Bolt Apache .htaccess tester."; if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'htaccess_tester.php') === false) { echo "

mod_rewrite is working! You used the path " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . " to request this page.

"; } elseif (is_readable(__DIR__.'/.htaccess') ) { echo "

The file .htaccess exists and is readable to the webserver. These are its contents:

\n"; } else { echo "

Error: The file .htaccess does not exist or it is not readable to the webserver.

Retieve a new version of the file here, and place it in your webroot. Make sure it is readable to the webserver.

"; die(); } // echo "


"; // echo "

Below you'll find the specifics of your PHP installation, for debugging purposes.

"; // phpinfo(); ?>