#=============================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Duclos # # This file is part of eos. # # eos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # eos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with eos. If not, see . #=============================================================================== from eos.effectHandlerHelpers import HandledList, HandledModuleList, HandledDroneList, HandledImplantBoosterList, \ HandledProjectedFitList, HandledProjectedModList, HandledProjectedDroneList from eos.modifiedAttributeDict import ModifiedAttributeDict from sqlalchemy.orm import validates, reconstructor from itertools import chain from eos import capSim from copy import deepcopy from math import sqrt, log, asinh from eos.types import Drone, Ship, Character, State, Slot, Module, Implant, Booster, Skill from eos.saveddata.module import State import re import xml.dom import time try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: from gui.utils.compat import OrderedDict class Fit(object): """Represents a fitting, with modules, ship, implants, etc.""" EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES = {"armorRepair": 0, "hullRepair": 0, "shieldRepair": 0, "maxActiveDrones": 0, "maxTargetsLockedFromSkills": 2, "droneControlRange": 20000, "cloaked": False, "siege": False} PEAK_RECHARGE = 0.25 def __init__(self): self.__modules = HandledModuleList() self.__drones = HandledDroneList() self.__implants = HandledImplantBoosterList() self.__boosters = HandledImplantBoosterList() self.__projectedFits = HandledProjectedFitList() self.__projectedModules = HandledProjectedModList() self.__projectedDrones = HandledProjectedDroneList() self.__character = None self.__owner = None self.shipID = None self.projected = False self.name = "" self.fleet = None self.boostsFits = set() self.gangBoosts = None self.timestamp = time.time() self.build() @classmethod def importAuto(cls, string, sourceFileName=None): # Get first line and strip space symbols of it # to avoid possible detection errors firstLine = re.split("[\n\r]+", string, maxsplit=1)[0] firstLine = firstLine.strip() # If we have ".*", firstLine) if chatDna: return "DNA", (cls.importDna(chatDna.group(1)),) # If we have a CREST kill link killLink = re.search("http://public-crest.eveonline.com/killmails/(.*)/", firstLine) if killLink: return "CREST", (cls.importCrest(tuple(killLink.group(1).split("/"))),) # If we have ".*", firstLine) if killReport: return "CREST", (cls.importCrest(tuple(killReport.group(1).split(":"))),) # If XML-style start of tag encountered, detect as XML if re.match("<", firstLine): return "XML", cls.importXml(string) # If we've got source file name which is used to describe ship name # and first line contains something like [setup name], detect as eft config file elif re.match("\[.*\]", firstLine) and sourceFileName is not None: shipName = sourceFileName.rsplit('.')[0] return "EFT Config", cls.importEftCfg(shipName, string) # If no file is specified and there's comma between brackets, # consider that we have [ship, setup name] and detect like eft export format elif re.match("\[.*,.*\]", firstLine): return "EFT", (cls.importEft(string),) # Use DNA format for all other cases else: return "DNA", (cls.importDna(string),) @classmethod def importCrest(cls, info): from eos import db import urllib2 import json try: response = urllib2.urlopen("https://public-crest.eveonline.com/killmails/%s/%s/" % info) except: return kill = (json.loads(response.read()))['victim'] fit = Fit() fit.ship = Ship(db.getItem(kill['shipType']['name'])) fit.name = "CREST: %s's %s" % (kill['character']['name'], kill['shipType']['name']) # sort based on flag to get proper rack position items = sorted(kill['items'], key=lambda k: k['flag']) # We create a relation between module flag and module position on fit at time of append: # this allows us to know which module to apply charges to if need be (see below) flagMap = {} # Charges may show up before or after the module. We process modules first, # storing any charges that are fitted in a dict and noting their flag (module). charges = {} for mod in items: if mod['flag'] == 5: # throw out cargo continue item = db.getItem(mod['itemType']['name'], eager="group.category") if item.category.name == "Drone": d = Drone(item) d.amount = mod['quantityDropped'] if 'quantityDropped' in mod else mod['quantityDestroyed'] fit.drones.append(d) elif item.category.name == "Charge": charges[mod['flag']] = item else: m = Module(item) if m.isValidState(State.ACTIVE): m.state = State.ACTIVE fit.modules.append(m) flagMap[mod['flag']] = fit.modules.index(m) for flag, item in charges.items(): # we do not need to verify valid charge as it comes directly from CCP fit.modules[flagMap[flag]].charge = item return fit @classmethod def importDna(cls, string): from eos import db info = string.split(":") f = Fit() f.ship = Ship(db.getItem(int(info[0]))) f.name = "{0} - DNA Imported".format(f.ship.item.name) for itemInfo in info[1:]: if itemInfo: itemID, amount = itemInfo.split(";") item = db.getItem(int(itemID), eager="group.category") if item.category.name == "Drone": d = Drone(item) d.amount = int(amount) f.drones.append(d) elif item.category.name == "Charge": for i in xrange(int(amount)): for mod in f.modules: if (mod.isValidCharge(item) and mod.charge == None): mod.charge = item break; else: for i in xrange(int(amount)): try: m = Module(item) f.modules.append(m) except: pass if m.isValidState(State.ACTIVE): m.state = State.ACTIVE return f @classmethod def importEft(cls, eftString): from eos import db offineSuffix = " /OFFLINE" fit = cls() eftString = eftString.strip() lines = re.split('[\n\r]+', eftString) info = lines[0][1:-1].split(",", 1) if len(info) == 2: shipType = info[0].strip() fitName = info[1].strip() else: shipType = info[0].strip() fitName = "Imported %s" % shipType try: fit.ship = Ship(db.getItem(shipType)) fit.name = fitName except: return droneMap = {} for i in range(1, len(lines)): line = lines[i].strip() if not line: continue setOffline = line.endswith(offineSuffix) if setOffline == True: line = line[:len(line) - len(offineSuffix)] modAmmo = line.split(",") modDrone = modAmmo[0].split(" x") if len(modAmmo) == 2: ammoName = modAmmo[1].strip() else: ammoName = None modName = modDrone[0].strip() if len(modDrone) == 2: droneAmount = modDrone[1].strip() else: droneAmount = None try: item = db.getItem(modName, eager="group.category") except: try: item = db.getItem(modAmmo[0], eager="group.category") except: continue if item.category.name == "Drone": droneAmount = int(droneAmount) if droneAmount is not None else 1 if not modName in droneMap: droneMap[modName] = 0 droneMap[modName] += droneAmount elif item.category.name == "Implant": fit.implants.append(Implant(item)) else: try: m = Module(item) except ValueError: continue if ammoName: try: m.charge = db.getItem(ammoName) except: pass if setOffline == True and m.isValidState(State.OFFLINE): m.state = State.OFFLINE elif m.isValidState(State.ACTIVE): m.state = State.ACTIVE fit.modules.append(m) for droneName in droneMap: d = Drone(db.getItem(droneName)) d.amount = droneMap[droneName] fit.drones.append(d) return fit @classmethod def importEftCfg(cls, shipname, contents): """Handle import from EFT config store file""" # Check if we have such ship in database, bail if we don't from eos import db try: db.getItem(shipname) except: return # If client didn't take care of encoding file contents into Unicode, # do it using fallback encoding ourselves if isinstance(contents, str): contents = unicode(contents, "cp1252") # List for fits fits = [] # List for starting line numbers for each fit fitIndices = [] # Separate string into lines lines = re.split('[\n\r]+', contents) for line in lines: # Detect fit header if line[:1] == "[" and line[-1:] == "]": # Line index where current fit starts startPos = lines.index(line) fitIndices.append(startPos) for i, startPos in enumerate(fitIndices): # End position is last file line if we're trying to get it for last fit, # or start position of next fit minus 1 endPos = len(lines) if i == len(fitIndices) - 1 else fitIndices[i + 1] # Finally, get lines for current fitting fitLines = lines[startPos:endPos] try: # Create fit object f = Fit() # Strip square brackets and pull out a fit name f.name = fitLines[0][1:-1] # Assign ship to fitting f.ship = Ship(db.getItem(shipname)) for i in range(1, len(fitLines)): line = fitLines[i] # Parse line into some data we will need misc = re.match("(Drones|Implant|Booster)_(Active|Inactive)=(.+)",line) if misc: entityType = misc.group(1) entityState = misc.group(2) entityData = misc.group(3) if entityType == "Drones": droneData = re.match("(.