import logging import os import sys import zipfile from pathlib import Path from maya import cmds, mel logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) sys.dont_write_bytecode = True def install_numpy(pyexe, target): """Install numpy to a particular folder Arguments: pyexe (str|Path): A path to the current python executable target (str|Path): The folder to install to Raises: CalledProcessError: If the pip command fails """ import subprocess cmd = [str(pyexe), "-m", "pip", "install", "--target", str(target), "numpy"] proc = cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, ) if proc.returncode != 0: logging.critical("\n\n") logging.critical(proc.stdout) logging.critical("\n\n") cmds.confirmDialog( title="Simplex Install Error", message="Numpy install failed", button=["OK"], ) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, cmd, output=proc.stdout) def get_latest_git_release(user, repo, asset_regex, out_path): """Get the latest github release from a particular user/repo and download it to a specified path Arguments: user (str): The github user name to download from repo (str): The github repo name to download asset_regex (str): A regex to match against the name of the asset out_path (str|Path): A filepath where the release should be downloaded to Returns: Path: The path that the file was downloaded to. This *technically* may be different from the provided out_path Raises: ValueError: If the latest repo asset can't be found for download """ import json import re import urllib.request latest_link = f"{user}/{repo}/releases/latest" f = urllib.request.urlopen(latest_link) latest_release_data = json.loads( assets = latest_release_data.get("assets", []) download_url = None for a in assets: if re.match(asset_regex, a["name"]): download_url = a["browser_download_url"] break if download_url is None: asset_names = "\n".join([a["name"] for a in assets]) msg = f"regex: {asset_regex}\nnames:\n{asset_names}" cmds.confirmDialog( title="Simplex Install Error", message="Release Download Failed", button=["OK"], ) raise ValueError( f"Cannot find latest {user}/{repo} version to download.\nCheck your asset_regex\n{msg}" ) out_path = Path(out_path) outFolder = out_path.parent outFolder.mkdir(exist_ok=True)"Downloading latest simplex")"from: {download_url}")"to: {out_path}") path, headers = urllib.request.urlretrieve(download_url, filename=out_path) return Path(path) def get_mayapy_path(): """Get the path to the mayapy executable""" binFolder = Path(sys.executable).parent if sys.platform == "win32": return binFolder / "mayapy.exe" elif sys.platform == "darwin": return binFolder / "mayapy" elif sys.platform == "linux": return binFolder / "mayapy" cmds.confirmDialog( title="Simplex Install Error", message=f"Unsupported Platform: {sys.platform}", button=["OK"], ) raise RuntimeError(f"Current platform is unsupported: {sys.platform}") def get_numpy_simplex_target(mod_folder): """Get the target path for the numpy simplex install""" if sys.platform == "win32": platform = "win64" elif sys.platform == "darwin": platform = "mac" elif sys.platform == "linux": platform = "linux" else: cmds.confirmDialog( title="Simplex Install Error", message=f"Unsupported Platform: {sys.platform}", button=["OK"], ) raise RuntimeError(f"Current platform is unsupported: {sys.platform}") year = cmds.about(majorVersion=True) nppath = mod_folder / "simplex" / f"{platform}-{year}" / "pyModules" return nppath def onMayaDroppedPythonFile(obj): """This function will get run when you drag/drop this python script onto maya""" try: # Ensure that people will report a full error cmds.optionVar(intValue=("stackTraceIsOn", 1)) mel.eval('synchronizeScriptEditorOption(1, "StackTraceMenuItem")') mod_folder = Path(cmds.internalVar(uad=True)) / "modules" modfile = mod_folder / "simplex.mod" simplex_zip = mod_folder / "" moddir = mod_folder / "simplex" if modfile.is_file() != moddir.is_dir(): msg = f"Simplex module is partially installed.\nPlease delete {modfile} and {moddir} and try again" cmds.confirmDialog( title="Simplex Install Error", message=msg, button=["OK"], ) raise ValueError(msg) if simplex_zip.is_file(): os.remove(simplex_zip) # This will overwrite the existing install, but will leave any numpy installs alone simplex_zip = get_latest_git_release( "blurstudio", "simplex", r"simplex-v\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.zip", simplex_zip, ) if not simplex_zip.is_file(): cmds.confirmDialog( title="Simplex Install Error", message="Zip file download failed", button=["OK"], ) raise RuntimeError("Download of simplex zip failed") with zipfile.ZipFile(simplex_zip, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(mod_folder) os.remove(simplex_zip) try: import numpy except ModuleNotFoundError: mayapy = get_mayapy_path() target = get_numpy_simplex_target(mod_folder) install_numpy(mayapy, target) else:"Numpy is already installed for this version of maya") finally: sys.dont_write_bytecode = False cmds.confirmDialog( title="Simplex Installed", message="Simplex installation complete", button=["OK"], )