########################################################################################## # _____ _ _ _ _ # # / ____| | | | | | | | | # # | (___ _ __ __ ___ ___ __ ___ _ __| | | |_ __ | | ___ ___| | _____ _ __ # # \___ \| '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / / '_ \ / _ \ '__| | | | '_ \| |/ _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ '__| # # ____) | |_) | (_| |\ V V /| | | | __/ | | |__| | | | | | (_) | (__| < __/ | # # |_____/| .__/ \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_|\___|_| \____/|_| |_|_|\___/ \___|_|\_\___|_| # # | | # # |_| # # v${version} by Biscut # ########################################################################################## # Choose what currency it uses to level up. Options: 'XPLEVELS', 'MONEY', 'XP' # NOTE: MONEY requires Vault (plugin)! currency: 'XPLEVELS' # List your spawners and XP levels here spawners: 1: # Spawner level 1 mobs: # List of mobs - 'COW' - 'ZOMBIE' cost: 10 # How many XP levels, money, or XP it costs to upgrade to this level 2: mobs: - 'BLAZE' cost: 20 # List your spawners here that you would like players to unlock at level 0 default-spawners: - 'SPIDER' # Write command aliases here for /spawnerrankup, so players don't need to type a huge command spawnerrankup-aliases: - 'sru' rankup-gui: enabled: true rows: 3 confirm-item: 'WOOL:5' confirm-name: '&aCONFIRM' confirm-lore-regular: # Placeholders: {level}, {nextlevel}, {nextlevelcost} - '&7Level &e{level} &7-> level &e{nextlevel}' - '&7Cost: &e{nextlevelcost} XP levels' confirm-lore-max: - '&7MAX LEVEL' confirm-slots: - 12 - 13 - 14 cancel-item: 'WOOL:14' cancel-name: '&cDENY' cancel-lore: [] cancel-slots: - 26 fill-item: 'AIR' fill-name: '' fill-lore: [] title: '&7CONFIRM UPGRADE' # Please do not leave leave any of these below texts empty ('') please confirm-sound-enabled: false confirm-sound: 'random.levelup' confirm-volume: 1.0 confirm-pitch: 1.0 # Sound when the cancel block is clicked cancel-sound-enabled: false cancel-sound: 'mob.villager.hit' cancel-volume: 1.0 cancel-pitch: 1.0 # The level that players start at (can only go below default using /su setlevel ) default-level: 0 messages: no-permission-command: '&cNo permission!' cannot-place: '&cYou cannot place this mob!' insufficient-level: '&cYou cannot place this mob yet! You can unlock {spawner} spawners at level {level}!' # Placeholders: {level}, {spawner} insufficient-currency: '&cYou do not have enough XP levels! You need {costremaining} more XP level(s) to rankup to level {nextlevel}!' # Placeholders: {costremaining}, {nextlevel}, {nextlevelcost} max-level: '&cYou are already max level!' rankup: '&aYou are now level {level}!' # Placeholders: {level}, {previouslevel} level: '&aYou are currently spawner level {level}.' # Placeholders: {level} gui-cancel: '&aYou have canceled the rankup.' # How often should the server save the levels config? (in seconds) save-interval: 300 # Please do not change # config-version: 1