+),([0-9]+)", entityData) # Get drone name and attempt to detect drone number droneName = droneData.group(1) if droneData else entityData droneAmount = int(droneData.group(2)) if droneData else 1 # Bail if we can't get item or it's not from drone category try: droneItem = db.getItem(droneName, eager="group.category") except: continue if droneItem.category.name != "Drone": continue # Add drone to the fitting d = Drone(droneItem) d.amount = droneAmount if entityState == "Active": d.amountActive = droneAmount elif entityState == "Inactive": d.amountActive = 0 f.drones.append(d) elif entityType == "Implant": # Bail if we can't get item or it's not from implant category try: implantItem = db.getItem(entityData, eager="group.category") except: continue if implantItem.category.name != "Implant": continue # Add implant to the fitting imp = Implant(implantItem) if entityState == "Active": imp.active = True elif entityState == "Inactive": imp.active = False f.implants.append(imp) elif entityType == "Booster": # Bail if we can't get item or it's not from implant category try: boosterItem = db.getItem(entityData, eager="group.category") except: continue # All boosters have implant category if boosterItem.category.name != "Implant": continue # Add booster to the fitting b = Booster(boosterItem) if entityState == "Active": b.active = True elif entityState == "Inactive": b.active = False f.boosters.append(b) # If we don't have any prefixes, then it's a module else: withCharge = re.match("(.+),(.+)", line) modName = withCharge.group(1) if withCharge else line chargeName = withCharge.group(2) if withCharge else None # If we can't get module item, skip it try: modItem = db.getItem(modName) except: continue # Create module and activate it if it's activable m = Module(modItem) if m.isValidState(State.ACTIVE): m.state = State.ACTIVE # Add charge to mod if applicable, on any errors just don't add anything if chargeName: try: chargeItem = db.getItem(chargeName, eager="group.category") if chargeItem.category.name == "Charge": m.charge = chargeItem except: pass # Append module to fit f.modules.append(m) # Append fit to list of fits fits.append(f) # Skip fit silently if we get an exception except Exception: pass return fits @classmethod def importXml(cls, text): doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(text.encode("utf-8")) fittings = doc.getElementsByTagName("fittings").item(0) fittings = fittings.getElementsByTagName("fitting") fits = [] from eos import db for fitting in fittings: f = Fit() f.name = fitting.getAttribute("name") # Maelstrom shipType = fitting.getElementsByTagName("shipType").item(0).getAttribute("value") try: f.ship = Ship(db.getItem(shipType)) except: continue hardwares = fitting.getElementsByTagName("hardware") for hardware in hardwares: try: moduleName = hardware.getAttribute("type") try: item = db.getItem(moduleName, eager="group.category") except: continue if item: if item.category.name == "Drone": d = Drone(item) d.amount = int(hardware.getAttribute("qty")) f.drones.append(d) else: try: m = Module(item) # When item can't be added to any slot (unknown item or just charge), ignore it except ValueError: continue if m.isValidState(State.ACTIVE): m.state = State.ACTIVE f.modules.append(m) except KeyboardInterrupt: continue fits.append(f) return fits EXPORT_ORDER_EFT = [Slot.LOW, Slot.MED, Slot.HIGH, Slot.RIG, Slot.SUBSYSTEM] def exportEft(self): offineSuffix = " /OFFLINE" export = "[%s, %s]\n" % (self.ship.item.name, self.name) stuff = {} for module in self.modules: slot = module.slot if not slot in stuff: stuff[slot] = [] curr = module.item.name if module.item else ("[Empty %s slot]" % Slot.getName(slot).capitalize() if slot is not None else "") if module.charge: curr += ", %s" % module.charge.name if module.state == State.OFFLINE: curr += offineSuffix curr += "\n" stuff[slot].append(curr) for slotType in self.EXPORT_ORDER_EFT: data = stuff.get(slotType) if data is not None: export += "\n" for curr in data: export += curr if len(self.drones) > 0: export += "\n\n" for drone in self.drones: export += "%s x%s\n" % (drone.item.name, drone.amount) if export[-1] == "\n": export = export[:-1] return export def exportEftImps(self): export = self.exportEft() if len(self.implants) > 0: export += "\n\n\n" for implant in self.implants: export += "%s\n" % (implant.item.name) if export[-1] == "\n": export = export[:-1] return export def exportDna(self): dna = str(self.shipID) mods = OrderedDict() charges = OrderedDict() for mod in self.modules: if not mod.isEmpty: if not mod.itemID in mods: mods[mod.itemID] = 0 mods[mod.itemID] += 1 if mod.charge: if not mod.chargeID