window.blockspring = (function($){ return blockspring = { getDataUri: function(file_param){ if ("data" in file_param && "content-type" in file_param){ return ("data:" + file_param["content-type"] + ";base64," + file_param["data"]); } else { console.log("Can't generate URI"); return null; } }, parseFile: function(file_param){ if ("data" in file_param){ return atob(file_param["data"]); } else { console.log("Can't parse file"); return null; } }, toType: function(obj) { return ({})\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase(); }, Request: function(){ this.params = {}; this.stdin = ''; this._errors = []; this._headers = {}; this.getErrors = function(){ return this._errors; }; this.addError = function(error){ this._errors.push(error); }; this.addHeaders = function(headers){ this._headers = headers; }; this.getHeaders = function(){ return this._headers; }; }, run: function(block, data, options, callback) { // checks in case callback was provided in place of data or options. if (typeof data === 'function') { // allow data and api_key to be optional callback = data; data = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'function') { // allow api_key to be optional, but keep callback as last argument callback = options; } else if (typeof options === "string"){ options = { api_key: options, cache: false, expiry: null } } // checks in case callback was provided in place of data or options. data = typeof data !== 'undefined' || data === null ? data : {}; options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : { api_key: null, cache: false, expiry: null } if (!("api_key" in options)){ options.api_key = null; } if (!(this.toType( data ) == "object")){ throw "your data needs to be an object."; } var api_key = options.api_key || ""; var cache = ("cache" in options) ? options.cache : false; var expiry = ("expiry" in options && options.expiry != null ) ? ("&expiry=" + options["expiry"]) : "" var blockspring_url = '' var block = block.split("/").slice(-1)[0]; var url = blockspring_url + "/api_v2/blocks/" + block + "?api_key=" + api_key + "&cache=" + cache + expiry; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(data), crossDomain: true }).done(function(body){ if (callback){ callback(body); } }); }, parse: function(input_params, json_parsed, callback){ json_parsed = typeof json_parsed !== 'undefined' || json_parsed === null ? json_parsed : true; var request = new this.Request(); if (json_parsed == true) { params = input_params } else { try { params = JSON.parse(input_params); } catch(e) { throw "You didn't pass valid json inputs."; }; } if (!(this.toType( params ) == "object")){ throw "Can't parse keys/values from your json inputs."; } if (!(("_blockspring_spec" in params) && params._blockspring_spec)){ request.params = params; callback(request); return; } Object.keys(params).forEach(function(var_name){ // Ignore blockspring_spec flag if (var_name == "_blockspring_spec"){ return; } // Add any errors to the request object else if ((var_name == "_errors") && (this.toType( params[var_name] ) == "array")){ params[var_name].forEach(function(error){ if((this.toType( error ) == "object") && ("title" in error)){ request._errors.push(error); } }.bind(this)); } // Add any headers to the request object else if ((var_name == "_headers") && (this.toType( params[var_name] ) == "object")){ request.addHeaders(params[var_name]); } // Otherwise treat it as a normal input else { request.params[var_name] = params[var_name]; } }.bind(this)); callback(request); }, runParsed: function(block, data, options, callback) { // checks in case callback was provided in place of data or options. if (typeof data === 'function') { // allow data and api_key to be optional callback = data; data = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'function') { // allow api_key to be optional, but keep callback as last argument callback = options; } else if (typeof options === "string"){ options = { api_key: options, cache: false, expiry: null } } // checks in case callback was provided in place of data or options. data = typeof data !== 'undefined' || data === null ? data : {}; options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : { api_key: null, cache: false, expiry: null } if (!("api_key" in options)){ options.api_key = null; } if (!(this.toType( data ) == "object")){ throw "your data needs to be an object."; } var api_key = options.api_key || ""; var cache = ("cache" in options) ? options.cache : false; var expiry = ("expiry" in options && options.expiry != null ) ? ("&expiry=" + options["expiry"]) : "" var blockspring_url = '' var block = block.split("/").slice(-1)[0]; var url = blockspring_url + "/api_v2/blocks/" + block + "?api_key=" + api_key + "&cache=" + cache + expiry; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(data), crossDomain: true }).done(function(body){ try { if (!(this.toType( body ) == "object")){ if (callback){ callback(body); } return body; } } catch(e) { if (callback){ callback(body); } return body; }; return this.parse(body, true, callback) }.bind(this)); } } }(jQuery));