Understanding Your Market
Older Ecommerce platforms were really complex or really expensive. It's worth thinking about your business model before you start thinking about the specific software you're going to use. Pick an area of interest. Explore the different ways you can sell products. If you're interesting in selling physical goods, the next step to think of is how you're going to acquire products,where you're going to store them and how you're going to fulfill all of those orders. Try to look at it from your customer's point of view. Once you have a customer in mind, you can create a site and communicate that message to your customer. There are many ways you can organize your products. You can sell them individually, in bundles, as add-ons, as configurable products, or as monthly subscriptions. Before you develop an entire product line is to try selling just one product. The idea is to get your product in front of the people you want to sell to in order to judge the need for that product. Social proof is an incredibly important tool to build trust between you and the people who find you via a search engine.