create buffer superCategories(url string) insert into superCategories select '' insert into superCategories select '' insert into superCategories select '' insert into superCategories select '' insert into superCategories select '' create buffer categories(url string) insert into categories select pick 'a' take attribute 'href' from download page (select url from superCategories) with (thread(5)) where nodes = '.expander-content li.SideBarMenuModuleItem ul.block-list li' update categories set url = '' + url where url not like '' create buffer division(url string) insert into division select url from categories where url like '%/browse/%' insert into division select pick '' take attribute 'href' from download page (select url from categories where url like '%/cp/%') with (thread(5)) where nodes = 'a.TempoCategoryTile-tile-overlay' update division set url = '' + url where url not like '' create buffer fetchPage (first int, last int, url string) insert into fetchPage select pick 'li:nth-child(1)', pick 'li:last-child', url from download page (select url from division) with (js|thread(10)) where nodes = '.paginator-list' create buffer urls(url string) each(var p in fetchPage) { insert into urls select p.url + '?page=' + value from expand (p.first to p.last) } create buffer product(url string, detailUrl string, description string, price string, upc string, wupc string, itemId string, itemNumber string, productType string, brand string, manufacturerName string, manufacturerProductId string, primaryShelfId string) insert overwrite product select url, '' + pick '.prod-ProductCard--Image a' take attribute 'href', pick '.prod-ProductTitle div', pick '.Price-characteristic' + '.' + pick '.Price-mantissa', '','','','','','','','','' from download page (select url from urls) with (js|thread(10)) where nodes = '.search-result-gridview-item' update p set p.upc = u.upc, p.wupc = u.wupc, p.itemId = u.itemId, p.itemNumber = u.itemNumber, p.productType = u.productType, p.brand = u.brand, p.manufacturerName = u.manufacturerName, p.manufacturerProductId = u.manufacturerProductId, p.primaryShelfId = u.primaryShelfId from (select upc, wupc, itemId, itemNumber, productType, brand, manufacturerName, manufacturerProductId, primaryShelfId, url from download page (select detailUrl from product) with (js|thread(10)) => ( " var primaryProductId = __WML_REDUX_INITIAL_STATE__.product.primaryProduct; var primaryProduct = __WML_REDUX_INITIAL_STATE__.product.products[primaryProductId]; return [{ upc:primaryProduct.upc, wupc:primaryProduct.wupc, itemId:primaryProduct.usItemId, itemNumber:primaryProduct.productAttributes.walmartItemNumber, productType:primaryProduct.productType, brand: primaryProduct.productAttributes.brand, manufacturerName:primaryProduct.productAttributes.manufacturerName, manufacturerProductId:primaryProduct.productAttributes.manufacturerProductId, primaryShelfId:primaryProduct.productAttributes.primaryShelfId, url:url }]; " )) u join product p on p.detailUrl = u.url select * from product