--- title: 'mindoc' --- ## About **mindoc** is a template for a single self-contained, very mobile-friendly HTML document. A [Pandoc] template is included and is the most useful of the three template files. **mindoc** is deliberately tiny. It uses a subset of [Pure.css] modules loaded from a CDN, with added or modified styles and [JavaScript] inlined. It was designed for publishing single essays and course syllabi, but might also be suitable for very simple documentation of other kinds. **mindoc** has been tested with Pandoc ## Installation Get a blank HTML template [here][mindoc-download-html-blank] or the Pandoc template [here][mindoc-download-pandoc] (right-click and choose "Save Link As…", "Download Linked File", "Download Linked File As…", etc.). All three files can be found in the **[dist][mindoc-repo-dist]** directory of the project [repository][mindoc-repo]. ## Usage Simply edit [mindoc-blank.html][mindoc-download-html-blank], or use [mindoc-pandoc.html][mindoc-download-pandoc] with Pandoc's `--template` option: pandoc mydocument.md --template mindoc-pandoc.html -o mydocument.html Pandoc's `stdout` can be piped to a utility like [html-minifier]: pandoc mydocument.md --template mindoc-pandoc.html | html-minifier -c -minifier.conf -o mydocument.html Use [Grunt] with a plugin like [grunt-panda] to automate document conversion: grunt.initConfig({ panda: { options: { pandocOptions: [ '--template=lib/mindoc/dist/mindoc-pandoc.html', '--to=html5', '--section-divs', '--smart', '--variable=lang:en' ] }, files: { src: 'src/mydocument.md', dest: 'dist/mydocument.html' } }, }); ## Features ### Navigation If you invoke Pandoc's option `--section-divs`, **mindoc** will add a page navigation menu like the one on this demo page. The menu will include all **level 2** headers (no subheaders) plus sections for an abstract and footnotes, if either exist. If you want a "References" section providing sources for [citations], you should end your document with a **level 2** header titled "References". Navigation menu item text is formed from Pandoc's automatically generated [header identifiers] by replacing hyphens with spaces and capitalizing the first letter: Identifier Navigation item text ------------------------------ ---------------------------- `header-identifiers-in-html` Header identifiers in html `dogs--in-my-house` Dogs in my house `html-s5-or-rtf` Html s5 or rtf `applications` Applications `section` Section This has obvious limitations, worth keeping in mind when composing section headers in your source document. ### Pandoc template variables **mindoc** adds the following additional [template variables] to Pandoc's default html template, along with minimal styling. You can use these additional variables in a YAML [metadata block] in your Markdown document: Template variable Value appears in: ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- `description` Content of HTML tag `meta name="description"` `headnote` Document, preceding value of variable `published` `published` Document, preceding value of variable `license` `license` Document, preceding value of variable `title` `version` Document, preceding value of variable `date` `abstract` Document, preceding the table of contents (if any) `headnote` is useful for prepending a distribution notice (for example, "Draft copy. Please do not redistribute without permission"). `published` can be used to prepend publication information. #### Multiple authors **mindoc** also adds the variables `affiliation` and `email` for document authors, and handles multiple authors (the following example is modified from Pandoc's documentation): --- author: - name: Author One affiliation: University of Somewhere email: foo@bar - name: Author Two affiliation: University of Nowhere email: bar@foo --- #### Passing values of template variables to Pandoc with Grunt As with other Pandoc commands and variables, you can pass the values of template variables to Pandoc using [Grunt] with a plugin like [grunt-panda]: grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), panda: { options: { pandocOptions: [ '--template=lib/mindoc/dist/mindoc-pandoc.html', '--to=html5', '--section-divs', '--smart', '--variable=lang:en', '--variable=description:<%= pkg.description %>', '--variable=version:<%= pkg.version %>', '--variable=headnote:"Draft copy."' ] }, files: { src: 'src/mydocument.md', dest: 'dist/mydocument.html' } }, }); Here the values of the Pandoc template variables `description` and `version` are taken from values in the file `package.json` and inserted using Grunt template strings, whereas the value of `headnote` is specified explicitly. ### Pure.css classes **mindoc** also adds the following Pure.css classes to HTML elements in Pandoc output: * [Table classes], as above ## Examples 1. You're looking at one. View the [Markdown source][this-src] that produced this page. 2. A [course syllabus] for "Historicizing 'Digital Humanities'" 3. Author's preprint version of an [article]; and [another] [this-src]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitfragment/mindoc/master/src/mindoc.md [JavaScript]: https://bitfragment.github.io/mindoc/docs/mindoc.html [course syllabus]: http://bitfragment.net/dhhist/ [article]: http://bitfragment.net/files/multilingualism.html [another]: http://bitfragment.net/files/jshist.html [mindoc-site]: https://bitfragment.github.io/mindoc [mindoc-repo]: https://github.com/bitfragment/mindoc [mindoc-repo-dist]: https://github.com/bitfragment/mindoc/tree/master/dist [mindoc-download-html]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitfragment/mindoc/master/dist/mindoc.html [mindoc-download-html-blank]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitfragment/mindoc/master/dist/mindoc-blank.html [mindoc-download-pandoc]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitfragment/mindoc/master/dist/mindoc-pandoc.html [Pure.css]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/ [Table classes]: http://purecss.io/tables/ [Pandoc]: http://pandoc.org/ [header identifiers]: http://pandoc.org/README.html#header-identifiers [template variables]: http://pandoc.org/README.html#templates [metadata block]: http://pandoc.org/README.html#metadata-blocks [citations]: http://pandoc.org/README.html#citations [html-minifier]: https://github.com/kangax/html-minifier [Grunt]: http://gruntjs.com/ [grunt-panda]: https://github.com/gmp26/grunt-panda