/** * jquery.PMSlider.js v1.0.0 * http://www.pulsarmedia.ca * * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Copyright 2013, Pulsar Media * http://www.pulsarmedia.ca */ ;( function( $, window, undefined ) { 'use strict'; // global var Modernizr = window.Modernizr; //check for touch detection var msGesture = window.navigator && window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && window.MSGesture; var touchMode = (( "ontouchstart" in window ) || msGesture || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch); //var operaBrowser = window.opera && window.opera.version; //container for thumbnail data var thumbsData = []; //cache DOM objects for faster fullScreen calculations var pmContainer = null; var pmSlider = null; var pmSlidesContainer = null; var pmImages = []; //Progress bar var sliderStart = 0; var sliderMaxTime = 0; var sliderTimeoutVal = 0; var sliderPerc = 0; var slideshowTimer = null; //Animation vars var currAnimSlide = 0; //Touch positions var initPageX = 0; var trackTouch = 0; $.PMSlider = function( options, element ) { this.$el = $( element ); this._init( options ); }; // the options $.PMSlider.defaults = { // default transition speed (ms) speed : 500, // default transition easing easing : 'ease', //ease-in - ease-out - ease // loop slides loop : false, //true or false //default dots nav controlNav : 'thumbnails', //true - false - 'thumbnails' //add thumbs to bullets controlNavThumbs : false, //animation type animation : 'fade', //fade - slide //set fullscreen mode fullScreen : false, //false or true //slideshow slideshow : false, //false or true //slideshow speed slideshowSpeed : 2000, //pause slideshow on hover pauseOnHover: false, //toggle arrows on or off arrows : true, //fixed height fixedHeight: false, //default fixed height value fixedHeightValue : 800, //activate touch touch: false, //slideshow progress bar progressBar: true }; $.PMSlider.prototype = { _init : function( options ) { // options this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.PMSlider.defaults, options ); // cache some elements and initialize some variables this._config(); // initialize/bind the events this._initEvents(); //initialize fullscreen mode if true this._initFullScreen(); //initialize slideshow this._slideShow(); }, _config : function() { var parent = this; // the list of items this.$list = this.$el.children( 'ul' ); //Clone li's for Infinite loop if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide'){ //clone first and last elements var $firstChild = this.$list.children( 'li:first-child' ); var $lastChild = this.$list.children( 'li:last-child' ); this.$list.append( $firstChild.clone(true).addClass('clone') ).prepend( $lastChild.clone(true).addClass('clone')); } // the items (li elements) this.$items = this.$list.children( 'li' ); // total number of items this.itemsCount = this.$items.length; //console.log('this.itemsCount = ' + this.itemsCount); //cache slider img's $('#pm-slider ul li img').each(function(index, element) { var $el = $(element); pmImages.push($el); //console.log(pmImages[0]); }); //Append arrow code if(this.options.arrows){ $('#pm-slider').append(''); } //Store data and collapse captions for animating this.$items.each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); var titleWidth = $el.find('h1').width(); var captionWidth = $el.find('.pm-caption-decription').width(); $el.data("properties", { "titleWidth" : titleWidth, "captionWidth" : captionWidth });//This works but does not show up in firebug! }); //if fade, hide all li's and fadeIn the first li if(this.options.animation == 'fade'){ this.$items.each(function(i, el) { var $this = $(el); if(i != 0){ $this.fadeOut('fast'); //fadeOut() works better than hide() } }); } //retrieve thumbnail data if(this.options.controlNav == 'thumbnails'){ this.