Gday, This to announce the start of a new project to enhance Lisp-like languages with dispatch on type features. The intent is to provide programmers with a way to formally define the grammar of their list structures, and to add 'generic' or polymorphic functions on lists. The main difference between Genyris and CLOS is that the you get dispatch on type for Plain Old Lists (POLs). It is also designed to give you ambiguous data types. So you can type in a list at the prompt and Genyris will tell you what types it conforms to: >- (types-of '(2134 . 986)) (complex point rational vector cons) Here's a familiar example: Consider the following code fragment from Paul Graham's implementation of John McCarthy's LISP: (defun eval. (e a) (cond ((atom e) (assoc. e a)) ((atom (car e)) (cond ((eq (car e) 'quote) (cadr e)) ((eq (car e) 'atom) (atom (eval. (cadr e) a))) ((eq (car e) 'eq) (eq (eval. (cadr e) a) (eval. (caddr e) a))) ... To rewrite this using Genyris, first we need to define some list types: (define-type atom symbol) (define-type quote-form 'quote thing) ; e.g. '(quote fred ...) (define-type atom-form 'atom thing) ; e.g. '(atom z) (define-type eq-form 'eq thing) ; e.g. '(eq x y) Then we write individual generic functions for eval. which apply to the identified types: (define-generic g-eval. ((atom e) (alist a)) (assoc. e a)) (define-generic g-eval. ((atom-form e) (alist a)) (atom (eval. (cadr e) a))) (define-generic g-eval. ((quote-form e) (alist a)) (cadr e)) (define-generic g-eval. ((eq-form e) (alist a)) (eq (g-eval. (cadr e) a) (g-eval. (caddr e) a))) With source code in this form we can add new evaluation rules to g-eval. without needing to modify existing code. Whereas in the traditional eval. function there is a single cond expression which must be maintained. We can also over-ride an existing definition with a more specific data type. The dispatcher will always call the most specific available function. For example we could add integers to g-eval: (define-generic g-eval. ((fixum e) a) e) There's more features than I can put in this post. An essay describing this approach available on sourceforge here: Of course I will be ETERNALLY grateful to anyone who troubles themselves to read it. A couple of Lisp people have reviewed it here in Australia (thanks guys) so it isn't _too_ ordinary. I'm reasonably confident that someone will point out a way to do this in CLOS or Scheme. I looked but couldn't see it. You can either clutter up this newsgroup in the traditional c.l.l way or you can post criticism, comments to the sourceforge newsgroup here: On a personal note I have to say how much I have appreciated help from c.l.l.ers in the past. I'm really curious to see what your reaction to this idea will be. Cheers, Bill Birch