' glycated hemoglobin levels)'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c)',\n", " u'pmid': 20858683,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants at 10 genomic loci influence hemoglobin A\\xe2??(C) levels via glycemic and nonglycemic pathways.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/21/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Diabetes',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S3',\n", " u'p_value': 1.2e-11,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin (HbA1c',\n", " u' glycated hemoglobin levels)'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron',\n", " u'pmid': 20858683,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants at 10 genomic loci influence hemoglobin A\\xe2??(C) levels via glycemic and nonglycemic pathways.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/21/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Diabetes',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S3',\n", " u'p_value': 1.6e-12,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin (HbA1c',\n", " u' glycated hemoglobin levels)'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)',\n", " u'pmid': 20858683,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants at 10 genomic loci influence hemoglobin A\\xe2??(C) levels via glycemic and nonglycemic pathways.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/21/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Diabetes',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S3',\n", " u'p_value': 0.003,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin (HbA1c',\n", " u' glycated hemoglobin levels)'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Hemoglobin (Hb)',\n", " u'pmid': 20858683,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants at 10 genomic loci influence hemoglobin A\\xe2??(C) levels via glycemic and nonglycemic pathways.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/21/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Diabetes',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S3',\n", " u'p_value': 3.5e-14,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin (HbA1c',\n", " u' glycated hemoglobin levels)'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)',\n", " u'pmid': 20858683,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants at 10 genomic loci influence hemoglobin A\\xe2??(C) levels via glycemic and nonglycemic pathways.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/21/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Diabetes',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S3',\n", " u'p_value': 3.5e-15,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hemoglobin (HbA1c',\n", " u' glycated hemoglobin levels)'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Transferrin',\n", " u'pmid': 20858683,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Common variants at 10 genomic loci influence hemoglobin A\\xe2??(C) levels via glycemic and nonglycemic pathways.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/29/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Nature',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Full Data',\n", " u'p_value': 0.00947,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Height',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Height',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Height',\n", " u'pmid': 20881960,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Hundreds of variants clustered in genomic loci and biological pathways affect human height.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/28/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS One',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 2.76e-09,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)',\n", " u'pmid': 20927387,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'A genome-wide association study of red blood cell traits using the electronic medical record.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/28/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS One',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 5.84e-07,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)',\n", " u'pmid': 20927387,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'A genome-wide association study of red blood cell traits using the electronic medical record.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'12/10/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Hum Mol Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S4',\n", " u'p_value': 1.17e-09,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor levels',\n", " u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Soluble transferrin receptor',\n", " u'pmid': 21149283,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Novel association to the proprotein convertase PCSK7 gene locus revealed by analysing soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) levels.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'12/10/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Hum Mol Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S5',\n", " u'p_value': 3.02e-09,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor levels',\n", " u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Serum ferritin',\n", " u'pmid': 21149283,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Novel association to the proprotein convertase PCSK7 gene locus revealed by analysing soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) levels.