pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.7.0; // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /** Bird On-chain Oracle to confirm rating with 2+ consensus before update using the off-chain API */ contract BirdOracle { BirdRequest[] onChainRequests; //keep track of list of on-chain requests uint internal minConsensus = 2; //minimum number of consensus before confirmation uint internal birdNest = 2; // bird consensus count uint internal trackId = 0; //increament id's /** * Bird Standard API Request * id: "1" * url: "" * key: "bird_rating" * value: "0.4" * response: response from off-chain oracles * nest: approved off-chain oracles nest/addresses and keep track of vote (1=not voted, 2=voted) */ struct BirdRequest { uint id; string url; string key; string value; mapping(uint => string) response; mapping(address => uint) nest; } /** * Bird Standard API Request * Off-Chain-Request from outside the blockchain */ event OffChainRequest ( uint id, string url, string key ); /** * To call when there is consensus on final result */ event UpdatedRequest ( uint id, string url, string key, string value ); // container for the ratings mapping (string => string) ratings; function newChainRequest ( string calldata _url, string calldata _key ) external { uint lenght = onChainRequests.push(BirdRequest(trackId, _url, _key, "")); BirdRequest storage r = onChainRequests[lenght-1]; /** * trusted oracles in bird nest */ address trustedBird1 = address(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001); address trustedBird2 = address(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002); /** * track votes */ r.nest[trustedBird1] = 1; r.nest[trustedBird2] = 1; /** * Off-Chain event trigger */ emit OffChainRequest ( trackId, _url, _key ); /** * Off-Chain event trigger */ trackId++; } //called by the oracle to record its answer /** * Off-Chain oracle to update its consensus answer */ function updatedChainRequest ( uint _id, string calldata _valueResponse ) external { BirdRequest storage trackRequest = onChainRequests[_id]; /** * To confirm an address/oracle is part of the trusted nest and has not voted */ if(trackRequest.nest[address(msg.sender)] == 1){ /** * change vote value to = 2 from 1 */ trackRequest.nest[msg.sender] = 2; /** * Loop through responses for empty position, save the response * TODO: refactor */ uint tmpI = 0; bool found = false; while(!found) { if(bytes(trackRequest.response[tmpI]).length == 0){ found = true; trackRequest.response[tmpI] = _valueResponse; } tmpI++; } uint currentConsensusCount = 0; /** * Loop through list and check if min consensus has been reached */ for(uint i = 0; i < birdNest; i++){ bytes memory a = bytes(trackRequest.response[i]); bytes memory b = bytes(_valueResponse); if(keccak256(a) == keccak256(b)){ currentConsensusCount++; if(currentConsensusCount >= minConsensus){ trackRequest.value = _valueResponse; // Save value and user information into the bird rating container ratings[trackRequest.url] = trackRequest.value; emit UpdatedRequest (, trackRequest.url, trackRequest.key, trackRequest.value ); } } } } } /** * access to saved ratings after Oracle consensus */ function getRating(string memory _url) public view returns (string memory) { return ratings[_url]; } }