$items.each(function(i, el) { var $this = $(el); thumbsData.push($this.data('thumb')); }); //splice out clones if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide'){ thumbsData.splice(0,1); thumbsData.splice(this.itemsCount - 2,1); } } // support for CSS Transitions & transforms this.support = Modernizr.csstransitions && Modernizr.csstransforms; this.support3d = Modernizr.csstransforms3d; // transition end event name and transform name // transition end event name var transEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend', 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd', 'msTransition' : 'MSTransitionEnd', 'transition' : 'transitionend' }, transformNames = { 'WebkitTransform' : '-webkit-transform', 'MozTransform' : '-moz-transform', 'OTransform' : '-o-transform', 'msTransform' : '-ms-transform', 'transform' : 'transform' }; if( this.support ) { this.transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' ) ] + '.PMSlider'; this.transformName = transformNames[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transform' ) ]; //console.log('this.transformName = ' + this.transformName); } // current and old itemĀ“s index this.current = 0; this.old = 0; //set the starting slide if loop is true if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide'){ var translateVal = -1 * ( this.current++ ) * 100 / this.itemsCount; //console.log('translateVal = ' + translateVal); this.$list.css( 'margin-left', -1 * this.current * 100 + '%' ); this.current--; } //check if the list is currently moving this.isAnimating = false; //the list (ul) will have a width of 100% x itemsCount this.$list.css( 'width', 100 * this.itemsCount + '%' ); //set fixed height mode if(this.options.fixedHeight) { this.$list.css({ 'position' : 'relative' }); //var imgHeight = this.$items.find('img').height(); this.$items.find('img').css({ 'maxWidth' : 'inherit' }); this.$items.css({ 'height' : this.options.fixedHeightValue+'px' }); } // apply the slide transition if( this.support && this.options.animation == 'slide' ) { this.$list.css( 'transition', this.transformName + ' ' + this.options.speed + 'ms ' + this.options.easing ); } // each item will have a width of 100 / itemsCount this.$items.css( 'width', 100 / this.itemsCount + '%' ); // add navigation arrows and navigation dots/thumbnails if there is more than 1 item if( this.itemsCount > 1 ) { if(this.options.controlNav === true){ // add navigation dots var dots = ''; var len = this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide' ? this.itemsCount - 2 : this.itemsCount; for( var i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { // current dot will have the class pm-currentDot var dot = i === this.current ? '' : ''; dots += dot; } var navDots = $( '
' ).append( dots ).appendTo( this.$el ); this.$navDots = navDots.children( 'span' ); //Add tooltip functionality if(this.options.controlNavThumbs === true){ this.$navDots.each(function(i,el) { $(this).hover(function(e) { var thumbData = $('.pmslide_'+i).data('thumb'); if(thumbData != ''){ parent._toolTip(thumbData, this); } }, function(e) { var thumbData = $('.pmslide_'+i).data('thumb'); if(thumbData != ''){ $("#pm_slider_tooltip").remove(); } }); }); } } else if(this.options.controlNav == 'thumbnails') { var thumbs = ''; var len = this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide' ? this.itemsCount - 2 : this.itemsCount; //console.log('len = ' + len); for( var i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { // current dot will have the class pm-currentDot var thumb = i === this.current ? '' : ''; thumbs += thumb; } var navThumbs = $( '' ).append( thumbs ).appendTo( this.$el ); this.$navThumbs = navThumbs.children( 'span' ); } else { //default }//end of if if(!this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide'){ this.$navPrev = $( '.pm-prev' ).hide(); } else if(!this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'fade') { this.$navPrev = $( '.pm-prev' ).hide(); } else { this.$navPrev = $( '.pm-prev' ).show(); } this.$navNext = $( '.pm-next'); }//end of if //remove images from html and apply as css backgrounds for fixedHeight mode if(this.options.fixedHeight){ this.$items.find('img').remove(); this.