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'12/12/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Hum Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 1.4e-15,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Platelet',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red and white blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Hemoglobin (Hb)',\n", " u'pmid': 21153663,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genetic association analysis highlights new loci that modulate hematological'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'12/12/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Hum Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 2.5e-10,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Platelet',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red and white blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Hematocrit (Hct)',\n", " u'pmid': 21153663,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genetic association analysis highlights new loci that modulate hematological'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'12/12/2010',\n", " u'journal': u'Hum Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 3',\n", " u'p_value': 6.8e-16,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Platelet',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Blood cell counts and traits',\n", " u' in red and white blood cells'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)',\n", " u'pmid': 21153663,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genetic association analysis highlights new loci that modulate hematological'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'3/12/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'Aging Cell',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S4',\n", " u'p_value': 0.022,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Aging;Mortality',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Longevity',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Longevity',\n", " u'pmid': 21418511,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study identifies a single major locus contributing to'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'3/31/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS One',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 2',\n", " u'p_value': 0.00016,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Iron deficiency',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron deficiency (transferrin saturation)',\n", " u'pmid': 21483845,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'3/31/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS One',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 2',\n", " u'p_value': 1.93e-05,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Iron deficiency',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron deficiency (Serum iron)',\n", " u'pmid': 21483845,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'3/31/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS One',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 2',\n", " u'p_value': 0.022,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Iron deficiency',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron deficiency (Body iron)',\n", " u'pmid': 21483845,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'3/31/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS One',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 2',\n", " u'p_value': 2.68e-08,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Iron deficiency',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron deficiency (total iron-binding capacity)',\n", " u'pmid': 21483845,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'3/31/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS One',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 2',\n", " u'p_value': 0.039,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Iron deficiency',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron deficiency (serum ferritin concentration)',\n", " u'pmid': 21483845,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'3/31/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS One',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 2',\n", " u'p_value': 5.72e-10,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Iron deficiency',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron deficiency (unsaturated iron-binding capacity)',\n", " u'pmid': 21483845,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'3/31/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS One',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 2',\n", " u'p_value': 0.0072,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Iron deficiency',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron deficiency (serum transferrin receptor)',\n", " u'pmid': 21483845,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'6/10/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'Hum Mol Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 2',\n", " u'p_value': 2.13e-32,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Transferrin glycosylation',\n", " u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Transferrin',\n", " u'pmid': 21665994,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study identifies two loci strongly affecting transferrin glycosylation.