in charges: charges[mod.chargeID] = 0 # `or 1` because some charges (ie scripts) are without qty charges[mod.chargeID] += mod.numShots or 1 for mod in mods: dna += ":{0};{1}".format(mod, mods[mod]) for drone in self.drones: dna += ":{0};{1}".format(drone.itemID, drone.amount) for charge in charges: dna += ":{0};{1}".format(charge, charges[charge]) return dna + "::" @classmethod def exportXml(cls, *fits): doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() fittings = doc.createElement("fittings") doc.appendChild(fittings) for fit in fits: fitting = doc.createElement("fitting") fitting.setAttribute("name", fit.name) fittings.appendChild(fitting) description = doc.createElement("description") description.setAttribute("value", "") fitting.appendChild(description) shipType = doc.createElement("shipType") shipType.setAttribute("value", fit.ship.item.name) fitting.appendChild(shipType) charges = {} slotNum = {} for module in fit.modules: if module.isEmpty: continue slot = module.slot if not slot in slotNum: slotNum[slot] = 0 slotId = slotNum[slot] slotNum[slot] += 1 hardware = doc.createElement("hardware") hardware.setAttribute("type", module.item.name) slotName = Slot.getName(slot).lower() slotName = slotName if slotName != "high" else "hi" hardware.setAttribute("slot", "%s slot %d" % (slotName, slotId)) fitting.appendChild(hardware) if module.charge: if not module.charge.name in charges: charges[module.charge.name] = 0 # `or 1` because some charges (ie scripts) are without qty charges[module.charge.name] += module.numShots or 1 for drone in fit.drones: hardware = doc.createElement("hardware") hardware.setAttribute("qty", "%d" % drone.amount) hardware.setAttribute("slot", "drone bay") hardware.setAttribute("type", drone.item.name) fitting.appendChild(hardware) for name, qty in charges.items(): hardware = doc.createElement("hardware") hardware.setAttribute("qty", "%d" % qty) hardware.setAttribute("slot", "cargo") hardware.setAttribute("type", name) fitting.appendChild(hardware) return doc.toprettyxml() @reconstructor def init(self): self.build() def build(self): from eos import db self.__extraDrains = [] self.__ehp = None self.__weaponDPS = None self.__weaponVolley = None self.__droneDPS = None self.__sustainableTank = None self.__effectiveSustainableTank = None self.__effectiveTank = None self.__calculated = False self.__capStable = None self.__capState = None self.__capUsed = None self.__capRecharge = None self.__calculatedTargets = [] self.factorReload = False self.fleet = None self.boostsFits = set() self.gangBoosts = None self.extraAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict(self) self.extraAttributes.original = self.EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES self.ship = Ship(db.getItem(self.shipID)) if self.shipID is not None else None @property def damagePattern(self): return self.__damagePattern @damagePattern.setter def damagePattern(self, damagePattern): self.__damagePattern = damagePattern self.__ehp = None self.__effectiveTank = None @property def character(self): return self.__character if self.__character is not None else Character.getAll0() @character.setter def character(self, char): self.__character = char @property def ship(self): return self.__ship @ship.setter def ship(self, ship): self.__ship = ship self.shipID = ship.item.ID if ship is not None else None @property def drones(self): return self.__drones @property def modules(self): return self.__modules @property def implants(self): return self.__implants @property def boosters(self): return self.__boosters @property def projectedModules(self): return self.__projectedModules @property def projectedFits(self): return self.__projectedFits @property def projectedDrones(self): return self.__projectedDrones @property def weaponDPS(self): if self.__weaponDPS is None: self.calculateWeaponStats() return self.__weaponDPS @property def weaponVolley(self): if self.__weaponVolley is None: self.calculateWeaponStats() return self.__weaponVolley @property def droneDPS(self): if self.__droneDPS is None: self.calculateWeaponStats() return self.