--- layout: post title: "Your Post Title" date: 2017-01-05 20:15:00 +0800 source_url: # link to original ref/source (if any) of this post author_name: Contributor Name author_url: # link to contributor page (optional) # If you include summary text here, it will be used in the post meta description instead of an excerpt from the post body #summary: text # If the post concerns a project, set the project name as the category: category: p29-krell # If the post relates to many projects, set the project names as a categories array: #categories: #- p01-pease #- p02-emergency #- p03-cordwood #- p04-thelady #- p05-tap #- p06-thecuttle #- p07-touchy #- p08-ligemdio #- p09-pissoff #- p10-thegent #- p11-thematrix #- p12-juice #- p13-cordwood-too #- p14-stringy #- p15-spoolt #- p16-ixpando #- p17-mostap #- p18-themonarch #- p19-binco #- p20-ananas #- p21-widlar #- p22-whiteboard #- p23-pips #- p24-conehead #- p25-cordwood-three #- p26-lite2sound-bc #- p27-dreamer #- p28-3x7 #- p29-krell #- p30-respot #- p31-capaci-meter #- p32-pease-out #- p99-theconqueror #- qsop-breakout # If the post features a youtube video, set the ID here: #youtubeid: gXsVeNLuWLw # If the post is mirroring a tweet, set the ID here: #twitterid: "842187744625496064" # Tags are used to include the post in specific project collections: #tags: #- builds # includes the post in the project "Community Builds" listing #- resources # includes the post in the project "Resources" listing # The images collection is used to add images to the project gallery: #images: #- http://image.url #- http://another_image.url hero_image_url: # fully-qualified url to the "hero" image, used in twitter cards for example # The videos collection is used to add videos to the project gallery (currently only mp4): #videos: #- https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/C_8OYj_V0AAtg5I.mp4 --- Write your post body here. The first paragraph will be used as the excerpt if the front-matter does not include a summary element. Posts may be written with markdown (file extension: md or markdown) or as html (file extension: html). You can include YouTube embeds like this: {% include youtube-embed.html id="youtube-id" %} You can include Video (mp4) embeds like this: {% include video-embed.html url="url to video" %} You can include a flickr album like this: {% include flickr-embed.html id="album-id" %} You can include twitter embeds like this: {% include twitter-embed.html id="tweet-id" %} If you have set the images collection in front-matter, you can use it to include images in your post like this (markdown example): ![ my first image]({{ page.images[0] }}) Note that the standard post template will automatically attach a gallery of images from the images collection in front-matter.