# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Blender Foundation # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Updated for 2.8 jan 5 2019 bl_info = { "name": "F2", "author": "Bart Crouch, Alexander Nedovizin, Paul Kotelevets " "(concept design), Adrian Rutkowski", "version": (1, 8, 4), "blender": (2, 80, 0), "location": "Editmode > F", "warning": "", "description": "Extends the 'Make Edge/Face' functionality", "doc_url": "{BLENDER_MANUAL_URL}/addons/mesh/f2.html", "category": "Mesh", } # ref: https://github.com/Cfyzzz/Other-scripts/blob/master/f2.py import bmesh import bpy import itertools import mathutils import math from mathutils import Vector from bpy_extras import view3d_utils # returns a custom data layer of the UV map, or None def get_uv_layer(ob, bm, mat_index): uv = None uv_layer = None if ob.material_slots: me = ob.data if me.uv_layers: uv = me.uv_layers.active.name # 'material_slots' is deprecated (Blender Internal) # else: # mat = ob.material_slots[mat_index].material # if mat is not None: # slot = mat.texture_slots[mat.active_texture_index] # if slot and slot.uv_layer: # uv = slot.uv_layer # else: # for tex_slot in mat.texture_slots: # if tex_slot and tex_slot.uv_layer: # uv = tex_slot.uv_layer # break if uv: uv_layer = bm.loops.layers.uv.get(uv) return (uv_layer) # create a face from a single selected edge def quad_from_edge(bm, edge_sel, context, event): addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences ob = context.active_object region = context.region region_3d = context.space_data.region_3d # find linked edges that are open (<2 faces connected) and not part of # the face the selected edge belongs to all_edges = [[edge for edge in edge_sel.verts[i].link_edges if \ len(edge.link_faces) < 2 and edge != edge_sel and \ sum([face in edge_sel.link_faces for face in edge.link_faces]) == 0] \ for i in range(2)] if not all_edges[0] or not all_edges[1]: return # determine which edges to use, based on mouse cursor position mouse_pos = mathutils.Vector([event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y]) optimal_edges = [] for edges in all_edges: min_dist = False for edge in edges: vert = [vert for vert in edge.verts if not vert.select][0] world_pos = ob.matrix_world @ vert.co.copy() screen_pos = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(region, region_3d, world_pos) dist = (mouse_pos - screen_pos).length if not min_dist or dist < min_dist[0]: min_dist = (dist, edge, vert) optimal_edges.append(min_dist) # determine the vertices, which make up the quad v1 = edge_sel.verts[0] v2 = edge_sel.verts[1] edge_1 = optimal_edges[0][1] edge_2 = optimal_edges[1][1] v3 = optimal_edges[0][2] v4 = optimal_edges[1][2] # normal detection flip_align = True normal_edge = edge_1 if not normal_edge.link_faces: normal_edge = edge_2 if not normal_edge.link_faces: normal_edge = edge_sel if not normal_edge.link_faces: # no connected faces, so no need to flip the face normal flip_align = False if flip_align: # there is a face to which the normal can be aligned ref_verts = [v for v in normal_edge.link_faces[0].verts] if v3 in ref_verts and v1 in ref_verts: va_1 = v3 va_2 = v1 elif normal_edge == edge_sel: va_1 = v1 va_2 = v2 else: va_1 = v2 va_2 = v4 if (va_1 == ref_verts[0] and va_2 == ref_verts[-1]) or \ (va_2 == ref_verts[0] and va_1 == ref_verts[-1]): # reference verts are at start and end of the list -> shift list ref_verts = ref_verts[1:] + [ref_verts[0]] if ref_verts.index(va_1) > ref_verts.index(va_2): # connected face has same normal direction, so don't flip flip_align = False # material index detection ref_faces = edge_sel.link_faces if not ref_faces: ref_faces = edge_sel.verts[0].link_faces if not ref_faces: ref_faces = edge_sel.verts[1].link_faces if not ref_faces: mat_index = False smooth = False else: mat_index = ref_faces[0].material_index smooth = ref_faces[0].smooth if addon_prefs.quad_from_e_mat: mat_index = bpy.context.object.active_material_index # create quad try: if v3 == v4: # triangle (usually at end of quad-strip verts = [v3, v1, v2] else: # normal face creation verts = [v3, v1, v2, v4] if flip_align: verts.reverse() face = bm.faces.new(verts) if mat_index: face.material_index = mat_index face.smooth = smooth except: # face already exists return # change selection edge_sel.select = False for vert in edge_sel.verts: vert.select = False for edge in face.edges: if edge.index < 0: edge.select = True v3.select = True v4.select = True # adjust uv-map if __name__ != '__main__': if addon_prefs.adjustuv: uv_layer = get_uv_layer(ob, bm, mat_index) if uv_layer: uv_ori = {} for vert in [v1, v2, v3, v4]: for loop in vert.link_loops: if loop.face.index > -1: uv_ori[loop.vert.index] = loop[uv_layer].uv if len(uv_ori) == 4 or len(uv_ori) == 3: for loop in face.loops: if loop.vert.index in uv_ori: loop[uv_layer].uv = uv_ori[loop.vert.index] # toggle mode, to force correct drawing bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # create a face from a single selected vertex, if it is an open vertex def quad_from_vertex(bm, vert_sel, context, event): addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences ob = context.active_object me = ob.data region = context.region region_3d = context.space_data.region_3d # find linked edges that are open (<2 faces connected) edges = [edge for edge in vert_sel.link_edges if len(edge.link_faces) < 2] if len(edges) < 2: return # determine which edges to use, based on mouse cursor position min_dist = False mouse_pos = mathutils.Vector([event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y]) for a, b in itertools.combinations(edges, 2): other_verts = [vert for edge in [a, b] for vert in edge.verts \ if not vert.select] mid_other = (other_verts[0].co.copy() + other_verts[1].co.copy()) \ / 2 new_pos = 2 * (mid_other - vert_sel.co.copy()) + vert_sel.co.copy() world_pos = ob.matrix_world @ new_pos screen_pos = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(region, region_3d, world_pos) dist = (mouse_pos - screen_pos).length if not min_dist or dist < min_dist[0]: min_dist = (dist, (a, b), other_verts, new_pos) # create vertex at location mirrored in the line, connecting the open edges edges = min_dist[1] other_verts = min_dist[2] new_pos = min_dist[3] vert_new = bm.verts.new(new_pos) # normal detection flip_align = True normal_edge = edges[0] if not normal_edge.link_faces: normal_edge = edges[1] if not normal_edge.link_faces: # no connected faces, so no need to flip the face normal flip_align = False if flip_align: # there is a face to which the normal can be aligned ref_verts = [v for v in normal_edge.link_faces[0].verts] if other_verts[0] in ref_verts: va_1 = other_verts[0] va_2 = vert_sel else: va_1 = vert_sel va_2 = other_verts[1] if (va_1 == ref_verts[0] and va_2 == ref_verts[-1]) or \ (va_2 == ref_verts[0] and va_1 == ref_verts[-1]): # reference verts are at start and end of the list -> shift list ref_verts = ref_verts[1:] + [ref_verts[0]] if ref_verts.index(va_1) > ref_verts.index(va_2): # connected face has same normal direction, so don't flip flip_align = False # material index detection ref_faces = vert_sel.link_faces if not ref_faces: mat_index = False smooth = False else: mat_index = ref_faces[0].material_index smooth = ref_faces[0].smooth if addon_prefs.quad_from_v_mat: mat_index = bpy.context.object.active_material_index # create face between all 4 vertices involved verts = [other_verts[0], vert_sel, other_verts[1], vert_new] if flip_align: verts.reverse() face = bm.faces.new(verts) if mat_index: face.material_index = mat_index face.smooth = smooth # change selection vert_new.select = True vert_sel.select = False # adjust uv-map if __name__ != '__main__': if addon_prefs.adjustuv: uv_layer = get_uv_layer(ob, bm, mat_index) if uv_layer: uv_others = {} uv_sel = None uv_new = None # get original uv coordinates for i in range(2): for loop in other_verts[i].link_loops: if loop.face.index > -1: uv_others[loop.vert.index] = loop[uv_layer].uv break if len(uv_others) == 2: mid_other = (list(uv_others.values())[0] + list(uv_others.values())[1]) / 2 for loop in vert_sel.link_loops: if loop.face.index > -1: uv_sel = loop[uv_layer].uv break if uv_sel: uv_new = 2 * (mid_other - uv_sel) + uv_sel # set uv coordinates for new loops if uv_new: for loop in face.loops: if loop.vert.index == -1: x, y = uv_new elif loop.vert.index in uv_others: x, y = uv_others[loop.vert.index] else: x, y = uv_sel loop[uv_layer].uv = (x, y) # toggle mode, to force correct drawing bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') def expand_vert(self, context, event): addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences ob = context.active_object obj = bpy.context.object me = obj.data bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) region = context.region region_3d = context.space_data.region_3d rv3d = context.space_data.region_3d