# About MTML Completions MTML Completion is an add-on program package for Sublime Text 2. This complements Movable Type Template Tags when you use Sublime Text 2. This package includes some tags of [DynamicMTML](https://github.com/movabletype/DynamicMTML) plugin. ## Installation ### With Package Control * Bring up the Command Palette (Command+Shift+p on OS X, Control+Shift+p on Linux/Windows). * Select "Package Control: Install Package" . * Select "MTML Completions" when the list appears. ### With Git Please clone into your Sublime Text 2 package directory. ``` cd /path/to/your/Sublime Text 2/Packages git clone https://github.com/bit-part/MTML-ST2 ``` ## Preference You can change the format of Template Tags. ### mtml_prefix no setting => "mtml_prefix": "MT:" => "mtml_prefix": "MT" => ### mtml_function_tag_type no setting => "mtml_function_tag_type": "dollar" => <$mt:EntryTitle$> "mtml_function_tag_type": "none" => ## Usage You can use this feature when you input "<" in html or php file. When you set extension as ".mtml" or ".tmpl" , please change Syntax as html. For modifier, you run "Edit > Show Completions [cntrol + space]" when you input a space and a few calactors. ## Example ![Example](http://bit-part.github.com/data/img_mtml-st2.png) * [B] : Block Tag * [F] : Function Tag * [C] : Conditional Tag ![Modifier Example](http://bit-part.github.com/data/img_mtml-st2_modifier.png) Ctrl + Space * [M] : Modifier --- _Movable Type is a registered trademark of Six Apart, the Ltd._