#!/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # Disable prompts for apt-get. export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" # System info. PLATFORM="$(uname --hardware-platform || true)" DISTRIB_CODENAME="$(lsb_release --codename --short || true)" DISTRIB_ID="$(lsb_release --id --short | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' || true)" # Secure generator comands GENERATE_SECURE_SECRET_CMD="openssl rand --hex 16" GENERATE_K256_PRIVATE_KEY_CMD="openssl ecparam --name secp256k1 --genkey --noout --outform DER | tail --bytes=+8 | head --bytes=32 | xxd --plain --cols 32" # The Docker compose file. COMPOSE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bluesky-social/pds/main/compose.yaml" # The pdsadmin script. PDSADMIN_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bluesky-social/pds/main/pdsadmin.sh" # System dependencies. REQUIRED_SYSTEM_PACKAGES=" ca-certificates curl gnupg jq lsb-release openssl sqlite3 xxd " # Docker packages. REQUIRED_DOCKER_PACKAGES=" containerd.io docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin " PUBLIC_IP="" METADATA_URLS=() METADATA_URLS+=("") # Vultr METADATA_URLS+=("") # DigitalOcean METADATA_URLS+=("") # AWS METADATA_URLS+=("") # Hetzner PDS_DATADIR="${1:-/pds}" PDS_HOSTNAME="${2:-}" PDS_ADMIN_EMAIL="${3:-}" PDS_DID_PLC_URL="https://plc.directory" PDS_BSKY_APP_VIEW_URL="https://api.bsky.app" PDS_BSKY_APP_VIEW_DID="did:web:api.bsky.app" PDS_REPORT_SERVICE_URL="https://mod.bsky.app" PDS_REPORT_SERVICE_DID="did:plc:ar7c4by46qjdydhdevvrndac" PDS_CRAWLERS="https://bsky.network" function usage { local error="${1}" cat <&2 ERROR: ${error} Usage: sudo bash $0 Please try again. USAGE exit 1 } function main { # Check that user is root. if [[ "${EUID}" -ne 0 ]]; then usage "This script must be run as root. (e.g. sudo $0)" fi # Check for a supported architecture. # If the platform is unknown (not uncommon) then we assume x86_64 if [[ "${PLATFORM}" == "unknown" ]]; then PLATFORM="x86_64" fi if [[ "${PLATFORM}" != "x86_64" ]] && [[ "${PLATFORM}" != "aarch64" ]] && [[ "${PLATFORM}" != "arm64" ]]; then usage "Sorry, only x86_64 and aarch64/arm64 are supported. Exiting..." fi # Check for a supported distribution. SUPPORTED_OS="false" if [[ "${DISTRIB_ID}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then if [[ "${DISTRIB_CODENAME}" == "focal" ]]; then SUPPORTED_OS="true" echo "* Detected supported distribution Ubuntu 20.04 LTS" elif [[ "${DISTRIB_CODENAME}" == "jammy" ]]; then SUPPORTED_OS="true" echo "* Detected supported distribution Ubuntu 22.04 LTS" elif [[ "${DISTRIB_CODENAME}" == "mantic" ]]; then SUPPORTED_OS="true" echo "* Detected supported distribution Ubuntu 23.10 LTS" fi elif [[ "${DISTRIB_ID}" == "debian" ]]; then if [[ "${DISTRIB_CODENAME}" == "bullseye" ]]; then SUPPORTED_OS="true" echo "* Detected supported distribution Debian 11" elif [[ "${DISTRIB_CODENAME}" == "bookworm" ]]; then SUPPORTED_OS="true" echo "* Detected supported distribution Debian 12" fi fi if [[ "${SUPPORTED_OS}" != "true" ]]; then echo "Sorry, only Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, Debian 11 and Debian 12 are supported by this installer. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Enforce that the data directory is /pds since we're assuming it for now. # Later we can make this actually configurable. if [[ "${PDS_DATADIR}" != "/pds" ]]; then usage "The data directory must be /pds. Exiting..." fi # Check if PDS is already installed. if [[ -e "${PDS_DATADIR}/pds.sqlite" ]]; then echo echo "ERROR: pds is already configured in ${PDS_DATADIR}" echo echo "To do a clean re-install:" echo "------------------------------------" echo "1. Stop the service" echo echo " sudo systemctl stop pds" echo echo "2. Delete the data directory" echo echo " sudo rm -rf ${PDS_DATADIR}" echo echo "3. Re-run this installation script" echo echo " sudo bash ${0}" echo echo "For assistance, check https://github.com/bluesky-social/pds" exit 1 fi # # Attempt to determine server's public IP. # # First try using the hostname command, which usually works. if [[ -z "${PUBLIC_IP}" ]]; then PUBLIC_IP=$(hostname --all-ip-addresses | awk '{ print $1 }') fi # Prevent any private IP address from being used, since it won't work. if [[ "${PUBLIC_IP}" =~ ^(127\.|10\.|172\.1[6-9]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[0-1]\.