/* * * Zigbee2MQTT Routing Driver * */ @Field String driverVersion = "v1.05 (26th August 2023)" #include BirdsLikeWires.library import groovy.transform.Field @Field boolean debugMode = false @Field int reportIntervalMinutes = 1 @Field int checkEveryMinutes = 1 metadata { definition (name: "Zigbee2MQTT", namespace: "BirdsLikeWires", author: "Andrew Davison", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/birdslikewires/hubitat/master/general/drivers/zigbee2mqtt.groovy") { attribute "healthStatus", "enum", ["offline", "online"] command "disconnect" if (debugMode) { command "testCommand" } } } preferences { input name: "mqttBroker", type: "text", title: "Local MQTT Broker Address:", required: true input name: "mqttUser", type: "text", title: "MQTT Username:", required: false input name: "mqttPass", type: "password", title: "MQTT Password:", required: false input name: "infoLogging", type: "bool", title: "Enable logging", defaultValue: true input name: "debugLogging", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: false input name: "traceLogging", type: "bool", title: "Enable trace logging", defaultValue: false } void testCommand() { logging("${device} : Test Command", "info") } void configureSpecifics() { // Called by main configure() method in BirdsLikeWires.library device.name = "Zigbee2MQTT" } void updateSpecifics() { // Called by library updated() method. disconnect() state.mqttBroker = settings?.mqttBroker state.mqttTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/#" schedule("0/10 * * * * ? *", mqttConnect) } void disconnect() { // Disconnect from broker. interfaces.mqtt.disconnect() logging("${device} : MQTT : Disconnected from broker ${state.mqttBroker} (${state.mqttTopic}).", "info") } void uninstalled() { // Runs when device is removed. disconnect() logging("${device} : Uninstalled", "info") } void parse(String description) { updateHealthStatus() checkDriver() try { def msg = interfaces.mqtt.parseMessage(description) if (msg.topic.indexOf('bridge') >= 0) { logging("${device} : parse() : Bridge message received.", "trace") return } else if (msg.topic.indexOf('/availability') >= 0) { logging("${device} : parse() : Availability message received.", "trace") return } else { logging("${device} : Topic : ${msg.topic}", "debug") if ("${msg.payload}" != "") { logging("${device} : Payload : ${msg.payload}", "debug") if ("${msg.payload.charAt(0)}" == "{") { def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(msg.payload) def child // Here we determine which driver to use based upon the model. switch("${json.device.model}") { case "E1744": child = fetchChild("BirdsLikeWires","IKEA Symfonisk Sound Controller","${json.device.networkAddress}") break case "E1766": case "E1812": child = fetchChild("BirdsLikeWires","IKEA Tradfri Button","${json.device.networkAddress}") break case "FB20-002": child = fetchChild("BirdsLikeWires","Tuya Remote","${json.device.networkAddress}") break case "WXKG06LM": case "WXKG07LM": child = fetchChild("BirdsLikeWires","Xiaomi Aqara Wireless Remote Switch","${json.device.networkAddress}") break case "WXKG11LM": case "WXKG12LM": child = fetchChild("BirdsLikeWires","Xiaomi Aqara Wireless Mini Switch","${json.device.networkAddress}") break default: logging("Zigbee2MQTT : No known driver for the ${json.device.model} from ${json.device.manufacturerName}.", "warn") return } // Hand off the payload. child.processMQTT(json) } else { logging("${device} : Payload : Contained something other than JSON.", "debug") return } } } } catch (Exception e) { logging("${device} : ${e.message}.", "error") } }