ColorSchemeEditor ================= Real-time color scheme editor plugin for Sublime Text 2/3. Screenshots =========== ### Automatic scope display ![Real-time scope display]( ### Quick color selection (thirdparty plugin) ![Quick color selection (thirdparty plugin)]( ### Real-time preview ![Real-time preview]( Usage ===== - Activate the color scheme you want to edit. **it must be an editable file on your disk, not inside a `.sublime-package`.** If you are using Sublime Text 3 and your theme is inside a package, install the [`PackageResourceViewer`]( plugin, open the Command Palette, type ***prv***, and select **`PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource`**. Scroll down until you find the name of the package you want (the built-in color schemes are in `Color Scheme - Default`) and hit Enter. You can now find the `.tmTheme` file you want and hit Enter. The interface allows you to select more files, just hit Escape when you're done. Now, finally, you need to select **`File -> Save`** for each file you extracted, or it won't show up in your `Packages` folder (**`Preferences -> Browse Packages...`**). Once you're done, you can close the `.tmTheme` file tabs. - Open some code and press Shift+F12. - Your color scheme should open in a separate pane. - As you put the cursor on different source elements, the other pane will find and display the XML element that is affecting this element. - If more than one style element affects the code element, the most relevant style match is displayed first. You can go to the other matches with `Ctrl+Alt+Right` and `Ctrl+Alt+Left`. - Change the styles as you wish and save so Sublime Text will reload the styles and display your changes. - When you are done editing press Shift+F12 again or close the view of the color scheme file. Authors ======= Borislav Peev (borislav.asdf at gmail dot com)