import os, socket, sys, struct, time def term_move_up (n): sys.stdout.write("\033[%sA" % n) def print_progress (current, total): bars = 30 percent = float(current) / float(total) filled = bars * percent result = "[" while filled > 0: result += "#" filled -= 1 bars -= 1 while bars > 0: result += " " bars -= 1 result += "]" result += str(int(percent * 100)) + "%" term_move_up(1) print result def main (args): files = [] opts = {} for arg in args: if arg.startswith("--"): arg = arg[2:].split("=") opts[arg[0]] = "=".join(arg[1:]) else: if not arg.lower().endswith(".cia"): if not raw_input("File %s is not a '.cia', continue? [y/n] " % arg).strip() == "y": return files.append(arg) dsip = raw_input("Enter IP: ") if "ip" not in opts else opts["ip"] dsip = dsip.strip() for p in files: statinfo = os.stat(p) totalsize = statinfo.st_size fbiinfo = struct.pack("!q", totalsize) print "Sending file %s" % p file = open(p, "rb") sock = socket.socket() trycount = 0 while True: try: print "Trying to connect to %s (#%s)..." % (dsip, trycount+1) sock.connect((dsip, 5000)) break except socket.error: time.sleep(1) trycount += 1 sock.send(fbiinfo) sent = 0 print "Connected!\n" while True: chunk = sent += len(chunk) print_progress(sent, totalsize) time.sleep(.1) if not chunk: break # EOF sock.sendall(chunk) sock.close() file.close() return main(sys.argv[1:])