# Version 0.6.36 * [[#225](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/225)] fix wrong insertion order of render layers * remove `ParticleEffectLoader` since it [now comes with libgdx](https://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/ci/nightlies/docs/api/com/badlogic/gdx/assets/loaders/ParticleEffectLoader.html) # Version 0.6.35 * fix various bugs # Version 0.6.34 * rename `SharedAssetManager` into `Asset` # Version 0.6.33 * [[#224](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/224)] introduce `@AssetSource` annotation # Version 0.6.32 * simplify screens by making generic arguments optional # Version 0.6.31 * expose screen shake value * add option to define custom game context # Version 0.6.30 * add camera zoom tweening # Version 0.6.29 * add additional constructors to `AnimationSpritesheet` # Version 0.6.28 * fix random animation offset # Version 0.6.27 * improve animation rendering and add offset option # Version 0.6.26 * add fps and particle count metrics # Version 0.6.25 * [[#189](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/189)] remove attached particle effects while their owner is not updateable # Version 0.6.24 This version removes `ArrayList` from the `GameWorld` contract to boost performance and replaced it with the libgdx version of `Array`. * introduce `Array` as return type to retrieve game objects * [[#17](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/17)] when reaching over 50 game objects, a new `QuadTree` algorithm is used to temporarily disable not visible game objects. This should boost performance significantly. * [[#80](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/80)] introduce debug UI. Enable it by setting a `LabelStyle` on `BrainGdxDebug` as well as using `setDebug` on `GameContext` # Version 0.6.23 * add the option to delete game objects by id to prevent race conditions # Version 0.6.22 * add rotational offset to `SpriteRenderer` # Version 0.6.21 * make animations more flexible by allowing to set a default animation * add size option to various animation and sprite renderers * add option to clear inputs # Version 0.6.20 * fix `PointLight2DTween` # Version 0.6.19 * override physics body in case it is inactive to keep syncing with the game object # Version 0.6.18 * make physics faster by adding a scale # Version 0.6.17 * add `lighting.offset.x` and `lighting.offset.y` option for Tiled * add `Body` to game object attributes when physics are attached * add `T getAttribute(Class key)` to `GameObject` # Version 0.6.16 * add option to set a custom render order comparator through `setRenderOrderComparator()` # Version 0.6.15 * more improvements to `NavigationMenu` implementation # Version 0.6.14 * vastly improve `NavigationMenu` implementation to support colour fading and animations # Version 0.6.13 * [[#212](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/212)] introduce new `setZoom` method to calculate camera zoom automatically * fixed an issue regarding screen transitions # Version 0.6.12 * always set collisions to `false` when not defined within Tiled * [[#210](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/210)] do not expose internal vector on `getPosition()` # Version 0.6.11 * fix `NullPointerException` in tiledmap context * fix screen transition overlay positioning # Version 0.6.10 * minor API improvements around font baking # Version 0.6.9 * fixed a positioning issue when centering rectangular box2d objects # Version 0.6.8 * [[#130](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/130)] introduce box2d support for tiled # Version 0.6.7 * fix `ScreenTransitions` color issue # Version 0.6.6 * [[#207](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/207)] introduce enteronly property for event router # Version 0.6.5 * fixed `NullPointerException` on `GameObject::getOrSetAttribute` # Version 0.6.4 * [[#174](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/174)] allow 3D sound creation through Tiled * lighting and sounds are now automatically created through tiled via properties # Version 0.6.3 * [[#183](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/183)] improve lighting manager API * [[#203](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/203)] make loading of tiled map more consistent * [[#204](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/204)] return already loaded context when trying to load again * [[#205](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/205)] add support for registering updateables to the game context * [[#206](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/206)] inject map properties directly as attributes # Version 0.6.2 Fix rotations for physics bodies. # Version 0.6.1 Fixed a small issue which caused physics to get positioned wrongly. # Version 0.6.0 > **Disclaimer!