$items.each(function(index, element) { var $this = $(element); $this.css({ 'backgroundImage' : 'url('+pmImages[index].attr('src')+')', 'backgroundPosition' : 'center center' }); }); }; //Check for touch support if (msGesture && this.options.touch) { this._activateMSTouch(); } else if(touchMode && this.options.touch){ this._activateTouch(); }; //Btn slide activation - should only apply if Arrows are active if(this.options.arrows){ if(this.options.animation == 'fade'){//no clones $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.current + 1) + ' / ' + this.itemsCount); } else if(!this.options.loop) {//no loop $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.current + 1) + ' / ' + this.itemsCount); } else {//clones and loop $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.current + 1) + ' / ' + (this.itemsCount - 2)); } var btnHeight = $('.pm-next').height(); var btnWidth = $('.pm-next').width(); $('.pm-next, .pm-prev').hover(function(e) { var $el = $(this); $el.stop().animate({ 'width' : '30px' }, 100); $el.find('i').stop().animate({ 'marginTop' : '7px' }); $el.find('.pm-slide-count').fadeIn('fast'); }, function(e) { var $el = $(this); $el.stop().animate({ 'width' : btnWidth }, 100); $el.find('i').stop().animate({ 'marginTop' : '0px' }); $el.find('.pm-slide-count').fadeOut('fast'); }); }; //execute first animation on initial load parent._resetAnimation(); //Check if first slide is loaded and fade in slider if(parent.options.animation == 'slide' && !parent.options.loop){ //alert('no loop'); $('#pm-pulse-loader').hide(); $('#pm-slider').css({ height : 'auto' }); $('#pm-slider').animate({ opacity : 1 }); parent._animateSlide(this.current); } else if(parent.options.animation == 'slide') { $('#pm-slider').css({ height : 'auto' }); $('#pm-slider').animate({ opacity : 1 }, 500, function(e) { parent._animateSlide(parent.current); }); $('#pm-pulse-loader').hide(); } else { $('#pm-pulse-loader').hide(); $('#pm-slider').css({ height : 'auto' }); $('#pm-slider').animate({ opacity : 1 }); parent._animateSlide(this.current); } //console.log('starting this.current = ' + this.current); }, _animateSlide : function(currSlide) { //Animate the first slide var $slide = $('.pmslide_'+currSlide); //console.log('$slide = ' + $slide.attr('class')); var title = $slide.find('h1'); var subTitle = $slide.find('h2'); var caption = $slide.find('.pm-caption-decription'); var btn = $slide.find('.pm-slide-btn'); if(title.length > 0){ title.css('transition' , 'all .6s ease 0s'); title.css({ 'opacity' : 1, marginTop : 0 }); } if(subTitle.length > 0){ subTitle.css('transition' , 'all .6s ease 0s'); subTitle.css({ 'opacity' : 1, marginLeft : 0 }); } if(caption.length > 0){ caption.css('transition' , 'all .6s ease 0s'); caption.css({ 'opacity' : 1, marginLeft : 0 }); } if(btn.length > 0){ btn.css('transition' , 'all .6s ease 0s'); btn.css({ 'opacity' : 1, 'marginTop' : 80 }); } }, _resetAnimation : function() { var parent = this; this.$items.each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); var title = $el.find('h1'); var subTitle = $el.find('h2'); var caption = $el.find('.pm-caption-decription'); var btn = $el.find('.pm-slide-btn'); if(title.length > 0){ title.finish().css({ 'opacity' : 0, marginTop : -50 }); } if(subTitle.length > 0){ subTitle.finish().css({ 'opacity' : 0, 'marginLeft' : 0 }); } if(caption.length > 0){ //caption.stop(); caption.finish().css({ 'opacity' : 0, 'marginLeft' : 0 }); } if(btn.length > 0){ //btn.stop(); btn.finish().css({ 'opacity' : 0, 'marginTop' : 200 },0); } }); }, //Add touch support for mobile devices _activateTouch : function() { var parent = this; this.$items.each(function(i,el){ /*var deviceAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var agentID = deviceAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/); if (agentID) { }; */ el.addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart, false); el.addEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove, false); el.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd, false); function onTouchStart(event){ //store touch values var touches = event.changedTouches, first = touches[0]; initPageX = first.pageX; $('#pm-touchstart').html('Touch start = ' + initPageX);//Debugger //required for iOS? var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvent'); simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1, first.screenX, first.screenY, first.clientX, first.clientY, false, false, false, false, 0/*left*/, null); first.target.dispatchEvent(simulatedEvent); event.preventDefault(); }; function onTouchMove(event){ //store touch values var touches = event.changedTouches, first = touches[0]; trackTouch = first.pageX; //$('#pm-touchmove').html('Touch move = ' + first.pageX + ' and Touch start = ' + initPageX);//Debugger //event.preventDefault(); }; function onTouchEnd(event){ if(trackTouch > initPageX + 60){ $('#pm-swipe').html('Swiping right');//Debugger parent._executeTouch('right'); } if(trackTouch < initPageX - 60){ $('#pm-swipe').html('Swiping left');//Debugger parent._executeTouch('left'); } } }); }, _activateMSTouch : function() { var parent = this; this.