@echo off echo Get BitTorrent executable path... wmic process where name="BitTorrent.exe" get executablepath>bt_exe_path.tmp 2>nul for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('more +1 "bt_exe_path.tmp"') do ( set "btpath=%%a" ) del /f /q .\bt_exe_path.tmp 2>nul if "%btpath%" == "" ( echo BitTorrent executable path is not found, please make sure it is running! goto :end ) :loop if "%btpath:~-1%"==" " set "btpath=%btpath:~0,-1%"&goto loop set btroot=%btpath:~0,-14% :verify_btpath echo Executable path: "%btpath%" if not exist %btpath% ( echo BitTorrent executable path is not found, please make sure it is runing! goto :end ) echo. echo Kill BitTorrent and BTFS task... taskkill /f /im BitTorrent.exe taskkill /f /im BTFS.exe echo. echo Backup old btfs... set btfsroot=%btroot%btfs\ set nowtime=%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%%time:~9,2% set bakdir="btfs_bak_%nowtime%" echo Backup to %bakdir% ren %btfsroot% %bakdir% md %btfsroot% echo tmp > %btfsroot%btfs.exe echo. echo Start BitTorrent.exe... (echo set wshell=createobject^("wscript.shell"^) echo wshell.run"%btpath%",0,false )>".\startbt.vbs" .\startbt.vbs del /f /q .\startbt.vbs 2>nul echo. echo Waiting for btfs upgrading... set /a times=1 :check for /f %%a in ('powershell -command "& {try { $response = Invoke-WebRequest;$Response.StatusCode} catch {$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__}}"') do ( set statusCode=%%a ) echo Check times: %times% if "%statusCode%" == "200" ( echo Success! goto :endcheck ) if "%times%" == "10" ( echo Upgrade failed, please retry! goto :endcheck ) set /a times+=1 timeout /T 5 /NOBREAK goto :check :endcheck echo Server started! echo. echo Start host ui page... start (echo set wshell=createobject^("wscript.shell"^) echo wscript.Sleep 1000 echo wshell.sendkeys "%^R" echo wshell.SendKeys "%^{F5}" )>".\refresh.vbs" .\refresh.vbs del /f /q .\refresh.vbs 2>nul echo. echo Task completed! echo. :end echo Exit... timeout /T 5