__droneDPS @property def totalDPS(self): return self.droneDPS + self.weaponDPS @property def maxTargets(self): return min(self.extraAttributes["maxTargetsLockedFromSkills"], self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("maxLockedTargets")) @property def maxTargetRange(self): return min(self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("maxTargetRange"), 250000) @property def scanStrength(self): return max([self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("scan%sStrength" % scanType) for scanType in ("Magnetometric", "Ladar", "Radar", "Gravimetric")]) @property def scanType(self): maxStr = -1 type = None for scanType in ("Magnetometric", "Ladar", "Radar", "Gravimetric"): currStr = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("scan%sStrength" % scanType) if currStr > maxStr: maxStr = currStr type = scanType elif currStr == maxStr: type = "Multispectral" return type @property def alignTime(self): agility = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("agility") mass = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("mass") return -log(0.25) * agility * mass / 1000000 @property def appliedImplants(self): implantsBySlot = {} if self.character: for implant in self.character.implants: implantsBySlot[implant.slot] = implant for implant in self.implants: implantsBySlot[implant.slot] = implant return implantsBySlot.values() @validates("ID", "ownerID", "shipID") def validator(self, key, val): map = {"ID": lambda val: isinstance(val, int), "ownerID" : lambda val: isinstance(val, int), "shipID" : lambda val: isinstance(val, int) or val is None} if map[key](val) == False: raise ValueError(str(val) + " is not a valid value for " + key) else: return val def clear(self): self.__effectiveTank = None self.__weaponDPS = None self.__weaponVolley = None self.__effectiveSustainableTank = None self.__sustainableTank = None self.__droneDPS = None self.__ehp = None self.__calculated = False self.__capStable = None self.__capState = None self.__capUsed = None self.__capRecharge = None del self.__calculatedTargets[:] del self.__extraDrains[:] if self.ship is not None: self.ship.clear() c = chain(self.modules, self.drones, self.boosters, self.implants, self.projectedDrones, self.projectedModules, self.projectedFits, (self.character, self.extraAttributes)) for stuff in c: if stuff is not None and stuff != self: stuff.clear() #Methods to register and get the thing currently affecting the fit, #so we can correctly map "Affected By" def register(self, currModifier): self.__modifier = currModifier if hasattr(currModifier, "itemModifiedAttributes"): currModifier.itemModifiedAttributes.fit = self if hasattr(currModifier, "chargeModifiedAttributes"): currModifier.chargeModifiedAttributes.fit = self def getModifier(self): return self.__modifier def calculateModifiedAttributes(self, targetFit=None, withBoosters=False, dirtyStorage=None): refreshBoosts = False if withBoosters is True: refreshBoosts = True if dirtyStorage is not None and self.ID in dirtyStorage: refreshBoosts = True if dirtyStorage is not None: dirtyStorage.update(self.boostsFits) if self.fleet is not None and refreshBoosts is True: self.gangBoosts = self.fleet.recalculateLinear(withBoosters=withBoosters, dirtyStorage=dirtyStorage) elif self.fleet is None: self.gangBoosts = None if dirtyStorage is not None: try: dirtyStorage.remove(self.ID) except KeyError: pass # If we're not explicitly asked to project fit onto something, # set self as target fit if targetFit is None: targetFit = self forceProjected = False # Else, we're checking all target projectee fits elif targetFit not in self.__calculatedTargets: self.__calculatedTargets.append(targetFit) targetFit.calculateModifiedAttributes(dirtyStorage=dirtyStorage) forceProjected = True # Or do nothing if target fit is calculated else: return # If fit is calculated and we have nothing to do here, get out if self.__calculated == True and forceProjected == False: return # Mark fit as calculated self.__calculated = True # There's a few things to keep in mind here # 1: Early effects first, then regular ones, then late ones, regardless of anything else # 2: Some effects aren't implemented # 3: Some effects are implemented poorly and will just explode on us # 4: Errors should be handled gracefully and preferably without crashing unless serious for runTime in ("early", "normal", "late"): # Build a little chain of stuff # Avoid adding projected drones and modules when fit is projected onto self # TODO: remove this workaround when proper self-projection using virtual duplicate fits is implemented if targetFit == self and forceProjected is True: c = chain((self.character, self.ship), self.drones, self.boosters, self.appliedImplants, self.modules) else: c = chain((self.character, self.ship), self.drones, self.boosters, self.appliedImplants, self.modules, self.projectedDrones, self.projectedModules) for item in c: # Registering the item about to affect the fit allows us to track "Affected By" relations correctly if item is not None: self.register(item) item.calculateModifiedAttributes(self, runTime, False) if forceProjected is True: targetFit.register(item) item.calculateModifiedAttributes(targetFit, runTime, True) if self.gangBoosts is not None: #print self.gangBoosts contextMap = {Skill: "skill", Ship: "ship", Module: "module", Implant: "implant"} for name, info in self.gangBoosts.iteritems(): # Unpack all data required to run effect properly effect, thing = info[1] if effect.runTime == runTime: context = ("gang", contextMap[type(thing)]) if isinstance(thing, Module): if effect.isType("offline") or (effect.isType("passive") and thing.state >= State.ONLINE) or \ (effect.isType("active") and thing.state >= State.ACTIVE): # Run effect, and get proper bonuses applied try: effect.handler(targetFit, thing, context) except: pass else: # Run effect, and get proper bonuses applied try: effect.handler(targetFit, thing, context) except: pass for fit in self.projectedFits: fit.calculateModifiedAttributes(self, dirtyStorage=dirtyStorage) def fill(self): """ Fill this fit's module slots with enough dummy slots so that all slots are used. This is mostly for making the life of gui's easier. GUI's can call fill() and then stop caring about empty slots completely. """ if self.ship is None: return for slotType in (Slot.LOW, Slot.MED, Slot.HIGH, Slot.RIG, Slot.SUBSYSTEM): amount = self.getSlotsFree(slotType, True) if amount > 0: for _ in xrange(int(amount)): self.modules.append(Module.buildEmpty(slotType)) if amount < 0: #Look for any dummies of that type to remove toRemove = [] for mod in self.modules: if mod.isEmpty and mod.slot == slotType: toRemove.append(mod) amount += 1 if amount == 0: break for mod in toRemove: self.modules.remove(mod) def unfill(self): for i in xrange(len(self.modules) - 1, -1, -1): mod = self.modules[i] if mod.isEmpty: del self.modules[i] def getItemAttrSum(self, dict, attr): amount = 0 for mod in dict: add = mod.getModifiedItemAttr(attr) if add is not None: amount += add return amount def getItemAttrOnlineSum(self, dict, attr): amount = 0 for mod in dict: add = mod.getModifiedItemAttr(attr) if mod.state >= State.ONLINE else None if add is not None: amount += add return amount def getHardpointsUsed(self, type): amount = 0 for mod in self.modules: if mod.hardpoint is type and not mod.isEmpty: amount += 1 return amount def getSlotsUsed(self, type, countDummies=False): amount = 0 for mod in self.modules: if mod.slot is type and (not mod.isEmpty or countDummies): amount += 1 return amount def getSlotsFree(self, type, countDummies=False): slots = {Slot.LOW: "lowSlots", Slot.MED: "medSlots", Slot.HIGH: "hiSlots", Slot.RIG: "rigSlots", Slot.SUBSYSTEM: "maxSubSystems"} slotsUsed = self.getSlotsUsed(type, countDummies) totalSlots = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(slots[type]) or 0 return int(totalSlots - slotsUsed) @property def calibrationUsed(self): return self.getItemAttrSum(self.modules, 'upgradeCost') @property def pgUsed(self): return self.getItemAttrOnlineSum(self.modules, "power") @property def cpuUsed(self): return self.getItemAttrOnlineSum(self.modules, "cpu") @property def droneBandwidthUsed(self): amount = 0 for d in self.drones: amount += d.getModifiedItemAttr("droneBandwidthUsed") * d.amountActive return amount @property def droneBayUsed(self): amount = 0 for d in self.drones: amount += d.item.volume * d.amount return amount @property def activeDrones(self): amount = 0 for d in self.drones: amount +=d.amountActive return amount # Expresses how difficult a target is to probe down with scan probes # If this is <1.08, the ship is unproabeable @property def probeSize(self): sigRad = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("signatureRadius") sensorStr = float(self.scanStrength) probeSize = sigRad / sensorStr if sensorStr != 0 else None # http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1532170&page=2#42 if probeSize is not None: # http://forum.eve-ru.com/index.php?showtopic=74195&view=findpost&p=1333691 # http://forum.eve-ru.com/index.php?showtopic=74195&view=findpost&p=1333763 # Tests by tester128 and several conclusions by me, prove that cap is in range # from 1.1 to 1.12, we're picking average value probeSize = max(probeSize, 1.11) return probeSize @property def warpSpeed(self): base = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("baseWarpSpeed") or 1 multiplier = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("warpSpeedMultiplier") or 1 return base * multiplier @property def maxWarpDistance(self): capacity = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorCapacity") mass = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("mass") warpCapNeed = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("warpCapacitorNeed") return capacity / (mass * warpCapNeed) @property def capStable(self): if self.