Technical details ================= ### FILES Your wallet contains your private keys and various transaction related metadata. It is stored in app-private storage: Mainnet: /data/data/de.schildbach.wallet/files/wallet-protobuf Testnet: /data/data/de.schildbach.wallet_test/files/wallet-protobuf-testnet The wallet file format is not compatible to wallet.dat (Satoshi client). Rather, it uses a custom protobuf format which should be compatible between clients using bitcoinj. Certain actions cause automatic rolling backups of your wallet to app-private storage: Mainnet: /data/data/de.schildbach.wallet/files/key-backup-protobuf Testnet: /data/data/de.schildbach.wallet_test/files/key-backup-protobuf-testnet Your wallet can be manually backed up to and restored from a share of the storage access framework (likely Google Drive): Mainnet: bitcoin-wallet-backup- Testnet: bitcoin-wallet-backup-testnet- If you want to recover coins from manual backups and for whatever reason you cannot use the app itself to restore from the backup, see the separate []( guide. The current fee rate for each of the fee categories (economic, normal, priority) is cached in app-private storage: Mainnet: /data/data/de.schildbach.wallet/files/fees.txt Testnet: /data/data/de.schildbach.wallet_test/files/fees-testnet.txt ### DEBUGGING Wallet file for Testnet can be pulled from an (even un-rooted) device using: adb pull /data/data/de.schildbach.wallet_test/files/wallet-protobuf-testnet Log messages can be viewed by: adb logcat The app can send extensive debug information. Use **Options > Settings > Report Issue** and follow the dialog. In the generated e-mail, replace the support address with yours. ### BUILDING THE DEVELOPMENT VERSION If you haven't done already, follow the **Prerequisites for Building** section in the [top-level README](../ It's important to know that the development version uses Testnet, is debuggable and the wallet file is world readable/writeable. The goal is to be able to debug easily. Finally, you can build Bitcoin Wallet and sign it with your development key. Again in your workspace, use: # each time gradle clean test :wallet:assembleDevDebug You'll find the signed APK under this path: wallet/build/outputs/apk/dev/debug/bitcoin-wallet-dev-debug.apk To install the app on your Android device, use: gradle :wallet:installDevDebug If installation fails, make sure "Developer options" and "USB debugging" are enabled on your Android device, and an ADB connection is established. ### BUILDING THE PRODUCTIVE VERSION At this point I'd like to remind that you continue on your own risk. According to the license, there is basically no warranty and liability. It's your responsibility to audit the source code for security issues and build, install and run the application in a secure way. The production version uses Mainnet, is built non-debuggable, space-optimized with ProGuard and the wallet file is protected against access from non-root users. It is built from the same branch (or tag) as the development version. After you have cloned/updated the git repository as described above, use: # each time gradle clean test :wallet:assembleProdRelease You'll find the unsigned APK under this path: wallet/build/outputs/apk/prod/release/bitcoin-wallet-prod-release-unsigned.apk Apart from the missing signature and checksums in `META-INF/`, it should be identical to the APKs provided via the app stores. ### SETTING UP FOR DEVELOPMENT You can import the project into IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio, as it uses Gradle for building. ### TRANSLATIONS The source language is English. Translations for all languages except German [happen on Transifex]( The English resources are pushed to Transifex. Changes are pulled and committed to the git repository from time to time. It can be done by manually downloading the files, but using the `tx` command line client is more convenient: # first time only sudo apt install transifex-client If strings resources are added or changed, the source language files need to be pushed to Transifex. This step will probably only be executed by the maintainer of the project, as special permission is needed: # push source files to Transifex tx push -s As soon as a translation is ready, it can be pulled: # pull translation from Transifex tx pull -f -l Note that after pulling, any bugs introduced by either translators or Transifex itself need to be corrected manually. ### NFC (Near field communication) Bitcoin Wallet supports reading Bitcoin requests via NFC, either from a passive NFC tag or from another NFC capable Android device that is requesting coins. For this to work, just enable NFC in your phone and hold your phone to the tag or device (with the "Request coins" dialog open). The "Send coins" dialog will open with fields populated. Instructions for preparing an NFC tag with your address: - We have successfully tested [this NFC tag writer]( Other writers should work as well, let us know if you succeed. - Some tags have less than 50 bytes capacity, those won't work. 1 KB tags recommended. - The tag needs to contain a Bitcoin URI. You can construct one with the "Request coins" dialog, then share with messaging or email. You can also construct the URI manually. Mainnet example: `bitcoin:1G2Y2jP5YFZ5RGk2PXaeWwbeA5y1ZtFhoL` - The type of the message needs to be URI or URL (not Text). - If you put your tag at a public place, don't forget to enable write protect. Otherwise, someone could overwrite the tag with his own Bitcoin address. ### BITCOINJ Bitcoin Wallet uses [bitcoinj]( for Bitcoin specific logic. ### EXCHANGE RATES Bitcoin Wallet reads this feed from "CoinGecko" for getting exchange rates: We chose this feed because it is not dependent on a single exchange. This feature can be disabled with the compile-time flag Constants.ENABLE_EXCHANGE_RATES ### SWEEPING WALLETS When sweeping wallets, Bitcoin Wallet uses a set of Electrum servers to query for unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs). This feature can be disabled with the compile-time flag: Constants.ENABLE_SWEEP_WALLET