This is Block Attack - Rise of the Blocks - version 2.0.0 This is the largest change since 1.1.0 more than ten years ago! The game now uses SDL2 and have a more keyboard, game pad and even touch friendly design! Compared to the old 1.4.2 a number of changes: * Uses SDL2. This means textures and sprites instead of old surfaces. * New config file format * TTF font support * Translation support (includes a Danish translation) * New keyboard and game controller friendly menu system * Better behind the scenes handling * Build by a CMake system * Location of saved games changed in Linux * Better game controller support (although limited to SDL2 supported controllers) * Better mouse play * More modern icon * Linux saves are now stored under $HOME/.local/share/blockattack Some known regressions: * It is not possible to store replays * There are no network support. The new back-end will allow it to be implemented smarter in the future. The old version was too difficult to use anyway. Some regressions that will not be fixed: * Only SDL2 supported game controllers are supported * Old config and some saves are lost then converting to 2.0.0+ Feedback can be given on or