$items.each(function(i,el){ el.style.msTouchAction = "none"; //this is required!! var g = new MSGesture(); g.target = el; el.addEventListener("MSPointerDown", assignPointer, false); el.addEventListener("MSGestureChange", onMSGestureChange, false); el.addEventListener("MSGestureEnd", onMSGestureEnd, false); function assignPointer(e){ try { g.target = e.target; // Emulate old implicit targeting } catch (err) {} // If gesture has already started, catch and ignore if (e.target == g.target) { g.addPointer(e.pointerId); // Emulate implicit pointer association initPageX = e.screenX; $('#pm-touchstart').html('MS Touch start = ' + initPageX);//Debugger } e.stopPropagation(); }; function onMSGestureChange(e) { trackTouch = e.screenX; $('#pm-touchmove').html('MS Touch move = ' + e.screenX + ' and Touch start = ' + initPageX);//Debugger e.preventDefault(); }; function onMSGestureEnd(e) { if(trackTouch > initPageX + 30){ $('#pm-swipe').html('Swiping right');//Debugger parent._executeTouch('right'); } if(trackTouch < initPageX - 30){ $('#pm-swipe').html('Swiping left');//Debugger parent._executeTouch('left'); } } }); }, _executeTouch : function(direction) { switch(direction){ case 'right' : if(this.options.animation == 'slide') { this._navigate('previous'); } else if(this.options.animation == 'fade'){ this._navigate('next'); } break; case 'left' : if(this.options.animation == 'slide') { this._navigate('next'); } else if(this.options.animation == 'fade'){ this._navigate('previous'); } break; } }, _initFullScreen : function() { var parent = this; if(this.options.fullScreen){ //cache #pm-container object pmContainer = $('#pm-container'); //apply css properties pmContainer.css({ "overflow" : "hidden", "width" : "100%", "position" : "relative" }); //cache #pm-slider object pmSlider = $('#pm-slider'); //apply css properties pmSlider.css({ "height" : "100%", "position" : "relative" }); //cache .pm-slides-container pmSlidesContainer = $('.pm-slides-container'); //apply css properties pmSlidesContainer.children().css({ "overflow" : "hidden", "height" : "100%", "position" : "absolute", "top" : "0" }); //apply css classes to children pmSlidesContainer.children().css({ "height" : "100%", "position" : "relative" }); //parse through cached img's $.each(pmImages, function(index, value) { value.css({ "max-width" : "none", "left" : "0", "top" : "0", "position" : "absolute", "z-index" : "-1" }); }); //define window var $window = $(window); //Execute on load this._checkWidth(); //Bind event listener $window.resize(this._checkWidth); }//end of if }, _checkWidth : function() { var parent = this; setTimeout(function() { var $window = $(window); var $windowWidth = 0; var $windowHeight = 0; $windowWidth = $window.width(); $windowHeight = $window.height(); //console.log('windowWidth = ' + $windowWidth + ' windowHeight = ' + $windowHeight); //apply width to pm-thumbs container and li elements pmContainer.height($windowHeight); pmSlidesContainer.height($windowHeight); //pmSlider.width($windowWidth); //pmSlider.height($windowHeight); //apply width, height and aspect ratio to imgs $.each(pmImages, function(index, value) { var img = value; var imgWidth = img.width(); var imgHeight = img.height(); var container_aspect_ratio = $windowHeight / $windowWidth; //console.log('container_aspect_ratio = ' + container_aspect_ratio); var image_aspect_ratio = imgHeight / imgWidth; //console.log('image_aspect_ratio = ' + image_aspect_ratio); if (container_aspect_ratio > image_aspect_ratio) { img.css({ height: $windowHeight, width: $windowHeight / image_aspect_ratio, }); //img.attr('style', 'height:'+$windowHeight+'; width:'+$windowHeight / image_aspect_ratio+';'); //for testing purposes } else { img.css({ height: $windowWidth * image_aspect_ratio, width: $windowWidth, }); } //get the dynamic width and height of the slide img to supply the correct left and top positioning img.css({ left : ($windowWidth - pmSlidesContainer.children().find('img').width() ) / 4, top : ($windowHeight - pmSlidesContainer.children().find('img').height() ) / 4, }); //console.log('top = ' + ($windowHeight - pmSlidesContainer.children().find('img').height() ) / 4); //console.log('left = ' + ($windowWidth - pmSlidesContainer.children().find('img').width() ) / 4); }); }, 10); }, _initEvents : function() { var parent = this; if( this.itemsCount > 1 ) { this.