### v0.4.0 - Add TypeScript support - Move most source to TypeScript - Remove custom PostCSS setup (modules / precss-ish) - Add [Linaria](https://github.com/callstack/linaria) - Add CSS minification ### v0.3.0 - Update to Webpack 5 - Update to Node 16 - Update to React 18 and `createRoot` API - Migrate to Testing Library from Enzyme - Update most other components ### v0.2.0 - Implement [module/nomodule pattern](https://philipwalton.com/articles/deploying-es2015-code-in-production-today/) for better code size in browsers that support ES2015 - Externalize a number of features (performance testing scripts, etc) - Support writing index.html templates with JSX - Use Terser for minification - Implement `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime` - Support (encourage) Node 12 - Add configuration file for [Renovate](https://renovatebot.com/) ### v0.1.0 - Upgrade to React 16 - Upgrade to Webpack 4 - Many, many other package upgrades [see here for more](https://github.com/bjacobel/rak/pull/173/files#diff-b9cfc7f2cdf78a7f4b91a753d10865a2) - Refactor test folder structure - Shrink bundle size significantly ### v0.0.5 - Refactor with Prettier ### v0.0.4 - Upgrade to Webpack 2.2 final (& ecosystem dependencies) ### v0.0.3 - Upgrade to Webpack 2 (RC 4) & other necessary plugins - Update handling of index.html and favicon.ico using [html-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/ampedandwired/html-webpack-plugin) - Restructure Webpack to split code into a separate first-party and vendor bundle - Undertake other performance work (cache headers, hashing/invalidation) - Optimize SVG for logo ### v0.0.2 (10/20/2016) - Added React Router. ([#18](https://github.com/bjacobel/rak/issues/18)) - Added ability to use an existing Route53 hosted zone ([#20](https://github.com/bjacobel/rak/issues/20)) - Implemented CSS Modules ([#27](https://github.com/bjacobel/rak/issues/27)) - Switched to Yarn as the main package manager ([#34](https://github.com/bjacobel/rak/issues/34)) --- ### v0.0.1 (10/15/2016) - Added ability to set the project up in a new directory with a single command. ([#7](https://github.com/bjacobel/rak/issues/7)) --- ### v0.0.0 (10/03/2016) - First public release.