app-id: com.github.birros.WebArchives runtime: org.gnome.Platform runtime-version: '45' sdk: org.gnome.Sdk command: web-archives finish-args: - --socket=wayland - --socket=fallback-x11 - --share=ipc - --device=dri - --socket=pulseaudio # Used to list automatically indexed local files - --filesystem=home - --talk-name=org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files # Used to download files - --share=network modules: - name: xapian-core config-opts: - --disable-sse - --disable-backend-chert - --disable-backend-remote - --disable-backend-inmemory - --disable-documentation cleanup: - /bin - /include - /lib/pkgconfig - /lib/cmake - /lib/*.la - /share sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 30d3518172084f310dab86d262b512718a7f9a13635aaa1a188e61dc26b2288c - name: zstd buildsystem: meson builddir: true subdir: build/meson config-opts: - -Dbin_programs=false - -Dbin_contrib=false sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 9c4396cc829cfae319a6e2615202e82aad41372073482fce286fac78646d3ee4 # # require # xapian-core # zstd # - name: libzim buildsystem: meson builddir: true config-opts: - --wrap-mode=nodownload cleanup: - /bin - /include - /lib/pkgconfig sources: - type: archive url: sha256: b8296644b04b02c04d2ff1458fed829df39b54e8fd1bcd23c10440e160819f13 # # require # libzim # - name: libzim-glib buildsystem: meson builddir: true cleanup: - /include - /lib/girepository-1.0 - /lib/pkgconfig - /share sources: - type: archive url: sha256: f5699b35fa4fce9acedb10a518b487c6b7b0050daf25ba661c0a5d9b817de7e5 - name: libgee build-options: env: PKG_CONFIG_GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_1_0_GIRDIR: /app/share/gir-1.0 PKG_CONFIG_GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_1_0_TYPELIBDIR: /app/lib/girepository-1.0 cleanup: - /include - /lib/girepository-1.0 - /lib/pkgconfig - /lib/*.la - /share sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 1bf834f5e10d60cc6124d74ed3c1dd38da646787fbf7872220b8b4068e476d4d # # Following fixes pkg-config error # - type: shell commands: - sed -i 's/`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=girdir gobject-introspection-1.0`/\/app\/share\/gir-1.0/g' configure - sed -i 's/"$($PKG_CONFIG --variable=typelibdir gobject-introspection-1.0)"/\/app\/lib\/girepository-1.0/g' configure # # require # libgee # - name: libisocodes cleanup: - /include - /lib/girepository-1.0 - /lib/pkgconfig - /lib/*.la - /lib/*.a - /share/gir-1.0 - /share/vala sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 314623aac6e995f76ab8a3b26dee7d4505f924ff0a85264f060082b6c2435c79 - name: libhandy buildsystem: meson builddir: true cleanup: - /bin - /include - /lib/girepository-1.0 - /lib/pkgconfig - /share sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 2c551aae128dff918b84943a93a58bc9be84f42a709b9e43c8d074538e68c10e # # require # libzim-glib, libisocodes, libhandy # - name: web-archives buildsystem: meson builddir: true sources: - type: dir path: ../.. - type: shell commands: - rm -f build-aux/darkreader/*.js - type: file # path: ../../build-aux/darkreader/web-archives-darkreader_v0.0.1.js url: sha256: 8ee840aacd9e09864a7ab2e75f736f696dcd4b4b8e86a07ba727ff3d10ef32a1 dest: build-aux/darkreader dest-filename: web-archives-darkreader_v0.0.1.js