__capStable is None: self.simulateCap() return self.__capStable @property def capState(self): """ If the cap is stable, the capacitor state is the % at which it is stable. If the cap is unstable, this is the amount of time before it runs out """ if self.__capState is None: self.simulateCap() return self.__capState @property def capUsed(self): if self.__capUsed is None: self.simulateCap() return self.__capUsed @property def capRecharge(self): if self.__capRecharge is None: self.simulateCap() return self.__capRecharge @property def sustainableTank(self): if self.__sustainableTank is None: self.calculateSustainableTank() return self.__sustainableTank def calculateSustainableTank(self, effective=True): if self.__sustainableTank is None: if self.capStable: sustainable = {} sustainable["armorRepair"] = self.extraAttributes["armorRepair"] sustainable["shieldRepair"] = self.extraAttributes["shieldRepair"] sustainable["hullRepair"] = self.extraAttributes["hullRepair"] else: sustainable = {} repairers = [] #Map a repairer type to the attribute it uses groupAttrMap = {"Armor Repair Unit": "armorDamageAmount", "Fueled Armor Repairer": "armorDamageAmount", "Hull Repair Unit": "structureDamageAmount", "Shield Booster": "shieldBonus", "Fueled Shield Booster": "shieldBonus", "Remote Armor Repairer": "armorDamageAmount", "Remote Shield Booster": "shieldBonus"} #Map repairer type to attribute groupStoreMap = {"Armor Repair Unit": "armorRepair", "Hull Repair Unit": "hullRepair", "Shield Booster": "shieldRepair", "Fueled Shield Booster": "shieldRepair", "Remote Armor Repairer": "armorRepair", "Remote Shield Booster": "shieldRepair", "Fueled Armor Repairer": "armorRepair",} capUsed = self.capUsed for attr in ("shieldRepair", "armorRepair", "hullRepair"): sustainable[attr] = self.extraAttributes[attr] dict = self.extraAttributes.getAfflictions(attr) if self in dict: for mod, _, amount in dict[self]: if mod.projected is False: usesCap = True try: if mod.capUse: capUsed -= mod.capUse else: usesCap = False except AttributeError: usesCap = False # Modules which do not use cap are not penalized based on cap use if usesCap: cycleTime = mod.getModifiedItemAttr("duration") amount = mod.getModifiedItemAttr(groupAttrMap[mod.item.group.name]) sustainable[attr] -= amount / (cycleTime / 1000.0) repairers.append(mod) #Sort repairers by efficiency. We want to use the most efficient repairers first repairers.sort(key=lambda mod: mod.getModifiedItemAttr(groupAttrMap[mod.item.group.name]) / mod.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorNeed"), reverse = True) #Loop through every module until we're above peak recharge #Most efficient first, as we sorted earlier. #calculate how much the repper can rep stability & add to total totalPeakRecharge = self.capRecharge for mod in repairers: if capUsed > totalPeakRecharge: break cycleTime = mod.cycleTime capPerSec = mod.capUse if capPerSec is not None and cycleTime is not None: #Check how much this repper can work sustainability = min(1, (totalPeakRecharge - capUsed) / capPerSec) #Add the sustainable amount amount = mod.getModifiedItemAttr(groupAttrMap[mod.item.group.name]) sustainable[groupStoreMap[mod.item.group.name]] += sustainability * (amount / (cycleTime / 1000.0)) capUsed += capPerSec sustainable["passiveShield"] = self.calculateShieldRecharge() self.__sustainableTank = sustainable return self.__sustainableTank def calculateCapRecharge(self, percent = PEAK_RECHARGE): capacity = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorCapacity") rechargeRate = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("rechargeRate") / 1000.0 return 10 / rechargeRate * sqrt(percent) * (1 - sqrt(percent)) * capacity def calculateShieldRecharge(self, percent = PEAK_RECHARGE): capacity = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldCapacity") rechargeRate = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldRechargeRate") / 1000.0 return 10 / rechargeRate * sqrt(percent) * (1 - sqrt(percent)) * capacity def addDrain(self, cycleTime, capNeed, clipSize=0): self.