for v in bm.verts: if v.select: v_active = v try: depth_location = v_active.co except: return {'CANCELLED'} # create vert in mouse cursor location mouse_pos = Vector((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)) location_3d = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_location_3d(region, rv3d, mouse_pos, depth_location) c_verts = [] # find and select linked edges that are open (<2 faces connected) add those edge verts to c_verts list linked = v_active.link_edges for edges in linked: if len(edges.link_faces) < 2: edges.select = True for v in edges.verts: if v is not v_active: c_verts.append(v) # Compare distance in 2d between mouse and edges middle points screen_pos_va = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(region, region_3d, ob.matrix_world @ v_active.co) screen_pos_v1 = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(region, region_3d, ob.matrix_world @ c_verts[0].co) screen_pos_v2 = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(region, region_3d, ob.matrix_world @ c_verts[1].co) mid_pos_v1 = Vector(((screen_pos_va[0] + screen_pos_v1[0]) / 2, (screen_pos_va[1] + screen_pos_v1[1]) / 2)) mid_pos_V2 = Vector(((screen_pos_va[0] + screen_pos_v2[0]) / 2, (screen_pos_va[1] + screen_pos_v2[1]) / 2)) dist1 = math.log10(pow((mid_pos_v1[0] - mouse_pos[0]), 2) + pow((mid_pos_v1[1] - mouse_pos[1]), 2)) dist2 = math.log10(pow((mid_pos_V2[0] - mouse_pos[0]), 2) + pow((mid_pos_V2[1] - mouse_pos[1]), 2)) bm.normal_update() bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() # Deselect not needed point and create new face if dist1 < dist2: c_verts[1].select = False lleft = c_verts[0].link_faces else: c_verts[0].select = False lleft = c_verts[1].link_faces lactive = v_active.link_faces # lverts = lactive[0].verts mat_index = lactive[0].material_index smooth = lactive[0].smooth for faces in lactive: if faces in lleft: cface = faces if len(faces.verts) == 3: bm.normal_update() bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') v_active.select = True bpy.ops.mesh.rip_edge_move('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return {'FINISHED'} lverts = cface.verts # create triangle with correct normal orientation # if You looking at that part - yeah... I know. I still dont get how blender calculates normals... # from L to R if dist1 < dist2: if (lverts[0] == v_active and lverts[3] == c_verts[0]) \ or (lverts[2] == v_active and lverts[1] == c_verts[0]) \ or (lverts[1] == v_active and lverts[0] == c_verts[0]) \ or (lverts[3] == v_active and lverts[2] == c_verts[0]): v_new = bm.verts.new(v_active.co) face_new = bm.faces.new((c_verts[0], v_new, v_active)) elif (lverts[1] == v_active and lverts[2] == c_verts[0]) \ or (lverts[0] == v_active and lverts[1] == c_verts[0]) \ or (lverts[3] == v_active and lverts[0] == c_verts[0]) \ or (lverts[2] == v_active and lverts[3] == c_verts[0]): v_new = bm.verts.new(v_active.co) face_new = bm.faces.new((v_active, v_new, c_verts[0])) else: pass # from R to L else: if (lverts[2] == v_active and lverts[3] == c_verts[1]) \ or (lverts[0] == v_active and lverts[1] == c_verts[1]) \ or (lverts[1] == v_active and lverts[2] == c_verts[1]) \ or (lverts[3] == v_active and lverts[0] == c_verts[1]): v_new = bm.verts.new(v_active.co) face_new = bm.faces.new((v_active, v_new, c_verts[1])) elif (lverts[0] == v_active and lverts[3] == c_verts[1]) \ or (lverts[2] == v_active and lverts[1] == c_verts[1]) \ or (lverts[1] == v_active and lverts[0] == c_verts[1]) \ or (lverts[3] == v_active and lverts[2] == c_verts[1]): v_new = bm.verts.new(v_active.co) face_new = bm.faces.new((c_verts[1], v_new, v_active)) else: pass # set smooth and mat based on starting face if addon_prefs.tris_from_v_mat: face_new.material_index = bpy.context.object.active_material_index else: face_new.material_index = mat_index face_new.smooth = smooth # update normals bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') v_new.select = True bm.select_history.add(v_new) bm.normal_update() bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bpy.ops.transform.translate('INVOKE_DEFAULT') def checkforconnected(connection): obj = bpy.context.object me = obj.data bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) # Checks for number of edes or faces connected to selected vertex for v in bm.verts: if v.select: v_active = v if connection == 'faces': linked = v_active.link_faces elif connection == 'edges': linked = v_active.link_edges bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) return len(linked) # autograb preference in addons panel class F2AddonPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences): bl_idname = __name__ adjustuv : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Adjust UV", description="Automatically update UV unwrapping", default=False) autograb : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Auto Grab", description="Automatically puts a newly created vertex in grab mode", default=True) extendvert : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Enable Extend Vert", description="Enables a way to build tris and quads by adding verts", default=False) quad_from_e_mat : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Quad From Edge", description="Use active material for created face instead of close one", default=True) quad_from_v_mat : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Quad From Vert", description="Use active material for created face instead of close one", default=True) tris_from_v_mat : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Tris From Vert", description="Use active material for created face instead of close one", default=True) ngons_v_mat : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Ngons", description="Use active material for created face instead of close one", default=True) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column() col.label(text="behaviours:") col.prop(self, "autograb") col.prop(self, "adjustuv") col.prop(self, "extendvert") col = layout.column() col.label(text="use active material when creating:") col.prop(self, "quad_from_e_mat") col.prop(self, "quad_from_v_mat") col.prop(self, "tris_from_v_mat") col.prop(self, "ngons_v_mat") class MeshF2(bpy.types.Operator): """Tooltip""" bl_idname = "mesh.f2" bl_label = "Make Edge/Face" bl_description = "Extends the 'Make Edge/Face' functionality" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): # check we are in mesh editmode ob = context.active_object return (ob and ob.type == 'MESH' and context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH') def usequad(self, bm, sel, context, event): quad_from_vertex(bm, sel, context, event) if __name__ != '__main__': addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences if addon_prefs.autograb: bpy.ops.transform.translate('INVOKE_DEFAULT') def invoke(self, context, event): bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(context.active_object.data) sel = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(sel) > 2: # original 'Make Edge/Face' behaviour try: bpy.ops.mesh.edge_face_add('INVOKE_DEFAULT') addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences if addon_prefs.ngons_v_mat: bpy.ops.object.material_slot_assign() except: return {'CANCELLED'} elif len(sel) == 1: # single vertex selected -> mirror vertex and create new face addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences if addon_prefs.extendvert: if checkforconnected('faces') in [2]: if checkforconnected('edges') in [3]: expand_vert(self, context, event) else: self.usequad(bm, sel[0], context, event) elif checkforconnected('faces') in [1]: if checkforconnected('edges') in [2]: expand_vert(self, context, event) else: self.usequad(bm, sel[0], context, event) else: self.usequad(bm, sel[0], context, event) else: self.usequad(bm, sel[0], context, event) elif len(sel) == 2: edges_sel = [ed for ed in bm.edges if ed.select] if len(edges_sel) != 1: # 2 vertices selected, but not on the same edge bpy.ops.mesh.edge_face_add() else: # single edge selected -> new face from linked open edges quad_from_edge(bm, edges_sel[0], context, event) return {'FINISHED'} # registration classes = [MeshF2, F2AddonPreferences] addon_keymaps = [] def register(): # add operator for c in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(c) # add keymap entry kcfg = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.addon if kcfg: km = kcfg.keymaps.new(name='Mesh', space_type='EMPTY') kmi = km.keymap_items.new("mesh.f2", 'F', 'PRESS') addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi.idname)) def unregister(): # remove keymap entry for km, kmi_idname in addon_keymaps: for kmi in km.keymap_items: if kmi.idname == kmi_idname: km.keymap_items.remove(kmi) addon_keymaps.clear() # remove operator and preferences for c in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(c) if __name__ == "__main__": register()