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'7/25/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'J Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table3',\n", " u'p_value': 1.64e-10,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hepcidin', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Ferritin (log10)',\n", " u'pmid': 21785125,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'7/25/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'J Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table3',\n", " u'p_value': 0.000636,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hepcidin', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Log10(hepcidin/ferritin)',\n", " u'pmid': 21785125,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'7/25/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'J Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS5',\n", " u'p_value': 0.00113,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hepcidin', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)',\n", " u'pmid': 21785125,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'7/25/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'J Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS5',\n", " u'p_value': 0.0145,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hepcidin', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)',\n", " u'pmid': 21785125,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'7/25/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'J Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS5',\n", " u'p_value': 1.7e-05,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hepcidin', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)',\n", " u'pmid': 21785125,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'7/25/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'J Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS5',\n", " u'p_value': 2.64e-15,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hepcidin', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Transferrin saturation',\n", " u'pmid': 21785125,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'7/25/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'J Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS5',\n", " u'p_value': 3.95e-09,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hepcidin', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Iron',\n", " u'pmid': 21785125,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'7/25/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'J Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS5',\n", " u'p_value': 0.0428,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hepcidin', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Hemoglobin (Hb)',\n", " u'pmid': 21785125,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'7/25/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'J Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS5',\n", " u'p_value': 4.95e-11,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Hepcidin', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Transferrin',\n", " u'pmid': 21785125,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'8/4/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS7',\n", " u'p_value': 2.9e-07,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Gene expression (RNA);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Gene expression in blood cells',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Gene expression of ALAS2 in blood',\n", " u'pmid': 21829388,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Trans-eQTLs Reveal That Independent Genetic Variants Associated with a Complex'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'8/4/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS7',\n", " u'p_value': 4.4e-06,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Gene expression (RNA);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Gene expression in blood cells',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Gene expression of [probe 2940446 centered at chr20:36199875] in blood',\n", " u'pmid': 21829388,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Trans-eQTLs Reveal That Independent Genetic Variants Associated with a Complex'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'8/4/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'PLoS Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS7',\n", " u'p_value': 8.6e-06,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Gene expression (RNA);Blood-related',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Gene expression in blood cells',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Gene expression of ADHFE1 in blood',\n", " u'pmid': 21829388,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Trans-eQTLs Reveal That Independent Genetic Variants Associated with a Complex'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/11/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'Nature',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS4',\n", " u'p_value': 0.01592528,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood pressure;CVD risk factor (CVD RF)',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Blood pressure',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Systolic blood pressure (SBP)',\n", " u'pmid': 