$navPrev.on( 'click.PMSlider', $.proxy( this._navigate, this, 'previous' ) ); this.$navNext.on( 'click.PMSlider', $.proxy( this._navigate, this, 'next' ) ); //activate nav if(this.options.controlNav === true){ this.$navDots.on( 'click.PMSlider', function() { parent._jump( $( this ).index() ); }); } else if(this.options.controlNav === 'thumbnails'){ this.$navThumbs.on( 'click.PMSlider', function() { parent._jump( $( this ).index() ); }); } else { //default } } }, _navigate : function( direction ) { var parent = this; // do nothing if the list is currently moving if( this.isAnimating || this.itemsCount == 1 ) { return false; } // do nothing if there is only one slide if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide' && this.itemsCount == 3){ return false; } this.isAnimating = true; //Animate slide parent._resetAnimation(); // update old value to current value if(this.options.slideshow){ //check for 'next' direction only if( this.current == this.itemsCount-1 && direction == 'next'){ this.old = this.itemsCount-1 this.current = -1; } else { this.old = this.current; } } else { this.old = this.current; } //update current value if( direction === 'next' && this.current <= this.itemsCount ) { //console.log('next'); ++this.current; if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'fade'){ if(this.current >= this.itemsCount){ this.current = 0; } } } else if( direction === 'previous' && this.current >= 0 ) { //console.log('previous'); --this.current; if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'fade'){ if(this.current == -1){ this.current = this.itemsCount - 1; } } } // slide if(this.options.animation == 'slide'){ this._slide(); } // fade if(this.options.animation == 'fade'){ this._fade(); } //console.log('this.current = ' + this.current + ' and this.old = ' + this.old); //Update the btn paging for the correct values if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide') { if((this.current + 1) > (this.itemsCount - 2)) { $('.pm-slide-count').html('1 / ' + (this.itemsCount - 2)); } else if((this.current) < 0){ $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.itemsCount - 2) + ' / ' + (this.itemsCount - 2)); } else { $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.current + 1) + ' / ' + (this.itemsCount - 2)); } } else if(!this.options.loop){ $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.current + 1) + ' / ' + this.itemsCount ); } else if(this.options.animation == 'fade') { $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.current + 1) + ' / ' + this.itemsCount); } //Animate slide //parent._resetAnimation(); }, _runSlideShow : function(status) { var parent = this; //Run a single instance of setInterval if(status == 'start'){ //clear any previous timer instances first if(slideshowTimer !== null) { clearInterval(slideshowTimer); slideshowTimer = null; } $('#pm-slider-progress-bar').remove(); $('#pm-slider').append(''); if(!parent.options.progressBar){ $('#pm-slider-progress-bar').css({display:'none'}); } //initialize slideshow sliderStart = new Date(); sliderMaxTime = parent.options.slideshowSpeed; sliderTimeoutVal = Math.floor(sliderMaxTime/100); sliderPerc = 0; slideshowTimer = window.setInterval(function(){ var now = new Date(); var timeDiff = now.getTime() - sliderStart.getTime(); var perc = Math.round((timeDiff/sliderMaxTime)*100); sliderPerc = perc; if (perc <= 105) { $('#pm-slider-progress-bar').css("width", perc + "%"); } else { clearInterval(slideshowTimer); slideshowTimer = null; $('#pm-slider-progress-bar').css("width", '0'); if(!parent.isAnimating){ return parent._autoplay(); } } }, sliderTimeoutVal); } else if(status == 'pause'){ //clear slideshow if(slideshowTimer !