Several independent works are being distributed along with Tiled that fall
under different licenses. You can find the license that applies to each file
in the comment at the top, but for clarity they are also listed here:

Software             Directory                 License
Tiled                src/tiled                 GPL
Tiled plugins        src/plugins               GPL
libtiled             src/libtiled              BSD 2-clause license
libtiled-java        util/java/libtiled-java   BSD 2-clause license
qtpropertybrowser    src/qtpropertybrowser     BSD 3-clause license
tmxrasterizer        src/tmxrasterizer         BSD 2-clause license
tmxviewer            src/tmxviewer             BSD 2-clause license
tmxviewer-java       util/java/tmxviewer-java  BSD 2-clause license

The full text of each license is provided in the files LICENSE.GPL