#!/bin/bash set -e set -u set -o pipefail export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin # Make sure we are root or we sudo'd! [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ] && { echo "Error: You must be root to run this script"; exit 1; } # set the current path so we aren't confused when moving directories. Always assuming $workingpath/bluecherry-docker for all Bluecherry scripts workingpath=$(pwd) check_docker_process() { local process_name=$1 if docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' | grep -q "$process_name"; then echo "Docker process '$process_name' is running." return 0 else echo "Docker process '$process_name' is not running." return 1 fi } docker_compose_init() { # Make sure we are still in the bluecherry-docker directory #uptimekuma echo "Downloading latest Bluecherry and related images...this may take a while..." cd "$workingpath/bluecherry-docker" # Init the mailenv config cp "$workingpath"/bluecherry-docker/mailenv-example "$workingpath"/bluecherry-docker/.mailenv docker compose pull docker compose up bc-mysql -d echo "Sleeping 45 seconds to make sure the database is initialized correctly..." sleep 45 docker compose stop bc-mysql docker compose up -d bc-mysql echo "Sleeping another 15 seconds to run the database creation scripts..." echo -e "\n\n" sleep 15 docker compose run bluecherry bc-database-create docker compose down #for i in {1..50}; do # if docker compose pull; then # if docker compose up -d; then # break # fi # fi sleep 10 docker compose up -d #done } configure_env() { echo -e "\n\n******************************************************************\n\n" echo "You will be asked the following to configure the docker container: Time Zone (formatted like this - See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones) Create a password for the mysql admin Create a password for the mysql bluecherry user " echo "Time Zone (i.e. - America/Chicago): " read -r timezoneset #read -p "Time Zone (i.e. - America/Chicago):" timezone #timezoneset="${timezone:=American/Chicago}" read -r -p "Please provide a mysql admin password:" mysqladminpass read -r -p "Please provide a mysql bluecherry password:" mysqlbluecherrypass # Install variables echo " # Set to your desired timezone. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones TZ=$timezoneset # Used by bluecherry to login to the MYSQL server MYSQL_ADMIN_LOGIN=root # Used by bluecherry as the password for the root account to create databases MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$mysqladminpass # Name of the MYSQL host. This is usually the name of the service in docker-compose.yml MYSQL_HOST=bc-mysql BLUECHERRY_DB_HOST=bc-mysql # Creates a user used by bluecherry and grants permission to the database. BLUECHERRY_DB_USER=bluecherry # Password for above user. BLUECHERRY_DB_PASSWORD=$mysqlbluecherrypass # Database name for the bluecherry database. Will delete if it exists. BLUECHERRY_DB_NAME=bluecherry # Grants access to the bluecherry user at this hostmask. This should be the IP of your bluecherry # container. Examples: # 192.168.0.% - allows access from any IP on the 192.168.0.xxx range # %.example.com - allows access to anyone from the example.com domain # - allows from any IP in 192.168.1.xxx range BLUECHERRY_USERHOST=% # UID/GID to run bluecherry user as. If you want to access recordings from the host, it is # recommended to set them the same as a user/group that you want access to read it. # run \`id \$(whoami)\` to find the UID/GID of your user BLUECHERRY_GROUP_ID=1000 BLUECHERRY_USER_ID=1000 " > bluecherry-docker/.env } configure_smtp() { echo "Configure SMTP" read -r -p "Please provide the SMTP server: " smtpserver read -r -p "Please provide the SMTP username: " smtplogin read -r -p "Please provide the SMTP password: " smtppassword read -r -p "Please provide the SMTP port: " smtpport #read -p "Please provide the SMTP username: " smtplogin echo " SMTP_USERNAME=$smtplogin SMTP_PASSWORD=$smtppassword SMTP_SERVER=$smtpserver SMTP_PORT=$smtpport SERVER_HOSTNAME=$smtpserver ALWAYS_ADD_MISSING_HEADERS=yes " > "$workingpath"/bluecherry-docker/.mailenv } check_process() { process_name=$1 status=$(docker ps --filter "name=$process_name" --format '{{.Names}}' | grep -w "$process_name") if [ -n "$status" ]; then echo "\e[32m$process_name is running\e[0m" # Green color for running process #exit 1 else echo "\e[31m$process_name is not running\e[0m" # Red color for not running process fi #exit 1 } check_docker_processes() { if docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' | grep -q -w 'bc-server' && docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' | grep -q -w 'bc-mysql'; then echo "**********************************************************************" echo echo "Installation finished, you can access the Bluecherry server here below" echo "The default login is Admin and the default password is bluecherry" echo echo "https://$IP:7001" echo echo "**********************************************************************" else echo -e "\n\n\e[31mWARNING: Either bc-server or bc-mysql process is not running in Docker. Below is a listing of the current bc-server and bc-mysql processes\e[0m\n\n" echo -e "If you are unable to resolve this issue please visit the Bluecherry community at https://forums.bluecherrydvr.com\n\n" echo -e "Below are statuses of the 'bc-server' and 'bc-mysql' containers:\n\n" check_process "bc-server" check_process "bc-mysql" echo -e "\n\n" fi } configure_nfs() { echo "installing nfs" read -r -p "Please provide the IP address of the NFS server: " nfsserver read -r -p "Please provide the NFS server export path: " nfsexport echo " version: '3.8' services: bluecherry: volumes: # - ./recordings:/var/lib/bluecherry/recordings - videos:/media/bluecherry/nfs volumes: videos: driver_opts: type: \"nfs\" o: \"addr=$nfsserver,nolock,soft\" device: \":$nfsexport\" " > "$workingpath"/bluecherry-docker/docker-compose.override.yml } clone_bluecherrydocker() { local directory directory="$(pwd)"/bluecherry-docker if [ -d "$directory" ]; then echo "Directory $directory exists...skipping...." return 0 else echo "Directory $directory...proceeding with cloning" cd "$workingpath" #mkdir bluecherry-server #cd bluecherry-server git clone https://github.com/bluecherrydvr/bluecherry-docker.git # Sigh...Fedora LXC containers and maybe others set max keys at 2000. We need more. For now more systems are needed to test on. # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/600968/disk-quota-exceeded-when-trying-to-deploy-docker-container-inside-lxc #echo 5000 | tee /proc/sys/kernel/keys/maxkeys #echo "kernel.keys.maxkeys=5000" > /etc/sysctl.d/99-custom.conf #return 1 fi } # TODO: Add more installation functions for other distributions as needed. This should cover the basics. install_bluecherry() { echo -e "\n\nInstalling Bluecherry.......\n\n" distribution=$(detect_distribution) case $distribution in "debian" | "ubuntu") install_debian_packages ;; "centos" | "rhel" | "rocky" | "Rocky") install_redhat_packages ;; "sles" | "opensuse" | "suse") install_suse_packages ;; "arch") install_arch_packages ;; "fedora") install_fedora_packages ;; # Add cases for other distributions and call the appropriate installation functions *) echo "Unsupported distribution, please contact Bluecherry for support in adding your distribution. Please provide output of /etc/os-release and /etc/lsb_release" exit 1 ;; esac } # Function to detect the Linux distribution detect_distribution() { if [ -f "/etc/os-release" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1091 # "Not following: /etc/os-release was not specified as input" . /etc/os-release echo "$ID" else echo "Unsupported distribution" exit 1 fi } # Function to install packages on Debian-based distributions install_debian_packages() { apt-get update apt-get install -y git } # Function to install packages on Red Hat-based distributions install_redhat_packages() { yum update yum install -y git install_docker # Fix mainly for rocky...but we will try on all RHEL releases sed -i 's/^LimitNOFILE=infinity$/LimitNOFILE=1048576/' /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service sed -i 's/^LimitNOFILE=infinity$/LimitNOFILE=1048576/' /usr/lib/systemd/system/containerd.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl stop docker systemctl start docker } # Function to install packages on SUSE-based distributions install_suse_packages() { zypper refresh zypper install -y git install_docker } # Function to install packages on Arch Linux install_arch_packages() { pacman -Syu --noconfirm git install_docker sed -i 's/^LimitNOFILE=infinity$/LimitNOFILE=1048576/' /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service sed -i 's/^LimitNOFILE=infinity$/LimitNOFILE=1048576/' /usr/lib/systemd/system/containerd.service systemctl start docker systemctl enable docker pacman -Syu --noconfirm docker-compose } # Function to install packages on Fedora install_fedora_packages() { dnf update dnf install -y git install_docker } install_docker() { if command -v docker > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "\n\nDocker is installed....skipping!\n\n" return 0 else curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o /tmp/install-docker.sh sh /tmp/install-docker.sh systemctl start docker systemctl enable docker fi } uptimekuma() { echo -e "Installing Uptime Kuma for monitoring of Bluecherry services\n\n" DOWNLOAD_URL='https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/releases/download/1.21.3/dist.tar.gz' cd "$workingpath/bluecherry-docker" || exit 1 wget "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" tar -zxf "$workingpath/dist.tar.gz" -C "$workingpath" echo -e "Installing Uptime Kuma for monitoring of Bluecherry services\n\n" cd bluecherry-docker wget https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/releases/download/1.21.3/dist.tar.gz tar -xvf dist.tar.gz } # shellcheck disable=SC2162 # "read without -r will mangle backslashes." read -p "Do you want to install docker and setup Bluecherry server? [y/n]: " answer # Execute the appropriate function based on the answer case $answer in y) install_docker install_bluecherry # configure_env #clone_bluecherrydocker ;; n) ;; *) echo "Invalid answer" ;; esac # shellcheck disable=SC2162 # "read without -r will mangle backslashes." read -p "Do you want to download and configure the Bluecherry docker images? If this is the first run of the script then select 'y' [y/n]: " clonedocker case $clonedocker in y) clone_bluecherrydocker configure_env docker_compose_init ;; n) # exit ;; *) echo "Invalid answer" esac # shellcheck disable=SC2162 # "read without -r will mangle backslashes." read -p "Do you want to configure SMTP settings? [y/n]: " smtp case $smtp in y) configure_smtp ;; n) # exit ;; *) echo "Invalid answer" esac echo -e "\nNote: NFS is typically recommended for external storage. Read the Bluecherry docs for information on adding CIFS (smb) shares\n\n" # shellcheck disable=SC2162 # "read without -r will mangle backslashes." read -p "Do you want to add a NFS mount? [y/n]: " add_nfs case $add_nfs in y) configure_nfs ;; n) # exit ;; *) echo "Invalid answer" ;; esac # Let the user know how to access to Bluecherry web UI IP=$(ip route get | sed -n '/src/{s/.*src *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p;q}') check_docker_processes # And we hope everything worked...