== null) { clearInterval(slideshowTimer); slideshowTimer = null; } } else if(status == 'resume'){ //resume slideshow slideshowTimer = window.setInterval(function(){ sliderPerc++; if (sliderPerc <= 105) { $('#pm-slider-progress-bar').css("width", sliderPerc + "%"); } else { clearInterval(slideshowTimer); slideshowTimer = null; sliderPerc = 0; $('#pm-slider-progress-bar').css("width", '0'); if(!parent.isAnimating){ return parent._autoplay(); } } /*if(!parent.isAnimating){ return parent._autoplay(); }*/ }, sliderTimeoutVal); } }, _slideShow : function() { var parent = this; if(this.options.slideshow){ if( this.options.animation === 'slide' && this.itemsCount > 3 ){ parent._runSlideShow('start'); } else if(this.options.animation === 'fade' && this.itemsCount > 1){ parent._runSlideShow('start'); } parent._bindMouseEvents(); }; }, _bindMouseEvents : function() { var parent = this; if(this.options.pauseOnHover){ //add mouseenter event to pause slideshow $('#pm-slider').bind('mouseenter mouseleave mousemove', function(event) { if(event.type == 'mouseenter'){ //console.log('pause'); //remove timer on mouseenter parent._runSlideShow('pause'); } else if(event.type == 'mouseleave'){ //console.log('resume'); parent._runSlideShow('resume'); } else if(event.type == 'mousemove'){ //default parent._runSlideShow('pause'); //Might be a good idea to remove this } }); }; }, _autoplay : function(){ this._navigate('next'); }, _toggleNavControls : function() { // re-apply the slide transition if( this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide' ){ this.$list.css({ 'transition' : this.transformName + ' '+ this.options.speed +'ms '+ this.options.easing +' 0s' }); } // if the current item is the first one in the list, the left arrow is not shown // if the current item is the last one in the list, the right arrow is not shown switch( this.current ) { case 0 : if(!this.options.loop){ this.$navNext.show(); this.$navPrev.hide(); } else { this.$navNext.show(); this.$navPrev.show(); } break; case this.itemsCount - 1 : if(!this.options.loop){ this.$navNext.hide(); this.$navPrev.show(); } else { this.$navNext.show(); this.$navPrev.show(); } break; default : this.$navNext.show(); this.$navPrev.show(); break; } // highlight navigation dot if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide') { if(this.options.controlNav === true){ if( (this.current + 2) >= this.itemsCount ){ this.$navDots.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentDot' ).end().eq( 0 ).addClass( 'pm-currentDot' ); } else { this.$navDots.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentDot' ).end().eq( this.current ).addClass( 'pm-currentDot' ); } } else if(this.options.controlNav === 'thumbnails'){ if( (this.current + 2) >= this.itemsCount ){ this.$navThumbs.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ).end().eq( 0 ).addClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ); } else { this.$navThumbs.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ).end().eq( this.current ).addClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ); } } else { //default } } else if( this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'fade' ) { if(this.options.controlNav === true){ if( this.current >= this.itemsCount ){ this.$navDots.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentDot' ).end().eq( 0 ).addClass( 'pm-currentDot' ); } else { this.$navDots.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentDot' ).end().eq( this.current ).addClass( 'pm-currentDot' ); } } else if(this.options.controlNav === 'thumbnails'){ //console.log('this.current = ' + this.current); if( this.current >= this.itemsCount ){ this.$navThumbs.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ).end().eq( 0 ).addClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ); } else { this.$navThumbs.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ).end().eq( this.current ).addClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ); } } else { //default } } else { if(this.options.controlNav === true){ this.$navDots.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentDot' ).end().eq( this.current ).addClass( 'pm-currentDot' ); } else if(this.options.controlNav === 'thumbnails'){ this.$navThumbs.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ).end().eq( this.current ).addClass( 'pm-currentThumb' ); } else { //default } } }, _fade : function() { var parent = this; // check which navigation arrows should be shown this._toggleNavControls(); //fade code var $list = this.$el.children( 'ul' ); var $items = this.