## 1.6.4 (Dec 4, 2017) * Table: new column option `customClass`. ## 1.6.3 (Nov 10, 2017) * Dialog: new option `canClose`. ## 1.6.2 (Aug 30, 2017) * Update homepage. ## 1.6.1 (July 19, 2017) * Update Table demo. ## 1.6.0 (July 18, 2017) * New component: `Switch`. ## 1.5.0 (April 25, 2017) * New component: `Transfer`. ## 1.4.5 (April 20, 2017) * Table: new option `flexible`. ## 1.4.0 (March 8, 2017) * Redesign homepage. * Rewrite CSS using Less. * Rewrap modules with CommonJS specification. * Build with Gulp. * Remove image dependencies by iconfont or base64. * JSDoc3 style documentations. * 19 new themes: blue(default), light-blue, cyan, teal, green, light-green, lime, yellow, amber, orange, brown, blue-gray, gray, deep-orange, red, pink, purple, deep-purple, indigo. #### Components updates * bizui (namespace) 1. Exposed to global environment. 2. New properties: `codepoints`, `theme`. 3. Deprecated methods: `noConflict` and component constructors(except Tooltip). 4. Deprecated property: `version`. * Button 1. New options: `customClass`, `icon`, `size`. 2. Deprecated option: `label`(use `text`). 3. Deprecated theme value of option: `dark`(use `gray`). * Calendar 1. Lots of new options and methods. 2. Deprecated methods: `enable`, `disable`. 3. Decoupling Input components, initialize and style them by yourself. * Checkbox, Radio 1. New option: `theme`. 2. Deprecated method: `get`(use jQuery selector). * Dialog 1. New options: `customClass`, `draggable`, `position`, `theme`. 2. New methods: `title`, `updateButtons`. 3. Deprecated methods: `bizui.Dialog.alert`(use `bizui.alert`), `bizui.Dialog.confirm`(use `bizui.confirm`). 4. Deprecated options: `skin`(use `theme` or `customClass`), `useMousewheel`. 5. Use `data-title` attribute to retrieve title instead of `title`. * DropDown 1. New option: `customClass`. 2. Deprecated options: `skin`(use `customClass`), `delay`, `event`. 3. Rename plugin: `bizDropDown`. * Input 1. New options: `customClass`, `theme`. 2. New event: `enter`. 3. Support the `placeholder` attribute for older IE. 3. Deprecated option: `onEnter`(bind `enter` event). * Page 1. New options: `customClass`, `theme`. 2. New methods: `disable`, `enable`, `getPageSize`, `nextPage`, `prevPage`. 3. Provide second boolean param for `setTotalNumber` to control redrawing. 4. New event: `change`. 5. Deprecated option: `onPageClick`(bind `change` event). * Panel 1. New options: `customClass`, `destroyOnClose`, `speed`, `theme`, `title`, `onBeforeClose`, `zIndex`. 2. New methods: `title`, `updateButtons`. 3. Use `data-title` attribute to retrieve title instead of `title`. * Select 1. New options: `theme`, `inheritOriginalWidth`. 2. New methods: `open`, `close`. 2. Deprecated option: `loop`. 3. Deprecated methods: `enable`, `disable`, `val`(use jQuery val() to get or set, call refresh() after setting). * Tab 1. New options: `action`, `customClass`, `selectedIndex`, `theme`. 2. New method: `index`. 3. New event: `change`. 3. Deprecated options: `event`(use `action`), `onChange`(bind `change` event), `skin`(use `theme` or `customClass`). 4. Deprecated method: `select`(use `index`). * Table 1. New options: `customClass`, `defaultSort`, `onFailEdit`. 2. Provide third boolean param for `setSelected` to tigger onSelect. 3. Deprecated option: `skin`(use `customClass`), `resizable`(huge code and low usage ratio). * Textarea 1. New options: `customClass`, `theme`. 2. Support the `placeholder` attribute for older IE. * Textline 1. New options: `customClass`, `maxLine`, `theme`, `valArray`. 2. New method: `valArray`. 3. Deprecated option: `skin`(use `theme` or `customClass`). 4. Deprecated method: `lines`(use `valArray` to get data, use `maxLine` to limit max line number). * Tooltip 1. Use `data-tooltip` attribute to mark target elements instead of `title`. 2. New options: `action`, `element`, `theme`, `preventDefault`, `removeAll`, `removeSpecific`. 4. Deprecated param: `destroy`(use option `{removeAll: true}`). 3. Deprecated options: `color`(use `theme`), `direction`(use `data-tooltip-direction` attribute), `margin`, `el`(use `element`). * Tree 1. Lots of new options and methods. 2. Deprecated methods: `ins`. * TreeTable 1. New options: `column`, `customClass`, `initialState`, `clickableNodeNames`. 2. New methods: `loadBranch`, `move`, `node`, `removeNode`, `sortBranch`, `unloadBranch`. 3. Deprecated options: `expanded`(use `initialState`), `resizable`, `onLoad`, `onSelect`, `onCancelSelect`. 4. Deprecated method: `selectNode`. For more detailed APIs, run `gulp doc` and see `docs/`.