v1.0.0 (2018/12/17): MyVariant.py client is now a thin wrapper of underlying biothings_client.py package, a universal Python client for all BioThings APIs, including MyVariant.info. v0.3.1 (2016/08/19): Changed "generator" parameter of getvariants method to "as_generator", just for consistency. v0.3.0 (2016/08/09): Added caching functions for all query types except "fetch_all" if requests-cache is installed. Can turn request caching on with set_caching(), off with stop_caching(). The cache can be cleared with clear_cache(). Make "fetch_all" compatible with Elasticsearch v2.x scroll changes. Added a "generator" parameter to getvariants (default False). When True, a generator to all results is returned rather than a list of all results. This requires much less memory for very large queries (eg vcf file annotation). v0.2.0 (2015/10/28): return None when input vid does not exist for getvariant method. raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError when invalid status code returned. new "get_fields" method to search for matching field names. new "fetch_all" parameter for query method to retrieve large query. v0.1.2 (2015/08/03): renamed get_hgvs_from_vcf to format_hgvs for clarity. renamed get_hgvs to format_hgvs_from_vcf for clarity. v0.1.1 (2015/08/03): getvariants and querymany methods now support an iterator as the input (more memory efficient for a large list) get_hgvs helper function now takes either filename or file handle and return a generator instead of a list. v0.1.0 (2015/07/31): initial release