$list.children( 'li' ); var current = this.current; var old = this.old; var speed = this.options.speed; //fade out current slide $items.each(function(i, el) { var $this = $(el); if(i == old){ $this.fadeOut(speed, fadeComplete); } }); //fade in next slide function fadeComplete() { $items.each(function(i, el) { var $this = $(el); if(i == current){ $this.fadeIn(speed, transitionendfn); } }); } var transitionendfn = $.proxy( function() { this.isAnimating = false; parent._animateSlide(this.current); if(parent.options.slideshow){ parent._runSlideShow('start'); } }, this ); }, _slide : function() { var parent = this; // check which navigation arrows should be shown this._toggleNavControls(); var $list = this.$el.children( 'ul' ); var $items = this.$list.children( 'li' ); // translate value var translateVal = -1 * this.current * 100 / this.itemsCount; if( this.support ) { this.$list.css( this.transformName, this.support3d ? 'translate3d(' + translateVal + '%,0,0)' : 'translate(' + translateVal + '%)' ); } else { //this.$list.css( 'margin-left', -1 * this.current * 100 + '%' ); //for browsers that dont support translations $list.animate({ //'marginLeft' : -1 * this.current * 100 + '%' (animating marginLeft does not work correctly in IE 9) 'left' : -1 * this.current * 100 + '%' }, this.options.speed, function() { if(!$(this).is('animated')){ transitionendfn.call(); if(parent.options.slideshow){ parent._runSlideShow('start'); } } }); } var transitionendfn = $.proxy( function() { this.isAnimating = false; //execute infinite loop if true if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide'){ //add else if to check for reverse loop if( (this.current + 2) >= this.itemsCount ){ this.current = 0; this.old = 0; var translateVal = -1 * ( this.current ) * 100 / this.itemsCount; //px value if(this.support){ this.$list.css('transition' , this.transformName + ' 0ms ease 0s'); this.$list.css(this.transformName , this.support3d ? 'translate3d(' + translateVal + ',0,0)' : 'translate(' + translateVal + 'px)'); } else { //ADD IE SUPPORT $list.css({ //'marginLeft' : -1 * this.current * 100 + '%' (animating marginLeft does not work correctly in IE 9) 'left' : translateVal + '%' }, this.options.speed ); } } else if(this.current < 0) { this.current = this.itemsCount - 3; this.old = this.current; var translateVal = -1 * ( this.current ) * 100 / this.itemsCount; //percent value if(this.support){ this.$list.css('transition' , this.transformName + ' 0ms ease 0s'); this.$list.css(this.transformName , this.support3d ? 'translate3d(' + translateVal + '%,0,0)' : 'translate(' + translateVal + '%)'); } else { //ADD IE SUPPORT $list.css({ //'marginLeft' : -1 * this.current * 100 + '%' (animating marginLeft does not work correctly in IE 9) 'left' : -1 * ( this.current ) * 100 + '%' }, this.options.speed ); } }//end of if }//end of if if(this.options.loop){ if(this.current < 0) {// -1 parent._animateSlide(this.itemsCount - 3);//offset for clones and -1 value } else if(this.current >= this.itemsCount - 2) { parent._animateSlide(0); } else { parent._animateSlide(this.current); } } else { parent._animateSlide(this.current); } if(parent.options.slideshow){ parent._runSlideShow('start'); } }, this ); if( this.support ) { this.$list.on( this.transEndEventName, $.proxy( transitionendfn, this ) ); } }, _jump : function( position ) { var parent = this; // do nothing if clicking on the current dot, or if the list is currently moving if( position === this.current || this.isAnimating ) { return false; } this.isAnimating = true; // update old and current values this.old = this.current; this.current = position; console.log('position = ' + position + ' and this.current = '+ this.current); //Update the btn paging for the correct values if(this.options.loop && this.options.animation == 'slide'){ $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.current + 1) + ' / ' + (this.itemsCount - 2)); } else if(!this.options.loop){ $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.current + 1) + ' / ' + this.itemsCount); } else if(this.options.animation == 'fade'){ $('.pm-slide-count').html((this.current + 1) + ' / ' + this.itemsCount); } // slide if(this.options.animation == 'slide'){ this._slide(); } if(this.options.animation == 'fade'){ this._fade(); } //reset and call next animation parent._resetAnimation(); //parent._animateSlide(this.current); }, _toolTip : function(toolTipData, el){ var parent = this; var $el = $(el); var yOffset = $("#pm_slider_tooltip").height() + 55; var xOffset = $("#pm_slider_tooltip").width() + 12; $("body").append("