21909115,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/11/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'Nature',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS4',\n", " u'p_value': 7.26329e-07,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood pressure;CVD risk factor (CVD RF)',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Blood pressure',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Diastolic blood pressure (DBP)',\n", " u'pmid': 21909115,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/24/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'BMC Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S4',\n", " u'p_value': 4.7e-12,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);CVD risk factor (CVD RF);Lipids;Weight;Body mass index;Hepatic;Blood-related;C-reactive protein (CRP)',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Biomarkers (liver function',\n", " u' butrylycholinesterase',\n", " u' CRP',\n", " u' ferritin',\n", " u' glucose',\n", " u' HDL cholesterol',\n", " u' insulin',\n", " u' LDL cholesterol',\n", " u' triglycerides',\n", " u' uric acid)',\n", " u' body mass index (BMI)'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Ferritin',\n", " u'pmid': 21943158,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': [u'Genetic variants in LPL',\n", " u' OASL and TOMM40/APOE-C1-C2-C4 genes are associated with multiple cardiovascular-related traits.']},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'9/24/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'BMC Med Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table S4',\n", " u'p_value': 0.008,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);CVD risk factor (CVD RF);Lipids;Weight;Body mass index;Hepatic;Blood-related;C-reactive protein (CRP)',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Biomarkers (liver function',\n", " u' butrylycholinesterase',\n", " u' CRP',\n", " u' ferritin',\n", " u' glucose',\n", " u' HDL cholesterol',\n", " u' insulin',\n", " u' LDL cholesterol',\n", " u' triglycerides',\n", " u' uric acid)',\n", " u' body mass index (BMI)'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'LDL cholesterol',\n", " u'pmid': 21943158,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': [u'Genetic variants in LPL',\n", " u' OASL and TOMM40/APOE-C1-C2-C4 genes are associated with multiple cardiovascular-related traits.']},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'11/5/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'Psychiatr Genet',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'TableS1',\n", " u'p_value': 0.02562,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Neuro;Behavioral;Depression;Alcohol;Addiction',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': u'Comorbid depressive syndrome and alcohol dependence',\n", " u'phenotype': u'Comorbid depressive syndrome and alcohol dependence',\n", " u'pmid': 22064162,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Genome-wide association study of comorbid depressive syndrome and alcohol dependence.'},\n", " {u'date_pub': u'11/16/2011',\n", " u'journal': u'Hepatology',\n", " u'location_within_paper': u'Table 6',\n", " u'p_value': 0.033,\n", " u'paper_phenotype_categories': u'Quantitative trait(s);Blood-related;Serum',\n", " u'paper_phenotype_description': [u'Ferritin levels', u' in serum'],\n", " u'phenotype': u'Serum ferritin levels in HCV-infected individuals',\n", " u'pmid': 22095909,\n", " u'snpid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Serum ferritin levels are associated with a distinct phenotype of chronic hepatitis C poorly responding to pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin therapy.'}],\n", " u'replication': [{u'european': 20623, u'total_samples': 20623},\n", " {u'european': 9316, u'total_samples': 9316},\n", " {u'european': 9316, u'total_samples': 9316},\n", " {u'european': 9316, u'total_samples': 9316},\n", " {u'european': 9316, u'total_samples': 9316},\n", " {u'european': 9316, u'total_samples': 9316},\n", " {u'european': 3470, u'total_samples': 3470},\n", " {u'european': 3470, u'total_samples': 3470},\n", " {u'european': 3470, u'total_samples': 3470},\n", " {u'european': 3470, u'total_samples': 3470},\n", " {u'european': 3470, u'total_samples': 3470},\n", " {u'european': 3470, u'total_samples': 3470},\n", " {u'european': 9456, u'total_samples': 9456},\n", " {u'european': 9456, u'total_samples': 9456},\n", " {u'european': 9456, u'total_samples': 9456},\n", " {u'european': 9456, u'total_samples': 9456},\n", " {u'european': 9456, u'total_samples': 9456},\n", " {u'european': 22982, u'total_samples': 22982},\n", " {u'african': 8061,\n", " u'east_asian': 15046,\n", " u'european': 7063,\n", " u'indian_south_asian': 9705,\n", " u'total_samples': 39875},\n", " {u'african': 8061,\n", " u'east_asian': 15046,\n", " u'european': 7063,\n", " u'indian_south_asian': 9705,\n", " u'total_samples': 39875},\n", " {u'european': 50074, u'total_samples': 50074},\n", " {u'european': 11731, u'total_samples': 11731},\n", " {u'european': 232, u'total_samples': 232},\n", " {u'european': 232, u'total_samples': 232},\n", " {u'european': 232, u'total_samples': 232},\n", " {u'european': 232, u'total_samples': 232},\n", " {u'european': 232, u'total_samples': 232},\n", " {u'european': 232, u'total_samples': 232},\n", " {u'european': 232, u'total_samples': 232},\n", " {u'european': 2284, u'total_samples': 2284},\n", " {u'european': 1786, u'total_samples': 1786},\n", " {u'european': 1786, u'total_samples': 