@startuml Basic Sample

!include <awslib/AWSCommon>
!includeurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RicardoNiepel/C4-PlantUML/release/1-0/C4_Container.puml

' Uncomment the following line to create simplified view
' !include <awslib/AWSSimplified>

!include <awslib/General/all>
!include <awslib/NetworkingAndContentDelivery/all>
!include <awslib/Compute/all>
!include <awslib/SecurityIdentityAndCompliance/IAMResource>
!include <awslib/SecurityIdentityAndCompliance/CertificateManager>
!include <awslib/Storage/S3Bucket>
!include <awslib/ApplicationIntegration/SNS>
!include <awslib/ManagementAndGovernance/CloudWatch>
!include <awslib/ManagementAndGovernance/CloudFormation>

' System_Boundary(c1, "Sample System") {
'     Container(web_app, "Web Application", "C#, ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC", "Allows users to compare multiple Twitter timelines")
' }


Users(users, "Users", "millions of users")
System(terraform, "Terraform", "infrastructure")

System_Boundary(aws, "AWS Cloud") {

    CloudWatch(cw_event, "CloudWatch Events", "cloud watch schedule events")
    CloudWatch(cw_log, "CloudWatch Logs", "cloud watch log groups")
    S3Bucket(s3_data, "S3 Data", "S3 for store data")
    SNS(sns, "SNS", "trade-signal-topic", "SNS for email")

    System_Boundary(core_service, "Core Service") {
        S3Bucket(s3_core_terraform, "S3 Terraform State", "S3 for backup terraform state")

        System_Boundary(ecs, "ECS Cluster") {
            package "Default VPC" {
                package "Public Subnet" {
                    Fargate(core_service_task, "Fargate", "ec2 fargate spot", "Core Service Schedule Task")

        System_Boundary(ecr, "ECR") {
            EC2ContainerRegistry(ec2repo, "ECR", "repo for docker images")
            EC2ContainerRegistryImage(ecr_img, "Docker Image", "core service docker image")

    System_Boundary(web_service, "Web Service") {
        package "Web CloudFormation Stack" {
            APIGateway2(web_api_gateway, "Web", "api gateway for api service")
            S3Bucket(s3_web_sls_lambda, "S3 Serverless Web", "S3 for Serverless Web Lambda")
            Lambda(web_nuxt, "Web Lambda", "Node.js, Vue.js, Nuxt.js", "web service nuxt function")
            CloudFront(web_cloudfront, "CloudFront", "for web service")
            Route53(r53, "Route53", "DNS", "DNS for custom domain")
            CertificateManager(cm, "CertificateManager", "TLS for web service")

    System_Boundary(api_service, "API Service") {
        package "API CloudFormation Stack" {
            APIGateway2(api_api_gateway, "API", "api gateway for web service")
            S3Bucket(s3_api_sls_lambda, "S3 Serverless API", "S3 for Serverless API Lambda")
            Lambda(api_subscribe_sns, "API Lambda", "Python", "api service sns fucntion")

' core service
ec2repo <-- ecr_img
core_service_task --> ec2repo
cw_event --> core_service_task
core_service_task --> s3_data
core_service_task --> sns
core_service_task --> cw_log
terraform --> s3_core_terraform

' api service
users --> api_api_gateway
api_api_gateway --> cw_log
api_api_gateway --> api_subscribe_sns
s3_api_sls_lambda <.. api_subscribe_sns
api_subscribe_sns --> cw_log

' web service
users --> r53
r53 --> web_cloudfront
cm <.. web_cloudfront
web_cloudfront --> web_api_gateway
web_api_gateway --> web_nuxt
web_api_gateway --> cw_log
s3_web_sls_lambda <.. web_nuxt
web_nuxt --> cw_log