** this version introduces major API refactoring and will produce compilation errors before migration! This update changes the entire architecture of this framework by separating reponsibilities into submodules: - **braingdx-core** the core dependency now contains only generic core logic and boilerplate - **braingdx-2d** the 2D dependency provides features such as 2D lighting and 2D physics support as well as tiledmap support Later on, a new **braingdx-3d** module will be added which provides a different kind of feature set such as Blender support. ## Features * [[#95](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/95)] added pause game functionality * [[#144](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/144)] replace `TiledMapAPI` with `TiledMapContext` * [[#186](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/186)] drastically improved performance on mobile devices * [[#193](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/193)] added color manipulation utility * [[#194](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/194)] added point light tween * [[#202](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/202)] infer MapType from TiledMap orientation property ## Bugfixes * [[#103](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/103)] resolved an issue where global behaviours could not be loaded globally within a loop * [[#197](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/197)] drastically reduce memory footprint * [[#199](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/199)] fixing camera position setting # Version 0.5.17 * [[#98](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/98)] only remove relevant objects from the world when disposing the tiled manager # Version 0.5.16 * remove `Iterable` interface from `GameWorld` * add new `Group` utility * [[#96](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/96)] introduce game object groups accessible via `GameWorld` # Version 0.5.15 * reduce memory footprint by only calling `GameObject.toString()` when debug level is active # Version 0.5.14 Further improvements on memory heap footprint: * remove `BigDecimalVector2` * add `DoubleVector2` * replace `BigDecimal` with `double` for camera tracking and camera alignment # Version 0.5.13 * only create animation states dynamically whenever they are required * only compute tmx layer indices whenever they are required # Version 0.5.12 * only create `AStarPathFinder` when it is actually used to reduce memory footprint * significantly reduce memory footprint of `TiledMapManager` by dynamically creating cell states at runtime * implement `toString()` method of `CombinedRenderPipe` # Version 0.5.11 * add new `particleMultiplier` to `GraphicsSettings` in order to dynamically control the amount of all particles # Version 0.5.10 * add additional constructor to `StringRandomizer` in order to provide a fixed seed # Version 0.5.9 This version introduces string manipulation with additional tween engine support: * [[#196](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/196)] implement `StringRandomizer` * implement `StringRandomizerTween` # Version 0.5.8 * add new `getObjects` method to `GameWorld` # Version 0.5.7 * deleted `GameInputAdaptr` - use `GestureListener` via libgdx instead * implemented additional input variations for `Navigateable` # Version 0.5.6 * [[#190](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/190)] fix a crash due to box2dlights ray handler not being disposed # Version 0.5.5 * [[#187](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/187)] do not create frame buffers when no shaders are being used * removed `RenderPipeline.getPipe` method * added `RenderPipeline.addEffects` method * added `RenderPipe.hasEffects` method # Version 0.5.4 * [[#185](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/185)] added new `setDistanceStoppingThreshold` method to `GameCamera` which allows defining a threshold to avoid flickering * added a new overloaded `setAmbientLight` method to `LightingManager` which allows fading the ambient light # Version 0.5.3 * added sound styles to `NavigationMenu` # Version 0.5.2 * fixed an issue where behaviours would not get removed on attached particle effects which are not continuous. # Version 0.5.1 * [[#184](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/184)] implement concept of vertical and horizontal camera speed # Version 0.5.0 **The physics update** - this update introduces a brand new`PhysicsManager` which Box2D integration out-of-the-box. Additionally, this update fixes some older bugs as well, such as particle emission issues. * [[#70](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/70)] integrate Box2D support via `PhysicsManager` accessible via `GameContext` * [[#131](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/131)] fix `IllegalStateException` when window size is scaled down to 0 * [[#152](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/152)] extend `RenderPipeline` API by new methods * [[#153](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/153)] fix an issue where particle effects where emitted twice * [[#182](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/182)] fix collision bug within `SimpleWorldBounds` # Version 0.4.11 * improve API around `NavigationMenu` # Version 0.4.10 * [[#178](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/178)] add `shake()` method to `GameCamera` to shake the screen * [[#179](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/179)] implement `NavigationMenu` class, including controller and keyboard handlers * [[#180](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/180)] add controller support to `InputManager` * cleaning up `ActorTween` API # Version 0.4.9 * [[#175](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/175)] remove `MovementController` API * [[#176](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/176)] improve deferred loading and unloading of behaviors and game objects * [[#177](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/177)] introduce new `Updateable` interface which can be applied on `Behavior` and `InputProcessor` implementations # Version 0.4.8 * add `setAlpha` to `AnimationDrawable` # Version 0.4.7 * add offset to `AnimationRenderer` # Version 0.4.6 * add new utility class `GameObjectUtils` # Version 0.4.5 * `spawnEffect` now returns an `ParticleEffect` object respectively # Version * fix a bug within `ColouredRenderLayer` so it resizes correctly # Version 0.4.4 * [[#172](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/172)] fix `NullPointerException` in `GameEventRouter` * removed `internalId` and `previousId` from `GameObject` # Version 0.4.3 * [[#171](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/171)] make animation API independent of `GameObject` class * [[#170](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/170)] introduce `AnimationDrawable` class # Version 0.4.2 * [[#168](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/168)] introduce scaling by `GameObject` origin * changed method signatures of `GameObject` getters and added additional getters * `AnimationRenderer` now uses `Sprite` to render `TextureRegion` frames # Version 0.4.1 * fix rendering of animations on negative scaling # Version 0.4.0 * [[#46](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/46)] rewrote the entire animation API. It is now much more straight forward to define animations within **braingdx** # Version 0.3.8 * [[#161](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/161)] add `GameObject.removeAttribute` method. Additionally, `setAttribute(key, null)` will remove the attribute entirely now. # Version 0.3.7 * [[#159](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/159)] origin of `Zoomer` now applies correctly independent of render scale # Version 0.3.6 * [[#158](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/158)] simplify shader manager API # Version 0.3.5 * `ColorTransition` now properly applies custom colors * [[#135](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/135)] implement `GameInputAdapter` * [[#155](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/155)] introduced `Settings` and `GraphicsSettings` * [[#156](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/156)] created `GameInputAdapter` for better input handling * [[#157](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/157)] added `ShaderManager` # Version * add `GameCameraTween` # Version 0.3.4 * [[#132](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/132)] fix `NumberFormatException` in `VectorGameCamera` * [[#153](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/153)] do not reset the particle emitter before `start()` # Version 0.3.3 * [[#107](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/107)] introduce TiledMap animations # Version 0.3.2 * [[#151](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/151)] `GameObject` scaling does now affect animation rendering # Version 0.3.1 * [[#150](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/150)] changing world bounds should now reset camera stickiness # Version 0.3.0 This release brings major improvements to the `GameCamera` logic and API within **braingdx**. * [[#102](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/129)] fixing stickiness of `GameCamera` * [[#129](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/129)] setting game camera attributes works now without a target attached * [[#145](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/145)] improve `GameCamera` API with additional methods to retrieve dimensions and position * [[#146](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/146)] introduced GWT math * [[#147](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/147)] introduced `BigDecimalVector2` math component **Other fixes** * improve precision of `GameCamera` object tracking # Version 0.2.17 * [[#140](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/140)] fix issue where tiled collisions were overriden and removed by other game objects * [[#141](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/141)] improve collision API for tiled maps. Introduce `isExclusiveCollision` and `isInclusiveCollision` methods to `TiledMapAPI` # Version 0.2.16 This release fixes collision removal for tiled maps. * [[#136](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/136)] fix issue where moving game objects leave collisions behind * add new method to `GameObject::getOrSetAttribute` which retrieves or sets an attribute, depending on its existence # Version 0.2.15 This release fixes various issues around tiled map support within **braingdx**. * [[#133](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/133)] Introduce `TiledMapAPI.setEventFactory(GameEventFactory)` * [[#135](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/135)] Game objects with a collision now have an indexed initial position * fixed a bug where sticky events would be accidentally deleted * added a `GameEventRouter` class which publishes game events when game objects collide with event objects # Version 