1786},\n", " {u'european': 1786, u'total_samples': 1786},\n", " {u'european': 133661, u'total_samples': 133661},\n", " {u'european': 133661, u'total_samples': 133661}],\n", " u'replication_sample_description': [u'Up to 20623 EA individuals',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'9316 European individuals',\n", " u'9316 European individuals',\n", " u'9316 European individuals',\n", " u'9316 European individuals',\n", " u'9316 European individuals',\n", " u'3470 Dutch individuals',\n", " u'3470 Dutch individuals',\n", " u'3470 Dutch individuals',\n", " u'3470 Dutch individuals',\n", " u'3470 Dutch individuals',\n", " u'3470 Dutch individuals',\n", " u'9456 EA individuals',\n", " u'9456 EA individuals',\n", " u'9456 EA individuals',\n", " u'9456 EA individuals',\n", " u'9456 EA individuals',\n", " u'Up to 22982 EA individuals',\n", " [u'9705 South Asians',\n", " u' 15046 East Asians',\n", " u' 8061 African Americans',\n", " u' 7063 Europeans'],\n", " [u'9705 South Asians',\n", " u' 15046 East Asians',\n", " u' 8061 African Americans',\n", " u' 7063 Europeans'],\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'50074 EA individuals',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " [u'4149 EA (specified or presumed) nonagenarian cases', u' 7582 controls'],\n", " u'71 EA cases and 161 EA controls',\n", " u'71 EA cases and 161 EA controls',\n", " u'71 EA cases and 161 EA controls',\n", " u'71 EA cases and 161 EA controls',\n", " u'71 EA cases and 161 EA controls',\n", " u'71 EA cases and 161 EA controls',\n", " u'71 EA cases and 161 EA controls',\n", " u'2284 Australian individuals',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " [u'1490 European ancestry blood samples',\n", " u' 74 Dutch liver samples',\n", " u' 62 Dutch muscle samples',\n", " u' 83 Dutch subcutaneous adipose samples',\n", " u' 77 visceral adipose samples'],\n", " [u'1490 European ancestry blood samples',\n", " u' 74 Dutch liver samples',\n", " u' 62 Dutch muscle samples',\n", " u' 83 Dutch subcutaneous adipose samples',\n", " u' 77 visceral adipose samples'],\n", " [u'1490 European ancestry blood samples',\n", " u' 74 Dutch liver samples',\n", " u' 62 Dutch muscle samples',\n", " u' 83 Dutch subcutaneous adipose samples',\n", " u' 77 visceral adipose samples'],\n", " u'133661 EA individuals',\n", " u'133661 EA individuals',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR',\n", " u'NR'],\n", " u'sift': u'C282Y:(C>Y);(1.00>0.00);(TOLERATED>DELETERIOUS)',\n", " u'srsid': 1800562,\n", " u'uniprot': u'(HFE;TOPO_DOM;23-306;Extracellular (Potential).);(HFE;DOMAIN;207-298;Ig-like C1-type.);(HFE;REGION;206-297;Alpha-3.);(HFE;DISULFID;225-282;26200948);(HFE;VARIANT;282-282;C -> Y (in HH; the frequency of the Tyr- 282 mutation is higher in patients with type 2 diabetes than it is in the general population of healthy subjects; dbSNP:rs1800562). /FTId=VAR_004398.);(HFE;STRAND;280-285;26201113)'},\n", " u'gwassnps': {u'genename': u'HFE',\n", " u'pubmed': 24097068,\n", " u'pvalue': u'8E-14',\n", " u'pvalue_desc': u'',\n", " u'region': u'6p22.2',\n", " u'risk_allele': u'rs1800562-A',\n", " u'risk_allele_freq': u'0.07',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'title': u'Discovery and refinement of loci associated with lipid levels.',\n", " u'trait': u'LDL cholesterol'},\n", " u'mutdb': {u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'6',\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 26093141, u'start': 26093141},\n", " u'mutpred_score': 0.773,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs1800562',\n", " u'strand': u'p',\n", " u'uniprot_id': u'VAR_004398'},\n", " u'query': u'RCV000000019',\n", " u'wellderly': {u'adviser_score': u'6~Haemochromatosis, association with~Common, Known Causative Mutation',\n", " u'allele_aa': u'Y',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'A', u'freq': 0.04},\n", " {u'allele': u'G', u'freq': 0.96}],\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'6',\n", " u'coding_impact': u'Nonsynonymous',\n", " u'gene': u'HFE',\n", " u'genotypes': [{u'count': 16, u'freq': 0.08, u'genotype': u'G/A'},\n", " {u'count': 184, u'freq': 0.92, u'genotype': u'G/G'}],\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 26093141, u'start': 26093141},\n", " u'original_aa': u'C',\n", " u'pos': 26093141,\n", " u'protein_pos': [u'259',\n", " u'279',\n", " u'194',\n", " u'282',\n", " u'180',\n", " u'268',\n", " u'176',\n", " u'190',\n", " u'102'],\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'sift': u'INTOLERANT',\n", " u'vartype': u'snp'}},\n", " {u'_id': u'chr14:g.77902228G>A',\n", " u'_score': 16.533625,\n", " u'cadd': {u'_license': u'http://goo.gl/bkpNhq',\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'anc': u'G',\n", " u'annotype': u'CodingTranscript',\n", " u'bstatistic': 626,\n", " u'chmm': {u'bivflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'enh': 0.008,\n", " u'enhbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'het': 0.0,\n", " u'quies': 0.016,\n", " u'reprpc': 0.0,\n", " u'reprpcwk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssa': 0.0,\n", " u'tssaflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'tssbiv': 0.0,\n", " u'tx': 0.748,\n", " u'txflnk': 0.0,\n", " u'txwk': 0.228,\n", " u'znfrpts': 0.0},\n", " u'chrom': 14,\n", " u'consdetail': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'consequence': u'STOP_GAINED',\n", " u'consscore': 8,\n", " u'cpg': 0.04,\n", " u'dna': {u'helt': -2.68, u'mgw': 