#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e cat << "EOF" _ _ _ _ | |__ (_) |___ ____ _ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ | '_ \| | __\ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \ '_ \ | |_) | | |_ \ V V / (_| | | | (_| | __/ | | | |_.__/|_|\__| \_/\_/ \__,_|_| \__,_|\___|_| |_| EOF cat << EOF Open source password management solutions Copyright 2015-$(date +'%Y'), 8bit Solutions LLC https://bitwarden.com, https://github.com/bitwarden =================================================== EOF DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "$0") SCRIPT_PATH="$DIR/$SCRIPT_NAME" BITWARDEN_SCRIPT_URL="https://go.btwrdn.co/bw-sh" if curl -L -s -w "http_code %{http_code}" -o $SCRIPT_PATH.1 $BITWARDEN_SCRIPT_URL | grep -q "^http_code 20[0-9]" then mv $SCRIPT_PATH.1 $SCRIPT_PATH chmod u+x $SCRIPT_PATH echo "We have moved our self-hosted scripts to their own repository (https://github.com/bitwarden/self-host). Your 'bitwarden.sh' script has been automatically upgraded. Please run it again." else rm -f $SCRIPT_PATH.1 fi