//================================================================ // RS_ScreenShot.js // --------------------------------------------------------------- // The MIT License // Copyright (c) 2015 biud436 // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Free for commercial and non commercial use. //================================================================ /*: * RS_ScreenShot.js * @plugindesc * * @author biud436 * @date 2015.12.22 * * @param key * @type number * @desc Please set the virtual key code value. * Default button sets to F7 (118) * @default 118 * * @param Screenshot Preview Window * @type boolean * @desc To activate the preview window, change to true. * @default true * * @param In-Game Preview Window * @type boolean * @desc To activate the in-game preview, change to true. * @default false * * @param Play Se * @type boolean * @desc Change to true to play sound when taking screenshots. * @default true * * @param Se Name * @desc Specify a sound file from audio/se folder. * @default Save * @require 1 * @dir audio/se/ * @type file * * @param file format * @text File Format * @type select * @desc Select desired file format in the game screenshot. * @default png * @option png * @value png * @option jpeg * @value jpeg * * @reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32613060/how-to-take-screenshot-with-node-webkit * * @help * - Key Code Link * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode * * - Change Log * 2015.12.22 (v1.0.0) - First Release. * 2016.03.20 (v1.0.1) - Added parameter called key. * 2016.08.13 (v1.0.2) - Added previewWindow. * 2016.11.27 (v1.0.3) - Added the code that can delete the texture from the memory. * 2016.11.27 (v1.0.4) : Fixed preview window in the html format instead of an image. * - Displays the name of the screen shot file in the preview window. * - Plays the sound when you are taking a screenshot. * 2016.12.08 (v1.0.42) - Added code to remove references to URL objects. * 2018.02.27 (v1.0.5) : * - Fixed the getPath function issue in RMMV 1.6.0. * - Changed the source code for RMMV 1.6.0. * 2018.04.25 (v1.0.6) - Added a feature that allows you to select the file format in the screenshot. * 2019.03.13 (v1.0.7) : * - Fixed the issue that is not showing the image to preview window in the RMMV 1.6.2 * 2020.07.07 (v1.0.8) : * - Added in-game screenshot preview window. */ var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.RS_ScreenShot = true; var RS = RS || {}; RS.ScreenShot = RS.ScreenShot || {}; (function($) { "use strict"; var parameters = $plugins.filter(function(i) { return i.description.contains(""); }); parameters = (parameters.length > 0) && parameters[0].parameters; $.KEY = Number(parameters['key'] || 118 ); $.isPreviewWindow = Boolean(parameters['Screenshot Preview Window'] === 'true'); $.isPlaySe = Boolean(parameters['Play Se'] === 'true'); $.seName = parameters['Se Name'] || 'Save'; $.fileFormat = parameters["file format"] || "png"; $.isInGamePreview = true; $.localFilePath = function (fileName) { if(!Utils.isNwjs()) return ''; var path, base; path = require('path'); base = path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename); return path.join(base, 'ScreenShots/'); }; $.getPath = function () { if(Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION >= '1.6.0') return $.localFilePath(); var path = window.location.pathname.replace(/(\/www|)\/[^\/]*$/, '/ScreenShots/'); if (path.match(/^\/([A-Z]\:)/)) { path = path.slice(1); } return decodeURIComponent(path); }; $.previewScreenShot = function (fileName) { const renderer = Graphics._renderer; const renderTexture = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(renderer.width, renderer.height); const stage = SceneManager._scene; if(stage) { renderer.render(stage, renderTexture); let canvas = renderer.extract.base64(renderTexture); if($.isInGamePreview) { stage.emit("screenshot_hookat", canvas, fileName); } else { let html = ` ScreenShots Preview
`; const blob = new Blob([html], {type : 'text/html'}); let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); let win = window.open(url, '_blank'); if(Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION >= "1.6.0") { url = canvas.toDataURL(`image/${$.fileFormat}`); win = window.open(url, '_blank'); } } } if(renderTexture) { renderTexture.destroy( { destroyBase: true } ); } if(!$.isInGamePreview) { // Call this method when it doesn't need to keep the reference to URL object any longer. URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } }; $.takeSnapshot = function() { if(!StorageManager.isLocalMode()) { console.warn('takeSnapshot function does not support on your mobile device'); return; } const fs = require('fs'); const {promisify} = require('util'); const screenshotFolder = this.getPath(); let gui = require('nw.gui'); let win = gui.Window.get(); if( !fs.existsSync(screenshotFolder) ) fs.mkdirSync(screenshotFolder); let fileName = new Date().toJSON().replace(/[.:]+/g, "-"); let filePath = screenshotFolder + `${fileName}.${$.fileFormat}`; let result = win.capturePage(buffer => { promisify(fs.writeFile)(filePath, buffer).then(val => { if($.isPlaySe) AudioManager.playStaticSe({name: $.seName, pan: 0, pitch: 100, volume: ConfigManager.seVolume}); if($.isPreviewWindow) $.previewScreenShot(fileName); }).catch(err => { throw new Error(err); }); }, { format : $.fileFormat, datatype : 'buffer'} ); }; const alias_SceneManager_onKeyDown = SceneManager.onKeyDown; SceneManager.onKeyDown = function(event) { alias_SceneManager_onKeyDown.call(this, event); if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey) { switch (event.keyCode) { case $.KEY: // F7 $.takeSnapshot(); break; } } }; /** * This class allows you to hook a new screenshot in the game. */ class Window_ScreenshotHooker extends Window_Base { constructor() { super(0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight); this._isWindow = false; this.opacity = 0; this.setVisible(false); } setVisible(value) { this.children.forEach(e => { if(e.constructor.name.contains("_window")) { e.visible = value; } }); } on(canvas, filename) { this.setVisible(true); this._screenshot = PIXI.Sprite.from(canvas); const style = { "dropShadow": true, "dropShadowAlpha": 0.4, "dropShadowDistance": 1, "stroke": "white", "strokeThickness": 2 }; this._text = new PIXI.Text(`${filename}.${$.fileFormat}`, style); this._screenshot.addChild(this._text); this.addChildAt(this._screenshot, 1); this._updateContents(); this.visible = true; } off() { this.setVisible(false); if(this._screenshot) { this._windowContentsSprite.removeChild(this._screenshot); } this.visible = false; } update() { super.update(); if(Input.isTriggered("ok") || Input.isTriggered("escape")) { if(this.visible) { this.off(); } } } } var alias_Scene_Map_start = Scene_Map.prototype.start; Scene_Map.prototype.start = function() { alias_Scene_Map_start.call(this); if($.isInGamePreview) { this._screenshotHooker = new Window_ScreenshotHooker(); this.addChild(this._screenshotHooker); this.on("screenshot_hookat", this.screenshotHookAt, this); } }; var alias_Scene_Map_terminate = Scene_Map.prototype.terminate; Scene_Map.prototype.terminate = function() { alias_Scene_Map_terminate.call(this); if($.isInGamePreview) { this.off("screenshot_hookat", this.screenshotHookAt, this); } }; Scene_Map.prototype.screenshotHookAt = function(canvas, fileName) { if(!this._screenshotHooker) return; this._screenshotHooker.on(canvas, fileName); }; })(RS.ScreenShot);