0.17, u'prot': 1.79, u'roll': -1.14},\n", " u'encode': {u'exp': 95.92,\n", " u'h3k27ac': 10.28,\n", " u'h3k4me1': 4.32,\n", " u'h3k4me3': 4.0,\n", " u'nucleo': 1.2},\n", " u'exon': u'13/20',\n", " u'fitcons': 0.701516,\n", " u'gc': 0.42,\n", " u'gene': {u'ccds_id': u'CCDS9862.1',\n", " u'cds': {u'cdna_pos': 1382,\n", " u'cds_pos': 871,\n", " u'rel_cdna_pos': 0.47,\n", " u'rel_cds_pos': 0.59},\n", " u'feature_id': u'ENST00000553888',\n", " u'gene_id': u'ENSG00000151445',\n", " u'genename': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'prot': {u'domain': u'ndomain', u'protpos': 291, u'rel_prot_pos': 0.59}},\n", " u'gerp': {u'n': 5.17, u'rs': 359.5, u'rs_pval': 1.2817e-55, u's': 4.26},\n", " u'isderived': u'TRUE',\n", " u'isknownvariant': u'FALSE',\n", " u'istv': u'FALSE',\n", " u'length': 0,\n", " u'mapability': {u'20bp': 1, u'35bp': 1},\n", " u'min_dist_tse': 714,\n", " u'min_dist_tss': 7277,\n", " u'mutindex': 46,\n", " u'naa': u'*',\n", " u'oaa': u'Q',\n", " u'phast_cons': {u'mammalian': 0.966,\n", " u'primate': 0.986,\n", " u'vertebrate': 0.999},\n", " u'phred': 39,\n", " u'phylop': {u'mammalian': 1.275, u'primate': 0.645, u'vertebrate': 3.95},\n", " u'pos': 77902228,\n", " u'rawscore': 12.441084,\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'segway': u'R1',\n", " u'type': u'SNV'},\n", " u'clinvar': {u'allele_id': 15153,\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'14',\n", " u'cytogenic': u'14q24.3',\n", " u'gene': {u'id': u'63894', u'symbol': u'VIPAS39'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 77902228, u'start': 77902228},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 77435885, u'start': 77435885},\n", " u'hgvs': {u'coding': [u'NM_001193315.1:c.871C>T', u'NM_022067.3:c.871C>T'],\n", " u'genomic': [u'NG_023421.1:g.26756C>T',\n", " u'NC_000014.9:g.77435885G>A',\n", " u'NC_000014.8:g.77902228G>A']},\n", " u'omim': u'613401.0004',\n", " u'rcv': {u'accession': u'RCV000000134',\n", " u'clinical_significance': u'Pathogenic',\n", " u'conditions': {u'age_of_onset': u'Neonatal',\n", " u'identifiers': {u'medgen': u'C3150672',\n", " u'omim': u'613404',\n", " u'orphanet': u'2697'},\n", " u'name': u'Arthrogryposis, renal dysfunction, and cholestasis 2 (ARCS2)'},\n", " u'last_evaluated': u'2010-04-01',\n", " u'number_submitters': 1,\n", " u'origin': u'germline',\n", " u'preferred_name': u'NM_022067.3(VIPAS39):c.871C>T (p.Gln291Ter)',\n", " u'review_status': u'no assertion criteria provided'},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs267607171',\n", " u'type': u'single nucleotide variant',\n", " u'variant_id': 114},\n", " u'dbnsfp': {u'aa': {u'alt': u'X',\n", " u'codonpos': 1,\n", " u'pos': [u'291', u'291', u'242', u'291', u'242', u'317'],\n", " u'ref': u'Q',\n", " u'refcodon': u'CAG'},\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'ancestral_allele': u'G',\n", " u'cds_strand': u'-',\n", " u'chrom': u'14',\n", " u'clinvar': {u'clinsig': 5,\n", " u'rs': u'rs267607171',\n", " u'trait': u'Arthrogryposis\\\\x2c_renal_dysfunction\\\\x2c_and_cholestasis_2'},\n", " u'ensembl': {u'geneid': u'ENSG00000151445',\n", " u'proteinid': [u'ENSP00000339122',\n", " u'ENSP00000452181',\n", " u'ENSP00000313098',\n", " u'ENSP00000452191',\n", " u'ENSP00000404815',\n", " u'ENSP00000451857'],\n", " u'transcriptid': [u'ENST00000343765',\n", " u'ENST00000553888',\n", " u'ENST00000327028',\n", " u'ENST00000557658',\n", " u'ENST00000448935',\n", " u'ENST00000556412']},\n", " u'fathmm-mkl': {u'coding_group': u'AEFGBI',\n", " u'coding_pred': u'D',\n", " u'coding_rankscore': 0.7169,\n", " u'coding_score': 0.96959},\n", " u'genename': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'gerp++': {u'nr': 5.17, u'rs': 4.26, u'rs_rankscore': 0.49573},\n", " u'gm12878': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.89268,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.724815},\n", " u'h1-hesc': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.93697,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.732669},\n", " u'hg18': {u'end': 76971981, u'start': 76971981},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 77902228, u'start': 77902228},\n", " u'hg38': {u'end': 77435885, u'start': 77435885},\n", " u'huvec': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.83205,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.714379},\n", " u'integrated': {u'confidence_value': 0,\n", " u'fitcons_rankscore': 0.97429,\n", " u'fitcons_score': 0.736574},\n", " u'lrt': {u'converted_rankscore': 0.62918,\n", " u'omega': 0.150383,\n", " u'pred': u'D',\n", " u'score': 9e-06},\n", " u'mutationtaster': {u'AAE': [u'Q278*',\n", " u'Q317*',\n", " u'Q242*',\n", " u'Q291*',\n", " u'Q291*',\n", " u'Q291*'],\n", " u'converted_rankscore': 0.81033,\n", " u'model': [u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae',\n", " u'complex_aae'],\n", " u'pred': [u'A', u'A', u'A', u'A', u'A', u'A'],\n", " u'score': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]},\n", " u'phastcons': {u'20way': {u'mammalian': 0.998,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.69624},\n", " u'7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.972, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.45462}},\n", " u'phylo': {u'p20way': {u'mammalian': 1.048,\n", " u'mammalian_rankscore': 0.71188},\n", " u'p7way': {u'vertebrate': 0.83, u'vertebrate_rankscore': 0.35896}},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs267607171',\n", " u'siphy_29way': {u'logodds': 