__extraDrains.append((cycleTime, capNeed, clipSize)) def removeDrain(self, i): del self.__extraDrains[i] def iterDrains(self): return self.__extraDrains.__iter__() def __generateDrain(self): drains = [] capUsed = 0 capAdded = 0 for mod in self.modules: if mod.state >= State.ACTIVE: cycleTime = mod.rawCycleTime or 0 reactivationTime = mod.getModifiedItemAttr("moduleReactivationDelay") or 0 fullCycleTime = cycleTime + reactivationTime if fullCycleTime > 0: capNeed = mod.capUse if capNeed > 0: capUsed += capNeed else: capAdded -= capNeed drains.append((int(fullCycleTime), mod.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorNeed") or 0, mod.numShots or 0)) for fullCycleTime, capNeed, clipSize in self.iterDrains(): drains.append((int(fullCycleTime), capNeed, clipSize)) if capNeed > 0: capUsed += capNeed / (fullCycleTime / 1000.0) else: capAdded += -capNeed / (fullCycleTime / 1000.0) return drains, capUsed, capAdded def simulateCap(self): drains, self.__capUsed, self.__capRecharge = self.__generateDrain() self.__capRecharge += self.calculateCapRecharge() if len(drains) > 0: sim = capSim.CapSimulator() sim.init(drains) sim.capacitorCapacity = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorCapacity") sim.capacitorRecharge = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("rechargeRate") sim.stagger = True sim.scale = False sim.t_max = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000 sim.reload = self.factorReload sim.run() capState = (sim.cap_stable_low + sim.cap_stable_high) / (2 * sim.capacitorCapacity) self.__capStable = capState > 0 self.__capState = min(100, capState * 100) if self.__capStable else sim.t / 1000.0 else: self.__capStable = True self.__capState = 100 @property def hp(self): hp = {} for (type, attr) in (('shield', 'shieldCapacity'), ('armor', 'armorHP'), ('hull', 'hp')): hp[type] = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(attr) return hp @property def ehp(self): if self.__ehp is None: if self.damagePattern is None: ehp = self.hp else: ehp = self.damagePattern.calculateEhp(self) self.__ehp = ehp return self.__ehp @property def tank(self): hps = {"passiveShield" : self.calculateShieldRecharge()} for type in ("shield", "armor", "hull"): hps["%sRepair" % type] = self.extraAttributes["%sRepair" % type] return hps @property def effectiveTank(self): if self.__effectiveTank is None: if self.damagePattern is None: ehps = self.tank else: ehps = self.damagePattern.calculateEffectiveTank(self, self.extraAttributes) self.__effectiveTank = ehps return self.__effectiveTank @property def effectiveSustainableTank(self): if self.__effectiveSustainableTank is None: if self.damagePattern is None: eshps = self.sustainableTank else: eshps = self.damagePattern.calculateEffectiveTank(self, self.sustainableTank) self.__effectiveSustainableTank = eshps return self.__effectiveSustainableTank def calculateLockTime(self, radius): scanRes = self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("scanResolution") if scanRes is not None and scanRes > 0: # Yes, this function returns time in seconds, not miliseconds. # 40,000 is indeed the correct constant here. return min(40000 / scanRes / asinh(radius)**2, 30*60) else: return self.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("scanSpeed") / 1000.0 def calculateWeaponStats(self): weaponDPS = 0 droneDPS = 0 weaponVolley = 0 for mod in self.modules: dps, volley = mod.damageStats weaponDPS += dps weaponVolley += volley for drone in self.drones: droneDPS += drone.dps self.__weaponDPS = weaponDPS self.__weaponVolley = weaponVolley self.__droneDPS = droneDPS @property def fits(self): for mod in self.modules: if not mod.fits(self): return False return True def __deepcopy__(self, memo): copy = Fit() #Character and owner are not copied copy.character = self.__character copy.owner = self.owner copy.ship = deepcopy(self.ship, memo) copy.name = "%s copy" % self.name copy.damagePattern = self.damagePattern toCopy = ("modules", "drones", "implants", "boosters", "projectedModules", "projectedDrones") for name in toCopy: orig = getattr(self, name) c = getattr(copy, name) for i in orig: c.append(deepcopy(i, memo)) for fit in self.projectedFits: copy.projectedFits.append(fit) return copy