|192\.168\.) ]]; then PUBLIC_IP="" fi # Check the various metadata URLs. if [[ -z "${PUBLIC_IP}" ]]; then for METADATA_URL in "${METADATA_URLS[@]}"; do METADATA_IP="$(timeout 2 curl --silent --show-error "${METADATA_URL}" | head --lines=1 || true)" if [[ "${METADATA_IP}" =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then PUBLIC_IP="${METADATA_IP}" break fi done fi if [[ -z "${PUBLIC_IP}" ]]; then PUBLIC_IP="Server's IP" fi # # Prompt user for required variables. # if [[ -z "${PDS_HOSTNAME}" ]]; then cat </dev/null 2>&1; then while true; do apt_process_count="$(lsof -n -t /var/cache/apt/archives/lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock | wc --lines || true)" if (( apt_process_count == 0 )); then break fi echo "* Waiting for other apt process to complete..." sleep 2 done fi apt-get update apt-get install --yes ${REQUIRED_SYSTEM_PACKAGES} # # Install Docker # if ! docker version >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "* Installing Docker" mkdir --parents /etc/apt/keyrings # Remove the existing file, if it exists, # so there's no prompt on a second run. rm --force /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg curl --fail --silent --show-error --location "https://download.docker.com/linux/${DISTRIB_ID}/gpg" | \ gpg --dearmor --output /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/${DISTRIB_ID} ${DISTRIB_CODENAME} stable" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list apt-get update apt-get install --yes ${REQUIRED_DOCKER_PACKAGES} fi # # Configure the Docker daemon so that logs don't fill up the disk. # if ! [[ -e /etc/docker/daemon.json ]]; then echo "* Configuring Docker daemon" cat <<'DOCKERD_CONFIG' >/etc/docker/daemon.json { "log-driver": "json-file", "log-opts": { "max-size": "500m", "max-file": "4" } } DOCKERD_CONFIG systemctl restart docker else echo "* Docker daemon already configured! Ensure log rotation is enabled." fi # # Create data directory. # if ! [[ -d "${PDS_DATADIR}" ]]; then echo "* Creating data directory ${PDS_DATADIR}" mkdir --parents "${PDS_DATADIR}" fi chmod 700 "${PDS_DATADIR}" # # Configure Caddy # if ! [[ -d "${PDS_DATADIR}/caddy/data" ]]; then echo "* Creating Caddy data directory" mkdir --parents "${PDS_DATADIR}/caddy/data" fi if ! [[ -d "${PDS_DATADIR}/caddy/etc/caddy" ]]; then echo "* Creating Caddy config directory" mkdir --parents "${PDS_DATADIR}/caddy/etc/caddy" fi echo "* Creating Caddy config file" cat <"${PDS_DATADIR}/caddy/etc/caddy/Caddyfile" { email ${PDS_ADMIN_EMAIL} on_demand_tls { ask http://localhost:3000/tls-check } } *.${PDS_HOSTNAME}, ${PDS_HOSTNAME} { tls { on_demand } reverse_proxy http://localhost:3000 } CADDYFILE # # Create the PDS env config # # Created here so that we can use it later in multiple places. PDS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(eval "${GENERATE_SECURE_SECRET_CMD}") cat <"${PDS_DATADIR}/pds.env" PDS_HOSTNAME=${PDS_HOSTNAME} PDS_JWT_SECRET=$(eval "${GENERATE_SECURE_SECRET_CMD}") PDS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${PDS_ADMIN_PASSWORD} PDS_PLC_ROTATION_KEY_K256_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX=$(eval "${GENERATE_K256_PRIVATE_KEY_CMD}") PDS_DATA_DIRECTORY=${PDS_DATADIR} PDS_BLOBSTORE_DISK_LOCATION=${PDS_DATADIR}/blocks PDS_BLOB_UPLOAD_LIMIT=52428800 PDS_DID_PLC_URL=${PDS_DID_PLC_URL} PDS_BSKY_APP_VIEW_URL=${PDS_BSKY_APP_VIEW_URL} PDS_BSKY_APP_VIEW_DID=${PDS_BSKY_APP_VIEW_DID} PDS_REPORT_SERVICE_URL=${PDS_REPORT_SERVICE_URL} PDS_REPORT_SERVICE_DID=${PDS_REPORT_SERVICE_DID} PDS_CRAWLERS=${PDS_CRAWLERS} LOG_ENABLED=true PDS_CONFIG # # Download and install pds launcher. # echo "* Downloading PDS compose file" curl \ --silent \ --show-error \ --fail \ --output "${PDS_DATADIR}/compose.yaml" \ "${COMPOSE_URL}" # Replace the /pds paths with the ${PDS_DATADIR} path. sed --in-place "s|/pds|${PDS_DATADIR}|g" "${PDS_DATADIR}/compose.yaml" # # Create the systemd service. # echo "* Starting the pds systemd service" cat </etc/systemd/system/pds.service [Unit] Description=Bluesky PDS Service Documentation=https://github.com/bluesky-social/pds Requires=docker.service After=docker.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes WorkingDirectory=${PDS_DATADIR} ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker compose --file ${PDS_DATADIR}/compose.yaml up --detach ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker compose --file ${PDS_DATADIR}/compose.yaml down [Install] WantedBy=default.target SYSTEMD_UNIT_FILE systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable pds systemctl restart pds # Enable firewall access if ufw is in use. if ufw status >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! ufw status | grep --quiet '^80[/ ]'; then echo "* Enabling access on TCP port 80 using ufw" ufw allow 80/tcp >/dev/null fi if ! ufw status | grep --quiet '^443[/ ]'; then echo "* Enabling access on TCP port 443 using ufw" ufw allow 443/tcp >/dev/null fi fi # # Download and install pdadmin. # echo "* Downloading pdsadmin" curl \ --silent \ --show-error \ --fail \ --output "/usr/local/bin/pdsadmin" \ "${PDSADMIN_URL}" chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pdsadmin cat <