14.8639,\n", " u'logodds_rankscore': 0.69849,\n", " u'pi': {u'a': 0.0, u'c': 0.0, u'g': 0.855, u't': 0.145}}},\n", " u'dbsnp': {u'allele_origin': u'unspecified',\n", " u'alleles': [{u'allele': u'G'}, {u'allele': u'A'}],\n", " u'alt': u'A',\n", " u'chrom': u'14',\n", " u'class': u'SNV',\n", " u'dbsnp_build': 137,\n", " u'flags': [u'ASP', u'LSD', u'NSN', u'PM', u'REF', u'RV'],\n", " u'gene': {u'geneid': u'63894', u'symbol': u'VIPAS39'},\n", " u'hg19': {u'end': 77902229, u'start': 77902228},\n", " u'ref': u'G',\n", " u'rsid': u'rs267607171',\n", " u'validated': False,\n", " u'var_subtype': u'ts',\n", " u'vartype': u'snp'},\n", " u'query': u'RCV000000134',\n", " u'snpeff': {u'ann': [{u'cdna': {u'length': u'2969', u'position': u'1417'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1482', u'position': u'871'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001193314.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'gene_name': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.871C>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Gln291*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'493', u'position': u'291'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'13',\n", " u'total': u'20',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2569', u'position': u'1017'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1482', u'position': u'871'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001193315.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'gene_name': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.871C>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Gln291*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'493', u'position': u'291'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'13',\n", " u'total': u'20',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2422', u'position': u'870'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1335', u'position': u'724'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001193316.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'gene_name': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.724C>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Gln242*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'444', u'position': u'242'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'12',\n", " u'total': u'19',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2746', u'position': u'1194'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1482', u'position': u'871'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_001193317.1',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'gene_name': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.871C>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Gln291*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'493', u'position': u'291'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'13',\n", " u'total': u'20',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'},\n", " {u'cdna': {u'length': u'2840', u'position': u'1288'},\n", " u'cds': {u'length': u'1482', u'position': u'871'},\n", " u'effect': u'stop_gained',\n", " u'feature_id': u'NM_022067.3',\n", " u'feature_type': u'transcript',\n", " u'gene_id': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'gene_name': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'hgvs_c': u'c.871C>T',\n", " u'hgvs_p': u'p.Gln291*',\n", " u'protein': {u'length': u'493', u'position': u'291'},\n", " u'putative_impact': u'HIGH',\n", " u'rank': u'14',\n", " u'total': u'21',\n", " u'transcript_biotype': u'Coding'}],\n", " u'lof': {u'gene_id': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'gene_name': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'5',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'1.00'},\n", " u'nmd': {u'gene_id': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'gene_name': u'VIPAS39',\n", " u'number_of_transcripts_in_gene': u'5',\n", " u'percent_of_transcripts_affected': u'1.00'}},\n", " u'vcf': {u'alt': u'A', u'position': u'77902228', u'ref': u'G'}}]" ] }, "execution_count": 19, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "out" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Can I convert a very large list of ids?\n", "\n", "Yes, you can. If you pass an id list (i.e., xli above) larger than 1000 ids, we will do the id mapping in-batch with 1000 ids at a time, and then concatenate the results all together for you. So, from the user-end, it's exactly the same as passing a shorter list. You don't need to worry about saturating our backend servers." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### To read more\n", "\n", "* [MyVariant.info](http://myvariant.info)\n", "* [MyVariant.info Documentation](http://docs.myvariant.info/en/latest/index.html)\n", " * [available fields](http://docs.myvariant.info/en/latest/doc/data.html#available-fields)\n", " * [data sources](http://docs.myvariant.info/en/latest/doc/data.html#data-sources)\n", "* [MyVariant.py's Documentation](http://myvariant-py.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)\n", "* [MyVaraint.py's PyPI page](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/myvariant)" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 2", "language": "python", "name": "python2" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 2 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython2", "version": "2.7.10" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0 }