0.2.14 * [[#134](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/134)] extend TiledCollisionResolver # Version 0.2.13 * [[#127](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/127)] fix initial project setup # Version 0.2.12 * [[#118](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/118)] replace listeners with TiledMap events * do not log an error message when no event listeners are defined for a published event # Version * introduce **box2dlights** 1.5-SNAPSHOT # Version * [[#124](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/124)] introduce new deployment flow # Version 0.2.11 * [[#123](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/123)] introduce Maven Central only-dependencies # Version 0.2.10 * [[#113](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/113)] implement advanced collision detection for larger object * [[#120](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/120)] add fingerprints to collisions * [[#121](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/121)] include object collisions for path finding # Version 0.2.9 * add method to `AudioManager` to directly attach sounds to game objects # Version 0.2.8 * [[#119](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/119)] hide invisible tiledmap layers # Version 0.2.7 * [[#116](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/116)] set object color correctly on animations * [[#117](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/117)] add support to TMX to disable collisions for game objects # Version 0.2.6 * [[#114](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/114)] integrate path finder * [[#115](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/115)] improved particle management * fix a bug where `onEnterCell` had been called before collisions were updated # Version * Introduce SpriteSheet scaling # Version * Fix audio issues # Version 0.2.5 * [[#112](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/112)] 2D audio support: rewritten AudioManager for better audio handling. Also supporting 2D sound. # Version 0.2.4 * fix class cast exception for collisions # Version 0.2.3 * [[#110](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/110)] bugfix: TiledMap collisions become sticky on non-collision game objects # Version 0.2.2 * [[#80](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/80)] Introduce collision debug mode for tiled maps * [[#105](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/105)] bugfix: NumberFormatException when resizing window * [[#109](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/109)] LightingManager: clear all lights # Version 0.2.1 * [[#101](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/101)] Make camera optionally sticky to world bounds # Version 0.2.0 This version introduces new features such as better event handling and general bug fixes. * [[#12](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/12)] implemented `ParallaxMap` * [[#39](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/39)] upgraded `ParticleManager` codebase * [[#90](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/90)] use 'Fonts' to load ttf fonts instead of BitmapFont * [[#91](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/91)] introduced BitmapFontBaker 🍞 * [[#94](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/94)] it is now possible to append or prepend additional render pipes * [[#97](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/97)] implemented Simple Event System # Version 0.1.9 * reset music position on play # Version 0.1.8 * global behaviors can now be used to compare two objects on update # Version 0.1.7 * BehaviorManager: map behaviors via game object id to prevent race conditions * introduced DEBUG logging for GameWorld * rewrote the ID system - now a UUID is being used * GameObject: added internal id which does not change, even after re-obtaining from the pool * GameObject: added previous id from a previous pooling iteration # Version 0.1.6 * GameCamera: add 'focus(GameObject)' method * bugfix: remove objects which are outside of the world, even if they are inactive # Version 0.1.5 * do not set center on sprite rotation # Version 0.1.4 * added rotation to SpriteRenderer # Version 0.1.3 * added rotation attribute to game objects * add 'scale' method to game objects * introduced lazy behavior creation/deletion # Version 0.1.2 * added partial support for viewports * introduced lazy object creation for game worlds # Version 0.1.1 Added offset attribute to `AnimationRenderer` class. # Version 0.1.0 This version improves braingdx and comes with the following highlights: * [[#84](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/84)] introduced new UI stage which works on the world render level * [[#83](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/83)] game objects can now be retrieved via their respective ID * [[#76](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/76)] added various shader tweens * [[#79](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/79)] added a new assetloader which uses reflection to load assets * [[#81](https://github.com/bitbrain/braingdx/issues/81)] introduce mutator pattern for game object initialisation # Version 0.0.1 * render pipeline * lighting pipeline * basic behaviors